0 _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 a Number 36 January 1978 STUDIES IN ANCIENT MESOAMERICA, III * 0 -1 S * 000 @0 CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH FACILITY Number 36 January 1978 STUDIES IN ANCIENT MESOAMERICA, m edited by John A. Graham UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Department of Anthropology Berkeley TABLE OF CONTENTS Seven Colima Tombs: An Interpretation of Ceramic Content, by Isabel Kelly. ... .................... ..00.0.0......... 1 Actual and Implied Visual Space in Maya Vase Painting: A Study of Double Images and Two-Headed Compound Creatures, by Jacinto Quirarte .27 A Tenth Cycle Sculpture from Alta Verapaz, Guatemala, by BrianD. Dillon 39 The Statue of La Morelia, by John L. Clark .47 A Mayan Planetary Observation, by James A. Fox and John S. Justeson .55 Obsidian Distribution and Provenience in the Central Highlands and Coast of Peru During the Preceramic Period, by Richard L. Burger and Frank Asaro .61 Abaj Takalik 1976: Exploratory Investigations, by J.A. Graham, R. F. Heizer, and E. M. Shook .85 The Abaj Takalik Site Map, by Colin I. Busby and Mark C. Johnson .111