8' INAA* OF THE POSTPHARAONIC POTTERY IN THE COLLECTION OF THE MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS IN BUDAPEST HEDVIG GY6RY The pottery collection of the Department of Egyptian Antiquities of the Museum of Fine Arts in Budapest contains a considerable number of postpharaonic vessels, unfor- tunately unprovenienced except for one cup from Alexandria, bought in 1907. We also know that at least five pieces are from the collection of Philippe Back, who fi- nanced the excavations at Sharuna and Gamhud. I could only identify four of these, however. About the other pieces we know practically nothing. With a few exceptions, the material of these vessels is Nile Silt C, in general medium-hard (Mohs 3)-a hastily made ware for poor households. The vessels some- times have a red slip or lime wash. Shapes are mostly complete, but the surfaces are in poor condition-worn, patinated, or corroded. They were restored a few decades ago and completed with plaster. Most of the common shapes of late antiquity are repre- sented, along with some earlier types (figures. 8.1-30). To learn more about the relationships of the vessels to each other, their ori- gins, and their dates of production, we have taken samples for Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA). Samples were taken only from the ordinary vessels; i.e., no miniature plates or huge jars were included. We also tested some later period samples of pottery which could have been used in later times. Results are shown in figure 8.31 and in table 8.1. Preliminary analysis indicates the following. * The marl clay and the Nile silt wares are clearly separated. Only figure 8. 21 is problematic, for it is Marl Clay C with many limestone particles. * The Nile silt wares are divided into two main groups on the first level, and two others, both represented by only one piece, on higher levels. * The differences between the two main groups are not significant as samples taken from the same vessel (figure 8.22) are found in both groups. * INAA stands for Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis. Postpharaonic Pottery 2 51.2072; Ht: 26 cm; MaL Diam.: 21 cm From Gamhoud? 51.1534; Ht: 9 cm; Max. Diam.: 17.6 cm; Provenience unknown 3 4 51.1546; Ht: 6.1 cm; Max. diam.: 12 cm; Provenience unknown 5 51.1547; Ht.: 12.6 cm; Max. Diam.: 13.15 cm; Provenience unknown 6 56.44-E; Ht. 16 cm; Max.Diam.: 14 cm; Provenience unknown 56.137-E; Ht 7.3 cm; Max. Diam.: 15 cm; Provenience unknown Figures 8.1 through 8.6 1 125 126 Egyptian Pottery 7 51.2009; Ht.: 13 cm; Max. DIam.: 19.3 cm; Provenlence unknown 4, 8 56.45E; Hlt.: 12.8 cm; Max. Dia: 21 cm; Provenience unknown 9 56.42-E; Ht.: 8.6 cm; Ma DIan: 9 cm; Provenience unknown 10 56.49-E; lt: 12.8 cm; Max. DIa. 12.25 cm; Provenlence unknown 11 51.2071; Ht.: 14 cm; Max. Dian: 28 cm; Provenience unknown 12 51.1543; Ht.: 18 cm; Max. diana: 11 cm; Provenlence unlmown Figures 8.7 through 8.12 Postpharaonic Pottery 127~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 13 51.1535; Ht.: 9 cm; MaL Diam.: 22 cm; Provenience unknown 14 56.138-E; Ht.: 20 cm; Max Diam.: 13.5 cm; Provenience unknown 15 51.2069; Ht.: 31 cm; Max. diam.: 24 cm; Provenience unknown 16 51.1521; Ht. 7.4 cm; Ma DIam: 16 cm; Provenience unknown 17 51.1545; Ht.: 5.7 cm; Max. Diam.: 15.5 cm; From Gamhoud? 18 56.45-E; ht: 15.6 cm; Max. Diam.: 15 cm; Provenience unknown 19 51.2074; Ht.: 4 cm; Max. dIam.: 12.7 cm; Provenience unknown Figures 8.13 through &19 Postpharaonic Pottery 127 128 Egyptian Pottery 20 56.43-E; Ht: 7.6 cm; Max. Diam.: 15 cm; Provenience unknown 21 51.2073; lt: 7.5 cm; Max. Diam.: 10.5 cm; Provenience unknown 22 56.47-E; Ht.: 3.2 cm; Max. Diam.: 10.9 cm; Provenience unknown 23 51.1544; Ht.: 7.2 cm; Max. Diam.: 12.7 cm; Provenience unknown 24 51.2078; Ht.: 6 cm; Max. Diam.: 10.5 cm; Provenience unknown 25 Ht.: 6 cm; Max. DIam.: 12.8 cm; Provenience unknown 26 56.41; Ht: 8.1 cm; Max. Diam.: 17 cm; Provenience unknown Figures 8.20 through &26 Postpharaonic Pottery 28 51.1537; Ht:10.5cm; Max. Diam.: 14.8 cm; Provenience unknown 29 54.331; Ht.: 15 cm; Max. Diam.: 6.8 cm; Provenience unknown 75.2-E; Ht.: 10.5 cm; Max. Diam.: 14.8 cm; Provenience unknown 30 56.51-E; Ht.: 77 cm; Max. Diam.: 57 cm; Provenience unknown Figures 8.27 through 8.30 * The differences within and between the two main groups are there- fore so small that their material can theoretically belong to the same lump of