A RADIOCARBON CHRONOLOGY FOR THE MUSSAU ISLANDS APPENDIX 1 0. 1 MUSSAU PROJECT RADIOCARBON AGE DETERMINATIONS EXPLANATORY NOTE: The "conventional age" is as defined by Stuiver and Polach (1977), and has been adjusted for the 13C/'4C ratio. The "CALIB calibrated age" ranges were produced using the CALIB radiocarbon calibration program (Rev. 2.0; Stuiver and Reimer 1986), using either the terrestrial curve or, for marine samples, the marine curve with AR set to 0 + 0 (Stuiver, Pearson, and Braziunas 1986). The calibrated values given are the ranges (intercepts in parentheses) at 1 and 26r. The "OXCAL calibrated age" ranges were produced using Version 2.18 of the OXCAL calibration program, with marine samples calibrated according to the AR values given for each sample. Calibrated ages are ranges (respective probabilities in parentheses) at 1 and 2a. ECA SITE ECA SITE, AIRFIELD TRANSECTS ANU-5080 Provenience: Airfield transect (1985); TP-9 (W400N72), Level 6 (40-70 cm bs). SampleDescnption: Woodcharcoal. Laboratory Treatment: Sample examined for rootlets; treated with hot 10% HCl, rinsed and dried. ConventionalAge: 3260 + 90; ?13C = -24.0 O/.O (estimated). CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal BC 1687 (1526) 1441, cal BP 3636 (3475) 3390 at l6; cal BC 1740 (1526) 1324, cal BP 3689 (3475) 3273 at 26. OXCAL CalibratedAge: Cal BC 1670 (0.03) 1660, 1640 (0.97) 1440 at la; BC 1900 (1.00) 1300 at 26. Comment/Associations: This sample was obtained from the base of the Lapita cultural deposit at the contact with underlying sterile sand on the paleobeach terrace. The wood charcoal was concentrated but did not form part of a discrete feature such as a hearth. There is a possibility that the charcoal was derived from burning old wood (such as driftwood), and hence could have an "in built age" factor. It is one of the oldest samples from the ECA site. ECA SITE, AREA A ANU-5084 Provenience: Area A (1985); Unit W228N102, Level 3. SampleDescription: Single valve of Tridacnagigas marine shell. Laboratory Treatment: Surfaces cleaned with a dental drill; sample crushed. No chemical treatment. ConventionalAge: 3190 + 80; 613C = 0.0 O/OO (estimated). CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal BC 1150 (1020) 915, cal BP 3099 (2969) 2864 at l6; cal BC 1260 (1020) 830, cal BP 3209 (2969) 2779 at 26. OXCAL CalibratedAge: (AR = -320) Cal BC 1520 (1.00) 1330 at 15; cal BC 1630 (1.00) 1240 at 2a. Comment/Associations: Culturally-deposited midden shell with no evidence of water-rolling, in direct association with quantities of red-slipped, plainware vessels (primarily globular jars with everted rims). 223 A RADIOCARBON CHRONOLOGY FOR THE MUSSAU ISLANDS ANU-5085 Provenience: Area A (1985); Unit W229N100, Level 9. SampleDescription: Single valve of Hyotissa hyotis marine shell (erroneously identified as Pycnodonta sp. in Kirch and Hunt 1988b). Laboratory Treatment: Surfaces cleaned with a dental drill; only well preserved portion dated. No chemical treatment. ConventionalAge: 3130 + 80; 813C = 0.0 o/ (estimated). CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal BC 1049 (942) 846, cal BP 2998 (2891) 2795 at l6; cal BC 1190 (942) 790, cal BP 3139 (2891) 2739 at 2a. OXCAL CalibratedAge: (AR = -320) Cal BC 1450 (1.00) 1260 at l6; cal BC 1540 (1.00) 1140 at 2cY. Comment/Associations: Culturally-deposited midden shell with no evidence of water-rolling, in direct association with quantities of red-slipped, plainware vessels (primarily globular jars with everted rims). ECA SITE, W200 TRANSECT BETA -20451 Provenience: Unit W200N120 (TP 18), Level 9 (130 cm bs); Layer III. SampleDescription: Anaerobically-preserved pieces of coconut (Cocos nucifera) endocarp, weighing 73.4 g (moist). Laboratory Treatment: Sample examined for rootlets; given a hot acid wash to eliminate carbonates. Repeatedly rinsed to neutrality and subsequently given hot alkali soaking to take out humic acids; process repeated. ConventionalAge: 2950 + 70; 613C -24.0 o/ (estimated). CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal BC 1315 (1212, 1202, 1192, 1141, 1132, 1118, 1115) 1051, cal BP 3264 (3161, 3151, 3141, 3090, 3081, 3067, 3064) 3000 at la; cal BC 1410 (1212, 1202, 1192, 1141, 1132, 1118, 1115) 937, cal BP 3359 (3161, 3151, 3141, 3090, 3081, 3067, 3064) 2886 at 2a. OXCAL CalibratedAge: Cal BC 1300 (1.00) 1050 at 16; cal BC 1400 (1.00) 990 at 26. Comment/Associations: Sample collected from the "muck zone" deposit of fine silt-clay containing abundant anaerobically-preserved plant remains, stratigraphically equivalent to the Zone C deposits at Area B. Sample was collected from a level - 20 cm above the base of the cultural deposit. ECA SITE, AREA B ANU-5075 Provenience: Area B (1985), Unit W200N149/7; Zone C1. SampleDescription: Fine wood charcoal, dispersed in calcareous marine sand matrix. Laboratory Treatment: Sample examined for rootlets; treated with hot 10% HCI, rinsed and dried. ConventionalAge: 2370 + 120 BP, 613C = -24.0 O/.O (estimated). CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal BC 761 (406) 364, cal BP 2710 (2355) 2313 at la; cal BC 800 (406) 134, cal BP 2749 (2355) 2083 at 2a. OXCAL CalibratedAge: Cal BC 770 (0.24) 680, 660 (0.08) 620, 600 (0.68) 370 at la; cal BC 800 (1.00) 150 at 26. Comment/Associations: From the upper portion of Zone C, probably after the abandonment of the stilt-house. Large error range renders the sample of limited use in precise temporal assignment of this zone. ANU-5076 Provenience: Area B (1985), Unit W200N151/8, Zone C1. SampleDeserption: Fine wood charcoal flecks, dispersed in calcareous sand matrix. Laboratory Treatment: Sample examined for rootlets; treated with hot 10% HCl, rinsed and dried. ConventionalAge: 2430 + 230 BP, 613C = -24.0 O/O (estimated). CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal BC 820 (516, 467, 433) 212, cal BP 2769 (2465,2416,2382) 2161 at lT; cal BC 1187 (516, 467, 433) AD 48 at 26. 