Wnivesslty of CahSfarnia General %ibrary/Berksley Regional Cultural History Proj e o t COZ&%GB OF ENTlfWOHW~T'EA~~I DZ$IGN, UPIVERSITY OF CALIFOIWTA , OAM2US PLANNING, AND ABCMS!E$@TURAL PRACTICE Suzarane B1 Risss Berkeley 1964 WILLIAM WILSON WURSTER - 1960 ! 3 i , i , . I . i . , I I i !. i t , . 6 C I j i 2 6 :$ .." ' ~a5 ,". -5 . .J ,j: , . ; A 5 1 uses of t h i s manuscript are covered by an agreement - : >;L :;c 'I' ,,,I : < , 4 >" between the Regents of the University of California and William Wilson Wurster, datsd 24 May 1963. The naanuscrfpt .*< 67 is thereby made available for researoh purposes. A11 literary righOs in the raanusaript, in~ludiagthe right t o publish, are reserved $0 Lhs Goneral Library of the University of California at Berkeley. No part of the manuscript may be quoted for .- > $ : ) :? ;e " ; , Librarian of the University of California at Berkeley. .z . e: - : . - , .. .". ... .-- ,.. . . 7 : , : ..%.. ,, .. -2; .,re , =. ,* i . . ->; ,!< ., : : ; ,'?,< 2". =7 3 :a ,.>-. : . P . ' i -st 1.4i -w THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OFARCHITECTS ce%+'-'r5 t L GOLD MEDAL WILLIAM WILSON WURSTER, FAIA -AB&,nem-&ctri-re, fmtLci8b in its msp-se t ,LA h a r e g 4A s - L m m , s t t - a d in Liso w nuudc tLccugl bu;ldiyy~ w L L ,ro,+kzd toclay,wrU in t L+re 5 , - inev;t,$k A a - o d d ,L zrLVd t L-rso ofarchttural wluca(jn ArmgItLis v i s i , La&rsLp a d datermi-a&, ~P~~ its scope ta i J & w n 6r l (&a vis-I emviramen+ &us prwiJmg& t " otot 7pe & p r o f e s s d er4-c-Ge- +oday. th@twenbies-and hla work on ~h.;' B6~rkalqopngtlq, ha8 braen well, known t a %he U~kvertsZ,w df' Eali$@Pn$a an& Ota SshooX a f &rsfaZ.$PaBwe $ ' o r msa;lr y8~rr. Aw wgLl a@. $e$ag$ an ar%staad%a& aroliheob, William Wpr~ tpil was exg*aiahcel En e&~cta$Son and odat]10is8rat3,6a#, aml b95Q he gfseaW. I I f t just % h e rntgm &o bst Bean 0% tke Sc;rko@lo s f Ar@ErsEB&QLace wnse $orward atags asad@ t k i ~ ~ @an who s;Ir&a@y a h force far good a~ckitwbura &~r@p.r he w@vked ei@ of the vital shaping influ&asm t;a$ $he Ua.$v&r@2tp o f O ~ l i - f&l+k on in8sg~&ew was nBe3sassaary g~tbherk2slsfs~nw81Lsn sa kh@ VaIversiQytasu28urreL hSs%ory,apecif%@aLly $he QeL&@ga DasSgn and of Elnviroarg,@~$ab Crimpus 9lawlng Cami%tae;and bifehsel C o ~ d m ao f +he ta~@h% teatare dspaxB~@nt*-a@qualntsd with eke prodact & ~ T @ U @ h i s and brought ka &heLibrary the ambit~aDuredepartmentI s reqaeof that Dam Va~n2erbe %nC@~vi@wrdbefore h i s beern grssga~inghllm Poa the deanship at Galiif~Yt~ia, and the fnstitutioa o f suoh an osganizat$on as tiha CsZ1ege 09 E&viromenta& E)rsar&@ appears &a $he l ~ g i e a l co~alusi~n Prom the start ke o f his work an& study* w h a w r in2egr@C3a& kia good design with wh&ti was bsts$ ia $he %anidm d 12Pe of eal&%ormiae And as ho tswehad more md more psogle with his work he b$cm@ .> f -3 4 :4 ,-3 % inoreasing2y Sn~arss$edin tbe qutiwtien of whaB might 7 . 3 *J \ e d be&$ be dona by the afehitfab* f o r a085ety* A year in ; z ~ pr; 3j 2 Ombridge in 1943 brought k3a in ooataot with Chs d $ $ ,, $Oudy of' pXmning p r a b l m ~going an at Harvasd an8 $ -31 4 r;; the bssaohu$etts fnstitute of Tlohnalogy. Alaost I j . A "-5 $ si~ultaneansly,M.T. 'PI, rectamizing Willham W u s a % s ~ ~ s 3 9 skill in des$g~nof Oh@ house, f~sesawhi&ad49nistra- eive ab3.I.fties and asked him Co $8 their dean of architecture; while $her@ he dcva&oped a school in whiah pXwing e w e irabo iBs own. Then in 1990 ha w a r a ready Do aecapt the invita$ierr from Berkaley, eager 130 put i m t ~ practiae his conv,i.cltfone about envi~omentaldesign, and happy t d be re%urniagt o $he Bay Area and h i s offtee. Phes School of Ar@hit@o.f;ure st Berkeley, when he same $0 be i t &new dean, was not all that the ~ n l y sahool in an arahit@@Dural mama night be; i t had @ornohalf-way thraugh the 20th eeatury wilboub really parl~king09 a forward-laokiag gbilosopky sf arehi- tastural %ea~king. f t a pattern was $ha% of $he Beaux Arts3 whereas its mew dean P e l t that what was needed not; "a li$tl% alub with elah rulesr@ f t w o e s Dean Wwskrr who spoke of Sari Brancieools Palage of the Legion of Honor, in ibss ~ ~ e e ~ a c u l a ~ ~ ; sits, as *the aos0 fnwarbturning bubkding upaa the aost ou$war+ turning s Pte in Lhe world, This in-furningg in nuah a surround waq what wanted earreo$iwg at the Uaivsr* whitsh the b2verrsrtgy awarded hin in dune 1964. Tho oitatioa $@adin gaPl$t "8s t@ok Bh@ lead in broa8en- j b q g and ~nrichingthe Q U ~ ~ P ~ Q U Z ~ ~ and arohibeotares I / in estabL$~hiarg@losesaisctbbnsllsigs wiCh its &lied dissiglines. Og% of them raLationsh2ps ernerged the ColZege of Env$P~mentx%L De~ign...~ Some of these mlafiansbiga were stimmed up br Dean Wurs*ar in the 1963-64 announaemant of the coLZegw Bew problems evok~new enswars md a l l ipst~itu- Bdona, b n ~ l w d h g unSaetrsitis@,s s w t ohanger 60 mrstab $he challwge of %he n@w, Tn simpler time@ i t was mtough $0 be adept an onet&own buti be tih8sB ~ ~ O ~ B B J G ~ ~ O I I aom- glieatsd times 10 beoonas aeemssasy $0 b@ no8 only $he msOes o f one profession But alsa t o have B r@al paraep- tion of other d5solplines in order $0 know haw these may be %e2regasB@b with one" o m to grodancm a &mmagiatq~ result. And so iQ 9s wiBk A w B 1 Beacimre, Gity and Resgisnd BLarmSng, a d h~edsaapsA r ~ h f teaSurs *. Laah 09 $base dsparkaenta was..*devslopsd independently. But a11 three of $fie&, w i %kt their many liis-tfngzmi~he4 graduates naw s~a%ber&da11 over the world, have played impsrtmt roles ia on@ of $he gr@a+ revoLutfona @i our Lime, the effort t o integrate praetii~alnoads vieb saisnce, tti?chnola$y, andl art in dosfga m B organiaa$dan of mas-made en- vbromentjr.* Ir~h$t@czt;ure is the saisrbse art' a f btzf lding, a2ossLg related t o fe~hnalogya6 wall as $0 sooial and aasGBo%lc disoiplinea. J t provides the $remendous var$@%y of s.t;xlzs.f;wa~1il require6 by naodarn manl whicth a ~ s t ~iault%z&e~usly watrsiy funcOisna1 and eoonomic rk!tqu$mg@ats, sZoag with 3ess OengtbSe a o ~ i a l and aes- %hediia' values. 2%i s the third dimeasion, the basiut wi.f; bP $he qfban phy,qloal renvirowen$, qos3aeti~naiaall too s d l i d a d ps~@a#@~6in a Pap$dXy chrw~gfh$world, A 8 t h ~ saalet of, bu9ldiag gro;jecd,sIngr~amrs,S a terars o f residsatial Lrach, ~ecl~~eloprnsnt civio sohems, grogps,.and the kfko, the detwP~nresspga~ibdli ties of a m h i t e a t s , 2amdaaapo arctthideet s , m d ai ty glannera need nore and store esreful oos-rdhnatioa, and training f o r teanwork is a@wkred. Thus at khe highest leva1 we iknd [all thrasl oonverging in an area o f growing Qoawrn: urban design. A21 thess prof'easions ars particularly important today In California, whose arban population dou'bk@s@VetFyfew daeetdss with a aoncoaitant n w d for ~ i t y and regianal planning, for hous~sand svery c>Bheakdmd ' o f s%z%isB7lire,and for m-ma&e gardanrs an& park8 t o reglagee Gke .naturalareas thaB have vanished. $ h o e the threa ps~f~ss%~ns interl%rikedin so are m a y wsye, $ 3 9s possible m d apprap~iabet o bxing bhsm together iaQo a aoman oollege.,,an adminl~trativeunit which will aehowleQ,@the 9farfm~'e)~ mong the three professions and a t tho s w e time h01d them joinCly raspanaibfe for the orderly a d baaukiful devsLopmsnt a f oue S4aBq. Certainly D e m Uur$tsrts nark i s on ths QoJL6ge of Envi~ozmental~easl$m, and the ervidsnas of hia trtmendous aonaern with $hi& @antpus' 8 p l w m i ~ i s fn the Long range dev@&ag~&@&B Che Berkelep gEakn a d the ahaaglng Looks s f Qakpu$+ What he has ventured k a ~ wOrksd, though hs iul his years on t h i s &us. In fa&, a buiSdlrrsg nat de89gned by h i s bub whiah is namd for hin m y burn out t o be the mas* controversial piece of arahiteature assoOia$ed wS$k himL Wurster Ball, the new environ- mental design bu$ld%ra:g,i s graaenhly a boa@09 aan- benbien gnashed by faaa3Ay and staden%s* This aakes %hebuildin& whioh at the smer time testifies is0 the 8UOCssS of Wurster's teachings and h i s hopes for the 0oLlege. [From "Ths Ice Box, fi The Daily,, Cali.fo~ni,aq, May 14, 19641r "The three-diaensional form of the build- ing doen not pafleet t h ~ design-solutions produtmd by its students and faouL8$, but rather sglnholiscs the open-minded leadership the OoLlege presently 5ia taking In design t~duaotf on,,.Wursbr Ha21 has the petenaial $6 ia~sbr s.l;ilZ sewer soncreg%sin th@ edusaCi~nof the peapfca m o ~ l seap8naibSa f o r the shsplng of our envi- ronment. Where $118 @an rou f b d a College of Bnvf- roanental Design a@ the hub sf o poQea%ially great oenter of %he oreabivq arts...? Whare else w i l l you $and urban planners, ar~hl%etab, opsrotioas @ng%neers, coragutor &%:per Os, m d mathenmtfcians, aSL working together within the s m e building and for the same gurpo~e'? "To ms as a stuaent in thds new aaademia abmosghere, the fact that Bhe physioal building is a sensually excit- ing piece ~2 arohiteclure is aeaandary; Ghs thought and detqrmiaation behind a new era in educatftm cannot be denfed. ft fn order ts got down Dean Wur~ter's ~utobiography and fdsas, eleven $ap@-r~cordfng mee.t;imgswere hQld with hin betueea April and August 1963, a t i s a when B s j l Vars %roubIed with Parkinson's Disease* Pet Be d i d not allow hiaself t o be I S u t e d by %he diseaso, the Snfierviswa went an regular17 and pleasatltly, and Saaa Wursterrs health has sinos great2y $&proved as the remalt o f a~ Q P O X ~ % ~ Q B . The inberview~generallg la~tedPOP an hsnr and mest %oak plaoe in $he Ar~hiteetareB~Elc32;~g whese Dean Wuretex was busy prior $61 h i s retirament as dean. The Lon&, wood-walled, napan8 gi@8a~~-ooverad,@ale- men$-windowsd offfee was obviously loved by the dean --esxOaLnLy the lines and @voa@ tihe BuiZdhg tions of w i l l mot be fargotten by graduaDes of the schoolt Dean Wumter was very much intares$ed S a the idea of the RsgionaL Cultural, Rgstosy Pra$ect, and agreeable t~ giving fhs otory of h i s work on t h i s cei.mpua, After &he tape8 were Brastscribad gnd edited Par cantinui%y, he worked with the intsroie~wor'squeries and adaed tmportanl aabarial whtoh wes Inoorparated %n $he text. H i s o f f $ e e , $oo, was very obliging in supplying i l l u s - trahfva naterials* A@ wall as the Architecture Building, two ~ a h e r bubldings mk5 up a trio of P ~ E ~ O B S , &Ll with aome sim- ilatity of feeLing, in w h i ~ h William Wurst~shas worked and Zed his life. His home, where one interview was Bsrkslley house, 5ii is the work of John Galen Re#a~d, as is the, Arohiteoture ~ u i i d i n g ,and i t is the subject of a cthiapter of the inlorview. Also ~paafousand ostward-laokfxsg 3s htis San Frw- ciaao of'iiee, the firm of Wurster, Bernardi & Enmons, whioh oecufsias $he se4eond floor of an old warehouse below Telegraph Will, off the Gabarcadars. O n a visit there t o see his picture fils and Lour tks offioe I was struck by the whitewash68 Look af the work area-- Light and Breezy, wide open, there were no olased-aFf arppzeaa except; those p&rLfCSoned by glass. The number and vsri~tyof projects being worked on in the office at that tins, July 1963, wcletxsaored WiZ1Pam Wussterts belief in nan-@peaial%~ation--private houses, apart- nenta, the Santa Csuz oollege omgus, the Golden Gats- way, new bank designs,, Ghirardelli Square, and more. The offfee braohure appended lists recent work and gublioalions of the firm and will lead the reader t o The Regional GuLt~ralHls$or$ Pro3aoQ was e ~ t a b - lishad t o tap@-reoord autobiographical interviews wi$h pe3sonw who have been prombnemt in the rooan&histow of? Northern Oalifornta. The Project i s urrdax the di- rsctias o f M ~ B .WiSla Baum and mdar the administr~ttve supervision o f Assistant Librarian Julian Miohel, and i t fra advised in its work by the Banoroff; Library Bub- eonmi tBse of the Library Comit h e of the University. Past interviews by the Proje~twhich may supplement the University pata arid caversd in this mnuscript have been done with Stepken C. Pepper and WfSlim Mags, Othar University his$ory in$erviews, and interviews with Bay Area artists, photographers, writers, and persons in mimy areativs fields, are l i s t e d in the Project's catalogue. AwguaO 18, 1964 Regional ealtural Mistory Projeot Room 486 The General, Library University s f California Berkeley 4, Caliiarnia xi TABLE OB CONTENTS STOCKTQM BOYHOOD OPUGATXON All3 PBEPARATXOW Sokrosl, sf Arohi,teqture ~446 $IOUIL$Y, ,U1 4 3 . . 1913 Student Life,, t h ~ , C~mpus,,.and the Town T F ~ v o X * C~~leekf, and a P h f L ~ s ~ p h y THE O m l C E EUROPE, 1957, AHP W M E OTIBR ARCMITBCTSt AALTQ, GROPIUS, L6) CBRBWSTBB, WRZGBT THE EAST G O A S ~ P@AMBRIDOE ANE3 MASHII!WTON bha,rriag%alad .St ~ d p at.Haward Deata,, School 0f Arohitreefturewd Bltmn$w, M. Z. T. Govermetnl Service: Parks .,and Plannina. and S tab@ Deaartntenti Ar~hiBs~Lure Abroad SCHOOL OF ARCH36TECZTlmE, WITVERST!lY 0 2 ' GALIBQRf'IA , 1950-19453 Prior t o 1950 The School under Dean Wurster PLAHlVISG THE UlgIYERSI!E G A M F W @.ckaround Freation w , d W0r.k sf the Campus Planning Commit tee plannfna on 0ther Campuses The Future 238 worn SUM$ TROUGH29 ABOUT ARCHITECTURE 262 1. Broohu~s,Wurstear, Barnardi and Emons, scrahit;eotrs 284 2, Talk by Lawrsnee Anderson a t Dean Wurster's Retire- man$ Ceremony, 4 June 1963 308 3 . Interview, San Pranciseo Ghr?nials, June 1969 318 4. Citation for LL.D. granted by the Unfversitiy of California, Berkeley, June 1964 319 5. [ ~ n original manusoripti deposited in the Bancroft Library, ~erkeley] Photographs o f8 Yarba Buena Club, 1999; Sohuokl Cannfng Co. Office Building, 1944; Nelson Nowell House, Garmel, 1948; Centedr for Advanoed SLudies3 in the Behavioral Soiences, Pala Alto, 1954; Mason Wells and Frank Hamiltan House, 1962;G0lden Gateway Redevelopment Project, in prociess. Articles from Archi taeturab Reoosd, April 1960, WeLlingBon Henderson residence, 1959; George Pope residenos, 1958, And January 1963, Mr. and Mrs. Jams V, CoLemn residence; Pirst Unitarian Church, Berkeley; United Statas Consulate Offiae Building, Hong Kong, INDEX 1 . N a m e 2. S u b j ~ ~ t Wwe.t;eerr Hy $ & % ~ P ' B$a%hm aame fxaa! South Qemauygr* Ea ome aaxoao %he I ~ B h m & of Pansumti BQ 84~1 Franer%soo, WJd $0 ~%O&%O&S X'm that S, &SEX'% WOW more abou* hb. Biers@t Wh9 ma hfa Wbbsaa? ~~90cgtrt1 &on'B wen k n ~ w o n 4 4 Thay ha4 1hofd & I ? %3ae, Hiler m e w2m C33LPi.~tf an 'tf&U?l*ta~. H;B grmuWo%har fzoiao B@s:lU, eaad r a h e owma €%I?QW~ Cape Born* And I've &&WWPJ be%^ very aozxy %ha8' 1 1 8 1 were newx ~miouamou* $0 &arkm$ &t; Louiee, my $a$h@r'a rs%@tex,, who o$ sowPse had a11 %hararefkhe9e stowed U kezL abau6 th& $in@, before he too had d3r4, &Lars% t You didat% kslov yo= gsr%tarkmaSgrandpfxeen4m, %hea? Wurs.tiers Yea, 3; U e w 113y $21admb%h8xybuL when I slev%n YBWB ou OIIB txi~a, Ny mo);heatra eiBe o f the family CT-~ from Ban.gor+ l a b e , ZR 1881n X WE&@ ~ = @ 4W i l X f t Z . ~ BJSl@W fax molthelcrre fa%hw, P a y gmndrnathtsr'@miden name waa $UB, P*st, T+IBOR my gmndma%h~r hagpene8 %g same wtxoa8 %he QG)IU%%P~~ her hueband had dLed ~ n e dxt;~ axad said3,H W r e wk11 *hire taka ma?* "10 i3tockton, aenlafo~nia. Ch~aght69373 80 @ %hey ame aoroess on Phe @id41% Ral;tBdl taking the* awn bUmks4isp a$ eoau?.@e. 8he fovnd GaliLeQrrafla very rough lsaa unc6u8h atnd moaquiteey @addasty Bhe long, dry mumera. ran a b o ~ ~ d i w h~uaeb a i3~0uic-bon aLna n a y motbm Hi& ~ ~ ~ 6 ) 1 1 f %Q S % Q U ~ ~ O ~Scho~X, ~ d ~ L W ~ Y B m ~ h longed t o gee b a ~ k50 Bew BngXmdo So fSnally, h about 1900, ~lhsdid bwk $0 Hew W~glmd,bu% be- Sore a raaath hait gone by, %other mewered Bhe fmnk l#tx;trs%errs app5+2# m e t mnaZXem than 1C ~~~bmeabflt~ed~ &ad E never w m d i t o go bad&agaipz, X n%ver#rant 450 I@&vb CaJ.ifo~n3.a. X b o ~ a ft hexel and LCSJBie here w;tBhiauB eoaglaLnt. Hy Da.libe;r fM@he)dstr~hsnl~3urou& rsi&%h paQ4?a&d$ha he wrtent %Q W U X ~ , h*he w&s & W ~ I Zntazeste4 An e€tvc&%ional tUrqe, and fewton Dmxy here in Unive$a&%y I#?&meios srernmberar hew he Baqked P*enrsi@a $a3 . 9 5 4 and how mush h a s had BO do w&%h Atllrelita BeA,xib&~B% % Q % B ~ 01% %here 80 l#@+bVF@, Hy $ather help@% asgmSaa, and mapport the &&enraian m 3 c k 3cm SI3~;ookb0~, a s a tbt Zn 19x4 they had abou-b 3 W gsoglet djtenr3ikq a wa~Ee%g essieta QP l~e-ea ant3 BiaeuasPsna Q# Pitaxa%urtb He did give MmesebP @d%a$cbi3ion,quite olewly, Ye$ he daered as moh a@ la boy that he did srsmef- for: me wkish I s an Incrrxlerd2b5+ bUng and baa to do a gxeat Be& w i * h fibs fund of hawledge I ge@r~raaati, (and X &dwaya thou$h%mimybody hati i t J; rea53Lsed w b ' k h q r hadl done f ~ x n a r )8 he waa 3.~ e bar& ahnd *Me lrtettulrt ha bad h03fBr;aylir off when o12tterrs d98at$~ V B - 1 bank holidayrs, hslf4aya thr 22n8 of Psbmwy, ant! so oa -- and tan saoh s f %ha@@ Vwt@%W8 he WQUL& l ! k e 8.68 $b1 3 % ~ ( 3 f %he'60-, $&k@ $Q . aea haw &% W Q Z ~ B ~ . 3 wan* tl~) a n@mtpqm fhsy woad carol* my &we &na @Lug@blea%*1 went %@ %he S%OB~K%OB arsa8hg Z m r i Woxlm md they made b~aaeto $how ae huw %ha b~~aa.gber wen%$0 a $bra, %he any-khdng E atmld me2 have @oughta y r a ( e s Z f l -- ZC juut aocamatd a3.Z ia*mre wax@Like thPia ax~l-ktlZ gaw up* Uaast Be haad ertogpd s~hoo2 in et@fath@ads. Then where did hr 8~orfQ mxatsra H s ,only had tbss snployexla9 irn M s 11Zie4, a p;LwmB- Zng fZrm, 8%tzs8H@n Xxon WQE~B, m d 'he kept book@ 3.n tihe Seuj. Joaq'tlin ValLasy Bank, wwoh waer ab~oxb& br $he dmk of &er?ioeb. He die& &a 193%. U ~ P J ~ t How did he saad yaw m%hm rncse*, w d when were $hay mawzrie&? b s t e ~ r ! ! b e y ae% in S.tjoak%on,w d q h l s r y were a a ~ r i o dfra 1894. oBhcrr people $ h o w ny @oarsinQXo%UdeQrm#@k!y had aqma $ran Q a e m a # y eLna he ha4 married Ololbilde, rnw~iadher abt%er PreBexSoka a d had %&ee Efii&d~en raothw?, who alr@a;dy had 8ws ah;lSetren &fred stad r;lau3.rse] m a liben *hey hati a mWal chtJ.4, so f3 W ~ E I a faL.raily of sXmen ahildrasn and they w e ~ e atepa, a~ueine~ a~rtof ~ ~ Z a t i o n & i p , weay m a d if wag a very happy houseahold axZd we W ~ P @ all vary ctLoae i n mimy ways. By t2n0h CC-1 mad Grunsky w a r n %heciBy engina$:x of 8a.n Rrmo$~ooa d oae o f %he Mar@tBr%xr ierrpt P m w QmsZaomiieosr~oner~ IQ %ha% he a e a - g%& a vtmy g3;~ea-b pZm$ %u %ha anghneering world. tlllae~ew e rEJ,a@$ 'bload k5.n of mine of erowre a% all, bu$ ?&9 ~@nnsction$s VW$ cLose beoauae they waxe a 1 bxo@B ~p $sge%her. @amoh PQZ"ny f ~ ~ e h e m a . M w 09 %he U g h s@h@@l tes@hex~ had betm in BB~GQJ.with ~eto%he;r so B b t I had a armaurkabl@ toaoP1 w&+haha high aekool % W Q ~ Q X B . And a gmaQ many 02 tllm b ~ ~ a b d w;tth w amt LQ~SBQ ~ W W ~ C ~ Z - J , my ~ c a r t j l t t w ' a nriatar, a 'beLovad pexsaon Zm Bh8 fa@ly, She w m a apineter md rsn a bomdlw houbte, arzd a ne,n,de~fil e t o q .,, BiPg fa%h%x was a very out- going, generow, w m huunw being er whcm I wan ashamad of becaaprrre be waa eo Lssk%n@ Znatight-- md when the .t;eache: in drawing om% to the town to @ $0 my aunens l o live) and @he got on ~.trree%~ax awd wked where Qa& 9%rebe%i was, this gatlemw, eh@ %raid,rerahed fox he2 avitrctariae and took he3 Lo %he door, Cwo ~ I Q C ~ E I and said, 't2hia t o the away, addr~oteryou csle~.tioaed.'~She wag abdtouded a d be @aidt~ my ~ w t "'GYho soul&p o a ~ i b l y bava t~ldl Sltoutas, wh~x43z W a f $ @3h!k# $0 be B%-?" W?.wtstex z "Oh, %ha% woaZd be my bxotber," Shs wee tire $ w e ~i At, avld eo it W$L181. 1% w a a r a v s q w m , happy hou8ehotd *hat f QI;resw up fn. BZer#a t D%& you have bro%hertjm d @is%@ra? W w a Q w t One arkstex, Eelen, Fonx yewa yoz~n$ea?, And ahre mmried 011990atd Haybeak, whose Pa%h@x was a oousin of .the arohitsof hxnard P ~ y b e ~ k . Riesat Was your %other artis%io? W'13~~9%&1:4 NQ. MY ~wn% Louiacs always sad I: mat have, gotten my instizlct for % M a from xa;y gat;er~nalpandfa%hez-, who wae a il~b2:rLa.g~ paIn8er. R i ~ h l ~ 1 The @@;polls ea,r~&ritge~? and d@06~&%iV8 W O T ~Q& Wur@text Tea. And BB- %he drawing teetohesa aLww lAvedl a% my aut1i3 hourae where POP a v e ~ y eiaplas house- laold a a y aunt @tarried on really a -- a&on ie much %oo gr~%entPoua -- buO %here always was good Qonh vsrration a% dinner: and she a,aw %Q Pt fhat iC was kepf on %hat plans. Rsz firsl boa~dexaae old U, Pxedwick layer of the California Oolletge of & t i i $ l and Crafts, who just diecd la& yeas, Eet miwried a S%OOMQ~ wogl~an, 1@%t Stockton, and durn m a d fowded $he Col3ege sf and Cr&Oa hers in Wwaster~ Brisskeley, A n d %hers. I & , #,S, U o s erne fxem PhZla- de1pU.a and stas;yed with hex mti2 he too left Bhs t o m . Mr. Rtae taugh-b & a - in B$;ocMaaHigh Sch~sl, He w w a ghot;ogxapher, too, and used my sister md me aa nodelta Bo illuetra%epuk%lca%$an~. iU.eaas 2kks was the Sirst ~ 8 o p for people irsm the Bwt3 9trw?~%e2t Pee, they ware teatthing in the high o s b o l , R5esara8 T wonder why bhsy rilettlsd on 8tFosWon. Vnratert Well, Janrssa B r a r r w a a r a very farnous oi$y aehoal aag@rh$enden% and ddentZy I* Bhe St. Lsaio 3aj.x *- AXi 9904 OE 1905 0- %be Btock-bsn 8oh00lt9 won the aweegatakes. R ~ B B H o w much t h e 83.8 sglend a% your aunh'a? o ~ o u Wt~~?a.Sezo F Y e 3 1 , I qui$re o f 4 a went &own $0 dinner %hears wbm rngr mother wanted t o go out, I% w a r n a big $able and a good Labls, and %hex@ were rlL ssrtrs s f SnterssBing aonvsrscsation@. R t e e a a r 50 yau would be baby-aat %haerewhen your mothex wa8 out? WwsLer a My grandmothax ztlwaye lived w i t h ua, aa it would wean t b % s h ~ went o u l Boa becstuee normally ah@ would bs the baby-eitter, had b d . $ l iAn. 3899 rs; bnuare, 3 a %betO h e m growing xsrax-&hw@at aes%iono$ %be fawn, and %he @-kyleand the i!o@Won Qsnne tiumand %ham, They J u t Uppsbraed t o W%ldin an opportnme, pLaese. Ran *hay built the famn land wae Jnat ima bXaaks @way. A n t 3 there wsa a when wce had fhs only tiel@- phone 1r1 the nePgEMbarbud. l?he beaus of the g$rLa in 4he nei&bozhood would oall our hotzae and I e i t i l l remsmber q y m m o 0 h e r going -tie the window and oalling on%, "&layXian~gr ! You*rewan.I:ed on *he telephonei * E~ar;lght~] Wa wepe the food. point 3 . n the neighbor- hood w i t h that telephone, Anmay, 3Daok.Pian w a r a ;lust at the begJsming of f$o grow%hperiod then -- wbouf 30,000 people and 5% had be- tabout 10,000 when my fa9her w w Ztom I- and every SWw af%wno-~n wen%$0 ejee ny aunt we bouiae, the ~ 1 a B e r who kapt Ohe boarding house, A g r s a L C many o%hms o m ~ a t i ~ n s d l atoyped in. My A u n t Jjo%Bis Gzuxwky lived there +oa and; ah@ was a fmouta ttBa~h%~ in SDooktron; @he %atzghBfourth 6rade for years laad yervrs an8 they named a school 'BB/W~.I+~TO %orher4 Ny saot3ha4r and my sister: and Z a l l had her f@r s O e a c h e ~ ~ X sacmber ola8 ~ t o x y which i8 w a ~ off t o one sjtde. V & e n X me8 HetLen m d 33il.l Croelr6e;s [ W i l l i a m Gzactk~r,grandeon of ChwLsa Crsck;s3?]many yeami in Sam P ~ W ~ ~ B ~ O P I Q , B i l l C r o ~ k msaid to me) ~lhph@re ds yozlz @one Proas?; "$took-boa," I s&d. Be staid, HRymother fEtihbbl W. Spemy Uroakesj cornen aarn SCotzkten,n tI I know oh@ does," X oaid, "because my aunt tau&% h e m in school -- bu-t you wouldnlt h o w about ifa" Wh, please f e l l ae wha* her naae wae," name was Lottie Bmn~ky. t' q o t t know h~rl 1 was brought up on the say-, 'You ahildsen can never be well eduoated becaune you didnlt have Lo%tfs Gmaneky,'" Hps, W,H, Croek~x remenbexed hear that vividly, atld that wa8 what pu8 me i n toach with the Croakers, and the Yerba &ena 013% in 1937* was really partially a reaul* of this old Stoakton cormeetion, WuP~.t;@3? t 1 4 3 1 1 , when we went down Bo ay a % ~ a t ' ~ an Sunday~ a@ would go by difPera31.t ~~uQesa the In wdtw %a see new houwa. BJew h o u ~ e ~ a@, aa awep fa~eik~a%@& $hey did my motherr and iathe~. I;y ieielmx never fell under apfsll. My ~liie*tbr w941 fnpa1tent ma wa53tetf t o be w9t;h her f~Penda*eo aha never 382ne6 UB h %he88 walb, But I d28nqt have any f d % # 4 ~ .X waa an ofZIharrsse emly in the game and was by myarlf a great deal, acna nr Sather and. taot~haxa d f , evaery Sunday ti&termson we'd set out mad look at?all Che housa the% asre being ?mil%fn bht~atidgbborhood. Tt wa& a pcexfecCly marvel@usr ~ e r i e n o e , &a@ t Yoa @ayyou were tan off-hssae? W@senqPyou a kaeal%by cMlbS Twaf er: Yea, I was psrfsat'ay lzeal8hy I would s@y, Oh, 1 had bout@ with 211 health later on in college %ha% pxs- ven-bed me from going into %he firer% wo~1dw a r v@ry aa$fvely and then a bout in ahleago in the thir%ise, aria i n %he fiftiats, and the current Parkinaonte d l ~ e a ~ e r Illlrses you don't relaember being eiskly aej a ~hild. hwetllsror . mat it waa -- Z ueed t o Zove Lo read. 1 read, re&, read, ~ e a d and endaged i% T ~ B axa~b,a@ I eme en bar, Bone Biokene and %hingeLike %hat, Ig FwsLcart fi;tcally finally decided that 1 was awh an odd on@ $hat I ' d better go ou'b and make some Prfends. And X wza~very ~ Q S F ~ wAlf right, ff 1 but 1 8aLd, must have frimda, Itllhave Chem." [~augh%erxf So I wen* QU% and faat t o work ewzd joined a n~ighb~x- hood gang, Abad waa a vary good gang, nicre kids, and we had time. a w o ~ ~ r ~ 11% w a s l my parenZ;a booting na out, as it watxs, %hatreally helped me there, Another thing -- in %he earlfr life a% the University I belonged t~ a fratsrnfty, for whioh I ' m vary grateful because t b g further booted me into reality, T learned how Lo get on wi%h people and to exgreoe myefelP not too ds~a8ically0 For an over~ens~%tive to byel t h ~ ahlild ib w a r s very good edge@blunged just a little b i t , becau~eit really ~ a k e a %or a s-brongsr person in the end. aiesnso How about high eohool? Did y ~ u join in there? Yvrer9;ero I n~vexdfd any at2ile.f;iosat all. I waa totally never wanted t o compefs i.n anything, X wlan%edt o ds $ha bee% I could andex the given conditions; I didn't w a n t t o bs contraatad w i t h somebody else. (I even brough0 this through here in $he S~ho01 a$ &QMI~BQ%W~. Eexa the nos* impoxtan%trUng i s e Oh@ as0vdent, Bia awn gzowth erta~hgear. had when ws a m n p m t p hba ,drawb!