CHAPTER 4 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES: EXCAVATIONS AT TALEPAKEMALAI (ECA), ETAKOSARAI (ECB), AND ETAPAKENGAROASA (EHB), ELOAUA AND EMANANUS ISLANDS PATRICK V. KIRCH From - 1500 sc until sometime in the ; early-first millennium Bc, three villages stood on the shores of Eloaua and ?1 i { 1 Emananus islands, each visible to the k\ others. One, to which we have given /X, A i the contemporary Mussau place-name of Talepakemalai (and the formal PNG site designation ECA), at times covered as much as 82 ha or more and was made up of numerous stilt or pole-houses built out over a shallow reef flat. The other two, which we call Etakosarai (ECB) and Etapakengaroasa (EHB), were much smaller-mere hamlets really. These three settlements are among the earliest and the most westerly of any Lapita sites known in Near Oceania, and thus are of critical importance in our emerging knowledge of the Lapita cultural com- plex and its significance for Oceanic prehistory. This chapter presents the detailed results of exca- vations conducted at these sites from 1985 to 1988. My emphasis here is on aspects of stratigraphy, depositional sequence, spatial and stratigraphic distributions of ma- terial culture, and chronology. Analyses of faunal and floral remains recovered from these sites are reported on in Volume II of this monograph series, while the ceramics and portable artifacts-as well as an interpre- tive overview of the sites-will be the subject of Vol- ume III. THE TALEPAKEMALAI SITE (ECA) Talepakemalai has a distinctive history in the annals of Lapita archaeology. When the LHP was conceived in 1983-84, ECA was the earliest and the most westerly Lapita site known, making it of obvious importance to the Project's objectives. The discovery-early during the 1985 field season-of extensive waterlogged deposits with preserved stilt-structure posts was the first indica- tion that Lapita settlements had included pole dwellings situated over reef flats, raising new issues of survey design and sampling. The 1985 excavations yielded an unprecedented array of ceramics and non-ceramic ob- jects, and the 1986 season added numerous well-pre- served macrobotanical remains indicative of extensive arboriculture (Kirch 1989). Talepakemalai, with an area in excess of 82,000 m2, remains the largest Lapita site on record (Kirch 1997:167), and its various deposits THREE LAPITA VILLAGES span a time range from the mid-second millennium until the early-first millennium BC. Over this time span Lapita pottery changed radically, so that the early assemblages, rich in finely executed dentate-stamped vessels, might hardly be seen as a part of the same tradition as the later pottery, characterized by large, globular jars with incised decorations and notched rims. Yet the ceramic progression is particularly well documented at Talepakemalai, making this site a key to the interpreta- tion of the Lapita ceramic sequence in the Bismarck Archipelago. THE SETTING Talepakemalai occupies the larger part of a coastal ter- race of unconsolidated calcareous sands forming an isthmus between the N and S upraised limestone blocks of Eloaua Island (Fig. 4.1). This sandy terrain lies - 1- 2.36 m asl, with the higher ground situated away from the present shoreline and closer to the edge of the S upraised limestone block. The history of the site's dis- covery is described below, and resulted from the con- struction of a small-plane landing strip across the wid- est part of this coastal terrace (see also Chapter 1). An aerial view of this part of Eloaua Island is shown in Figure 4.2. The geomorphology of the unconsolidated sand flats within which Talepakemalai is situated offers sig- nificant clues to the depositional history and formation of the site. Fortunately, the airstrip running across this part of Eloaua Island provided an ideal transect from lagoon shore to seaward shore, as shown in Figure 4.1. Walking this transect in 1985, I recognized that a series of alternating depressions and ridges along both shore- lines were probable indicators of former beaches, evi- dence for coastal progradation. lt also became appar- ent that the central part of this transect, on which the aircraft landing strip itself had been situated, was some- what higher than the modern beach terraces.1 In order to obtain precise elevation data on these topographic features, I surveyed several elevation transects across the coastal plain using a Leitz telescopic level and stadia rod; selected transect profiles are shown in Figure 4.3. As can be seen in the diagram, the modern beach ridges on the seaward and lagoon shores stand at - 1 m asl.2 Inland of the modern beach terrace, however, one rises up onto a slightly higher terrace, which stands between 1.8-2.35 m asl. I realized early on during the 1985 season that this somewhat higher terrace most likely represented a paleobeach ridge that had formed in relation to a some- what higher sea level than at present. My reasoning was based on the assumption that unless there had been a major change in local reef topography and/or coastal wave energy regimes, the - 1 m differential between high water and beach ridge should have pertained in the past as well as at the present. Thus the - 2 m asl terrace was likely to have formed at a time when the local sea level was - + 1 m higher than at present. This hypothesis fit well with what we knew about a + 1-1.5 m higher sea level in the mid-Holocene, as described in Chapter 1. Moreover, as we began to plot the distribution of surface pottery sherds over the cleared transect of the airstrip, we discovered that these archaeological remains were found almost exclusively on the higher, paleobeach ridge and terrace. This slightly higher, central part of the Talepakemalai Site, through which the airplane landing strip was cut and which corresponds to the area of surface pottery and shell midden distribution, is covered with a degraded, second-growth vegetation dominated by Pandanus tectonius, Moinda citnfolia, andMacaranga sp., along with low shrubs, ferns, and grasses. This degraded scrub con- trasts markedly with the dense climax forest bordering the site on the N and covering part of the waterlogged zone (e.g., the N end of the W250 transect). World War II aerial photos of Eloaua show the distinctly degraded Pandanus scrub occupying the same area as today.3 This second-growth vegetation pattern is the result of short- fallow cultivation by the Eloaua villagers, who regularly cut and burn root-crop gardens here (particularly of Dioscorea yam and sweet potato, with some taro). They regard the dark loamy soil found in this area as espe- cially fertile, prized for gardening.4 In fact, the dark loam is an anthropogenic soil, consisting of an extensively reworked Lapita midden deposit, heavily enriched with finely dispersed charcoal, bone, shell, and other organic matter (see Chapter 2). How long the ECA Site has been gardened in this manner cannot be determined, although thorough chumning of the cultural deposit over the higher portions of the site, and the small, fragmented and worn potsherds suggest that such gardening on the site has a long antiquity. Utilization of anthropogenic midden soils for root-crop cultivation is not unique to Eloaua, and is a regular occurrence throughout the SW Pacific.5 The ECA situation is paralleled, for example, 69 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES 8 C, u) 0 (0 E D3 ?) 0(0U (n 0 ?"-Z 1' 0 * 5<- -n 4L). ~)t 0 c: 00 c c c 0.0 <00- 7rc 70 U) 3 c -O m r- c: (U m -rA E w Z, "qnq THREE LAPITA VILLAGES FIGURE 4.2 Aerial view of part of Eloaua Island, showing the small plane runway which cuts across the ECA Site, and was responsible for its initial discovery in 1973. by the Lapita occupation zone on Niuatoputapu Island in Tonga (Kirch 1988a:38-41) where an identical an- thropogenic midden soil is regarded by the island's in- habitants as the best edaphic environment for the culti- vation of Dioscorea esculenta yams. Being prime agricultural land, the ECA Site area is subdivided into a number of discrete, named land sec- tions, held by different clans. Five land section names were given to me by Ave Male: Talevungateo (7ok Pisin translation, 'placeem i gatwada'), Etanamakapa ('olgeta kaikaipinis'), Talepongakosa (?liklik hill longgraun'), Taleliubua (no translation obtained), and Talepakemalai (?olestapundadispeladiwainam belong em mala?; the malai tree is the vi-apple, Spondias dulcis). The Talepakemalai tract, belonging to Male's clan, includes that part of the ECA Site where we focused our excavations (Areas A, B, and C). We have therefore appropriated this garden toponym as the name for the site, although strictly speak- ing it applies only to the N-central portion of the entire ECA Site area. SITE DISCOVERYAND PRIOR EXCAVATIONS As is sometimes the case in archaeology, the discovery of Talepakemalai resulted from a succession of seren- dipitous incidents. In 1973, the S.D.A. mission com- menced clearing of a small aircraft-landing strip on Eloaua Island to allow-for the first time-access to Mussau by air, in this case by the mission's single-engine plane. A small gas-powered tractor equipped with a rear-mounted grader blade was shipped to the island to assist the islanders in leveling the ground for the air- strip. After clearing the scrub brush along a 3040 m wide strip across the island, and following minor grad- ing and leveling with the tractor, the airfield surface was paved with a layer of crushed coral limestone obtained 71 8 w D2 Z0 8 8 8 w w w u E 0 O W) O E S / L O 7DO 0 z cr X /)L u) f) o c oofc U0 Mt g . C > ~~~~~~~~Mid-Holocene calcareous sands'"\i: \ r La~te Holocen HoloceoSs Q) J ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- 4 o 3: Co~~~~C I 5 ~~~~~~~~~~r z C~~~~~~~~o 4-' ' ) .'i -~~~~~~~~~C - 4-,8 c uo bo?)~ ~ ~~o I;~~~~~~ -o - a , 0= | :: : 0 0 8 D 0 0 C W i- -, -,z CO _ I , .L. -. - . .. :, -. -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~( E ' t ' t 41 ' X E X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 11~~~~~~~~~~-L THREE LAPITA VILLAGES 10cm _ Pottery 0 Root < Shell reworked, sandy loam garden soil, penetrated by rootlets and incorporating recent charcoal chunks and flecks. This deposit contains pot- sherds, heavily weathered and eroded, along with shell midden, obsidian, and other cultural materials. The contact with Layer II is grada- 11 0 t -n 311 0. 0 III Iv FIGURE 4.12 Stratigraphic section of the E face of Unit W200N1 20. tional over - 3 cm. LAYER II: Color: Dark grayish brown (lOYR 4/2) to grayish brown (lOYR 5/2) to light grayish brown (lOYR 6/2) at the base. The sandy loam textured sediment, with some gravel-sized coral inclusions is low in cultural materials. The de- 88 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES posit is fairly loose, and lacks the concretions present in units further to the south along the W200 transect. Land crab burrows were evi- dent throughout this layer. The contact with Layer HI is irregular but fairly distinct. LAYER HI: Color: White (lQYR 8/1). Coarse-grained calcareous sand and reef detritus, compact but with no concretions. Some sherds are present, but the density of cultural materials is fairly low. The water table fluctuates over the basal con- tact of Layer III and IV. LAYFR IV: Color: White (1OYR 8/1). Lithologically, this deposit is identical to Layer Im, but Layer IV contains a dense concentration of large shell midden (Trdacna, Chama, Lambis, Spondylus, and other genera), coral cobbles, branch coral fin- gers, and reef-detritus gravel. Pottery sherds are most heavily concentrated in a - 15-cm zone at the top of this layer, although cultural materials extend down to the base of excavation. (This deposit correlates to Analytic Zone C of the Area B excavation.) To the N of the Area B excavation, the stratigraphy e simplified, consisting of the upper garden zone llowed by a thick, structureless deposit of medium- oarse grained calcareous sand, which eventually be- e water-logged at - 1.45 cm below the Area B da- * The density of cultural materials in the units ex- nding from W200N160 to W200N200 decreased y, with the latter unit being largely sterile. The stratigraphy of the Area B excavation itself as in most respects similar to that just described for nit W200N140. Stratigraphic sections of the main 985-86 Area B block are shown in Figure 4.13. The llowing stratigraphic description was recorded for the profile of Units W200N144-145 (Area B Expan- n)in 1988: LAYER I: Color: Dark gray (5YR 4/1). Sandy loam, reworked garden soil, penetrated by roots and containing dispersed charcoal. Sherds are heavily worn and eroded, and shell midden is chalky. The basal contact with Layer II is gradational. LAYFR H. Color: Reddish gray (5YR 5/2). Medium- grained calcareous sand, with numerous land crab burrows, containing a low density of cul- tural materials. The contact with Layer III is highly irregular although relatively sharp and abrupt (< 1 cm transition). LAYERIIIA: Color: White (5YR 8/1). Massive, struc- tureless deposit of coarse-grained calcareous sand. Some fine, dispersed charcoal flecking is present. The Ghyben-Herzberg aquifer fluctu- ates vertically through this layer depending upon tidal range, so that the extent of water-logging is variable. However, land crab burrows do not extend into this deposit. It is in this layer that the rotted tops of wooden post bases first became evident during excavation. Much cul- tural material is present, and large sherds ex- hibiting incised decorations lay horizontally near the top of this layer in the 1988 excavation. The boundary with Layer IV is gradational and not very clear. LAYER IB: Color: White (5YR 8/1). Lithologically, this layer consists of the same coarse-grained sandy calcareous sediment as in Layer IHA, but it is differentiated by the markedly heavier con- centration of shell midden along with gravel- sized coral reef detritus. LAYER mHC: Color: White (5YR 8/1). Coarse-grained calcareous sand, with a lower density of shell- fish midden than in Layer IB, but an increased frequency of Acropora branch coral fingers. Sig- nificant quantities of anaerobically preserved plant remains also appear in this deposit for the first time. The frequency of pottery and other artifacts is very low, however, and ap- pears to cease completely at the base of the layer. Several observations regarding the Area B strati- graphic section are critical to an understanding of the depositional and post-depositional history in this part of the site: (1) Layers HA to IHC are essentially identi- cal lithologically, and represent changes in the nature of cultural deposition into the same geomorphological context. Deposition of these sediments occurred sub- tidally, as indicated by the presence of large numbers of complete shells of marine bivalves such as Quidnipagus sp. and Veneridae spp. which live in continually sub- tidal, sandy environments. (2) Given that cultural mate- rials tend to lie horizontally within Layers hA to IHC, and that many matching sherds forming large segments of vessels were found together in undisturbed contexts (Fig. 4.14), the deposition of cultural materials must have 89 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES W199 N147 W200 N1 47 0 50cm FIGURE 4.13 Representative stratigraphic sections for Area B at Site ECA: (A) S face of units W1 99- 200N1 47; (B) E face of units W1 98N1 48-149. A 11 111 BII Be II III 90 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES ?. g'J'?' iv W :'''>', d+4, '," , ?8R W- h f *, ' - >; s s t e.n: ". z W*F''' aN X ' ,: k'ht4t,s.'. | f "'') ' ,, FIGURE 4.14 A cluster of sherds in situ in Zone C of Area B; several of these sherds came from a pedestalled bowl decorated with fine-stamped dentate designs. occurred in a sub-tidal situation that was not subsequently disturbed by human activities, or subject to high-energy natural geomorphic processes. Presumably, this is be- cause the occupation at the site occurred on pole or stilt-house platforms, with deposition of pottery, midden, and other materials resulting from purposive and/or accidental dumping of materials off of these house platforms. (3) The Layer II deposit, and to some extent the upper portion of Layer IIIA (the zone of tidal fluctuation of the Ghyben-Herzberg lens), have been heavily disturbed by land crabs (Cardisoma sp.) which burrow down to the water table, but do not penetrate the water-logged sands. Over many years, these crabs have depleted Layer II of most of the larger- sized cultural materials, depositing them in their bur- row ?tips" on the ground surface. Pottery, shell midden, obsidian, and other materials so removed by the crabs became reworked into the upper Layer I garden soil through the repeated gardening that took place over this part of the site. Layer I thus represents a palimpsest that incorporates cultural materials removed by post- depositional activity from varying depths and time pe- riods. In sum, the water-logged Layers IIIA to IIIC de- posits which were sub-tidally deposited have always remained undisturbed, thanks to their continual aque- 91 i m THREE LAPITA VILLAGES ous immersion, preventing later disturbance by land crab burrowing. On the other hand, the upper deposits of Layers II and I have been significantly disturbed by post- depositional processes, resulting in the depletion of cul- tural materials from Layer II (and some internal mixing due to burrow collapse), and the addition and rework- ing of cultural materials into Layer I. Referring to the summary W200 transect diagram (Fig. 4.11), we can now describe the geomorphological context of the Area B stilt-house occupation. At the time the stilt structures were occupied, they covered a zone - 30 m wide, situated - 20 m offshore (N) of the extant shoreline (this shoreline lay between Units W200N110 and W200N100). Dumping of this shell midden, pottery, and other debris off of the stilt plat- forms onto the sub-tidal reef flat resulted in the accu- mulation of a thick and highly concentrated cultural deposit, which gradually became buried under calcare- ous sands as the shoreline prograded northwards. At the time of occupation, however, the shallow water reef flat between the stilt sturctures and the shoreline accumulated a deposit of fine-grained sands and silts (the ?muck zone") trapping large quantities of organic materials, particularly wood, coconut shells, and other plant materials (Fig. 4.15). The very fine texture of the sediments indicates a low-energy depositional environ- ment, probably because the pole structures themselves broke the force of wave action before the beach. This pattern of a zone of stilt structures lying offshore, with a ?muck zone" in the between the beach and houses, was also replicated along the W250 transect. Area B Anartic Zones The cultural context of the Area B excavations is best analyzed in a set of analyticzones (see Chapter 3) repre- senting litho-stratigraphic units. The concordance be- tween excavation levels (see Chapter 3) and these analyti- cal zones is shown in Figure 4.16 for Area B, and in Figure 4.17 for the 1988 Area B Expansion. Zone A corresponds with Layer 1 as described above for the Area B Expansion, and is the reworked garden soil de- posit. Zone B, which is divided into B1 and B2 (upper and lower respectively), corresponds with the crab bur- row-disturbed sandy deposits underlying the garden soil and extending into the zone of tidal fluctuation of the Ghyben-Herzberg aquifer. Zone C, with three subdivi- sions (C1, upper to C3, basal), corresponds to the per- manently waterlogged deposits (below - 1.45 cm bd, FIGURE 4.15 Close up view of anaerobically preserved plant remains in the face of Unit W200N1 20, within the 'muck zone' sediments. Visible here are parts of a coconut shell (Cocos nucifera), as well as the endocarp of a seed of Pangium edule. corresponding to 0.45 m asl) containing the highest den- sity of cultural materials (Layers IIIA to IIIC). These analytic zones are used throughout this chapter, as well as in Volumes II and HI, to present the vertical distribu- tion of materials excavated at Area B. Architecture and Features The 24 m2 excavation block at Area B exposed 33 pre- served wooden posts or stakes, while the 4 m2 Area B extension excavated in 1988 exposed an additional six posts and stakes. A horizontal timber was also exposed in units W198-199/N149. The details of these wooden objects are reported in Table 4.2, while plans of the features are shown in Figures 4.18 and 4.19. A perspec- tive rendering of the completed Area B excavation with standing posts exposed is shown in Figure 4.20. Varn- ous views of the Area B and Area B expansion excava- tions, showing the wooden posts, are provided in Fig- ures 4.21 to 4.24. Metrically, these upright wooden objects can be di- vided into two size classes: (1) posts, with diameters be- tween - 10-20 cm; and (2) stakes, with diameters be- tween 3-10 cm. In Area B, the posts are aligned in two rows running roughly N-S and E-W, which meet in a 92 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES 1986-88 Datum depths (m) I I L-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L N t U)C. L N _ t U)~~~~~~~~~1 CN t U- _Y _ _ CY~ ~ U) r, q Co g~~~~C (1C, cq t E~~~~c or E~~~~~~~~l CQ N Ci] LQ E~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ c4 Iq cq 198 Datm ephsm ZONE W1 95N1 51 W1 95N1 50 W196N151 W196N150 W197N151 W197N150 W198N151 W1 98N1 50 W198N149 W1 98N1 48 W1 98N1 47 W199N151 W1 99N1 50 W199N149 W1 99N1 48 W199N147 W200N1 51 W200N1 50 W200N 1 49 W200N1 48 W200N1 47 W201 N151 W201N150 W201N149 E (U -n 0 7o > 0 X m ._ 0 O C > C0 > . CG) 0 ,> o Co ) 0c0 CoC ._ _ bO di> J -.