166 APPENDIX 1 TABUIATIONS 1. Selected elements in Harrington's ethnological list (1942); also 40 elements shared by all five groups in South Coast Ranges and adjacent southerly areas. 2a. Ethno-zoological word list for San Juan Costanoans of San Benito County, California. 2b. Ethnobotanical word list for San Juan Costanoans of San Benito County, California. 3. Migueleno-Salinan ethnobotanical list of 41 plants, with full ethnographic footnotes. 4a. Migueleno-Salinan ethno-zoological list of 45 vertebrates, with full ethnographic footnotes. 4b. Migueleno-Salinan ethno-zoological list of 6 invertebrates, with full ethnographic footnotes. 5. Fifteen "archaeological" elements in Harrington's list (1942). 6. Monterey elements found elsewhere by Pilling (1955). 7. Monterey sites and collections used by Pilling (1955). 8. Data on 14 individuals in 11 burials at both Willow Creek sites. 9. Data on 25 chipped lithic points from both Willow Creek sites. 10. Data on 15 pestles from Site Mnt-281. 11. Some data on 4 hopper mortars from site Mnt-281. 12. Measurements of 12 pitted stones at Mnt-281 and one at Mnt-282. 13. Some data on stone sinkers from both Willow Creek sites. 14. Measurements of 7 rubbing stones at site Mnt-281. 15. Data on 27 miscellaneous lithic pieces at both Willow Creek sites. 167 16. Data on 8 hammerstones from site Mnt-282. 17. Identification of 69 nephrite jade ha m erstones at site Mnt-281. 18. Identification of 48 non-nephrite hanmerstones at site Mnt-281. 19. Weights and locations of 22 chert objects at site Mnt-282. 20. Weights and locations of 40 chert objects at site Mnt-281. 21. Identification of 8 nondescript chopper-scrapers at Mnt-282. 22. Attempt at classifying 79 nondescript chopper-scrapers at Mnt-281. 168 TABLE 1 SELECTED ELEMENTS IN HARRINGTON'S ETHNOLOGICAL LIST (1942) Costano Salinan Chumash Serrano Gabrielino Twined boiling baskets x Prominent women shamans x Conical twined carrying basket x x Tule mats as house- cover x Musical rasp x Menstrual hut x x x x Grooved steatite arrow straightener x x x x Sewn as well as twined tule mats x x x x Hand-held feather ornaments (dance) x x x x Coiled basket cap for carrying loads x x x x Net-sack carried in hand ? x x x Boiling baslkets are coiled x x x x Coiled basket on hopper mortar x x x x Urtica (nettles) for string-making x x x x Beads measured around hand x x x x Earth-covered assembly- house x 169 TABLE 1 (Cont'd.) Costano Salinan Chumash Serrano Gabrielino Assembly-house with ladder Scaffold beds Bird-skin blanket Spear thrower Double-ended paddle Plank boat Extended burial Grave planks, masts Shell cylinders, treasure Daily sweating Erect headdress (feather) Trees, seed-tracts owned by households Also eagle nests Yellowhammer bands Feather banners on poles Sudatory built against bank Curved flat throwing- club for small game Palut-type of feathered net-skirt Seed beater with parallel warps Flat-bottomed carrying baskets, coiled Deer hoof rattles x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 170 TABLE 1 (Cont'd.) Costano Salinan Chumash Serrano Gabrielino Wamkish cult x x x Mourning ceremony with images burned x x x U-ladder cradle x Bull-roarer in initiation rite x Chungichnich and Raven messenger x No tobacco offerings x 40 ELEMENTS SHARED BY ALL 5 GROUPS Domed living house, thatched, without earth-covering Bedrock and portable mortars Slab mortars with asphalted basketry hoppers Paddles for stirring Skins dressed by men, with rib-scraper, on inclined post or pole, brains rubbed in, but no smoking Sinew-backed bow (Fernandeno, but not Gabrielino) Slings for birds and small game, but not for war No shields No anmor Headbands of yellowhammer feathers Rabbit-fur blankets, with string weft Men and children naked Hammock-like carrying net Twined tule mats Strings of Apocynum and Aslepias rolled on thigh Whole Olivella and Olivella disc beads as "money" Tobacco gathered wild for smoking, also eaten with lIme Cocoon rattle (Costano uncertain) and split-stick rattle Bull-roarers as a toy Berdaches Chief's rank inherited, wealth incidental (but not known for Costano) Mother is warmed or baked in pit after child-birth Weather control shamans Grizzly-bear shamans turn into bears, return to life 171 TABLE 2a ETHNO-ZOOLOGICAL WORD LIST FOR SAN JUAN COSTANOQNS OF SAN BENITO COUNTY, CALIF.1 Manmials Bear (Ursus) - Or'-desh (0-res, JPH) Male bear - Or'des trar'-dis Female bear - Or'des moo-koor-a-ma Cub bear - Wak-se-te-nun-se-te-muk Grizzly bear (Ursus horribilis) - Or'desh Black grizzly bear - Or'res mor-tres mm Racoon (Procyon) - Shash'-shg-ran Mountain lion (Felis hippolestes) - Tan'-mah-lah Bob-cat (LYnx californicus) - Tor-ro-mah Gray fox (Urocyon) - Yah"-we (Mephistis, JPH) Coyote (Canis lestes or ochropus) - Mah'yan (Wak-shyish, JPH) Big wolf (Canis) - Oom'-mo Big skunk (Mephistis) - Yah-we Little spotted skunk (Spilogale) - Dish'-shin Badger (Paxidea) - Te-koo-ish Weasel (Putorius) - Ram'-mesh Mlole (Scapanus) - Mor'-rosh (Mor, JPH) Bat - Shim'te-klah (Wir-es-kan, JPH) Elk (Cervus) - Te-wo Blacktail deer (Odocoileus columbianus) - To-o-che, To-och-e, To"-che Deer - Ar-ra-sa (JPH) Fawn - Po-koo-ey (Poo-koo-e, JPH) Antelope (Antilocapra) - Tew-yen Gray ground squirrel (Citellus beecheyi group) - Eh'-eh Gray tree squirrel (Sciurus fossor) - Choo'-lol, Chu-151, Chew-lol Pocket gopnher (Thomomsy) - She-lot Kangaroo rat (Dipdomys or Perodipus) - Tah'chin White-footed mouzc (Promcus) - Sho-lon Wood rat with round tail (Neotoma) - Herdeh, Hear-da, He'r-ra Brush rabbit (Lepus bachmani) - Wer' -ren (Weren, JPH) Cottontail rabbit (jepu auduboni) - Your-ria, Your'-deh, Your'da, Ur-dE (Yu-ren, JPH) 172 TABLE 2a (Cont'd.) Blacktail jack rabbit (Lepus texianus group) - Cha'aish Horse (Equus) - He-cham-ish Dog (Canis), male or female - Woo-chak'-kan-nish, Hoo-chuk- kan-ish (Choo-choo, Spanish derivative, JPH) Pup - Same as above with ending -se-te-ah Cat (Felis) - Pen-yek Birds Golden eagle (Aquila) - She"-re Redtail hawk (Buteoborealis) - Se'-oo-kert, She'-oo-kert (any big hawk) (Siw-ker, JPH) Duck hawk (Falco anarum) or Prarie falcon (Falco maxicanus) - Kok-o-noo Sparrow hawk (Falco sparverius) - El-la-min (JPH notes Tehi-lis-min ior similar hawk that is larger, and has a longer whitish tail) California condor (Gyrnogyos) - Was-sak-kah Turkey buzzard (Cathartes) - Tru-e-loon, Troo-e-loon Great horned owl (Bubo) - Hoo"-mish (Hoo-mis, JPH) Barn owl (Strix) - Chah'-he Screech owl (Megascops) - Koo-too'-e-too Burrowing owl (Steotyto) - Wa"-che-che Pigmy owl (Glaucidium) - Wash'-wash'-e-yah Raven (Corvus corax) - Kah-kah-re Crow (Corvus americanus) - Sard'-i, Sarldi (Sa-ri, J.PH) Magpie (Pica) - Ho'-mo'-yah (At-tratr, JPH) Crested jay (Cyanocitta) - Ki-ki California jay (Aphelocoma) - Ah'-sh-sheet Valley quail (Lophortyx) - Hex-ren (Hek-sen, JPH) Bandtail pigeon (Columba fasciata) - Ha-rah'-oo Dove (Zenaiqura) - Hoo-no'-no