* mm Number 10 July, 1970 ARCHAEOLOGY AND THE PREHISTORIC GREAT BASIN LACUSTRINE SUBSISTENCE REGIME AS SEEN FROM LOVELOCK CAVE, NEVADA Robert F. Heizer and Lewis K. Napton with major contributions by F. L. Dunn, W. I. Follett, Mary Ellen Morbeck, Frank Radovsky, and R. Watkins REPORT NO. 1 TO THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION ON GRANT GS 2297 M 0:S 0' AiElit *~~aa AJ A .3.'. .ffa i*&ii A 0ii A CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH FACILITY Number 10 July 1970 ARCHAEOLOGY AND THE PREHISTORIC GREAT BASIN LACUSTRINE SUBSISTENCE REGIME AS SEEN FROM LOVELOCK CAVE, NEVADA Robert F. Heizer and Lewis K. Napton with major contributions by F.L. Dunn, W.I. Follett, Mary Ellen Morbeck, Frank Radovsky, and R. Watkins REPORT NO. 1 TO THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION ON GRANT GS 2297 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH FACILITY Department of Anthropology Berkeley PREFACE The papers in this volume represent 20 percent of the total which have been written by us or contributed by specialists on the matter of prehistoric coprolites from Nevada caves. The coprolite analysis program at Berkeley has been in progress since 1965. Research materials studied have come mainly from Lovelock Cave (site NV-Ch-18). Lovelock Cave was first excavated by L. L. Loud in 1912 and revisited in 1924 by Loud and M. R. Harrington. Brief visits to the cave site have been made since 1950 by University of California field parties. The most intensive recent work was carried out in September 1968 and April 1969, at which time over 4000 human fecal pellets were col- lected. In the course of the 1969 excavations a map of the cave was made, stratigraphic excavations were carried out, and numerous organic samples were collected for radiocarbon age determinations. We report here on our inter- pretation of the chronology and occupational history of Lovelock Cave. A revised interpretation of the culture history of the cave is needed to correct what is surely an incorrect picture presented by Harrington (in Loud and Harrington 1929:119-123), but this is not yet complete and will be presented at some future time. The present volume may be considered as the first of a series of pro- jected reports on coprolite analyses carried out at Berkeley 1968-date. Earlier results have been published by Ambro (1967), Cowan (1967), Follett (1967), Roust (1967), Tubbs and Berger (1967), Heizer (1967a, 1967b, 1969a, 1969b), Heizer and Napton (1969a, 1969b), Napton (1969), Napton and Brunetti (1969), Napton and Kelso (1969), and Douglas (1969). We list in the section of this report which follows immediately indivi- duals and organizations who have provided us with financial support or expert assistance in identification of coprolite components. Here, however, we wish to single out the following and to thank them for assistance which was of a nature so essential that the program could not have otherwise been carried out. Dr. J. G. Stopps, Assistant Director of the Haskell Laboratory, E. I. duPont de Nemours and Co., Wilmington, Del. (funds to excavate Lovelock Cave in 1969). Dean S. E. Elberg, Graduate Division, University of California, Berkeley (funds to inaugurate coprolite research in 1965-66). Jon and Francesca Wiig, Worthington, Massachusetts (funds to partially defray costs of fieldwork in 1969, laboratory analysis at Berkeley 1969-70, 1970-71, and part of costs of publishing the present report). - iii - National Science Foundation (through Dr. Richard Lieban, Director of the Program in Anthropology) for funds to carry out the wide range Lovelock Cave Coprolite Analysis Project under Grants GS-2297 and GS-2323. Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, for a Pre- doctoral Fellowship in Anthropology to Lewis K. Napton (1967-1968) for coprolite research and analysis. Assistant Chancellor E. Mauchlan, University of California, Berkeley (for providing funds to help defray costs of experimental field course 191B which was conducted at the Ragucci Ranch base camp two miles north of Lovelock Cave in the Spring Quarter, 1969). We are very grateful to the following individuals for their participation in the Lovelock Coprolite Research and Analysis Project in 1968-1970. Aikens, Melvin Dept. of Anthropology Univ. of Oregon, Eugene (Field consultation) Alcorn, J.R. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fish & Wildlife Service Fallon, Nevada (Avifaunal, Biological data) Ambro, Richard D. UCB (Basket-kit study; Field crew, 1968) Anderson, Andrew Public Relations Dept. Southern Pacific Co. (Photographs) Anderson, Leon Lovelock, Nevada (Field facilities) Ahnger, Mary UCB (1969 Field crew) Arnett, G. Ray Director, Calif. Dept. Fish & Game Sacramento (Laboratory facilities) Bailey, Dennis UCB (1969 Field crew) Barthelme, John UCB (Study of decoys) Beaumont, Jane Archaeological Research (Clerical, Manuscript) Fac., UCB Benson, Seth B. Curator, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, UCB (Faunal identifications) Berger, Rainer Institute of Geophysics & Planetary Physics, UCLA (Radiocarbon determinations; Field consultations, 1969) - iv - Berman, Al UCB (1969 Field crew) Blake, Edward Kirk Associates, Berkeley (Special investigations) Bluford, Mimi UCB (1969 Field crew) Bohrer, Vorsilla Dept. of Biology Univ. of Massachusetts (Palynological analyses) Borders, Orin UCB (1969 Lab assistant) Britton, Edythe State Seed Lab, Sacramento (Seed identification) Browning, Bruce Calif. Dept. of Fish & Game (Analysis & identifications) Brunetti, Oscar Calif. Dept. of Fish & Game (Avifaunal identifications) Bruyn, Henry B.,(M.D.) Director, Student Health Service, UCB (Medical data) Budinger, John,(M.D.) Director of Laboratories, Lawrence Hosp., Bronxville, N.Y. (Paleopathology & parasitology) Callen, E.O. MacDonald College, McGill Univ. Quebec, Canada (Human hair, general iden- tifications) Calloway, Doris H. Dept. of Nutrition, UCB (Dietary studies) Carroll, John UCB (1969 Field crew; photography; Lab assistant, 1969) Carter, Annetta Herbarium, UCB (Seed identifications) Chandler, Dorothy Dept. of Public Health, UCB (Laboratory facilities) Chang, Ethel UCB (1969 Field crew) Chemsak, John A. Dept. of Entomology, UCB (Identification of insects) Clement, David UCB (1969 Field crew, vehicle & equipment) Constance, Lincoln Dept. of Botany, UCB (Botanical consultations) Cook, Emmett Lovelock, Nevada (Assistance in the field) Cook, Sherburne Emeritus Professor of Physiology, UCB (Consultations) Cooney, Donald Dept. of Biology, Univ. of Nevada, Reno (Botanical identifications) Craighead, John Wildlife Research Unit, Univ. of Montana (Bear food habits) - v - Cutler, Hugh C. Missouri Botanical Gardens St. Louis (General botanical data) Darnell, Jess and Helen Toulon, Nevada (Field facilities) DeAtley, Suzanne UCB (1969 Field crew) Deforest, Peter Dept. of Criminology, UCB (Analysis of human hair) Dockstader, Fredrick J. Director, Museum of American Indian, Heye Fnd., New York (Lovelock Cave collections) Douglas, Charles L. Prescott College, Arizona (Faunal identifications; identification of mammal hair) Drake, Robert J. Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver (Identification of molluscan remains) Bardun, A.M. (Local arrangements, N.Y.) Dunn, Fred L. (M.D.) Hooper Fdn., UCB Medical Ctr., San Francisco (Parasitological examinations) Elberg, Sanford S. Dean of the Grad. Division, UCB (Financial aid) Elsasser, Albert B. Lowie Museum of Anthropology, UCB (L.L. Loud data; 1968 crew) Encinas, Gary UCB (1969 Field crew) Englezos, Gay Faculty Grants Secretary, UCB (General) Estis, Marke UCB (1969 Field crew) Eustis, Ann UCB (Lab helper 1969) Evans, Richard Evans, Kathy UCB (Biochemical analysis) Ferrel, Carol Calif. Dept. of Fish & Game (Laboratory facilities) Follett, W.I. Emeritus Curator of Ichthyology Calif. Academy of Sciences (Identification of fish