193 IMPLICATICtNS OF OBSIDIAN HYDRATION READINGS AND SOURCE DEflERINATIONS FOR 28 PRESUMED "EARLY MAN" POINTS FROM NEVADA Donald R. Tuohy Introduction More than a decade ago, Tom Layton stimulated my interest in obsidian hydration dating (see Layton 1970, 1972a, 1972b, 1973, 1979). At that time, I submitted 88 artifacts to Susan Moriarty and Harvey Crew at the University of California, Davis for obsidian hydration rim readings. The bulk of the hydration data derived fram the excavated projectile points fram Pyramid Lake has been published (Tuohy 1980). The latter publication, however, suffered because these specimens were not chemically characterized, a deficiency presently being redied by Richard Hughes of the University of California, Davis. As a residual bonus from the early 1970s, I also accumulated in my files rim readings made by Harvey Crew on what I perceive to be "Early Man" projectile point types recovered in the western Great Basin. All were surface finds made by a variety of persons, under a variety of circumstances, mostly uncontrolled. Richard Hughes, again, has helped to contribute some order to these circumstances by sourcing these 28 bifaces using x-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis (see Hughes 1983a, 1983b for technical conditions of the study). After these 28 points had been sourced, a decision was made to cut five of the points not previously subjected to obsidian hydration analysis. These specinens, numbers 1-5 in Table 3, were severely wind-blasted, and had not been analyzed previously because of the obvious, visible abrasion damage to the chipped surfaces on all of them. The obsidian hydration study of these five points was made by Thaas Kaufman, Obsidian Technology Services, Los Angeles, California. Results of this analysis will be presented below. Meighan's (1981: 200-214) deternination of differences between average readings on Little Lake "Pinto" points and those from my studies (Tuohy 1980) at Pyramid Lake suggest a significant variation in the hydration rates of obsi- dian in different parts of the Great Basin. This variability probably derives, in part, from geochemical differences between the obsidian sources, resulting in the probable existence of "slower" hydration rates for some of the northern and eastern parts of the Great Basin when compared to the rate proposed for the southern Great Basin (Meighan 1981: 212). With this in mind, one might question the wisdom of trying to draw together disparate hydration data on typologically disparate bifaces made from obsidians from disparate sources. When one realizes the one of the murkiest and most maligned of our knowledge pools in the Great Basin is the "Early Man" swinming hole, then I hope to float conclusions in this paper that, at best, will be disparate, not desperate. Typology Despite the best modern day efforts of persons such as Earl H. Swanson, Jr., who surrnxned the "First Conference of Western Archaeologists on Problem of PIint Typology" over 20 years ago (Swanson and Butler 1962 ) anld the recent contributions to typological systematics by Thomas (1970, 1981:.), jIblor (1978), and Ibimer and 194 IVeder (1980), anmng others, there is still much confusion anmng Great Basin archaeologists about morphological and technological projectile point "types" (Rouse 1960). Unfortunately, although confusion appears less prevalent amnng presumed pre-Archaic projectile point typologists, there are enough disagreements expressed in print to propose a Second Conference on Problems of Point Typology. For present purposes, I follow Meighan (1981: 205) in applying the concept of a projectile point "series," defined by Hester and Heizer (1973: 1) as a group of related point "types," for discussing the sample of 28 points reported herein. Therefore, I will discuss "Clovis" series, "Haskett" series and "Great Basin Stenmed" series as if they were truly established instead of mostly postulated entities. Other named types are insufficiently represented in the sample to be of concern, but there are minor variations in morphology found axmong them. As