COSTANOAN INTERNAL RELATIONSHIPS Richard L. Levy Department of Anthropology University of Kentucky ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH FACILITY Department of Anthropology University of California Berkeley CA 94720 1976 TABLE OF CONTENTS 0. 0 Introduction 000000 ........ ....... 000000 0000000000000000, 0000 1 1.0 Locations of the Costanoan Languages . ......................................... 1 2.0 Previous Linguistic Classification of Costanoan . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a & 0 0 ....... , 2 3. 0 Phonological Systems ......................................... . 4 4. 0 Methods of Classification 00000o000o0 00oo 00 00000o0.00.0.00000000 5 5. 0 Shared Innovations 00000.000000000000 0000000000 00 000000000000 6 5. 1 SharedLexical Replacement 00 000000 000000000 00 000 0 00 00 000000 6 5.2 Shared Phonological Innovations *oo*ooo*o**o*ooo***ooooo*o*o**, 16 5. 3 Shared Semantic Innovations 0................000000000000000000 18 6. 0 Lexicostatistics . 0 0 .0.... 00e 0 ..... .00..... 0.000000 20 6. 1 Standard Lexicostatisties . 000 0 0000000 0000000000 000000 ........ 36 6. 2 Counterindications .****o 0 , 0000000000000000000000000000000000 36 6.3 Characteristic VocabularyIndices ............................. 37 7.0 Conclusions .*.......**********.****.*******************.. .* 38 Table 1 Sets Demonstrating Lexical Replacement *********************** 40 Table 2 Conflated Table of Lexical Replacements .*.......................................... 41 Table 3 Lexical Inovations Shared by Pairs of Costanoan Languages *** 42 Table 4 Percentage of Lexical novations Shared *********************43 Table 5 Phonological Innovations in Costanoan Languages **************** 44 Table 6 Percentage of Phonological Innovations Shared ****************** 45 Table 7 Differences in Semantic Boundaries in Costanoan Languages 46 Table 8 Percentage of Shared Semantic nnovations ......................47 Table 9 Matrix of Percentages of Shared Cognates .....................a.48 Table 10 Counterindications .000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000 49 Table 11 Counterindications Scores 000*0*00000**000*0*0*** 000**000*0 50 Table 12 Characteristic Vocabulary Indices ******.******************** 51 Table 13 Closest Relative on Six Tests .*0 0 0 0 * 0................* *...* 0 0 0 ..................... 52 Appendix Sources of Costanoan Vocabularies . .. ... .. .... ... ... 53 Bibliography *..............................*.. ******** 00000000000 54 Map Costanoan Language Groups r o u ps*000000000*00000***0000000000 57 COSTANOAN INTERNAL RELATIONSHIPS* Richard S. Levy Department of Anthropology University of Kentucky 0.0. Introduction. Languages of the Costanoan family were spoken in central California between San Francisco and the Carquinez Straits in the north, and the Big Sur and Salinas Rivers in the south. The available vocabularies of Costanoan suggest that there were at least eight distinct languages spoken in this area at the time the Spanish missions were founded in the late eighteenth century. The linguistic neighbors of the Costanoan at that time were the Marin Miwok, Suisun and Patwin on the north; the Saklan Miwok and Northern Valley Yokuts on the east and the Esselen and Salinan in the south. Lexicostatistical calculations of Costanoan internal time depth yield a figure of approximately 1400 years. 1.0. Locations of the Costanoan Languages. Four of the languages were spoken by peoples occupying the shores of San Francisco Bay and the adjacent coastal and valley areas. The Karkin language was spoken by the people of a single tribelet on the southern edge of Carquinez Strait and had approx- imately 200 speakers in 1770. The eastern shore of San Francisco Bay from Richmond to Mission San Jose and the adjacent Livermore Valley was occupied by speakers of Chochenyo or East Bay Costanoan, numbering about 2,000. The southern end of San Francisco Bay and the lower Santa Clara Valley comprised the home of the Tamyen or Santa Clara Costanoan who numbered about 1200 persons. San Francisco and San Mateo counties were occupied by the Ramaytush or San Francisco Costanoan who numbered about 1400. The remaining four languages centered upon Monterey Bay. Awaswas or Santa Cruz Costanoan was spoken by about 600 persons living along the coast between Davenport and Aptos. Mutsun was the *This is a substantially revised version of a paper presented to the IXth Conference on American Indian Languages, held in conjunc- tion with the 69th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association. I am very thankful to William F. Shipley for his valuable criticism of an earlier draft. 2 language of approximately 2700 persons living in the drainage area of the Pajaro River. Speakers of Rumsen occupied the lower Salinas River and the Coast between Monterey and Big Sur. The Rumsen numbered about 800 persons. Chalon or Soledad Costanoan was spoken by about 900 persons on the east side of the Salinas River in the vicinity of Chalone Creek. Estimates of population and location of linguistic groups presented above refer to the latter part of the eighteenth century and are based upon extensive study of mission baptismal records and reports of Spanish exploring expeditions (Levy 1969, Levy 1972). The locations of Costanoan tribelets and approximate language boundaries are shown in Figure 1. 