APPENDIX 1 HARRIS MATRIX OF THE 1996 LLUSCo EXCAVATIONS BY STRATIGRAPHIC EVENT A1: Surface A2: Plow zone A3: Humus layer, associated with the deterioration of the hacienda adobe wall. A4: Cut for the hacienda wall. A5: Hacienda wall. A6: Compacted area parallel to hacienda wall. A7: Pit cut for adobe pit, A8. A8: Fill of pit made during adobe manufacture, parallel to hacienda wall. A9: Foundations of hacienda wall. A 10: Cut made for the construction of the Llusco wall. Al 1: Wall of Llusco structure. A12: Fill of the Llusco structure, consisting of dark soil with high organic content. A13: White plaster floor inside Llusco structure. A14: Fill underneath the white plaster floor. A15: Use-related surface, perhaps a floor, of orangish color, near west wall of Llusco structure. Al 6: Fill underneath the use-related surface. A17: Cut for the canal. Al 8: Construction of the canal in the northwest corner of the Llusco structure. A19: Soil inside the canal. A20: Cut for A21. A2 1: Early Chiripa pit fill on the north side of the Llusco structure. A22: Cut for A23. A23: Middle Chiripa pit fill on the west side of the Llusco structure. A24: Smaller wall parallel to the canal. A25: Fill between the canal and the small wall that runs parallel to it. A26: Stones fallen from the small wall parallel to the canal. A27: Sterile soil. A28: Fill and/or mortar inside the cut made for the construction of the Llusco wall. A29: Pit cut for A30. A30: Fill of pit cut into A12, posterior to Llusco structure. A31: Pit cut for A32. A32: Fill of pit cut into A12, posterior to Llusco structure. A33: Pit cut for A34. A34: Early Chiripa pit fill on north side of Llusco structure. 126 Earlv Settlement at Chiripa, Bolivia APPENDIX 2 HARRIS MATRIX OF THE 1996 SANTIAGO EXCAVATIONS WITH STRATIGRAPHIC EVENTS, INCLUDING N1100 PIT B 1: Surface cover of the Santiago area. Above B2. B2: Plow zone. Extends to all visible areas around Santiago 1 and 2. Compacted soil with many rounded and angular inclusions. Visible plow scars. Below B 1, and above B3, B 10, and B96. B3: Fill over occupation surface (B16). Disturbed by intrusive burials (B8, B9, Bi1, B12). B4: Pit fill. B5: Pit cut. B6: Fill of previously dug pit in N 1100 E970; the rest of the pit was excavated laterally in N 1100 E972 and N 1098 E970. Possible llama offering. B7: Mixed locus. This is the fill above level 3 in Santiago II (excavated in 1992) which still contained artfacts in 1996. D. Kojan estimates that this matrix is 95% back dirt fill but must have contained some pit fill or other soil which was mapped incorrectly in 1992. B8: Cut of a Middle Chiripa (?) stone-lined burial (Burial 11). Cuts into B3, but appears to sit above B 16. B9: Stone lining of a Middle Chiripa (?) stone-lined burial (Burial 11). Cuts into B3, but appears to sit above B 16. B 10: Fill west of ASD 18 (the potential semi-subterranean temple wall). Formerly thought to represent filling of a "terrace trench" (Hastorf et al. 1992). The soil is stratigraphically quite undifferentiated, but there is some strati- graphic patterning of ceramics (Middle Chiripa atthe lowest levels, Late Chiripa and Early Tiwanaku in the upper levels of this fill). B 11: Fill of a stone-lined burial possibly dating to Middle Chiripa levels (Burial 100). Disturbed in upper levels. Remains of another individual (incomplete) are scattered on top of the primary burial. B 12: Burial of a child associated with a small Tiwanaku vaso and a Tiwanaku IV incensario (broken and then reused). Only a small area excavated, the rest remains under the unexcavated baulk in N1092, E 971. B 13: Culturally sterile orange gravel layer. Patchy yet wide distribution. Easily 'pops' off from underlying layer. Possible adobe melt ('?). Lies below B3, B18-20, adjacent to B14 and B21, and above B16. B 14: Smooth, compact, mixed orange and organic layer that lies below B3, B26-27, above B 15-16, and adjacent to B13. B 15: Culturally sterile orange gravel layer. Appears identical to B 13, except for its stratigraphic position. Below B14, above B16. B 16: Early Chiripa occupation surface. Dark, organic, smooth surface widespread across Santiago. Varies from a dense, carboniferous black to a more mottled dark gray at periphery of Santiago. Below B 13, BI 1, B12, B22, B15, B25, B31. B 17: Orange clay "cap" of smooth soil surrounded by the "orange granola" matrix (event B 13). Proved not to be a pit cap as originally though, but was distinct from surrounding matrix. Above B 16, below B3. B 18: Pit cut encountered at top of B 13, but intrusive from above. Top of pit cut has been eroded away. Rasgo 101. Below B2, above B13. B19: Ashy fill in bottom of pit (Rasgo 101). Below