95 ADDENDUM Since this monograph was written and printer's copy prepared, publications have appeared which contain information having a bearing on the subject. These are cited below, with an indication of their content. Heizer, Robert F. 1967 Analysis of Two Low Relief Sculptures from La Venta. Contri- butions of the University of California Archaeological Research Facility, No. 3, 25-55, Berkeley. (Some observations on Olmec sculptural techniques and produc- tions.) Coe, Michael D. 1967 La segunda temporada en San Lorenzo Tenochtitlan, Veracruz. Instituto Nacional de Antropologifa e Historia, Boletin 28, 1-10, Mexico, D.F. (Excellent photographs of new sculptures discovered in 1967 at San Lorenzo site; first frontal photograph of SL 6 colossal head in upright position; contour map of San Lorenzo site showing structures and locations of 43 monuments known to date. Plate 36 and Figure 29 of the present paper are taken from this article.) Acosta, J. R. 1967 Traslado de la cabeza de Tres Zapotes. Instituto Nacional de Antropologla e Historia, Boletin 28, 47-48, Mexico, D.F. (Account of moving colossal head TZ 1 in June, 1967, from its original find spot to the nearby village of Tres Zapotes. Statement made that "su peso es aproximadente de ocho toneladas.") Heizer, Robert F. and P. Drucker n.d. The fluted pyramid (Complex C) of La Venta. (To be published.) (Details on size and form of the La Venta pyramid; corrects errors published in Drucker, Heizer and Squier 1959.)