Road runner (Geococcyx) - Oo'-e-too-ey, Oo'-too-e Kingfisher (Ceryle) - Char'-si-wah Flicker (Colaptes) - Tre-wah'k California woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivorus bairdi) - Par-rah'-too Hairy woodpecker (Dryobates villosus) - Che-roo-too Brewer blackbird (Euphagus cyanocephalus) - Kool-le-an Redshouldered blackbird (Agelaius) - Koo-le-an' Meadowlark (Sturnella) - Che'-re-ta-min (Tshi-rit-min, JPH) 173 TABLE 2a (Cont'd.) Oriole (Icterus) - So'k-so'k-e-an Shrike (Lanius) - Pa'yi Yellow-breasted chat (Icteria virens) - Moo-shek Barn swallow (Hirundo) - Pe'-lo-ke-an Phainopepla (Phainopepla nitens) - Kash' -kan Bluebird (Sialia) - Ah-shool Robin (Merula) - Trahp'-trahp' Mockingbird s) - (Mu-shyek, JPH) Humming bird - Moo-mo-yah Mallard (Anas boschas) - Cho'-ro'k-tish Shoveler (Spatula clypeata) - Soo-soo'-soo Duck - Cho'-rok'-tish Lesser snow goose (Chen hyperborea) - Wah'-ow Western Canada Goose ranta canadensis occidentalis) - La-lok, Lah'-lok Great blue heron (Ardea herodias) - Ar'-de Coot ("mud-hen") (Fulicia) - Dran' (Yu-ran', JPH) Killdeer (Oxyechus vocifera) - Te-we'-took A bird - Ho-moos (Hoo-moos, JPH) An egg - Mo'-tri', Mo'-tre Reptiles and Batrachians Any snake - Cotre-wah, Ko-tre-wah Rattlesnake (Crotalus) - Ep-pe Water snake (Eutaenia) - Le-son-wah Gopher or bull snake (Pityophis) - Ko'-tre-wah Small brown lizard (Uta?) - Esh-sha-loo Scaly lizard (Sceloporus) - Ma-ha-ru-ah Alligator lizard (Garrhonotus) - (Tu-hir-wis, JPH) h Horned toad (Phrynosoma) - 0-shes -kin Turtle - Ough-nich-min Frog (Rana) - Wak' -ka-ratch-men Toad (Bufo) - (Puk-kuk-min, JPH) Fishes Any fish - hoo'ye Salmon - Hoo"-rah-ka Sucker - (Kol-kol, JPH) 174 TABLE 2a (Cont'd.) Eels - (Hoo-soo, JPH) Molluscs Fresh-water mussels - Shi-yel (Shi-yal, JPH) Ocean black-mussels - (Hah-kow, JPH) Clams - Hah-kow 3 Abalone (Haliotis) - Hah-shan Slug - Tip'-litch-min Insects and Worms Grasshopper - Po'-lo-kish Butterfly - She'o-lo'-lok Mosquito - Kash'-soop Fly - Moo'-moor-'re Small black ant - Posh-koi-min Yellow jacket - Pe-nan Bumblebee - Toy'-yo Flea - Po-or Tarantula - Koo-ta'-loo Worms - Kar'-rish Footnotes for Table 2a 1C. Hart Merriam recorded most of the 113 ethnozoological terms. They are in manuscript form at the University of California Archaeological Research Facility in Berkeley. Merriam collected his data around San Juan in San Benito County on 26 September 1902, 30 May 1903, and 4 May 1904 in his Pacific Coast Region Field Check Lists Note-Book. In 1921, J.P. Harrington examined the manuscripts about Olhonean-speaking (Hoo-mon-twash) Costanoans. His notes were made on Merriam's original manuscript. These short insertions, revisions and notations are recorded in this tabulation, initialed JPH. Apparently, even Merriam was capable of error, according to Harrington, who noted the term Hah-kow for ocean mussels, correcting Merriam - who noted the term Hah-kow for clams. 2Harrington notes that Merriam's term for gray fox may be the native term for big skunk. 175 TABLE 2a (Cont'd..) 3 The Haliotis species here is probably rufescens, but the more precise determination is not made by Merriam or JPH. 176 TABLE 2b ETHNOBOTANICAL WORD LIST FOR SAN JUAN COSTAN0ANS OF SAN BENITO COUNTY, CALIF.1 Trees and Shrubs Redwood (Sequoia semipervirens) - Ho-o-pe, Ho-ope Digger pine (Pinus sabiniana) - (Sak, JPH) Coulter pine (Pinus coulteri) - (Sak, JPH) Monterey pine - (Hi-re-ni, JPH) Douglas fir or spruce (Pseudotsuga) - Rap-pok Valley oak (Quercus lobata) - Ar'-rek-ky Valley live oak (Quercus agrifolia) - You-kish, U-kish Sycamore (Pletanus racemosa) - Mah"l-rah Cottonwood (Populus) - Por'-o-por'-o Madrone (Arbutus menziesi) - You"-kon, U"-kon Buckeye (Hippocastanum californicum) - Chat'-te-ah Willow (Salix sp.) - Tarr-has-san Elder (Sambucus glanca) - Cheesh"-nan Manzanita (Arctostaphylos sp.) - Coo-tush, Chook-toosh (Choo-toor, JPH) Blackberry (Rubus vitifolius) - '-ne-nah Wild rose (Rosa sp.) - Te'-wris Gooseberry (Ribes sp.) - (Tow-ka'-lee, JPH, with blackberries) Koso (Toyon) berry (Reteromeles arbutifolia) - Tut'-yo-ne Yerba Santa (Eriodiction glutinosum) - Poo-koo'-te Yerba Buena - (Chow-rish-min, JPH) Poison oak (Rhus diversiloba) - Ne'-sis Miscellaneous Plants Broad-leaf milkweed (Asclepias) - Sis'-kah Indian tobacco (Nicotina atternta) - Mat'-tret 177 TABLE 2b (Cont ' d.) Nettle - (Tow-hah-nah, JPH) Soaproot (Chlorogal pomeridianum) - See"-al Big round tule (Scirs lacustris) - Ro'-kus Flat tule or cat-tail ( latifolia) - Loo'-pe (Ha-leh, JPH) Sparganium - (Tam'-met', JPH) Wild oats (Avena sativa) - Oon-oosh-min Any grass - Hoo'-ne' Salt grass (Distichlis spicata) - Ah-kis hin'-tel-was (JPH calls this "the people's salt") Mushrooms - (edible species are Ah-sah-kwah, JPH) Moss - (Hee-lok, JPH) Indian whisky (Datum) - Mo'-noi (JPH regards this the name for Jimson Weed or Tolguacha) Wild grapevine (Vitis californica) - Pa'-lik-kah Acorn - (Quercus lobata) - Ar"-rik-ky Acorn - (Quercus agrifolia) - U-kish (same as tree) Seed - Wah'k-ahm'-mah Root - He-go'tr Pine cone - Sahk' Leaf - Wahk-trah'-ke Wahk-mah-ra Footnotes for Table 2b 1 C. Hart Merriam recorded most of the 41 ethnobotanical terms. Manuscript is at the University of California, Berkeley, Archaeological Research Facility. Merriam's notes were made on 26 September 1902, 30 May 1903, and 4 May 1904, around San Juan in San Benito County, in a Pacific Coast Region Field Check Lists Note-Book. In 1921, J.P. Harrington examined these Olhonean words - and made several of his own notations (initialed JPH). Most of these notations are ethnographic: gooseberries mixed with blackberries have a term; salt grass was a primary source of domestic salt; edible species of mushrooms have a native name. 178 T _CABLE 3 MIGUELENO-SALINAN ETHNOBOTANICAL LIST OF 41 PLANTS1 Seven species of oak (acorn):2 cxau'wAt' - live oak with spined leaf. t'io'i - big white tree, white acorn, grows along coast. paxarkiL - pointed leaf, big acorn, grows on hills. p'att - tiny serrated leaf, big acorn, Henshaw "white oak". p'alpix - serrated leaf, Henshaw "post oak". cmo' - smooth non-spined leaf. trEnEplel - poison-oak. Two species of pine (nut):3 t'o - grows only along coast. k'e - common inland variety. Three species of shrub (seed):4 pta'siL - Fages notes three chia varieties, sage seeds. k!a'ciL - sunflower seeds. pEca" - buckeyes. Five species of grass (seed, fiber):5 AtLo's - wild oats. k!as - reed grass whose dried sap is sweet. peL - thick stalk, rose-like flower, pod has oily seed. t'onawEI - sturdy stalk (Epicampes rigens). k!oi - bunch grass (Cladium mariscus). Five species of shrub (fiber, leaf):6 pEsxe't' - white willow. toela'M - tobacco. mata'i'- milkweed. mono'i - Jimson weed, toloache (Datura meteloides). k!e'ciapowat - fern or bracken (Pteridiumaquilinum). Three species of clover (leaf):7 spo'k!at. cpoku'mt!a. smo'kumeL. 