PART III POTTERY DESCRIPTIONS AND CLASSIFICATION The Harappan pottery collected during the survey came from three discrete contexts: the test excavations at Sutkagen Dor, the surface surveys at Sutkagen Dor, and the surface survey of Sotka Koh. The excavations in Trenches A/Al at Sutkagen Dor provided the only significant stratified sequence of ceramics. Unfortunately, with the exception of the small jar-pot (Registered Object #10, SD #24; figure 34.11; plate 74), we recovered only sherds rather than complete forms. As a result, the classification of the ceramics into well-defined typological categories was nearly impossible. Our experience, however, working with "Mature" Harappan pottery at Mohenjo Daro, Harappa, Balakot, and other sites has enabled us to assign the sherds into a set of relatively distinct groups of pottery forms (figures 32 and 33). We elected to use the pottery typology devised for Mohenjo Daro (Dales and Kenoyer 1986) as the standard for classifying the Makran sherds. The large summary chart of vessel forms in that volume (figure 102: reproduced here as figure 32) has been used as the visual guide to the classification. Rather than attempt very specific identification of Mohenjo Daro vessel types, we divided the pottery into large groups of similar forms. These groups were based upon comparisons with Makran sherds, the Mohenjo Daro pottery chart, and our knowledge of Mature Harappan forms. They are indicated by groups A through Y and 1 through 3 (table 2). The distribution of vessel types according to their context and trench locations is compiled in tables 3-12. These charts enable one to determine the relative frequency of various vessel groups and to easily locate other examples of vessels of similar form. It will be noticed immediately that not all the forms on the Mohenjo Daro chart are represented in the Makran collection and several forms found in Makran are not seen on the Mohenjo Daro chart. This is not unexpected given the limited extent of the test excavations at Sutkagen Dor and the cursory nature of our surface survey at Sotka Koh. Despite these sampling problems, it is surprising that no evidence was found for pointed base globlets (MD 24) or large, black-painted storage jars (MD 4). The lack of pointed base goblets, extraordinarily abundant during the latest phase of occupation at most Mature Harappan sites, suggests that both of the Makran sites were abandoned prior to the abandonment of major Indus sites such as Mohenjo Daro or Harappa. The lack of large, black-painted storage jars is also unexpected since recent discoveries in the Gulf area, especially Oman, have established that such vessels were used as trade containers (Cleuziou and Tosi 1988:41, figure 35). The absence of these trade vessels may indicate that they were only transported through the site on their way to or from the Indus Valley. What is impressive, apart from the broad range of pottery types recorded in Makran, is the quality of the pottery. The care taken in collecting and preparing the paste, the skill displayed in the manufacturing techniques, and the quality of the surface decorations are equal to the best examples from the major sites in the Indus Valley. Sutkagen Dor and Sotka Koh were no mean border outposts to judge from the quality of the ceramics, objects, and architecture. 158 Explorations on the Makran Coast Q64 U, 0 0 ______ 0 o4 0 L :t~~~0 0_ 0 E W~\ 0 ceI '.4 h. ul) U, z Q0 en q0 Pottery Descriptions ~~C l)- ~ ~ ) ii e >1~~~~~ C.) > .= - P ki3 'a .4 c= BlI o o~ -j 6 f4C/) 0 .Cl C) U C) .0 Cu-  Ml .0 -   - Cu L Li C/) C) IIZ2  - LI E Cl) C) H  0 0 -C CL) to -o ._ cr, at .;I ir. -Z D E U) e u 0 C u) - X C) Co V C) 0 *0 U) C).... C) Cu 00 *C) I- Cu Cu   ::, V 0 C)C *:0 C)1 0 CA = C(u z- () Cu 0 c) 0 Cu 00 a) la U 159 o 0 C) Ia CA C Q) cr.1 60 .4 0 cel 5 z c c) C(N]- E 8 c. *Ca , r- :> Z) : C) m . j Cl) FC)C c) ^ Q - E C .