198 VIII. LOVELOCK CAVE PROJECT BIBLIOGRAPHY R.F. Heizer and L.K. Napton Lovelock Cave, Nevada (NV-Ch-18) has been under investigation for more than fifty years. The most recent work in the cave has been to collect human coprolites and examine remaining undisturbed portions of the cave fill in order to reconstruct the history of the cave occupation and the depositional chronology. Analysis of the coprolites has been made possible by several grants from public and private institutions and from private individuals. The first phase of the current Lovelock coprolite analysis project, carried out by R. Ambro and R. Cowan in 1966-67, was made possible by a special grant awarded by Dean S. Elberg, Graduate Division. In 1968 further work was made possible by means of financial support for Napton in the form of a Wenner-Gren Predoctoral Fellowship in Anthropology. Napton completed examination of the coprolites processed earlier by Ambro and Cowan and prepared a detailed report of this phase of the project (Napton 1969: 28-97). Receipt of additional funds in 1968 from the E. I. DuPont de Nemours Co. made it possible for us to continue not only coprolite analysis, but to revisit Lovelock Cave to undertake the first extensive work at the site since 1924 (see Heizer and Napton 1970a). The most recent phase of the Lovelock coprolite analysis project has been devoted to detailed study of 300 coprolites and other materials from Lovelock Cave (Napton and Heizer 1970). The studies carried out prior to 1968 were des- cribed in the series Reports of the University of California Archaeological Research Facility (No. 70). Research carried out during 1967-1968 was reported upon by Napton (1969) and the most recent series of papers appears in the series Contributions of the University of California Archaeological Research Facility No. 7. There are now more separate articles and reports (published since 1967) discussing various aspects of the prehistory of the Lovelock Cave than there are for any other archaeological site in the American West, with the exception of Tule Springs, Nevada (Wormington and Ellis 1969).1 Therefore, we have thought it worthwhile to present this compilation of the various articles per- taining to Lovelock Cave. Some of the interim results of the project have been reported at scientific meetings. These include papers read by R. F. Heizer at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Berkeley, May, 1966; R. D. Ambro and R. Cowan at the Joint Meeting of the Great Basin Anthropological Conference and Society for American Archaeology, Reno, Nevada, May, 1967; and L. K. Napton at the Annual Meeting of the Great Basin Anthropological Confer- ence, Pocatello, Idaho, August, 1968; the 34th Annual Meeting of the Society 199 for American Archaeology, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, May 1969; and the 35th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Mexico City, D.F., May 1970. We wish to acknowledge our appreciation to the following persons and or- ganizations for financial support in connection with the project: Dean S. E. Elberg, Graduate Division, University of California, Berkeley (funds to inaugurate coprolite research in 1965-1966). Dr. Lita Osmundsen, Director of Research, Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, for a Predoctoral Fellowship in Anthropology to L. Napton (1967-1968) for coprolite research and analysis, and for publication fund to defray costs of printing report in Special Publication No. 2 of the Kroeber Anthropological Society. National Science Foundation (through Dr. Richard Lieban, Director of the Program for Anthropology) for funds to carry out the Lovelock Cave Coprolite Analysis Project under Grants GS-2297 and GS-2323. Jon and Francesca Wiig, Worthington, Massachusetts (funds to partially defray costs of fieldwork in 1969 and laboratory analysis at Berkeley 1969- 1970, 1970-1971). Assistant Chancellor E. Mauchlan, University of California, Berkeley (for providing funds to help defray costs of experimental field course [Anthropology 191B] which was conducted from the Ragucci Ranch base camp two miles north of Lovelock Cave in the Spring Quarter, 1969). Dr. J. G. Stopps, Assistant Director of the Haskell Laboratory, E. I. duPont de Nemours and Co., Wilmington, Del. (funds to excavate Lovelock Cave in 1968 and 1969). Notes 1. Additional references to archaeological investigations at Lovelock Cave published prior to 1957 are given by Grosscup (1957). References Grosscup, G. L. 1957 A