224 A RADIOCARBON CHRONOLOGY FOR THE MUSSAU ISLANDS OXCAL CalibratedAge: Cal BC 850 (1.00) 200 at l6; cal BC 1 100 (1.00) AD 100 at 26. Comment/Associations: From the upper portion of Zone C, probably after the abandonment of the stilt-house. Large error range renders the sample of limited use in precise temporal assignment of this zone. ANU-5077 Provenience: Area B (1985), W201N151, Level 9, Zone C1. SampleDescription: Finely dispersed charcoal flecks in calcareous sand matrix. Laboratory Treatment: Sample examined for rootlets; treated with hot 10% HCI, rinsed and dried. ConventionalAge: 2450 + 160; 613C = -24.0 0/0. (estimated). CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal BC 800 (752, 720, 708, 695, 586, 585, 538, 533, 521, 463,447) 390, cal BP 2749 (2701, 2669, 2657, 2644, 2535, 2534, 2487, 2482, 2470, 2412, 2396) 2339 at 16; cal BC 969 (752, 720, 708, 695, 586, 585, 538, 533, 521, 463, 447) 133, cal BP 2918 (2701, 2669, 2657, 2644, 2535, 2534, 2487, 2482, 2470, 2412, 2396) 2082 at 26. OXCAL CalibratedAge: Cal BC 770 (1.00) 400 at l6; cal BC 950 (1.00) 150 at 26. Comment/Associations: From the upper portion of Zone C, probably after the abandonment of the stilt-house. Large error range renders the sample of limited use in precise temporal assignment of this zone. ANU-5078 Provenience: Area B (1985), Combined sample from Units W199N150 and W200N150, Levels 18, Zones C2-3. SampleDescnption: Finely dispersed charcoal flecks in calcareous sand matrix. Laboratory Treatment: Sample examined for rootlets; treated with hot 10% HCI, rinsed and dried. ConventionalAge: 2600 + 160; 613C = -24.0 o/ 0 (estimated). CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal BC 967 (797) 437, cal BP 2916 (2746) 2386 at lcy; cal BC 1209 (797) 390; cal BP 3158 (2746) 2339 at 2a. OXCAL CalibratedAge: Cal BC 950 (1.00) 400 at 16; cal BC 1250 (1.00) 350 at 26. Comment/Assoctations: From the upper portion of Zone C, probably after the abandonment of the stilt-house. Large error range renders the sample of limited use in precise temporal assignment of this zone. ANU-5079 Provenience: Area B (1985); Combined sample from Unit W200N150, Levels 12 and 13, Zone C1. SampleDescription: Finely dispersed charcoal flecks in calcareous sand matrix. Laboratory Treatment: Sample examined for rootlets; treated with hot 10% HCl, rinsed and dried. ConventionalAge: 2840 + 115; 613C = -24.0 o/OO (estimated). CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal BC 1213 (1010) 836, cal BP 3162 (2959) 2785 at la; cal BC 1384 (1010) 800, cal BP 3333 (2959) 2749 at 2a. OXCAL CalibratedAge: Cal BC 1220 (1.00) 890 at la; 1400 (1.00) 800 at 26. Comment/Associations: From the upper portion of Zone C, probably after the abandonment of the stilt-house. Large error range renders the sample of limited use in precise temporal assignment of this zone. ANU-5081 Provenience: Area B (1985); Unit W200N151, Level 11, Zone C3. SampleDescription: Valve of Tridacnagigas marine shell. Laboratory Treatment: Surfaces cleaned with dental drill; shell crushed. No chemical treatment. ConventionalAge: 3010 + 80; 613C = 0.0 o/00 (estimated). CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal BC 898 (811) 771, cal BP 2847 (2760) 2720 at la; cal BC 1000 (811) 720, cal BP 2949 (2760) 2669 at 2a. OXCAL CalibratedAge: (AR = -320) Cal BC 920 (1.00) 760 at RT; 1040 (1.00) 650 at 2a. Comment/Assoctations: Shell midden directly associated with wooden posts in Zone C3; associated with dentate- stamped Lapita ceramics. 225 A RADIOCARBON CHRONOLOGY FOR THE MUSSAU ISLANDS ANU-5082 Provenience: Area B (1985); Unit W201N149, Level 12, Zone C3. SampleDescription: Valve of Hyotissa hyotis marine shell (erroneously identified as Pycnodonta sp. in Kirch and Hunt 1988b) Laboratory Treatment: Surfaces cleaned with a dental drill; sample crushed. No chemical treatment. ConventionalAge: 2950 + 80; 61C = 0.0 /o/ (estimated). CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal BC 826 (781) 739, cal BP 2775 (2730) 2688 at l6; cal BC 920 (781) 540, cal BP 2869 (2730) 2489 at 2a. OXCAL CalibratedAge: (AR = -320) Cal BC 890 (.671) 690, 680 (.011) 660 at li; 950 (.954) 510 at 2G. Comment/Associations: Shell midden directly associated with wooden posts in Zone C3; associated with dentate- stamped Lapita ceramics. ANU-5083 Provenience: Area B (1985); Unit W200N149, Level 3, Zone B1. SampleDescniption: Single valve of Hyotissa hyotis marine shell (erroneously identified as Pycnodonta sp. in Kirch and Hunt 1988b). Laboratory Treatment: Surfaces cleaned with a dental drill; sample crushed. No chemical