- _ ,E C) - z C .9 s ._ V_ 0 0 C4 .. g Sm~~ CA~ v 0 ._P- .0 0L -n g (A ad la PC 160 Explorations on the Makran Coast One final introductory note. The sherd collections show a much greater percentage of painted sherds from Sotka Koh than from Sutkagen Dor. This may be the result of real site specific preferences, or perhaps differential functions of the sites, or simply differential preservation. We did note a decided difference in the state of preservation of surface sherds from the two sites. A high percentage of the Sutkagen Dor surface sherds were virtually sunburned. The ware had turned a deep reddish brown, and sherds fell apart upon touch, separating into countless thin platelets and crumbling to dust. We did not notice this phenomenon at Sotka Koh where sherds, even those exposed to the full blast of the sun, remained in excellent condition. The only obvious variable is that Sutkagen Dor is located immediately next to a major river and the surrounding plain is frequently flooded. Sotka Koh is located farther away from a much smaller river. Perhaps this caused a difference in the chemical composition of the clay used at each site which would result in the fired ceramics reacting differently to the direct rays of the sun. TABLE 2 MAKRAN POTTERY GROUPS Makran Mohenjo Daro Vessel Group Vessel Type Description A MD | Large decorated jars or "Bombs." B MD 2 Very large decorated globular pots with concave-sided molded bases. C MD 63 Small decorated bottles. D MD 5 Medium and large globular jars and pots. Those at the larger end of the size range have creamy slip, horizontally scraped bands on the body and shoulder, and molded bases. Those at the smaller end of the size range are unslipped and undecorated and have slightly concave-sided bases that appear to have been formed initially in a mold or chuck and then scraped. E MD 8b Ledge shouldered, globular jars and pots, unslipped and undecorated. F MD 9 and 10 Small globular jars and pots. Some (MD 9) have a solid cream or red slip. Some (MD 10) have solid red slip plus a horizontal band of black painted decorations. G MD 12 and 13 Small to medium globular jars with solid red slip and multiple horizontal black painted bands. H MD 16 Perforated vessels, mostly jar forms. con't. w I Pottery Descriptions Table 2 continued Makran Vessel Group I K L M N 0 p I X - - I Mohenjo Daro Vessel Type MD 17a and b, 18, and 21 MD23 MD26 MD 32a and b MD36 MD 37 and 39 MD 38 and 40 MD 41,44,47, anJ48 I Description Small to medium jars, unslipped and undecorated. Profiles range from straight, vertical sided to slightly convex with the maximum body diameter at the vertical mid-point or lower body. Very small, plain jars and pots. Profiles range from straight vertical sided to slightly convex. S-form pots with rounded bases, often with a coarse slip containing grog. Shoulders are characterized by a single, or multiple sharp ridges. Necks and rims have solid black or brown slip. Medium to large jars with solid red slip plus multiple horizontal black painted bands. The largest examples (La = MD 32a) tend to have a vertical sided profile and slightly concave-sided bases. The smaller examples (Lb = MD 32b) have either vertical sides or a convex profile and a ring base. Medium to large bowls with broad flat bases and straight flaring profiles. The smaller varieties (Ma = MD 36a and b) are unslipped and undecorated. The larger variety (Mb = MD 36c) have impressed intersecting circle designs on the interior of the base. A complex range of medium to large convex flaring-sided bowls. Sub-categories are defined by rim forms, presence and absence of slip and/or cord impressions, and base forms. Medium-sized bowls with widely flaring profiles, no slips or decorations, and with molded or scraped bases. Large to medium flaring-sided bowls with ring bases. Sub-categories are defined by rim forms and the presence or absence of red slip. con't. 161 162 Explorations on the Makran Coast Table 2 continued Makran Vessel Group p Q R S T U V w x y Mohenjo Daro Vessel Type 9. I I MD 41,44,47,and48 MD 49, 50, and 51 MD 52 and 53 MD 45b MD56 MD 57 and 58 MD65 Not represented at Mohenjo Daro See Mohenjo Daro pottery volume figure 57.4. See Mohenjo Daro pottery volume figure 45.5. Description Large to medium flaring-sided bowls with ring bases. Sub-categories are defined by rim forms and the presence or absence of red slip. Medium to large dishes