81 VI. CIVA SHELTER, NYE COUNTY, NEVADA - REPORT OF TEST EXCAVATIONS Colin L Busby Acknowledgements Civa Shelter (NV-Ny-264) was excavated by a University of California archaeological field party under Antiquities Act Permit NV-75-060 during the time period of June 25-July 7, 1975. The excavation of this site was done during an initial reconnaissance survey in Garden and Coal Valleys, SE Nevada as part of the University of California Archaeological Research Facility's continuing interest in the Great Basin and Nevada archaeology in particular. I am indebted to the field crew members, Jim Bard, Larry Kobori (University of Pennsylvania), Dave Shimamura and Steve Young who made the project possible and to Steve Young and Tim Garber who gave freely of their time in processing much of the material. Eric Bliaman's skill in drafting the site map is also appreciated and Mr. Kobori's remarks on the faunal material are also acknowledged. A special note of thanks is due to Mr. Robert York, Archaeologist, Bureau of Land Management, Reno Office for his help in securing and expediting the permit and to the members of the Ely BLM District Office, Mr. Robert Schultz, District Manager, Mr. Larry Fredrick and Miss Cynthia Scott for their various courtesies. To Michael and Barbara Heizer, Jack, Memphis, Atomic and CIVA Corpora- tion, we express our very special thanks for their generous hospitality, the use of a mobile home as a base camp, their advice and information on the area and for putting up with the odd behavior and habits of archaeologists. The excavation of Civa Shelter and the survey activities were made possible by a subvention from the Frazier Fund for Great Basin Archaeology administered by the Archaeological Research Facility, University of California, Berkeley. The support of the Facility and its coordinator, Dr. Robert F. Heizer is gratefully acknowledged. Introduction Civa Shelter was first noted during a spring visit to Garden Valley, Nevada by Dr. R. F. Heizer, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley on a visit to Mr. Michael Heizer of CIVA Corporation. From personal observation, Dr. Heizer had noted that many of the south facing overhangs in the Garden Valley/Coal Valley area had cultural remains present on the surface while those facing other directions had none. Because of this, the site was rapidly surveyed and several metates, lithic debitage and evidences of grass matting were noted. Since the site was in a relatively unknown area of Nevada, plans were made to test the site during the summer field 82 season with a crew from the University of California. Due to the time, financial and permit constraints placed on the field party, research strategy was limited to the test excavation of the site and a brief archaeological reconnaissance of the surrounding area. The results of this research are presented below. Location The site is a moderately large overhang formed primarily by the mechanical weathering of the Devonian Age Guilmette Formation composed chiefly of limestone (Kleinhampl and Ziony: 1967) in the northern portion of the Golden Gate Range, Nye County, Nevada. The overhang is at an elevation of ca. 5900 feet (asl) and faces to the south overlooking the northern part of Coal Valley with the Seaman Range to the east and the Quinn Canyon Range and Garden Valley to the west. [Map 1] Civa Shelter is roughly rectangular in shape measuring approximately 11. 9 meters across the front and 7. 0 meters deep. The floor is reasonably level with several large concentration s of roof fall debris present at various areas. The height of the site ranges from a minimum of 1 meter near the walls to approximately 7-8 meters in the center. A moderate apron is directly in front of the overhang and a steep slope leads from the apron's edge downwards to the road passing in front of the site. [Map 2] Present Ecology Dice (1943: 45) has described the Great Basin region as belonging to the Artemisian biotic province, which is typically composed of sagebrush covered plains and partially forested mountains. Civa Shelter is located within the sagebrush life belt, a zone of xerophytic vegetation occupying the lower elevations of the Artemisian province and structurally dominated by true sagebursh (Artemisia tridentata), Billings (1951: 110-113) and Cronquist et al. (1972: 122-126) have more specifically described a sub- zone, occuring in a narrow altitudinal belt on the rock sides of the mountians, usually above 5000 feet in the southern Great Basin, as the sagebrush-grass zone in which are found a variety of characteristic large shrubs, grasses and numerous other annual and perennial species. The area surrounding Civa Shelter as a whole, appears to fall into a Shadscale- (cf. Cronquist et al. 1972: 118ff for a description of this zone) Sagebrush- grass zone transition with flora and communities present that