2.0. Previous Linguistic Classification of Costanoan. Spanish missionaries first recognized the affinity of the Costanoan languages. As early as 1774 Palou recognized the similarity between Rumsen and Ramaytush. In his account of the exploration of San Francisco Bay by the Rivera expedition Palou (1930a:413) makes the following comment concerning the inhabitants of a village near Palo Alto: I spoke to them in the language of Monte Rey [i.e. Rumsen] a few words about God and Heaven, but, although they were very attentive, I was not satisfied that they understood me, although when I talked to them about other things it seems that they did understand me, and when they spoke I understood many words, although I already knew that there were many differences. Arroyo de la Cuesta, writing in 1821, recognized the relationship of Karkin to Mutsun (Beeler 1961:192). In a very superficial attemp.t at clas'sification of California Indian languages, R.G. Latham (1856:82-75) proposed a number of linguistic relationships which he left undocumented and unexplained. He united Ramaytush (Costano) with Marin Miwok (Tshokoyem); Mutsum and Santa Clara, was represented by Duflot de Mofras' (1844) Lord's Prayers, with Sierra Miwok; and Rumsen (Ruslen) and Chalon (Soledad) with Esselen and Salinan. The next attempt at classification of the Costanoan languages was made by Albert S. Gatschet. Gatschet (1877:157-159) proposed a Mutsun language group which included all of the then known Costanoan languages and some of the Miwok languages. Gatschet's classification was revised slightly by Powell (1877) who included all Miwok and Costanoan languages in his Mutsun group. A few years later the classification of American Indian languages took a new leap forward with the publication of Indian 3 Linguistic Families of America North of Mexico. The classification of Costanoan and Miwokan languages presented in that work was the joint effort of several Bureau of American Ethnology staff members. Jeremiah Curtin collected a Costanoan vocabulary at Niles in November of 1884 (Beeler 1961:192). Comparing this with the previously published sources Curtin concluded that Costanoan and Moquelumnan (Miwok) were two distinct families (Powell 1966:146). Further study of Costanoan languages was undertaken by H.W. Henshaw who made two trips (1884 and 1888) to California to collect linguistic materials in the field. Henshaw secured vocabularies of Chalon, Awaswas, Rumsen, and a Miwok vocabulary from Tomales Bay (Heizer 1955). Subsequent study of this data by Henshaw confirmed Curtin's earlier stand that Miwok and Costanoan were separate entities. The first attempt at any internal subgrouping of the Costanoan languages was made by Kroeber (1910:239-241). Kroeber recognized seven dialects which he arranged in two groups as follows: Northern Costanoan Southern Costanoan San Francisco (Ramaytush) San Juan Bautista (Mutsun) Santa Clara (Tamyen) Soledad (Chalon) San Jose (Chochenyo) Monterey (Rumsen) Santa Cruz (Awaswas) Kroeber's classification, like all of those previously mentioned was based upon inspectional similarity of brief lexical lists. Kroeber felt that the vocabularies from San Jose and Santa Clara missions represented a single dialect. In his discussion of Costanoan divisions in the Handbook of the Indians of California, Kroeber (1925: 463) treated his San Jose and Santa Clara groups as constituting a single speech community and added Saklan to the list of Northern Costanoan groups. The publication of four Costanoan vocabularies collected by Alphonse Pinart (Heizer 1952) and the above mentioned vocabularies of H.W. Henshaw (Heizer 1955) considerably increased the amount of linguistic data available on Costanoan languages. To this body of published data Beeler (1961) added Curtin's Niles vocabulary and two vocabularies collected by Arroyo de la Cuesta in 1821. Beeler undertook a reexamination of Kroeber's Northern Costanoan, modifying Kroeber's schema in several ways. Beeler proposed a subdivision of Northern Costanoan termed East Bay Costanoan and included in it the vocabularies of Arroyo de la Cuesta (Juichun), Mason (San Lorenzo), Curtin (Niles) and Kroeber (Mission San Jose). Beeler repudiated Kroeber's hypothesis of an especially close relationship between Mengarini's Santa Clara vocabulary (Powell 1877) and the East Bay group of dialects. Beeler added a third division to Kroeber's Northern and Southern ones which consisted of Karkin alone. Kroeber (1925) had previously treated Karkin as a Wintun language. In a separate article Beeler (1955) had earlier removed Saklan from Kroeber's list of Costanoan groups by demonstrating that Saklan was a Miwok language. Beeler' s revised classification, 4 then, may be summarized as follows: Karkin Costanoan Karkin Northern Costanoan East Bay Costanoan (Chochenyo) Santa Clara Costanoan (Tamyen) Santa Cruz Costanoan (Awaswas) San Francisco Costanoan (Ramaytush) Southern Costanoan Soledad (Chalon) Mutsun Rumsen It should be noted, however, that Beeler addressed himself only to the Northern and Karkin divisions and not to Southern Costanoan. Since most, if not all, of the Costanoan languages have been extinct since the 1930's all assessments of their interrelation- ships must be based upon careful examination of written recordings of the languages made by explorers, missionaries, ethnographers, and linguists in the 19th and 20th centuries. The excellent mater- ials collected by J.P. Harrington of the Bureau of American Ethnology from the last speakers of Rumsen, Mutsun and Chochenyo have enabled a fairly adequate appraisal of earlier work by Arroyo de la CUesta (1861, 1862), Henshaw (Heizer 1955), and Pinart (Heizer 1952). A complete list of published Costanoan vocabularies is given in the appendix below. 3.0. Phonological Systems. It is fortunate that the Costanoan languages had a relatively simple phonological system. All eight languages had a simple five vowel system and phonemic vowel length. Most of the recorders of Costanoan vocabularies did a fair job of recording vowels, though Henshaw confuses /i/ with /e/, /u/ with /o/, and /o/ with /a/. Only Pinart and Harrington recorded vowel length and geminate consonants. Major problems arise with respect to the distinctions between several consonant phonemes. /t/ is confused with /c/ and /t/ and /l/ with /s/ and Is!. The glottal stop, which is rare in non-initial position, is left unrecorded by most recorders but its presence may be inferred whenever there is an initial vowel. /h/ is restricted to initial position in those languages in which it occurs but is not always distinguished from /x/. Harrington's field notes have left us with reliably transcribed