29 III. INDIAN RANCHERIA NAMES IN FOUR MISSION RECORDS C. Hart Merriam [The C. Hart Merriam Collection contains a number of abstracts of California Franciscan Mission records. These include records of baptisms, marriages and deaths. Most of the Merriam copies have already been published. In 1955 Dr. J. A. Bennyhoff edited the Merriam copies of the baptismal records for Santa Barbara Mission, San Luis Obispo Mission, San Miguel Mission, Santa Clara Mission, and San Jose Mission (Merriam 1955:188-225). In 1968 I assembled and edited thir- teen more such abstracts for the following missions: San Rafael, San Francisco, San Carlos, Santa Cruz, La Soledad, San Antonio, La Purisima Concepcion, San Fernando, San Gabriel, San Juan Capistrano, San Luis Rey and Pala, and San Diego (Merriam 1968). During the summer of 1969 while engaged in the work of catalog- ing the Merriam Collection (Heizer 1969) I found four more rancheria lists which had earlier escaped notice, and in order to complete the publication of these useful data these four documents are presented here. The four documents are presented here in their entirety and without any effort at editorial reorganization or attempt to correct probable errors.] Robert F. Heizer 30 LA PURISIMA MISSION The following lists of rancherias from the Mission Books of La Purisima Mission are made up records secured in 1919 from the Padrons or Registers of different dates and from the Book of Baptisms, verified and corrected by records in the Books of Marriages and Deaths. As it was possible to spend more time on the Registers than on the other Mission Books the lists are based on the material in the Registers and the number of Indians estimated from the records of the Registers. The Mission Books are in two places, as follows: At Parochial Church, Santa Barbara Padron de la Mision de la Purisima, 1799-1804 Padron de la Mision de la Purisima, 1804-1806 Padron de la Mision de Purisima Concepcion, 1822 Padron de la Mision de la Purisima Concepcion, 1826 At the old Mission of Santa Ynez Libros de Bautismos de la Mision de Purisima Concepcion. 2 vols. 1. 1788-1834. Nos. 1-3287; 2. 1834-1890. Nos. 3288-3357. Libros de Difuntos de Purisima Concepcion. 2 vols. 1789-1822; 1822-1850. 2996 records. Libro de Matrimonios de Purisima Concepcion. 1787-1851. Over 1000 records. Libro de Confirmaciones de Purisima Concepcion. [No rancherias]. Padron que contiene todos los Indios de esta Mision de Purisima Concepcion. 1814. 8. Has index of rancherias. S. R. Clemence Washington, D.C. April 1921 31 Figures in () after rancheria names indicate number of times spelling occurs. Register Register Register Register Book of No. of 1799 1804 1814 1822 Baptisms Indians Xachi o la Quemada. Sachi, Chachi [Records for Indians re- corded in 1799 Register from Achi]. Chachi o la Quemada. Aguam Ahuam Ajuaps (15) Ajuapsa A-'uap (2) Ajuups Ajuaps (4) Ajuaps o de la Larga. Ajuiaps o la Larga (7). Aguapex 12 men 7 women 19 Alaham Alitustul(2) (San Luis). Asaju Asil (2) Atajes (7) 1 man 1 woman 2 Asil Casil Atajes (2) 2 men 1 woman 3 Ytacet 4 men 2 women 6 Axpitil Aspili 1 woman Achi (33) Achi (3) Quemada Yachi 14 men 18 women 1 child 33 Aguam (5) Ahuam (1) Aehax Jahax 3 men 3 women 6 Azgsumu 32 Register Register Register Register Book of No. of 1799 1804 1814 1822 Baptisms