B20, above B18. B20: Laminated pit fill with high concentrations of carbon, camelid and fish bone. Below B2, above B 19. B21: Cultural fill. Compact, dark red-brown, silty clay loam that lies adjacent to B 13 in the southwestern units of Santiago 1. Partially excavated in 1992. Below B3, above B22, adjacent to B13. B22: Cultural fill. Fine and compact dark brown silty clay. Below B21, above B16. B23: Pit cut of intrusive pit containing large density of ground stone. Above Locus 1292, below B24. B24: Pit fill with ashy matrix and large concentration of ground stone. Above B23, below B2. B25: Remains of infant skeleton (Burial 101). There is no pit cut. Below B13, B14, above B16. B26: Pit cut. Rasgo 105. Below B27, above B13, B14. B27: Pit fill. Rasgo 105. Below 1992 excavation of Santiago 1, above B26. B28: Rock pile jumble in N1092 E976-8. No discernible pattern presently but may represent remains of fallen structure. Above B16, B14; below B3. B29: The fill above, below, and surrounding the B28 cobbles. Above B16, B14; below B3. B30: Plaster cap to black floor (B 16 event). Above B 16; below B22. Appendix 2 127 B31: Pit cut. Rasgo 106. Below B32, above B16. B32: Pit fill. Rasgo 106. Below B14, above B31. B33: Pit cut for Rasgo 107, Entierro 103. Above Locus 1405, below B34. B34: Secondary burial, Rasgo 107. Above B33 event, below B15 event (Locus 1238). B35-69: B35 through B69 describe the N1001E970 profile (Figure 13b). None of these events were excavated, hence none of the artifacts, soil samples, etc. come from them. At the moment their descriptions consist of Munsell color designations. B70: ASD 18 (the "terrace wall") cut. Below B2, above B 13. B7 1: ASD 18 fill, but east of wall, as opposed to B 10, which is west of the wall. B72 -76: B72 through B76 also describe events only recorded in the N]1001E970 profile and not excavated. See note for B35. B77: ASD 18 wall. Below B2, above B13. B78: Small offering of Tiwanaku pots and one young person's cranium in western wall trench (ASD 18). Above B lO and Locus 1416, below B3. Rasgo 138. B79: Ash pit. Above B16, below B14. B80: Two in-situ burned areas. Above unexcavated level 5, below. B81: In-situ burned area. Above unexcavated Level 5, below B 16. B82: Ashy dumping event to west of ASD 18 (the terrace wall). Amid the B-10 dumping events. Above B77, below B78. B83: Ashy lens against NE corner of ASD 18. Above B71, below B3. B84: Hearth located against NE corner of ASD 18. Associated with B73 and B74. Above B71, below B3. Rasgo 132. B85: Ashy pit. Rasgo 133. Above B71, below B83. B86: Pit cut for B79, an ash pit. Rasgo 134. Above B16, below B14. B87: A small in-situ burned area sitting within the B 16 event. Marked by ash, charcoal, and burnt earth inclusions. Rasgo 112. Above B 16, below B21 (loci 1240, 1241). B88: In-situ burned area sitting on top of B16 event. Rasgo 108. Above B16, below B22 (Locus 1247). B89: In situ burned area immediately west of ASD 10. Above Locus 1304 and B16 event, below B29 (Locus 1302). B90: Compact fill to east of ASD 10. Above B92 (Locus 1307), below B29 (Locus 1300). B91: Fill to west of ASD 10. Above B92 and loci 1322, 1323. Below B28 and B29 (Locus 1300). B92: Compact clay that the ASD 10 wall stones sit upon. Above loci (1322, 1323), below B90 and Locus 1306. B93: Fill east of ASD 17 (unmortared stone wall in N1092/E978). Above B95, loci 1491, 1492; below B92. B94: ASD 10, a single course stone wall. Above B92, below B29. B95: ASD 17, an umortared stone wall. Above unexcavated area, below B92. B96: Possible adobe wall slump in N1092, E970. Below B2, above B100, adjacent to B10. B97: ASD 19 (stone box) cut. Below B98, above B13 (?), adjacent to ASD 18 events. B98: ASD 19 stones. Below B99, above B97, adjacent to ASD 18 events. B99: ASD 19 fill. Below B 100, above B99, adjacent toASD 18 events. B 100: Robbed wall slot, ASD 19. Below B96, above B99, adjacent to ASD 18 events. 128 Early Settlement at Chiripa, Bolivia APPENDIX 3 HARRIS MATRIX OF THE MONTICULO EXCAVATION WITH STRATIGRAPHIC EVENTS D-1: Fill of D-2 pit. Recent, containing iron, glass, and other modern material. D-2: Cut of Rasgo 115 pit. Probably excavated during the hacienda period. D-7: Rubble resulting from the collapse of the D-9 chancheria wall. D-8: Cut for placement of the chancheria wall (D-9). D-9: Hacienda period chancheria wall along the South face of the mound. D- 10: Root zone, covering the entire mound. D-20: Intentional fill deposited prior to the construction of Upper House G. D-33: Rubble from structural collapse filling the ASD-12 structure, Mont. 1-B. D-5 1: Intentional fill placed over the D-52 floor. D-52: Uppermost yellow plaster floor of