KROEBER ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY PAPERS Number 1 BERKELEY, 1950 Authors submitting manuscripts are asked to follow the general style and completeness of the bibliographies and citations included in this issue of the Papers. Orders for reprints should accom- pany manuscripts. Only thirty or less reprints will be furnished at cost with a minimum charge of five cents a reprint being made. For papers over nine pages in length the rate will be one cent for every two pages per reprint. Authors will receive` three free copies of the full publication. Subscription is by membership in the Society only, at three dollars per year. Members may or- der additional full copies of this issue, Number 1, for sixty five cents per copy; the cost to non- menmers for this issue will be one dollar. All communications and manuscripts should be addressed to: Alan Beals, Vice-Chairman - Treasurer Kroeber Anthropological Society In care of: Department of Anthropology Anthropology Building University of California Berkeley 4, California Errata, KASP No. 1 Page .), line 7: Furthermore, even tho Carbon 14 may sernrr to archae- ologists to have ushered in the rmillenium, such an antiquated... Page 9, line 40 s pro-Spanish not Spanish Page 32, line 13: a sense of awareness of the value... Page 39, line 17: Catto not Cati6 Page 44, line 3: el Plata not la Plata Page 49, line 1: Teedyruslkung not Teedyskung Page 49, line 26: Delaware or Lenape not Delaware of Lenape Page 54, line 5: Stone, pottery and cTay pipes not Stone pottery an-d clay pipes Pag,e 30, line20: but gossip accomplishes nothing not but accomplishes nothing Not all typographical errors have here been noted, only those which mighlt inake the meaning or reference unclear. The editors will be happy to receive notice of any other important errors.