Indians Calahuasa(24) Calahuasa Calauasa [Spelling Alahuasa occurs in Padron of 1826] Cholosus rancheria de Lemes, o de las Yslas. Chujuale Calahuaxa Choloxus Calaussa, Calabasa 12 men 13 women 2 children 27 1 woman 1 man Xucuali Coouchup Cuiam Egep Ejpe Gpe (7) Sejpe Ehquehue Estait(64) Chcahue Estait(8) Coouchup Coochup(2) Jonaxup Cuyam(4) Ejpe(2) Espe 7 men 2 women 9 9 men 7 women 16 Ape Esqueue Estait o Bulito(10) Estaite Estait Estayt Stait 3 men I woman 3 children 7 1 man 29 men 40 women 2 children 71 Estep E chiuchiu rancheria de Lemes o de las Yslas. Xiucxiuc rancheria de Lemes. o de las Yslas. Estep Estep Estepe Eschiuchui E txiuchiuchiu Ysla Etchiu- chui (6) Chiuchui Cchuichu (2) Estep(3) Step(7) Estep(2) Step 5 men 5 women 10 11 men 7 women 18 33 Register Register Register Register Book of No. of 1799 1804 1814 1822 Baptisms Indians Galihuilimu Jalihuilimu (6) Esjeliulimu [Spelling Geliuilimu occurs in Padron of 1826]. Esgliguilimu (5) Esgeliguilimu (7) Esgehuiulimu (2) Esgeluilimu (2) Esgehulimu Sgiliulimu Xaliluimu Saliguilimu Gebit Gilihuasiuia (Yslenio). Gitzumu(5) Gilihuasiuia (Yslenio). Gitzumu(2) Guaslaique (45) Guaslaiqe (20). Guaslaic Guaslaic(12) Guaslai Guaslaiq (4) Huaslaiqe Guaslaique Guasleic Qasleq Uasleique Yaxlaic Uhaslaic 29 men 30 women 2 children 61 Guasna(10) Guasna(4) Huasna(4) Gueguec Guasna (4) Guasna 9 men 9 women 18 Guenejel (52) Jalama (22) Galama Guenejel(7) Huenegel(7) Uenejel Jalama(2) Uenejel Jalama Guenejel (12) Ctuenejel Jalama (5) 13 men 14 women 27 1 man 2 men 5 men 2 women 7 Gualay Uasna Gueguec Guasno 1 man 29 men 24 women 53 6 men 10 women 1 child 17 34 Register Register Register Register Book of No. of 1799 1804 1814 1822 Baptisms Indians Jonjonata (47) Jonjonata Jonjonata (4) Jonajonata Jonata 9 men 35 women 3 children 47 Lacalamu rancheria de Lemes, 6 de las Yslas. Nacayamu, rancheria de Lemes, 6 de las Yslas. Ysla Lacayamu. Lacayamu(2) Lisahuato [Spelling Lonpoc(40) Lospe'(9) Lichauto Lixauto occurs in Padron of 1826]. Lonpoc(2) Lompoc Lompoc(7) Lospe Lospe Lospe 2 women Lompoco Lompoho Lumpoc Lospe 14 men 18 women 3 children 35 4 men 4 women 8 Lutijlog(2) Miguihui t Miguihui Najue (63) Najue (2) Anajue Miguiu o los dos Pueblos. Anajue Anajue (3) [Spellings Hanajue, Anajuue occur in Padron of 1826, which also spells Antonio with an H]. Nague Naj ague Naj agui Nayagui 4 men 2 women 6 Lemes Ysleno Laulcoyui 1 man Lutiglog 2 women 1 man 1 woman 2 25 men 37 women 62 35 Register Register Register Register Book of No.of 1799 1804 1814 1822 Baptisms Indians Naucu(62) Naucu Nauco (2) Naucu 0 Graciosa Nueva Naucu o Graciosa Nueba(8). Nahucu o Graciosa Nueba Nauco 24 men 38 women 62 Ysla Niacla(2) Niucla Nilaluy rancheria de Lemes, o de las Yslas Nilaluy Ysla Nilalui (5) Nilalui Ninalui Ylaluy (2) 15 men 7 women 22 Nimquelquel rancheria de Lemes o de las Ys- las Nipomo (10) Nipomo Nimquelquel (7) Nincuelquel Ysla Ninquelquel. (6) Nipomo(2) Nipom 20 men 7 women 1 child 28 4 men 7 women 11 Nocto(26) Nocto (8) Nomgio(114) Nomjio (15) Nocto (3) Nomgio (3) Nocto o Pedernales Nomgio o de la Gaviota Nocto o Pedernales (10) Nomgio o Gaviota (9) Gabiota La Gaviota Nongio (2) Nomgio (2) Nonjio Nocto Nogto Nonjio Nomio Onomj io 16 men 18 women 1 child 35 47 men 73 women 10 children 130 5 men 1 woman 6 Nipomo 36 Register Register