- O u) C X CoC >xC0 u C (0 D CO 93 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES Area B Extension W200 W200 W201 N144 N145 N144 W201 Analytical N145 zones A B1 B2 1 6 5 L r nJ9 6 6 C1 C2 1 9 C3 Disturbed garden soil Large incised sherds Iying honzontally; finely dispersed charcoal Low density Dense midden concentration; dentate sherds Decreased midden density; eroded sherds, branch coral FIGURE 4.17 Concordance diagram showing the correlation of excavation units, levels, and analytic zones in the 1988 Area B extension excavation. This diagram may be used to determine the proper zone assignment of any excavated object, given its unit and level provenience. corner at the conjunction of excavation units W200- 199/N150-15 1, marked by a cluster of three large posts (see Fig. 4.20). Six small stakes lie immediately W of the corner, and may have supported some kind of adja- cent, ancillary construction (a walkway, racks, or similar structures are likely possibilities). The two principal post alignments may represent main supports for a substan- tial structure; given that the N-S alignment continues into the 1988 expansion, the sides of this stilt-house structure were mmnimally > 8 m long. Posts 1 and 2 from the main corner, and a smaller stake (No. 30 in Table 4.2) were submitted for radio- carbon dating; Figure 4.25 shows Post 1 with the samples removed for dating. The dates all overlap at lcs, and suggest that the stilt-house structure and associated fea- tures at Area B were constructed between - 1390-1090 cal BC (see Chapter 10). Posts 1 and 2 were also exam- ined by Prof. D. E. Yen (Australian National University) prior to dating, who identified the wood as Intsia bijuga. Other posts appeared to us, and to our informants during excavation, as probably being Cordia subcordata. Gerhard Peekel, a German priest and naturalist who wrote an important flora of the Bismarck Archipelago, observed that Intsia bijuga is a common foreshore tree, whose "wood is extremely hard and is called ?ironwood'. It is excellent for furniture- and building-timber, . . . resistant to termites" (1984:214-16). Of Cordia subcordata, Peekel writes that it is a "widespread, abundant beach tree... The brown, black-veined heartwood is very strong" (1984:471). 0.5 - 0.7 - E 1.0- F 3 _ 00 0- 00 -Q +-? 1.5 0: 0 2) 2.0-_ Area B (1986) W198 N1 47 A B1 B2 c1 C2 C3 Z 1 94 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES Because permanent preservation of all of these posts posed a significant conservation problem, we felt it preferable to leave these architectural features in situ where they could be re-exposed if an expanded areal excavation is undertaken at Area B; most posts and stakes were therefore not removed. However, Posts 1 and 2 were removed at the close of the 1985 excava- tion and sent to the Prehistory Department at the Aus- tralian National University, where they were conserved by W. Ambrose. These posts both revealed sharpened, pointed bases with adz marks, as seen in Figure 4.25. Because the Zone C deposits were deposited sub- tidally onto the sandy reef flat, there are no features in the usual sense of hearths, ovens, or pits. However, as deposition was within a low energy marine environ- ment without significant disturbance, there are a num- ber of clusters of sherds and other materials as shown in Figure 4.18. For example, in Unit W201/N149 we exposed an in situ, undisturbed arrangement of sherds representing about two-thirds of a large, beautifully decorated flat-bottomed dish (Fig. 4.14). This vessel had evidently been tossed off the stilt-house platf?rm, pre- sumably after breaking, where it had landed upside down on the sandy lagoon floor. Although the impact of land- ing on the sandy flat fractured the vessel into more than one dozen sherds, these were not subsequently dislodged. Similarly, much of a large plainware jar was found in a similar condition in Unit W201/N150, and half of an exquisite vessel or cylinder stand with anthropomor- phic design was exposed in Unit W198-199/N148 (Fig. 4.26). Another feature of interest was a dense concen- tration of large mollusk shells packed closely around the bases of wooden posts 20, 21, and 29. Spatial Patterns in Area B As described above, Area B exposed what appears to be two sides of a rectangular structure, originally sup- ported on wooden stilts or posts, and situated over a shallow reef flat. In order to determine whether the distribution of cultural materials in Zone C of Area B might reflect patterns associated with this structure (such as differential density of materials to one side of the post alignments), we plotted the distribution of a vari- ety of classes of materials (both artifacts and faunal remains) by grid unit.29 Figure 4.27 is a perspective den- sity plot of the Area B excavation (oriented in the same manner as the perspective drawing of posts shown in Figure 4.20), showing the distribution of plain body sherds, while Figure 4.28 depicts the distribution of decorated body sherds. In Zone C3, there is a high con- centration of plain sherds in the vicinity of the putative corner of the stilt house, while the decorated sherds display a fairly uniform distribution. In Zone C2, a rather different pattern emerges, with both plain and deco- rated sherds displaying higher concentrations in the S portion of the main excavation, and extended beyond in the 1988 Area B extension. Finally, in Zone C1, which has the highest overall concentration of ceramics, there are fairly dense "pockets" both in the S and E portions of the main excavation, while the 1988 Area B exten- sion displays a relatively low density. The distribution of lithic flakes (primarily obsidian, but also including some chert flakes) is shown in Figure 4.29. In Zone C3, two units to what was presumably the exterior of the stilt-house structure (on the N and W) display slightly elevated densities, while in Zone C2 there is a similar high-density unit on the W side of the N-S post alignment. Zone C1 shows the highest overall density of lithics (thus correlating with the vertical dis- tribution of ceramics), with the highest concentrations again to the N and W of what we interpret as the stilt- house alignment. This is a pattern which might be an- ticipated if knapping was taking place on the elevated stilt house platform, with debris falling or being tossed off the edges of the platform. Cultural Content of Area B Area B yielded a large assemblage of ceramics and non- ceramic portable artifacts, as well as faunal materials (Table 4.3). By far the greatest density of materials oc- curs in Zone C, the undisturbed waterlogged deposit. Ceramics, obsidian flakes, and vertebrate fauna increase steadily in quantity from Zone C3to Zone C1, whereas shell midden is fairly uniformly distributed. The Zone C3-1 deposit is directly associated with the wooden stilt- house architecture. Zone B, above the Ghyben-Herzberg lens, has a considerably lower density of all classes of cultural material. Zone A also has a low density, and the materials contained in this reworked garden soll appear to have been deposited largely through the burrowing actions of land crabs which have removed materials from lower depths (especially Zone B). Zone A should therefore be entirely discounted as a primary occupa- tion unit in any analysis of the Area B materials. 95 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES TABLE 4.2 Data on wooden posts in Site ECA excavations. AREA/UNIT POST DEPTH MAX. MIN. LENGTH IDENTIFICATION COMMENTS NO. (B.D.) DIAM. DIAM. AREA B W200N150 B1 W199N151 B2 W199N150 B3 W199N150 B4 W200N1 51 B5 W200N1 51 B6 W198N151 B7 - - - - Intsia biuga - 18 12 - Intsia biuga - 17 - - Intsiab#iuga ? 10 3 4 13 W200N149 B8 W199N149 B9 W199N151 B10 W198N151 B11 W198N149 B12 B13 W201N151 B14 W201N151 B15 W201N151 B16 W195N150 B17 W196N151 B18 W196N151 B19 W197N150 B20 W197N150 B21 W200N147 B22 W197N151 B23 W200N148 B24 W200N148 B25 W195N150 B26 W199N147 B27 W198N147 B28 W196N150 B29 W198N148 B30 W200N147 B31 W200N147 B32 W1 97N1 51 B33 12 20 13 1.59 1.61 1.63 1.27 1.36 1.30 1.68 1.64 1.66 1.68 1.60 1.64 6 1 1 12 7 8 15 7 10 14 9 2 3 10 15 10 5 10 4 1 1 5 17 12 Main corner post; 14C dated (ANU-5790) Main corner post; base faceted and sharpened; adz marks visible; inclined on 450 angle towards N; 14C dated (ANU- 5791) Main corner post; squared off in cross section, with adz facets clearly visible; dark black wood - Intsia b#uga ? Dark black wood, smaller post - - Small stake - - Small stake - - Inclined towards E; rounded in section; probably structural - Cordia subcordata ? Brownish wood; circular section - Cordia subcordata ? Brownish wood; roughly squared Soft brown wood - Intsia bijuga Dark black wood; roughly squared in section; probably structural - Cordia subcordata ? Soft brown wood - Cordia subcordata ? Soft brown wood - - Very soft brown wood; circular section - Cordia subcordata ? Small oval stake; soft brown wood 16 11 - - 18 3 8 13 1 1 1? 9 3 3 9 9 8 14 2 7 10 7 10 9 2 2 8 7 5 Inclined towards N Probably structural post Small stake Small stake Part of cluster with posts 21 and 29; probably structural Part of cluster with posts 20 and 29; probably structural Main structural post Small stake Small post/stake Probably structural post Possibly structural Small stake Small stake Next to Post 21; probably structural 14C dated (Beta-20452) Small post Small post Small post continued on next page THREE LAPITA VILLAGES AREA/UNIT POST DEPTH MAX. MIN. LENGTH IDENTIFICATION COMMENTS NO. (B.D.) DIAM. DIAM. AREA B EXTENSION W201 N145 B34 - 4 3 - - W200N145 B35 - 14 13 - - Probably structural post W200N1 44 B36 - 8 8 - - Inclined towards NW W201 N1 44 B37 - 5 4 - - Poorly preserved W201 N1 44 B38 - 7 6 - - Inclined towards south W201 N1 44 B39 - 8 7 - - Inclined towards east W200 TRANSECT W200N120 - - 10.5 - - - Extends from 129-151 cm bs W200N1 30 - - 4 4 33 - Small stake with adzed point W200N160 - - 14 13 - - Top of post at 89 cm bs W200N1 70 - - 10 10 67 - Possibly structural; top at 81 cm bs W250 TRANSECT W250N11 0 1 - 4.5 - 71 - W250N1 10 3 - 8 - 65 - Adzed to sharp point W250N1 20 - - - - - - 14C dated (Beta-30681) W250N1 40 - - - _ - - 14C dated (Beta-30682) W250N1 70 - - - _ - - Small stake; 14C dated (Beta-30684) W250N181 1 - 15 - 69 - Base roughly adzed W250N181 2 - 10 - - - Fragmentary AREA C W250N1 88 C1 1.81 18 16 - - Main structural post W250N1 88 C2 1.70 12 10 - - Structural post, near Cl W250N1 88 C3 1.85 6 5 - Diospyros sp. 14C dated (Beta-30686) W249N188 C4 1.83 5 4 - - Stake W249N1 88 C5 1.76 8 6 - - Small post > W249N1 88 C6 1.86 9 8 - - Snall post W249N1 87 C7 1.85 8 5 - - Small post 'W250N1 90 C8 1.63 14 12 - - Probably main structural post W251 N1 90 C9 1.58 9 7 - - Small post; probably structural W250N1 91 cia 1.68 9 9 - - Probably structural W250N1 91 C1i 1 .76 1 1 9 - - Probably structural W250N191 C12 1.71 7 6 - - Small post W250N191 C13 1.76 11 9 - - Small post W250N1 91 C14 1.60 9 6 - - Small post 250N191 C15 1.81 10 8 - - Small post 251 N191 C16 1.72 6 5 - - Stake 251 N191 C17 1.75 5 3 - - Stake 251N191 C18 1.82 8 - - - Small post 50N190 C19 1.78 10 7 - - Possibly structural 50N1 91 C20 1.56 20 18 70 Intsia bijuga 14C dated (Beta-30687); Main house post; adzed from two sides to a sharpened point 51N190 C21 - 3 2 - - Small stake 51 N190 C22 - 7 - - - Small post 51N191 C23 - 4 3 - - Small stake 97 o- 0 0o UL Ln t z ~ ~z z 98 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES a) y (n Co 0 0. E cn (n Co 0 ._ . E c'J 0 oo 0' o c-J 4- 4, c: (1 4- cn 0 (n) 0 c:5 0 0 0~ 4n a1) Co ~0 c Co 0 0 4 O 4- 0 OD 0 .o g 0 a) ._ 0 (1, 0 Co 0 4) (n () Co 4- 4) 0 -O C_ (1) 4) (1) Jn N1 45 Gi Grid N 0 1m 1 1 1 1 - _ l 1 N1 44 FIGURE 4.19 Plan of the Area B extension, showing the locations of all wooden posts and stakes, as well as the postions of other features and artifacts. FIGURE 4.20 Perspective rendering (from the NW) of the main Area B excavation, showing the positions of wooden posts and stakes. THREE LAPITA VILLAGES W201 W200 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES FIGURE 4.21 View of Area B, at the completion of excavations in 1986, with wooden posts exposed but still in situ. Note that Posts B1 and B2 had been removed at the close of the 1985 season, and thus are absent from this photograph. FIGURE 4.22 Close up view of Posts B20 and B21 in the E part of the main ! ^ X *- Area B excavation (view is from the E looking W). The top of a smaller post or stake is also visible. 100 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES FIGURE 4.23 View of the S expansion of Area B, at the completion of excavations in 1986, with wooden posts exposed but still in situ. Note horizontal timber. FIGURE 4.24 The Area B Expansion at the close of excavations in 1988, with several exposed posts and stakes in situ. 101 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES FIGURE 4.25 Posts B1 and B2 after conservation by freeze-drying, and after sampling for radiocarbon dating. Note that the bases of the posts have been tapered to a point by adzing, presumably for ease of insertion into the reef flat. The samples for radiocarbon dating were removed from the outermost growth rings of the posts, and the resulting dates should therefore give a close approximation of the age of death of the trees, and of construction of the stilt house. As indicated above in the analysis of Area B stratig- raphy, the Zone C materials were deposited sub-tidally as a result of discard from and accumulation around the stilt-house structure. Following the abandonment of this structure, and initial progradation of the shoreline to the N, the Zone B materials appear to have been deposited inter-tidally or supra-tidally as a beach front or foreshore microenvironment. Despite this change in the environment and mode of deposition (and conse- quent lack of waterlogging of the Zone B deposits), the vertical stratigraphy in Area B does present an intact temporal sequence, which is extremely important for the analysis of change in ceramic style and other aspects of Lapita material culture in Mussau. Figure 4.30 displays the vertical distribution, by ana- lytic zone, of several class of ceramic decoration on the sherd assemblage from Unit W200N144 of the 1988 Area B extension. A clear pattern of temporal change is evident, with a progression from an early emphasis on fine dentate stamping, through a middle phase with an increase in coarse-dentate stamping, to the late deposits marked by a dominance of incised decoration. This temporal sequence is mirrored by the horizontal strati- graphic progression from S to N along the W250 transect (see below). The Area B sequence similarly re- veals major shifts not only in decorative technique, but in vessel form, temper, and other attributes. A full dis- cussion of these trends is deferred to Volume III. The Zone C deposits at Area B-associated with the large stilt structure-are notable for the presence of the variety of shell objects which are sometimes glossed under the rubric "ornaments." These include many ex- quisitely executed Spondylus-shell beads and pendants, Nautilus-shell discs, Conus-shell and Tridacna-shell rings, large Conus "rectangular units," and other objects. Else- where (Kirch 1988c; 1997:236-38), I have argued that such objects functioned as "exchange valuables" in the complex long-distance exchange system into which the Mussau Lapita communities were integrated. The con- centration of such numbers of these "valuables" in Area 102 r- j THREE LAPITA VILLAGES B may be noteworthy. This is especially so in light of the presence, in Zone C, of a number of elaborately decorated Lapita ceramic vessels, including pedestalled bowls, and dishes bearing anthropomorphic designs. Area B also yielded a unique bone sculpture, a small anthropomorphic image carved from sea mammal bone (probably porpoise). This concentration of special ob- jects and ceramics-unparalleled elsewhere in the ECA Site, or indeed at other Lapita sites excavated to date- might support an argument that the Area B stilt-house was a special-function structure. However, we must not ignore the fact that the Zone C deposits also contain heavy concentrations of shell and bone midden, oven stones, and food-preparation equipment (scrapers and peeling knives). Thus food preparation (and consump- tion?) was also a major activity at this structure. Radiocarbon Dat/ng Eleven samples from Area B were radiocarbon dated, and an additional sample was dated from Unit W200/ N120 (FP-18). The samples from Area B included char- coal, shell, and wooden post bases, while that from W200/N120 was of coconut endocarp. Details of all samples, and a thorough discussion of the dates, the problems associated with their calibration, and their in- terpretations are given in Chapter 10. Here I note sim- ply that this suite of radiocarbon dates indicates that the Area B stilt house was likely to have been constructed not earlier than - 1300 cal BC, and not later than - 1200 cal BC. Although the house itself was unlikely to have been occupied or used for more than a century or so, deposition of cultural materials at the Area B locus con- tinued until - 1000-900 cal BC, with the later part of this sequence marked by a shift from dentate-stamped to incised ceramics, as discussed above. Thus the entire depositional sequence at Area B spans a period of no less than - 200 and no more than - 400 years. THE W250 TRANSECT (1 988) The W250 transect was excavated to meet certain ob- jectives outlined for the 1988 field season. The transect lies 50 m W of Area B and, as with the W200 transect, extends from the Lapita-period beach terrace (1.73 m asl) marked by a - 0.7 m elevation drop N across a low flat to N200 at 1.03 m asl, a total distance of 130 m (see Fig. 4.10). The S portion of the transect, between W250N70 and W250N110 (situated on the higher FIGURE 4.26 Finely decorated vessel or cylinder stand as exposed in situ in Zone C of the Area B excavation. ground of the paleobeach terrace) consists of dark gray- brown loam littered with shell midden and potsherds, supporting a vegetation association of second-growth scrub Pandanus, Morinda, and other shrubs, ferns, and grasses. This vegetation results from repeated root-crop gardening. Proceeding N beyond W250N1 10 and across the former shoreline, the soil becomes a lighter brown 103 ?,2 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES Zone C1 Zone C2 C_unts 200 4q 250 500 MM= -3 0 Counts 4M-z-- IMMM 450 _ i 5ffl Zone C3 FIGURE 4.27 Spatial distribution (density) of plain body sherds in Zone C of the Area B and the Area B extension; perspective is from the NW g 1 n T50 f s 1 C00 1 50 12_ 250 _1 29 300) a= 35Cw Counts im=; EH _1 4S0 _ 50 q 104 - gab Esmm 1 , 50 cm= 1 00 150 Counts 2M eemommam 2W 300 ? ? 