Early Settlement at Chiripa, Bolivia Research of the Taraco Archaeological Project f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TR^of P, Edited by Christine A. Hastorf [Y~~~~~OTIBUIN F. THE UNIVERSIT OF. CALIFORNIA'- ? [;i>4|w->ACHEOOGCA RESARC FACILITY ; *0 S I S:^'.t':0:'' X tBERKELE Cover photo: South-facing oblique view of the Llusco enclosure. ISBN 1-882744-01-1 ISBN 1-882744-01-1 ll lill l liHI II 9 781882 744015 > Early Settlement at Chiripa, Bolivia RESEARCH OF THE TARACO ARCHAEOLOGICAL PROJECT EDITED BY CHRISTINE A. HASTORF NUMBER 57 CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH FACILITY BERKELEY Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 99-73504 ISBN 1-882744-01-1 ? 1999 by the Regents of the University of California Archaeological Research Facility University of California at Berkeley Printed in the United States of America. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without written permission of the pub- lisher. CONTRIBUTORS Christine A. Hastorf Katherine M. Moore Department of Anthropology The University Museum University of California, Berkeley Univeristy of Pennsylvania Matthew S. Bandy Mario Montaino Aragon Department of Anthropology Instituto Nacional de Arqueologia University of California, Berkeley, La Paz, Bolivia Deborah E. Blom Jose Luis Paz Soria Department of Anthropology Department of Archaeology University of Vermont Universidad Mayor de San Andres La Paz, Bolivia Susan deFrance Florida Museum of Natural History David Steadman University of Florida Florida Museum of Natural History Gainesville, Florida Gainesville, Florida Emily Dean Lee Steadman Department of Anthropology Archaeological Research Facility University of California, Berkeley University of California, Berkeley David Kojan William T. Whitehead Department of Anthropology Department of Anthropology University of California, Berkeley University of California, Berkeley Melissa Goodman Department of Archaeology Cambridge University Cambridge, England CONTENTS Contributors ............iii List of Figures ............vii List of Tables.............ix Acknowledgments ... . . .x An Introduction to Chiripa and the Site Area Christine A. Hastorf ................I1 2 A Toponymic Study of the Chiripa Locality Mario Montaio Aragon .................7 3 History of Investigations at the Site of Chiripa Matthew S. Bandy .............9 4 Radiocarbon Dating William T. Whitehead .............. 17 5 The Systematic Surface Collection Matthew S. Bandy ............23 .:-.:--.... .: i.... i j. ... . EXC AVATIONS 6 Excavation Methodology and Field Procedures Christine A. Hastorf and Matthew S. Bandy ............ 29 7 Excavations in the Llusco Area Jose Luis Paz Soria .31 8 Santiago Emily Dean and David Kojan .37 9 The Montfculo Excavations Matthew S. Bandy ........... 43 DATA 0 Micromorphology of Depositional Sequences from Monticulo and Santiago Excavations Melissa Goodman. 51 The Ceramics Lee Steadman .61 12 Chiripa Worked Bone and Bone Tools Katherine M. Moore .73 13 Paleoethnobotanical Evidence William T Whitehead .95 14 Herds, Fish, and Fowl in the Domestic and Ritual Economy of Formative Chiripa Katherine M. Moore, David Steadman, and Susan deFrance .105 15 Human Remains and Mortuary Practices Deborah E. Blom and Matthew S. Bandv 117 1 6 Conclusions Christine A. Hastorf.123 Appendices ... 125 References ... 137 LIST OF FIGURES 1 Southern Lake Titicaca Basin region .................3...................................................................3 2 Plan of Chiripa with the Taraco Archaeological Project's 1992 and 1996 excavation locations ..........................5 3 Santiago ASD 18 plastered wall ..............6......................................................................6 4 Plan of Monticulo excavations with all previous excavations ......................................................................1....... I 1 5 Calibrated radiocarbon dates from 1992 and 1996 excavations. Dates are represented as boxes. The central symbol equals the mean calibrated date, the dark inner box equals 1 sigma range, and the white outer box equals 2 sigma range. Numbers above the date are the same as the numbered dates in table 1. The circle equals the Early Chiripa phase, the triangle equals the Middle Chiripa phase, and the square equals the Late Chiripa phase. A bar equals a disturbed locus .................................................................................... 