are common to both of the zones. As well, the mountain ranges in the area (eg. Quinn Canyon Range, Grant Range, Egan Range, among others) depending on elevation may have Montane, Sub- Alpine and Alpine vegetation zones present. The present plant community in which Civa Shelter is located corresponds floristically to the sage-brush grass zone designation. Plant coverage is moderately dense to well-spaced and sparse with Artemisia arbuscula var. ? (low sagebursh) and Grayla spinosa along with Bromus sp. (?) being the dominants on the steep slopes in front of the site. Bitter brush (Purshia tridentata), Desert holly (Atriplex hymenelytra) 83 various cacti (Opuntia sp. ? ? ?), Ephedra sp. (Mormon tea) and several species of grasses are also located within the site boundaries. Cronquist et a. (1972: 122-126) list various species of plants that are found within the sagebrush-grass zone as well as detailed environmental aspects of the zone. Species noted in the valley bottom near the site are Atriplex sp., Chr 0- thamnus sp., Grayia spinosa, Allenrolfea occidentalis (pickleweed) and Eurotia lanata (winter fat). Arterisia tridentata (Big Sage) is also common along the banks of the numerous intermittent streambeds and running streams especially at the higher elevations along with a small number of annual and perennial forbs. In terms of mammalian fauna, NY-264 lies within the Upper Sonoran Life Zone as described by Merriam (1898: 36). Hall (1946: 33-34, 37) lists several species of small mammals indicative of the Upper Sonoran (but not necessarily present over its total area) sagebrush and valley bottom salt-desert shrub habitats including: Eutamias minimus (Least chipmunk), Lagurus curtatus (Sagebrush vole), Citellus townsendi (Townsend ground squirrel), Perognathus parvus (Long-tailed pocket mouse), Dipodomys ordii (ord kangaroo rat), Microdipodops sp. (Kangaroo mouse), Onyschomys leucogaster (Northern grasshopper mouse), and Sylvilagus idahoensis (Pygmy rabbit). Other mammals common to the sagebrush-grass zone in the vicinity of Civa Shelter are the Black-tailed jack rabbit (Lepus californicus), and the Pronghorn (Antilocapra americana). The Mule deer (Odocoileus hemonious) also ranges throughout the upper regions of the Upper Sonoran Life Zone (Hall 1946: 621). Van Denburgh (1922) and Stebbins (1966) describe the species of reptiles common to this area and Hubbs and Miller (1948) and La Rivers (1962) describe the fish resources present. Lindsdale (1936) should be consulted for the avifauna of the region. In summary, Civa Shelter is located within the sagebrush-grass zone and is part of the Upper Sonoran Life Zone. Excavation Procedures and Stategy A permanent datum point along an E-W line was established outside the shelter at the eastern wall of the limestone formation in which the site is located. All horizontal distances were controlled from this point by means of a line level, a Brunton pocket transit and a tape measure. Standard excavation records were kept. The site was mapped in two meter units of which only one was a complete unit, the others being partial units. Approximately 12% of the shelter was excavated. Arbitrary levels of 10 centimeters were used with all depth measurements taken from surface at the NW corner stake of the unit. All excavated fill was passed through one-quarter inch mesh screen. The excavation strategy was based on the restriction that the Antiquities Act Permit was limited only to testing and on the constraints imposed by the time and funds 84 available to the field party. Surface examination of the site revealed concentrations of vegetal material plus a small amount of lithic debitage present in the northeast portion of the shelter to the rearand near the walls. This area was also relatively clear of large pieces of roof fall which were present in some quantity in other areas of the overhang. In addition, this area offered protection from the high winds, dust and intense heat common to the region and was therefore thought to be a logical choice for occupation. To avoid the bias that would result from concentrating our efforts in only one portion of the shelter, a 1 x 1 meter test unit (N15 W17) was excavated in the more exposed northwest areas of the site near a small wall overhang. [Map 2] The Deposits The rocksbIlter deposit consisted of elemental accumulation (wind-blown dust, rock-fall) and organic remains (cow, coyote, deer and rodent feces, dry grass and other vegetal material) mixed with small quantities of faunal remains and lithic debitage. Evidence of small rodent nests and burrows was found throughout the deposit. Several extensive hearth areas (mainly charcoal and ash), the remains of single fires, were encountered in the excavation units (see Hearths for a complete description). These were associated with many of the recovered artifacts. The deposits were dug from the surface down to our maximum depth of ca. 80 cms. before encountering the decomposing pinkish limestone floor of the site. No evidence of any water seepage was found or noted in the deposit. No natural stratigraphy was discernible in the deposit during excavation but from the wall profiles of the various unit two gross layers were noted based primarily on their color and composition. Layer I is composed primarily of organic material (rat feces, small twigs, vegetal matter and small mammal bones) along with small pieces of angular rock (probably from roof fall) mixed with ash and pieces of charcoal. It is light yellow brown in color (Munsell = 1. 