3w 4ffl 4W ii? -CM THREE LAPITA VILLAGES Zone C1 Counts r7z77 8 1 6 2 4 1 2 _ 403 Zone C2 |R 1 I rl 8 16 2I 4 240 24 Counts e7 48 64 n n n 72 _0 Zone C3 FIGURE 4.28 Spatial distribution (density) of decorated body sherds in Zone C of the Area B and the Area B extension; perspective is from the NW 1 (T 8 F= 16 (fl 24 32 w 40 Counts = 48 _M-5 o= 64 _ 72 _ 80 105 106 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES Counts rZZJ2 2 IllI 5 0 15 X E9 3s Z ~ 40 45 MM- ,' ?fff'Ti X-IH Cn J Counts f77 30 _ _ 10 15 X r9= 5 =Z 40 _ME=I- b~ 50 20 ~~~ 45 0 .90 Counts 2 = 1035 _ o Zone C3 FIGURE 4.29 Spatial distribution (density) of lithic flakes (primarily obsidian) in Zone C of Area B and the Area B extension; perspective is from the NW 1? Zone C1 Zone C2 mm= 25 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES TABLE 4.3 Summary of cultural content of Area B, Site ECA (by analytic zones). CLASS Ceramics Plain Body Sherds Decorated Body Sherds Plain Rim Sherds Decorated Rim Sherds Ceramic Disks Non-Ceramic Artifacts Obsidian Flakes Adz/Adz Fragment Abraders Scrapers & Peelers Fishhooks Fishhook Preforms Shell Rings Other Ornaments Coral Oven Stones Manuport/Volcanic Stone A B, B2 CC c2 C3 TOTAL 1,512 96 21 96 2,882 222 38 157 2 2,580 230 53 207 399 422 309 1 1 1 5 22 28 2 4 3 25 20 27 6 8 11 2 5 4 5 69 7 9 18 49 5,604 655 91 504 483 2 2 46 6 26 28 20 12 103 4,481 417 56 376 3 244 1 3 29 26 20 17 108 39 3,949 240 84 221 9 21,008 1,860 343 1,561 14 sandy loam, lacking surface shell midden and sherds, covered in climax forest vegetation. Because the soil here has not been organically enriched from human oc- cupation, the Eloaua people regard it as infertile terrain for gardening. The W250 transect was cleared of vegetation with bush knives, and a series of profile elevations were taken with a telescopic level. These elevations were tied to the Area B datum, and a new permanent datum peg was established for use during the W250 transect excava- tions. As with the 1986 Area B excavations, our hand- operated bilge pumps kept the W250 pits dry, and the pump out-flow was utilized for wet-sieving the exca- vated sediment. During the W250 transect excavations we also took systematic 1-liter sediment samples from each excavation level for flotation and fine wet-sieving through 0. 125-inch mesh screens in the field laboratory. W250 Transect Stratigraphy The W250 transect provides a stratigraphic profile ex- tending 130 m from the beach terrace and Lapita-pe- riod shoreline in the S, to the former reef flat on the N. A diagrammatic overview of this stratigraphic transect is shown in Figure 4.31. Detailed sections of all transect pits were drawn during fieldwork, accompanied by profile descriptions. Here we provide descriptions of four units that represent the range of stratigraphic varia- tion across the transect: W250N80, W250N120, W250N150, and W250N200. Unit W250N80. This unit lies at the highest point of the paleobeach terrace (1.73 m asl), and therefore occupies the same geomorphic zone as Area A, and as TP-9 (W400N72). As with Area A, the stratigraphy in W250N80 was simple, consisting of only two sedimen- tary deposits: LAYER 1:0-20/25 cm bs. Color: dark brown (7.5YR 4/2). Sandy loam with a thick root/fern rhi- zome mat in the upper 5-10 cm, heavily re- worked by gardening. Sherds in this layer are typically small and weathered. The contact with the underlying sand deposit is gradational over a 3-4 cm zone. LAYER II: 20/25-75 + cm bs. Color: white (5YR 8/ 1). Structureless deposit of coarse-grained cal- careous sand and reef detritus, becoming more gravelly textured with increasing depth. Sherds and shell midden become less frequent with depth, and were not recovered below 50-60 cm, although this does not correspond with any evident lithological break. Layer II becomes 213 2,070 4 1 8 22 152 3 18 8 132 14 87 5 53 18 219 87 305 - 107 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES 25 20 c 0 15 10 A1 B1 B2 C1 C2 C3 Zone strongly cemented at the base of excavation at -75 cmbs. The stratigraphy of Unit W250N80 is in all respects highly similar to that of Area A. Furthermore, the ce- ramic assemblage recovered from Units W250N70 through W250N100 also closely matches that from Area A, being dominated by large, plainware jars with re- stricted orifices and strongly everted rims. Unit W250N120. The ground surface here is 54 cm lower than at W250N80, suggesting that the former unit was originally N of the Lapita-period shoreline; this was confirmed by excavation. The E face of W250N120 is shown in Figure 4.32, and the stratigraphic profile was as follows: LAYER IA: Color: dark reddish brown (5YR 3/2). Sandy loam, reworked by gardening. Many rootlets present in the upper part of this layer which grades into Layer IB. LAYER IB: Color: reddish brown (5YR 5/3). A zone of leaching at the base of Layer I; coarse- grained calcareous sand, stained gray. LAYER II: Color: white (5YR 8/1). Massive, struc- tureless deposit of coarse-grained calcareous sand, containing a high density of shellfish midden. The deposit is heavily cemented with calcium carbonate bonds between individual sand particles in the upper part, but becomes FIGURE 4.30 Vertical distribution (by analytic zone) of several main ceramic decorative techniques in Unit W200N1 44 of the 1988 Area B extension. less cemented to loose with increasing depth. The boundary with Layer III is gradational. LAYER III: Color: light gray (5YR 7/1). Coarse- grained calcareous sand with some fine silt-clay sized particles mixed in. This deposit contains anaerobically preserved plant remains as well as cultural materials such as pottery and bone. The contact with Layer IV is very abrupt and smooth. LAYER IV: Color: white (5YR 8/1). A thin deposit of coarse-grained, loose calcareous sand con- taining cultural material. The contact with Layer V is very abrupt and sharp. LAYER V: Color: light gray (5YR 7/1). A densely compacted layer of fine clay-silt textured cal- careous sediment, lacking any larger-sized in- clusions. The deposit is full of preserved wood and a variety of anaerobically preserved plant remains. Two wooden posts passed through this layer down into Layer VI, and were sur- rounded by a mass of rattan-like tough, flex- ible sticks (- 1.5-2 cm diameter), as shown in Figure 4.33. These sticks and the posts trapped a dense accumulation of plant remains (seed cases, nuts) in a pocket of fine-grained silt-clay. The thick deposit of plant remains accumu- lated around the posts in situ. Layer V slopes steeply from the southeast to northwest; the 108 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES Depth below Area B datum (cm) o 8 ? 8 ? 8 0 O urcl c,4 cn 0 z , 0 - 0 z 0 z 8 z -0 a) o 41 z (U -O a Qi O E (n) -c 00 - ??) z Z -a Q) Co (-) Co 0 0 (0 0 ) C o -O -o o 0 o 0 gw> 0 z - 2 o 0) .) z ~z < 0) L 0 T>C 0) ~ ~ N 1 =* o~~~~b z ~ ~ ~ Z0 - 8 r- Q) 0) 0)'- 0- 0) cn CO x 0) cU 00 Co 0 CO 4- 00 . -a x 0) Co 0) 0) 0n OO (-), 0) o~ E ( o~ ~ ~~~~~~~~- LL 1 1 1 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2c Z ) Z - EIg ? m 109 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES - Plant remains FIGURE 4.32 Stratigraphic section of the E face of Unit W250N1 20. lower stratigraphic boundary is very abrupt and sharp. LAYER VI: Color: white (5YR 8/1). A loose deposit of coarse-grained calcareous sand containing large midden shells but very little bone, and only a few water-rolled sherds. Post 2 continued down through this layer. Excavation was terminated in W250N120 at 140 cm bs, when the high volume of water flowing into the pit proved too much to be removed with the hand pumps, and threatened to collapse the sidewalls. The tops of the two wooden posts were removed for ra- diocarbon dating and wood identification. The depositional sequence in W250N120 began with deposition on the inter-tidal flat immediately seaward of the shoreline at the time of initial Lapita occupation (Layer VI). This inter-tidal zone incorporated a few water-rolled potsherds and some shell midden. The construction of a pole or stilt structure is associated with the next depositional unit (Layer V), and a mass of organic material was trapped and buried in the fine sedi- ment which accumulated around the post bases. Aban- donment of the stilt structure probably occurred dur- ing or after the deposition of the next two, relatively thin sedimentary layers (IV and III). Layer II, with its high density of shell midden, no longer represents an inter-tidal depositional environment, but rather a beach ridge accumulation unit, and post-dates the progradation of the shoreline in a northerly direction. Unit W250N150. This unit lies - 45 m N (and sea- ward) of the mid-Holocene shoreline associated with initial Lapita occupation of ECA, at an elevation of 1.02 m asl. The stratigraphic profile of the E face, shown in Figure 4.34, was as follows: LAYER 1: Color: Dark brown (7.5YR 3/2). Silty- loam, A horizon, heavily penetrated with root- lets; somewhat reworked through gardening. The contact with the underlying Layer IIA is abrupt and sharp. LAYER IIA: Color: Reddish yellow (7.5YR 7/6). This appears to be a zone of organic staining due to the leaching of the A horizon and downward percolation of organic materials. LAYER IIB: Color: White (7.5YR N/8). A massive, structureless deposit of medium-to-coarse grained calcareous sand, heavily cemented. The contact with Layer Im is gradational over - 1.5 cm. LAYER IA: Color: White (7.5YR N/8). Structure- less deposit of coarse-grained calcareous sand with a slight fine-fraction admixture of silt-clay. The contact with Layer IIIB is abrupt. LAYER ilIB: Color: Light grey (7.5YR N/7). A thin lens of very fine, silt-clay sized calcareous sedi- ment, sloping gently towards the north. Abrupt contact with Layer IHc. LAYER IIIC: Color: White (7.5YR N/8). Thick de- posit of coarse-grained calcareous sand, con- taining considerable cultural material, including anaerobically preserved plant remains in the lower portion of the deposit. The contact with Layer IV is gradational over a 3-5 cm zone. LAYER IV: Color: White (7.5YR N/8). Coarse- THREE LAPITA VILLAGES FIGURE 4.33 Concentration of sticks and anaerobically preserved plant remains, adjacent to a vertical wooden post, in the 'muck zone' sediments in Unit W250N1 20. grained calcareous sand with numerous water- rolledAcropora branch coral fingers. Various entire sand-dwelling bivalves, such as Quidnipagus sp. and Veneridae spp., were recovered in death position, indicating a sub-tidal, reef platform depositional environment. The depositional sequence in W250N150 suggests initial occupation on a sub-tidal reef flat composed of coarse-grained sands with reef detritus includingAcropora branch coral (Layer IV). A thick deposit of cultural material including sherds, shell midden, and plant re- mains (Layer IIIC) subsequently accumulated on top of the reef platform, with the main source of non- cultural sediment being calcareous sands. Further sand accumulation occurred with progradation of the shore- line past the N150 line and towards the present shore- lne. Unit W250N200. This unit marks the N end of the W250 transect, and was situated 10 m N of the Area C excavation, in dense climax forest not presently utilized for gardening. The stratigraphic profile of the E face, shown in Figure 4.35, was as follows: LAYER I: Color: Dark grayish brown (1OYR 4/2). Present A horizon with numerous rootlets. The contact with Layer II is gradational. LAYER II: Color: Light gray (lOYR 7/1). This mottled zone has been heavily reworked by the burrowing of land crabs, whose burrows were evident during excavation. The deposit of coarse-grained calcareous sand was essentially culturally sterile. The contact with Layer Im was abrupt but irregular. LAYER III: Color: White (lOYR 8/1). Coarse-to- medium grained, compact, calcareous sand, containing many entire Quidnipagus bivalves in 11 1 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES IIIA 7.5YRN/8 IIic 7.5YR N/8 iv 7.5YR N/8C .Unexcavated..- .. Acropora sp. branch coral _ Pangium edule and other plant remains death position, indicative of a sub-tidal depo- sitional environment. Limited cultural material was recovered from the upper part of the de- posit, and the frequency of sherds and other cultural debris declined with increasing depth. The W250N200 unit appeared to be near the N limit of cultural activity over the former reef platform. The low density of sherds and other materials appears to mark the outer fringe of midden dumping from the stilt-house structure exposed in Area C. FIGURE 4.34 Stratigraphic section of the E face of Unit W250N1 50. Wooden Posts Wooden posts were discovered in five of the W250 transect units, schematically indicated on the transect diagram (Fig. 4.31). Dimensions and other details of these posts are provided in Table 4.2. The posts are discretely distributed into two areas or zones. The first of these is in Units W250N110 and W250N120, im- mediately N of the mid-Holocene shoreline; five posts were exposed in these two units. Their stratigraphic position at the base of the cultural deposits-set into the underlying inter-tidal reef platform-indicates that o cm 10 20 30 40 8) u (?3 D (1) 50 z 0 6) -a 4-_C 60 0. 6) 0) -70 - 80 -90 -100 - 110 7 1 12 I 11 7.5YR N/7 ..-1 - THREE LAPITA VILLAGES 111 Unexcavated- o cm -10 20 30 -40 Q) -50 Q (n - 60 0 -70 Q ._Qn 0 - u - 90 - 100 -110 j= 120 Sediment sample FIGURE 4.35 Stratigraphic section of the E face of Unit W250N200. at the time of early Lapita occupation they supported one or more pole structures situated - 10-20 m off- shore. One post from W250N120 was radiocarbon dated, yielding a conventional age of 2860 + 60 BP, which calibrates to 1209-933 cal BC at la. These posts correspond with a peak in the density of ceramics, ob- sidian, oven stones, and other indicators of occupation (see Cultural Content, below), indicating that they sup- ported habitation structures. The ceramic assemblage is characterized by a mix of fine and coarse-dentate stamped sherds, as well as pedestal sherds with cut- outs. In general, the ceramic assemblage associated with the W250N1 10-120 posts is similar to that from Zones C3-C2 of Area B, and the house(s) that stood along this part of the W250 transect were probably a part of the same settlement pattern as the Area B structure. Most likely there was an array or zone of pole structures par- alleling the original shoreline at a distance of 10-40 m offshore. The W250N130 through W250N150 units revealed no posts, however another set of wooden post bases occurs from N160 to N191.3? A total of five substan- tial posts, each in vertical position, was exposed by this set of units, while expansion of the W250N191 unit into Area C (described below) exposed an additional 23 posts and stakes. These posts were set in coarse- grained sands containing water-rolled branch coral (Acropora sp.) along with many sand-burrowing marine bivalves (Quidnipagus and other species in the family Veneridae). These bivalves were not midden compo- nents but rather occurred as sets of intact valves in up- right death position, indicating that they had died in situ in the sandy matrix surrounding the posts. These shells indicate that the depositional environment at the time the wooden post structures were constructed was con- stantly sub-tidal. The cultural materials that accumulated around the wooden post bases in units W250N160 to N191 dis- play another peak in density (see Cultural Content, be- low). The high frequency of oven stones, obsidian, ce- ramics, and other materials corresponding with the posts thus indicates another set of habitation structures. The nature of the ceramic assemblage, however, differs from that associated with the structures in the N1 10-120 zone described above. Here the ceramics are dominated by thin-walled jars with everted rims, decorated primarily by incising and by notching or pinching of the rims. This pottery corresponds to the upper part of the Area B sequence (Zone B). We thus interpret the pole or stilt- house structure(s) in the area of W250N160-191 as a somewhat later construction, probably after the origi- nal shoreline had begun to prograde to the N. This in- terpretation is also supported by the radiocarbon dates from the W250 transect and from Area C (see below). Cultural Content alon,g the W250 Transect The W250 transect yielded a large collection of cultural materials; patterns of distribution of sherds, midden, oven stones, obsidian, and other materials along the transect yield evidence significant for site interpretation. The spatial distribution of several classes of arti- facts exhibit similar patterns along the S-to-N course of the 130-m long transect. In Figure 4.36 we show the density distributions of undecorated sherds, lithic flakes (primarily obsidian), and coral oven stones. All of these materials exhibit a bi-modal distribution pattern, with density peaks centered on Units W250N1 10-120 and on Units W250N181-190. These peaks correspond to the two sets of preserved wooden post bases that we had interpreted as representing temporally distinct phases L 1 13 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES FIGURE 4.36 Distribution of ceramic sherds, obsidian flakes, and coral oven stones along the W250 transect. 