clay. * The Late period types' samples match exactly the other pottery, which shows unchanged clay sources. From these statements we can conclude that the vessels analyzed fall into five or six different fabrics, one or two of marl clay and four of alluvial Nile silt. The marl clay group(s) corresponds to Marl A, while the Nile silt groups are A (fig. 8.14) and C (the other three groups). For the next step I would like to get analyzed material with known provenience to see if these fabrics could be located. If anyone has any ques- tions or suggestions, please contact me by mail or fax. 27 129 130 Egyptian Pottery 19 1 15 26 6 21 - 22 1 16 l 12 7 28 13 4 17 20 11 8X 24 x 23 10 3 + 25 2 18 27 5 1 9 14 x - + Figure 8.31 - Dendrogram Postpharaonic Pottery 131 O 9" n39 w V" " ""- O & " ssh " O " s^9" " . KM :" 6 M* :" rv MO g :- 44 iM g g M- :M4 C" -4 azMcn b b A CA 0 o c aXS -@M . ..b . .. . .4 .) . . .-4 .) .- .. .- ,n .-4 .L . .& .L .-4 .4 .4 .4 .4 . <0 CL" ka in 0 A Cn t Q-. 19 t2 C; QL O" :.A Ct O :-1 0t t ;m bD C; OM g :-. 3. :- (A o000000400 0000 000 000400 CA (Ac D C 4C 46 Ab CDA) 46-P I~6 43 1) 46 A)~ OI 0)C CO A ol( 0 o i (A (A co tn a4 CA a to K) 0 t c co cn a cli c x a& s o& O* g O OD O4 O OD O :- " 8 co Q3 OM 8 g -4 O g g g g 00000 _ > uzQ X v aa s s oo a s0 o ~~~~~oS OOOO 000 0 00 0 00 F' . . . . . . . . . . . P 9 . . . . . . . . _~~~~~~~~- -4 -4 -4 -4 ch t nsX aQ%) (A ) o4 c ) 4 -4 -4 CY a) 0) 0) (A a(s. X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C a o 4 (Y 0 CA CA -- asooss9& " o CA) a">@XocDc 0000000000000 ~~~~~88 -00 0 00 0 00 4) @ a o cr3 COD Coo N O) 1 4 0 -4 04 0 Q oQ CA 0 h 46 CA O CA OCO CO CO O) (A Ob O) Ob CA CA O A CA O O ) (A CA CA CA) OO o ) 0000000000000 00000000000 0000 0 4) =~~~~~~~ o o 4 o 4 o4 o o : oooooooo o4 CO Ooo O, o a 4) N) ..a N4 - M - N). -4 - . N 4 . M - - . M -4 -4 -4 C. N) -4 OD -a OD --4 -. OD >~~~~ g t bD b:- iDb X s b bD D Q O g g g:P O Xb LO: o m v @ ~~~~C3 D OA, CD Ot co C CO CO 0 O 0 CA) 0) " CA N3 C n oD o6 > Co CD. N) a 04 CO - N( 0 0 0 0 r CD 0) -o CD 0) -4 - 00 - co VI - ) -O -4 -D -4 Cn 0)0 N) CQ ( . a O C CA C." c i 0 O Q c c; ^ c; M O b a) v c; o c; c CDC o C0)0 C ) N)cn1 < 132 Egyptian Pottery APPENDIX BALLA MARTA Instrumental neutron activation analysis was used for provenience studies of ceramics. Eleven trace elements and Fe were determined by the multi-isotope com- parator. The measurements were carried out according to the following steps: 1) Sample preparation: The surface of the ceramics was cleaned by a diamond grinder at the place of sampling. We drew 50-100 mg of powder samples by the help of a conical diamond drill. The samples were heated in a fur- nace at 900?C for one hour to turn up the absorbed moisture. After cooling, the samples were placed in small polyethylene capsules fol- lowed by accurate mass weighing. 2) Irradiation: The samples were irradiated in the nuclear reactor of the Technical University of Budapest at a thermal neutron flux of 1016 n m-2s-1 for 8-12 hours time. Together with the samples, ruthenium compound was irradiated as a flux-monitor and universal standard. 3) Measurements: Each sample was measured twice, 4-6 days and 25-30 days after the irradiation to ensure optimal conditions to determine the greatest amount of isotopes as possible. For gamma-ray spectrometry mea- surements a HpGe semiconductor detector was used, produced by ORTEC (energy resolution was 2 KeV for the 1333KeV peak of Co- 60; relative efficiency was 12.6%), connected to a CANBERRA-80 type multichannel analyser. Evaluation of the gamma spectra was carried out by a PDP 11/23 computer using the program system "spectran F." The accuracy and reproducibility of our measurements were controlled by a standard reference material called standard pottery prepared by Perlman and Asaro (1969). For grouping the samples according to the similarity of their trace element distributions, cluster analyses were used. As a similarity index we used the Euclidean distances. In order to calculate what deviation can be considered significant among the samples, an investigation of homogeneity must be carried out. After this, it can be decided whether or not the deviation of the sherds calculated from the analytical data is significant. In this case we had no opportunity to take more samples than two each from three sherds. REFERENCES PERLMAN, I., and F. ASARO 1969 Pottery Analysis by Neutron Activation. Archaeometry 11: 21-52.