treatment. ConventionalAge: 2810 + 80; 613C = 0.0 o/o (estimated). CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal BC 751 (596) 446, cal BP 2700 (2545) 2395 at lay; cal BC 790 (596) 380, cal BP 2739 (2545) 2329 at 2a. OXCAL CalibratedAge: (AR = -320) Cal BC 1040 (1.00) 830 at l6; cal BC 1160 (1.00) 790 at 26. Comment/Associations: From Zone B1, and associated with a predominance of incised and notched rim ceramics. ANU-5790 Provenience: Area B (1985); Unit W200N150; Post B1. SampleDescription: Artificially modified, anaerobically-preserved wooden post base; identified as Intsia bijuga by D. E. Yen. Wood partially degraded. Laboratory Treatment: Surface scraped clean. Wood chopped into small fragments. Sample washed with distilled water. Cellulose extracted for dating. ConventionalAge: 2950 + 80; 6'3C = -24.0 o/*0. CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal BC 1368 (1212, 1202, 1192, 1141,1132,1118,1115) 1021,calBP 3317 (3161, 3151, 3141, 3090, 3081, 3067, 3064) 2970 at 1a; cal BC 1427 (1212, 1202, 1192, 1141, 1132, 1118, 1115) 929, cal BP 3376 (3161, 3151, 3141, 3090, 3081, 3067, 3064) 2878 at 2a. OXCAL CalibratedAge: Cal BC 1310 (1.00) 1040 at li; 1410 (0.98) 980, 960 (0.02) 930 at 2a. Comment/Associations: One of three main corner posts for the stilt-house structure in Area B, associated with dentate- stamped ceramics. ANU-5791 Provenience: Area B (1985); Unit W199N151, Post B2. SampleDescraption: Artificially modified, anaerobically-preserved wooden post base; identified as Intsia bijuga by D. E. Yen. Wood partially degraded. Laboratory Treatment: Surface scraped clean. Wood chopped into small fragments. Sample washed with distilled water. Cellulose extracted for dating. ConventionalAge: 2930 + 80; 613C = -24.0 ?/o CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal BC 1308 (1210, 1204, 1190, 1177, 1153, 1144, 1130, 1121, 1112) 1012, cal BP 3257 (3159, 3153, 3139, 3126, 3102, 3093, 3079, 3070, 3061) 2961 at li; cal BC 1410 (1210,1204,1190,1177, 1153, 1144, 1130, 1121, 1112) 905, cal BP 3359 (3159, 3153, 3139, 3126, 3102, 3093, 3079, 3070, 3061) 2854 at 2a. 226 A RADIOCARBON CHRONOLOGY FOR THE MUSSAU ISLANDS OXCAL CalibratedAge: Cal BC 1270 (1.00) 1020 at 1l; 1390 (1.00) 920 at 2a. Comment/Associations: One of three main corner posts for the stilt-house structure in Area B, associated with dentate-stamped ceramics. BETA?-20452 Provenience: Area B; Unit W198N145, Post B30, Level 7, Zone C3G SampleDescription: Waterlogged wooden post base; dated portion weighing 136.5 g. Laboratory Treatment: Sample examined for rootlets, then given hot acid wash to eliminate carbonates. Rinsed repeatedly to neutrality, and given a hot alkali soaking to remove humic acids; process repeated. ConventionalAge: 3050 + 70; 613C -24.0 /o (estimated). CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal BC 1429 (1372, 1359, 1354, 1337, 1320) 1135, cal BP 3378 (3321, 3308, 3303, 3286, 3269) 3084 at 16; cal BC 1492 (1372, 1359, 1354, 1337, 1320) 1054, cal BP 3441 (1372, 1359, 1354, 1337, 1320) 3003 at 2a. OXCAL CalibratedAge: Cal BC 1420 (1.00) 1220 at li; cal BC 1510 (0.02) 1480, 1460 (0.98) 1090 at 2a. Comment/Associations: Small post or stake from Zone C3 of Area B. BETA -30673 Provenience: Area B (1988 extension); Unit W201N145, Level 6, Zone C1. SampleDescription: Complete single valve of Spondylus sp. marine shell; weight 224.1 g. Laboratory Treatment: Outer shell layers etched away with dilute acid. ConventionalAge: 3110 + 70; 613C = + 0.6 o/* CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal BC 1007 (915) 835, cal BP 2956 (2864) 2784 at 16; cal BC 11 10 (915) 790, cal BP 3059 (2864) 2739 at 26. OXCAL CalibratedAge: (AR = -320) Cal BC 1420 (1.00) 1250 at 16; 1500 (1.00 1150 at 26. Comment/Associations: Culturally-deposited shell (probably raw material for bead manufacture) from the upper portion of Zone C. ECA SITE, W250 TRANSECT BET?i-30676 Provenience: Unit W250N90,Level2 SampleDescription: Complete opercula of Turbo marmoratus marine shell weighing 155.8 g. Laboratory Treatment: Outer shell layers etched away with dilute acid. ConventionalAge: 3590 _ 110; 613C = + 1.9 o/ 0. CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal BC 1660 (1517) 1410, cal BP 3609 (3466) 3359 at 16; cal BC 1790 (1517) 1290, cal BP 3739 (3466) 3239 at 2a. OXCAL CalibratedAge: (AR = -320) Cal BC 2060 (1.00) 1750 at l6; cal BC 2250 (1.00) 1600 at 26. Comment/Associations: Date appears to be slightly too old. The sample comes from the paleobeach terrace. BETA -30677 Provenience: UnitW250N100,Level2 SampleDescription: Complete valve of Spondylus sp. marine shell, weighing 313.2 g. Laboratory Treatment: Outer shell layers etched away with dilute acid. ConventionalAge: 3170 _ 70; 613C = + 1.2 o/* CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal BC 1099 (997) 906, cal BP 3048 (2946) 2855 at l6; cal BC 1220 (997) 830, cal BP 3169 (2946) 2779 at 2a. OXCAL CalibratedAge: (AR = -320) Cal BC 1500 (1.00) 1320 at 16; cal BC 1590 (1.00) 1240 at 26. Comment/Associations: Sample comes from the elevated paleobeach terrace. 