800- Ceramic Sherds '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''..'.........'''.......... ---------------------------- zo Z C , , , _ ~~~~~~~~~~~------------------ 7C 50 40 30 20 10 0 o- ,,------ ---------- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- - -- - )0 . .. .. 0 - --- -- . . :. . Obsidian Flakes ........................................................... ........................................ . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ...... ...... l... . . . ......... ... _ ...... ............. _..__... I I I I .I I I I I I I 12 -2 100 0. 80 40 20 100 90 80 70 Coral Oven Stones ,............................................................ ....................................... ....... ,.................................. .... ....... ................. ............................................................ .................... .............................................. , . ............................. ... 50 ., ....................................... ............... ........-. . .......... ... J0 s*@__Z-*Oo*?**s*svo _ ......... ................................. ...............................__*b****wwee $0'. 20?#,vv ........* ww w..*.............. 0 . 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ -- - ~ == j ........ _ -_-_-_ _..__... -------- ,-------- -------- -------- gm . W f 1 114 1 , ? 9 C-0 ro- 2 2 i ? 9 9 08 9 2 llrl_ 1- - - - - - - Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 5 2 s' 0-0 rcl -, 3 2 ? i 9 9 11-1 8 9 9i C , T- -Ir- - r- - - - -- Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z THREE LAPITA VILLAGES of stilt-house construction and occupation. As would be expected from an over-water platform habitation- with midden and trash disposal directly off the plat- forms into the surrounding shallow water-the density of cultural materials is highest immediately around the posts, tapering off to either side. These patterns are strong evidence that the preserved post bases supported dwelling structures, upon which domestic activities such as oven use and food preparation, use of pottery, shell artifact manufacture, and other tasks took place. The distribution of anaerobically preserved plant remains along the W250 transect units is shown in Fig- ure 4.37. This distribution differs from those examined above in having a single zone of high concentration, between units N110-130, corresponding to the main area of fine silt-clay sediment (the "muck zone") which was so rich in organic remains. Unit W250N130 espe- cially, produced a large assemblage of preserved seeds and nuts, including large numbers of Canarium sp. al- mond, Dracontomelon dao, Spondias dulcis, Pandanus spp., and Cocos nuczfera. All of this plant material accumulated in the fine sediment around the stilt-house posts, pre- sumably as cultural refuse of the house's occupants. Figure 4.38 displays the distribution of worked shell of Trochus niloticus and two large cones, Conus litteratus and C. leopardus. These large marine gastropods pro- vided raw material for the manufacture of fishhooks (Trochus) and of several kinds of ornaments or exchange valuables (Conus).31 While worked shell of both genera is distributed throughout the length of the transect, it is especially concentrated in the N100-120 section, again associated with the earlier phase of stilt-houses. The W250 ceramic assemblage also displays a marked distribution along the course of the transect, as seen in Figure 4.39. At the S end of the transect, sherds with fine-dentate stamping dominate the ceramic as- semblage. A considerable increase in the frequency of coarse-dentate stamping occurs in the middle of the transect, while the N end in the vicinity of the Area C stilt-house, is dominated by sherds decorated with in- FIGURE 4.37 Distribution of anaerobically preserved plant remains along the W250 transect. 1 400. 1 200 1000. 800. 0 600 - 400 _ -------------.-----*---. - * _ - - _ _ _ _ - _ - - _ _ - _ - 200 4+.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.. 0 II - --~- I Ld9 -- 0 rl 0 0 - - -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 03) 03 0' 0 z z z z Area C __1._ 0 z z3 r- r l l z z OD zl z z z zO o o z z ............... ......................* w-- - w b-* 4- * - . .... *- . * .- . * . - . - . . .... **? . .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. ? o o cZJ z z o 0 o 0' z z , o 0 z z r ................................................................ m ................... ................................. e...o .......0 ................................. ................................................ 1 900 . 0 . o , 1 -i- 4 1 15 4 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES 1 801 1 60 - 1 40 1 20 3 0 (- 100 80 . 0 0 0 - CO O ~ O D ~ oo Tr h Ln Z Z Z Z O Trochus niloticus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-1I R- ---- -----... .................... 0 z 0 (Y) z o o 0 0 0 0 C-4J - 0 0'1 Co r~- z z Z Z z * Conus litteratus/leopardus FIGURE 4.38 Distribution of worked shell along the W250 transect. cised designs. The changing frequency distributions of decorative technique and vessel form along the W250 transect correspond closely with the vertical, stratigraphic sequence revealed by the Area B excavation, and con- firm that a real temporal progression is being tracked along the course of the W250 transect. Radiocarbon Dating Ten samples (four wood, six shell) from the W250 transect were submitted for radiocarbon dating; full details are reported in Chapter 10. The conventional 14C ages are plotted on the transect diagram (Fig. 4.31). A wooden post in W250N120 (Beta-30681) yielded a calibrated age of 1209-933 cal BC. A wooden timber lying horizontally in W250N140 (Beta-30682) dated to 1316-1129 cal BC, and a second horizontal timber in W250N170 (Beta-30684) dated to 1490-1222 cal BC. An upright post in W250N191 (Beta-30687) was dated to 826-664 cal BC, which was confirmed by other dates from the expanded Area C excavation, described be- low. The calibration of six shell samples from the W250 transect depends upon the choice of a AR correction factor, which for reasons to be discussed in Chapter 10, is complicated. Full discussion of these shell dates is therefore deferred to Chapter 10. When all radiocarbon dates-including calibrated shell samples-are taken into consideration, the radio- carbon suite from the W250 transect suggests a chro- nology of occupation commencing as early as - 1500 BC, with initial cultural activity focused on the paleobeach terrace at the S end of the transect. One or more pole- supported structures were constructed immediately sea- ward of the mid-Holocene shoreline, and probably date to the period - 1300-1000 BC. These structures were thus contemporaneous with the Area B stilt house, pre- sumably forming part of a single village. Following abandonment of these structures-and progradation of the shoreline to the N-a new set of pole structures was erected near the N end of the W250 transect; these date to an interval of - 1100-800 BC (see below for Area C dates). AREA C EXCAVATIONS (1988) When Unit W250N190 was excavated into the water- logged Ghyben-Herzberg lens, four wooden posts were 60 40 - 20 0 - 0 0 C\ z 0' z ..w -"r - .~ 1 a . 0 1 16 . . . . . . . . . . . THREE LAPITA VILLAGES 0 :3 - c 0 l 3 100 90 80 7 0 Co 0- ,F,. 6 0 0 50O 40 30 2 0 1 0 N: 6 9 N 6 60 N 1 ? O N 1 N 1 3 3 N 1 Transect Units 1 A: D:D d::: f::: S: :: - 1 5 N200 Nl90 N181 N 171 N170 Ni69 N' 6 N150 N14 0 N N NO N100 N90 N 0 Transect Units FIGURE 4.39 Distribution of primary ceramic decorative techniques along the W250 transect: A, sherd counts; B, percentage frequencies. Note the clear transition from a predominance of fine dentate stamping in the S portion of the transect (Area C). exposed in deposits yielding thin-walled potsherds char- acterized by notched rims and fine incised decoration. Based on our knowledge of the ceramic sequence in Area B (from the 1986 excavations), it appeared that we had encountered a relatively late Lapita occupation, post-dating the ceramic transition from primarily den- tate-stamped ceramics to incised pottery. Given the con- centration of posts (two of them quite massive), it also seemed likely that there had been a substantial pole-house structure in this locality. We therefore decided to open up a number of contiguous units, designated Area CI? Because the unconsolidated sands in Area C were very loose and continually threatened to collapse as we penetrated into the waterlogged levels, it was not pos- sible to expose a large area with long sidewalls. Area C thus consists of two 4 m2 blocks separated by a 1-m 1 dom? 11 7 N 9 0 N S THREE LAPITA VILLAGES baulk, as shown in the plan (Fig. 4.40). Furthermore, because of the continual danger of sidewall collapse (which indeed occurred several times), excavation and pumping had to proceed rapidly. Although these were less than ideal conditions in which to excavate, we man- aged to take all eight units down to 1.25 m bs, at which depth basal reef detritus was exposed. Area C Stratigraphy In Area C the stratigraphic section was similar to that described for Unit W250N200 (see above), with a dark brown A horizon formed under the heavy forest cover, overlying light gray to white calcareous sands. Between 20-60 cm bs the sands were weakly cemented, but be- came loose and unconsolidated once the Ghyben- Herzberg aquifer was reached. The excavation of W250N190 revealed that the deposits between the sur- face and - 60 cm bs were essentially culturally sterile. Therefore, in the expansion units comprising Area C, these upper sands were removed by shoveling and were only cursorily sieved to ensure that no cultural materials were missed. Below 60 cm, excavation proceeded ac- cording to standard procedures. As there were no visible lithological, textural, or color distinctions in the calcareous sandy deposit, excavation was conducted by arbitrary levels. During excavation it appeared that the levels between - 60-80 cm bs yielded a high density of obsidian flakes (many of large size), along with incised and notched-rim pottery and shell midden. From 80-100 cm bs the density of cultural materials decreased notably. Then from 100-120 cm there was another concentration of cultural materials including incised and notched rim pottery (along with a few classic dentate-stamped Lapita sherds), along with large midden shells clustered around the bases of the many wooden posts and stakes. This lower zone also included a high density of anaerobically preserved plant materials. For analytical purposes, we have divided the excavation levels into four zones, as follows: Zone A, the sterile upper sands to 60 cm; Zone B, from 60-80 cm; Zone C, from 80-100 cm; and, Zone D, from 100- 125 cm (Table 4.4). Wooden Posts A total of 20 posts or stakes was exposed in the eight excavation units comprising Area C. Data on these posts are provided in Table 4.2. Although no alignment or patterning could be detected in the limited area exposed, several of the posts are quite large, with diameters of 15-20 cm. These certainly were structural timbers de- signed to support some kind of pole house. Two of these posts were radiocarbon dated (see below), with a difference in age of 250 years, an age differential matched by the age range in three shell dates from Area C. One interpretation is that the posts exposed in the Area C blocks may have been cut and set in position at differ- ent times. Given that the vertical distribution of cultural materials observed during excavation suggested two phases of deposition, it may be that the posts also rep- resent two phases of stilt-house construction. Cultural Content The vertical distribution of cultural materials in analyti- cal zones B, C, and D reveals significant differences. The basal zone D is marked by a high frequency of anaerobically preserved plant remains (886 itemized specimens, not including Cocos nucifera endocarp and wood fragments), and by high densities of both verte- brate and invertebrate faunal materials (Fig. 4.41). Zone B, on the other hand, shows the highest densities of ceramics (more than twice the total in Zones C and D combined), obsidian flakes, and coral oven stones. These differences suggest that the activities occurring on the stilt-house structures in the vicinity of Area C may have changed over time. The earlier phase is marked largely by midden dumping, whereas the later phase is repre- sented by a broader range of artifacts indicative of pottery use, shell artifact manufacture, lithic use, and cooking (oven stones). As a whole, the ceramic assemblage from Area C (all zones) is fairly uniform, and is marked overall by a high percentage of thin-walled sherds, deriving prima- rily from large jars with constricted orifices and everted rims. The rim lips are usually decorated with fine tool notching or finger-pinching (crenate), and red slip is common, especially on the upper parts of the vessels. Fine incised decorations also dominate. Despite the overall consistency of the assemblage, some differences between zones appear to be significant. For example, whereas jars predominate throughout the Area C se- quence, a few bowls are also represented in the deeper zones C and D. The only two sherds with dentate-stamp- ing from Area C were both recovered in Zone C, and both were water-rolled and eroded, in sharp contrast with the non-eroded incised and notched-rim sherds from the same zone. This suggests that the dentate sherds 1 18 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES N Grid N 0 im W249 N1 88 N1 87 FIGURE 4.40 Plan of the 1988 Area C excavations, showing the positions of wooden posts and stakes, and other features. 1 W251 W250 N1 91 -WC1 5 * C17 C14 De 4*C16 *C13 Igneous -- v ~~~~~~~~~~~~~stonet *C12 Coconut C18 endocarps ed ^C 1 Horizontal timber C23 C20 C24 LC9 Cassis rufa . C19 C24 C8 C22 , N1 90 W250 *C4 ?C1 *C5 Tndacna ~~~Large Cassis CD6 T na C a crnuta shells Coconut ,gi,gas endocarp ( Tridacna C7 (: n U maxima shell Hyotissa shell 1 1 11 9 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES had been deposited on the reef platform and had been subjected to water action for some period prior to the deposition of the incised pottery. While the Area C pottery is almost exclusively decorated with incised designs, it is noteworthy that the motifi displayed with the incised tech- nique are in most cases the same as those on the den- tate-stamped pottery from other parts of the site. Two examples of shell-impressed decoration are also repre- sented in Area C, both from the upper Zone B context. The Area C pottery assemblage displays close simi- larities with that from Site EKQ on the NE part of Mussau Island. Both assemblages appear to represent a late phase in the local evolution of Lapita ceramics, marked by a reduction in the range of vessel forms (almost exclusively confined to large, thin-walled jars), and by the restriction of decorative technique to incis- ing. These changes will be fully described in Volume mI. Radiocarbon Dates Three shell and two wooden post samples from Area C were submitted for radiocarbon dating; details are presented in Chapter 10. The two posts yielded cali- brated ages of 1209-924 cal BC (Beta-30686) and 826- 664 cal BC (Beta-30687), suggesting that more than one phase of pole structure construction may be represented. Calibration of the shell sample dates, which depends upon the AR correction factor, is discussed in Chapter 10. For reasons given there, our best overall estimate for the occupation period represented by the Area C assemblage is - 1100-800 cal BC. SEDIMENTOt OGY OF THE TALEPAKEMALAI SITE With the discovery in 1985 that the ECA Site had both paleobeach terrace as well as lagoonal depositional en- vironments (the latter now containing the anaerobically preserved stilt-house remains), it became necessary to understand in some detail the site's complex and dy- namic geomorphological history. In part, this history could be reconstructed through our field observations, including paleo-shoreline indicators as weil as the stratig- raphy of excavated units, especially those along the W200 and W250 transects. An additional source of data po- tentially bearing on depositional processes was that to be obtained from laboratory analysis of sediment samples collected from key stratigraphic layers. Such samples, which could be compared with modern con- trol samples taken from active lagoon and seaward TABLE 4.4 Summary of cultural content of Area C, Site ECA (by analytic zones). CLASS B C D TOTAL Ceramics Plain Body Sherds 522 209 202 933 Decorated Body Sherds 7 24 15 46 Plain Rim Sherds 5 3 8 Decorated Rim Sherds 35 13 12 60 Non-Ceramic Artifacts Obsidian Flakes 127 41 38 206 Abrader 2 2 Fishhooks 1 1 2 Fishhook Preform 1 1 Coral Oven Stones 80 6 13 99 ManuportVolcanic Stone 1 1 1 3 beaches, may yield information on the mode of depo- sition and critical energy levels at the time that the ECA deposits were laid down. For this purpose, 31 archaeo- logical sediment samples were collected over the course of the three field seasons, along with 16 modern beach and reef/lagoon flat control samples. Laboratory analyses were carried out largely by Melinda S. Allen in the Uni- versity of Washington geoarchaeology laboratory, fol- lowing a protocol we jointly developed.33 FIELD AND LABORATORY METHODS Field sampling of archaeological sediments followed methods outlined by Stein (1985), with samples taken from discrete depositional layers (i.e., not crossing strati- graphic boundaries). Samples were collected into ster- ile, heavy polyethylene bags after the stratigraphic sec- tion of particular excavation unit had been drawn and interpreted; sample locations were indicated by depth and notated on the stratigraphic drawings. Modern Control Samples Four sets of modern control samples were collected, all from Eloaua Island. (1) In 1985 we obtained general samples (GS-1 to -3) from the foot of a seaward beach, from the top of a lagoon beach, and from the foot of a lagoon beach, respectively. (2) In 1986, we collected four samples in conjunction with a measured transect across the seaward reef flat in front of the Talubagalim 120 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES A , , A) Ceramics c D 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Count C) Bone (NISP) A 8) r0 t A 8) L r- 0 C N c B (3 40 60 80 Count 100 120 140 N) 0 N 0 100 200 300 Count 400 500 600 Count A E) Plant remains 8 c *I I 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Count 800 A F) Coral oven stones . 