59 IV. ANALYSIS OF AMERICAN OBSIDIANS BY X-RAY FLUORESCENCE AND NEUTRON ACTIVATION ANALYSIS F. H. Stross,* J. R. Weaver,* G. E. A. Wyld,* R. F. Heizer,' J. A. Graham' In recent years several studies have been published that were aimed at characterizing obsidian by analyzing for elements present in small or trace quantities. If obsidian rock can thus be characterized according to source, correlation of an obsidian artifact with its source becomes possible. Medi- terranean and Afro-Asian obsidians have been studied by Castiglioni et al. (1963), Cann and Renfrew (1964), Renfrew, Cann and Dixon (1965), Renfrew, Dixon and Cann (1966), and Dixon, Cann and Renfrew (1968). Green, Brooks and Reeves (1967) have studied New Zealand obsidian types by emission spec- troscopy. A similar though smaller study of American obsidians has been published by Weaver and Stross (1965) and Heizer, Williams and Graham (1965). The present paper is a continuation of the two latter studies. Experimental The samples reported here were analyzed by x-ray fluorescence using the same instrument and technique described in the earlier study (Weaver and Stross 1965). Values for the nine samples (with a few minor corrections) together with an additional fifty-seven samples analyzed in 1965 are shown in Table 1. The sample descriptions are given in Table 2. In addition to the analyses made by x-ray fluorescence, manganese was determined by neutron activation analysis. The x-ray values are in terms of counts-per-second- ever-background and have no absolute quantitative significance; the manga- nese values are given in terms of parts per million by weight. Aluminum, chromium, and manganese have been disregarded in the x-ray fluorescence determination. These can normally be measured, but they were judged to be of no value in this study for the following reasons: (1) the grinding device used to powder the samples was made of alumina and the samples were unquestionably contaminated with aluminum by the grinding operation; (2) the x-ray tube used had a chromium target which resulted in a very large background signal for chromium; (3) the small manganese peak, ' Shell Development Company, Emeryville, California. Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley. We wish to thank Shell Development Company for the time and facilities made available to us for this study (P-1639). We also thank Mr. J. Holst, who carried out most of the x-ray fluorescence analyses. 60 while detectable, was on the side of the large chromium peak, and hence measurement was unreliable. However, manganese is considered a good diagnostic element in this connection, and therefore we employed another technique for obtaining this analysis. The x-ray fluorescence work was performed over an extended period of time, and it was necessary to adjust the conditions each time a lot of samples was analyzed to make all the data comparable with each other. Subsequent to the first lot, each time the instrument was used it was adjusted to give, as closely as possible, the same counts-per-second for each element in an arbitrarily chosen sample, namely sample 1-9. We in- clude the data obtained on that sample at several points in Table 1 to illustrate the precision that was obtained in this process. For the neutron activation determination of manganese, 20-mg samples were irradiated for 30 minutes in a thermal neutron flux of 1011 neutrons/ cm2/sec. in the Aerojet-General Nucleonics Industrial Reactor in San Ramon, California. Ten micrograms of gold was added to each sample and standard as an internal standard to compensate for flux variations. Gamma-ray spectra were recorded by means of a solid, 3-inch sodium iodide detector and a Nuclear Data, 512-channel analyzer. The only