material on Chochenyo, Mutsun and Rumsen. My analysis of his Chochenyo material yields the following configuration of phonemes: 5 p t t c k ? i u s s x e o m n a w 1 r j vowel length Vowel length is indicated by double vowels (/aa/ for [a], etc.). Analysis of Harrinton's Rumsen (W.F. Shipley, personal communication) and Mutsun (Marc Okrand, personal communication) materials reveals that the two languages possessed the same set of segmental phonemes. The phonemic systems of Mutsun and Rumsen configurated as follows: p t c c c k ? i u s s s x e 0 m n a w 1 r y vowel length The phonemic systems of the remaining Costanoan languages are somewhat doubtful at present. Tamyen (Santa Clara Costanoan) probably had the same system as Chochenyo. Ramaytush may have had a labio- dental affricate since orthographic p is encountered where PC has *t. Further evidence for this phoneme is contained in the Book of Baptisms of San Francisco Mission where one village name is consis- tently transcribed with an initial pr (Pruristac, Pruristag, Prururustac, Prusstac) in a language which, like all Costanoan languages, has no consonant clusters in word-initial position. The Karkin language, known only from Arroyo de la Cuesta's brief vocabulary (Beeler 1961), probably possessed the same set of phonemes as Chochenyo. Awaswas and Chalon are problematical. They almost certainly lacked /c/, which is extremely rare in both languages in which it occurs (i.e. Mutsun and Rumsen). It seems probable that both these languages had Is! and Is!. Except for consistent recording of Is! as (s), Pinart and Henshaw display no regularity in their transcription of these sibilants. In their defence, however, it should be remarked that even Harrington had considerable difficulty in distinguishing Chochenyo Is! and Is! in the early stages of his work with that language. Historical analysis of Costanoan phonology is presented below. 4.0. Methods of Classification. In order to determine the patterns of interrelationship of 6 the Costanoan languages both the techniques of the comparative method and lexicostatistics have been employed. The results of these two modes of inquiry are presented in sections 5 and 6 respectively. A general assessment of the results is given in section 7. The position of Costanoan in Penutian seems fairly clear. It constitutes a subgroup within a Miwok-Costanoan or Otian stock. This stock, in turn, is a definable subgroup of the larger Penutian phylum (Callaghan 1967). In searching for cognates of approximately 500 Proto-Costanoan, Proto-Northern-Costanoan and Proto-Southern- Costanoan reconstructed forms, I have been able to locate approximately 150 cognate items in Miwok and approximately 25 items shared with each of Maiduan, Klamath, and Yokuts. Relationships with Penutian languages of the Oregon Coast are more remote. 5.0. Shared Innovations. Innovations shared by two or more related languages are useful indicators of the subgroups existing within a particular group of languages. Three types of innovation have been examined in dealing with Costanoan internal relationships: (1) Lexical replace- ment, (2) structural changes in phonological systems, and (3) changes in the semantic boundaries of lexical items. 5.1. Shared Lexical Replacement. A number of cases in which lexical replacement has occurred in one or more of the Costanoan languages have been identified. In each case we must rely upon an external witness (Miwok or another Penutian group) to provide the identification of the innovative forms. Given the fact that the Costanoan languages form a genetic subgroup within Otian we may recognize as a retention from Proto-Costanoan any lexical item which has a cognate in any Miwok language. In the absence of a cognate item in Miwok we may recognize as retained from Proto-Costanoan those lexical items which have cognates in another Penutian language (Maiduan, Yokuts, Wintu, Patwin, Klamath).* Where *Sources of Panutian materials and abbreviations are as follows: Mil Lake Miwok (Callaghan 1965) Mib Bodega Miwok (Callaghan 1970) PMiw Proto Western Miwok (Callaghan 1970, Callaghan ms.) Misc Central Sierra Miwok (Freeland and Broadbent 1960) Miss Southern Sierra Miwok (Broadbent 1964) PMis Proto Sierra Miwok (Broadbent & Callaghan 1960, Callaghan ins.) PMie Proto Eastern Miwok (Broadbent & Callaghan 1960, 7 alternative forms have replaced those which were present in Proto- Costanoan we may infer a lexical innovation. When two or more idiolects exhibit regularly corresponding innovative forms these idiolects are said to possess a shared lexical innovation. In each of the cases presented below at least one idiolect retains the original Costanoan form and at least one idiolect contains an innovated form. In each of the sets presented below all known recordings of each lexical item are given. Each citation provides an identification of the language in question, specification of the source from which the item is drawn, and designation of the page number in the original published source. The orthography of the original sources is cited in parentheses. An estimation of approximate phonetic content is given in square brackets and the probable phonemic shape is placed between slashes.* All retentions from Proto-Costanoan are marked with a following "R", while innova- tions are indicated by an "I" followed by a number-letter sequence. Any pair of forms with the same number-letter sequence constitute a shared lexical innovation. callaghan ms.) PMi Proto Miwok (Broadbent & Callaghan 1960, Callaghan 1960) Yy Yawelmani Yokuts (Newman ms.) PY Proto Yokuts (Golla 1964) PMa Proto Maidun (Ultan 1964) Ww Wintu (Swadesh ms.) Wn Nomelaki (Swadesh ms.) K Klamath (Barker 1963) *For a discussion of the methods of reconstitution see Broadbent 1957. 