*~~ . is Number 6 May, 1970 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGY Compiled by Robert F. Heizer and Albert B. Elsasser with the assistance of C. William Clewlow, Jr. 3 ~~~~~~~~AA K A: X Ab **' a M ss :.iS2^~S.6 Ai 0' aAo A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGY Compiled by Robert F. Heizer and Albert B. Elsasser with the assistance of C. William Clewlow, Jr. PREFACE One of the present compilers in 1949 presented a bibliography on the same subject and same title as REPORT No. 4 of the California Archaeological Survey. The 1949 bibliography ran to 27 pages - about one third of the length of the present list. We offer the present work not as a complete reference list to publications on the subject, but rather as an interim and admittedly incomplete bibliography which may be of assistance in locating information on regional archaeology. We have generally avoided listing papers which have appeared in short-lived, usually mimeo- graphed, newsletters. There are dozens of these fugitive series, and in some cases they report useful data, but since they are not regularly available there seems little purpose in citing them. A useful project would be for some person to compile a reference collection of them in some library or research facility where they could be consulted. We had originally planned to annotate and cross- reference this bibliography, but that proved to be such a large task that we have not been able to accomplish it. R. F. Heizer A. B. Elsasser C. Wm. Clewlow, Jr. April 23, 1970 SUBJECTS AND AREAS Page I. California: Physical and Biological Background 2 II. Ethnographic Background 5 IIIA. Techniques of Stone Working 9 IIIB. California Indian Flint Chipping 9 IIIC. Types, Manufacture and Use of Marine Shells 11 IV. Pottery, Baked Clay, Figurines 12 V. Basketry and Textiles 14 VI. Charmstones 15 VII. Petroglyphs and Pictographs 15 VIII. Caves and Rockshelters 19 IXA. Raw Materials and Sources 21 IXB. Trade and Trails 22 X. Composition of Aboriginal Sites 23 XI. Chronology: Radiocarbon, Bone Analysis, Soils, etc. 24 XII. Early Man 26 XIII. Historic Archaeology 30 XIV. General California Prehistory 31 XV. Northwestern Coast 34 XVI. Klamath Mountains 35 XVII. Northeastern Plateau 35 XVIII. North Coast Ranges 36 XIX. Sacramento Valley and, Delta 37 XX. San Joaquin Valley 39 XXI. Sierra Nevada 41 XXII. San Francisco Bay 44 XXIII. South Coast Ranges 46 XXIV. Santa Barbara Coast and Islands 47 XXV. Great Basin and Southern Interior 59 XXVI. Southwestern Coast and Islands 67 XXVII. Colorado River Area 74 XXVIII. Physical Anthropology 74 XXIX. Underwater Archaeology 78 - ii- -1- ABBREVIATIONS AA AAA-M A Ant AJA AJPA AJS AMNH-AP -B -M ARA-CCA ASASC-N BAE-AR -B GP-MP GPO GSA ICA JAFL JRAI KASP MAIHF-INM PM-P -R SAA-N SBMNH-L -MT SDM-B -p SI-AR -CK -CNAE J -MC SM -M -p SWJA UC-AR -AS-R -IA -PAAE USGS USNM-AR UU-AP YYN ZE American Anthropologist American Anthropological Association, Memoirs American Antiquity American Journal of Archaeology American Journal of Physical Anthropology American Journal of Science American Museum of Natural History, Anthropological Papers Bulletins Memoirs Archaeological Research Associates - Contributions to California Archaeology Archaeological Survey Association of Southern California, Newsletter Bureau of American Ethnology, Ann Report Bulletins Gila Pueblo, Medallion Papers Government Printing Office Geological Society of America International Congress of Americanists (Proceedings) Journal of American Folk Lore Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, Indian Notes and Monographs Peabody Museum, Papers Reports Society for American Archaeology, Notebook Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, Leaflet Museum Talk San Diego Museum, Bulletins Papers Smithsonian Institution, Annual Reports Contributions to Knowledge Contributions to North American Ethnology Miscellaneous Collections Southwest Museum (also cited as SWM) Masterkey (also cited as "Masterkey") Papers Southwestern Journal of Anthropology University of California, Anthropological Records Archaeological Survey - Report Ibero-Americana American Archaeology and Ethnology United States Geological Survey United States National Museum, Annual Report University of Utah, Anthropological Papers Yosemite Nature Notes Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie -2- I. CALIFORNIA: PHYSICAL AND BIOLOGICAL BACKGROUND Antevs, E. Precipitation and water supply in the Sierra Nevada. Bull. Amer. Meteorological Soc. 20:89-91, 1939. The Great Basin, with emphasis on glacial and postglacial times. III Climatic changes and pre-white man. UU Bull. 38:168-191, 1948. Aschmann, H. H. Great Basin climates in relation to human occupance. UCAS-R 42 23-40, 1958. Bailey, H. P. Climate, vegetation and land use in southern California. State of Calif. Div. of Mines, Bull. 170:31-44, San Francisco, 1954. Bailey, T. L. and R. H. Johns. Geology of the Transverse Range Province, southern California. State of Calif. Div,. of Mines, Bull. 170:83-106, San Francisco, 1954. Blackwelder, E. Pleistocene glaciation in the Sierra Nevada and Basin ranges. Geological Soc. of Amer. Bull. 42:865-922, 1931. The geological background. In the Great Basin, with emphasis on glacial and postglacial times. UU Bull. 38, Biolog. Ser. 10:3-16, 1948. Blanc, R. P. and G. B. Cleveland. Pleistocene lakes of southeastern California. State of Calif. Div. of Mines, Mineral Information Serv., Vol. 14, No. 4: 1-8; No. 5:1-8, 1961. Bonnot, P. The Abalones of California. Bull. Calif. Fish and Game Comm., 34:141-169, 1948. Bryan, K. Geology and ground water resources of the Sacramento Valley, Calif. USGS Water Supply Paper 495, 1923. Campbell, D. H. and I. L. Wiggins. Origins of the flora of California. Stanford Univ. Publ. Sci., 10, No. 1, 1947. Cannon, W. A. Tree distribution in central California. Pop. Sci. Monthly 85:417-424, 1914. Cooper, William S. The Broad-Sclerophyll vegetation of California: an ecological study of the&chaparral and its related communities. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publ. 319, 1922. Davis, W. M. The lakes of California. Calif. Jorn. Mines and Geology 29: 175-236, 1933. Douglass, A. E. Survey of Sequoia studies. Tree Ring Bull. 11:20-32; 12:10-16; 13:5-8, April, 1945; October, 1945; July, 1946. Drake, N. F. The topography of California. Journ. of Geol., 5:563-578, 1897. -3- Eaton, J. E. Tie-ins between the marine and continental records in California. Am. Journ. Science 237:899-919, Dec. 1939. The Pleistocene in California. Calif. State Div. Mines, Bull. 118, Pt. 2:203-206, 1941. Evermann, B. W. and H. W. Clark. A distributional list of the species of fresh water fishes known to occur in California. Bull. Calif. Fish and Game Comm., Vol. 35, 1931. Follett, W. I. Fish remains from two submerged deposits in Tamales Bay, Marin County,, California. Occasional Papers of the Calif. Academy of Sciences 67(2), 1968. Gale, H.S. Geology of southern California. Internat. Geo. Congr.,e 16th Sess., Guidebook 15:1-68, 1932. Grant, U.S. IV, and H. RI. Gale. Catalogue of the marine Pliocene and Pleistocene mollusca of California and adjacent regions. Mem. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., 1:19-77, 1931. Grinnell, J. Distributional list of the mamals of California. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., Ser. 4, 3:265-3909 1913. The burrowing rodents of California as agents in soil formation. SI-AR 1923:339-350. _______ A systematic list of the mammals of California. Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool. ,21:313-324, 1923. A revised life-zone map of California. Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool. ,40: 328-330. Grinnell, J., S. Dixon and J. M. Linsdale. The fur-bewring mammals of California. 2 vols. Univ. Calif. Press, Berkeley, 1937. Hall, Harvey Monroe and Joseph Grinnell. Life-zone indicators in Calif- ornia. Proc. of the Calif. Acad. of Sciences, Fourth Series IX(2) 37-679 1919. Hay, O P. The Pleistocene of the western region of North America and its vertebrated animals. Carnegie Inst., Washington, Publ. 322. Hubbs, C. L. and R. R. Miller. The zoological evidence. In The Great Basin, with emphasis on glacial and postglacial times. Univ. of Utah Bull. 38:17-1669 1948. Ingles, L.C. Mammals of California. Stanford Univ. Press, 1947. Jenkins, 0. P. Geologic map of California. Calif. State Div. Mines, 1938. Geomorphic provinces of California. In Geologic formations and economic development of the oil and gas fields of California. Calif. State Div. of Mines, Bull. 118, Pt 2:83-889 1941. -4- Jenny, H. Exploring the soils of California. In California Agriculture: 317-394. U. C. Press, 1946. Jensen, H. A. A system for classifying vegetation in California. Bull. Calif. Fish and Game Comm., Vol. 33, No. 4. San Francisco, 1947. Jepson, W. L. The Silva of California. Univ. Calif. Press, Berkeley, 1910. A flora of California. 2 Vols. Berkeley, 1936. A manual of the flowering plants of California. UC Press, Berkeley, 1951. Keen, A. M. An abridged check list and bibliography of west North American marine mollusca. Stanford Univ. Press, 1937. Keep, J. West Coast shells. Stanford Univ. Press, 1937. McAdie, A. G. The rainfall of California. Univ. Calif. Publ. Geog., 1: 127-240, 1941. Merriam, C. Hart. The buffalo in northeastern California. Journ. of Mamal- ogy, 7:211-214, 1926. Munz, P. A. and D. D. Keck. A California flora. U.C. Press, 1959. Murdock, J. and R. W. Webb. Minerals of California. Calif. State Div. Mines, Bull. 173, 1956. Murphy, G. I. A key to the fishes of the Sacramento-San Joaquin basin. Bull. Calif. Fish and Game Comm., 27:165-171, 1941. Reed, R. D. The geology of California. Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1933. California's record in the geologic history of the world. Calif. State Div. Mines, Bull. 118, Pt. 2:99-118, 1941. Report of the examining commission on rivers and harbors to the governor of California. Sacramento, 1890. Russell, R. J. Climates of California. Univ. Calif. Publ. Geog., 2:73-84, 1926. Instability of sea level. Amer. Scientist 45:414-430, 1957. Sedelmeyer, H. A. Preparation of a new relief map of California. Calif. Div. Mines, Bull. 27:73-77, 1931. Shedd, S. Bibliography of the geology and mineral resources of California. Calif. State Div. Mines, Bull. 104, 1931. Shinn, C. H. Let's know some trees: brief descriptions of the principal California trees. U.S. Dept. Agri., Misc. circular No. 31, 1931. Storie, R. E. and W. W. Weir. Key to soil series of California. Berkeley, 1941. -5- Sperisen, F. J. Gem minerals of California. Calif. Journ. Mines and Geol., 34:34-74, 1938. Sudworth, G. B. Forest trees of the Pacific slope. U.S. Dept. Agrie, Forest Service, 1908. Weir, W. W. Subsidence of peat lands of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California. Hilgardia, 20(3):37-56, 1950. Wilmarth, G. M. Names and definitions of the geologic units in California. USGS Bull. 826, 1931. Wing, R. L. Index of topographic mapping in California. Calif. State Dept. Public Works, Div. Water Resources, 1948. II. ETHNOGRAPHIC BACKGROUND Ames, J*" Report on Mission Indians of California. Washington: GPO, 1873. Bancroft, H. H. The native races of the Pacific Coast. 1. Wild Tribes, San Francisco, 1882. Bancroft Library, UC Berkeley. List of printed maps of California. Library Bull. 9, 1887. Bard, C. L. Medicine and surgery among the first Californians. Touring Topics, 22:20-30, 1930. Baumhoff, M. Ecological determinants of aboriginal California populations. UC-PAAE 49:155-236, 1963. Beattie, G. W. California's unbuilt Missions: Spanish plans for an inland chain. Los Angeles, 1930. Blackburn, T. Ethnohistoric descriptions of Gabrielino material culture. UC-Arch. Survey Annual Report:1-50, Los Angeles, 1963. Browne, J. R. The Indian reservations of California. In W. W. Beach, Indian Miscellany, pp. 303-322, Albany, 1877. Caughey, J. W. The Indians of California in 1852. Huntington Library, San Marino, 1952. Cook, S. F. The conflict between the California Indian and white civili- zation: I-IV. UC-IA 21-24, 1943. Cowan, R.E. Alexander S. Taylor, 1817-1876 - First bibliographer of California. Cal. Hist. Soc. Quarterly 12:18-24, 1933. -6- Davis, E. L. An ethnography of the Kuzedika Paiute of Mono Lake, Mono County, California. Univ. Utah Miscellaneous Paper No. 8, 1965. DuBois, C. The 1870 Ghost Dance. UC-AR Vol 3, No. 1, 1939. Religion of the Luiseno Indians. UC-PAAE 8, No. 3, 1908. Ellison, W. H. The Federal Indian policy in California, 1846-1860. Mississippi Hist. Review, 9: 37-67, 1922. Engelhardt, Z. The Franciscans in California. Harbor Springs, Mich., 1897. The missions and missionaries of Calif., 1908-1916. San Francisco. Gardner, L. The Surviving Chumash. UC Arch. Survey Ann Rept., 7:277-302, Los Angeles, 1965. Geary, (Rev.) G. The Secularization of the California missions (1810-1946). Catholic Univ. of Amer. Studies in Amer. Church History, 1934. Gould, R. Aboriginal California burial and cremation practices. UCAS-R 60: 149-168, 1963. Grinnell, E. Making acorn bread. UCAS-R 41:42-45, 1957. Heizer, R. F. California population densities, 1770 and 1959. UCAS-R 50: 9-12, 1960. Heizer, R. F. and M. A. Whipple. The California Indians. Berkeley, 1951. Hewes, G. W. California flicker-quill headbands in the light of an ancient Colorado cave specimen. A Ant 18:147-154, 1952. Hodge, F. W. Hupa rod armor. Masterkey 24:167, 1950. Hoffman, W. J. Miscellaneous ethnographic observations on Indians inhabiting Nevada, California and Arizona. USGS-AR 109 1878. Hoopes, A. W. Indian affairs and their administration with special reference to the Far West 1849-1860. Philadelphia, 1932. James, G. W. Basket Makers of California at work. The Basket 1:3:3-18, Pasadena, 1903. Klimek, S. Culture element distributions:I, The structure of California Indian culture. UC-PAAE 37:1-70, 1935. Krause, F. Die kultur der Kalifornischen Indianer. Leipzig (98 pp.), 1921. Kroeber, A. L. The dialectic division of the Moquelumnan Family. AA 8: 483-494, 1906. Ethnography of the Cahuilla Indians. UC-PAAE 8:29-68, 1908 -7- Kroeber, A. L. The anthropology of California. Science, 27:281-290, 1908. The tribes of the Pacific Coast. ICA, 19th session, pp. 385-401, 1917. Games of the California Indians. AA 22:272-277, 1920. Handbook of the Indians of California. BAE-B 78, 1925. Culture element distributions: III Area and Climax. UC-PAAE 37:101-116, 1936. Cultural and natural areas of Native North America. UC-PAAE 38, 1939. _Two papers on the aboriginal ethnography of California. UCAS-R 56, 1962. Mason, J.A. The ethnology of the Saline Indians. UC-PAAE 10:97-240, 1912. Mason, 0. T. The Ray collection from Hupa Reservation. Smithsonian Inst. Report 666:205-239, 1886. Merriam, C. H. Totemism in California. AA 10:558-562, 1908 The Hang-e or ceremonial house of the Northern Miwok of Hachana Village near Railroad Flat, Calaveras County, California. UCAS-R 38:34-35, 1957. Ethnographic notes on California Indian tribes. uCAS-R 68, Part I,(1-166), 1966. Ethnological notes on northern and southern California Indian tribes. UCAS-R 68, Part II, (167-256), 1967. Ethnological notes on central California Indian tribes. UCAS-R 68, Part III, (257-448), 1967. Village names in twelve California mission records. UCAS-R 74, 1-175, 1968. Moriarty, J.R. III. Pre-Spanish marine transport and boat building techniques on the upper and lower California coast. The Brand Book 1, part 2, San Diego Corral, Westerners 1:19-27, 1968. Pilling, A.R. The archaeological implications of an annual coastal visit for certain Yokut groups. AA 52:438-440, 1950. Powers, S. Tribes of California. SI-CNAE, Vol. 3, 1879. Putnam, G. R. A Yuma cremation. AA 8:264-267, 1895. Read, C. H. An account of a collection of ethnographic specimens formed during VancouVer's voyage in the Pacific Ocean. JEAI 21:99-108, 1891. -8- Reid, H. Letters on the Los Angeles County Indians to the Los Angeles Star in the 1850's. Dakin, S. B., A Scotch Paisano, Appendix B. 215-286, UC Press, 1939. Riddell, F. A. Ethnogeography of two Maidu groups. I, The Silom Ma'a Maidu. Masterkey 42:145-52, 1968. Ethnogeography of two Maidu groups. II, The Tosaidum Maidu. Masterkey 42:85-93, 1968. Roberts, B. L. Descendants of the Numu. Masterkey 39:13-22, 1965. Descendants of the Numu. Masterkey 39:66-76, 1965. Robinson, E. Vancouver's Californian bows. UCAS-R 28:1-5, 1955. Rostlund, E. Freshwater fish and fishing in native lorth America. 