an example, the so-called "Scottsbluff" point in this Nevada sample is quite similar to its Plains counterpart, although its flaking scars evince less care in their placement and regularity (Figure 2h). I should also mention that there seems to be developing a kind of Great Basin Mason-Dixon line, where a southern "Pinto" becomes a northern "Elko," or a southern "Silver Lake" becomes a northern "Parman," or a southern "Great Basin Stened" becomes a northern "Windust Phase" point as reported in the Snake River country (Rice 1972). Significant differences between eastern and western Great Basin point typologists also have been noted (Thomas 1981: 10), particularly with reference to a "long" chronology in the east for same point types as opposed to a "short" chronology in the west. While there may be valid reasons for grouping "Eastgate" and "Rose Spring" series points under the name "Rosegate," or for integrating "Elko Contracting Stem" points and Pinto series points into a "Gatecliff series" (Thomas 1981: 19-22), the disappearance of "Pinto" series points and "Gypsum Cave" points fran the roster of Great Bsin point types violates my sense of continuity in Great Basin typology studies, as I have already noted (Tuohy 1982: 83). Regardless of the point terminology one uses, however, presumed pre-Mazama and "Early Man" point series or types simply are not to be found in later sequences such as the well known ones in Monitor Valley or in Gatecliff Shelter where stratigraphic evidence suggests the oldest forms are concave base points (Thomas 1981: 13). Pre-Mazama occupants of the Great Basin possibly flourished better under the stars, or in brush or skin tents rather than under some natural rockshelter or in a cave, and this postulate, one surmises, may be the reason that the presumd early point types we do have are nearly all surface finds fran open sites. The Projectile Point Sample As suggested, the selection of the "early" projectile point types for obsidian hydration analysis was somewhat casual. This paper, therefore, repre- sents only a beginning tally of rim readings and sources for presumed "early" point types from western Nevada. Of course, other hydration studies containing "early" point types have been published (Layton 1972a, 1972b; McGonagle 1979; Tuohy 1980), or are awaiting publication (Layton 1983; Green 1982; Rtusco and Davis 1982), so sane comparative data are available. The only recent Great 195 Basin studies which present both obsidian hydration rim readings and sourcing data on "early" point types, however, are the studies by Hughes (1983a, 1983b), Rusco and Davis (1982) and Layton (1983). It seems appropriate here to discuss the point sample and to identify both the typologists and the criteria used to classify the points. A sumnary of this information is shown in Table 1 which also presents the dimensions, weight, typology, and the original point identifications with a list of published refer- ences or type descriptions. Gross morphology and technological attributes of stoneworking were used to classify the points not previously classified. As noted in Table 1, at least three of the points are not truly "early" types, but are respectively, a Humboldt concave base point (Figure 2e), an "Elko" series point (Figure 2g), a thinned and fluted, plano-convex flake (Figure 3i), both of the forner mre than likely of Archaic persuasion. Still other forms in the sample (Figure 6o and 8y) are stems from Great Basin Stemmed series points re- worked into drills or gravers. One such Great Basin Sterned series point (Figure 7v) has been resharpened with a burinated tip, a technique for reworking stens described elsewhere (Tuohy 1974). Chronology There are at least to ways to arrive at relative age estimates for the "early" points in this study. The first is through ccparative typology, and the second is through use of the obsidian hydration dating method. Comparative Typology. Since the Nevada sanple includes points classified as examples of Clovis, Great Basin Stemned, Parman, Haskett, Lake Mohave and Silver Lake types, a perusal