interference under these irradiation conditions was sodium. A computer program was used to remove the sodium interference by means of differences in the gamma-ray spectra and half-lives. Results Artifacts from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and some from California and Nevada were analyzed. It has been suggested by Parks and Tieh (1966) that the strontium/rubidium ratio is characteristic of origin and age of the rock and could give an indication of its provenience. Among the other ele- ments that showed the largest variation, the most useful for diagnostic purposes were considered to be zirconium, manganese, and iron. Data for these elements are displayed in a bar-graph (fig. 1) and in two ternary plots (Zr-Sr-Rb and Sr-Rb-Mn, figs. 2 and 3). The graph and plots bring out the fact that the samples seem to fall into three groups: Group "O", which comprises the greater part of source and site samples, is the group that clusters around the center of both of the ternary plots, and is characterized by approximately equal relative amounts of strontium, rubidium, zirconium, and manganese. This group, we believe, is inadequately differentiated; that is, there are probably several source types which are sufficiently similar to be included in this general group. On logical 61 grounds, the El Chayal and Ixtepeque (=Papalhuapa) sources in Guatemala may be suggested as providing the obsidian for most of the Maya site artifacts analyzed here (samples 1-5, 2-4 /2-9, 2-14/ 2-19, 2-23 / 2-30, 2-32 / 2-48), and in addition, the Salvador sample (2-11) and those from Copan, Honduras (1-5, 1-13, 3-4). Stephens (1963:II:232), in the early eighteen-forties', may have been correct when he described a pottery jar from Kantunile, Yucatan, as "filled nearly to the top with arrow-heads, not of flint, but of obsidian; and as there are no volcanoes in Yucatan from which obsidian can be procured, the discovery of these proves intercourse with the volcanic regions of Mexico." The Otumba, Mexico, source (samples 2-20 3-5A, 3-5B) probably provided the material for artifacts (2-21, 2-33) from Teotihuacan. The La Venta samples (2-1, 2-2) may have been derived from either the Guate- mala highland, the Mexican highlands, or some as yet unknown source. The intermediate geographical position of La Venta, vis-a-vis Guatemala and Hidalgo, makes any guess based upon geographical proximity impossible. Only further artifact and source collecting and analysis will provide the data to differentiate Group 0. Group "2" is distinguished by a very low value for strontium, a high Zr/Rb ratio (4 to 6), and a high value for manganese. This group includes all "green" obsidians in the collection of samples analyzed. The only Mexican source represented in this group is the Pachuca quarry, Hildalgo (samples 1-3, 3-6A, 3-6B), which is well known for its green obsidian deposit and is thought to have supplied the raw material for most, perhaps all, of the green artifacts found in Mesoamerica. Sample 1-7 is a surface artifact from the La Venta site, and its age is therefore not determinable. In January-February 1968, excavations at La Venta in La Venta period refuse deposits yielded a number of obsidian blades of green color, and these may be presumed to have come from the Pachuca source. Drucker (1952:145) ob- served that he found no green obsidian in the test pits and trenches dug by him in 1942. It can now be said that the green obsidian from Pachuca was being traded as far south as La Venta in Middle Pre-Classic times, and as far as the Peten and highland Guatemala in Early Classic times. It is remarkable that a blade found in Lovelock Cave, Nevada (sample 2-49) gave values that placed it clearly in Group 2; this specimen also seemed