55 A MAYAN PLANETARY OBSERVATION James A. Fox and John S. Justeson Although the pre-Columbian Maya had a sophisticated knowledge of astronomy, our understanding of it is based mainly on Postclassic tables for the calculation of eclipses, phases of Venus, and possibly other phenomena. 1 These tables were abstract mathematical models, not ephemerides; no link with actual observations had been demonstrated. Such observations are presupposed by the accuracy of the tables, but the hieroglyphic record of the Classic Period (ca. A. D. 250-950) contains few references to astronomical events. 2 Teeple (1930: 115) recognized that Poco Uinic Stela 3 records a solar eclipse at Maya Date, corresponding to Julian Day Number 2009799, or Julian Date 13 July, A. D. 790. 3 This is only three days before a total solar eclipse was actually observable at Poco Uinic (Oppolzer 1962: 192). Teeple's demonstration was based on the accompanying sign for solar eclipse (known from the codices), and the close match of a total solar eclipse with the date in an already widely accepted corre- lation. The three-day discrepancy suggests three explanations: (a) *the event was predicted rather than observed; (b) the event was observed, but associated with another event three days earlier; and (c) the event was observed on the date recorded, but the correlation constant is three days too small. Prediction is unlikely, since the monument was almost certainly erected after the eclipse took place. There may have been an associated non-astronomical event, though the glyphic text does not mention it. It is very possible, therefore, that there is a minor error in the correlation constant. 4 More records of such observations should either confirm a correlation constant, or suggest a new one, in addition to improving our knowledge of Mayan astronomy. Dumbarton Oaks Relief Panel 1 (Coe and Benson 1966: fig. 1) bears an inscription which probably records an astronomical event. The panel is of uncertain provenience, but style and content suggest that it Is from a site near Piedras Nigras. Briefly, the panel records the life of a local ruler, described as a son of Proskouriakoff's (1960) Series 2 ruler at Piedras Negras, a contemporary of the Series 3 ruler, and the father of the Series 4 ruler. 5 The text begins with a record of his birth at Maya Date (Julian Date 23 April, A. D. 649). Nearly forty-one years later, he is the protagonist of an unknown event coincident with the third anniversary of the accession of the Piedras Negras Series 3 ruler. About seven years later, his own accession at a local site is recorded, followed by his death at (12 December, A. D. 732). The text then records the length of his life (about eighty-four years), and the accession of his son at Piedras Negras three years earlier. Finally, an interval of 378 days is counted to (25 December, A. D. 733); the glyphs surrounding this final date are obliterated. The interval of 378 days is suggestive, since it is the closest integral approximation to the mean synodic period of Saturn (378.09 days). If not coincidental, 56 this identity indicates either (a) a conscious application of the Saturn cycle, but with no actual correspondence between the dates and the position of Saturn; or (b) a genuine correspondence between the dates and observed positions of Saturn. The most striking events in the synodic period of Saturn are the stationary points, i. e., the points at which the planet perceptibly slows to a halt and either begins or ends retrograde motion (westward movement among the stars). Using Neugebauer's (1914) tables and Tuckermants (1964) improved perturbations, we calculate that a stationary point of Saturn fell on Julian Date 15 December, A. D. 732, just three days after the death date on the monument -- the same discrepancy as for the Poco Uinic eclipse. The final date of the inscription also falls three days before the next comparable stationary point of Saturn (end of retrograde motion). No other correlation produces a comparable result. This agreement indicates that the Maya were aware of the astro- nomical significance of the interval, and actually observed the stationary point of 15 December, A. D. 732, and possibly the next comparable point as well. The following alternatives may account for the connection between the death of the ruler and the stationary point of Saturn: (a) The ruler died on the recorded date; its proximity to the stationary point motivated a commemoration at the next astrologically significant recurrence of the death date. 6 (b) The stationary point occurred on the recorded date, at or near the death of the ruler; the commemoration was similarly motivated. The second alternative either requires a small correction of the correlation constant, or indicates that the motion of Saturn through the point was too slow (. 