179 TABLE 3 (Cont'd.) Eight species of fruit:8 k!eso'i' - prickly-pear cactus. opc - wild grape. ts!etalkiL - chuckberry (choke-cherry?). tcala'k - "Christmas berry" (Heteromeles or Photinia?) t'Ema's - unidentified (strawberry?). tetau'pkuL - elderberry. toipe'N - gooseberry. eLpo'nE - blackberry. Five species of tuber:9 teta'i - small soap-root. ck!alE' - large soap-root. kotcE'L - camass, "Indian potato". k!ona'kas - camass. ta - mescal. Two marsh species:10 tuwipe' - tule. k!amtE - tule. One marine species:11 powa't' - seaweed. Ethnographic footnotes (A) for Table 3 1 The list is a compilation of linguistic data from these early accounts: Cuesta (1821), Fages (1775), Hale (1845-1853), Henshaw (1884), Kroeber (1908), and Perouse (n.d.). Mason's list of San Miguel food materials (1912:206) differs in organization and content, but, unless otherwise indicated, the following ethnographic details are from Mason (1912). 2 "For food they (Salinans) used the pine-nuts and acorns which are extraordinarily abundant in the vicinity" (Taylor, 1860b). Diverse oak species with many acoms grew along the Santa Lucia Mountains and in the San Antonio and Nacimiento River Valleys, Collection: Acorns (knp') were gathered after they had 180 TABLE 3 (Cont'd.) fallen, but occasionally a long pole was used to knock them down. Storage: Acorns were stored in granaries (k!ata) that were shaped like truncated cones. These receptacles were made of interlaced white willow twigs and lined with grass. They were 2 feet high, with a base 3 feet broad on the ground. Preparation: The acorns were cracked open. Then they were dried in the sun on a large basket tray (ska'pE) or on smaller ones (cla). The dried acorn meat was pounded with a stone pestle (pa'nE) in a stone mortar (toxo'L) into a fine flour that was leached in a basket with fine interstices (tEca") through which water was perco- lated. Cooking: Leached acorn flour was used to make mush or bread. Mush (na'siL) was made by mixing this flour with water which was heated by inserting very hot stones into the cooking-basket. Bread (k!one) was made by placing cakes of dough about 3 inches in diameter between 2 layers of grass and baking them overnight in a stone-lined pit where the stones had been heated by a fire. (Such fires were started by twirling a drill of poison-oak wood upon a hearth of willow.) Three live-oak species (cxau'wAt', t'io'i, paxa'kiL) were preferred for making mush, while 2 deciduous oak species (p'a't, pta'pix) were preferred for making bread. Another oak (cmo') was also used. 3 Pine nuts were prepared for consumption as were acorns. Seeds were harvested with seed beaters (tona'L) made of looped oak sticks and collected in baskets. The conical seed- granaries were called sAp'k'a'ts!. Fages (ibid.) noted that there were "3 different kinds of chia (sage), one bulky like a lentil, and the others more slender." These sage seeds were eaten, as were wild sunflower seeds, without any leaching, but were ground and boiled in the cooking-basket to make soup or mush, rather than parched on trays with coals. Leached buckeyes were also eaten, while unleached buckeyes were used to poison lake or stream water in fishing. 5Wild oats covered the hills in many places and were the staple seed0 Fages (ibid.) described tecsuma as a plant with rose- like flowers and thick stalk with pod containing an oily seed called pil (Mason's peL plant). He also noted that the sap of reed-grass and another tall leafy shrub was dried to make "sugar and molasses."t Certain grasses had shafts ideal for coiling baskets. 181 TABLE 3 (Cont'd.) 6 The white willow was most versatile in terms of the many uses made of it: cure for fever; twined granaries; hearth for fire- drill; framework for triangular cradle (tc!aname"); and big carrying basket (pEtaItL) a yard high. Native tobacco (Nicotina) also had several uses: medicine (leaves mashed or steeped in water, before drinking); drug (leaves mixed with lime from burned abalone, before eating); and hunting magic. (The hunter chewed leaves while stalking game to make it drunk and less wary.) Milkweed fibers were woven into nets for fishing in Tulare Lake. Jimson weed was fed to boys during a puberty rite so that they might see more clearly and be able to detect witchcraft. The fern's black root was used in basket designs. 7 Clover was a delicacy that was bitten from the stalk and eaten without any preparation. 8 Berries, cherries, and other fruit were also eaten raw. The Elderwood itself was used to make: flutes with several stops; a dark blue dye for soaking basketry weft splints; and a split- stick rattle, wound with fiber at one end, and struck on a tree or rock with the other. Soap-roots were fish poisons, as were tepa'lomoi (a tall plant with a pungent odor) and teni's. The ubiquitous mescal root was dug up with a stick and cooked for 2 days in an earth-oven (Fages, ibid.), Indian potatoes, or camass, were also cooked and eaten. Salinans disliked mushrooms. 10 Balsa rafts (tuwipe') were used by the coastal Playanos (Ascension, 1861), Women wore tule aprons (Taylor, 1860a) and basket- hats, which also served as eating bowls. Young tule shoots were twined into small trinket baskets (topE's). 11 Seaweed was heated on a stick over a fire and eaten as a salt flavoring with mush or bread. 182 TABLE 4a MIGUELENO-SALINAN ETHNO-ZOOLOGICAL LIST OF 45 VERTEBRATES' S ix big-game amaa ls:2 tExa'i' - grizzly-bear. ta'muL - mountain-lion. moi' - mountain-sheep. lowe'cAt! - antelope. taap' - deer. elk!a' - coyote. Eight small-game mammals:3 map! - rabbit. koL' - jack-rabbit. caNvku'M - ground-squirrel. tolo'c - tree-squirrel. mats!e'ko' - chipmunk. mA'keL - rat. sk!Almo'k! - mouse. cowE' - skunk. Seven reptiles:4 xapailE" - lizard. toiyElE" - mountain-lizard. cwakek!a" - horned-lizard. smeko'i - rattlesnake. ts!aike" - snake. seNk!o'L - snake. taw7E' - turtle. Two amphibians:5 waka't! - frog. t!ikolE' - toad. Seventeen birds:6 cko'tAtE - owl. ts!E'tenek! - owl. c5kono'i - horned-owl. spako' - ground-owl. cka - hawk. spek' - red-tail hawk. snai - eagle. xopNe'L - red-head vulture. te"tc! - California condor. smate I xa. - quail. k!aiya'k' - mountain- quail. tikmo' - band-tail pigeon. taxwe"n - turtle-dove. kala'k - white goose. elpa't! - duck. talwa'x - crane. swi Iyo - unidentified. Five fish:7 cwaN - trout. pIu'Lxoi - sucker. t'eteya'u - salmon. cat! - bull-head septall - unidentified. 