Register Register Book of No. of 1799 1804 1814 1822 Baptisms Indians Sacciol(25) Sacciol (7) Sacciol o de los Alamos. Sacci6l o Alamos (4) Sajuchu(74) Sajuchu (4) Sajuchu o Sta.Rosa. [Spelling Sajucho occurs in Padron of 1826] Sajuchu Sajuchu o Sta. Rosa(2) Sajuhu o Sta.Rosa(5) Sajuhu Sajauchu o 24 men Sta. Rosa.50 women Sahuchu 74 Sahucho(but clsioks like Sahuoho). Sagusho Salatustus Saxpil (34) Saspili Saxpilil(2) S ihuhui I Saxpil (2) Sajpili Sajpili o Graciosa Vieja. Sajpili o Graciosa Vieja (2). Silimastus (25) Silimastuz (26) Silimast(4) Silimastus(4) Silimastus o la Espada Silimastus Silimastus o Espada(3) Silimactus 5 Espada(2) Silismastus Silimaxtus Silimaxtux Silimi (Ysleno). Sipuc Silimi rancheria de Lemes, o de las Yslas. Silimi Ysla Silimi (5) 14 men 11 women 4 children 29 2 men 9 women 1 child 12 Saxiol Sasiol Sacxiol Sacssiol 1 0 men 15 women 25 1 woman 13 men 20 women 33 1 woman Silimi (Yslen-o). 29 men 36 women 1 child 66 Sipuc(11) 37 Register Register Register Register Book of No. of 1799 1804 1814 1822 Baptisms Indians Sishuchuo (4) Sisuou Sisuou (2) Sisolop (130) Sisolop(8) Sisolop o del Cojo. [Spelling Sisop occurs in Padron of 1826] Sisolop Sisolop 5 Cojo(21) Sisolo [Puyayeme- hui t, Chief of Sisolop, 1799]. 58 men 69 women 1 child 128 Sitax Sitolo Slegini (2) Silegini Snicehue(48) Sniceue Nisehue Niseue(2) Niseue Snicehue(7) Sniceue Esniceue Esniceue (16) Esnisegue Niseue Esniceu Ysniceque 21 men 25 women 46 Sotonocmo (42) Sotonocmo Soctonohmu Sotonocma 10 men Sojtonocomo 29 women Atonocmo 3 children 42 S tipu Succhi Tasapix 2 men 1 woman 1 child 4 1 man 1 woman 2 38 Register Register Register Register Book of No. of 1799 1804 1814 1822 Baptisms Indians Tejaj (17) Tejas (2) Tejak c Sta. Anita. Tejaj (4) Tejaj o Sta. Anita. Tejaj Teja Theas Tehax Tahax Texa' Texaxa Texaha Texche Telami 9 men 8 women 17 I man I woman 2 Tiaja Toan Tohan Toam (Yslenio). Toan rancheria de Lemes, o de las Yslas. Toan Ysla Toam(5) Toam(2) Ychemen rancheria de Lemes, o de las Yslas. Ysla Ytchemen. Ytiax (24) Ytiax(2) Ytiaz Ytiax Ytiax (4) Etiax [Spelling Yteax occurs in Padron of 1826] Ytahax Yitax Ytacge Ytaqz Ytax Ytaax 13 men 10 women 1 child 24 The introduction to the Book of Baptisms states that the Mission of Purisima was founded on the plain of Santa Rosa River in the place called by the natives Algsacupi and transferred to the canada de los Berros in the place that the neophytes call Amuu. Toan 15 men 7 women 1 child 23 2 men 4 women 6 39 RANCHERIAS LISTED IN INDEX OF THE PADRON OR REGISTER OF THE MISSION OF LA PURISIMA, 1814 [Transposed into alphabetic order] Aguari Anajue Atajes Bulito Calauasa Coouseup Cuiam Ejpe Esgeliulimu Esniceue Esqueue Estep Gabiota Guaslaic Jalama Jonjonata Laseauto Lompoc Lospe Miquiui y Uachi N.aU Cu Nilaluy Nipomo Nocto Sacciol Sahpili Sajuchu Santa Anita Silegini Silimastus Silimi Sisolop Sisuou Toan Uasna Uenejel Uujuali Viudos Ytiase 40 SAN BUENAVENTURA MISSION The following is a comparison of A list of rancherias of San Buenaventura Missiyn given in Bancroft Library Extracts of Mission Archives. With A list of rancherias of San Buenaventura Mission compiled from Pinart's Copy of the Book of Baptisms of San Buenaventura Mission.2 Pinart's copy includes dates of Baptisms by years, names of Indians baptized, and ranch- erias to which they belonged. The list from Pinart's copy was made at the Bancroft Library in 1918. Figures in () after rancheria names indicate number of times spelling occurs in Book of Baptisms; figures in () after dates, number of Indians baptized that year. All these names were preceded by 'ra' (abbreviation for rancheria). Archivo de la Mision San Buenaventura, Libros de Mision, Extracts made by E. F. Murray for Bancroft Library, 1877.. 