OLMEC SCULPTURE AND STONE WORKING: A BIBLIOGRAPHY Robert F. Heizer and Tillie Smith Since 1869 a distinctive sculptural style in jade and other stone media, now known as Olmec, has been vaguely recognized. However, it was not until 1938 that Dr. Matthew W. Stirling, then Chief of the Bureau of American Ethnology of the Smithsonian Instituion, began to excavate and bring to light substantial archaeological evidence of this culture. The history of the development of Olmec studies has been sketched by Drucker, Heizer and Squier (1959) and Jones (1963:1-2). While Olmec can properly be called a culture, it is important to note that it is primarily defin- able through its distinctive art style. The excavation of the site of La Venta (Drucker 1952; Drucker, Heizer and Squier 1959; Stirling 1940 et seq.) has provided us with excellent information regarding the archi- tectural aspects of Olmec culture, but to date no adequate study has been made of the homely or prosaic pursuits of the people who built and main- tained the great ceremonial centers of Tres Zapotes, San Lorenzo, and La Venta. Thus, while we can infer something about the techniques employed in working jade or sculpturing large stone monuments from an inspection of the pieces themselves, we are quite in the dark as to where such work was done or what instruments were employed in stone working. In connection with the research which we have done in an attempt to discover the sources of the stones used by the Olmecs of the south- eastern Mexican lowland, we believe it to be expedient to include here a reference bibliography of Olmec stone sculpture. No suggestion is made that the bibliography is a complete one, but the student interested in the subject can surely find a majority of known Olmec pieces illustrated and/or described in the references which are listed here. * * * * * * * Alcina, Jose 1954 Review of La Venta, Tabasco [1952], by P. Drucker. Revista de Indias. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Central, Instituto Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo, Vol. 14:57:571. Madrid. Armillas, Pedro 1964 Northern Mesoamerica. In Prehistoric Man in the New World, Jesse D. Jennings and Edward Norbeck, eds. University of Chicago Press. - 71 - 72 Art of the Americas 1948 Art News Annual, Vol. 18:30. New York Arte prehispanico de Mexico 1946 Instituto Nacional de Antropologfa e Historia, Mexico. Frontispiece and P1. 55. Balser, Carlos 1959 Los "baby faces" Olmeca de Costa Rica. Actas del 33rd Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, San Jose, 1958, Vol. 2:280-285. San Jose, C.R. 1961 La influencia olmeca en algunos motivos de la arqueologia de Costa Rica. Informe Semestral, Instituto Geografico de Costa Rica, San Jose, pp. 63-78. Bernal, Ignacio 1950 Compendio de arte mesoamericana. Enciclopedia mexicana de arte, Vol. 7. Mexico. 1962 Bibliografia de arqueologia y etnograffa mesoamerica y norte de Mexico, 1514-1960. Instituto Nacional de Antropologla e Historia, Memorias, Vol. VII:115-119. Mexico. Bernal, Ignacio and Bernard Villaret 1962 Arts anciens du Mexique. Le Temps, Paris, pp. 69-75. Beyer, Hermann 1927 Review of Tribes and Temples, by F. F. Blom and 0. La Farge. El Mexico Antiguo, Vol. 2:305-313. Blom, F. F. and 0. LaFarge 1926-27 Tribes and Temples. A record of the expedition to Middle America conducted by the Tulane University of Louisiana in 1925. 2 vols. New Orleans. Boggs, Stanley H. 1950 "Olmec" Pictographs in the Las Victorias Group, Chalchuapa Archaeological Zone, El Salvador. 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