19 6 Typical calibration of a 2500 years bp radiocarbon date. The plateau between 800 and 400 B.C. in the calibration curve causes all calibrated dates in this age range to have extraordinarily large standard deviations. This effect is demonstrated by following the lines from the vertical years bp axis that intercept the calibration curve and drawing a perpendicular line to the horizontal calendar age axis .................................................................................... 20 7 Surface ceramic distributions. a: Formative period surface ceramic distribution, b: Tiwanaku I/l11 surface ceramic distribution, c: Tiwanaku IV/V surface ceramic distribution, d: LIP/Inka surface ceramic distribution, e: Historic period surface ceramic distribution. The shaded contour is .1 ceramic count per square meter ........... .................... 25 8 South-facing oblique view of the Llusco enclosure ....................................................... ............................. 32 9 Llusco excavation plan with major phases marked ....................................................... ............................. 34 10 Santiago schematic excavation plan .................................................................................... 38 11 Wall of Santiago semi-subterranean structure (ASD 18) with niche .................................................................... 41 12 Profile of Monticulo 1-A excavations. ASD's are structures. D's refer to stratigraphic events ......................... 44 13 a) Layer of clean sand fill between floors, b) in situt burning on floor ............................. .................................... 46 14 Plan of Monticulo 1 -B area .................................................................................... 47 15 Monticulo 2 West Profile .....................................................................................48 16 Monticulo 3 House 5 .................................................................................... 49 17 Micromorphological Monticulo floor sequence thin sections .............................................................................. 52 18 SI-S3 thin sections from the Santiago area .................................................................................... 53 19 Thin section of outside lenses on Monticulo in plane polarized light. Note the fine bone at top. The field is 2.9 cm. long ..................................................................................... 59 20 Thin section Monticulo ASD13 D-52 (MH4) in crossed polarized light. The round microartifact at bottom is bu rnt ceramic. The field is 2.6 cm. long ..................................................................................... 59 21 Key to slip colors for the ceramic figures ...........................................64 22 Early Chiripa ceramics: (a-b) short-necked ollas, (c-d) medium-necked ollas, (e-h) neckless ollas, (i) lug, and (j-l) bowls .. ...~.. 65 23 Early Chiripa ceramics: (a) medium-necked olla, and (b-c) bowls. Note fig. 23a is at a different scale .................................................................................. 67 24 Middle Chiripa ceramics: (a) jar, (b-e) medium-necked ollas (note 24c at a different scale), (f) short-necked olla, (g-h) bowls, (i) convex bowl, and (i) red on unslipped dark brown body sherd . .................... 68 25 Late Chiripa ceramics: (a-d) medium-necked ollas, (e-f) jars, (g-j) bowls, and (k) ring base . .......................... 69 26 Late Chiripa ceramics: cream on red (a-b) bowls and (c-d) body sherds, (e) black/dark brown and cream on red bowl .................................................................................. 70 27 (a-c) Late Chiripa ceramics: black/dark brown and cream on red body sherds, (d) unslipped blackware trumpet with zoomorphic modeled head. Red post-fire paint in incisions where indicated; white post-fire paint in both ears and in the left eye; white outer circle and red post-fire center in the right eye, (e) dark brown and red on unslipped red brown bowl, (f) wide-line incised body sherd, (g) red on cream/light brown convex bowl, and black on red incised body sherd (h) ................................................................................... 71 28 Bone tools from Chiripa: (a) Pointed long bone tool (Locus 778). (b) Blunt long bone tool (Locus 1070), (c) Toggle (Locus 839), (d) Toggle (Locus 108), (e) Netting gauge, pointed end (Locus 1206), (f) Netting gauge, blunt end (Locus 866), (g) Netting gauge, blunt end (Locus 1411), (h) Netting gauge, midsection (Locus 1336), (i) Awl, finely rounded type (Locus 866) .................................................................................... 