remains) Froelich, John Lovelock, Nevada (Field facilities) Fry, Gary Univ. of Utah (Field consultation 1969; Danger Cave coprolites) Graham, John Dept. of Anthropology, UCB (General assistance) Graham, Samuel A. Dept. of Entomology, Univ. of Michigan (Entomology) - vi - Greer, Kenneth Director, Food Habits Laboratory Montana State Univ. (Food habits consultation) Gruhn, Ruth Director, Dept. of Anthropology Univ. of Alberta Edmonton (Wilson Butte Cave coprolites) Guadagno, Carmelo Museum of the American Indian, Heye Fdn., New York (Photography) Gunn, Charles U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Beltsville, Maryland (Seed identification) Hallinan, Dan UCB (1969 Field crew) Hallinan, Patrick UCB (1968 Field crew vehicle, 1969) Hansen, Jack Calif. Fish & Game (Ichthyological samples) Hanson, Charles H. Museum of the Fur Trade Chadron, Nebraska (Identification of gun parts) Hargrave, Lyndon Prescott College, Arizona (Microfaunal & Avifaunal studies) Hatch, Marian UCB Healy, Paul UCB (1969 Field crew, cataloguing 1969) Heinze, Ruth-Ann UCB (Lab group, 1969) Herod, David Lowie Museum, UCB (Technical assistance & equipment) Hester, Thomas Roy UCB (Lithic analysis) Hester, Lynda UCB (Manuscript preparation) Hesterlee, Ethel Lovelock, Nevada (Assistance in the field, 1968-69) Hopkirk, John Chico State College, Calif. (Ichthyological consultations) Jennings, Jesse D. Dept. of Anthropology, Univ. Salt Lake City (Field consultations) of Utah Johnson, Charles UCB (1968 Field crew) Johnson, Kay Nevada Dept. Fish and Game (Ichthyological samples) Johnson, Ned K. Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, UCB (Bird skin identifications) (1969 Field crew, cataloguing) - vii - Jellison, William Rocky Mt. Research Lab (Ret'd.) (Parasitological examinations) Kaarto, Tim Dept. of Electrical Engineering, UCB (Field equipment) Kelso, Gerald Dept. of Geochronology, Univ. of Arizona (Palynological analysis) Kennedy, Barbara Dept. of Nutrition, UCB (Dietary studies) Klein, Stephen Richmond Field Station, UCB (Chemical analyses KirkPaul L. Dept. of Criminology, UCB (Special investigations) Krebs, Ernst J. John Beard Memorial Fdn. San Francisco (Dietary analysis) Ley, Monica UCB (1969 Field crew; laboratory assistant 1969) Marcus, Joyce UCB (1969 Field crew) Martin, Alexander C. Los Gatos, Calif. (Seed identification; general consultations) Martin, Paul S. Dept. of Geochronology, Univ. of Arizona (Palynological studies) Messinger, Norman U.S. Nat. Park Service (Avifaunal consultation) McCown, T.D. Dept. of Anthropology, UCB (Osteological analysis) Miller, Loyg Dept. of Biology Univ. of Calif., Davis (Avifaunal consultation) Miller, Seward,(M.D.) University of Michigan (Pathological consultations) Mitchell, Linda (Rice) UCB (1969 Field crew; palynological studies) Moffitt, F.H. Dept. of Civil Engineering, UCB (Surveying equipment) Morril, Ted Nevada State Fish and Game (Photography) Morrison, Roger B. U.S. Geological Survey, Denver (Field geological investigation 1969) Mukai, George Richmond Field Station, UCB (Chemical analysis) - viii - Murchio, Jack Calif. Dept. of Public Health (Epidemiological studies) Naphan, E.A. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Reno, Nevada (Soil consultations) Napier, Lawrence U.S. Fish & Wildlife Fallon, Nevada (Avifaunal data) Nissen, Karen UCB (Chief lab assistant 1968-69, field crew 1968-69) O'Connell, James F. UCB (1968 Field crew) Okumura, George State Insect Laboratory Sacramento (Insect identifications) Osmundsen, Lita Wenner-Gren Fdn., New York (Financial aid) Padgug, Elise UCB (1969 Field crew) Pearson, Oliver P. Dept. of Zoology, UCB (Bat identifications) Poovaiah, B.P. Dept. of Nutrition, UCB (Dietary analysis) Radovsky, Frank Hooper Fdn., UCB Medical Ctr. San Francisco (Parasitology) Rapoport, Henry Dept. of Chemistry, UCB (Chemical analysis) Samuels, Robert (M.D.) Meharry Medical College, Nashville (Parasitological consultations) Saalke, Norman