OBSIDIAN HYDRATION IN THE BORAX LAKE BASIN, LAKE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA David A. Fredrickson and Thomas M. Origer The Borax Lake archaeological site (CA-LAK-36), located near Clear Lake in Lake County, California, is best known for the occurrence of Clovis-like fluted projectile points and bifacially flaked crescents manu- factured from obsidian from the adjacent Borax Lake flow (Harrington 1938, 1948). Archaeologists were first made aware of the site in 1938 through the ef- forts of avocationalist Chester Post who recognized similarities between fluted points he discovered at the site and those first discovered in 1926 near Folsom, New Mexico, and later elsewhere in association with extinct bison (Roberts 1935; Sellards 1952). The Borax Lake site was subsequently excavated by M. R. Harrington of the Southwest Museum with a re- port on his work published in 1948. It was not until 1968, twenty years later, that Meighan and Haynes (1968, 1970) clarified some of the ambiguity surrounding the site (Meighan 1955; Treganza 1950) through seminal geoarchaeological and obsidian hydration studies that 1) indicated an age of approximately 12,000 years for the lacustrine clays underlying the alluvial fan which contained the ar- chaeological materials and 2) demonstrated through obsidian hydration analysis that there were three ma- jor cultural periods represented at the site: (a) one rep- resented by the fluted points and crescents, shown by hydration to be contemporaneous with one another; (b) one represented by Borax Lake widestem points; and (c) one represented by large stemmed points and nonfluted concave base points. Of particular interest is the occurrence at the Bo- rax Lake site of Clovis-like projectile points and chipped stone crescents, suggestive of both the Fluted Point Tradition and the Western Pluvial Lakes Tradi- tion (Moratto 1984:75ff). Obsidian hydration read- ings from these two artifact forms, reported by Meighan and Haynes (1970) suggest that they are con- temporaneous at LAK-36. Elsewhere, fluted points precede crescents (Willig 1988). The two artifact forms are usually considered diagnostic of two differ- ent adaptations, Big Game Hunting (not yet directly supported in northern California by archaeological data) and generalized foraging, with remains often found on ancient lakeshores. Obsidian from the extensive Borax Lake flow was used for thousands of years as a source of raw mate- rial for flaked stone tools manufactured by native peoples of the Clear Lake region. The obsidian was used not only locally but was also traded within a re- stricted zone in northern California, for the most part along a north-south axis, northward into the region of the Middle Eel River and southward into the region of present-day Lake Berryessa with small quantities moved as far south as Santa Cruz County (Fredrickson 1987). Borax Lake obsidian was also moved to some extent along an east-west axis, westward to the Pa- cific Ocean and, in relatively small quantities, east- ward into the Sierra. Prompted by environmental protection legislation, a number of archaeological investigations, including surveys and obsidian hydration studies, have been conducted over the past several years within the Bo- rax Lake basin. Areas surveyed contained CA-LAK- 36 (the Borax Lake site) and CA-LAK-35 (an impor- tant quarry workshop immediately adjacent to LAK- 36), and several other quarry workshops within the Borax Lake flow, as well as numerous nonquarry workshops and other sites in the plain and hills that surround Borax Lake. Because there was a likelihood that better understanding of the Borax Lake site could be gained through placing it within a larger universe of nearby sites, the present writers initiated a series of obsidian hydration studies culminating in the one pre- sented here (Fredrickson 1987, 1989; Fredrickson and OBSIDIAN HYDRATION IN THE BORAX LAKE BASIN Origer 1986; see also Fredrickson and White 1988). To a great extent, this paper follows the lead of earlier hydration studies pertaining to the Borax Lake basin carried out by Clark (1964), Ericson (1977), Findlow et al. (1978), Kaufman (1978, 1980, 1988), and Meighan and Haynes (1968, 1970). All available hy- dration readings from the Borax Lake basin are brought together here, broken down for comparative purposes by site type and hydration value. The cu- mulative results reported here from 28 locations within a one-mile radius of the Borax Lake site are then com- pared with the overall occurrence of the glass over time. In total, the temporal distribution of 512 hydra- tion readings from the vicinity of Borax Lake are com- pared with the temporal spread of 1929 readings from more widespread occurrences of this variety of ob- sidian. The Obsidian Hydration Method Obsidian hydration is a method originally described by Friedman and Smith (1960) for determining the chronological and relative ages of flaked surfaces of obsidian. The method is based on the fact that a newly exposed obsidian surface will absorb water to form a small but measurable rind, which becomes thicker over time. The two major variables that affect the rate of hydration are chemical composition and temperature. With