8 Sets demonstrating lexical innovation:* 1. ANTLER/HORN CoCh-D /jaawi/ Ila CoCr-D166 (tciri) [ci] /ciri/ R CoSo-C166 (tciri) [c'iri]"C /i ri/ R CoMu-A433 (tciri) ["ciril /'ciri/ R CoRu-B166 (tclrh) [cirx] /Cirx/ R CoRu-C20 (curxz) [cirx] /cirx/ R (u in the above form is probably a misinterpretation of Pinart's handwriting. Perhaps ii was intended.) CoRu-D /ciir/ R Pmi*kiloi- 2. BACK CoCh-D /rumes/ R CoCr-D161 (ku-mes) [rumes] /rumes/ R (In utterance initial position r is preceded by glottalic or velar affrication which Henshaw heard as k but cf. Henshaw's (rumes) spine - which is the same morpheme.) CoSo-C161 (hA-pa) [h;po] /xopo/ 12a CoSo-C161 (mu-mu) [mumu] /mumu/ 12b CoMu-A432 (xopo) [xopo] /xopo/ 12a CoRu-B161 (rumse) [rumse] /rumse/ R PMiw*lu'ma 3. BARK CoCl-A543 (rottoi) [rotoi] /rotoj/ 13a CoFr-A542 (she-mee) [s'imi] /simi/ R CoCr-C17 (pata) [pata] /pata/ 13b CoCr-D167 (pa-ta) [pata] /pata/ 13b CoSo-C167 (ci-mitc) [simic] /'simi'c/ R *Abbreviations of Costanoan languages are as follows: Ka Karkin, Ch Chochenyo (East Bay Costanoan), Cl Tamyen (Santa Clara Costanoan), Cr Awaswas (Santa Cruz Costanoan), Mu Mutsun, Ru Rumsen, and So Chalon (Soledad Costanoan). Occasionally I have prefixed Co- to these for clarity. PC is Proto Costanoan, PNC Proto Northern Costanoan, and PSC Proto Southern Costanoan. 9 CoRu-B168 (a-b'a-ran) [?ap aran] /?apxaaran/ 13c (Clusters consisting of voiceless stops followed by x regularly become geminated aspirated stops. Harrington writes [kapshan] for /kapxan/ three in Chochenyo.) CoRu-C17 (xaaran) [xa'ran] /xaaran/ 13c CoRu-E (arro) [ha *ran] /xaaran/ 13c (Since Taylor recorded a disyllabic stem we can be fairly certain that some unrecorded consonant followed the final o of Taylor's arro. Rumsen has a truncation rule which deletes final vowels.) PMiw *sime PMis *semoi-la- 4. BLACK CoCh-C246 (cirkewis) [sirkewis*] /sirkewis/ 14a CoCh-D /sirkewis/ 14a CoFr-A545 (shol-ko-te) [solkote] /solkote/ 14b CoCl-A545 (moortooshmini) [murtusmif ] /murtusmin/ R CoCr-A (murtusmin) [murtusmin] /murtusmin/ R CoCr-B32 (mur'cun) [murtun] /murtun/ R CoCr-C32 (murcu) [murtul /mur$u/ R CoCr-D164 (mul-tas-min) [murjusmin] /murtusmin/ R (For a better transcription of the same morpheme cf. murtrusmln Negro) CoSo-C164 (mu-ru-tu) [murutu] /murutu/ R CoMu-A462 (murtu) [murtul /murtu/ R CoRu-B164 (kasis) [karsist] /karsist/ 14c CoRu-Cll (karsits) [karsi,st] /karsis.t/ 14c CoRu-D /karsist/ 14c CoRu-G397 (karsist) [karsist] /karsis t/ 14c Mil muluumulu; Yy modok'wiyi 5. COLD CoCh-D h /kawi/ R CoCh-E471 (kauwi') [kauwi ] /kawi/ R CoCl-A547 (cowi) [kawi] /kawi/ R (A better transcription occurs in (cawilmaki) winter.) CoFr-A546 (cab-wee) [kawi] /kawi/ R 10 CoCr-D185 (ta-cln) [tarsin] /tarsin/ 15a CoSo-B32 (kaue) [kaw"i] /kawi/ R CoMu-A437 (tursi) [tursi] /tursi/ 15b CoRu-C9 (teerx) [terx] /terx/ 15c PMi *ky(")w(e)... 6. DREAM Coch-D /?istu/ R CoCr-B24 (suppen) [suppen] /supen/ 16a CoCr-C24 (supen) [supen] /supen/ 16a CoSo-C171 (isw-t-a-newn) [Pistunenl /Pistunen/ R CoMu-A443 (istu) [Pistu] I7istu/ R CoRu-B17J1 (is-tu-n'ln) [sistunen] /7istunen/ R GoRu-C27 (istunen) [7istunen] /7istunen/ R CoRu-C27 (istunen) [Pistunen] /7istunen/ R PMi *?ekcu-. 7. EAR CoKa-A192 (tugtun) [tuktun] /tuktun/ R CoCh-A193 (tuksus) [tukwsu's] /tuksuws/ R CoCh-C243 (tuksus) [tukwsus] /tuksu's/ R CoCh-D /tuksus/ R CoCh-E (TuKsus) [tuksus] /tuksus/ R CoCl-A539 (tookshoosh) [tuksu%s] /tukwsus/ R CoFr-A538 (tu-o-rus) [tuk%us] /tukWuI/ R CoCr-A (ocho) [?oco] /?ooco/ 17a CoCr-B9 (ooco) [?oWco] ooCo 17a CoCr-C9 (oco) [?oco] /Poo'co/ 17a CoCr-D160 (o-tco) [?oco] /?ooco/ 17a CoCr-E46 (ochi) [?oci] / ooCi/ 17b CoSo-A (otco) [?oCo] /?oo"Co/ 17a CoSo-C160 ('a-tco) [? :oo P oo"Co/ 17a CoMu-A431 (otco) [0 co] /?ooco/ 17c CoMu-A431 (ote) [?o-te] /?oote/ 17d CoMu-A432 (tuksus) Etuksus] /tuksus/ R CoRu-B160 (tuk's) [tuks] /tuks/ R CoRu-C9 (tuss) [tuks] /tuks/ R CoRu-E (tuucs) [tuks] /tuks/ R PMis *toe/lkos-; PY *thuk'. 8. FIRE 11 CoCh-B193 (giis) [xijis] /xijis/ 18a CoCh-B193 (jiis) [ hi jis-] / xij i s/ 18a CoCh-C245 (hiyis) [hijis] /xijis/ 18a CoCh-D /xijis/ 18a CoCh-E471 (hiyis) [hiyis*] /xijisO/ 18a CoFr-A245 (roretaon) [sokton] /sokton/ R CoCl-A (shotto) 'Soot oI /S'oto/ R CoCr-A (yuelek) [julek] /julek/ 18b CoCr-B (so:tto:o:) [sotow] /sotow/ R CoCr-C (sotou:) [sotow] /sotow/ R CoCr-D (catau) [s tw] /sotow/ R CoSo-B16 (sokto) [sokto] /sokto/ R CoSo-C162 (satan) [s'ton] I/soton/ R CoMu-A435 (soton) [soton] /soton/ R CoRu-B162 (sa-to) [%sto] /soto/ R CoRu-C16 (sokto) [sokto] /swokto/ R CoRu-G398 (sho-to) [soto] /soto/ R PMa *C'oh-. The Costanoan forms derive from PC *sokto. Proto California Penutian was probably *c'ok-. 9. FLY (v.) CoCh-D /wina/ R CoCr-D167 (wln-na) [win*a] /wina/ R CoSo-C167 (hu-min) [humin] /xumin/ 19a CoMu-A455 (umsun) [?umsun] /?umsun/ l9b CoRu-B167 (u-mun) [?umun] /1un 9b CoRu-D /?umun/ 19b Wn winna. 10. KICK CoCh-D /kalta/ R CoCr-D185 (ka-la) [kala] /kala/ R CoSo-C183 ('at-ka) [Patka] /?atka/ IlOa CoMu-A458 (tien) [tijen] /tijen/ IlOb CoMu-A443 (ixiras) ['ixiras] /'ixiras/ IlOc CoRu-B176 (tai-i) [tajj] /taj/ IlOd CoRu-G (tach) [acc] /tac'/ Mics ka 1, Miss ka l-. 11. LEAF CoCh-D /maarax/ Illa CoCl-A543 (maragi) [maaraxi] /maaraxi/ Illa 12 CoCr-A (tapash) [tapas] /tapas/ R CoCr-C17 (maruc) [maruc] /maruc/ Illb CoCr-D167 (ha-pon) [hapan] /xapan/ Illc CoSo-C167 (ma-lutc) [maruc] /maruc/ Illb CoMu-A430 (ketex) [ketex] /ketex/ Illd CoRu-B167 (as) [?o7`] /Toos/ Ille CoRu-C17 (oos) [?os] /Toos/ Ille PMis *tata-; PY *t'ap-; K t'apq. 12. MOON CoCh-A193 (kurme) [korme] /korme/ R CoCh-C244 (korme) [korme] /korme/ R CoCh-D /kormej/ R CoCh-E471 (kormei) [kormej] /kormej/ R CoCl-A244 (corme) [korme] /korme/ R CoFr-A244 (col-ma) [korme] /korme/ R CoCr-A (char) [tar] /taar/ R12a CoCr-B14 (caar) [tar] /taar/ I12a CoCr-C14 (caar) [tar] /taar/ I12a CoCr-Di68 (tra) [taorJ /taar/ I12a CoSo-C168 (Is-mlv) Oism] /lisme/ I12b CoRu-B168 (rs-mln) [?ismsn] /?ismen/ I12b CoRu-C14 (ismen) [?ismen] /?i;men/ I12b CoRu-G394 (ish-men) [?ismen] /?i;men/ I12b PMi *kome-. 13. RIVER CoCh-C245 (rumei) [rumei] /rumej/ I13a CoCh-D /rumej/ I13a CoCl-A543 (hoome) [rumeil /rumej/ I13a CoFr-A543 (o-rush) [?oruls] /?oruy/ 113b CoCr-A (rumaj) [rumei] /rumej/ 113a CoCr-B16 (rumme) [rumei] /rumej/ I13a CoMu-A435 (w,akis) [wakis] /wakis/ R CoRu-A79 (watcos) [waYos;] /wato;/ I13c CoRu-B16 (ua`orx) [wa6or] /wator/ I13c CoRu-G401 (wa-chos) [wacos] /watos/ I13c PMie *wak.a-. 