65 STUDIES IN CALIFORNIA PALEOPATHOLOGY: IV. AN ACHONDROPLASTIC DWARF FROM THE AUGUSTINE SITE (CA-Sac-127) by J. Michael Hoffman with a radiographic interpretation by Dr. James 0. Johnston 66 67 INTRODUCTION That dwarfs, especially the achondroplastic variety, have occupied a promin- ent place in paleopathological studies for many decades cannot be denied. Numerous reports of prehistoric examples of dwarfs in general and achondroplastics specifically, represented by indirect artistic and/or direct skeletal evidence, have been summarized for both the Old World (Brothwell 1967; Janssens 1970; Ruffer 1921; Warkany 1971; Wells 1964, et al.) and the New World (Coe 1965; Corson 1972; Linne 1943; Proskouria- koff 1949; Snow 1943; Thompson 1970; and von Winning 1974, among others). Although the New World contains as many if not more artistic representations of dwarfs than the Old World, the latter has provided us with the majority of skeletal remains that can be considered prehistoric achondroplastics. Snow's (1943) review of prehistoric Native American dwarf skeletons indicates that this phenomenon was probably not so rare, given the number of specimens described. But as Brothwell (1967:434) notes, all specimens have been lost except for the two Moundville, Alabama, individuals reported in detail by Snow himself (1943). There has recently been brought to light a previously unreported prehistoric achondroplastic dwarf from central California, now housed in the collections of the Lowie Museum of Anthropology (LMA), University of California, Berkeley. Since this individual apparently represents only the third extant prehistoric achondroplastic dwarf skeleton from the New World, a full description, interpretation and comments bearing upon its importance are presented herein. This paper, then, represents the detailed reporting of this specimen first mentioned by Hoffman (1975: 3) in a prelim- inary note. Provenience The specimen (LMA catalogue #12-6670) was excavated in 1938 by a field crew from Sacramento Junior College under the overall direction of Prof. J. B. Lillard. The locality, known as the Augustine Site (CA-Sac-127), is generally located one mile south of Sloughhouse, Sacramento County, California, or about 18 miles southeast of the city of Sacramento. The Augustine Site was initially excavated in 1933 by Sacra- Inaento Junior College which continued archaeological work at the site every year until 1938. Although a great deal of skeletal material was recovered during this period of time, the records relating to the individual under discussion are virtually nonexistent. The original field notes from the excavation (assembled by Franklin Fenenga in 1941 and now in the possession of the Archaeological Research Facility, UC-Berkeley, as MIs. 42) make no mention of the recovery of a dwarf except as the title for a photograph Of the post-excavated, articulated bones at the .end of the manuscript, "Sac-127. Final burial from 1938 diggings. 12-6670. " An examination of all the written notes from the 1938 field season fails to disclose any additional information, except for a comment dated May 21, 1938, by Lillard himself, "We found holes (test pits) made five years ago and excavated a few fragmentary and one well-placed burial" (Ms. 42, p. 169). We 68 cannot, however, assume this was the dwarf, even though May 21 was the last date in- cluded in the field notes. The end result is the inability to assign any chronological placement for the dwarf based on direct archaeological associations. However, two other indirect lines of evidence may help in the dating problem. As reported by Grady (1969), the original burial complex at the Augustine Site excavated by Sacramento Junior College during the 1933-1938 field seasons has been associated with the Late Horizon, Phase II (A. D. 1500-1800), of the central California archaeological sequence. Although we have no definitive documentation to support this, we might presume that the dwarf is part of that original complex. Addi- tionally, an examination of the general condition of the dwarfed skeletal remains is consistent with other known Late Horizon material from the Augustine Site (Dr. James Bennyhoff, personal communication), and not with more recently excavated material from the Rooney Extension (CA-Sac-127R) which supposedly comes from Middle Horizon components of the site (Grady 1969). We may very tentatively, then, posit that the dwarf is from the Late Horizon and not the Middle Horizon as originally reported (Hoffman 1975: 3). We must note, almost parenthetically, that since this specimen is so unique and valuable no destruction of the skeleton proper can be justified for absolute dating purposes at this time. 'Rediscovery' of the dwarf in the Lowie Museum It is difficult to ascertain the history of this skeleton after its arrival at the Lowie Museum in the 1940's. Original cataloguing information indicates that it was recognized as a dwarf at the time of accession but it apparently elicited no great interest for it was never, to our knowledge, formally reported in any publication. Discussions with museum personnel and other osteologists who have worked with the museum's skeletal collections indicate that various people knew of its existence at intermittent times over the last decade or more; given this knowledge it is still difficult to under- stand why such a unique and valuable individual was never formally reported. In addition, at some point in the past (probably since its arrival at the Lowie Museum), the individual was reconstructed and fully articulated, possible for display purposes. When the skeleton was first brought to my attention in early spring, 1975, the results of the prior reconstruction were still quite evident. Individual plaster inter- vertebral discs had been made and the entire vertebral column glued together into four or five major segments. Various reconstructions were done in plaster, for the entire right innominate, portions of both femora and other miscellaneous areas. The three major long bones of each extremity were glued together in approximate anatomical position, as was the complete, partially reconstructed pelvis and the partial left tarsus. Before the morphological examination and description was begun, the skeleton was completely disarticulated by gently separating the vertebral elements from their plaster discs and soaking all glued parts in acetone to loosen and remove the polyvinyl-based cement. The reconstructed portions of the individual bones were left intact; these show up in the photographs as pure white areas and in various radiographs as solid radiopaque densities. 69 MOBRPHOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION In the following descriptions the general outline presented by Snow (1943) is followed; this aids the comparative study of the Moundville and Augustine dwarfs. They are, in general, very similar. Cranium The cranial vault is a large, rounded structure overshadowing a small face. Snow's (1943: 14) description of "bulging" is an apt designation. There is mild lamb- doid flattening, probably postural in origin. The cranial shape in norma verticalis most closely approximates the sphenoid category (Comas 1960, after Martin). Suture patterns vary from simple to complex. All sutures are intact exocranially except for the sagittal, of which only a one centimeter remnant remains anteriorly, and the left occipitomastoid which is obliterated. The frontal is high and broad with a very slight slope above the continuous brow ridges which are joined at a moderately developed glabellar eminence; there is moderate frontal bossing. The parietals are large with medium bossing, weakly developed temporal lines and a very small parietal foramen on the right side. The parieto-occipital articulations bilaterally are low when viewed laterally and give an appearance of a flattened (side to side) occipital. The occipital has a good curve from lambda to opisthion. The nuchal region is moderately rugged with a broadly-thickened area in the region of the external occipi- tal protuberance. The external occipital crest is well developed anterior to the inferior nuchal lines and is flanked by deep depressions (attachment sites for the rectus capitis Posterior minor mm.). The foramen magnum is very small, 3. 0 x 1. 8 cm (a-p x lat), having an ovoid shape posteriorly and virtually straight borders on either side anter- iorly. The cranial base around the foramen magnum is rather thick, especially at basion. The occipital condyles are curved and angled slightly outward posteriorly. There are bilateral, deep oval depressions situated posteriorly and somewhat lateral to the condyles; these form sites of secondary articulation of the atlas with the occipital, there being a bilateral, bulging development of the lateral masses of the atlas, postero- laterally, which fits nicely these post-condylar depressions. (See description of atlas below.) The depression on the left shows a smooth, round articular surface on its anterolateral aspect which corresponds to same on the left lateral mass of the atlas. The basilar portion of the occipital is markedly foreshortened and terminates in a rela- tively narrow basilar suture which is obliterated. In addition to being foreshortened, the cranial base is also compressed from side to side. Therefore all the normally well-spaced canals and foramina of the cranial base exhibit severe crowding and gen- erally smaller size; there is nothing unusual about their morphological appearance except the crowding and reduced size of the individual structures. The sphenoid shows a reduced body size, shallow yet broad pterygoid fossae, and broad greater wings; there is a small posterior nasal aperture. The temporals show small squamae, moderately developed mastoid processes and relatively large, oval, deep mandibular fossae. The moderately thick tympanic plates enclose oval- shaped, straight external auditory meati; the latter are devoid of exostoses. The suprameatal crests are moderately developed and extend to the parietomastoid sutures; zygomatic processes are rather thick. The zygomatic bones are also relatively thick and show moderate anterior and lateral projections. The suborbital fossae are deep with shallow lateral notches. The intact nasal bones are flat, short and broad with a transverse depression running across their middle, thus giving a concave appearance when viewed laterally. The left nasal sill is fairly sharp, the right dull; there is a small, partially eroded, nasal spine. The nasal aperture is short, broad and roughly oval in outline. Alveolar prognathism is pronounced, while the upper face appears recessed. As Snow (1943: 14) notes, "This, along with the depressed nasal root, gives the general facial profile a concavity, typical of this type of dwarf (Dish-faced)." The mandible is of medium size with a well-formed mentum and moderate alveolar prognathism. The two genial tubercles are small. There are well-developed mylohyoid ridges and the mylohyoid grooves are bridged bilaterally. The mandibular foramina are large. The gonial regions show rather strong muscle markings inside and outside; there is moderate gonial eversion. Dentition The following chart summarizes the maxillary and mandibular dentitions. Right Left a a a ad ad ad ad ad ad ad 8 7 6 5A 3--2 1 1 . 