&rw i t h Me o m d r a e g a from emZSetr he may have gofits %hief a , whezt~aaa very gif*d nay have gnly gone %ha% fm, %eU, .t;bier man haas Peaz?atidnore Bhaa the other feblsw. Bach per%om8e worek hafa az qvsliti1~zLiveva3.w of it@ own. ) YOU Uved alossra, .t;o your elemen%ary8ah0~1. Haw about %he hlgh eahooX? DiB you have a Long walk? Xo, high school was only five blockm away, ~o X E ~ w & Y ~ Was 03-0~tBtQhorn. z8C%4QnC h~T39fDT ~ ~ C ? h S 31: never cwrP@dm y lunch, %hiasI t;hink w o n s both &o@d and bad, bad in the sense $bat$ 5 sraw La88 of A lo& of atlsars me% have been do- the @am@ thw, Ytm, but %her@ were 1 grea%atmy of thea who were br-w $lat3iz lunahea and *her woulil get $a Bee eaoh other inbefwteen #oh001 4i2mca1. Vae youm P family, bneidentaI.ly? Q ~ U X Q ~ W ~ O S ~ ~ Tea, The New BngqlarsB wide took uss t o %he Cangragek- 'I&%ond. Churcsh, W e p e a they very s@ligtouas,BSbJLab-reding -- ~amsrtrsxo HQ, ras, moe$ d s d t e ~ . Oap Smnlly wse taxy mueh mt in %ws ;Isa the sslepee $ha%B h e r i e a wrtrre diffsfr~441i'bsus.lt;ontsr. B B g $rand- mothtar had Cwa 8iatrsra and a bro%he~who la%es@ m e t t o 8taaR.bsfi and ws 81waye hcdld 2h~fllk:sgivingdPrmntsr wi%hthem, beamat4 our Ihankag5vlng was on %he Haw Bnglmd side of %he familyb Then Chriasttmas wwa away@weth Che Qsmmside of the fmibyi; we kad Bhri,etmaa with r-ny AunB bouise for mng y@ara, fifSss8s Dhd you live with your aunt mtZ1 the houae w s j r r s r hil*? Wu~atmt go, *hey 11vd in another house m d %hen built this B0't98(9. Biiea~ t BQ you xemsmbex efeekng your awn home in prooeaer? Wur;er%er a Vary vl9idly, E Y I p first mcsmory of the pbaca, praafi- oally, w r s ~leaping aver a pile af wood -- 1899, 1 was 911~21year8 old. 1 rmember lt very ws11. Rush- f~r%hwa&t the a~l~htnt;ecB.(Be did %he old S a ~ ~ e i ~ e o hoLe1 whwe the ai%y 12al.l had iba tempor- ary heaCaquart~rrslEaftsr %he fim. ) 1 4 y ma$her alwap deu3tad %ha% Xr, R U B M O F ~ ~ W ~ B a 60061 arohitsc% bemuse he 8Zdntt pat a doorbell in. Wwatt~zr X t w w a T%eBoz.famhauras. 1% had aemB@ra %ha% were 'bowgh8 by n m b w ea1-s %hatwexes bought by nuenbeg frore $ha s saslntel %ha% w a a r b~ugh* by nunber from .the maiX1. A sattage -- %t had a p e ~ ~ I o r i.n $be Sroaf, l b e g porn, dSn%ng room, kit&e~rl, % h a $Wee bratdsrocms earning off fkta Itbae walks, %he howa, $b% I began t o ask qaea%ions about w h a t I was s~eing* And ~ome-Ehbg I asked wsa, ymwr In @dPfcsxnia, waB ta v ~ ~ f y strong person, e r h e a d d to me, "Bow, why no% Be an arohiGeeh if you're interested in buildlag? If you ever da not Like it yoax o ~ l nleave it," BuZ; the idea waa t o s t a r t with eomething pasi.t;i.ve, SQ I was @nzcouragsdin drawing, smaaurag@&in obi~ervat2on,encourag~din all thslae thiwa at boas, And thwe wa@never w doubt. Eieerrag In I & $ ways moourag@d? wU;rs%ert Well, extra drawing c~lassesrawit& the Beachesol when %hey had an oxfxa how a% aah001. And they would do Wra&wt %Masbelaraws %hey liked my Aunt LsLOSe Gmmrsrky as w ~ t l l * Bleaer Bow ex;.t;eneivabid %ha iimaw5ng a d g&#%fw beo0n8P Wwatearr ~rti)trer ~ e a l l y . Ny g u t waa more a intellec+ual gifI thm a daawing gift, really. 1 could do s reasonably good d~sttl~ig but T never really exoellsd a% it. And %hattawhy my early time hem in the TJniveraIty I vary much iel* that I was an a oorduroy xoad aver @hiah everybody else paoasd , doing dhese wonderful. randerlngs of buildings. I hsdntB tha abill-ty t o do entrrarzalag d ~ a w L i s as suah, 3 wderrsZiood the ien-kelle&u&L asld a u b s B ~ ~ ~ v e aide, while %n wha* thsy were doing the proassa exeeeded the product. 1% s$iI.l b~lds%rue, in that my hou~ea m a r r r r m a h better in the fact than in the pio%urem X%% partly due 50 Ohe feet %ha* you san only take a plcBuxe of the ends of apace m d not a ~ Z a $ a r e of the epaue betwaen, which f e very irapartm%. Be863 2 Were you given muaio lessons? Rtaratasrt Oh, yes, pima, w d I d i d 2%unt;il 1 realflred f wau2dnvt Impxeve any more and then 8-bopped- 1% waa the baaic % B h gto da &en you were a child) I ' m sure it was rtght. 22Le4tro Bo y a m rslraresbtw Up* a fee&- of aclod bad &baa$ % h ~ WUhnlr;bl en4 %haw.okti$esama %ha$ you a$tw b S$QS&$Q~? W U P ~ B ~ % ~ ~ Q ~ S Yeel atad OwteW ranrmt%srthin@@ dagget8 ~ i a r&53,ny life. l h ~ z s w m a vhicaxa of a houea au4i SEa i8a~t'srLane B b t W B S ~lived ; i a h d %hbtWiIheit~,W U O ~a w~ndes$ul.bovo-sPozy poroh w$%h wrlateria on it, The aw?ziagas drove ~ ~ a d 4 x *Be goreh, Z always ~ a e d 88 beg 'k9 aFQp b;V e~ltrdlook *- m a y %'b M d 1 8 f & r e ytjmre labr H WLW w ~ r k i ~ for Wle W X l h ~ i t , k t before ah@'& gottea me #he'1 Ii~tcrngdt;o a aoa8rs~Boswho'd %am that whale pdmh Bwn. feha houeas w a r r just ~ l h o ~ n oi fte glo~r,o m bf B b sadQset dMnga f 'd ever set#&, BuQ Bhot wae the s~L&ln09 the romantio phase Jln p~troff~s~~li~nail X ZPPBS~ ~~. Wsoert &B o m you xenegnbe~tuq plans@tiha* you con~id~lred +s be xegular homsrs7 %raterr Yeap the &mgwgaf%anal,WU;P&J t h ~ r e wai3 I brsax, ILat3gMwJ 1 vsgd %o amme ayaelf by llw we hail a 128816 @lab w%.t;h $be boy@E w m %ai$h a d we*& want OMngiis t o do, wad 80 X bvtants4 a gw%. I wotzld draw s pieWrs 0% their house QB a blaakbaw8 ficm raemexy @amle%ekr.X could l a m y house $ha% they rslralsed a c e , my pl~acle01the %ern, x& w a s s so ph~-kograpbd b a y nem~f~~y thsitr 1 realy ao~l(8 go ahnoat a2gb-h & Q W ~ the H%Z~Q'&, m y I w e a r had such a @-boreo f nmaesnm Bsd oaly knawe. Wae i-b phote~iagh;bo nemory or Bit3 you ras&ly a*&$ *ire tow you awed wowd'Y Hot T~&.&Y. C 8 ~ t d . E i$ h i = ~ appfW16d *O m6f ~ 4 ~ 8 8 h l tWa17;a 8idnttc Ger4mi.n things in %he Xi$%leViator- l.m h~ub~eta were Quite guoB. !+Phsttar what they wax4 for a e ra~s.0 pmt, BZaCoriezn? pzZl4s old h0-ea WQFe V $ o ~ ~ $ $ ~ , Xots mr9 -probably unique in. ~onrcgroup in bowing wh-t; you wexa t o do, -bBaf you were goug 80 Gal. IPhaBtsr r5ghf. Mr. Howard 15euf just o a w , you erese, about Dan yeaw prcsvioue, a d ay mother @aid, *Thraretos %he,pZsa.oe t o go be81uae he i r a a very a004 m o h i B + ~ t , ~ BQWw a e ~erhe 610 bn .%ouchwi%h%Me? Prom hbtx resd$ag. She was a mazing womaa, 1% fate had deaL$ her b s h g an W ~ B L ~ S ~ ~ O F ~ B W%SB62 my%hing like *ha% w&uSd hem don@St wi$h gr@a% aplomb, She mr a very glft& woman+ Wl;lrar.ti@x t B b did dl1 her hoa~ew~rk btsoau~lewe didnfQ &T@ enough m~ney, IY~ ls, when I % % m e 8 b t o eollegs i m i l y w a gs9.t;ing $200 a non% md 1 got $50 09 ft t o @om@ t o oollsge. Just W n R o f that! TiSemr 'Mow 4iQ they amage %a W d a houm? W W B ~ ~ E S They barrowed arsney from my pandno%her,my sothex'lil rno.9;hssrband p a d hex %he rsaB of Be2 lLfe. The only ino~mer e h e s had wree that $6 a maa%h. Yea, a d my mo4hex -- nobody ~mstOla the hours@ fa no& -- 4id all the ~c3.ubbin.g %he flaara and a3.l $he lawdry, and d l Oh@ cool- wid every- $hibig elm. $he W ~ B sexy strong, ate one meal a dr~g,dbner, a d %hatw a all, Bever ate Ismoh, never ate breaf as*, IPllssrcr: my'? WwbaLax~ She didn4t wan* t o , And @he wrrra probably ahre finest bride;@player in $own, BZaye96i a nagniiicen.tf garae of bridge. She nevesz played for money, and even $hau@hah@ bsXsnged t o %he be$$ Brfltge club, wM8h dfd pXay for aoney, shet$play but abet woU4n4%t&re money, Bha area hsz mrcram ~eromcs.t;Pmensl, &ownw&, 80 @he woul4niB ~ X W ~ Y G pdssa, be ge6t- $be really made %he 10at 09 a BalZw Q$ any @anTt+s ever meen 2n my Zifr. W e 4idt s $ma% deal of ern1ertaixtLn.g, mtwh co~~pmy, much gollng and aonsiing; ye& noB&it~g was %a@ mch work, 8medng. Oomgan$ baing pebgle from th@ East? No, rela$ive~~ and 9 waa Bhi-g m o ~ tof -bhe young peaglb -- we a s ~hildren,om cornpay, We wma &tway~hav%ngsl~meonein t o din net^ wi%hua. Hardly a day went by %&a% we dILida9, And when we were in eoll-age they all awe hams from oollege with us, You $owB quit;@aoaial, WelL, X w&$ made e a a beaauae sy family didn't believe I E I EUIB$-SSCZ&L. '~sUI~ Dfd you ge* fo b o w woht%satain Stiookton in 2 ~ 1 9 ~ thti~ereemlg diaya? Pi& you have any ~ e d l eontac.tr wi%hthem? Peas. The mas% famoura: n a in Sfookton bfr f w was a man by Bhet ame of E,B. Brown, w w m Xngli~hman and S sussgeot; drink brought bjlla %harePnettead 0 3 ' his beAng Sp a blgges~glace, but kr really did beseut;fful, be@u$SFul Bkingras Be dfdt pr 8sondeaful hotzee in Staokton fox %he VaZk Oea7nflly and i ' l ;wao a great houee in Qawn 203 a w t Y ~ ~ W B ,zt ww QZ t~hd @raiGm@n-$ypa h~azraew ,Bha ffxsO wiW %he ZOX 2;Islea, naf 8 V%aQoaZa*nBousr, i n that who3.e blmk oe ltm4 gract.trb~ml3g. ICBatitrs w h a t 7811 Bean whm y ~ u ; r qu~raftiarmm*? WelXb 1% W ~ B a beok aaXlerU tan esa when *bay did & t r o and BrtafBer, i$#nion fumt%uree m fzoa %ha% era, .t;btngm &$ke that, lhir ilai .t;he,novmen.ti I n Bnglmd'P Willim Nax~iar? 1% probably w a a r Phe C&1 end oPI $he m~vimaklz% in Bnglaad ctoaing Zn &~riea. wCr~Zrcsrm~ff wi%hwood. 12 wbU4 fW34 a&eo~jv&te I b l r a hype. m e m o v e r m m t of tho 3ioyc~ai%a~', %he iollortng ia exo@~pted foam 2ha Boyaxgft Boo$, The fay~zwftiBhop, Bae Isa Baycmaftar~ja m e a cola- m % t yof wsrksra who make baaau$iftzl Book# an& Things -- rna3t5n.g B h m ae good a# %hey om. gaper on aWab Bsrye~oftboakg m e painDed i a a Qhs vezy )see% gsemxab1e9 a&taont~o f %he Mtfals hand illum%ned,. , QUF work i.8 %he ~ I ? O ~ U Q % Be&, of %he three Bp8: Hemf sad 33~4, X a %&inp aade by herad $here arr no du'pli- aatseg aa8 t'urthe~,thsrs i~ a qnality of sa$irn#nt &ttmbat o artial@taBhus p ~ c ~ 3 ~ 0 6 d nevtm elinge thraf t o ferlr;r$sza made in vaat quan%i%ias by erCemn. &.b ;t@ $he axpgcss%ionof rmtan'e $oy in his wo~k;an4 %Be e3ptiw o3.e mads Sn joy wATIZZ g 1 ~ eJoy again to the %&&fv$&ual %Isatgoeaemaes it. &? @xplan&+~io~ of $bRoyctx~ftiIda&, cEitled *A Saaial and Sgiiuwdxi,al Expszctmenti,'' i s fnoluded 3.n fhg above ~almlog, 1 C t ~ E Iwritt;ern by Elbart Efmb'be%rd( 1 ~ 3 6 ~ 19151, the 1eader and 18pokea- for *he In~tlda~+l~n. Any of %he wsltinge of Elberr4 Hubbmd will laad the retadsr . t ; ~ the Bsp$??o~%e3?a, 1 Wwa~Csr: and &he deukle eags ~ r s magoaiuear and .trh&ngsl i k e $ha%, Ph0topaghar were UPIUISLSIZ~blwrred m d sn %he sof* side Cpi&orialf rsarJ+ -$ng high raahool f warked fax &)own fn the e x An& ItX& never f@rg@% -- he BIIW 15% 1 8 - vary bat%&boa% piay-5~ b91I.1~ he aaid CQ mag V@I, you kseg txaok of y a w time," !tUe plaaeed se vez$ muah an& I kept %racko$ Oh* time, an8 them he never paid ms tyzy$Mngl Z w02keB for U m i o ~ %has whole aumm. Hy parenta wsss iaoensed about it I % & 1 wesaa18nt8 1@1 them go 50 h b abou-k itr, I said, "lo, if Z was worth s~methingbe woultl gay me. If X weren't, Bs w o ~ l d n ~ % , ~ byway, f Learned eo muoh, Rle~so Had of work Bid you do for E . B . Brown? ksstarr~ I drew plmla, msa~urhgout, blueprin%Ong, aknythimg that WBP done by the offioe bog. &Leas@: You were called an offloe bay? W ~ S ~ Q X Ye0 ~ -- everybsdy cstti3.3. haar them. RPerila: Did you work for Brown otpmera 8uring oolLeg~P Wwe*sr: as, i.t; WRB more profitable t o do aurveyiag, and &Lao it waa mme out of ~ O O P S . 1 wae rather weak-framed and i t built up my hetalth and mad@ mee a sBuxdier pextimn. R i m a ~ SQUXmother thought it would be good for you t o oome Os Gal beoeruss John Galan Howsurd was hare. BuZ; if he hadn't come gi3.gh-b you have stayed aa an rapgrsn$iae d h h Brown m d gotten yaw axchf- teoQwal traiaing Bhat way7 Wwe.tser: !&aqt;'@ very tr;luer, I sigh%. Pxcapt ay fa-khsr w a r a b~und,having been wo ~u~tailed fn educa'bion, that X would go to Phe Vni~ermity. ?his was not a matter of mohiP;aature, just a maftex of prinoipltsr, School of Architse%urs and FaculOr, 1913 B i t ~ s ~ : Xn 1913 you ems t o Berkeley t o bhs Bniversity sf CcaJifoxnia %o study areshitee0ure, Vaa there my- oae else b your high eahool alass who was going t o be an mohiteet? Warstcar8 Za, eexoept one of the b o p who o m s down the year I a i d and joined the i r a % ~ s ~ n % t y -- three o f us joined S i g m Chi -- was going t a be an ascM%ea-b, bta-i: he Beeided that businsska would be much be%ter for him so be lei% arohi%eo%me very ~ a s l y in %he faiess: gme I Did m m y of the people in your high school some C a l l t o Wurloter: There were abou% 100 g~sauratesin *at high sahsol in 1913 and I ' d say abonC twenty or ahirty erne here asld +hen f think abouS four or five went f o R i s m : S t a d o r d , Was there ever any eon~idesationof going Baot oollege? t o Well, th~xe cjouXdnt.tr be bercauns none 09 ua hsd any money, Tau JUB* O E ~ U ~ ~ X Z ' % . w@ f%es. A n d ws la~v;LBn~L afforb the r d h o a d fare, o r smy%Mag ~ ~ k 8 9 r One tins one 09 the boy8 at the fxater&.%y when P wanted -&a go f~ one o f -the par4iiere ant! T usuldn't afford $0 go, he arsked, ' m y donst you w k YOU pwents Par msneyTfl 1 was t~hooked. I"X aoul8rmf*b,%hey haven't 80% any. 1 woulth" think a$ asking themrfl They gave $650 a nton%hfor saoh % e m fop eight aonP;hs, about $400 a yew, and 9 worked in aumsxa t o augplemsnt that a d t o esrrvl money for elothtsle, and went %boughoollego en that. f notfaed fxeebmul gmmetarical drawing among the Sahool ei &chi$soturefs admlaaian requiremen%@ in 3913, Ilsa%'s right, m d I d i d have meahmica1 drawing in high aach001~ And who else would h ~ v e been taking Ohis other than people going into mchitee%ars? I Bhin3h mybody who waa bent in thio dix@085on would be liable 80 be taking A%, Waa it a cowrae that someone p~spmingt o be an engin- e4er took? Ytes, Xornram Pmb, who suns %Z;h B w p on W e Bay Bridge, w a s Zn tihat class." And ha nae as auoh a stubborn German %hen, inefdentally, ae he is now, [Seaughtier3 Did oQher new mehlteotuzle sCudsnt8 have a@ muoh prep&ra%ionae you did, or mare? As much, except for the extra-cu~ricularthing@ %hatZ had in Stoakton, and the w i l l to be an mohi%ec%. How long laae tho mehitecture ourrloulum when you It wae four yews. I And i $ w a ~ oalled fhe Sohool of Arohitieoture. Why? SahooZs take charge of the uFper division work of 8keir student$. A nollege take8 the &Men%at his * A t the tine of building the Bay Bridge originally, in 1936, ~o limited wae knowledge of t ~ a f f i o path texnma that; no all.owmce waa made for the truck# -- esngfneerfrig educaatdon was mcth $00 narrow, laeking craativeneaa about 9* -- and so In 1962-69 %he upper deok had t o be lowred %o the tuns of a million and FA .half dollarls Oo care for t h l ~ lack of bwgins.tioa. Is.w.3 In order to inoreaea %Be clearklra6e in the upper dealt of tha bridge whsre i t pames throu$h the %%amel on Yesba &@riaTnebmd, the work w a e r nnder%&ant o lower $ha$ deok, The work was Gone below tihe ataxface of the dsclrk and wi%hthe gnc~?;eotionof a ramp-like u h m p MwUoh extended aorogs d l l a w atad whioh moved from one ~ n d of the eananel fo %he sther a8 %he tsak waa ~ompbsted, [sa,l WwaLerr iiss-b yo-; tbatra the diffsrenoa between them, (1% wae a aahosl of W ~ I T ~ ~ Q O Q ~ U ~ S and a department of architecbxs aZI in one animal, wA%h one head, until 1953 when iC beame the College of &chi- BeaWre beaausa re took over wha% we had ac%uaXltg Been doing all %he *fms with the a%udentfrom h i s fir@% year on, 1% went baok to a department again when we organized thia new administrntSve p a n n i t , the College of EhviramenOal Dsaign.) R,iesaaf &en when you were in the school. atmeture you didn" have much akolae in bower divieion, did you? Yws?;rsxr No, it was ~ r e t t y muoh prescribed. W e didrz" get muah architec%ure. We got Bone drawing, Freehand drawing, and a li3tI.e wataroolor, The archi-taatwe ema mostly later. We d i d physios, English, history, and %he usual other thinga. Rlesa a In 1912 you asem t o have had iVilLiam Baya, John Galen Hosvcard, Wamena Perry, Cumminge and Seawell m d Leland f o r insBmotors. Do you remember these men? WusBer: 1 ~emmberthem a l l very well, of covrae, Pad SZap~ndJeans was here then, and he bsoams my first boes in Stm Branafsco in John R@iBis offlus. Wwiat@rt When I came batlrk h@sea r s l dsm he waa m ~ rrLgk8-hatztP a r m an8 he W ~ E Iau.th8 dean when X went away a;rw8 the wox&d, a @wee% m d fine gerooa, W ePaa?ry W ~ B o ~gw who did v ~ r yae@mZything@, very ooaely th$ng@. &Lea@ r W h a 3 do you mean by seialy and eolnely? WmeOere Jusrt that. He,waa not pw-tiau&arlyinterestt@din the! little thing as auoh, And he liked t h ~ idea of society wilh s oapital Y more than 1 paid at%ention to, Be was m Q r B of a aonfornist tbaj3 Z a . Riesrs: Did you know J o b Galen Rowmd? Wuadero loll, it was a sa&Z IC~LOOL, and while I: never had &re Howard actually aa a c r i t h o , Because the w a ~ yeaxs interfered and ces%ain yema he was away and Z Just m&@eed U r n , Wor%una-tely,I did know h b g w i b well, Be uoed to saler%ainthe school at his houae at musicals, T h i ~ wse the firs% tias that I'd ever been to a party. Ooxning from a middle-elasa fa~n99y in the town of Stooktoa where you d9dnqtgive vfmueioalsn[laugbingl, you had car8 g m a s or you had ahildrsn'a g a e E or something of t h a t s o r t , bat you didngt g i v e o pwtg with a motif ae %his olie hiad, this set a whole view o f Wings in mo'bion, &B, @regorygave Jehn QaZmHoward t h ~ xgtmey Lo bui2d %ha% houas for his P&b$, ~efidJedit to hb, Z-k'a $own oa $he %wa o$ W a y &a4 30as6~a shake bouais wMuh jig vex$ b@au%ia1,N a l 0 e ~ Sorsilsa B m - h U v e a fn %41 now,@ W h y do you %Mnk%ha% 6h@ ofher @eta% fiar~hiteotsof %he area, like Nullga~dtand Folk m d Julia btlargaa a d so on, never weae brozs&t t o teaah at tha Pa- vexeb*;~r? X abuAd %h;tnk%ha$ tha maim# some of them hadnq$ bsw bxaugh* Ln is $ha% %haywould be far %oo bds- pendent far W . ~ Q W ? W ~ ' B Beaux-Azrt;~spirit, He would revere Doo muh Ohe claseical educatloa, ~tZLg~h;rdt pm4~IaularIywa8 a fsee~wheelingsau2, you h o w , and d18 %he Cuw8 of %he Seaaona at the 1915 Exposition, m d did soae wondsrful houses md that fxatsxni%yhouse an the coxn~ro f Wurbg an4 Charming -- whfQs w-bueco houses, with Tibe%= stsnee on the roof, supposedly, or clay I~hrownOo look like 2ibeQan stone. %Mawas a LkBBls t o o free-wheeling for Hr. Howwd. Riaso3 &d yeti 9 h c s apiri.t sf Jobn Galen Bowwdg8 bourses t o nn~3 $8 f ~ ~ - ~ w h e s L i ~ ~ Vwsta~o Wells siloma be I f d very saaraally, Bu$ he a t i l l aapirrad f o Calflo1nit3 E t d . 1 m d Cs Bhs Library and %o Wheeler Hall a d E I e m 8 - b Ml;a-ZYyg BuiLdAng, I t k q y l k o 8 i . e ~ ~ : ~tudenta,like youxeslf, o m s to ieeuc~ywtth him no8 beoause of the influenoe of the arohi%eelmre02 *he enviromarlat; %heywere uornlng for thirs e l a ~ s f oal -- Wu~stert Tha%'s right, the etrafgb* eLaseical thing, Xn fact, the csnv3.roment L BuppoBe wouldn't have been reaog- n i ~ e d i & those day@. mas^ : Qan you lay g~ne:&ly what ha8 happened arc?hiteotnr- ally &n%he area %ha% w~uldn't have happened if there P3adnz'% been *he early Soh001 o f hrohitectwe? Wurafxr: Tiell, &, Monwd m a m e out be$ore the fLre arid earth- quake, but afBm the firs a d owthqu&@there was a @?eat develognen-b, of oourse, sf buildings t;o b e 3 done, es he brought ofhex p~op2.61on sue and it beoma a core of mahitoctural advia@, \7&lliam C, EIaya same in 1904 and he did sreverwl thing@i n 5w Praraciaoo -- the P~@obyteriai Ch~wgh, for insBmae, a p~in-b ahog -- and Mr, Howard did Ww@ter: Oh4 2i~~cm-&row crompwiy m d arevera3. emall bank@ on EBantgomciiry Street, Eand t b Levi Stxauen Bu114iag on Plattsrry Stred, and the Adam Bran% Building oa Batfexy, right aorom 2 ~ 0 n the Crown %llerbmh &ildin$. Sa %h~r@ a nietrksd ech03ar2y trend v e r w esdng from %has@ early peap5e who beliov~din the rnwdeiaty of architee%tce@ad the maje~tyof %he prodnc8. &@%her bf'll;3ace o f ths @arch001 was th& ar gxea-b many people cams here, cme from to %he $ Q ~ Q O ~ 3 S%aekton, and beame enamoxed o f Bhe glaos, and never moved mqr. %he ~JTC~QOL fad it@ gxadluates Sn*o the we& Zmsdiately, so $he whole eucsa beaso the fmgrin-b of tihe &ah001 by tiha0 .fioken, Likes people who *gcaduateWfrom ny offfa%, 88 it were, barn th@ %okiea of whatever I have t o give. qs've been s breeding ground Sos s hundred aroBaite~%e in Bern h a ~ l a i s e a . ROsraart In $he old aatalog of the echoeL the terminology is fn Prach, the Beaux-Ar-tse influenoe I suppose? W w a ~ % r a r o Vary mch, indeed. And we @$ill had $0 %&s a f o r - eign language, and you always had t~ take Preaah, (I atarded Brench in eollegs, and thie gave me a Wwlsrtext Ueoe t WwaDero Riesa t Wnrs%ert ~i@aar t harzoz of $ha% BOZ% of thing BQ when I w m dam I beistied $ha% we not a t w L Xmguages in aollegs, J bsLfeve in the lmguages if they're oDarBed in the grade ~ c h ~ o l a a leg9t3mafs and if $ha letnguage bwomea tool ~ Q P wonderful, b ~ % YOU t o US@ h ~811e@3 i t ' s t o begin %s lamn soetle~on the piano in solle~gerand call it a ~ursiudepart;m%ab 9a 1 ~ 8 % wrong, in my no-bion. W h e n we beoamea %he College of Eaviromlee%al Beaign we sDruck ou% %he foreign langiiage r@quinem@nt. It isn't; %Bat Xtra a,g&n~Zifox@i@laagwagsa, I % h & ' & they're woadexfal, bu41 %hey's@ wondsrStPL if Iearned young enough so -$ha%they become part of your being.) Did these instruefiors you had hare a Beaux 8 2 % ~ ~ stdnsa%ian? Howwd did, Ferry did, Bays had E e1igh-b orie -- he waa i i ~ e $graduated fr~m 8he fixs-k sohool of archi- $errr.t;ure at %he TTniver~iCyof Pew$ylvanisz, UulmrPlnga a d Seawell, I no-biced, had no deg~ess, Yea, Cumings wa8 i n eouPptuxe a d SsitovsXl, who was a friend of &a. KewetBo, 9aaght waDerealo~,and he was a genBle little man, afoe guy. Eh~rs were graduate courses, given in aivil engin- eering, but you didn't go on? -- Vwstax 4 HQ,X didntt have enough money, and 3 w a r s e a g e ~ %O g#% oa% en my own, I was ill. a year X went t o sallage in 1923 1914 a 4 then frz 1915 3: wars ill slvtha sort of ~srnP-typhald $ U g ee Z @tay@d 011% far a yew? becau~ain those days eoweea, par%iczu2wXy Ln the Ark, ran by %he yew, xre9 by the %em. $0 it wale t r e q hmd t o ma4rZ@zalat@ in the &ddle sf the yeas. T ~taysdout 8 p a l and %hen sane baak a $$ELF an& %hen went to wax m a then @ m e badk s half a year, lana it was a long Bern and beeawe I'd been $n mmime~sahool in aoae marine work I ha4 enough unitaar, a a a T graduated in B b @ am d a h d i ~ g ~ m a , aahaol. p l u ~%he summer RZesst Wh8% was %he gro~edweZn xegS8tesing t o practice in dhoee day@? How soon d?