with widely flaring profiles and broad flat bases. Sub- categories are defined by rim forms and the presence and absence of red slip. Small, plain, widely flaring bowls, usually with crudely string cut bases. Small, carinated bowl with red slip and black painted decorations. Small, vertical handled bowls, undecorated. Pedestalled dishes and shallow bowls ("dish on stands"). Subcategories are de- fined by the relative height to diameter ratio of the pedestal bases; the slipped, painted, and/or impressed decorations in the interior of the dishes or bowls; and the presence or absence of a globular bulb at the juncture of the base and dish. Ring stands for jars and pots. Channel rimmed bases for pots or bowls. Small to medium globular jars/pots with multiple, narrow, horizontally incised bands. H -_ _ _ _ _ _ 1 Miscellaneous jars and pots 2 Miscellaneous bowls 3 Vessel form undetermined I 5 - - - - - n Pottery Descriptions 163 SUTKAGEN DOR POTTERY During our work at Sutkagen Dor, 174 sherds were selected to be drawn and described (figures 34-58; plates 77-88). The sherds which were collected were those which gave meaningful information about decoration, form, and vessel type. The collection was divided, equally, between the Department of Archaeology and the University Museum: single examples or otherwise unique sherds went to the department. The most significant collection of sherds from Sutkagen Dor is that obtained from stratified contexts in Trench A-A/1 (figures 3449; tables 3-7). Relative to the later phases, those vessel forms in the lowest level of Trench A-A/1 that had reconstructible shapes (Phase 2) appear to be predominantly jars and pots. In the upper levels of the trench, a slightly wider range of vessel forms are present, especially bowls and dishes. In Trench D, sherds were collected from two large stratigraphic levels, Levels 1-2, b and Level 6 (figures 50-52; table 8). The sherds from the lowest level, 6, were heavily stained dark brown and green presumably from association with sewage or wastewater. Although very few sherds were collected from this trench, the vessel forms are limited to bowls and dishes-forms one would expect to be associated with household waste. A fairly large number of sherds was collected from the surface of Sutkagen Dor (figures 53-58; table 9). Although many vessel forms are represented from the surface collection, decorated body sherds make up the majority of the collection. 164 Explorations on the Makran Coast oo Cl4 00 - r- a) y~ 40 0- 0.. 0*- ~~~~~~~~-, 0 -h 0-' '8 a) o .E E - * *~~~~~ '0 ~ ~ ~ 0 O 0 >a) ?I 0 0 o ~ ~ ~ *E~~~~ ~ o 'o 0 0~~~~ U O , _ n c: Z c _ Z _ _ 9- 1-I -1! - ---l P4 P- '0 9- A la & r- P" W) r A A 00 r- S-4 tCl Cl c C l 00 z Q r_4 z H WQ C z V 0E H-- r. aO 0 U c0 r.= qD: 00 Pottery Descriptions 3 ,/ \ 5 v ''- ."'.-''-- ' '-'' '-'''/ l . ., ,,.,{ _ : J _ w .wX .. _ . - - g 7 O _8 cms I 2 2 / I 4 6 165 Cl e 4) 6 S4 2 00 CN Pottery Descriptions 2 477. ......... .,,j N .. ....... . ,,..... ;:::; ,....::::: -:: ... ,/ 6 :::.;.; .. ;,: '' ''' ':'::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::: :; :::;:.;. ..............................................4 .:::: .: ........:::::.::;:::: :. :: '''--;-:'"'::::::::::: :: ... ::::::::: ::: ::::::::::::: ~~~................. :::::: :::.::;::.::::.:::'''.''' ::::::. .:::'..::'::::::::::.:...::.............. ::::::::::: ' '' ' ' , ' : :' ::: ::..................- 7 1:2 9 0 1 ~cms 5 _' ' 1 8 J 1:1 I I - t _k . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . i . . . - - -- ... ..-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . - - -  7  . - - 7 . . . -. . i . , - t- - !4q-'b.,,'"', . . - ... .2 167 I I .4 i r .4 168 Explorations on the Makran Coast ,_ C) o o < | S # # i E i b EE E isn s]> 8 8 w3i > 4 8 8 i3|o wffi~~~~C14qct c W 2 ' | M 8 = = f b b g q 0 e - n ce: b b S g g = ? E , G~~~~~~~(1 v CZ?I t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C * - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~0 o> V Pottery Descriptions \\ I /~~~~~~............ ..................... .......... _ 2 4 5 6 7 _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. . . is 8 _ . . - . .