minor exceptions, obsidian within and in the vi- cinity of the Borax Lake flow has identical chemical composition and has been subject to the same effec- tive temperature. Major variables affecting hydration rate for this study are thus controlled. A question arises regarding the advisability of com- paring hydration values produced by different inves- tigators. Experimental evidence has shown that, al- though there is variability between different techni- cians, there is overall consistency in hydration results produced by different technicians (Clark 1964:150, 181; Schiffman 1988; Stevenson et al. 1989). The assumption of the present study, considering the rela- tively large samples from each technician, is that com- bining hydration values obtained by different techni- cians does not significantly bias the findings. It is also known that obsidian other than that from the Borax Lake flow occurs at the Borax Lake site, although in very small proportions (Findlow et al. 1978:135). This has most relevance to the early stud- ies by Clark (1964) whose specimens were not identi- fied by source. (Findlow et al. 1978:135) cite a per- sonal communication from R.F. Heizer that "all but two of the artifacts from the Borax Lake Site have been shown to come from the Borax Lake obsidian source" but do not give the evidence on which Heizer based this information. Today it is possible to distin- guish visually on the basis of macroscopic character- istics between Borax Lake and other North Coast Ranges obsidian with a relatively low error rate, with 90-100% accuracy, when visually sourced specimens are compared with sourcing through use of x-ray fluo- rescence analysis. Thus we believe that our compari- sons are not significantly biased because of differences between technicians or the lack of geochemical docu- mentation that specimens in the sample actually de- rive from the Borax Lake flow. The Data Base This study employs obsidian hydration readings from both published and unpublished sources, includ- ing the pioneering work by Donovan Clark (1964), data from the Meighan and Haynes (1970) study, and other data published in the UCLA compendia of ob- sidian hydration determinations (Meighan et al. 1974; Meighan and Scalise 1988; Meighan and Vanderhoeven 1978). Other, previously unpublished data are from the files of the Obsidian Hydration Labo- ratory, Sonoma State University, some, but not all of which were reported but not formally published (Fredrickson 1989; Fredrickson and Origer 1986). The obsidian samples from all of these studies con- sisted of projectile points, other bifaces and tools, and debitage. Because the specimens were collected by different researchers at different times as part of dif- ferent kinds of studies and are not consistently reported with reference to inferred function, no effort was made in the present study to distinguish between formal ar- tifacts and debitage. It can be pointed out, however, that the Borax Lake site, in comparison with other sites in the present study, is over-represented by for- mal artifacts. Figure 1 lists the 28 archaeological sites from which 512 useable obsidian hydration readings were obtained. Figure 2 maps the approximate location of these sites; each mapped location contains one and sometimes two sites. Data in Figure 1 shows that about 72% of the 95 unreadable bands (weathered, diffuse, or otherwise not useable) were from specimens ob- Fredrickson & Origer 149 0FENENGA VOLUME tained from quany sites. As indicated in Fig. 1,46 speci- mens contained multiple bands, all double except for a single triple. In most cases multiple bands appeared to be due to reuse. Quarry sites provided over 76% of the 17 bands that measured over 13 microns. These large readings, which ranged from 13.2 to 24.7 mi- crons (mean = 15.4 microns) derived in large part from chunks and core-like specimens and, because their cultural origin is questionable, were not used in this analysis (Fredrickson and Origer 1986). Specifically, this paper presents comparisons of the obsidian hydration readings from (1) the Borax Lake site itself, (2) quarry workshops within the Borax Lake flow, and (3) non-quarry workshops and other sites in the hills and plain that form the Borax Lake basin. Sources of hydration data for each of these localities are provided below. The Borax Lake Site Several suites of obsidian hydration measurements, with a total of 161 useable readings, are available from LAK-36, the Borax Lake site. The initial readings from the site were the 31 made by Clark (1964:189- 193) as part of his groundbreaking study of obsidian hydration and archaeological chronology in Califor- nia. Clark stated his concern that thermal activity in the region "could account for a greatly increased hy- dration locally" (1964:192-193). However, Meighan and Haynes (1970:1218), who excavated 20 backhoe trenches across the site to an average depth of ten feet, considered it unlikely that thermal activity affected their hydration readings, which yielded results simi- lar to those of Clark. Kaufman (1980:197ff), how- ever, suggested that larger hydration readings from sites near the northeast edge of the Borax Lake flow, especially quarry site CA-LAK-690, "tend