010 over a five-day interval) to allow precise determination of the point with available methods. This Saturn observation has three main implications: (a) The Maya probably also observed the brighter, more colorful Mars and Jupiter. (b) The significance of this observation to the Maya was astrological; astronomy was subordinate to the historical content of the inscription. In Thompson's words, "tIt is not improbable that the Maya made no record of eclipses, planets, equinoxes, solstices or suns overhead except when these phenomena happened to coincide with dates which they wished to record for some other purpose" (Thompson 1935: 82). (c) The Goodman family of correlations is supported. Thompson's constant, 584283, is adequate, while Lounsbury's constant, 584286, fits the stationary point to the very day. 7 57 End Notes 1. Interpretations which attempt to link the tables with various asterisms, or the synodic periods of Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn are disputed. 2. However, many inscriptions do record dates in a temporally and regionally variable lunar calendar. 3. The Maya Date was a count of the number of elapsed days from a position in the Mayan calendar several thousand years In the past, plus a (redundant) specification of the position reached in several calendrical cycles. The elapsed days of the Maya Date were recorded In a modified vigesimal system; the decimal equivalent is the Maya Day Number. The Maya Date is reduced to decimal notation as follows: 9 x 144000 + 17 x 7200 + 19 x 360 + 13 x 20 + 16 = 1425516 (the third position from the right is eighteen times the value of the second; all other positions are twenty times the value of the position to the right). The correlation of the Maya and Western calendars is achieved by specifying a correlation constant, which is added to the Maya Day Number to yield the corresponding Julian Day Number. Numerous correlation constants have been proposed. The most widely accepted constant, 584283, is the last minor modification proposed by Thompson for Goodman's original constant, 584280. The Goodman "family" of constants, all near 584280, is based on colonial and modern survivals of the Mayan calendar, the most careful radiocarbon age determinations, lunar data in the inscriptions, and archaeological constraints on the length of time from the Classic Period to the Spanish Conquest. All other correlations (except Spinden's, which meets the colonial criterion) sacrifice agreement with all but the lunar data, for the sake of agreement with putative astronomical events. All dates in this report are based on Thompson's constant. 4. F. G. Lounsbury has suggested the constant 584286 to account for the Poco Uinic and other eclipses, and other lunar data. 5. Proskouriakoff identified seven series of monuments associated with seven consecutive rulers of Piedras Negras; earlier rulers at the site were not included in this numeration system. 6. Only the synodic period of Saturn, rather than the next stationary point (start of retrograde motion) was astrologically viable, to judge from Lounsbury's (Proceedings of the Segunda Mesa Redonda de Palenque, pp. 211-224) study of astrological cycles; only integral multiples of calendrical and mean synodic intervals linked historical events to past mythological counterparts. 7. We thank Dean W. Bliss Carnochan, Stanford University, for a grant-in-aid of the research which led in part to these findings; Ryland Kelley and Peter Voll, for valued assistance at a crucial stage in our research; Capt. Robert Risser, USN, Morrison Planetarium, California Academy of Sciences, for guidance in locating pertinent astronomical literature; and Elizabeth Benson, Dumbarton Oaks, for photographs of the relief panel. co OCD CD )G. Ca'7 (< ~ ( 9- l f ) 0 0 S4 a) a) S-Il r4) KY Cd w m 0 0 C CdI- -* * < < L O 0 o L00 0 0 Cl) C dI 0 E o co - 2;a 9 ra 4 4-4 a) " C d) > Q *O eq OC) C4 O 0 LOCd " I 0Q 4- . > s Cl . a) L _ s- W - ~0 Cd ~~~ 'a .0 _ '-45- Ss C C bD Cd '0 0 a) Cd > c] CCd O '.a*0 C4 ?Dc? 58 a,) Cd .-4 Cd Cd Cd ) Cd a) 0 oa)U - a); Cd ~ a) S.4 > CQ4 &4 .M - Cd () 4Cd 4 g 4-) ..: _ - po0 a) o z *J c0 m ~p a) a)O 0cd F; oQ Cd Q ? -- Cld0 Cd ba)4- 4 ro .0.m 4E) o 6 - o d cd 8 . cY 0 a4 m od 4 od a) 0 0 a) Cd 0 ~0 S.- "0 Cl) Cd a) 0i 59 Bibliography Coe,eM.D. and E.P. 1966 Neugebauer, P. V. 1914 Benson Three Maya relief panels at Dumbarton Oaks. Studies in Pre- Columbian Art and Archaeology 2: 4-15. Washington, D. C. Tafeln zur astronomischen Chronologie II. Leipzig. Oppolzer, T. von 1962 Proskouriakoff, T. 1960 Teeple, J.E. 1930 Thompson, J.E.S. 1935 Tuckerman, B. 1964 Canon of Eclipses. New York: Dover. Historical Implications of a pattern of dates Qf Piedras Negras, Guatemala. American Antiquity 25: 454-475. Maya Astronomy. Contribution 2 of the Carnegie Institute of Washington, Publication 403. Washington, D. C. Maya Chronology: The Correlation Question. Contribution 14 of the Carnegie Institute of Washington, Publication 456. Washington, D. C. Planetary, lunar and solar positions A. D. 2 to A. D. 1649 at five-day and ten-day intervals. Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society 59.