2 Libro de Bautismos, Mision San Buenaventura, 1783-1839, MS copy made by A. Pinart, Bancroft Library, No. 35060, 1878. Note: Pinart's copies of Mission records contain many errors. This copy gives spellings of rancheria names as in the original records in Santa Barbara copied by Stella Clemence in 1919. For additional rancherias and information obtained from the original Mission records at Santa Barbara see separate list. 41 Mission Archives Pinart's Copy Book of Baptisms, San Buenaventura No. of Rancherias Rancherias Year of Baptisms Indians Alacleu 1789 (1) 1 Alaleyque or Alalehue, alias Belen in the nearest sierra Alahue Alalehue (7) Alaleyque, en la sierra mas inme- diato, alias Belen Alcas (1) Alcui (7) Alacui (1) Anajue (1) Aquitsumu Aquitsumu (1) 1785 (1); 1787 (2) Aujal or Aujay Aujai (22) Aujay (14) Aujay or Pur2 Co-! Haujay or Purisima Concepcion 1787 1790 1795 1798 1800 1802 1805 1807 (1); 1788 (2); (1) ; 1794 (1) ; (1); 1797 (1); (1); 1799 (1); (1); 1801 (11); (11); 1804 (3); (5) ; 1806 (1) ; (5); 1808 (1) Cachantuc (1) Cajas of the opposite island Cajas (12) Cajas en la ysla (4) de en frente Jajas en la vsla (1) en frente Calushcohoc Calushcoho Calucscoho 1802 (2); 1808 (5) 1787 (1) 1807 (1) 8 1 1784 1786 1788 (1) ; (1) ; (4) 10 1784 (1) 1806 (1) 1 1 47 1789 (1) 1 1787 1802 1806 1814 1816 (1); (2); (1); (5) ; (5) 1801 (2); 1804 (1); 1807 (1); 1815 (1); 19 1803 (1) 1 42 No. of Rancherias Rancherias Year of Baptisms Indians Canaputegnon (1) Canaputegnon de Sta.Clara Canaputegnon ra. de Sta. Clara (1) Gueneputecnon(l) Gueneputecnon o Sta.Clara como 2 leguas distante de la M'n. (1) Queneputecnon(l) Casapcapistac(l) 1783(4); 1785(2) 1786(1) 1818(1) Cashtec(1l) Castec(l) Casulnamu Cayegues Chahua Casunalmu (4) Casunalmuc (1) Casunalmu 6 Sta. Clara(2) Cayegues(40) "Capitan Jucucagui de la ra. Cayegues" Chahua (5) 1785(1); 1786(1); 1787(1) ; 1788(2); 1789(1); 1790(2) 1794-1818(53) 1815(1); 1816(4) "Chechue en la ysla ultima 1la Guima" (1) Chihuicchihui Chihuicchihui (3) "Chihuicchihui en la Ysla de Guimao San Jose"(1) Chimii Choynoqui Choynogui (1) Cholochus (1) Chujguiyujush(l) Chujguiyujus (1) 1814(1); 1816(1) 1803(1); 1818(1) 7 Cashtec Castec 1 1802(2); 1804(3); 1810(1); 1822(1) 1803(1); 1807(1); 1816(3); 12 8 53 5 1789 (1) 1 1815 (1); 1816 (3) Cholochus 4 1816 (2) 2 2 2 43 No. of Rancherias Rancherias Year of Baptisms Indians Chumpache (6) Coloc (4) "Coloc 6 El Paredon"(l) "Cuchojones o Sn Pedro de Alcantara, vecina de este Mision (1) Esjaluilmu (1) "de Guima" (1) [Also spoken of as island; See Chechue, Chihuicchihui Nilaluy] 1803(2); 1808(4) 1785-6 (2); 1800-4 (3) 1783 (1) 1801 (1) 1814(1) Not given as rancheria in I original record "Najugui al Norte de la 30 ra. despues de los Dos Pueblos" Huama (2) Juam (1) 1784(1) 1799(1); 1801(1); 1802(1) "fnatl de la ra. Jatutsh, neofito de Sn jn Capistrano, y su mujer de la