227 A RADIOCARBON CHRONOLOGY FOR THE MUSSAU ISLANDS BETA-30678 Provenience: Unit W250N1 10, Level 4 SampleDescription: Very large Chama sp. marine shell; artificially chipped around the ventral margins. Weighed 167.8 g. Laboratory Treatment: Outer shell layers etched away with dilute acid. ConventionalAge: 3190 _ 80; 813C = +2.1 o/00. CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal BC 1150 (1020) 915, cal BP 3099 (2969) 2864 at l6; cal 1260 (1020) 830, cal BP 3209 (2969) 2779 at 2a. OXCAL CalibratedAge: (AR = -320) Cal BC 1520 (1.00) 1330 at l6; cal BC 1630 (1.00) 1240 at 26. Comment/Associations: Sample comes from the foreshore slope of the paleobeach terrace. BETAi-30679 Provenience: Unit W250N1 10, Level 15. SampleDescription: Hinge portion of large Tridacna gigas marine shell, weighing 840.3 g. The shell had been artificially chipped, probably as a Tridacna adz preform, although no grinding was evident. The specimen was 16.6 cm long, 11.5 cm wide, and 1.6 cm thick. Laboratory Treatment: Outer shell layers etched away with dilute acid. ConventionalAge: 3080 + 70; 513C = + 2.3 o/00. CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal BC 976 (890) 811, cal BP 2925 (2839) 2760 at la; cal BC 1070 (890) 780, cal BP 3019 (2839) 2729 at 2a. OXCAL CalibratedAge: (AR = -320) Cal BC 1400 (1.00) 1220 at la; cal BC 1470 (1.00) 1110 at 26. Comment/Associations: Sample comes from the deepest level of Unit W250N1 10, from shell midden deposit directly associated with wooden stilt-house posts representing a structure that stood at the foot of the former beach slope. BETA-30680 Provenience: UnitW250N120,Level6 SampleDescription: Large Chama sp. marine shell, weighing 197.8 g. Laboratory Treatment: Outer shell layers etched away with dilute acid. ConventionalAge: 3320 + 80; 613C = +2.8 o/00. CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal BC 1323 (1228) 1099, cal BP 3272 (3177) 3048 at 16; cal BC 1410 (1228) 990, cal BP 3359 (3177) 2939 at 2a. OXCAL CalibratedAge: (AR = -320) Cal BC 1680 (1.00) 1480 at li; cal BC 1770 (1.00) 1390 at 26. Comment/Associations: Sample age appears slightly too old; possibly older shell incorporated into deposit.? BETA-30681 Provenzence Unit W250N120, Level 9 SampleDescription: Anaerobically-preserved base of wooden post, weighing 382.1 g. Laboratory Treatment: Sample examined for rootlets, then given hot acid wash to eliminate carbonates. Rinsed repeatedly to neutrality, and given a hot alkali soaking to remove humic acids; process repeated. ConventionalAge: 2860 + 60; 6'3C = -30.5 o/00. CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal BC 1209 (1049, 1039, 1016) 933, cal BP 3158 (2998, 2988, 2965) 2882 at l6; cal BC 1290 (1049, 1039, 1016) 838, cal BP 3239 (2998, 2988, 2965) 2787 at 2a. OXCAL CalibratedAge: Cal BC 1130 (1.00) 930 at l6; cal BC 1260 (1.00) 900 at 26r. Comment/Associations: Sample is from a structural post of a stilt-house which was constructed about 20 m N of the original shoreline. 228 A RADIOCARBON CHRONOLOGY FOR THE MUSSAU ISLANDS BETA -30682 Provenience: Unit W250N140, Level 6 SampleDescription: Fragments of anaerobically-preserved wooden post, weighing 147.1 g. Laboratory Treatment: Sample examined for rootlets, then given hot acid wash to eliminate carbonates. Rinsed repeatedly to neutrality, and given a hot alkali soaking to remove humic acids; process repeated. ConventionalAge: 2970 + 50; 613C = -28.1 o/00. CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal BC 1316 (1257, 1244, 1233, 1215, 1199, 1194, 1139, 1134) 1129, cal BP 3265 (3206, 3193, 3182, 3164, 3148, 3143, 3088, 3083) 3078 at 16; cal BC 1389 (1257, 1244, 1233, 1215, 1199, 1194, 1139, 1134) 1016, cal BP 3338 (3206, 3193, 3182, 3164, 3148, 3143, 3088, 3083) 2965 at 2a. OXCAL CalibratedAge: Cal BC 1310 (1.00) 1100 at l6; cal BC 1390 (1.00) 1040 at 26. Comment/Associations: Sample represents a structural beam, presumably from a stilt-house structure. BETA-30683 Provenience: Unit W250N150, Level 7 SampleDescription: Complete, large single valve of Hippopus hippopus marine shell, weighing 1195.2 g. Laboratory Treatment: Outer shell layers etched away with dilute acid. ConventionalAge: 3140 + 80; 613C = + 2.7 o/00. CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal BC 1066 (962) 861, cal BP 3015 (2911) 2810 at 16; cal BC 1200 (962) 800, cal BP 3149 (2911) 2749 at 2a. OXCAL CalibratedAge: (AR = -320) Cal BC 1470 (1.00) 1270 at l6; cal BC 1570 (1.00 1160 at 26. Comment/Associations: Associated with small quantities of pottery and a pearl shell peeling knife. BETA-30684 Proveunence: Unit W250N170, Level 3 SampleDescription: Base of anaerobically-preserved small wooden stake, weighing 95.6 g. Laboratory Treatment: Sample examined for rootlets, then given hot acid wash to eliminate carbonates. Rinsed repeatedly to neutrality, and given a hot alkali soaking to remove humic acids; process repeated. ConventionalAge: 3100 + 110; 613C = -28.6 o/0*. CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal BC 1490 (1409) 1222, cal BP 3439 (3358) 3171 at 16; cal BC 1680 (1409) 1051, cal BP 3629 (3358) 3000 at 26. OXCAL CalibratedAge: Cal BC 1520 (1.00) 1220 at l6; cal BC 1650 (1.00) 1000 at 26. Comment/Associations: Associated with small quantities of plain ware ceramics. ECA SITE, AREA C BET?