to exhibit larger hydration readings than do sites in other areas of the basin," and states the need for further investi- gation concerning the effects of geothermal activity on hydration rates in the Clear Lake region. Our larger sample indicates that the hydration values from CA- LAK-690 are well within the range of the sample as a whole. In our view, these large readings represent early quarry use of this location rather than distortion caused by geothermal action. A second suite of 74 useable hydration readings from the Borax Lake site was obtained by Meighan and Haynes (1968, 1970) in their re-examination of the age of the Borax Lake site. A third suite of 56 obsidian hydration readings was obtained from docu- mented surface collections made over a period of years during archaeological surveys by Sonoma State Uni- versity and others; these readings, on file at Sonoma State University's Obsidian Laboratory, are reported here for the first time. Figure 3 presents the distribution of obsidian hy- dration values from the Borax Lake site by each of the three collections, the 31 reported by Clark (1964), the 74 published by Meighan and Haynes (1970; Meighan et al. 1974:17-19; Findlow et al. 1978), and the 56 determined by Sonoma State University (SSU Obsidian Laboratory files). In comparison, the three samples are remarkably consistent, with the vast ma- jority falling between about 4 to 10 microns within a bell-shaped curve having a mode in the mid-sevens. This consistency may be because the majority of the specimens in these three samples are bifacially worked tools collected to address the possible age and antiq- uity of the site. The consistencies between the samples support one another with respect to the period of oc- cupation represented at the site. The marked fall off of readings greater than 10 microns is also notable, prompting the suggestion that little human use of the area occurred prior to the time implied by this hydra- tion value. Borax Lake Quarry Sites A total of 211 obsidian hydration readings from twelve quarry locations within the Borax Lake obsid- ian flow contribute to the present study. The Borax Lake flow, located south of Borax Lake and east of the southern arm of Clear Lake, encompasses an area greater than one square mile. The flow is within an area that has been subdivided and now contains paved streets, many homes, and other urban features. Within the complex of streets and homes spread throughout the flow are numerous discrete quarry locations; some of these are major and have state trinomial identifica- tion numbers, others are comparatively small and have not been systematically recorded. One of the best- known quarry sites, contributing 38 readings to this study, is CA-LAK-35, a large quarry-workshop located several hundred meters from CA-LAK-36. In 1975, an archaeological survey of the Borax Lake basin, including much of the quarry area, was conducted in association with proposed geothermal 150 OBSIDIAN HYDRATION IN THE BORAX LAKE BASIN development (Fredrickson 1976). A total of 64 useable obsidian hydration readings obtained from seven quarry sites recorded during this survey were reported by Tom Kaufman in his 1980 dissertation (see also Kaufman 1978). An additional five readings from the 1975 collection were prepared by the authors for a 1989 Society for California Archaeology paper (Fredrickson 1989). As part of a 1986 environmental impact study, Jay Flaherty of Archaeological Services, Inc., collected obsidian samples for hydration analysis from seven separate locations within the Borax Lake flow during a street improvement project. The hydration study, conducted jointly with the present writers, had two major goals: (1) to examine temporal variability in the use of obsidian from several different quarry lo- cations and (2) to begin the systematic accumulation of obsidian hydration data that would monitor cultural use of the Borax Lake obsidian flow over time (Fredrickson and Origer 1987). Figure 4 provides the 211 obsidian hydration val- ues from the twelve quarry sites within the Borax Lake flow by each of the three collections, including the 64 readings reported by Kaufman (1980), the 142 read- ings from the Flaherty, Origer, and Fredrickson quarry study (Fredrickson and Origer 1987), and five addi- tional readings from the 1975 geothermal survey (Fredrickson 1976; SSU Obsidian Laboratory files). In contrast with specimens from the Borax Lake site itself, the specimens represented by all three samples are overwhelmingly restricted to debitage rather than bifacially worked tools. Also, there was no collection bias with respect to antiquity. As a result, the most obvious contrast with the Borax Lake site is the lack of a notable mode and the continuing use of obsidian from the quarry after significant use dropped off at the Borax Lake site. Nonquarry Sites within the Borax Lake Basin A total of fifteen nonquarry sites within the Borax Lake basin (but not including the Borax Lake site), contribute another 140 obsidian hydration readings to this study. These fifteen sites were recorded (or re- recorded) during the 1975 survey carried out in asso- ciation with proposed geothermal development (Fredrickson 1976). During a