351 Plate s Plate 1. Shell beads and other artifacts. A. Large Olivella biplicata spire-lopped M. Large saucer Olivella beads, type G2b beads, type Alco 1-2800. (Burned in 30- 57. a cremation). N. Full-lipped Olivella beads, type E2.1-5 B. Medium Olivella biplicata spire-lopped OO Oval saddle Olivella bead, type Fl. 166 beads, type Alb. 1-2730. p. Full saddle or round saddle Olivellabed C. Small Olivella biplicata spire-lopped type F2a or F2b. 30-63. beads, type Ala. 1-628. Q. Round saddle Olivella bead, type F2b30 D. Small Olivella baetica spire-lopped beads, 46. type Ald. 30-59. R. Square saddle 'Olivella beads, type F3a E. Round saucer Olivella beads, type GI. 1. 30-69, r. 30-46. 1-629. S. Plain, centrally perforated thin rectagua F. Small saucer Olivella beads, type G2a. Olivella beads, type Mla. 30-53. 1-521. These beads were recovered as T. Rectangular -Haliotis bead, type Hl. 3-9 as overlay on the bone tube shown in the U. Multiperforated rectangular -Haliotis bad plate with one bead still adhering and type H2. 29-152. Specime still a'hrst imprints of two others visible. canid incisor on which it was found. G. Split, punched Olivella beads, type Dl. V. Incised split bone. 30-118. 30- 74. W. Quartz crystals. a. 1-2876, r. 1-10. H. Split, shelved Olivella bead, type C2. X. Perforated mammal teeth. 1. 1-560, 1- 2815. r. 1-2226. I. Small clam shell disk bead, type Alco y. Sting ray spine. 1-1161. 1-1574. (Burned in a cremation). Z. Serpentinite clusters. 1-1182. J. Small disk Haliotis. beads, type H3a2. 1 322 . K. Small disk Haliotis. bead, type M3al. 1-2805. L. Large ring Olivella beads, type G3b. 30-72. 355 Plate 2. Haliotis ornaments. A. .Shield ornament. 1_524. B. . Broad subrectaXngular orna ............ me.n.t. -30- 368.0 ..C. Broad, s-ubrec ;anogu.lr nme 30-380. D. Circ ul-ar onmnt. .1-125 5. .-. E. Shield ornament-. 1-12649. F Ring, ornam ent -ndfr.gent, .156 - . - ~r* 1--S87. -.: G. PoiLnted end' ornament. '30,;352. --.. H. .Point'ed. end: ornament. 3 0,* 3 5-2. . -f I. ~~ Point-1. end' 'o rnament'.. 30-3.52. -.: : J.0: Grca ......orna m - e 1 -157. ........ -:: : - K. Split &8,c-ornamennt 1 I:248. L. S~plit die onaXe$ 032 Note"-erae e-dge..':' M. --Tabullar ornament. 30--352. - N., 'Tabular ornament. 30-352. -. .. . Ovral ornament., 30-352. P.O Oval ornament. 30_369. Note S.iphonal opening s at bottom. 357 Plate 3. Serrate bone, bone whistles and tubes, pointed thick spatulate bone. A. Pointed thick spatulate bone. Unnurnbered specimen found with burial 226, Ala-328. B. Pointed thick spatulate bone. Unnumbered specimen found with burial 226, Ala-328. C . Se rrate fish para sphenoid. 1-2 2 55. D. Serrate sea otter pelvis. 1- 1308. E. Serrate deer scapula, de-spined specimen. 1-833. F. Serrate elk s capula, de- spined specimen. 1- 633 . G. Bird bone tube. 1- 1794. H. Bird bone whistle. 1-43 1. I. Mammal bone whistle. 29-370. J. Scapula socket end fragment with trimmed spine. 1-223. K. Serrate deer scapula, spined specimen. 1-831. L. Serrate deer or antelope ulna. 1- 1948. M. Drilled unc ut r odent femur . 1-1 0 57. N. Bird bone whistle. 1- 1168. O. Bird bone whistle. 1-1210, P. Bird bone tube. 1- 13 96. Q. Bird bone bead. 1-2436. R. Bird bone bead. 1-909. S. Shimmed bird bone bead. 1- 143 7, I I s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 259 Plate 4. Pointed bone artifacts. A. Pointed bone with angular tip. 1- 1587. B. Pointed bone with angular tip. 1- 1732. C. Pointed bone with broad smooth conical tip. 1-921. D. Pointed bone with broad smooth conical tip. 1- 171 1. E. Pointed bone with narrow srnooth conical tip. 1-2148. F. Poihted bone with narrow smooth conical tip. 1-838. G. Pointed bone with flat tip. 1-1721. H. Pointed bone with flat tip. 1-2138. I. Pointed bird bone with hollowbacked tip. 1-2360. J. Pointed bird bone with hollowbacked tip. 1.2366. K. Pointed non-cervid ulna with sharp tip. 1-74. L. Pointed cervid ulna with sharp tip. 1- 1853. M. Pointed bone with nippled tip. 1- 1496. N. Pointed bone with nippled tip. l- 1332. Note both working ends. 0. Pointed bone with dull rounded tip. 1- 1844. P. Pointed bone with dull rounded tip. 1- 15 0 1. Plate 5. Bone artifacts. A. Bird talons. 1-504. B. Bipointed bone. 1-1448. C. Dull pointed fishspear prong, type 001 30-114. D. Dull pointed fishspear prong, type MM2b. 1-1855. E. Dull pointed fishspear prong, type MM2a. 1-947. F. Dull pointed fishspear prong, flat point. 