LS : L* i us G . _v .a id__.j^ i.0 * }_? Number 25 May, 1975 I. .' fo THE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA INDIANS * ; z ~* Y0 -s 0 @0 @0s z ;i;;,S.,~~~~ S' S.^d SS S.;ii, 12 ;' ~~:^ a', CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH FACILITY Number 25 May 1975 THE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA INDIANS Stephen Powers A reprinting of 19 articles on California Indians originally published 1872-1877. Edited and annotated by Robert F. Heizer UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Department of Anthropology Berkeley TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction i The California Indians I. The Cahroc 1 II. The Cahroc 11 l:L. The Euroc 23 IV. The Hoopa 33 V. The Yuka 43 VIL The Pomo and Cahto 53 VII. The Meewocs 65 VIII. The Modoc s 77 IX. The Yocuts 89 X. The Neeshenams 103 XI. Various Tribes. Achomawi, Yana, Sierra Maidu 115 XII . The Wintoons 129 XIII * The Patweens 141 Aboriginal Botany 151 Aborigines of California: An Indo-Chinese Study 159 The California Aborigines 173 Californian Indian Characteristics 177 Centennial Mission to the Indians of Western Nevada and California 191 The Life and Culture of the Washo and Paiutes 203 Notes 210 Bibliography 219 Territories of linguistic stocks as identified by S. Powers 220 (1877) Appendix 1: Stephen Powers, Autobiographical Sketch 221