14. STNG CoCh-D /laawe/ R CoCh-E472 (sawi) [~~~~~P :0> b >>>>rW w t : > > > : > t m > : r :> n t > > 0 h 'lCDd tv m 0 24 1 10 0 10 H0 J(D0lb lC 0 m jlj CD CD 0 En[k4 0 M H~ 0t rQ H'a C) X rt -i~ rt r*t rt 3 'i X U 0) 0 0) H0 r- r H- H- 90 MD H. lb MD r H' lb 0) 0) H L.. 0 9 H1 r. C: lb U1 Ft CD CD U) .1 rt rt -r ~ ot ~ ' rt Ft F3ii ' U 4 0) 0) ~~~~ 0) ~ 0) 0 H'4 0 0 F 0 H M) C H- 0) MD r H', lb lb 0) b0 H- H'- O) 0 Hi 0 lb L-' Ft M CD U) H X CD L~~. CD X "1 ~~ '1 ~~~1 'o t 1O Ft )l 3U a' 0)0) ~~~~~ 0)00) H0 Fl-0)~H'0 C H'- C: lb 0) 0) H' H' 0 I 0) H' Ft CD CD U)n F-t H j r't r ' t '3 3 1 X U H H' H' 0 0) 0) 0) H' 0 0 r- H' H' 0) MD H 0) MD r 0 Ft 0) b0 0) H' H' 0 0 Iir~0 A t CD CD U) Hrt *rt U) ' t '3 X0' ' U) HF- ' (D ~~0)0 H' 0 C: H' ib 0)C H-0 0) .010 0) H' CD 0 lj L. 0 Li. rt CD L-. U) MD 0 0 ) 0 H- 0 0) IZ H- H' lb MD H'- 0) lb r 'IO r-00) C ( Ci art U)i Ft X) Co U) Ft H i 3' 'Ft r ' t '3co~ U) U H X ' 0 0) 0) lb 0 0 0 r_ H' H' 0) CD H' lb) l 0) U) ~~~~~~~~~~~ H'~~~~~~0 Xn*ltc 25 OO o O O M m O O O 10 a. 0 0 0 o - n P o P) e u 0 0(D@ 1o m m rt fi l fi oS c m m la. ~~~rt ~~ 0 > 0E > > > > > tv :P. : > :P. :O w w :P .1 r > w U n E E > 0 w :P. It- W W > > > b M n :> a> > > :>^ :> > : ? :> :>> > > e 26 (a Dr CD l.0 n r r H H m 0 H' - ' 0 0 0 H' ~ OH. CL la. i Li. ~~ 0) I)(~~~d ~~ -')ri~ 0 n ~ ei ')~ ~)~) ~ r FJ-H 0 : C) 9: 0 0 H' 0 0 - P-H i C) ~~~ )~ H 0)(j (J( 9r-i II 0 H- 0 0 0 b l 0 Hr-r-0)(C CD 0 H' H. 0t U)( co ~ H' 4 o2 OH ' CD 0 P2 P P2 9b H' PmXH' i CD CD CD C H' - H' : Jr- P2 H P H' P2 P2 ' Ii H ri t- r i i' Fii H .0 m *ri CD 0 P2 P Fpri CD C CD H. ct ~) 'C H'CD Pi l H'- H' D 0 H D 0 0H. 2 H' H' lb P2 H x 0 P) ib r- CD P2 CD CD m H' H' 0 F-r- CDCD 0 3H- H- go P2 F-H' Pi H' r i CDH P i CD H *C 0"() U CD O X ~~~ H'*C Xr CD CD) CD H- FJ M CDlb' 0)C CD.0) lj r. H H. t M V ,a) *c ic *r cr P m 0 x 0 w m 0 0 m m r. m~~~~~~~~P 27 o H. OD P : o rt-t o r- o o P r1 H 0 0 Ps PP M0 r.t M)~ ~~~ Ii j~~~~~~l,rt C) C C-i~~~~C Y o) Pi > :> > > > > > V> > > > > > >~ &*1 > :> r b a :> :> :> r > :> r :> > r r :> t~~C a :> a n > :>> cr > E > >N > > p > p0 28 ~~ H. 0 H' H. ~~~~~~~~~ H' P~~~ la 0 0. P 0 H' 0 m - :r m m H 0)( CD 0 0 M'~ CD m 'I 0- CD rt Ca D C - ID0 o k4 CD H . M ' - lb MI 0 0 Li. I I H'rt G rt 0) H' X -h m g - 0 OH' H' pH'0 ) 0 00))H. F 0).r ( 0)(_ 0) H' o P 0 CD '0P CD 0) C H I m 0 H.X U)( 1 Li I I3 co or-t KX 0) m H' 0 m ()( 0( m i U( 'I' '0AX '0 w P m0 0 CDo~r't 0) H'- 0) ' 0 0 0) '1 ~~~~~~~~~~~ 'I H' CD C H H c I I 0) M o0 0)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~j r H 'I n .0 0 0 'C t 'O t t '0.) 0)( ) H 0 0F CD 0) 0 C . D ' 0)t .0 oi~4 H D0 0)(0 ~ i I I 'I 0) o 0 ( .0 L- .rt .0 0 3 ' t '0 't 0 Ft * Ft '-1 H ~~0 ~ ( 0 '1 Ft0 Ii I I ~~ H'~~ 0)( '14 orj) e(n OU) ) H m' '1 X m 0 ' 0 Li '1 -~ 0.0) H.t 0) Po - Xn 0 0F CD .0 0 CD H'n H' H' 0) ~ ~~ '1 ~ X .0) t f .0) m H*0 29 IY IMa <.C L H rt OY ? * C) t C f-A m H CD -D I 010 C H O Oj rt H.' rt IP2P3H. P3 CD o~ rt mH.1 HQDPC0 H rt rt C DQ rt t N -h M I_J I M plir m *1 0) ~A :E tv m w Cl tv t: t: t:l> > > t:f cr n n > cr atv >. :> > E > tC m~~ C) > b : U > > t t r r M > b r n :>:> M M > > H 30 0 t mm r th MD H -C 0- MD F H- P ::r 14 H' CD P 0 C 0 ~ C o OQ( 4 m Cfl ri Hd *r m CD Ii 0i go CDC CD m CDC m X C "H 0X O.( CDQ ~~ O)(~~~ rt CD M i :j'~ D C CD D H m Hm CD 0 CD m ~ H'D H'CD%) ~C rt H'- rt CD4 D;jp CD rt P Pr 0 M ~ EH D CD M'33M ( : 4 M > H- P3 H' CDl H' HM CD ' H- ' ~ ~ ' C P~C (D %) -.0- )- H "3 ~~ ~~O ri en ~~~ '~~ "3 ~~ "3 "3 X n~~ er-i M n H' ~~~ ~~) ~~ CD CD ~~~~ P) 1"' H' CD~~~C ~ r-t ~Li. ~~ l'~.r-i t Ott T, X0 lj H Oft (l(C HEU) -H' P;H H H'*E X X- o CD CD M fl L4 H CD H'D ('( ( D t_ ' ( H 0 r P,' " HA H'CI 0t0 t MH1- Or H' P) ~~~~~~~~~) ) CDF- CDJ I DH H' CDCI l CD CDPH H' H' X X rt flH'i ) er-I' Cl)(~~F- FA rt 0 "3tHM H .0 P;,) )( 0(CJ)M H' ri 03 . 0) ri rt ri Li. i ~ -len H. er- FJ * P H < H.) Mr u) _ r_ riO H'0H X H' > H' H 'H i C ) 0 ) *c ) qC H'J De ti H' r-t M H'- O( ri fI0)nI t en 31 rt~ ~~ ~ ~ M (a C: ct c: o M H. H. M> H. H. > :c 0 M 0 b rt 0 El c O -4 4 0 H 0 ~ -j 0 o 2 > : b bb> > > c: : X '- 0 0l n 00 tT 0 l n b U b w n w r > > > > n m w r c) > 32 m m .1-, 0 M M H .S b r CD 0 o ~~CL Cl) MD M A- IMM J- c M re 04 m P CD W) ( L r*rt *" 1 m ( rt 0 i FJ- 0 0H- H.C m D H-mC m) CDF))( P)H H' H-'r 0 P' CD CD M CD H CD H'- 0 0 ~ )~ N CD r't Cf()(J er rt W rt (~ w CD ;JC)(~H rt O( l)( H' CDA 0 o) D - 0(rl H' H' t Ft OC) P CD Om~~) C H' CD H' CD mH Pm H' m) m C ) r t tt 0(l) 0.0) X bH C DM 0l 03 CD CD- 0- CD C pv H' .H mL-H m 9b 0~~ '3 I. .) O 0(l fl( '. .3 '3 exC,P (1L'Li.F 0) 0t(Li .0) X b 0 M Hb CD H H ' l F CD CD Li. H' C P CD I . C CD CD H- - ( o p) " Li.L t rt r t r t FtC ' CD H D H' H ' C K, 0 T CD I M- M )(16 0 1%. A% A.. , -eq~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i 33 0 O O C D lDH ) H X Hjrt O O o In 0 m m X - 0 0 P9 P . c g rt MC H Q C) CD : lCD CD~~~~~~~~P- C Ii Iii 0 >>bE>a aE>W>: > > E a W :> :> W :> a > :> e~~~~~~~C > E W n > n > > n > n a n n > > Y~~~~C :> :> n > > > > nn U b> > :> > n U > U > > m n n n M n > > !~~~~~~~~~~~~I > > U M > > e C: n n kj tl > > ce~~~~U 34 r)t r tH O CD CD P 0 P. PM B m *rt o rt 10 u t (D tD *0 A m PO L B Dt CD H P CD B)~ Brt 'u La cn O CD (- ,0 C H B 35 M 1.5W >: > >' :> 9 :> :r. P> 0 :> :- :> ed ~~~~~ H 0 > w :r- cn 0 36 6.1. Standard Lexicostatistics. Percentages of shared cognates were calculated for all possible pairs of languages. A matrix of percentages of shared cognates is given in Table 9. The number of items available for comparison varied from 82 to 112, with the briefer lists occuring in those cases in which San Francisco was involved. In all comparisons among the remaining languages (Ch, Cl, Cr, So, Mu and Ru) at least 98 items were compared. Here again the languages form a chain and there are no stat- istically significant subgroups. Figures for Fr are probably slightly distorted because of the brevity of this list. 6.2. Counterindications. Two additional kinds of lexicostatistic