13C Publ. in Geog. 9:1-313, 1952. Sanchez, N. van de G. Spanish and Indian place names in California. San Francisco, 1922. Schenck, W. E. Historic aboriginal groups of the California delta region. UC-PAAE 23:123-146, 1926. Shervin, J. Face and body painting practices among California Indians. UCAS-R 60:81-147, 1963. Taylor, A. S. The Indianology of California, 1860-1863. California Farmer and Journ. of the Useful Sciences, Vols. 13-18, Feb. 22, 1860 - Oct. 30, 1863. Twitchell, E. W. The California Pandemic of 1833. Calif. and Western Medici- cine 23:592-593, 1925. Voegelin, C. F. Tubatulabal ethnography. UC-AR 2, 1938. Walker, E. F. Indians of southern California. SM-M 17:201-216, 1943. Waterman, T. Native musical instruments of California and some others. In Out West, Vol. XXVIII, No. 4, April, pp. 276-286, San Francisco, 190. Weber (Rev.) F. J. Indian "Ballgame" at Mission San Luis Rey. Masterkey 41: (3):116-117, 1967. Toypurina the temptress. Masterkey 43:75-76, 1969. Willoughby, N. C. Division of labor among the Indians of California. UCAS-R 60 7-80, 1963. Yates, L. G. On recent ethnological explorations on the west Coast. Alameda County Independent, Vol. 1, No. 7:246-248, 1877. -9- III A. TECHNIQUES OF STONE WORKING Carter, G. F. Artifacts and Naturifacts: some parallels between Japanese and American stonework. Anthrop. Journ. of Canada, 5 (1), 1967. Eberhart, H. The milling stone complex, genuine or spurious. A Ant 30: 352-353, 1965. Farmer, M. F. Southern California discoidals. Masterkey 27:177-183, 1953. Gebhard, P. Concerning grooved axes in California. A Ant 12:54, 1946. Heizer, R. F. The occurrence and significance of Southwestern grooved axes in California A Ant 11:187-193, 1946. Heizer, R. F., and H. Kelley. Scraper plane burins. Masterkey 35:146-150, 1961. Henshaw, H. W. Perforated stones from California. BAE-B 2, 1887. Johnson, E. N. The serrated points of central California. A Ant 6:167-170, 1940. Laudermilk, J. D., and T. G. Kennard. Concerning lightning spelling. AMS 25, 5th Ser., 104-122, 1938. (See also Farmer, I. Observations and experiments in Calif. on production of flakes that look worked but are caused by lightning-strikes.) Putnam, F. W. On a collection of perforated stones from California. Proc. Boston Soc. for Nat. Hist. 23:356, 1888. Rust, H. N. The obsidian blades of California. AA VII:688-695, 1905. Schumacher, P. The method of manufacture of several articles by the former Indians of southern California. PM-R 11:258-268, 1878. Reprinted in UCAS-R 59:77-82, 1963. Swartz, B. K., Jr. Blade manufacture in southern California. A Ant 25: 405-407, 1960. Treganza, A. E., and Valdivia, L.L. The manufacture of pecked and ground stone artifacts: a controlled study. UCAS-R 32:19-29, 1955. III B. CALIFORNIA INDIAN FLINT CHIPPING Anonymous. Primitive bows and arrows; their character and uses in North America and the wounds caused by them. *Forest and Stream 69:808-810, 848-851, 1907. (Flint chipping in the Clear Lake area). Barbieri, J. A. Technique of the implements from Lake Mojave. SM-P 11: 99-107, 1937. (Analysis of chipping techniques.) -10- Beckvith, E.G. Report of explorations for a route for the Pacific railroad on the line of the forty-first parallel. In Repts. of explor. and survey for a railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, 1853-1854, 2:1-66, 1855. (P.43) Belcher, E. On the manufacture of works of art by the Esquimaux. Trans. Ethnol. Soc. of London 1:129-146, 1861. Bixby, L. B. Flint chipping. A Ant 10:353-361, 1945. Chever, E. E. The Indians of California. Amer. Nat. 4:129-148, 1870. (Pp.139-140) Dixon, R. B. The northern Maidu. AMNH-B 17:119-346, 1905. Farmer, M. F.' Lightning spalling. A Ant 4:346-348, 1939. Goddard, P. E. Life and culture of the Hupa. UC-PAAE 1:1-88, 1903. (P.34) Harner, M. J. Thermo-facts vs. artifacts: an experimental study of the Malpais industry. UCAS-R 33:39-43, 1956. Harrington, M. R. There's no Mystery about arrowheads. Desert Magazine 5: 10-13, 1941. Holmes, W. H. Handbook of aboriginal American antiquities. BAE-B 60:296, 299, 311-316, 318, 320, 326-329, 1919. Latta, F.F. Handbook of Yokut Indians. Oildale, Calif.,, 1949. (Pp.139-141) Loeffelholz, K. von. Account of the Tsorei Indians of Trinidad Bay, 1850-1856. In R. F. Heizer and J. E. Mills, The four ages of Tsurai, pp. 135-179. Univt of Calif. Press, 1952. Lyon, C. How the Indians made stone arrowheads. Hist. Mag., 3:214, 1859. Miller, M. L. The so-called California "Diggers". Popular Sci.Monthly 50: 201-214, 1896. (P.207) Nelson, N. C. Flint working by Ishi. Holmes Anniversary Vol., pp. 397-401, Washington, 1916. Reprinted in A. L. Kroeber and T. T. Waterman, Source Book in Anthropology, pp. 244-249, New York, 1931. Pope, S. T. Making Indian arrow heads. Forest and Stream 81:796, 1913. Yahi archery. UC-PAAE 13:103-152, 1918. Powers, S. Tribes of California.SI-CNAE 3, 1877. Ray, P.H. Manufacture of bows and arrows among the Natano (Hupa) and Kenuck (Klamath) Indians. Amer. Nat. 20: 832-833, 1886. Reprinted in SI-AR 1886:228-229, 1889. Redding, B. B. How our ancestors in the stone age made their implements. Amer. Naturalist 13:667-674, 1879. -11- Redding, B.B. Prehistoric treasures. Californian 1:125-128, 1880. Rust, H. N. Tom, the arrow maker. Lad of Sunshine, 8:13-15, 1897. Sapir, E. Yana texts. UC-PAAE 9:1-235, 1910. (P.43, note 62.) Sapir, E. and L. Spier. Notes on the culture of the Yana. UC-AR 3:239-298, 1943. (P.268.) Schumacher, P. Remarks on the Kjbkken moddings on the northwest coast of America. SI-AR 1873:354-362, 1874. (Pp. 355-356.) L'age de pierre chez les Indiens Klanaths. Revue d'ethno- graphie, 1:500-504, 1882. Also printed in Bull. U.S. Geol. and Geog. surveys of the territories, 3:547-549, 1877. Snyder, J. F. The method of making stone arrow-points. The Antiquarian, 1:231-234. Columbus, Ohio, 1897. Squier, R. J. The manufacture of flint implements by the Indians of northern and central California.UCAS-R 19:15-33, 1953. Waite, E. G. Letter to the editor on flint chipping in central and northern California. Overland Monthly, 12:185-6, 1874. III C. TYPES, MANUFACTURE, AND USE OF MARINE SHELLS Bennyhoff, J. A. and Heizer, R. F. Cross-dating Great Basin sites by Californian shell beads. UCAS-R 42:60-92, 1958. Bowers, S. Relics from an Indian grave. Science, 7:35-36, 1886. Curtis, F. Microdrills in the manufacture of shell beads in southern Cali- fornia. Masterkey, 38:98-105, 1964. Gifford, D. S. and E. W. Californian Olivellas. The Nautilus, Vol. 57: 73_80, 1944. Heizer, R. F. Curved single-piece fishhooks of shell and bone in California. A Ant 15:89-97, 1949. Holmes, W. H. Art in shell of the ancient Americans. BAE-AR for 1880-1881l 179-305, 1883. Hudson, J. W. Pomo wampum makers. Overland Monthly 30:101-108, 1897. Ingersoll, E. Wampum and its history. Amer. Naturalist 17:467-479, 1883. Kroeber, A. L. Ethnography of the Cahuilla Indians. UC-PAAE 8:29-68, 1908. -12- Orchard, W. C. Beads and beadvork of the American Indians. MAIHF-Contri- butions 11, 1929. Robinson, E. Shell fishhooks of the California coast. Occasional Papers of the Bernice P. Bishop Museum 17:57-65, 1942. Silsbee, J. Determining the general source of Calif. Olivella shells. UCAS-R 41:10-11, 1957. Stearns, R. E. C. Aboriginal shell money. Amer. Naturalist, 11:344-350, 1877. Ethno-Conchology - a study of primitive money. SI-AR for 1887, Vol. 2:297-334, 1889. Shell money. Amer. Naturalist, 3:1-5, 1869. Tower, D. B. The use of marine mollusca and their value in reconstructing pre- historic trade routes in the American Southwest. Papers of the Excavators' Club 2:3, 1945. Treganza, A. E., and L. L. Valdivia. Painted shell artifacts from California. UCAS-R 38:11-13, 1957. Yates, L. G. Notes on the aboriginal money of California. Overland Monthly, 2nd Ser., 27:337-342, 1877. Shell money of California. Bull. So. Calif. Acad. Sci., 3:156-158; 4:16-17, 26-27, 1904-05. IV. POTTERY, BAKED CLAY, FIGURINE Anonymous. More steatite objects. SM-M XXI:104-105, 1947. Baldwin, G. C. The pottery of the southern Paiute. A Ant 16:50-56, 1950. Bryan, B. A clay figurine found in southern California. Masterkey 38:66-69, 1964. Davis, J. T. Further notes on clay human figurines in the western United States. UCAS-R 48:16-31, 1959. Douglas, F. H. and R. D'Harnoncourt. Indian art of the United States, New York, 1941. (P. 37. ) DuBois, C. G. Diegueno mortuary ollas. AA 9:484-486, 1907. Elsasser, A. B. Two fired-clay figurines from central California. A Ant 29: 118-120, 1963. Forbes, J. D. Pueblo pottery in the San Fernando Valley. Masterkey 36:36-38, 1961. Ford, J. A. et al. The Jaketown site in west-central Miss. AMNH-AP 45:53-55, 1955. -13- Gayton, A. H. Yokuts and western Mono pottery-making. UC-PAAE 24:230-255, 1929. Gifford, E. W. Pottery making in the Southwest. UC-PAAE 23:353-373, 1928. Gladwin, H.S. The western range of the Red-on-Buff culture. GP-MP 5, 1930. Harner, M.J. Potsherds and the tentative dating of the San-Gorgonio-Big Maria Trail. UCAS-R 37:35-37, 1957. Harrington, M. R. Unique olla. SM-M XXIX:203, 1955. Heizer, R. F. Baked-clay objects of the lower Sacramento Valley, California. A Ant 3:34-50, 1937. Heizer, R. F., and R. K. Beardsley. Fired clay figurines in central and northern California. A Ant 9:199-207, 1943. Heizer, R. F., and Pendergast, D. M. Additional data on fired clay human figurines from California. A Ant 21:181-185, 1955. Heye, G. G. Certain aboriginal pottery from southern California. MAIHF-INM 7:3-48, 1919. King, T. F. Three clay figurines from Marin County. Masterkey, 41:138-142, 1967. Kroeber, A. L. and M. J. Harner. Mohave pottery. UC-AR 16:1, 1955. Morss, Noel. Clay figurines of the American Southwest. PM-P, Vol. XLIX, No. 1, 1954. Nordenskiold, E. The American Indian as an inventor. JRAI 49:273-310, 1929. (Pp. 287-288.) Peck, S. L. Some pottery from the Sandhills, Imperial County, California. ASASC Publ. No. 1, 1953. Peck, S. L. The diffusion of pottery in the Southwest.Masterkey 29:130, 1955. Rogers, M.J. Yuman pottery making. SDM-P 2, 1936. Ruby, J. and T. Blackburn. Occurrence of southwestern pottery in Los Angeles County, California. A Ant 30:209-210, 1964. Shipek, F. C. Diegueno pots. El Museo 1 (2):5-116, Museum of Man, San Diego, 1951. Steward, J. H. Pottery from Deep Springs Valley, Inyo County, California. AA 30:348, 1928. _______ Ethnography of the Owens Valley Paiute. UC-PAAE 33:233-350, 1933. Treganza, A. E. An archaeological reconnaissance of northeastern Baja California and southeastern California. A Ant 8:152-163, 1942. True, D. L. Fired clay figurines from San Diego County, California. A Ant 22:291-296, 1957. True, D. L., and C. Warren. A clay figurine from Santa Monica, California. Masterkey 35:152-155, 1961. Wallace, W. J. A clay figurine from Death Valley National Monuments. SM-M 31: 131-134, 1957. V. BASKETRY AnD TEXIES Anonymous. Two rare Chumash baskets. MAIHF-INM 5:266-267, 1928. Baumhoff, M. A. Catlow twine from central California. UCAS-R 38:1-59 1957. Baunhoff, M. A., and R. F. Heizer. Outland coiled basketry from the caves of west central Nevada. UCAS-R 42:49-59, 1958. Craig, Steve. Ethnographic notes on the construction of Ventureno Chumash baskets: from the ethnographic and linguistic field notes of John P. Harrington. Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 8:197-214, Los Angeles, 1966. The basketry of the Ventureno Chumash. Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 9:78-149, Los Angeles, 1967. Dawion, L., and J. Deetz. A corpus of Chumah basketry. Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 7:193-276, Los Angeles, 1965. Harrington, M. R. A remodeled basket. Masterkey 16:141-142, 1942. Heizer, R. F. One of the oldest known California Indian baskets. Masterkey 42:70-714, 1968. Heye, G. G. Chumash objects from a California cave. Indian Notes 3:193-198, 1926. Kirk, R. E. Panamint basketry - a dying art. SM-M XXVI:76-86, 1952. Mohr, A., and L. L. Sample. Twined water bottles of the Cuyama area, southern California. A Ant 20:345-354, 1955. Peck, S. L. A fragment of N. Calif. basketry from southern California. A Ant 16:70, 1950. Putnam, F. W. Textile fabrics, basket-work, etc. (from Santa Barbara sites). In U.S. geographical surveys west of the 100th meridian 7:239-250, 1879. Smith, G. A., and R. D. Simpson. Basket makers of San Bernardino County. San Bernardino County Museum, 1969. -15- Walker, E. F. Finding an old Paiute mush basket. Masterkey, 15:10-12, 1941. Weltfish, G. Problem in the study of ancient and modern basket-makers. AA 3:108-117, 1932. VI . CHARMETONES Anonymous. Notice of a stone implement found near Woodbridge, California. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 4:18-19, 1873. Stone plunmets. Amer. Naturalist 20:85-86, 1886. Blake, J. On some recently discovered aboriginal implements. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 4:221-222, 1873. Elsasser, A. B. A charmstone site in Sonoma Co., Calif. UCAS-R 28, paper 29, 1955. Henderson, J. G. Notes on aboriginal relics known as 1plummets". Amer. Nat. 6:641-650, 1872. Henshaw, H. W. The aboriginal relics called "sinkers" or "plummets." AJA 1:105-114, 1885. Heyc, G. G. Stone objects from San Joaquin Valley. MAIHF-INM 3:107-111, 1926. Holt, W. B. Charm stones (of the Santa Barbara region). SBMNH, leaflet 14: 67-68, 1939. Latta, F. F. Handbook of Yokuts Indians. Pp. 136, 200-209, 1949. Bear State Books, Oildale. Moorehead, W. K. Stone ornaments used by Indians in the United States and Canada. 1917. Peabody, C. The so-called "plummets". Bull. Free Mus. of Sci. and Art, 3, #3:125-142, 1901. Yates, L. G. Charm stones or "plummets" from California. USNIM-R (1886), Part I, pp. 296-305, 1889. VII. PETROGLYPHS AND PICTOGRAPHS Anonymous.* Tule Lake petroglyphs believed not ancient. The March of Pine 5:5, Klamath Falls, Oregon, 1948. ________ Pictograph site, Carrizo Plain. Sunset Magazine, Dec. 3, 1955. Educator studies carving on stone in Lassen Canyon. The Sacramento Bee, Wed., Dec. 25: Do-, 1957. -16- Anonymous. Near Santa Barbara..Pictographs inside a cave. Sunset Magazine, Nov. 1957. Rock carvings in Bishop area lure visitors. Los Angeles Times LXXVII:lA:14, 1958. _ Museum gets San Nicolas petroglyph. Masterkey, 36:36, 1962. _________ Petroglyph loop trip. Desert Magazine 26, No. 8:8-9, 1963. Amer, L. A. Ancient pictures on rocks pose questions. Calif. Highways and Public Works 31:50-56, 1952. Bock, F. G. A visit to Big and Little Petroglyph canyons. San Bernadino Museum Ass. Quarterly, Vol. 16, No. 3:1-7, 1969. Bruff, J. G. Indian engravings on the face of rocks along Green River Valley in the Sierra Nevada range of mountains. SI-AR for 1872:409, 1873. Gold Rush. Columbia Univ. Press. Pp. 1192-1194, 1944. Chittenden, N. J. Prehistoric rock paintings, etchings, and pictographs in California, Arizona, and New Mexico. Overland Monthly, 42:lo6-llo, 1903. Clements, L. Pictographs discovered in Death Valley, California. SM-M 32: 108-110, 1958. Curtis, F. A preliminary report on Black Canyon material. ASASC-N 2-3: 9-12, 1955. Davis, E. L. The Mono craters petroglyphs, California. A Ant 27:236-239, 1961. Deetz, J. A datable Chumash pictograph from Santa Barbara County, Calif. A Ant 29:504-506, 1964. Dunn, H. H. The prehistoric painter of Poway. Touring Topics, May:36-38, 1930. Elsasser, A. B. A decorated stone implement from Mono County, California. UCAS-R 38:7-9, 1957. Modern petrography in central California and western Nevada. EWKSR 41:12-18, 1957. Fenenga, F. Methods of recording and present status of knowledge concerning petroglyphs in California. UCAS-R 3, 1949. Gorsline, E. P. Artist to the rescue. Desert Magazine, Vol. 22, No. 9:23-24, 1959. Petroglyphs in peril. Natural History, 48:2:110-112, 1959. Grafton, H. W. and I. 0. Grafton. Some petroglyphs from a small site in the Coso Valley. ASASC-N 3:4:11, 1956. -17- Grafton, L. 0. A newly discovered petroglyph canyon. ASASC-N 2:1:2-6, 1954. Grant, C. California's legacy of Indian rock art. Natural History 73:6: 32-41, 1964. Rock paintings of the Chumash. Univ. of Calif. Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1965. Grant, C., J. W. Baird, and J. K. Pringle. Rock drawings of the Coso Range. Maturango Museum Publ. 4. China Lake, 1968. Gruber, A. A survey of petroglyphs in Black Canyon. Masterkey, 35%108-1I5, I9621. Harnden, E. W. Indian pictographs in Pate Valley. Sierra Club Bull 6: 258-259, 1908. Harner, M. J. Gravel pictographs of the lower Colorado River region. UCAS-R 20:1-32, 1953. Heizer, R. F. and M. A. Baumhoff. Prehistoric rock art of Nevada and eastern California. UC Press, Berkeley, 1962. Henderson, R. Giant desert figures have been restored. Desert Magazine 20, No. 11:5-8, 1957. Hoffman, W. J. Comparison of Eskimo pictographs with those of other American aborigines. Transactions of the Anthrop. Soc. of Washington 2:128-146, 1883. Remarks on aboriginal art in California and Queen Charlotte's Island. Proc. Davenport Academy of Natural Science 4:105-115, 1886. Irwin, M. C. Petroglyphs near Santa Barbara. SBMNIH-MT 25:1-5, 1950. Johnston, F. R. Art gallery of ancient Indians. Desert Magazine, Feb.,1938. Johnston, P. Prehistoric pageantry in stone. Touring Topics, 26:8-9, 36, 1933. Kettl, J. W. Project petroglyph. Masterkey, 36:15-21, 1962. Lathrap, D. W. A distinctive pictograph from the Carrizo Plains, San Luis Obispo County. UCAS-R 9:20-26, 1950. Lawbaugh, A. L. V. Sacred mountain of the tribesmen. Desert Magazine 14:1:18-21, 1950. Leadabrand, R. Day in Greenwater Canyon. Desert Magazine 18:16-18, 1955. Treasure Canyon of the Coso ancients. Desert Magazine 19: 2:26-28, 1956. -18- Love, 0. Notes upon the ethnology of southern California and adjacent regions. Annual Report upon the geographical surveys west of the 100th meridian. App. H 144:321-327, 1876. MacDougall, D. T. A decade of the Salton Sea. Geographical Review 3:457-473, 1917. Mallery, Garrick. Pictographs of North American Indians. BAE-AR 4:13-256, 1886. Picture-writing of the American Indians. BAE-AR 10, 1893. (Tp. 52-72, 638.) Petroglyphs in California. BAE-AR, 1888-1889:52-57, 1893. Marshall, G. C. Giant effigies of the Southwest. Nat. Geogr. Mag. 102:389, 1952 Momyer, G. R. Indian picture writings in southern Calif. :where to find them. San Bernardino, Harris Co., 1937. Payen, L. Arthur. Petroglyphs of Sacramento and adjoining counties, California, Paper on Calif. Archaeology:73, UCAS-R 48, 1959. Pederson, C. Inscription Canyon. A report on the petroglyphs of Black Canyon. ASASC-N 3:2:9-27, 1956. Powell, J. W. Notice of work of Dr. W. J. Hoffman among Indian tribes of Calif. and Nevada with special reference to gesture language and pictographs. BAE-AR 4:XLIII, 1886. Schoolcraft, H. R. A copy, by H. H. Kern, of an Indian drawing found on the trunk of a cottonwood tree in the valley of Kings River, Calif. which "evidently represents the manner of catching different wild animals with the lasso." Indian Tribes 4:252-253; P1. 33, 1854. Schwacofer, L. Mystery of Black Canyon. The Grizzly Bear 78:465, 1946. Setzler, F. M. and R. H. Stewart. Seeking the secret of the giants. Nat. Geogr. Mag. 102:390-404, 1952. Smith, G. A. et al. Indian picture-writing of San Bernardino and Riverside Counties. Santa Barbara Co. Mus. Assoc. Quarterly, 8:3:1-36, 1961. Smith, V. Sheep hunting artist of Black Canyon walls. Desert Magazine, March, 1944. Steward, J. H. Petroglyphs of California and adjoining states. UC-PAAE 24: 47-238, 1929. Petroglyphs of the United States. SI-AR 405-426, 1936. Swift, R. H. Prehistoric paintings at Santa Barbara. Bull. So. Cal. Acad. Sci., 30:35-38, 1931. -19- Tripp, S. Rare picture writing found in Yosemite. YNN 13:26-27, 1934. True, D. L. Pictographs of the San Luis Rey Basin, California. A Ant 20: 68-72, 1954. Usher, F. A. Petroglyphs. Arts and Architecture, Vol. 66:24-28, 1949. Von Blon, J. C. Rock writings in Oven's Valley. Touring Topics 21:5:14-17, 1929. von Werlhof, J. C. Rock art of Ovens Valley, California. UCAS-R 65, 1965. Waterman, T. T. The religious practices of the Diegueno Indians. UC-PAAE 8:271-358, 1910. Weight, H. 0. Hidden gold of Bicuner. Desert Magazine 18:6:10-13, 1955. Whipple et al. Indian pictographs. Pacific RR Repts. 