subsequent 1989 visit to these sites, the present authors collected additional specimens to provide data for a paper prepared for the annual meeting of the Society for California Archae- ology (Fredrickson 1989). For the most part, these fifteen nonquarry locations appear to be flake scatters, although several at the edges of Borax Lake and along surrounding ridge tops may have depth, as judged by surface appearances only. Others, especially those on small flats just be- low the surrounding ridges, appear much more ephem- eral, in some cases possibly representing a single knapping episode. At least four of the sites located around the edge of the lake, which had been acces- sible when they were recorded during the drought year of 1975, were under water and inaccessible when re- visited in 1989. Figure 5 provides the 140 obsidian hydration val- ues including six that Clark (1964) had reported from specimens obtained earlier from one of sites re-re- corded in 1975 and also include the nineteen useable readings from seven sites that Kaufman (1980) ob- tained from the 1975 collection. The remaining 115 values were obtained by the present writers in 1989 (Fredrickson 1989; SSU Obsidian Laboratory files). Of particular interest is the extent to which the dis- tribution of hydration readings from these nonquarry sites parallels that of the Borax Lake site itself. The major difference is a not unexpected increase in the number of relatively late readings, 21.4% of the nonquarry hydration values are less than 4 microns compared with 10.6% for the Borax Lake site. Al- though this relatively high rate compares well with the 23.7% of the quarry sites with hydration values less that four microns, those of the nonquarry sites are quite late in time, with most being 1.5 microns or less. Quarry site values, while peaking below 1.5 microns, are more equally distributed throughout the entire range. Discussion Because obsidian from the Borax Lake flow fos- tered sustained human use beginning in the Paleoindian Period, the Borax Lake basin, which con- tains both quarry and nonquarry sites, has potential to provide insight into several dimensions of local and regional prehistory. The hydration values from CA- LAK-36, with its Clovis-like projectile points, together with the readings from other nonquarry and quarry sites within the basin, provide evidence for long term ilucricedrickson & Origer 151 FENENGA VOLUME use of the vicinity. Data presented in Figures 3 and 5, combined in Figure 6, disclose several patterns in the distribution of obsidian hydration values over time and by site type. These patterns, presumed to reflect changes in obsidian production, suggest both similari- ties and differences between modal distributions found in the Borax Lake basin and the cultural chronologies for the larger Clear Lake basin. The temporal congruence of the obsidian hydra- tion profiles representing CA-LAK-36 and the other nonquarny sites within the Borax Lake basin is remark- ably striking. The similarities suggest that these sites are part of a local cultural system that is not strongly reflected in the obsidian hydration profile from the quarry sites (Figure 4). The quarry sites presumably were furnishing obsidian not only for the present study area but also for other, more distant localities. It is notable that readings from CA-LAK-36 derive in the main from projectile points and other bifacially worked tools rather than flaking debris. This is understand- able since the emphasis in studies of the Borax Lake site has been upon artifacts with potential to be tem- porally diagnostic. The study of the nonquanry flake scatters in the vicinity of the Borax Lake site con- trasts in this regard. Hydration readings were over- whelmingly from debitage, all from the surface. Vir- tually no bifacially worked tools or tool fragments were noted during the initial 1975 survey; the identi- cal observation was made as additional obsidian was collected for analysis in 1989. In addition, the hydration sample from the Borax Lake site was biased in terms of artifacts believed to be ancient, most notably the fluted points, crescents, and wide-stem points, whereas there was no deliber- ate selection bias with respect to age in the samples collected from the other nonquarry sites. Flakes were collected as encountered with the aim of sampling as large a portion as possible of each site's surface. The hydration distribution data presented here show marked shifts in frequency over time. The fre- quency distribution from the Borax Lake basin dif- fers considerably from that of hydration readings from a large sample of Borax Lake specimens (n=1929) from about 150 northern California archaeological sites located outside of the Borax Lake basin that are presented in Figure 8. Sites represented in this figure are spread from Sonoma and Napa counties to Mendocino and Humboldt counties, from the Pacific coast to the central Sierra. Thus, it appears proper to state that this generalized distribution is heavily bi- ased by the exchange system, rather than local use. Elsewhere, Fredrickson (1987) discusses comparative data from the different localities where Borax Lake obsidian occurs in cultural contexts. In the