5YR6/4). Layer II has much less organic material present along with larger quantities of angular rock, ash and charcoal. It is light brownish grey in color (Munsell = 2. 5Y6/2). Compaction in both layers is minimal and both are present over the site area in varying depths. [ Figures 1 and 2] Features One feature was noted during the excavation of the test units. This was a grass/vegetation concentration occurring primarily in the NW quarter of N15 W12 and extending partially over the northern half of this unit and into the NW quarter of N15 W10. [Plate 4] This concentration, oriented NE-SW and dipping towards the SE, was composed primarily of Equisetum spa, various grasses and twigs and was first apparent at 15 cms. below the surface. The feature reaches its heaviest concentration and broadest distribution between 29-35 cms. and extended downwards to ca. 70 cms. where it ended. The feature was in a good state of preservation except for the lower portions where it had started to decompose due to its contact with the decomposing limestone floor of the overhang. In its lower levels (60-65 cms) there were several 85 layers of grass and bark (Artemisia spp. ? ?) laid over each other in a criss-cross fashion with several small, deliberately cut sticks present in the layers. It is possible that this was a supporting structure of sorts though for what purpose we could not determine. In several instances ash lenses separated the layers of vegetal material indicating perhaps a reuse of the site over time although this may also be due in part to natural disturbance. However, in unit N15 WV12 at Level 7 (60-70 cms.) it is quite apparent that two layers of vegetation are separated by a distinct layer of ash. It is believed that this concentration of vegetal material probably occurred through cultural means and probably represents the accumulation of material used for bedding or some other purpose through time. Its proximity to the hearth area, its protected position from the elements, the abundance of artifacts, faunal remains and miscellaneous pieces of cordage recovered in the vicinity of this area add further to the interpretation that this was the main activity locus of the site. Firehearths Several firehearths and ashy "areas" were exposed during the excavations in units N15 W12, N15 W10 and N14 W12. The remains of an extremely large circular firehearth over one meter in diameter (reconstructed) were noted in the southwest quarter of N15 W12 [ Plate 3] and western half of N14 W12 and extended westwards into the unexcavated areas of the site. Extensive ash and large pieces of carbonized wood mixed with fire cracked rock were encountered throughout the two units to the maximum depth of the site. It is quite probable that this hearth area was used several times but mixing of the deposit by rodents and other natural activity has destroyed any indications of this. In support of this supposition of reuse, a thick layer of grass, and rush vegetation (see Features) was found in close association to this hearth (in the NW quarter of N15 W12) and had apparently been renewed several times due to the distinct ash lenses present between several of the vegetation layers. A smaller hearth (badly disturbed) was noted in the southwest quarter of N15 W1O and it is possible that this represents an extension of the large hearth present in the two other units. Unit N15 W17, the one meter test unit in the western area of the site, also had a large ashy area present that extended over the unit surface from a depth of 10-40 cms. As the hearth and grass feature areas in the eastern section of the site yielded many of the artifacts, much of the cordage and most of the faunal remains (including all of the large mammal bone fragments) recovered from the site, It is probable that this small area was the main activity/occupation locus. As noted previously, this portion of the site offers the most protection from the elements as well and would be a logical area to utilize. [No radiocarbon dates have yet been run for this site. ] 86 Artifacts Chipped Stone Artifacts A small number of chipped stone artifacts along with a small quantity of lithic debitage were recovered from the deposits. Projectile Points [Table 1] [Plate 5] Fourteen chipped stone artifacts were classified as projectile points or projectile point fragments. Type classification follows the standard typologies established and in use for the Great Basin (cf. Hester and Heizer 1973). Desert Side-Notched Specimens: 5 Description: These are small, slender triangular points with slightly convex sides. Fine side notches range from 1. 