of the published literature on the chronology of these ooints should provide data for suggesting age estimates on the basis of comparative typology. At the Lindenmeier site in northern Colorado, Wilmsen and Roberts (1978: 175) have shown that Clovis and Folsom points are coeval at least to 11,200?400 years B.P., and unfluted (Concave-base) points also found there have an antiquity comparable to that of the fluted points. In the Desert West, which includes Utah, Nevada, and parts of southern California, Idaho and Oregon, Clovis fluted points are widely distributed as surface finds (Davis and Shutler 1969; Tuohy 1977; Aikens 1978), but none has been directly dated. On the Great Plains and in the Southwest culture areas, however, Clovis points date within the 11,500 - 11,000 B.P. time range (Haynes 1971: 10). Such a temporal range seems reasonable for the western Great Basin Clovis samples. The Great Basin Steried series points were first defined by Tuohy and Layton (1977: 1-5). Prior to 1977, Bedwell (1973: 142) published the earliest radiocarbon date (13,200+720 B.P.) on a stemned (Lake Mohave) type of point associated with a concave base point (termed an unfinished point or a blank by Fagan 1975). This date still stands as the oldest for any stemmed series point. Hester (1973: 47, 62-68) compiled data on ste.r--ed points as part of the Western Pluvial Lakes Tradition in the Great Basin, and Hester's data and con- clusions have been amplif ied by Bryan ( 1980 ). Bryan (19Y79: 186-190 ) reports stratigraphic evidence and ten radiocarbon dates fr mm Smith Creek Cave, 196 eastern Nevada -- evidence that seems to indicate sternned points recovered there (Mt. Moriah variants) date from 12,000 - 10,000 B.P. These points are believed by Bryan to be fully contemporaneous with Clovis and Folsorn kill sites on the Great Plains. Some Great Basin archaeologists perceive these stemmed points to be younger, possible post-dating fluted points by ca. 2,000 years (see Aikens 1978: 148). Parnan projectile points were first described by Layton (1970, 1972a, 1972b), who later incorporated them in the stemmed series (Layton 1979). Paxrna points are well dated, having been recovered in both the basal cultural levels at Hanging Rock Shelter (Layton 1972b) and Last Supper Cave (Layton and Davis 1978) as well as at pluvial Lake Parman (Layton 1979, 1983). The assermblage of 50 Cougar Mountain and Parman variants recovered in the stratigraphically controlled cave excavations were dated by four radiocarbon assays (on shell and charcoal) to 9,140 - 8,170 B.P. -- dates which Layton (1979: 47) rounds off to 9,000 - 8,000 B.P. Based on this evidence, the Parman varieties of stemned series points from the northwestern Great Basin appear to be younger than the Mt. Moriah variants from the eastern Great Basin. Haskett projectile points were first described by Butler (1965, 1967), and although both Clovis and Folsom points were recovered by amateurs from the same field as the Haskett points, they were not recorded in situ (Butler 1978: 64). The Haskett point style was not dated in Idaho until Sargeant (1973) reported radiocarbon dates of 9,860?300 and 10,000?300 on Haskett points and blanks from the earliest levels in Redfish Overhang, central Idaho. Butler has assigned the Haskett type to the "Plano" period in Idaho, ca. 11,000 - 8,000 B.P. On the basis of comparative typology the Lake Mohave point type appears to have been widespread in the Great Basin during an early time period (Hester 1973: 45). The Silver Lake type frequently encountered at sites yielding Lake Mohave points appears to be younger in age. In the southern Great Basin, the chronological periods outlined by Warren (1980) indicate that the Lake Mohave Period should be assigned a temporal range of 10,000 - 5,000 B.C, while the Pinto Period dates from 5,000 - 2,000 B.C. Obsidian Hydration Studies. A concordance of the illustrated points with obsidian sourcing sample numbers, site designations, hydration laboratory nunbers, figure numbers, hydration measurements, and sources appears in Table 2. The