to have the greenish translucency that is characteristic of the Pachuca deposit. It is highly improbable that this artifact should have been traded the long distance from Pachuca- to Lovelock, and consequently this finding is of special interest. The Department of Anthropology at Berkeley provided additional specimens (arrow points) of green obsidian which had been found at sites near Lovelock Cave. Eleven of these were analyzed and, without exception, gave analytical results that were consist- ent with the unusual analysis found for the first artifact. These analyses were compared with those obtained by the University of California (Berkeley) 62 Department of Geology (R. Jack, personal communication) for California and Nevada artifacts and sources. These included a few artifacts from Buck- brush Springs, Humboldt County, Nevada, which gave analyses similar to our Lovelock analyses. Since these two sites are not a great distance apart (about 65 airline miles), a common source of the obsidian is suggested. No deposit with the characteristic composition is now known, and it will be of interest to find the source from which the Lovelock Cave-Buckbrush Springs type green obsidian was obtained. The remaining samples have been classed separately and are designated Group "1". They have in common a low strontium content and a much lower Zr/Rb ratio (approximately 1). The samples indeed appear as a generally homogeneous group in the ternary plot (Zr-Sr-Rb, fig. 2). This group in- cludes the two samples from Napa County, California. Many obsidian samples from the same region have been analyzed independently by the Department of Geology (Jack, Le Joie and Carmichael 1967), and were found to give values on the Zr-Sr-Rb plot similar to those obtained on our samples. The latter, however, were further analyzed for manganese, and are distinguished by their very low manganese content, as is evident in Figures 1 and 3. Only one Mesoamerican sample (2-47, an artifact from Chichen Itza) exhibits a simi- larly low manganese content. We have called this subgroup "lA." Here again, as in the Group 0 series, there must be at least two sources represented - one Californian and one Mesoamerican. Four other Mesoamerican samples of Group 1 (samples 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, 2-10) have a manganese content intermediate between subgroup 1-A and most of Group 0, and are classed as subgroup 1-B. All of the subgroup 1-B samples date from the Pre-Classic. The source of the artifact material is not known, but we would guess that it will be found to exist in the Central Mexican highland. If there are two sources, one of which supplied Cuicuilco and the other southern Veracruz, both remain to be located. The iron content generally varies with the groups (Group 0 has the lowest, Group 2 the highest iron content), but this does not seem, at least at the present time, to offer additional insight. This study, in our opinion, serves mainly to point up the desirability of carrying out large scale studies of this kind, which, potentially at least, have been made possible by the efficient (but not inexpensive) analytical techniques developed in recent years. The crucial question concerning the divergence from source to source can be answered completely only be analyzing a sufficiently large number of samples from each of the individual sources. A substantial step in this direction has been made in the study already men- tioned (Jack, Le Joie and Carmichael 1967), in which the similarity of com- position (using the Zr-Sr-Rb ternary as criterion) within one lava flow was 63 found to be satisfactory. In our case, we can get information on this question from a few samples collected at the same sources at different