-30674 Proventence: Area C (1988); Unit W249N188, Level 2. SampleDescription: Complete single valve of Hippopushippopus marine shell. Laboratory Treatment: Outer shell layers etched away with dilute acid. ConventionalAge: 3110 + 70; 613C = + 1.0 o/. CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal BC 1007 (915) 835, cal BP 2956 (2864) 2784 at l6; cal BC 1110 (915) 790, cal BP 3059 (2864) 2739 at 26. OXCAL CalibratedAge: (AR = -320) Cal BC 1420 (1.00) 1250 at l6; cal BC 1500 (1.00) 1150 at 26. Comment/Associations: Midden shell associated with the earlier of two occupation phases; date appears slightly too old based on associated wooden post (Beta-30686), although calibration with AR = 0 brings it into good concordance. 229 A RADIOCARBON CHRONOLOGY FOR THE MUSSAU ISLANDS BETAi-30675 Provenience: Area C (1988); Unit W249N188, Level 4. Sample Description: Most of the ventral margin of a large Tridacna derasa marine shell, with the hinge area artificially removed, weighing 356.2 g. Laboratory Treatment: Outer shell layers etched away with dilute acid. ConventionalAge: 3110 + 80; 613C = + 1.9 o/* CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal BC 1020 (915) 826, cal BP 2969 (2864) 2775 at l?; cal BC 1150 (915) 780, cal BP 3099 (2864) 2729 at 2a. OXCAL CalibratedAge: (AR = -320) Cal BC 1430 (1.00) 1240 at l?; cal BC 1520 (1.00) 1120 at 26. Comment/Associations: Midden shell or manufacture detritus associated with the earlier of two phases of stilt-house occupation in this area; associated with incised ceramics. Age appears to be slightly too old when calibrated with AR of -320, but agrees well with associated post (Beta-30686) if calibrated with AR = 0. B'ETA-30685 Provenience: Area C (1988); Unit W250N188, Level 2. SampleDescription: Complete valve of Hyotissa hyotis marine shell, in excellent condition. Laboratory Treatment: Outer shell layers etched away with dilute acid. ConventionalAge: 2770 + 70; 613C = + 1.8 o/. CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal BC 711 (518) 401, cal BP 2660 (2467) 2350 at la; cal BC 760 (518) 370, cal BP 2709 (2467) 2319 at 2G. OXCAL CalibratedAge: (AR = -320) Cal BC 970 (1.00) 810 at l6; cal BC 1080 (1.00) 770 at 2a. Comment/Assoczations: Midden shell associated with the later of two stilt-house occupation phases at Area C; associated with incised ceramics. Reasonably good concordance with associated post (sample Beta-30687). BETA-30686 Provenience: Area C (1988); Unit W250N188, Post C3. Sample Description: Anaerobically-preserved post base of Diospyros sp. wood in excellent condition: Weighed 301.0 g. Laboratory Treatment: Sample examined for rootlets, then given hot acid wash to eliminate carbonates. Rinsed repeatedly to neutrality, and given a hot alkali soaking to remove humic acids; process repeated. ConventionalAge: 2850 + 70; ?13C = -24.5 o/. CALIB Calibrated Age: Cal BC 1209 (1047, 1044, 1013) 924, cal BP 3158 (2996, 2993, 2962) 2873 at l6; cal BC 1292 (1047, 1044, 1013) 832, cal BP 3241 (2996, 2993, 2962) 2781 at 2a. OXCAL CalibratedAge: Cal BC 1130 (1.00) 910 at 1?; cal BC 1260 (1.00) 840 at 2?. Comment/Associations: Structural stilt-house post deriving from the earlier of two occupation phases at Area C. BETA -30687 Provenience: Area C (1988); Unit W250N191, Post C20. SampleDescription: Portion of anaerobically-preserved post of Intsia bijuga wood in excellent condition, weighing 661.0 g. Laboratory Treatment: Sample examined for rootlets, then given hot acid wash to eliminate carbonates. Rinsed repeatedly to neutrality, and given a hot alkali soaking to remove humic acids; process repeated. ConventionalAge: 2600 + 60; 613C = -27.3 o/* CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal BC 826 (797) 664, cal BP 2775 (2746) 2613 at l6; cal BC 894 (797) 453, cal BP 2843 (2746) 2402 at 2i. OXCAL CalibratedAge: Cal BC 850 (0.76) 760, 690 (0.09) 660, 630 (0.15) 560 at lc6; cal BC 910 (0.65) 750, 720 (0.35) 530 at 2a. Comment/Associations: Structural stilt-house post associated with the later of two occupation phases at Area C. 230 A RADIOCARBON CHRONOLOGY FOR THE MUSSAU ISLANDS ECBSITE ANU-5086 Provenience: 1985 transect Unit 1, Level 1. SampleDescription: Single valve of Hyotissa hyotis marine shell. Laboratory Treatment: Surfaces cleaned with dental drill; sample crushed. No chemical pretreatment. ConventionalAge: 3120 + 80; 613C = 0.0 o/ (estimated). CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal BC 1034 (926) 835, cal BP 2983 (2875) 2784 at 16y; cal BC 1170 (926) 790, cal BP 3119 (2875) 2739 at 2a. OXCAL CalibratedAge: (AR = -320) Cal BC 1440 (1.00) 1250 at l6; cal BC 1530 (1.00) 1130 at 26. Comment/Associations: From disturbed (gardened) Layer I context, but representing midden shell from the Lapita period occupation. ANU-5087 Provenience: 1985 transect Unit 1, Level 2. SampleDescnzption: Single valve of Hyotissa hyotis marine shell. Laboratory Treatment: Surfaces cleaned with dental drill; sample crushed. No chemical pretreatment. ConventionalAge: 3150 + 80; ?13C = 0.0 o/.o (estimated). CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal BC 1083 (976) 877, cal BP 3032 (2925) 2826 at l6; cal BC 1220 (976) 800, cal BP 3169 (2925) 2749 at 2a. OXCAL CalibratedAge: (AR = -320) Cal BC 1480 (1.00) 1290 at 16; cal BC 1580 (1.00) 1180 at 26. Comment/Associations: From the Layer II deposit, representing Lapita period midden shell. BETAi-20453 Provenience: 1986 transect Unit 9, Level 5 (71 