9 - 3. 0 mm in depth. There is a basal concavity present on 2-58917 and basal notches with depths ranging from 1. 7 - 2. 5 mm are present on the four other specimens. The maximum width position in all instances is at the base. The flaking Is fine pressure and extremely well done. Cross sections are plano-convex and bi-convex. Rose Spring Corner Notched Specimens: 3 Description: These are small slender points with slightly convex sides. The barbs are rounded with slight to medium protrusion. The notching is generally wide at ca. 450 to the long axis of the point and ranges from 1.0 - 2.7 mm in depth. The stems have a slight expansion with slightly convex bases. The cross sections are plano- convex (2) and bi-convex (1). Cottonwood Triangular Specimens: 1 Description: This point is triangular in outline with slightly convex blade edges. Its base is slightly concave and its cross section is bi-convex. Projectile Point Fragments These are essentially projectile point fragments that because of their frag- mentary condition (eg. medial sections, tip sections, blade edge fragments, etc.) 87 cannot be assigned to any of the known categories. Five fragments (4 chert, 1 obsidian) comprise this group and from inspection it is quite probable that they may belong in the Desert Side Notch projectile point category. No further analysis will be attempted on these specimens. Raw Material Remarks Blade edge Medial section Medial section Tip fragment Partial base frag. Provenience N15W12: 20-30 cms. Hearth area. N14W12: 20-30 cms. N14W12: 30-40 cms. N15W17: 10-20 cms. N15W10: 0-10 cms. Eeforin/Blank [ Table 1 1 [ Plate 5] Specimens: 1 Description: This specimen (2-58925) is a small, slender pressure flaked lanceolate piece with evidence of preliminary notching near the base on one side. Its cross section is bi-convex and it is probable that it is a preform for either a Desert Side Notch or Rose Spring Corner Notch projectile point. Bjfaces IPlate 61 Artifacts assigned to this category are all fragmentary pieces that show evidence of extensive bifacial percussion flaking. All of the seven specimens are chert and all appear to be fragments of larger finished pieces. Based on observations of similar complete specimens from the Garden Valley/Coal Valley areas, the general outline of the pieces probably varied from circular to triangular with intermediate shapes including ovate, leaf-shaped and triangular with rounded corners. The size of the specimens probably ranged from 4-5 cms. to 9-10 cms. in length. Cross sections range from bi- convex to lenticular to plano-convex. The edges of all specimens show evidence of crushing and battering quite probably from use. Due to the fragmentary nature of these specimens, no metrical data will be presented or further analysis attempted. Raw Material Chert Chert Chert Chert Chert Chert Chert Remarks Provenience Base frag. (flat base) Surface Edge fragment N15W12: Base frag. (flat base) N15W10: Tip fragment Surface Medial fragment N14W12: Tip fragment N14W12: Tip frag. (heat treated?) Surface 10-20 cms. 10-20 cms. 30-40 cms. 70- 80 cms. UCLMA# 2-58864 2-58949 2-58956 2-58991 2-59012 Chert Obsidian Chert Chert Chert UCLMA# 2-58840 2-58854 2-58903 2-58919 2-58957 2-58980 2-59014 88 Chopper [Plate 6] This specimen is a large amorphous chunk of chert with evidence of severe battering and crushing on a slightly protruding point at one end. L W T 6.0 3.5 wt. Provenience 189.3 gr. N15W12: 50-60 cms. (Measurements in cms.) Retouched Flakes This piece is a snapped medial obsidian interior flake with pressure retouch along one of the lateral edges. Evidence of edge abrasion is also present. L W T 1.5 0.3 wt. Provenience 1.0 gr. N15W17: 20-30 cms. (Measurements in cms.) Edge Damaged Flakes This class of artifacts is characterized by a lack of intentional modification prior to their use in various activities. Specimen 2-58875 is made on a secondary cortex chert flake, 2-58873 is on a chert interior trim flake, 2-59016 is on an obsidian interior flake and 2-58986 is a chert primary cortex flake. Edge damage in the form of nibbling and crushing is present along one lateral edge of 2-58875 while on 2-58873 edge damage takes the form of secondary retouch along both lateral edges. Specimen 2-59016 has its striking platform snapped off and secondary retouch with edge nibbling and crushing is present on the lateral edges. Specimen 2-58986 has nibbling and minor secondary retouch present on its distal edge. L W T 