1-952. G. Dull pointed fishspear prong, bipoint. 1-2202. H. Pointed perforated bone. 30-183. I. Unpointed perforated bone. 1-2204. J. Unpointed perforated bone. 1-1183. K. Unperforated bear tooth. Unnumbered specimen found with burial 106. L. Unperforated canid tooth. 1-2264. M. Small polished bone or antler object. 1-806. Note spur. N. Small polished bone or antler object. 1-896. Note concave surface. 0. Small polished bone or antler object. 1- 1573. Note notch. P. Pointed deer splint. 1-874. Q. Sidebladed rib artifact. 1-2020. R. Sidebladed rib artifact. 1-1845. S. Flaked bone. 1-2085. T. Flaked bone. 1-1196. I PlAte 5 363 Plate 6. Antler artifacts. A. Antler wedge. 1-226. B. Antler wedge. 1-657. C. Antler socket. 1-1264. D. Modified antler lacking use-wear. 30_211. E. Antle r " peg"t. 30_ 203 . F. Blunt pointed antler tool. 30-346. G. Blunt pointed antler tool. 1-2315. H. Antler fork juncture with cut hole. 1-2261. I. Straight ended thick spaf-ulate bone. 1-1111. J. Straight ended thick spatulate bone. 1-1983. K. Antler rack artifact. 1-1095. 365 Plate 7. Pestles, grooved and notched stones. A. Flanged pestle. 1-744. B. Cylindrical pestle. 1-712. Note pit on sh aft. C. Round-ended pestle. 1-541. D. Pecked edge-notched stone. 1-2628. E. Pecked grooved stone. 1-70. F. Abraded grooved stone. 1-437. G. Cylindrical pestle. 1-953. Note short length. Plate:7 0: .- _ 1 l _i 3 67 Plate 8. Obsidian blades from Ala-328. A. 1-2788. B. 1-1469. C. 1- 2767. D. 1-2839. E. 1- 2757. F. 1.2485. G. 1- 2470. H. 1.2760. I. 1-2471. J. 1-1481. K. I- 596. L. 1- 594. M. I- 2483. N. 1- 2789. 0. 1-1241. P. 1-2454. Q. 1-2460. R. 1-2468. S. 1-2459. T. 1.2748. U. 1-1244. V. 1-387. W. 1-1480. X. 1-1524. Y. 1- 975. IL CID 3 4f Plate 9. Blades from Ala-328, Ala- 13, and Ala- 12. 369 A. 30-281. obsidian. B. 29-169. obsidian. C. 1-140. flint. D. 1-715. flint. E. 1-1852. flint. F. 30-282. obsidian. G. 30-284. obsidian. H. 30-295. obsidian. I. 29-192. obsidian. J. 30-288. phyllite. K. 30-285. flint. L. 29-166. obsidian. M. 30-286. obsidian. N. 30_275. chert. 0. 29-165. obsidian. P. 1-2743. flint. Q. 29-164. obsidian. R. 30-279. obsidian. Plate 9 ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ 4 4 V: Plate 9~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 371 Plate 10. Chipped stone blades, other chipped stone, other artifacts. A. Obsidian blade. 29-167. B. Flint blade. 1-2772. C. Flint blade. 29-168. D. Flint blade. 29-172. E. Chalcedony blade. 1- 1846. Desert Sidenotched point. F. Flint blade. 1-2762. G. Flint blade. 29-170. H. Jasper blade. 1.575. I. Chert blade. 29- 171. J. Chert blade. 1- 1041. K. Obsidian reamer. 1-1080. L. Non-obsidian flake scraper (thin edge flake knife). 1-2704. M. Obsidian flake scraper. 1-2476. N. Non-obsidian flake scraper. 1- 1054. 0. Non-obsidian bifacially chipper scraper. 1-608. P. Obsidian bifacially chipped scraper. 1- 1432. Q. Obsidian bifacially chipped scraper. 1- 1627. R. Non-obsidian small chopper. 1.2715. S. Non-obsidian small chopper. 1-1523. T. Mica ornaments. 1-2802. U. Phyllite pieces. 1-1146. V. Obsidian scraper plane. 1-1245. W. Non-obsidian scraper plane. I-,1295. n 373 Plate 11. Charmstones and other artifacts. A. Pointed longnecked tear-shaped charmstone. 30-424. B. Knobbed longnecked tear-shaped charmstone. 1-1620. C. Fragment of phallic charmstone. 12182. D. Unperforated squat plummet charmstone. 30-244. E. Squat phallic charmstone. 1-423. F. Long phallic charmstone. 1-421. G. Angular biconical charmstone. 1-1444. H. Rounded longnecked tear-shaped charmstone. 1-847. I. Miscellaneous pecked stone: sphere. 1-939. J. Quartz cobble. 1-1263. K. Perforated cigar-shaped charmstone. 30-248. #P I 9* Plate 1 1 375 Plate 12. Pecked and ground stone artifacts. A. Anvil hammerstone. 30-20. B. Miniature mortar. 30-44. C. Miniature mortar. 1-2666. D. Pbble chipping hammer. 1-12. E.: Chpping hammer. 1-958. F. GCobble chopper hammer stone. l- 1262.- G. Mzvil hammerstone. 1-2658. H. 'Miscellaneous grinding tool: mano-like artifact. 6524. I. Abraded pecking stone. 1-247. J. Miscellaneous grinding tool: anvil slab. 29-90. K. Abraded rubbing stone. 1-325. L. Miscellaneous pecked stone: pestle-like object. 1-2487. Plate 12~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.,