following discussion, hydration values are placed into a culture-historical framework, from most ancient to most recent. Figure 7 suggests that initial use of the Borax Lake obsidian flow may have been as early as the time indicated by about 12 microns, probably the maximum age of the Post Pattern, i.e., the culture represented by fluted points and crescents (Fredrickson 1973, 1974). Hydration values from these tools (Meighan and Haynes 1970; SSU Obsid- ian Laboratory Files) suggest that this early period was over by the time indicated by approximately 8 mi- crons. The mean hydration value for wide-stem points, representative of the Borax Lake Pattern, is about 7.2 microns (Fredrickson and White 1988) with some overlap with fluted points and crescents at the higher end of the range. This overlap may denote contemporaneity, but may also be due to limitations of the optical equipment and technician variability and/ or a product of the hydration process itself. The Mostin site, from which Borax Lake obsidian averages about 6.5 microns, follows the wide-stem point in time. The Mostin site, now seen as part of the continuum of the Houx Pattern (White and Fredrickson 1992), was once believed to be quite ancient but it now appears that the relatively ancient radiometric dates may have been influenced by fossil carbonates emanating from sub- aqueous thermal springs at the bottom of adjacent Clear Lake (Fredrickson and White 1988; White and King 1993). Although Figure 8 excludes readings from the Borax Lake flow and basin, it does include readings from other Lake County sites, including nearby CA- LAK-5 10 at Lower Lake and Burns Valley adjacent to the Borax Lake basin, both known to have produced notably large hydration readings (e.g., Weber 1978), and the Mostin site, which also produced relatively large readings. Even with the bias introduced by read- ings from these three locations, it is evident that Bo- rax Lake obsidian did not enter the exchange system in quantity until about the time period represented by about 6 microns. Parker (1993:317) has shown that 152 OBSIDIAN HYDRATION IN THE BORAX LAKE BASIN the use of upland zones in the Clear Lake basin began during the 6 to 7 micron range. It is possible that these two phenomena are related, since there is a cor- responding culture-historical shift apparent in the Houx Pattern at about the time indicated by 6 microns. Prior to this, Houx sites are assumed to represent fam- ily bands, but Houx sites dating after 6 microns fre- quently contain relatively rich midden deposits indica- tive of at least semisedentary habitation (Fredrickson and White 1994). We suggest that expansion of Bo- rax Lake obsidian into a regional exchange system may represent this fluorescence of the Houx Pattern, an outgrowth of its adaptive success. Whether Houx peoples or others used upland zones has not yet been shown. It is notable that the greatest use of the Borax Lake basin was between about 9.5 and 4.5 microns, when production dropped off considerably. This drop off may reflect the emergence of a Houx Pattern tribelet structure in the Clear Lake basin, as suggested else- where (Fredrickson and White 1994; White and Fredrickson 1992). Tribelet control over access to the obsidian quarries is a believable consequence of such a development. A secondary drop off indicated at about 3.5 microns may reflect a change in the nature of obsidian production, presumably a decline in the production of large bifaces fostered by the beginning of the late period and the introduction of the bow and arrow. The distinctive surge in hydration readings that begins at about 1.7 microns may well represent the beginning of Phase 2, the protohistoric period. Summary The temporal distribution of obsidian hydration values within the Borax Lake basin may be viewed as a function of cultural pulses some of, which are local in nature and others emanating from outside of the basin. The basin is unique in northern California in that it contains the Borax Lake site that has yielded the best evidence for paleoindian Post Pattern occu- pation of the region. Similarly, it has yielded the best evidence for the Borax Lake Pattern, believed to be ancestral to the Houx Pattern, whose earliest key site is Mostin, located at Kelseyville in Lake County. It is noteworthy that the Borax Lake basin does not seem to reflect in any obvious way the expansion of Borax Lake obsidian into the regional exchange system at the time indicated by about six microns. This expansion may well be a product of a shift in the Houx Pattern from a family band structure to semisedentary organization, documented by excavations near the town of Lower Lake (Fredrickson and White 1994). This is about the same time that use of upland zones in the Clear Lake basin commenced (Parker 1993). We have posited that the drop off of obsidian pro- duction in the Borax Lake basin at the time indicated by about 4.5 microns is related to the emergence of Houx tribelet structure, resulting in Houx Pattern con- trol of access to the obsidian flow. The rise in hydra- tion values somewhat prior to the time indicated by 3.5 microns may be a result of feedback processes that both entrenched and regularized control of ac- cess to