coefficients have been employed here. Both of these coefficients were developed by H.A. Gleason (1959). They were designed to facilitate subgrouping of languages. Both coefficients have the advantage of laying greatest stress upon those cognate items in a lexicostatistic list which have the most potential for identification of the subgroups within a family. Taking (for example) the four sets below, it is apparent that all sets in a lexicostatistic study are not of equal value in sub-grouping the languages of a family. Ch Cr Ru So Set 1 water sii sii sii sii Set 2 four katwas katwas 7utitim ?utit Set 3 leg tuumis koro takuc koro Set 4 red purke- patka jurcist testesmi Set 1, like all other sets in which all items are cognate, suggests only that the languages are related. It tells us nothing about sub-groups existing within the language family. Set 4, in which all items are non-cognate, is also of no value. Only those sets (like 2 and 3 above) in which some items are cognate and some items are non-cognate can make a contribution toward the subgrouping of the languages. Sets, like set 2 above, which contain two cognate pairs are especially useful in determining subgrouping since at least one of the cognate pairs must represent a shared lexical innovation. In the absence of an external witness, however, we cannot decide which pair of cognates represents the innovation. The fact that Chochenyo and Rumsen share in different sets argues against an immediate relationship between these two languages. Each such bit of evidence against immediate relationship is termed a counterindication and the 37 total number of counterindications for a pair of languages is their counterindication score. The higher the counterindication score the more remote the relationship between the pair of languages. Fifteen items from the 113 item list above satisfy the following criteria, demanded for inclusion in calculation of counterindication scores: (1) Data must be available from all seven languages. (2) At least two lexical items must have cognates in two or more languages. These fifteen items and the counterindications recognized are provided in Table 10. A matrix of counterindications scores is provided in Table 11. The matrix of counterindications scores suggests a subgroup consisting of Fr, Ch, and Cl. A second subgroup, consisting of So, Mu and Ru emerges in the southern portion of Costanoan territory. Cr links the northern and southern groups. With the exception of Cr, this division into Northern and Southern units parallels Kroeber's classification of Costanoan. 6.3. Characteristic Vocabulary Indices. The second lexicostatistic coefficient developed by Gleason is termed the Characteristic Vocabulary Index. It provides a means of weighting items in a lexicostatistic study so that those cognate items which are relatively wide-spread in the language family receive lesser emphasis than those with relatively restricted distributions. Instead of assigning a value of 1 to each item shared by two languages, a value equal to the inverse of the number of pairs of languages sharing the form is used. The word for father (which is cognate in all 7 languages) is shared by 21 pairs of languages. When two languages share the word for father they receive a score on that item equal to 1/21 (.048). The term xaaj mouth is shared by only three languages (and thus three pairs) and cognation of this item is worth 1/3 (.333). The only requirement set for inclusion in calculation of the Characteristic Vocabulary Index is that data must be available from all seven languages. 67 items were present in all seven languages. Of these 67 items, 21 were shared by all seven Costanoan languages. Cognation on these items was consequently valued at .042 each. The 21 universally shared items are: father, mother, wife, older, brother, man's son, eye, nose, tongue, tooth, nails, bone, blood, sun, day, water, stone, fly, eat, drink, and thou. The remaining 46 items and values assigned for cognation are as follows: man (A=.167 C=l.OOO), woman (B=l.000), boy (A=.l0O), gir (A=.167), baby (F=l.O0O0), friend 38 (A=l.000), husband (A=.067), older sister (A=.067), head (C=1.000), hair (A=.100), ear (A=.167 B=.333), mouth (A=.167 B=.333), beard (A=.100), neck (A=.167 B=.333), arm (A=.067), foot (A=.067), heart (A=.167 B=l.000), bow (A=.333 C=.333), arrow (B=l.000 C=l.000), tobacco (A=.100) night (A=.067), wind (A=l.000), thunder (A=.067), rain (A=.067), fire (B=.067), world (A=.333 B=.167), stream (A= .167 C--l.000), tree (A=.333), dog (A=.333 C=l.000), feather (D=.167), white (A=l.000), black (B=.167), red (D=l.000), large (A=.167), small (no cognates), good (A=.167 B=.333), warm (B=l.000 C=.333), cold (A=.167), all (A=.100), dance (A=1.000 C=.167), dead (A=l.000), I (A=.067), he (A=.100), we (A=.067), they (A=.333 B=.333), who (A=.333 D=l.000). A matrix of Characteristic Vocabulary Indices is given in Table 12. Two subgroups emerge in which languages are more closely related to other members of the subgroup than to any language outside. Fr, Ch and Cl form a northern group with Fr and Cl standing closer to one another than to Cl. A southern subgroup consists of Mu, So, and Ru, with So and Ru resembling each other more than Mu. Cr links the two groups. 