2 3 A4 5 6 7 .8 8 7 6 5 4 3 21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ad ad ad ad ad s s a ad ad s s X - tooth lost antemortem / - tooth lost postmortem a - periapical abcess ad - alveolar dehiscence s - shovelling There is good edge-to-edge bite, but it is noted that the maxillary dental arcade has a slightly smaller transverse diameter overall than the mandibular arcade. There is mild-moderate alveolar resorbtion of both arcades. The anterior mandibular teeth show moderate crowding. There are no obvious caries, but slight calculus deposits on most teeth, and moderate-marked occlusal attrition with secondary dentine formation on most teeth. 71 Cranial pathologies There is an elevated, blister-like lesion, three centimeters in diameter, in the left posterior aspect of the frontal bone, circular to oval in outline. While the inner table is intact, the elevated outer table has been eroded away in the central portion of the lesion; the edges are irregular and rough and show very fine porosities extending 1-2 mm from the edge. The cavity of the lesion shows fine porosities throughout its surface. The cavity is deepest and undermines the outer table in an anteromedial direction; it is fairly smooth in overall outline except for a small part of its anterior wall which shows a slight ridge. Just medial to the elevated outer table is a slight, round depression, ca. 5-6 mm in diameter, which shows a pitted concavity. The major differential diagnostic possibilities include an epidermoid inclusion cyst or cranial hemangioma. Fine to relatively large porosities occur over much of the skull, the most prominent being in the nasal bones, the posterior parietals and the interparietal part of the occipital. Those in the latter two areas are generally 1-2 mm in diameter and expose the diploic bone of the vault. Dental pathologies are summarized above. Vertebral column The vertebral column is intact and contains the normal complement of verte- brae per region (7-12-5-5); there are no coccygeal vertebrae present. Generally the thickness of the individual vertebral bodies is normal thus producing a total column length which probably would have been within normal limits for this population were it not for the gross pathologies it manifests. Mild to moderate degenerative disc disease exists throughout, manifested by roughening and erosion of the articular surfaces of the centra with some spicular bone formation. The cervical vertebrae are generally unremarkable, with the following excep- tions. The atlas shows bulging posterolateral extensions of the lateral masses; that on the left shows a round accessory articular surface on its lateral aspect for articulation with the cranium (see description of cranium above). These bulging extensions of the lateral masses form a hood over the sulci for the vertebral arteries as they leave the transverse foramina and course posteromedially to cross over the posterior arch and enter the foramen magnum. The tuberosities for the transverse ligament of the atlas are very prominent, extending well into the vertebral canal and thus possibly restricting the rotary motion between the atlas and axis. The sixth cervical vertebrae has abifid transverse foramen on the right side. The seventh cervical has a small articular facet on the right superolateral surface of the centrum, probably for an anomalous unilateral cervical rib; correspondingly there is no right transverse foramen, only an unabridged groove. There is no cervical osteophytosis but the articular surfaces of the centra are generally concave and have erosions with bony spicules (indicating mild disc degeneration). 72 The first through the eighth thoracic vertebrae are generally unremarkable except for the concave articular surfaces of the centra and small spicules indicating some disc degeneration. T9 shows very mild lipping of the antero-inferior border of the centrum. T10 has mild anterior lipping of both the superior and inferior borders of the centrum; there is slight collapse of the centrum anterolaterally on the left which would have contributed to a slight kyphoscoliosis. Tll has a partial wedge-shaped centrum; there is moderate lipping on the superior border and marked on the inferior, the latter forming a broad platform with undulating edges. T12 is apparently hypoplastic (see radiographic interpretation by Dr. Johnston), having a true wedge-shaped centrum; there is marked lipping of both the superior and inferior borders on the right side which fuse together anteriorly. The first lumbar has a partial wedge-shaped centrum with marked osteophytic growth from the right anterolateral aspect of the superior border; there is mild lipping of the inferior border. L2 is partially wedge-shaped; L2 and L3 show mild anterior lipping. The combination of partial wedge-shaped and hypoplastic bodies of T10 through L2 produces a kyphogisof approximately 900 in the thoracolumbar region. The posterior surfaces of the centra of L4 and L5 are strongly concave. The inferior border of L5 is tilted upward and backward producing a centrum with a reversed wedge-shape, i. e., anterior body thicker than posterior; this, in combination with the angulation of the Si articular surface (see below) would have produced an extremely exaggerated lumbosacral lordosis. Overall there is a decreasing interpediculate space from Li through L5, accompanied by some increase in the anteroposterior diameter of the vertebral canal: thus the shape of the canal changes from flat and broad to long and narrow from Li through L5. See Table 1. The markedly constricted lumbar vertebral canal is further accentuated by the close approximation of the laminae of the posterior arch. TABLE 1 Lumbar Vertebral Canal Dimensions, in mm Interpediculate Anteroposterior Vertebra distance diameter Li 20 9 L2 18 9 L3 15 10 L4 15 10 L5 14 11 The 5-segment sacrum is virtually uncurved in profile. A portion of the right auricular surface and adjacent ala are missing (with a partial plaster reconstruction attempted by previous workers). The sacrum is long and narrow overall with a promin- ent promontory. When held with the anterior surface in a true vertical position the Si articular surface slopes backward approximately 450 (or with the Si articular surface in a horizontal plane the sacrum slopes backward 450); this Si angulation helps produce 73 the exaggerated lordosis noted above. The Si articular surface is also strongly concave and shows evidence of disc degeneration. The posterior sacral surface is deeply pitted at attachment sites of the sacroiliac ligaments. The left auricular surface is concave, especially inferiorly, rather undulating and with irregular borders. Pelvis The left innominate is intact; the right is represented only by a portion of the iliac crest. (We should remember that a right innominate had been reconstructed of plaster and the entire pelvic structure, innominates plus sacrum, glued together as a unit by previous workers.) This reconstituted pelvic structure demonstrated a pelvic inlet having a kidney-shape that was flattened anteroposteriorly with the sacral promon- tory so far advanced into the pelvic canal that vaginal childbirth would have been pre- cluded if this were a female. That this individual probably was a female is attested to by the following mnorphologic features of the pelvis: a very wide subpubic angle; a wide and broadly- curved greater sciatic notch; a very long pubis when compared to the ischium; and the presence of the three female criteria established by Phenice (1969): ventral arc, subpubic concavity and medial ridge of the ischiopubic ramus. There is a very prominent pubic tubercle with a sharp spine directed super- iorly. The left ilium is rather upright with little tendency toward lateral flaring. Of the three pelvic elements the ilium appears most greatly reduced in size; this is a general size reduction but appears most marked in the posterior ilium where there is an extremely small auricular surface. The acetabulum is shallow and ovoid in outline with a deep acetabular fossa and a somewhat flattened acetabular roof. Muscle attach- ments sites are well marked. When the sacrum is articulated with the left innominate, and the latter placed in approximate anatomical position, the sacrum assumes a nearly horizontal position. This again is part of the complex leading to an exaggerated lumbar lordosis. Sternum The large manubrium, partially damaged, is broad and unfused to the body (although it is presently glued to the latter). The body is short and broad, especially in the inferior half, and strongly curved when viewed laterally, thus presenting a convex anterior surface. All costal notches are deeply impressed. There is no xiphoid. Ribs The ribs are generally short and strongly curved, thus reducing the antero- posterior thoracic diameter. The sternal ends are broad and flaring. There are strong mnuscle markings. 