instances. Thus, samples 1-4 and 1-8 are from the same source-the deposit at Papalhuapa, Guatemala. One sample is red, the other black. The analy- ses are seen to compare quite closely. Samples 1-3, 3-6A, and 3-6B are all from the Pachuca deposit (Group 2), and again give very similar analyses. Samples 1-9 (our reference sample for x-ray fluorescence) and 2-31 are from El Chayal, Guatemala, and they compare quite well with each other. Samples 2-20, 3-5A, and 3-5B are from the source deposit at Otumba, Mexico, and again the comparison is satisfactory. It should be noted, however, that of the four Mesoamerican sources only one (Pachuca) is different enough from the others to be clearly distinguishable. On the other hand, the samples in Group 1 are distinct from both Group 0 and Group 2; two of these samples are from California. No obsidian rock was found that corresponds to the Meso- american samples of Group 1, and it is thus not unlikely that these artifacts were made from obsidian obtained from at least one source as yet unknown to us, The published literature on Mesoamerican obsidian working techniques, mining, and quarrying, and implement manufacturing techniques is large and scattered. We have not made any special effort to compile a bibliography on this subject, but have encountered some published data which we cite here in the hope that other workers may find them useful. Stoll (1886:432-434) mentions the El Chayal source. It is also described by Holmes (1919:227) and by Coe and Flannery (1964). Thompson (1963:207) mentions a "vast deposit of obsidian" at Zacapa, Guatemala. We now know that this is in error, and that the obsidian seen along the railroad at this place is roadbed ballast carried there from El Chayal. Villacorta (1927) first mentions, although very casually, the obsidian at the site of Papalhuapa, Guatemala. This locality has been described geologically by Williams, McBirney and Dengo (1964). The obsidian mines in southern Hidalgo, Mexico, were described by Holmes (1900, 1919) and Breton (1902), and more recently by Spence and Parsons (1967) and Spence (1967).; Breton (1902) also provides brief descriptions of obsid- ian workshop-quarry sites at Zinepecuaro, Michoacan, and near Guadalajara, Jalisco. Known or reported obsidian sources in Mexico are listed and mapped in Heizer, Williams -and Graham (1965:98,map 5). The statement by Lunardi (1948:290) that obsidian is common in the vicinity of La Esperanza and Intibucao Honduras, has not been verified, and judging from what is known of the geology of this area, the claim is probably incorrect. Hints of other Mesoamerican and Central American obsidian sources are contained in an article by Washington (1921). W6 4. 0 a 0 L* - - -- /44 / 4% 4_ r~~~~~~~~~~f ,- _ 64 1**a I / ~~~ a * I0 * O NN \ t I1 / 14 fs / 64 a 4. a u A I of :zi / / -j Jc ?: AV. 41 P-4 zo I b, a VD / :i-urn.) U * X 0 -X I E a *af a 61 i I - 4 a v E o v -_ -4 MO -1 x W ? w V. a U a a I 4 65 * FdO0 0 00 00 00 0 p -4 rL 4 r-I WN N0 HO r-H UN\\. 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CM H 0 H 0 0 04 H 0 0 0 0 04 cu 0 H H4 H H H H Ht H HQ H H L(\0 0 o o\ N\ C\j Nm a\i Ci 0\ CM r- CM r f H a1) H 0 CM rN Lr 4 .. Iu to Nl *I 0 0 0 0 r C1 Lr \0 \0 U :E 67 QI 0 0 0 0 h-.t WJ N H H T - - 0o aN o r4 cj K% - U% % 0 4 WN~~~ ~ ~ NN _, : 4 z :. -J 7 :- .t-, - - 04WI t4\- 0 -.J. t r-q 0 W\ a,\ C\j Q r-I 0 0 Ng Cj C\j 0 0 0 0 LC\ CM _:I CM CMj H 0 C O 0 ~%D t- c '. F. CO t- 0 C0 H 01 Ctj H 0 H 0 H 0 0 0 0 0 \ON \0 01 H- 0 0 Ht rN 0 H 0 H 0 CU\ IC' Ul\ CO 0 H co 0 0~ 01 H~ 0 0 HO H\ 01 CMj 0 0 ON Ct- 0 0 C) H 01 0 Hrl H- m < M L \9 \1 P- a) co or rt, 0 0 C) go :J a) Ct, to 10 a) a) a) ~~~~~r-4 CO C C @ n~~~C a)-< Sq cea OH COH 0 0 C O JOH a) > * a 68 *I _I Ejo R0 f H CM ol - \D O gLr\ CO1 CM o r L chIH CHl\ Lr\U or- ~ cr N~ Kl -p Cl 0 - a) r-4 69 Table 2 Sample Identification* (Obsidians are black or gray unless otherwise noted) Sample | No. Source Locality 1-1 | Glass Mt., near St. Helena, Napa Co., Calif. Sample from 1 quarry. Collected by R. F. Heizer, 1959. 