ASD-1 3 structure. D-53: Intentional fill between the ASD-13 and ASD-14 structures. D-54: South wall of the ASD-14 structure. D-55: Rubble resulting from the collapse of the D-68 wall. D-56: Uppermost yellow plaster floor of ASD-14. D-57: Clean sand placed between the D-58 and D-56 floors. D-58: Second-highest yellow plaster floor of ASD-14 structure. D-59: Intentional fill between the D-58 and D-60 floors. D-60: Third-highest yellow plaster floor of the ASD-14 structure. D-6 1: Fill between the D- 109 and D-60 floors. D-62: Uppermost yellow plaster floor of the ASD-15 structure. D-67: Intentional fill between the ASD-13 and ASD-14 structures. D-68: South wall of ASD-15. D-70: Small lens of pebbles related to the destruction of the D-68 ASD- 15 wall. D-78: Intentional fill between floors, ASD-15. D-79: Block of wall plaster, ASD-15, fallen over the D-81 floor. D-80: Layer of fine ash and charcoal over D-81 floor. D-81: Yellow plaster floor, ASD-15. Lowest in the sequence. D-82: Lowermost yellow plaster floor of ASD- 13. D-83: Ash lens between D52 and D-82 floors. D-84: Intentional fill below ASD-15. D-85: Level of adobe rubble. Below D-84. Earlier than ASD-15. D-89: Compact, hard level of fine sediment at base of profile. Origin uncertain. D-96: Fill of hearth, Rasgo 113. Cut is D-95. D-98: Fill of small pit in D-56 floor, cut being D-97, Rasgo 114. D-100: Fill of shallow fire pit, cut is D-102, between D-56 and D-58 floors, Rasgo 123. D-101: Fill of small pit, Rasgo 118, cut into D-56 floor (cut is D-99). D- 103: Yellow plaster cap placed over fill of Rasgo 118 pit. D-105: Fill of small ash pit, Rasgo 125, in D-58 floor (cut is D-104). D-106: Burned area and ash lens below D-58 floor, Rasgo 126. D-107: Small stub of adobe internal crosswall, Rasgo 122, ASD-13, associated with 56 floor. D- 108: Intentional fill between ASD-14 and ASD-15 structures. D-109: Uppermost yellow plaster floor of ASD-14. D- 111: Intentional fill over D-8 1 floor. D-1 12: Intentional fill of red adobe rubble placed over D-81 floor. D-1 14: Fill of probable posthole, Rasgo 141, in D-81 floor (cut is D-1 13).D-1 16: Fill of possible posthole, Rasgo 142, in D-81 floor (cut is D-1 15). D-1 18: Fill of probable posthole in D-81 floor, Rasgo 143 (cut is D-1 17). D- 120: Fill of probable posthole in D-81 floor, Rasgo 144 (cut is D- 119). Appendix 3 129 D-122: Fill of probable posthole in D-81 floor, Rasgo 145 (cut is D-121). D-123: Rasgo 147, ash lens below the D-81 floor. D-124: Layer of red adobe-like material below ASD-15. D- 125: Dark, organic layer below ASD- 15. D- 126: Series of thin, possibly fluvial lenses below ASD- 15. D-127: Dark, mottled layer with adobe rubble, below ASD-15. D-128: Wall plastering event, Rasgo 121, ASD-14, associated with D-109 floor. D- 129: Screened, sterile backfill resulting from the excavations of Browman and Cordero in the center of the mound. D-130: Cut of Kidder's 1955 excavations in House 5 (Mont. 3) D- 131: Fill of D- 130, backfill of the House 5 (Mont. 3) excavations. 130 Early Settlement at Chiripa, Bolivia APPENDIX 4 SUMMARY OF THIN SECTIONS WITH BRIEF DESCRIPTIONS Soil samples are numbered from top to bottom and described in this order. Observations are not continuous from sample to sample. Please see text for locations of profiles. Monticulo ML1: A silty fabric with few voids; fragmented laminations of graded, clean sandy silt; little occupational debris or charcoal; much bioturbation (soil fauna); few discrete peds which could be mudbrick; asymmetrical clay coatings possibly due to slope. ML2: Similar to MLI but ceramic, charcoal, burnt bone and possible burnt coprolite; some features are oriented in fairly intact laminations and may have been carried in with the sediments; others appear to be secondary brought in with bioturbation. ML3: Intact very well-sorted laminations (approximately 12) of dense fine sand and silt crowned by a disturbed layer with charcoal and oriented fine bone fragments; rare anthropogenic inclusions in layers; rare possible mudbrick fragments but highly eroded and most likely brought in with sediments. ML4: An organic, sesquioxide-rich sandy silty fabric; fairly homogenous, unsorted layer with ceramic, bone and charcoal; fragments of laminations with dirty clays and carbon suggesting a high degree of remixing and disturbance. Mound House Sequence "Hacienda Fill" MH 1: A fine groundmass dominated by pure clay topsoil with ample laminated dusty clay coatings suggesting a period of intense disturbance of overburden; no anthropogenic or formed organic features; similar to Nl in structure and composition. MH2: Similar to MH 1 but crumb structure; ample mineral pedofeatures; rare