74 Clavicles These are essentially normal in appearance, but rugged and perhaps slightly short. They are well-curved and possess strong muscle and ligament attachment sites. Scapulae Both scapulae are intact except for slight, minor damage (the right coracoid process and portion of the glenoid cavity have been previously reconstructed in plaster). Although small they are rugged with strong muscle attachment sites. The left scapula has a deep scapular notch, the right a rather large foramen. The vertebral borders are moderately convex, with axillary borders moderately concave. The glenoid cavities are very shallow and roughly teardrop-shape in outline. Post-cranium The long bones show the most dramatic disturbances; they are short but with stout shafts, deformed, and with well-developed muscle markings. The left and right bones are essentially mirror images (reflecting the generalized, symmetrical nature of the dysplasia) so that the specific descriptions can be generalized to both bones. Humeri Both humeri are intact and can be characterized as having extremely short, robust shafts and flaring distal ends; their general appearance is similar to those of the Moundville individuals. The inferior borders of the humeral heads extend down- ward, thus giving a mushroom appearance to the inferior half of the heads where they are attached to the anatomical necks. The greater and lesser tuberosities are promin- ent, separated by a broad, shallow intertubercular groove. The groove, as it continues down the shaft, is bordered by broad, rugged crests for the attachment of teres major, latissimus dorsi and pectoralis major muscles along the anteromedial and anterolateral borders of the upper shaft. The large deltoid tuberosity on the posterolateral border of the shaft terminates just at midshaft. These large, rugged crests and the deltoid tuberosity give the proximal shaft a greatly expanded diameter compared to the more diminutive distal shaft. Additionally, the shafts are bowed in such a way as to present a concavity (especially in the distal part) when viewed anteriorly which serves to thrust the whole distal articular end forward away from the shaft. There are no radial fossae and only small coronoid fossae, the latter on the right humerus being more deep impressed than the left. The olecranon fossae are narrow, oval slits, very deep and extending somewhat superiorly. The trochlea are broad and shallow anteriorly and as they contiinue posteriorly become deep V-shaped grooves. The capitular surfaces become narrowed inferiorly and generally show less articular surface thani in normal individuals. The most inferior surface of the capi- tulum shows a smaill (10 x 6 mimii) shallow oval depressioa in which fits the mredial edge 75 of the radial head when the radius is in the standard anatomical position, 1. e., supinated; apparently the radial head was dislocated normally, a not uncommon clinical finding in achondroplasia. The medial epicondyles are prominent, show a constricted base infer- iorly, and greatly add to the flaring of the distal hurneral extremities. UTlnae Both ulnae are present and intact. The olecranon processes are short and thick with broad superior aspects which taper backward and downward; the anterior spines are sharp but because of the narrow, restricted opening of the deep olecranon fossae they do not project very far into the latter structure. This bony obstruction leads to the inability to fully extend the forearm at the elbow; the carrying angles in the living indi- vidual are estimated at 1350 on the left, 1300 on the right. The trochlear notch is sharply divided by a median ridge into a large medial and smaller lateral aspect. The lateral aspect of the trochlear notch, at a line separating the olecranon and coronoid components of the notch, presents a discontinuity representing a nonarticular surface. This discontinuity is a groove which extends posteriorly, and somewhat laterally, to end in a deep oval pit situated just above the posterior end of the rather flat, poorly defined radial notch. The supinator crest is moderately developed on the right ulna, mildly on the left. Anterior to each crest is an oval depression, well-marked on the right, less on the left, which Snow (1943: 28) stated was for the origin of the supinator muscle. Normally only the more posterior aspect of this depression is for the origin of the supinator. In this instance when the humerus, ulna and radius are all articulated the depression comes to hold the very prominent radial tuberosity when the radius is brought into pronation. The upper 1/4 to 1/3 of the shafts posteriorly possesses a sharp, crest-like border most prominent superiorly. Generally the shafts are moderately well developed but with only poorly developed interosseous crests. The medial surface of the distal shaft shows a prominent, posteriorly curving crest for the attachment of the pronator quadratus. The posteriorly positioned styloid processes are nearly as large as the ulnar heads and are separated therefrom by a deep notch. Radii The two malformed radii are intact except for the loss of the right radial head and neck. The circumference of the left radial head is roughly circularly in outline. The superior articular surface is very shallowly depressed overall with a deeper central depression which comnprises hardly more than a quarter of the diameter of the head. Anterolaterally the articular surface angles downward some 45 0 The whole radial head is angled backward 300 and slightly laterally, the angulation reflecting the direction the radial neck takes from the main shaft. The neck itself is very short. The large, prominent radial tuberosity has its greatest diameter in a transverse direction and the 76 prominence is accentuated by the angulation of the neck on the shaft. In the anatomical position the radial tuberosity projects roughly anteromedially. The shafts exhibit moderate lateral bowing which again serves to accentuate the prominence of the radial tuberosity and the angulation of the head and neck. Both shafts exhibit an anteroposterior flattening with prominent medial and lateral borders in the second fourth of their length. Distal to this flattening the shafts are prismatic and gradually expand in size as they progress distally. The distal ends of the radii seem overly large compared to the short relatively modest shafts. There are prominent tubercles for attachment of the brachioradialis and extensor carpi radialis brevis muscles. The ulnar notch is well developed but shallow. The prominent styloid process serves to give a moderate curve to the distal articular surface. Metacarpals Three metacarpals are present: left second, and right second and third. All are reduced in length some 15-20% and have thin shafts. The normal longitudinal con- cavity of the palmar surfaces is rather exaggerated and is especially noticeable in the distal 1/2 to 1/3 where the curvature becomes greatest. Although the metacarpals are more curved than normal, it is much more apparent in the palmar concavity than in the dorsal convexity. This is due in part to the overall shortening of the shaft which accen- tuates the concavity more because the radius of the concavity is reduced proportionately more than the radius of the convex dorsal surface. Femora Both femora are nearly intact except for the following features which have been previously reconstructed in plaster: the tip of the left trochanter, the right femoral head and neck and a small portion of the shaft distal to the lesser trochanter. The proximal ends are distinguished by the gross development of muscle and tendon attachment sites and short femoral necks. The left neck-shaft angle is 1350. The femoral head does not seem overly large given the reduced size of the shaft. As in the Moundville dwarfs, the femoral heads appear mushroomed along their entire free border except for a small extension of the head anterolaterally onto the femoral neck. As noted the femoral neck is short and of relatively small diameter except where the extension of the head is applied to the neck. The left foveal depression is of normal size and thus appears relatively large due to the small femoral head upon which it is impressed. The greater trochanters are markedly developed with very deep trochanteric fossae. Anteriorly the greater trochanter ends in a well developed tubercle where the lateral band of the iliofemoral ligament attaches. There is hardly a suggested presence of an intertorchanteric line which consists of a small inferomedial roughness coming off 77 the tubercle mentioned above. Directly inferior to this tubercle is a shallow, circular depression about one centimeter in diameter. Posterior to the greater trochanter is a mildly developed quadrate tubercle which is connected to a greatly overdeveloped lesser trochanter via the elevated intertrochanteric crest. As Snow (1943: 41) notes, "the lesser trochanters extend medially as sharply defined finger-like processes. " Both femoral shafts are mildly bowed posteriorly and roughly quadrilateral in cross-section with the larger side anterior. Posteriorly the gluteal tuberosities are mnoderately developed and extend along the posterolateral border of the shaft rather than swinging medially to join the spiral (pectineal) line at the apex of the linea aspera. The spiral line itself is mildly developed and extends to where the.linea aspera would normally begin. There is no true linea aspera, only the posterior surface of the quad- rilateral shaft. This posterior surface is boundedmedially and laterally by the inferior extensions of the spiral line and gluteal tuberosity respectively. Inferiorly this pseudo- linea aspera broadens into the large, concave, distally-flaring popliteal surface. The distal femoral extremities are large, flaring, malformed structures. Most notable is the gross over development of the medial condyle (nearly twice the size of the lateral) which is separated from the lateral by a deep, narrow intercondylar fossa (slightly wider in its posterior than anterior aspect) which is discernible as much in an anterior view as a posterior one. The superior aspect of the patellar articular surface is greatly lengthened and there appears a depression in its uppermost part which is bordered superiorly by an overhanging lip of bone from the adjacent nonarticular meta- physis. The normal depression which separates the patellar articular surface into medial and lateral parts and which continues onto the inferior surface of the condyles is wholly confined to the superior half of the anterior condylar surfaces. The whole appearance of the distal extremity one receives is that of the entire condylar end being rotated 900 antero-inferiorly, thus bringing the intercondylar fossa forward and extend- ing the patellar surface superiorly. The medial epicondyle is broad and extensive while the lateral is relatively diminished in size (although fairly prominent in its lateral projection) with a prominent popliteal sulcus inferiorly. Tibiae Both tibiae are wholly intact and are distinguished by very prominent, flaring extremities and pronounced attachment areas for muscles, tendons and ligaments. As with the Moundville material the proximal ends of both tibiae show pronounced posterior retroversion or backward overhaDg. The condylar surfaces are intact with the medial being larger than the lateral. The medial condyle presents a fairly normal shape (very slightly concave) but the lateral is strongly convex in an anteroposterior direction such that the most anterior portion of the lateral condyle faces directly forward instead of Upward. In both tibiae the superior surface of the lateral condyle is some 2-3 mm above the superior surface of the medial condyle. 