%~r sohool were you rsgSate ~ e d ? Wms%er: V B 9 1 1 , the procedvfe in ~egis%ra%ionw a r s mob flimpler, you gatre your Iff@history and you docu- zasnted itr a$ berat you ooul8 wi%hrnot~rtal,imd you gave lsttexe of ~soommendatilon. Mr. Rsward wrote me a won&erF~l Iet't;es, Mr. Hays wrote p. l e t t e r , I & , 2oxxy wrote a l ~ t % e x , an4 then I appewed befom %he barn&, I had tiBi8 psaoti~alexpaxisnoe $n Sacramsnfo, a d a0 in 1922 when I appeared befare them they said I w a s a the b@st-de~men.Oard geraw who had been before $hen, aid there wa@ no gu@afi~a abou* ny li@m~Sng. You s d d you went t o war? 1 w a r n Owned down bemuse tihe aemL%yghoidBiking l@ft me wi%h a he&-mmmm. Sb I @auldnqB in the navy -- I .trzrisd to, Then when I eoxtldnqt 40 %ha% 3 ame down $0 %he Univer$i%y hers a d tiaok a nwine @nginesn$ng m d ship d s ~ i g n eaaxse given by 9.E. Dioki~,quiW an ama5;ing gexwan, and he a& the en& 09 %ha% time @aid, "1 can ge% you a job at Mare Iflkand, or going do sea tn boats.w Bnd I s a d I'd rather do my s b ~ e a% @@a9 fXld 80 in b ~ a t ~ , I %s sea in the engine rooa. And this, of coarse, wiBh a weak hemst;,waa probably Dhe oradeet thing that the Lord w i l l ever 1eIi me &a, But anyway -- ly first day I ' l l nevep forge% -- wholly irrele- vant, buQ -- my mothex debated what Mad of clothrser 1 : ahoul8 wear, beoauees I didn't h o w what you wore, a 4 sro T wore a# old -tweed aruit, thfnking this wc1p;zl.d be aL1 righ8, and the firs8 aosistan'b -- he had aolld Chs clay, and you go up and buy two p o % ~ of blue jetma -- you boil them aftex you've worn then for three ox four days, GO boi3 C h e m in wa.t;rer and asap -tro waeh them out, ofhwwiae %he 091 gets in evsxythfng Zn tbaC kind of olafhe~,~[Laugh-te~] So you went inOo %he navy from home? Yes, the merohant aarfne, really, and I aemsd f a r aix montha, from July to January, 1918 and 1919. Phen 1 awe back an8 I was jus* in %ime for the aeaond ternl the long tern, and with a f e w noxe unit8 1 completed my senior work in %hat;half-year, Did you have an FntcresP in boa%-building? Did you ever build yotarlaelf a boa%? NO, I never have, T learned a great deal abou%life m d a graa-t deal a b o ~ t the sea an& the farscZnation 09 it, Sailors all hate the sea when they're on it, but they can't leave it. And no sooner do they leave S a n Fraucisco but they talk abont when they're going t o g e t baak, hrd y e t when they're on the shore they're bored. It's a w . r r r r a y of l i f e , and i t p a quid;a unusual, Waa this ~ i x months one long run? I wen* t o Wawaii onea, and then went out t o the Philippinas, T saw K a n i l a in 1918, and there it was Wwa.t;eart we bard ha% the Amhetiara had eome, so Bhat %herre wsler d&noizq in *he ~~%reeBar And in S m E\;cmobsoo. ws g ~ $ our cargo and tmrned woum3d and am@back -- Na.k~onb o a $ ~ , Ve wme talking o f going wound %he woxld, g o - t o gtXt~a, with 811 $he wheat from Auail%r&ia,whi~h would have been very twrciting, ''(Rhen Oha eeoond world w w X waa by thdi ~ ~ e , I went to the Navy U I 1941, $6 years old. agan and I . #@A&, Wan I ge.C In?" And they etxtd, "Elow old w e " ~ O P ~ Y - B ~ X I ' "loo old, Can't you do aomwkhing else?" And I saia, "Well, 1% t M m g of gaiw to Umari9. ae a atFldgnB, H T ~ t mch better, on. a go And I went baok and wata ta fdtu8en-t at Hmvard when I was 47, ) SBuden4i Life, %he CWQUS and the Town Rieare2 W h a * do you think m s the raasono for the nofable fltogethernesec in the Sehool of Archi%eoture? This bui2ding o e r t a b l y ahowa eviden~eof i*. firesters 'Phabwa%rue, very smeh aoe WeU, this ha8 alwaye Pike sL antall* liberal W B Q Q ~ ~ I ~ I E ) I w&%hikI traa3 susi.verrar$*, wen fxosm the eWmb. You had thlw night work, a d you had a %able%ha* wa8 your own, and tbaf wtw hone bass. From that you s%udietd U %he U b ~ m y and from %ha% you wozlked on wee'ttentla, This table waai s stable fhing and it waB in %he prectaenue o f ymx ulae~smstsie, And we l o ~ t a great deal l a the assnee $ha% we hati BO-oslled "hotwtablea at a later period when we were $00 csrawded aknd had slot enough space? %hen the table waul8 anly be yoma for your claw $We, and then 10 Belonged 4s somebady else at o Q h e ~ $ b e @ . 1h58 drum people how, and the Borne eon- aisBed of an ap&ment or a fiar.bexniw house, an8 par%2ctularly19 you'xe married, an apartanem%. And aao$her thPng tE3.a4tta happened t o confuaa things i~ that 19 you live i n %he married stndsnl housing dawn at Ihe Bill Tssot, it's a long %xek to go down $hex8 t o have dlnnsr wiOh your family and then cone way bank up here, ! h i i s waska a real hmdshig on the married e$ud%ntte. I;;tfa wae very muah sfmplar in 1912 anyway in the 1 7 P u r s ~ . t r @ 3 p t srenss %ha% Bhaxa ware no maQar Q E W ~%O atpea& of ss %bbxe w a ~ na parking pmblism, an4 aiaoec emrsry- 'bad$ w w w9th~uirQWEI war weae all in the e r e t m e boa*, W e w e d pubkio %xmsportat;iontzo gef t o pmtiss; wsid go on %he ferry boat to Sari P ~ a n o f ~ a o ar on the tx+a9n, and iC beoarae part of the g a l a event Bo go lwi%h the whole train f i l l e d with like psople. Of course ;you codt8ni%do 13 now b@eau@e you do h v s oars and you @ a n ! + , a n & e believe you haven't gaO B~BJII, ft wsa like r&ioniag d u r h g %he war where i t waernlt maoh sz hecrderhig beroaulee evarybody had t o do it, 9t put you all on the r a m i e basic, and thfs %ria a thing t b i ~ doeant$ happen now, Weit kraa to make the beat of QUF im@di&te $U3?rounder beclataolr we w~brera" 88 capable of making larger eweroundea, We wouldnf8 th- 09 goin,$ Bo Palo &Do for dinner, POT in~Banee,whiah everybody doear now beaau~eChey o m $st In t h e h ea9 an4 go down 9.n ran hour asd have dfmatr dtad come bask i n SE~Z hour. I A l e j u ~ t ran~aekedour own neighborhos8s t o ge* congenial soula to ham dinner with ue. R l . s s e ~ l s 8 W a r s r 91 uand t o live in irta%smIty housreet b ~ e t e x r Yea, it was qui&@ ueural, beaauble as hadl no a~fdmee hall@ wha-be~ex. RL~Bs t 56 woad be m e apt 9s be an, $'ra%exnf+ty a berwding houlEe3' ?hwtaQ@%r Yea, 98 yoa @auX&afford i%. 1 @mevery B L O ~ B P - ~ Z ~ . J: wo~kedin %he e u m e ~ mb my $ & l y gave me 859 a monGJa. Bidseeo 2% sounds like was a 2r~te~nI.t;y a k b d sf 1.xunwy. Wstsrt The fraBexnitty w s r a r We only glws ahexs %he &lm%nirjrtxa- fian eon14 gain a.ttud~nQ op&r&onand wbxb %he rildu&tsnt@ c3oi;22d paally Bslg aald dirsattlana -- a% $hat time 8hexe wwe n~ rerS&eaaw ladkXJa, an8 in oa~%aia MUs 4f t h b ~ @ ~ the studenti body oxgmiea%ian,the MUG, was unrea~lrra'bls~ And by $ha %oken,the g~esP- den* satx&d gqt a ~ r s ~ s hi8 idea@ a d wha% he warted %xi raaCtet~ilie like %he hon03! eyatetm. llphaa we were bad $ . X I oahsJ.$tr~~hi*E, Pxereldmt Wheelerr tzresd t o osme by o w bouerer beoan~she knew one of our ~&m%er aezpbe~t~, a d he jua% would lend a oaohet by doing %ha$, ba %ha$ we'd gork a little hzrde~. I ~emsbmb#x"te wandlexfuZ $ h a he awe -- he wore a FxSnob Albert coa* aIwag~# you bow, one o f them pre~fdeaBiaLfrmk ooa%e, - 1 T looked up and a fm~$bmaa w a r n b m d a g h h ;en %he &oar brying %o $take Wwefaxt &* ~$3, m e 3 la@ keg* aray&.ag, "lo, Ithis i d 8 ara ~vesro~al!, no,%hi& %ran*% m mm~zsoa41," EZleught;asc] One $emambea~a31 &o*a 09 famay fhhga I%&@ *ha%. Bilssrso W b t wr yaw? serno11pi4ast sf %he 'tJal~meiOy whan you w@rehare ae a- #fmden+t,fPmn w ~ B i % m W d , emriromnenta pa*& of VaewP Wnrstarrr 2 h r a ampars WW really 'b@au%ia1 m d wiPd and f i l l e d w%.tsh ctaunyanas mid tcr%ee an8 a%rermsir,moh am II di$n*B hme In Bdo@k$snr Z @ m e $trle~1 new Wrld Was Pi31eB wL+h Bhe joy o f Haua2 Bs81.t;y mexy %urn. X t W ~ B w~naerfd. Rfiibeeo % I & v1~rbtetiBds~kelsybeio~csa~a%ngt o egehool y ~ u he2*ieP Varo%e~ Yea, 1190% vesry ofha, W s w a s a t more 86 dkars &me t b r a * ctkrsse, when I wsa iraU bey, besauhile ay uaols, BwUd Qmxll~ky,w a r r city ~ngiaeer,anti I wets 8akerr. BQ hie Bo~gls0 1 9 QlayS%xset, gBes ompnr W ~ B L Z S k e a @ea% park, very few buZLii@r on 58+ 1 %hbk% h a p c a rwere on3-y ~ O U Por f2ve thouoand sPub~86tBhm, if I r a n c s C xi~%aken, rs%llyvery few, %sfas t ABmD how many b~ ~ ~ ~ o h i % e ~ % n z e f Wztarterr Oh, iB would be fifby ox sr5&y, X guett~a. ~VT~~'B%@PO %%is h i l d i r ~ f C&~b$t41atmh@ was he~8f imd $be Iecbbriiea IBtliaCffng waa %hex@!, Oh@ yaZJ,ow briok btlkSdfng5 Betwit* I&x&ag ')3tlllUng was $hem$ %o~%b H d 1 , anBI 230~$b 6ZaXlt the %%%say *- $R@$ f ~ o n * af 9% ha4 been bu%l$, Bhe Brrtek WnrB betan btk21Q. (Of oarnee $ha North Ulf ai%e bsts &im@ bean t&hn by %he I;ibrmy Amax. Z t was at Che a a a m a a Jsoa%ion en *ha n02'bh aide bs SOU*^ t o 8he %3%%hl It waa 8 W Q O ~ B ~ oomp~.~rat@~y buixai~gthou*, W Q Q ~ , no brisk all,) k t 3 I taek ay ffrrer-b g4yw8oe olam P n B~utihBall, baemae %hen phy@lc!~s taugb* in w a s Scm4ih Hall, aa E a e a l y have es @ea% maoxy a$ %ha%, BSslslrero AnB waeaf8the Ompanils under aozze$mot9om? IfRzrirer.texa 1 4Mnk tht em@ &beat!1915, if I'm not mIsQra3Ea. 'Ehe Uggeat new buildirq wia BerajaaSn T%e !?heelerH a l l , XB am eatwm.tiixslly a sylvan aosnd wi# jusB a few 'EnJildin&bs, wf% Phe dxill $round where &ife 8~ianll?% $5, Ismuon t33mnaa9t;ua where Waelle is, Uesa8 This wraitls B h e s r a a d vexsion o f Harmon E C y m r x a s r P m ? Ww~+iere Y ~ B ,tibt ' s righ%. ! h e ?%tan8 w a r s au$ in half and aaaved and EL BQOQIOXI pu* in be-tveetn %he have@,es 8haB 9% wen% t3srsuea;h Cwo a t q m , There ware a run- n h g tratak rsllzlaqnd the reeetond floor, e&pSe q ~ d I Q y , wiCb no gateo -- mybody c m l d pmk QQ %;La@ aaipu~an;pl#Mrairsbmaus~%herew9ne RQ ear8 Ba a p s e of. 1 ~e~~lltaxibe~ a WU4reU Hayablea, ir$end of mine who'a in worM%eeWeb drove &@a? o cmaasL$%,tit~or Wee erne down m d a t hex OW in *a, Baa them a 0 3 . e ~ ~ dietlns%ion betwaen the town d the t3t%Q~&l? D'ld the OWE^ 6 1 C P 8 l U busy Up t 6 Qxfollld Streat, a d then %he wide-open eampuie, or wae %he Barn aor-b of iylvesr Chen too? BYwclstoro Wt321, %hers were, more trrree-nhatded stree-tm, and ls8re o f rsh-le houee~,wMeh U r z d QZ ,grew up a a s a v@;anaeular hem9 some done by w!ahitea%li~ and mms no*r Tn fa&, when the ;Pire t s m l s r in 1923 and burned up asixOly blockrs i n BorU Blsx&eZ@y i% so burned up muoh mom Qhaa juet thooe wood-arh-led housatm; it burned up a whole w a y 0% ZUa. %t burnecl up mmuwar9pPs peogla herd works8 years an for Web h&@w 8egre18 and far their gnblloatioaar and emry- BBing elme. Nush more IefB $he araa 4&an the faoto w01;1&d Bay, Xti w a f d txak;~ic?. A geraon !sigh% have worked BBWRB~PL f o r 8 ~ 1 ~ ~ 4 bava %he w~rldw d ga%Be~sdt b~ttrarbeloag2ng~thm %ha honae %ha8f ~ ~ r r o m d a d them, % ' h e houaire t;k& #urrr;tuadne3d =%him \t~ara alwayils a ei~iglas%hirig, X had amarta~l i * sn Xawthorna T~TSPICIa d *hey $ w d h8d Bime ta g@$ ouO of the hoae6, moQ t o even tgcet s sqitaaoe tsg@%B~r,before A$ juaQ w m t up, @aaak,Like thatc %he atuden%s,who a w e very Oona of the Q~~:s&orya whaoe hotaae w e have, went! up axid beat t h e 4 flmee o f f the roof o f %heWegory h c r a x e r e aiOh wet bLanb$e, ThaQi~ *he x@amon o w house xemetana, ! & e m %h4 ~ o r n l ~ r hmeet, leaking down of o w over $he g l e l d ~ $0 Zl Qem?it;o slnd AXbanr Hill, there warn' 8 ,aiw1@Boue.e. W~ry-thLng ha# g3?0wn up eln@cs*ha0 $We, the treeda ebad all, Bicaeret Hr, Pepper gofated ou-t that a houes $haat William Bayfp dataigned on hsna V h t a strQl m$.o*e Bhla ~Eaar nmko under %be EOO$ svawhwg. 88uratesr Yea, that e righ-k, That's 8 nSos hotlate, up 8% the W m sf %aria Viarta, faaAng sawn the etmi~3-b. guide, that you did Bhe ZaSxodulrtion for, P%4 yaw Maw the3?9*rsra 194i.bi1e Irastzae a@* t o Sleghen'a [BBephen Beslggenr] w i t h s h t ~ e r f l y roof thatf@ a Itqheek, our $he csoraer 8he1e4 sf &&Q=? PBem thasevra the beaukU"u1 q~~nlore66, oa &a%rbda tfbat ~ Q U I P I $ Maybcsek dYd POP Andy ljtilw~onin geology, @aml r sexy good m$Lst, lfcvge %n$ha% haassrig now, I%aB i j e y4W W$8e $ROU@~ Wid w@U'%Qed @UX'IOUB BO Bee i f , a 3 . 1 yoacd need t o da Pas rfng the beell &xzd ~ a y tha* goatre a friend a9 aAna a134 you eonZ4 Bee %he houas. A r n d ian1-t %hepera houm ~n Baen82 Vf~iiaaaeffe~rea %s a r a the S w k House? Tea, thatte en %he oQherosraaar of ZaZIorna, and wha% EayBeok lid th%z?e w a s p he Bipp@deaoka Sn weti asmen% euad %hen nailel %hem up arnd ebasn %beyW8(4neU sulC arfed an4 tkia beowae the ouQsPde wall o f the house. IB*Iwonderful, 41hough beomme itq@ M a d m in %he %reteaterribly you have Bo @limb i n 80 ilia Haw old w a a t Maybeck when you were a ~BI8nderathere9 e a , He aied tat 95 fn 1957. Be would have &OU% iif%r* Were YOU G ~ O O B%O him'? T knew Ted Spenctez verg we12 who worked f o r him. 0 Wuxae%esr %9yoatpa &in& a Maybeck az-tf ale mytine you ~bfijuld %dlk t c Tad Bperaa@r. Ba'a an woh%t~eti in B m Pxm- dlwo. Ken Cardwall 9s sanbtrher man an our fa~sulty wlno is &air&a book on Iaybetsk. P h e s way Naybeak 80%retr;ar%et? here was ...Mwbeak W ~ B abonL %tht~%y-+w~ yewe OX& in 1884 when mimebody met Mrn on %he a%reetone and ads, #YOU b o w wme.q:hfzq &Boa$ drawing, d d t youVn* Be waa *hen Won&% in t o teaoh deacriptivs geometry and weM- t c e s t w d desiw?ktna he w&ie further gulled in qt2icUy when Vre, Bsesrsltr a m e in 1896 with her propored for a nrin;en6J; baf24ing ae a mermorial to Be2 hursrband, bo 1 : pn* my building?* she wket9. 9+ wa9 Maybtsek then who oooked ap hhe whole internatfond competi%ion, Re was ~ Q O young to take *he planu%ng all on hinaelf, you see. And he a@$esd, eta really great people do somst;hsa, rAsin$ abam $he heights of psraonal gatn far %hagaoQ 02 the Qaule, and his cauas waa the g ~ o d sf arckl%eotu~@ 133 %he Dnlv~rf~ity.! ! ! h e %hathe never was ciaiglofred by the, lh3,v~aaity w i l E always be a Black 9 80r fill ~ e ~ d o t e @eeCaliixnia Non-bhlg, April 1954, p* 2 0 Y W W S ~ ~ V : n w J E aa, Of ~QUX-B% he w a ~ an a&&1~@% E $ h i & . soaen8rics in hire own w@y. A% %ha psi218 wharr, Barmmd 9efP;z~iled Po %one and e m 09% hie pZma, eW8n@8 Tdaybeok laken over? Vaa %hi4@VBP 8it pordbbli%$? W%re+ert T M s r i@nlt my knowledga -4 X have nrs $Bea, Be eb~arentially w- a fcfm believer hia own gual.ities, Rg w m q B bmbJ.e a* all, h a % be &Leo dSdnwDbelieve ssl$~(~xp~o&88tion, awld h@ never had a P ~ Q ~ U F Q taken of mything he Waa doing, So ny howle&get, A l l the pub15c%%y that haara adme t ; ~ him hasl coae ex%arntkLZy,1 2 0 %in$ernall;g, lhirs is my bt,pre~sion;3 dont$know i-ti a~ 8 faat. Aggwen$lg he waes happy t o do :,xuall houe4e~for people, -boo, W w r s t e r r r Ha i s the one who sat up on Che hill wiQhrnce one dtzgy m d said, '%kc 'flpux~ter, what hav6 X $V@F done t o 1 S ~ e in all tMs beauty? And you dont%hew g t ~ ~ p l e leafing %hatwho are demanding the gluehy +hhingksin Zif9 , ZC1.srer $ried in my own w a y t o be bate~6est& in all pha@s@, no matter how modeat; my o f f b e $till doe@hibehen remadeling, along with doing %he Golden W~~rsOert 6-a~~~0ay and e ~ e t ~ ~ y $ h i ~ g @la@, W$r 8.0111 ~ a 3 1 make money dafng $he aahmpX~o% kindl of thing# m c ?put- ting a11 OUF %a~b111%~ $0 use, TQva eaPwaya believe4 in hbE~rand ,Ithink I t m y stem STOR&, Meybe~B. X donq% think many people do mdsl?a$and $ha-tr each 8 large fim is wiZlPng %o do OBfs, Wurertcexo Well, wa're, %he only on0 that: dotea, FLeugh%ngj Oh, so 701.1 Q ~ F % book at the door af just my f%mnt o have y o t r ~kitshen done? Wureterr HQ, they'a pmbdbly &rayno, ROWme %he o ~ d Q a m m era and man l i k e Iaybeok and Grsene Be Gxrssae re'Ssa%sdS #twert;err 1 think a great; d d of: %hias@rafLmm f h h g agrang from Lhefx conariottons, ~cmehowd l arm grea% develogmmf. ftqsa1way~1 surpxiaing how the wcorld swings I n t o action simaltmeously on things. The Hobel Prise people aften diacovar they just gain& by a man-kb on, reromeBsdy elate 8obng it in aaolher plaee. Xf there is eb given need fox eomofhing l$qllbe fomt3, That's true In architecture aa weU a l e my$hing elras. There atas a need t o go bask $ram tbe fusay, int;ricato! Vfcztcrrlan things, to Ohs plain things, and the craftsmm era a d %he - Boyar~itersa d &I tho~e%hings jns$ earn@v e ~ y eaedly, Roger Fry did *The Ot%~man ern& $he gllhatnof [ih Virsi~nw d D,@aimj aad he prophe~lt~4 by 4lzra r@aBEO~bg that every fii.ty yeareg there w m J , d l be a oyola -- %ha% t 5 8 wovld take about f S 9 - b ~ yettse .lis brhg back the things %ha% y o z z &Bed, C~aughtsrJ tJharlemr Kaele~dfd a book e a l e d $he,8fm~Xe Hans, or aonsfhing l i k e %ha%, in 3hs ewly gems, right ~ o a d BnB a poaS who lived hexe,% hs waa .lap On The u p 3 a d ~ ~ Baybeak m o t @ % Q ~ ~ % ~ B X O Wid h@ and It talks about d l t k a e different kinds o f %Nags, was ia.tereets4 in whe-thez?B h @@reen@ rmd @reenas csn Pisaraon*, the pxe~en*8%- FM house, was a pr$va%e~esidermaoback in 1913, glnd whether yout8 been i n ~ i d s 58, 'Yes, %ha% Belonged $6 Iha~aen. ]C went %a my fixas% pm%yat the Vniver~itgfin that house! given by a f~ieot~ That house af Thox~en'rswho lived with him* had rei gmcs room in the lowar floor, witk fluah seillxq light^ l.n i$ -- 3.n 1913. he Sim~le Hgw, Paul Elder, 1904. IB %hat 8ha ho'tase you talk about In fhia pmpUe%W No, 28 f~n*-k. !#ha% was a house ~ b a v eLf wh50h was don@by &neat Coxhead ant!! i t t e on %becornex of Cayon b a d -- 15 Csm;3r.~n Road, right thepa fox all t o flee today, 09 oouree Che atstdiwn qwdite apoilet i9. B f e t %hare by 8he ataditm, wi*h a great, h w l e xatiaini~gw a l l , a d a p e ~ g ~ L a on top of %ha wtalL, brown ~hiagle . Another good clrd*smlstn boulee that emcapad %he firs was the one Naybeak did up on 'H;aelar Avenue? fox $Be Whitineya. 1 went *here aa a fre8Wan in 1913 %o Bee i.0 -- it W ~ B h i L % in about 1912 T ahould think -- and 1 aaw a table that was on wkeelar so that you ~ ~ ~ t l d wheel rtght inBo the kitohan after eaoh course an8 so r e r m r s v s s all Ohe u a d diahee fxom in front of tihe gueatsa, I natfoed $hat t h q were uerimzg grata8 cloth as wall- covesing then, I had thought that was a quite modern riders, Oh, it wae in a11 the early houass. And I wouldn't be wxrprlaad if! thia cams f ~ s m a decorator by the name of Viekexy, ABkinra and !Porr@y. They were realXy *"A Pr3~aaand.Vsew, by W i l l i a m I . UOz1~83%ax,in RPameello Arc!hitsc%ureof tihe S m Francfsuo Bay Region," S m &aciraso B B t n s e u m of Art, 1949* eionsl w h f u r e , no% just a sfoxe ealling thsfz gooder , F Q ~ f!un, what would you oon~itb2to bs your five Pavoritt~ben~kalesyboutaretsss? would 'Is@ $be Lzrav~orahowa by Tfiaybeak over here at 1525 &a~oma,that eonoxafs house tbaL Nmay Goma lives h . Tbfa houas would be one [1459 Greenwood Tarra@e], T would say thaB Ir, E~ward'e old house that W ~ t l t e ~ in would l!U~mis Bart liverla be one, BntI %he old NcDuffie hoviee done by VtBi21is Polk in a 8pa.ninkgT fashion %ha% %he lonehmshsa lAvs Itw now, over on RobLs Road [Bo, 223. And then f b l [ l ~ a a Rmdo3phta School, by Pr, Pdaybe~k, would be one, on the aorner of Derby etnB Balrose; I t ' e a lot 09 steep-rsofe8 little houses gut together, and it uaed to be an 014 ~aho01. - Travel, Career,. ad a Ph3l0~0~b;g W h a t did you do after graduation from aollsge? In 1919 X went %a John Beid's t o wosk for a year with him. I waa gablag e~xperielaoehn draf82ng, though it wm gr&*y a L a ~ et o an offlee bay jab, $25 a month. &id %hazei %tha%my queer-tion of doubt v t r r e z a and momsat of deapalx e m @ , bscanae T looked around the office and saw Bhs men who were! Bhsre, and I : dida'ts w a n t to live in %ha% kdnd of a niche so I told ny i~wnZX$ I Wac *hinkiw ~f l@ming arohi%ec.t;rzrs, and I went t o W,b.J. Sloma and asked %hemabout rsIzaZling, and I went and Oalked %o somebody ab0u-b law, But %hen, Ilk@ a l l theae Bhings, I was offered a wonderful. job in t?;wramen%o, and enough money t o keep body andl ixml $oga.trhsx, which w ~ s 8hfa job for Ohmlea Dean on a filtra%isnplant. So I noved t o Sacranento and %hi@ was an open dour f o the next axp~rienceg I aawd $$,QOO in Wo yearss m a I went %a Burope, How did you b we $4,080? 1 d i d littrle extra job8 on %Be ou%side, two hota~ses. One waa for CZmencs Bxeunsx, one of the f i v a Bmunar boys in %he firnfBure bu;k~imle~la,I bad known him in osllege, we were in %Be sane fxabemity, and X hiad mad tio v%@%*him a% home i n Sa@rmen$~ ~ W F - 3ag aehlege, ?he @%her house w w SQX Qmxmll G m l . q ? , x a y suuri~tn,s$o in Pa04 s 1 8 i X l live8 ther~, 42 yemar 1aBw. Them you did beiagoxrrs you weper regit~tsrad? Ye@, Ithaugh 1 asu15d snEy sail rnyael.9 "detafgna~,*~ Tn Cbe asa~lbfsaeI leaxnsd about how you did big jols, I got $he job on the Sae~rsunen%o W r a 0 e r Piltreation Plant through Ohmlee Bilaim Hyde, a o@nsultisg engineer, They put me in the field l o inspeat, aa I witched the oans$rua%lan phase, My fxlend Gsoxgss Balder wag up %bere ae fits18 engin- eer. He w w f~em m old friend of my i ? ~ ~ t i b y ~ @ Stsokt;on, tmd he Utinmtely rnmhe8 ny m~fher~ar aou~4.n~People f r ~ m 8Z;saMan -- my wife i s eurnzwad by Ihe faat %ha% a 1iLt;Le I r o n L&a that wo8 actually like a thread %ha&goes through a l%fe~- % b e . I waB givez 4ha Yarba hens Ulub Bs Bo, &a I asrid, becauesle !%.rase Q~saker waa tatzghB by my am%. Thie imtt quit@ ae 8Sreot a@ a l l %hat, there were many shade^ and shadows, but thls wan l i t e r a l l y $he $ M B ~ that 80%E I ~onto i B . Oh, admirers would 92 woe my ab599ty %ha% got me onto It, hsuB I ' v e @sen~llnny pe~lg3ewI%h labiliOy who dsrzlt gel3 i t 4 Z beIi5~ethca~ei e a lot of aoiradidernae iwolve8. , k d ym wen* t o BIZTO~EB i n 19227 Ye@, in 39Q2 z a $ % m woxUng %wo yema 2 had aave4 ap #IQ,000ma 3 $ask gone of it and wen* t o Bwope fez? a year m i 3 BP t U d , &b0u8. Z wen%thinklag X would go in%& 8 p d a Bs g@tibiBa and pisears of mahi- Bseture whioh I seuld wdsaseta, h 6 Ina%ercs8.~f %ha% 3 threw away all %he @aide Beoka, m03e ox Pess, an4 txPed t o $e8 hold of e~ooialbooka o f the B h e o f w h m thee% buil~&n$@ whett ~srumd%hem were Bo be clan@jlri euob a way, rathex %ha% ju18 eeeing the t~vldsn~e Q$ BBes, 3%ahmeed sy wlaaZe pain%of view fram one of eolaec'0ic ald.11 *o mah more xtia a%&smp.t at g ~ d ~ a a t l a J , b ~ w l & i & e a %habooks you had gotten in mchitiact;uae hie0or-y @ourmeawere jus* pia4mresP We 3 n m B hsd FleQohax, just 8 eompsndixm of Zh9ng~. kit I %riedt o Pindl QUO a Xit-kle b i t about t b h2srlt;02y of the Qirrae by get8i;ag hold of EngUah book8 in BIJT 4zaveZs aa bas@*X @ o U d so that I would Ifsegen my knowledge wouldn't jjue-b come bask witih W A t h teaohjlng today T'kl % h i & t k B waUd happen au~t;oma-bisaUy ThaVa righ*, W k y had you beafz htmrrasted in Sp&&n pw%trdoulw3.yT W$21, QW ~lbna%a and h%s%ogy there wae so ranah tba* made i t like CalLSoraSw, J: wa8 traveling wi%hs friend who graduaterdfrom S%Word, m d 3 3 6 webfan*% snri e%rohitesture~tudent,&nt he am 8% bsaWwr of aase 02 my frdendia hem at %he B ~ S V ~ X B & % ~ * Be d S a F tosem t o be i b ~ d i a g hi1stb32, a$ %ha% $ b e , m d ao hiss parsrate let h;la go abroad. He auueatsied eornfng aad jainiag up w9.0b ae, awRa I s&d he oould; if one thing w ~ u l dbe und$re%aod, %BatT had a esrtab goal etdfd aZs@i@n, so if we would 1) not go together awing the day eo that I wouldn*t be in haste whe~eL wanted t o linger, and 2) thect 1; waa BQ %he 8eai&?iion when we mb'~@d OP swrd when we &;tdnl%, %hen X w w r o a l . d love lit3 have his aampaay. And ae, i t s s t ~ e d %hatway3 la%eran w~ grev aLe~er%ag@tihe~ beaasuss we laad taken ear@not t~ have g r i a t l o a ~ZEa.rb, l!zave&A~g fa vwy h81Sd an $rla&arhSper, y~tzknow, A fwmr tth- ...be atad I were I n Capri a% one -- W l e t e ~ t goln3 -- 9% w w t h a b and o f a laow, @old wfn.&ez in ff&y we wanted t o $ee the Blue @xsOto, 5% be9ng sne sf the f a m a tunge one gose $0 a m , ao we employs8 a b~atmendo Gake u@, but we were a 1itBIe +oo shrewd SsJ. o w bwgainlng an8 he fook nB OW i4f0 the m d a~npedrza in, C~i~lugbterl W e odly had tBse aXo8heo we had on# w@ had the sera* a l l letored in XapX@e, arsd 80 we had no.t;hing atis 0h-e to. And it w a b a a z off Beason sa the holed WELEI eager to ha.$ I I ~ )a d t h ~ ) ~ "The kbpB W L ~ ~ W , oLoDhea went%d ~ y . ~ We pent f a ~ r daya in beQ! Baseporta, paper money, wi~twafokiea,e ~ s ~ ~ n g a @oddenm@se after %ha% swim baa$ Oo shoae. It ~ e m e d ue ria%, though, for being too penurious. CZaugh4er3 $ietaa : 5% wskan't a 3uxu~law~o OrSp you were t;&ing? Wuratext OhS no, vexy nradewb, Indeed, we, stayed a% modesf glaoes, %ravel-g ae~ondand third o l a ~ s in Ohe train@,did everytrh%ng very sdmply. @sing back ls ninute, can you renenb~r,hn your y~a-ra, hers ZM aehool, m y ohangee taking plaore bm your though$@and ieslings abouB wha% be~olla%ng an mohiDeot was? Chax~gceafrom what; aighB h a v ~been a romatio go&% of view p a Irrigh.t; have head as a Qlslwes?gm~mn. T ~ a g p ~ d e I ~hatlgsdwore %ban praotg- I n d ~ l l e ~ % u ~ l l y cj&3ly, a~ far aa I can .bell, By SatmrLly were a1waya aorri@d -- 3 think T told yau -- thss* I didnfO have fzimde, and 8h9y18say, n Y B Y Q ~ ~ $ ~ ~ ~u@de@d ar%.~hou% frfsndamn And X1d aay, #Zf12do a be-ktss job wid then they'l.1 cam $0 seen YQQ am1% motwe a younger person w h o l ~ so en;rra of' himaslf. I b o w X astlld never have suooeedsd 51 S~ooWan where I gsew np bgf~~auae was the~e W O F ~ given ~ I Q P ~ B %oo auah on $he basts of fel2ow w d J . me$," Vhexeae %he woxk i# s larger pZaae goes t o %he fallow who a ~ Pe ~ me more people goo6 job, and there who me willing t o pay POF A%. They ?mclerst;md$he ghsyment f o r ~ezvieeamore in a larger plaas bs~auae money f a not quits as hard t o corn@by, Of a3UFsa O h r a aemad then is upon yon to greentsnt; youreelf, Is$ yourself be known. Tb-b 'a right, The pex~onwho -- l i k e all things, everybody gstra Bhis in one fom OF ma-bh~r -- %he o h a b of sventa that catapnllz yaa i n t ~situa%io#a m n n s r like tMs: I went t o Europe in 1922, ems baak an6 ~apglied for a job in New York in 1923, got 18 %aoas a% the f u r ~ t s s t be#$ oificae that w a a s doing big bsurses, Delano & Al&iah, and Bhea want &own mad 3.1ve8 wSth Gbes people [the, DeJ.mos] beoauee I : ttlboraa Bheiz? bag, ant4 ha8 ab nmslloue r a r w t n m e r , m d then a w e Wea.