supplemental results of obsidian hydration analysis performed on the five wind blasted specimens sent to Obsidian Technology Service, Los Angeles, appear in Table 3. The latter analyses were conducted using standardized procedures em- ployed by the UCLA Obsidian Laboratory (Kaufman 1983a). Dr. Kaufman (1983b) commented on these five specimens as follows: "Hydration readings were obtained for all five specimens. Specimens 1, 3 and 5 exhibited hydration bands on all surfaces. Specimen 2 had only 1 hydration band (on the surface indicated by you), the other apparently destroyed by abrasion. The surface of specimen 4 was highly abraded shcwing no measurable hydration. Instead a large hydration band was located along a crack in slide 2. 197 Hydration readings made along external surfaces ranged from 2. 1 to 9. 8 microns. The crack inside specimen 4 measured 10. 6 microns. Hydration bands in cracks were also located and measured on specimens 1 and 5. Crack readings are usually somaehat larger than external surface readings and these two specimens were no exception. While I do not have hydration rate data for most of these sources the hydration readings on specimens 1, 2 and 5 seem somewhat small for Paleo-Indian temporal affiliation. The 3. 1 nicron surface hydration reading on non-abraded Bodie Hills source specimen 5 is suggestive of a relatively late temporal placenent. Although there are still some ambiguities in the relationship of crack vs. surface readings on the same speciuen, the 3. 5 micron crack reading for specimen 5 supports the visual observation that surface abrasion has not been very significant on this specimen. Spallation effects are still possible." No attempt will be made to convert the hydration rim readings in Tables 2 and 3 into calendric years. It seems reasonable to suggest that the chronology implied by review of the comparative typology reflects the general temporal periods during which the points in the sample probably were made. Conversion to calendric years depends upon several factors (see R. Jackson, this volume) beyond the scope of this study and, in addition, there are too few points in the sample to yield meaningful source-specific hydration ranges. Meighan's (1981: 211) estimate, a "northern" rate of approximately 800 - 1200 years per micron, seems to be a reasonable estimate for those points in the sample originating at Mono Glass Mountain and at other sources farther to the north (Figure 10). Clovis Points and Sources As noted in Table 2, seven "Early Man" style points are classified as 'Western Clovis." The find spots of four of them are clustered on the east shore of Washoe Lake (Figure 11, WL) in west-central Nevada. Suggested sources were given only for six Clovis specimens, however, as one was from an unknown source (Figure ld). Each of the other six has a separate source according to XRF analysis. One source, Majuba Mountain, for specimen 2053-G-5 (Figure la) is located approximately 150 miles (241 km) north of Washoe Valley. The second source, for specimen 2053-G-4 (Figure lb), is located not far away in Lyon County near Sutro Spring, while the third source for the deeply fluted and scratched Clovis point (Figure 41) is listed as Bodie Hills, the well-known source locality on the California-Nevada border about 100 miles (161 km) south of Washoe Lake (Singer adn Ericson 1977). Another point typed as a Humboldt concave base point (Figure 2e) also was recovered at Washoe Lake, and the obsi- dian originated fran the Bodie Hills source. The two remaining "Clovis" points (Figures 4k and 5n) and one concave base point (Figure lc) were recovered at Lake Tonopah and Mud Lake, respectively. The find spots of the two Clovis points are located respectively about 20 miles (32 kn) west and 20 miles (32 kin) east of Tonopah, Nevada (Figure 11, LT and ML). The source for one specimen (Figure kA) is located not too far away at Queen. The other specimen (Figure 5mn) has the largest rind reading (15.7 microns) of any samp?le analyzed -- its source was identified as Coso Ibt Springs. The concave base point (Figure