25 UNIFACIAL COBBLE-TOOLS FROM THE NORTHWEST CALIFORNIA COAST: EXPERIMENTAL AND WEAR PATTERN NOTES Thomas R. Hester, Elizabeth Wuertele, and Robert F. Heizer 27 Archaeological sites along the northwest coast of California in the territory occupied at the opening of the historic period ,by the Yurok tribe have produced an iteresting series of unifacially chipped basalt cobbles. These artifacts are known from both excavated and surface contexts in Humboldt County (Fig. 1). The specimens described here are from the following sites: CA-Hum-169; CA-Hum-120; CA-Hum-118; CA-Hum-125; and CA-Hum-129. Site CA-Hum-169 is the historic Yurok site of Tsurai in Trinidad Bay (Waterman 1920: Map 34, p. 271; Heizer and Mills 1952; Elsasser and Heizer 1966). Site CA-Hum-120 is the historic Yurok village of Tsotkskwi (Waterman 1029: 265) where in 1948 a single test pit was excavated. Site CA-Hum-118 is now within the con- fines of Patrick's Point State Park. It was a hunting camp occupied into the historic period. It was excavated by the University of CalifoDrnia Archaeological Survey in 1949 (Elsasser and Heizer 1966). Site CA-Hum-126 isthehistoric Yurok site of Keken (Waterman 1920: 266). It was pothunted by a Eureka relic collector whose other activity was dentistry. In the summer of 1948 a University of California Archaeological Survey party dug two test pits here. Site CA-Hum-125 is the historic village of Maats (Waterman 1920: 266). The specimens recovered there came from the surface during a brief visit in 1948. Site CA-Hum-129 is the historic Yurok village of Tsapekw. At the time of a 1948 visit, there was a single occupant, an old Yurok named John Kirk who was born at Gold Bluff and who was apparently living there in order to protect the graveyard from depredation. He was willing to allow the excavation of two small test pits, and from these the specimens described here were recorded. Other materials found at the above listed sites all fall in the range of known Yurok material culture items. All the sites were presumably permanently occupied. For the way of life of the coastal Yurok see Waterman (1920); Kroeber (1925). Neither of these refer to the unifacial cobble choppers such as described here, perhaps because they were so commonplace that more exotic items were more interesting. THE ARTIFACTS Forty-seven specimens were selected for study (see Table 1). All are in the collections of the Lowie Museum of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley. In general, the artifacts are made on ovoid to elongate-oval cobbles of basalt (presumably secured from beaches in the area). On each, a unifacially chipped edge has been formed at one end by a series of percussion blows. The flaked ends of the cobbles exhibit working edges which range from oblique (Fig. 2, c), to straight or slightly convex (Fig. 4, b), to markedly convex (Fig. 3, b), or pointed (Fig. 7, b). The extent of flaking that went into the formation of the edge is also variable; in some instances (cf. Fig. 4, a), only a few flakes were detached. In other cases (cf. Fig. 3, a), specimens have been flaked over as much as half of one face. 28 We have illustrated 17 specimens in detailed line drawings prepared by Judith Ogden (Figs. 2-7); the only previous illustrations of which we are aware appear in Elsasser and Heizer (1966: P1. 16, c-f). These will serve to provide additional descriptive detail. Table 1 summarizes the dimensions and weights of the specimens, and also provides data on site provenience, catalog number, and individual wear patterns. Edge angle data as measured with a goniometer are also found in Table 1. Specimens with morphological and technological attributes similar to these California examples have been found in many parts of North America. In some regions, such as Alabama and the Southeast, somewhat smaller specimens are attributed to a "pebble tool industry" which some archaeologists believe to be of great antiquity. A recent reevaluation of these "pebble tools" is provided by Dragoo (1976: 7). In the Fraser Canyon of British Columbia, Borden (1968) found similar artifacts at sites thought to be of late Pleistocene age. He describes these Canadian specimens (illustrated in Borden 1968: Figs. 4-5) as "pebble tools" or "core tools made on well rounded river cobbles." Borden suggests a wide variety of functions for the implements, but notes that no wear pattern studies had been done, at that time, of his sample. Many of his specimens are closely similar in size and technique