1-2 | Site CA-Sol-2, Solano Co., Calif. Artifact in Lowie Museum of Anthropology 1-3 - Green obsidian. Pachuca, Hidalgo, Mex. Sample from | quarry. Coll. by W. H. Holmes. 1-4 | Papalhuapa, Depto. Jutiapa, Guatemala. Sample from quarry. | Coll. by H. Williams, J. Graham, R. Heizer, 1964. 1-5 | Copan. Artifact in Peabody Mus. Coll., Harvard University 1-6 j Green obsidian. Teotihuacan, Mex. Surface artifact. 1-7 | Green obsidian. La Venta, Tab. Surface artifact. 1-8 j Red obsidian. Papalhuapa, Depto. Jutiapa, Guatemala. | Sample from quarry. 1-9 | El chayal, Depto. Guatemala, Guatemala. Sample from quarry. 2-1 La Venta, Tab. Surface artifact. 2-2 La Venta, Tab. Surface artifact. 2-3 | Green obsidian. Texcoco, Valley of Mexico, Los Melones Md. Artifact in Peabody Mus. Coll., Harvard University. 2-4 | Yaxun, Lower Lacantun R., Chiapas, Boco or Jimba Phase. Artifact in Peabody Mus. Coll., Harvard University. 2-5 | Cave of Loltun, Yucatan. Entrance to Chamber 1. Artifact - (c/1998) in Peabody Mus. Coll., Harvard University. 2-6 | Cave of Loltun, Yucatan, Sec. 1, Chamber 3. Artifact | (c/2023) in Peabody Mus. Coll., Harvard University. 2-7 | Labna, Yucatan, Md. 6 Late Classic Period. Artifact | (c/2262) in Peabody Mus. Coll., Harvard University. 2-8 | Green obsidian, Mitla, Oaxaca. Artifact (c/5917) in | Peabody Mus. Coll., Harvard University. sit on .e No. I Map 1 1 21 1 31 I 21 I 23 I I 51 19. 1 3 1 10,. 1 21 1 1 23 10 10 I 12 | I 13. 1 I I' 14 1 I 7 1 I Table 2 (cont'd.) Site No. Sample I on Map 1 No. Source Locality 11 2-9 San Lorenzo, Lacantun R., Chiapas. Artifact in Peabody Mus. Coll., Harvard University. 6 2-10 | Cuicuilco, D.F., Mexico. TIalpan Phase (field cat. 769). | 1 University of California Collection. 20 | 2-11 "El Salvado." Artifact (30.0/2863) in Amer. Mus. Nat. | | Hist. Collection. 2 2-12 | Green obsidian, Tula, Hidalgo. Mexico. Surface artifact. 1 I Artifact in Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. Collection. 19 | 2-13 | Copan, Honduras. Artifact in Peabody Mus. Coll., Harvard | | University. 34 | 2-14 j Uaxaxtun, Depto. Peten, Guatemala. Stela A-7 cache, Late I Classic Period. Artifact (33-99-20/3393) in Peabody Mus. I - | Coll., Harvard University. 17 j 2-15 | Benque Viejo, British Honduras. Artifact in Peabody Mus. I | Coll., Harvard University. 31 | 2-16 | Seibal, Depto. Peten, Guatemala. Collected by J. Graham, 1965. 25 | 2-17 | Iximche, Late Post Classic. Depto. Chimaltenango. Surface I I artifact collected by J. Graham and R. Heizer, 1965. 18 1 2-18 | Nohoch Ek, Cayo Dist., British Honduras, Periods 4 and 5. Artifact in Peabody Mus. Coll., Harvard University. 14 | 2-19 Weston site 6, near Belize, British Honduras. Terminal I Classic. Artifact (3-20232) in Peabody Museum Coll., | | Harvard University. 4 | 2-20 | Obsidian source locality ("Mine") 2 km. NE of San Marcos, I | near Otumba, Estado de Mexico. Collected by M. Spence, 1966. 3 1 2-21 Teotihuacan, Tlamimilolpa Phase. Site sector 21E:N5Wl. 1 I Collected by J. Bennyhoff. 3 | 2-22 | Teotihuacan, Tzacualli phase, Zona 5-9, Calle de los Muertos I | 0.199. Collected by Florencia Muller. 33 | 2-23 | Tikal, Depto. Peten, Guatemala, Early Classic. Artifact | I (12C-408/29) in Univ. of Pennsylvania Mus. Collection. 71 Table 2 (cont'd.) Sample No. Source Locality 2-24 | Tikal, Depto. Peten, Guatemala, Early Classic. Artifact | (12K-164-18) in Univ. of Pennsylvania Mus. Collection. 