_i~~~ K ? **.u ?s! s zK. ? *? 5 *? Number 24 1975 I TEP O E EA THREE PAPERS ON MESOAMERICAN ARCHAEOLOGY :?;;J^ia;i S ? 5 5 ? ? ? *;fi51" *.. ; S i?i** CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH FACILITY Number 24 THREE PAPERS ON NESOANERICAN ARCHAEOLOGY Stephen Aaberg Jay Bonsignore Thomas C. Clark Brian D. Dillon Joseph S. Velson UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Department of Anthropology Berkeley 1975 TABLE OF CONTENTS Editors' Introduction *@*@. I. TRANSPORT OF STONE MONUMENTS TO THE LA VENTA AND SAN LORENZO SITES by Joseph S. Velson and Thomas C. Clark ... 1 II. A CONSIDERATION OF TIME AND LABOR EXPENDITURE IN THE CONSTRUCTION PROCESS AT THE TEOTIHUACAN PYRAMID OF THE SUN AND THE POVERTY POINT MOUND by Stephen Aaberg, and Jay Bonsignore .40 III. NOTES ON TRADE IN ANCIENT MESOAMERICA by Brian D. Dillon . 80 EDITORS' INTRODUCTION The three papers which appearhere were written by students in the Department of Anthropology in the 1973-74 academic year. Velson and Clark worked together in course Anthropology 195, an undergraduate research seminar, given in the Spring quarter 1974. Aaberg and Bonsignore's joint paper came out of the same seminar. Dillon's study of trade represents his Senior Honors Thesis under our joint guidance. All three papers are original and in our opinion good examples of the kind of undergraduate research done in this Department. We think that they are worth sharing with a wider audience. John A. Graham Robert F. Heizer -i -