1. MAGNETOMETER SURVEY OF THE LA VENTA PYRAMID, 1969 Frank Morrison, C. W. Clewlow, Jr. and Robert F. Heizer I ntroducti on The La Venta pyramid, although the largest single structure at the important Olmec ceremonial center in lowland Tabasco, has until recently been afforded scant attention by researchers at the site. Early investigations there by Matthew Stirling and Philip Drucker were concentrated on the unique art style embodied in the large carved stone monuments and the problems of ceramic stratigraphy (cf. Stirling, 1943; Drucker, 1952). The large scale explorations of Drucker and Heizer in 1955 explored the complexities of Complex A (Drucker, Heizer, and Squier, 1959; Drucker and Heizer, 1965). Although the northern two-thirds of the site was mapped in 1955, the pyramid (referred to as Complex C) was covered with a dense growth of jungle cover and was incorrectly shown by the party surveyor to be a somewhat elongated rectangle. It was with understandable surprise, then, that Drucker and Heizer viewed the pyramid in 1967, stripped of its heavy cover of foliage, and recognized that it was not rectangular at all, but was actually a fluted cone or, more technically, a conoidal frustum (Heizer and Drucker, 1968; Heizer, 1968). Ten alternating valleys and ridges were seen to run up the sloping surface of the structure's 100 foot elevation, spaced at roughly equal intervals around its circular basal plan. In 1968 Heizer returned to La Venta with a University of California field party and, among other things, completed a detailed topographic map, shown here in Figure 4, of the entire pyramid structure which constitutes Complex C (Heizer, Drucker, and Graham, 1968; Heizer, Graham, and Napton, 1968). This entirely new information, as well as providing fresh insights into Olmec culture history (cf. Ibid., p. 137; Heizer, 1968, pp. 12-21), has generated a renewed interest in the unique structure itself (Bernal, 1969, pp. 35-36). Much of this interest of course revolves around the problems of the possible function of the mound and the possibilities that it might contain smaller buried structures. It was in hopes of providing partial answers to these questions that the 1969 magnetometer survey was conceived. It was known that most of the large Olmec carved monuments as well as the natural basalt columns which were used in the enclosure and the "tomb" in Complex A were of a highly magnetic basalt from the Tuxtla Mountains, some 70 kilometers to the west (Williams and Heizer, 1965). Samples of clays from the site constructions were tested and found to be effectively non-magnetic. Thus it was felt that should the Olmecs have buried any large stone monuments or buiIt any structures of basalt within the pyramid they would be detected by a sensitive magnetometer (cf. Stuart and Stuart, 1969, p. 200). Most of the groundwork for the survey was done in Berkeley by Heizer, who was unable to accompany the field party. The National Geographic Society through its Committee on Research and Exploration granted funds for the magnetometer survey. The authors wish to thank Dr. Melvin Payne, President of the NGS and Dr. Leonard Carmichael, Secretary of the Committee on Research and Exploration and the several members of the Committee for their support. The field party itself was led by F. Morrison of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Berkeley. He was aided by Jack Mego, an electronics technician in the same department, and by C. W. Clewlow, a graduate student in Anthropology. Invaluable assistance in Mexico City, in Villahermosa, and at the La Venta site itself was provided by Arql. Eduardo Contreras, Jr. of INAH, and Arql. Carlos Sebastian Hernandez, Conservador of the Museo del Estado, Villahermosa, Tabasco. Considerable enthusiasm and support from the Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia through the Director, Dr. Ignacio Bernal, contributed immensely to the success of the survey. The survey itself took place between May 11 and May 29, 1969. Description of the Magnetometer Calculations of the magnetic anomalies to be expected from significant basalt monuments buried within the La Venta pyramid were carried out on the computer at Berkeley prior to the field work. Samples of sand and clay from 1968 test excavations in the La Venta area were tested for magnetic suscepti- bility and found to be essentially non-magnetic. Assuming that the pyramid itself was constructed of similar materials, and consequently possessing no magnetic anomaly of its own, models consisting of basalt cubes three