78 The tibial tuberosities are very prominent with the medial end of the left tuberosity ending in a small dimpled depression. There are well developed oval articular facets (1 x 1. 5 cm) on the posterolateral aspect of the inferior surface of the backward overhanging lateral condyle; these are for the fibular heads which fit very nicely. The shafts show slight bowing anteriorly, are of normal shape and just slightly smaller in diameter than normal. The soleal (popliteal) lines on the posterior surface of the upper shaft are moderately developed. The distal 1/3 of each shaft is curved very slightly medialward, possibly resulting in a slight varus deformity at the ankle. The distal extremities are relatively large with well developed, broad medial malleoli which appear to extend further medially than normal. The inferior articular surfaces are smooth with somewhat exaggerated normal undulations; the left has a deep, conical pit in the middle. The fibular notches bilaterally are well-formed, deep im- pressions with prominent anterior and posterior boundaries that form tubercles. Fibulae Both fibulae are intact and longer than their respective tibiae. They have well developed heads which are rather normal in appearance. They possess strongly ridged shafts with very prominent interosseous borders. The well developed distal extremities have deep malleolar fossae but no obvious lateral malleolar sulci for peroneal tendons except for very slight impressions on the most inferior part of the malleoli. Talus Only the left talus is present. It is generally unremarkable other than its slightly reduced size from normal (it would probably fall within the lower range of normal size for females). The neck appears to be slightly shortened in its anteropos- terior length. The articular surfaces are of normal arrangement and configuration. There is a slight porosity and roughening in the central region of the navicular articular surface which probably represents beginning degenerative joint disease at the talon- avicular joint. Calcaneus Only the left calcaneus is present and like the talus, is rather unremarkable except for a slightly reduced size. Comparison with other calcanei indicate that the reduced length is accounted for primarily by reduction of the body, the posterior element of the calcaneus. The peroneal trochlea is very prominent in its lateral projection. The configuration of the articular surfaces is within the normal range of variation. 79 Cuboid The slightly reduced in size left cuboid is of normal configuration. There is an articular facet on the tubercle for the sesamoid bone sometimes found in the peron- eus longus tendon. Metatarsals Only the left fifth metatarsal remains; it is moderately shortened but of normal configuration and is not bowed like the metacarpals. RADIOGRAPHIC INTER PRETATION The following radiographic description, interpretation and differential diag- nosis is by Dr. James O. Johnston, Chief, Department of Orthopedics, The Permanente Medical Group, Oakland, California. Dr. Johnston's time and interest in this case are gratefully acknowledged and appreciated. On a lateral projection of the skull, not seen is the typical appearance of hydrocephaly and frontal bossing that one would like to see for a classical achondroplastic diagnosis. However, there is a fair amount of hypoplasia of the basilar portion of the skull, especially through the maxillary area and basis sphenoid area, suggesting achondroplastic diagnosis. An A/P projection provides a better case for achondroplasia, with bitemporal bossing and a small hypoplastic alveolar ridge with a narrow transverse dimension which frequently results in malocclusion problems when it attempts to articulate against the normal mandible, which is relatively larger than the opposing upper maxillary area. On the film of the mandible, it is indeed larger in its transverse dimension and shows that this individual did have a malocclusion problem, which is typical of achondroplasia. The clavicles on the same film are small and quite compatible with achondroplasia. I cannot really comment on the sternum. A lateral view of the mandible shows a condylar area which is unusually short for articulation with the temporal bone. On this same film the ribs are short and certainly compatible with achondroplasia. Another bone on this film looks like os calcis and has a short tuberosity compatible with achondroplasia. On a lateral view of the cervical and lumbar spine, these appear reasonably healthy. Of note is the odontoid process which is of good length and is well articulated with the ring of C-i. This tends to go against a diagnosis of Morquio' s and the severe spondyloepiphyseal dysplastic dwarfs that might be considered. The lateral view of the lumbar spine reveals characteristic posterior concave deformity of the vertebral bodies, producing a "dumb bell" 80 myelogram (if such a study could have been done on this individual). The disc heights are reasonably well preserved and there is minimal deformity in most of the vertebrae except for the upper one, which is probably the portion that articulates with the kyphotic area seen on another film. This- upper lumbar vertebra (probably L-2) has a definite wedge configuration and evidence of degenerative spurring because of its closeness to the severe kyphotic deformity. . . . a lateral x-ray at the lumbodorsal junction shows a rather severe gibbus deformity of nearly 900 angulation with a considerable amount of secondary degenerative spurring in front, as the result of advanced degenerative disc disease resulting from this kyphotic deformity. This unusual manifestation of adult achondroplasia has been recorded in the literature, especially in the type of achondroplastic dwarf having a fair amount of ligamentous laxity and joint dislocation tendency. This type of gibbus deformity is more typically seen in the severe epiphyseal dysplastic group such as Morquio's and Hurler's or in other forms of dwarfism associated with collagen deficiency and result- ant ligamentous laxity and scoliosis. This atypical vertebra is sometimes referred to as a hypoplastic vertebra but if one follows the child from infancy to adulthood it becomes apparent that the kyphosis is progressively develop- mental, secondary to laxity of the ligaments at the lumbodorsal junction and not truly a hypoplastic condition of the vertebra; more immediately evident at birth or shortly thereafter. Also seen on this lateral projection is the classical concave configuration of the posterior surface of the vertebral body, also typical of achondroplasia and not seen in pseudoachondroplastic conditions of the epiphyseal variety. On a lateral view, the thoracic spine appears quite normal except for some hypoplasia of the posterior elements, including the facets and pedicles which seem short and certainly compatible with achondroplasia. The spinous processes appear unusually long, which I do not fully understand. An A/P x-ray of the sacrum shows the classical findings of an achondroplastic type of dwarf, with the obvious restricted distance between the pedicles at the S-1 level and progressive stenosis (viewed in a caudal direction). This evidence of spinal stenosis is probably the most diagnostic feature of the achondroplastic dwarf and tends to rule out all other forms of short-limbed dwarfism, includingallepiphyseal dyplasias such as Hurler's, Morquio's and severe forns of pseudoachondropla'stic spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia. Unfortunately, the lateral projection of the pelvis is difficult to interpret because good acetabulum detail cannot be seen. However, I can say that the sciatic notch is fairly sharp due to the inadequacy of the triradiate cartilage during the developmental years of the individual, typical of achondroplasia. On this film the fairly hypoplastic appearing scapula has no really specific 81 features on which to comment. X-ray of the humerus, radius and ulna shows considerable dwarfism, especially of the humerus. This typical form of achondroplasia, more amplified in the proximal long bones than in those of the distal bones, is referred to as the rhizomelic form of dwarfism as compared to the acromelic form seen in the Ellis-van Creveld syndrome. Also seen is an excellent example of muscle effect on the humerus, with a dilated diaphyseal area at the mid-shaft of the humerus where the deltoid muscle tendon inserts, producing a rather rec- tangular shape to the upper metaphysis, typical of achondroplasia. The epiphyses appear well structured and strong, ruling out the severe epiphyseal Pseudoachondroplastic forms of dwarfism. The ulna is short with a slight degree of bowing. The adjacent radius is more severly deformed, with considerable distortion of the proximal half due to the abnormal insertion of the biceps tendon, with a prominent bicipital tuberosity similar to the prom- inence of the lesser trochanter on the upper end of the femur. The radial head itself is deformed and strongly suggests that this was partially dislocated from the capitulum of the humerus, which is not unusual in this condition. The distal end of the radius and the ulna are transversely oriented, typical Of achondroplasia and tending against the mucopolysaccharide group and the severe epiphyseal dysplastic dwarfs. On x-ray, the femur is quite short with a narrow diaphysis of excellent cor- tical structure and a flared metaphyseal area on both ends, which is typical Of achondroplasia. The epiphyses of this bone appear quite normal and well Structured with good strength, which goes against a diagnosis of a pseudo- achondroplastic form of dwarfism. There is a normal angle of the femoral neck to the shaft, which is typical of achondroplasia and tends to go against the diagnosis of epiphyseal dysplasia such as Morquio's. Prominence of the lesser trochanter is not atypical for achondroplasia. In fact, all the areas Of tendinous insertion tend to be prominent and more elevated than in normal bones. The other bone seen on this x-ray is probably the fibula. Had it been X-rayed with the tibia one could see the excessive overgrowth of the fibula as compared to the tibia, which is typical of the achondroplastic dwarf. How- ever, holding