charcoal and roots; no anthropogenic features; highly disaggregated structure suggests that the soil sample crumbled. "House Fill" ASD 13 D-51 MH3: A moderately well sorted organic-rich silty soil fabric containing numerous aggregates including rounded clay-rich peds (possibly construction materials), and translocated hacienda fill and laminated coatings; contains ceramic, mammal and fish bone, coprolite and possible lithic fragment with ample pedofeatures; worm casts and root. ASD 13 MH4: Fill above floor (D-5 1): fine silty soil fabric with abundant aggregated inclusions of other fabrics (e.g. burnt soil, possible mudbrick and plaster), ceramic and bone; some silty clay coats on voids; compressed subhorizontal voids at top of slide, gravels. Floor sequence: 1) above first charcoal layer is a dense layer with subhorizontal voids, abundant charred plant remains, burnt soil, ceramic and possible mudbrick (D-5 1) 2) thin charcoal layer which merges into a highly organic-rich sandy/ashy layer with burnt bone, ceramic and gravel (D-52) Appendix 4 13J 3) clean, yellow sandy clay layer with clay crowns on mineral grains (D-52) 4) second charcoal rich layer with coarse sand, aggregated of burnt clay, fish bone (D-52) 5) as layer 4 but highly disturbed and more organic rich with abundant charcoal (D-83) Charcoal appears to be of plant remains not from coprolites. ASD 14 and ASD 15 MH5: Fabric 1 dominant: dark brown organic rich soil fabric with charcoal, possible lithic fragments, rare other anthropogenic inclusions, ample clay coats on grains; random crescentic voids (possible collapsed earthworm channels); possible mudbrick fabrics of fabric similar to MB; some aggregates are fractured indicating mechanic stress (possible processing artifact); ample evidence of soil fauna. Fabric 2 (yellow plaster floors): intrusive highly birefringent mineral fabric with high amorphous salt/clay content coated over sand Sequence: Fabric 1 (D-61) dominates upper slide cut subhorizontally by ephemeral fabric 2 layer (D-109), second Fabric 1 layer (D-108) is followed by a second, well-developed fabric 2 layer (D-61) and then a final fabric 1 layer (D-78). ASD 15 MH6: Fabric 3: like fabric 1 of MH5 but with more sesquioxide staining on pores. Fabric 4: like fabric 1 of MH5 but more charcoal and amorphous organics; anthropogenic inclusions; voids subhorizontal and apparently compressed; rounded gravel inclusions; root; poorly mixed appears partially cemented. Sequence: Fabric 3 (D-84) is superimposed on fabric 4 (D-85) and they are slightly mixed by soil fauna. Mound Mudbrick MB: Pale yellow, clay-rich silt and fine sand fabric; parallel-striated b-fabric in patches (abundant textural pedofeatures); coarse inclusions very rare; rare charcoal; large igneous rock flake appears imported; large woody root in horizontal channel transversing slide infilled with clean silts; pseudomorphic voids; a small oxidized copper disc was found on the bottom of the intact mudbrick. Santiago S2A: A spongy, organic- and carbon-rich soil fabric containing anthropogenic deposits including ceramic, charcoal, coprolite and a high concentration of fish bone splinters; parallel- and reticulate-striated aggregates suggest fragments of construction materials (mudbricks, plaster); organic-enriched earthworm trails and channels containing root. S2B: Similar soil fabric to S2A but less dense with gravel inclusions (limestone, igneous); ceramic, fine charcoal, coprolite and bone inclusions (less fish bone, larger aggregates of spongy mammal bone); one very large (4 cm), angular aggregate of highly fluorescent fabric may be a coprolite; homogenous angular voids, appears reworked but less root than in S2A is present. S3B: Similar soil fabric to S2A but a higher concentration of amorphous organics; anthropogenic inclusions similar to S2A but more, larger charcoal fragments, less fine fish bone, a fish vertebra, low fluorescence on coprolites, rare spherulites and burnt soil (possibly mudbrick), silty clay aggregates, no gravel; less worm disturbance than S2A-B with higher pedality and a few well developed clay coats. S2D: Similar soil fabric to S2A but coarse sand-sized charcoal, a small amount of weathered fish bone, fine coprolite fragments; unique light yellow-gray aggregate (possibly plaster); many oriented channels; appears heavily reworked. S2E: Two distinct fabrics are visible in hand specimen: one is light-colored and spongy, the other is dark and charcoal rich; the boundaries between these fabrics are less visible under the microscope. The light fabric is formed into 132 Early Settlementt at Chiripa, Bolivia rounded aggregates and contains calcitic clays and