ic) recovered at Mud Lake about 18 miles (29 kin) 198 southeast of Ibnopah has been attributed to the Crow Spring source located in southeastern Esneralda County, no more than 20 miles (32 km) away. If the points of seeming "Clovis" persuasion are as old as conparative typology and hydration rims suggest, it then appears that several obsidian sources, such as Bodie Hills and Coso Hot Springs, were discovered quite early and utilized throughout millenia. If the Nevada Clovis points represent the continuation of a presumed older style point into more recent times, we should then perhaps expect the hydration rim readings to average lower than they do. Obviously, a larger num- ber of samples and nore sourcing data would help here. Stemned Points and Sources Other than concave base points, "Clovis" points and the Archaic points already mentioned, three stemnmed projectile points from the Mud Lake vicinity have been typed. Tko of these were classified as Haskett fragments (Figure 3j and 6q), and the third was identified as a Silver Lake form (Figure 8x), although both of the latter could have been placed into the Silver Lake catagory. Like the so-called Clovis and concave base forms from Mud Lake and Lake 'Ibnopah, the Stemmed Silver Lake and Haskett forms were fashioned from nearby source materials. The Haskett-like fragments came from Queen and Sarcobatus Flat 1 respectively, while the other specimen, the Silver Lake fonn (Figure 8x), came from an unknown source. The largest group of stemned points (n=9) was collected from one locality (and several discrete sites) in Churchill County known as Brady's Hot Springs (Figure 11, BHS). Tko of the points, a Lake Mohave and a stemmed point (Figure 6p and 6r), have been sourced to Bodie Hills, while four (Figures 60, 7s, 7v, and 8w) came from either Homecamp B or C or Massacre Lake/Guano Valley located in the opposite direction in northwestern Nevada (see Hughes 1983c: 6). Three other stemmed points (Figures 7t, 7u, and 9bb) fram the Sadmat Site (Warren and Ranere 1968; Tuohy 1981) also were attributed to northwestern sources. The remaining three specimens (Figures 8y, 8z and 9aa) came from southern sources - Mt. Hicks, Sutro Springs and Queen. There is an abundance of local cryptocrystallines in the hills adjacent to the Sadmat site and it is therefore somewhat surprising to find northwestern Nevada sources indicated for the obsidian specimens. I suspect local sources, but obviously this is an area where more sourcing work ought to be done, particularly upon the obsidian points already in the Nevada State tuseum collections. Taken at face value, the distribution of sources and find spots (Figure 11) may reflect the northwest-southeast trend of mountain ranges and passes or trade routes rather than specific production and exchange systems per se. Comparisons Starting in northern Nevada for comparisons, Layton's (1983) recent analysis of 26 obsidian projectile points from both Hanging Rock Shelter (n=13) and -ast Supper Cave (n=13) includes the results of sourcing research conducted by Richard Hughes. Layton's selected sample included five series (Rosegate, Elko Eared, 1 Editor' s note: although obsidian nodules occur at Sarcobatus Flat, these nust likely were redeposited down Tolicha Wash from primary cposits in the vicinity of Obsidian Butte, Nevada. 199 Gatecliff Split Stem, Northern Side-notched, and Great Basin Stenned). All but four of the Great Basin Stemmed series specimens, including those not sourced, had hydration rim readings between 5-10 microns (a higher total than all other types), and nearly all of them were recovered in stratigraphically "early" con- texts at both sites. Thus, even though there appears to Layton (1983: 21) to be two periods of occupational hiatus evident in both Last Supper Cave and Hanging Rock Shelter, there was an apparent continuity of choice expressed by the occupants of both sites for local obsidian -- a continuity that apparently lasted through nine millennia! Figure 11 shows the popularity of northwestern Nevada as a source area for the 28 points in this