183 TABLE 4b MIGUELNO-SALINAN ETHNO-ZOOLOGICAL LIST OF 6 IVERTEBRATES8 Four unsegmented (mollusks): 9 cmaiyE'k! - blue abalone. k!eLt'u' - red abalone. naiyi'k! - clam. sk!eN - unidentified. Two segmented: 10 taitc!.'tak. - crab. leme'M - yellowjacket. Ethnographic footnotes (A) for Tables 4a and 4b 1 The list is Mason's (1912:206). It hlas been completely reorganized, but a s;earch through other linguistic sources ha. not filled certain gaps in this list. For instance, Mason does not supply native names for maniy ethnologically relevant fauna, which are mentioned in his text, viz.: dog, wolf, goat, otter, red-shafted flicker, kingfisher, calendar lark, ring-dove, crow, raven, swallow, yellowhamxer, viper, tarantula and s2corpion. tMiason's 1912 monograph is the fullest accounit of the Migueleno-*Salinan. Some of his data are contradlicted by Harrington (1942), whose list of cu'lture elements is abstracted on Table 5. With these exceptions, cited in these footriotes, Maspon's descriptions hav-- been relied uDon for these ethnographic notes. 2 "Game was, more than ordinarily plentifiul, especiat' y deer, but with the primitive weapons upon which the aborigines depended, it is doubtful if venison could ever have been a staple food. Acorns, which are very abundant in the region, doubtless formed the principal staple, seeds and smaller ls being also of more importance than the meat of larger game" (p. 117). Deer were run down by an individual hunter who wore a deer- head hat-disguise. Wind direction was checked by dropping dirt, and the deer were approached from leeward by a stalker imitating the movements of a deer. The distal tibia of a deer was sharpened to make an awl (teta'xk). Buckskin clothing and nets were made, too. Such nets were used as carrying containers as well as for 184 Ethnographic Footnotes for Tables 4a and 4b (Cont'd.) catching fish and rabbits. Long strips of buckskin were tied with a twine that was made from dried fibrous milkweed bark (t'matL). (This bark was peeled from the stem, crushed, rolled on the knee into a strand, and twisted together with another strand to form twine.) Mason guessed that bears were not often eaten "due probably as much to their ferocity as to the supernatural shamanistic power and human resemblance imputed to them" (p. 121). Yet bears were hunted. Bait was placed near a bear trail or lair, and the hunter hid behind a booth or blind in a nearby hole from which he shot the bear with arrows propelled by sinew-string on a sinew-backed bow. The tough meat of old bears was not esteemed, but cubs were relished as a delicacy. The coyote figured in mythology as the animal that taught women how to copulate, and was tabu among some groups, as were dogs and wolves. The puma and wildcat were eaten by Antoniano- Salinan, according to Harrington (1942:7). 3 Rabbits were caught with nets (t'e'LtAL), maybe in communal hunts that also sought antelope, deer, and bear. Rabbit (or otter) skins were sewn together with twine or woven into robes. Fur blankets were called cL-em3'. Meat was roasted over flames or in coals of fire. Baked overnight in earth-ovens, meat may keep over a week. For longer preservation, meat was air-dried ("jerked"). Seldom, if ever, was meat boiled. Harrington (p. 6) noted how rats were caught by burning nests, and how ground-squirrels were smoked out of holes. Miguelenos ate skunks, which were tabu among Antoniaos, whose myths drew the skunk as a wizard who used his urine as a lethal weapon. 4Miguelenos did not relish lizards, but Antonianos did. All reptiles were considered proper Salinan food. Although the mythical 2-headed snake (taliyE'kA'tapelta) was a monster, snakes were caught with sticks and cooked in hot ashes. Rattlesnake rattles (teV!aut!onEE") were used for ceremonial rattles. 5 Amphibians were eaten or not, according to personal choice. 6 Birds dominated Salinan mythology. Yet most of them were eaten, as were their boiled eggs (tete'k'Enel). According to 185 Ethnographic Footnotes for Tables 4a and 4b (Cont'd.) Harrington (p. 7), Antonianos ate hawks, as did Costanoans and Ventureno-Chumash, but Mason noted that "owls, hawks, condors, buzzards and eagles are not eaten in some localities due partly to reverence for them and partly to a dislike for their flesh" (p. 121). The hawk and raven were monster-killers who destroyed a man- killing rock (xu'i) a few miles above Mission San-Antonio by knocking off its head with stones. The raven's eyes turned grey after rubbing on this rock guarded by crows and shrikes. The shrike (ka'tcatsani'L?) once rescued a woman from a bear by pecking out its eyes, and it also helped a hunter by pecking out an antelope's eyes. The red-shafted flicker, unable to save some Indians from a savage animal, wept, and his black breast became his sign of mourning. The condor politely ripped open dead carcasses for its weaker relative, the vulture, with whom it could speak. Before there was a world, the duck plunged into the sea, but failed to bring up any earth. Then the kingfisher dived into the water. With the aid of a heavy weight placed on its back by the eagle, this kingfisher succeeded in reaching the bottom of the sea and bringing up some earth. The eagle made the world out of this bit of dirt, made man from clay and woman from a feather. The eagle was chief of all ls, and gave fire to man. 7Fishing details are lacking in Mason's monograph, but Harrington (1942:#69) mentions fish poisoning among Migueleno Salinan. 8 This list is Mason's (1912:206). 9 The "blue" abalone is probably Haliotis fulgens; the mid-tidal species has a mottled greenish hue. It may be significant that neither Mason nor Harrington list any details regarding the collection or preparation of abalone. (In historic times, the Salinans are inland groups, probably cut off from the coastal source, and even the Antoniano Salinans, according to Harrington, item #96, did not know that mussels were poisonous at certain times of the year. This suggests that inland living dominated the Salinans historic times.) The recognition of Haliotis rufescens is curious here among the Migueleno Salinans. This is a species that is more common farther north, among the Costanoans or Miwok. It occurs in a deep tidal zone at this Willow Creek beach, but seems to have been used - not by the Salinans - but by the Costanoans. The Salinan awareness of 186 Ethliographic Footnotes for Tables 4a and 4b (Cont'd.) this species probably represents recognition, not so much of an edible or desirable species, but of the prize that drove the Costanoans into their lands. The recognition of clams may be recent, and likely an outcome of protohistoric trade in Pismo clams, for an ornamental (rather than dietary) usage, with Chumash. 10 Neither Mason nor Harrington indicate that crabs were eaten by the Salinans, but the recognition of such an animal suggests at least some contact with the ocean, probably in protohistoric times. Yellowjackets occur inland, of course, and are eaten. The brightly colored encrustation was probably used a bit for ornamental purposes, but neither Mason nor Harrington elucidate on this point. TABLE ' F FTEEN "ARCHAEOLOGICAL" ELEM4ENTS IN HARRINGTON'S LIST (1942) Costano Sal'an Chumash Serrano Gabrielino Bedrock mortars x x x x x Portable mortars x x x x x Hopper mortars x x x x x Whole Olivella x x x x x Olivella disc beads x x x x x Musical rasp x Comunnal dwellings x x x Grooved steatite arrow straightener x x x x Beads measured around hand x x x x Earth-covered assembly house x Spear thrower x Extended burial x x Grave planks & masts x x Small cylinders as treasure x x Deer hoof rattle x x x Sudatory hut against bank x x x Total number of elements per tribal unit 5 9 15 10 9 Distinctive elements 0 1 2 0 0 ?