the x-ray of the fibula next to that of the tibia, one can see that the fibula is longer than it should be (assuming the tube length from the subject is the same for both of these x-rays and assuming these are bones from the saine specimen); strongly compatible with a diagnosis of achondroplasia. X-ray of the tibia also shows the characteristic narrow diaphysis with a flared metaphyseal area. There is no unusual sloping of the tibial plateau Of valgus deformity of the ankle mortise as seen in epiphyseal dysplasias, again pointing strongly toward achondroplastic diagnosis. The smaller bones Il this x-ray are undoubtedly metatarsal bones, as can been seen by the styloid process which represents the fifth metatarsal. Again, the pattern is 82 typical of achondroplasia, with shortening and a narrow diaphysis and flared metaphyseal area with no deformity of the distal epiphyses, suggesting a strong, normal joint articulation with the proximal phalanx, typical of achondroplasia. There is no proximal tapering of the metatarsals, which goes against a diagnosis of the epiphyseal dysplastic group, including Hurler's and Morquio's. It is obvious this particular individual was of good, solid structure as far as functional capability. The individual had good joints, with no evidence of arthritis, and was obviously able to get around quite well. However, one thing that may have "done this dwarf in" is the rather severe lumbodorsal kyphosis, known to cause serious problems of cauda equina compression, with resultant weakness of the lower extremities and very difficult to treat surgically by posterior decompression. This individual may have become very weak in the lower extremities and died as the result of paraplegia. However, the structure of the bone in the lower extremities is quite good and does not show any significant degree of disuse osteoporosis that would suggest paraplegia of any duration. It is possible the individual developed an acute paraplegia following some relatively minor injury that might well have caused a neurogenic bladder syndrome, resulting in death from urological complica- tions. All in all, you have a good case for a true achondroplastic dwarf. I think we can safely rule out other forms of dwarfism because of the adequate x-ray evaluation. I have mentioned the differential diagnostic possibilities and need go no further. It is most fascinating to go over a case such as this. As you know, achondroplastic dwarfism is ancient, dating back 5000 years when dwarfs were known to be part of our society, as described by inscriptions in Egypt. DISCUSSION General characteristics of achondroplasia Parrot (1878) first coined the term 'achondroplasia' (literally meaning without cartilage formation) to distinguish disproportionate dwarfism, i.e., dwarfism of the short-limbed type, from the proportionate type due to rickets. In 1892 Kaufmann substituted the term 'chondrodystrophia foetalis' to imply a deficient growth of the cartilaginous epiphyseal growth plate. These were broadly inclusive terms which, as the understanding of the specific deficit became clearer and other similar entities became differentiated, gradually took on a very specific meaning. Achondroplasia is the term in near-universal use today; synonyms include: chondrodystrophia, chondro- dystrophia fetalis, chondrodystrophic dwarfism, chondrodysplasia fetalis, micromelia, and achondroplastic dwarfism. 83 Achondroplasia is the most commnon type of dwarfism and has been character - ized as an "hereditary, congenital, familial disturbance in epiphyseal chondroblastic growth and maturation" (Aegerter and Kirkpatrick 1975: 101). It is inherited as an autosomal dominant characteristic whose incidence is variable and ranges from 1 in every 3000 to 9500 births, with approximately 80% of all live births dying in the first year (Warkany 1971: 768). If, however, the achondroplastic survives the first year or two of life he has a relatively good chance of reaching and surviving into adulthood. During later middle age, though, adult achondroplastics are apt to suffer from the symptoms caused by pressure upon the spinal cord and nerves (produced by the skeletal deformities of the vertebral column) with resultant backaches, sciatica, paresthesia and even paraplegia (Aegerter and Kirkpatrick 1975: 109; Greenfield 1975: 197) with all the attendant complications of the latter. The mental and sexual development of achondroplastics is usually normal. Achondroplasia is characterized as a rhizomelic, micromelic type of dwarf- ism. This means the dwarfism displays overall short limbs (micromelia) which show a greater reduction in the proximal segments of the limb (rhizomelia) than in the distal segments, i. e., in the upper arms and thighs. As Aegerter and Kirkpatrick (1975:. 102) note, the relative frequency of achondroplasia is kept rather low because of the high rate of intrauterine deaths of the malformed fetus and to the difficult parturition in affected mothers because of the dis- torted pelvic canal. With an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance one would expect a much higher incidence of this type of dwarfism in the general population. Obviously, in countries with modern medical facilities this feto-pelvic disproportion can be obviated through caesarean section delivery of the fetus. In fact, the relative frequency of achondroplasia is probably higher than expected because of the ability of achondroplastic mothers to successfully deliver nonvaginally. In effect, then, the contemporarily reported frequencies of achondroplasia probably reflect a balance between high frequencies based on an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance and adequate medical care and the tendency to lowered frequencies based on fetopelvic disproportions, stillbirths and newborn inviability. The frequency of living achondroplastics in prehistoric times Would obviously be much lower. Achondroplasia has been classified as one of numerous skeletal dysplasias characterized by a disturbance in chondroid production related to an abnormal matura- tion of growth plate chondroblasts of unknown etiology, i. e., "an idiopathic disturbance Of growth plate chondroblast maturation" (Aegerter and Kirkpatrick 1975: 101). The defective division and maturation of these growth plate chondroblasts results in a de- ficient chondroid lattice and subsequent zone. of provisional calcification. Without an adequate calcified chondroid latticework, there is little opportunity for normal osteoid to be laid down (Aegerter and Kirkpatrick 1975: 101-109). The result is a marked de- crease in the linear growth of endochondral bones. Since the defect is localized in bones of endochondral origin, actually in the chondroblasts themselves, intramembral and Periosteal (appositional) bone formation are normal. The apparent abnormalities in the 84 latter osteogenic modes of development are probably the result of their accomodation to- the malformations of adjacent endochondral bone. As Greenfield (1975: 197) and others have noted there may be periosteal strips of fibrous tissue which seal the epiphyseal line and thus negate further growth in a length of the bone. With normal periosteal ossification, appositional growth at the ends of long bones proceeds faster than epiphy- seal growth and this, according to Edeiken and Hodes (1973: 65), is what gives these bones flared extremities. Aegerter and Kirkpatrick (1975: 109), however, imply that the stress on the epiphysis, in the face of a strong cortex with a deficient underlying spongiosa, may be the cause of the flaring. The following account of the histological changes in achondroplastic growth plates summarizes very well how the disturbed epiphyseal chondroblastic maturation accounts for the major characteristics seen in this dysplasia. In the achondroplastic child the iliac-crest growth plate is histologically nearly normal whereas the growth plate of the fibula, and presumably of all the long bones, is very deranged. Similarly, bone growth is normal in the iliac crest and is very stunted in the fibula. Recent work in our laboratory indicates that the iliac-crest cartilage of achondroplastic patients contains normal amounts of hydroxyproline and some increase in amounts of galactos- amine and glucosamine. The proteinpolysaccharides, however, which can easily be extracted from the iliac-crest cartilage of normal children, are difficult to extract from the cartilage of many of our achondroplastic patients. Perhaps the proteinpolysaccharides form large aggregates in the cateilage of the achondroplastic patients which could interfere with the formation and resorption of the growth plates more in the long bones than in the iliac-crest, possibly owing to the differences in cartilage matrix, collagen organization, and manner of ossification of these two structures. The cartilage-cell columns in the fibular epiphyseal plates of achondro- plastic children are disarranged and are separated by wide cartilaginous septa rich in fibers. Visualized with polarized light, these seem to be collagen fibers, and with the electron microscope many wide, well banded fibrils are seen in these septa. This fibrotic cartilage appears to resist erosion by the invading vascular processes. Presumably, the splittingof the abnormal proteinpolysaccharide molecules, necessary for calcification and ossification, proceeds very slowly or is even blocked at some sites. Thus, vascular pene- tration of the plate and bone formation are very stunted and irregular. On the other hand, the matrix abnormality in the child with achondroplasia does not interfere with the type of calcification and ossification found in the iliac- crest at the termination of the large septa rich in collagen fibers. Here the process resembles intratendinous ossification, which is normal in children with achondroplasia as seen by their well developed trochanters, tuberosities, and epcondyles. Periosteal and intermembranous ossifications are also normal. Bone forms in all these sites withoutbreakdown of collagen fibers or matrix. 