MAX UHLE'S PHOTOGRAPHS AND PLANS FROM PISCO VALLEY ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Phoebe Apperson Hearst Museum of Anthropology (PAHMA) at the University of California, Berkeley provided prints of all of the following photographs taken by Uhle in 1901. The table on the opposite page lists all of the plates housed at the PAHMA and provides specific information about them. The Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut Preussischer Kulturbesitz (IAI-PK) in Berlin kindly granted permission to reprint Uhle's plans which follow the plates in this section. These plans were originally published in Max Uhle (1856-1944), Plane archdologischer Statten im Andengebiet, AVA-Materialien 56, W. W. Wurster, ed. Verlag Phillip von Zabern, Mainz am Rhein, 1999. 91 00 m ~ ~ ~ N t z _X W tnW L ' t 000 O0J A a, 4 J . * , oU Ln sU Ef %D E ; ce 3. i U) Le -I % Cr - ! E 0? 2 1E a oE 00 0, 0 oooo 33 o- . . . o ZZ N N (La O O> a, aa - N C') 0 - 00.0. 0.0 - 0. 0 0000 .S m m CD 00 . >> ...-.... L u -. 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A! 3: 12 0. ~ ~ ~ ~ rJC(r (f)=O-J(NN.0. a . .Ce nc x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Photographs and Plans from Pisco Valley, 1901 0 0 E - 0 U) 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 g E -0 0 cu r u 0 c U) U E u U)) > E H 2 -n C U U 0 0 LO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ U;~~~~~~~ 0 00 U) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ c~~c-414 > tn El tn LU~~ ~ c E c 0. u) U) 0 - 0 00H- ~ 0 U C )- U) E A C o 0lL ~ 0 . U 0 4 U U; 3 l:)) )2E UCCr 4 - U)U m o :L w :LU~ f i > U ) L A C U U )~~~~~~~~1 - : - , -0U. -C U 0 _ U ) = U , > U 4C 0 > o co c (n u c u L- &- w E > - U) A E E o 0 0 0 1 (a)U U ) Lb 'c2 . 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Ar" No. 1195 Panorama of ancient fields (2), ruins and pits opposite TC No. 1203 Plate 4: SSE, View of the mountain (Cerro Serpiente?) opposite TC 105 Explorations of the Pisco Valley No. 1218 Panorama (1), view from SW (La Centinela de Lurin Chincha) No. 1204 Plate 5: S (TC) 106 Photographs and Plans from Pisco Valley, 1901 No. 1219 Panorama (2), view from SW (La Centinela de Lurin Chincha) No. 1205 Plate 6: SW (View directly down the valley) 107 1$ Explorations of the Pisco Valley No. 1215 Walls and graves on W side (Huaca Hoja Redonda, Chincha) No. 1229 Graves on Huaca Santa Rosa (Chintta) 108 Photographs and Plans from Pisco Valley, 1901 No. 1241 Ruin in background left, gypsum bridge in foreground (Chongos) No. 1247 Ruins with adobe walls (Lima la Vieja) 109 Explorations of the Pisco Valley No. 1242 Panorama (1) of ruins from N?? (Chongos) No. 1244 Ruins seen from E?? (Chongos) 110 Photographs and Plans from Pisco Valley, 1901 No. 1243 Panorama (2) of ruins from N?? (Chongos) No. 1271 Mount Huaytara in background III Explorations of the Pisco Valley No. 1255 View of N palace from above towards west (down valley)(TC) No. 1272 Church, churchyard, retaining wall on east side, seen from south (Huaytara) 112 Photographs and Plans from Pisco Valley, 1901 No. 1256 View of palaces SW I and II from above and across valley, view of double-double jamb doorway of E entrance (can be combined with 1255 to form panorama) No. 1275 Wall construction with wedge stones (Huaytara) 113 Explorations of the Pisco Valley No. 1276 S facade of church, niches 4 and 5 (counting from east) (Huaytara) No. 1277 S fagade of church, 3 eastern most niches (Huaytara) Photographs and Plans from Pisco Valley, 1901 No. 1278 S facade of church, eastern most niche with modern archway (Huaytara) No. 1283 View of ruins Runayoj above Huaytara, view of vaults 115 Explorations of the Pisco Valley No. 1287 Bldg. 3 from above (Incawasi) No. 1288 Bldg. 2 with wall of niches (Incawasi) 116 Photographs and Plans from Pisco Valley, 1901 No. 1289 Bldg. 1 from east, with Bldg. 2 in background (Incawasi) No. 1290 Bldg. 1 (on left) and Bldg. 3 (on right) (Incawasi) 117 Explorations of the Pisco Valley No. 1291 Building 3 from below (Incawasi) No. 1292 Long shot up valley of Incawasi 118 Photographs and Plans from Pisco Valley, 1901 No. 1293 Town towards N with church (Huaytara) No. 1298 "Arch" to churchyard, gateway Inca style (Huaytara) 119 Explorations of the Pisco Valley No. 1299 Masonry type, back wall of Inca fountain in churchyard (Huaytara) No. 1300 West faqade (Huaytara) 120 Photographs and Plans from Pisco Valley, 1901 No. 1301 North facade with section of west fa9ade with original gable and one peg stone (Huaytara) No. 1302 Western retaining wall of churchyard (Huaytara) 121 Explorations of the Pisco Valley No. 1305 Church, S facade, niche 2 (counting from E), example of ashlar masonry (Huaytara) No. 1285 Building 1 from below (Incawasi) 122 Photographs and Plans from Pisco Valley, 1901 123 CZ u "0 . 4-_ 0 0 F- 0 0 0t 0 0 U 124 Explorations of the Pisco Valley IC 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4"0 Photographs and Plans from Pisco Valley, 1901 125 I- ' 0 ' Explorations of the Pisco Valley Sections 4-5, Figures 6, 7, and 8: Sections through Northern Palace and elevations of doorways [figure 68 in Wurster] 126 Photographs and Plans from Pisco Valley, 1901 ":z r- to 4- * opw 127 Explorations of the Pisco Valley Figure 2 Plan of church and churchyard [figure 74 in Wurster] 128 Photographs and Plans from Pisco Valley, 1901 129 ~~~~~~~~~0 7 v,g / S ;Zm5 -~~~~~~~~~~ 0 i l~ 0 Explorations of the Pisco Valley 0 '0 ._T. CT 0. U to E= 4._ ca 'OD ._ 1130 131 Photographs and Plans from Pisco Valley, 1901 C4~ 0 0 r- 40 Explorations of the Pisco Valley 132 $._ s2 r- ._V *- cb