meters on a side were run on the computer and values of the anomalous magnetic field to be expected on the surface of an idealized model of the pyramid were obtained. These calculations indicated that to detect such a basalt structure, at the center and base of the pyramid, sensitivities as high as 0.05 gammas (y) would be required (the Earth's total magnetic field at La Venta is approximately 43,000 y). These same calculations showed that a station spacing of three meters would be adequate to detect any major structures. Since natural time variations with periods from I second to diurnal are a characteristic of the Earth's magnetic field and because these time vary- ing fields can have amplitudes from O.Oly to 100y (respectively) it is necessary to have a means of correcting for, or eliminating, these variations in order to conduct such a high sensitivity magnetometer survey. The time varying magnetic field is uniform over distances measured in kilometers so that an obvious solution for small area surveys is to use two magnetometers and measure the difference in the field. In this way, if one magnetometer is placed in a fixed position the roving magnetometer will map the field due to subsurface effects independently of the time variations. This configura- tion was selected for the La Venta survey. An alternate procedure which is often used in conventional geophysical prospecting is to use only one sensor and to return periodically to a fixed point, correcting the intervening readings in proportion to the amount the 3 field at the fixed point has varied. This method is inappropriate if sensitivities of l.Oy or less are required because it would be necessary to reoccupy the fixed station every 15 to 20 seconds. The two-sensor difference magnetometer is useful for high sensitivity surveys only if each sensor is itself of high sensitivity and consequently such surveys have been possible only since the development of the alkali vapour magnetometer. These devices have limiting sensitivities of 0.001y and operating sensitivities of O.Oly are easy to achieve. The first two-sensor difference survey, using Varian rubidium vapour magnetometers, was conducted in 1965 (Breiner, 1965, Rainey and Ralph, 1966), and in the summer of 1966 two fully developed systems were used with great success in the search for Sybaris (Ralph, Morrison and O'Brien, 1968). A more complete description of the operation of the alkali vapour magnetometers may be found in the articles referenced above. To describe the actual electronics associated with the measurement of the fields, it is only necessary to note that the output from an alkali vapour magnetometer is a frequency proportional to the magnetic field in which the sensor is placed. In the case of the rubidium sensor, the constant of proportionality is 4.667 cycles per second per gamma (Hz/ y). Thus in a field of 40,000y the frequency output of the magnetometer would be 186,680 Hz. For cesium the constant is 3.499 Hz/y. These output frequencies are easily measured on standard electronic counters (devices to measure the number of cycles in a prescribed time). We can now easily determine the sensitivity of a single magnetometer; for rubidium a change of ly in the field changes the frequency by 4.667 Hz. If the counter displays the integer number of cycles in one second, we have a sensitivity of +lcycle/second or approximately 1/4.667y. If we count for 10 seconds, we Then have a sensitivity of 0.1 cycle/second or approximately 1/46.67y. Ideally in difference operation we would use a counter that measured the difference in two output frequencies. The Varian portable magnetometer readout unit accomplished this, but a simple and less expensive alternate approach is to use the configuration of Figure 1. This particular difference magnetometer used two different Varian sensors, one rubidium and one cesium. This was dictated solely by availability of sensors and in no way affects the theory of operation. The entire magnetometer system was powered by a lightweight 350 watt gasoline motor-generator. Battery operation is also possible, but the weight of the batteries required for 8 hours of operation is as great as the generator plus gasoline. Moreover most electronic counters, especially those available on a rental basis, are IlOv ac and would require an inverter for battery operation. This would simply replace the converter used in this system to supply the dc power to the sensors. The couplers associated with each sensor in Figure I are mixers that supply the regulated 28v dc power to the