158 APPENDIX 2 PLATES 1. Nephrite JADE in Willow Creek Vicinity (Crippen, 1951): 1. Cape San Martin nephrite jade occurrence; 2. Close- up of pale green botryoidal nephrite jade; 3. Whitened reaction zone (rodingite?) in roadcut; 4. Close-up of white rock (rodingite?) lens in sheared serpentine. 2. Views of the Willow Creek sites (int-281 and I4it-282): 1. Facing south, from hill across creek; 2. Facing south, from creek bed; 3. Facing north, from cutbank along beach. 3. Stratigraphic profiles from hnt-282: 1. Trench A, facing east; 2. Trench B, facing south; 3. Trenches C and D, facing east. 4. Excavation units in Mnt-281: 1. Cre-w excavating NW and SW sections; 2. Profile of north wall of WN section; 3. Profile of east wall of SW section; 4. SW section above Trenches C and D of Mnt-282. 5. Two burials in lht-282: Burial 1; Burial 2. 6. Three burials in hnt-281: Burial 1; Burial 3; Burial 4. 7. Views of the Willow Creek sites in 1964: 1. Facing west, from very high cliff; 2. Facing southwest, from middle of bridge; 3. Facing south, from hill across creek; 4. Facing northwest, from hill; 5. Facing north, from beach. 159 Close-up of pale Igreen botryoidal nephrite jade -Thin white sheets of fibrous tremolite Whitened reaction zone (rodingite?) in roadcut (After Crippen,1951) Plate 2 Man atop Mnt -281 FACING NORTH Mnt-281 Mnt-282 161 __ ; Fs ,: XP B.t t 'Acz-.''4Es: Q i':''' u .g,=TT% F fik' 7E':bS'SE. MNT- 282 TRENCH A TRENCHES C AND D K:: I Plate 3 Mok?? 162 is directly above Trenches C & D of Mnt-282 o i I f il I 163 Plate 5 Two BURIALS in Mnt-282 i 164 Plate 6 Three BURIALS in Mnt-281 See Figure 1 for illustrations drawn to scale 165 bl ~~~WIllLOW CREEK marks similar locat ion in each PLATE PHOTO 7 W). I I 1? ?. ? ? I W?:.,Al -