4.3 0.8 3.1 1.0 6.8 1.1 2.1 0.5 Wt. Provenience 11.7 gr. N15W12: 30-40 cms. 8.4 N15W12: 30-40 cms. (Hearth area, SW 1/4) 23.5 N15W17: 0-10 cms. 2.4 Surface Amorphous Chunk This piece is an obsidian chunk (possible an exhausted core) with edge damage in the form of nibbling, crushing and secondary retouch present on one of its lateral edges. UCLMA# 2-58891 8.2 UCLMA# 2-58995 1.9 UCLMA# 2-58873 2-58875 2-58986 2-59016 3.1 3.4 3o 0 3.0 89 UCLMA# L W T Wt. Provenience 2-58950 3.7 2.0 1.6 12.8 gr. N14W12: 20-30 cms. Lithic Debitage The debitage is dominated by chert as the primary raw material (2a. 85%) with obsidian making up the remainder. Most of the material is interior flakes with only a few secondary cortex flakes present. This would appear to indicate that no primary tool manufacturing was carried out at the site but perhaps secondary or tertiary processes were (eg. resharpening, finishing of prepared preforms etc.). Due to the small amount of debitage recovered, no further analysis is planned. Ground Stone Metates Six large crudely shaped limestone metates were recovered from the surface of the site prior to excavation. These specimens were all derived from the limestone parent material of the overhang and all exhibit evidence of smoothing and grinding on one surface. No manos were present either on the surface on in the deposits. UCLMA# L W T Remarks Provenience 2-58833 22.0 18.0 15.0 Fragment Surface 2-58834 24.0 17.0 6.0 Slight concavity present " 2-58835 29.0 20.0 12.0 - " 2-58836 28.0 20.0 15.0 - 2-58837 32.0 20.0 16.0 - 2-58838 36.0 30.0 17.0 - 1o Perishables Botanical Remains Samples of the botanical material recovered from the deposits were retained for identification by a trained botanist. At present this analysis has not yet been completed and only partial results are available. One plant species recovered from our main test excavations in some quantity was Bquisetum sp. (Horsetail) an inhabitant of and indicator of fairly moist conditions. This species was not noted as being present in the immediate vicinity of the site nor was it noted on our reconnaissance surveys in the area. It is probable that this species was once either present in quantity in the area (eg. perhaps along stream margins or in the area of the remnants of the now dry Coal Valley lake) or was carried in from areas 90 where it was abundant (eg. Quinn Canyon Range). From its distribution in the shelter (see Features) near the hearth area and in the area that offered the maximum protection from the sun and rain, it is probable that the plant was used as matting or bedding material. As well as Equisetum sp., several species of cacti (Opuntia sp. ??) were also found scattered throughout the deposit. It is not known if these were introduced into the site by cultural means as they are present near the site and appear to be used by some of the animals that shelter in the overhang. Fiber Cordage Seven fragments of two ply 'IS" twist cordage of Apocynum sp. (?) fiber (all pieces were within the color range of Apocynum sp. (Gregoire 1956)) were recoveredv from the deposits. UCLMA# Length (cms.) Provenience 2-58855 6.5 N15W12: 10-20 cms. 11.0 2-58889 6.5 N15W12: 50-60 cms. 2-58939 5.0 N15W10: 70-80 cms. 2-58969 9.0 N14W12: 50-60 cms. 11.0 2-58970 6. 5 N14W12: 50-60 cms. Twisted Bark One specimen of two ply IIZ"I twist bark (Artemisia sp. ??) was recovered. UCLMA# Length (cms.) Provenience 2-58867 ca. 8.5 N15W12: 20-30 cms. Knotted Materials Three specimens of knotted material were recovered during the excavations. Two are reed/rush fragments with a simple overhand knot in each and the third specimen is a fragment of sagebrush bark (Artemisia sp.). also with a single overhand knot present. UCLMA# Material Provenience 2-58958 Rush/Reed (?) N14W12: 30-40 cms. 2-58963 Rush/Reed (?) N14W12: 40-50 cms. 2-58981 Bark N14W12: 70-80 cms. 91 Leather One miscellaneous decomposing leather strip (2-58872) was found in unit N15 W12 in Level 4 (30-40 cms.). Its use or purpose cannot be determined. Coprolites One complete coprolite (2-58888) was recovered from unit N15 W12 at a depth of 50-60 cms. in association with the hearth area. Preliminary examination has failed to determine if it is human or animal. Faunal Remains Very little faunal material was recovered during the excavations. The elevation and extreme steepness of the slope leading to the overhang from the valley floor would logically make transport of large game very difficult. This is confirmed by the near total absence of large mammal remains in the deposit. Even in the hearth areas very little bone was found. Of the bone and teeth recovered attributed to large mammals, the only identifiable species is deer (Odocoileus sp.). Most of the large mammal material is composed of unburnt long bone splinters. Tt is quite probable that the long bones were split open for their marrow thus accounting