__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 187 188 TA.BLE 6 MONTEREY ELEffNTS FOUND ELSEWHERE BY PILLING (1955)1 12 "southern" elements ... Sources: SLO, SBa, Ven, LAn counties. Basin metates Earth-bound mortars . 0a. Mescalitan Island Las Llagas type ceremony bowl. .. , . . . . .. . . .. * * Cairn-covered burials..-... Shell fishhooks Abalone pries Early culture2of Topanga Canyon in northern LAn, Oak Grove in sotthern SBa,3 Hunting in southern SBa, strata I-II at Point Sal in northern SBa,5 Los Osos Valley in SLO.6 SBa,7 SLO-5, -11, -12, -25. Earth- bound mortars are "not common" north of SFr, but scatter north of Mnt to Carquinez Straits and the east shore of San Francisco Bay. SBa,8 SLO-56, -125. SBa,9 Lompoc and upper Santa Ynez Valley in southern SBA, 10 SBa-205. Historic Luiseno in LAn,11 Santa Barbara Channel,12 SBa-205 (Jalama). San Miguel Island in SBt, 13 San Nicolas Island in Ven,14 Channel Islands (San Clemente in LAn, Santa Rosa in SBa, San Nicolas in Ven). 15 Painted petroglyphs ........... SBa 16 Punctate bone decoration . SBa;17 Not punctate at Ala-328?18 Dish made of abalone ..... SBA;19 No dish at Son-299 or Ala-307? Use of Asphaltum ......... SBa and SJo!20 Hopper mortars P.pts., stem, round-base . SBa,21 SBa-485, vicinity near SLO-5 (in Spooner Collection). Santa Barbara S el,22 Hunting in southern SBa,2 straiX II-III at Point Sal in northern SBa. These stemmed 25 projgtile points also occur in: Sac, SBn, SFr and Mrn.27 189 MBLE 6 (Cont'd.) 3 "northern" elements .... Sources: SJo, Sta, Mer, Fre, Kin, Ker P.pts., side-notch, concave-base, triangular Unglazed ceramics ..... Incised clamshell beads .. Buena Vista Lake region in Ker,28 "furth north" (Kin, Fre, Mer, Sta?) mayb Stockton-Lodi region in SJo, Mer,31 SJo and Sta. 2 Yokuts, Westem Mono, Northem Paiute of the Southem Sierras.33 SJo-l,34 Kin (near Corcoran in D.M. Witt Collection),35 Ker374,I6 southerm San Joaquin Valley.37 Incised clamshell beads also occur on San Miguel Island in SBa.38 Footnotes for Table 6 1 This sums up Pilling's analysis of specific Monterey elements in other parts of Pilling's, as are the following citations. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 the distribution of Califomia. The list is Treganza and Malamud, 1950:141-144, pl. 16. Rogers, 1929:pl. 54. Orr, 1943:27, 38. Carter, 1941:215. Pilling, 1951:199. Rogers, 1929:390. Orr, ms. Rogers, 1929:opp. 342. Orr, 1943:24. 10 Ruth, ms. 11 Drucker, 1937:7, 470 Sparkman, 1908:200. 9 190 Footnotes for Table 6 (Cont'd.) 12 Heizer, 1949a:89. 13 Heye, 1921:pls. XLVII, XLVIII, XLIX. 14 Meighen and Eberhart, 1953:122, fig. 40. 15 Gifford, 1937, ms. Gifford, 1939:327 (Coast Yuki, Men). Gifford, 1940:171. 16 Steward, 1929:96-109. 17 Heye, 1921:pls. LVII, LXX. Gifford, 1940. Orr, 1947. 18 Davis, 1954, ms.:56. 19 Rogers, 1929:396. Orr, 1943:33. Gifford, 1947:7. Baumhoff, 1951:5-6. 20 Heizer and Treganza, 1944:319. 21 Rogers, 1929:opp. 357. 2 Heye, 1921:pl. XXXVIII. 3 Rogers, 1929:pl. 59. 24 Carter, 1941:215, 224. 25 Heizer, 1949b:figs. 11-13-SAa. 26 Pilling, et.al., UCAS ms. no. 82. UCAS, SBn Site Records. 27 Beardsley, 1954:9-83. 28 Wedel, 1941:pl. 39. 29 Gifford and Schenck, 1926:84. 30 Schenck and Dawson, 1929:380, pl. 91. 191 Footnotes for Table 6 (Cont'd.) 31 Pilling, 1950:438. Treganza, 1952:22. 33Gayton, 1929. Pilling, 1950:439-440. H. Riddell, 1951: fig. 1. Fenenga, 1952:343-344. 34 Wedel, 1941:50, pl. 27-n. Pilling, 1948b, ms. 36 F. Riddell, 1951:fig. 1. 37 Gifford and Schenck, 1926:58, pls. 14, I, 15. 38 Heye, 1921:pl. CXVI. 192 TABLE 7 MONTEREY SITES AND COT.T.LCTIONS USED BY PILLING (1955)1 12 "southern" elements .. Sources in Monterey County (Mnt-sites) (EARLY - vegetable-gatherers, coastal-dune dwellers) Basin metates .. .30, 197 - some hunting indicated here? (MIDDLE - mollusc-gatherers, creek-bank dwellers) Earth-bound mortars .*......... 25% N.W. Mnt, e.g., 6,98,237,260,274-276 Mescalitan Island Las Llagas type ceremony bowl. 88(?) (in Post Collection) Cairn-covered burials .... 281, 108 (Burial 2) Shell fishhooks . . 281-282, 12 (in Fackenthal Collection) Abalone pries.... 133, 157, 159, 3 (in Robson Collection) (L4TE-MIDDLE and LATE infiltration of elements) Painted petroglyphs O... Punctate bone decoration . Dish made of abalone Use of asphaltum Hopper mortars ........... P. pts., stem, round-base. "about 25 ... near Mnt-250" 131 - probably non-utilitarian object 250 - "a container for asphaltum" Robson Collection (12 hop. mortars, p. pts.) around 281, 91 (in Colby Collection) 5, 108, Fackenthal Collection (12, 173, Point Pinos Reserve), Downie Collection (18), Martin Collection (18, 101), Calhun Collection (57), Robson Collection (90). IL.LLL, J __ LL 1 0mcrnLL. * & ILL VLALLC.L:y _SJ,4LLLy kI-UIL-5JLLS)J (LATE - salt and abalone collectors, sand-dune ca-mpers) P. pts., side-notch, concave-base, triangular . Unglazed ceramics .O.,, Incised clamshell beads .. One unidentified site, 233 (historic), 18, 157 (in Fackenthal Collection) 18, 159, Fackenthal Collection Fackenthal Collection 3 "northern" P-1 P-mp-nt-.,z3 1; ni 1 ro- A- q 'in MnntpvaxT rnii-ni-ir (M-ni--o4 +-nL- N 193 TABLE 7 (Cont'd.) This tabulation is based, not on any comparable table, but solely on data abstracted from Pilling's text. The selection of elements, their grouping according to a north-south dichotomy, the ecological characterizations, and this sequence are Pilling's. 2 "Southern" subsumes adjacent San Luis Obispo and nearby Santa Barbara counties, rather than more southerly ones. 3 "Northern" refers mainly to nearby San Joaquin Valley. Such San Francisco Bay elements as abalone ornaments, bone awls, pestles and mortars are too "generalized and noncharacteristic" (Pilling, 1955:77), so they have not been included in this list. HbO H U) U) Y Xto R b04-J to ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,9 4- "- vI 0 C 1-4o to 0 O- to 0 z > cn) P a) E) h *,1 o av bOO 0 0 C.) a) ' X) la Cd I.~ 0 0 4 - i Cu H 0 1-I H Cd C.)9 I 0J g PR H : H X ' 4! Cd U) 4-Q g Pi U1) H- Ui)4-)4(4 0~ H~4 X x X x X X X X x 4-3 ) 4- - 'I - 0 X)*' 4- H) C' 4- W- 0~~~~~~ Hi oJ *, , H *,1 o- Ca) *rl *rl h 0 0 N C'-'. U1) 4-JU)U)U) oa b000 cE o 'd OOO H 4- JH H rn X X X X X Ic cN c\J 4 -I -t t Cd * 0 , r' -4 1 - 0 N ' v-4 U U) ~~~~~~4-3 4- 4-3 I H 44 4 - 3 4-J H H-4 4-C r 4 rH?H 4 : 0to - U) 4C"dU & rz 4 0 0 0 0 o 4 o o o *,1 o o o o Oo Xo 8 8 t X Xo Xo Xo P 14o 10 I.O 1o ir) %,O '.