ra. Tahuey 1808 (2) "Ysla de Juya" 1803(1) Lacayamu(ll) 1804(1); "Lacayamu en la ysla de Limu"1815(l); 1814(2); 1816 (9) 1814(1) Lalale (1) Lalimanu (10) Lalimanuc(2) Lalimanug (3) "Lalimanu o Sn Pedro"(l) 1785(1); 1788(5); 1790(6); 1786 (4); 1789(3) 1795(2) Liam(42) Liam en la ysla de Limu(2) Liama en la ysla de en frente 1801-6 (6) 1813(1); 1814(15) 1815(7); 1816(43); 1817(1) Chumpache Coloc Esjaluimu Guima 6 5 1 1 1 Huama 1 Lacayamu Lalale Lalimanue 3 2 1 13 1 21 Liam 73 44 Rancheria s Lisicsi or Lesecsi Lojostogni Luupsh "Lups, on the opposite island' Matapjuelejuel Matapjahua Ma lapnam Matil ja Miguigui Rancherias Year of Baptisi Lislcsi (3) 1787-88(2); 17 Lisichi (11) 1793(4); 1798( Lisicsii(l) 1803(6); 1805( Lisixi(l) 1808(2); 1810( Lisijii(1) Lojostogni (12) 1802-1805 (16) Luupsh (21) 1784-99(9); Lups(3) 1801-5(12); Luups(7) 1811(8) "Lups en la ysla de en frente 1813-15(4); liamada de los naturales 1816 (16) Minagua" "Lups en la ysla de en frente" (5) "Luupsh en la ysla de enfrente" (2) "Luups en la ysla de en enfrente" (1) "Maschal en la ysla en frente" 1794 (1) de esta Mision.(1) Matapjuelejuel(2) 1804(1); 1813( Matapjahua(3) 1803(2); 1808( "Matapuam o Sn Juan de la Cruz" (1) 1787(2); 1788( Matuapan(l) 1801(2); 1803( Matilja(73) 1787-1795(40); Matilja o San Antonio 1796 (110) de Padua 1798-1810 (39) "Lsla de Michumas" 1794 (1) Miguigui (1) Miguigui 6 Dos Pueblos(l) 1794(1); 1802( No. of Indians Ims 90- 1); 2); 1) ,1) '1) 18 16 49 1 2 3 2) ; '1) 7 189 1 1) 2 45 No. of Rancherias Rancherias Year of Baptisms Indians .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~nin or Misopsno (18) Mishopsno (11) Misobsmo (1) - n Misahsno o S Roque (3) Misopsno 6 Sn Roque (1) Misospno 6 Carpinteria (1) Mugu (44) Mugu 6 Sn Jorge (1) Mupu (52) 4Mupu o Sn Bernardo" (1) Nanaguani (3) Nanahuani (29) "Nanaguani en la ysla de en frente" (1) "Nanaguan en la ysla en frente" (2) Nilaluy (1) "Nilaluy en la Ysla de Guima (1) Ninaluy (1) Quimisha'~g (4) Quimitshag (3) 1784(1); 1785-1789(9); 1790(11); 1792-1795(3); 1801-1804(17) 1785-1801 (13); 1802(19); 1803(8); 1804-6 (8); 1807 (12); 1808(3); 1810(1) 1788-1795(25); 1801- 1802 (23); 1801- 1808 (18) 1787-1795(6); 1804 (1) 1814 (34) 1815- 1817 (15) 1816(2); 1818(1) 1803 (7); 1805 (1); 1810(1); 1818(1) Sajpilin(l) 1785 (1) Salaguay(2) 1783(2); 1785(1); Saluhaj (1) 1786(4); 1790(1); Saluag(1) 1794(1) Sualague(l) "Saluhaj alias Montecito dista de la Mn, como 1 legua"l(l) "Saluag o Montecito Misopsno Mishopsno Misopi Mugu Mupu Nanaguani Ninaluy Quimi shag 41 64 66 56 3 10 Salaguaj 1 9 46 No. of Rancherias Rancherias Year of Baptisms Indians Sapue(20) "Sapue o San Lucas(l) "Sapue o El Conejorr(1) Secpei (1) Secpe (1) Secpe(12) Secpey(l) Sisa (37) "Sisa(la Ma de Aujai)"* (2) 1788-1798(7) 1800- 1809 (19) 17 90 (2) ; 1801-7(8); 1809(1) 1813(1); 1820(1) 1808 (8) 1787-1798(8); 1801(7); 1802(17) 1803- 1808 (13) Solop alias Sn Buenaventura Sisulcui Sisculcuy Sisolop (129) Sisolop o Asumpta (1) Sisolop o Sn Ba (1) Solop o S Buenaventura (1) Soolop (1) "Chicholop(Sisolop)" (1) Sisulcui (2) Sisulcuy (3) Sijulcuy (4) Sisjulcuy (2) 1783- 1799 (134) 1801- 1805 (43) 17 94- 17 99 (3); 1801- 1808 (8) Situnami(l) Sitanche(l) Esnajaleyegue or Shanjaleyuhue or Esnajalishue Esnajaleyegue (1) Esnajaliyehue (1) Eshnajaleyehue(l) Eshnajaliyehue (1) Asnajaleyegue(l) Snajaleyegue (4) Shnajaliyehue(4) Casnajaleyegue(l) Casnajalegue(l) Jasnajalayeguet(l) 1786 (1); 1787 (1); 1790(2); 1796(1); 1801 (10); 1802 (1); 1804(1); 1810 (1); * Could not find in original(SRC). Sapue Secpei or Secpe Siza or Sisa 26 21 45 177 11 Setunami 1810 (1) 1835 (1) 1 1 18 47 No. of Rancherias Rancherias Year of Baptisms Indians Somes, at the foot of the nearest sierra Chucuu "Sucu, alias San Mateo" Somes (71) Somesi (1) Somes en el pie de la sierra mas inr (1) Somes 6 Na sa de Belen (1) Sucu (38) Chucuu (3) Chucuu (2) Chucu (8) "Sucu alias Sn Matheo" (2) "Sucu o Sn Matheo del Rincon (1) 1783-1796 (97) 1801-1808 (19) 1783-1799(37); 1801-1805 (24) Sumo (7) Sumoslegue (1) 1802-1805(7) 1804(1) Sumuahuahua Sumogna Sumuahuahua (17) Sumoagua(l) 1803(5); 1804(1); 1805(18); 1809(2) Tachicoyo (1) Tacuyaman (1) Tahapu (2) 1790(1) 1790 (1) 1803 (1); 1813 (1) Talopop (1) Sapuc o San Bernardino (1) Tashplipun Tashplipun (1) Tashlipun (3) Tequeps en frente de la ra. de los Dos Pueblos 1 Telamni (1) Tonatachs en los Tulares (1) 116 61 7 1 Tacuyaman Tahapu 26 I 1 1803 (1) 2 1788 (1) I 1 1802 (1 ); 1815 (3) t Telamni 1813 (1) ; 5 1818 (1) 1839 (4) 1 4 Sumo" 48 No. of Rancherias Rancherias Year of Baptisms Indians Juyunga en el tierritorio de la Mn de Sn Gabriel como 12 leguas (1) y distante de ella al rumbo del L es Nordeste Umalibo (13) Maliuo (1) 1795(1) 1785(1); 1789(2); 1805(4) 1 17 1786(3); 1803(7); "Yahuelama, of the Tulares" "Yahuelama mas alla de los Tulares"(1) Yegehue Ypuc (7) "Ypuch o del Triunfo" - Ypuc "Yaguagel of the opposite island" Yaguagel (8) "Ysguagel en la Ysla en frente" (4) Yshguagel (74) "Yshguagel en la ysla de Limu" (1) 1783-1813(28) 1814(21) 1815(19) 1816(82); 1817(2) "Siguagel en las yslas (1) Umalibo 1810(1) 1 1804(1) 1789(1); 1804(2); 1810(1) 1802(4); 1805 (3) 1 11 152 49 SAN FRANCISCO MISSION The following list of rancherias is compiled from an original Mission Register in possession of Bancroft Library, and bound without title or note of any kind in Archivos de las Misiones, Papeles Originales, Tom I, 1769-1825, pp. 79-186. The register is undoubtedly that of the Mission of San Francisco. It includes 274 'Gente de Razon' and some 1500 Indians. Among the former are people known to have been born in San Francisco at the dates given in the register, e.g. Francisco Soto, born at San Francisco 1776, and Luis Arguello, born at San Francisco, 1784. The register lists "Gente de Razon' and Indians separately; also men and women. The Indian records give name, rancheria or tribe, whether adult or child, date of baptism, followed by a number which, of course, refers to the number in the book of baptisms. Thus Indios Indias Bartholome, Ad?, Huchum, 2279 Berenecia Parb'?, Aguasto, 2499 dia 11th Julio, 1801 dia 2 de Enero de 1803 The dates in the register run from 1780-1821 and the numbers from 1 - 6350. S. R. Clemence August 1918 50 Aguileyo (1) Aguasto (21) Alaguali (12) Bolbon (2) Bolbom (3) Caguapato (8) Canicaimo (24) Canicaymo (68) Chagute (1) Chobilbala (1) Chocoaico (4) Chocoayco (14) Chocoay (4) Chocoaio (1) Chocoayo (1) Choisag (1) Choquinico (5) Chucuyem (2) Chicuien (1) Chucuyen (1) Chuscam (6) Chupam (23) Echajute (4) Echagute (1) Hechjute (1) Egua (1) Year of Baptisms 1817 (1) 18u0(3); 1802(3) 1803(16) 1805(1) 1801(1); 1809(1); 