of manufacture to the Humboldt County arfifacts. AGE OF THE SPECIMENS Three radiocarbon age determinations from Humboldt County sites are rele- vant. Charcoal from just above the clay subsoil at site Hum-118 (Patrick's Point) gave an age of 640 + 90 years B. P. (1310 A. D. Elsasser and Heizer 1966). One age determination for Hum-67 peat which lies at the base of the Gunther Island site (Hum-67) gave an age of 900 A. D. (Heizer and Elsasser 1964: 35). This is sample M-938 (1050 + 200 years B. P. ). Most of the examples of unifacial cobble tools described here come from the surface of sites. A few from sites Hum-118 and Hum-67 show these to have been used sometime in the period of 1300 and 1400 A. D. and the abandonment of the site in the late nineteenth or early twentieth century. Cobble tools from the other sites are all named villages occupied into the twentieth century. So, these tools are recent, but we do not know how early they were used. EXPERIMENTAL AND WEAR PATTERN DATA In 1973, one of the authors (Wuertele) was a student in a seminar on experi- mental archaeology taught by Hester. Her research centered on the use of stone tools of various kinds which were presumably used in a variety of wood-working activities (Wuertele 1973). As a part of her experiments, Wuertele utilized two unifacially chipped basalt implements from Hum-67. These were both surface specimens and were resharpened and used for experimental purposes. The specimens were used on 29 redwood (Sequoia), the most common wood in the northwest coastal area. They were omployed by her in scraping, adzing, and chopping tasks. One specimen (tool #16 of Wuertele 1973) was used for a total time of 110 minutes, the other (tool #17 of Wuertele 1973) for 70 minutes. Tool #16 had an edge angle of 650, and tool #17 had one of 55 The use of tool #16 on redwood as a multipurpose tool for scraping, adzing, and chopping activities produced wear patterns on the edge in the form of nibbling and dulling. Tool #17, used solely for the chopping of redwood, resulted in dulling wear along the edge. We wish to point out that these experiments were part of a much larger project, and we have extracted these data simply because they are the only experimental results which we have available at this time. Also in 1973, Hester and Wuertele conducted a wear pattern and edge angle analysis of 47 of the unifacially-chipped cobbles. Wear pattern studies were done with the aid of a binocular microscope, with magnification powers up to 70X. During the recording of the wear pattern data, descriptive notations were made and measurements and weights for all specimens were recorded. This information is found in Table 1. We provide this detailed listing since we are unable to find any other published descrip- tions of this tool form in the California literature. As Table 1 indicates, the primary wear pattern repeatedly observed on the archaeological Humboldt County tools was dulling. This was often accompanied by abrasion (varying from highly localized areas of fine scratches to a near-polish) adjacent to the working edge but sometimes extending onto the dorsal (or occasionally, the ventral) flake scars. The striations, or major scratches, noted on the implements generally ran perpendicular to the working edge. Nibbling (step-fracturing) is also a recurrent wear pattern seen on the tools. An examination of the pertinent literature reveals little comparative data on the experimental use or wear pattern analysis of similar tools, exceptions being reports by Crabtree and Davis (1968: 428) and Phillipson and Phillipson (1970). The limited experiments of Wuertele (1973) suggest to us that the tools could function as choppers or, at times, in a combination of chopping- scraping-adzing tasks during the wood-working process. The dulled and step-fractured edges, along with ventral and dorsal abrasions of the flake scars along the working edge, suggest repeated imbedding of the tool edge into a material like wood (cf. Crabtree and David 1968: 428). The ventral striations on the tool may reflect the use of the implement in preliminary shaping or roughing-out of wood, perhaps in an adz- like fashion.. A review of the edge angle data (Table 1) reveals a clustering (34%) of edge angle values in the 550-640 range, although a substantial percentage of the tools (57. 9%) have edge angle values that are fairly evenly distributed if one examines 100 increments between 560-840. The mean edge angle for the series of 47 specimens is 68. 