acicular calcite crystals. The dark fabric is similar to S2A and surrounds the light peds. S2F: A silty fabric with fine charcoal, ceramic and some burnt bone fragments dominates; this fabric is cut by round pores (insect burrows) about 3 cm diameter which have been infilled firstly by clean, silty clays and then by fine sand. Santiago Balk S3A: Moderately fluorescent, organic-rich, silty fabric with light, clay-rich aggregates; few bone and coprolite inclusions, little coarse charcoal or ceramic; cemented by amorphous calcite of probable water-transported origin mixed with organics, clays and sesquioxides; calcite crystals on pores; soil fauna channels. S3B: Dark brown, organic-rich, silty fabric with ample excrement pedofeatures; large soil fauna channels; highly weathered and fragmented bone inclusions; abundant charcoal of various sizes; clays obscured by organics and sesquioxide staining. S3C: Similar to S3B with more amorphous organic/sesquioxide staining of fine fabric obscuring clay and crystalline features. Naturals NI: Spongy, unsorted sandy silty fabric with gravel, root, earthworm channels and an isolated burnt seed; no microartifacts. N2: Soil fabric as NI but there are fewer, smaller pores, no gravel and less sand; no microartifacts. N2: Soil fabric as NI and N2 but denser, intergrain channel structure with smaller vughs; no gravel and less sand than NI and N2; no microartifacts. Appendix 5 133 APPENDIX 5 INVENTORY OF HUMAN REMAINS FROM 1992 AND 1996 EXCAVATIONS HUMAN BONE FOUND IN CONTEXTS NOT RECOGNIZED AS "BURIALS" DURING EXCAVATION (N=37): Locus 052 (N890 E980 N2a): three fragments of juvenile epiphyses Locus 069 (N890 E982 N2): upper right permanent molar Locus 072 (N888 E982 N2): juvenile hand phalanx Locus 074 (N890 E980 N2): adult left cuboid Locus 075 (N894 E979-81 N2): adult hand phalanx Locus lll (N894 E977.80 N2b): juvenile first metacarpal Locus 508 (N1112 E970 N2): juvenile hand phalanx Locus 515 (N1086 E972 N2): adult right third metatarsal Locus 528 (N1098 E972 N2): fragments of a juvenile right sphenoid, both temporal bones, lumbar and thoracic vertebrae, cranium, left ilium, and left lower deciduous first molar Locus 546 (N1112 E968 N2): adult hand phalanx Locus556 (N1112 E966 N3): adult foot phalanx Locus 581 (N1098 E970 N2a): lower right lateral incisor, one lower and two upper molar fragments Locus 630 (NlllO E972 N2): adult foot phalanx Locus 669 (N1108 E970 N3): fragments of a probable adult right sphenoid and frontal, juvenile hand phalanx Locus 685 (N1086 E974 N2a): adult phalanx Locus 716 (NIllO E970 N3a): adult left fourth metacarpal Locus 717 (NlIO E972 N3a: adult second vertebra fragment Locus 719 (N1098 E968 N2b R30): permanent lower first or second molar, deciduous upper right central incisor Locus 733 (NllOO E970 N2c): deciduous upper left first molar Locus 756 (NlllO E970 N3b): two adult hand phalanges, 1 lower central incisor Locus 778 (N1112 E966 N3b): adult foot phalanx; fragments of left calcaneus, right rib, and left fibula Locus 782 (NiO88 E972 N2bl: adult left first metatarsal Locus 806 (N1084 E972 N2b ): juvenile hand phalanx Locus 819 (N1086 E974 N2b): two camelid or human cranial fragments Locus 842 (N1112 E966 N6): fragments of juvenile ilium, vertebral bodies, long bones and cranium; fragments of adult left lateral cuneiform fragment and coccyx; lower right lateral permanent incisor Locus 851 (N1088 E968 N3a): fragments of adult left calcaneus, left nasal bone Locus 869 (N1112 E968 N8): lower second or third molar fragment Locus 835 (N1088 E974 N2b ): one possibly human rib fragment Locus 837 (N1112 E966 N4): adult foot phalanx, right clavicle, hand phalanx, left fourth metatarsal, and fragments of left patella, cervical vertebra, right foot navicular, both scapulae, right calcaneus, right tibia, and fibula shaft Locus 840 (N1112 E966 N5): adult right trapezoid and fragments of left foot navicular and left fourth metacarpal Locus 841 (N1112 E966 N4): adult right trapezium, two hand phalanges, and fragments of scapula, ribs, and left first metacarpal Locus 847 (N1086 E974 N2b ): upper left deciduous second molar, one misc. fragment Locus 1195 (N1094 E970 N2): adult left hamate Locus 1230 (N1094 E968 NT3): permanent lower left first molar and deciduous lower right second molar Locus 1245 (N1092 E976 N1): one molar fragment Locus 1316 (N1088 E974 N4): fragment of upper right deciduous second molar of a 3-11 year old Locus 1344 (N896 E975.5 N2): upper right lateral incisor of a 6-10 year old 134 Early Settlement at Chiripa, Bolivia HUMAN BONE FROM CONTEXTS IDENTIFIED AS "BURIALS" DURING EXCAVATION (N=23): The inclusion of a particular bone here does not