the obsidian quarries. At the time indicated by about 3.5 microns another drop off occurred within the Borax Lake basin, one that may be related to a shift in obsidian production due to a technological shift from the large bifaces to small arrow points at the beginning of the late period's Clear Lake Aspect. It is also likely that the increase in hydration values at about 1.7 microns was a function of activities during Phase 2 of the Clear Lake Aspect, a process as yet little un- derstood. Addendum The use of hydration alone to establish what is in essence a relative chronology is particularly frustrat- ing when many would prefer to see temporal mea- surements in years, not microns. There are no radio- carbon dates available for the Borax Lake basin nor are there entirely satisfactory hydration rates that have been established for Borax Lake obsidian (Ericson 1977; Findlow et al. 1978). In response to this situa- tion, Parker (1994:189) correlated radiocarbon dates from Lake County sites with hydration values but did not develop a hydration rate. Instead, Parker (1994:183-184; Fredrickson 1989) employed the rate developed by Origer (1987) for the Napa Valley source in Sonoma County. Parker converted Borax Lake F-Icedrickson & Origer 153 FENENGA VOLUME Figure 1: List of Sites with Site Type and Status of Obsidian Values Site Type* #1** (db >13 pb)*** #2** (db >13 pb)*** #3** (db >13 pb)*** #4** (db >13 13 ( 31 (4 ? ?) 6 (1 ? ?) 74 (6 1 8) 1) 25 56 4 6 5 3 (1 1 -) 6 8 6 11 9 10 17 3 3 2 3 2 0 3 0 (1 (2 (2 2 1) 2) 31 (4 1 1) 27 - - 1) 12 11 12 4 23 6 - 3) 5 2 - 3) 5 (3 2 7) 38 (5 - 2) 161 (- - 1) 4 (1 - ) 6 11 (1 - -) 9 (3 - -) 8 (2 1 -) 6 11 9 10 (2 1 7) 31 - 9) 44 (1 0 4) 15 (1 - 1) 14 (2 - 1) 12 (1 - 1) 6 - 4) 26 - 3) 8 (1 - -) 5 5 - 1) 5 20 (- - 16) 20 7 (- - 8) 7 - 1) 1 (1 1 -) 22 15 (1 37 (5 ? ?) 74 (6 1 8) 83 (11 5 11) 318 (24 11 76) 512 * Types - Q: Quarry site; NQ: Non-Quarry site; **#1: Clark 1964; #2: Meighan, et al. 1974; #3: Kaufman 1980; #4: California State University, Sonoma (Obsidian Hydration, Files). ***Codes - db: double band; >13: obsidian hydration value greater than 13 microns; pb: poor (unreadable) band. All readings from speci- mens with double bands (coded "db") are included except for those that were unreadable and those that were greater than 13 microns. Numbers in parentheses coded "> 13" and "pb" represent hydration readings that, for reasons indicated by the code, are not included in counts of useable readings. Lak-35 Q Lak-36 NQ Lak-83 NQ Lak-84 NQ Lak-85 NQ Lak-86 NQ Lak-87 NQ Lak-88 NQ Lak-546 Q Lak-547 Q Lak-621 Q Lak-679 Q Lak-690 Q Lak-694 NQ Lak-695 NQ Lak-696 NQ Lak-697 NQ Lak-698 NQ Lak-699 NQ Lak-700 NQ Lak-701 NQ Lak-1143 NQ Q Q Q Bl- 22 Bi- 23 Bl- 33 Bi- 37 Pw- 1 Pw-2 Totals Q Q Q 3 ( 3 1 22 15 5 6) 4) 154 OBSIDIAN HYDRATION IN THE BORAX LAKE BASIN 1462 /I S W R B W (CL EARLAKE OAKS) R 7 W 528 40' 52 53 -zv lelarz=, L4ke- 6 tJ-b -< -<0F' tj ~L)- r -L l -- h - 4 G toosncP A -~~~2A 12 C * Bra Lke it (AK36)&lke su D uryLctin 4.- * lk cttr ec --JI~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cezae iha Figure 2: Borax Lake Basin, map showing archaeological sites by site type and location. Fredrickson & Origer 155 156 FENENGA VOLUME Figure 3: Obsidian Hydration Values from the Borax Lake Site Obsidian Hydration Sample 1* Sample 2* Sample 3* Totals 1.0- 1.1 1 1 1.2- 1.3 0 1.4- 1.5. 3 1 4 1.6- 1.7 4 1 5 1.8- 1.9 0 2.0-2.1 0 2.2 - 2.3 1 1 2.4 - 2.5 0 2.6 - 2.7 1 1 2.8-2.9 1 1 3.0-3.1 0 3.2-3.3 0 3.4-3.5 0 3.6 - 3.7 1 1 3.8-3.9 2 1 3 4.0 -4.1 4.2 - 4.3 1 1 4.4-4.5 0 4.6 - 4.7 1 2 3 4.8 - 4.9 1 2 2 5 5.0-5.1 2 3 5 5.2 - 5.3 1 1 3 5 5.4 - 5.5 1 1 2 5.6 - 5.7 3 2 5 5.8 - 5.9 4 1 5 6.0-6.1 3 3 6.2 - 6.3 2 2 3 7 6.4 - 6.5 3 3 2 8 6.6 - 6.7 1 1 2 4 6.8 - 6.9 3 2 5 10 7.0-7.1 4 3 2 9 7.2 - 7.3 1 3 4 8 7.4-7.5 5 5 1 11 7.6 - 7.7 2 3 2 7 7.8-7.9 2 2 8.0-8.1 5 5 8.2 - 8.3 2 2 8.4-8.5 2 4 1 7 8.6 - 8.7 1 2 5 8 8.8-8.9 3 3 9.0-9.1 1 2 3 9.2 - 9.3 2 1 3 9.4-9.5 2 1 3 9.6 - 9.7 1 1 2 9.8 - 9.9 2 2 10.0-10.1 1 1 10.2- 10.3 1 1 10.4-10.5 0 10.6- 10.7 0 10.8 - 10.9 0 11.0- 11.1 1 1 11.2- 11.3 0 11.4- 11.5 0 11.6- 11.7 0 11.8- 11.9 0 12.0- 12.1 1 1 2 12.2- 12.3 0 12.4- 12.5 0 12.6-12.7 0 12.8- 12.9 1 1 13.0 0 Totals 31 74 56 161 *Sample 1: Clark 1964; Sample 2: Meighan, et al. 1974; Sample 3: California State University, Sonoma (SSU Obsidian Laboratory, Files). Fredrickson & Origer OBSIDIAN HYDRATION IN THE BORAX LAKE BASIN Figure 4: Obsidian Hydration Values from the Borax Lake Quarry Sites Obsidian Hydration Sample 1* Sample 2* Sample 3* Totals 0.8-0.9 3 3 1.0- 1.1 10 10 1.2- 1.3 3 3 1.4- 1.5. 3 3 1.6- 1.7 1 1 2 1.8- 1.9 1 2 3 2.0-2.1 1 1 2.2 - 2.3 4 4 2.4-2.5 2 2 2.6 - 2.7 1 1 2 2.8-2.9 1 1 2 3.0-3.1 1 2 1 4 3.2 - 3.3 1 1 2 3.4 - 3.5 1 1 3.6 - 3.7 1 3 4 3.8-3.9 1 3 4 4.0-4.1 4 4 4.2-4.3 2 2 4 4.4 - 4.5 2 2 4.6 - 4.7 2 2 4.8-4.9 2 5 7 5.0-5.1 2 2 5.2 - 5.3 1 5 1 7 5.4-5.5 3 4 1 8 5.6 - 5.7 1 3 4 5.8-5.9 3 3 6.0-6.1 3 1 4 6.2 - 6.3 1 2 3 6.4 - 6.5 1 5 6 6.6 - 6.7 1 4 5 6.8 - 6.9 2 3 5 7.0-7.1 2 3 5 7.2 - 7.3 1 3 4 7.4-7.5 1 5 6 7.6 - 7.7 1 3 4 7.8-7.9 3 3 8.0-8.1 2 1 3 8.2 - 8.3 2 6 8 8.4-8.5 1 1 8.6 - 8.7 3 4 7 8.8-8.9 2 4 6 9.0-9.1 5 5 9.2 - 9.3 1 2 3 9.4-9.5 2 3 5 9.6 - 9.7 1 1 2 9.8-9.9 4 2 6 10.0- 10.1 2 2 10.2- 10.3 2 1 3 10.4- 10.5 4 4 10.6-10.7 2 2 10.8- 10.9 1 2 3 11.0- 11.1 1 2 3 11.2- 11.3 1 1 11.4- 11.5 1 1 11.6- 11.7 1 1 11.8- 11.9 3 1 4 12.0- 12.1 1 1 12.2- 12.3 0 12.4- 12.5 1 1 12.6- 12.7 1 1 12.8- 12.9 0 13.0 0 Totals 64 142 5 211 *Sampe 1: Kaufman 1980; Sample 2: Fredrickson & Origer 1989; Sample 3: California State University, Sonoma (SSU Obsidian Laboratory, Files). 