&,an4 I sane lady fzoa Sang I s l a d by $he name of Elisabwbh %Ilia hemkt 0% me t;hrou& Nr, Dslmo a t 3 sko ~;9%3ntl for ms to came and see her here in Btpxkelaty. Than @he'd go out $0 dinner psrrtiae and 8he oarrlecl all. $ha weight of her ws@lthand hex Long Island connacrtions WQ shs Baw Ir. Nortimer Flelsrh- haakrrtr wnd ehs srwZA9 'Vhy don't yon give Bill Wurster, a young wohiteot X h o w , a job?" JtBx, P;Le;iahbaaker givw me, a job for his 8avghImx when a l l the other ~ ~ k l t ~ c t ~ for f-&, in 1931, m d 9 g e t p ~ t h ~ g it a d it works well and Bhsy still give me their buildixqp to deerign, 2hexe you are, It d l r s % m r e froa one pereon, But it takeoa o p&*roa 09 @one @or% t o open the door to your opgor-hnity, and then you've gat %amakc good, 8fears: Do you think i% would be h a d m to f i n d tihat kiad sf ai.t;ua*Lon t h e e @aye4 wuzra%ers 1% would be in tb;i~ wsry besaua~Ban Praneiseo is so ~~dmixed and so forth %ha%, fox instance, you have 100 appLi@a%iona Bo feaoh here. 1%'~ ~vw-a,r~hitea%ed, hf wy%hing, Competi%Son i s 3 v e ~ y keen. Arid awn't aome officere ao big the ossainr-kaszta sight be unknown t o Bhs pmtaera? Perhaps, but in thoee days Z s%fllhead %ha sarole inquisitive mind that I do now and I believed in uerfain kina^ of things. When I was in New Yark Bhoae boys were kind of despondent and no% gel%- along, m 8 I organized tours t~ look at houaoa out i n Long IelBnd, asked permietaion of the boss t o go on Bundays t o look at houaos df the people weren't liv- in them. Nr. Delano thought this was aa interelsting thing to do, in faet he gave me ra per- sonal tour himself, zmd then T a-bayed the night and met his family, and next thing 2 knew I was offered that job of tutor* his boy, Later he gavo me, enough money to 8tar-t my own. o f f b e ouO here. J u ~ t like tiha*. What did you mean about $he others being dasponasnf? They f e l t the mechanfce o f evexyt;Mng getting in their way, and they were never seeing m y of %he jobs that they worked on, and I just fslt tha$ by Organ- izing we could do it, 'I whose hause a@ &ow Z$VB in sand who beawe a n y me@% I hawere in the Santa C m a a o ~ ~ a i m very which w s r a e I fmoa@at ibs tine, hilt in 1927, it got prisea ev~sywhere, That houm Slluetxated that if ~ o u w a n t ts do omall work Ilks a omgentex, do f " E ; t r r r f % hgood I ~ E I Q ~ , so iS doesnO.tilook mchi.beaa+rstI a8 all, There W Q T ~ good 8se3siom made. Dbee f;Bia carpentier approach ~csprersrenLan appxs8eh in mcMtsctura aidlm Bo the er&tssnm home? 2hey wouLd both be in the ea%egoryof .the importance of' the everyday %king, %hat i a , %ha.% twti dssanlt ne~easarilya a n ~ i s tof reao6e %hinge by dead persons, a r t oanaistw of lively thing8 done with objects you use every day, That '3 the whole breakthrough that Che kssm o f Nodern &t took advantage of aftex the dsprsseion. Can you rsmeraber what it wse about d o b g axahitaature that reallg appealed t o you? It was the alslanlinesa of the wood, I mcpeot9 at the wBaX*. 60 Zhe 03eanlineas of *ha wood? Wurslasr Yea, how St i r a so fre~sha% the beginning, and it ~mellseo niw. Oh, a d gradaally f began t o sense sax@ sad more aomstihing *hat becmc a part of my own philo~ophy,%hat9ha import=% Ching in arehi- teoture -- and $his soundla Serxlbly grastentioua mil I don't mczan it to be 9- i r s the idea, and what good it 3s going +s bs, and who iL affects. Tf a person i s e f e a t e d by a good i d e s then i%'~a r a important as if 13 were sad@ of' bronze, marble, stone, and aveqtking else. fit the more permanent I t is the moxe it weigh-he humanity down, like Chjn@~e cemeteries. X think thaf papier machi ia a good material if it does %he work fox the job, Xtta the idea that countsp that an;liv@nolife. N a y yema ago aomeone s a i d $0 me, ttYau get lota o f stuff published, Why do you publish a thing like that house down on the coal%? (Thfs ~ O U B QWBB a house Ttd poured my heart into and i% bad ~ a v e dz! rnant~ life because he had had a great breakdown =d in doing this house he came Lnto his own, he and his wife, They alwaye were very gra%eful. It vaa a f ma ti s @SPYhall --9% &$%84;~4the lives &f geogl6, x OX BhWXiiab~, 02 buil&$w# OR thio OklEaBUre m & h W - 1 003~ l ~ m ) j.0 &Q~BB~'"$&@ diffexenae. !The itha o f the i d o l fa the awes. %baa: W w e you dLwaylsr 4appy wilSh pmx ds@lsrioaabout a 8€&3?@@r? Wure.ti@zo !The s a y 8oubt m e a%*he end of ay ~011egel i f e d t ~ I was W Q S ~ JOM asearn %bat~ i i i a * W - dour Seot%%arlaand em~t, and J o b R&d wa@a vwy B o w Sootigam* and it wraer anly % l a m X had s &aub%. ~ t m g h % @ x ] Above, t h e o f f i c e s t a f f : W i l l i a m Wurster, Theodore B e r n a r d i , A 1 Day, B i l l Rice, Hob Deshon, A r n i e Kartwold, J o s e p h Johnson, Fred Langhorst, ---,Donn Emmons, and Fred B a r s s , 1939. Below, W i l l i a m Wurster i n h i s o f f i c e , with A a l to-designed f u r n i t u r e i n .the backgroixnd. RLeJlse t W h m you same baok fitom 'Europe how did you get your office astwtetPt Wuxs8ert A t %he en4 of %ha$ two yema I bad doas &leven j~baa OT $OF frorat a hatel ~ o o n 4 . a Perksley, a r a in 1926 1 : wf my offfee up in fhe Newhall Build- in Stan l?rataeiseo, The f%;l~er.t a m m who h e w employee was lea@than I did, and %hi@ di&i1t work tesrfbl$ w d X , so Bhe nmc% eap'Loye@ W ~ B Ia who h e w nuah more Chm X did, Bawd artme fxom a very Imawbg off%@@ (Weela dk Day whiah had worked oa the Mark Hogldnra), and Ma name wsra Playd CQmsstock. He beeme my iLrsG sea117 offiaidl employes, He did beautsiful drafliing and raigcssifdsation wrrltlxq, And then &, Wfakenden, who $8 @till there, ome Pn 1931, Theodore Bexmxdi @mei# 1934, Dom&mom Sm S L 9 3 7 , So the oificse, hi%@ @own gratdu&lbyr, Now 8h~b~d~ tblae parbnarer, and 8% a%lleoci&%es. 9hat ?&waee,partner8 -- P r a alxkyr-81even, an8 Bhe ~ l d t e e k ~ EheqBore Bernardils.the n e d , sigh% yews youwssr, of u a r make a Br%ri@$ern, and m z offlae Beam. BSerast Haw d3d %he 4epxasaabozz &Pwa$ things in your ~ e w o$$isef Did you have t o let m y mployeee gay War#%atrx byand 1 ~3we.r 8t~ppetiworkbig. During %he degre~- $ion Z was oaa of %ho%e $ortunate b s w a who had work @I1 $he time beooauae I h d been doiw aimplt~ hauses for wea-bhy peboplar,who founid it a vaexy advan- fop Wsm, t o uaa labor a%t U o Bad $ h e , and when $he$ took %he bids on the Dk- !Bhs @&dB the @ ~ n t r a ~ ~ % ~ r , nPJ~w, Mr. 3asae%t, are t a l l tbtsae mion w&ge817" And he m i d , Wh, rro* &vise Paaerztley. You don't neetl $6 pay tibat a% t U e tin@.@ She eaiA8, OW mu~h more would it @oatua to do i-b with un;lon w a g r s ~ ? ~ "FQIW ~~~~~ aoumo 1433% A r r i d ehe 8&6 2 "We'l1, PW f*r " I Q ~ ~ W W S like %O ra6tmber %ha% atop$, 1% bearBa~ame that people ~ ~ d l y$ha% ~ t p ~ h . Yaar offSaetswozk w m eMefly howaerp $hen, Pear 8aw aaay pwples weam 3.n youp ofiioe in 3929T &&uL f0W'. Did you get %hisjob for k b , Maaauley through this am8 aert%@ of cromaaatfona wfth Eliaabeth 3131aT Ye,. Bid the fact%4P *he depreeafon etm%you thinking =ore ixi $ems o f pJ- and en~%romenta;l design? Ve31, i % Bid b x h home %he inportanem of the wary- day thing, idam rather thm heavy weight@ upon the W Q F ~ ~ * Bhe a g l i ~ h air John Sou know, ~ a h l 3 s ~ t , Van Bmgh, who did great thtngar like B1enhei.m whiuh ie Rw1bar0'1 plaae, hie epiDaph is8 %la heavy o# hinb oh ear%h,for he h a lapff many &t heaq thing upan theeem [Laughter] Glfae the 2eLerreris a~~ethjzze5 tha% ems ou% of the fa@% sf %he depres~ion? Sw, 18 did, it @BP~(IIOUB Q$ a group of yot;USg@rmen, oh, a geeraaxa$f on below me, and I he3ged back i h oat3 W4911, theze WBB an awmeneoa o f a ohaageover t o the Sot& iitnvirorxment aula they did a baa$-up erhow a+% the @an F ~ & ~ I c ~ B @ Q wan a Iwem 02 ArbfT. AIl& P$ WOIILCI~SAS~~ 4te15iag thing* ~ayizxghe~t i~houldbe doma aboui~plmr~lag? P b * was 1938 ox 1939, and ab@a$1943 or 1944 I @mabat@& fim H,E,E. g u n d X looked mound in aaton%$holm%; hers were a11 Bhe smne geeples having a~so~ogltliffhed what the$ wanted Ba b v e dona $0- yews eslkli@!, Whex+ wars %hey working7 Oh, vasisurs glaeest, in glanniq jobs, azahite~twe jobs, 'but all ~f them M-bh a bent %@wardbet;%sring the wh~leenvbommt, Did thekr fdem soas an% of their sohaoling? Xt came out of rebellion, mostly, sgainet the Beam &?$I~ 3 ~ 3 % em of Bh81 10ho01 here whi~h l a i d i t r s s$re~~a archaic forms, ~n Did %heyever work ~ E Jan affZlZatasld group, Zike The AroBiiteoOsr' Collabora%i'setP W w ~ * t i e r s 100, f B wara w nuah h1:gm group, ma moh more diffurse, If never ooneti.ttuC~4an of?!i~e. Wurstera Tha$la righ%, It w a l e r a very unseLSlsh thing; it w a r e as% for f%aelf, i P i wa8 for the good of %ha cf.t;y. daok Kent, @a @ r@su2Bo f it, ber~arneuSBy gl-er for $an FrernaPserts 8%%he age of fh2rtp W w 11mIItw kind 61 thing happening i n o%hw p w t ~ of the sou~txye5.nrtzl%aureouelfl Wwrrterr Bot in quife as markad a degree. 3an brmcilaoo Cakes eaexylihiag Bo heart. W h e n they have mearlesl .ts8ey have wome maasXse, [Lavgh-berJ And $he dapr@elaian, 1929, br0ugh.t; a halt fo %Be aigrationar t o Rew Yosk officers, t o o l Wu~srter o Peg, ti ha*)^ right, IasBeetd the yowg grdua%ete went t o saneone whom work %heyadmixed, whose produet Chey admixed, And it mad@no &iffemnos whwce they weprs. Then X @uppose one o ~ u l d wsrk for the grovescment, sr the WPA, sf old Montereg hau~ee~ Q T %he WA, w h i c h w a l s making 8rurae2,rr I doant know h ~ w ~ h a i r ' w r uo w i e d out, hu. X$br$~~y B m ia ar aramlii o f WPA days* aorB 9 6 1 5 , 0 0 0 Z t o ~ i 3 ~ Z23~mcif ally, $0 you. W h a t IBQOUR~B OF my ~ e & a r l % r i5 that 1 didra' 8 doubt OX gaxeation w ~ % b m , w i t eo m m y pssgle did, beoau~csths gxoblleaa were kept f~osn mec I ' m no2 proud of it, X w m keg3 tte;r;p busy with $ab@fox people who ~ o u b d 'tserild aud taka advm-bags sf l o w @oatsat Chs + b e a t the deps%o@fon, S waa aeallng wS%hthe know, an& 1 didn't have time $0 pendier the m k n ~ w p , ?here w m every xeQaroa to doubt our whole s~ononiaeystriua in th08i~a ~ p r t ~ ~ i o n day@-- when %hex@ wae food for tavsrysne, buQ pesplt~were afarrvbg -* bu* I didnr%, dtuzd 5 hol4 it no virtue. Beaaueae of the buepe@sI did^^% kmve t i m a @ ts endw h $ o ~&Bertrae* theory1 the e s ; a @ $02 ins%moaa, in z m lea;D@r, the I~Gm%hy the doub+t;slmy 4ay8 I : 8idn1Drsruffex fr$cender did, la%ms&ohusse$%e IBHB&.$U%@of Ie~hwlogy,~ Q Wof$1oe navedl frm QaLSfaxniaStreet $0 Jaokeon Btmeetb W w Bhexa I ' b i m ~ %hemwhen *he offlais waa oloetard ~6Zllple&tBly? 'WTurs-bero En 1943, the y e a 5 wen* Bs Hwvard, I ret~tedagaae a% 409 Jekeolli SB~ear* m d nope4 my fluxnit?ave offioe sgnipmen.fr 4h@re, and T 1e% anybody have Bhaf spaae 1 wsYate4 %ken t o have i$ frea, but *hey insisted UFO& paying penti foc $3, eo S dldntP;damte any more fifLan tiha I m p e ~ % ~f having tiha4 argaee avafla- b 8 2 6 . b t for a yew all men who wosksd in *he oifioe, m y nen_wh@ worked isa %he of3?l.oe, had a JOB, ~ o u l d hate fat%@ -- X f@lB I owed the p s ~ g l s who ha8 been worktng wiCh r a e %hire8%lsaa.t;, %bough%hey hsiaOad sa paying me. Wo$ $3 &n1944 thaat rou besame mown as Wurstex, Bernard$ & Bmans~? no; in 1944@ a man who waa hetad of Sheman Clay osrjlled me and wd3ztOed me .dro do a eanorete buildrtng for ?&a in OalCtmB, aml 3[ @alXedTheodore Beraardf, who had Song been ;La my ofiiae, for ten yearre, stnd #aid to h a , We'llLdt yoa ISLe to be pw.tO~ezs an *hiafR At ns@done by Wmejtasx & Barmw&i, And %hen we wefi* alarag for abmt a yeax w%il1949, until %he and 0 3 B *he W W r DORU WXWW WUIB) h a k PhaoQ6rca~ @a21@d me on@ ezw1@~ Yonday mrrxing a d a d 4 $ha% id waa~too nuah for him t o my a r 9 Dean lhaa coma&baok and eaamd %abe JasB $he perejon Par t o ask t o be *Be khird p m b n e ~in $ha Fim. Vb did, and *at ' a how St beoms WwaCer, Bexnmdi 4h hnane. They ha& d l been thevls *- %Iheag>dsre ginas 1934 and Sonn rshae 1957 so we all h e w elatoh o%hes. h- 2hen slnas Besnmdi would have worked on $ha% 3eb d-bh you anyway=, p;t.ab$rbLy, why ea-b this p o b f 828 you make fi;LHI 8 P~TCOQWO ~scause1 wa@off A.R Lhe Bas*, $ 2 2 6 1 1 didaqb %hink 9% won3.d be groper to e m $ 14 undw my name when 1 -- a d arsywq, I .bhought r t t all ovt and X like Phe idea sf taha~ing$hinge and S t seam4 to ~ Q J itfa wsxklrsd that way, weeve div-ided our Burden@in Bhirda and trebled o w jsya. Ittls a vary gcrinpg crtoae%sn,$IBO- tianally and 8uboCmtivelyc Zqve aLways believed in qliS-bS,ng the pro%i%~, I Wu~eBest oiafee, Che yt~rr befora l a d , they saWally scMh Well, you aes9 we three pmtnsra awa the buaiaeae, a d we have mxe~ngewen-tm w1.t;l.L aux a h junior peog3.e %ha$we give trhean o oartain gereen8age of the grofft. &d the profite were %a good %hatp e r r %hat it came Bs thaC muah money, W e reeail1;y ~houl8n~t have gdven anybody qal$~je%ha* mu#&, 3%achould have Barn a@re newly $20,000 and then the $8,000 ~hould have gone in far f $ f i a ~ i n g%kt3effioe and ~ h a n g ~ e and thiag~lSke tM$, no8 aeeB by ura ei9her. &a6 a& didat$ do 1% that way, a d AD lefB us quite at~Lgpe8. I've alwaye ha4 the theory Dhayt an office ~hoolcl b@ a plaoe of great hope an4 $mat joy euad grea-b olseLnge an4 peaat -- never e~ucirhedby Bhe per~onrtitli.try QP %he boss, &d X hspe %ha* this hm been true, t P 1 a - k i n the m a b pssople like 80 work Chezta, th@ytv+ been treatmd fairly. Iharsta s real 1d0tirearpt ouo o w ]am$ d l w ~ ~ 6 aqpen.tt $heir @xperimcse, $Q ll@ViBtP %Q ~ U I Q@8piQ&lf $p~@k&%g. TUB 5e 0 3 A aamssra hard a% tisear but fD'a v e ~ y goad POX%h iadi7~Sdwd.s. And f 'va @ o ~ % o f beASsved thirar all my lifel an4 i d % Baken plaae. I've never $elfwed b @ p a a ~ t i e s ,O m e you ttakre sc, Job % b x e qhould be no Ihit In w h a t y ~ a srhsu3d do for fit, and you whsuld do it r o 18 givers sa8&aifaatfon, W h e n ~omethingbegins 80 go wrong, %ha* is the very tfme you ahould e v e moss 09 it, W h E t $8 %he office ~ X O O @ ~ U I ? ~ Et30~19d% - $ 8 11BW dsb on? gh~3?e'iaa soniaxenea, usually, wdGh ans sf the part- ner@and maybas one of the 3 W o r a1806iake61 .- well, ~lersaiateia-- p x ~ @ m * ~ BQ %ha* you don'%h a w t o tretnslote ev@r@hingfsr everybody a l l Che t;Inae, m e jwfox tEhkeiij no%ee on Bhe @anf~xe?no@. ViZlard Band i a ~ my alter ego in Bhe office; heb for inetisncs, takes notere i r m dupLi~a%e! and he dose a beauCiful job, w d then he give@ny 011at rPgRC there %he ~ ~ $ g i n a l keep %he crwPon whluh has B&e 8am13 and we of +mploymeaz$, Bhe house %hey8re %wing ts do, what %bey 1Sk9, wha% they 4 0 ~ i ' tEfke. Xn~%ead sf f t ~ l t ~ w i ~ g witi31 a Ietsta, %he aee%irr$ h8%tvy.~hmdelb W t e r i e r f.t, ! ! h i s g s s ar tatllsbp. yoas s s a v e m o m e e y ti= and o m afiosd $0 efo houraefa. We've btl nany r . r e p e s l % t ; order@,arhiah ifittioa$str t o ao%ion %ha$ peeple w s e hapvy, 02 %bey wolwLdn t eQme baek again, Xfve aone thee e m n d Pour Bouerem for people. pe@pk@ 3u~fpie& au a ~ o h i B ~ @ % , or bo %hey shop aroma? A pea% many people shop a~otmd,but; a great many peog2e, when you a ~ s younger, csorns Bo you rlirerctilg for eoae8hfrrg yoa've done. Be Bid house far @serge Pope down i n the eoan%ry, fox $ine%ance, 1 x 1ladera, That ' 8 a very fmoure hozx~o,aa a4oba house, Th@ Ken.f;uokyI)e~by winner haat; yea??, Dseidedlfr, wsara ~siaedon this farm* IIta s ra%e horse fmm. 8nd eo, my new a;kien%e faen Walnut Q T O V ~ ,the Gwardetrs -- xahste Bhe gzcmddaghtcar of 38. Binof, who gave m e my i t r a t job when I ww@ in high sshaol Qeaigning h i ~ dangh%e~~s dllolPhouae3 -- $bey Want down euzd looked I% %Be hotla@ and they asail they were sru~etthey wanted mait t o do thePr baues, Biesa: So the shopping around the Z Q ~ s f look%&g at fibish@dworks by mohi*@a%a, xaBkzier %ban ooming 1 3 2 t o efPSeeo ZQI~ a~kingwh~e* %hey a 0 ~ 2 4o P ~ ~ x * Wuss.trcsrr Pees. Al$hough we, have 1 o Q ~ of psaple who oone i n houae t o bulld, a d we showed %hem houa3~Bhadi they liked, and +hay liked ua, buf they aleo liked ulorley Xongla house@ and they deoided Z s o take h2m, @athey @en% us nius ba%$leof whisky a0 a oansoJat9on have %he cowwteeyeven t o ~ ~ 9 8 s a l e h t e ~ , This i t s kind of tough Bo take, You give up a 10% of time to somethinga,, llo+m&ly, nobody he@ my obligation ts you un%91 Bhey t e l l you that yautze etmp90yeda But everybody ha@ an obliget8iomz, PI.~mayllyfapeaking, when $hey -bakeyour * b e , of' 1 e t B m YOU ~ U O Woff&- o i ~ l y %ha.+ you're not going t o got the job. DQ you do any okerkohea far them? b & e r t B0. la keep a vmy ~ G G U I F B ~ R b o o k k ~ e p i qsystem in $he 0ff10~-* $hSbta %ha& I h ~ i ~ $ @ d UPOB 1996 on, alnnost tbixty yeaxe? now -- sa we b o w at the end of every week wha* every job h a 8 1 QQB% UI . Xf ever anyoae w m . l ; s et o er-kcap their work a% m g B b e we a m base o w arhargaa OR not *he hypo.t;hefia&l asat sf %ha work, o r a pe~aentwge,o r annhing else, but 3uas.t; on *he nnonety pdtl ou%. Vhaf waa yonr s@sretetr9alaxza~ementwhen you $iret opened youlls ~ f ' f i ~ 6 T Oh -- I wao always botha~edby a r a b l t s ~ 8 s who had off'icea who dfebtB have an mawering aervloe. X%en 1 etax-bedl -&hey didnrD have %hamvery nueh anyway. So I allitad myself with & publie rateno@apherts office in %he Hewhall hZlding, right #ex% doar. Whenwes Z was away from my offSera they oould open %he door and oome in ~1128 m y Z waan'8 in t o B O h b 1 9 " p e r oallsd. &id they dfd my %yping, though they didnV* take tmy eharthwtc¶, bts $he year# rolled our md we moved around in the building, we finally ended up in a panthause a# %ha top floor m d %heywere on %he eigh-bh floor, with Bwo floosa in belvsen, and we put a slot down ~ %he ~@modeXlng $krcmgh the aeiling of their offlue up t o the floor of our ~ Z f i e e ,and we bad a atring Wwrstsrrz wttk a oowbsll. on It, a n t 3 a ohmp srnd we @en% dawn - a ~T;ratrwlesF@ B2a.r~Ro@e m d her Iaghtsr Pay Hoguar wils~e,the two peopZ@ bv01vBa, &a. Elope, liked 60 gone over early in %he ma~aing,a five o * ~ l o a l E BOB% 21 Bhdaa day@, m d I would quit the of%?lcaat miW$h%at16 1 w ~ a l d lower down the let%-time I Q $ha% a* 9tOO %Be next nor- wha X go* fn %he l@t%erer ha8 all berrarp fyped, 3aieem BQWwi-l;h&9Opeop3a in %he efZS~eyou m u ~ 8 hiave quite w e t d i o f ' seoroQmiaa and bookkeepers. WuxaBext Ob, ye@. 5916 have aaeomtants who aiivj1em u a r on W ~ Q 80 bved do %he booWeping. W e have a woman book- keeper who %&@a om@oi wrfting out all the ohec'ka and era sa, all bmsd on the aBv3L@eof Prlos a d MaaEbtUaa, %he f i m w h i c h harrdlao my O w aoaa1a321js and bahncee my chet~kbookand everything e5w9. h d beoauee sro mimy people, have worle&d In my ofifcs -- b%'e been ishe tzaining ground for hunclxeds of architeate , know, John Punk a d Joe MoCartw aud &mk SohwBavt, the P l ~ t $8 @~omouer, I arugpocat!~ f~rtp ox fifty a* leaat, maybe more -- they a l l b o w about; ~ U E I ato fh@y employ borhaEeepbg agah;es, Paioa and NaO&eZlm too, do Prio~emil leClel3.m have bscroae a f a ~ ~ o u s arclhftiebatusd. boakkeap- Pltm. TB d l a C ~ 1 ~ t 6 d $ram ua. ?eherhave a gzeat loyal-by towmd Be an4 do mythtng 2 wm8, and are very cour-lia~ueabout ill. l o me, tha buti~ins~a aide of w o f f i ~ e18 a t;lsfng %t;o get opesr with lea$ 111; some in your way of doing good work, i D i8nV$a goal in itself', i%'e wholly a graoesa by whh~hOW do, but 3.P; doegnt% intezf~sewith yQur d o * , good wsxk, It doesn't neeiaaerarily enab3~yau 6s do good work wxleera you havta .a;alen% anzd abiUty, but it prments you fxos -- Sf you have ax~unbus3~~eee3lke ofPPce cer.b&;a job@ m e loaL .t;o you, or %ha iaejTfialency sates Sn%o% h e r product ao mah that it aufiers, cand it's a pZty t o ever le% 'this happen. 80 while X make a plea 90r a well-nsn o ~ ~ S Q B ~ a plea for Bhe X dong% meas well-run oSf3.oe Sar it@ o m but mer~hy%e gexmif you fhqn t o do job Zi~9wartlyour goal. a b ~ ) % t e ~ Have you my epaold mrm$enent Sox working wi'tih %La@ wcthita~Lesin Braining? go, they just right in. go% ~w@p% 1%'~a l l very much pmt; of the regular ofPioe w x ~ e n ~ n t ~ Nerve dona 1 Wweteri S a i n a y Store. and Banks heriaa far years, aad we keep right on wi$h %be two aoaow-tso but we Beeg ~Baagfngthe people on $hsm beaauee it'@ so mono- -&saouat o Bo just one thing. Bieoa: So new people get pracBica on the Safeway Stores specifications ant5 all, That's right. We're on our one hundrad-bh Satsway Store [~ebruary25, 19843. The Safaway Store we did on the lasina makea more money than any other Safeway S t o ~ e in America. Fhy 1~ that? Loaation, pleasant place to ahop, the view ou*, Tt'a a good e-bore, The first twenty-two we had Oo do just like they askad zaa to do, m d tihey were not trery good, But at %he end of that time we knew enough about their needs to be able k o make suggestions, whiah %hey took. And we opened the atore up again. Sou Wow, thors was a period when all they did were closed-in stores, with brick a11 around, rznd you never could ~ m 3my light, 'But we thought that was a very unaesthetic viewpofm.tr, to do a vault for vsgetables. W h e n d i d your office move on t o the Swfevay md &uik of! hmeri~a30baS Bwatszo The Baftbway Stores oame beaause Xingren Varrern, who waa then p r g ~ i a e n t ,aalled and asked fi f 'd be interested at %XI in dolag Safeway B-borsm. And b w did you gat the B a k o f hssrioa? W t a s ~ C ~ r Well, a W fldifig branch of P Continen%aZ 5$rviae, the Bank sf America administration, w h i c h d e d s with Bhsir building need$, liked our quiet and u # t a @ ~ w U g approach, I gueas, and $ave ua the ;9ob of being oonmltanta. How doaa the entering a camps%ition work? Pox fnatwnoe, the Golden Gat;eway. wwrstsrt Well, the Golden Ga%erw~ajrbrought a new era of so- called compefitions. What it was was the San Franei9so Redevelopment Aga~noyestablished the laad value and then % h ~ oompetition w a s eupposad t o be on a matter of desaign, and one o f the firma oompeting f o r the Golden Gateway, the Kern CounBy Land Company, offered %WQ million dollar8 nore for the land. But %he axohi0eatwe judges, a panel o f wchiteots, a%i12desmad that our echeme Cf~rthe PerPnS Corporation] was better and 80 $hey gave it aas%h@ti@@ dollma. over W e a st Going into w oomgs4ition ma% be w. great invers%meat of time and money by *bra artithiteotztre fim. How do you deoide when t o entar? Wu~e-bsrt WaaXL, %he .t;hing is %his, that no axakitectur~lfirma except the very la~geistanes, stand by wag o f making very much money; aoma peop3.e b v e mde noney i n the aense that $hey%se put a ~ i d e a Little bit asd then enriahesd it in paying ventures of some ~ o r t , Most% do not, And so in this compefi.tion the entrepreneur, in o m eaas Perirai, from Boston, who was bidcling for *he land for the scheme, put forward all the money for us. He gaPaBled $150,000, And how about suuh oompe-bitiona aa the enba~syaompe- tition i n London? In that the Uni%ed States govsrment paid eaoh o f us $4,000 to go to London and do Lhs drawings, 1% cos% ue about $9,000, eo it had a prsstige value only. l o a t that one? it %as built by E ~ X Q Saarinen. Could you find another use your drawings? Oh, no, you design for a apeoific ~ i t e , Groavemsr Squms, and i t will no3 do f o r any othas. About how muob sf your pracbtios $8 d@vofed80 whieh wem? V?elP, we've haB a real 8eskre to be of service an8 aaaep-b every job as it O Q ~ ~ B , be i-t the remodeling of a kitehen or a building for a huge coapany, Tt probably represents as varying ha graatice aa %here axiata in the city. W e have %ha aommsxcial aide -- we have the SaSoway S t o r e ~and tho l3ank of Amexicaj and t;h4 housing aide -- urban rsdeveLopment, %he Golden Gateway, Ishe new proJec% in B a n Xiatso; public buLld3.nge -- %he collegaa at S&II$W Cm5, %he b%ochauietrybuilding here. Plo we really do everytNng, 'baltevbg that in specia1P;y Lies death, And St's oxqually your Pirae building %bat makes you a epecialist 8 you ems eo much that you pow every- thing in on i t , In the second building y o u idea8 m e a l i t t l e obder, %heeraare @oms technical matters you know. I'm not B U P ~ but what your first building re&Ey P m ' t In eome wayo %he bee*. Now, 8$@rs ars axoeptions do thia, Whew Safeway 5 % 0 ~ e a ,fcrLnat;m~e~ sent for us t o seaons then from Wurstart wha3 %hey w e ; . % r doirg, whSeh w a e r guBt&ng Bhe blank fmses an a3.l .&hair~a-khcsr hideszlsb buildiiqgs, we herd te % %hoar4%wen$ywtao o r r s ~lalt;oreo f o r them befaze they E d u s a 40 -bin& o a o w own 8% all+ a d then we earned i h 8 .tro guS righls by b o w l ~ d ~ s aew ktmda of rsofe on so f o ~ l ~ h , go you aaas y~waelfglda not 9~p@~ialfslng 5n your? 6ffi(E54? Probably the fama clrh%erfly reerte with .