indicate that it was complete, only that it was represented by at least one diagnostic fragment. Locus 496 (N1114 E963 R45 N7 Hss#14): This burial of a 2-4 year old is represented by the right arm and scapula, right femur, left tibia, both fibulae, right pelvis, ribs, hand bones and deciduous teeth. Tiwanaku IV/V Locus 531 (N1088 E972 N2 Hss#9): This context contains the permanent and deciduous dentition of a 7.5-12.5 year old and a few badly eroded cranial fragments. Tiwanaku IVIV Locus 536/562 (N1098 E972 R5 N3): As well as the adults listen below, the context contains a juvenile hand phalanx and lower right second deciduous molar. Tiwanaku IV/V. Individual #1 (Hss#2): Individual #1 is a 30-35 year old male. Elements present include a very eroded skull and mandible, left hamate, unidentified metacarpal, both feet, pelves, and patellae, a cervical vertebra, right scapula, sternum, teeth, and ribs. Long bone fragments include both humeri and femora, left tibia, and right fibula. The distal midshaft of the left tibia displays localized and severe, healed periostosis (possibly a very healed trauma). Individual #2 (Hss#3): Individual #2 is a 25-35 year old female with a relatively complete skull and mandible, both feet, pelves, patellae, and scapulae, the vertebral column, ribs, teeth, and sternum. Long bones include the right humerus, left radius and ulna, and both femora, tibiae, and fibulae. Linear enamel hypoplasias are present on the lower right canine and upper left central incisor. Slight arthritic changes are visible on the distal ulna, proximal and distal tibia and femur, and the proximal radius. No cranial deformation is obvious, but flattening, possibly due to a cradleboard, is present at lambda. Porotic hyperostosis is barely discernible and healed on the occipital squamous. Stature estimate: 150-157 cm. Locus 654 (N1096 E972 R20 N2 Hss#10): This 35-45 year old probable male is represented by the mandible and maxilla, hyoid, lumbar vertebrae, sacrum, rib, teeth and both pelves, patellae, and feet. Additionally, the long bones include both femora and tibiae and the left fibula. Both lower central incisors exhibit linear enamel hypoplasias. Arthritic changes of varying degrees can be seen on the lumbar vertebrae. The right tibial midshaft is very misshapen with severe healed periostosis. A healed, dislocated fracture is likely the cause. Stature estimate: 152-158 cm. Locus 662 (N1090 E970-2 R22 N2b Hss#8): This feature contained very poorly preserved remains of an adult. The remains include teeth and fragments of the left first rib, long bones, and misc. bones. Some of the tooth fragments may be deciduous, indicating that a juvenile was also present. Tiwanaku IVIV Locus 673 (NlllO E970 R24 N3 Hss#l): The majority of the fragments in this burial were those of an adult. The bones represented include the cranium, atlas, both femora, the right tibia and foot, and teeth. A linear enamel hypoplasia was present on the lower left central incisor. The tooth wear was much more severe on right side. A subadult is represented by a petrous portion of the temporal bone and a deciduous lower lateral incisor. Tiwanaku V Locus 677 (N1098 E968 R25 N2 Hss#5): These fragmentary remains of an old adult include portions from the left femur, right foot, and teeth, as well as two unsided tarsals and numerous misc. fragments. Tiwanaku JVIV Locus 683 (N1108 E966 N2 Hss#4): This context contained long bone, tooth, and misc. fragments of a 35-80 year old adult and an upper canine and a lower right lateral incisor from a subadult. Tiwanaku V. Locus 684 (NI 100 E970 R37): Human bone not analyzed. Tiwanaku IVIV Locus 761/768 (NllO0 E970/2 R40): These remains of a 50-80 year female include a fairly complete cranium and mandible. Long bones present are both humeri, radii, ulnae, femora, tibiae, and fibulae. Additionally represented are both patellae, hands, feet, scapulae, clavicles, and pelves, as well as the sternum, ribs, teeth, and portions of all vertebralcolumn segments. The lower left canine presents a linear enamel hypoplasia. Caries are visible on the upper left first and second molars. Evidence of anemia is seen with severe to moderate, healed cribra orbitalia and moderate, healed porotic hyperostosis. The tempromandibular joints show slight arthritic changes and anterior displacement. The hip joint has slight to moderate arthritic changes. The cranium is culturally deformed. Stature estimate: 156-165 cm. Middle Chiripa Locus 789 (N1086 E974 R44 N2a/b Hss#13): In addition to the two individuals below, at least one other adult is evident in an extra upper left canine and second molar. Individual #1: These remains of a 35-55 