157 158 FENENGA VOLUME Figure 5: Obsidian Hydration Values from the Borax Lake Non-Quarry Sites Obsidian Hydration Sample 1* Sample 2* Sample 3* Totals 1.0- 1.1 1 1 1.2 - 1.3 1 1 I11 1.4- 1.5. 1 4 5 1.6- 1.7 1 1 1.8- 1.9 0 2.0(-2.1 2 2 2.2 - 2.3 1 1 2.4 -2.5 0 2.6 - 2.7 0 2.8 -2.9 0 3.0-3.1 1 1 3.2 - 3.3 0 3.4-3.5 3 3 3.6- 3.7 3 3 3.8 - 3.9 2 2 4.0-4.1 1 1 4.2 - 4.3 1 1 4.4-4.5 1 1 4.6 - 4.7 2 2 4.8 - 4.9 1 5 6 5.0- 5.1 4 4 5.2 - 5.3 1 1 3 5 5.4 - 5.5 1 2 3 5.6 - 5.7 6 6 5.8-5.9 1 5 6 6.0-6.1 1 6 7 6.2 - 6.3 3 7 10 6.4- 6.5 1 2 3 6 6.6 - 6.7 3 3 6.8-6.9 1 1 5 7 7.0-7.1 1 3 4 7.2 - 7.3 4 4 7.4- 7.5 1 3 4 7.6 - 7.7 1 3 4 7.8 -7.9 3 3 8.0-8.1 5 5 8.2 - 8.3 0 8.4-8.5 0 8.6 - 8.7 2 2 8.8-8.9 1 1 9.0-9.1 1 4 5 9.2 - 9.3 2 2 9.4 - 9.5 0 9.6 - 9.7 0 9.8-9.9 0 10.0-10.1 1 1 10.2- 10.3 1 1 10.4- 10.5 2 2 10.6- 10.7 0 10.8- 10.9 2 2 11.0- 11.1 1 1 11.2- 11.3 0 11.4- 11.5 1 1 11.6- 11.7 0 11.8- 11.9 0 12.0- 12.1 0 12.2-12.3 0 12.4- 12.5 0 12.6- 12.7 0 12.8- 12.9 0 13.0 0 Totals 6 19 115 140 *Sample 1: Clark 1964; Sample 2: Kaufman 1980; Sample 3: Fredrickson & Origer 1989. OBSIDIAN HYDRATION IN THE BORAX LAKE BASIN Figure 6: Obsidian Hydration Values from the Borax Lake Site and Other Non-Quarry Sites within the Borax Lake Basin Obsidian Hydration Sample 1* Sample 2* Totals 1.0- 1.1 1 1 2 1.2- 1.3 11 11 1.4- 1.5. 4 5 9 1.6- 1.7 5 1 6 1.8- 1.9 0 2.0-2.1 2 2 2.2 - 2.3 1 1 2 2.4-2.5 o 2.6-2.7 1 1 2.8-2.9 1 1 3.0-3.1 1 1 3.2 - 3.3 0 3.4 - 3.5 3 3 3.6 - 3.7 1 3 4 3.8-3.9 3 2 5 4.0-4.1 1 1 4.2 - 4.3 1 1 2 4.4-4.5 1 1 4.6 - 4.7 3 2 5 4.8-4.9 5 6 11 5.0-5.1 5 4 9 5.2 - 5.3 5 5 10 5.4 - 5.5 2 3 5 5.6 - 5.7 5 6 11 5.8-5.9 5 6 11 6.0-6.1 3 7 10 6.2 - 6.3 7 10 17 6.4 - 6.5 8 6 14 6.6 - 6.7 4 3 7 6.8 - 6.9 10 7 17 7.0 - 7.1 9 4 13 7.2 - 7.3 8 4 12 7.4 - 7.5 1 1 4 15 7.6 - 7.7 7 4 11 7.8-7.9 2 3 5 8.0-8.1 5 5 10 8.2 - 8.3 2 2 8.4 - 8.5 7 7 8.6 - 8.7 8 2 10 8.8-8.9 3 1 4 9.0-9.1 3 5 8 9.2 - 9.3 3 2 5 9.4 - 9.5 3 3 9.6 - 9.7 2 2 9.8-9.9 2 2 10.0- 10.1 1 1 2 10.2- 10.3 1 1 2 10.4- 10.5 2 2 10.6- 10.7 0 10.8- 10.9 2 2 11.0- 11.1 1 1 2 11.2- 11.3 0 11.4- 11.5 1 1 11.6- 11.7 0 11.8- 11.9 0 12.0- 12.1 2 2 12.2-12.3 0 12.4 -12.5 0 12.6- 12.7 0 12.8- 12.9 1 1 13.0 0 Totals 161 140 301 *Sample 1: The Borax Lake Site (from Figure 2); Sample 2: Other Non-Quarry Sites (from Figure 4). F.-Icedrickson & Origer 159 160 FENENGA VOLUME Figure 7: Obsidian Hydration Values from the Borax Lake Site, Other Non-Quarry Sites and Quarry Sites in the Borax Lake Basin Obsidian Hydration Total* 0.8 - 0.9 3 1.0 - 1.1 12 1.2 - 1.3 14 1.4 - 1.5. 12 1.6- 1.7 8 1.8- 1.9 3 2.0-2.1 3 2.2 - 2.3 6 2.4 - 2.5 2 2.6 - 2.7 3 2.8-2.9 3 3.0-3.1 5 3.2 - 3.3 2 3.4 - 3.5 4 3.6- 3.7 8 3.8 - 3.9 9 4.0-4.1 5 4.2 - 4.3 6 4.4 - 4.5 3 4.6 - 4.7 7 4.8-4.9 18 5.0-5.1 11 5.2 - 5.3 17 5.4 - 5.5 13 5.6 - 5.7 15 5.8 - 5.9 14 6.0-6.1 14 6.2 - 6.3 20 6.4-6.5 20 6.6 - 6.7 12 6.8 - 6.9 22 7.0 - 7.1 18 7.2 - 7.3 16 7.4 - 7.5 21 7.6 - 7.7 15 7.8-7.9 8 8.0- 8.1 13 8.2 - 8.3 10 8.4-8.5 8 8.6 - 8.7 17 8.8 - 8.9 10 9.0 - 9.1 13 9.2-9.3 8 9.4 - 9.5 8 9.6 - 9.7 4 9.8-9.9 8 10.0-10.1 4 10.2- 10.3 5 10.4- 10.5 6 10.6- 10.7 2 10.8- 10.9 5 11.0- 11.1 5 11.2- 11.3 1 11.4-11.5 2 11.6- 11.7 1 11.8-11.9 4 12.0- 12.1 3 12.2- 12.3 0 12.4-12.5 1 12.6- 12.7 1 12.8- 12.9 1 13.0 0 Total 512 *Data represents combined totals from Figures 2, 3 and 4. OBSIDIAN HYDRATION IN THE BORAX LAKE BASIN Figure 8: Obsidian Hydration Values from Areas Other Than the Borax Lake Basin Obsidian Hydration Total * 0.8 - 0.9 12 1.0 - 1.1 40 1.2- 1.3 29 1.4- 1.5. 42 1.6- 1.7 37 1.8 - 1.9 33 2.0-2.1 48 2.2 - 2.3 51 2.4 - 2.5 65 2.6 - 2.7 75 2.8 - 2.9 59 3.0-3.1 61 3.2-3.3 99 3.4 - 3.5 84 3.6 - 3.7 83 3.8 - 3.9 78 4.0 - 4.1 67 4.2-4.3 91 4.4 - 4.5 85 4.6 - 4.7 70 4.8 - 4.9 50 5.0 - 5.1 76 5.2 - 5.3 75 5.4-5.5 68 5.6 - 5.7 93 5.8 - 5.9 56 6.0-6.1 44 6.2 - 6.3 26 6.4-6.5 32 6.6 - 6.7 31 6.8-6.9 24 7.0-7.1 24 7.2-7.3 12 7.4-7.5 16 7.6 - 7.7 12 7.8 - 7.9 9 8.0-8.1 9 8.2 - 8.3 7 8.4-8.5 4 8.6- 8.7 5 8.8-8.9 7 9.0-9.1 4 9.2 - 9.3 3 9.4-9.5 1 9.6-9.7 8 9.8 - 9.9 3 >9.9 21 Total 1929 *Data from Fredrickson 1987. 1101-cedrickson & Origer 161 FENENGA VOLUME Figure 9: Cultural - Historical Summary Microns Years BP* Site 12 12500 Borax Lake Site (CA-Lak-36) Non-Quarry Sites Quarry Sites 9.5 7800 Borax Lake Site 8 5600 Borax Lake Site Mean value for Mostin Site (CA-Lak-38 1) 6.5 3700 Alsop Site (CA-Lak-72) (CA-Lak-5 1 0) 6 4.5 3.5 1.7 3100 1800 1100 200 Associations - Post Pattern Paleolndian Period - Basement culture in North Coast ranges - Significant use of Borax Lake site and other non-quarry sites begins -Borax Lake pattern, Lower Archaic period - Houx Pattern - Houx sites representative of family bands - Relatively rich midden deposits; indicative of semisedentary habitation for Houx - Borax Lake obsidian enters regional exchange system - Initial sustained use of Clear Lake basin uplands - Emergence of Houx tribelet structure in Clear Lake basin - Triblet control of access to Borax Lake obsidian flow - Clear Lake aspect, Augustine pattern - Decline of large biface production as technol ogy shifts to bow and arrow - Phase 2 of Clear Lake aspect (Protohistoric Period) *Years BP calculated using Tremaine's (1993) conversion constant for Borax Lake to Napa (0.79), Origer's (1987) Napa flow hydration constant (153.4), Origer's (1989) temperature conversion factor (5%) and the diffu- sion formula of years before present equals hydration constant times hydration value squared. 