1811(1) 1812(1); 1816(6); 1817(8) 1805 (2); 1806 (2) 1812(7); 1814(1) 1814(1); 1814(1); 1821 (205) 1817(2) 1815 1813 (7); 1815 (2); 1816(7); 1817(9) 1813 1816(2); 1817(3) 1814(1); 1815(4) 1804 (2); 1805 (2); 180922) 1810(15); 1811(5); 1815(2) 1816 (5); 1817 (2) Men Women Children Total 7 7 8 2 3 2 2 3 61 106 2 18 5 1 1 2 2 1 2 14 4 1 3 1 9 23 4 15 4 3 8 42 209 2 1 1 2 25 1 2 5 2 3 5 3 5 6 22 7 1 1 1810(1 ) 51 Year ot Baptisms Men Women Children Total Elamaen (?) Geluasibe (10) 1812(1) 1812(1); 1816(4); 1 1813(4); 1817(3) 8 2 2 12 Guaul em (23) Gualem (2) Huchum (47) Huchum Aguasto (10) 1801 (4); 1805(2); 1814(1) 1780(2); 1792(4); 1799(1); 1802(4); 1805(1); 1810 (2) 1802(7); 1803(12); 1806(3); 1807(1); 1784(1); 1787(1); 1794(14); 1797(2); 1800(2); 1801(9); 1803(4); 1804(1); 1808(1); 1809(3); 1803(3); 1805(6); 1809(3) 10 3 17 30 20 6 27 53 4 8 12 Huymen (16) 17 95 (1) ; 1802(7); 1808 (1) ; 1801 (2); 1803 (3); 1809 (1); 8 1 12 21 Jalquin (3) Jalquim (2) Julpum (1) Karquin (32) MIasna ? Malacas (26) Malaca (6) 1801 (3); 1802 (2) 1806 (1) 1804(1); 1809(22); 1810(10) 1817 1815(1); 1816 (4); 1817 (15) 1818(13); 1820(9); 1821(1) Mayacma (2) Naba I ? Napa (9) Napato (1) 1811 (2); 1812 (3); 1814(2); 1815(5) 3 3 6 12 1 1794(3); 1787(1); 1806(1); 1811 (1) 5 5 1 14 13 1 6 33 1816 1 1 20 16 1815 7 43 2 2 1 1 52 Year of Baptisms Men Women Children Total Olemoloque (2) Olemos (5) Olemus (12) Olemo (1) Olompalico (18) Olompali (2) Omiomi (49) Ompin 1805 (1); 1808 (1) 1802 (2) ; 1805 (4); 1807 (2); 1814 (2); 1817 (1); 1802 (1 ); 1810 (5); 1812 (3); 1814 (1 ); 1816 (1); 1 9 3 1803 (5) ; 1806 (1); 1808 (4) 1816 (19); 1818 (1) 1 2 6 18 4 19 23 1803(1); 1808(2) 1811 (43); 1813 (2) ; 1815 (1); 1817 (7) 1811 (1) 22 26 19 67 1 1 Petaluma (21) Puscuy (4) Puscui (5) Poscuy (3) Putti (1) Puttu (1) Puttus (1) 1816(16); 1817(8) 1814 (1); 1817 (11) 1816 (1); ; 1818 (1) 1817 (1); 1821 (2) Saclan (16) Sebastiomi ? 17 94 (8); 1798(2); 1800 (2); 1809 (1) 1795 (3); 1799(1); 1804 (2); 7 2 10 19 1815 1 1 Suisum (101) Tamal (22) Tama 1 (6) 1810 (11) 1813 (3); 1816 (8); 1819(1); 1801 (2); 1806 (2); 1810 (3); ; 1811(24); 1812(17) 1814(10); 1815(50); 1817(1); 1818(3); 1820 (2) 1802 (3); 1803 (3); 1808(18); 1809(1); 1819(1) 42 39 49 130 15 7 11 33 7 8 5 7 9 24 2 14 3 3 53 Year of Baptisms Men Women Children Total Tascam (11) Ululato (86) Veussino De la Costa San Mateo San Pedro 1803(1); 1804(10); 1806(1) 1816 (6); 1817 (5); 1820(1); 1821 (209) 1821 1805- 1819 1780-1793 1786-1799 6 3 59 76 1 31 20 10 3 3 86 21 14 3 12 221 1 72 24 11 54 SANTA YNEZ MISSION The tollowing list of rancherias is compiled trom records obtained in 1919 trom the original Mission books of Santa Ynez Mission. As it was possible to spend more time on the Santa Barbara Register than on the other Mission books which were at Santa Ynez, lists are based on the material in the Register and the number of Indians estimated from the records ot the Register. Additional records and verifications are recorded from the Book of Baptisms. The Mission books are in two places as follows: Old Mission of Santa Ynez, Post Office Solvang, Libro de Bautismos de Santa Ynez. 1804-1866. 2367 records. Libro de Dituntos de Santa Ynez. 1805-1917. Over 200 records. Libro de Matrimonios de Santa Ynez. 1804-1904. 