sensor and extract the output signal frequency returned from the sensor to be fed to the counter. In the Varian readout unit the two couplers, the power suppiy, and the counter are combined in a single unit powered by a battery pack. 4 We shall see below that it is not necessary to use a counter that actually measures the difference of the two sensor outputs. In fact, for "small" differences in magnetic field between the two sensors the ratio of the two frequency outputs is linearly proportional to the difference. This allows us to use any counter which can measure ratios. The Hewlett-Packard Model 5325Awas selected for this survey for its light weight, low power consump- tion and low monthly rental. Magnetometer Sensitivity To show the relationship of ratio to difference for this magnetometer and to determine the difference mode sensitivity for the La Venta survey, the following calculations are included in this report. Let the output frequency of the rubidium magnetometer be A Hz at a fixed point. At the same point the output of the cesium magnetometer will be B Hz. If the Earth's field at that point is Ty , then A = 4.667T and B = 3.499T. The ratio A/B is 1.333809. EA more correct ratio, using more significant digits is 1.333400. This value thus constitutes the zero contour in this survey.] Now, disregarding time variations for the moment, if the cesium magnetometer is moved to a position where the field has increased a small amount, 6 , then the frequency output will increase 6 x 3.499 or A . The ratio is now A/(B+A) or A/B(I A). Now if A/B < D o 0) D CID 0 L~~~~~ii Cl))o C 0~~~~~~~~ CfO .. .. .. . AA~ a~ ~~~~Fgr LL w Z 0 0L o 0 w (0 LAJ w 0- 10~~~~~~~~~ C-4~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ 14~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ 01 ~~~z 0 U 9-15)Y 3-9)' -3- 3y -9 - -3Y La Venta Pyramid Magnetometer Survey Figure 6 106 I , X - a) -J 0 - LL1 CL I-L w a3 L&I 01 WL o J~ 0 L 3 _ - gl J (')~~~~~~~~~~~~ sl~~~~~~~~ . OD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a clx z CC 9 Q N Qt 8s *m - 0 I-N O 0 U) CC w w 2 w CY i0 F 1 4 E hiU '-N Z 0 I en _ V W; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i L I- hi F l~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 0- Id ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * o 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F - N~~~~~ O I N s N < < I 6X I Y Y Y) t-- :> ? ? I. I 0 00 0 - Nj 00,93 ~ ~ ~ ~ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L I~I? N CY~ > - -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~U of:o * ~~~~~t o co o 1o 0 MN oz a ltt | 1+?"l i | @ lgx 8 9@m~4 I ) C) 1 -t- 0 0 0 l to -o * 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In w L- a n 0) U- 1-N w to Z a 0 z CoJ T~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L V6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~h Ix er~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g 9 3 10' ~~~~~~~~~~~L o .) 0Z Z-j _4 E W)n o- z 0o -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I a:o w L U-X z 1 4 i wu 22 - .,{ , , s,.\ ., ...... E4StiE: _ _ .................................... | . l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. . . .. .. ~~~~~~~., ,,,"'i''",', , ' '. ............ ........,._,'......'; __ ....... ~ ~~ ~ ~ ...., '9,-''"'' 2 E2 4 222;: - ..... .. . . . .. .. _ ._.... ...........i iE _ _ I ......... -..f. ... ......... ........... :, l l . i l I I . I l l :: . .: PLATE 5 __ _I_ _ _ ) '- . .1 __ .z | I l __ I . Gle! _:_ . I - ill i I _w __ l I 11 iiil | 1I 11, IlliM 1 111 __ __ S __ _E _I PLATE 7 ROVING SENSOR POSITIONED AT 3 M MARK ON WHITE CORD 19 BIBLIOGRAPHY Aitken, M. J. 1961 Physics and Archaeology. Interscience Publishers, Inc., New York. Bernal, Ignacio 1969 The Olmec World. University of California Press, Berkeley. Bhattacharyya, B. K. 1964 Magnetic Anomalies Due To Prisim-Shaped Bodies with Arbitrary Polarization. Geophysics, 29:4:517-531. Breiner, Sheldon 1965 The Rubidium Magnetometer in Archaeological Exploration. Science, 150:3693:185-193. Cook, J. C. and S. L. Carts 1962 Magnetic Effect and Properties of Typical Topsoils. Jour. Geophys. Research, 67:815-828. Drucker, Philip 1952 La Venta, Tabasco: A Study of Olmec Ceramics and Art. Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 153, Washington, D.C. Drucker, Philip, and Robert F. Heizer 1965 Commentary on W. R. Coe and Robert Stuckenrath's Review of "Excavations at La Venta, Tabasco, 1955". Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, 33:37-70. 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