for the condition of the recovered bone. It must be emphasized that these large mammal bones were not common in the deposit. The remains of Neotomo sp., Sylvilagus sp. and Lepus sp. are also present in some abundance. The near complete absence of faunal remains except for those from animals that could be expected to live in the shelter would lend support to the conculsion that Civa Shelter was used mainly as a temporary campsite which offered an excellent view of the surrounding terrain and provided some shelter from the sun and wind. Human Skeletal Material No human skeletal material was recovered from the site. Conclusions/Summary Civa Shelter was a limited occupation temporary campsite/shelter probably utilized by a Shoshone/Southern Paiute group, which can be relatively dated utilizing the projectile points present at ca. A. D. 600-700 to historic times. It is probable that the overhang was utilized as a hunting camp/lookout (with large mammals the favored species) because of its broad view of the surrounding terrain (especially the valley floor) and the protection it offered from the high winds and intense heat. The small quantity of artifacts and lithic debitage recovered, along with the small amount of faunal remains, argues for a lack of primary manufacturing or processing activities quite possible due to the brief- ness of occupation and to the effort necessary to negotiate the steep slope leading to the shelter. The metates present on the surface appear to indicate that perhaps some seed 92 grinding was done although they also could have been used for some other' purpose. In brief, Civa Shelter and its artifact assemblage support the conclusion of its use as a temporary hunting camp of a fairly late date located at some distance from the main occupation areas in the region. Future research will be directed towards the inventory and mapping of the sites present in the area and their significance In the cultural record of Garden and Coal Valleys. 1 Notes 1. A MS is in preparation detailing the survey activities of the UC Field Party. In summary, most of the surveyed sites were located along the various stream banks or in close proximity to some type of intermittent or permanent water source. The probable main locus of occupation appears to have been concentrated around the margins of the now dry Coal Valley Lake. Artifact assemblages from these sites range from ca. 7000 B. C. to the historic (dating based on projectile points present). 93 BIBLIOGRAPHY Billings, W. D. 1951 Cronquist, A., 1972 Dice, L.R. 1943 Gregoire, C. 1956 Hall, E. R. 1946 Vegetational Zonation in the Great Basin of Western North America. In: Les Bases Ecologiques de la regeneration de la Vegetation des Zones Arides. UISB, Serie B (colloques), No. 9, pp. 101-112. Paris. A. H. Holmgren, N.H. Holmgren and J. L. Reveal Intermountain Flora. Vascular Plants of the Intermountain West, USA. Vol. I. New York; Hafner Publishing Company, Inc. The Biotic Provinces of North America. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Apocynum Sling From Humboldt Cave. InL R. F. Heizer and A. D. Krieger, The Archaeology of Humboldt Cave, Churchill County, Nevada. University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 47 (1). Mammals of Nevada. Berkeley: University of California Press. Hester, T.R. and R. F. Heizer 1973 Review and Discussion of Great Basin Projectile Points: Forms and Chronology. Non-serial publication, University of California Archaeological Re search Facility. Hubbs, C. W. and R. R. Miller 1948 The Zoological Evidence. In: The Great Basin, with Emphasis on Glacial and Postglacial Times, Part II, pp. 17-166. Bulletin of the University of Utah 38 (20), Biological Series 10 (7). Kleinhampl, F. J. 1967 La Rivers, I. 1962 Linsdale, J. M. 1936 and J. I. Ziony Preliminary Geologic Map of Northern Nye County, Nevada. USGS Open File Map (NBM-15). Fishes and Fisheries of Nevada. Nevada State Fish and Game Commission Publication 401. The Birds of Nevada. Cooper Ornithological Club, Pacific Coast Avifauna 23: 1-145. Berkeley. 94 Merriam, C. H. 1898 Stebbins, R. 1966 Van Denburgh, J. 1922 Life Zones and Crop Zones of the United States. Bulletin of the United States Biological Survey 10. A Field Guide to Western Reptiles and Amphibians. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Company. The Reptiles of Western North America. Occasional Papers of the California Academy of Sciences 10: 1-1028. San Francisco. a) 4i C:a co * .,4 0 illi X 04 u co X 95 .,,4 4- :3 4-i 0) Cl4 .-r4 CQ a1) s~d I' .4 / 4-_ I I/ . - . I I i i I l act~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' CLI CL~ ~ ~ ~ 06~~~~~ W~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EL I~~~~~~~~~' 'I G~~~~I 97 0 2i w ALi 0 a.: 0i -J I (o 3ZZ c 0 r. 0 .1-f 4i co C) 0 0 0 -'-4 4-i co 4- a) 0) U) Cl) co 0 '-4 0) 5.4 ~rZ 0 el w -J 0 a- -J 0 A: It I (D