*.. :. : / ol -_ W~~~~~~~~~~._ ..... _..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~. . ...... ...._ - 9 10 0 1 0 cms 169 I1I . . I 170 Explorations on the Makran Coast ci in~ 'I. LO* r '.4 0 0 z Ir 4) U c4 . co) 4) o 4 n It:$6 4) 0 0* *0 7 o Z 4)4> ) 4 z ) ~0A HO ~~o in qzt NC \0 Cl4W c 0 V- P- ,0 N - 4 ,o !DN I,. 4) 4) 0 u z z H *-e Q z CD 04 H-- 0. u) a 0 z I-6 U 6 >Z . PO ew bo "-f A en 1 o tIn bo r- A 9-4 tn Cf) 00 cn 0 2 '9 o'g L-1 91 0- 0 0 0-4 0 .28 .9 8 .9 10 --W E E = s = D .,.q . t ti *.A 8 le , t ti .,  'S 0 12's o  '5 0 -8 0 1 -0 -k -4 --I t 8 0 -n 8 -0 " 9 0 " Pottery Descriptions ,:I 2X 1:2 3 1:2 4 ............... .......... ,, ,, , .............. . .. . ..:.::.:.:.:.:.::.:::.::::::::.::.:.:.::::., _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~.. ................. ..... ...... ..... - r.. _ ) . ... . . . . .................... , . ,, , ... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~... ........ ...... _ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ... .. .... ... . .. . .. _ 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~......................... _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..... .. .... . . ..,,,,7 I #, ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.. ,............ .... 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CA 0 uz o zo C-, 0 4) u 0 z 1.U 0 uc = C~ I ~ V)ZIN 4) Lz4Z Pottery Descriptions 3 a M , -,, , , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~........... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.............. ................ . ..... ........... ...........X;;a I. 1 2 = ..... . 4 .......... . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . ...............;;;. ; .; ........ ..... . . ; ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ::::..'..::...:s''...'.. ...:ii..':: .-i..::..::.' _ , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .... . .................. _,,. , ... ,...................... .........:. : : : .:.:.:.::.:::::;:.::;:. 1:2 7 Q 1 8cms 9 ii, /2 1 I --;: --- ;- --- ,: -- - , -::. ': - . -!: _ A: :x ..... '.e''' . ......! 3 7 I r ra . . *-. .. . . . . . I.." iw . fl m m I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I w 173 I 'i A 174 Explorations on the Makran Coast 0 0 -4 9 m bO e . P *e 4- 0 3 PZ ._ *- 0 3 0 '0 '0 ~ ~ ,00~ .04 ~ ~ ~ ' l. ;; ? ffi - 4) c) N A so 0 so a 0 *s: 0. CD :A ? CD I- '0 ~4 ._- P4- p 0 V) v v on CA Xo O 4. CT v z z 0 U) 0 ? z H v-) I0ZI N a4z 6 ,Z2 *! = 4) Pottery Descriptions I.. ............................................................................................ o _ ... ................................ ........... .................. _ , , , , , , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...................... _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.. .. ... .. .. . ... .. .............................................. ............................................................... .. * + * z 9 . . . . . * |r. e. . . . . . . . . s * * Z . 4 w r ~. . . . . . . . . . . . .o* =~~~~~. . . . . . . . . . @ @s.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . & e .*e*@. ... ... ... . oo&. . . . . . 3 4 0 i - cms - -- - -1... .. 175 me se ---------- .......... .......... ............. ........... . ........... ........................ .......... ............. ............... ...................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................ ... ............. ..... . .... ..... ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................ ............................ .... ............................... .............. . ...... ............... ............... .. .. .... ..... ..... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............. I 176 Explorations on the Makran Coast .v9 c, i ci c Y-4~~~~~~~~~~~~~C- 1 V3~~~~3 So boS = 8, 1 go~~~~0 0 C) > z 0~~~~Y E 00 _- Pottery Descriptions 177 E aU U Fs 178 Explorations on the Makran Coast en W) C14 W) C (14 VI) C : cX ct ' *q c X X X w L - C#I 0 z 0 2 Q1 . ,n N Cld .D C Cl4 e t1n (14 con 0 c) uz ._.r , 3r C o2 04 _a I Cn wa '9 bb r. V- 4- P- V) z z L; 0 Q Q 0 z 0V r > *: 0 O CZE X d -4 CA CZ CA.W 2 2 0 u ,5Z 4) ac 6 2 z LI4 Q P-4 0n 'I Pottery Descriptions .0 0 0 _, 10 0 2 3 NBN I - - l~ i :0 " ~,- ?