-0 H C~~~~J e~~~~ 0 0 CY)) '-* U") If' %LJ) r- - - - 0 - 4 - - - 0 H%e O % 0 4 Cl m m I I0 I I0 %O 1- 00 0 0 0 p 0 0 (IN o O 'rll -I- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4~~~~~~AiI 194 - Ex I I 9: 00 0 - 1-Id U) 1-Id" 1-i I I . xL~ I oI xkl I 1 Iur I Cl) I W~ 14.3 lcd' I'x0 IO I W lcd NIO- 1W I r4 II:: I 'v- It, Il)) I *j I4J IHX IHR I 'i- I ) Il- I d IH< I 'v- I ,4 I. X U1) 4 En *,1 C.) C.) a) 'v I0 O *) vtoo Rocks on Pit I I Cremat. NE I SE *,- SW -W I p I NW *, 1 NW I iT I o HU 0 H,fl U)) HO 0J o H rH X X X IN 1 X 00 r/) U1 01 ml HI1 HI >1 HI 01 Rt.S . Lt.S . Ext. Site 0 O.- 'v-I C,) 0 P4 Q) 4.3 bO 'r'4 4-3 U) N CQ) to Ur) 'v- C. 'H4 I ,4 IH I -It ~csj X C". U") p 0 0 1P4 o 4d 0 a) 14-3 rq 1 P4 10 1 4-i rzi 1-C4 *-Ij cd I 2-4 0 P4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I- I (X 0 1 1 1 1 1 -I -I 74 (NI (I 0 cn I t! i I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I E; I 195 TABLE 9 DAiTA ON 25 CHIPPED LITHIC POINTS FRCM4 BOTH WILLOW CREEK SITES* - - - -------------------------------------------------- ---- -- -- -- -- - - - UCMA Length Maximm Weight Asphaltum .Parts number (cms.) width (grams) Nature of material on missing (cms.) base Mnt-282: glossy beige chert glossy beige chert glossy beige chert glossy beige chert glossy beige chert mottled chalcedony mottled chalcedony mottled black chert mottled chalcedony glossy grey chert matted beige chert mottled chalcedony glossy beige chert glossy grey chert specked black chert mottled black chert mottled brown chert mottled chalcedony black obsidian black obsidian banded reddish chert yellow-brown jasper specked black chert black basalt grey chert, NAa-type x x x x x x x x x x Tip (reworked) Barb Part of base Base Shoulder Tip Base, tip Base, tip Base, tip Base, barb Base, barb Base,tip,barb Base, tip ,barb Tip Base (Tip?) Entire base Entire base x Base Base Base, barb * All 25 chipped lithic points are illustrated where the precise location of each point is given, and is made at a tentative typology. in Figure 8, an attempt 1-124861 1-124822 1-124824 1-124821 1-124820 1-124798 1-124860 1-124823 1-125493 1-125488 1-124800 1-124802 1-124801 1-124772 1-124825 1-125492 1-124799 1-124862 1-124797 1-125261 1-124864 Mnt-281: 1-125268 1-125108 1-133563 1-133562 4.8 (4.7) 4.5 4.2 (5.2) 6.7 (6.8) (5.5) (3.7) (3.7) (5.5) 4.4 (3.8) (4.5) (4.5) (4.5) (6.8) 903 3.9 (3.5) (4.9) (5.0) (5.5) (5.2) 9.0 2.9 2.9 (3.1) 2.5 3.3 (2.9) 2.8 2.7 4.0 3.4 (2.8) 3.5 (3.0) (3.0) (2.5) (3.2) (3.0) 3.8 2.2 2.0 3.8 2.3 2.5 (3.2) 3.6 8.72 (6.24) (6.52) (4.15) (9.10) (15.01) (22.35) (10.74) (11.50) (8.19) (8.52) 9050 (8.34) (8.85) (8.24) (10.78) (18.86) 34.75 6.10 (5.74) (26.04) (8.74) (12.71) (23.42) 46000 --------- ------------------------ ---------------------------------- 196 TABLE 10 DATA ON 15 PESTLES FRCM SITE MNT-281* ?____ ____ _____ ____ _____ ____ _____ ____ _____ ____ ____ -____ ____ Diagnostic UCMA elements mnmber Pit & Length Diameter Some descriptive remarks Depth (mms.) (mms.) about the artifacts 1-125126 NE5 29" 1-125471 NE8X 18" 1-125362 NE8 24" -36" 1-125186 NE3 28" 1-125355 NE8 48" (55) 69-Flange 43-Break (210) 49-Break 212 58-Widest 55-Distal (170) 40-Distal (78-Break) (60) 52-Break Granitic. Looks like a maul, flanged end. Fine. Granitic. Only distal end. Finely ground. Granitic. Finely pecked and ground. Complete. Granitic. In process of manufacture. Crude. Granitic. Rounded distal end. Asphaltum at break. - - -- -_ - -- -- -- - - - - - - - --- f_ - -- -- -- - - - -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - END USE 1-124950 NW7 135 52-56 Nephritic. Unshaped. ONLY ON 36"-48" (54 av.) Naturally smooth and ONE END roundish. Looks like OF ROCK hammerstone. End worn. _________-_____________________________________________________________ END USE 1-125581 SE6 170 41X65 Flattish, elongate. ON 12"-24" Flattish Unshaped. Both ends worn. BOTH 1-125182 NE3 210 60X90 Stream-worn cobble. Very EODS 40" Flattish slight wear at both ends. OF COBBLE 1-125295 NE6 185 Roundish Stream-worn cobble. Very 60"-72" 67X70 slight wear at both ends. 1-133513 C3 140 Roundish Stream-worn cobble. Very 17" 49X54 slight wear at both ends. 1-124901 NW4 140 Roundish Stream-worn cobble. Very 011-1211 4(X47 slight wear at both ends. 1-133550 C8 100 44X67 Stream-worn cobble. Very 37" Flattish slight wear at both ends. ?______________________________________________________________________ FAR TOO 1-133539 C4 (100) 62X65 Granitic. Distal end of FRAGMENT- 12" at break unshaped rock. Worn. ARY TO 1-133541 A9 (90) 30X35 Granitic. Distal end of CLASSIFY 12" at break unshaped rock. Worn. 1-124999 SW3 (130) 6QX65 Stream-worn cobble. Very 60"-72" at break slight wear on the end. ?______________________________________________________________________ * Several pestles are illustrated in Figure 10. OVERALL WORKING AND CYLIND- RICAL SHAPE --- ------------------------------------ M-- 197 TABLE 11 SC?E DATA ON 4 HOPPER MORTARS FRCM SITE MNT-281* Diameters (mms.) POUNDING-HOLE Diameter Depth (mm. ) (mms. ) Descriptive Remarks 1-124885 NW1 24" 1-125174 NE2 19" 1-133678 Cl 28" 150 180 X 220 (sub- circular) 100 (Broken across the pounding hole) 110 260 X 300 (sub- circular) 85 X 90 (almost circular) 70 15 Granitic. Roundish water-worn cobble. Asphaltum around edge of hole. 8 Fragment of flattish, circular cobble. Asphaltum around edge of hole. 80 30 Ring of asphaltum, about 5 mms. thick, and 50 to 60 mms. in width, is around the hole. 1-125006 NWll 72" 200 250 135 40 Very round boulder, with an asphaltum- edged hole in one surface. * Several hopper mortars are illustrated in Figure 10. UCMA number Pit & Depth Height (mms.) ---------------------------------- --------- ------------n---------- ----------------------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------------------- 4J 0 o (1) (a 0 r4J rZ4 Co 0 X U) Co Co 00 H 0) .n ^ (a C ) Id O4- 4 Co 60o OcU 0 P40 cr oN Nc '.4 CC O O o N 4 ro o o ~ U, N 4N '< 4 - 4 H N H Cl, H~~~Cl Lr) r-l f4 tl CN H- H ur4 Cl U,) Hn Hr I N &4 ) I 0l I 1 ! u 0 lou H 04 H * .IJ ,Q Q 0A Q 0 C Po 4 0 4 . Cd ,D ) a r40 0 N04-lcN H4O 0 * N4I N r0 C Cn o ~~~~~r r H 6 0 0 qd 4 4- r U2 X 412 X CD 0 4-i 0 u] r H C c) 0 04 H a) >- U) U) co %.-O c1 4 M 04- 0-dC Cd ON 4-J4.J 4J j c ' ro (a o~~~b 60 0 I 4 X< 0 60 600 I~~~~~~~~- n m) r m CY) LI) U) : V)~ -4 (Cl), V - I 0 r-? Co 0 00 0 4- I cn cn H r04 r4 r H r- I~~~~1 o- UNCS V & 4 I0 _z~tri O<: C~ I Cl,I N ~~~~~ ' 0 N c?C~ l I C1X H U, U, U, I U ) U , C l Cl C l I N N Cl Cl (l I I I I H H H H3 ! uz CQ) 198 00 E-4 N <4 H ? q E-q H c0 N H P4 z44 0 U) 4 Co e44 0 4-I 'I-i U Co U) .Co Co cn 60C_ p E *,-I Ci 0 0 0 0 -, 0 0 Cd 4-I 4 C Cd oj I rd 4-I N 0 o C)X d a, *iI R Co 4-l c) 1. 0 E- 4O 00 00 0 0 4 4 4O 0 H 00 10 O 00 r4 In ULf C CY) l O~~~~~l Ne 0 rt% 4; "N -d c HI-4H I:4 1 ) I H-H I -10 I I II 199 ,I C.) I Q I I i I ? 1 0 I I I E I *i- I a) I CO I a) I I a I 4) I I 9- I a) I iI I Q. I a) I ~~~~ I~ 0 10 I ~~~ I~ 4~J I r I H I cp I * I r . 