3:36-39, 1856. Whitaker, K. Analytical interpretations of petroglyphs. Masterkey 43: 132-143, 1969. Yates, L. C. Indian pictoglyphs in California. Overland Monthly, 2nd Ser., 28:657-661, 1896. VIII. CAVES AND ROCKSHELTERS Baumhoff, M. A. Excavation of site Teh-l (Kingsley Cave). UCAS-R 30: 40-73, 1955. Beatty, M. E. More Indian caves discovered. YEN 12:7-8, 1933. Bell, L. Victims of civilization. Calif. Monthly XLIV:2:12-46, 1953. Bowers, S. A report on a cave in the San Martin Mountains. Pac. Sci. Mo. 4:1-7, 1885. Farmer, M. F. Tracing early man in western caves. Hobbies 40:102-106, 1936. Fenenga, F., and F. A. Riddell. Excavation of Tommy Tucker Cave, Lassen Co., Calif. A Ant 14:203-213, 1949. Furlong, E. L. Excavation in a recently explored Quaternaxy cave in Shasta County, California. Science 20:53-55, 1904. The exploration of Samwel Cave. AJS 172:235-247, 1906. l______ Reconnaisance of a recently discovered Quaternary cave deposit near Auburn, California. Science 25:392-394, 1907. Stone Man Cave, Shasta County, California. Science 94:41)4- 415, 1941.o -20- Harrington, M. R. A cave near Little Lake. Masterkey 27:77-82, 1953. A storage cave near Walker Pass (Kern Co.). Southwest Museum, Masterkey 24:89-90, 1950. Heizer, R. F. A cave burial in Kern County. UCAS-R 10:22-36, 1951. ______ A survey of cave archaeology in California. UCAS-R 15:1-12, 1952. Lewis, W. S. Caverns of the Mohave. Rocks and Minerals 12:67-68, 1937. Meighan, C. W. Excavation of Isabella Meadows Cave, Monterey Co., California. UCAS-R 29:1-30, 1955. The Coville Rockshelter, Inyo Co., Calif. UC-AR 12:171-224, 1953. Merriam, C. H. Human remains in California caves. American Antiquarian 31: 152-153, 1909. Moseley, M. A small cave in Morongo Valley - El Grieta. S. Br. Co. Mus. Assoc. III:20-22, 1955. Orr, P. C. Cave man hunt. SBMNH-MT 26:30-35, 1951. Riddell, F. A. Final report on the archaeology of Tommy Tucker Cave. UCAS-R 35:44:1-24, 1956. Sinclair, W. J. The exploration of the Potter Creek Cave. UC-PAAE 2:1-27, 1904. Smith, G. A. et al. Newberry Cave, Calif. San Bernardino Co. Mus. Assoc. Sci. Series, 1, Rept. of excavations, 1957. Smith, G. A. Preliminary report of the Schuiling Cave, Newberry, California. San Bernardino Co. Mus. Assoc. III:2-12, 1955. Treganza, A. E. An ethno-archaeological examination of Samwel Cave. Cave Studies No. 12, 1964. Van Valkenburgh, R. We found the lost Indian cave of the San Martins. Desert Magazine 15:4-8, 1952. Wallace, W. J. The archaeological deposit in Moaning Cave. UCAS-R 12:29-39, 1951a. The mortuary caves of Calaveras County, Calif. Archaeology 4: 199-203, 1951b. l______ Rockshelter excavation in Death Valley National Monument. SM-M 31:144, 1957. -21- Wallace, W. J. and D. W. Lathrap. An early implement assemblage from a limestone cavern in California. A Ant 18:133-138, 1952. Wallace, W. J. and E. S. Taylor. Excavation of Sis-13, a rock-shelter in Siskiyou County, California. UCAS-R 15:13-39, 1952. Whitney , J. D. A cave in Calaveras County , California. SI-AR for 1867, pp. 406-.407, 1868. Yarrow, H. C. A further contribution to the study of the mortuary customs of the North American Indians. BAE-AR 1879-80:87-203, 1881. IX.A RAW MATERIALS AND SOURCES Dunn, H. H. Tracing the Pueblos to the Pacific. Touring Topics 22:48-50, 53, 1930. Farmer, M. F. An obsidian quarry near Coso Hot Springs, California. Masterkey 11: 7-9 , 1937. Harrington, M. R. A colossal quarry. Masterkey 25:15-18, 1951. Heizer, R. F. Aboriginal use of bitumen by the California Indians. Calif. State Div. Mines, Bull. 118, Pt. 1, p.74, 1940. ______ Jade. Mineral Information Service 4:6, 1951. Calif. State Div. of Mines. Heizer, R. F. and A. E. Treganza. Mines and quarries of the Indians of California. Calif. Journ. Mines and Geol., 40:291-359, 1944. Hewett, D. F. Geology and mineral reserves of the Ivanpah Quadrangle. USGS-Professional Paper 275:165-166, 1956. Hohenthal, W. D., Jr. Southern Diegueno use and knowledge of lithic materials. KASP 2:9-15, 1950. Lawbaugh, A. L. V. Where turquois was mined by the ancients. Desert Magazine 14:10:9-12, 1951. McGuire, J. D. Aboriginal quarries -- soapstone bowls and the tools used in their manufacture. Amer. Naturalist 17:587-595, 1883. Meighan, C. W. and K. L. Johnson. Isle of Mines: Catalina's ancient Indian quarries. Pacific Discovery 10:24-29, 1957. Meighan, C. W. and S. Rootenberg. A prehistoric miner's camp on Catalina Island. SM-M 31:176-184, 1957. Rogers, M. J. California Indians mined turquoise. El Palacio 27:185-186, 1929. -22- Schoolcraft, H. R. Evidence of ancient mining operations in California. Archives of Aboriginal Knowledge I:105, 1860. Schumacher, P. Ancient olla manufactory on Santa Catalina Island, California. Amer. Naturalist 12:629, 1878. (See also his notes in PM-R 11:258-2644, 1878.) Spencer, D. L. Notes on the Maidu Indians of Butte County. JAFL 21:242-245, 1908. Walker, E. F. A prehistoric soapstone quarry. Masterkey 9:178-180, 1935. Wallace, W. J. An aboriginal hematite quarry in Oakland, California. A Ant IX.B TRADE AND TRAILS Barber, E. A. Stone implements and ornaments from the ruins of Colorado, Utah, and Arizona. Amer. Naturalist 11:264-275, 1877. Brand, D. D. Southwestern trade in shell products. A Ant 2:300-302, 1937. Aboriginal trade routes for sea shells in the Southwest. Yearbook of Assoc. for Pacific Coast Geographers 4:3-10, 1938. Cooke, D. I. Indian trails (of the Santa Barbara region). SBMNH-L 15:5-7, 1940. Davis, J. T. Trade routes and economic exchange among the Indians of Cali- fornia. UCAS-R 54, 1961. Farmer, M. F. A Mojave trade route. Masterkey 9:154-157, 1935. Farrington, 0. C. Dolomite used as Indian money. Near Lakeport, Lake County, California. New Mineral Occurrences. Field Columbian Mus. Publ. No. 44 Geol. Series 1:230-231, 1900. Fewkes, J. W. Pacific Coast shells from prehistoric Tusayan pueblos. AA 9: 359-367, 1896. Gifford, E. W. Californian shell artifacts. UC-AR 9:1-132, 1947. _______ Earl central Californian and Anasazi shell artifact types. A Ant 15:156-157, 19149. Heizer, R. F. Aboriginal trade between the Southwest and California. SM-M 15:185-188, 1941. The occurrence and significance of Southwestern grooved axes in California. A Ant 11:187-193, 1946. -23- Henderson, J. Ancient shell trade routes. The Nautilus 43:109-110, 1930. Johnston, F. J. and P. H. Johnston. An Indian trail complex of the central Colorado Desert - a preliminary survey. UCAS-R 37:22-39, 1957. Rogers, M. J. Aboriginal culture relations between southern California and the Southwest. SDM-B 5:1-6, 1941. Sample, L. L. Trade and trails in aboriginal California. UCAS-R 8:1-30, 1950. Schroeder, A. H. The significance of Willow Beach. Plateau 25:27-29, 1952. Stearns, R. E. C. Aboriginal shell ornaments, and Mr. E. A. Barber's paper thereon. Amer. Naturalist 11:473-474, 1877. Tower, D. B. The use of marine mollusca and their value in reconstructing prehistoric trade routes in the American Southwest. Papers of the Excavators Club, Vol. 2, No. 3, 1945. Weight, H. 0. Dark gold on the Tabaseca trail. Desert Magazine 18:4-8, 1955. Wilhelm, P. Trail of the Fifty Seven Shrines. Desert Magazine 14:4-8, 1951. X. COMPOSITION OF ABORIGINAL SITES Ascher, Robert. A prehistoric population estimate using midden analysis. SWJA 15:168-178, 1959. Cook, S. F. A reconsideration of shellmounds with respect to population and nutrition. A Ant 12:50-53, 1946. Physical analysis as a method of investigating prehistoric habitation sites. UCAS-R 7:2-5, 1950. The nature of charcoal excavated at archaeological sites. A Ant 29:514-517, 1964. Cook, S. F. and R. F. Heizer. The quantitative investigation of aboriginal sites; analyses of human bones. AJPA, n.s., 5:201-220, 1947. The quantitative approach to the relation between population and settlement size. UCAS-R 64, 1965. Cook, S. F. and A. E. Treganza. The quantitative investigation of aborigi- nal sites: comparative physical and chemical analysis of two California Indian mounds. A Ant 13:135-141, 1947. Deetz, J. and E. Dethlefsen. Soil pH as a tool in archaeological site interpretation. A Ant 29:242-243, 1963. -24- Ezell, P., J. R. Moriarty, J. D. Mudie and A. I. Rees. Magnetic prospecting in southern California. A Ant 31:112-113, 1965. Gifford, E. W. Composition of California shellmounds. UC-PAAE 12:1-29, 1916. Diet and the age of California shellmounds. A Ant 14:223-224, 1949. Greengo, R. E. Molluscan species in California shell middens. UCAS-R 13:1-23, 1951. Heizer, R. F. and S. F. Cook. Some aspects of the quantitative approach in archaeology. SWJA 12:229-248, 1956. Loud, L. L. Ethnogeography and archaeology of the Wiyot territory. UC-PAAE 14:221-436, 1918. Treganza, A. E., and S. F. Cook. The quantitative investigation of aboriginal sites: complete excavation with physical and archaeological analysis of a single mound. A Ant 13:287-297, 1948. XI. CHRONOLOGY: RADIOCARBON, BONE ANALYSIS SOILS, ETC. Anonymous. UCLA and Los Angeles County Museum scientists find skeleton to be 9,000 years old with dating method. University Bulletin 18:97-98, 1970. Antevs, E. Age of artifacts below peat bed in Lower Klamath Lake, California. Carnegie Inst. of Wash., Yearbook 39:307, 1940. Comments on dating of pluvial lakes in the Great Basin. AJS 251: 237, 1935. ______ Geologic-climatic dating in the West. A Ant 20:325-328, 1955. On division of the last 20,000 years. UCAS-R 22:5-8, 1953. ______ The Postpluvial or Neothermal. UCAS-R 22:9-23, 1953. Baumhoff, M. A., and J. S. Byrne. Desert Side-Notched points as a time marker in California. UCAS-R 48:32-65, 1959. Belous, R. E. The central California chronological sequence re-examined. A Ant 18:341-353, 1953. Bright, M. California radiocarbon dates. Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 7:363-376, Los Angeles, 1965. Carter, G. F. On soil color and time. SWJA 12:295-324, 1956. Clark, Donovan L. Archaeological chronology in California and the obsidian hydration method: Part I. Arch. Survey Ann. Rept., 1963-64:139-228, Los Angeles, 1964. -25- Cook, S. F. and R. F. Heizer. The fossilization of bone: Organic components and water. UCAS-R 17, 1952. The present status of Chemical methods for dating prehistoric bone. A Ant 18:354-358, 1953. Cressman, L. S. Western prehistory in the light of carbon 14 dating. SWJA 7:289-313, 1951. Ezra, H. C., and S. F. Cook. Amino acids in fossil human bone. Science 126:80, 1957. Gifford, E. W. Diet and age of the California shellmounds. A Ant 14:223-224, 1949. Harradine, F. Report on pedologic observations made at the "Capay Man" site in western Yolo County. UCAS-R 22:27, 1953. Haury, E. W. The stratigraphy and archaeology of Ventana Cave, Arizona. U. N. Mex. Press, Albuquerque, 1950. Heizer, R. F. Archaeology of CCo-137, the Concord Man site. UCAS-R 9:6-19, 1950. (Appendix by R. Storie and F. Harradine, "An age estimate of the burials unearthed near Concord, California, based on pedologic observa- tions.") Radiocarbon dates from California of archaeological interest. UCAS-R 44, Part 1:1-16, 1958. An assessment of certain Nevada, California and Oregon radiocarbon dates. A Ant 17:23-25, 1951. Heizer, R. F. and S. F. Cook. Archaeology of Central California: .a compara- tive analysis of human bone from nine sites. UC-AR 12:2, 1949. Fluorine and other chemical tests of some North American human and fossil bones. AJPA 10:289-303, 1952. Howard, H. Significance of Carbon-14 dates for Rancho La Brea. Science 131:712-714, 1960. Meighan, C. W. and C. V. Haynes. New studies on the age of the Borax Lake site. Masterkey 42:)4-9, 1968. Michels, J. W. A progress report on the UCLA obsidian hydration dating laboratory. Arch. Survey Ann Rept. 7:377-388, Los Angeles, 1965. Oakley, K. Relative dating of Arlington Springs Man. Science 141:1172, 1963. Owen, R. C. Early milling stone horizon (Oak Grove), Santa Barbara County, California: Radiocarbon dates. A Ant 30:210-213, 1964. Shepard. F. P. Sea level changes in the past 6000 years: possible archaeo- logical significance. Science 143:574-576, 196)4. -26- Warren, C. N. and J. DeCosta. Dating Lake Mohave artifacts and beaches. A Ant 30:206-209, 1964. Woodward, J. A. and A. F. Woodward. The carbon-14 dates from Lake Mohave. Masterkey 40:96-102, 1966. XII. EARLY MAN Anonymous. "Tools" made by nature. Science News Letter, Oct 6, 1956. Antevs, E. Climatic history and the antiquity of man in California. UCAS-R 16:23-31, 1952. Brainerd, G. W. On the study of early man in Southern California. UCAS-R 16: 18-22, 1952. A re-examination of the dating evidence for the Lake Mohave artifact Assemblage. A Ant 18:270-271, 1953. Brewer, W. H. Alleged discovery of an ancient human skull in California. Amer. Journ. of Science and Art 42:424, 1866. Brewster, E. T. Life and letters of Josiah Dwight Whitney. Boston and N.Y., 1909. (P.253 letter from JDW to W. D. Whitney, Jul. 18, 1866, reporting discovery of Calaveras skull.) Campbell, E. W. C. Two ancient archaeological sites in the Great Basin. Science 109:340, 1949. (Mohave, Pinto, Folsom artifacts from Ovens Lake region.) Carter, G. F. Evidence for Pleistocene Man at La Jolla, California. Trans. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 2:254-257, 1949. Evidence for Pleistocene Man in So. Calif. Geogr. Rev. XL:84-102, 1950. An interglacial site at San Diego, Calif. Masterkey 28:165-174, 1954. _Is there an American Lower Paleolithic? Miscellanea Paul Rivet 1:227-243, Mexico, 1958. Man, time, and change in the Far Southwest. Annals of the Assoc. of Amer. Geographers 49:3:2:8-33, 1959. Pleistocene Man at San Diego. Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1957. _______ Pleistocene Man at San Diego: A reply. A Ant 24:319-320, 1959. Clements, L. Ancient habitation of Panamint Valley. SM-M 30:184-190, 1956. A preliminary study of some Pleistocene cultures of the California desert. SM-M 28:177-185, 1954. -27- Clements, T., and L. Clements. Evidence of Pleistocene man in Death Valley. Geol. Soc. of Amer., Bull. 64:U89-1204, 1953. Cruxent, J. M. Phosphorus content of the Texas Street "hearths". A Ant 28: 90-91, 1962. Curtis, F. The European reaction to American "Paleoliths". Masterkey 30: 140-145, 1956. Dixon, K. A. A "Sandia" point from Long Valley, Mono County, California. Masterkey 27:97-104, 1953. Greenman, E. F. An American Eolithic? A Ant 22:3:298, 1957. Hamy, E. T. Precis de paleontologie humaine. Paris, 1870 (pp. 67-69 Calaveras skull). L'homme tertiare en Amerique et la theorie des centres multi- ples de creation. Rev. Course Scient., Mar. 19, 1870. Harrington, M. R. Folsom man in California. Masterkey 12:133-137, 1938a. _________ Pre-Folsom man in California. Masterkey 12:173-175, 1938. Heizer, R. F. A bibliography of ancient man in California. UCAS-R 2, 1948. A review of problems in the antiquity of man in California. UCAS-R 16:3-17, 1952. Observations on early man in California. UCAS-R 7:2:5-9, 1950, and KASP 1:28-35, 1950. A Folsom-type point from the Sacramento Valley. Masterkey 12:180-182 , 1934a. A note on Folsom and Nepesta points. A Ant 6:79-80, 1940. Problems in dating Lake Mojave artifacts. Masterkey 39:4: 125-133, 1965. _____ Sites attributed to early man in California. UCAS-R 22:1-4, 1953. Heizer, R. F., and S. F. Cook. "Capay Man", an ancient central California Indian burial. UCAS-R 22:24-26, 1953. Heizer, R. F., and E. M. Lemert. Observations on archaeological sites in Topanga Canyon, California. UC-PAAE 44:237-252, 1947. Heizer, R. F., and T. D. McCown. The Stanford skull, a probable early man from Santa Clara County, California. UCAS-R 6, 1950. --28- Holmes, W. H. Review of the evidence relating to auriferous gravel -man in California ... 2nd paper. SI-AR:447-452, 1899. Howard, H., and A. H. Miller. The avifauna associated with human remains at Rancho La Brea, California. Carnegie Institute of Wash., 514:39-48, 1939. Johnson, F., and J. P. Miller. Review of: Carter's Pleistocene man at San Diego. A Ant 24:209-210, 1958. Kroeber, A. L. Discussion of "Lodi Man." Science 87:137-138, 1938. The Rancho La Brea skull. A Ant 27:416-417, 1962. Lucas, B. J. Tree-holes at the Stahl site. Masterkey 25:190-193, 1951. McCown, T. D. The Stanford skull, a probable early man from Santa Clara County, California. UCAS-R 6, 1950. Merriam, J. C. Preliminary report on the discovery of human remains in an asphalt deposit at Rancho La Brea. Science 40:198-203, 1914. The Brea maid. Bull. So. Calif. Acad. Sci.,13:27-29, n.d. Present status of investigations concerning antiquity of m an in California. Science 60:1-2, 1924. Miller, G. J. Man and Smilodon: a preliminary report on their possible co- existence at Rancho La Brea. Los Angeles County Mus. Contributions in Science 163:1-8, 1969. Moriarty, J. R. III. The San Dieguito complex - suggested environmental and cultural relationships. Anthropological Journ. of Canada, Vol. 7, No. 3: 2-189 1969. Oakley, K. P. Review of Carter, G. F., Pleistocene man at San Diego. Man 59: 1839 1959. Riddell, F. A., and W. H. Olsen. An early man site in the San Joaquin Valley, California. A Ant 34:121-130, 1969. Roberts, F. H. H. H., Jr. Developments in the problem of the North American paleo-Indian. SI-MC 100:51-116, 1940.. Rogers, S. L. 100,000 Years. SoM El Museo 1:4:24-27, 1953. Roosa, W. B., and S. Peckham. Notes on the third interglacial artifacts. A Ant 19:280-281, 1954. Scoggin, C. Folsom and Nepesta points. A Ant 5:290-298, 1940. Simpson, R. D. A friendly critic visits Texas Street. Masterkey 28:174-176, 1954o The Manix Lake archaeological survey. SM-M 32:4-10, 1958. -29- Simpson, R. The plot thickens at Little Lake. SM-M 23:19, 1949. Simpson, R. D. An introduction to early western American prehistory. So. Calif. Acad. of Science, Bull. 55, No. 2:61-71, Los Angeles, 1956. Skertchley, S. B. J. On the occurrence of stone mortars in the ancient (Pleiocene?) river gravels of Butte County, California. JRAI 17:332-337, 1888. Stock, C. A recent discovery of ancient human remains in Los Angeles, Calif. Science 60:2-4, 1924. Rancho La Brea, a record of Pleistocene life in California. L.A. Co. Mus. Publ. 1:28-30, 1930. Treganza, A. E., and A. Bierman. The Topanga culture: final report on excavations, 1948. UC-AR 20:45-86, 1958. Treganza, A. E., and C. G. Malamud. The Topanga culture: first season's excavation of the Tank site, 1947. UC-AR 12:4:129-170, 1950. True, D. L. An early complex in San Diego County, California. A Ant 23: 255-2639 1958. Vayson de Pradenne, A. Les fraudes en archeologie prehistorique. Paris, 1932 (Chap. 7. "Les crane de Calaveras".) Wallace, W. J., and E. S. Taylor. Early man in Death Valley. Archeology 8:82-92, 1955b. Walters, P. Early man in California. El Palacio 50:115-116, 1943. Whitney, J. D. Notice of a human skull, recently taken from a shaft near Angels, Calaveras County. Proc. of the Calif. Acad. of Sciences 3: 277-278, 1867. Reprinted in Amer. Journ. of Science and Arts 43:265-267. The auriferous gravels of the Sierra Nevada of California. Memoirs of the Harvard Mus. of Comparative Anatomy, Vol. 6:258-288, 1879. Whittlesey, C. On the evidence of the antiquity of man in the U.S. Amer. Assoc. for Adv. of Sci., Proc. 17:286-287, 1869. Willis, B. Out of the past - a story of the Stanford skull. The Stanford Cardinal XXXII Oct. 8-12, 1922. Winslow, C. F. Particulars relating to the discovery of human remains in Table Mountain. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc. 15:257-259, 1873. Yates, L. G. Prehistoric man in California. Bull. SBa. Soc. Nat. Hist. 1:23-29, 1887. -30- XIII. HISTORIC ARCHAEOLOGY Aga-Oglu, K. Late Ming and early Ch'ing porcelain fragments from archaeo- logical sites in Florida. Florida Anthropologist 8:106, 1955. Beardsley, R. K. The Monterey Custom House flag-pole; archaeological findings. Calif. Hist. Quart. 25:204-218, 1946. Bennyhoff, J. A., and A. B. Elsasser. Sonoma Mission: an historical and arch- aeological study of primary constructions, 1823-1913. UCAS-R 27, 1954. Deetz, J. J. F. Archaeological investigations at La Puris.ima Mission. Arch. Survey Ann. Rept.:161-244, Los Angeles,, 1963. Drake, R. J. Samplings in history at the Sanchez Adobe, San Mateo Co. El Palacio 59:19-29, 1952. Fages, I. L. Doomed adobe landmarks. Masterkey 24:188-190, 1950. Fenenga, F. Artifacts from excavation of Sutter's sawmill. Calif. Hist. Soc. Quarterly :160-162, 1947. Harrington, M. R. Digging up the past at San Luis Rey. SM-M 32:55-579 1958. Heizer, R. F. Archaeological investigation of Sutter sawmill site, 1947. Calif. Hist. Quarterly 26:134-159, 1947. Observations on historic sites and archaeology in California. UCAS-R 9:6:1-5, 1950. Humphrey, R. V. The La Purisima Mission cemetery. Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 7: 179-192, Los Angeles, 1965. Meighan, C. W., and R. F. Heizer. Archaeological exploration of 16th century Indian mounds at Drakes Bay. Calif. Hist. Quart. 31:99-106, 1952. Moriarty, J. E. III. Historic site archaeology at Mission San Diego de Alcala. Masterkey 43:100-108, 1969. Olsen, W. H. Archeological investigations at Sutter's Fort State Historical Monument. Calif. State Div. of Beaches and Parks, Interpretive Services, Archeological Report, 1961. Payen, L. A. Excavations at Sutter's Fort. Calif. State Div. of Beaches and Parks, Interpretive Service, Archeological Report, 1960. Riddell, F. A. Archaeological excavations on the Farallon Islands, Calif. UCAS-R 32:1-18, 1955. Treganza, A. E. Fort Ross: a study in historical archaeology. UCAS-R 23, 19541. Sonoma Mission: an archaeological reconstruction of the Mission San Francisco de Solano Quad. KASP 14:1-18, 1956. -31- Wallace, W. J., R. J. Desautels and G. Kritzman. The House of the Scotch Paisano. Archaeological investigations at the Hugo Reid adobe, Arcadia, California. Lasca Leaves Vol. 8, No. 1, 1958. Webb, E. B. Indian life at the Old Missions. W. F. Lewis, Los Angeles, 1952. Williams, L. A. Digging for history at Drakes Bay. Pacific Discovery 6: 10-17, 1953. XIV. GENERAL CALIFORNIA PREHISTORY Bancroft, H. H. The native races of the Pacific states of North America. Vol. IV, Antiquities, 1875. Baumhoff, M. A. Ecological determinants of population. UCAS-R 41:34-39, 1957. Baumhoff, M. A., and A. B. Elsasser. Summary of archaeological survey and excavation in California. UCAS-R 33:1-27, 1956. Bennyhoff, J. A. Californian fish spears and harpoons. UC-AR 9:295-329, 1950a. Certain harpoons and fish spears from California. UC-AR 12, 1950 b. Blake, J. On some recently discovered aboriginal implements. Proc. Calif. Acad. Science 4:221-222, 1873. Curtis, F. (ed.) Symposium on central California archeology. Sacramento Anthropoligical Society, Paper 3, 1965. Dixon, R. B. Some aspects of North American archaeology. AA 15:549-577, 1913. Elsasser, A. B. The history of culture classification in California. UCAS-R 49:1-10, 1960. Archaeological evidence of shamanism in California and Nevada. KASP 24:38-48, 1961. Fenenga, F. Methods for archaeological site survey in California. UCAS-R 5, 1949. Gifford, E. W. Californian bone artifacts. UC-AR 3:153-237, 1940. Californian shell artifacts. UC-AR 9:1-132, 1947. Glassow, M. A. Considerations in estimating prehistoric California coastal populations. A Ant 32:354-359, 1967. Heizer, R. F. A bibliography of the archaeology of California. UCAS-R 4, 1949. The California Archaeological Survey. UCAS-R 1, 1949. -32- Heizer, R. F. The California Archaeological Survey. A Ant 14:222-223, 1949. The direct historical approach in California archaeology. A Ant 7:98-122, 1941. Prehistoric Central California: A problem in historical-dev- elopmental classification. UCAS-R 41:19-26, 1957. Remarks on the prone burial position in China and North America. A Ant 13:249-250, 1948. California archaeology: Its development, present status, and future needs. Masterkey 38:84-90, 1964. Salvage and other archaeology. Masterkey 40:54-60, 1966. Heizer, R. F., and M. A. Baumhoff. California settlement patterns. In G. R. Willey (ed.), Prehistoric settlement patterns in the New World, pp. 32-44, 1956. Holmes, W. H. Anthropological studies in California. USNM-AR 1900:1-187, 1902. Index to the Reports of the University of California Archaeology Survey, Nos.1-30 UCAS-R 31, 1955. Kroeber, A. L. The archaeology of California. Putnam anniversary volume, pp. 1-42, New York, 1909. California archaeological work in 1921. AA 24:235, 1922. California archaeological work in 1922. AA 25:111, 1923. California archaeological work in 1924. AA 27:582, 1925. Handbook of the Indians of California. BAE-B 78, 1925. Califo"nia archaeological work in 1927. AA 30:504, 1928. _______ Prospects in California prehistory. A Ant 2:108-116, 1936. Lillard, J. B., R. F. Heizer and F. Fenenga. An introduction to the archeo- logy of Central California. Sacramento Junior College, Dept. Anthro. Bull. 2, 1939. Lister, R. H. The stemmed, indented base point, a possible horizon marker. A Ant 28:264-265, 1953. MacLeod, W. C. California mortuaries. AA 31:772-776, 1929. Mason, 0. T. Aboriginal American harpoons. USNM-AR 1900:189-304, 1902. Meighan, C. W. Observations on the efficiency of shovel archaeology. USAC-R 7:15-21, 1950. -33- Meighan, C. W. Californian cultures and the concept of an Archaic Stage. A Ant 24:289-305, 1959. Pacific Coast Archaeology. In The Quaternary of the U.S., a review volume for the VII Congress of the Int. Assoc. for Quaternary Research, H. E. Wright, Jr. and D. G. Frey, eds. Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, N.J., pp. 709-719, 1965. Meredith, H.C. Archaeology of California: Central and Northern California. In W. K. Moorehead, Prehistoric Implements, Sec. ix, pp. 258-295, Cincin- nati, 1900. Merriam, J. C. Recent cave exploration in California. International Cong. of Americanists XVth - 1906 , Vol. II, pp. 139-146, Quebec, 1907. Moorehead, W. K. Prehistoric implements, Cincinnati, 1900. Oak, H. L. Antiquities of the Pacific States. Overland Monthly 15:305-318, 1875. Olson, R. L. Recent archaeological work on the Pacific Coast. Proc. Fifth Pac. Sci. Cong., Canada, 1933, 4:2841-2846, Toronto, 1934. Osborne, D. Western american prehistory - an hypothesis. A Ant 24:47-52, 1958. Putnam, F. W. On a collection of perforated stones from California. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 23:356, 1888. Riddell, F., and D. McGeean. Atlatl spurs from California. A Ant 34: 474-478, 1969. Schumacher, P. J. F. The case for salvage archaeology in California. Masterkey 40:61-66, 1966. Smith, G. A. Black-paint stones. Masterkey 28:187-190, 1954. Wheeler, B.I., and F. W. Putnam. Ethnological and archaeological survey of California. AA 5:727-792, 1903. Yates, L. G. The relics of the Mound Builders of California. Alakeda County Independent, June 19, 1875, p.1. Prehistoric Man in California. Santa Barbara Soc. Nat. Hist. Bull. 1:23-30, 1887. California indian relics. The Traveler (S.F.) Oct. 1896:54. Aboriginal weapons of California. Overland Monthly, 2nd ser., 27:337-342, 1896. Archaeology of California: Southern California. In W. K. Moorehead, Prehistoric Implements, sec. vii, pp. 230-252, Cincinnati, 1900. -344 Yates, L. G. Prehistoric California. Southern Calif. Acad. Sci. Bull. 4: 26-27, 1905. XV. NORTHWESTERN COAST Elsasser, A. B., and R. F. Heizer. Excavation of two northwestern California coastal sites. UCAS-R 67:1-150, 1966. Goldschmidt, W. R. A Hupa "calendar". AA 42:176-177, 1940. Gould, R. A. Archaeology of the Point St. George site, and Tolowa prehistory. UC Publs. in Anthropology, Vol. 4, 1966. Harrington, E. The driftwood witch and the Tolowa adze-handle. Masterkey 45: 14-16, 1940. Trailing early Californians. SM-M 13:163-166, 1939. Heizer, R. F. A prehistoric Yurok ceremonial site. UCAS-R 11:1-4, 1951. An unusual antler zooform club from northwestern California. UCAS-R 38:17-18, 1957. Sacred rain rocks of northern California. UCAS-R 20:33-38, 1953. An unusual decorated steatite slab from northwestern California. A Ant 15:252-254, 1950. Heizer, R. F., and A. B. Elsasser. Archaeology of Hum-67, the Gunther Island site in Humboldt Bay, California. UCAS-R 62:5-122, 1964. Heizer, R. F., and J. Mills. The four ages of Tsurai. Univ. of Calif. Press, Berkeley, 1952. Jewell, D. P. Archeology of the Oroville Dam spillway. Arch. Rept. No. 10, Part 1, Sacramento, 1964. King, T. F. A cache of stone artifacts having "muscial" properties from Marin County, California. A Ant 31:739-440, 1966. Three clay figurines from Marin County. Masterkey 41:138-1429 196T. King, T., W. Upson, and R. Milner. Archaeological investigations in the San Antonio Valley, Marin and Sonoma Counties, California. Northwestern Calit. Archaeological Soc. Occasional Paper 1, 1966. Loud, L. L. Ethnogeography and archaeology of the Wiyot territory. UC-PAAE 14:221-436, 1918. MacCurdy, G. G. The cult of the ax. Washington, 1916. -35- Miles, C. The Gunther Island sites. Masterkey 39:92-103, 1965. Mills, J. E. Recent developments in the study of Northwestern California archaeology. UCAS-R 7:21-25, 1950. Palais, H., and A. E. Treganza. Natural resources of Northwestern Calif- ornia; preliminary report on history and archaeology. National Park Service, San Francisco, 1958. Robinson, E. A house floor in Napa County, California. Archaeological Report No. 10, Part II, Sacramento, 1964. Rust, H. N. The obsidian blades of California. AA 7:688-695, 1905. Strong, C. L. The amateur scientist. Scientific American 217:134-138, 1967. Thomsen, H. H., and R. F. Heizer. The archaeological potential of the Coast Yuki. UCAS-R 63:45-83, 1964. XVI. KLAMATH MTNS. Cressman, L. S. Archaeological work in the Iron Gate Reservoir, Siskiyou County, California. Calif.-Ore . Power Co ., Mimeographed, 1960. Wallace, W. J., and E. S. Taylor. Excavation of Sis-13, a rock shelter in Siskiyou County, California. UCAS-R 15:13-39, 1952. XVII, NORTHEASTERN PLATEAU Anderson, R. Clear Lake cremation. Klamath County Mus. Clearing House for News, 1:2:2, 1957. Baumhoff, M. 'A., and D. L. Olmstead. Palaihninan radiocarbon support for glottochronology. AA 65:278-284, 1963. Notes on Palaihninan culture history: glottochronology and archaeology. In W. Bright (ed.) Studies in Cal- ifornia Linguistics, UC Publ. in Linguistics 34:1-12, Berkeley, 1964. Cressman, L. S. Archaeological researches in the northern Great Basin. Carnegie Inst. of Washington, Publ. 538, 1942. Artifacts from Lower Klamath Lake. In Archaeological Researches in the northern Great Basin, Carnegie Inst. of Washington, Publ. 538:99-102, 1942. Fenenga, F., and R. F. Heizer. Origin and authenticity of an atlatl and an atlatl dart from Lassen County, California. A Ant 7:134-146, 1941. -36 Fenenga, F., and F. A. Riddell. Excavation of Tommy Tucker Cave, Lassen County, California. A Ant 14:203-214, 1949. Harrington, M. R. Treasures from Tule Lake. The Masterkey 28:97-103, 1954. Heizer, R. F. Massacre Lake Cave, Tule Lake Cave and Shore Sites. In L. S. Cressman Archaeological Researches in the Northern Great Basin. Carnegie Inst. of Washington, Publ. 538, 1942. Johnson, L. Obsidian hydration rate for the Klamath Basin of California and Oregon. Science 165:1354-1356, 1969. O'Connell, J. F., and R. D. Ambro. A preliminary report on the archaeology of the Rodriguez site (CA-Las-194), Lassen County, California. UCAS-R 73: 95-194, 1968. Pilling, A. R. An incised pebble from Lassen County, California. UCAS-R 38:6, 1957. Riddell, F. A. Summary report of the excavation of the Karlo site. UU-AP 26:63-73, 1956. Archaeological research in Lassen County, California. UCAS-R 33::44-49, 1956. The eastern California border: cultural and temporal affini- ties. UCAS-R 42:41-48, 1958. The archaeology of the Karlo site (Las-7), California. UCAS-R 53, 1960. Squier, R. J. Recent excavation and survey in Northeastern California. UCAS-R 33:34-38, 1956. XVIII. NORTH COAST RANGES Graham, G. M. Ancient man in Tidden Valley, Calif. Masterkey 25:79-82, 1951 Harrington, M. R. An ancient site at Borax Lake, California. SM-P 16, 1948. _________ Dollar Island. Masterkey 22:154-156, 1948. Early man at Borax Lake. Carnegie Inst. of Wash. News Service Bull., School Edition, IV:259-261, 1938. Farewell to Borax Lake. Masterkey 19:181-184, 1945. Folsom Man in California. SWM-M 12:133-137, 1938a. A glimpse of Pomo archaeology. SM-M 17:9-12, 1943. New work at Borax Lake. Masterkey 20:189-190, 1946. -37- Harrington, M. R. Pre-Folsom Man in California. SWM-M 12:173-175, 1938b. The Rattlesnake Island site. In An ancient site at Borax Lake, California, SM-P 16:127-131, 1948. Heizer, R. F. (ed.) The archaeology of the Napa Region. UC-AR 12:225-358, 1953. Meighan, C. W. Archaeology of the North Coast Ranges, California. UCAS-R 30: 1-39, 1955c. Robinson, E. A house floor in Napa County, California. California State Div. of Beaches and Parks, Interpretive Services, Archaeological Rept 10: 41-65, 1964. Stearns, R. E. C. On certain aboriginal implements from Napa County, California. Amer. Naturalist 16:203-209, 1882. Thomsen, H.H., and R. F. Heizer. The archaeological potential of the Coast Yuki. UCAS-R 63:45-83, 1964. Treganza, A. E. Salvage archaeology in the Trinity Reservoir Area, Northern California. UCAS-R 43, Part I, 1958. Treganza, A. E., C. Smith and W. Weymouth. An archaeological survey of the Yuki area. UC-AR 12:113-124, 1950. Yates, L. G. Notes on the Indians of Clear Lake. Alameda County Independent, June 12, 1875, p.l. XIX. SACRAMENTO VALLEY AND DELTA Baumhoff, M. A. Excavation of Site Teh-l (Kingsley Cave). UCAS-R 30:40-73, 1955. Beardsley, R. K. Culture sequences in central California archaeology. A Ant 14:1-28, 1948. Belous, R. E. The Central California chronological sequence re-examined. A Ant 18:341-353, 1953. Bennyhoff, J. A. An antler point from the Sacramento Valley. UCAS-R 38: 19-25, 1957. Chartkoff, J. L. and K. K. Chartkoff. Excavations at the Finch site: research strategy and procedures. Arch. Survey Ann Rept. 10:315-370, Los Angeles, 1968. Cook, S. F., and A. B. Elsasser. Burials in sand mounds of the Delta Region of the Sacramento-San Joaquin River System. UCAS-R 35:26-46, 1956. Cook, S. F., and R. F. Heizer. The physical analysis of nine Indian mounds of the lower Sacramento Valley. UC-PAAE 40:281-312, 1951. -38- Davis, L. C. Long ago in San Joaquin. Sunset, Vol. XIX:533-538, 1907. Elsasser, A. B. A steatite dish and a fragmentary stone pipe from Butte County, California. UCAS-R 38:14-16, 1957. Fenenga, F. The elk antler adze. New Mexico Anthropologist 3:23-26, 1940. Furlong, E. L. The exploration of Samwel Cave. AJA Ser. 4, Vol. 22:235-247, 190 Haag, W. G., and R. F. Heizer. A dog burial from Sacramento Valley. A Ant 18: 263-264, 1953. Harradine, F. Report on pedologic observations made at the "Capay Man" site in western Yolo County. UCAS-R 22:27, 1953. Heizer, R. F. A unique type of fishhook from central California. SM-M 11:96-97, 1937. A Folsom-type point from Sacramento Valley. SM-M 12:180-182, 1938. Some Sacramento Valley-Santa Barbara archaeological relation- ships. SM-M 13:31-35, 1939. _The direct historical approach in California archaeology. A Ant 7:98-122, 1941. The archaeology of central California I: the Early Horizon. UC-AR 12:1-84, 1949. Heizer, R. F., and S. F. Cook. "Capay Man", an ancient central California Indian burial. UCAS-R 22:24-26, 1953. Heizer, R. F., and F. Fenenga. Archaeological horizons in central California. AA 41:378-399, 1939. Heizer, R. F., and G. W. Hewes. Animal ceremonialism in central California in the light of archaeology. AA 42:587-603, 1940. Jewell, D. P. Archeology of the Oroville Dam spillway. Div. of Beaches and Parks, Archeological Rept. 10:1-40, Sacramento, 1964. Johnson, E. N. The serrated points of central California. A Ant 6:167-169, 1940 Stone mortars of Contra Costa County, California. A Ant 7: 322-326, 1942. Johnson, J. J. The archeology of the Comanche Reservoir locality, California. Sacramento Anthropological Society Paper 6:1-346, 1967. Jones, P. M. Mound excavations near Stockton, UC-PAAE 20:U13-122, 1922. Kroeber, A. L. Lodi man. Science 87:137-138, 1938. -39- Lillard, J. B., and W. K. Purves. The archaeology of the Deer Creek- Cosumnes area, Sacramento County, California. Sacramento Junior College, Dept. of Anthropology, Bull. 1, 1936. Lillard, J. B., R. F. Heizer and F. Fenenga. An introduction to the arch- aeology of central California. Sacramento Junior College, Dept. of Anthropology, Bull. 2, 1939. Meredith, H. C. Aboriginal art in obsidian. Land of Sunshine 11:255-258, 1899. Nordenskiold, E. Modifications in Indian culture through inventions and loans. Comparative Ethnographical Studies No. 8, Gothenburg, 1930. Olsen, W. H., and F. A. Riddell. Salvage of the Rio Oso site. Calif. Div. of Beaches and Parks, Interpretive Services, Arch. Rept. No. 6, 1962. Palumbo, P. J. The archeology of Amador-23. Sacramento Anthro. Soc. Paper 6: 1-33, 1967. Payen, L. A. Petroglyphs of Sacramento and adjoining counties, California. UCAS-R 48:66-93, 1959. Pritchard, W. E., D. M. Hill, S. R. Purcell and R. Purcell. The Porter Rock Shelter site (But-S177), Butte County, Calif. Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 8:287-315, Los Angeles, 1966. Robinson, E. A house floor in Napa County, California. Div. of Beaches and Parks, Archeological Rept. 10:41-65, Sacramento, 1964. Schenck, W. E., and E. J. Dawson. Archaeology of the northern San Joaquin Valley. UC-PAAE 25:289-413, 1929. Sinclair, W. J. The exploration of Potter Creek Cave. UC-PAAE 2:1, 1904. Smith, C. E., and W. D. Weymouth. Archaeology of the Shasta Dam area, Calif. UCAS-R 19, 1952., Smith, P. Obsidian ceremonials from mounds in northern California. Hobbies, August :100-101, 1941. Treganza, A. E. Salvage archaeology in Nimbus and Redbank Reservoirs areas, central California. UCAS-R 26, 1954. Treganza, A. E., and M. H. Heicksen. Salvage archaeology in the Whiskeytown Reservoir area and the Wintu Pumping Plant, Shasta County, California. S. F. StateDept. of Anth. Occ. Papers in Anth. No. 1, 1960. XX. SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY Anonymous. Where the vanished Yokuts buried their dead. Standard Oil Bull. Feb. 1938 (Buena Vista Lake.) -40. Anonymous. Appraisal of the archaeological resources of Pine Flat Reservoir, Fresno County, California. Smithsonian Institution, Columbia Basin, River Basin Surveys, 1948. Belding, L. Relics from an Indian burying ground (in San Joaquin County). Zoo 3:124, 200, 1892. Coyle, J. Archaeology in the Southern San Joaquin Valley. ASASC-N 4:1-2, 9-10, 1957. Fenenga, F. The archaeology of Slick Rock Village, Tulare County, California. A Ant 17:339-347, 1952. Gifford, E. W., and W. E. Schenck. Archaeology of the Southern San Joauin Valley. UC-PAAE 23:1-123, 1926. Harrington, M. R. Treasures from Tule Lake. SM-M 28:97-103, 1954. Heizer, R. F. A cave burial from Kern County. UCAS-R 10:29-36, 1951. Hewes, G. W. Archaeological reconnaissance of the central San Joaquin Valley. A Ant 7:123-133, 1941. Camel, horse, and bison associated with human burials and arti- facts near Fresno, California. Science 97:328-329, 1943. Early Man in California and the Tranquility Site. A Ant 11: 209-215, 1946. Kroeber, A. L. At the bedrock of history. Sunset Magazine 25:255-260, 1910. (Reprinted in UCAS-R 11:5-10, 1951.) Latta, F. F. San Joaquin primeval: Archaeology. The Tulare Daily Times, May 19-July 15, 1931. Merriam, C. H. Indian village and camp sites in Yosemite Valley. Sierra Club Bull. 10:202-209, 1917. Olsen, W. H., and N. L. Wilson. The salvage archeology of the Bear Creek site. (SJo-112). A terminal Central California Early Horizon site. Sacramento Anthropological Society, Paper No. 1, 1964. Olsen, W. H., and L. A. Payen. Archeology of the Little Panoche Reservoir, Fresno Co., Calif. Archeological Rept. No. 11, Sacramento, 1968. Archeology of the Grayson site, Merced Co., Calif. Archeological Rept. No. 12, Sacramento, 1969. Rackerby, F. E. An archaeological survey on the Chowchilla River, Madera Co., Calif. Archaeological Survey Ann. Rept. 7:303-322, Los Angeles, 1965. Riddell, F. A. Excavation of site Ker-74. UCAS-R 10:1-29, 1951. Schenck, W. E., and E. J. Dawson. Archaeology of the northern San Joaquin Valley. UC-PAAE 25:4, 1929. -41- Steward, G. C. Mounds in California. Amer. Antiquarian 12:26-27, 1890. von Werlhof, J. C. Six chert knives from Tulare Co., Calif. UCAS-R 50: 37-41, 1960. Granite galleries. Pacific Discovery 11:4:16-22, 1958. Walker, E. F. Excavation of a Yokuts Indian cemetery. Kern Co. Hist. Soc., Bakersfield, 1947. A Yokuts cemetery at Elk Hills. SWM-M 9:145-150, 1935. Walker, W. S. Excavating ancient Yokuts shellmounds in California. SI, Explor. and field-work (1934):73-76, 1935. Wallace, W. J. Archaeological resources of the Poso Creek Reservoir Area. Masterkey 41:88-97, 1967. Warren, C. N., and M. B. McKusick. A burial complex from the Southern San Joaquin Valley. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 1958-1959:15-24, Los Angeles, 1959. Wedel, W. R. Archaeological investigations at Buena Vista Lake, Kern Co., California. BAE-*B 130, 1941. XXI. SIERRA NEVADA Anonymous. The A. J. Beacon collection donated to the Yosemite Museum. YNN 3: 3-4, 1924. Avery, B. P. Chips from an Indian workshop. Overland Monthly 11:489-493, 1873. Baumhoff, M. A. An introduction to Yana archaeology. UCAS-R 40:1-61, 1957. Becker, G. F. Antiquities from under Tuolumne Table Mountain in California. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., 2:189-200, 1891. Bennet, W. Obsidian arrowheads. YNN 21: 61-63, 1942. Bennyhoff, J. A. An appraisal of the archaeological resources of Yosemite Park. UCAS-R 34, 1956. _________ High altitude occupation in the Yosemite Park region. UCAS-R 21:31-32, 1953. Caywood, L. R. An Indian medicine mants grave located. YNN 33:48-49, 1954. Douglas, I. Ancient campsites. YNN 15:22-23, 1936. Elsasser, A. B. Aboriginal use of restrictive Sierran environments. UCAS-R 41:27-33, 1957. _42- Elsasser, A. B. The archaeology of the Sierra Nevada in California and Nevada. UCAS-R 51, 1960. Fitzwater, R. J. Final report on two seasons' excavations at El Portal, Mariposa County, Calif. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 1961-1962:235-282, Los Angeles, 1962. Big Oak Flat; two archaeological sites in Yosemite National Park. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 10:275-314, Los Angeles, 1968. Fitzwater, R. J., and M. V. Vlissingen. Preliminary report on an archaeological site at El Portal, Calif. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 1959-60:155-200, Los Angeles, 1960. Garrison, L. Indian Creek xancheria. YNN 17:72, 1938. Gonsalves, W. C. Winslow Cave, a mortuary site in Calaveras Co., California. UCAS-R 29:31-45, 1955. Griffin, D. W. Prehistory of the Southern Sierra Nevada. Masterkey 37: 49-57, 105-113, 1963. Material culture imperatives: a method proposed for using ethnographic data in investigating prehistoric sites. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 1963-1964:229-247, Los Angeles, 1964. Guthrie, G. Southern Sierra Nevada archaeology. ASASC-N 4:1-2:3-5, 1957. Hartesveldt, R. J. Indian sites study adds to Yosemite's story. YNN 32:53-59, 1953. Heizer, R. F., and A. B. Elsasser. Some archaeological sites and cultures from the Central Sierra Nevada. UCAS-R 21, 1953. Hindes, M. G. A report on Indian sites and trails, Huntington Lake Region, Calif. UCAS-R 48:1-15, 1959. The archaeology of the Huntington Lake Region in the Southern Sierra Nevada, California. UCAS-R 58, 1962. Jewel, D. P. Archeology of the Oroville Dam Spillway. Calif. State Div. of Beaches and Parks, Interpretive Services, Arch. Rept. 10:1-40, 1964. Johnston, R. L. An Indian village site near the Mariposa Grove. YNN 16:6, 1937. King, T. F. The archaeology of the Schwabacher site, 4-Mod-117. San Fran- cisco State College Anthropology Mus, Occ. Paper No. 4, Part II, 1968. Lathrap, D. W., and D. Shutler, Jr. An archaeological site in the High Sierra of California. A Ant 20:227-240, 1955. Littlejohn, H. W. A Northeastern Californian dug-out canoe. AA 31:777-779, 1929. -43- McLellan, P. M. The 7,000-Year Mistake. YNN 31:110-115, 1952. Merriam, C. H. Ethnological evidence that the California cave skeletons are not recent. Science 29:805-806, 1909. _______ Human remains in California caves. Amer. Antiquarian and Oriental Journ. 31:152-153, 1909. Merriam, J. C. Recent cave explorations in California. AA 8:221-228, 1906. (Appears also in ICA, 15 Sess., 1906, 2:139-146, Quebec, 1907.) Moratto, M. J. A survey of the archaeological resources of the Buchanan Reservoir Region, Madera County, Calif. SF State College Anthropology Museum, Occasional Paper No. 4, Part I, 1968. Olsen, W. H., and F.A. Riddell. The archeology of the Western Pacific Railroad relocation, Oroville Project, Butte County, California. Calif. State Div. of Beaches and Parks, Archeological Rept. No. 7, 1963. Orr, P. C. Cave Man Hunt. SBMNH-MT, XXVI:30-35, 1951. Payen, L. A., and D. S. Boloyan. Archeological excavations at Chilcoot Rockshelter, Plumas Co., Calif. Calif. Dept. of Parks and Recreation, Div. of Beaches and Parks, Interpretive Service, Arch. Rept. 4, Sacramento, 1961. Payen, L. A. "Pipe" artifacts from Sierra Nevada mortuary caves. Cave Notes 6:4:25-31, 1964. Pendergast, D. W., and C. W. Meighan. The Greasy Creek Site, Tulare Co., Calif. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 1958-59:1-10, Los Angeles, 1959. Rasson, J. Excavations at Ahwahnee, Yosemite National Park, California. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 8:165-183, Los Angeles, 1966. Riddell, F. A. Archeological reconnaissance of Freshman Dam and Reservoir, Plumas County, California. Calif. Dept. of Water Resources, Arch. Rept. A-3, 1960. Russell, C. P. Interesting Indian artifacts come to light. YNN 4:62, 1925. Sinclair, W. J. Recent investigations bearing on the question of Neocene man in the auriferous gravels of the Sierra Nevada. UC-PAAE 7:107-132, 1908. Treganza, A. E. The Farmington Reservoir report. UCAS-R 14, 1952. Treganza, A. E., and R. F. Heizer. Additional data on the Farmington Complex, a stone implement assemblage of probable early Postglacial date from Central California. UCAS-R 22:28-38, 1953. Wallace, W. J. The archeological deposit in Moaning Cave, Calaveras County. UCAS-R 12:29-41, 1951a. .44. Wallace, W. J. The mortuary caves of Calaveras County. Archaeology 4:199-203, 1951b. Wallace, W. J., and D. W. Lathrap. An early implement assemblage from a limestone cavern in California. A Ant 18:133-138, 1952. Yosemite Nature Notes. The A. J. Brown collection donated to Yosemite Museum. YNN 3:3-4 (May 31), 1924. XXII. SAN FRANCISCO BAY Anonymous. Indians of the San Francisco Bay Region. Science, Supplement XII, Sept. 11, 1925. Beardsley, R. K. Culture sequences in Central California archaeology. A Ant 14:1-28, 1948. Temporal and areal relationships in Central California archaeology, Parts I, II. UCAS-R 24, 25, 1954. Contreras, E. An extraordinary Central California burial in Marin County. UCAS-R 38:29-33, 1957. Cook, S. F. A reconsideration of shell mounds with respect to population and nutrition. A Ant 12:50-53, 1946. Cook, S. F., and R. F. Heizer. Chemical analysis of the Hotchkiss site (CCo-138). UCAS-R 57:1-25, 1962. Cook, S. F., and A. E. Treganza. The quantitative investigation of aboriginal sites: comparative physical and chemical analysis of two California Indian mounds. A Ant 13:135-141, 1947. Davidson, E. C. Notes on California Indian shellmounds. Nat. Soc. of Colonial Dames of Amer. in the State of California, 1930. Davis, J. T. The archaeology of the Fernandez site, a San Francisco Bay Region shellmound. UCAS-R 49:11-74, 1960. Davis, J. T., and A. E. Treganza. The Patterson Mound: a comparative analysis of the archaeology of site Ala-328. UCAS-R 47, 1959. Drake, R. J. Archaeological investigations of the San Bruno Shellmound, San Mateo County, Calif. El Palacio 55:317-323, 1948. Elsasser, A. B. A charmstone site in Sonoma County, California. UCAS-R 28: 28-33, 1955. Gerow, B. A., and R. W. Force. An analysis of the University Village Complex. Stanford Univ., 1968. Graham, G. M. Ancient man in Hidden Valley, Calif. SWM-M 25:79-82, 1951. -45- Greengo, R. E. Molluscan species in California shell middens. UCAS-R 13, 1951. Hammel, E. A. An unusual burial from Contra Costa Co. UCAS-R p5:47-55, 1956. Heizer, R. F. Archaeological evidence of Sebastian Rodriguez Cermeno's California visit in 1595. Calif. Hist. Soc., special publ. (reprinted with additions, from Calif. Hist. Soc. Quart., 20:315-328), 1941. Archaeology of CCo-137, the "Concord Man" site. Appendix I. R. E. Storie and F. Harradine. An age estimate of the burials unearthed near Concord, Calif., based on pedologic observations. UCAS-R 9:15-20, 1950. Indians of the San Francisco Bay area. Geologic Guidebook of the San Francisco Bay Counties Bull. 154, 1951. (ed.)The archaeology of the Napa Region. UC-AR 12:225-358, 1953. Heizer, R. F., and G. W. Hewes. Animal ceremonialism in central California in the light of archaeology. AA 42:587-603, 1940. Heizer, R. F., and T. D. McCown. The Stanford skull, a probable Early Man from Santa Clara County, California. UCAS-R 6, 1950. Howard, H. The avifauna of Emeryville shellmound. UC Publ. Zool., 32: 301-394, 1929. Kroeber, A. L. Shellmounds at San Francisco and San Mateo. Records of the Past 10:227-228, 1911. Loud, L. L. The Stege mounds at Richmond, California. UC-PAAE 17:355-372, 1924. McGeein, D. J., and W. C. Mueller. A shelimound in Marin County, California. A Ant 21:52-62, 1955. Meighan, C. W. Excavations in sixteenth century shellmounds at Drake's Bay, Marin Co. UCAS-R 9:27-32, 1950. Preliminary excavation at the Thomas site, Marin County. UCAS-R 19:1-14, 1953. Nelson, N. C. The Ellis Landing shellmound. UC-PAAE 7:1-106, 1907. Shellmounds of the San Francisco Bay region. UC-PAAE 7: 309-356, 1909. The Ellis Landing shellmound. UC-PAAE 7:357-426, 1910. Porter, L. C. and C. D. Watson. Excavating in California. Hobbies, July,, pp. 131-132, 1933. Rackerby, F. The archaeological salvage of two San Francisco Bay shellmounds. S.F. State College Occasional Papers in Anthropology No. 3:1-86, 1967. -46- Riddell, F. A. Archeological reconnaissance of the South Bay Aqueduct Project, Alameda County, California. Calif. Dept. of Water Resources, Arch. Rept. No. A-1, Sacramento, 1960. Schenck, W. E. The Emeryville shellmound: final report. UC-PAAE 23:147-282, 1926. Suggs, R. C. The archaeology of San Francisco. Thomas Y. Crowell, N.Y., 1965. Sumner, F. B., G. D. Louderback, W. L. Schmitt and E. C. Johnston. A report upon the physical conditions in San Francisco Bay. UC Publ. Zool., 14: 1-198, 1914. Treganza, A. E., and S. F. Cook. The quantitative investigation of aboriginal sites: Complete excavation with physical and archaeological analysis of a single mound. A Ant 13:287-297, 1948. Uhle, M. The Emeryville shellmound. UC-PAAE 7:1-106, 1907. Wallace, W. J., and D. W. Lathrap. Ceremonial bird burials in San Francisco Bay shellmounds. A Ant 25:262-264, 1959. Whelan, J. A partial faunal analysis of Ala-12 and 13, two San Francisco Bay shellmounds. S. F. State College Occasional Papers in Anthropology No. 3: 1-24, 1967. Yates, L. G. Localities of mounds in Alameda County, Washington Township. Alameda County Independent, June 26, July 3, July 10, 1875. Vol. 1, Nos. 4-7. XXIII. SOUTH COAST RANGES Dalton, 0. M. Note on a specimen of basketwork from California recently ac- quired by the British Museum. Man 1901:23-24. Dodge, R. E. California shell mounds. Records of the Past 13:120, 1914. LaMonk, C. Painted rock. ASASC-N 2:4:3, 5, 1955. Meighan, C. W. Excavation of Isabella Meadows Cave, Monterey Co., California. UCAS-R 29:1-30, 1955b. Pilling, A. R. The surface archaeology of the Pecho Coast, San Luis Obispo County, California. SM-M 25:196-200, 1951. Relationships of prehistoric cultures of coastal Montery Co., Calif. KASP 12:70-87, 1955. Pohorecky, Z. Archaeology of the South Coast Ranges of Calif. UC PhD thesis, 1964' Reinman, F. M. Archeological investigations at Whale Rock Reservoir, Cayucos, Calif. Calif. Dept. of Nat. Resources, Div. of Beaches and Parks, Inter- pretive Service, Arch. Rept. 2, Sacramento, 1961. Riddell, F. A. Archeological reconnaissance of Whale Rock Dam and Reservoir, San Luis Obispo County, Calif. Calif. Dept. of Water Resources, Arch. Rept. A-2, Sacramento, 1960. Saxe, A. W. Observations on shellmound at Laguna Creek, 6 miles north of Santa Cruz. Proc. of the Calif. Acad. of Sci.,5:157T 1875. Wallace, W. J. Archaeological investigations in the Arroyo Grande Creek Watershed, San Luis Obispo County, Calif. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 1961-1962:23-90, Los Angeles, 1962. Wire, M. V. V. Alamo Creek site, San Luis Obispo County, Calif. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 1960-1961:107-147, Los Angeles, 1961. XXIV. SANTA BARBARA COAST AND ISLANDS Abbott, C. C. Articles in U.S. geographical surveys west of the 100th meri- dian. Archaeology Vol. 7. (Chipped implements, pp. 49-69; mortars and pestles, pp. 70-92; steatite vessels, pp. 93-116; objects of wood, pp. 91-92; stone pipes, pp. 125-134; miscellaneous stone objects, pp. 190-217; bone musical instruments, pp. 234-238), 1897. Abbott,) C. C., and F. W. Putnam. Implements and weapons made of bone and wood (from Santa Barbara sites). In U.S. geographical surveys west of the 100th meridian 7:222-223, 1879. Alliot, H. Burial methods of the Southern California islanders. Bull. So. Calif. Acad. Sci., 15:11-15, 1916. Pre-historic use of bitumen in Southern California. Bull. So. Calif. Acad. Sci., 16, Pt.2, 1917 Burial methods of the Southern California islanders. Masterkey 43:125-131, 1969. Anderson, E. N. Jr. A bibliography of the Chumash and their predecessors. UCAS-R 61:25-74, 1964. Anonymous. Californian and Polynesian fish-hooks. Amer. Naturalist 20:833, 1886. Articles from Southern California donated to the Peabody Museum. Peabody Mus. Ann Rept. 9, Vol. 1:12-17, 1891. The uses of tar among Indians. Science News, Nov 18, 1927. Chumash village site excavated. El Palacio 27:224-226, 1929. San Nicolas Island exhibit. SDM Bull.15, 1931. Concentration of metates found at Saticoy. ASASC-N 5:6, 1958. -48. Anonymous. Excavations at Wihachet. ASASC-N 5:10, 1958. Ascher, R. A prehistoric population estimate using midden analysis and two population models. SWJA 15:168-178 1959. Bamhoff, M. A. Preliminary statement on the excavations at the Cachuma Dam site (SBa-477), California in 1951. River Basin Surveys, SI, Nov. 1951. Bennyhoff, J. A. California fish spears and harpoons. UC-AR 9:294-337, 1950. Blackburn, T. A manuscript account of the Ventureno Chumash. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept.:135-158, Los Angeles, 1963. Bowers, S. Relics from an Indian grave. Science Vol. 7:35-36, 1886. History and antiquities of Santa Rosa Island. SI-AR(1877):316-320, 1878. Fishhooks from southern California. Science, o.s., 1:575, 1883. TReprinted UCAS-R 59:71-72.) Relics of the Santa Barbara Indians. The Kansas City Review of Science and Industry Vol. VII, No. 12, April 1884:748-751, 1884. Aboriginal fishhooks, West Amer. Scientist 3:243-245, 1887. Account of digging on San Nicolas Island. The Antiquarian 224, 1897. Brown, A. K. The aboriginal population of the Santa Barbara Channel. UCAS-R 69:1967. Bryan, B. Collecting Indian relics on a desert island. Museum Graphic I: 145-150, Los Angeles, 1927. San Nicolas Island, treasure house of the ancients. Part I, Art and Arch. 29:147-156, Part II, 29:215-223, Wash., 1930a. A treasure island of the Pacific. Discovery 11:240-244, London, 1930b. Excavation at Mishopsnow. Art and Arch. 31:176-185, 1931. Manufacture of stone mortars. Masterkey 35:134-139, 1961. Cambier, R. Antiquitbs Indiennes de Californie. Boll. de la Soc. des Ameri- canistes de Belgique 29:88-96, Brussels, 1939. Carter, G. F. Archaeological notes on a midden at Point Sal. A Ant 6: 214-226, 1941. -49- Cessac, M. L. de. Observations sur des fetiches de pierre sculptes en forme d'animaux d~couverts a 1'lle de San Nicolas (California). Revue d'ethnographie 1:30-40, 1882. (Republished in English in UCAS-R 12: 6-13, 1951.) Clark, R. The thrills of relic hunting. Westways 36:11:10-11, 1944. Clemmer, J. S. Archeological notes on a Chumash house floor at Morro Bay. Central Calif. Archaeological Foundation, Report for Pacific Gas and Electric Co., Sacramento, 1962. Coggeshall, A. S. Summary of archaeological work at Santa Rosa Island. SBMNH Ann. Rept. for 1949:12-14, 1950. Cook, S. F. Analysis of refuse midden material from site Ven-62. UCAS-R 37: 40-41, 1957. Curtis, F. Arroyo Sequit: Archaeological investigations of a late coastal site in Los Angeles Co., Calif. ASASC Paper No. 4, Los Angeles, 1959. Arroyo Sequit revisited. ASASC-N 7, No. 3:4-7, 1960. Some Santa Cruz Island artifacts. Masterkey 34:62-65, 1960. Excavations at Arroyo Sequit. Masterkey 37:72-75, 1963. The Glen Annie Canyon site (SBa-142): A case for sedentary village life. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 7:1-18, Los Angeles, 1965. Dougan, M. The memorial ceremony of the Luiseno Indians. Masterkey 38: 140-149, 1964. Duns, Prof. Notice of the recent explorations in the kitchen middens of extinct Indian tribes, Santa Barbara, Calif. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scotl. xii: 557-561. Eberhart, H. H. Temporal horizons of the Santa Barbara Coast. ASASC N 3:7-8, 1956. Eberhart, H., and A. Babcock. An archaeological survey of Mutau Flat, Ventura County, California. ARA-CCA 5, Los Angeles, 1963. Edwards, H. A. Notes on the archaeology of the Northern Channel Islands. ASASC-N 3:5-6, 1956. Eisen, G. An account of the Indians of the Santa Barbara Islands in Cali- fornia. Sitzungberichten d. Konigl. Bohm. Gesell. d. Wissenschaften, Klasse II, 1-30, 1904. Ellison, W. H. History of the Santa Cruz Island Grant. Pacific Hist. Rev. 7:270-283, 1937. Finley, R. S. Sandstone bowls. SBMNH-MT 30:36-39, 1955. -50- Follett, W. I. Fish remains from Arroyo Sequit shellmound (LAn-52), Los Angeles Co., Calif. Calif. Dept. of Parks and Recreation, Arch. Rept. No. 9, Appendix, 1963. Fish remains from the Conejo Rock Shelter site (Ven-69), Ventura Co., Calif. Appendix to UC Arch. Survey Annual Rept.:81-90, Los Angeles, 1965. Ford, H. C. Notes on excavations made in Indian burial places in Caepinteria. SBMNH-B 1:11-18, 1887. (Reprinted UCAS-R 50:14-19, 1960.) Fowler, W. S. Stone age methods of woodworking in the Connecticut Valley. Arch. Soc. of Connecticut, Bull. 20:1-32, New Haven, 1946. Frederick, M. C. Some Indian paintings. Land of Sunshine 15:223-227, 1901. Giglioli, E. H. La Collezione Ethnografica. Florence, 1911. Pt. 2:130-133, (brief description of archaeological specimens from Santa Barbara area). Glassow, M. A. The Conejo Rock Shelter: An inland Chumash site in Ventura County, Calif. UC Arch. Survey Ann Rept. 7:19-80, Los Angeles, 1965. Grant, C. Prehistoric paintings of the Santa Barbara region. SBMNH-M3v 35, No. 3:29-34, 1960. The cave paintings of the Chumash. Arts 36:38-40, 1962. Chumash artifacts collected in Santa Barbara Co., Calif. UCAS-R 63:1-44, 1964. Greenwood, R. S. Quantitative analysis of shells from a site in Goleta, Calif. A Ant 26:416-420, 1961. The Browne Site. Memoirs, Soc. for American Arch. No. 23, 1969. Greenwood, R. S., and R. 0. Brown. Preliminary survey of the Tancho Canada Larga, Ventura Co., Calif. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept.:463-497, Los Angeles, 1963. A coastal Chumash village: Excavation of Shisholop, Ventura Co., Calif. Southern Calif. Acad. of Sciences, Memoir Vol. 8, 1969. Haldeman, S. S. Beads. In U.S. Geographical surveys west of the 100th meridian, 7:263-271, 1879. Hamy, E. The French scientific expedition to California, 1877-79. tJCAS-R 12: 6-13, 1951. The fishhook industry of the ancient inhabitants of the Archipelago of California. UCAS-R 59:61-67, 1963. Harrington, J. P. Exploration of the Burton Mound at Santa Barbara, Calif. BAE-R 44:23-168, 1928. -51- Harrington, M. R. Implements or rejects? SM-M 6:152, 1932. Mysterious ocean waves wash up Indian dagger. Science News Letter, Oct. 6, 1934, p. 215. A remodeled basket. SM-M 16:141-1429 1942. More American elephant-eaters. Masterkey 29:206, 1955. Harrison, W. M. Mikiw: A coastal Chumash village. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept., 7:91-178, Los Angeles, 1965. Harrison, W. M., and E. S. Harrison. An archaeological sequence for the Hunting People of Santa Barbara, Calif. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept., 8:1-89, Los Angeles, 1966. Heizer, R. F. The plank canoe of the Santa Barbara region, California. Etnologiska Studier 7:193-229, 1938. An inquiry into the status of the Santa Barbara Spearthrower. A Ant 4:137-141, 1938b. Some Sacramento Valley - Santa Barbara archaeological re- lationships. SM-M 13:31-35, 1939. ______ Review of "Prehistoric Man of the Santa Barbara Coast" by D. B. Rogers. A Ant 6:372-375, 1941. Curved single-piece fishhooks of shell and bone in California. A Ant 15:89-96, 1949. The frameless plank canoe of the California Coast. Primitive Man 13:80-89, 1949. A steatite whale figurine from San Nicolas Island. UCAS-R 38:10, 1957. Some prehistoric wooden objects from San Nicolas Island. UCAS-R 50:4-5, 1960. A San Nicolas Island twined basketry water bottle. UCAS-R 50:1-3, 1960. Heizer, R. F., and- A. B. Elsasser. Original accounts of the lone woman of San Nicolas Island. UCAS-R 55, 1961. Heizer, R. F., and H. Kelley. Burins and bladelets in the Cessac Collection from Santa Cruz Island, Calif. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. 106:94-105, 1962. Hester, J. A. Jr. Channel Islands archaeology. ASASC-N 3:3-4, 1956. Heye, G. G. Certain artifacts from San Miguel Island. MAIHF-INM 7, No. 4, 1921. -52- Heye, G. G. Chumash objects from a California cave. MAIHF-INM 3:193-198, 1926. Hodge, F. W. Chumash Steatite pipes. Masterkey 20:62-64, 1946. Holder, C. F. The ient islanders of California. Pop. Sci. Monthly 48: 658-662, 1896. Holt, W. B. Charm stones. SBMNH, Mus. Leaflet 14:67-68, 1939. The Canalino burial. SBMNH Leaflet 14:99-100, 1941. Howe, C. Preliminary report of a cave in Simi Valley. ASA Newsletter 2, 1, p.12, 1954. Hrdlicka, A. The painting of human bones among the Indians. SI-AR(1904): 607-617, 1904. (P1. I, p.615, painted skull from Santa Cruz Island.) Hubbs, C. L. A Discussion of the Geochronology and archaeology of the Cali- fornia Islands. Proc. of the Symposium on Biology of the Calif. Islands, Santa Barbara, 1967. Irwin, M. Are there any more like this? SBMNH Leaflet 21:66-67, 1946. Canalino fishing tackle. SBMNH Leaflet 21:18-20, 1946. Johnston, P. El Pueblo de las Canoas. Touring Topics 22:26-28; 53-54, 1930. Jones, P. M., (R.F. Heizer, A. B. Elsasser eds.) Archaeological investi- gations on Santa Rosa Island in 1901. UC-AR 17:201-280, 1956. San Nicolas Island archaeology in 1901. Masterkey 43:84-98, 1969. Kowta, M., and J. C. Hurst. Site Ven-15: The Triunfo Rockshelter. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 1959-1960:201-230, Los Angeles, 1960. Leonard, N. N. III Ven-70 and its place in the Late Period of the Western Santa Monica Mountains. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept., 8:215-241, Los Angeles, 1966. Leroi-Gourhan, A. Arch'geologie du Pacifique-Nord. Travaux et Memoires de 1'Institut d'Ethnologie 47, Paris, 1946. McKusick, M. B. et.al. Introduction to Anacapa Island archaeology. UC Arch. Survey Ann Rept. 1958-1959:71-104, Los Angeles, 1959. ,_______ __ Excavations at Goleta. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 1960-1961:339-453, Los Angeles, 1961. Grinding implements from Vaquero Reservoir, San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 1958-1959: 11-14, Los Angeles, 1959. -53- Meighan, C. W. The Nicoleffo. Pacific Discovery VII:1:23-27, 1954. Meighan, C. W., and H. Eberhart. Archaeological resources of San Nicolas Island, California. A Ant 19:109-125, 1953. Mohr, A. The deep-basined fetate of the Southern California coast. A Ant 19:394-39b, 1954. Mohr, A., and L. L. Sample. The religious importance of the swordfish in the Santa Barbara Channel area and its possible implications. SM-M 29:62-68, 1955a. Nelson, N.C. Notes on the Santa Barbara culture. Kroeber anniversary volume :199-209, Univ. Calif. Press, 1936. Norris, R. M. Desert San Nicolas and the Last NicoleiXo. Pacific Discovery 13, No. 3:10-13, 1960. Olson, R. L. On the island of the dead. Calif, Monthly 21:166-167, 200, 202, 1927. Chumash prehistory. UC-PAAE 28:1-21, 1930. Orr, P. C. The Channel Island survey by the Los Angeles Museum. SBMNH-Leaflet 15:58-59, 1940. Exceptional burial in California. Science 94:539-540, 1941. Chumash or Canalio? SBMNH-Leaflet 16:78-81, 1941. Hurrican deck diorama. SBMNH Leaflet 17:3-6, 1942. The Ojai expedition. SBMNH Leaflet 17:79-82, 1942. The "Queen" of Mescalitan Island. Science Monthly 54:482-484, 1942. Archaeology of Mescalitan Island and customs of the Canaliino. SBMNH Occasional Papers No. 5, 1943. The swordfish man. SBMNH Leaflet 19:33-34, 1944. Return to San Nicolas. SBMNH Leaflet 20:7:75-79, 1945. Santa Rosa Island Expedition. SBMNH Leaflet 22, 1947. Additional bone artifact types in the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History. In Gifford, Californian shell artifacts. UC-AR 9: App: 115-132, 1947. Third SRI Exp. SBMNH MT 24:109-113, 1949. Island Hopping. SBMNH-MT 24:61-68, 1949. Orr, P. C. (No title) SBNNH Ann. Rept. for 1949:12-14, 1949. (Photos of Sta. R. Id. burials and round house floors.) Report from Santa Rosa Island 1950-51. SBMNH, 6 pp., 1950. On Santa Rosa Island. SBMNH-MT 25:13-18, 1950. Fourth SRI Expedition. SBMNH-M 26:1, 1951. Report from Santa Rosa Island 1951. SBMNH, 8 pp., 1951. Ancient population centers of Santa Rosa Island. A Ant 16: 221-226, 1951. Cave of the Killer Whales. SBMNH-MT 26:1-2, 1951. Fifth Santa Rosa Island Expedition. SBMNH-MT 27:1, 1952a. Review of Santa Barbara Channel archaeology. SWJA 8:211-226, 1952. Sixth SRI Expedition. SBMNH-MT 28:17-20, 1953. Chumash vs. Canalino as cultural name. ASASC-N 2:2:11-12, 1954. Who Painted Painted Cave? ASASC-N 2:2:7-8, 1954. Dwarf mammoths and man on Santa Rosa Island. UL-AP 26:74-81, 1956. Early man on Santa Rosa Island. SBMNH-MT 31:40-44, 1956. Radiocarbon dates from Santa Rosa I. SBMNH Bull. Anth. Dept. 2, 1956. Excavations at Ojai. ASASC-N 5:11-12 , 1958. Looking backward. SBMNH Leaflet 16:41-42. Late Pleistocene marine terraces on Santa Rosa Island, California. Bull. Geol. Soc. of Amer., 71:1113-1120, 1960. Radiocarbon dates from Santa Rosa Island II. SBMNH Anth. Dept. Bull. 3, 1960. The Arlington Springs site, Santa Rosa Island, California. A Ant 27:417-419, 1962. Pleistocene chipped stone tool on Santa Rosa Island, California. Science 143:243-244, 1964. Geochronology of Santa Rosa Island, California. Proc. of Symposium on Biology of the California Islands. Santa Barbara, 1967. Prehistory of Santa Rosa Island. SBMNH, 1968. -55. Orr, P. C. The fire areas on Santa Rosa Island, California, I. Proc. National Acad. Sci.,56:1409-1416, 1966. Oven, R. C. Assertions, assumptions, and Early Horizon (Oak Grove) Settle- ment patterns in Southern California: A rejoinder. A Ant 32:236-241, 1967. Owen, R. C., F. Curtis, D. S. Miller. The Glen Annie Canyon site, SBa 142. An early horizon site of Santa Barbara County. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept., 1963-1964:431-520, Los Angeles, 1964. Palmer, F. M. Beginning the Southwest Museum. Southwest Soc. of the Arch. Inst. of Amer., Bull. 2:16-27, 1905. (Reprinted from Out West, January, 1905.) Nucleus of the Southwestern Museum. Out West 22:23-34, 1905. Peck, S. L. An archaeological report on the excavation of a prehistoric site at Zuma Creek, Los Angeles County, Calif. ASASC 2, 1955. Pilling, A. R. The British Museum collection from near Avila, California. A Ant 18:169-172, 1952. Putnam, F. W. Iron implements and other articles obtained by contact with Europeans (recovered from Santa Barbara region sites). In U.S. geo- graphical surveys west of the 100th meridian, 7:272-276, 1879. _____ Ornaments (of shell and red ocher paint from Santa Barbara sites). In U.S. geographical surveys west of the 100th meridian, 7: 251-262, 1879. _ _Sculptures (in animal form of stone from Santa Barbara sites). In U.S. geographical surveys west of the 100th meridian, 7:218-221, 1879. Textile fabrics, basket-work, etc. U.S. geographical surveys west of the 100th meridian, 7:239-250, 1879. Rau, C. Prehistoric fishing. SI-CK 25, 1884. Reichlen, H., and R. F. Heizer. The scientific expedition of Leon de Cessac to California, 1877-1879. UCAS-R 61:5-24, 1964. Reinman, F. M. New sites on San Nicolas Island, California. UC Arch. Survey 1961-1962:11-22, Los Angeles, 1962. Maritime adaptation on San Nicolas Island, California. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept., 1963-1964:47-77, Los Angeles, 1964. Reinman, F. M., and S-J Townsend. Six burial sites on San Nicolas Island. UC Arch. Survey Ann Rept., 1959-1960:1-13, Los Angeles, 1960. Robinson, E. Fishing arrowpoints from southern California. SM-M 7:149-150, 1933. Shell fishhooks of the California coast. Occ. Papers of the B. P. Bishop Mus., Vol. 17, No. 4, 1942. -56. Rogers, D. B. Prehistoric man of the Santa Barbara coast, pp. 420-444, Santa Barbara, 1929. A reconnaissance [of the Manzana-Sisquoc region of the Santa Barbara hinterland]. A Ant 3:184I186, 1937. California; archaeological field work during 1930. AA 33: 465-466, 193le Rothrock, J. T. Report upon the operations of a special natural-history party and main field party No. 1, California Section, field season of 1875, being the results of observations upon the economic botany and agri- culture of portions of Southern California. App. H5, Ann. Rept. upon the geographical surveys west of the 100th meridian:202, 1876. (p. 203, brief note on numerous shellmounds on Santa Cruz Island.) Rozaire, C. Archaeology in Ventura County. ASASC-N 5:3-4, 1958. Pictographs at Burro Flats. Ventura Co. Hist. Soc. Quarterly, 4:2:2-6, 1959. Archeological investigations at two sites on San Nicolas Island, California. Masterkey 33:129-152, 1959. Excavation work on San Nicolas Island. ASASC-N 6:2:3-4, 1959. _______ Archaeological considerations regarding the Southern California Islands. In Proc. of the Symposium on the Biology of the California Islands, ed. R. N. Philbrick, pp. 327-336, Santa Barbara Botanic Gardens, 1967. A petroglyph cave on San Nicolas Island. Masterkey 34:147-151, 1960. Ruby, J. W. Excavations at Zuma Mesa (LAn-40). UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 1960-1961:190-232, Los Angeles, 1961. Rust, H. N. Archaeological collections from San Miguel Island, California. AA 9:656-657, 1907. Sanger, A. R. San Miguel Island; the most interesting of all the Channel Islands. Sea, Western Yachting and Boating 15:12-13, 33-36, 1951. Schumacher, P. Some kJf6kkenmeddings and ancient graves of California. Over- land Monthly 13:297-302, 1874. Some remains of a former people. Overland Monthly 15:374-379, 1875. Die anfertigung der angelhaken aus muschelschalen bei den frftheren bewohnern der inseln im Santa Barbara Canal. Archiv ftr Anthro- pologie 8:223-224, 1875. Trans: The manufacture of shell fishhooks by the early inhabitants of the Santa Barbara Channel Islands, in UCAS-R 50:23-24, 1960. -57- Schumacher, P. Ancient graves and shell-heaps of California. SI-AR (1874): 335-350, 1875. l________ Etwas tiber kjokken Abddinge und die funde in alten gruben in Sudcalifornien. Archiv fiirAnthropologie 8:217-221, 1875. Die inselgruppe im Santa Barbara-Kanal in Kalifornien. Aus allen welttheilen 7:353-355, 1876. Beobachtungen in den verfallen d;rfern der ureinwohner an der pacifischen kuste in Nordamerika. Mitt. d. Anthrop. Gesell. Wien 6:287-293. (Abstracted in C. Rau, Prehistoric fishing, SI-CK 25: 2pos25,1884.) Trans: Observations made in the ruins of the villages of the original inhabitants of the Pacific Coast of North America. UCAS-R 50:19-23, 1960. Researches in the kj8kkenmoddings and graves of a former population of the Santa Barbara Islands and adjacent mainland. Bull. USGS 3: 37-56, 1877. Aboriginal settlements of the Pacific coast. Pop. Sci. Monthly Vol. 10, No. 1, 1877. Die graber und hinterlassenschaft der urvolker an der Californischen kAste. ZE 10:183-192, 1878. Smith, J. E. An archaeological survey of Vaquero Reservoir, Santa Maria, California. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 1960-61:161-173, Los Angeles, 1961. Smith, J., and J. LaFave. Excavation of site SLo.-297, Vaquero Reservoir, San Luis Obispo County, Calif. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 1960-61: 149-159, Los Angeles, 1961. Strong, W. D. Archaeological explorations in the country of the eastern Chumash. SI, Explor. and field work (1934):69-72, 1935. Susia, M. The Soule Park site (Ven-61). UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 1961-62: 157-234, Los Angeles, 1962. Swartz, B. K., Jr. Evidence for the occupation of Santa Barbara Island. Kiva, Vol. 26:7-9, 1960. Taylor, A. S. Indian cemeteries - Santa Barbara Channel. California Farmer, May 22; Aug. 28, 1863. Tenny, W. A. The hermit of San Nicholas Island. Pacific Monthly 18:23-30, Portland, 1907. Vaillant, G. C. Indian arts in North America. New York, pp. 20, 42, 1939. (Steatite figurine from San Nicolas Island and a Santa Barbara bowl. Plate 6.) -58- Walker, E. F. A prehistoric California treasure-box. SM-M 10:134-136, 1936. Wallace, W. J. The Little Sycamore site and the early milling stone cultures of Southern California. A Ant 20:112-123, 1954. ______ |Archeology of the Gilmore Ranch site, Ventura County, Calif. SM-M 29:8-19, 1955. _______ The Little Sycamore shellmound. ARA-CCA No. 2, Los Angeles, 1956. Walters, P. (ed.). Chumash Village site excavated. El Palacio 27:224-226, 1929. Wardle, H. W. Stone implements of surgery(?) from San Miguel Island, Calif. AA 15:656-660, 1913. Warren, C. N. The Southern California milling stone horizon: Some comments. A Ant 32:233-236, 1967. West, J., and R. P. Sekkel. An archaeological survey of the Hearst Ranch (Rancho Piedras Blancas), San Simeon, San Luis Obispo County, Calif. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 10:262-274, Los Angeles, 1968. Wheeler, G. M. Report on U.S. geographic surveys west of the 100th meridian. Archaeology, Vol. 7, 1879. Wissler, M. A Canalino Site near Deer Canyon, Ventura County, California. SM-M 32:73-87, 1958. Woodward, A. (Archaeological) Collection from the Channel Islands of Calif. MAIHF-IN 4:64-67, 1927. Shell fishhooks of the Chumash. Bull. So. Calif. Acad. Sci., 28:41-46, 1929. ______ Chumash village site excavated. El Palacio 27:224-226, 1929. ________ Los Angeles Museum work at Muwu and Simomo, Ventura Co., in 1932. AA 35:490-491, 1933. The first ethnologists in California. SM-M 12:141-151, 1938. Shells used by the Indians in the village of Muwu. Bull. So. Calif. Acad. Sci., 29:105-114, 1930. Yates, L. G. Notes on the geology and scenery of the islands forming the southerly line of the Santa Barbara Channel. Amer. Geologist 14:43-52, 1890. Fragments of the history of a lost tribe. MA, o.s., 4:373-376, 1891. The deserted homes of a lost people. Overland Monthly, 2nd series, 27:538-544, 1896. -59- Zahn, C. Strange saga of San Nicolas Island. National Motorist 25:4:6-7, 23, San Francisco, 1949. XXV. GREAT BASIN AND SOUTHERN INTERIOR Adams, R. M. Implements from Lake Mohave. A Ant 4:2:154-155, 1938. Amsden, C. A visit to the Serrano-Cahuilla region. Masterkey 1:8:20-25, 1928. The Pinto Basin artifacts..In the Pinto Basin site. SM-P No. 9, 1935. Anonymous. Pot of seeds discovered on Mojave Desert may be ancient civili- zation sign. Pomona Bulletin (newspaper) May 2, 1926. A human bone from Pinto Basin. Mlasterkey 9:96, 1935. New discovery at Newberry Cave. SBr. Co. Mus. Assoc. Quarterly 7, No. 2:9, 1959. La Brea samples dated. UC Bulletin, 9:134-135, 1961. Apostolides, A. Swansea Glyph site photo salvage operation. ASASC-N 8:2: 11-12, 1961. Babcock, A. Archaeological assemblages of San Bernardino County, ASASC N 3: 2:3-7, 1956. Baldwin, C. P. Toro Reservation Indian wells. Masterkey 12:151-153, 1938. Baumhoff, M. A., and J. S. Byrne. Desert Side-Notched points as a time marker in California. UCAS-R 48:32-65, 1959. Bennyhoff, J. A. The Desert West: A trial correlation of culture and chronol- ogy. UCAS-R 42:98-112, 1958. Brainerd, G. W. Lake Mohave re-examined. Masterkey 25:69, 1951. Campbell, E. W. C. An archaeological survey of the Twenty-Nine Palms region. SM-P 7:1-93, 1931. Archaeological problems in the Southern California deserts. A Ant 1:295-300, 1936. Campbell, E. W. C., and C. Amsden. The Eagle Mountain site [Pinto Basin]. Masterkey 8:170-173, 1934. The Pinto Basin site. SM-P 9:1-51, 1935. The archaeology of Pleistocene Lake Mojave. (et. al. ) SM-P 11 1937. -60- Carter, G. F. Stone circles in the deserts. Anthrop. Journ. of Canada 2:3: 2-69 1964. A cross check on the dating of Lake Mohave artifacts. Master- key 41:26-33, 1967. Clements, L. Indian artifacts and collecting localities in Death Valley, Calif. Masterkey 25:125-128, 1951. ________ WThe Indians of Death Valley. Hollywood: Hollycrofters (23 pp.) 1953. Death Valley and Panamint Valley. ASASC-N 2:3:7-8, 1955. Clements, T.- Geology-of the Little Lake site. SM-P 17:83-849 1957. Clements, T., and L. Clements. tEvidence of Pleistocene man in Death Valley, Cklifornia. Geological Soc. of Amer. Bull. 64 (lO):1189-1204, 1953. Corle, E. Desert Country. Duel, Sloan & Pierce, N,.Y., 1941 (Pp. 56-65 Mitchell's Caverns.) Cowper, D. Archaeological survey in the Thousand Palms area. ASASC-N 6:1: 4-s5 1959. Davis, E. J. A child burial near Mono Lake. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 1958- 1959:67-70, Los Angeles, 1959. Davis, E. L. Hunter-Gatherers of Mono Lake. Masterkey 36:22-28, 1962. An archaeological survey of the Mono Lake Basin and excavations of two rockshelters, Mono Co., Calif. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 1963- 1964:251-392, Los Angeles, 1964. Man and water at Pleistocene Lake Mohave. A Ant 32:345-353, 1967. Davis, E. L., D. True, and G. Sterud. Notes on two sites in eastern California: unusual finds. Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 7:323-332, Los Angeles, 1965. Davis, J. T. The Rustler Rockshelter site (SBr-288), a culturally stratified site in the Mohave desert, California. UCAS-R 57:25-73, 1962. Dixon, K. A. A Sandia ...point from Long Valley, Mono Co., California. Masterkey 27:97-104, 1953. Donnan, C. A suggested culture sequence for the Providence Mountains. (East- ern Mohave Desert). UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 1963-64:1-23, Los Angeles, 1964. Enfield, R., and G. Enfield. Mamoth Creek Cave, Mono Co., Calif. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 1963-64:393-430, Los Angeles, 1964. Farmer, M. F., and R. de Saussure. Split-twig animal figurines. Plateau, Vol. 27, No. 4:13-23, 1955. -61- Follett, W. I. Fish remains from the Century Ranch site (LAn-227), Los Angeles Co., Calif. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 1962-1963:295-319, Los Angeles, 1963. Fish remains from Century Ranch site (LAn-229), Los Angeles Co., Calif. App. IV, Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 10:132-1)43, Los Angeles, 1968. Gates, P. G. Indian stone construction near Salton Sea, California. AA 11: 322-323, 1909. Goodman, R., and R. Raskoff. The Bernasconi site in southern California. Masterkey 38:17-25, 1964. Gray, G. E. On the depression of the Colorado Basin. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 4:228-230, 1873. (Indian Wells 6'-10' deep.) Hamilton, Andrew. Exploring the past: American's oldest housing. Natural History 60:361-364, 1951. Harrington, J. P. Researches on the archaeology of southern California. Smithsonian Misc. Collection, Vol. 78, No. 1:106-111, 1927. Harrington, M. R. America's oldest dwelling. SM-M 22:148-152, 1948. (Iny-182, Stahl site.) A new Pinto site. SM-M 22:116-118, 1948. A new old house at Little Lake. Masterkey 23:135-136, 1949. _______ Pinto man at Little Lake. Desert Mag., 13:11:22-27, 1950 Latest from Little Lake. SM-M 25:188-191, 1951. A colossal quarry. SM-M 25:14-18, 1951. The Fossil Falls site. SM-M 26:191-195, 1952. A cave near Little Lake. SM-M 27:77-82, 1953. ________ A Pinto site at Little Lake, Calif. SM-P 17:1-82, 1957. Head, D. Oven's Valley mystery. ASASC-N 3:4:10, 1956. Heizer, R. F. Ancient grooved clubs and modern rabbit-sticks. A Ant 8:41-56, 1942. _____ A bibliography of ancient man in California. UCAS-R 2, 1948. Heizer, R. F., and E. M. Lemert. Observations on archaeological sites in Topanga Canyon, California. UC-PAAE 44:237-258, 1947. -62- Henderson, R. They guard the caves in the Providence Mountains. Desert Maga- zine 2:23, 1939. Old Indian waterhole. Desert Magazine 17:1:10-12, 1954. Heye, G. G. Shaman's cache from Southern California. MAIHF-INM 4:315-323, 1927. Howard, H. Significance of carbon 14 dates for Rancho La Brea. Science 131: 712-714, 1960. Hunt, A. Archeology of the Death Valley Salt Pan, California. UU-AP No. 47, 1960. Johnston, F. J., and P. H. Johnston. An Indian trail complex of the Central Colorado Desert: A preliminary survey. UCAS-R 37:22-39, 1957. They trod the high mesas. Palm Springs Villager 12:5:18-21, 45, 1958. Johnston, F. R. Art gallery of ancient Indians. Desert Magazine 1:4:20-21, 1938. Johnston, P. Ancient houses on a hill-top. Touring Topics 23:26-27; 56, 1931. Crystal Caverns of the Mojave. Westways (Touring Topics) 28:9: 89, 1933. Kingman, G. Report on the Campbell lithic collection. Masterkey 40:72-74, 1966. LaMonk, C. S. Pictograph Cave, Burro Flats. ASASC-N 1:2:8-9, 1953. Lanning, E. P. Archaeology of the Rose Spring site, INY-372. UC-PAAE 49:237- 336, 1963. Lathrap, D. W., and C. W. Meighan. An archaeological reconnaissance in the Panamint Mountains. UCAS-R 11:11-32, 1951. Lawbaugh, A. L. V. They left their story in the desert sands. Desert Mag. 12:11:26-29, 1949. (Sites in Coachella Valley, Pushavalla Canyon.) When ancients dwelt on the shores of Old Lake Mohave. Desert Mag. 15:9:11-15, 1952. Lopatin, I. Fossil man in the vicinity of Los Angeles. Proc. of the Sixth Pacific Science Congress 4:177-181, 1939. Lucas, B. J. Tree-holes at the Stahl site. SM-M 25:191-193, 1951. Lytton, A. Archaeological investigations at Laguna Niguel, Orange Co. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 1962-1963:249-294, 1963, Los Angeles. McCown, B. E. Archaeological survey of [Salton Sea] beach line. ASASC N 1: 10-11, 1954. -63- McCown, B. E. Yermo site. ASASC-N 2:1:11-12, 1954. The avocado Jar. ASASC 2:7, 1954. The Lake Le Conte beach line survey. SM-M 29:89-92, 1955. ______ The Indio "fish-traps" reexamined. Masterkey 30:133-134, 1956. Lake Le Conte survey. ASASC-N 4:3-4, 1957. A strange cache in the lava. Masterkey 31:24-31, 1957. Mead, G. R. A unique lithic artifact from Owens Valley. Masterkey 41: 157-158, 1967. Mead, G. R., and J. Smith. Microtools from Owens Valley, California. Master- key 42:148-152, 1968. Meighan, C. W. The Coville Rock Shelter, Inyo County, California. UC-AR 12:171-224, 1953a. Notes on the archaeology of Mono County, California. UCAS-R 28:6-27, 1955a. -______ Archaeological resources of Borrego State Park. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 1958-59:25-44, Los Angeles, 1959. Michels, J. W. The Snow Creek Rock Sheltpr site (Riv-210). UC Arch. Survey Ann Rept. 1963-1964:85-138, Los Angeles, 1964. Mohr, A. The hunting crook: its use and distribution in the Southwest. Masterkey 25:145-154, 1951. Moseley, M. Field work at Guapiabit (1961). An archaeological survey of the Mojave River area and adjacent regions by G. A. Smith, pp. 33-45. San Bernardino County Museum Assoc., 1963. Patch, R. W. Irrigation in East Central California. A Ant 17:50-52, 1951. (Canals in Eureka Valley, E. of Owens Valley.) Peck, S. L. Some pottery from the Sand Hills, Imperial County, California. ASASC, Paper No. 1, 1953. An archaeological report on the excavation of a prehistoric site at Zuma Creek, Los Angeles County, Calif. ASASC, Paper No. 2, 1955. Peck, S. L., and G. A. Smith. The archaeology of Seep Spring. San Bernardino Co. Mus. Assoc. 4,:1-31, 1957. Price, C. The Phillips Site. ASASC-N 2:2:9-10, 1954. Tehachapi camps and cairns. ASASC 2:10, 1954. -64- Redtfeldt, G. Dig at Hewitt Fault Springs. ASASC-N 7:2:3-4, 1960. Painted Rock site, Little Lake, Calif. ASASC-N 9:2:4-5, 1962. Reinman, F. M., D. L. True and C. N. Warren. Archaeological remains from rock shelters near Coyote Mountain, Imperial County. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 1959-1960:231-248, Los Angeles, 1960. Riddell, F. A. The Eastern California border: cultural and temporal affini- ties. UCAS-R 42:41-48, 1958. The archaeology of a Paiute Village site. UCAS-R 12:14-28, 1951. Riddell, H.S., and F. A. Riddell. The current status of archaeological investi- gations in Owens Valley, California. UCAS-R 33:28-33, 1956. Rogers, M. J. Report of an archaeological reconnaissance in the Mohave Sink region. SDM-P 1, 1929. Early Lithic Industries of the Lower Basin of the Colorado River and adjacent desert areas. SDM-P 3, 2939. An outline of Yuman prehistory. SWJA 1:167-198, 1945. Ruby, J. Archaeological investigations of the Big Tujunga site (LAn-167). UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 8:91-150, Los Angeles, 1966. Schumacher, P. Something about kitchen middens and discoveries in old graves in Southern California. ZE 8:217-221, 1875. Simpson, R. D. A classic "Folsom" from Lake Mohave. Masterkey 21:24-25, 1947. Archaeological reconnaissance - twentieth century style. Masterkey 26:140-141, 1952. A new discovery of early core-and-flake tools in the Mojave Desert. Masterkey 26:62-63, 1952. The Manix Lake archeological survey. Masterkey 32:4-10, 1958. Archaeology in Riverside County. ASASC-N 6:1:3, 1959. Archeological survey of the Eastern Calico Mountains. Masterkey 34:25-35, 1960. Coyote Gulch. ASASC Paper No. 5, 1961. _______ Owens Valley projectile-point typology. Masterkey 35:99-103, 1961. An archaeological survey of Troy Lake, San Bernardino Count.. San Bernardino Mus. Assoc. Quarterly, Vol. 12, No. 3:1-47, 1965. -65- Smith, G. A. Circular pits of Summit Valley [San Bernardino Co.], Calif. Masterkey 13:169-171, 1939. Traces of early man at Bloomington, California. SM-M 16:124- 127,o 1942. More about split-twig figurines. Masterkey 23:153-158, 1949. Rancheria Amuscopiabit. Masterkey 27:123-127, 1953. Preliminary report of the archeological survey of the Deep Creek site on the Upper Mohave River. San Bernardino Co., Mus., Assoc., Vol. 2, No. 2, 1955. Split-twig animal figurines. ASASC-N 3:2:7, 1956. Split-twig figurines from San Bernardino County, California. Masterkey 37:86-90, 1963. Archaeological survey of the Mojave River area and adjacent regions. San Bernardino Co., Mus. Assoc., 1963. Smith, G. A., and M. Mosely. Archaeological investigations of the Mojave River Drainage. SBr. Co. Mus. Assoc. Quart. 9:, No. 2:1-34, 1962. Steward, J. H. Archaeology. App. 5 In Ethnography of the Owens Valley Paiute, UC-PAAE 33:334-335, 1933. Taylor, A. S. Curious aboriginal paintings, graves, and pottery in the Coso Indian country of Owen's Lake. The Indianology of Calif., Second Series, California Farmer, Dec. 21, 1860. Townsend, J. B. Two rock shelters and a village site in Borrego State Park. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 1959-1960:249-276, Los Angeles, 1960. Treganza, A. E. An archaeological reconnaissance of Northeastern Baja California and Southeastern California. A Ant 8:152-163, 1942. The "ancient stone fish traps" of the Coachella Valley, Southern California. A Ant 10:285-294, 1945. True, D. L., E. L. Davis and E. L. Sterud. Archaeological surveys in the New York Mountains Region, San Bernardino County, California. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 8:243-278, Los Angeles, 1966. An archaeological survey at Indian Ranch, Panamint Valley, Calif. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 9: 1-214, Los Angeles, 1967. Walker, E. F. Finding an old Paiute mush basket. Masterkey 15:10-12, 1941. Wallace, W. J. A basket-weaver's kit from Death Valley. SM-M 28:216-2219 1954. -66- Wallace, W. J. The Little Sycamore site and the Early Milling Stone cultures of Southern California. A Ant 20:112-123, 1954. ._____ .Archeology of the Gilmore Ranch site, Ventura County, California. Masterkey 29:8-20, 1955. The Little Sycamore shellmound, Ventura Co. ARA-CCA No. 2, 1956. A rock-shelter excavation in Death Valley National Monument. Masterkey 31:144-154, 1957. Archaeological investigations in Death Valley National Monu- ment 1952-1957. UCAS-R )42:7-22, 1958. Prehistoric cultural developments in the Southern California Deserts. A Ant 28:172-180, 1962. Two basalt quarries in Death Valley. Archaeology 15:46-49, 1962. A cache of unfired clay objects from Death Valley, California. A Ant 30:434-441, 1965. Wallace, W. J., and R. Desautels. An excavation at the Squaw Tank site, Joshua Tree National Monument, Calif. ARA-CCA Vol. 4, Part II, 1960. Wallace, W. J., A. P. Hunt, and J. P. Redwine. An investigation of some stone mounds in Death Valley National Monument, California. ARA-CCA Vol. 3, Part I Wallace, W. J., and E. S. Taylor. Archaeology of Wildrose Canyon, Death Valley National Monument. A Ant 20:355-367, 1955. The surface archaeology of Butte Valley, Death Valley National Monument. ARA-CCA No. 1, 1956b. An archeological reconnaissance in Bow Willow Canyon, Anza-Borrego State Park. Masterky 32:155-166, 1958. ___________________________ A preceramic site at Saratoga Springs, Death Valley National Monument. ARA-CCA 3, Part 2:1-13, 1959. An archaeological survey of the Deep Tank- Squaw Tank District, Joshua Tree National Monument, California. ARA- CCA 4, Part I, Los Angeles, 1960. _The surface archeology of Indian Hill. Masterkey 34: 4-18, 1960. Indian Hill rockshelter, preliminary in- vestigations. Masterkey 34:66-82, 1960b. Wedel, W. Archaeological investigations at Buena Vista Lake, Kern Co., Cal- ifornia. BAE-B 130, 1941. -67- Weight, H. C. Puzzle rocks of the Badlands. Desert Mag. 15:18-22, 1952. 