85 Assuming that the two growth plates of the vertebral bodies resemble the growth plate of the iliac crest in children with achondroplasia as they do in normal children, the discrepancy between the nearly normal growth in height of the vertebrae and iliac wings of these patients and the very short bones of their extremities can be attributed to the different structure of the respective growth plates. Several authors have observed that, in children with achondroplasia, fibrous connective tissue extends from the perichondriumn into the epiphyseal plate. The hyaline cartilage at the periphery of the fibular plates of some of our patients contained many collagen fibers which often seemed to extend through the septa to the metaphysis. Abundant normal periosteal bone spread out in a funnel-shaped fashion underneath the peripheral margin of the plate and accounted for the flaring of the metaphysis (Ponseti 1970: 710-713). Stature increase in achondroplastics is slow after birth and generally termin- ates prematurely; overall height rarely exceeds 140 cm (55 in), with an average in the neighborhood of 48-50 in (Warkany 1971: 774). The normal dentitional and other physical developmental milestones tend to be retarded to some degree. The onset of walking (at about 20 months) is accompanied by a rapidly developing lumbar lordosis, protuber- ant abdomen and prominent buttocks (Bailey 1973: 62-64) characteristic of this type of dwarfism. Good discussions of the developmental growth stages found in achondroplasia are presented in Bailey (1970, 1973), Langer et al. (1967), and Ponseti (1970), and need not be recounted here. Interpretation of bony abnormalities If we remember that the defect in this skeletal dysplasia directly affects only endochondral bone, many of the bony abnormalities seen in this individual become readily understandable. The basic problem in the cranium results from the fact that most bones of the cranial base (occipital, sphenoid, petromastoid portion of the temporals) are developed exclusively or primarily from cartilage while the vault and facial struc- ture (parietals, frontal, temporal squama, nasals, maxillae, and mandible) are pre- formed in membrane bone. The result is a markedly foreshortened cranial base and reduction in its overall size accompanied by a recessed upper face and a relatively large vault which appears to bulge out in all directions over the diminutive base upon which it rests. There is a general lack of growth along the inter-sphenoid and spheno- occipital synchondroses. Whereas in the normal individual the four principle epiphyseal Ossification centers of the cranial base normally close in early adulthood, they may Ossify in utero or in infancy in achondroplasia. This accounts for the small cranial base, the decreased diameter of the foramen magnum, the prominent brachycephaly, and the depressed nasal bridge (Aegerter and Kirkpatrick 1975: 102-103). The brain is thus obliged to grow upward, forward and outward resulting in the characteristic high, bulging forehead, and frontal and parietal bossing. The bulging forehead also helps accentuate the saddle nose (Warkany 1971: 774). 86 Although most authors attribute the presence of the depressed nasal region to the generally foreshortened cranial base in concert with the bulging forehead, this is not a wholly satisfactory explanation. The nasal recession actually involves more than just the flattened nasal bones; it also involves the frontal processes of the maxillae such that the whole upper face, i.e., the nasomaxillary region, is actually recessed and flattened. Since the cranial base is not in direct contact with this niasomaxillary com- plex, its foreshortening probably only contributes indirectly to the problem. A more specific explanation probably lies in the fact that the ethmoid, upon which the naso- maxillary region is buttressed (directly and indirectly via the lacrimals) is of endo- chondral origin, being derived from the cartilaginous embryonic nasal capsule. The lacrimals themselves ossify from the membrane overlying the nasal capsule and thus might be expected to be generally reduced also. The probably diminished development of the cartilage-derived ethmoid, then, appears to be a more direct explanation for the depressed nasal bridge, albeit aided and accentuated by the bulging frontal bone and a generally shortened cranial base. Since the mandible enlarges by both endochondral and intramembranous ossification (primarily the latter), it shows a relatively normal (although still somewhat small) development which makes it appear relatively large compared to the diminished facial structure; this also contributes greatly to the prominent prognathism of achondro- plastics. These craniofacial features are generally so constant that most achondro- plastics look like members of the same family (Aegerter and Kirkpatrick 1975: 102-103; Warkany 1971: 774). Although the vertebral column is of cartilaginous origin, there is generally less inhibition of trunk growth than of the limbs (Aegerter and Kirkpatrick 1975: 103). In fact, the trunk may approach or even reach the limits of normal length. This may be due, in part, to the complex, intersegmental origin of the individual vertebrae and/or the overall segmented nature of the vertebral column, resulting in less general depres- sion of vertebral body growth than if the trunk were composed of a single, longitudinal element (cf. Ponseti 1970: 712). Generally, though, there is some reduction in vertebral height, and overall development is usually abnormal to some degree. (Given the fact that vertebrae do arise from a cartilage model, it is surprising the trunks are not more malformed.) In addition to a general reduction in size the vertebrae may be wedge-shaped, with the development of thoracolunmbar kyphosis as we have seen in this individual. The posterior vertebral elements are usually more affected, producing a restricted neural canal which may compress the cord and/or spinal nerves. This is especially likely in the thoracolumbar region where a gibbus deformity may develop or in the lumbar region where the interpediculate spaces become progressively narrow. See Caffey (1958). Although this particular prehistoric Californian manifests this progressive diminution of the interpediculate distance, there may be some compensation here because the antero- posterior diameters of the vertebral canal increase slightly in the more inferior lumbar vertebrae (see Table 1). However, we should note that the pedicles are much shorter 87 than usual so that the overall vertebral canal is greatly reduced when compared to normal. In addition, the compression of the spinal cord and/or spinal nerves may not be due just to reduced interpediculate distance, short pedicles, or kyphotic deformity, but may also be contributed to by the close apposition of the laminar elements of the vertebral arch. The pelvis of achondroplastics is generally reduced with a kidney-shaped inlet greatly reduced in its anteroposterior diameter, a result of the very prominent sacral promontory and the short caudal segment of the ilium. The pubis is nearly normal in size and configuration but may appear abnormal as it adapts to the more greatly reduced ischium and especially the ilium. It is the long, cylindrical bones of the limbs which are most dramatically affected in achondroplasia, a direct result of their being entirely dependent upon endo- chondral growth for increase in length. The exaggerated bony prominences are easily understood as the result of a near-normal muscle mass being applied to a reduced, mal- formed skeletal framework. Possible explanations for the flaring bone ends were pre- sented above and need not be repeated here. Since periosteal ossification is not affected in achondroplasia, the diaphyses generally show a near-normal cortical thickness associated with greatly reduced shaft lengths. The inability to fully extend the elbow was noted above in the morphological description. Bailey (1971, 1973) has speculated on the causes of this sudden block to full extension and, on the basis of clinical and radiographic examinations, lists the following possible causes: 1) deformities of the radial head, 2) subluxation or dislocation of the radial head, 3) humeral impingement of the tip of the olecranon, 4) incongruous fit of the bones of the olecranon fossa, 5) abnormal bowing of the distal end of the humerus, and 6) tight soft tissue structures about the elbow (Bailey 1971: 77, 1973: 64). Although Bailey has the advantage of numerous clinical experiences in trying to explain this phenomenon, we have an advantage here in being able to directly examine the bony relations at the elbow. It is easily seen that the major contributor to the full extension block is the extremely constricted opening of the olecranon fossa which allows no more than the extreme tip of the olecranon process to intrude, even though the fossa itself is quite deep. In effect, the lateral borders of the fossa so constrict the opening that the lateral aspects of the anterior tip of the olecranon process are blocked from further extension. In addition, the small depression noted on the inferior surface of the capitulum (which accepts the edge of the radial head) may indicate that the dislocated radial head contributes to this extension block, i. e., the radial head only fits this depression when the elbow is in its fullest possible extension. Even if the above bony malformations were 88 normal, the anteriorly displaced distal articular end of the humerus may contribute to the apparent lack of full extension, i. e. , the humero-ulnar articulation may actually be in full extension but, because of the anterior displacement of the distal articular end of the humerus, may appear to enclose a less obtuse angle. Obviously we cannot eval- uate the contributions of tight soft tissue structures. A tabulation of the osteometric data for this individual appears in Appendix A. Measurements follow those presented in Snow (1943) so they may be directly compared to the female and male achondroplastic skeletons from Moundville. In general, the measurements are quite comparable to those of the Moundville dwarfs, especially the craniometric data. The Augustine Site female, however, has shorter long bones than even the Moundville female (which are shorter than the Moundville male) and this observation helps support the probable diagnosis of female. An accurate age estimation is difficult to make, given the abnornial bony development which probably affects the expression of those criteria normally used in skeletal aging. We can say the individual is an adult (all permanent dentition erupted, all epiphyses fused, spheno-occipital synchondrosis fused) and, given the amount of dental attrition, was probably in the third or fourth decade of life. Although not without its problems, the degree of exocranial suture closure generally confirms this. Pubic symphyseal aging was not done because the pelvic distortion (and muscular stresses placed