740 records. Libro de Confirmaciones, Santa Ynez [No rancheria names]. Padron de los Neofitos de Santa Ynez, 1808, "Book No. 19" Archives of the Church of Santa Ynez. [Rancherias given] Padron de Santa Ynez, 1837. [Rancherias given] At Santa Barbara Mission, Archives of the Parochial Church of Santa Barbara. [Title added in ink to cover of the original record]. "Book 17". Padron, no date or title. [Santa Ynez, 1803-10. Unusual in torm-- A table of contents or rather list of 12 rancherias with page nos. on which they occur, and then the Indians listed under the rancherias in which they were living, the rancheria trom which they came also being given.] S. R. Clemence Washington D.C. May 1921 55 Figures in () atter rancheria names indicate the number of times spelling occurs. Book of Baptisms Register Ndians Rancheria Rancheria Indians 1 man Abillamni Achi lkhguep Haeguep Aguam Aguama Ahuamhoue Ahuam (10) Ahuama Anajue (4) 7 men 4 women 3 men 1 woman 1 woman Aquitsumu Aquitchumu Guitsum Aquechem Aquitsumu (15) Aquichuan Asiguiil Asiuhuil Calahuasa Calaguasa Calahuacha Calahuasa (31) Calaguasa Asil alias Casil Casil (13) Casil El Refugio (alias Casil) Castait Chachiol Echeumen "Nat1 de Limu y de la ra de Cheumen Cheumen (9) Ychamon Najue 6 men 10 women 16 men 16 women 7 men 6 women 1 man 1 man 9 men I woman Book of Baptisms Rancheria de la ysla y de la ra. de Cholisus Cholochuch en la ysla de Limu "Elehuachcuyu en la Ysla de Limu? "de la Ysla y de la ra. de Jeleascuy" Jeluascuy Geluocuyu en las yslas Gegueps Guaslaigue Register Rancheria Cuyam (6) Geguep (2) Gegueps Gegep (2) Guahuinat Guaslaic (3) Huaslaic (2) Guasna Guihuismat Guililic Huelehue Jalihuilimu (2) Jalihuilimu Ezjaliuilimu Jonjonata Jonjonata (22) Lacayamu 56 No. of Indians 4 men 2 women 4 men 1 woman 1 4 1 man men woman 1 1 1 2 man man man women 14 men 8 women 1 woman Lacayam 57 No. of Book of Baptisms Register Indians Rancher ia Rancheria Liam 1 man Li s ahuo Lonsosoc Miguihui (3) nat- de Limu de la ra. de Niacla Nimque 1 que 1 Nimgelgel de las yslas "Natural de Limu y de la ra. de Nilalui" "Natural de Limu y de la ra. Lilaluis" Nilaluiu Isleh'a Nilaluhut Nigelgel (2) Ni la luuy Ni la luy Nilalui Nutunutbo Sachuchu Sauchuchu Sauchu Shiguitipac (12) S i 1 imi t ysla, de la ra. de Cilimi Silimit 10 men 2 women 1 woman Sisuchi Suchi (alias Quemada) Sisuchi (12) Si suchuhus Siucsiu (5) SSiucssiu Syusyu ysla Siucsiu 2 men 1 woman 1 man 1 woman Sajuhu 1 man 2 women 1 man Sgene 2 men 1 woman 6 men 7 women 2 men 3 women 58 Book of Baptisms Register Ndians Rancheria Rancheria Indians Sotonocmo (47) 28 men 19 women Stucu (2) 1 man 1 woman Suicon 1 man Tajasuihilac (3) Tanechac Taneschac (2) Tanesache (Tulare'no) Tequeps (4) Tulamni Usapa Yaquelamni 2 men 1 woman 3 men 1 woman 2 men 2 women 1 woman 1 woman 1 man References Heizer, R. F. 1969 Catalogue of the C. Hart Merriam Collection of California Tribes and Other American Indians. Research Facility, Department of Anthropology, California, Berkeley (80 pp). Data Concerning Archaeological University of Merriam, C. H. 1955 Studies of California Indians. University of California Press. (Repr. 1962 without change). Village Names in Twelve California Mission Records. of California Archaeological Survey Reports No. 74. (t75 pp). University Berkeley Sotonocmu Stucu Stuco Sihuicom Tequep Teguebs Tegeps Guissapa 1968