8) 0 N 900 Count FIGURE 4.41 Distribution of selected categories of cultural materials, by analytic zones, in Area C: (A) decorated and plain ceramics; (B) lithic flakes; (C) bone (NISP); (D) molluscs (NISP); (E) plant remains; (F) coral oven stones. School, located due W of the ECA Site and fronting the Malle Channel. These samples (designated RT-1 to - 4) were obtained from the seaward beach slope (RT-1), the "muck zone" with considerable organic materials 15 m from the beach (RT-2), the "seagrass zone" 50 m from the beach (RT-3), and the outer zone marked by the presence of much dead branch coral, 80 m from the beach (RT-4). (3) In 1988, we took four samples along the slope of the seaward beach in front of Ave Male's hamlet, with the elevation of samples above the reef flat precisely measured by Leitz telescopic level. The positions of these samples (designated SB-1 to -4), and the topographic profile of this seaward beach, are shown in Figure 4.42A. (5) Also in 1988, we took five samples along the modern Eloaua lagoon beach on the W side of the island near Site ECA. As with the previ- ous sample set, these lagoon beach samples (designated LB-1 to -5) were precisely plotted along a topographic transect, as depicted in Figure 4.42B. These control samples, from a seaward beach, seaward reef flat, and lagoon beach, provide critical comparative data for the interpretation of the archaeological sediment samples. N) 0 N : B) Lithic flakes . . : : . . . . : : 8) 0 0 N IG %4 e 4 -- -- -. B s . . . . . . 121 C .I w 122 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~THREE LAPITA VILLAGES 0 Coarse- CsatFine graned beach -*1--l - silt/ zon- ears 0.5 ~ ~ ~~~~>sand front clay zn beach mc 1.0 1.5 2.0- ?SEAWARDB13E A CHQ. ..*. ~. . . ... 2.5 0 10 20 30m 0 0.5 ? Beach ________Silty sand slope platform 1.0 1.5 . . . . . . . . . . Low 2.5 -. 0 10 20 30 m Q Sediment sample FIGURE 4.42 Topographic profiles of modern Eloaua Island beaches, showing the locations of control sediment samples: (A) seaward beach and location of samples SB-1 to -4; (B) lagoon beach and Iocation of samples LB-1 to -5. 122 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES Anattical Methods Both archaeological samples and modern control samples were subjected to the same analytical protocol in the laboratory. Sediment color, which may be useful for indicating the presence of organics, iron, or gleyed properties, was described using the Munsell system (both moist and dry determinations were made). Hydrogen ion content (pH), which indicates relative acidity or al- kalinity, was determined using an automatic Altex 70 pH meter, following procedures outlined by jackson (1958). Samples were prepared by adding distilled wa- ter to 20 ml of sediment, allowing the sample to stabi- lize for 1 hour, followed by taking a minimum of three pH readings (reported values were calculated as aver- ages of these readings). pH readings were taken for the 1985 samples only. The following pretreatment procedure was used to remove organic matter which might adversely influ- ence grain size analysis. This procedure is based onJack- son (1958), with the substitution of sodium hydrochlorite for hydrogen peroxide (the former is both less expen- sive and safer to use). The sodium hydrochlorite (com- mercial chlorox beach) was diluted with hydrochloric acid to a pH of 9.5, to avoid the possibility of diges- tion of clay minerals. Sediment samples were immersed in the dilute solution, and kept over low heat in a fume hood for several days, with occasional decanting and centrifuging the liquid portion, and addition of fresh sodium hydrochlorite. This procedure was continued until all organics had been removed; samples were then rinsed in distilled water until all sodium hydrochlorite was removed. After this pretreatment was completed, samples were oven dried at 100?C. A solution of sodium hexametaphosphate (a dispersing agent) and distilled water was added to the dried sediment, flasks were mechanically shaken for 5 minutes, and then allowed to sit overnight to insure that flocculation was not a prob- lem. Samples were then wet screened using a 4f geo- logic sieve to separate the sand fraction from the silt and clay fractions. The sand fractions were oven dried and mechanically shaken for 15 minutes through nested geologic sieves with mesh sizes of -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4Q. The resulting sand fractions were weighed on an analytic balance to the nearest 1000th g. The silt-clay fraction was placed in 1000 ml cylin- ders and sufficient sodium hexametaphosphate solu- tion was added to fill the cylinders. The pipette method (Shackley 1975) was used to determine grain size for this finer fraction. Timed pipette withdrawals were placed in premeasured beakers, oven dried, and weighed to the nearest 1000th g.34 Statistical analysis of grain size data were performed using a computer program developed by the Univer- sity of Washington geoarchaeology laboratory, which calculated and plotted frequency and cumulative per- centage plots by 0 size, as well as providing summary textural designations, sample kurtosis, and sorting char- acteristics (based on Folk 1974). ANALYSIS OF MODERN CONTROL SAMPLES Analytic data on the four sets of modern control samples are presented in Table 4.5, and frequency and cumula- tive plots of grain size distributions for these samples are shown in Figure 4.43. General Sediment Samples The three 1985 control samples are fairly similar in many characteristics (e.g., white color, alkaline pH averaging 8.4), and in textural terms can be described as gravelly or slightly gravelly sands, with moderate to very poor sorting. The coarsest sample is that from the foot of the lagoon beach which was very poorly sorted and had the highest percentage of gravel (12.03%). Eloaua Reef Flat Transect Samples The seaward reef flat transect samples collected in 1986 provide a series extending from the seaward beach out across the reef flat, a distance of 80 m. These samples show much more variation than in the general sediment samples from 1985. For example, sample RT-2 from the modern "muck zone" is characterized by relatively higher quantities of silt and clay, and is a gravelly muddy sand (the organic content is also reflected in its light gray color). Sample RT-3, from the seagrass zone, lacks any gravel-sized component and is largely made up of silt and clay. Sample RT-4, from the zone of dead coral near the active reef margin, has the highest gravel com- ponent (25.12%) of any sample, although it also has significant quantities of silt and clay; not surprisingly, then, it is very poorly sorted. Seaward Beach Samples The 1988 seaward beach samples provide data on the variation across an active seaward beach front. Textur- 123 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES ally, all four samples are gravelly sands, and all of their distributions are marked by leptokurtic kurtosis. The greatest variation is between the sediment at the foot of the beach, which contains the highest percentage of gravel (16.46%) and very little silt-clay, and the sediment from the sandy flat fronting the beach, which has the lowest amount of gravel (5.69%) and the most silt-clay (5.51%). Lagoon Beach Samples The five 1988 lagoon beach and adjacent sand flat se- ries provides data on variation across an active lagoon shore. This series differs from the seaward beach series in the overall lower quantity of gravel, and higher quan- tity of fine particles. Thus only the sample from the foot of the lagoon beach (LB-3) is characterized as a gravelly sand, while those samples (LB-1 and -2) from the higher beach slopes are slightly gravelly sands. In contrast, the samples from the lagoon flat fronting the beach are slightly gravelly muddy sands, with extremely little gravel and reasonably high quantities of silt-clay (11.76 and 15.13%). Although the range of variation in the modern con- trol samples is not extreme, there are sufficient differ- ences to be able to distinguish between the depositional environments of seaward and lagoon beaches and their adjacent sandy flats. Seaward beach sediments are char- acterized by greater amounts of larger clastics (espe- cially in the sand and gravel size ranges) than lagoon beach sediments, reflecting the higher energy levels as- sociated with wave action along the seaward coastlines. Also characteristic are the sediments of the seagrass flats with their very high silt-clay fractions, and those of the dead coral outer reef flat zone with the highest per- centages of gravel (and very poor sorting overall). The analyses of our Eloaua control samples presented above also fit well with the range of variation in sediment sizes described for other atoll systems, such as that of Ifaluk described by Tracey et al. (1961; see also Wiens 1962). They provide a set of modern analogues that may be used to interpret the archaeological samples from Site ECA. ANALYSIS OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SEDIMENTS The archaeological sediment samples from Site ECA were taken from a series of excavation units, both along the W200 transect line (sampled in 1985 and 1986), and along the W250 transect line (sampled in 1988). In in- terpreting these samples, it must first be recalled that both the W200 and W250 transects are oriented ap- proximately N-S and are perpendicular to the orienta- tion of the slope up to the paleobeach ridge (1.75-2.35 m asl) which is interpreted as the shoreline at the time that the ECA Site was first occupied. Thus as one progresses from S to N along either transect, one moves from the paleobeach ridge down across the former shoreline feature, and out onto what was formerly a sandy flat. At the same time, it must also be kept in mind that there is a time-transgressive facies within each vertical excavation unit, which will reflect the dynamic changes occurring over time at each micro-locality. The W200 Transect Series Analytic data for 13 samples collected along the W200 transect are given in Table 4.6, and selected frequency and cumulative distribution plots are provided in Fig- ure 4.44. In Table 4.6, the samples are arranged by ex- cavation unit and by stratum, proceeding from S to N along the W200 transect. The first three samples are from Unit W200N100, which was excavated into the crest of the paleobeach terrace (elevation 2.01 m asl). Here the deeper Layer II sediment, with 16.49% gravel but very little silt or clay (and hence a gravelly sand), is a good match with a modern seaward beach sediment (such as control sample SB-3), consistent with our interpretation of this deposit as the active beach zone at the time of deposition. The upper deposits in W200N100, especially Layer IA, have a much greater percentage of fine particles, reflecting the later development of an organic soil on top of the paleobeach ridge (note also the dark color and lower pH). Layer IA is essentially the modern garden soil cul- tivated by the Eloaua villagers for sweet potatoes and manioc. The next set of samples come from Layer II of Unit W200N110 (TP19), at 50 cm bs (upper) and 90 cm bs (lower). This excavation unit is situated near the foreslope of the former paleobeach terrace, and the sediments are again quite coarse, reflecting a fairly ac- tive zone of beach deposition. The lower sample, in particular, is characterized by a high percentage of gravel (46.30%), indeed higher than that in any of the modern control samples (note that it does not have as much silt- clay, however, as in the modern "dead coral" zone sample, RT-4). This may reflect shoreline conditions 124 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES 125 -CI Xi- Xi 1- S i - I | ^ 2 2~~~~~~~~~r 0f >e > > u ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ c Q O_ c, f ,4 o | 12 Q @ ~~~~~~~~E E 3@Q E 3E E 3?E E E E - ol E~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ E M w5 t c~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o bo b o t o F o @c E~~~~~~~~~~c us ci o~ o ci ci oi o- oi t oo 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~% OD (I X0oN C 4 0 F u lx 10 c. ) 0C Cl U ,.0 Q ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 0 CY ei > OD g wO rl 0 ci e~~~~~~~L ur Co O 0O r) ur 0s O D 00Cr) %O J~~~~~~~~, 0 -- lo 0% 00 _ _ CY O e C o CoO% e o w 0 X U~~~~~C) o F 0 C4 %0 V) U) O% 0 ONC) ?~~~~~~~~~~~, I 2 8 ? r C N ^ 0? qe % ?O r_ e ? becq CQ oi cq o; o ui 1o K 16 ui ?i ? @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ E 3~~~~~c ? ) 2 C} O m O m THREE LAPITA VILLAGES 80 70 r 60 . Eloaua SB-1 8) D 0E -0 .5 ._ -F -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 4 intervals Eoaua SB-4 1- .* 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Eloaua SB-2 8) E 8) en -0 .5 :_ -O -2 -1 0 1 2 4 intervals 60 r 50 8) E U 40 8) en 8 30 > 20 - 10 . o -2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 4 intervals 70 60 50 40 /1 Eoaua SB-3 30 . 20 . 10 0 7/ X 3 4 5 -2 1 0 1 2 3 4) intervals Eloaua LB-2 r 8) E 8C) (1) n F0 .5 -O >0 30 r Eloaua LB-3 I' \ i\, 25 F 20 p 15 P 10 F 5 0 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 intervals 4 5 -2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 intervals Eloaua LB-4 60 r 50 . 8) E 7:P 40 . 8) 8& 30 . .X5 20 . C0 r- 10 0 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 4 intervals Eloaua LB-5 -2 1 0 1 2 4 intervals 3 4 5 FIGURE 4.43 Representative plots of sediment grain size distributions from modern control samples, from the seaward beach (SB1 -4), and lagoon beach (LB2-5), of Eloaua Island. during the mid-Holocene higher sea-level stand, when the reef flat fronting the ECA Site would have been exposed to a slightly higher water level and greater wave energy at high tide, than is the case at present. Another set of four samples were taken from the face of Unit W200N147, part of the 1986 Area B ex- cavations, and are representative of the sequence of sediments within the Area B locality. Layer 1, a gravelly muddy sand, is the organic, reworked garden soil which caps the area today (note the very dark gray color). Layer II, a gravelly muddy sand but with less gravel-sized par- ticles and a lighter gray color, shows a grain-size distri- bution characteristic of an active beach zone (similar to control sample GS-2). The two samples from Layer III (the waterlogged zone of Area B) are both gravelly muddy sands that are very poorly sorted, with a con- siderable range in particle sizes from gravels through silt-clays. The Layer IIIA sample is a good match with control sample RT-2, from the modern "muck zone" in front of Eloaua village, while the IIIB sample is a E -_ V 8) -o .F5 :- -0 50 40 30 20 10 0 30 r 4 5 4-. 25 8) E 20 8) (n bR 15 FD .p 10 - 5 0 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 4 ._ 8) E -O 8) u) > -0 -5 r_ 5 0 1: ? i q ,E cI 127 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES ,S D 1 {E D! Q>'SED- , X5 :2 _ ) -F: D ei (4 3i ci 0 > 4 O, 00> C 0>> . z~~~~~~ Z - . r-- o OO @ 8 8 o o ? 8 o ? 8 8 10 Ac> ' > _ m O>0 0>O 1, ( F~~~~~2 i>r t iwwr 4- 0~~~~ in ooca o0> 0 > w O 8 ~~ ~ ~ . r_ c c c c r _q 0 0 ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0C C1 Cv Ci ?) O X g w o ~bo No E o CO 0 0 00 6~0 0. > 0. 0. 0. 0.0 0. 0.0 0. q E ~~~~ e r, N v C,4 r, s O S0 (0 0 lY LO N0 U)i Os C0 C) 0 C 1 N 4- 11 Co Cnb ? ? ? X o? O Oo U)<) C O) O O OO F F F F O OO C cac (/) 0 ?0 ?1 O - ~ ~ o_ o o b o 8 o o o oe O.' eO O O 70 Co~~~~C Co ~~~~~ COo (V) r C _ O~~~% CM- CvO %0' C ? 0 M? 00'to C c' 04 Q r Mi4 r C ) vCv (0 ~ ~ ~ ~~ cvi - (v) 80 C) 0 C) 0O v) 00 Cv ?- 0 a. Y 00 cy Mi a C- ?M 1'- V-' w ~ ~ 3 l3 3.b :t 3 :31 3. 3 : 3 1 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES ECA, Layer IA W200 N1 00 35 r F, 30 8) E 25 8) Jn 20 -F 1 5 :3 -0 .? 10 .2 0 5 0 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 + intervals ECA, Layer IB W200 N 1 00 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 + intervals 40 35 ) 30 E D 25 8) (1) & 20 3 15 .5_ -o 10 c: 5 0 ECA, Layer II W200 N1 00 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 + intervals 25 r 20 8) E 8) 1 5 (11 3 10 -o .5 -o 0 ECA-B, S face, Layer lll (upper) W200 N1 47 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 1 2 -2 0 2 4 6 8 + intervals f intervals 10 12 25 r - 20 8) E 8) 15 cn 3 10 7U 55 -o C 5 0 ECA-B, S face, Layer lll (lower) W200 N1 47 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 j intervals ECA-T, Layer II W250 N200 2 4 6 8 10 1 intervals 30 a 25 . _ 8) E 0 20 8) (n - 15 :3 70 *5 10 5 0 ECA-T, Layer lll W250 N200 .* 1- 12 -2 0 2 4 6 8 4 intervals 10 12 FIGURE 4.44 Representative plots of sediment grain size distributions from archaeological sediment samples, ECA Site. relatively close fit with RT-4, the "dead coral" zone. Indeed, these samples reinforce our stratigraphic inter- pretation that the Area B stilt house was originally con- structed over an open reef flat (marked by the presence of much dead Acropora branch coral). Over time there was a facies change as the "muck zone" migrated sea- ward, probably in consort with a gradual seaward (S to N) progression of the active beach front. Thus the samples from W200N147 show a local micro-facies progression over time from (1) open reef flat, to (2) a ?muck zone" characterized by a higher percentage of fine particles (incorporating organics and anaerobically preserved plant remains), to (3) an actively prograding beach slope, and finally to (4) an organically enriched soil developing on the old beach terrace. The final set of three samples comes from W200N170, some 20 m N of the Area B excavations. Here again the transition from Layer III to Layer II is best interpreted as a shift over time from a more ex- posed, open reef flat (Layer III) to a prograding beach deposit (Layer II), and eventually to the formation of an organically enriched soil deposit (Layer I), correlat- 11 10 8)9 8 (n 7 3 2p _g 6 3 5 r_4 3 2 25 r ECA-B, S face, Layer 1 W200 N1 47 C 20 8) E ?1 5 3 10 -5 . 5 0 F 30 r 25 . 8) E 70 8) O :3 -O .r .2 20 1 15 F 10 1 5 0 -2 0 - - . --- ?