upon it) and slight damage to the symphyseal face would have precluded meaningful results. Differential diagnosis In his radiographic analysis and interpretation, Dr. Johnston mentions several of the more prominent differential diagnostic possibilities to rule out a skeletal dysplasia of this kind. In general, the problem is one of distinguishing between the many forms of dwarfism; specifically, we are concerned with the short-limbed dwarf types, or those processes resulting in disproportionate short stature. To fully discuss the total array of possibilities would severely overburden the general anthropological audience to which this paper is directed. For those interested in this aspect of the problem, excellent reviews of the differential diagnosis of achondroplasia can be found in Aegerter and Kirkpatrick (1975), Bailey (1973), Caffey (1958), Edeiken and Hodes (1973) -- an especially good discussion, Greenfield (1975), and Jaffe (1972) among others. Anthropological significance In summarizing the importance of finding a dwarf (? chondrodistrophia hyper- plastica) from medieval Yugoslavia, Farkas and Lengyel (1971/72: 207) note the following: The point of interest of the paleopathological diagnosis that can be regarded probable on the basis of the deformations described lies, on the one hand, in 89 the rarity of pathological deformation (Nemeskeri-Harsanyi, 1959), and on the other hand, in the fact, interesting in itself, that the individual examined, in spite of the anomalies of osteogenesis, had lived up to a senile age. The rarity of the phenomenon described and the attainment of adulthood are also points of interest in the present case of prehistoric achondroplasia. Although contemporary frequencies would indicate that the birth of an achondroplastic individual is not so rare an event today, we briefly discussed above the possibility that the frequency would be much lower in prehistoric times, mainly on the basis of lack of access to modern medical care. An additional component of this prob- ably lower frequency in prehistoric times relates to the possibility of infanticide, at least among those groups that practiced it on the basis of a newborn "appearing different" at birth. However, unless we have some sort of documentation (artistic, artefactual, etc.) to support this, it can only be conjectured and suggested as one of the many pos- sibilities for the very infrequent recovery of this kind of prehistoric skeletal material. Indeed, we should probably feel very lucky that such a complete individual has been able to be recovered and studied. (Compared to the Moundville and other Old World speci- Imens this may be the most completely preserved extant prehistoric achondroplastic individual.) Given the health problems to which achondroplastics are prone during their lifetime, the attainment of at least the third or fourth decade of life in the individual Under discussion is remarkable. It was noted above that 80% of liveborn achondro- plastics die within the first year of life, but if they can survive the infant-childhood years they have a good chance of reaching adult status. Today, with adequate medical attention they can expect to achieve normal life spans, or at least a close approximation. Dr. Johnston has so well summarized the major possibilities that led to the death of this Augustine site individual that we can say little else that would add to his discussion, except to recommend that the reader go back to the final part of Dr. Johnston's report. Since dwarfs and hunchbacks have apparently played important roles in the New World (at least Mesoamerica), as evidenced by their frequent portrayal in arte- factual remains (see discussion above), we might wonder whether this hunchbacked dwarf from prehistoric California was also accorded special status among the Augustine Site inhabitants. Although we could plausibly argue for such, on the basis of the Meso- amnerican archaeological and ethnographic record (Corson 1972: 318-325), to do so Would be an exercise in vacuo since we have no associated artefactual remains in this inlstance. It would be interesting in this regard to learn of the existence of ethnographic reports that mention dwarfs in California, either factual accounts or in the folklore or raythology of California groups, We would also like to know what general role this individual may have played in the economic support of the group, if any. If no special status was accorded this 'different' member of the group, was she able to carry out the normal daily activities appropriate to her sex? Even if she were not paralyzed for any length of time her spinal deformity (of many years' duration) would have precluded certain physical tasks. Perhaps there were very specific tasks that were accorded to her and not others. But, again, this is only speculation. In any event, we can probably say that she did suffer some physical handicap, but the fact that she was able to live to adulthood would argue for the social group at the Augustine Site to have made various adjustments and accomodations to her disability. What these were we cannot specify. The widespread depiction of dwarfs and/or hunchbacks in the literature of Mesoamerican archaeology brings up another point of anthropological interest that supports the presentation of such detailed osteological evidence as we have done in this report. And that concerns the actual medical diagnosis of the abnormalities depicted. That 'a full understanding of the biological base of achondroplasia (and other skeletal disorders for that matter), and the resultant, specific abnormalities manifested, is necessary before attempting to diagnose artistic representations can be illustrated with the following example. In his excellent book, The Shaft Tomb Figures of West Mexico, von Winning (1974) portrays a figurine (Figure 14, p. 98) diagnosed as "Syphilitic dwarf," the syphilis diagnosed pi-imarily on the presence of a sunken nose. The figurine has other elements, in addition to the depressed nose, that strongly favor achondroplasia as the correct diagnosis (without having to allude to the enigmatic problem of pre- Columbian New World syphilis): bulging cranial vault, with a protruding forehead, and micromelia of the rhizomelic variety. Von Winning (personal communication) did not make the diagnosis of syphilis and has communicated that "this is questionable because it [the sunken nose] is also a symptom of achondroplasia. " The point to be made here is that diagnoses so often made in the past have not entertained differential diagnostic possibilities that may be more reasonable, if not more exciting. (See Stewart [1975] for another example of this general problem.) Without actual skeletal and/or mummified remains that are much less equivocal, we should always be very careful in our pronounce- ments of the presence of specific disease entities. A final point of anthropological interest, that also bears upon the detailed pre- sentation of such rare skeletal abnormalities, concerns the identification and interpre- tation of faunal remains from archaeological or other contexts, By presenting detailed descriptions and photographs of such material, the faunal analyst should be able to specifically identify this process if the occasion ever arises. With the uncovering of a nearly complete skeleton, with cranium, this shouldn't present any problem as to its identification. But suppose only a few fragments of limb bones were available -- would the identification be so easy? Probably not! (In fact, several individuals have remarked on the very general similarity of the limb bones to various sea mammals. But when the skull and pelvis were introduced, these general appearances quickly dissipated.) In a sense, then, this is just one more item in the range of human (and vertebrate) skeletal variability that should always be kept in mind. 91 Medical significance We have been primarily concerned in this paper with the anthropological aspects of a very rare paleopathological phenomenon. Can such a study contribute to the health sciences as well? Yes, in several different ways. First, we have an additional documentation from prehistory in a previously unreported region (the western United States) of a very rare genetically-based abnormality of skeletal growth. This geographic extension helps support the notion that geographic (hence, environmental) variability does not affect the manifestations of this growth abnormality. This is perhaps a minor point, but one which has important implications if the environment were seen to affect the expression of this genetic trait. Additionally, we have further evidence that this hereditary trait has remained stable in its expression over time; the implications of this fact parallel that mentioned above. As should be apparent from the numerous citations from the medical literature, achondroplasia has elicited a great deal of interest among health professionals, especially the orthopedists who must deal directly with the problems arising from the bony abnor- malities. In trying to interpret and understand these abnormalities the osteological paleopathologist has a distinct advantage over the clinician in that the former can directly examine the bony material itself, whereas the latter must rely on clinical information alone (unless he happens to be fortunate enough to acquire autopsy material for dissection). For the most part, this may not make any difference in the management of the patient but it can help in the overall understanding of why the problem exists. For example, Bailey (1971: 75) notes, "The surgical implications of deformities of the upper limbs in achondroplasia are minimal but the diagnostic significance, particularly of their elbow deformities, is great.' It is hoped the present paper has contributed to that understanding. SUMMARY We have presented in this paper a full report on the third extant prehistoric achondroplastic dwarf skeleton (adult, female) from the New World, previously reported in a brief note (Hoffman 1975: 3). The nearly complete individual comes from the Augustine Site (CA-Sac-127), Sacramento County, California, and more likely dates from the Late Horizon, Phase II (AD 1500-1800), not the Middle Horizon as originally reported. No specific archaeological context could be determined. A detailed morphological des- cription was presented and accompanied by a radiographic analysis and interpretation by Dr. James 0. Johnston, Oakland, California. The general biological characteristics of achondroplasia were presented as background for an interpretation of the bony abnormalities seen in this individual. Among the specific features noted were: 1) a more specific explanation for the depressed nasomaxillary region than had previously been reported, 2) a specific explanation for the lack of full elbow extension, 92 3) the observation that the interlaminar distance of the lumbar vertebrae is reduced which further contributes to the spinal stenosis in achondroplasia, and 4) the first reporting of an accessory atlanto-occipital articular facet in achondroplasia. The anthropological significance of this individual was discussed and the following points noted: 1) the rarity of finding achondroplastic skeletal material, 2) the unusual attainment of adult age for a prehistoric achondroplastic, 3) the possible social position of the individual at the Augustine Site, 4) the problems of diagnosing diseases from artistic representation, and 5) its possible confusion with other faunal remains. The paper concluded with some general comments on the importance of such paleopathological remains to the health professions, specifically: 1) a further demonstration of the temporospatial constancy of a known genetic trait, and 2) the unique contributions that osteological paleopathologists can made to our understanding of health-related problems through their direct examination of bony abnormalities. 