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Highlights include evidence of long-distance exchange between island societies, geoarchaeological studies of sea-level change, and extensive zooarchaeological analyses. 1993. paper, 248 pp., 13 plates, 93 figures, and 71 tables, $24.00 Explorations on the Makran Coast, Pakistan: A Search for Paradise. George F. Dales and Carl P. Lipo. Drawing upon the diary of his 1960 expedition to the remote Makran coast, Dales recounts the search for evidence of #50 commercial and culanrl contacts between the ancient Indus civilization (2500 to 1900 B.C.) and the Near East. 1992. paper, 288 pp., 96 plates, 68 figures, 11 tables, and 1 foldout map. $24.00 The Archaeology and Ethnohistory of Fort Ross, California VoL 1. K. G. Lightfoot, T. A. Wake, and A. M. Schiff. This new series on the archaeology and ethnohistory of Fort Ross examines the responses of #49 Native Americans to Russian mercantile adctivities in northem Califomia. This volume focuses on the interactions of Native Califomians with the Russians and the Native Alaskans. 1991. paper, 250 pp., 33 maps, 12 appendices, 6 pp. of illustrations. $18.00 Current Directions in California Obsidian Studies. Editor Richard E. Hughes, with contributions by Jonathon E. Ericson, Christopher M. Stevenson and Barry E. Scheetz, M. C. Hall and R. J. Jackson, Robert #48 L. Bettinger, Thomas M. Origer, David A. Fredrickson and Mark E. Basgall. State-of-the- art research on sourcing and hydration rate studies in California. 1990. 126 pp. $14.00 Prehistoric Hawaiuan Occupation In the Anahulu Valley, O'Ahu Island: Excavations in Three Inland Rockshelters. Editor Patrick Kirch, with contributions by Terry L. Hunt, Sara Collins, Melinda S. #47 Allen and Gail M. Murakami. Impact of Hawaiian occupation, circa A.D. 1300, on the local environment of the Anahulu Valley. Detailed studies of rockshelter sediments, archaeobotanical remains, charcoal, and landsnails. 1989. 130 pp., 30 plates. $12.00 Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers of Shelter Island, New York: An Archaeological Study of the Mashomack Preserve. Kent G. Lightfoot, Robert Kalin, and James Moore. Case study of prehistoricsubsistence #46 and settlement patterns of Shelter Island, New York. The authors evaluate whether or not horticulture and sedentary lifeways were adopted widely by coastal hunter-gatherers. 1987. 224 pp. $9.00 Methods in ArtifactAnalysis: A Study of Upper Paleolithic Burins. #42 Author Richard N. Dreiman. 1979. 79 pp. $5.00 Studies in Ancient Mesoamerica, IV. Editor John A. Graham, with contributions by M. Johnson, E. M. Shook, M. P. Hatch, J. K. Donaldson, P. Mathews, D. M. Pendergast, D. C. Pring, D. S. Rice and #41 P. M. Rice. Collection of papers on the archaeology, architecture, and epigraphy of the Maya and the Olmec. 1979. 277 pp., 14 plates. $8.00 An Archaeological Assay on Dry Creek, Sonoma County, California. M. A. Baumhoff and Robert I. Orlins. #40 1979. 244pp. $8.00 For a complete list of titles and ordering information, please write to: Administrator, Archaeological Research Facility, Anthropology Department, University of Califomia, Berkeley, CA 94720. J - ------------- --- olrl?; Q.! ?J' I -.11, TME ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH FAcLLrrY UNWERSTY OF CALLFORMIA AT BERKELEY The Ardhaeological Researdh Faclity was founded as the Califoria Archaeological Survey in 1948 by Professor Robert Hizer. The present name was adopted in 1%1 as the University of California at Berkeley's research efforts took on a more nternational scope. Today the Archaeological Research Facility is an organized research unit of the University reportngo the office of the Provost for Research. The Faclity serves the needs of twenty-six faculty and associates from the departments of Anthropology, Art History, Classics, Geography, and Near Eastem Studies and theGraduateGroupinAnaientandMediterraneanArchaeology,aswellastheneeds of allied specalists in the physical and biological scences. Current fieldwork by Archaeological Research Facility assocates indudes projects in North America, Mesoamerica, Europe, the Mediterranean, and Oceania. In addition to sponsoring and faclitating archaeological field and laboratory research, the Facility publishes the results of such work in the Contributions and other series. Priority is given to publication of research carried out by Facility associates, although manuscripts from other scholars may be considered. For a complete listing the Archaeological Research Facility's publications, please write to the Administrator, Archaeological Research Faclity, 232 Kroeber Hall, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720. ADMN5TRATOR Sherry Pierce Parrish DUtEC70R Patrick V. Kirch LEburroR Tanya Smith