study. The figure also illustrates the multiplicity of sources for sites with the largest number of points (Brady's Ibt Springs, Washoe Lake and Sadmat). Each of these sites not only received obsidians fran north- western Nevada, but southern sources are indicated as well. Working in an area where little is known of the geochemistry of sources and hence of artifact-to-source assignments, Rusco and Davis (1982) reported a multi- plicity of source assigrnents for 241 obsidian samples analyzed by R.L. Sappington. These were taken fram three sites in the Rye Patch Reservoir area of west-central Nevada, tvo of which are Archaic and younger in age. Although a total of 15 obsidian sources were said to be represented at these three sites, one source area nearby (Mt. Majuba [sic]) provided 60.2%. of obsidian for all sites while Pine Grove Hills, south of Walker Lake, provided an additional 14.9% (Rusco and Davis 1982). Only one of the Rye Patch Reservoir sites (26Pe670), the Old Humboldt site, was assigned an "early" time span (12,000 - 7,000 B.P.) on the basis of the geo- morphic position of soil profile which clearly indicates that the site is older than Mazana tephra (Davis 1982). This assigned age was supplemented by the cross- dating provided by hydration rim readings on Great Basin Stemmed series points fran the site. The rim readings were made by Matthew C. Hall at the University of California, Riverside, and they ranged from 5.7 - 9.2 microns on at least nine Stenmed points and other obsidian preforms and other artifacts from the sites. The nine specimens that were studied in this group all were attributed by Sappington to a single local source, Majuba Canyon (Rusco and Davis 1982: 54). In contrast to the predaminance of single source areas for "early" Stained points fran caves in the High Rock Country of northwestern Nevada (Layton 1983) and fron one pre-Maza w open site in the Rye Patch Reservoir area of Pershing County, Nevada (Rusco and Davis 1982), Hughes (1983c) reported eight sources for obsidians found in Hidden Cave. The inhabitants of Hidden Cave, located in the Carson Sink, apparently received mnst of their obsidian from six sources located 100to 200km south of the site, and lesser amounts fran tuo sources 150 km to the northwest (Hughes 1983c: 4). One of the earliest point types fran Hidden Cave, the Humboldt Basal-notched point, was fashioned alrnst exclusively from Mono Basin source materials. Mono Basin obsidians may well have accompanied trans- Sierran shell bead and ornament trade into the Carson Sink between ca 3,000 and 1,000 B.C. As Hughes (1983c: 12) indicates, contacts with people in the Humboldt Sink to the northwvest apparently were strongly expressed in Hidden Cave between 1,500 and 1,800 B.C. Thus, exchange routes established during Paleo-Indian times apparently persisted into the Archaic in western Nevada. 200 Conclusion In summary, because of the small sanple of points under consideration in this study, the relationship between find spots and obsidian sources is diffi- cult to assess. Any conclusions drawn here must be stated as working hypotheses rather than anything else. The disparate nature of the data does not permit much interpretive latitude beyond low level inferences. These postulations should be tested by further hydration cuts and more sourcing studies on presumed "early" materials fram Nevada. E.L. Davis (1978) had noted the preference for materials other than obsi- dian for fashioning presumed Early Man tools in the Lake China Basin of California. The present review of a small, selected sample of obsidian points seems to indicate the opposite -- that obsidian often was chosen to make "early" points and that the sources for those points were well known to generations of later obsidian tool makers. At the time of contact, individual Washoe tool makers, for example, were known to travel at least 50 miles (81 km) south of Carson Valley to Topaz to get obsidian for stone flaking (Lee 1934: 22). This magnitude of travel may well have been the rule in remte archaeological time as well, yet trade in obsidians