79 29 Bone comb, probably for weaving, one of two from Locus 525 (Cat. CH3-565/4-01) ............. .......................... 87 30 Fragment of engraved bone tube with feet of feline figure (Locus 522) .............................................................. 93 31 Fragment of a bone spatula or spoon with incised decoration (Locus 636) ..................... .................................... 93 32 Pie diagrams of functional plant groups from House 5 on Monticulo ............................. .................................... 99 33 Map of the Southern Central Andes, and the locations from which the human data come ................................ 120 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Taraco Archaeological Project radiocarbon dates ................................................................................. 18 Table 2 Micromorphological summary of natural post-depositional features ........................................................... 55 Table 3 Summary of construction materials and occupational events ....................................................................... 56 Table 4 Summary of bone tool types from excavations at Chiripa, 1992 and 1996 seasons ............. ....................... 74 Table 5 Awls and other pointed tools .................................................................................. 76 Table 6 Scrapers and other long bone tools .................................................................................. 80 Table 7 Netting gauges .................................................................................. 86 Table 8 Tools for weaving and fiber processing ........................... ....................................................... 88 Table 9 Beads, plaques, and bone tubes .................................................................................. 89 Table 10 Indeterminate shaped and wom fragments .................................................................................. 90 Table 11 List of species recovered from Chiripa flotation samples. Taxa with stars before them are taxa not listed in previous investigations .................................................................................. 97 Table 12 Species and counts of carbon recovered from House 5 flotation samples ................ ............................... 100 Table 13 Species and counts of carbon recovered from excavation area Monticulo IA flotation samples. Column heading titles are as follows: plaster floors (PF), fill between floors (FF), burning events on floors (BF) ........ ..... 101 Table 14 Species and counts recovered from excavation area Llusco. Column headings show counts of plant remains from the Late Chiripa plaster floor versus fill ....................................................................... ........... 102 Table 15 Species and counts recovered from excavation area Santiago B 16 surface ............... ............................. 103 Table 16 Santiago Early Chiripa phase animal bone (screened sample, bone wt.) ................. ............................... 107 Table 17 Archaeological context of Early Chiripa fauna (1/4" screen only): density, burning, and taphonomic indicators .................................................................................. 108 Table 18 Calculation of relative dietary importance of fish .................................................................................. 109 Table 19 Early Chiripa sample, Santiago: camelid and large mammal summary .................. ................................ 110 Table 20 List of species identified taken from Steadman's report and augmented. Calculation of representation of body parts .................................................................................. 113 Table 21 Representation of camelid and large mammal body parts, Santiago Early Chiripa phase sample ............ 