September 1965 SOURCES OF STONES USED IN PREHISTORIC MESOAMERICAN SITES EBI A., li.I ANTHvgo J L / i , ft2A c>t Z4 a"X Wi cX --.-i A N N O U N C E ME N T The Archaeological Research Facility institutes with this publication the series CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH FACILITY which will not appear on a regular schedule but only as manuscripts and funds to publish them are available. Publication of the numbered REPORTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY will be continued, but as implied by the title, will be limited to papers pertain- ing to California and the Far West. The REPORTS, which are published under the auspices of the Archaeological Research Facility, provide a means of publishing data and research results secured between 1948 and 1960 by the Archaeological Survey of Berkeley and the Archaeological Research Facility since that time. It is planned that the CONTRIBUTIONS will present short articles or brief monographic treatments of archaeo- logical data concerning additional areas in the United States, and Mexico and Central America. SOURCES OF STONES USED IN PREHISTORIC MESOANERICAN SITES Acknowledgment is made here, with thanks, for a grant to aid publication from the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research. These grant funds have supported this volume. CONTENTS SOURCES OF ROCKS USED IN OLNEC MONUNIENTS, by Howel Williams and Robert F. Heizer . . . 1 GEOLOGICAL NOTES ON THE RUINS OF MITLA AND OTHER OAXACAN SITES, NEXICO, by Howel Williams and Robert F. Heizer . . . . 41 STONES USED FOR COLOSSAL SCULPTURE AT OR NEAR TEOTIHUACAN, by Robert F. Heizer and Howel Williams . . . 55 OLMEC SCULPTURE AND STONE WORKING: A BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . 71 ANALYSIS BY X-RAY FLUORESCENCE OF SOME AMERICAN OBSIDIANS, by J. R. Weaver and F. H. Stross . . . . . . 89 NOTES ON MESOAMERICAN OBSIDIANS AND THEIR SIGNIFICANCE IN ARCHAEOLOGICAL STUDIES, by Robert F. Heizer, Howel Williams and John A. Graham . . . . . . 94 d .r4 CU ~o co _ C 0 0 0 -: ? r=4 0 Pk 14 cu C) 0 P4 to 0) Li 01) U) 4.1 0 0 tn .r4 p- o o0 0 0 0 p. r-4 0) C; 0 o co r, 4 E4 J ~ 4~~~~~~~~~~~4r U) 0) VCU 0s 0) 0 0) CU v U) UC 0) '-4 .,4 0 Lr) 0) CU CU 0) .,) c) Po UC 0 o S4 0 0) vn .,, JS1 34 v C) 0) 01) 4.1 '-4 cn to U) U bo t 0 CO ~4i U) Ca O 0) 4.4 -4 U) -.4U S4 C) 0:0 Co ~4. 0 Cd 0) CU 4. CU 0) U) 4.1 v-4 cn e-, o C En CU 04 0) 4.)U) v4 0 0 0 -A 0 4- n 0 a) 0 U) .r4 0 0 V) lU) UU)0 i-f r-f 0 0-0 d.