162 OBSIDIAN HYDRATION IN THE BORAX LAKE BASIN obsidian values to Napa Valley equivalency through use of Tremaine's (1993) comparison constants, i.e., by multiplying the Borax Lake value by 0.79, the ex- perimentally derived constant for this conversion. Parker then employed Origer's Napa Valley hydra- tion rate constant of 153.4 in the diffusion formula, T=kx2, where T is years before present, k is the hydra- tion rate constant, and x2 is the hydration value squared. The present authors have selected to em- ploy identical procedures while adding a correction for the temperature difference between Sonoma County, where the rate was developed, and Lake County. Although Trembour and Friedman (1984) suggested that there is about a 10% increase in hydra- tion for each increase of one degree centigrade, Origer (1989), using hydration measurements of debitage produced by Ishi and accessioned in the Phoebe Hearst Anthropology Museum in 1915, concluded that the increase was more likely to be in the neighborhood of 4-6%. Five percent was used in the adjustment here because Lake County averages about one degree cen- tigrade warmer than Sonoma County, and because the numbers produced using 5% more closely approxi- mate estimated ages based upon other data. Figure 9, which includes years before present, rounded to the closest hundred years, briefly outlines the shifts discussed above. The years before present should be viewed with considerable caution since it is obvious that the method employed in generating the numbers had little elegance. Overall, it may be better were we to refrain from calculating age in years until we gain better understanding of the hydration process over long periods of time. For example, to our knowl- edge, no work has been done to estimate the effects on hydration of past paleoclimatic temperature varia- tions. Also, because of the small sample and rela- tively young age of the hydration/radiocarbon asso- ciations employed to produce Origer's Napa Valley rate, it would be wise were we to be skeptical regard- ing the accuracy of the ages provided in Figure 9, es- pecially ages greater than 3000 B.P., which we be- lieve empirical data will eventually prove to be younger than indicated here. References Cited Clark, D. L. 1964 Archaeological Chronology in Califor- nia and the Obsidian Hydration Method. In Ar- chaeological Survey Annual Report, 1963- 1964, pp. 141-209. University of California, Los Angeles. Ericson, J. E. 1977 Prehistoric Exchange Systems in Cali- fornia: The Results of Obsidian Dating and Tracing. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Department of Anthropology, University of California, Los Angeles. Findlow, F. J., S. P. DeAtley, and J. E. Ericson 1978 A Tentative Hydration Rate for the Ob- sidian from the Borax Lake Source, Lake County, California. In Obsidian Dates II, A Compendium of the Obsidian Hydration De- terminations Made at the UCLA Obsidian Hy- dration Laboratory, Monograph VI, pp. 133- 137. C. W. Meighan and P. I. Vanderhoeven, eds. Institute of Archaeology, University of California, Los Angeles. Fredrickson, D. A. 1973 Early Cultures of the North Coast Ranges, California. Unpublished doctoral dis- sertation, Department of Anthropology, Univer- sity of California, Davis. 1974 Cultural Diversity in Early Central Cali- fornia: A View from the North Coast Ranges. Journal ofCalifornia Anthropology 1(1):41-53. 1976 An Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Borax Lake Basin, Lake County, Califor- nia. Report on File, Northwest Information Center, California Archaeological Inventory, Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, Cali- fornia. 1987 The Use of Borax Lake Obsidian Through Time and Space. 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Parker, J. W. 1993 Ethnographic and Prehistoric Settlement Systems in the Clear Lake Basin. In There Grows a Green Tree: Papers in Honor of David A. Fredrickson, pp. 303-324. G. White, P. Mikkelsen, W. R. Hildebrandt, M. W. Basgall eds. Center for Archaeological Research at Davis, Publication No. 11. 1994 Dots on a Map: Using Cultural Resource Management Data to Reconstruct Settlement Patterns in the Clear Lake Basin, California. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Los Angeles. 164 OBSIDIAN HYDRATION IN THE BORAX LAKE BASIN Roberts, F. H. H., Jr. 1935 A Folsom Complex: Preliminary Report on Investigations at the Lindenmeier Site in Northern Colorado. Smithsonian Miscella- neous Collections, Vol. 94, No. 4. Schiffman, R. A. 1988 An Experiment in the Use of Obsidian Hydration: Effect of Laboratory Variability on the Research and Interpretation of Sites. 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