$Behousles we've dome that! gained 88 many gvistear sad 00 $ojl?th. 80 &% would bq sagam3ed aa bouaea pwtiou- Xmly, a d the Cen%asrfor BBLvtimcedi Stud2ala i n %he Bebv3osal gcieanes~~ ett $%anford, wMoh i a 1Uce the hotlees W t on a gre&*ersoale; really, P;haa@ woul4 be where mosf people waw3-& a g ~ s e we h& %he greatesf Tuo~, W e r W t you ~hieP1yon %he houses? Oh, it &1 depsnder on whot@ lJrr %he affift+, whoC@ %hex@ when the, 0 1 Y m - bsomers in. Xrm Oh@ house pmaoa when $hay a ~ k POP met but 'PheoBazls Q s e ~ hsuaes, Donn doe# hou~ee, ' W l h an a job $8 done i m r i.t; rslgnled by the wcthiDeo.& or the f%m? Wu~rster;t)t Et'ro eigned by the $$me An% JFOUdon't; 'twm joba d9m. Wwstwt 1 8 ,; r a e " s wW m mqr $ab & C s w n , YOW would t ~ ~ t i m d Oh@ ogfiae t&?ro%)I WunsrBe~t 'JTharVs aZgBt5. We15, we hwmrD ha4 my gxobl@nslo iaw being $ha$ pop%ax, kn ~tht%r w~rde,*O puf ft ia et very blntt way, w~~va, besen r s a v a s d Bhe leorstarlozi lof mo4teeie. X really matcan thtrs gnffe h@ncaer$ly. F3uaset~e$~l ptasgla w e Yaaaitpraki, E4 Bt~ae,Be39 S~w$.n@n, Bhoees people, ?mQ Ohey were eo bed@vib& by er~abmhiw they %~'~pahed ~IUXLW$0 gold, %ha% $hey awn %oat gezspeotirib, And we hsv@n*t had %ha$kana o f Pnzsadeesi, wlaio-h PHL glad fax !ha a way, J & Q ~Waneeke at way hsla %he asme grobxem, Ba w a e r able t o do evazlythitq~rro wIB12X *ha% he oouXd get timy job h4 aftex (ailssomss.tbers wcstse $ning star the ame jab) every %in@. Th8$t~ &n%ere@tin$. f would b v s mauneQ*ha% you W @ F ~~f Dhe Edida@-Bou~h ~ F O I I ~ . wuxsl$e~a get redlly beaenaxlece, you areel I we'arener'b $tiyLish enoqgh ~ Q T t b 9 . We Boav$ EbBvo~afr my sah003. 02 $ho~agh%~ Our a8vocta~y $8 wdwetatem@nB Wmetrrsrt 3 ? 1 t T a t l r thm o;~e~r600a%c~m@nB, We're you see, ns% *gxSll. peoplen s z *v~r%iaal. peopJe" 0r *beJfoa-be paoplan l%krs HamwiieJci., We believe in approachtng eaah grsbla e~OiLre;Zy anmu, Yamaraak3 hrrna t o g m t ~xperJtez%se a d l$ms upon St very hll~itll09ly. Does mean ybu a ssxtaia kind sf oUea%? hreterr A@ a rule, our sli~lfta walk in, Well, fox instanoe, we sonplsted s h~~.sae, Pa for 1150,080 %ha% e w e ycmterdqr for a family in %min @sw.t;ywho were Porkgueae B a t v people who omed Lwkaa Valley before Ef@Uer bov&$ %hm ou*, 3hey wexe v%xg n9ae peogla, bu$ very afmple people, eand %hey Qmned t o theb lawyer t o find out who was beet t o go to %o gslo OP h0u1~ea~la fihe3tr Lawyer h w d i h8arB aoraczrbddy say oaoe $ha% if he aver had a hourere %a Bo he'd ge4; 9r ~ertrainf i a a $0 80 iQ. And %he lawyer h a ioxgoften tha m e of the firm but Be had&*% far- gotten the 02 B ~ B f ~ i e n d ;he oaUsd hi8 ftpiena ap and aaid W h o would YOU ge% t o do it, and he aaaid, NWuroOa~,R 80 NX. Burreah, the lawyer, galled ua up aad a&&!, "Vmld you be 2n.tcsreatekd in d~2ng a laovsre $or my ~ l i e ~ t a ? ~ And ira;rrarr$;sd f T e ~ r * a mee-bira&waa F U - % ~ T ~ a %hey a i a % QUB UP ornnd Ve dfd d=tfv He'& ~ V H % hew&B ~ B L I ~ O ~ % P W Q P $ha% we 9ffer2erd the maat B $ L ~ f o r $he gL@fi#bgt W e bid IIkbFe f # a e f ~ l d~aw%nga, W s ~sZdlom1~raet822errta* We have lo& several, h t web gsnem3.1y go an Ia%o dbs thipd ganerraefiion. T $ l s did a hou~esrin B a V%e.tjal f o ~ Bh@Oooka, an4 thdr deugh%e~ I n Stuz and w e M a r i a n f ? o ~ k bancsisso 498 et e%tghaerrs fop $1.1- tberll~sbesmse the ffx& a%peg$eno+ In B A s VLater h & Baas sse, g3ewm%. 80 %here you me. And on the ~ t h s x ba.n&,we dirl M@myva;le,in S m &a~irsas, l a the old 'LsG&E ER;rSldlra$ dtlwa thelte by $he YazLna i3tafeway B%oT~, a v e ~ y im~ar an%iq~e@hog, We. Mmdanoueg;h awns fB, hcnd eha, &&&$aft did bihingps at l i k e the way are a11 .IBO alaeb ikmd a&. RLsea8 Yaa d2dnf t sozaplete it? Wure-kero W e finished that 2 3 u f @he 82dn"te w m t us $0 go &@ad wZfh plrana Pa remodel .la houes. Bvidemtly it B M n ' t B&%L~$Y thrs- id@&43$ B ~ F B ~ % - . Bicearslt X n rost f i m n a r 46 you a mod wo~kingretla%rlcsn- @Big, and ssn @*ttBaobenlrj u ~ t na%urarllydevelops wi%h $he esli~m*a? Ae8ually 9 $kink i t doea ~ i % h of .trhm, '75 gtm? c a f Oi tmusqe we ebmge a top Fe@,%welve per @en* of %he hrsuaiet, an4 %hen we give OU;F~P&~PB@tanstir%9&$q$ly t o 3 0 b B xi3 %ha% h&&O Vwy h i & . Zfesa is etzmdmrP1 or P Q W @ ~ ~ 1s %hgaemuah %Bpata$ianof tha o3ient %ha% goeaa u 4 s *ha job7 'Sl@sr, @zst~g.t; f@3? *O kiad%0% *h2W%. X: keep erw- %Big %O wbt3dy W ~ O ~ e ' ; ~ t e a h0We OX, nR8ntWiI- b w , S.tita llgs an& your aaoney. And we ma% &a O b beset o f yam HnQ, OF we shou2.Bra'B be doing i t fer you, You # h o P Z Z &have enfibsiam fox i%, w e ehoaSd haye rni81uaia~n for it. It wouldntO M ~ ~ X B W aa~ilrfi.f: me, I ' m ~ Q S in it for ?ayeelf, fn%sreafea The main thixkg i e .t;o gxo0etz% you fron y~url~~t~tlf and %o augman%the thin& so that $au mengtboxed l a %Be future." Iha% do you mean, wa~gm~nt #T En ohoasing be%w@en ~oXu%ioas$0 eom@ up with the $Magre %$a$will add and will have Oh@ ooLoa 0% ' & h e slient. So T very aslaom g@Bm~raelfin%o%he pore;t$lion of bd$onyTW X #.idl lbx1$ke your balcony, (I &%@;a abauf rim how when I w~rSlbatadwhat ln %he woxld Be, wantea be aai&, R%bm@tre a vsroaa~y9a Z vould like vary msh t a a]~a,sint you tto 19 I$ you Sa S was on t b ooan&esioa, WeU, we hw3 a Xi&% irs %he a~xomi@aian wdth the then ahaimem, Vl$ha@s@8, Q x m t XXZ, who inslarBred on markd.ng "wh;Lt@* and Raslo~adY the map# -- Mtwklng the park mesa? Y88, mwkli%eand H ~ ~ & ~ r $ r d am!l %here wae no rewon ,* for ue t o QW$ .that kind 8$ thing^ at all. We were Ww&t.%axr suppaeesit to b a r arsmpLettelg free sf gxarjudiextt. One %in# whes E woentf t h e ~ e cme of Bhs menibma broza@% the irilante w g but they asolZd gst no arcbeend, m a so i t 454aB, i#Pnxka%ed %he 'ESrar~idsalti~ !!Ma a d when ' 1 : W&I %heret b rte* %%as we gut; 18 aver# I ma8e %hamove, %he ~a%banaZ park member slraonded it, and w e gu% aver B c i s $art%a$ asseiw %hi# P ~ o m our merge. Zhk8 P ~ e ~ i d ~ 9 i l t WQU&&X'% P ~ W B Q ~ % USY~OIB8. and am% ll~let $Q aeet a H@gmwoB$&.tccn~%, EIlXfard Bobiwon, whom he platma8 %a&a@ a member oi?%he ~ ~ l s sodmk@n. $@@a 10 b @ s $ ~ ~ , % widen%%hati$here was g ~ 3 a g Ba have lOl@ be a new ahaimm, by Bhs i & e a * b $ha% B ~ wasnt%t s~ergpodn-bad,and ~taddealyBhay aakeB a8 ~ a la$ o$ quent&@nre,and i$ 6aw~edBaa me the* f m e Oo be *he ahaimtan, J oaJled %he Houae Presidential &e~%atmtr, m a Z aslid, " B B ~ heavenrE I make, you &n'% maan t s 'bell me goutre gaiw $a make me oh4xne31, Z ' m wa abeebntge perma and f t t e msng.* !&?bar e ~ f d , "Well, who %Is@ a w l d you euggeatBn " Z ~ ~ Q P Q $8 E . 0 sZ8@* Bsw o$lien did you somane? Onass al mon%h. e'6~ery$in@ you bt~m%a Watrhing-kol~~,~ h$ s&d, R 9 wan* ym t a c d 1 a d 264 ae know that youqrs habee m d a X wan% $0 tn&s 6% g$-e $or ;gsu Zza -the srahsd@Le99 ~srs@ible,* Bta %iked $o &i#wsa public works, $ J Z ~he knew s gr@a% dedL abau-b %hem, Beg& &one a grel~+t &gali!!' hi8 h c r 1 ~ 8 eta+# on m ~ h aaBtasse 1% wtw be, on ' H ' e r B r i bBuena XsZarid, who kept the bxkdgq p~opb6~ f ~ d mtlaing a out through Pmba Buenay ha as, a 5 ~ 8 t ~ d a@@ an tihe twuzel Beoawta he didntt s a t t o it seared wi%h w open aufe So, he w o d d ua&me aa a pillow %or~eIzc&tIon really. &d T w ~ u l dgo in and %her$ all would ah#&$ a fZet a% me aut i n Ohs outer oPf&sq amd s&y, HDanlt you dam stay avesx f3.%twn atnutea* !l!hdxe -a $wan$y people waS$.f.ng m e him, owLa p a m~Cn~$ etay over fff%etm aCtm*e~* A% %he end of?$%f%elen 'the WJVg, ~ Q W * .When B h e tima am@fox I @ t o aame West again, Z w a e i going %Q % t a b f a*he a m Jab a* $ 2 3 . 8 lJnivtitxm$.ty guaJpt;er of my $ime in T~~bMn@an, lao I said not $0 %&&we ~ b ~ n t i you, $ha% ~ Q U * T $ da~er'bhgme. Z don't want 56, X 15ke wh@% gatatr@ do-, Why Born" f ~ Q U a jab i&ti 8rorge Waaphingkon W%verepi.f;y, y9t3 e m QQ&~(Bh%~f$?# we bo%blaughed. w@ knew *hat thta wrtg n w b ponrraa;tbls 'bus i % ' a a miate go eruggeaa; 18. Ph+ .tihag $ha8 efan$lsd me ths moat anrE H i a L t P e me faad. aery proud wae Zio rea $ha+ her@war a man abo~3uDelyunaamugt6)d by power, I've n@v@x %earn ay%h;lngl%B@it4 Here WM a man who while he was bumble hhar~l2 demnded %ha% the gbsY%A~nbe held very hf&, EQ% $03 E 4 . n s 8 w pearasn buC beatatuse ~f %he naGisn, a@wr aa~uraned%ha% Ba and the 90811- $ i ~ n were O ~ B and the stme tfhtng, wh2ub ia a raBhex noble p o i ~ t sf v h w , really. He a&sn'.t; oon&aed at a13 WauC %he f&&f that he, Rhr~ey'P~uman,wrae @it- %* 5;r B U a areratr &@a$, Thm X wen%$n %has$gr+er% 09*$3 Beon %he Ofrsltr t b s was in%xo4u~edZ kept m a y * $0 ayraeJ.2, "We11, if PaOha~~ ~ u l d X t ~ e s l l y 8nXy see me a c ) ~ . ~ f~ gaiQaB~ea~htakhg be taken h-bo tihe Ov&I $0 BOOB etna t o zrlealise %ha+& Bere sltpr the man wi%h $ha &@a$gowrsr in th@ world. yawr W r n raaztr al fie@ t;lg on yam heacf -- 48% r@allyr aa ~prararaa~v~ oituestian I R my l-w@. You h o w , governernti @@nctiesr terribly w e n - r n mad +ewy Zay&Lly sttaffrd by o i v l l serv&ntta. I &at had a Tong telegram from %he 8Cate Department about my rcs9i~aent0u-k b ~ 3 ~ ~ r They wandered if they aughWc$ %6 aena asmebody ouQ t o r~preaantthem at 4 % . ceremony, oii'ioa *rote baok and s a i d no, Ohat It wlaam"b radlg neoeasaxy at all, They f'ollowed wi%h rw %elegram s a w they wanted %a ba eosL a$ mentally gar$ of %he prooeas anpmy. WhaB war& the work of %he oomrfa~ion? 1% wa%an atfmtpt to gat m;zB a general plan fhaQ would ~OI~SBBOW %Q tromrs, gf?e gtaidelinsa of what was a%tenp.ti$0 Larep esaa-kfeza%50&Srom 8paPling Ba %e.fsdn % h e rba&r.t;y%ha$ w%& RababSagbontrs. 09 ~3aazrslsr4h1 Bie?ifiet sf QoLurnbSa, whish you aXaaya aeo m a BMng 3.- this I['lilpmde& bquarej, $an m&Zeta ssqpme, ~ J Z 1846 $he Osngreer of $ha V&SBs& Otiar.tr%saodod Bhe pact aaaearna 8hs Petorno k w k ta TTfxg$nb. %bey would never need %Marm c i h r g a c B e a , %Bey tbougbt. asy i a r s r t a r c a 8 of b e 2 ~ sa requ-e BbaB yoo alwa~esee, the wha3.a c ) a @ aide f a uu% A 3 - 1 &ld.ngtan, inoludjgg Uezmdriw, all 02 tiha* be16ngga IT@ Vtrg2tn;Za. And aothing o w bb &one abouB ;lt, SO, i r pze-CZv;hZ V-r Ilt8a ~bou.trtrw~-.t;'hirt3e the ria@2t m a ~~SgindLly* !i!ha% of- th&B ie the BOB& vaurable pa@$of ViPainia, of oomare, be- otkzlfaa %hey pay fhte naat t a ~ ~ e3nB they wouldnt$ poeeibly g f ~ s S t ag, Ware pwk areate slddwa w U e you wcatr.s,Qn *ha, sods- r~Zoa? $&#ze W&B a abnar%m%&.t;Btmp8 %o @&rd f h e r pmks frsclm fratcswayar usnmp- $hem all* Bern~c%hesrs we Xssa$, @one- B%nw1 W* gahedr f O was t a xa%Ber;tme+xa$Sng exper- le~l@4f, WurmpPert , I t ~ l e a W d %s ptzt over the gal#$ o f v$ew %hatWaahington w a r a @ obty b@lov@1 land s ~ a d by W ~ Va2tA~riffnin ?;ha ~otza-trPig,~4 ~ g y d %hay s h m I L d gesmSt t m s t o b a r done in WoeU~8ontb-t theg gllZghC 220% $gfqxd in theAr awn oom&1;Sesj %hey ctould t U & o f h%or w pilot 6d8vdyPbeoau~es Waahingt~n%a ag+cisl and if ha8 .ti& pride of all &e3xAoru3, aitira;renel XB ehozr;t8nft have, m Z m r s , and it ahcruldn*$ be w&y, T t ohould rapzaaenB a a@glta3. o f a B@mocrssy* $he rgal eaQa-befnfreps~$sr sot 3n s#dl interfered with Ohe reh@xraS~ people, bu$ aAn0e %hatBiae amy, srran$ tih-8 have happened, and we b v a .tihe whole re&e~elogmsrr.$ t a k l ~ g wUoh a ~ ~ ~ i @ t # dm&m q r @f tihe 8 3 . . i + d $sb~a&ld$~g % h m WItio gxi8efiJ. areas, T was %here a9 fuart a~ Wortwater jw~8arts, The %roub&a wIQB the Ma%PonaJCapita3 Park and PI-g Comiss&onha %hat there is a eenatmx and a oongreaemm @rnenbq~a,and i t l a xegwde8 aa the law~otoomit-kes aitppoSnt331en-k in %he Qongresa, They don't aorsre .Iso nreetings and they gay no srh*entio# t o be paxahollo&clsrl5y W enaot;iosalJy gemdEed with aructh iapoflersnas %ha% people woullb regard it; a8 one of the highewt a~gsfntm~~im. WBSZe P w a a s %he~s %he ma& Ching T d i d %at o ge% %be big, $a%volume, whioh a3.wa~aauoed $0 bs auti 41 da+e ero qtliokLg, re8usredl b % o ls m ajox a m r met$ vah.i~esttove* dL1 oi bhss thingap and %hen pt8mpSfst~numbered one %boughsight, alil supple- ~~ntiary thing$, oa traeifio, on moo- paopXe, on open ~ ~ & B B B , efzzd dl1 the other Zereaatar a9 t5.i.e~ plan.. n i q ao tho* you oau3.d replaas any of them %h!inga as you wm-bea to wlzQn they reare obrsolote. 2he aomiseri~naggoiPiCmen.l;rs ahmgts with new Pzeai- seats? S*ve 90rgo3tefi the arxmgemfetn-b and %he lengCh of %em. They me now reaorgienirted in a auch better fatahion In any asfaa, And are the ~ec~omanda$tOnrs of the eommis~ioavoted upon in Oongreasrs? Y&u havet QO get %he b@~klfig 02 Congreer~~ t o wha2;aver majaz dleoiefon you make+ It goea befam oommitrtecaar, A8 s mle $ wae ~t%-bexly by the Raw38 Corumttm de%@a.t;ed Oee, who ou% E a t Qapitol Pwk in tswo with a great P O & ~ W ~ have been in another and b3tIdlge wUah O Q B ~ ~ loa~t%ion, w~ratezt Yara, $0 P P Q B ~ ~ % y ~ t l taaa Bo %T$ yam a%de. BSesel Xn@iBaln%ra'lly, have you agaa* muah %ma with A X 8 a~%9,viti~a, group8 as s$ber ar~hALestwe~eomecsted P I 09 .that aro~C? BftzreBmt X've aeser rnpqn* aa mu@b Bbtq e L a arhovld h a ~ e om the AX$, E epmt o aerf~in madun% 65 81a% on tb$#ggar like %hs lax8bena.l Capital Parka rand Plmming CIom2asian, and now %he govsmort@ eomiseion for the growth of ~aozmento,Int% f never did sea12y atrwfgh* AXA 8imt3, !&ears: In 3,958 you beswme 8 rnembal~of the azohiteo.t;waI. g a s 1 far Mae stat^ Department. W h a t is it $ha% y q t 2 do $ex %ham? Wwsterr %ha* w a r oonosived of by %be Sta-be Depm%mernZ; who stak~dPiretWo Bs2Lueohi, R m y Shagley and Ralph Walker 90 be an t h ~ atrohS%wlepanel f o ~ %be Fore$@ BuildSngs Operatisn %o oat up ~riBeria for Bhe ahoioe o2 arorbiteete 902 oamiasi~naand then %Q gaaa on the deiaigns preaenfed, ~wux@$sx, Bernardi & IQmons] werq giwn %he U,S, Conertllatea in Rong K ~ n g by them [1953], a d Eero Satwinern wae given Porvay by t b s ~ [B,9* Eglbwary, Oalo], T n .Oh@emly 1950~ there waa ern inPi$ed uornp~tiBionfor the London Embseray wsn Wws%*??t by a m h a * P B Q ~ Bart4 w w pfa@.ardon Bhe w@M'tieo$gmel o$ P,B.O. . n d ho rsk&a %ha% I be put on. M%ex a time I wm &A% on, a t & I slave4 on longsx %hen lasly ~llhex membes. X'VB my a m Bw%a%ed &QW no mbh 88 sfay on, r8a!trWaa&hin gepBaber 1969. I'lve been on 5% &OF. five yew%. X wen* 80 Waaihiagton ab~u8@&emevaxy Wo aanths. Fe &tte as jgetcce, %a %he a'lie&t Che3s -- f;trt@ v e ~ y much lib %he work ]IC da fez %he U~iv1~618y o f Gal.%- f0mU in auggas$rllng tknd *flag $0 ge% a~ekSitr)a%w?e %abe beauQi$ul, apprapr9a-k~ an8 eam$bLs, The petepXs on It a@warer &am&nae Andmaan sb M.f .T. Boy Urr~anQF PhSXa4cbZp31%a m d m~a.lrex. I' 5 3 b@ 602El9 ~ f f * Rieaarr Pnalarebing svapy tnHs rnsn%h~ SB ss@undtaa8 -tihoagh i% muat &aalwi%h more j#&0 ioraign biX8lngp;s than @mba~sfess, %marte;r*t Oh, ymt8 be rsua~pr2aedhow m y for~bbgnexabas$iew arnd foreign aonrulaeabbs them are. And all building done by Che 8f;at.%ePegwtrment ouGei&bB h e r counIrz!y g o e ~ dkaugI %hi$ pg~nel, U 6 b s r e ro It oau38 ineltlde hoa~5ngfar par~orsnel, abut7 MB(b.aP;Sy they felt; the BSnraMg of ~aym?chi8maotmer the K i n g t o c r a m Bo Ramwk +or %he openlag of %hs aodemy, sad my slaairtra U o t t ~ d t o me, The Xing pAa~nslin m e e t ; ~ i q qumtiet~ Bu8 it haa not worke8 ant f@Jr area $ 4 3 attmd* Ysu heave a h m i 9 . 3n ar-o many %Wnge, c i t y hallla, , 3 QareAgn build-a, o%berFampuoqa, exgoaitiiona I - WMA *he o~miO't@saar or oomaisarions m e ahosen do %hey a%Bentp.t t o get toge&h@r a group sf men witrh d i f fs~es18goihte o f view? Vary often %hey d ~ , yes, Then you're known by whmth~~ youWr8~bjeativeb02 pareanal a'boa% thfng~. Teaahlag hslpo you Bo ba obJeotivs, I think, agore 3hm moert other: profereasfoner beoauae you o m ' t man @very%hing i n yo= o m imager, slthough laone arbhi- teo$s t r y 80 do 8 h a 4 3 . RLe#@ t So a gmel of ob$sotdva, pragber cran ~~aaoh oonolu~ionla? Wms$etr$ 2ha.t; ar r J . g h f Bsrserd on ideas* YmaaraH be very ghlxaonstSl about a11,ltheee %hlnga. W s me bofh on at gas& the 'FfnLvereity OF WashingOsn and ha i a alwaayas ~ s e k i q ~ Bo guide w~xflhinginQo his own x Z qneetian thie buO Yma~akil a giftaid a d good @onesfrom hi@ preaegnae. Bicsae: W b $ 2rs your w0zk %OF the QnSvex~I%y of Wa~BIqgtonT Wweterr 1% en a a ekmbi%eo.ttural pianel* on 0811 of the xegm$a, be* up ccl#s$ating of %Weearchiteata, %hetiean of thafr own B Q ~ O D J ohahman, and one other hotalty membex, a d the buerineras manager, %he g r o o a ~ tand 8hs presiden9 mit iQ, too. We ex~be~¶.ne the c w p m An srdatr t a Jadge need and also oritiofse asehiQaotara3 ~vabartaaisna. . . .. . . Dean Wurster - 1951 TIbw d i d you get Che deanship here a C the Univ@ra$Cy of Galifoxnia? When d i d the nego%iatfonefor %ha% begin? Well, 5 made, a pldsdgg Bo rqyeelf' that Z would not usmaidtsr any @hang@ for the 99rof five year@ a% I.L.S., isha* I would give muah a period unstint- WXy, A8 the end o f tha$ .time I heard that Daan l w r s ~ Persy of %he Unive~rsf$yof Califoxnia was ~wignfnghla deanship; he wanted t o take it a Little b i t eseier and %4aah only. My friend Jack Keht in city and regions1 plan- ning afspped k and eepoused iny ~auseQUB here, Tt wag due 30 him, really, more than anybody else, though wheB with %he varicrua delay@that ooourred I wandered if they really were going Oo offer r a e auylt;hing, f heard onse tihark f waa t o meats* Robert ffgxowl at Eoa Alamoa, and then %hatfailed to 3PbdJ.g BgrauP aiade a dage far n r e A n Augksa.1: , . . A x z g u l g % 311 3949 -- ant3 X beta Zmah w%fhhim a ; hi# koase and &%ex lunah he walked w i t h me on %he Easf Lawn, b d mda.ksd +ha% he ootrld do t o tempt n r s to Be Qhs deau a%Qa3.Afaxnia. I laughed and saia, wPou dont% t o temp%me at 8 1 1 . I w a n t t o do it." Be said, wWe15, am I going t o get no oredie fox thie at st;lLTs [&augh$br] I laughed asla said, nNg, you orartft claim any oredi4 for It* &d ao S set my lealtitry leer8 than the one at - /I I i,T,b., bseause L wan$ed 80 oarno. I knew I really b d i r~dwh$da poSnO of de~iaioa* Xf J: stayed in the Eta83 f wsu28 have had tro caut w%%h ay weetrsxn ~ f l f i o e ;i t was t;oa hard doing thlnga at long range, and I Pel8 I w a a s eb debit rather than a oreldlt, Then this inbsxmatias was wtkhhald until there wa8 8 lot of rumor a ~ ~ u n d about it, and finally the maor# $lew 80 $hi& Z gained the privilege 89 N.I.T, t o $8. around ~ O ~ P ~ Q Bf 4khfnk tha* w w January 1950 and I l e f t $ha$ summer t o eoas Wefff. W a e r %herea s~miDtete Bsxs *o ~h0010 YOU, o r what? Pem Bemy had let *he etdao3tn$a*lirna%&olii ~ he Rie~@ t b w Bie~s Pemy wais m y o dam fron 1927 until you came. sueh s long %in@?Gh~t3rrn6t11~Mp~ r~ta*e,1 b@li@Ve. What about deanship89 Wwa't;atrt Well, in a a i t a r y eys.t;mu, %hatin, where you axe boQh a aohool of law and a peduate aahool, or a axe b ~ t h ebairmlwz of .tihe depa;rt;men%an8 dean; f;hough when you ge* more derpm%mentthen you eplid %ban ~ n e ~ up and y~mzham rotating ehaPrmn many timee, but; . . OY~e-t;~;~o Yea* . ., . . .. Usamt T wonder whr. It% very h-4 fa a amall eolLeget @mall depwbmetntirsl, $0 have thbe muoh staxie-by sf! geag9e wbe @auldfill %he Job. W ~ ~ Z W O B I2n the &&i%h8ep4a~ltmsntBhwe night be f ~ ~ t y on the fsroul$$ and o f Bhsa five @F r a b who aould ~ b l y O ~ X F ~ I C k e on $he ohraJ,rmmship. e w e in the MB$OXY a d $he, Qemmdepart- B~par%men%~ man%, Ithey're trying now ts -- the crhaimmrships m e ~eu&lly throe $0 five year@and then a re-exmination ie made mad a dsolaion Bo keep on the ame perraon or t o make a ehaage, Haw, laat week you saSd %ha% even before you w m t to Y,I,T. you brad Been in-bereatsd in having Q a 3 Bo t)a3,ngs ldsersr Sn the ahadow of .tihe paat, belag a leader in edae&Son. Had there b e a any ohanos a%%ha8 J;ba of your getitlng %he dewaship here, or was it really owt'ingen8 upon Perry mslkfng M w deslarisn? Pt w- eontiingssnf~wgon ferny, Tn faat, ahw I talked to Bob Sgroul in 1944 about aoang Into %he Uepwhm8 even aa s teaahex he @@id, "W@119 X & O R ' * f-k %hey'U WWP YOU, ~d gau don't w w l ? tCo go where you're not wanBadmw And I lawghsd and 3 @aid, wI ssupgogle tha%'s right. Userat Y?hhwas abx~PSsr. Wwatcs~t Tee, %&%PI war befme X Book the M,S,f, gob, X t w a e r q u i h tirue fhli wS8hoz;rt @43E.!l?, i-b wmX4 have been v e ~ y muah hm8er Po make ~seChe dean, Wesrat W h y wotz1iW t %he'$ have wanted you %hen? W+uvaQrrs Well, . a pelreon w%oBa8ai.d Ma m y (80 owka~pokenly as f have muat oan;.ewbly have gsaple who don't Z t i b -4 Rietsa o Tea, $he lime twt$ele en ret&a%ngaduaaLCo~ag i a h s s ~ you as be* highly s~n%ravers21X,* Warertser~ Many people think S'vs besen gZven too moh (3red$% b a 6 m far what wow3Q ham happened ~ ~ r r p a y , whi~bI I roba ably f&z enotlgh, Or soroe o f the people whs'd bren in the s d B ~ ~ l and wanCed $ 0 do 811 fhess e b g e ~ d werent% able t o do i B because they wexentf dean wexa regretf'ul, One of the $a@alty rnernbe~em i d $0 @orneboilyelas when I firs* came, So2 %hingm we w$.~ltetE %Q do a l l $his tins, " It'e f a i s BowcaaSevo %b a &aalam.X oawser. Wf@a# r Wglb&&~@vqn h~vlgmf8&e~*.ByB8 ~owlerwm~ r $ n b s b a z e d M&U%@$ h Q Q X X B ~ ~ ~ Wrmtert 4 . JJw~ou8h H G& IBZT%@Q~ giaea an a3?0h%tsatnwa3, bao-~wd scsllxs~le~ mrvsloura $@;(;la l l Bhr Da~tnaouth en. O a t 4 of %he X&y8 02 *he Rag Btoree go* hi$ wh@Js w%knetwledge Char@,a d , IS beta head 02' t ; b e%asr -4 i w r quiQrawlsalthy haf@abZre t o buy modem wt; Wmf Be WOUL& ~ Q B have had Bha judgmtsnt t o Buy wigho~ttfisr D~lmo~+,h experieenaa. &Q'W61$9 &@h 1-2 Wid 5 WQF@ ibh@t b 9 d f n n ~ ~ & - $ion#, really, fbea s b%$ af ooafusiea 0me in ae we were going cm, a d aonetlasar once df4nftWon wha8 the athex pw-b o f %hesahsol wae la-, es we finally ends8 up by havingf, in 1954, 1955, 1956, r~mewbwealong i n Bheze* 81 great sgappamsiua of all. our ~ B a f f ,who got so eqsr t h e %heyqe&% tihrsa, nigh%s a week for a couple or week# an jue% ~arrriaula~ mat*sam, We direcovbx~d $ha% w e ~ y b ~ d y w w $xr$r@ %O maker "the whole ramH eve~y C Q ~ m a 2 1 3 0 one w a r n % e a a h i ~ ~ any arohitel~haze, es we had a rigM ~6bd~f-PaQtLTi9 have t o give csnoa@b dc!&.U 80 ra&XSy6#1~&'1B341 8he P@FBIOP BO ape& ~ ~ w ~ n g l y 9Xa6e a d no* haw iD dens @varyttwm. & Vobrn0n btibtare saya, nlfter dl, 8n w@hi%ecrt doee haye $Q deaign a bukld$ng. He ha8 t o do a building An f9s $QJ?B~. " by %be way, Xtve just; come from %he new Bnvi~onmentaSDe%;t@ Buildiw, tans i.tirsgoing f o be aagnif%asntp Xtte go%% t o be juat exaotly what X hoped it would 'be, 3 wwfed 1 4 r $0 look l i k e a *ha% no Begen% wouS,dt I - , an8 i t ' s going t o 100k of *ha%, 5 t 1 a go% wonderful arpacebu -- all the dutkta E J ~ Q Wiaai&e. T t b abrtlsludely WiuiaheB, rough, uoau4ih, and brilliantly afroag. !Chi.@ia the wey a ~ o h i t e ~ t m e ia Best done. !&at% w h y old bui1ding~ are nemly alwsya oonpaBible fox ax~hiteot~.%he &V%TQ?UR€#EL%&~ BfteSL@3 3eJuild;tnl$ .I-* the O P B O B ~ ~ B ~f it in eonactapt $a 8 bu22dhg done by Paul. &I&aSpha$ Pala, aa in+turningl $&A%@ bzlld9ag, good, bu* oppoasise, f had lumh a$ the Studeat Union Ooday Boo, a d gaw Charlea 9!l.Pd@ntewhdaw, whiah is up in %hernedi- W&?dLb.e@~ WkJc~nS.Q@P+ f@U IJZQPISB & ? I Q %&b 8L L~tDka Ybatd enJay it, Z$'B a bsf23%$11-tt %tiin&,alm~srt ovwpswer2ag forr %ha.ram, 'zzuds .f:h&Oge a go@d fauZB. a* 2 ~ ~ i 4 % t r i ~ & a ~ 02 &MY; i v o b ~ o g a g PR @@as, really. 12ies&ar: Vha d2d it? Wamtert Pile%,fran Paris, and 1 %hiakh e s a the same m a who did the, 2189;le ataioled glates in the murafa buildfw [Rez~s 8a.123. DeHaxa vaa one aP the arehiteetel of ifhe building, You ~ Q W ,the lawyer Sbr the University fin& %ha% Bhey can't h a m wadding@5 . a there, besaws 90 would be aas+wlm, f %hi& tbZ@ is jus%.plain noneenaea, I think SL% wuaM be a wanderful thin& if a gera~ormcarts@ abouC Oaifornia 30 have a t e d d i q i m a B b O roan, And &a. TiltIran would like i.1;. f hag@%he lawyes, a ~ ~ a 3 . ab~tmetionl~%, is beahxi down @omdayon %Ma, They have b&aoalaurea%pbs, whish m s ~leralt;ax&an*W h y ahouldag t a wedding be ~anoidaredthe Bane a8 a baaoalauresBe9 BSesse To% said aboa* $he wcbitiitatwe building $hat you Qbaqs3 3&&%r %hey 12ka duB.le-gie sUek .Oh&nge~. f . 8 ' ~ aw$ally hard 80 pal&asvwykhtng aver, B e y rtibb&e&wara * %he Uear w d lavar.ti~@y .tihe bag bnsa vrsry ~fke3a. 3 dont% know haw %hi8 one gat by them, [In re'eareaae .fro a telephoaiir 0 a 3 . 1 xe~eivedldaring i ~ t e m P e w ] That [a g d i t h g er hi1dSng by thap Iteeen'4~~f ie what; youvx@ going down 80 the Rsgen%s rmttre&ing in LOB Angetless t o do %moxxowT Xesst aul A n r e r h e n m d A;lllea bulldbg 001gom@w~ In BhaB !l?bie ark$~slethere were quatee, oxitSadmr, og $he n m En~i~am(i)n+tnZ I was Dermi$n h i l d i n g , w~ndbringwhe%hesr baiZdlag ie eonridered f a i ~ @ ~ i % b l a J , grwrns befoae i . 0 ' ~f i n i ~ h e d . Well, la the a3~.t;ioI,e, $hey laereLy clw.basned -- Zn my in$f~micb-w wS%h B B x , ZLah I lslximera%atdall %he thlaga I %h~u$h% were %he %LQ~~BIEI BB ~633. a 6 3 ~ L P I X ~ B in fhe whole airsrrsceatbLage of facBs. A n d the TWe editoxlsl in the East cham noat of the holes, in~tead~f the at he^ pmta o f %be t h * . Row when I, $or b18aa108~ha& @aid %hat1 wantea Bhe &avir~mnenIt&L Deeign B~lild;tagdo be a InaiXtiiag $ha$ no Bag,n.t would LIRet, o a h t 3 meant w a a r Chat X wanted s sough baild2qg, no3 4 ewe@%lrt1136l.ng, an13 i t r % going $0 be rough -4 f%'s g ~ i n g t o bs a v e q ff&nebu9ldbg for i t a pupo%&;Zt wont% ~ S W F X O W ~ ~ hinge^ yQ1;1wi*h n8i$*~-]ljLiDc4f$&ffh@19 OF Zika $ha%, %haasilings m e 1leef-b ogera, with all. .