93 Literature Cited Aegerter, Ernest and John A. Kirkpatrick, Jr. 1975 Orthopedic Diseases, 4th ed. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders. 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Bones, Bodies and Disease. New York: Praeger. 96 APPENDIX A. Osteometric data from achondroplastic dwarf from CA-Sac-127 (all measurements in mm) CRANIUM Glabello-occipital length 170 Maximum breadth 148 Basion-bregma height 138 Minimum frontal b. 96 Basion-nasion 1. 85 Basion-prosthion 1. 80 Horizontal circumference 517 Nasion-opisthion arc 385 Bizygomatic b. 126 Midfacial (bimaxillary) b. 92 Total facial h. 108 Upper facial h. 61 Nasal h. 44 Nasal b. 25 Orbital h. 34L 34R Orbital b. (maxil-front) 42L 42R Orbital b. (dacryon) 36L 36R Anterior interorbital b. (maxil-front) 20 (dacryon) 28 Biorbital b. 101 Maxillo -alveolar 1. 49 Maxillo-alveolar b. 57 MANDIBLE Condylo-symphyseal 1. 95 Bicondylar b. 116 Bigonial b. 97 Height of symphysis 34 Mandibular h., right 56 Min. b. -ascending ramus 32 Mandibular angle 116 97 INDICES Cranial 87.1 Length-height 81. 2 Breadth-height 93. 2 Mean height 86.8 Cranial module 152 Frontal-parietal 64.9 Total facial 85.7 Upper facial 48.4 Nasal 56. 8 Orbital (max-front) 81. OL 81. OR Orbital (dacryon) 94. 4L 94. 4R Palatal 116.3 Mandibular 1-br 81.9 Mandibular 1-ht 58.9 HUMERUS Maximum 1. 157 159 Midshaft circumference 56 55 Max. diam. head 36 36 Max. diam. midshaft 21 20 Min. diam. midshaft 20 20 Index robustness* 35.7 34.6 Humeral-femoral index 70.7 70.4 RADIUS Maximum 1. 127 -- Midshaft circumference 32 (34) Index robustness 25.2 -- Humeral-radial index 8009 -- ULNA Maximum 1. 148 156 Midshaft circumference 38 38 Index robustness 25.7 24.4 SCAPULA Maximum l. -- 130 Maximum b. 83 85 Length of spine __ 99 CLAVICLE Maximum l. 114 117 Midshaft circumference 32 32 index robustness 28.1 27.4 Clavicular-humeral idex 20.4 20.4 FEMUR Maximum 1. Midshaft circumference Bicondylar 1. Max. diam. head Subtroch. a-p diam. Subtroch. lat. diam. Midshaft a-p diam. Midshaft lat. diam. Platymeric index Index robustness TIBIA Maximum l. Midshaft circumference Nutrient a-p diam. Nutrient lat. diam. Midshaft a-p diam. Midshaft lat. diam. Platycnemic index Index robustness Tibio-femoral index FIBULA Maximum 1. Midshaft circumference SACRUM Height Breadth Index INNOMINATES Height Breadth Index . . . ~~~~midshaft circumference * All robusticity indices follow Snow, r. . =m maximum length comparable; this does not follow the formulae presented in Bass 1971. . to keep indices 98 Left 222 67 211 37 20 25 18 21 80.0 30.2 Right (226) (66) (219) 18 28 19 20 64.3 (29.2) 194 57 23 19 19 16 82.6 29.4 85.8 207 43 193 58 23 20 19 16 87.0 30.1 86.9 210 39 96 (99) (103. 1) 154 122 126.2 ILLUSTRATIONS Plate 1. Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Partially reconstructed anchondroplastic dwarf prior to its disassembly Skull of achondroplastic dwarf Close-up views of cranium Vertebral column elements Pelvis Thoracic and upper limb bones Lower limb bones, plus metacarpals Radiographs of cranium and vertebral column Radiographs of miscellaneous bones Radiographs of limb bones 99 Plate I. Part.ially reconstructed dwarf prior to its disassembly Top: Left - achondroplastic dwarf szkeleton-from CA-Sac-127, sans ribs and small bones of hands and feet Middle - complete verteb'ral column from C1 through, L5 Right -vertebrae T9 through T12; note plaster intervrertebral disc reconstructions -Bottom: Left - anterior view of lower limb bones; note reconstructed :. ~~right femoral head and excessive tarsal extension of both fibulae Middle- right - anterior view of upper limb long bones; note lack of fulexte-nsion at elbo'w - ~-Lower right -left anterosuperior view of reconstructed pelvis - ~~(right innominate is plaster mirror imxage of the left); note broad, shallow, pelvic inlet (see Plate 5) Plate I 103 Plate 2. Skull of achondroplastic dwarf Top: Left - anterior vriew of cranium Right - left lateral view of cranium; note lesion (at arrows) in posterior frontal region (see Plate 3) Middle: Left - basal view of cranium Right - left lateral view of entire skull; note recessed nasal and upper maxillary regions which accentuates the prognatEhism Bottom: Left - posterior view of craniu:m; note extreme biparietal bossing and foci of osteoporosis Right - superior view of mandible Plate 2 105 Plate 3. Closeup views of cranu Top: crania base; note small, angular foramen magnum and the foreshortened, laterally compressed base as a whole; arrows -point to accessory articular facet for expanded left lateral mass of atlas (see Plate 4) Bottom: the lesion. involving the left posterior frontal region, possibly an epidermoid inclusion cyst or hemangioma Plate 3 -AS0 I, ' j;f.E ' .:;.3i.'' ';iSiW f 107 iPlate 4. Verteb-ral columan elements 'Top: L1eft - superior view of articulated atlas and a-xis; note expanded lateral masses of atlas with accessory articular facet on left (at arrows) M!2iddle - right superolateral view of C7; note absence of right costal element (results in a notch for the vertebral artery rather than a closed transverse foramen); arrows point to articular facet for a right cervical rib; there is a partially bridged trans- verse foramen on the left Right - superior view of IL5; note extremely contracted vertebral canal, as much a result of the narrowed interlaminar distance as the reduced interpediculate distance; the actual length of the pedicles is reduced as well as the interpediculate distance. IL,eft - right lateral view of 'T11 through ILA; note anterior wedging of all vertebrae (producing a prominent kyphotic deform- ity) and extensive anterior osteophytosis Right - left lateral view of 'T11 throulgh IIA; the extreme wedging ( ? hypoplasia) of 'T12 is quite evident L1eft - anterior view of sacrum; note partial reconstruction of sulperior asp-ect of right ala Right - left lateral view of sacru:m with ]EL5 in normal anatomical position; note complete lack of anterior sacral curvrature, the exaggerated lumbosacral lordosis, and the reduced, deeply- concave auricular surface M iddle: :Bottom: ]Plate 4 109 Plate 5. Pelvis Top: Left - superior view of reconstructed pelvis; note contracted, kidney-shaped inlet with markedly reduced anteroposterior diameter Right - inferior view of reconstructed pelvis; note large, ex- pansive pelvic outlet Middle: Left - posterior view of reconstructed pelvis; note deep pitting on sacrum for ligamentous and tendinous insertions Right - anterior view of left innominate; note prominent pubic tubercle, fClattened acetabular roof, reduced ilium and ischium with a relatively normal pubis Bottom: Left - lateral view of left innominate; note wide, shallow greater sciatic notch Right - medial view of left innominate; note small auricular surface Pl a te 5 illl Plate 6. Thoracic and upper limb bones Left -clavicles, scapulae, and sternum sans xiphoid Right - right first rib (top) and nine left ribs; note exaggerated curvrature of most ribs, producing a constricted anteroposterior thoracic diameter upper limb bones; from left to right - anterior left humerus, posterior right humerus, medial left ulna, lateral right ulna, anterior left radius, posterior right radius; note extremely constricted opening to olecranon fossa, the depression anterior to the supinator crest on the right ulna (arrows) and the extremely short, angulated radial neck lateral view of left elbow region; the left photo depicts the bony relations with forearm supinated (note dislocated radial head); the right photo depicts the forearm pronated to show how the radial head swings into the depression anterior to the supinator crest; in both photos the elbow is extended as fully as possible, illustrating the decreased carryling anlgle; the distal radial-ulnar articulations (not seen) are normal Top: Middle: Bottom: Plate 6 ow 113 Plate 7. Lower limb bones, plus metacarpals Top: from left to right - anterior left femur, posterior right femur, anterior left tibia, posterior right tibia, lateral left fibula, medial right fibula Bottotrl: Left - left cuboid and calcaneus Middle - left fifth -metatarsal and talus Right (top to bottom) - left second metacarpal, right second and third metacarpals Plate 7 115 Plate 8. Radiographs of cranium and vrertebral column (see text for description) Top: Left - lateral radiograph of cranium; note shortened cranial base, hypoplastic upper face, and sclerotic borders surrounding the lesion on the frontal bone (posterior aspect) Right - anteroposterior radiograph of cranium Middle: (from left to right) - cervical vertebrae 1 through 7, thoracic vertebrae 1 through 5, thoracic vertebrae 6 through 10, Tll through Ll Bottom: Left - lu:mbar v7ertebrae 2 through 5 Right - anteroposterior view of sacru:m Plate 8 117 Plate 9., Radiographs of miscellaneous bones Top: mandible, three ribs, left calcaneus Bottom: Left -mandible, clavicles, sternurn Right - left innominate, scapulae Plate 9 119 Plate lO. Radiograph,s of-limb b-ones .:.~ Top: - ihmeri, ulnae, radii :-:- : ; Bottom: X .Left -;:. -femor, fibulae;''note plaste'r.-reconstruction in right *...fem,ur .: :Right -tibiae., left f-ifth. me taretarsal aind thre metacarpals plte 10.