probably extended up to ten times that distance, to judge from the limited data we have at present. The high frequency of Great Basin lithic blank caches of bifaces recovered in western Nevada (Hanes and Botti 1981) also may indicate strong and viable trade routes as well as cultural preferences for specific obsidians. These preferences also appear to have deep roots, and source-to-user exchanges appear to have been made often along a northwestern-southeastern axis rather than along a trans-Sierran axis, at least prior to 3,500 years ago. The fact that all of the finds reported here were surface artifacts from open sites surely has affected the hydration rim readings, making some of them larger because of the bifaces' long surface exposure, and conversely, reducing the rims of others because of aeolian erosion of chipped surfaces. Still, the range of micron readings from 5.2 - 16.3 suggests considerable age for the majority of specimens, as does the comparative typology. The sourcing studies also seem to suggest that the few Clovis points in the sample were not exotic specimens, but they were made from well-known local obsi- dians. None of the points in the sample originated beyond the boundaries of the Great Basin. Most originated at sites on the eastern side of the Sierra Nevada. Surely trade routes to California were established on an "early" time level, but there are no trans-Sierran sources for the "early" points types in this sample. These and other problems await further study, along the lines suggested by Bettinger (1982). If pre-Archaic peoples of the Great Basin are to have their patterns of land and resource use defined, it is obvious that more thorough studies of this kind shall be required. 201 Acknowledgements The author gratefully acknowledges the contributions of Harvey Crew, Thomas S. mn, and Richard E. Hughes for providing the data on obsidian hydration analysis, and for the x-ray fluorescence analysis, respectively. The author also is indebted to Mary K. Rusco and Jonathan 0. Davis, as well as to Thomas N. Layton for pennission to cite their unpublished studies on obsidian hydration dating and sourcing in the western Great Basi. The line drawings of the 28 bifaces are the work of Shelly Moore. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 1982 Great Basin Anthropological Conference, held in Reno, Nevada September 30 - October 2, 1982. 202 a b c A d Figure la,b,c,d. Three "Clovis" points, a,b,d; and one Concave-base point, c. 203 e f g h Figure 2e,f,g,h. A Huntoldt Concave base point,e; a "gClovis" point, f; an Elko Fared point, g; anlda "Scottsbluff" point, h. 204 -~~~~~~~~ U~~~~iS ///////////B~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ W;S~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Figre3ij. laosnve fak, tined i; Hiket pin fagrnt j 205 k Z 1 93~~ Figure 4k,1. T1w "Clovis" points, k,l. 206 -t~~i- m I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ', n Figure 5mn,n. A "Clovis" point, m; and a Parrrn point, n. 207 O~~~ P )~ p /e q~~ re Figure 6o,p,q,r. A stemmed point nmde into a drill, o; a Lake Mohave variant, p; a Haskett point, q; a fragment of a Stenrined Series point, r. 208 'I -/ i s t U V Figure 7s,t,u,v. Four fragments of Stermed Series points, s,t,u,v. 209 w x ~yb z Figure 8w,x,y,z. A Lake Mlohave point, w; a Silver Lake variant, x; a Stemmed Series point made into a drill, y; and a Stemned Series point, z. 210 bb Figure 9aa,bb. A Stemd Series point fra~nnt, aa; and a Haskett point, bb. 211 OREGON IDAHO I Cow H ad Lake Sx Fanda go Valley xDouble H Mt s SuigarxDulHMts Hill XVya K x Hill| Summit Lake Parad se Valley HUMBOLDT ELKO Z I O ~~~~~WNNEMIUCCA II I X OELtCO ?