- -- I~~~~~~~~~ I 6 0 I =cms rza N 179 180 Explorations on the Makran Coast :t oo C ^ ,I t I 0 ~ 0 '0 ~~' o :. J CvI 0 C.) 4 .1 "Ct llqt ,Rt 00 C) - r- "t CU . * ; .; .' E b ' t bO ? 0 3 a: oE _ E oa E- o s 92_ E. 9e , S :-4 1: Y ,-, 034 ,0 04) 0 ~ ~ ~ 0 -P 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0~~~~~~~~ 0 r. A0 W a) 4) 0-~~ = c 2 ~~~~D 2 ~ ~ ~ x . 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F . . - *~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. . . . *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. . . . .l .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ........... .. ........ .. . . . . ...........~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .. . .... ........... .. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . .... .....::,,-. .. ... ...... .. . .,,.. ..... .. . /~~~~~~ 4 .-.::. _ . . .. ~. _ 6 0 1 cms 189 190 Explorations on the Makran Coast :v: | 2 S~~~~) 0 ,0 S! z o *~~~~~~~~C --4 ~~~~~~~~~~> z; a o~~~~~ 0Z X o 0 4))'m n 0 w o 2 0~~~~~0 EH 00O Cl Pottery Descriptions 191 |I EU CN _n I I 192 Explorations on the Makran Coast 00 a 00 an 00 VI 00 Un 0 0 0 ~~ ~~~~~~~0 00 _ _ _ _ _ t uz c 0 CA Cn CA . . . . ,. ~D o. D: o- D: o- -4 CA 4 ) '8f l: ~: S. 0 9-4 2 '~~~~ ; ' ~~ ~~E00 b 4 ) C c j U ' * o U, ~~.L4 - ~ c ~0~ 0 ' O !13 '_J. in .-4 r- A en 1 10 ,0 O- - 0 Li:Zo 00 a) 00 00 VI) 00 VI) &: 00 tn ar VI.) 00 a z z EH 0 u (/2 z H (/2 4) 0 Q U! H C14 P-4 Pottery Descriptions 193 . ..... \;. upper under 3 3 7,.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~........ .. . . . .~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ............. / ..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.... ....I .................... ........... ......_ / r_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ne .... ................. _ _ 10~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ze...........::......... 0 1 _cms . -no 194 Explorations on the Makran Coast &  0 0 0 0 0 0 0LI 0 0 0 0 o 4) .4) 64) 4) .4) .4) coS0 S 0 E r. C 0. 4), 64)n 64 . . o . o z ~~~~~~~~~~~~44 0 ~~~~~~~~ 0 0 4). ~~~~> 4; '~~~~ b O .~~~~- 0 4 ) * ~ ~ ~ ~ % ~~~~~~~ L > 1 - 0 ~ (4;4~ S I :r '8 ;e '8 OLLr. 0'8 4 : ) 6 4 I ~ I ~4) ' W 0 4) '0= U 00 D- 4 - & r- ~o ON en 0 ec v40 r> - - F- 4) 0 Q CISZ z) E z z 0 Q z 0 L; -4 6 *S. = cs - (1 - 0% - - (14 cn qt- If- \10 00 - \0 00 o - - - W) -4 m -,CT :;z < r-4 cn Z V-- Pottery Descriptions 195 I 2 A I. 1 f . X~~ Al V _, _ _ S - _0 --J 5 x-_~~~~~~~I 8 I 1cms I \ 7 N 10 11 9 I 196 Explorations on the Makran Coast 7 7 Cm cl SSVHd I. I __ ]~~~ mi l ~~~~d o 3 T1SSRA ( 4 _ _ _ A sD UG en O .b . .~ 'e a t 'e S ' O O O 000 W W '-4 H ct '4 $.4 0 a-) 0 cto "-4 E0 u) H 4)Ar C4) QNW Pottery Descriptions 197 0 0 ct I-q H 1::~ *S ce *_ Cd !M Ez cn (1 HSVHd I -4 CO) 78 10 Cv Co 3 ba d) 0 J 0X t qHSS3A 198 Explorations on the Makran Coast SSVHd Cl Iz x I .1 asI *_e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \ T1SSSA '-4 TX C - 0 et 0 ") ,0 H 4-a If H e0 II aw Pottery Descriptions 199 E~~~~~~~~i .0 |i 2p |V |.. . 6. i 12 t" Fl1 1 1 en L-M L L L'r 1 0 O d - ; 0 ~~-4 0 0~~~~V- 0 - 0~~~~~~ e4~ ~ ~~~~~~e '4V- *-1-4 ~ ' = E ~~~~~n m ene a.) t ^ > HSSHC H a EIHSSEIA a1SVHd I a) A *s: ;>o CAe -4 ut 200 Explorations on the Makran Coast 3SVHd cif cl 1aSSaA ._ 0 '-4 a *n 9 *S 3 q CiT 0 HL PC co sN m 9 0 ;0% .4 la 8 0 rA =1 1 -.4 10 a 9 9 . ;2.1 rkl Pottery Descriptions q 'Z-1 JOAAQ 9 POA' 'ESSaA wN 201 -. 'l ' S IC 0 0) 10-. -% W) 00 14 14 W) kn .0b.0 pl- k .11- N T-4  4n 8 it (A 0) 46 0 cf _l - --- to X. to V 00000000 GI 0-1 tll n be 9 o 9-4 V-4 I tv.) 0 11-1. -i C14 tn bb ..q N V-4 tn 8 cn in eln WI oo . .o s it it iT V. V.) V.) V.) 6 V.) %n Q H 0 ,0 H C), C-, 0 Q. a VM 202 Explorations on the Makran Coast 4) M 3 z~~~~~~0 C14~~~~~~~C ,.0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 (N~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 -~~El 4 S 6 - -n.j z 0 0 "~~~~~~~~ 0 ~ ~ 0 00 - 4 C: 1) E Cl X v E C X l S M z 2 C:~~~~~~~~~~~~~C Cl4 i PI -4 Pottery Descriptions 1 . . . : : ' ' . . : : ....... .. .. . . . . . . ...... .. . . . ... .. .. . _ ::: ..... ....... _ ........ .......... .. _ ............. 2 3 Qi cms-- RTsi 203 O, 1 8?cms 204 Explorations on the Makran Coast 00 n~~~~~ u 0 oo 0 ? ? xo ? ? oo ,~~~~~~r r- in 00 \ Gi! U **U U *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-58 H ;^ 0 4)?Y m ~~~ .- C ~ .o o SS I S I S S H H H H - - QommmmI iZ _ > e t m ? > X~~4 '*I )s4 Pottery Descriptions 205 -~~~~~~~ }~~~~~~~~ I ,, : : 7 2 O _ 8 1 6cms 206 Explorations on the Makran Coast 00 CC) C C F ~~oo oo~ oo o 0 o. 0 0 > o~~~~~- LA~ ~~i. H~~ O mO OQ8 n mo~ o3 0 \0 V 8 0 N bo t4~~~~~~~~~~~~~., - 0 E _ _ n oO_ 0 H ~~~~~~~- O C.'2Z N Pottery Descriptions / / N- '7_ . 1:2 4 1:2 -?7 5 6 0 1 Ocms . . 7.7, 1- . -. . . . .. . .. . . ..... ..L." - - - - - " - ' - - '- - 'I" - - - - . 207 1% ll- 208 Explorations on the Makran Coast 0 coi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~4c 0~~ C,)o 4 Z CT m Z Z 4~~~~~~~C' C 04 ~ ~ ~ ,4 I ~~~~~~aC o~~~~~~~~~~~~z 00 0 O - - g X N Y~~~~~~1- F- 4) 4 0 Q- Q u 0 V) 0 z EH :ar . R 10- 2,1 3 0 :-,z t,. , r= .,-* 5 r- = D : Pottery Descriptions 209 2 3 - _ o O O O O 0 0 0 ) O 0 0 o ?0 0 o c0 cb 0 o 03 o) (z 0 0 0 ( a O 0 O O 00 a 5 0 1 8cms 4 a - a - I -z - I C) 8 bo V-4 C14 00 P-4 r- T-4 C 2 V- - '0 0 - - 4) 4) 0 '0  ;'  . i .  0 -    - 8    C * g,Ig I I ** S -  e -.00 - e'*4.  U C-, a~~~~F 0~~ . - 4)4 0 u 0 z * -4 0 4) u 0 z '6 P4) 4) bo 88 88 88 Cu Cu C Cu Cu Cu 0-4 O0 r_X CT >, i. >.o Z O~ -0 C fl'0 C C -' C u~ ~ ~ o? w 4 ~~0 *,~~~~~cu'o$- ' b~o -. S C0 b 8 8 Cu 8 Cu r- _t- 4 l 00 _I 0 _00 e14 em l4 c en n 't' r- - V - P- P-4 - -4 r Cl en \0 ) or 00 ON 210 Explorations on the Makran Coast 0o) sFi | ,Re II Q 0 0 CI) u 0- z W 5; CA) 4) 0 u ;Y 0 ce ; IA 6! CQ 4) o Z Pottery Descriptions 2 5 4 7 8 9 8 1 cms t?_^RW5 211 6 I I I I I I I . . I -1 -I -1 - l- - 3 212 Explorations on the Makran Coast w ? &) 00 00 00 00 n~~~~~ '0Z r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r ' 0 0 z ~ ~ Q - | 0 mm nfi n: n: nC 2 *iS i 0iD2 '04) >D- z~~ Z- N M 0Z ZS -ii 4) 'Et;~~~~( Pottery Descriptions N \ 2 os ............................... .... .. .. .. . ..... .. ... .. .. . As ..... . . ~~...... ... .... . ... .. .... . - . . . . . . . . . . .. ..... .. . . . . . . . X. . .... ....... ... . 3 4 5 , 0 1 ,cms I : .,. 11 rll--- - I ..... .. . .. .. . .. . .... ... . . .... .. .... ... .. ............................... . ......... . .. ............... .................................................... .... 213 11 1- 214 Explorations on the Makran Coast 0 4) Q 0 CC0 Q 4), Z? Z 8~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C 0. EO *-.,. CQZ _ e t -e 4 V"eN z - qt - - t- o Pottery Descriptions 215 W 3 6 8 I \ I, 10 0 1 8cms 4 C / I 5 7 9 . ................... ::::::: :,:, ... ....... . ..'.  i ii. i. ...... .. I I I I I s o o E s E s g o E E E o E t! s o~~~~'g 7 m;~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 (U 4) m00 m; m ; ; X~~~~~~~U cn V) )-J Cf C/) en V) en a.} m sX en V) C] a '0~~~~ 4-: o 0-_ D09 XD D D D 40) 8 8 *. 9 Q 8= : C 0) 4; ~- 0) '-441 0) V oD 0 . 8 -0 o. t3 c 3 - W 8 8 V) r- 00 8 00 0 N -4 -4 Cl f) "C 216 Explorations on the Makran Coast o 4 .oz c0 Z o W U V 0 Cl) 0 P4 Lo z C0 IC , 0 N . 9 k r. s&o-bO S- S . 0) 0 u 00 00 0) :>,2 *t - = gg Pottery Descriptions 3 2 4 5 7 p 1 6 cms I 217 I 218 Explorations on the Makran Coast ;Y~~~~~~~~~~b C/)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ C en U X _ E ~~8 8 6S GV)2 n o o oo oo 4)Zm .0zo ,- Pottery Descriptions 219 I I I , m _ I I . I I . I - \ , I ,- 3 Q 1 8cms _ k 220 Explorations on the Makran Coast M 10 ov N M I" uu NO tI. oo Gz -I _I Ci et n ? > oo C 4 4 4 Xo 6 Xo t- 6 ,6 -6 ~o ,.o t- t- t- t- v b r- r in in in W) VI) ur %n tn WI u n " WI WI tn uz in u ur v n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Z to t0o 0D to 20VVD k t OD 0e000 t0o 0ea OD 00 be 2 00 0o M b0 .- . & . i.- .,- .- .-, .~- . .- .- .- . '- . ; .- . ' .-. - & . 