KROEBER ANTHROPOLCGICAL SOC IETY PAPERS Number 1 Berkeley, Calif ornia May, 1950 CONTENTS Dedication Edward W. Gifford i In Appreciation Theodore D. McCown ii Establishment and Aims of the Kroeber Anthropological Society Clement W. Meighan iii ARTICLES Chester S. Chard Pre-Columbian Trade between North and South America 1 Robert F. Heizer Observations on Early Man in California 28 John Howland Rowe The Idabaez: Unknown Indians of the Choco Coast 34 Mary W. Herman A Reconstruction of Aboriginal Delaware Culture from Contemporary Sources 45 Ronald L. Olson Black Market in Prerogatives among the Northern Kwakiutl 78 Franklin Fenenga Nepenthe in Aboriginal America 81 Acknowledgments 86 ILLUSTRATIONS Robert H. Lowie Frontispiece Trade routes (map) 2 Location of tribes (map) 84