&hepipes csxpoared, Bv@q"blziiqjfEI done 1Pke $ha%. WwepBhalaen, no mati%arvha% the opinions we 02 4 i h s e h i l b S n g , is St legitimate t o tender tiham opirPione before %he Wilding i s built? We&%, 1 Phink thoee axe jurat; word@in the Time mt&alcs,and notb3Jig Bo do wi8h xeality. They m e j u ~ t Tbetse warde, h . t rin t U e qu~s9iaasf when a building ie really fifii1a2294. POT Frierte~ncs*%he laurin (50~18yC%V%Q: am%sx by Prank 3 C 1 L o y d Wxight, aan it Be considered f i a i ~ h e d be$or@ 8he Janda~apingis put in, ox before the 1and~eapin.g h w grown %a fill i n the ear%haxafaa? These tihinga3 again are not black ox whtte. X$'B l i b geogleg when i a the m~ga5fi@erzt momen* in one's 1Lfe.? %hemyou get rnetrrRsd? When you have children'? W h e n you wri.be ftl baok? What %B i f 0 9 B w m thing abmL s bni18tagc 5% Ma a U these vai~iable8, l a 50 when %he ~~arrrtrn@t&on Ta it dcne vhen %he iti dens? LanBsreapag 58 ;tnS The, krk, fsr insBtm~e,ia a xige buSldbng4 9% h a m beern 1if@i3 La, ittar been used, it's been beatmn up and etvery%Wngalee* XBt s wive(li. O w bwLLU&g PP&U &wbl#%y y@at?a ire m~ive, taka W a s the earnitfee of acbiteuBurs, g l m i n g , tstnd landsaape wohiQestn~e %ha% yon ware on i~ 1954 the bsgimning sf planning for *he new college mrange- nent? Actually i B exist;ad in a$ ~ i n d olwayaa, before even I Game here, that wet should meats one entsity adminSretrartiveLy. &chhtsc%ur~ was by itrereli, l a d o ~ a p i n g w a ~ in qrieult?xt?e, and oity rand! zsgiond planning was all by itself t o o , a d we believed we would have a sfzong@r lisiaoa if we could get the building togather a d Che people to- gather, euld a l l under one admiai~txstion,having Joint couraea and joint evtming lectures in s large ZesOure hall. say 300. You cowla h ~ s go-ktiatn tagcathell &n a new building #ithowti the new ~bdmbniat~aIxL~s unif, eonldntt you? Ihat 'ea coxxaa%, bu% it 's ju#f l i k e a pereon whots eap3oyeB by the ~Ga%a t o &o something as compared do the person wh~lranploys8 by %he oi%yt o Be, 861~6- $hiag, If youtae employed by the city your first c a l l o f duty fa to that oify, na%nraLly. Ylfhe~eaa yawl. Zilret s l l o i du%y m5ghd~be t o aathsrr city nemby whrars ysu @ugh$ t o Bo more wo~kfor %ha, By being in P h e e efalleg@a d ! E:nvi~omnet~liaI. Deerign you e m do ysw WQFB whesr@'tTer $ . @ a Pets1 itr, neededl in lm4saapkng oz a~ahi0eatureom oity plam$naf, and a way you're par* 09 %he P I Q I U Z ~ ~ if ~QU'TB in a m h f 0 8 a 8 ~ 6 %~ZBPI only, youfrba a o t park of tchss picstur~. Me you 41aXking abou$ ~Wden8atro~faoultyS FsreuS%yin partiou3ax. Ye hap0 amy Jo;tnt slflces- p~iaslesm d l jelvlt apgoin+hebnt~ that Z value very 122gM.y. The o a y peaa;t.l;y the man para, of gouxee, $3 %ha% he ha8 tto go t o t w ~ $a~uXty meetingar, aa8 $h98 t&m~ goxiOs a lot of'flme, And the Un%v+m~Lty, dosa f l encourage more aolleget Lwei adminl~trrntivaruniera? Do %hey lrtke thie? ghsy like very muah wha4its ha~penedl, In fas-k, they enoouraged ~e Lo go on and do $4. And iC was very anuch done wi%h adrniniotiriat%veenaourqement, All %boughAoademfa 5kma-t~ ~omm&%tees, of o s m ~ $ ; we went %bough%hezwmber whole x l g m w ~ 3 et o ge% 1$3 i B had to be aeceptabd by ou;r ieXlow greieaoora. Jaak gent owrled 3het ball. Be did the aa-a1 work Wurs.t;ert of draibing %he'I&giela%fon %ha$ had Bo be pre~ezlCotd Co C b s b senatdd .t;o form %hi8nbw college. Jack K4~tl-b dltd a l l '%,hework. ~ c s l e s ~ ~ t ~0.sthe exiitenc. oi the ~oli*glt+ 8ugge.t that more ~ieee8t~~b w i l l go alli? O C W V ~ ~ Y Wurwkext Oh, yeo, very dtai?h rjo. Wdve go% oms magnificent ressareh rpaos. in fh* new building that w i l l make it% gossibl;a' t o do all manner of thing8 that we can't d6 now, Uesmar 'Vhs~8types o f re~ea~cth? Matexiale x~seareh't Wur~ter$ W ~ U -- you have t o be careful that you don't fall bask lato %he conponen-t~ of arahitectwe rat;her % h a the 'gutting of thiwe 'togetiher of archiQeo.tiuria. Iri other words, if you go back So components you then g e t s%rengthof materials, and this is an engineering thing pure and sibple. W e woaldn t campefe with %ha%, but we would conpole with the nethade of pubting things Bage%ber,vPkiah i s srohic teatwe. Riaa1~1 x Would YOU have room l o work, OX play, with aomthing like Buckmin@%er hllsrra ge~dss%a damm? W1~8css: Pea, we wauld in %he new building. Buolny B u l l a ~ Baa begs heze as @supAerof t b r e a r , and he om@t o 1 . 9 , $ ! , my rsrw@g@~$&o~, $ Wow him very weL2 an4 I o m nBtweted $0 h a . Ham you EPVWhew4 hlm %alkP feU, he e like O h l a PlZard Pipet: of Hamlin, Be xeraly $ O Q ~ ~ ~ B OZIQL1q flutlee and everybody Pol1ower BSoa. $kid Be a m talk a l , night, $00. Har eBstnUe tzp an the p;l%tBfsrm and sraysr, "Donv$OesZ rsroa~zyfor me berartludsa %]aerlaro IihZng~w%IX @omg ~ a d t s d l y , ~ aind lao on, and 8ben he $e8s werybtiy g t k ~ % i @ i p b l t i ~ , md the WQ@&@ %amble otlf. He %6121C$ 8 1 1 -4 on, dnna hr nr@nezlira;s% YOUc He stme t o the Vn%vereiBy 410 give 6 ~ 3 0 z 4 l ~ w y tU, and he talkad O i l X one es*oh~csPt in DwZn(ir32e, a t h jaJsiooz~bus~hqg~ o m 4 Clm&inrp;J-- they %auLdn3t resg %hs $low. Ihe d ~ a n o f aaienoe at H.X.Z., Beorge Har~%~on, $amkBy Club want t o $0 a Fuller ls&naxts aiad Bu&y JhSler had a irazaet 3 a h2a hmd re;g~~td~~rnOiag &L~Z equafian a d +khanhe dfd aomeOMng with i * thaO ahangad the #qzaC%on,a d Beo~gs E ~ r ~ i r o n , taoxneDhing ~1aiB$ %g goah, that m m d i d % h . f k Q @ W 0 0 k r l m 1 % " P@X8Qn* ~@PP@R[ R ~ - * B@El &Sa&3$ Bcirce- not asrso~Sa8cedw&thany aznArerleSty, 02 frrre'bPsitulion? He 5s rlrftih &he Pallw E ~ ~ Q W Q B BowdaPian ma hia $ow $0 sever& ~lniverroritisse t i l l . REP^)^ bet3~1enore ex pa naive^ axso hefa very dlamtp-bbgg %o Ohe azomdl l%fb o f %he#afiool, having him @om@ SYI, bd~aume ~vemy10;hbig #%&pa, belime he i a r now bapr$B at PImther~Zllixmle Un%vttgraSbya% ClsurbendPrle* B B a y b e you ~ o u l dm m e Und QI maarQe~ dtlaisiaera wZtB !~!xQu~~~EI i~j, YOU 0pqZ'b'b $he,* W a r ~ ~ S O I E L O ~ C ~ $aq$ tBV%Fyr Body elme Zn Bhe mh@olwants %s partdslpaitr~, All $he a%a&an$s wmB t o ba 2n it, Law~enaeAnz1ersan one t-e teLd mer tM6 at I.T.T. tihey e t i l l ha4 h$m cmcse in ia while, btnB & L L w a ; y @ a$ %he endt a f the $@?a, beaauae afl~atzl Buoky Wller l e e $ % there w a r n neQMagf o do but %a g t ~ k tap Bhe gbe;cara. f sa%dm@s%er c ; l l a a @ ~ , but ae$ually 5 aeazn w h y o a t % reomeone like %119x) her ttrhazed with hhe whole @aspael B a y people are inBerars%e& in araM8satunze, but there doeant% seem %o be such publie lec%uss-%ype preasnta- %ion or dlsmonutsta%i~n. ZC'a very tma in the world 05 a19 the D h i ~ g ~ sf any p~siesssiont h % t7&~'~1Lly pw"fiOf l i f e abou8 goa l t l a wahYIMtuml beowe@you aaba3.m sZZ aorta of L h i % & B fon# a e J well a& v9x?ritcsao9mu h o w , And r e n t 80a@%frn~11 h881P0m8 a b ~ u t CP~iftg 9h%qg$ &$BBt e ~ y be~a~prc9 you ~ Q W bar be*t;e~or ware@ it wflb Be wsape --%tt@ 8n.t; BueW Fullen hm r~eaZlyera, no Boubts in We rnitr8g hai@mre. He'ss a woad@rful hQ1ranbein$* PQUnea.t;i@~aad bsfoae that you had et vlari'king etamalt* tsab Es*re. W e had -- and h m e WPC axe $wading on .t;Mn toe -- wee had a vjisitiag ao~wii0terrZPh ~ehite~dmreb famed hepar 8%Berkeley (a@we rprsllre of at M.I,B, ) ,nn8ler. greasuxe f ~ o mthe Oalifoxnia Qannsil of Arabitec&e, But $he 8ozamZti.&aem % e s t B e o kthe52 fmc.tiioa aompleBBs2y. 80mehsw we didn't oamzawzioa%ewith Chem adequately. Ihey waterdl t @ r Beat o v e s s the xua~1in.g of %he de]le&rnent an% tb@y hlada" xrrg~L;1,~g Bhe background 80 do $hi@, f w&a for h8fin.g Ohem bta p@opleia the f i e l d $hat *he pzosgee0f'pts ~tudentaaould see an4 $alk %so -- %he hA&B arehool te~udfelstar-- but t b P ~ didn't aeeB $0 satirs- $7 tiham at all, lao &Qer Ws neetSngaa there, wwra no 02 %heosllege h e r d reaabted them and they thou&% aaah a a~mai.tter~ wozxLd be abl@ to ae$tlet i3, by good will ca#d $hrough aDa$~w;td~b rep~~s%n%a%ion W h y Bid $ha, narart bo%hesr*hem? bhe loea 02' Dhe war& HmtthPteatura*and w h 8 %hey *hou&t that lorn hp3ieB. Wars %heypeaple oolsneu$csd with sduoation in wehi- teofmre? Or a88 t h i ~ Bheir fixati ~antaat? Ro -- though an@o f $Be nen wwa a man we had let+go Psom the f a W l y , a d be war@ not;v e ~ g happy nith being let go. We t;haughf i f would be a raagnanboaa geo4ws aa oar part but i t turned au%$6 be an unoons.txrtaati.cr8 one, But ws ?@elthat our taahool ha8 Qoucb wf%bt;hts profwsion tMo~gh%he f a ~ t *ha% all1 our pemgle are gran@diaingambitram%@, X t iazfO ae if we were in tiin Svory 90wer. Zn bu~ineers~ ~ ; e n i ~ B r ~ ~ l o n her@a v I $ i t b g osmmittae o f 018 tygstme ha@ a yearly darner aee-king, and if' 8 s gleaamf wr~@menB and it geBs the eduaa8ox~evld tihe buaineaesaen $ogeObex. Sfhere $@tarre eithutr a P $ & ~ganIn bkg business, or on the fa~u28y. Buf J: was against tt h s ~ e besaua~i b webs not needad to e e ~ v e t o ti@ g ~ a c t i ~ a t o eduea.t$on, Bra~tioe, a d e&uoa%rfen m e already tied in the archi- Bee+ure depsurClllenB, A l l o f our faculey praa%%@e, Uoxeov~x,Bbe Bur@ proctfaa people ars not up on &iu~a%ional themy m d they w m t j to empha~isefhd W h a %did the Ualiisrnia GToua@Oof Brohiteate siol?u~&y do? And w h a t was itt you though* the oo@tCc~@ could gsoiltsrbly do? be oharmad with the role o f g d v w infomation t o U g h aahool atudenfs, being a r@om;ziQing a d inform- $So& body ou* in the vaJ.l@y&own@, eta. Aatually, a l l the wppoin0eee were pleased w i t h over the aCa%b, I I P ~ ~ P B ~ ~ ~ % ~ ' U V W pieked gram a31 over, rsamls0imea our ~wn gxadulatsrs, @ornetrifflesnot, %%arej w w no ssney t o gat he^ therm Bogefihes a d ga th$ had t o oome BR their own a t s m fox tj~melan4 cszpenerse, wkioh i@ B gre19tO SBVOB t o a ~ k sf peragls, a t a a r 2: a d d , aFbsz? 4ms aee*ings, frr whP@hthey gxeneern8lad ulti&a.oWae, ZB bsn8s8, Then when leysl?san wa@nslaed ifem a3f the gollegs we Ohotzgh* dl1 would bxeak loaere,. T% d f & ' t r , m d there its grm2.ng ~t-swoe sf ~lndgene~al knawledge aaphi$%i~ai~ion on %he of ~ ~ ; F Q ~ ~ ~ L C B O % E I 80 set tilaatr i B %a er0ug;td nrw:zsw wh8e ~inaatafor sauoetti~a. EQWQid yon m x $ ~ e a* the am!aragement sf erpaos for the new snvirom~n.t;al d e r ~ i p Zrudlding? Wela, t h i ~ ia a11 dons by co~lmi*4@@ an baaed femlae md by %haetuaJr e%am¶ard& $st in the grea% Eigher E&u'tsraPionBiBudy in CaliSarnil~1, &d wha* we ware able %o 40 wae $0 get sm engaeering assay whish gave nla researoh lslbo~at:osiear,and we dara 80%iso many aquare fee* per ~taden-b,wMeh wouJc¶ 8n&bl$ him Do have4 bamn as I've apokan 09, a21 Bhe Bin@i a his a~llsgsLife, dhla ba2ll%ng hae titquipmaarnt f o r 640 hklsahPti.eaWe sdu6lsnimt we, have 690, B ~ b o we're the new 'baiZd2ng and we're ggdng in%@ hll up* k t wayre 9~Xwayfahoping X1ngain8 80 $08 4lnge;los -I+ -- %oraorraw(whioh re~indfffa@, 1 mus%havet Mxa. Ruaeell get ms ao~ebodge l m on the telephone atan you stop thc thiag f ~ r he33 t~ mlnnts~)-- [M%eprpacuam] 80 wha* a ~ s you gobg +o do aboaC t E r @ asowding i n ~chilksaQu3*&2 f @ ' ~ e $*fig fo 861%& d@pwBm~nt sf azrahit~oture etmted 8%V @ U , S P s r thirtraa yerrsr~a TCve b ~ e n glow+ i a a it, W e 116e61 m~%hea* one in the ~jiCa%st w~lrhswe 790 a~?oh.LDscr.3ss her)@, aud $hatq@B v e ~ y lmge n m b ~ ~ , lget00n4 in %he aounW;P, And over half our ra%ad@n%ra aoae fron boa.,Aa@Ckeca puzyway, They have no ieqh~oJ, o f areh$tet~turs, now a% UOLA? Ho, we're %he only QepazAmonet;of a~ehitiac8wsb %he UnLverrsriS'$ 02 @OLI~OFII~ IP$s%@~, Pasant%you once on a 6omm5btee d f a ~ ~ a ~ i n g having a schosl 09 &ruhftaotu~sat %Be Swta Barbara oampue? W h a t ! it; w a s r w a r a that; 1 w a r s on a comlt;tes t o look a* where we mi&% have it, whfoh wauld inelude San.ta 3wbarha, Irving, or UQLA, W e deoided it would be more 8%4sme -- ga~tiu?ala.rly plaanixig with aJ.1 the graduate work a%U C U ra-bhes Bhm in Bwberrrra W M C ~ Its B U O ~ mQZ?@ cslz Wldelbg~aikla'b~ o&BlpUe. And $t 'o vary Bwa to get a.bagi when w wcohiZ;s~%-xar&l you get out of %hti~ large urban seefl'oea~er beaau@cblyau Bee4 a ma&y par%-t;hep e o p l ~who give time %o %he$r pzsotfce a&& Bhen @om@ in par%-time a# web do here, $ 0 ~ a leatur~or Go 3ea@h9 and we ban $litp B;cillian+ people Bo do i C a d $hey don't have Bo %ravela peaB dfe-kan~e to pc~zltiaipaCe,you m a . Well, tihat r b a l d wolse the gr~)bl@ar, We BMnk $ha$ they wo~3.d siphon of$ LOO people righ.t away, The emaPlm~ernfhere hafa beon sltatia f o r $he la& few yoaxc. 690 or 780, 1% asaye t ~ ~ u n d h e plma a% BOU eL6lee t o &crtmolityT' Ohi very mueh, W e h w e a 6smmLttee w~xkingon i% w$$h %he aharzeatl~m, f~obably next year .., Ihexe were B Q ~ @ other noBetblg diifepen@e~ in Burri- c t w 3 . m in mshkQeotaxe d t s x you beeme dean. Why w o ~ Ohese as n 0 ~ e work in I~UIP+PFOQ lhoae who tau$ht ~ b u l p h r e wanted $0 have s major in the 4 i ~ e i p l i n s-- much more than a sexlvioe course 945 6lrohS8ea%iure,$0 it bsLorlged in %he a t &epar%ment wi..th el&oBfve@ our s%udentrscould taka, If %heywazlt $0 take soulg~wrtaa8 an elsotira werre de12ght;sd ts have $ham, And Oherre'-sa oowee i n pzsier~csiolaa3. preaotiaalrs mi4 aprseiiica%Ions,whioh 1ssme8to be asmething n ~ w aJ.80. W ~ l l ,%ha%'a a ~mxet9 tbakiqa#ever been tamPBLy sua~es@$t&Lyboae in lany I P ~ O Q ~ . 1 &em'% h o w haw @u~~del&18fil 1 6 : b 1% r9er here, red59. g@aer&lLy g f v w by one o$ .tihe, e3&&6x=nsaambrarhl of $he p3og~aeionwho BeLZar what eg#~Lf%caa+i&axa~ %xyBo 40, and @c;t $ox.th, Bow &a you acWaLPy kewn $0 40 the erpeei$?iaa%ton@T & L ~ B I le&gxn~d 80 &a $hens. @hen JE go% oat 1 : had a hsuee Bo do and 1: lawned f c s de A$ +ha h a d way. Haybe thatf@ the bee* way, 8peoifi~ationevmy wi3k the yewar w d mbw t;eshiquel fae d l we ~hould teaah is the PX0419a61q The Q P X ~ ~ Q U & ~ &ra very nuah like a saeQ of opeaif"j,aa%lons, Qu;trxicmLw %a no9 as f~portm%'aa $he $sal S t aesvai, nor are ~psa$ffaa$ione a f a impor- %~a31Bas the bulkdi~$they Buildc Xorz have t o have % h a bemuse you h a a m 80 make e w e you have a ehat~k Lint?wbi0la insLwa@ed l item@to,make 8 b building oempltb8aa. m g % B do y ~ u BbiU of Gbe AXA 6ommisars%oa'@ eruggcrrsltion o i a gaspam for w ~ M t ; a e W meohoalar of study t e d s , mut wo~&b@(~Jfa, d + ~ $ g n p~ob;Lgl~g~ and' ~ ~ o ~ b l n ~ b & a d a d % ~ a v e l w a19 ~ ~ g m 1 ~ 1 i i a ~ e n t x a l cb&&bi.BiS~ara~ poin*? Sfn a & $0 e w e 02 .&laira a r E am eeura, sf having things %ha% lntrexest the stzad4an8$, wha%har ft be %heir own ox ~=bhell: b8v8 a ~ s ~ a t i o n r s ~ g %h&ngaJ th& t o 4~heix Q W ~ anils~kvax~Bwt ~f Bbe p~oblem wftrh Bhla world we, live in zr?Sgh-bhers in Bak@Lsyi~ Bhe rf@hnarsea$ the rsnrr~m4, 1Chezls w c a s s o marry musseums, eo mmy arulsioal 18~8El$f~, 80 aaay 108Wxe~ ~ ( D U easily rzevl go t o *bee Zetsture~s week bere on Lhe a-pus e- and a11 thia doefa 1f3ze g ~ ~ d , i-k 8aems $0 me, than tihe axhibb*~. 3 would m.t; V ~ ~ U P P $re1 that too +heme) BP hig'hly, ra~reele~X m ~ h st&ierrnalil;ertlon of fsletglawask 8oernntt amse %he 'k@ PLOW SOW w i $ k b , %hink of p~l0gls EzZl UdegendiantLy doing their t v ~ ~ k r 2Wat waaldattmew $hqy nigh* be 800 xegion6~1whw We26 thX~l@J.? Hst; n ~ e e a s ~ ~ i l y , and eupgosra they wstre negional? Iben I f Bhey w & $0 mother p m $ 00 the worl8, they w~u3.dhave t o ehwgs. 2 h i ~ would be a good develop- marx3-b in i-&seLSI m e y axight ae well be a b l ~ t o do a tun$ mpasbly well where thqy ma, lig 1 I$$ here paxhape itta @~cauae o f %hievery faat tha* X W O Y ~ Q ~ Oex~iblyhard .t;o make an unsel9csonasious st;faok on the p~sblemI;h& would no* be Uposed, 'IF@+when you wen* %Q armtibar ~;~rea, the Bostoa ma&, y ~ w &sae no%Co d@a n t deeim w~rk. X am a x~g&onalf~C %o the 8xl34smt.lt Ph6i.l; X bsliicsve all hfl4Lnga are on a egssifio attie @ub3@a$ $9 the owstown an4 n o m oi %ha* @Ate. There awe cscertmin kin& o f usban thLnga %hat%endBo xredwae regional dif;Eebr- anneo, aucth aa o$Piise buiZdil~gsin a Bown. &% many o*her %hinge, like ai%yW l @ srd. gover~msn.l; buil8Ner, Q ~ M P O ~ ~ H , anti spartmenzia, bauaaa all are di9fereat, @Muldbe d%fisr~n%,%ha% Ss, %he$ shouldnrtbe dWftexent just $o ba dIf%erent,but Bhey w i l l be dtff'exrsmt i f . %hey eolve $he probbtmm o$ the area. Y$mars&f and % anat yrseat;errday in fieatifle on *he Uaiversit~rof Wasbiagton ompme $ ~ s a day's 4isota~eri~a on their new bu%ldirq$r~r up thwe. We have apgoging BS(~-O~P%$~ b@JieSirp regional differ- Yams baa #o and he'@ doing twenty building^ all over the am14* We Pie8 himaelf t o avexg region. I U ~ C ~ O J L - ~Lrsaed, But whg an 1 t o my, beoauae bets i n the ~ 1 w @ 1 1 e$ p ~ g ~ l m i l ~ y m y ~ ~ t a l d a d any$bCtn.g l'd rsarallawed ng br dhq agp;16)aba%im that he x e c e 2 8 ~ @ ~ZWI'@W~,@ES s 3fl got in -tihe AXA a fasling exrrla tihe s~@om~sl(~adltatiorsra beak that %hay wanB'ea8 both $0 tighten B h i ~ s up, a#k@lllWld&~Py C%&3?'bdJ3 %~btsz1il3$a d X~&.S%E&&CIR mratagemanBiu, mil garadasriaa2ly &% %he same SrSmc~b wmGed go srae eohiteata ~asompZiauhtheir educer- %%on -4 be ragis+er&+l fas$er, Well, re4giaCratisb dwayrer seme ltro arm%Ca xegulw- i s a o t e ~ h b a g and have $he same hole for every- body 60 go BPL~FQu~~, @lo% t o $3-0%. and khd libme me $0 Xtm ern ~m.42~regIatrati~n pe~aonmy8elf i n the ecanes %hat5 dont%think yon e m IegiaZata tere%e. lhar only imeassra yst;t have for reg%&rationis the health art4 craQs%yof people in @ollastfvs+nOe.rg~isea, Zike in et hall ox a church or ran office building where i t hea t o be engSaeered properly so Cha-b Pt d@eanrB P a l 1 down. This i a publio domain a d ~houldrenain euoh, Ban% ae far as t a s t e i~ son- oemed, I think stat oaly can inngrove %ha1by %op- aateh eduswkion, &d I donfB believe %ha% regiwbra- tion ~houldberm ernohing 00 do with design, myself. For %hehesralBh a d safeft$ &aped?*, wonxd you auggeat &OlZtet Ulzd of t o help a8bYtWe fh~f? WetT, I Bhtifak i-t;%i oMef3.y s mrsttm of gsba eduera-kfon, too& Jow %hey do in 0difsxni.a is have five yewe fn etn asox~dilsd aahi$em4w@aahosl, and $wcs y4ma 0s expmxd$n~e. And $otb'xe able t o yo= $txs.tr m&na*rEsn, on w h a t has b m n told you, aa you oWdg bsfom gradu&li%on,And thia bta %@&lawed by ~ ~ ~ ~ o t h e r examJtna%ion,in fleLd wo~k, %as ye&31"1afbr, om w h a t ysaqve Iswned. Iken yoatregive# a Ziaen~et o prsto.t;9cs, u s s sr Thie assas dLfferenti from the praotiee in 1950, WureLslr: r t U k so, aeslrss: Bnd thisr ia reorne-khing you've been working on? W u r&ex t Noti I partioularly, hsoauae X doubttheygda by xegisBratsion anyway, Xn m y caae, y ~ u have Co have the orandidat@train- i&g part before you take *he ~scandexam. You @anw% bypsas it, ??ha% B o e l ~ ~ e e B , O f courBe, if you telS a person you're not an israhites-b you o m derjllgn anything you wan%, a8 long oe it p a ~ ~ e e In the Ea83 they the b a l d i n g lewo, sf.Ben m&eb it oemgul~ox-ythat d~arwingahave fo be signed by a rr@gbss$execlwoMBeoO and $here are g~~sejrauzes on r@$i~%@r@d mohi$ectsr tro sign aom~thing % h ~ y xsa3.ly d&dawtdo, 'lfou ei@ewWt I new? M.Dh %hi@ a$mdardi5aB9bn, w h a t do you t3o with %he mt%vcariak,who d138161~ltdo his five yema af eahoslingT 1 %Mnk%he mkk~ft~~20B h l E ~%B have two more yewag -- fa ~%hexwords, b a t e a d 09 the f2vte and WQ, reeven Botial, he ha@ Do have nine years of experienca, ae S reoall. gine yQara, a d +hen hs atan take t m exam'? B s i ~ privileged to %ry it, I think this i~ soxrecf; I may be wrong. !Phi8 fa in thie ~ t a t a , who goes $0 @ctho@A,Lea1 and ke8a & 8 0 ~ b do no* %&Qu& s~h603.e Xrs %UP) s~h00140 YOU get many junior ~ o l l s g e tsmefera? Yea, we do iyicleed, and we made a statementi %ha% says ks the=, You ofan go far +he fir@% year %Q a junior ~ollogeand if' you have a cswrare Cha-k1eparallel to o w Arch 1 and 2 welL1 accept it on its face value m d youPllS o t s e t r50 time. If, hswevsx, you .Cr6%nsirer bonae, xs&ly, t o a better e a u ~ a t i ~ n g i v ~ t o the perreon, X had mad %hatN.f , l , offered lshorC oowxrstse, of#f~esht?xa, fax praofioing arahitecta. D ~ e e Univ@r- s&ty Wt%nsSonhere do ay%hLngsimilar? %ha% WOXBz a % I . Z . 2 , 18 minly f s a paaeti~%ng a3By plamaxs. ?hey give fn the a two-weekat ~ o u x ~ e ~umgbr,a very fmsue t3oms@, an4 it been given mexy yem. Th2e fa about i%s 4ment;deth year. In fact, X %oakIEL W O - W B ~ ~ ~ ' h OO'UTI~ t ~ ~ at @.ISTm b 3943 %s further a y p l a m at Btxm~upd. Jetre earning Boward ~ p s s i a l shark coaxaaa anore a91 the $ b e , wiGh @ominP~clinein cthwgs a l the &xteaaion oowaes $or the CI~lLsgs09 Bnv'iro~mentaJ. Beaiga. 2 U e r wi3.l be true ~aztAoularly when we go into aJL-yeap-round %eacbfng,wwoh prsmnta many pxob9em$ one of %haterm mighO include aome of the#@ two-we~ks0m&a, Xow, %hearewere same obhes oommifasian recomendarl;iona, in %ha arsa of training -- In %ew@hing. eta%~ wsa 8-17, woan't it, aandidate~ fm 4~eaohing4 Z'hay ham owierd on for nay yatarrsr a t w ~ ~ w d e k a ~ of yowg teaohem, masPbag Q O ~ ~ % I ? ~ M Q ~ W ~ Q X Bthey setid, ~ S B way ga3Q; %he AT& pagar pax%0% A%, and o r r e gay p m of 5%. ;Sin 'Ban Des R p , an assietant p r b f a ~ $ o ~ hare, ha@ gone $his year %o Cx~bxaak. And Bemy Lagor50*s been, and Ken agwt%w@llhas been. Imy, many people, We% alwaye had a member tihert~, Lt 'ar been a g;rea% sueceae, I: %hixik. It'e g~ea% for young people 30 Oalk to @one- 'body their own a$@, 2hey h a v e 3 cardexenoe gZWgX;%m8 w%$holder prastitloners broughB Ln, I've been asked t o go raad make Balk83 I never have been able t o go. Ehta-&is in-berestEng, T had mew% in-aerviue-training durUi.g %he .tsws yema &%ex g~aduat~S.sn, though. Qb, well, t k i ~ kaetging of a xsaord book haa nave2 worked out. It B B ~ B 8~ very cumberraome meahod t o keeep a book rao %ha% your bsaa w i l l wxfte i n i3 whaB he %9n3craabowt you and a l l %his sor2; of thing, 2Us ha8 never bemn sucuseoful, I think. f h a w I've nevea bema able t o do it. 10 dsefe. .eaouad like 8 lot of bookkrs@p;Lrrg, That's sight, m d if you dontC wa%shoul; you beasme a11 htaek and a0 k~xnel. What prog~eeraME! t b x e been in getting rn wrarzge- mmt between $he a f i i o e ~ fo take in more new ~ Z ~ F & ~ U E & B B needing expsrim~s? Well, thts I s s a varie4 sa %he individnal, as vmied ag the can4ida%e, There i~ no @@at gsnexd rule. There axe ~sver81 of$icss %ha% take people 9n a d make them do ba-bkroorn~ and aD&a for two yema, Theze we a*her ~ S f i e w$ha% seek $0 v a y tho exper- i@noe. O w a deapexately .t;riss t o gave 8hs sa43n $he gamut of expaxfsnaes -- nseting the cliarti, being in %he oonferenoes, doing p r e l b i n m i e ~ ,doing epeoificta- tionsr, doing supervision, a d then we have these offloe tours every ao sften, where we all go and look at %he work %ha$ we've done, You've carried %ha% idea on $ram Delano i% illdxi6h. Ibsr-kta rSgh*, alDhough in an,offioe a f 100 people it beoomes very rrzlraberrsome a d hard to do, but this spring we had a t o u r t o m e about sigh* d l f f e ~ m t things down fhe penimula. One time one of our young wen, $aid, "Do you only look at your own things?" W e laughed a d said, "Yea, thatto all we've eve6 done. "Well, why don1% we look a% oomebody else%TP" 90 wa go* a house 0% Bw%ra*1 on %he l i a t and wen0 to @se 2-L Efut aauially you have iero m a y of your own w d y o u stsaff io gartiaulaly interested in see- ing the onee that they worked on, They're dwaya a Zattle ehooksd mil swprlsea a$ wha% things look Ulre ;enuoe, in ac%u&Lit;y, ati? e@mgwcsd4 x 1 their g~ssoncegtian09 them, It's very important to ha~as %hem see how uxinpor-tant a %inyl i t t l ~ moldbig is A n $he whole ashwe 09 things, a c a eompmsd to the right rni~zukzreof a&, or va~ltiladion,or appearanala, The molding %hey night have Xaborea over -- Yes, and it really d o e s ~ " t o u u l t 30 a -tink~~'s d a m , {~taughtier] You naea2;foned onus &ieagrseing wi%h the Bataha~sidea o$ lewning %o beuome a glmber. Ys-b the architect today h a m u ~ h m o m he hag to learn about materials w d equi'pmenltr arid %o an, b8snq% he? 1 hope &eytxe taught mora and more Lo undexa%aad these t h h g ~ ~ than u1a them nsaerre~il;3r. In o t h s ~ wor&a, .Obey nuat have a oamplste understanding of a l l nspe~.trsof building bu8 %h$o doe~n't mean that; they do it themseLvsa beaauaa %histakso t o o much howledge $ox auy one person -t;o assimila%e,in a rsaoonable time, And the m o ~ timportant single tUng iia Bha-t a pernsn havet an inquiring d n d , m d & resgetc.t: f o r hiw col2eaguss who do othw ghaeea sf work than here woxkbg on, oo tha* at a given W Q V ~ ~ A % he UoeB %heEis B & 3 fpi@&a W ally to produce *he finbt3, regult bscauae it's h i s job t o do sea, He a in t i t h l p z p g e ~ . h e the arahStao.ta pzaatisi~gin Borthern OdLiPoxnia noatly trained bexs? A gxeat may o f .tihem are 4draead. Sup w h w PrebssfdenB Clmk Kerm &eked me ;if we were training enough peopla f ~ r * t S o i ~ CsrlSf~m%a I laughed mad said, every other a@ho~lin the oomB;ry %staSaingthem for California.n The hope 02 axaBf%e~Cural employ- ment the world wound i a San Prsneiaoo, C ~ l i o z m i a . Qhemost prowgbtit-~Bar pLatm. W e had o hundread apgliaationo this swmer t o teaoh 4 Beerkesley in BBs fall, T do belisve Bh~re'snot another aehool in the world, with the goseible exception of H a r ~ w d , 8Ba8 could even touoh it. T h e m a.pplica%ionawere from a l l over %ha country? A l l over the world, Bsople would hope then t o sst up a praolios in the wea. O ~ Q B they gs8 their f0oQ in %ha ~ Q O X$big Way, a d a moderate iaoome fron %fi9i80hiagI then they e m gu% their tapare Blne t o grae%i@a, W e nead never be afraid of laakkg the foreign in3Xuenoe -- i l t o dlwaya walting %o ge% in the door. It &@@an ' B get etiPLed in a large offioe? It's hard t o ma&@ generaliza%iona. batell, do you think If i a r nsaasssxy to tirake Pa aew gesple Lo geB new idea@; is WxLo looked for fn Ithe new employee? W e hope t o have people of an inquiring mfad, and skill. And Iqd rather have the inquiring d n d than Bhe ~kiZ1. It would automatically do the triak that you're after. Whiah aan do you wan$? $he na-bive-trained m a , 02 the Xamrtu?d man? E like the rnixhms, a great; mfxtwe 0 % Eioms of o w oml aOQI@ f r o @ o%~@F8eh0018c (IouLd you aay wbetihar, a l l eLe@be1129 equal, them is any glory t o being t ~ a l n e d in the Earat? ;iPsll, I jus8 m a d Emtin Maeyex@onBs report from tihe Ekm61rd visiting aomi~Beean the graduate sohosl of deeign, and he oiteta there how behind fa money $hey ape in a31mmi g i f f s becau~enone of the a h m i skppxove of what the aahoolfs doing. It was in 1936 $hat Wa18er Qrapius aasne there a d aau~edquite a ~sveluOian,and d l th8 sither aahoola chaageiPp he aams %o Ba~vtwdtan8 ahanged % h i n g ~ there an8 all %he ather $@h~slsf~llowea wit %o aoms ex-bal;. But b r v a r d atill, haanft arslsbntla-b~rd it? That ae@ma to bs %ha saos, Dean Joe4 Bert has been there for %ha last ten yeam, and he ha@ no% been a happy ah%@@, Za it oustornary to a h o a ~ emo3her sehool f o r graauata work in azehiOea%ur@, OE t o go an a$ your under^ paduate ochool? %ell, IfveaLwaya odv9seB change POP p r s ~ t f a d l y e~cezybody,bat %hereare a Pew people who f o ~ phyai.. eta1 reaBsna or fox lfinanoial reasone nuart stay hare, and they oer1-b the $ratip ~torningin wShh different LBeaa, so itt@ very good, in othbr worde, t o have thirty graduate student^, four or five coming fxom your own arehool, the refat from away. The good %hat @oneserf ~ o m moet graduate aehooZa is B h e d mixturs of %h@ studonte myway, chanzoera $03 a jab around here enhaoed by having Been away? W@U,ebanagls fop a job w e alwaya ePlhmoed by neat tirawingo an4 goo4 mhool axpsxisn~eand good prsoth@& @kill@, How mah graauate wozk in ax%hiOeef;nrtsdo yau have h q ~ e ? W@ haye about twsn8y iia %hapaduab aLaoo now, as 1 raoall it, Do thersret people same direrotly f30n a baohtzlor e f arahi.tsrrtwre in%o gra4uatcs sshool? Yes, And they ~ o m q from a3.S over the world, ~ a m e f ~ o m Oarefgzl 1md~ and so on. h d we believe that P* should as* be a gxolongation of undergraduate Bzaining t a t all; i * ~ h o w l dbe an e a l b e f y dff8erent new kind a9 Braining, naw a d 02 tihing -- lesa bound, leads just one buildinhl;, muoh nore a oomplex, muak more an urban deafga problem, mah more remearoh, nose every'thiag like this. A couple 09 reaeon@ given f o r graduaC@work would @@em to be Braining -beachera a&BxaSsling xess;arah p e ~ a o m e l , &t these reaeons make graduate work @@ern moxe iagor-ban-t maybe %em yeam later, aftesr re& ewerience i# tib~f i d ~ l , Yell, it pxobab2y w ~ u Z dbs bedtex for the person. But Bhe trouble i a , i n l i f e .irketas %hinge don't spin %heir web $ha% way* You gst favalv%d in outaide ~ompltca$i~ns, a d then you a m ' t oom@ baok. You have ta wife ant3 family and yau hav@~'.t; m y money aa8 you've startieti a graotiZ~t4and $a@ can" take Bima ~ff, krce Ohere $el2owshiga? 4 meat; m m y s~lhoolrain the Easst have much more aoney than we do 331 %hie region, &enst there any scho3axshigs from industries that @auld be c~apsfeafor? W e have s few soholsrahip~i~ arehlteaOuse? on the award cesemoay night there's usuall$r t h m e ox $aur esholarskipe of $500 apiece, You see, $500 help@ %Q sweeliea tho thing, but It iantt @sough, not for a person with a family, Axad we bwe never come under Dhe Rational Sctance Foundation3 we arenit regarded as a acienoe, 8s moat people then do their graduate work befare Qhsir txaiaing'? Many times a pmasn doing graduate work is a teaching assistan% fox the lower gradtea, 10 halpa, They me given s aalary, and you caa oapxy Ziwelve tmJ,-ke. Ye. There &B o nav~mepztOIL f a ~ t z;o deepen %hi@* Z8 may take more than one yew, P$w people gat tkeough Ln olae yotar even now, It weually takes a yam and a wmer, ecsms%bix@ Like %hatm 58 $hers an eJrhibitS~ao f @?R~U&%Bw ~ x k ac6md tih0 b ~ i l d i q ~ Z O W ? 5 don't know if thera ie, gaybe Che t ~ a$ e thing they wsxe d~iLwlaet 'tarn & Q @ s ~ @ % tsa subject itself a small. exhib%$ion, That steal same up in the oowtyard %ha% *hey did -- there w e gictustss ei %ha$, and I have %he book BhaC $hey g o t out on i%, A l l C h t a gradaaa%e a a W e n i ~ s awo~:k@ii t~gst;herow At7 Yew3e Xa %ha% Plow it %a generally dons, a problem tb2; everybody a$taoke? There is no generally. Is %her@ some time when the studants lsmn to be photographers? Yea, in ths new build* pm-t;iculmlywe will have m a n g ~ m ~ a t i ~ . We h m e spme darkrooms nest up hcaxe, a;ad pgft of &oh 3 and 2 i~ a gradual(=iatrqduct;$~xl %o t o k i q photographs, 2 h e ~ eare aome rema~:k~bLs p%atu;r@a t&@nby %he students in the oa@@ bexorea %he Librwy [wahfte@%urs libr-J door, Za there a gro@pa@li o f getsing imtefiox deal@& in%o the Oolle$e o f %nvi;rsmwB& De~ign? Y e w 'muoh ao. Tn $33~6, $herre w e oormni%%eees $cC wo~k t h i c i n g in %erne, o f offering a new dspw8- men8 which would $n'tt~lv% 9nSrer5.o~design, f&dtl&rl&il. design, m d vwiaua o%he~Ohinga of $Ma eor'b, Wagll have much mre equipwen8 t o do i t , Whwe do peogjle learn indue.t;ri&ldesign now? Any* where here? Hot on thia csmpua, And wha0 other dbre~$foa~l nigh%%he Oalleger expmd in? Well, i t ' s go- 90 expand in a ~esaarebdireation trenendou~ly,beazluae the Center fox Urban 8-hdi~rn i~ ooming i n as part si the oollsgs. The nBw dean [Nar2;in Heyer~onlfa going t o have s o w rasearah ins%ituQe~und~rhria b t e l q s . Do $ou think is-bsriox design will eliminate the de~orativeaz$s dopartman8? T don't know, f V a very hmd ti0 %ell what direotion iQ w i l l take, I C M n k o f decorative m8i~as being @or$ of femp~rary-- W'uza-bert Tell, it 's awfilly lonely depastrnsn-b, and Bheyvre going into the nsw building and t h ~ y might ae well come unhr our %uBelage iadminfstra%ively, becauee &et$sx@ & gtsienca ha@ tabou-b tMr%y-eight departrnsnls , or eo avld it's overworked, and anything.%heyoan &L~sar% t;BhemaeLve:a of would. raake for a better divieion of labor, W h a t is the hiatory 09 planning on this campuer2 W e at Ohe University of Califo5?nPa are most fartuna%ei beaausa our whole original p l m , the Benard plan 01 1899, was based on a world-wide coiupe$ilion, It coa* #100,Q00in %hose days w d Mrs. Hearat paid the bill., 1 t e l l tihe Bobel Priae people %ha% the? a11 si-t here by token af that oompeizition beoauoe it proved this was a world-wide university right off %he bat, Imagine, a l i t t l e mi-ttersity wi-bh 3,000 s%udesn%s putting on a oampaign like that, They olemad the whole second floor of the Berry b 1 3 d i n g fsr an exhibitfon of these gr8a-h piatnares and plans of all %he cont@stants. The aeoond t i m e we had a competition was for the residenee ball@ in 1956, whioh Jack Bmeeke won, ovsx on Che south eide of the oampua. And %he third compw$i-blon waa for -the Stn&ent Cenlier, ,whish. P@me & Baxdison won in 1957. Bu% prior Do tihe rasridenae halb did Bha aup@rds%ng arcshiteslti ~$rs%ern ]here e9fWake the need fop conpa- hit;ions? No. ?he ~ e e a woe akwlnya hero, I'd say1 BUD %G was auatomwy 4 x 1have fhe ~ugtervAsPngmehiteat desim a l l the building@, Baw we have a con~ultUgasohi- $so$, wMch job I o~cugyon this ~ampua,and my oh$* .t;eatmabfizm has arobl&a~%wal e~miea?ions biz$ aosO 0'9 %he work LB cl@s%grwdby ~ t b e ~ offiaea. Do you think there wSL1 be more and moxa oomgetithom? 2% d,egenda on the type of buiZd9ngs. Some baiLllldngs lead thernselverg %o it o e q rwcllz, I'm ezll %or dLway8 a simphi competd%ion tha-t tries to pa3 over an idea, that's not a slick artiels. How about eamgetilione for the other new emg2nses, like SmBa Csuz? Ho; the Regents wswt t a gat undernay at $a~.tia Omz and a aonpe%itionm&a~ too mueh 4eL@y, There was 3 x 1 1 ~mops oompeDi$%oa ye*, %he bawrence U m o ~ l a , held XstaslC w9rn+kt~x, which wa@ *erg guoeea~fd., hac3hen and AUan won tha$lo~e, Tn any ILLCS) .%@wwdvw b;e~t~ bra%@* 2a abou* 1985 ao ap ~eau;Z,t02 $be @wpsWtioawMah $@&am3~b Pa&# hts8 wen. W h a Zkmiw1 P ~ S U ~ ~ H Ia&ma %o mah %Q 6 r%ldb@uwsWyrI & . lawm1, wbs war the thb4 ss f m t h I l i a IclWla *he6 & Bh@ ~ 4 ~ s * P i % % 6 8 ~ @b@@84 Wac@ 'kO sme do %Ba1 Z & q &&Mfzi$ m d t b keep the maet~tsr p3.m g@in& mad QB Be the S B U ~ ~ ~ V A ~ B J S ~ I ~o f W C ~ % B Q B - ~ Oh@ mtmpus m 4 %ha a$@w%i't~a on a11 %he a~@hl%er@$ bWLdingra on gmipua, F X e w a l e i i r s t dean of mahi- ?%e@+$ure t& great repqlre brhdnd hl)lke w a d he c a m $ ~ 5 t h ha, BlP %be brrPldlq$ra herre are$$ 40ne by U m in %ha @wly 4%y8 + #a yo% &new, m?ahS%eotwe i a a very ampfii- 6&@4 30 PP$ f@t~iiI&I$r @88$9BOBLQ) ~d amei~tfft* &a 1 5 e 8 potriumtSa3 aari~hltetot. f%oe~ybs&y @ar low=& ;e~aztrz@i!i sf oad aS %hePegrsxz%s Ohe em_S.2;g b k 6 a %hoa$BtQ$ Bfalt8slf proBatb3y 2a *h9@ rs3e 500, Y t B U &~V~%$'PI awbjwa'b i e m %f3 %@@ m~@h di$f$Gl&!.w if y @ ~ Xrt o&ar am 4o a l Z the ws@Ban any .set3mgusSbem $e@p&$we L$Et$g%~29~# he a aaktng Baa m ~ l h %ha% 1 Q & 4 # 3 + he% %QQ mu&h~ v . ( B F B ~ ~ An& ere, os by 0 1 3 6 itha, k s r WW a aaaaa&Wng@csh%$s~+i 1927 whm he WMI ua-b&fig WwhtP~rt M.earas in 3!iw@pe h5s eon %n %hepapsr $be09 h e r Z b a br@n S5rel *- a very terrible way 60 &ow abm4 28, Be 3~18~~Sgned Smm *her VnivrsreiPg bat $he e.tstd$ &ad raimte~pt~ p h d wl8b hiat t o cbcreta~ baak t w p ~ @ f e ~ ~ o l t l ~ wh$.@h he $ h 8 ~ d&d * Be a%@& Zn 295%. I%@ Bid teaah far %h@erar $ o m yww.$? Xiieeae: Biraxra&exr Wseaer toot by Bhe n m r s of Ge~rgeK@U$BI. 1 : wants4 t o errsk yoa If Howwdfa PIP%% nigh* haves h M $0 da wS%h the asladPum site? Fete, it crotx3.d have becrausa John Barn Howard was vszy m e r h agaimt; t E n e roAts, but he worked on the planer of 98 G V ~ R $~OX€& he ~ ~ @ ~ P X E I V B ~ of the 8 2 8 ~ a And 3 ha4 read that %hereslam w w d%;PfSoultyabout W m $ e ~ t I C U 8 is na.8 of ay 3ioPowI~dge, but hes wrbul8n*% under- Niflybsele oap5wesd % U t aam@ feeXing i m a tihe Falaae, ~k I I P S n a M s r . S& Eslhma @mein, andl he was a buefnsssssmsm isra'hilere5i, b.a.rd-%ePled, no.& t m wWrt a% 8L3-2. Ea did %he LZfe S a f ~ n ~ e b WZldiw an8 the Bnglnea~lng $r;lild%ngsa13 5n the get3tem 0% fibarb E(:ahno f BstroiLt who werlrr daiag fndur%rlaX work, Bo you Baad a prsrSad w h m xeallp prry baa th-er w e ~ e Bone, He made no 6~nMbwtisn+io %h empus, How would you ddrearaxS'ba the sazt of %him be was dalrtg, Oh, "IgodsrnYqae* Xndue%~ial i~ienayexptm% ~ $ 2 of BWag, Yet soma eoasees~ionPlo ds~ora-bisn 2 1 3 . Bhe Zifa Bdtiena~s 3eScltlld9ng. Sear, tha%t@ x;2gh$, The 1I;iPea SdZenees 2 t h f a is better Ohan Z used t a tU#k it waa. f $1wsys oalled it the *&ifs Siee hi14fngbn CEaugbterl W e s r e perogle re~aBlp~f'ied with K~2ham'~ work? Well, %he We&w!js evidet#%lywere, And 5% m e t it nm Dhcrbimer msiatitti~101Ec;er w- who 1 s t ~ gpv. me my G ~ & Q B -- wh9 ~ a 1 P 1 v bsbekartl Erlhotar, Bid the Sohaol @f &sh$tsame let th& feeZ%&g@ be known? t#U;tC#$.@.1~3 Z. .+!t~%: t&$h %he8 ~ ~ p p $ t ~ - @ ~ $ ',.& &%l@W.,.. . .@f ,&.& W W ~ fzom %has@.sne %Its;@ dsgaw.bmebat &@a% . 4 ~ & . U t . 9 ~ ~ f 9 $h@ ampp# was. PaUne, r$zs&@h.aa $0: & $ ~ ~ ~ $ : $ @ a , E,@&hlam be?@ $83 tall yeall a d %hellhe died, &&a .&t;hpr m0.mw w ' b p ~ g h * is. 39.38,. He flt&@ @;m#a% sht~pld-48 , & , ~ & . t x lavos&@ $xzae:a&tecI Rr, ffowwil .$mt a$ Eel- 9f m.tthf4eo*ral pWlam~ghy had .bar.@& $he, arP1%rsa. Bs had bear&u .mebaT. . . ~Batr.8 Y.as, he p.adwa$etl2 x 0 ~ QaliPornPsfn 3 . 1 8 9 6 . . Hda gm$ner, J e E s r s .B&@w.eSah M - .bspc %!beg :badheen b$lX~,$n@,e.d Uybeak to $0 .Bo the by I b r $0 P ~ i s Be-m-htra a n d %heyamlz wet&% thsaef +hen % h w atwe brat6k and won in 1988 $he Bkty B a l l 09 $a3ransdrsco ~omgeO%tion. A meap%iboern% buikd3.ngy %he berst Pz-~lneh . 'buU~:bag irn .Then ha 8I.d l ; h e AtIminislt;xl;.ar- . &slzZdal tion Butld%n$ 119.40,ggaml ~@11] bnt by th&s dim@ it; wcsa, prsr;ty waterea-dawn v i a Z"tlarntC ar vew g6s4 build.- fag, He d9d Oowe31 Eooplta3 900 ~1930J. ' &%ha8 BZOWS waa .one @S%he be@% ~pt$ucla~te who w m I f t fpoa 8- J)$aa.$ess & Be won ata aaay pria&# $Bat %bey nrde m 3 % 1 ag&.&ditt . . Anerieana wina&ng prige8, Hita work waa not xseal1;g t w ~ i b l y diat%n@ishrii$i% suited the pwpoas, bw% he st ad^ bsBtw on adty bulild&ngra Oh- he waa on $ ~ E O U ~ Hd.1, Ha wag 1e8 go in 1948 then %he3?@wias~a6 eagesv5~2ag~ t t h l t e o % , X'k was in 1955 %ha% they brought baek in a osnreulBiag twehits&t $03 the ampus, From 1948 %a 1959 SC aert; of eoaated along, Z wag dsWg $he w@&t wi$h Isotlfe ;Y)a lon+ce, eUef @mpvt~ arsh$%eot, flron 1950 %a 1953, 8 0 x t o f ad ho~. Ha4 they -&hu~&t that oaa~$ingaL~ng13ghB work a s i r a oro~u$icsm? No, %hayjuat hanVdcome Bo e w y poai8ive thinking. 6xaaDion and Work af the C ~ D U BPlaainklr Q o d t O e e It waa Qlwk Kern WBQ ileaitled t o g.et at %haroo3 o f h ~ w %o g&n an s i f i ~ i e n *swd beautijkl Q ~ ~ U E I , I i Z d atrea%ed&hi@ Cbmpwsl P l a m b g €lsm4tt@e, wMah grove4 oo ePf&oien% m& go subc@satl"ult h a C Zbao Mo~gblll,*t;ba,now vises-grewfdewt b ahr~arggeof build- ing,, aa8og8s4.m y a i the tdms far all the empaseer, Wuc~ctaBero Wbh @a81QPahM @EU'llpU@ p ~ 8 ~ % l l g Q o Z W . ~ B W ~ P h e r r Campust Planning Cctmtnittee l e a csomit%eae s ~ ~ p a f f @ d sf $he iora~ara 2 r wcs;ck am ba QBIBlpae. Thexs'as %ha~hanselloa?~ whot#ahsSram & whoto in oharge of i t a&, o f esa~as;there% $he bweiaess mamagex; thq @hi@$ etrohitect who i a mapboywl on the omputit; %he bead of $he &&get OsmitOse$ C b e head o f the 9ercuLty Buildings and Oaunpuaa D~tpe30pm%nt CarmaitCeab; mQa ~anneu1tAnglibndesagge areh5.t@ot,pro5ea~ionalt -4 8 eonrulIi.2rqg wohi-be~Q, pxofe~~Ionah.Tha CWS~UEI ~ZWUIQ~Xi~ B L B Q F ~ ~ B B Z . ~ @athe o~rnittse. Rieelat A n @w h a t irs the 308 a i *he daaul8y Buildings a d Ompua Developneur*8 ~onm%%f ee? W m a t r s r r $O gloee all %haeva2usb3ion of fsgass nmaled f o ~ @ash deparbrn~nB, 'Ehe Qla~dl~llor~ar Aoademio Advisory Q@mmSt%ee a d v i ~ mon the powth of each diaoigliae. a@@@ BQWd 0 ~ 8 8he $uildinga ~d g€Up~@ GO&%- g B~velopm~nt tee know of ~ p ~ o i f i e spaee a ~ e i ~ @ r n $ t kwetiero 919ere jra BI$~B$in %he ~mptlek@bSll$e~B~ a and $ngSassxta O f b i ~ e ,who gra%herfaot~about what ia asc Rienrs:r Bk3-4 %bey d:oni8 have a say 3 , n znatt;asre of t;a~%.e and. &@arb@37 OQw~tes t Q : 1 P h e Banpurer P l a m t q Q ~ m m i ~ ~ ~ e a p t %he guiding Paetar S a the mahll;ecattfe::wh~ ape abo&a, bu8 .@v@r*hOngaway8 ,go.esr t o the Regen%@ 902. Bhe iZnta1 &%.@2ai.@n, Sn oQh%zward&:# the Gamgus P l . w i n g GS.~asrai$tee is only advisory., ff hsre yia power EL@ saoh, Eta gowe~~aesraistar of i * a a rssaroarability m d persua- sive qualitieec The Reget%.@may re&o% a drawing time a44 Bime agab, Wheas do h b R@@ente gsQ %heir eqer%iae;how do they bars %hbtfxdro;talo#e? 'W~~tltesoWell, B ~ X ~ . ~ E I a #pea%deal of que~fOlon.. Aotuall~,. @@IpCrmy $0 8 ,pea%many peop3e1a % W g , .o.fOen. =are goed aonw oat a9 B h a b or$$iquce@. by &he Rsgenh 8hw bad, because %he o~flik~tae b n a a mle mane thglC the people have %hsughtthat the EnzlZtling Zs~kadt o o re$m?k, or Iseking h grace, or taoraething o f thaC sort;, m d .tihaag.,'vscome back md t b rax~hitim^b has been e:nabI.e4, if he b r a open a2ndi 4s erde%$ 8.0~l@Bhirig wSth a deer&@..%hatb:&h be aria tihe B~ge~tar like* Ba:ae: a. m.c~hibs08 ~b.a%ietve tha* any ggven buhldSng diierf@a o m ba,.illaprovwi a& s@r% sf indefinitely? Pea, 5 %Unk #o. IWe vaxy -t!a@ghfo m d ~ m e - -b*sra *hey p~ayb o a f@ ~epapC Q O ~Bhingsa, year @b~1Ld %hidilk% b P lxk&$ h&ppel% 3raaa-b 88 ~fBe1%, PPhan 2% does-itPe up t o me t o pmst~aetaOh6n %f P: po~aZbXya a l bo you have an intermadimy rs3arY 2bsk2;re~ight, f @ h ~ ~ l d i $ a~hfevqdw ~ I & % %.b&Z& %he ~ 6 b i S 9 S b b & he *houg$hIi w a r s ,a ~ o o d bznZaanoe o$ evarytWng tan4 then A f sme~ne $a3d him B Q ~ window@ wase ntssQed it wotxld B U Q W P h r a whs9at thing1 and %he a;f~Mr;s~B, Sax a loop, Well,. @ ~ o @ ~ trroe&dan3 L e $ k%&@ %(B a w 8 3 W W e Om, have 8 m@eBJLggwL%h 8tn wlehitrra~twhore $9i4g $0 be n*w Bo as job. Mz, De lYIonOsb whor@hsad ca9ehil$@a8$or the @mpu1on the BechllhieaX ~$aff a i b ~ ,wid T ~ Q B O tldth any n@w ta~hb.ti@af, m d may, #The gvab&am, yon know, i a ~erinply thist 58 baa $0 Bs goo4 mcshiQeotur@, it baa *a @%my wi+4jPs&&a budget, It haa 80 be at hone wAlh i%s mei$hbos;.e, i d ha@BQ wa%rse$ha eatrk~~~iaarm you wh$t b e $a, be done," And thea W~4ybz?ing '&h@$~ $@b@i10$08 $Q eazflg %h d h ~ Sod8 3 3 6 Ion%et9&4 P slagge~tolmngera, W e gtve er fa~eat o the 0litWtt;b a Psoe Co the ~Lient? Pee, you w s , wba yourre db~fgn%ng eorne*hf~f o r iwn m~xpblaoamitrtee, wha* do *hey waht? fSow 40 you &now9 Whala t o in %h&r own oiftae ebbou't wOhirrg9 l%a%*s %o Imppen bagore It; ge%e alem th;r@?retgh t o %ha Begemkc88 WaXL, we aa$ as an lntter- meUiaq who xeally rerg~rersenta$he &&gents for a geried. W s try %s give a eonaidered apilzion. Ye 5- %a f3ght fox +he %hingsChta* we thm me good m B . err@ i r ~ y Bo get thhgr;s ohataged th8-b we thWk are bad, Aa a rule I tUnk %ha.% ao az!ohitsat would ooriaplezin abeul; wha9 we've dona, and I : think Be & ~ x I C ~ atad Z haw a haalthy ~rela.ttlonlslhip wPbh &@ha# & AxLen midl John Om1 lkmeoke and Qeurdner Dar%lsy,who a31 do wark her@. D@ ort%Sss a% w~B5.tso-e t@e muah af a look a% ompw w ~ h f $ ~ ~ ~ I & w I P Oh, yea, &nleed $hey da. 2 h e r ~ wae a g3rmc8B laudiag ab the Wame~B@ resir%enoe hElil%awUeh were won in o~mps8itiaa,y ~ u know, m d %heyw s exbraordinarily gL@asan.t e3sB LlveJy and have been a suaeeasj. Bs aarapaa rn&&%cso%ure ia xt@t done ?Ln a va~uum. !?ha%' 4 e @ x s @ ~ % ~ Tt*&l yexy hard .P;o $48 refaeti~~a~f 80 aolate kind@of buAl8iager. Pax iahstwoe Cmpbell ' P I e b U , wUok sl, very pJs%in,ar$?apl%building; n$ar phplos, I ll&e, but the~csare a &re& atany people who %hi& i$'a Jmk Wmaoke did iQ, too plain, w d hefa a very gifted guy. TOta a very srquare buildPn$, wi+h srguwe windawaarlaoroear fxon tihe BBinLng Building. Oh, yea, and the one by M5~haeLGoodmm is up thsrer Qn the aWBB aide %h@ g$n&w 'f3ud.1d%&ge 2ha-k'a .right; that t # the VSrua &!iih~~a$oI?y, And $here axlit a great many peopL@who lSke that build- Sag anti s great5 many psQpla who don't like it, I Xiks iD. The nem on %he $031 Isn't fault. O o o d m a n ~ ~ They put all thad on afirerwarde. Stern H a l 1 baa s t ~ ~ d up awfilly well over the mauy yeaxa asnd W~C'FI very p z ~ u d 50 have, dons that; Z t 1 a $tilla vary popular pla~a&a Live. Deadgaing a Isnzildfng $s fit dCh it^ neighbor8 m ~ t ba la job Bsre. There fa an istt;s~tasll&ng roof ga.ttSo wjBJL@h ~3onnedmBw%h B Q ~ Q ~ ~ Q B and Ewee Ball. Oh, yea, innt%tha-b niset Mi-trah VariBawg die t;ba%, H m i e r Landaeape a s e k l . B ~ o ~ e , h~lrrdLe8on thie 0quis? Bsll, the oona&ding landscapc arohStect l a 2!homa@ Chw~h,probably %be most famous landrsoapet arahi- $sot in Ohe woxldm Poulvst knawh h W a long time, htaventt you? Yea, I gave hPm his firet job, down a t ;Paaatiemps for ~ a e i b n Eollsls, Ee did a golf course there, He3 gaadua*ed from CdfSsrnLa h a landecapts ~b;rchitet3ture and wen0 %O E w w a f o ~ graduate work, Oh, here %alb4re. Bedd with oome lemonade %o wet our w h i ~ t l e a . [Intemfe w held a% Wurartex home.] You know, I'm reminded of a wondgbrfd., irre3levan.t; story: many yeme a$o Cambr.Idge, when Sadie tat= abow&four yela~arold, she opened ane of her m~%hez% 1e%tie2si -- Ga$heriae woa off eomewhare -- and I began to eaolb thic ZittXa four-and-a-half -year-~ldIn an aduSt $mihion, Bra. Reat3 WBI ~ittiagin %he kitohen aud hemd it and realized the ~ P l i l dw&# gofr~ginto a tailegia, It was ~winPagoutaide, b-tat the next Shfng I knew Lhe fronl doorbell rang and o& .the doora-bep wrepr, .ansnvrarrops with a gre& 8A33PE erptalled out, 8nd Sadie said, nTou aee ,I haye oae of my own. tt MXB .Bed& w ~ ~ W C I$a%, baok ~ O O Fand OW gone aromd %o %he $porn%o f .the ho~lsewd had donet %hi@ in %ha* time, You aanv%buy it, e m you, W h m d i a you Q O I ~ b - k o %hrepl-iw pfatuxcs9 Za 1950 when f volawta%SLytosk up P h t a c3onmkting work on the ompua ons of the Bhiaga that iaterasted ma v e q auoh w a r s a to xsaatore %he mmgue t o I t 8 018, aoulptural form. This eoaa~f0inghadn98 b e ~ n par8 o f $he wrangwn8 when p a were hirad? I Q ~ I tosk 1% on in a voluntary way along at allo wiBh & Q W ~ S ) De Monte and Bob Evans, and the Bkrae of uo traied to $eB a eoheei~ef o ~ a eat work on theee tbZnge. Then in 1953 01-k Karr beeme ohancellor of tUs campa@, and he wan%& an offioial, eupcwvlsing sl~~hi$eo%, Be wanted i% to be ~ornebodiyin Bhe aoerdemio warld and olase t o the people and eo forBh, so he suggested -- them m e many fntxioaaie~about O k i ~-- he auggea$ed me, Buti FrsaidenO Sgroul waa against it, Ye% he wae the ons who brought you hers. Did Sproul h ~ v e somebody t-41~4 in mind? xa, be Pinally $3 was d@cidedt o havet a &#psrvA~Ug and we ssPiays4 un%iJ, sigh* ofelosk. We&@edays wrsae duet ou% fax aay-khfng ebrse, Biraasrr You ma% regulm1~ zather than bertng on call'? WkrnsBert Ysrs, ws did, And a plainsr wars ~are3ouresdin tihe person 02 Al Bagne~Bo be on Che @tafF of Arohi%eotcsan4 23ngineesar, ($?henA1 w a a r zlsp2aaed by Ohwlea Treffi, and Alfe gone on %he o0a-besrr3.de offioe.) The asmblna- OZsn was dl Wagner, ljouire Pe %%onfie, Q l w k Kern, illegeal~ Me&atlgUin, an& myself, We saia the first thing w e wad is an acdami&plm, eo Kern immedia'bely 80% busay aad appointset his aoadmiu council t o osma up with an academic plm, ao we oould fit our phyrsical nsede t o %he academia needs, whish had nmer been done b&f QZ.@+ By 1956 i.1; had aCiOlile b t 0 ~ O U U ~ a d W e iIi!@~t@d the $%rat Zongmrwsplan, Part s f i t a resnlt was a nine Commi%%os, 2he844 me the people who wi*h the ~f,'ky pLswnSq e o d a a i o n whish &Lso ha8 a liaison Wwq8ers eomit;tes. The o%ty af Btszkeleg caa3d now ooasd 8s the IJZC!.V~~X~~?J~ Z W ~ needs* 30 find QIZC UB.9~%~ai.ttf '8esksre the oaeatfon of the TjiaSeon Comf-ktee -the oity had nsvsr had anybotty t o oome t o sbt the V&ver~Sty m d %tihe goliay aeemsd $ 0 be "t~U. fht~llgn ~ B h g % r K s m bad a di9ieren-b philosophy. Be believed in w i ~ i n g a% fihirlgar openly, K s m eraslfl, n l e t t f s i work out a isys%exnso %ha% we e m d i a s l e ~ sour wholet sa% o$ plans,w Ha szeaQed this l i a i ~ s a committee with the o%%y plewnndng comf~aiona d the@@ two som5ttees asti onoe e3, month a d tried to thrarsh out th@ aif'febr- sncitee betmen t:h@ ol-ty m d Dhs UnZveheZBy. Ri@asert hike pmkfhg problem@* Wurarter? Yeair, sidtih o f a%rrse.ts,uBiliOies umdsrpound, how maeh 8he Un;tvmsit;$ t a going Oo take of2 the tax roll@, @$€3. I wa@the first ehbtiz~mw0 9 the Liaison Comi8- %eel When 1 beam%~upemdsinga~@htteo% I 8rapged o$f that osmittee and Di$k 5@mi~g@ over. gook H&@a in +he S Q ~ Q O ~ a very azuh bet%erjob of 3 j a w dkga did &a we gut @n gublis notiads ~tbxaetlywhat wes rteeded t o This w a g a ce%.tialaly fitne 0% the gr@@%est mteps Bhat'e ever been %taken,all due $o Clark Kern'$ Pors~ight, qhs oommit%es besenma BO famous -- %bia long range regor* was probably the beat Pn the oountsy -- *ha$ X wee aeked $0 go up %o the Uaive3- saity o f Washin8.iion and 40 the er- BWng for %hem. And then it drao worked 10 well %hatElmo Morgan, .