----i - - s - - s - 2 s * E ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - - - - - - tr- 1 128 f\ 1 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES ing with the gradual S to N progradation of the shore- line through this locality. The W250 Transect Series Analytic data for 17 samples collected along the W250 transect are given in Table 4.7, and selected frequency and cumulative distribution plots are provided in Fig- ure 4.44. In Table 4.7, the samples are arranged by ex- cavation unit and by stratum, proceeding from S to N along the W250 transect. Unit W250N80 is situated on the paleobeach ter- race, S of the slope representing the former shoreline. Layer II, a structureless sand deposit, displays sediment characteristics that compare favorably with a lagoon beach sediment (such as control sample GS-2). Some 30 m to the N, Unit W250N1 10 is immediately N of the former shoreline feature. The deepest stratum, Layer IV (- 120-170 cm bs), was described in the field as a "fine silt-clay with anaerobically preserved plant remains and upright [in situ] posts." Thus it is not surprising that the sediment sample from Layer IV is a gravelly muddy sand with characteristics not unlike the mod- ern ?muck zone" control sample (RT-2). Layer III (- 100-120 cm bs) is similar, with a slightly lower fre- quency of gravel-sized particles. Layer II (- 25-100 cm bs), however, displays quite a different set of sediment characteristics, being a gravelly sand with a much lower frequency of silt-clay. Thus in the W250N1 10 unit one can see a facies change over time from a typical "muck zone," which would have fronted the original foreshore when this was perhaps 20-30 m to the S, to a beach foreshore at a slightly later point in time. This is in keep- ing with our geomorphological interpretation of a S to N progradation of the shoreline along the axis of the TABLE 4.7 Analytical data for archaeological sediment samples from the W250 Transect, Site ECA. Unit Layer Gravel Sand Silt X SD Textural Sorting Skewness Kurtosis % % % Class W250N80 II 12.36 86.89 0.75 -0.01 1.01 gS poor coarse leptokurtic W250N110 II 14.39 81.19 4.42 -0.20 1.18 gS poor stronglyflne very leptokurdc W250N110 lll 9.00 72.18 13.14 1.04 2.20 gmS very strongly fine platykurtc poor W250N1 10 IV 16.63 69.10 14.26 1.15 2.30 gmS very strongly fine platykurtic poor W250N1 30 lll 13.17 84.23 2.60 -0.05 1.34 gS poor strongly fine very leptokurtc W250N1 30 IX 3.98 75.60 20.42 1.91 1.99 (g)mS poor near platykurtlc symmetrlcal W250N140 lll 0.31 51.62 48.07 3.67 1.15 (g)mS poor strongly leptokurtlc coarse W250N1 40 IV 14.03 74.27 11.70 1.08 2.10 gmS very fine platykurtlc poor W250N1 50 II 15.07 73.78 11.15 0.82 2.11 gmS very strongly fine mesokurtlc poor W250N150 IIIA 12.09 71.06 16.85 1.15 2.21 gmS very strongly fine very poor patykurtc W250N150 IIIC 3.25 86.20 10.55 1.21 1.77 (g)ms poor strongly fine mesokurtc W250N1 50 IV 19.35 72.68 7.97 0.49 1.88 gS poor strongly fine mesokurlc W250N170 111 2.65 66.13 31.22 2.64 1.95 (g)mS poor strongly platykurtic coarse W250N1 70 IV 15.74 70.87 13.39 1.21 2.19 gmS very fine platykurtic poor W250N190 80-85 cm 9.11 81.55 9.35 1.23 2.00 gmS poor fine platykurtlc W250N200 II 7.68 90.49 1.83 0.79 1.48 gS poor fine mesokurtlc W250N200 lll 5.82 84.64 9.53 1.20 1.88 gmS poor strongly fine platykurtle 129 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES W250 transect. A similar time transgressive change can be detected in the samples from Unit W250N130. The deeper Layer IX sample (- 150-180 cm bs) represents a slightly gravelly muddy sand with considerable silt-clay content, whereas the higher Layer HI sample ( - 35 cm bs) shows a change to a gravelly sand with very little silt and a higher gravel content, typical of a beach slope (com- pare control samples SB-3 and LB-3). Thus again, we see a temporal shift from reef flat to beach foreshore. In Unit W250N140, the two analyzed samples show a temporal progression from a gravelly muddy sand in Layer IV (- 110-150 cm bs), to a slightly gravelly muddy sand with much higher silt-clay content in over- lying Layer III (- 60-110 cm bs). This is then overlain by Layer II, described in the field as a "structureless massive deposit of coarse-grained calcareous sand" (Layer II was not sampled for laboratory analysis). The W250N140 temporal progression would then seem to reflect the gradual "migration" of a "muck zone" along a S to N course, with Layer III representing this zone when it was concentrated in the vicinity of this unit, and Layer II representing the beach foreshore which even- tually replaced and covered it over. Moving farther to the N along the transect, we took a set of four samples from the W250N150 pit, which perhaps even more clearly than in W250N140 show the temporal migration of the "muck zone" along a S to N track, as reflected in the micro-facies of this unit. The deepest deposit exposed in excavation, Layer IV (- 100- 120 cm bs), was described in the field as a coarse-grained sand "containing numerous water-rolledAcropora branch coral fingers," and as having Quidnipagus and Veneridae bivalves in death position. This description is matched by the sediment texture with a high percentage (19.35%) of gravel, indeed the highest percentage of gravel from any sediment sample taken along the W250 transect. The closest analog here would seem to be the "dead coral" zone from the seaward reef transect (control sample RT-4). Both our field description and the ana- lytical data strongly suggest that Layer IV represents the original reef flat. Layer IIIC (- 60-100 cm bs), which was subsequently deposited over the Layer IV reef flat, has a significantly reduced gravel component (only 3.25%) and increased silt-clay content. In the field we noted that this stratum contained anaerobically preserved plant remains, and thus represents the onset of the "muck zone" as it moved gradually from S to N. Layer IIIA ( - 40-60 cm bs) is an even more poorly sorted sedi- ment, with a greater range of gravels to silt-clays. This is then capped by Layer II (.- 20-40 cm bs) which while also very poorly sorted, shows a shift towards more gravel and less silt-clay fraction. With Unit W250N170 one is now - 60 m N of the original position of the shoreline associated with the mid-Holocene higher sea-level stand. Here we sampled the two deepest strata, which once again show the pro- gression of the muck zone over the underlying reef flat. Layer IV ( - 90-150 cm bs), a very poorly sorted, gravelly muddy sand, represents the original reef flat in this locality. Layer III (- 75-90 cm bs), which is quite thin in this unit and which contained anaerobically pre- served wood, coconuts, and other plant remains, shows averyhigh silt-clay content (31.22%) andvery little gravel. In these characteristics, it seems most similar to the seagrass zone of the seaward reef transect (control sample RT-3) and may indeed have been a patch of reef flat dominated by seagrasses. This was later cov- ered by a thick deposit of structureless coarse-grained sand (Layer II, not analyzed), which represents the final stage of beach progradation. The final three samples from the W250 transect are from Area C and from a unit 10 m N of Area C. These are all either gravelly muddy sands or gravelly sands, with characteristics not unlike the modern sand flat samples, especially that from the seaward beach transect (sample SB-4). This suggests that the Area C vicinity was a sandy, tidally exposed flat at the time of stilt- house occupation, an interpretation consistent with our field observations. SEA-ZEVEL CHANGEAND DEPOSITIONAZ HISTORYATECA The 1985 discovery of preserved wooden post bases and other organic materials in a waterlogged deposi- tional context at Area B of the ECA Site was the first indication that Lapita settlements in the Bismarck Ar- chipelago had incorporated stilt or pole-structure ar- chitecture constructed over shallow reef environments. Subsequently, other sites such as Apalo (FOJ) in the Arawe Islands, the Kreslo Site (FNT> off New Britain, and the reef flat pottery sites on Buka, confirm that this was a widespread Lapita settlement pattern in Near Oceania (Gosden and Webb 1994; Specht 1991; Wickler 1995; see also Kirch 1997:162-88). Understanding the 130 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES depositional history of such sites requires a geomor- phologically-informed research and excavation strategy, along with a careful consideration of evidence for local changes in relative sea level and sediment budgets. The transect excavation strategy utilized at ECA permitted a detailed reconstruction of the micro-geomorphology and depositional sequence for the period from the mid- second millennium BC until about two thousand years ago. Initially, we attempted to interpret the field evi- dence in terms of a model of relative sea level stability during this time period. Increasingly, however, our field evidence (relative elevation levels of the paleobeach ter- races in relation to modern sea level, evidence of wave cut notches, etc.) convinced us that a drop in sea level must have been responsible for the progradation of the coastal terrace on this part of Eloaua Island, result- ing in the burial and preservation of the ECA stilt-house occupation deposits. This view was reinforced by a spate of studies during the late 1980s indicative of a mid-to- late Holocene higher sea level in the SW Pacific. A rapid rise in sea levels following the end of the Pleistocene is a global phenomenon that has been widely recognized for some time (Fairbridge 1961; Shepard 1963). More controversial-because they depend upon a complexity of local conditions and processes-have been the details of the eustatic sea level curve in the mid-to-late Holocene, especially the matter of whether there have been higher-than-present stands. Bloom (1980, 1983) modeled some of the global diversity in these Holocene curves, and suggested that a + 1-2 m stand existed in the South Pacific during this period. Substan- tial geomorphic and radiometric evidence from a vari- ety of islands now supports this interpretation of a + 1- 2 m high sea level during the period between - 4-2 kyr BP. In Fiji, Nunn (1990:304) concluded that the coasts ?experienced a middle to late Holocene sea-level maxi- mum some 1-2 m above present mean sea level." This conclusion is supported by work by Miyata et aL (1990), and similar results are presented by Ash (1987) for Viti Levu island. On Mangaia in the Southern Cook Islands, Yonekura et al. (1988) report evidence for a + 1.7 m stand between 3400-2900 BP. In French Polynesia, Pirazzoli and Montaggioni (1986, 1988; Montaggioni and Pirazzoli 1984) describe evidence from various is- lands for a MSL between +0.8 and 1.0 m beginning 6-5.5 kyr BP and lasting as late as 1.2 kyr BP. In Western Samoa, Rodda and his colleagues summarize various evidence for Holocene higher stands, while Isla (1989:361-363) reviews a comparable range of evidence for several Pacific Islands. In developing a morphodynamic model for landscape change and coastal terrace formation at the To'aga Site on Ofu Island, American Samoa, Kirch (1993) synthesized these and other data relating to this Holocene high-stand. The ra- diocarbon chronology for To'aga suggests that the drop in sea level from the mid-Holocene high stand down to the modern level occurred sometime around 2000 BP. Recent and continuing geomorphological re- search has added additional evidence to support such an interpretation for a mid-Holocene higher sea level stand throughout much of the SW Pacific (Allen 1998; Dickinson 1998, 1999, in press; Dickinson and Green 1998; Dickinson et al. 1994, 1998; Fujimoto et al. 1996). While we have no directly dated evidence from Mussau for a higher sea level during the mid Holocene, the presence of wave-cut notches along the exposed limestone cliffs of Eloaua, Boliu, and other islands of the group corresponds well with the + 1-2 m higher stand reported by the investigators cited above. In 1988, we measured several profiles of such wave-cut notches, discussed and illustrated in Chapter 2. All of these are indicative of a higher sea level of - + 1-1.5 m. Gosden and Webb (1994) similarly discuss coastal cliff profiles in the Arawe Islands off New Britain, which have an older solution or wave-cut notch 1 m above the present high water mark. While there is no means to directly date these notches in either Mussau or the Arawe islands, they are no older than Holocene in age, given coastal erosion rates. In sum, a widespread and consistent pattern of ra- diometrically dated shoreline features provides strong evidence for a higher sea level ranging between - + 1-2 m over the SW Pacific, from at least 5 kyr BP, and last- ing until sometime between 2-1 kyr BP. This is matched by the evidence of wave-cut notches along the Mussau islands. After - 2 kyr BP sea level fell (perhaps fairly rap- idly) to its present position. This mid-to-late Holocene sea level curve thus provides an important dimension for a model of coastal terrace formation at the Talepakemalai Site. Progradation, resulting in the formation of a coastal terrace such as that at ECA, can be defined as the "pro- gressive formation of new land by sedimentation irre- spective of the tendency of sea level movement" (Chappell 1982:71). Sea level changes, whether due to glacio-eustacy or tectonic movements, or both, are im- 131 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES portant as controlling factors for the sediment budget, but alone they do not provide a sufficient model of progradation. As Chappell emphasizes, ". . . sea level changes alone cannot be used to account for coastal changes. In fact, for the last 6000 years, the sedimentary budget is the more important factor" (1982:71). The sediment budget can be thought of as the net sum of sediment input, minus the loss of sediment from trans- port. In the case of the ECA Site, there is no significant source of terrestrial sediment. Rather, the terrace has been formed wholly from calcareous sands and larger clastics of biogenic reef origin (coral heads and shingles, shell fragments, branch coral fingers, etc.). To explain the rapid progradation of the Eloaua coastal flat dur- ing the first millennium BC, resulting in the burial of the stilt-house occupation deposits, requires a mechanzsm for a substantial increase in marine biogenic sediment load. This mechanism is provided by the rapid drop in sea level at this time, which exposed the outer reef edge and reef platform to wave erosion, thus generating an increased quantity of calcareous sediment. The occupation sequence and depositional history of the ECA Site, in relation to the controlling geomor- phic mechanisms of relative sea level change and in- creased sediment budget, can be summarized as fol- lows (also depicted diagrammatically in Figure 4.45). STAGE 1, -3,500 BP At the time of initial settlement of the Talepakemalai Site, the active beach ridge ranged from 0.70 to 1.35 m higher than the modern beach ridge and was situated in the vicinity of units N80-N100 between the W200 and W250 transects. This paleobeach terrace reflected the then higher sea level stand of - + 1 m. Construction and occupation of stilt-structures over the sub-tidal, sandy reef flat, which began at about N1 10 and continued N, resulted in the deposition of a dense accumulation of shell midden, ceramics, oven stones, and other cultural materials underneath and surrounding these structures. Furthermore, a zone of fine-grained sediments depos- ited in the low-energy sub-tidal environment between the beach and the stilt houses trapped organic remains such as wood, coconut, and seeds. A modern analog for this kind of low energy sub-tidal depositional envi- ronment that traps organic materials such as discarded coconut half shells is provided by the seaward fore- shore fronting the modern Eloaua Village (Fig. 4.46). On the paleobeach terrace itself, cultural activities re- sulted in the incorporation of plainware sherds, midden, and other materials into the loose calcareous sands (ex- emplified by the Area A excavations). STAGE 2, -2,800 BP By this date, which represents the later occupation phase at ECA as marked culturally by the dominance of in- cised ceramics, coastal progradation had commenced, and the beach had migrated N to cover the remains of the original zone of stilt houses. A new zone of stilt structures now stood between about N160 to N190, and a similar pattern of midden and ceramic deposi- tion under the structures resulted. A thin "muck zone" organic deposit accumulated between the beach and the stilt structures. Cultural activities along the now- prograded beach resulted in the deposition of incised ceramics into the beach sands over the now buried ear- lier (Area B) occupation zone (as reflected in the vertical distribution of cultural materials in the Area B sequence). STAGE 3, POST-2,500 BP Around the mid-first millennium BC, the stilt-houses at ECA seem to have been abandoned altogether, as progradation increased in tempo, and the sand spit con- necting the formerly separated N and S parts of Eloaua Island became joined. As progradation advanced, the materials on the former reef flat which had been sub- tidally deposited were flooded by the Ghyben-Herzberg aquifer, thus preserving them in a waterlogged, anaero- bic condition. This low-lying, newly prograded terrain was colonized by typical coastal vegetation such as Pan- danus, Pisonia, Calophyllum, and othertrees. Disturbance of the buried cultural deposits was limited to the bur- rowing actions of land crabs which, fortunately, did not penetrate into the Ghyben-Herzberg aquifer. The organically enriched cultural deposits situated on the older, higher beach terrace (in the vicinity of the mod- ern airfield), however, were cultivated in a pattern of relatively short-falbow shifting cultivation. This repeated shifting cultivation resulted in extensive disturbance and mixing of the occupation materials situated on the higher, original beach terrace. In addition to portraying the depositional sequence at Talepakemalai along a series of diagrammatic transects, as in Figure 4.45, we can suggest what a map 132 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES E G) E E E (n FIGURE 4.45 A diagrammatic representation of the probable stages of geomorphological evolution of the Talepakemalai Site, from -4,000 BP to Modern. Vertical scale exaggerated 10 times. 3-49000BP 1--,Z---~,- i~ 3 4, O O O B P ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Forest . 2 - High water line . . *. . *. . . . . . . Reef platform ... .;;... . O1-....... 3 -3,500 BP 2 - High water line 1 - Dense midden accumulation 0 - . . . *. . .; ., ., . .. kf' r Z n' ' , . .r : : , latreansi 3- 2 - 1 - 0- 3 , 0) 1 0 ., . . .. ., .