cm bs). SampleDescription: Wood charcoal, weighing 95.9 g. Laboratory Treatment: Sample examined for rootlets, then given a hot acid wash to eliminate carbonates, and repeatedly rinsed to neutrality. At this stage the sample consisted of a powder, and was therefore not given the standard alkali treatment. ConventionalAge: 3200 + 70; 613C = -24.0 o/ (estimated). CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal BC 1597 (1492, 1478, 1463) 1414, cal BP (3546 (3441, 3427, 3412) 3363 at l6; cal BC 1685 (1492, 1478, 1463) 1321, cal BP 3634 (3441, 3427, 3412) 3270 at 2a. OXCAL CalibratedAge: Cal BC 1600 (0.12) 1560, 1530 (0.88) 1410 at la; cal BC 1680 (0.97) 1380, 1350 (0.03) 1310 at 26. Comment/Associations: Sample is from the intact cultural deposit, Layer m. There is a possibility for an in-built age factor if this was old wood. EHBSITE ANU-5088 Provenience: 1985 transect Unit 1, Level 9. (Note that ANU-5088 was incorrectly listed as coming from site ECB in Kirch [1987, table 1].) SampleDesc7iption: Single valve of Tridacnagigas marine shell. Laboratory Treatment: Surfaces cleaned with a dental drill; only well preserved portion dated. No chemical pretreatment. ConventionalAge: 3470 + 90; 613C = 0.0 o/o. (estimated). CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal BC 1495 (1401) 1299, cal BP 3444 (3350) 3248 at l6; cal BC 1600 (1401) 1190, cal BP 3549 (3350) 3139 at 2a. OXCAL CalibratedAge: (AR = -320) Cal BC 1880 (1.00) 1650 at la; cal BC 1990 (1.00) 1520 at 2G. Comment/Associations: Associated with fine dentate-stamped Lapita ceramics. 231 A RADIOCARBON CHRONOLOGY FOR THE MUSSAU ISLANDS ANU-5089 Provenience: 1985 transect Unit 2, Level 6. (Note that ANU-5089 was incorrectly listed as coming from site ECB in Kirch [1987, table 1].) SampleDescription: Single valve of Hyotissaehyotis marine shell. Laboratory Treatment: Surfaces cleaned with a dental drill; only well preserved portion dated. No chemical pretreatment. ConventionalAge: 3380 + 90; 613C = 0.0 o/.. (estimated). CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal BC 1401 (1299) 1190, cal BP 3350 (3248) 3139 at RT; cal BC 1490 (1299) 1030, cal BP 3439 (3248) 2979 at 2a. OXCAL CalibratedAge: (AR = -320) Cal BC 1750 (1.00) 1520 at la; cal BC 1880 (1.00) 1430 at 26. Comment/Associations: Associated with fine dentate-stamped Lapita ceramics. EKQSITE BETA -20454 Provenience: Unit 1, Level 11, Cultural Layer IV (1986). SampleDescription: Marine shell fragments (species not identified), totaling 99.28 g. Collected by hand during excavation by M. Weisler. Laboratory Treatment: Outer shell layers etched away with dilute acid. ConventionalAge: 3280 + 70; 613C = -0.49 o/* CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal BC 1263 (1167) 1049, cal BP 3212 (3116) 2998 at 1a; cal BC 1360 (1167) 960, cal BP 3309 (3116) 2909 at 2a. OXCAL CalibratedAge: (AR = 0) Cal BC 1250 (1.00) 1040 at 16; cal BC 1340 (1.00) 950 at 26. Comment/Associations: Associated with fine, thin-ware, incised ceramics. BETA -2 1789 Provenience: Unit 2, Level 17, Cultural LayerV (1986). SampleDescription: Marine shells (Strombus sp.; Turbo spp. operculae; Quidnipagus sp. plus miscellaneous fragments), totaling 85 g. Collected during excavation by M. Weisler. Laboratory Treatment: Outer shell layer etched away with dilute acid. ConventionalAge: 3030 + 80; ?13C = -0. 1 o/00. CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal BC 915 (826) 781, cal BP 2864 (2775) 2730 at la; cal BC 1020 (826) 740, cal BP 2969 (2775) 2689 at 26. OXCAL CalibratedAge: (AR = 0) Cal BC 920 (1.00) 770 at RT; cal BC 1060 (1.00) 690 at 2a. Comment/Associations: Associated with fine, thin-ware, incised ceramics. BETA -25036 Provenience: Unit 2, Level 3, Cultural Layer II (1986). SampleDescription: Turbosetosus marine shell, weighing 150 g. Laboratoriy Treatment: Sample pretreated by etching away the outer layers with dilute acid; sample then attacked with further acid to produce carbon dioxide, which was used as the carbon source for dating. ConventionalAge: 740 + 70; 513C = + 1.9 o/ CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal AD 1500 (1566) 1659, cal BP 450 (384) 291 at RT; cal AD 1460 (1566) 1690, cal BP 490 (384) 260 at 2a. OXCAL Calibrated Age: (AR = 0) Cal AD 1200 (.62) 1310, 1360 (.062) 1380 at RT; AD 1050 (.013) 1080, 1150 (.941) 1400 at 2a. Comment/Associations: Sample is from the upper, aceramic portion of the site. 232 A RADIOCARBON CHRONOLOGY FOR THE MUSSAU ISLANDS BETA -25670 Provenience: Unit 2, Level 9, Cultural Layer 11 (1986). SampleDescription: Two specimens of artificially fractured marine shell, totaling 112 g. The species represented are Turbo marmoratusand Triducnamaxima. Laboratory Treatment: Outer shell layers etched away with dilute acid. ConventionalAge: 3270 + 80; 513C = + 2.0 o/*0. CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal BC 1263 (1150) 1020, cal BP 3212 (3099) 2969 at la; cal BC 1370 (1150) 920, cal BP 3319 (3099) 2869 at 2a. OXCAL CalibratedAge: (AR = 0) Cal BC 1250 (1.00) 1020 at 16; cal BC 1350 (1.00) 920 at 2a. Comment/Assoctations: Associated with fine, thin-ware, incised ceramics. BETA-25671 Provenience: Unit 2, Level 13, Cultural Layer IV (1986). SampleDescrzption: Three entire shells and four apical fragments of