| ; ~~~PERSHING '"LTEI \I I 0-| Rabo e xSeven Troughs/ \ ? C.B. Co crete )LIANDER |EUREKA) S t |FREtLLOCNE RCHILI 0 | EUREK WHITE PINE and Ivi 1982 o ELYB-i). \ ERIN;o x Box Spr ng\ 3 ov HtTON\X White Rock Canyo LDOUGLAS \ xMt,. Hic x r ow Springs CARSON CITY xAncho teH 1NOPAH XPOH STOREY fk Qun Hil NEPoCH Bodie Hill S5MERALD )A Xq \ OoLDrIELD O L-INCOL N Mono CraterSi X Gss Mtn. X Casa Diablo le X Silver Peak i DyVle x xSar cobatus Flat xFish Springs |Kane Springs Wasp X Monache Meadows | CAR| | > ~~LAS VEGAS Figure 10. Locations of some of the recorded f 212 ** S L BRD-Black R D 2 HS NEVADA SDH 9 0 LLT ML * ~~~2 4 KEY SL- Summit Lake BRD-Black Hock Desert HS- Humboldt Sink BHS- Brady's Hot Spring SD- Sadmat Site WL- Washoe Lake LT- Lake Tonopah s ( Sources N thSpecimens idomi~~~~~~~~~~ 213 Fig. L W Th Wt Type or (an) (an) (cm) (g) Series Previous Illustrations la 3.8 2.0 0.5 3.5 Clovis Davis and Shutler (1969:166,Fig.4c) lb 5.3 2.4 0.7 8.2 Clovis Davis and Shutler (1969:166,Fig.4a) lc 2.5+ 2.8 0.5 4.0 Concave-base Tuohy (1969b:172,Fig.61) ld 2.9+ 2.5 0.8 5.9 Clovis Davis & Shutler (1969:167,Fig.5c) 2e 2.7+ 2.4 0.4 3.5 Humboldt Davis & Shutler (1969:166,Fig.4b) 2f 5.9 3.0 0.8 11.7 Clovis -- 2y 4.0 2.3 0.7 5.8 Elko -- 2h 6.7 2.9 1.2 22.3 Scottsbluff Tuohy (1968:7,Fig.1) 3i 6.9 4.1 1.1 30.4 Plano-convex, thinned 3j 7.6+ 3.0 1.15 24.8 Haskett Butler (1965, 1967) 4k 5.7+ 4.8 1.0 31.0 Clovis Tuohy (1969b:172,Fig.6z) 41 6.2 3.3 0.85 16.1 Clovis Tuohy (1969b:173,Fig.7x) 5n 4.2 3.0 0.7 8.7 Clovis Tuohy (1969b:172,Fig.6v) 5n 11.0 2.5 0.8 11.0 Parman -- 6o 3.4+ 2.1 0.5 3.5 Stemned, made into drill 6R 3.5 2.2 0.7 3.1 Lake Mohave variant 6a 7.0 3.3 1.3 22.0 Haskett Butler (1967:25,Fig.1);type;see also 6r 2.4+ 2.4 0.7 4.1 Stenmed Butler (1965:19-20,Figs.9,10) 7s 3.6+ 2.5 0.6 5.0 Stemmed 7t 6.6+ 2.4 0.9 6.5 Steirmed -- 7u 2.2+ 2.2 0.7 3.4 Stemrmed -- 7v 3.6 2.0 0.6 4.3 Stemlned, resharpened 8w 4.1 1.5 0.6 3.1 Lake Mohave 8x 7.0 2.5 0.7 7.0 Silver Lake Tuohy (1969a:150,Fig.5c) 82 4.1+ 2.4 0.6 5.4 Stemmed, made into drill 8z 4.2 2.2 0.7 5.0 Stened 9aa 3.7+ 2.7 0.65 6.1 Stemmed 9bb 6.7+ 2.5 0.9 13.0 Haskett Table 1. Dimensions, weight, and typology of the point sample. 214 Sample Teup. Type or U.C.Davis Fig. Hydration No. Desig. Series Tab. No. No. (microns) Source 1 2053-G-5 Clovis la See Table 3 Majuba Mountain 2 2053-G4 Clovis lb I Sutro Springs 3 Lowe Coll. Concave-base lc " Crow Spring 4 Washoe Lake Clovis ld Unknown 5 HCB-Shutler Humboldt 2e " Bodie Hills 6 Sumnit Lake Clovis 2f " Crane Creek 7 Shaber Elko 39 2g 2.8 Bodie Hills 8 66B Scottsbluff VIII 2h 8.7 Massacre Lake/ Guano Valley 9 66A Plano-Convex 65 3i 9.2 Hanecanp flake 10 Lowe Coll. Haskett XI 3j 9.3 Queen 11 ES-2 Clovis I 4k 5.2/ Queen 9.3 12 2053-G-3 Clovis II 41 9.9/ Bodie Hills 10.2 13 47 Mus. Clovis III 5m 15.7 Coso Hbt Spring 14 333 Parnan XIII 5n 5.6 Unknown 15 CH4B Stemmed (drill) 69 6o 7.0 Homecaxrp B 16 CH10 Lake Mohave 74 6p 8.3 Bodie Hills 17 I-IML Haskett XIV 6q 10.4 Sarcobatus flat 18 CH4A Stemmed 54 6r 11.9 Bodie Hills 19 CH4B Sterned 70 7s 11.0 Homecamp B 20 11-5 Stemned 7t 11.5 Massacre Lake/ Guano Valley 21 11-9 Stemmd 7u 15.5 Hkmecanmp C 22 CH4D Stemmed 66 7v 9.5 H1cecaxp B 23 66H4 Lake Mlohave 66 8w 12.7 Massacre Lake/ Guano Valley 24 VIII-M71 Silver Lake VIII 8x 14.1 Unknown 25 CH4 Stemned 67 8y 15.5 Mt. Hicks 26 CH4A1 Stemned X 8z 10.7 Sutro Springs 27 CH2A Stenmmed IX 9aa 15.5 Queen 28 73 Haskett 73 9bb 16.2 Massacre Lake/ Guano Valley Table 2. Concordance of illustrated points with sourcing sample numbers, hydration laboratory numbers, figure numbers, hydration measurents, and sources. 215 SpecinEn OT Fig. No. Lab No. No. Hydration (U m) Ramarks 1 2053-G-5 2883 la 5.4 surface/7.8 crack varies, sane abrasion 2 2053-G-4 2884 lb 5.5 good 3 Lowe 2885 lc 9.8 1 abrasion 4 Washo 2886 ld 10.6 crack crack reading only, no surface 5 Shtlr 2887 2e 3.1 surface/3.5 crack good 1 Hydration bands on both the medial break and bifacial surfaces are 9.8 ui m. Table 3. Report of obsidian hdyration analysis of five points (all readings ?0.2 urm). 216 References Aikens, C.M. 1978 The far west. In: Native Americans, edited by J.D. Jennings. Pp. 131-182. Freeman, San Francisco. Bedwell, S.F. 1973 Fort Rock Basin Prehistory and Environment. University of Oregon Press, Eugene. Bettinger, R.L. 1982 Aboriginal exchange and territoriality in Owens Valley, California. In: Contexts for Prehistoric Exchange, edited by J.E. Ericson and T.K. Earle. 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