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . .. .. ... ,: , . ... . . . . .:. .G y H e r z b g . .Top~~~~~~~~~~~~o of Ghyben-Herzberg-' Area C Area B 0 50 100 m 133 0 50 a a 3 1 1 1 100 m THREE LAPITA VILLAGES FIGURE 4.46 View of the seaward foreshore fronting Eloaua Village, at low tide, with the fine-grained 'muck zone' sediments exposed (Emussau Island visible in the distance). The vertical posts are the remains of two abandoned stilt house dwellings. Note the presence of numerous coconut half shells (endocarps), wooden timbers, and other organic remains Iying on and in the fine-grained sediments at the foot of the gentle beach slope. A similar depositional environment presumably characterized the ECA Site at the time of its Lapita occupation. of the original coastal topography of this part of Eloaua Island would have looked like at - 3,500 BP. As seen in Figure 4.47, Eloaua was actually divided into two separate islands, with a broad, sub-tidal sandy reef flat lying between. The northern end of the main Eloaua Island was occupied by the Talepakemalai Lapita settle- ment, while across the channel on the southern shore of the smaller island was another Lapita settlement, repre- sented by the Etakosarai (ECB) Site (see below). THE ETAKOSARAI SITE (ECB) The ECB Site was first reported by Egloff (1975:15), who excavated two 1 by 2 m tests there in May, 1974. Egloff's report on the site was minimal: The excavations at ECB indicate that the deposits are quite shallow, having a depth in most places of no greater than 15 to 25 cm. What deposits there are at ECB appear to be restricted to an irregular midden - 20 metres in diametre. Also, the sherds recovered at the site are quite battered due to the shallow and exposed nature of the deposit (1975:15). Egloff reported that the two test pits yielded a total of 359 potsherds plus 24 "special" sherds, 0.7 g of bone, and 40.7 g of obsidian (1975, table 7). He combined the ceramics from ECA and ECB in his analysis, noting no evident differences between the two assemblages, describing both as falling "weil within the accepted range for the Lapita style" as then known from the Watom and Ambitle Island sites (1975:25). In 1985 I relocated the ECB Site with Ave Male's assistance and determined that it was substantially larger o 134 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES than the "20 m diameter" mound described by Egloff. Although the deposits did appear to be relatively shal- low and somewhat disturbed by gardening, additional test excavations seemed warranted in order to better understand the site's stratigraphy, determine its areal extent and size, obtain materials for radiocarbon dat- ing, and generally to increase the sample of cultural materials. During the 1985 season I excavated six 1 m2 units along a single transect bisecting the site. In 1986, Hunt was assigned the task of extending the excava- tions at ECB and dug an additional 13 units, bringing the total sample size up to 19 m2. The following ac- count combines the results of the 1985 and 1986 sea- sons at ECB.35 THE SE TTING Site ECB is situated in the W part of Eloaua Island, at a place known as Etakosarai ("place of red soil"), just W of a trail that crosses the island at its narrowest point. The traditional landowner is Mr. Aimalo Lavatea of Lomakunauru, whose family has made gardens there for many years. At the time we worked there, ECB was largely planted in manioc, and the site's surface was lit- tered with large midden shells, obsidian flakes, and sherds (including many bearing both dentate-stamped and in- cised decorations) which had been brought to the sur- face by the action of digging sticks (Fig. 4.48). The gar- dened area was - 50 by 60 m, and the surrounding veg- FIGURE 4.47 Suggested configuration of the NW part of Eioaua Island during the period of Lapita occupation at Talepakemalai (-3,500-2,800 BP). Note that at this time there were two separate islands, with an area of shallow reef flat separating them. The Talepakemalai (ECA) and Etakosarai (ECB) sites would have been intervisible across this reef flat. 135 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES FIGURE 4.48 View of the ECB Site during the 1986 excavations. etation consisted of second growth with Pandanus, Ca- suarina, Morinda, Macaranga, and some immature Calophyllum. One of Egloff's 1974 test excavations had not been backfilled so we were able to determine the precise location of at least one of his units. The site occupies gently sloping terrain which rises from the cross-island trail for an elevation gain of - 1 m. The trail itself is situated on low-lying sandy ground, and we suspected that the slope on which the site lies was probably a paleobeach terrace, which formed at the mid-Holocene sea level stand. To the W of the site this terrace adjoins an uplifted block of limestone which rises to an elevation of 51 m asl. Our geomorphologi- cal interpretation is that at the time ECB was occupied, the low-lying marshy terrain between ECB and ECA (- 1 km to the E) consisted of an open reef or sand flat, certainly awash at high tide if not continually under water. Thus the ECB and ECA sites faced each other across this reef or sand flat, and Eloaua comprised two separate islands at that time. With sea level fall to the modern level (probably - 2000 BP), this flat accumu- lated a deposit of calcareous sand between 0.5-1 m asl and was colonized by a typical halophytic vegetation aciation (Pandanus, Tenninalia, Calpyllum,Baningtonia, and other taxa). EXCAVATIONS AND STRA TIGRAPHY A contour map and plan of the excavated units at ECB is provided in Figure 4.49. We estimate that the area containing cultural materials covers - 3,000 m2. THE 1985 TRANSECT From August 25-27, 1985, six 1 m2 tests were exca- vated along a single E-W oriented transect which ran from the low-lying terrain E of the area of surface sherd scatter and up across the sloping garden. The 136 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES transect units were not equally spaced, because we had to work around the active manioc plantings, but from E to W the units spanned a total distance of 90 m. Our excavations demonstrated that cultural materials were concentrated on the higher ground W of the trail, with almost nothing recovered in the test unit at E40N0, which was positioned on the low-lying terrain that we inferred to be the old reef flat. THE 1986 EXCAVATIONS In 1986 I oriented Hunt to the site, and we reestab- lished the 1985 E-W transect line so that the additional test units were positioned on the same grid. As seen in the site plan (Fig. 4.49), these were spaced at regular 10- m intervals running N and S of the baseline, to form a grid of units that we hoped would allow us to assess spatial patterns of artifact and midden distribution within the main area over which cultural materials were con- centrated. STRATIGRAPHY Although there were minor variations from unit to unit, including the overall depth of cultural deposit, the stratig- raphy was more-or-less consistent over the entire area excavated. A representative profile of the unit situated at E1S21, is illustrated in Figure 4.50. The four main layers distinguished in this and other sections are as fol- lows: LAYER 1: Typically 10-15 cm thick. Dark brown (7.5YR 4/2) sandy loam, A horizon, much re- worked by gardening with numerous rootlets and scattered charcoal from garden burning. Sherds in this deposit are typically small and heavily worn or eroded. The boundary with Layer II is diffuse. LAYER II: Ranges from 5-15 cm thick. Reddish-yel- low (7.5YR 6/6) sandy loam, fine-grained with considerable shell midden. The boundary with Layer mI is fairly sharply marked. LAYER III: Thickness varies considerably over the site, but is typically from 30-60 cm thick in the central part of the tested area. The sediment is light gray (lOYR 7/2), medium-grained sand and contains abundant shell midden. This de- posit is frequently heavily cemented with CaCO3 concretions, apparently due to repeated wet- ting and drying from the fluctuating water table. In several units it was necessary to use an iron crowbar to break up the concretions. LAYER IV: This is the basal, culturally sterile deposit, consisting of white (1OYR 8/1), coarse-grained calcareous sand with some waterworn shells and coral rubble. Towards the E end of the transect, this deposit also included numerous Tellinidae shells with both valves intact, indicat- ing a sub-tidal depositional environment. Layer IV clearly represents a paleobeach terrace deposit that accumulated during the mid-Holocene higher sea level stand and represents the original surface on which the Lapita occupation at ECB was established. Layer III seems to be a largely intact cultural deposit which accumulated on this beach slope, while Layer II is best interpreted as a post-occupation accumulation of beach sand that was probably under a stable vegeta- tion cover for some time. This was subsequently dis- turbed and reworked by gardening, creating the Layer I/11 distinction. No features of any kind (such as earth ovens or pits) were encountered during our excavations, leading us to conclude that the Lapita occupation at ECB prob- ably consisted of stilt-houses situated on a sloping beach fronting the sandy reef flat to the E. The Layer III de- posit thus accumulated as detritus dropped or was dis- carded from these houses. Unlike the situation at ECA, no wooden posts or other non-carbonized plant mate- rials have survived at ECB, because the deposits lie above the Ghyben-Herzberg aquifer which created the anaerobic conditions at ECA. SEDIMENT ANALYSIS Four sediment samples were collected during the 1985 test excavations at ECB, three samples from Test Unit 1 (Layers IA, IB, and If) and one sample from Test Unit 2 (Layer II). Samples were analyzed using the same meth- ods described above for sedimentology of the ECA Site. The samples from Test Unit 1, located near what was probably the paleobeach ridge, display a temporal progression from a very poorly sorted, slightly gravelly muddy sand (mean 0 = 1.77 + 2.59), white (lOYR 8/ 2) in color represented by Layer II, to a very poorly sorted, gravelly muddy sand (mean 4 = 1.64 _ 3.15), yellowish brown (1OYR 5/4) in color. This is capped 137 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES * *TP5 W4ONO Secondary Forest tP4 - - - W2OQ! - 19 17 15 13 20 1.8 11 12 * C\TP18 eTP16 \ W1 OS21 W1 OSi 1 , * TP1 3 i Wl ONO W TPi 4 / S W1ON10 1 985 , datum x A i' \, i El S21$ e , \ ! ) J 6! Il l \ ?, * TP9 ` 1986 EONO El Sl datum I ? 19 *TP15 , E1 1S21 El E1 Si1 1 k~~ ~~ ", ',~ 11.1.- ... p * TP7 * TP8 E1N10 E1 N20 * ITP12 s',' E1 NO * TP2 E20NO 0 2 4 6 8 10m Grid N o e 10 Contour interval 1 0 cm S20 S10 * TP3 E35N0 0 N10 0 - N30 N20 E40 FIGURE 4.49 Plan of the Etakosarai Site (ECB), showing the location of units excavated during the 1985 and 1986 field seasons. - W40 - W30 - W20 - w1O 7/ *--'// 1 1.1 * TP17 W1lON20 T l : ' El S30 1 1 0 -E10 -E20 -E30 S30 i 138 E THREE LAPITA VILLAGES by the organically enriched gardened soil covering the site today, Layer 1. Texturally, this layer is also a gravelly muddy sand (mean o = 4.24 + 4.5 1) that is extremely poorly sorted and incorporates much more silt-clay than the underlying sands; Layer 1 is also much darker in color (lOYR 3/2, very dark grayish brown). lt has a pH of 7.74, whereas the underlying sand deposits have pH levels of 8.09 and 8.14 respectively. The Layer II de- posit in Test Unit 2, situated at the foot of the former paleobeach ridge and therefore probably representing a tidally exposed sand flat at the time of deposition, is characterized as a very poorly sorted, gravelly muddy sand (mean 0 = 2.10 + 3.42), white in color (1OYR 8/ 2), with a pH of 8.03. This sample, with a relatively high percentage of silt and clay fractions, compares well with the sand flat modern control samples (e.g., sample LB-4). In sum, the sedimentological analysis of samples from ECB is entirely consistent with our field geomor- phological interpretations. RADIOCARBON DATING Three radiocarbon dates were obtained for Site ECB (see Chapter 10 for sample details). Two of these (ANU- 5086, -5087) each consist of valves of Hyotissa hyotis midden shell from the Layer I and Layer II deposits obtained in 1985. These shell samples yielded nearly iden- tical conventional ages of 3120 + 80 (ANU-5086) and 3150 + 80 BP (ANU-5087); calibration of these dates is discussed in Chapter 10. The third sample (Beta-20453) was obtained in 1986 from Unit ElS11 (TP-9) from the undisturbed Layer III and consisted of several large pieces of wood charcoal which were dispersed through the deposit at a depth of - 71 cm bs. This sample yielded a conventional age of 3200 + 70 BP, which when cali- brated yields an age range of 1597-1414 BC. For rea- sons given in Chapter 10, we believe that the best over- all estimate for the age of the ECB Site is - 1520-1300 cal BC, and that the site is penecontemporaneous with Zone C1 of Area B at Site ECA. CULTURAL CONTENT The ECB excavations yielded a cultural assemblage, in- cluding ceramics with both dentate-stamped and incised decorations. Non-ceramic artifacts include several abrad- ers, a number of scrapers/peelers, three shell fishhooks and several Trochus-shell hook preforms, 16 Conus-shell 1I 111 Tridacna O El Iv Unexcavated 5 Sediment samples - 0 cm - 10 - 20 - 30 _ 40 -50 -60 - 70 _ 80 90 - 100 _ 110 FIGURE 4.50 Stratigraphic profile of the N face of Unit El S21 at the ECB Site. rings, and a number of other items. There was a fairly large number of manuports at ECB, totaling 244 for an average density of 12.8/m2, almost exactly the same density as at Area B of ECA (12.7/m2). The faunal assemblage is dominated by fish and turtle bone, with a few bird bones, one Odontocete bone, and three pig bones. THE ETAPAKENGAROASA SITE (EHB) The EHB Site, on Emananus Island, was first reported by Allen et al. (1984:9-10) who were taken there by "a local resident [Saupa] who produced a classically deco- rated, large Lapita rim sherd, which he had found in the hole left by a fallen tree." They reported the locality name as Karasa, and in 1985 we were told the name was Erauwa, but we were later informed that the cor- rect toponym is Etapakengaroasa. Allen et al. (1984:10) found a second Lapita sherd as well as some sherds with incised decoration, and obsidian, and they specu- lated that excavations might "clarify the relationship of i 1 1 j L 139 I THREE LAPITA VILLAGES the incised and dentate stamped lapita pottery." I un- dertook test excavations at EHB in 1985, and further transect units were excavated by Hunt in 1986. volcanic oven stones, shell midden, sherds, and obsid- ian flakes that had been brought to the surface by the crabs. Based on the surface distribution of cultural ma- terials, we estimated that the EHB Site covers - 1,150 m2. THE SETTING EXCAVATIONS AND STM& TIGPAPHY Etapakengaroasa is situated on the NE side of Emananus Island, on the lagoon shore, a short distance E of a small hamlet occupied by Pastor Ororea and his family (UTM coordinates GU883255). Geomorpho- logically, the site consists of a narrow (- 55 m wide) paleobeach terrace which lies at the base of a steep slope rising up to the island's upraised limestone plateau. This terrace, which has a slightly higher berm (1.35 m asl) on its seaward edge, presumably formed during the mid- Holocene higher sea-level stand, and indeed, the depo- sition of calcareous sand here may have been encour- aged by the presence of Lapita stilt-houses. Today the lagoon shore in front of the terrace consists of a man- grove swamp, but this is unlikely to have existed at the time the site was occupied. An elevation profile across the site (Fig. 4.51) shows the structure of the beach ter- race and berm in relation to the mangrove swamp. The terrace is presently in old second growth and coconut, but has been repeatedly gardened in the past; a new garden had been cleared in 1985 - 75 m E of our test pits. In addition to gardening disturbance, land crabs (Cardisoma sp.) have extensively bioturbated the site's deposits. Crab burrows were everywhere across the site, and the ground surface was littered with fire-cracked Although the extensive crab burrowing did not bode well for undisturbed stratigraphy, we nonetheless de- cided to test EHB during the 1985 season in order to obtain a sample of pottery and other cultural materials for comparison with those from ECA. Two test pits were excavated from 1-2 September. Two radiocar- bon dates obtained from these 1985 tests indicated that the Lapita occupation at EHB was relatively early, and this was confirmed by an analysis of the ceramics, which are marked by a high frequency of very fine dentate- stamping. 1 therefore decided that additional excava- tions should be undertaken in 1986, primarily to ex- pand our sample size of the ceramic assemblage and associated cultural materials. T. Hunt excavated seven more 1 m2 units between 28 October and 4 Novem- ber, 1986, bringing the total excavated area to 9 m2, a roughly 0.8% sample of the total area with surface cul- tural material. 1985 TEST EXCAVATIONS We first cleared a transect through the second growth covering the site, running from the mangroves across FIGURE 4.51 Elevation profile across the EHB Site, as measured by telescopic leveling in 1985. S18 0 N20 N40 N60 . 1 1 1 N85 .\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~Mangrove' . . ".\ ~~~~~~Beach .. 91 ..... TP2 ~Ridge Xr . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . .S ,~~~. . . . . . . . . '. \p y g. . . .. . ..... .. . . .. . . ., ., . . . . . ., . . t .~~. . . . , . . . - . - . - . - . . ...--.*** ? . t . e . t . . s . . * . s . l . X . e . a . b .