year old male include the cranium and mandible, left clavicle and scapula, cervical vertebrae, left hand, right humerus, left radius, both ulnae, and teeth. A linear enamel hypoplasia is present on the lower left canine. The medial clavicle has severe arthritic changes. Porotic hyperostosis possibly represented by healed, porosity within muscle markings on the cranial vault. Individual #2: These remains of a 0.7-1.3 year old child include the mandible, cranial vault, a hand phalanx, and Appendix 5 135 permanent and deciduous teeth. A linear enamel hypoplasia is present on the lower left first molar. The parietals and occipital are affected by moderate, healed and active porotic hyperostosis. Locus 816 (Nll1O E970 R37): Adult Human bone not excavated. Tiwanlaku IV/V. Locus 828 (NlllO E968 R49 N32 Hss#17): This feature contained a 35-45 year old female. The remains include the skull vault, one thoracic vertebra, and ribs. The frontal bone does not appear to be artificially deformed, but there is flattening of the planum occipitale and post-coronal constriction. Evidence of anemia includes possible porotic hyperostosis and slight, healed cribra orbitalia in both orbits. Tiwanaku IV/V Locus 832 (NllOO E970 R54 N4b Hss#23): This burial of a 25-35 year old probable male contains portions of the skull and mandible. Limb bones include both humeri and the left radius and ulna. Additionally present are the left hand, both scapulae and clavicles, relatively all of the vertebral column, the sternum, and ribs. Slight arthritic changes are seen on the ribs and distal humerus. Evidence of anemia includes severe, healed cribra orbitalia of both orbits. The frontal bone does not appear to be culturally deformed. A right rib fragment is either from a juvenile or could be non-human. Stature estimate: 163-171 cm. Early Chiripa Locus 841 (N1112 E966 R56 N4 Hss#18): This is a burial of a 40-44 year old female. Long bones include theright humerus and ulna and both radii, femora, tibiae, and fibulae. Additional bones include both hands, feet and pelves, the right scapula, and the sternum and ribs. Localized erosion of the anterior acetabulae indicates arthritis. Slight healed periostosis present on both tibial shafts. Stature estimate: 148-156 cm. Tiwanaku IV Locus 843 (N1112 E966 R58 N6): The following bones pertain to either of the two individuals listed below: seven vertebral bodies and fragments of the ribs, cranium, right scapula. left clavicle, pelvis, and long bone, as well as misc. fragments, the talus, hand phalanx, foot phalanx, both proximal humerus and one distal tibia epiphyses. Late Chiripa Individual #1 (Hss#21): This 3-5 year old contains significant portions of the cranium and mandible, hand bones, both feet, scapulae, clavicles, and pelves, portions of all vertebral column segments, ribs, and teeth. Long bones include the right humerus, radius, ulna and tibia, and both femora and fibulae. Evidence of anemia includes healed, slight cribra orbitalia and porotic hyperostosis. The skull is either normal or very slightly deformed. Individual #2 (Hss#22): Individual #2 is a 2-4 year old which is represented by portions of the skull and mandible, hand and foot bones, both scapulae, clavicles and pelves, portions of all sections of the vertebral column, the sternum, ribs, and teeth. Long bones include both humeri, the right radius and ulna, and the left femur, tibia and fibula. Evidence of anemia includes healed, slight cribra orbitalia, but no porotic hyperostosis. Although the skull cannot be reconstructed enough to fully examine deformation, the frontal and occipital seem relatively normal. Locus 860 (N1086 E970 R63 N2c Hss#20): This burial containing a 6-10 year old child includes the skull and mandible, hand bones, both feet, left patella, vertebral column, sternum, both scapulae, clavicles and pelves, ribs and permanent and deciduous teeth. Limb bones include both humeri, radii, ulnae, femora, tibiae, and fibulae. Evidence of anemia includes right, healed, slight cribra orbitalia and healed, moderate porotic hyperostosis. Cranial deforma- tion is absent. Locus 871 (N1086 E972 R64 N 3a Hss#19): This feature contains the remains of a 6-10 year old with fragmentsof the cranium, long bones and misc. bones and permanent and deciduous teeth. A linear enamel hypoplasia is present on the lower left canine. Ten percent of the long bone fragments have slight to moderate, healed periosteal reactions. Earlv Chiripa Locus 885 (N1088-90 E970 R66 N3a): This burial of a 50+ year old female includes the cranium and mandible, both feet, scapulae, patellae and pelves, the right clavicle, the vertebral column, ribs, and teeth. Long bones