Addendum 355 ADDENDUM The plate below is the correct image for number 10. .c on p. 331. C Color plate 10.1 Marl clay fabric from Qena region ballds jar (W-65; figure 10.4.2): a) color view of section; b) and c) SEM views of groundmass at 400X and lOOOX, respectively; d) and e) SEM back scatter view and EDAX energy spectra showing element distribution for a calcium phosphate grain and magnetite grain, respectively. Fabric groundmass has a semi- vitrified clay-based carbonate texture with numerous silt-sized calcium oxide coated pores. The granular texture with numerous silt-sized calcium oxide coated pores. The granular texture is extremely minor due to micritic silt-sized grains. Sand-sized angular pores are numerous. I m m