Nevada Dept. Fish and Game Fallon (Wildlife data) Saulisberry, Charles N. Central Lahontan River Basin Survey Carson City (Technical data) Schaaf, Laura UCB (Lab group, 1969) Scharetg, Jennifer UCB (1969 Field crew) Schuldt, E.H. Central Research Dept. Anheuser-Busch, St. Louis (Chemical analyses) Schwartzkopf, W.W. Dept. of Biology, Univ. of Nevada Reno (Botanical identifications) Sears, P.B. Yale Univ. (Palynological consultations) Sharsmith, Helen K. Herbarium, UCB (Seed identifications) Sine, Nancy UCB (Lab assistant, 1969-70) - ix - Skaggs, Robert Acting Supervisor, State Seed Lab. Sacramento (Seed identifications) Smith, Earle C. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Beltsville, Maryland (Botanical data) Speed, Robert C. Dept. of Geological Sciences Northwestern Univ. (Geological data) Stiles, T. Museum of American Indian, Heye Fdn., New York (Lovelock collections) Stienecker, Walter Calif. Fish and Game (Analysis and identifications) Stopps, J.M. Ass't. Director, Haskell Lab. E.I. duPont de Nemours and Co. (Chemical analysis) Stross, F.H. Shell Development Co. (Photography, X-ray Fluorscence analysis) Strother, John L. Herbarium, UCB (Seed identifications) Swain, F.M. Dept. of Geology, Univ. of Minnesota (Petrological analysis Swanson, Earl Dept. of Anthropology, Idaho State Univ., Pocatello (General) Taber, Richard D. Dept. of Forestry, Univ. of Montana (Avifaunal data) Tatlock, Donald U.S. Geological Survey Menlo Park, Calif. (Spectroscopic analyses, field geological investigations, 1969) Taylor, Irwin Dept. of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, UCLA (Radiocarbon determinations) Thomas, Jerome F. Dept. Sanitary Engineering, UCB (Chemical analyses) Trostler, Naomi Dept. of Nutrition, UCB (Dietary research) Tuohy, Donald Nevada State Museum Carson City (Field consultation, Pyramid Lake coprolites) Van Kleeck, Norah State Seed Lab, Sacramento (Seed identifications) Washburn, S. L. Dept. of Anthropology, UCB (Human osteology) Wells, Phillip V. Dept. of Botany, Univ. of Kansas (Botanical data) Wenrich, Steve UCB (1969 Field crew) Wheat, Margaret Fallon, Nevada (Ethnobotanical data) - x - Whitaker, Thomas W. U.S. Horticultural Field Station La Jolla (Botanical data) Whitehouse, Susan Faculty Grants Secretary UCB (General) Wihr, Bill UCB (Lab assistant, 1970) Wilcox, Vincent Curator, Museum of the American Indian, Heye Fdn. Survey The Bronx, New York (Lovelock collections; photography) Wolfe, Warwick UCB (Lab group 1969) Wong, Jane UCB (1969 Field crew) Worden, Larry Manager, Stillwater Wile Life Refuge, Fallon, Nevada (Avifaunal, seed and vegetal samples, wetlands photographs) Wright, Fred E. Nevada Dept. Fish and Game Reno (Wildlife data) Ziegler, Alan C. Dept. of Zoology, UCB (Faunal identifications) - xi - CONTENTS I. ARCHAEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS IN LOVELOCK CAVE, NEVADA by Robert F. Heizer and Lewis K. Napton . . . II. ANALYSIS OF HUMAN COPROLITES FROM ARCHAEOLOGICAL CONTEXTS, WITH PRIMARY REFERENCE TO LOVELOCK CAVE, NEVADA, by Lewis K. Napton and Robert F. Heizer . . . III. CORRESPONDENCE CONCERNING THE LOVELOCK CAVE INVESTIGATIONS BY THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA IN 1912 AND 1924, AND PREPARATION OF L. L. LOUD'S FINAL REPORT,- edited by Robert F. Heizer and Lewis K. Napton IV. FISH REMAINS FROM HUMAN COPROLITES AND MIDDEN DEPOSITS OBTAINED DURING 1968 AND 1969 AT LOVELOCK CAVE, CHURCHILL COUNTY, NEVADA, by W. I. Follett . . . . . V. PARASITOLOGICAL EXAMINATIONS OF PREHISTORIC HUMAN COPROLITES FROM LOVELOCK CAVE, NEVADA, by F. L. Dunn and R. Watkins . . . . VI. MITES ASSOCIATED WITH COPROLITES AND MUMMIFIED HUMAN REMAINS IN NEVADA, by Frank J. Radovsky . . . . . . VII. DESCRIPTION OF SKELETAL MATERIAL FOUND IN LOVELOCK CAVE (NV-Ch-18) IN 1969, by Mary Ellen Morbeck . . . . . . VIII. LOVELOCK CAVE BIBLIOGRAPHY, by Robert F. Heizer and Lewis K. Napton . - xii - 1 87 131 163 176 186 . . 191 198