Bibliography of Nevada Archaeology. Reports of the University of California Archaeological Survey, No. 36, pp. 1-55. Berkeley. Wormington, H. M. and D. Ellis (Eds.) 1967 Pleistocene Studies in Southern Nevada. NSM-AP Nevada State Museum Anthropological Paper No. 13, Carson City. 200 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF LOVELOCK CAVE PROJECT ARCHAEOLOGICAL REPORTS, 1967-1970 Abbreviations Used AA American Anthropologist AAnt American Antiquity CFG California Fish and Game SAA Society for American Archaeology -M Memoir UC University of California -AR Anthropological Records -ASR Archaeological Survey Report -PAAE Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology -CARF Contributions of the Archaeological Research Facility Ambro, R. D. 1967 Dietary-Technological-Ecological Aspects of Lovelock Cave Coprolites. UC-ASR 70:37-47. 1970 A Basket Making Kit from Lovelock Cave, Nevada. UC-CARF 7:73-79. Carroll, J. E. 1970 Bead Stringing at Lovelock Cave, Nevada. UC-CARF 7:39-43. Clewlow, C. W. Jr. 1968 Projectile Points from Lovelock Cave, Nevada. UC-ASR 71:89-101. Clewlow, C. W. Jr. and L. K. Napton 1970 Additional Projectile Points and Lithic Artifacts from Lovelock Cave, Nevada. UC-CARF 7:64-72. Cowan, R. A. 1967 Lake Margin Exploitation in the Great Basin as Demonstrated by an Analysis of Coprolites from Lovelock Cave, Nevada. UC-ASR 70:21-35. Douglas, C. L. 1969 Analysis of Hairs in Lovelock Cave Coprolites. KAS-SP 2:1-8. Dunn, F. L. and R. Watkins 1970 Parasitological Examination of Prehistoric Human Coprolites from Lovelock Cave, Nevada. UC-CARF 10:176-185. Follett, W. I. 1967 Fish Remains from Coprolites and Midden Deposits at Lovelock Cave, Churchill County, Nevada. UC-ASR 70:93-116. 201 Follett, W. I. (continued) 1970 Fish Remains from Human Coprolites and Midden Deposits Obtained During 1968 and 1969 at Lovelock Cave, Churchill County, Nevada. UC-CARF 10: 163-175. Jones, A. C., J. R. Weaver and F. H. Stross 1967 Note on Indian Woodcarving in the Form of a Grasshopper found in Lovelock Cave, Nevada. UC-ASR 70:123-128. Heizer, R. F. 1967a Analysis of Human Coprolites from a Dry Nevada Cave. UC-ASR 70:1-20. 1967b rjPreface] Preliminary Examination of Prehistoric Human Coprolites from Four Western Caves. UC-ASR 70:49-52. 1969a University of California (Berkeley) Work in Nevada Archaeology, 1969. NASR 3, 5:3-4. 1969b Anthropology of Great Basin Coprolites. In Science and Archaeology, 2nd Edition, D. Brothwell and E. Higgs, eds. New York: 244-250. Heizer, R. 1969 F. and L. K. Napton Biological and Cultural Evidence from Prehistoric Human Coprolites. Science 165:563-568. 1970a Archaeological Investigations in Lovelock Cave, Nevada. UC-CARF 10: 1-86. 1970b Correspondence Concerning the Lovelock Cave Investigations by the University of California in 1912 and 1924, and Preparation of L. L. Loud's Final Report. UC-CARF 10: 131-162. 1970c Lovelock Cave Project Bibliography. UC-CARF 10:198-202. Hester, T. 1970 R. A Study of Wear Patterns on Hafted and Unhafted Bifaces from Two Nevada Caves. Papers on the Prehistory of the Great Basin. UC-CARF 7:44-54. Morbeck, M. E. 1970 Description of Skeletal Materials Found in Lovelock Cave (NV-Ch-18) in 1969. UC-CARF 10:191-197. Napton, L. K. 1969 The Lacustrine Subsistence Pattern in the Desert West. KAS-SP 2:28-97. 202 Napton, L. K. and 0. A. Brunetti 1969 Paleo-ornithology of Lovelock Cave Coprolites. KAS-SP 2:9-18. Napton, L. 1969 K. and R. F. Heizer Introduction. In Archaeological and Paleobiological Investiga- tions in Lovelock Cave, Nevada. KAS-SP 2:i-v. 1970 Analysis of Human Coprolites from Archaeological Contexts, with Primary Reference to Lovelock Cave, Nevada. UC-CARF 10:87-129. Napton, L. K. and G. Kelso 1969 Preliminary Palynological Analysis of Lovelock Cave Coprolites. KAS-SP 2:19-27. Radovsky, F. J. 1970 Mites Associated with Coprolites and Mummified Human Remains in Nevada. UC-CARF 10: 186-190. Roust, N. L. 1967 Preliminary Examination of Prehistoric Human Coprolites Western Nevada Caves. UC-ASR 70:49-88. Tubbs, D. and R. Berger 1967 The Viability of Pathogens in Ancient Human Coprolites. 70:89-92. Turner, C. G. 1967 Bite-Marks in Tule Quids of Prehistoric Nevada Indians. 70:117-122. from Four UC-ASR UC-ASR Unpublished Papers Bohrer, V. Pollen Analysis of Human Coprolites from Lovelock Cave, Nevada. UC-CARF. Mitchell, L. R. Techniques of Pollen Study Using the Scanning Electron Microscope. Napton, L. K. and J. M. Budinger Paleoautopsy of a Desiccated Human Body from Lovelock Cave, Nevada.