2-25 Tikal, Depto. Peten, Guatemala, Late Preclassic. Artifact | (12P-167/89) in Univ. of Pennsylvania Mus. Collection. 2-26 | Tikal, Depto. Peten, Guatemala, Late Preclassic. Artifact I (12P/138) in Univ. of Pennsylvania Mus. Collection. 2-27 Tikal, Depto. Peten, Guatemala, Middle Preclassic. Artifact (12P/152) in Univ. Penn. Mus. Collection. 2-28 Tikal, Depto. Peten, Guatemala, Early Classic. Artifact I (127-226C/33) in Univ. Penn. Mus. Collection. 2-29 | Tikal, Depto. Peten, Guatemala, Late Classic. Artifact | (41F/2) in Univ. of Pennsylvania Mus. Collection. 2-30 | Tikal, Depto. Peten, Guatemala, Early Post Classic. Artifact (98L/10) in Univ. Penn. Mus. CollecLion. 2-31 El Chayal, Depto. Guatemala, Guatemala. Sample from quarry. 2-31 | Bilbao (Sta. Lucia Colzumahualpa), Depto. Escuintla, Guate- I mala. Surface artifact coll. by Graham, Heizer & Williams 1965. 2-33 | Uaxactun, Tepeu phase, Depto. Peten, Guatemala. Artifact in Guatemala Museum of Archaeology Collection. 2-34 J Uaxactun, Tepeu phase, Depto. Peten, Guatemala. Artifact in Guatemala Museum of Archaeology Collection. 2-35 Zacualpa, Depto. Quicha, Guatemala, Post Classic Period. Artifact in Peabody Mus. Coll., Harvard University. 2-36 J Zacualpa, Depto. Quiche, Guatemala, Post Classic Period. Artifact in Guatemala Museum of Archaeology Collection. 2-37 Poptun, Depto. Peten, Guatemala. Late Classic Period. Artifact in Guatemala Museum of Archaeology Collection. 2-38 J Utatlan, Depto. Quiche, Guatemala. Classic Period. | Artifact in Peabody Mus. Coll., Harvard University. 2-39 Nebaj, Depto. Quiche, Guatemala. Classic Period. Artifact in Peabody Mus. Coll., Harvard University. Sil on te No. I Map 1 | 33 I 33 I 33 - I 33 I 33 I 33 I 33 1 23 24 I 34 1 34 I 28 28 1 30 I 27 1 29 1 72 Table 2 (cont'd.) Site No. I Sample I on Map 1 No. j Source Locality 32 2-40 Altar de Sacrificios, Depto. Pet'n, Guatemala. Artifact 1-in Guatemala Museum of Archaeology Collection. 19 j 2-41 | Piedras Negras, Depto. Peten, Guatemala. Classic Period. |- | Artifact in Guatemala Museum of Archaeology Collection. 26 |2-42 | Agua Escondida, near lake, Depto. Solola, Guatemala. Artifact in Guatemala Museum of Archaeology Collection. 22 j 2-43 j Kaminaljuyu, Depto. Guatemala, Guatemala. Artifact col- 1 | lected by R. Heizer and J. Graham, 1966. 2-2 2-45 | Green obsidian, Kaminaljuyu, Depto. Guatemala, Guatemala. Early Classic (Tomb A-V). Artifact in Guatemala Museum | of Archaeology Collection. Cenote of Sacrifice, Yucatan, Mexico. Artifact in Peabody Museum Collection, Harvard University. 15 | 2-46 Green obsidian, Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico. Artifact | (c/5042) in Peabody Mus. Coll., Harvard University. 15 | 2-47 | Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico. Artifact (c/5038) in | Peabody Museum Collection, Harvard University. 15 | 2-48 | Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico. Artifact (c/4919) in | Peabody Museum Collection, Harvard University. | 2-49 | Green obsidian, Lovelock Cave, Churchill Co., Nevada. I 1 Artifact (1-19208) in Univ. Calif. Lowie Mus. Collection. 8 | 3-1 j Tres Zapotes, Veracruz, Mexico. Preclassic Period (?) I (sub-ash cultural level Trench 26). Collected by P. I | Drucker and R. Heizer, 1967. 9 | 3-2 Site buried in sand dune near Roca Partida, Tuxtla Mts., I I Veracruz, Mexico. Probably Preclassic. Collected by I I J. Graham, R. Heizer, H. Williams, 1967. 9 j 3-3 j Eroded site on beach near Punta Roca Partida, Tuxtla Mts., I I Veracruz, Mexico. Probably Preclassic. 19 1 3-4 j Copan, Honduras. Classic Period. Surface artifact col- | | lected by R. Heizer, J. Graham, H. Williams, Feb. 1967. 4 I 73 Table 2 (cont'd.) Site No. Sample I on Map 1 | Source Locality 4 3-5A | Otumba, Estado de Mexico, Mexico. Mine No. 1. Collected 1 by Michael Spence, 1965. 