480. We have no evidence to indicate whether or not the Humboldt County tools were hand-held or were hafted, although we suspect it was the former. As noted above, the experimentally-used specimens were hand-held during the course of Wuertele's experiments. 30 During the life of the tool, there is ample evidence of a continuing process of rejuvenation or resharpening of the working edge. Once an edge became dulled, or had been step-fractured to the extent that it was no longer serviceable, the edge was re- sharpened (Crabtree and Davis 1968). This process involved the removal of flakes from the dorsal face of the edge, struck from the ventral surface (see Fig. 8, a). Occasionally, flakes were detached from the ventral face by blows struck perpendicular to the edge, similar to the "Retouch Method C" described by Shafer (1970: Fig. 2, e; compare with Fig. 8, b). A newly resharpened edge is sinuous and has pointed protru- sions (e.g., Fig. 6, d). The tools were obviously valued and underwent a series of resharpening episodes, each sequence leading, of course, to a reduction in size. Specimens like those shown in Fig. 2 may represent nearly-exhausted implements, due to repeated resharpening. ETHNOGRAPHIC COMPARISONS One interesting ethnographic observation regarding the use of similar cobble tools is provided by Mitchell (1958: 192). Among the Australian aboriginal groups on the New South Wales coast, the mainland of South Australia, and several other Australian localities, Mitchell notes the occurrence of "crude chopping and cleaving tools. and describes them as follows: "These comprise pebble choppers, either unifacial or bifacial types, used as hand axes and not made to be finished off by grinding. They are made from flattish pebbles of varying sizes by carefully flaking on one end, or on one or both lateral margins to obtain acute-angled working edges, . .. " (Mitchell 1958: 192). The following functional observations on these pebble choppers is also provided by Mitchell: "Utilizing a pebble chopper, a sapling eleven Inches in circumference was cutdown in four minutes". Tindale (1941) has also recorded the use of crude hand axed by the natives of Western Australia. These tools, made by flaking an edge on a large flat boulder were used for cutting down trees. Tindale notes that a sapling six inches in diameter could be cut down in two minutes. The tools were retrimmed as they became dull through continued use. SUMMARY In this paper we have described a distinctive series of unifacially flaked basalt artifacts from the northwest coast of California. Although numbers of these 31 tools have been collected from sites in the region (particularly in Humboldt County), they have not previously been the subject of detailed description. A sample of 47 specimens from the collections of the Lowie Museum of Anthropology was scrutinized for wear pattern evidence. Characteristic use-wear included dulling of the working edge, nibbling or step-fracturing resulting from use, and abrasions of flake surfaces caused by repeated contact with the material(s) being worked. Edge angle measurements suggest that a steep working edge was preferred by the aboriginal tool-user. This observation is borne out by evidence of repeated resharpening of the working edge during the life of the tool. As a part of the overall study of these artifacts, brief experiments were conducted. While these were too limited in scope to be conclusive, the use-wear found on the tools after thfe experimental working of redwood were found to be quite similar to that occurring on the archaeological specimens. We cannot, with such preliminary data, offer any substantive interpretations as to the function of this tool form. However, the combined analytical and experimental data, when supplemented by published studies, such as that of Crabtree and Davis (1968), lead us to suggest that these implements were used as choppers or some functionally- related task (such as occasional scraping or adzing) in the wood-working process. We do not know whether they were used in certain specific acitvities or whether they might have indeed seen use as multi-purpose implements. The uniformity of the wear pattern data would seem to be indicative of the former. We can only hope that the publication of the descriptions and wear pattern data in this paper will spur others to carry out more sophisticated experimental studies involving this tool form. Certainly a more careful examination of the context of these tools in future archaeological investigations in the northwest coastal area will aid in a more meaningful functional interpretation. 