< s x8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-r O ss!w fU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t * * , n s u b w t e %r b bu r & 140 um 3m - o 2 - x 0G) (- .'t > 1- 0- Swamp 9 , THREE LAPITA VILLAGES the beach terrace to the slope of the limestone escarp- ment, a total distance of 85 m. The transect was staked, and an elevation profile taken with a Leitz level and stadia rod (Fig. 4.5 1). Two test units were gridded out, 20 m apart, along this transect line. Unit 1, - 50 m in- land of the terrace berm, was excavated to a depth of 95 cm bs, when the water table was reached and the mucky sediment could no longer be screened. The en- tire depth of deposit here, which consisted of a dark grayish brown sand loam (lOYR 4/2), appeared to have been penetrated and disturbed by land crab burrows. Unit 2, closer to the berm, was excavated to 65 cm bs with great difficulty, due to considerable calcium car- bonate cementation of the calcareous sand below 20 cm. We were able to break through this cemented de- posit only by using a 2 m long iron crowbar. At 65 cm bs the cemented sand became coarse grained and was mixed with coral rubble (Acropora branch coral fingers, etc.), and showed signs of recrystalization, probably due to continual wetting by the fluctuating Ghyben-Herzberg aquifer. Even with the crowbar, this deposit was virtu- ally impossible to excavate, and the unit was terminated at 70 cm bs. 1986 TRANSECT EXCAVATIONS In late October, 1986, Hunt set up his datum on the coastal trail which runs along the terrace berm, and gridded out seven test units along two intersecting transects. His N-S transect (which ran along the crest of the berm) had four units spaced at 20 m intervals, while his E-W transect (which intersected the N-S transect at Unit ON2OW) had three units spaced at 10 m intervals.36 STRATIGRAPHY Hunt reported the stratigraphy as being more-or-less uniform over the entire 40 by 60 m area covered by his two transects. Representative profiles of the ON1OW and ON2OW transect units are shown in Figure 4.52. Three layers were defined: LAYER I: 0-25/40 cm bs. A dark grayish brown sandy loam (1OYR 3/2), organically enriched with abundant rootlets. This layer has been ex- tensively reworked due to gardening activity. The contact with Layer II is diffuse and varies in depth. LAYER II: 25/40-100/125 cm bs. A gray to dark grayish brown (1OYR 5/1 to lOYR 4/2) cal- careous sand, with frequent CaCO3 concretions in the upper part of the layer, in some cases covering almost the entire unit. The concretions decrease with depth, and the lower part of the Layer II deposit is within the zone of tidal fluc- tuation of the water table, and thus continually moist. Most of the cultural material was de- rived from Layer II. This layer is also exten- sively penetrated by crab burrows. LAYER III: 100/125 + cm bs. A coarse to medium- grained white (1OYR 8/1) to light gray (1OYR 7/1) sand, not cemented and continually wet. Mixed with the sand are Acropora branch coral fingers, waterworn coral pebbles, and numer- ous Quidnipagusandsmall Tellina bivalves indeath position (both valves intact), indicating that Layer III was deposited sub-tidally. From this relatively simple stratigraphy, we would infer that the Lapita occupation began over a tidal la- goon flat just offshore from the upraised limestone slope of Emananus Island. Presumably, this settlement con- sisted of stilt houses as at ECA although no preserved posts were found at EHB. Potsherds, shell midden, and other cultural debris began to accumulate under and around the houses, gradually accumulating the Layer II deposit and also trapping fine lagoonal sands which form the matrix of this sediment. Layer 1 probably developed through the post-depositional reworking of the Layer II midden deposit by gardening. Because there is no meaningful internal stratifica- tion within Layer II, and also because of the extensive land crab disturbance which has doubtless led to con- siderable mixing, we have treated the cultural deposit at EHB as a single assemblage. We did, nonetheless, check for any significant trends in ceramic change by depth, with a negative result. RADIOCARBON DATING Two marine shell samples (a Tridacna gigas and aHyotissa hyotis valve), one from each of the two 1985 test pits, were radiocarbon dated (see Chapter 10 for details), yielding conventional ages of 3470 + 90 BP (ANU- 5088) and 3380 + 90 BP (ANU-5089). These suggest that the ECB Site was occupied contemporaneously with the earlier Area B settlement at ECA. Calibration of 141 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES 0 L 100cm 0 L % Trochus shell Shell 6 11 - 50 Q) Q t-) tu 3: ca 0 c- e-c 01 Q) - 100 O White concretions (CaC03) * e Shell FIGURE 4.52 Stratigraphic section of Units ON1 OW and ON2OW at the EHB Site. these dates depends upon the AR correction factor, and is discussed further in Chapter 10. Based upon the na- ture of the EHB ceramic assemblage, the site is likely to date to the early part of the Lapita sequence in Mussau, and an age estimate of - 1500 cal BC is preferred. CULTURAL CONTENT The two seasons of excavations at EHB yielded a mod- est sample of the site's material culture, including 7,552 ceramics (of which 523 were diagnostic sherds), 783 non-ceramic objects, and 553 vertebrate faunal speci- mens. The pottery includes a significant quantity of sherds with fine dentate-stamping, as well as pedestal feet, both traits indicative of the earlier part of the Mussau ceramic sequence, and thus consistent with the radiocarbon dates. The majority of non-ceramic arti- facts are comprised of flakes and cores (395 specimens), and of manuports (336 specimens). CONCLUDING REMARKS The ECA, ECB, and EHB sites encapsulate a consider- able range of variation, in size, structure, and cultural content. All three sites appear to have incorporated stilt- house architecture, and all were situated in similar geo- morphic settings on paleobeach terraces or over shal- low tidal reef flats. However, EHB at a little over 1,000 m2area could hardly have been more than a small ham- let, about the same size as the Nenumbo (RiF-2) Site in the eastern Solomon Islands, intensively studied by Green (Green 1976; Sheppard and Green 1991). Site ECB is slightly larger at around 3,000 m2 in area, but again within the range that is best identified as a hamlet. Neither EHB nor ECB is likely to have been occupied by more than a few households, perhaps only a single extended house- hold in each case. In contrast, the ECA Site which cov- ers at least 82,000 m2 can properly be designated a "vil- lage," and indeed is the largest Lapita site yet on record. 1 00 cm Shells' _ O,0 --O I- (moist) |9J S pondylus c. 11 ~ Q)Chama ..... 50 0) 100 tu t :3 0) 0) -0 100 Unexcavated 142 1- THREE LAPITA VILLAGES There is reasonably good evidence as well that ECA has some significant internal spatial differentiation, es- pecially between activity areas on the paleobeach ter- race (Area A) and those of the stilt-houses over the tidal flat (Area B). These spatial patterns will be ana- lyzed and discussed in greater detail in the conclusion to Volume III, after the presentation of faunal and floral materials, ceramics, and other portable artifacts. Chronologically, EHB and ECB were probably occupied for relatively short time periods, perhaps 100 years or less in both cases, and in this respect they also contrast with ECA which seems to have had continuous occupation within its overall boundaries for a period of at least 500 years, and possibly as long as 700-800 years.37 ECA was first settled around the mid-second millen- nium BC. EHB was probably in use during the period between - 1400-1200 BC, and thus contemporaneous with the earlier part of the occupation sequence at ECA; this is indicated both by the radiocarbon dates and by comparison of the ceramic assemblages from these sites. The ECB Site seems to have been inhabited at a slightly later date, probably sometime between - 1000-800 BC. NOTES TO CHAPTER 4 ? In this regard, it is important to note that the airfield was constructed manually, without the aid of earthmoving equip- ment, and follows the natural topography. 2 For these transect surveys, "mean sea level" was taken to be the high tide as measured on September 9, 1988 at 2:30 pm. The difference between this high water and the reef platform exposed at the foot of the seaward beach during low water is 0.52 m. 'These low-level aerial photos were flown in March 1944, evi- dently as a U. S. armed forces reconnaissance mission. Prints (but unfortunately no negatives) were obtained after the war's end by Edwin G. Bryan of the B. P. Bishop Museum (Hono- lulu), and curated in the Pacific Scientific Information Center formerly under Bryan's direction. 4 Indeed, the Eloaua villagers expressed considerable resent- ment that the Seventh Day Adventist Mission had preempted the use of a large part of this prime gardening land for the airplane landing strip, apparently without any compensation. 5 Use of the organically enriched coastal soils of Lapita occupa- tions by islanders for intensive root-crop cultivation has in most cases resulted in severe archaeological site degradation. Many Lapita sites, such as RL-2 in the Reef Islands (Green 1976) or NT-90 on Niuatoputapu (Kirch 1988a), have been thoroughly reworked in their upper portions, with intact features remain- ing only at the basal contact with underlying beach terrace sands. 6These technical details of airstrip construction are important from an archaeological viewpoint, because the relatively minor extent of landscape rearrangement means that the site's depos- its were not massively disturbed in the 1973 construction ef- forts. Disturbance appears to have been limited primarily to the airstrip path itself, and then only to the upper 20-30 cm of deposit. The major impact of the airstrip on the site has been to seal in a zone 30 m wide by 600 m long under crushed coral, which for obvious reasons remains off limits to archaeological excavations. 7Egloff's remark pertains to the absence of charcoal, since it appears that he did not regard midden shell, or bone, as suit- able materials for radiocarbon dating. 8 Regrettably, the proposed thesis on the ECA excavations was never completed. In 1985, I met with Resonga Kaiku at the PNG National Museum, who showed me the 1974 and 1978 collections which, according to the then Curator of Prehistory, Pamela Swadling, had become mixed and impossible to cor- rectly provenience. It is now unlikely that a final report on the 1978 materials will ever be completed. 9 The onlypublished report concerningthe 1978 PNG National Museum expedition (Bafmatuk et al. 1980) is a popular ac- count, giving no maps, plans, or other details of the excavation. In 1985, Ave Male showed us two wooden stakes which had remained standing from the 1978 excavations, with a shallow depression between them. These stakes were - 9 m apart, sug- gesting that this was the size of the excavation partly depicted by photos in Bafmatuk et al. (1980). This National Museum trench lay - 7 m W of our W200 transect line, and the trench would have been situated between about W207N97 and W207N106 on our grid system. 143 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES 10 Given the lack of a formal site report, and no details on this "coral oven", it is difficult to determine exactly what kind of feature this was. In our far more extensive excavations in 1985- 86, we never encountered any formal oven or hearth features. We did, however, frequently find patches of calcareous sand which had been partly cemented as a result of post-deposi- tional precipitation of CaCO3. I strongly suspect that the pur- ported "oven" feature was not a combustion feature at all, but such a pocket of concreted sand, as this matches well with the description by Bafmatuk et al. (1980:78) of a "single rock-hard clump" of consolidated "coral." Anson also erroneously reports the GX-5498 date as 3300 + 180 BP (1986:162). 12 The first set of transect units excavated in 1985 was initially numbered TP-1 to 15, and are referred to in field notes and earlier reports by these sequential numbers rather than by their coordinate grid locations. 13 While no detailed report on the 1978 PNG National Mu- seum excavations was ever prepared, the photos published in Bafmatuk, Egloff, and Kaiku (1980:8 1) reveal that their trench did not penetrate below the dark loam garden soil. We presume that the white calcareous sand underlying this dark loam was interpreted as culturally "sterile", and no attempt was made to test into these sands for the presence of cultural materials. 14 Up to this point, all depths in test excavation units had been recorded with respect to local ground surface. With the com- mencement of the Area B excavation, we established a perma nent datum (at 1.91 m asl), and began taking all depth measure- ments with the use of a surveyor's level and stadia rod. This datum was subsequently maintained throughout all three exca- vation seasons. 15 The water saturation of the ECA sherds proved to be a continuing problem beyond the drying stage, as in the labora- tory we found that salts left within the sherds began to migrate towards the surface, causing exfoliation and cracking. This ne- cessitated a major time and money investment in intensive labo- ratory conservation, described in full in Chapter 1. 16 The archaeologists were excited by the prospects of recover- ing-forthe first time-actual perishable architecture of Lapita age. The Eloaua people, on the other hand, saw the discovery of the preserved post as confirmation of one of their oral traditions that a special "haus matmat" or burial house had formerly stood in the area known to them as Talepakemalai. 17 The pumps were mounted on sturdy wooden blocks for stability during operation. Both pumps worked very weil, but abrasion by the sandy sediment-laden water caused the rubber diaphragms to give out, and it was vital that we had replace- ment diaphragms. The greatest problems were encountered with the 1.5-inch corrugated plastic hose which had been sup- plied to us for use with the pumps by the marine outfitters in Seattle. Pieces of sand and coral rubble continually became caught in the corrugations and caused the hose to split, immediately resulting in a loss of suction. Only an ample supply of fabric "duct tape" saved the day. 1 In 1985 we had employed men exclusively in the excavations, but when I asked for excavation assistants at the start of the 1986 season, we were approached by a delegation from the village Women's Committee to ask whether archaeologists had a stricture against equal opportunity employment! Surprised though by no means upset over this feminist protest, we hired equally by gender, a practice we continued in the 1988 field sea- son as well. I can attest that the work benefited as a result, and thank the Eloaua Women's Committee for their contribution to the curtailment of gender bias in Oceanic archaeology. 19 The recovery of these plant remains coincided with the visit to our field camp of Hoily McEldowney, then a Ph.D. student at the Australian National University on her way to Manus to commence field work on traditional subsistence practices. Hoily and I both recognized the potential significance of the plant remains being recovered, and I here wish to acknowledge the stimulus of having her present to discuss these matters, and to assist me in making modern botanical reference coilections and in commencing ethnographic inquiries relating to traditional arboricultural practices on Eloaua, work that was to be extended in 1988 byDana Lepofsky. 20 Later in the season, one additional transect unit, W225N150, lying half-way between the W200 and W250 transects, was exca- vated under the supervision of N. Araho of the PNG National Museum. 21 Exception was made for the upper, dry zone in the transect pits, which prior experience had proved to be very low in den- sity of cultural materials. These upper deposits were dry-screened through 7 mm mesh. A complete record of dry/wet method and of specific mesh size used was made for each excavation level, and forms part of the permanent site records, to assist any future analyses of the coilections. 22 This flotation work, extremely time-consuming and tedious, yielded little in the way of plant remains, evidently because most of the preserved seeds and nut cases were large enough to be captured by the 5 mm mesh. Nonetheless, we consider the effort expended in this work worthwhile since it eliminates any doubt concerning potential size bias in our paleoethno-botami- cal collections. 144 THREE LAPITA VILLAGES 23 Of course, age is represented not only along the horizontal axis, from N to S along the transect, but vertically within any given test unit. 24 To open up a large block, as at Area B, would have necessi- tated the use of wooden or steel bulkheads to prevent the walls from collapsing, as well as more powerful pumps. This equip- ment was not available to us, and would be essential in any future efforts to open up this part of the ECA Site. While I am reasonably confident that the W250 transect reached the N extent of subsurface cultural deposits in the vicinity of Unit W250N200, I would be the first to point out that the full extent of these waterlogged deposits to the E and W remains undetermined. Further sets of intensive transects will be re- quired to achieve this objective, well beyond the resources of our 1988 expedition. Suffice it to say that sufficient questions remain unanswered to engage more than one future generation of archaeologists at Talepakemalai. 26 TP-1 was intended to be excavated at the E200NO grid local- ity. When TP-2 at E1O0NO proved to be sterile, however, a simple shovel test was put down at TP-1, also confirming a complete absence of cultural material. 27 In earlier reports (e.g., Kirch and Hunt 1988b: 167) the Hyotissa was identified as Pycnodonta, a taxonomic error that was subse- quentlycorrectedL 28 Here 1 must correct the interpretation presented in the pre- liminary report on the 1985 ECA excavations (Kirch 1987:167, 178) that the Area A assemblage reflected a late phase of Lapita pottery, post-dating that recovered from Area B. This interpre- tation was made, largely on the basis of comparisons with other "Lapitoid" assemblages from the southwest Pacific, be- fore radiocarbon dates were obtained from Area A. At the time it seemed the most likely hypothesis to explain the Area A assemblage, but clearly cannot be sustained. 29 Much of this work was undertaken by Steve Midgely, under my direction, and reported in his Anthropology Senior Honors Thesis at the University of California, Berkeley (Midgely 1992). Figures 4.27 to 4.29 are adapted from his thesis. 30 Unit W250N170 did not contain avertically-positionedpost, but did yield a large horizontal timber which may have derived from the collapse of a stilt-house. 31 The counts displayed in Figure 4.38 are of actual worked pieces, the detritus of shell artifact manufacture, which were sorted and separated from other non-modified shell midden of these taxa during molluskan midden analysis. 32 Note that Unit W250N190 is part of both the W250 transect and Area C. Therefore, in tables and graphs reporting materials from the transect and Area C, this unit is counted in both cases. However, in summary statistics for the ECA Site as a whole, the W250N190 materials are counted only once. 33 I thank Dr. Allen for her assistance in this analysis, although all responsibiity for interpretation of the results rests with me. 34 The time-consuming pipette method was used only for the 1985 and 1986 samples. The 1988 samples were analyzed only by mechanical sieving. 35 In 1986 T. L. Hunt accepted the responsibility of excavating and reporting on Site ECB. Despite repeated requests, after 12 years Hunt had not produced a site report. Fortunately, I had retained copies of his 1986 fieldnotes, and from these (as well as my own notes from 1985) have written the present account. The same situation pertains to Site EHB. 36 Unfortunately, Hunt's site map only shows the excavation units, and no other features of topography, nor does it precisely link his transects to my 1985 test pits. However, his notes indi- cate that his unit 0N20W was positioned 6.10 m S of my Unit 2, so it is evident that our excavations were made in the same part of the site. 37 The uncertainty here over the total occupation span for ECA derives from the problems of calibrating radiocarbon ages that date to the first millennium BC, as discussed further in Chapter 10. 145