4 3-5B | Otumba, Estado de Mexico, Mexico. Mine No. 1. Collected by Michael Spence, 1965. 1 | 3-6A | Green obsidian, "Pachuca Mine No. 2," near Huasca, Hidalgo, Mexico. Collected by Michael Spence, 1965. 1 | 3-6B | Green obsidian, "Pachuca Mine No. 2,," near Huasca, Hidalgo, Mexico. Collected by Michael Spence, 1965. * We wish to thank the following persons for supplying obsidian samples: Drs. W. R. Coe and H. Moholy-Nagy of the University of Pennsylvania Museum (samples 2-23/ 2-30); Dr. Harry Pollock, Peabody Museum, Harvard University (samples 1-5, 2-3/ 2-9, 2-13/ 2-15, 2-18, 2-19); Dr. Gordon Ekholm, American Museum of Natural History (samples 2-11, 2-12); Sr. Gustavo Espinosa, Guatemala Museum of Archaeology (samples 2-33, 2-34, 2-36, 2-37, 2-40, 2-41, 2-45); Drs. J. A. Bennyhoff and Michael Spence, and Dra. Florencia Muller, Proyecto Teotihuacan (samples 2-2C / 2-22, 3-5Al 3-6B); Dr. Clifford Evans, U.S. National Museum (samples 1-3). 74 89-C V9-C la -C z -C C -C 9UP, 6C-Z i LC-Z 9c-z LU -I- t C-i zz- 9i-? < 6LZ-Z 0 81- iz LL-Z C 91Z-i mzz r 61gZ C 8 I-z CL-I t U-- 8 -z 9 -Z ; L C9-Z I-Z 6-I 8 -L L -I 9 -L Z -1 I I I I I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- I 8 8 ? 0 8 8 00 00 Ct 0 8 0D n 04 C14 -~~~2 c 4) LL. 75 Sr Group 0: 1 - 4, 5, 8, 9 2- 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13-27, 29-44, 48 3 - 4, 5A and 5 B Group 1: 1 - 1, 2 2 - 10, 47 3- 1, 2, 3 Group 2: 1 - 3, 6, 7 2 - 3, 8, 12, 28, 45, 46, 49 3 - 6A and 6B Black Points are Source Samples Group 0 / - O _0 _ Oc _0 0 Group I / '0P O " 0 0 I NORMALIZED RATIOS OF Zr-Sr-Rb / Rb Group 2 / 0? E Zr %.f I I l Figure 2. 76 Sr Group 0: 1 - 4, 5, 8, 9 2- 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13-27, 29-44, 48 3 - 4, 5A and 5B Group 1: Subgroup 1A: 1 - 1, 2 2 - 47 Subgroup 1B: 2 - 10 3 - 1, 2, 3 Group 2: 1 - 3, 6, 7 2 - 3, 8, 12, 28, 45, 46, 3 - 6A and 6B Black Points are Source Samples / I / Group I B ., _ .. Group IA / I Ilo0 / 0 l Group 0 Q " '\\ ? 1 00 1 0 ~0 0 / Mnl Figure 3. NORMALIZED RATIOS OF Mn-Sr-Rb I / / Group 2 0 / 0 ll. \ I 77. Bibliography Azurdia, Carlos Enrique 1927 Las Ruinas de Papalhuapa. Anales de la Sociedad de Geograffa e Historia, 4: 1:65-70. Breton, A. 1902 Some Obsidian Workings in Mexico. 13th Intern. Cong. Amer., 265-268. New York. Cann, J. R. and C. Renfrew 1964 The Characterization of Obsidian and Its Application to the Mediterranean Region. Proc. Prehistoric Soc. for 1964, 30:111-133. Castiglioni, 0. C., F. Fussi and G. D'Agnolo 1963 Indagini sulla provenienza dell' ossidiana utilizzata nelle industrie preistoriche del Mediterraneo Occidentale. 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American Anthropologist, 2: 3:405-416. 1919 Handbook of Aboriginal American Antiquities. Bureau American Ethnology. Bulletin 60. Washington, D.C. Jack, R. N., K. R. Lajoie and I. S. E. Carmichael 1967 "Finger-Printing" of Obsidian and Pumice from the Western United States. Proc. 80th Ann. Meeting, Geol. Soc. of America, New Orleans, La., Nov. 20-22, 1967 (p. 107). Lunardi, Federico 1948 Honduras Maya: Etnologfa y Arqueologla de Honduras. Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Parks, George A. and T. T. Tieh 1966 Identifying the Geographical Source of Artefact Obsidian. Nature, No. 5046:289-290. Renfrew, Colin, J. R. Cann and J. E. Dixon 1965 Obsidian in the Aegean. The Annual of the British School of Archaeology at Athens, 60:225-247, Oxford. Renfrew, Colin, J. E. Dixon and J. R. Cann 1966 Obsidian and Early Cultural Contact in the Near East. Proc. Prehistoric Soc. for 1966, 32:30-72. Spence, Michael W. 1967 The Obsidian Industry of Teotihuacan. American Antiquity, 32: 4:507-514. 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