'Rockhound trail to Indian Pass. Desert Mag. 12:No. 4:16-21, 1949. Wheeler, S. M. Prehistoric miniatures. Masterkey 11:181, 1937. Zelenka, F., and N. Zelenka. Mitchell's Caverns, Mojave Desert, California. Pacific Pathways 2:6:4-8, 1947. XXVI* SOUTHWESTERN COAST AND ISLANDS Alman, R. S. A note on the effigy from the Browne site. Masterkey 36:7, 38, 1962. Anonymous. Our first factory; ancient olla industry of California. San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 6, 1894. Early dwellers in Topanga Canyon. Archaeology 12:271-277, 1959. Bowden, A. O., and I. A. Lopatin. Fossil man in southern California. Bull. GSA 52:1995, 1941. Pleistocene Man in Southern California. El Palacio 41:121-123, 1936. Bowers, S. Relics in a cave. Pac. Sci. Monthly 1:45-47, 1885. (Collection from a cave in the San Martin Mts., Los Angeles Co., now in USNM and Peabody Mueum.) Brainerd, G. W. Topanga Canyon archaeology. Masterkey 22:195, 1948. Bryan, B. Southwest Museum excavations on San Clemente Island. Masterkey 37:44-49, 1963. An unusual bowl from San Clemente Island. Masterkey 38:138-139, 1964. Burnett, E. K. Inlaid stone and bone artifacts from Southern California. MAIHF-Contributions, Vol. 13, 1944. Carter, G. F. Evidence for Pleistocene Man at La Jolla, California. Tran- sactions of N.Y. Acad. of Sciences, Ser. 2, 11, No. 7, 1949. Ecology - geography - ethnobotany. Sci. Monthly 70:73-80, 1950. (La Jolla site.) _Evidence of Pleistocene Man in Southern California. Geogra- phical Review 40:84-102, 1950. Interglacial artifacts from the San Diego area. SWJA 8:444- 4569 1952. -68- Carter, G. F. An interglacial site at San Diego, California. SM-M 28:165-174, 1954. ______ On submarine archeology about San Diego. SM-M 29:21-27, 1955. Crabtree, R. H., C. N. Warren, and D. L. True. Archaeological investigations at Batiquitos Lagoon, San Diego Co., Calif. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 1962-1963:319-406, Los Angeles, 1963. Creutz, E., and J. Moriarty. Inferences on the use position of San Dieguito percussion-flaked artifacts. A Ant 29:82-89, 1963. Cruxent, J. M. Phosphorus content of the Texas Street "Hearths." A Ant 28: 90-91, 1962. Curtis, F. The European reaction to American "paleoliths." Masterkey 30: 140-145, 1956. l_____ Arroyo Sequit. Archeological investigations in Leo Carillo Beach State Park, Los Angeles Co., Calif. Calif. State Div. -Beaches and Parks, Interpretive Services, Arch. Rept. 9, 1963. Dunn, H. H. The prehistoric painter of Poway. Touring Topics Ma~y:36-38, 56, 1930. Eberhart, H. The cogged stones of Southern California. A Ant 26:361-369, 1961. ________ Mesarica:A San Gabriel Valley site. Masterkey 36:69-76, 1962. The Milling Stone Complex: Genuine or spurious. A Ant 30:352-353, 1965. Eisenbud, J. A recently found carving as a breast symbol. AA 66:1:141-147, 1964. Elsasser, A., and R. F. Heizer. The archaeology of Bowers Cave, Los Angeles County, Calif. UCAS-R 59:1-59, 1963.- Farmer, M. F. Southern California Discoidals. Masterkey 27:177-183, 1953. An Indian camp-site in Tuna Canyon. ASASC-N 5:2:15, 1958. Follett, W. I*. Fish remains from archaeological sites at Irvine, Orange Co., Calif. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 8:185-195, Los Angeles, 1966. Greenwood, R. S. Early Dwellers in Topanga Canyon. Archaeology 12:271-277, 1959. A stone carving from the Browne site. Masterkey 36:4-7, 1962. A second stone sculpture from the Browne site. Masterky 41:784-87, 1967. Greenwood, R. S., and R. 0. Browne. Preliminary survey of the Rancho Canada Larga, Ventura County, Calif. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 1962-1963: 462-514, Los Angeles, 1963. -69- Harding, M. La Jollan Culture. El Museo 1:10-11, 31-38, 1951. Harrington, J. H. [Glass] Arrowheads from the San Fernando Mission area. SM-M 7:81-82, 1933. Harrington, M. R. Once in a lifetime-perhaps' SM-M 8:177-178, 1934. (Discovery of a wooden-handled flint knife near Long Beach.) __________ A real link with the past. Masterkey 26:134-135, 1952. Hayden, J. D. Restoration of the San Dieguito type site to its proper place in the San Dieguito sequence. A Ant 31:439-440, 1966. Heizer, R*, F., and E. M. Lemert. Observations on archaeological sites in Topanga Canyon, Calif. UC-PAAE 44:237-258, 1947. Henshaw, H. W. Perforated stones from California. BAE-B 2, 1887. Heye, G. G. Certain aboriginal pottery from Southern California. MAIHF- INM Vol. 7, No. 1, 1919. Shaman's cache from Southern California. MAIHF-IN 4, No. 4, 1927. Hicks, F. Archaeological investigations in the Yucaipa Valley. San Bern- ardino Co. Mus. Assoc., Scientific Series No 1: 3, 1958. Holder, C. F. The Channel Islands of California. A. C. McClurg and Co., Chicago, 1910. Hollenbach, M. Islands of adventure. (San Clemente Island cave archaeology.) Los Angeles Mus. Quarterly 1:21-24, 1941. Howard, H. Significance of Carbon-14 dates for Rancho La Brea. Science 131: 712-714, 1960. Iovin, J. A summary description of Luiseno material culture. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept.:79-130, Los Angeles, 1963. Iribarren, Ch., J. Correlations between archaic cultures of Southern Cali- fornia and Coquimbo, Chile. A Ant 27:424-425, 1962. Johnson, K. L. Site LAn-2, a late manifestation of the Topanga complex in Southern California prehistory. UC-AR 23, 1966. Johnston, B. E. The Gabrielino Indians of Southern California, Parts I-XIV. Masterkey Vol. 29-32, 1955-58, Los Angeles. King, C. D. Excavations at Parker Mesa (LAn-215). UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 1961-1962:91-156, Los Angeles, 1962. The Sweetwater Mesa site (LAn-267) and its place in Southern California prehistory. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 9:25-76, Los Angeles, 1967. -7O- King, C., T. Blackburn, and E. Chandonet. The archaeological investigation of- three sites on the Century Ranch, Western Los Angeles County, California. UC Arch. Survey Ann Rept. 10:12-107, Los Angeles, 1968. Kowta, M. The Sayles Complex: A late milling stone assemblage from Cajon Pass and the ecological implications of its scraper planes. UC Publi- cations in Anthropology Vol. 6, 1969. Lytton, A. C. Archaeological investigations at Laguna Niguel, Orange County. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept.:245-294, Los Angeles, 1963. McCown, B. E. An archaeological survey of San Vicente Lake Bed, San Diego County, California. A Ant 10:255-264, 1945. Report of excavation site No. 7 Fallbrook area. ASASC, 1950. McKusick, M. B. Three cultural complexes on San Clemente Island, California. Masterkey 33:22-25, 1959. McKusick, M. B., N. Warren, et. al. Introduction to San Clemente Island archaeology. UC Arch. Survey Ann Rept. 1958-1959:105-184, Los Angeles, 1959. Mead, J. R. Archaeology of Catalina Island. Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci. for 1899-1900. 17:215-216, 1901. Meighan, C. W. A late complex in Southern California prehistory. SWJA 10: 215-227T 1954. The Little Harbor site, Catalina Island: An example of ecological interpretation in archaeology. A Ant 24:383-405, 1959. _______ A ritual cave in Topanga, California. Masterkey 43:112-117, 1969. A prehistoric miner's camp on Catalina Island. Masterkey 31:176-1849 1957. Miller, F. H. Jr. Astro II: A pre-Spanish Diegueno site in Poway, Calif. San Diego Science Foundation, Occasional Paper No. 1, San Diego, 1962. Moriarty, J. R. A tanged side scraper from San Diego County. Masterkey 36: 149-152, 1962. Evidence of mat weaving from an early La Jolla site. Masterkey 40:44-53, 1966. Culture phase divisions suggested by typological change coordinated with stratigraphically controlled radiocarbon dating at San Diego. Anthrop. Journ. of Canada 4(4):20-30, Ottawa, 1966. Nykrantz, J. W. Indian burials from southern California. MAIHF-INM 4:154- 163, 1927. -71- Mykrantz, J. W. Indian burials from southern California. MAIHF-INM 4: 154-163, 1927. Palmer, F. M. Researches at Redondo Beach, California. AJA, Ser 2, Vol. 10: 21-26, 1906. Pond, G. P. Steatite tablets from Malaga Cove. Masterkey 42:124-133, 1968. Putnam, F. W. The former Indians of Southern California, as bearing on the origins of the red man in America. Bull. Essex Inst. 12:4-6, 1881. Redtfeldt, G. Excavations at the Ledge site. Masterkey 38:8-10, 1964. Robinson, E. Fishing arrowpoints from Southern California. Masterkey 7: 147-150, 1933. Rogers, M. J. The stone art of the San Dieguito Plateau. AA 31:454-467, 1929. California archaeological horizons. AA 42:178, 1940. San Dieguito implements from the terraces of the Rincon-Patano and Rillito Drainage System. Kiva 24:1-23, 1958. Roosa, W. B., and S. L. Peckha. Notes on the Third Interglacial Artifacts. A Ant 19:280-281, 1954. Rozaire, C. Preliminary report on excavations at Chilao Flats. ASASC-N 5: 2:13-14, 1958. Archaeology in Los Angeles County. ASASC-N 5:2:3-6, 1958. Archaeology in Orange County. ASASC-N 5:3:-3-4, 1958. Preliminary report on the Los Pinos site, Orange County. ASASC-N 5:3:9-11, 1958. _______ The archaeology at Encino, California. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 1959-60:307-355, Los Angeles, 1960. A complete Serrano arrow. Masterkey 36:8-14, 1962. A burial from San Clemente Island. Masterkey 36:84-86, 1962. Some coastal sites in Baja California. Masterkey 38:11-16, 1964. Ruby, J. W. Surface collections from two coastal sites, Los Angeles County. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 1960-1961:175-188, Los Angeles, 1961. Aboriginal uses of Mt. San Jacinto State Park. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 1961-1962:1-10, Los Angeles, 1962. Rust, H. N. A cache of stone bowls in San Fernando, Calif. AA 8:686-687, 1906. -72- Sawyer, E. Remarkable relics of aborigines found at Redondo. ASASC-N 6:4:5-7, 1959. Sayles, R. Flores Site. ASASC-N 2:12-14, 1955. Schenck, W. E., and E. W. Gifford. Archaeological sites on opposite shores of the Gulf of California. A Ant 17:265, 1952. Schumacher, P. Method of manufacture of several articles by the former in- habitants of Southern California. PM 11th Ann. Rept., Vol. VIII:258-268, 1875. Ancient olla manufactory on Santa Catalina Island, California. UCAS-R 59:83, 1963.(Reprinted from Amer. Nat., 12, No. 9:629. 1878.) Shiner, J. L. A Fernandeno site in Simi Valley, California. SM-M 23:79-81, 1949. Shumvay, G., C. L. Hubbs, and J. R. Moriarty. Scripps Estate site, San Diego, Calif.: A La Jolla site dated 5460 to 7370 years before the present. Annals NY Acad. Sci., 93:37-132, Art. 3, 1961. Simpson, R. D. Shoshonean burial ground excavated. Masterkey 27:69, 1953. Stickel, E. G. Status differentiations at the Rincon site. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept., 10:209-261, Los Angeles, 1968. Thomas, D. B., and J. Beaton. The Trancas Canyon cemetery site (4-LAn-197); an analysis of mortuary customs. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept., 10:162-174, Los Angeles, 1968. Townsend, S. J. Some comments on the archaeology of San Clemente Island, California. A Ant 28:554-555, 1963. Treganza, A. E. Notes on the San Dieguito lithic industry of the Southern California and Northern Baja California. UC-PAAE 44:253-255, 1947. Treganza, A. E., and C. G. Malamud. The Topanga culture, First Season"Is Excavation of the Tank site, 1947. UC-AR 12:129-155, 1950. Tuthill, C., and A. A. Allanson. Ocean-bottom artifacts. SM-M 28:222-232, 1954. Van Valkenburgh, R. The rediscovery of Southern California's most famous Indian Cave. Hobbies 12:93-95, 1934. Walker, E. F. A ceremonial site at Porter Ranch, San Fernando. SM-M 10: 98-104, 1936. Sequence of prehistoric material culture at Malaga Cove, Calif. SM-M 11:210-214, 1937. A cemetery of prehistoric Indians in Pasadena. SM-M 13:5-8, 1939.* -73- Walker, E. F. Prehistoric mortuary cairns at Chatsworth, California. SM-M 13:131-135, 1939b. Indians of Southern California. Masterkey 17:201-216, 1943. The dig at Big Tujunga Wash. SM-M 19:188-193, 1945. Five prehistoric sites in Los Angeles County, California. Publ. in the Fredrick Webb Hodge Ann. Publication Fund, Vol. VI, 1951. Five prehistoric archaeological sites in Los Angeles County, California. SM Publs. F. W. Hodge Anniversary Fund 6, 1952. Wallace, E. T., and G. Kritzman. A shell-encrusted artifact. ASASC-N 3: 11-12, 1956. Wallace, W. J. A suggested chronology for Southern California coastal arch- aeology. SWJA 11:214-230, 1955. Archaeological resources of the Buena Vista Watershed, San Diego Co., Calif. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 1959-1960:277-306, Los Angeles, 1960. Hollywood Riviera: An early milling stone horizon site in Los Angeles County, California. A Ant 31:422-427, 1966. l______ Prehistoric seasonal campsites in Southern California. Masterkey 42:134-141, 1968. Warren, C. N. Further comments on the archaeology of San Clemente Island, California: A reply. A Ant 29:393-395, 1964. The San Dieguito Complex: A review and hypothesis. A Ant 32:168-185, 1967. (ed.) A stratified San Dieguito site: Malcolm Rogers' 1938 excava- tion in the San Dieguito River Valley. SDM Papers No 5, 1966. Warren, C. N., and D. L. True. The San Dieguito Complex and its place in California prehistory. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 1960-1961:246-337, Los Angeles, 1961. Warren, C. N., D. L. True, and A. Eudey. Early gathering complexes of Western San Diego County. UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 1960-1961:1-105, Los Angeles, 1961. Warren, C. N., and H. Thompson. Test excavations at the Del Mar site (SDi- 191). UC Arch. Survey Ann. Rept. 1958-1959:217-233, Los Angeles, 1959. Wheeler, S. M. A site at Descanso, California. SM-M 12:192-194, 1938. Williamson, M. B. Catalogue of Indian relics found on Santa Catalina Island in the museums of Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, SI, PM. Bull. So. Calif. Acad. Sci., 3:38-41, 60-63, 149-152, 1904. ..74 - Woodward, A. Domestic fowl as ceremonial offerings (recovered from caves on San Clemente Island). SAA-N 2:43-44, 1942. XXVII. COLORADO RIVER AREA Arnold, H. H. Who drew these giants along the Colorado? Westways, Vol. 51, No. 10:20-21, 1959 (Reprinted from Touring Topics, 24, 1932.) Bell, L. Clues to the tribesmen who lived by the river. Desert Mag. 14:9: 5-7, 1951. Davis, E. L. Giant ground figures of the prehistoric deserts. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc. 109:8-22, 1965. Harner, M. J. Lowland Patayan phases in the Lower Colorado River Valley and Colorado Desert. UCAS-R 42:93-97, 1958. Johnston, P. Maze of mystery. Westways Vol. 30, No. 2:10-11, 1938. Rogers, M. J. Early lithic industries of the Colorado River and adjacent desert areas. SDM-P No. 3, 1939. Simpson, R. D. Tracking the Hohokam. Masterkey 24:126-128, 1950. Stewart, K. N. Mohave Indian agriculture. Masterkey 40:5-15, 1966. XXVIII. PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY (Living and Prehistoric California Indians) Allen, H . Crania from the mounds of the St. John's River, Florida: a study made in connection with crania from other parts of North America. Journ. Acad. -Nat. Sci., 10:367-448, 1896, Philadelphia. Angel, J. L. Early skeletons from Tranquillity, California. Smithsonian Contributions to Anthropology 2 (1), 1966. Anonymous. Dental surgery practiced by primitive Americans. Popular Mech- anics, Sept:379, 1916. Birdsell, J. B. The problem of the early peopling of the Americas as viewed from Asia. Papers on Physical Anthropology of Amer. Indians., Viking Fund, Publs. in Anthrop: 36-47, 1951. ("Amurian" characteristics among Cahuilla and other S. Calif. Indians.) The racial origin of the extinct Tasmanians. Records, Queen Victoria Mus. 2:105-122, 1949. -75- Boaz, F. Zur Anthropologie der nordamerikanischen Indianer. ZE 27:366-4U9 1895. Anthropometrical observations on the Mission Indians of Southern California. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 44:261-269, 1895. Anthropometry of Shoshonean tribes. AA, n.s., 1:751-758, 1899. Anthropometry of central California. AMNH-B 17, Pt. 4:347-380, 1905. Bonin, G. von., and G. M. Morant. Indian races in the United States. A survey of previously published cranial measurements. Biometrika 30: 94-129, 1938. Brabender, I. Die palaobiologische rekonstruktion zweier prahistorischer bevolkerungen aus Kalifornien. Mainz, 1965. Brooks, S. T. Skeletal age at death: the reliability of cranial and pubic age indicators. AJPA 13:567 ff., 1956. Carr, L. Observations on the crania from the Santa Barbara Islands, Calif. Special Publ. of PM., 1877, 15 pp., and pp. 277-292 in USGS W of 100th Meridian 7, 1879. Measurements of crania from California PM-R 12:497-505, 1880. Cook, S. F. The extent and significance of disease among the Indians of Baja California, 1697-1773. UC-IA 12:1-39, 1937. Survivorship in aboriginal populations. Human Biology 19: 83-89, 1947. Count, E. W. The "Australoid" in California. Zeits. f. Rassenkunde 8: 62-95, 1938. Primitive Amerinds and the Australo-Melanesians. Revista del Instituto de Anthropologia de la Universidad Nacional de Tucuman, Vol. 1, 1939. Courville, C. B. Prehistoric California head injuries. Bull. L.A. Neuro- logical Soc., 1952. D'Amico, A. The canine teeth; normal functional relation of the natural teeth in man. Journ. of the So. Cal. State Dental Assoc., 26, No. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1958. Gifford, E. W. California anthropometry. UC-PAAE 22:217-390, 1926. Californian Indian types. Nat. Hist., 26:50-60, 1926. -76- Gladwin, H. S. A history of the ancient Southwest. Bond Wheelwright Co., Portland, Maine, 1957. Heizer, R. F. On the methods of chemical analysis of bone as an aid to pre- historic culture chronology. UCAS-R 7:10-14, 1950. Heizer, R. F., and T. D. McCown. The Stanford Skull, a probable early man from Santa Clara Co., Calif. UCAS-R 6, 1950. Hohenthal, W. D., and T. Brooks. An archaeological scaphocephal from Calif. AJPA n.s. 18, No. 1:59-65, 1960. Hooton, E. A. The Indians of Pecos Pueblo. Phillips Academy, Papers of the Southwestern Exped., No. 4:236-238, 1930. Hrdlicka, A. Catalogue of human crania in the USNM collections. The Algon- kin and related Iroquois; Siouan, Calloan, Salish and Sahaptin, Shosho- nean, and Californian Indians. USNM-P 69:1-127. Contribution to the physical anthropology of California. UC- PAAE 4:49-64, 1906. Skeletal remains suggesting or attributed to early man in North America. BAE-B 33:21-28, 1907. (Calaveras skull.) Stature of the Indians of the Southwest and of Northern Mexico. Putnam anniversary volume: 405-426, New York, 1909. Recent discoveries attributed to early man in America. BAE-B 66: 17-22, 1918. Kennedy, K. A. R. The aboriginal population of the Great Basin. M.A. thesis, Berkeley, 1954. The dentition of Indian crania of the early and late arch- aeological horizons in central California. UCAS-R 50:41-50, 1960. Klimek, S. The structure of California Indian culture, culture element dis- tribution: I. UC-PAAE 37:31-33, 1935. Le Conte, J. L. On the distinctive characters of the Indians of California. 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