Strombusluhuanus marine shell, totaling 103 g. The fractured specimens are evidently the result of cultural extraction of the meat. The specimens were in good condition, with some surface coloration still extant. Laboratory Treatment: Outer shell layers etched away with dilute acid. ConventionalAge: 3190 + 90; ?13C = + 3.4 o/00. CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal BC 1167 (1020) 906, cal BP 3116 (2969) 2855 at 16; cal BC 1290 (1020) 810, cal BP 3239 (2969) 2759 at 2a. OXCAL CalibratedAge: (AR = 0) Cal BC 1140 (1.00) 900 at lai; 1260 (1.00) 810 at 26. Comment/Associations: Associated with fine, thin-ware, incised ceramics. EKOSITE BETA -25669 Provenience: Unit 1, Level 4(1986). SampleDescription: Large piece of the body whorl of Turbo marmoratus marine shell, weighing 238 g. The shell had been artificially fractured, probably as a result of artifact manufacture. The exterior surface was slightly chalky, but the shell showed no signs of water-rolling. Laboratory Treatment: Outer shell layers etched away with dilute acid. ConventionalAge: 3200 + 70; 6'3C = +2.3 o/00. CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal BC 1150 (1034) 942, cal BP 3099 (2983) 2891 at l6; cal BC 1250 (1034) 860, cal BP 3199 (2983) 2809 at 2a. OXCAL CalibratedAge: (AR = 0) Cal BC 1130 (1.00) 930 at li; cal BC 1240 (1.00) 850 at 2a. Comment/Associations: The dated sample is associated with a small assemblage of largely plain ware ceramics of Lapita affinity, and with Turbo-shell fishhook manufacture detritus and workedAnadara shells. EKUSITE BETA -25930 Provenience: Units 2 and 5, Level 1 (1986). SampleDescription: Sample consisted of several fragments of medium mammal bone, totaling 91 g. The frag- ments were primarily split pieces of long bone shafts, almost certainly of pig (Sus scrofa), and represent food remains. Laboratory Treatment: On arrival in the laboratory, the sample was dry, tan in color, and in very weathered fragments. About 25% of the sample volume was adhering soil matrix. All components were first physically scrubbed clean and then subjected to varying acid solutions until collagen was extracted; this was synthesized and counted. Because the quantity of actual carbon remaining after pretreatment was only 0.7 g, triple normal counting time was carried out to reduce attendant statistical counting error. 233 A RADIOCARBON CHRONOLOGY FOR THE MUSSAU ISLANDS ConventionalAge: 740 + 70; 6'3C = -22.1 o/00. CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal AD 1222 (1277) 1284, cal BP 728 (673) 666 at l6; cal AD 1160 (1277) 1390, cal BP 790 (673) 560 at 2a. OXCAL CalibratedAge: Cal AD 1200 (0.91) 1300, 1360 (0.09) 1380 at l6; cal AD 1050 (0.01) 1080, 1120 (0.99) 1400 at 26. Comment/Associations: The dated sample is associated with Terebra-shell and Tridacna-shell adzes, and with small quantities of a dark red, pyroxene-tempered (non-Lapita) pottery. EKSSITE BETA -20455 Provenience: Unit 2, Level 5 (1986). SampleDescription: Wood charcoal weighing 41.8 g. Laboratory Treatment: Sample examined for rootlets, then given hot acid wash to eliminate carbonates. Repeatedly rinsed to neutrality, and subsequently given a hot alkali soaking to take out humic acids; process repeated. ConventionalAge: 350 + 60; 613C -24.0 o/00 (estimated). CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal AD 1445 (1494, 1502, 1506, 1605) 1640, cal BP 505 (456, 448, 444, 345) 310 at l6; cal AD 1430 (1494, 1502, 1506, 1605) 1660, cal BP 520 (456, 448, 444, 345) 290 at 2a. OXCAL CalibratedAge: Cal AD 1460 (0.44) 1530, 1550 (0.56) 1640 at la; cal AD 1440 (1.00) 1650 at 2a. Comment/Associations: Sample dates the base of the aceramic midden dumping mound. Associated with Trochus- shell armrings and Terebra-shell adzes. EHKSITE BETA -30688 Provenience: Unit E300N300, Level 1, Layer I (1988). SampleDescription: Nine valves of Anadara antiquata marine shell, with some artificial fracturing, totaling 166.9 g. Exterior shell surfaces were slightly chalky. Laboratory Treatment: Outer shell layers etched away with dilute acid. ConventionalAge: 1080 + 60; 613C = + 1.1 o/o CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal AD 1276 (1305) 1348, cal BP 674 (645) 602 at l6; cal AD 1230 (1305) 1410, cal BP 720 (645) 540 at 2a. OXCAL CalibratedAge: (AR = -320) Cal AD 940 (1.00) 1070 at l6; cal AD 890 (1.00) 1160 at 26. Comment/Associations: This sample dates Layer 1, the later of two occupation phases at EHK, associated with intense shell-midden dumping, Terebra-shell and Tridacna-shell adzes, and Trochus-shell armrings. BETA -30689 Provenience: Unit E300N300, Level 3, Layer 1 (1988). SampleDescription: Six valves of Anadara antiquata marine shell, totaling 127.9 g. Valve edges were artificially chipped, and the exterior surfaces were slightly chalky. Laboratory Treatment: Outer shell layers etched away with dilute acid. ConventionalAge: 1560 + 70; 613C = + 0.9 o/. CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal AD 772 (852) 929, cal BP 1178 (1098) 1021 at 16; cal AD 690 (852) 1010, cal BP 1260 (1098) 940 at 2a. OXCAL CalibratedAge: (AR = -320) Cal AD 460 (1.00) 620 at l6; cal AD 390 (1.00) 680 at 26. Comment/Associations: This sample dates Layer 11, the earlier of two occupation phases on the coastal terrace at