U L- Number 29 November 1975 WEST BERKELEY (CA-Ala-307): A CULTURALLY STRATIFIED SHELLMOUND ON THE EAST SHORE OF SAN FRANCISCO BAY * - @0 - S ?iii *! El 0 00 0 0 CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH FACILITY University of California, Berkeley Number 29 November 1975 West Berkeley (CA-Ala-307): A Culturally Stratified Shellmound on the East Shore of San Francisco Bay William J. Wallace and Donald W. Lathrap Table of Contents Preface. The site .................................. The geographical setting. Previous archaeological investigations in the San Francisco Bay region ................................................. Excavation ................................................... Artifacts .................................................... Mortuary practices ........................................... Animal and bird burials ...................................... Subsistence remains ........................................ Conclusions and interpretations .............................. Bibliography Appendix A: Appendix B: Appendix C: Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix D: E : F: G: * m m m 0 0 * # * * 0 0 0 0 0 0 v v v v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 *a * v v v 0 0 0 0 0 Shellfish, Robert E. Greengo .......... Fish Remains from the West Berkeley Shellmound (CA-Ala-307) Alameda County, California, W.I. Follett ..... o.o.. ooo. oooooo.o.o.. oooo..oooo. A Mammalian Faunal Analysis of CA-Ala-307, Colin Busby .......................................... Birds, Richard H. Brooks ..................... Human Skeletal Remains, Sheilagh Thompson Brooks. Excavation of 1954 . ....................... Fish Remains from the Stege Mounds, Richmond, Contra Costa County, California, W.I. Follett i 1 1 3 7 8 45 51 51 52 60 65 71 99 107 111 115 123 PREFACE This report describes the excavation of the last intact portion of the West Berkeley shellmound, situated on the east shore of San Francisco Bay. The investigation was carried out by the University of California Archaeological Survey under the general supervision of its Director, Robert F. Heizer. Work began May 22, 1950, under Arnold Pilling, who remained in charge until the end of May, when Robert Greengo became field supervisor. Greengo was succeeded on June 18 by Donald W. Lathrap who directed the work for the rest of that month. During July, August and early September, William J. Wallace headed the field party. The other personnel consisted mainly of students, graduate and undergraduate, from the Department of Anthropology on the Berkeley Campus. Donald and Douglas McGeein, William Mueller, and Edith S. Taylor provided welcome volunteer service. Permission to excavate was granted by Mrs. Lincoln Maclise, owner of the property, to whom grateful acknowledgement is made. A.E. Troiel, of Troiel Companies, Inc., occupant, cooperated with the field crew throughout. The success of the project owes much to him and to the workers in his factory, who were subjected to various inconveniences as a result of the digging. The following pages present a revised and up-dated version of a detailed report on the shellmound excavation, completed in 1951. The descriptive parts of the original account remain largely unchanged. Only the introductory and concluding sections have been extensively rewritten.