include the right ulna, and both humeri, femora, tibiae, and fibulae. Two mid thoracic vertebrae exhibit fusion of both the bodies and arches. Evidence of anemia includes healed, slight left cribra orbitalia and porotic hyperostosis. Arthritic changes are present on the lumbar vertebrae and glenoid fossa of the scapula. The skull is artificially deformed with evidence of a thick band across the frontal, a sagittal depression that is continuous onto the occipital and likely a thin band and round pad at the planum occipitale. Tiwanaku III Phase The following individuals crosscut loci 1236 (N1092.75 E913.1 N3), 1237 (N1092 E972 R102 N3 E100), and 1405 (N1092 E972 N4). All are likely part of burial # 100. Because size differences between some bones seems large, it is possible that two adults are present and mixed in "Individual #2." However, because these bones do not articulate, it can not be determined definitively. Early Chiripa Individual #1 (1236/5 and /7): This individual is a 2-4 year old represented by permanent and deciduous teeth 136 Earvl Settlement at Chiripa, Bolivia and one vertebral body. A left second metatarsal from Locus 1237 and a vertebral body from Locus 1405 could also be from this individual. Individual #2 (1236/2 and /11): This individual is 35-80 years old and includes an ear bone, thoracic vertebrae, ribs, a fibula shaft fragment, both hands and feet (some from 1405), and teeth. Moderate to severe arthritic changes are present on the right foot and thoracic vertebrae. The right ulna and radius, femoral head, and right mandible that were too large to be from Individual #3 (1237) are likely from this individual. Fragments of the left humerus, right femur, a fibula, ribs, cervical and thoracic vertebrae from Locus 1405 could also be from this individual. Moderate arthritic changes are visible on the proximal humerus. A left fourth metatarsal that was in Locus 1237 is probably from this individual. The additional lower dentition (with caries on the lower left second molar) from Locus 1237 is likely from this individual. Individual #3 (1237): This 45-55 year old female was relatively complete. Bones represented include the cranium and mandible, teeth, the right patella, all limb bones except the left ulna, both hands and feet, both scapulae, the left clavicle, all sections of the vertebral column, the sacrum (part from 1405), right pelvis (from 1405 and 1236/11 but fit sacrum), the sternum, and ribs. Linear enamel hypoplasias are present on both upper central incisors. Slight arthritic changes are present on the lumbar spine. The fibula shaft presents a slight periosteal reaction, which is both healing and active. The vault is unusually thick (9mm). Stature estimate: 151- 159 cm. The right and left first metatarsals from Locus 1236 could be from this individual. Individual #4 (1237): This feature also contained an occipital fragment and left scapula of a fetus. Locus 1239 (N1096 E972 R104 N3 E102): This context contains misc. and cranial fragments and permanent and deciduous teeth of a 2-4 year old. Tiwanaku IV Locus 1278 (N1094 E972 N3 E101): This is a burial of a 1.33-3 year old. Elements present are the cranium, including the left maxilla, misc. long bones, a thoracic vertebra, and one right and one left rib. Permanent and deciduous teeth are also present. Early Chiripa Locus 1292 (N1092 E976 N3e): These remains of a 9-15 year old include the right mandible, 2 foot phalanges, the right femur, both tibiae, and permanent teeth. A moderate, mixed (active and healed) periosteal reaction is present on the tibial and femoral shafts. Two linear enamel hypoplasias are observed on the lower right canine. Locus 1404 (N1092 E972 R107 N4): This locus contains the crania without mandibles of three adults. Because the cranial bones were so fragmentary and all appeared to be from adult females, they could not be separated into discreet individuals. This could be done with the teeth. In addition to the crania, there were portions of a left humerus, radius and ulna, a sacrum and right pelvis, cervical and thoracic vertebrae, and ribs. Severe, healed cribra orbitalia was present on one of the crania. Additionally, one individual had caries in the upper left second premolar, and another had a linear enamel hypoplasia of the upper right third molar and caries in both upper first molars. There are also a few fragments of subadult remains. These include two thoracic and one cervical-vertebral arch, a rib, the cranial vault, and right tibia. Early Chiripa Locus 1417 (N1099 E960 R138 NT-3): These remains of a 2.5-5 year old include a few cranial and long bone fragments and permanent and deciduous teeth. Tiwanaku V