7.0. Conclusions. Six different assessments of Costanoan internal relationships have been offered in the pages above. In all cases I have provided a quantitative statement in the form of a matrix of coefficients. Generalizing from these matrices I would suggest that the Costanoan languages arose from a dialect chain. While there appear to be definable language boundaries there is little to suggest the presence of closed subgroups within the family. Languages are invariably most closely related to their geographic neighbors. A tabular arrangement showing the "closest relative" of each language on each of the six tests is provided in Table 13. Fr has been excluded from consideration on the phonological innovations test and the lexical innovations test since paucity of data has dis- torted the figures. Ka has been excluded from most of the discussions above for the same reason. An independent inquiry into the position of Karkin shows that while it is archaic in preserving some phonolog- ical distinctions lost in all the remaining languages it is closest in vocabulary to Chochenyo its nearest geographic neighbor. San Francisco or Ramaytush is most closely related to Chochenyo in 2 tests and is tied with Ch and Cl in the remaining two. Chochenyo is usually closest to Cl but sometimes to Fr. Santa Clara or Tamyen is most closely related to Chochenyo but also ties in with Fr. These relationships suggest the presence of an open (i.e. non-closed) grouping of the languages on San Francisco Bay. Santa Cruz ties in most strongly with Ch and Cl but also shows significant ties with So and Mu. Mu has most of its close ties with So and Ru but occasionally ties in with Cr, Ch, or Cl. So is also most closely related to Ru. 39 Rumsen is most closely related to either Mu or So or both in all cases. These three form another open group. These language groupings can be represented in outline form if it is remembered that they form a continuum without sharp breaks and that no Costanoan sub-groups (in the sense of clusters of languages more closely related to one another than to any outside language) exist. The outline classification is as follows: Karkin Northern Costanoan San Francisco Bay Costanoan Ramaytush (San Francisco) Chochenyo (East Bay Costanoan) Tamyen (Santa Clara) Santa Cruz (Awaswas) - with several dialects Southern Costanoan Mutsun Rumsen Soledad (Chalon) Santa Cruz and Mutsun link the northern and southern groups. 40 Table 1 Sets Demonstrating Lexical Replacement List & Lang- uage Set Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Ka-A R Ch-A R 8a R R Ch-B 8a Ch-C 4a R 8a R 13a R Ch-D la R 4a R R R 8a R R lla R 13a R 15a R R R Ch-E R R 8a R R R R Cl-A 3a R R R R lla R 13a 17a R Fr-A R 4b R R R R 13b 14a R Cr-A R 5a 7a 8b R 12a 13a R R 17a 18a Cr-B R 5a 6a 7a R 12a 13a R 15a 16a 17a 18a Cr-C 3b R 6a 7a R llb 12a R 15a R R 18a Cr-D R R 3b R 5a 7a R R R llc 12a 15a R 17a Cr-E 7b So-A 7a So-B R R 12b 16b 17a 18a So-C R 2a R R R 7a R 9a lOa llb R R 2b Mu-A R 2a R 5b R 7c R 9b lOb lld R R 15a R 17a 18a 7d lOc R Ru-A 13c Ru-B R R 3c 4c R R R 9b lOd lle 12b 13c 14b R 16c 18a Ru-C. R 3c 4c 5c R R R lle 12b 14b 16c 17a Ru-D 4c 9b R Ru-E 3c R 14b 17a Ru-G 4c R lOe 12b 13c 14b R 16c 18a 41 Table 2 Conflated Table of Lexical Replacements Language Set Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Ch la R 4a R R R 8a R R lla R 13a R 15a R R R Fr R 4b R R R R 13b 14a R Cl 3a R R R R lla R 13a 17a R Cr R R 3b R 5a 6a 7a R R R R 12a 13a R 15a R 17a 18a So R 2b R R R R 7a R 9a lOa llb 12b R R 17a 18a Mu R 2a R 5b R R R 9b lOb lld R R 15a R 17a 18a Ru R R 3c 4c 3c R R R 9b lOd lle 12b 13c 14b R 16c 17a 18a 42 Table 3 Lexical Innovations Shared by Pairs of Costanoan Languages Ch Fr Cl Cr So Mu Ru Ch Fr * -- (8) lla Cl 13a * (9) (8) 13a 13a Cr 15a * 17a (17) (9) (10) 7a So * * 17a 17a (15) (7) (9) (16) 15a 17a Mu 15a * 17a 17a 18a (16) (7) (8) 18a (14) (16) Ru * * 17a 17a 12b 9b -- (17) (9) (10) 18a 17a 17a (18) 18a 18a (16) (16) * indicates no lexical innovations shared. Numbers in parentheses are the number of sets with data in both languages. 43 Table 4 Percentage of Lexical Innovations Shared Fr Ch Cl Cr Mu So Ru Fr -- Ch .000 -- Cl .000 .222 -- Cr .000 .118 .200 -- Mu .000 .063 .125 .188 -- So .000 .000 .111 .125 .143 -- Ru .000 .000 .100 .111 .188 .188 -- 44 Table 5 Phonological Innovations in Costanoan Languages Ka Fr Ch Cl Cr So Mu Ru #1l*c> j 1 1 1 1 1 1 - - #2a *kW>w #2b *kw>k 2a 2a 2a 2a 2a 2a 2b 2b #3a *kx>x #3b *kx>k 3a 3a (-) 3b #4 *CoCi>CuCi - 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 #5 *CiCa>CiCe - 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 #6 *CiCo>CeCo - - 6 - 6 #7 *s>s 7 7 (-) (-) - Parentheses indicate doubt. - indicates retention of original phoneme(s). 45 Table 6 Percentage of Phonological Innovations Shared Ka Fr Ch Cl Cr So Mu Ru Ka -- Fr .500 -- Ch .500 1.000 -- Cl .500 1.000 1.000 -- Cr .500 1.000 .857 .800 -- So .500 1.000 .667 .800 .833 -- Mu .000 .500 .429 .400 .571 .500 -- Ru .000 .500 .286 .400 .429 .667 .714 -- 46 Table 7 Differences in Semantic Boundaries in Costanoan Languages Fr Ch Cl Cr So Mu Ru moon=sun - - - + + wind=cold - - - + + - + meat=deer - - - - + + + heart=liver - - - - + + + hand=arm + - + + - + + indicates that the two semantic units are represented by a single term. - indicates two distinct terms. 47 Table 8 Percentage of Shared Semantic Innovations Fr Ch Cl Cr Mu So Ru Fr -- Ch 1.000 -- C1 1.000 .750 -- Cr .667 .750 .500 -- Mu .500 .667 .667 .000 -- So .000 .250 .000 .500 .333 -- Ru .000 .250 .000 .500 .333 1.000 -- 48 Table 9 Matrix of Percentages of Shared Cognates Ch Cl Fr Cr Mu Ru So Ch -- Cl .705 -- Fr .655 .563 -- -Cr .685 .611 .478 -- Mu .560 .500 .439 .631 -- Ru .459 .394 .374 .482 .615 -- So .485 .456 .412 .557 .673 .589 -- 49 Table 10 Counterindications CH CH CH CH CH CH CL CL CL CL CL FR FR FR FR CR CR CR MU MU RU CL FR CR MU RU SO FR CR MU RU SO CR MU RU SO MU RU SO RU SO SO man 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ear 11 1 11 1ii 1 1 1 1 mouth 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 neck 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 heart 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 bow 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 arrow 1 11 1 world 1111 11111111 stream 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 dog 1 1 1 1 good 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 warm 1 1 1 1 1 1 dance 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 they 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 who 1 1 1 1 1 1 50 Table 11 Counterindications Scores Ch Cl Fr Cr Mu Ru So Ch -- Cl 0 -_ Fr 0 0 -- Cr 4 5 6 -- Mu 11 10 11 5 -- Ru 10 9 8 7 2 -- So 11 11 12 4 2 2 -- 51 Table 12 Characteristic Vocabulary Indices Fr Cl Ch Cr Mu So Ru Fr -- Cl 5.777 -- Ch 8.344 4.978 -- Cr 3.645 3.213 4.780 -- Mu 1.677 2.477 2.811 5.112 -- So 1.811 3.245 2.412 4.879 5.910 -- Ru 1.610 1.643 2.144 2.445 5.810 6.510 -- 52 Table 13 Closest Relative on Six Tests Fr Ch Cl Cr Mu So Ru Lexical Innovations Cl Ch Cl Cr/Ru Ru So/Mu Phonological Innovations Cl Ch Ch Ru Cr Mu Semantic Innovations Ch/Cl Fr Fr Ch Ch/Cl Ru So Percent Cognate Ch Cl Ch Ch So Mu Mu Counter- indications Ch/Cl Cl/Fr Ch/Fr Ch/So So/Ru Mu/Ru So/Mu Characteristic Vocabulary Index Ch Fr Fr Mu So Ru So 53 APPENDIX Sources of Costanoan Vocabularies Collector Published Source CoKa-A Arroyo de la Cuesta (Beeler 1961) CoCh-A Curtin (Beeler 1961) CoCh-B Arroyo de la Cuesta (Beeler 1961) CoCh-C Kroeber (Kroeber 1910) CoCh-D Harrington (Harrington 1921) CoCh-E Mason (Mason 1916) CoCl-A Mengarini (Powell 1877) CoCl-B Duflot de Mofras (Kroeber 1910) CoCl-C Harrington (Harrington 1921) CoFr-A Johnston (Powell 1877) CoFr-B Santa Maria (Beeler 1972) CoFr-C Palou (Palou 1930) CoFr-D Harrington (Harrington 1921) CoCr-A Comelias (Taylor 1860a) CoCr-B Pinart (Heizer 1952) CoCr-C Pinart (Heizer 1952) CoCr-D Henshaw (Heizer 1955) CoCr-E ? (Williams 1890) CoCr-F Henshaw (Heizer 1955) CoSo-A Hale (Hale 1846) CoSo-B Pinart (Heizer 1952) CoSo-C Henshaw (Heizer 1955) CoMu-A Arroyo de la Cuesta (Arroyo de la Cuesta 1861, 1962, Mason 1916) CoMu-B Harrington (Heizer 1967) CoMu-C Merriam (Heizer 1967) CoMu-D Merriam (Merriam ms.) CoMu-E Harrington (Harrington 1929-1930) CoRu-A Kroeber (Kroeber 1904, 1910) CoRu-B Henshaw (Heizer 1955) CoRu-C Pinart (Heizer 19520 CoRu-D Harrington (Harrington ms.) CoRu-E Taylor (Taylor 1860b) 54 BIBLIOGRAPHY Arroyo de la Cuesta, F. 1861 Grammar of the Mutsun Language. Shea's Library of American Linguistics, 4, New York. 1862 A Vocabulary or phrase book of the Mutsun language. Shea's Library of American Linguistics, 8, New York. Barker, M.A.R. 1963 Klamath Dictionary. UCPL 31. Beeler, Madison S. 1955 Saclan. IJAL 21:201-209. 1961 Northern Costanoan. IJAL 27:191-197. 1972 An Extension of San Francisco Bay Costanoan? IJAL 38:49-54. Broadbent, Sylvia M. 1957 Rumsen I: Methods of Reconstitution. IJAL 23:275- 280. 1964 The Southern Sierra Miwok Language. UCPL 38. Broadbent, Sylvia M. and Catherine A. Callaghan 1960 Comparative Miwok: A Preliminary Survey. IJAL 26:301-316. Callaghan, Catherine A. 1965 Lake Miwok Dictionary. UCPL 39. 1970 Bodega Miwok Dictionary. UCPL 60. ms. Proto-Miwok Phonology. Duflot de Mofras, Eugene 1844 Exploration du territoire de l'Oregon... Paris, vol. 2. Freeland, L.S. and Sylvia M. Broadbent 1960 Central Sierra Miwok Dictionary with Texts. UCPL 23. Gatschet, Albert S. 1877 Indian Languages of the Pacific States and Territories. Magazine of American History 1:145-171. Golla, Victor K. 1964 Comparative Yokuts Phonology. In Studies in California Linguistics, UCPL 34:54-66. 55 Hale, Horatio 1846 Ethnography and Philology. Vol. 6 of Charles Wilkes, United States Exploring Expedition during the years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842. Philadelphia 1844- 1874. Hiarrington, John P. [1921] Chochenyo Field Notes. (Manuscript, Survey of California Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley.) [1929-30] Hoomontwash Field Notes. (Manuscript, National Anthropological Archives, Washington, D.C.) ms. Rumsen Field Notes. Heizer, Robert F. 1952 California Indian linguistic records: The Mission Indian vocabularies of Alphonse Pinart. UCAR 15: 1-84. 1955 California Indian linguistic records: The Mission Indian vocabularies of H.W. Henshaw. UCAR 15:85- 202. 1967 C. Hart Merriam's Ethnographic Notes on California Indian Tribes III. Ethnological Notes on Central California Indian Tribes. Repts of the Unive of California Archaeological Survey 68.3:371-403. Hoenigswald, Henry M. 1960 Language Change and Linguistic Reconstruction. Chicago: Chicago University Press. Kroeber, A.L. 1904 The languages of the coast of California south of San Francisco. UCPAAE 2:29-80. 1910 The Chumash and Costanoan languages. UCPAAE 9:237- 271. 1925 Handbook of the Indians of California. Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 78. Latham, Robert Gordon 1856 On the languages of northern, western and central America. Transactions of the Philological Society 1856, 57-115. Levy, Richard S. [1969] Ethnic Status of Converts at Missions San Carlos, Soledad, and Santa Cruz. (Manuscript). [1972] Ethnic Status of Converts at Missions San Francisco, Santa Clara, and San Jose. (Manuscript). 56 Mason, J. Alden 1916 The Mutsun dialect of Costanoan. UCPAAE 11:399-472. Merriam, C. Hart ms. [Ethnozoological Word List.] Newman, S. ms. [Yawelmani Lexical List.] Palou, Francisco 1930 Palou's Diary of the Expedition to San Francisco Bay, 1774. Pp. 396-456 of Vol. II of Anza's California Expeditions, Herbert E. Bolton, translator and editor. Berkeley: University of California Press. Powell, J.W. 1877 Appendix. Linguistics. In Powers 1877. 1966 Indian Linguistic Families of America North of Mexico. Nebraska University Press. Powers, Stephen 1877 Tribes of California. Contributions to North American Ethnology 3:535-557. Swadesh, Morris ms. 200 Word Diagnostic Lists: Wintu, Nomelaki, Patwin. Taylor, A.S. 1860a Indianology of California, no. 4, Santa Cruz County Indians. The California Farmer 13.58, April 5, 1860. 1860b Indianology of California, no. 5, San Carlos de Carmelo and Soledad Indians. The California Farmer 13.66, April 20, 1860. Ultan, Russell 1964 Proto-Maidun Phonology. IJAL 30:355-370. Williams, E.L. (translator) 1890 Narrative of a Mission Indian. In E.S. Harrison A History of Santa Cruz County. 57 MIWOK ..*Krki! MIWOK PA Tamyen A~~~~~~ S +~~Chochenyo ^ A~~~~ A~~~~~ \ j- A Tamyen A NOR THERN A~~~ { .* **-.. .. w vVALLEY \ .**- --@ . . e@ sYOKUTS Awaswas :.% ~~: ~~A Mutsun Dotted lines are language boundaries. A A * " Dashed lines are language family A boundaries. . Triangles are tribelet capitals. Rumsen A~~~ t "-~ ESSELEN . Chalon I SALINAN 0 15 30 45 Approximate distributions of Costanoan languages at time of white contact. Costanoan Language Groups