1 I PF I r4 I ? I I 0 I I W I *,1 1 I CW) P? I *d9 I *H I a) I *rl rl I I 0c I I , I I U) I cX I .1 S a) I I a)'Id1W I wi I I C) I > UI C o I C)~~a 0)Iil I 0 1, *iCd I ! I U\ I 4I a Q ) I -r4 Ln rr4r-1 a)I I I I ~~~~~~~~n :I I C Ir U cq I -rCe)I 0'd I 00 I Cn I 00 )I II I I a)4 IO I I I tXo I I X W (n I I I I I 4OJ Cd O I I4-JI I 60 rb I 0I0b P I I I I I I I I a),l I I I I I I I ..) I. o I Q I I I 1 1 4d I 0 Ic I 0 I I >X RI CN ICO I HN I * I O *-1-/ II ,-) I I 0 t I X I I I I) r.I I I I I - O I I I I I I a ? I ~I I I I - O~~~ I I . I I I I0a I I 1 X I 00 I a) I b I :S EfI I (N I I i Cd I 4 I e R k I U N I 1 H - I ,c I -1 ) I I ) I I I I I 4 I 200 TABLE 13 ItATAC ON 8 SINKER STOtES FRC1M BOTH WIOW CREEK SITES* UCMA Pit & GROOVE ALONG: SECONDARY USE: number Depth long short Haer- Cooking- Descriptive axis axis stone stone remarks Mnt-282 1-124778 AlO x Fist-sized, 50" igneous and 1-124779 A10 x x metamrphic 56" rock, with 1-124849 A14 x x a complete 48" equatorial- 1-124851 B9 x x groove that 34" was pecked 1-124850 A14 x x into the 48" surface. 1-124848 A13 x No nephrite, 40"1 serpentine. Mnt-281 1-125604 SE6 PECKED Dimensions: 0"1-12"s NOTCHES 67x53x20mms. 1-125551 SE5 NATURAL Hole-edges show 24"-36" HOLE pecking, wearing. * Several sinker stones are illustrated in Figure 11. TABLE 14 MEASUREMENTS OF 7 RUBBING STONES AT SITE MNT-281* -----------------------------T------------------------------ UCMA Pit & Length Thickness Width number Death (mms0) (ins.) (mms.) Descriptive remarks 1-125009 NE2 135 30 115 Each stone is ovid to 36" circular in shape. 1-124904 NW3 100 30 100 No pecking is noted. 0"f-24"1 One or both surfaces 1-125023 No 100 35 90 are very clearly location rubbed and smoothed. 1-125068 NE3 90 35 90 BURNED 12"1-24" 1-133549 C2 85 25 85 BURNED 12"1-18" 1-125396 NE4X 85 40 80 ASPHALT 50" 1-125185 NE6 105 30 100 ASPHALT 48" * Several rubbing stones are illustrated in Figure 11. 201 TABLE 15 DATA ON 27 MISCELLANEOUS LITHIC PIECES AT BOTH WILLOW CREEK SITES* Artifact UCMA Deipth Some descriptive remarks about artifact to __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Mnt-281: FIBROUS 1-124945 MINERAL SW3 White. Both ends battered. 105 mm. long. 48"-60" 37 mm. wide. 20 mm. thick. SCHIST 1-125130 NE5 Fractured lengthwise. All except broken FRAGMENT 48"-60" edge are rubbed. 70 mm. long. 4 mm. thick. 1-125158 NE4 Deepened fracture-plane grooves, ground. 14" Crudely flaked ends. 230 x 90 x 25 mm. 1-124989 NWl Layered to form two flat surfaces. Edges 70" battered. Diameter 100 mm. 12 mm. thick. STEATITE 1-124915 NW3 Natural holes. Also hole pecked through FRACXENT 0"-12" smoothly ground surface. -2nd broken. PERFOR- 1-125118 ATED SLAB AWL 1-133551 SHARPENER CHIPPED 1-125463 STEATITE TEXTILE 1-133533 IMPRESSION FIBRE 1-125388 IMPRESSION NE5 Fractured lengthwise through hole pecked 60"-72" from both sides. 167mm. long. l0mm. thick. C3 Flat slate pebble, with groove cut into 30" one surface, across short axis. Fist-size. SE2 Flat oblong, 75 x 38 mm., 4 mm. thick at 36"-48" narrow end (10 mm. at wide end). Chipped. E5 Nephrite pebble smeared with asphaltun, 6"-12" showing textile-like impressions. NE8 Fibre impressions in asphaltum lump, 24"-36" formed around a stone fragment. NE5 21" SE2 12"-24" C2 24" NE1 20" NE3 48"-60" D6 14" NE3 36"-48" See below for data on two such stones covered by asphalt at Mnt-282. FLAKED 1-133566 SERPEN- 1-133565 TINE 1-133535 CORE DISCS C6 C3 C2 12" 33" 48"1-52" Dia; 65x7Snn. 20mm.thick, taper sharp. Dia; 55x65mm. 15mm.thick, taper blunt. Dia; 55x6S. 25mm.thick, taper blunt. CHERT SIAB SIATE DISC ASPHAL- TUM COVERED STONES 1-125096 1-125350 1-133534 1-125018 1-125212 1-133532 1-125223 202 TA_BLE 15 (Cont'd.) Artifact UCMA Pit & Some descriptive remarks about artifact "type" nxmber Depth GRANITIC 1-125088 NW3 Ground. (Slingstone?) 45x50 mm. diam. GAMING(?) 36"-48"t STONES 1-125224 NE3 Ground. (Slingstone?) 47x50 mm. diam. 36"-48" 1-125409 SE2 Ground. (Hammerstone?) 56x70 mm. diam. 0"-12" ABRADING 1-125354 No Sandstone slab, 3mm. thick. Edge bevel- STONE location led by rubbing. 85x45mm. (See Mnt-282). -__ __ ___ __ ___ __ __ ___ __ ___ __ ___--------_ ___ __ ___ __ __ Mnt-282 ABRADING 1-124813 All Disc-shaped sandstone fragment. Surface STONE 56" smoothed; pecked edge, sharp shoulder. ASPHALTUM 1-124856 B9 Fibre impressions in thin asphaltum COVERED 30" on rock, size of child's fist. STONES - 1-125433 D2 Possible basket impressions on frag- IONRESs- 46" ment of big stone, partly capped by asphalt. -_______________________________________________________________________ * Several artifacts are illustrated in Figure 11l 203 TABLE 16 DATA ON 8 HANHERSTONES FRC? SITE MNT-282* UCMA Pit & Fist Small & Very BATTERED number Depth size elongate flat one both Descriptive end ends remarks 1-124852 B12 x x Sedimentary 63" 1-124855 BlO x x 36"1-48" 1-124854 A13 x x x Other end is 64" bevelled 1-125336 D2 x x Some asphalt 12" -24" covers rock 1-124853 B10 x x worn One end is 36"1-48" a bit worn 1-128787 (C-D) x x x 72" 1-125628 B10 x x x NEPHRITIC No depth (Only one!) * Several haiimerstones are illustrated in Figure 12. 204 TABLE 17 IDENTIFICATION OF 69 NEPHRITIC JADE HANMERSTONES AT SITE MNT-281* UCMA UCMA UCMA number Pit Depth number Pit Depth number Pit Depth 1-124890 No location 1-125357 No location 1-125577 SE3 24-36 1-124976 NW7 48-60 1-125358 No location 1-125580 SE5 12-24 1-124978 NE3 36-48 1-125359 No location 1-125587 SE4 24-36 1-124985 NE2 12-24 1-125360 No location 1-125594 SE3 36-48 1-124986 NW6 48-60 1-125361 No location 1-133496 B9 22 1-124993 NE4 24-60 1-125367 NE8 30 1-133497 D6 6 1-124994 NE4 24-60 1-125368 NE8 30 1-133499 Cl 43 1-124995 NW5 30 1-125381 SE2 36-48 1-133500 Back-dirt 1-124998 SW3 60-72 1-125382 SE2 36-48 1-133501 B8 36 1-125000 SW3 60-72 1-125393 NE12 None 1-133508 B8 29 1-125022 SW3 48-60 1-125394 NE12 None 1-133509 B9 10 1-125059 No location 1-125395 NE12 None 1-133511 C8 29 1-125060 No location 1-125403 NE4X None 1-133512 C3 38 1-125111 No location 1-125406 NW13 24 1-133515 B9 11 1-125179 NE5 12-24 1-125407 NW13 24 1-133516 B8 36 1-125188 NEI 60-72 1-125473 NE6X 36-48 1-133518 C3 34 1-125220 NE3 48-60 1-125560 SE6 24-36 1-133520 D5 19 1-125242 NE2 24-36 1-125562 SE4 36-48 1-133525 E5 6-12 1-125273 NE4 36-48 1-125563 SE4 36-48 1-133526 B9 11 1-125311 NE2X None 1-125565 SE2 36-48 1-133528 B9 24 1-125312 NE2X None 1-125566 SE2 36-48 1-133529 B9 11 1-125320 NW12 0-24 1-125568 SE2 36-48 1-133530 A9 30 1-125356 NE8 45 1-125569 SE2 36-48 1-133531 E5 6-12 ?_____________________ - ----___? ---------- ------------------------- * These are very generalized artifacts. They vary in size from the small elongate pebbles to slightly larger than fist-size cobbles. Generally, the average size is that of a man's fist. At least 69 of them are nephritic jade. The following dozen are also nephritic in appearance: 1-124948 1-125155 1-125177 1-125184 1-125189 1-125190 1-125270 1-125550 1-125558 1-125605 1-133504 1-133527 No location No location NEI 66 NE2 24-36 NE1 60-72 NE6 48-60 NE4 40 SE5 24-36 SE3 12-24 SE6 0-12 C5 36 C8 24 A tentative typology of these hamerstones is proposed in Figure 12, where all 8 hamerstones from Mnt-282 are illustrated. 