114 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS During May-July of 1996 the Taraco Archaeo- Lee Steadman and the ceramic laboratory would logical Project (TAP), directed by Dr. Christine Hastorf like to acknowledge the work of Amanda Cohen, who and Matthew Bandy, conducted research at Chiripa, a did an outstanding job as ceramic analyst and labora- site on the southwest shores of Lake Titicaca in Bolivia. tory assistant during the 1996 field season. Much of the The core team members are Dr. Lee Steadman, cerami- analysis of the Tiwanaku IV and V ceramics recovered cist and laboratory director, Emily Dean, David Kojan, by the Taraco Archaeological Project was undertaken Bill Whitehead, and Jose Luis Paz. Additional help in by Sonia Alconini M.; her assistance in phasing these the field came from Amanda Cohen, Melissa Goodman, ceramics in the Chiripa levels is greatly appreciated. and Ian Hodder, with Mario Montanlo Aragon as the Deborah Blom would like to thank Jahel Amaru for Institute of Archaeology's co-director. helping clean and package all the human bone from This project was funded in part by the National Chiripa. Science Foundation SBR-94-9625 1, the Stahl Founda- Kate Moore would like to acknowledge the tion Grant- 1996, Eva Borris and the Papercon Corpora- important contributions made to this study by members tion of San Francisco, California, and the Dillingham of the Taraco Project, in particular by Matthew Bandy Construction Company of Pleasanton, California. and Susan deFrance. In her paper Moore makes Portions of Steadman's ceramic analysis were funded repeated comparisons with the Pachacamac bone tool by the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological assemblage; she would like to thank Clark Erickson and Research, Grant 5813. Mabel Rodriguez of the Lucy Fowler Williams for access to this collection at Bolivian Consulate in San Francisco helped us secure the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeol- some of our funding as well as visas. We appreciate her ogy and Anthropology as well as conservator Nancy support of our research in Bolivia. This project Love for many helpful discussions concerning her work operated under permission of the National Institute of with the Pachacamac material. Elsie Sandefur first Archaeology (DINAAR), directed by Oswaldo Rivera identified the bone tools from the screened bone Sundt, and the Secretariat of the Institute of Culture, samples from the 1992 excavations (locus numbers Dir. Alberto Bailey and Mr. Carlos Ostermann. from 1-999). The faunal authors would like to thank Special thanks go to the people of the commu- members of the Taraco Archaeological Project, David nity of Chiripa, who graciously allowed us to live and Browman, Jonathan Kent, and Fredrik Hiebert for work in their community, especially the community's valuable assistance and comments. In addition we Secretario General that year, Sr. Saturnino Llusco. We would like to acknowledge preliminary work by Elsie are pleased that most of the people of Chiripa were able Sandefur, George Miller, and Karen Weinstein on to work with us in a rotational scheme. The site's material from the 1992 season at Chiripa. Ramiro caretaker, Sr. Facundo Llusco, was always extremely Matos M. kindly allowed access to the Laboratorio de warm and supportive. We would also like to thank Sr. Paleoetnozoologia in Lima. Emeterio Choquehuanca, the owner of the land where Melissa Goodman wishes to thank Emily Dean the Santiago excavations were located, and Pedro for her invaluable assistance in overseeing the produc- Llusco, owner of the Llusco sector. We are especially tion of thin sections. Dr. Charles French, director of the grateful to Diane Bellomy and Ron Davis of La Paz, McBurney Geoarchaeology Laboratory, graciously who helped us in so many ways on the project, and to allowed access to laboratory resources, was consulted Diana Gonzales for home support. on several slides, and provided helpful comments on a Our helpful 1996 maestros from CIAT were previous draft of Goodmans's chapter. Dr. Wendy Ramon Condori, Daniel Choque, Luis Quispe, Genaro Matthews granted access to her extensive collection of Callisaya, Franz Choque, Leonardo Laura, Elsa thin sections from occupational surfaces. Jesus Choque, and Lucy Quispe. The 1992 CIAT maestros College, Cambridge, generously provided Goodman were Celio Chura, Pedro Choque, Te6filo Choque, with a research grant to attend the 1998 Seattle SAAs Natalio Limachi, Hugo Avalos, Simon Limachi, Alicia where a previous version of this material was presented. Limachi, and Elsa Choque. Cesar Callisaya of Finally, we want to thank John Southon of the Tiwanaku over the years has also helped us to settle Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory-Center for into the community as well as to interweave with Accelorator Mass Spectrometry who has participated Proyecto Wila Jawira. Others on the 1992 team were with us to complete an important dating sequence to Claudia Rivera, Sonia Alconini, Nicholas Jackson, clarify the seriation and the timing of the cultural Carol Nordstrom, Sigrid Arnott, Robin Burke, Laurie changes during the Formative at Chiripa. Butler, Dr. Heidi Lennstrom, and Eulogio Mayta.