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Cd tg 0 O4) *-6^ Co Cd Cd C) O_4 "0 P _ av a)a() .-I S. a)a CI3 4.) a)- 4p0~ ~Co Cd 0 Co 0 ._4 Cd p0 ICea _ M Cd *^? ea) C3.fIV pop ~.. 00 00 0 0 00 0 0 00L 0 o t- 00 00 Cq O CD CD tCoC Co 00 C0 C c~C; Co4 L 00 H t Co 4 t- Om Cd C, Cd a) C a) a2= o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o- ;4 4j rg z 0 00 0 0 0 L O LO 0 C L F b Co . t-CY3 q -4 ; 04 * S *- 0 to 5f 5 i-I 100 O C> r1L- c CD t4 00 o;0 00 0 0 0 0 C0 0 0 Co CY) 04 0C '-4 0 CD '-I I 0 to CD 00 '-I 00 CLf Co 00 Co 00 00 0 r 0000o LO 0 0 * * * 00 c 0 cDc 00 I- 0y-; CoV-- Co 00 00 1-I 0 'I CQZ co C% r-l 0 ul: to 00 00 0 cq 0 m t CD t- '-4 CD0CDCD 0CD i-4 CD0 ~I I rq r4 r- r- r- - 33 P-4 01 . ? 0 00 00 .0 00 Co a) Q) a) Cd a) a) NO 0 a-) 4-) *I a) Co 4) 4-b1 -p4 a) Co a) a) 4.) a) * S b~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C a) 00 0 OC LO b et-O * *; *; t o O- co C. 00 00 * 0 00 000 CD CD C 00 0 00 00 to 00 CD CD C.0 0 CD 4.) ba o . 0 tO 0 00 Lo m 00 Co 0 0 t:- to Co C0 T-l CD cq LO . to 0 0 CD 00 Co 0 0 00 . to 00 'I 0 8 CD 00 0 0 '-I to CD L0 L-I a 00 C.0 00 mt . .~ p CD 00 Co 0 CD CD CD 00 0 I '-4 0 cq 0 0 '-4 CD 00 CoD 0 0 CD Col cO CD ri m CD CQ CD C1I rI y Co Co 00 0 I I z C0 00 Co' 0 0 C0 CI Q0 cq CD Czj Cq CS) 34 BIBLIOGRAPHY Borden, C. E. 1968 Crabtree, D. E. 1968 Dragoo, D. W. 1976 A Late Pleistocene Pebble Tool Industry of Southwestern British Columbia. In: Early Man in Western North America (C. Irwin- Williams, ed.). Eastern New Mexico University, Contributions in Anthropology 1(4): 55-69. and E. L. Davis Experimental Manufacture of Wooden Implements with Tools of Flaked Stone. Science 159 (3813): 426-428. Some Aspects of Eastern North Airmerican Prehistory: A Review 1975. American Antiquity 41(1): 3-27. Elsasser, A. and R. F. Heizer 1966 Excavation of Two Northwestern California Coastal Sites. University of California Archaeological Survey No. 67: 1-149. Berkeley. Heizer, R. F. and A. B. Elsasser 1964 Archaeology of Site Hum-67, the Gunther Island Site in Humboldt Bay, California. University of California Archaeological Survey Report No. 62: 5-122. Berkeley. Heizer, R. F. and J,E. Mills 1952 The Four Ages of Tsurai: A Documentary History of the Indian Village on Trinidad Bay. University of California Press, Berkeley. Mitchell, S. R. 1959 The Woodworking Tools of the Australian Aborigines. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 89: 191-199. Phillipson, L. and D. Phillipson 1970 Patterns of Edge Damage on the Late Stone-Age Industry from Chiwemupula, Zambia. Zambia Museums Journal 1: 50-75. Shafer, H. J. 1970 Tindale, N. B. 1941 Notes on Uniface Retouch Technology. American Antiquity 35(4): 480-487. The Hand Axe Used in the Western Desert of Australia. Mankind 3(2): 37-41. 35 Waterman, T.T. 1920 Yurok Geography. University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 16: 177-314. Wuertele, E. 1973 The Experimental Use of Stone Tools in Woodworking. Unpublished manuscript; on file, University of Texas at San Antonio. 36 -43 0 4bD 0 0 0 0~~~~~~~p 0 C.)0 z g . 00 U t4 E- Cd S Q) 0 -4 *Cd .Fe 0 i _, X 4, o a4 z 0 LL I u 0 -J >. Oi~- m z I O _ 4) ,r4 X ro Ca ro . 0.4 ;3 cd .r4 M k E-A 37 a o a: 0~ e ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~m , O QY -4~ cdI 54 C 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~40 18 1 t1 Q^1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*- (U 38 a b Figure 3. Unifacial Cobble Tools, Humboldt County, California. a, 1-72198 (Humn-118); b, 1-90422 (Hum-129). I I i 39 a 0 2 4 6 8 10cm b Figure 4. Unifacial Cobble Tools, Humboldt County, California. , 1-90363 (Hum-126); b 1-99149 (Hum-169). Figure 5. Unifacial Cobble Tools, Humboldt County, California. a, 1-99142 (Hum-169); b, 1-72181 (Hum-126); c, 1-115863 (Hum-169). 0 2 4 6 8 1Ocm __ _ o-- 40 a b c 41 d 1 2 3 4 5 CM Figure 6. Unifacial Cobble Tools, Humboldt County, California. a, 1-72095 (Hum-126); b, 1-98837 (Hum-169); c, 1-98668 (Hum-169); d, 1-98666 (Hum-169); e, 1-90427 (Hu-m-120). C e 42 O 1 2 3 4 5 CM a b Figure 7. Unifacial Cobble Tools, Humboldt County, California. a, 1-98805 (Hum-169); b, 1-90386-3 (Hu;m-126). 43 a b Figure 8. Resharpening Methods Observed on Unifacial Cobble Tools, Humboldt County, California. a, removal of nibbled (step-fractured) edge by removal of flakes from dorsal face; b, removal of dulled edge by detaching flake from ventral face.