205 TAZBLE 18 IDENTIFICATION OF 48 NON-NEPHRITE HAMS MTONES AT SITE MNT-281* UCMA UCMA number Pit Depth number Pit Depth _______ _______ ______ _______ _______ ______ ______-_______ ______ NW3 0-12 NW7 48-60 NW7 48-60 NEI none NEI none NW5 30 SW3 60-72 NE5 24-36 NE3 12-24 SW5 24-36 NE3 48-60 NE5 48-60 NE5 36-48 NEI 62 NE6 24-36 No location NE8 12-24 NE8 12-24 NE8 12-24 NW13 none NE8 24-36 TE13 none NE4X none SE2 0-12 1-125410 1-125413 1-125417 1-125458 1-125461 1-125474 1-125554 1-125585 1-125595 1-125606 1-133495 1-133498 1-133502 1-133503 1-133505 1-133506 1-133507 1-133510 1-133514 1-133517 1-133519 1-133521 1-133522 1-133523 SE2 SE2 SE2 SE2 SE1 SE2 SE3 SE4 SE3 SE5 B8 C2 C2 B8 C2 C3 A9 A9 A9 D4 C8 B8 C2 C2 0-12 24-36 24-36 24-36 66 12-24 12-24 24-36 36-48 ca.48 27 18-24 30 43 18-24 21 12 8 27 36-43 40 47 50 30-36 * A tentative typology is proposed in Figure 12. 1-124912 1-124975 1-124977 1-124981 1-124982 1-124996 1-124997 1-125003 1-125067 1-125087 1-125129 1-125131 1-125145 1-125187 1-125231 1-125233 1-125289 1-125290 1-125291 1-125301 1-125365 1-125397 1-125404 1-125408 206 TABLE 19 WEIGHTS AND LOCATIONS OF 22 CHERT OBJECTS AT SITE MNT-282* UCMA Depth Weight UCMA Depth Weight number Pit (ins.) (grams) number Pit (ins.) (grams) 1-124788 A10 64 12.76 1-124828 All 72 21.85 1-124789 A10 62 14.76 1-124863 A14 46 14.78 1-124790 A10 64 13O06 1-124865 B12 50 21.62 1-124791 All 59 55.26 1-125254 Dl 0-12 27.54 1-124792 A9 56 26.98 1-125259 Cl 0-12 17.97 1-124793 All 65 18.35 1-125260 Cl 0-12 23.46 1-124794 All 60 42.95 1-125337 D2 12-24 5.99 1-124795 A10 54 40.97 1-125434 D2 46 6.71 1-124796 A9 50 57.30 1-125438 D2 12-24 7.73 1-124826 A9 73 74.47 1-125495 Cl 60-72 11.52 1-124827 A12 70 22.30 1-125496 Cl 60-72 11.43 _____________________ -- ___ ___ ___________________________________________ * Several pieces are sketched in Figure 13, since they are a bit too generalized for arranging into specific tool-types, that is, each may have a variety of functions: knife, saw, scraper, blade blank, etc. Cores and flakes are all worked to some degree, but not all of them exhibit any secondary trimming. TABLE 20 WEIGHTS AND LOCATIONS OF 40 CHERT OBJECTS AT SITE MNT-281* UCMA Depth Weight UCMA Depth Weight number Pit (ins.) (grams) number Pit (ins.) (grams) --------------------------------------------------------------__------- 1-124892 NW3 24-36 6.70 1-125552 SE5 24-36 4.72 1-124893 NW3 24-36 16.36 1-125552 SE5 24-36 6.80 1-124897 SW3 12-24 10.94 1-125555 SE3 12-24 25.43 1-124899 NW4 12-24 10.14 1-125555 SE3 12-24 37.44 1-124943 NW5 12-24 48.30 1-125556 SE3 12-24 68.33 1-124992 NW10 48-60 25.79 1-125575 SE3 24-36 30.44 1-125013 NWl 48-60 15.86 1-125576 SE3 24-36 19.45 1-125061 No location 7.68 1-125583 SE4 24-36 32.63 1-125109 NE4 0-12 8.39 1-125584 SE4 24-36 25.45 1-125230 NE6 24-36 23.56 1-125586 SE4 24-35 3.86 1-125228 NE2X 48 6.10 1-125601 SE6 0-12 20.25 1-125293 NE8 12-24 34.77 1-125602 SE6 0-12 7.46 1-125296 NW13 None 111.00 1-125603 SE6 0-12 21.22 1-125300 NW13 None 21.50 1-133553 D6 12 39.82 1-125302 NW13 None 7.10 1-133555 C4 12 54.44 1-125352 SE2 12-24 12.52 1-133556 B8 38 32.10 1-125392 NE6X 12-24 14.85 1-133557 C4 5 33.10 1-125457 SE2 24-36 70.43 1-133558 B9 34 8.41 1-125475 SE2 12-24 17.71 1-133560 C6 12 13.41 1-125552 SE5 24-36 21.95 1-133561 Cl 31 43.36 * Some of these very generalized artifacts are made of agate. Only a few of these are sketched in Figure 13, since they approximate the chert objects at Mnt-282, that is, they are virtually nondescript, but Tworked to form cuttine edee 207 TABLE 21 IDENTIFICATION OF 8 NONDESCRIPT CHOPPER-SCRAPPERS AT MNT-282* UCMA Depth number Pit (ins.) Some attempt at description 1-124859 BlO 54 All show wear on edges. None 1-128786 C-D 72 of these is made of chert or nephrite. Each has crude, deep 1-128788 C-D 72 percussion flaking. 1-124780 A12 40 Fire-cracked rocks. The large 1-124857 BlO 54 flakes have sharp edges that may have been functional, but there 1-124858 BlO 54 are no definite signs of any 1-125258 C2 0-12 use having been made of the likely cutting edges. 1-125340 Dl 12-24 ______ _____ _____ ______ _____ _____ _____ ______ _____ _____ _____ * None of' these are illustrated, but they resemble in variety the samples of nondescript chopper-scrapers at Mnt-281 - illustrated in Figure 13. 208 TA.BLE 22 ATTEMPT AT CLASSIFYING 79 NONDESCRIPT CHOPPER-SCRAPERS AT MNT-281* UCMA Depth UCMA Depth number Pit (inches) number Pit (inches) -__ -_ -__-_- __-_-_-__-_-__-_-_-__-_-__-_-_-______ ______ _____ 6 Nephritic-jade 72-84 None 48-60 core-choppers 1-124012 1-125183 1-133552 NW10 NE3 B9 2 Nephritic-jade flake-scrapers 1-125066 NE3 12-24 22 non-nephritic SW3 0-12 NW4 12-24 Surface NW3 0-12 NW1O 36-48 SW3 36-48 NW9 36-48 NW9 36-48 NES 48 NE3 12-24 NE5 36-48 49 non-nephritic NW7 0-12 NW1 1.2-24 NW1 12-24 NW3 12-24 NW1 24-36 SW2 24-36 NE4 None N19 48-60 NE3 12-24 NW3 36-48 NW3 36-48 NE3 48-60 NEI 30 No location NEI 66 NE3 36-48 NE3 36-48 NE3 36-48 NE3 48-60 NE3 48-60 NE3 48-60 1-125389 NEIO core-choppers 1-125234 1-125299 1-125306 1-125309 1-125316 1-125363 1-125383 1-125384 1-125391 1-125399 1-125590 36-48 No location NW13 None SE2 None NE2X None NE4 None NE8 24-36 SE2 36-48 SE2 36-48 NE10 36-48 NE13 None SE4 24-36 flake-scrapers 1-125283 1-125310 1-125321 1-125324 1-125326 1-125353 1-125364 1-125369 1-125370 1-125371 1-125372 1-125380 1-125390 1-125398 1-125400 1-125405 1-125414 1-125456 1-125567 1-125574 1-125591 NE3 NE2X NW12 NW12 NW13 SE2 NE8 NE8 NE8 NE8 NE8 NW13 NE10 NE13 NE13 NE4X SE2 SE2 SE2 SE3 SE4 60-72 None 0-24 0-24 None 12-24 24-36 48-60 48-60 48-60 48-60 None 36-48 None None None 24-36 24-36 36-48 24-36 24-36 1-124946 1-124984 1-125002 NW4 SE1 SW3 60-72 36 8 1-124896 1-124900 1-124902 1-124911 1-124944 1-124947 1-124990 1-124991 1-125079 1-125085 1-125146 1-124887 1-124888 1-124889 1-124903 1-124942 1-124951 1-124979 1-125020 1-125065 1-125089 1-125090 1-125120 1-125150 1-125156 1-125181 1-125205 1-125206 1-125210 1-125211 1-125213 1-125214 -- --- - - --- 1- - -- - - - --- ff- - - - 209 TABLE 22 (Cont'd.) UCMA Depth UCMA Depth number Pit (inches) number Pit (inches) 1-125265 NE4 60-72 1-125599 No location 1-125274 NE4 36-48 1-133546 C8 36 1-125282 NE3 60-72 1-133554 A9 28 ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ * These are very generalized tools. Some appear to be fire-cracked or accidentally fractured by natural agencies, but many show very definite signs of heavy use on one or more of the sharp edges, and some look deliberately flaked. A few may be broken hammerstones, used secondarily as choppers or scrapers. They are very variable. A small sample of these tools is illustrated in Figure 13.