4 NM C inO % m b t i O W a 2 n # WI) I C # W ( C CV ( c C e CV) CO CO - z- e-- z-----4 W-4 r-I W" "" -, "" -" ' CY CO C 0 ut u 0 ut u: u 0 ux uz u)ut 0 ce uz 0 cn (A o q) 0 cql; Ui .0 ca (AI %n e in W WI W n WI * . . . os '4 O o - F c-a c- -b ci ci 8tu 0-% .4i V- at . -6P U U, ca cc _s _ 0 !9s 0 C ~ 1 c a o.0 H ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , U 0 C-, .4 H bo *{ ci 0904 ON H) : : : I z *:..:& -1. I L'.. I Pottery Descriptions 221 Plate 77 Sutkagen Dor, Sherd SD#114 Plate 78 a. Sutkagen Dor, Sherd SD#112 b. Sutkagen Dor, Sherd SD#68 c. Sutkagen Dor, Sherd not drawn 222 Explorations on the Makran Coast Plate 79 Sutkagen Dor, Sherd not drawn Plate 80 Sutkagen Dor, Sherd not drawn Pottery Descriptions Plate 81 Sutkagen Dor, Sherd SD#75 Plate 82 Sutkagen Dor, Sherd SD#80 223 224 Explorations on the Makran Coast Plate 83 Sutkagen Dor, Sherd SD#48 Plate 84 Sutkagen Dor, Sherd SD#138a Pottery Descriptions Plate 85 a. Sutkagen Dor, Sherd SD#133 b. Sutkagen Dor, Sherd SD#134 Plate 86 Sutkagen Dor, Sherd SD#120 225 226 Explorations on the Makran Coast Plate 87 Sutkagen Dor, Sherd SD#121 Plate 88 Sutkagen Dor, Sherd SD#115 Pottery Descriptions 227 SOTKA KOH POTTERY Our discovery of Sotka Koh was described above in Part I of this report. We unfortunately had neither the time nor resources to make a proper investigation of the site. However, the geographical location of the site, its confirmation, and the masses of Harappan pottery on the surface made it clear that this was a site comparable in size and function to that of Sutkagen Dor. A collection of sixty-eight pottery sherds was made from the surface (figures 59-68; plates 89-96; tables 10 and 11). In spite of the deplorable condition of the site itself, the surface sherds were in a better state of preservation than those at Sutkagen Dor. The higher percentage of slipped and painted sherds probably results from this differential preservation. It could also reflect qualitative or preferential differences between the inhabitants of the two sites. 228 Explorations on the Makran Coast * o o 4) ~ D 00 0 s_ - 4) > S 4)Z S -I ~~~~~7 P. ;4E 6-" S CA 0o o 00~~ *-~~~ ~ oo~0 .. - 4 _* _4 00~ ~~~~~~0 uz 00 ON> 0~~~~~\ Z \0>o 3- zi e6 t n ?0 t- 00 ON Pottery Descriptions 229 2 5 " . '.' 0 1 8cms 4 IL II II II I I 7 I, 8 9 10 ---I 6 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 C.--. - -11 . . I/ I I 230 Explorations on the Makran Coast :a ON LI I I ~JA- CZT 4'- u o ~~ 0 ,0 4- CIN C-4 r- ON -4 0 0 E co 4) 0) 0* 0 9 -*o cX A C .S -4)0 0 C-0 Cl4 T- 00 0N 0O 0 -4 - a 0 Cl 0 %C w c- - < Q 0- Q 04 w 4) 0 u 4g Z I Pottery Descriptions 231 IAA wa | X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- r~~~ l 3 4 6 Q 1 8cms u 1 232 Explorations on the Makran Coast > 0 S 2 12 11 1 W2 0 Z 0 . e e e e > X n O '- e *.3 0 0 0 0 C: 0 c3 ,0 - ~~ o } o =~~~~ .Xt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> e Z . 2~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~10 0 o C4 C cq~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, bo Z- -' ~ ~ ~ 4O Pottery Descriptions I 3 5 7 08 . cmf. 2 4 16 I 977-1 233 I 234 Explorations on the Makran Coast 0 ~~~0 00 00 0 0 .0 Z ~ ~ ' ' 0 0 ' v 2) W WI I S I U0 0 C0 U0 U0C -4E r- .- "--4)75 0 ~~~0 O 2 '0 z .Dz ~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ oi ' S~~~0 '0 ^ . ~'w D~~~~~~~~~~~ '2 0 o z '0' - 0 ? A 6 Cl ' T W c > 5 Pr -4 Pottery Descriptions 1% 17 SCALE 34 3' i . 3 4 7 6 n 1 8cms ET- 235 ;__- 236 Explorations on the Makran Coast Og,Zcu cX cX F=3 H ) ~~~ 0 I . M i 0 ~~~~~ Z CA ~ C\ tz > ~~: - 4)~~~~~~~~~~1 8 = ^ e~c ._ ~~~~~0 0 . D = _ ~~~~C1 Pottery Descriptions 237 2 3 Q 1 ecms i=4 - - -- .- m . . . . .  . . . . -.7--.Ib ........ ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . ' :  : : : : : : : - - - I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I : : : , ......: 238 Explorations on the Makran Coast .0 Z~~~4) El Cl C I _ 0 0 0 ~~~~~~~~0~ 0 0 v: K X S o o o o 4) I X oo U" :4 ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~- t 0 E |~ E 2 lX8 E .-4)~~~~C1 - z; Cl cl SB 3 N~c D~~~~~~~~~ 'C -1'''t ? t -" C Pottery Descriptions N D . .. ... . s . w v ~ . .... : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ a ~''~~'''r. %_._- _ . . , . __ _._ . . -.. . . '.._, SC 01 :ALE 1;2 8cm s 3 _ F-. - * --,--- - 5 _9 v ..,.\ ->s . . .. . ... " '.