EHK. The sample is associated with a Terebra-shell adz. 234 A RADIOCARBON CHRONOLOGY FOR THE MUSSAU ISLANDS EKESITE BETAi-30690 Provenience: Unit E200N175, Level 1, Layer IA (1988). SampleDescnption: Three valve fragments of Tridacna maxima marine shell, totaling 190.9 g. Exterior shell surfaces slightlychalky. Laboratory Treatment: Outer shell layers etched away with dilute acid. ConventionalAge: 910 + 70; 5'3C = +2.2 o/00. CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal AD 1402 (1441) 1479, cal BP 548 (509) 471 at la; cal AD 1320 (1441) 1530, cal BP 630 (509) 420 at 2a. OXCAL CalibratedAge: (AR = -320) Cal AD 1 1 10 (1.00) 1270 at l6; cal AD 1040 (1.00) 1300 at 2i. Comment/Associations: Sample dates the post-Lapita midden-dumping phase at EKE, and is associated with Terebra-shell adzes. BETA -30691 Provenience: Unit E200N175, Level 3, Layer IB (1988). SampleDescription: Single valve of Tridacna maxima marine shell, with chipping along the ventral margin; exterior surface slightly chalky. Weight 231.0 g. Laboratory Treatment: Outer shell layers etched away with dilute acid. ConventionalAge: 870 + 60; &13C = +2.1 o/* CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal AD 1431 (1462) 1500, cal BP 519 (488) 450 at la; cal AD 1400 (1462) 1550, cal BP 550 (488) 400 at 2a. OXCAL CalibratedAge: (AR = -320) Cal AD 1170 (1.00) 1290 at l6; cal AD 1080 (1.00) 1320 at 2G. Comment/Associations: From shell midden mound. BETTA-30692 Provenience: Unit E200N175, Level 6, Layer IC (1988). SampleDescription: Artificially flaked massive hinge portion of a Tridacna gigas marine shell, probably prepared as an adz preform. The hinge measured 10.8 cm long, 6.8 cm wide, and 2.4 cm thick, with a weight of 243.5 g. Laboratory Treatment: Outer shell layers etched away with dilute acid. ConventionalAge: 1140 + 60; 813C = +2.5 o/. CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal AD 1233 (1276) 1305, cal BP 717 (674) 645 at l6; cal AD 1170 (1276) 1350, cal BP 780 (674) 600 at 26y. OXCAL CalibratedAge: (AR = -320) Cal AD 900 (1.00) 1020 at li; cal AD 810 (1.00) 1060 at 26. Comment/Associations: From shell midden mound. BETTA-30693 Provenience: Unit E200N175, Level 9, Layer 1 (1988). SampleDescrnption: Fragment of Hippopushippopus marine shell valve. Laboratory Treatment: Outer shell layers etched away with dilute acid. ConventionalAge: 3420 + 70; 613C = +2.70/ 00 CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal BC 1416 (1362) 1263, cal BP 3365 (3311) 3212 at l6; cal BC 1490 (1362) 1170, cal BP 3439 (3311) 3119 at 26. OXCAL CalibratedAge: (AR = 0) Cal BC 1410 (1.00) 1240 at li; cal BC 1490 (1.00) 1140 at 2a. (AR = -320) Cal BC 1790 (1.00) 1600 at l6; cal BC 1880 (1.00) 1520 at 26. Comment/Associations: From lower stratigraphic component, associated with calcareous sand tempered Lapita plain ware ceramics. 235 A RADIOCARBON CHRONOLOGY FOR THE MUSSAU ISLANDS BETA -30694 Provenience: Unit E200N200, Level 5, Layer 1 (1988). SampleDescnzption: Fourvalves of Laevicardium sp. marine shell, weighing 71.1 g. Exterior shell surfaces slightly aLky. Laboratory Treatment: Outer shell layers etched away with dilute acid. ConventionalAge: 540 + 70; &`C = +2.70/00. CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal AD 1689 (1812) 1910, cal BP 261 (138) 40 at l6; cal AD 1650 (1812) 1950, cal BP 300 (138) 0 at 2a. OXCAL Calibrated Age: (AR = -320) Cal AD 1420 (1.00) 1530 at l6; cal AD 1370 (1.00) 1640 at 26. Comment/Associations: Associated with Tridacna shell and Terebra shell adzes, and with dark red, non-calcareous tempered ceramics. EKL SITE BETA -30695 Provenience: Unit 1, Level4 (1988). SampleDescrzption: Single valve of Spondylus sp. marine shell, weighing 46.6 g. Laboratory Treatment: Outer shell layers etched away with dilute acid. ConventionalAge: 330 + 60; 613C = + 1.5 o/* CALIB CalibratedAge: Cal AD 1955': (1955:-') 0:, cal BP 0'- (?-) 1950 at la; cal AD 1955:- (1955:-) 1955':, cal BP 0Q- (0",c-) 0 at 2c. OXCAL CalibratedAge: (AR = 0, -320) Cal AD 1880 (1.00) 1945 at 16; cal AD 1833 (1.00) ... at 26. Comment/Associations: Sample dates a late (post-contact) midden deposit containing a fragment of European bottle glass. NOTE ADDED IN PROOF When the 1985 radiocarbon results were originally trans- mitted to us by the ANU Radiocarbon Dating Labora- tory, all shell samples were reported as having 613C val- ues of 0.0, as listed in the Appendix. While this volume was in final proof, however, Prof. Matthew Spriggs of the ANU informed me that actual 613C values had been run for these samples, and he was able to obtain the original data from the Radiocarbon Dating Laboratory. Calculation of the conventional radiocarbon ages for these samples in some cases will be slightly affected by using these 613C values, although the difference is not great. Although it has not been possible to modify Chap- ter 10 or Appendix 10.1, the actual 613C values for these samples are reported here for the record: Sample ANU-5082, 5'3C = 1.7 + 0.2 o/ 0. Sample ANU-5083, ?13C = 1.9 + 0.2 o/ 0. Sample ANU-5084, 613C = 2.3 + 0.2 o/ 0. Sample ANU-5085, 613C = 2.0 + 0.2 o/ 0. Sample ANU-5086, 613C = 1.6 + 0.2 0/ 0. Sample ANU-5087, 613C = 1.4 + 0.2 o/ 0. Sample ANU-5088, &13C = 2.4 + 0.2 o/ 0. Sample ANU-5089, 513C = 2.4 + 0.2 o/ . 236