\ _o_ \ 4 5 SCALE 3/4 2 In 239 240 Explorations on the Makran Coast Coi|a aR- a~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~t- atn in tP |~~~~~~~~~~~~ E- | t X 8 E 8 X ~~~~~~~~~~w tU 16 Eo 0l m%= g _gz g 0gz m%=0 . 0 0 0 0 , g~ * fi v g;.*. a g CQ g - v g -: v ItIv. 0 Q'> C-, Ca Ca a> .Fz~~~~~~~~~~) | ~ ~S o ' o~~~ D~~~~~~~~~~~~~' C -0 C14~~~~~~~~~~~~ U 10 ZO > > N (1>a .bOZ _ > ^ t m ? 2 0~~~~~~~~~~ aN aN Cl~~~~~~~~~~~ a)~~~~~~~~~~0 ,0 0 CIO t . LZ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 0 Pottery Descriptions 2 _ . ... ... ......... _ ................... .... ...... .... .... .....::: . . ... .... .. .:: ... ... . . a P -- - - - + w nl, .. _, V . -.''-- -: .,V--. '7.' -'. ''. ,. . ". "7 ", .-". .' ,' .................................... ' . - ' . - - ' ' ., ;/- - ' ' ' ' .'/ o 4 _ , _ ....... . . C, .. . . . ... .... .. . l - v . . . w ., . , ... .. ....... .... ... ..... .. w _ _ FFv-*, , __ _ 5 Q I cms _ ER _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7 scale 1:2 241  f' 242 Explorations on the Makran Coast tf) tri 4) I.-O :3 bo tz 0 0 0 rA tn tl 't 4) -q 00 EZ 0 2 0 (L) CA tn tti I'* 4) bo EZ 0 4.) CD to) U) u 1-4 04 w u 0 4 0 U) _-4 c14 C0 _- N T--f N A cn 1140 _- r- 00 r- 9- 00 r- 00 00 - ON 9- V-4 9- - - - 1? Nt ON 00 It ON ai ON cs - V T4 0 r-4 00 ON V-4 V-4 4-i 0 0 0 0 0 0 C.4 Ci csi W) .5 1.4 4-a 4-6 0 0 Cd 0 cqs 0 cis 0 0 0 V-4 0 1-4 0 0 0 0 0 CLO o o o o o 0 o & @E o 0. WO Co c ?o en CL o C4 Cw o en rg em Om 3= MO W W F- 0 (A rA 4) rA 4.0 0 0 0 u m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o ofi o~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pottery Descriptions 243 t : > 8. s \7:: j - \ --- - - s-- _ * - - _s a, .. _._, .......... _ .... ..... .. ,.*Qi _ ; i ....................... ... ......... ...... _ ........... _ . _ _ ......... '..' _ _ \. :. . : 1 \ _ _ _ \ . _ _ \ ._ ... .. .. \ - - * -} - - a 2 ' , /::: ........... ;_R _ ... _ E _[ . _ ............... ...... . ,, _ , ....::.::. _ _ _ _I _ _ e I_ 4 ' 41' 6 ', 8 16 fi f - . _ _ - w- ~ ~~~~~~~~~ I I Q 1 a cms I, 3 7 \ :----: --S -;;: l^N X _ .- . ,. . . .-.t _ _ _ W .... . .. - . - _ s - - - --- - -- 0-- t - - - -- i- 0 -S-J _ _ _ G , 9 10 ... 244 Explorations on the Makran Coast o 0 0 0 0 ~~~~ '~~~~~~ b- --b ~~~~a ~ ~ ~ bo < bo~~ ~~ 'o~~ '0 'O~~~ 'o ) '0 o 1.0 C~~ C u~~~~~~~~~~C C z 4 Cz 0~~~~~~~0 .-4)~~~~~~- 4)~~~~~~~1 Pottery Descriptions 245 .. i.. / e ,1' A 71 4 p 1 ; cm s I I I I I I I 246 Explorations on the Makran Coast t)~~~~~~~W WI g X2eQO O O?_ 0AbO C/)~~~~4 C... 0 -1 ..& ._ o | . ~ | * ~~ z - - -~~~~~~PO r- - u Z. C4 C4 C4 C >1 6 ~ - 00 00~. 0- 00 r-4 r" r-4 A P-4~~C - N v 1 ---------- interior exterior 2 1' II . ... > . 4 . 4~~~cl As; q_ .. ;. ,. ,;;,, _~~~~~ 0 1 8 cms Pottery Descriptions 247 3 248 Explorations on the Makran Coast Ifl en it mn I'D n O %0 V0 '0 %O V *0 *b *. . 3 0 en m CC) mn en 0 CT 000000 V q -% * cL 00 0 0 _4 V u0 00 an 00 00 in in v c0 *4 00 *: . 0 00* . 0 ^*-*** * I 'ISSaA IIN X0C0 0 c4 z 0 0 *S 0 VD H _,, 0 H a VM 4-- en E - rni I-'& in A C- R) -4! lmmfiml. L 00 i - S~ r TSSSIA GIN a Pottery Descriptions SIt ' 6 t&, ^O ,D %, , 9 , _ 00 _06 b.08O O - C- 1- . i s. - t \? 0? 4 I v? \? i? - 0 b b b b ?? ?? EEp .~ EEp EEp .E EEp EEp . ~ EEp EEp . . 6. V.- .l RI L.' . . . . _ c u oo4 n 00 N m Ol t- w oo - t- %O \0 as oo O 2 C: 0 o CS, _- cl CSn Rt O oro oo 00 oo oo 'I 00 t- oO t- oO t, tr,> v v v -2 V- 2 ____ ***4 cn Go rA m COO W 0 Go 9) V5 u) 9) V5 W5 05 G6 C-4 C)0 w CIO) V) CO) W) a - q s - -i -! en I ci i o c - el en 'J l '0 %O rO ' 0 % 00 '0 %00 0 C 0 '0 . C . . . . . . . . . . . t04 tk vo t.! .w b.0 .wo to opSi .00 .w p e t p - p tl - ! Pto v- ;; V ;; 5' V- V V oo n cn rA rn 95 U) w U) U) a) U5 U) V5 Ca 4 .- ii 0% 0% it: A GO I c~~~. ~cI FE-I SISSaA GIN ~4 0 0 cn I 0 *D HV *f Ev 0 -- v: . 249 qFISSFIA GIN 250 Explorations on the Makran Coast Plate 89 Sotka Koh, Sherd SK#195 a. Sotka Koh, Sherd SK#197 Plate 90 b. Sotka Koh, Sherd SK#191 Pottery Descriptions Plate 91 Sotka Koh, Sherd SK#192 Plate 92 Sotka Koh, Sherd SK#209 -51 252 Explorations on the Makran Coast Plate 93 Sotka Koh, Sherd SK#210 Plate 94 Sotka Koh, Sherd SK#172 Pottery Descriptions Plate 95 Sotka Koh, Sherd SK#190 Plate 96 Sotka Koh, Sherd SK#179 253