@be .I;hw new vice-pree'iden-t in charge of building^ dowa i n the ata$et-wide o$f&oe (who happened by msre &wee t o be euls old frtsad of inin@frolnl Log U m o e day@whm I umd t o f l y ant for fhe government t o the Sroa Alm~raei3y planning comntission, and Norgan was asrrtittmt mnwgrz: of ths town of S o d a ~ l m o s )-- ha was 80 taken with Chis whole CPC %ha* he adopded a ~agulariosdayaten f o ~ every ~ a m p u ~ of the shghQ oamylusea of the Vniver~~itiy o f Califomtia, a@ I agoke of beforrer, 1% ooneslarts on each campwa 00 %he gsa- BOB$, 81 b h a n ~ e l l u ~ ~ a as ehairmw) conmlting ~chi.%ett3%)o~lli%kIlti#g $he & ladaeape a;r@hd.-l;e~l; hsstd of IlsehfBsat~and EInglnssrej the head o f %he B ~ d g e tCoxmci-tkea?, a d Bhe head of Ihe BuiEdings &d. O q u a De'~~l~gmen% ?kzifsl @ommft4e#. a s a ~ esrerytrhw goe0 thPaugh %heas people '&I hand@, aufo* ma%iictally,and $as Wabne~e15JmPa~hZon-- a d it all grew Q U - ~of $he m~igixealgwent eami%te@, On the smaller em-pussa &a %herewit muah m U 1 available t~ hadlea glamcLag aer tbezca i e hwsP 3or b a t a n o e a$ Davis? WeX3, Pavie --G a m y Ehlgdn $uea down ixom 8- Praneieclo ae Zandleoiage wchitrea'%,and Gardna Ddley goee Bow as wchiteet. SO f t ' ~ IPke ~ ~ G s i d t ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ t ~ l t a n t ~ . Yea, it doaanbt.~sne or fxm Ohe town of Davis, Saor~bmen$o,it eomso from Bnn Frmaisco. C~nosxning%he land aogui@fd&crrm. n e z a had beaa no land bought prior Do about 19531 %hers had bean no etyetenatto Wying of land with -&he knowledge %ha% wa wes~sgoing %a be a oaqtaes of 2?,500, PsssPdent Elgsonl, in faet, s s w t bask a BCB Comaittea yeport oaring f t t a rfdiaulaua, s t $won*%evsr possibly have W i ~ l ~ 8 9 8 . ma mind w w O ~ Q ~ S Q ~ , ~361~93etely a 6 9 i e r ~ ae I arska aaka out, on Bhis rrra%$~s 69 pEsyt~ics&k plaswiw* West33 man waa this report? Iuxst@m 1% W ~ E Ia reporf ah0wia.g what laad we ~ ~ @ d c s d in 3.951, 1992. Risaass Eacl Sproul ,.adked fcvx the rrepor$% Wm;er%err ZB %a@ $he BCP yearly repar*, Thi# ptt* SsstiB %h% need u f r e d sxpmaisn. planar, XB ia; % h e rBCD Cormsi9.tree got out frors, under eadjminirertra~fap polie5brs &EPa Bried to honesrtly gcilthex %og&hex neede and r aream of show* the adty %hamnedor Soma%- aee4ed t o be done tit% $ 2 2 1 p ~ 0 ~ t d e n t i a l l e V 6 3 . ~ while BhlnZf Spxoul am not so muah againat it, he didh't have t h e to o o m l d ~ ~ a11 wpeets of aW- thiqga. Rlesraro Did you pxernen-8 %B 30 h i m personally, h m e a abanse 4x1 cs~ron%hbu with if? B P u r a r t e r t It wasn't goarerlB9e $0 geB $0 him personally. He had 400 people reporting t a him, XtLesmt Stephen Pepper on@@ men%ioned irt pe*i.f;lam rsigned by iaaultsy nrarulbeza oonoerning ampus planning, wMoh 3groul ignored, Do you seszCl.1 tha%4 Wuratert Xntexeet in t h 5 ~ whole pxoblem, q@neernwit& its, ~4xwtsdbefore I @me. Bu'b it orys%a1295ed 1951, 19s2, tmd 1955 when the Ompae F l a ~ S w CoznmaS%tee waa fColbl~e4. There wa@%ul underground ourrent of faculty i@sUngthat we need@da g 3 w e r for the ompus, a oamgca plan, a d nore distfngui~hedsuclchZ%eatuple. 80me people who g5u"ticwlarZy $el$ $hi@ were S$sphen Psgg~x,Eb $%rang, WaLBer Horn, anel Donald Coney, Theere men ma%, and made tripa and inerpacted the work of vazious mahit@atur&firm in the area, Though I $ now seem ridisuLouw, none o f %hen even .knew John C w l V/mfieoke then -- lwne~karha4 done a kfadergarCen, a IILWJPV~~OUBI taLZ *ha% %Ungon %he PeninauUa, %bat; wag wsa known; now w llt4Xs msse than %en yews later he'^ d o d ~ gLg~%ayeW$ 8 q u ~ e ;lnWa~hbgI$on and *kL@ Remedy memosial, Were you in on the getltfon? Yes. XP asked for beW6tr p1annb.g and batter asllahi- teature. But Sproul took no actioa. There: wee no ac89on until Ksrr WQB made c h & ~ ~ c @ l l ~ r . you 3prou1, know, was retluctmt $0 have a ohancellor; the Regentre would haps wm$ed to have Kexr i a eas13ia3, but Spxoul loved thie ampas and wan'tsd t o semahn in ahearge here a0 well a B @ta%ew&ds.In anr easel aeon after Bew came he crea%ed$he Cwpus Planning ETom5ta$eer* And %herehad been no aaadaio p l a , also, prior ts 2!4at9s 6orres.t;. W e acadenLct pLaa wa~j,go Lnpa~ZiwC %ha$ firs* time b@a@usg $err and his oommit%aas had the tmerit;y t o ~ a y ,twEbPe dcsgw%men-besiLl- $SOW* % M e BegmtasnL wiZX not &row," @xi&whiuh maas would bet sDreoecd, 8one~nef~oa Ohs D&v~r&.tyok IXILnoio cam@by one day ts trajlk abouf %he plan, whfeh he'd @Ben. Ee "Zrvesome %o you $0 find axit who just m i d all them things. We never can gee an Bnswer t o & l ; e these guide@fez &~@wth," Yer, WQ have a Li-btls biti asre aaa@yma more spgor- inuiLtr~now. ! ! h i & i a fron a 13mal2 fund met aaside 80 that if $omebod$ wm.t;s to sell out before ve n m d the land, we caa buy it m b j u w b keep it i~ i%s gxesent uae fox the the being. Xf you had a l l tha momy would you buy a l l $he j+ak16? IB would be womdexfil to buy d l the la& In fa@%, %he ~ t s r y SJrz 'Boorment~ about Bhe (fagrftolBuildlag aizd Plaanlng O~smmieoiorz, whZah Xrm o m a up %n 8ac~a- mento, is tha3 *he Se@cla*ure i o giving aa $13,OQ0,000 t o make a tat t o bay %he land +ha% i~ needed b e ~ a w e Bhsy lonow i t w911 oosB moae money if we 4o#*-t; d~ f$ %ha% way, The V'%verreafr;y haaatt &od %I&&% moh poww a3 iGba ~ B Q w : 9% @an" g g e t %Jha$ auah aoney) i t hae to do it avax a long period 0% time* I 2ihought p e ~ h a p ~ *hare wbl a r e a ~ o n %ha$ had 60 do wi%h Ithe ci%ygf BerkaZesy and 3;axea. Xo, you m e , this i~ worked cat w i t h $he L S a ~ o n Conu9iIi%e~ +ha% we a ~ u l d take %Malad. And serve tried t o gxors $0 thm that the preoeace of %he Univerei%yregrsoe n t ~ one of the greatest employere in the eta%s of Ca1lf~rni.a~ %ha$ %he @tmdyPaare .it; gSveg th@aerohmlx makeg up for %Be 3ax-frtm Ian&, %hatjust the sales %aJree aZone from 5,QQO more otud@n4s WQULB szzgport .t:hings. The main Bhing that w a 0 swz)isd over %o the oity waa that wa nlsqded ;eMd would -ti&@ thia mob pzoporty. So %he pxeeent plan tha* you ~ e e in We 1962 lang-~mq$@ map ahowe th@ rereruX9iag arraagammtpr $hat were mde, A t fir&% $hemit wP8 a 1997 agz-eeraent then o 1959 agzlee31nen?fwhi~h a l 2 ~ w sthe low sang8 plan 02 1962, (5he 1959 qgecstacsnB was held up in pablPoa%tom u s i i l Oha oamgletiors of Bhe ai$y of B@rkaleyto m ~ t e r plm. The ffrot drafts 09 tihe Berkeley ma&er plan were verr anlagonietAa but t;h@Liaison Commit;tes w~rke8Co abngta %hat,) $Be o l % y fought ue off' on hi^ @artof thing, [Zooking 8% map] They fought our haeng ang re~slfden~cs hall8 below P@le$saph, bta%fdaaly agreed, And the residence h a l l people w e ao sborteighted here that they wanDed everything @rowdad up above Telegraph. Also i& was finally agreed that there mvst be intramural athletic f i e l d @ adjaceznt to reaidernce hall8 -- so $hat gpu would avoid panty xaida be$wee!n residence hsllo, for one thing, Bless: And who w a ~ it tha-b waulded evex;yt;h&ngabove fCetlegsaphr wmzltwt The oi%yhall, beoaurse %hey ww-bed to have hfgkrigle apartments paying t m e a down in this w e % [west of Telagraph] . And then we have ansthex reaiden~shall, over heye where %he coopexaztive i a [ ~ i d g e goad], an8 an~therrre&.daoe h a l l above Zlal;sma a% Hems-b. B z 1 0 $his wana ~gpo5edby the city, biL-t;erly azzd with a great d m 1 sf asmpll~atSouz. W e put a sohosl, a @hLLdrenlsrmuraory whool [Jones OhiZd Study Oeater, incstzruationfid tjeaniw down hexat [between Bwnsroft md Durmt, ears-t; 00 ~ t l ~ t o n ] , and %t;armi~ for wenen ug here [wrset QS Eroebe;~ IE3EaZZ1, with o w e underneath, 3 m i d th& as muet hatre insurance for the unlnsom, a d %Mab b o ~ kbetweben Banoxoft, Bssditah, 3 l t x r m t and College will be probably a fins arts complex. Zhe Univeriaity houraiag people wanted to u ~ e it $or housing. ,But if you pat housSng next t o aanagua i-b'a Mfffcul%Bs puti my-khing else t o do with the aampuo beyond fh0 resldenoe halLs, ao this plot is 1efQvacant, W e are ready Oar the unknown there, and here's $he u n a k x a s w n all along PSsdmon-b, where Ch@ iasti-batefa w i l l be, and % h a $heror@the law ~ehrd01,which my oZPloe i a adding t o at the xnomnC, R i c a ~ s r Then the University has an optdon to buy -- hretero fehs Univeraityvsgiven notice t o mexybody in the ciey thaG this p s a p s ~ f y that's demwked hers they boge %o acquire. 3 % ' ~ no5 all aaquiasd yet by anJr means. t ~ a d e e ,like all. o i Telegaaph &@nu@, religious tPllw~6 l i k ~ %he ehwuhee (At wblta different about %heUaltax~ %an ohmah [fo.~mazLyca8 BmersZti and Banes], beoauee r#urs%e~s %hey wislmBed maxe property and ws oouLdnqt g%ve i$ 'Fo then, ~ J Q they aoved), eoioial ina%3;-t;u.tii~n~ like B l k ~Club or %he Wame#+a Oity Klxib, %h@ee were Zeft &one, as web wotilbdnf%8icsmtg-t %he flow of Utarloris Life in $ h ~ $own by o w land asquiaitioa, W e juat baa almost n e m - i s ~ e d y ;somebad$, ~omsplacealang the line, disoavered that somebody was buelding an aparknepzt right in the middle of $ha$ residence hall aPte [Dana, oouth of ~ a a % e ] , whiah would have ruined Che whole thing. Ues$rr ' P bcity hew this, but; no* the V~fveri@it@ W'Izrra^F;e~t The UnivaraSZ;y had beela notii%ed bu2; i t got loat in the a3rleb4ai Now we've b0uer;b-t;Chs aptiarrlment houee, before it'a aomplett~d,an8 10 will ba for young In~hruatoreand maduate w4iudeata. W e had t o pay tbmugh the now %o get i$, That ahowo the Univexsity i a a i n ceetl:nrraO sbouii not; haviag Site plan wxeuked by a y % h h ggettin$ In the way of it. And you h o w , if we hadn't had a long-range plan there, w~ never aotzZd havq stogped it, But this was on 3e002dt ma I t had bean dealt wi-bh in &ha Liaison c:omit.ti9e. &i.eaas$ Yoxi operate w i l h %Be loag-rsuge plan w%iL it beoonea a hadranee Eand Warn you make a new @as? 3 % nett8 a new one about @varyfive yewlca, and evetry year we update %h@ naates plan a d pssaenl; it t s change@ %heathave ooawrxed eince Bheyrve last ossn 3%are indicated Q a ths plan, The P~legraphw d Banorof* ahopgiug es@a $0 have a r a b i n t l ~ nnumber of ahope, partfaularly Banoreft, I noaicod signs of e o m ~new demelop- men3 above Telegraph on Banoroft, buS why haen'% %hers been more7 They ware &raid to gu-t tihe& eggg in -bl?aB bask& bsoaua~ethe UniversStiy night oondepirr. f% and take it, Row we've given noti~e%ha% we don3 in$end to, and %tiheyo m move ahead with aerlranin t;hings, How about the sugges-bion for a m a l l on Slsleg~erph Avem@? That's wholly theirs, but we would be deligbtsd with it, f o ~ b e ~ e any way a-b a l l fox the Unl~exsityto control the type of buildings that go up in property %ha% it doesnqC own? Hone wha-baoevsr, The aea0he0d.o contxol of buildinge Wurster: ie the hardeat thing in the wor3.8, The c a ~ 6 r i a o that ham it find 18 very rssWto%$.ve,an& a l l the youngen nen aze very mch agalnst It because i % de~ltroyaWe mebexn growth and natural grow%h, Zlhe oampus planning aomfsi%tisrabegan with Ncl;aughlin as ohaiman, w d $hen $he ahmcallor beaame ohaiman, Waa $ham$ anydhing behind % U s switch from Beg~nt: $0 ahancellor? The $-tory ie very eimp3.y %ha% no Rsgsnt oan give his time endlessly wi%hall hia dutiae t o the gaasral university, nor do $hey want to ratreas the poaae@aianof any campus by a$one man, But i$ ;just. happened $hat ~caLaugUimawas dean o f min* bere, gradua%ed Base in 1914, Loved the plabe, had been s d ~ a n at Barnard, and when he erne back and was appointed by Yarren Co bs a Yegsnt he and I used %o talk together, because we had known each ~$h63r,about what we could do for %he Bexkele$ aarupua, m d tihat's how it go% sBarted. Now he'$ a invi-bed guest at our meetingag he8$ always wel- (3Qn6 e Ia there a Regrant rnsmb~r? %Toc It gets t o o congliaated, They h a v ~ Rsgente who Bbey appob8 aa aonawl0mt~. Scllvlto &as cmpwa hao Biz1 B03b and Ellieit RelLsr, w d HOXT$B h ~ h , whobar a Berkeley & ~ U E L ; %heyevet 813. been attend* ing $he CPC mae%ings, CouLd you gtve o kina of procmsfil st2;ory of how a buSlding plan gefs apgravad? A building plan atazDs with %he department or ~ o l l s g e ,whfeh charts it@ needs which axe aub- rnit%@d to the S3uSlding~arid Camgus Develcpm@~% ComSt%ee,which in turn allooatsa the thing to suboommittees for %he nsad and t o prove the jua%i- ficatisn, %nB t;a pose the gxoblem of wxACing up the dtmariptisa 00 what ia needed and why 5 % ' ~ needed, and then from %he BOD i t goa8 to %he Caque Planning Cornittee for final acaegtwce, m d %hen i - k goes om t o the Beg~nts, The final acceg%ianee 09 -- Of a p r i o r i t y on whioh $he building's @ing to be bu919;, %heret a a constm0 Ifa& kept activeo $one- times buildings $st pa8 up in$o it by a deamocxatio vote; @ornetbee$bey g@fgu~hsdfurDhsr down, depend- ing upon %he wboLe oequenoe of 8tud~n-b load. I l t e vszny, ~ s s y well dona hex@, very impwtieel m d vexy faU1 and aLZ dono %bougha series of t;inaeloonstming &~ra;llardtteea, it 'a d w e by 8he fa~ul8yin $he raaAn, and no% by ~dnin%$t51at%ve edict. men dmea an waU%&atefi%car? 1hen they are p l w i n g B h t a money fox a building; i t proaedes the building by a year or two. These a r e noaina-bsd by Oh@ Campam PZanning OomaiOtee together with theix conaul%ing woM%e#f#, wYld are ratisied or changed by $he B$gon%s,and % h a the Buildings and Growids Commi%tee. Than the priority Ilst for tho whols oapnai i@ done by a grcsat sys%tsm by a emf8tee whioh haas saah capus wpraaented on it, whish neta up -- for faslmnce, t a b u i l d i n g mi&% be 85th grisx=%ty on a aliatawide, and 40Bh priority Be~keleywide, 2bey aet up W&O&GI systems of pris~i.%iea.Very beaut&- fully done, gone 09 it" by ohmas ox by iaadves&mc@, Ihen me %ha namfna4iione for axohE%sc$ pre~enhedOo the Xegfantb3'P Pea. Jusrt nmer3T hnebs and @xhS.bi%kona of %heiswork. BBQ~%$ will ge-b toge-l;her witb the Begam% whet$ biarita%Ssfied, aml *he mharxae Be i$ dis$a%i@f'%@d with, $iBd BTY ' b WO& Par QUB #ha%%ha f~a.tCt~ O*h@~w%ate~ 2% %bingegc, in ra a;naoo%h81aapb9@~, %hemt$ no zeaaaozk inte~eabe4i n b~a* 13~08@& wfth rwk, amrob r m t o z c 9 1 ini?b~aat@d dn BBe quaUt;y, ?Plat# $%a%ewljl% ~ & l d i n ~ , i a & &one bg BsskebBt, ;new Pow. It w m lay P@ul% B b C we la$ %hem ds i t Z>le;6eauaeWQS i d 3 %ha% gre)y~ho~&gbcalPy 5% had to ge $0 @0118h@m Who had g~@&'& in ba~@kl.%W'b eu~pk%?la%Q@ sff%ae Wilding, Ua.tagtmafeZyt Bkda ie no$ a ~ o u n d gEwa3iaoopb.y fox oh~onbg %he &~ahtte6tof the adWaie.tisla- %toribuilding aS a grssrt uaAvcersrb%y. K ~ B P ha%~b)~~ the bu$ldi9lsg and olrm%a i* r~sdetIe4. I$ w a e r a Bra@@ aisrdak*, Wtltrar %ha-&a Oaiptaa Pbmiq Qommlt.O;-b&cadeei~f OW? 3%was a 4aeoia.2sa Befm~lwf&w%hl De I Y Z Q M 6 t&bMd mpelf ba~kedby Bhrs Ompva Blazming Ba-tteta, rsnd we ~hsaglat%BE&b@@8~~@a it war s 8%atew&&$$h%n& 1% would be goo& %a avts st %O a ~ ~ u t h o m wohiQe~%. Revex ~ 2 ~ 4 myon%fax reaaon8 Like $hat, my%Bing*o nevw* Doesl Newta~ dlo waxk 8%U W ? Ber%slG bibfiQ~24~; I Zld)B8B ~ 0 ~ x 8 h a eI?lp%@p ay%M~tg.He b&&&gaaf~ %he *r @'gl~ge~%ad~ alub. H4 msb8ts~what happeaer fh XZife, bcspaa2raaadr *houtgB6 02 i+b9 i% BF d l k % ~ ~ d @ t I CL€IU$~~~X] @ $.B* Nd112B~8' m ~ e h n t w a s imauhs t W n h6 haar setally %bpclvlltsge of belqh?;by h5s own 1PgIz$air, R a sad ;~Wx-lt@t ashlam&one C h w t $heyr~ebe$^ adiiZoe~+ fPhey'~s be$h areli-pmaolwlsr Hy wife doesrn't f e e l tBhlsr w a y absut Him%rag$he %hinkaPtm vewy hmmh. I n092se in the Q~1denBa%awaygrojeaf yaw oi8kae ie ~6xk!k!Lg610eteIy w&%h @%hap fiX%z?t* fso, well, atlg $&ma 98 eatar@ptionatXin c@rte;lJ;a w ~ s , and $ha$ re on$ 09 *hala, It juaB doesn"8 %kink it b e , all tihe answ@rer,where@@ EBeulra always MB81% the srrsmrszce, Ea&$he €hapus 221aming CornraSttse here ever e~nsr&dereld b&n$iragfs @amonef m m a %he &wB 0;2? Ihr6pa $0 design r ImilBZPstg? We111, Jtae-b ;right BOW, %he %tawzen~cs F r b e m o r P a Z had %w@ eaatsm raroEa2$e~ta,Eero S&wisr@tn AasociaQee and sou Kahcl, Bu* C M % w a s a Jarat Shes osaape.t;i.fr2ow, Tes, X1va beon a li8-bler $oath iB a @-bate-rawggo~fcad Zn~$iWtiant o go 0u.t: o f 'the erta%cetbatmuse we have awfully good pe~pLe!1 3 1 %he a%a%eand %hey sigh% mltse .$haquesarti~oa~ q u i ~ e rS&=bly, oi why w e @hauLdak6: get . %la@ peop2~who gay %he %asxesrr It &ohaQQ $hi$ ~ e a n 09p~2c)&Iya% I;tias hone& % U @ r J; W Q U ~ ~ rssgnC g@&ng uu.b an% g&ting a &rangex %o @om@ ira ao .bh;tnge 0% tfia campus wha w@ M v d l peap5181 of %&Zen$ &XUUR~ heper A m . d when ithe eampwsls 8an R A ~ ~ Q and $an98 a m 1 8 ~%a;rrti b u S L d i ~ ,I aupg.cPm they w&ZZ fosk Aa4ta $he& ~ m m d f q # SOP ~ ~ h f h W k a a f@ha%% de&ng 5h4 naw C ~ w e l 3 .001Pege af rri&%+We're &m$a Qrtlgi,my 439fi~ei a* 8pa"k"tng of b a B a Qms, b a oanp%aswaaagh land is2 btll 9fr nesda? ! ! ! W e %h@~&=d BOEIB* Tbwb tws trh+ dw~lcspmen~ glama for that &pa@? T h a a i r b32ngrs %ha tro%i$hssltrp~ablevdt6 9 all, Wa n68e so gas% $hem days %hex@ Ztmt$ %&me $0 a o a ~ e b smaa3.Z Talsg~apbAvenue ox Bamwaf Square moaa CB b e %hei dame ]In a way %ha$'# na~maX, !&exa w i l l have t o be d ~ s f a i 6 ~ ~ and Be%pBQ louats it a0 ZD %ant% %so im? away, I*vd been conealting artzhite~tfax Itrba P a I ~ e x ~ ~ t i y %he V&lv@zsity o f o$?VSe-k~xka JS~%tfSlah QoZwbia b Va.tmdmvea, 8~~34 in bs*h ealgebs %her ~t2,haes $he a@n-mxttieepticsah?of & sommerei8l @ma gj.&rfit$ngaLs@eb t o ea a&puar, Thie ia %%ani?~@d% rnsrBe81 ~~~41erra8 b 0 8 i ~ h r 83232g31,~pxablt9)m9Be Wtt~body ~ataogn&giaes bB, and $heytrs4 Bxflng t o wosk 1% 03%wit& B%Zl I%ea+bon,dQe~t%@@ oi *he XnatiWtcs 09 Urban R9@0ifd. ~ @ ' t r @ ~ f @ % @ & l ~ %heD G I ~ @ @ ~ 0 f &V%T~P- men$ab Paaarign, whot# aom2ng haze, and d s a a ooawzPPing seanoari~).i; and pslSB%oalmierntia$, Oa haw h ~ w they eaa we~kout ~aoms*P;h%ng the* w i l l .save %h@ Imd gsogerXy fax pTZvat6 trmd oome~@iaX drrtvslop- men$ ~ b s s a$ ~ ~ 8 a d b E ~ r & V ~ P 80 %he B-~~PI X b + though* of leeraiw ZmB %a pn?t'tt1849 @n%@rpr&~e in on $he,n m v erampus@etrr#%k$ U e r were ever psearibl~E'd rpluggers-t; i B * f i i e ~ a The oloieQezed eea2uaioa Sa re&LSy a grsblemt E Wiar~ter: IB ie to ~ O B B of a1 who $bbtJ1 9 f i h a B the Unbt&r&i+ty touesh wi%htihe waxLd i r o arearisarreaxy, Ba.tr *here are o'Phex Mnae of wiverarS%Zsa,you ma% wdese.fismd. 'l!h@xe i~ %he%o.tsal wbm W v e x s i t y whioh i~ i~ Rew 'Iloxk Oi%y, l a @ Qolumbia, Phexe i e $he total. mra 31112v~x1IBy~ Z5ke $%&on8 orhiah i a en a fwn, And between *barn w e PAX rso.s.traa s f @ & a t310ZUr BtanZw eZWat&an Q m s Ziea Zn $he ~%&%~%QP& buQ wilsh $he hage of hming aem if a nore bfvsl$ $xoa i%a 1&a~red Zmd, They haVe the #hopping oe~~l%@z, %ha* %heylearse ~ v t , yon w a , Sbs ~asidmCidLec131eg~i gXan al; SmBa OFUP -- w h E t C does iB m@ges% arsh5teotural2y9 Veal, in the fix#$ p3aae fl eugge86@a deep movement in Bhe humm$QSea an8 a brlara8t;b ok aatuse apexiencer i n whieln yaa o w t % ~gerlialf~cs too early and in whish you have a l l %ha firjiusa of %Be @ambridge m d Qxford sehae o f tMnga, no% a trt~nollthi~ like a%m~tU2?68 Bexheley m? libs AngeXets, Stephen Pepper fe Ohe f&%her a3 %B&e,bwkcetl; by P e a I s f f ~ ~ y , n m who8# $he, ~hanos1203d8~pn%&tmrc fl!kem m e a &pea% rimy people who d~ubtt%ha* Y% QW ba done, but b l e ~ a Chefr aoalLlsr fsr at-t;~mpt%ng $8* b c a 600 So .t;h%0eV2l. An %he firat Cowell Crallege, 400 live-* m d 200 o~ms~u.t;er, a Pew them w d sanB thssaQlbe alses~rosm~ %Bay*l.l lgo over Oo a @eptmaQe nefmoe buildtag -- the otther 0aLlegeer w 3 l l go Sio the a r m 8 r~ientrrebuilt%- ing be~a&u@e ittar jut@$too $0 @Xpell~~li~e d.~]pl%a~$i@r Bo, a21 in all, 1 % ' ~ a alxteter, an @nmmcruB01usCetx of emall wait@, wiW the hog* of breaking it down in%@ hmm tale 'build- jwt lib *he rareh&%ea%ure ing and Bhs rno1El.it~c%w~s eehaol here wiCb 706, yow aes, ia lik~ a mall oollsgc. Though %Be Sntereste in Bant;a Cms d@n)t lie a'kong a special eubjedt, ~ e ~ e b ~ 1 a r l . 3 ~ ~ f tMak %%'ahmd $0 vdaaa3i~e what'w i l l be the unifytug ftiia8ox i& Ohe esLL@gear,how the en.t;ering atudenB wf31 oh~oee. That wPZ1 @o4e@a&u&ly, ntr%by iarsoxddnmeat 'Isutf by wB~LB ~ B 3 . 1WO;P~, In t ; h t Q Q ~ $thfs 6mpue PJwina; Gamit-bes ia making a l o t 03 mS%$w&L de(z$@&onff ~$riJr $n the game, &a% ie their fee>ia@ab0u-b the ~ulp@h%%eaf.rxse o f the aoljtrgsar.7' Wells $hay w 8 . N $aQhaollreg~%@ haeve S$a o m oh~~iraotets, Conell ~olisgshao bscm v e ~ r critical, a varr tough jab, beeawe ~ u u aae we @m'D have it COB% mare $ h a the other kind of syetem, so we have got t o have fairly hlgh buildings, we omt% apreml, Sahntra Bmbwer i s ejla sxanple o f a monotonoue Bwo-atoq apraad over egoke of oolltagss 09 two thousand o~ as. Well, 3 . t daperibe, A% 3mta Oru~ %hex@ a r e aix hundped At Golden Gateway, 1964. oign 1%2glomaanow? Wtzre~derr Yes, and it's a; t;remend~a@ job, You bloC them, you h a w , sou have %o lay them all out 6@dry, !There axe only two dews who d l @ their diploma, N i l B ~ nChsr~inand X, So there we m e + T dont% know whe3hex my auootssnor will sign tihem or not, "BrawnH ia s8mpsd on, wKsxxwis ~+iamnpsdon, wSCrongn l a lil6axnget.l on. Ther esaldaf%pser~iblysign all of t h a t W.~BB o B@iore you go, oauld I ask you Sox & rata%easntabout your hops fox %he ompus and for wehiteatare hex09 Wm~%wo Yea, one alwapa has %herhope a i a m s t a b i n g group of bu&ldingaron thZa a q u e whish w i l l b@ go&$%@wA%h eoah o%hsr w d ye0 a* no B%aa rep~eatentstnfffne~a 02 xetrs$xea~ioaSn Ldiear, And X %hi& o f ~ e x % a % ~ ~ @ t the in~tiga-bio& of the plakn'rsing at;afi m e axoel- Oanyon, and $he Paealty Glade, and %he &xial%.tll?aJ glades 80 that a~mehewthe grea2; a a u ~ p ~ r c i l l fom of this ca~pus9s retained and no% hiaden, As you remwber, at UCLA they hetd a grea.i; etrroyo; they fillad %ha% in m d mde a gram plot, and now it% like my 07t;heraahsol in the oslzntry when fhay had thr mar- velous chmae 09 harLng %he arroyo. $: hops %he Sshool of ArchiOcteture ~tays by Lhe m l ~ e o$ plaraaaxrb aham and %ha% 2%4s@snf a; becone dograatic in any achooL 09 thought?, far would rather have a student be disaaCiaffed with his education while heca hare, and be pleeaaed ten years l a h r %ban if he were pleaeed with it at Dha s t a r t and dfssa%l;fs- f i e d ten yeam laler. I-bts a g~edittiimtitution, and the whole de~ocrsey with wUoh it% m# i s tims-oonsuming and energy- coaraWw but very worthwhile 'beoauae the whole proacsaaa of g e t t i w buildingo and aps@s20s building8 and of Ww~ter: hiring in ikepa-rtrnenler is all =ranged through aoadqaZa plane as w e l l ao long-range phyaiwl plarm~, T hope it will r@sulL9n the Bighea* grouping af a b i l i t i t w tha%'e ever been aooompli~hed. &Letas r Ohange will be neseeemy in the fk.tr#rs, Boo, Wws%.ext One of the moa-& inpor*t;mf;%hfs!kge about Xifa fa3i#"t Thers'~d w a y ~been change, And when peaple loak baok Bo a cer%ebi#period and regazld i - b es ~ t a % i @ , it ohrenged front the gexlod before when i t was mgarded as rad2aetl. Dant$ forge* %ha%. Bieso: Relationahips araong buildtnga ohange as %he eld osres go down and m e reglas@d, Wurstsxs SmeZy, Boms me this way, ssme a r e %ha.%way, bu% in the large they do honor by each s0her. today? [~n%em&ew held in the living roam of the Vurr?rterhoses, @reenwood Temaee*) We've gsbhexed the furnitare in this room fro= all over the world, 9%'~ianta~%io.Tha chairs over Cherts were done f o r the Ysrbra, Buesna Club [wsnenta alub de~igned by Wuractsr for the Golden Bate In-bematiana3. Bpoe5%1Lan, lg58] an !?!maawe Islmd, m a I bough$ them after %he faip ara8 over, Them Gaar Xiteas charw, ~hnd%he ors.8) $hat yon'rs in, w e Greek ehaha from Max: R d i n Ember- siZFy profearsex of' law]. He bought them fox ftve do31ma i n Grssae and then we bought %hem from his se.ba.&swhen he Bled, Sowsbedg e l m fn Berkeley 1Sked them also wid they had lssnt for a hundred of %hem and when they omas it h m ~ d suO %heywere +weave dollarlsl 81g%8eesr They aked, Vw me they more L n q%~tn%ity?~ &d the m m e ~ wae that ft waa sa boring $0 n e e 1 0 many. I%augh%erY WiZhelm Wohlext;, a youhg Barze, asads %hosecloeh ebafrs, The sjncrwahoe c h a i ~ ~ and. om@ from BermotnZ;, they're very conven3en.t; bacause they fold up and m e extra uhaira far younger gesgle Bo s90 arottmzd in, They're very camior-kabls, The Aalh table some friaada sent %o u85 i t goes wf%B our dfnfng room table, And the bea%er$a lef% over from the house as it waa whe11 &I. Bllia ltved here. Did you know that a l l %he OrSeneal aollection in mihells H a l l was once e~tablishedin thia room? They had belonged 10 Eliz;absfh Ell&@,whe lived here ant51 1952, I'hsr were plaeecjl on block vslvet and LllWna%edwiGh ago%lfgh.t~, 1% was an aslasing room, j?i1laB w l % h fusnitruxe, h t v e sorf of restored %ha Gregory era, a LiOtla more spazo~e, W e find that fB's wonderful to have %he paom wi%hout furnitme In $hie olsnter baoauoe you oan pu31 the groupB mound aa you choose, a d ~ l l the fuml-hare is light, with the exoeptlon of +hogs two chkira a d thla couch. You have qvfte a sallsction of+9$inting~,%oo. Xba-b s €, Josef3 Alber s, f x ~ m Blask Nountarin a d Yale. Thts one ia Bepers Prom P,Z,9, Xn baerk sf you %a a 6aita grin* we brough8 fron daparn, Bhia [ a Jtapaaelse htmgSrg3 meaner homew In Japanem. The nex% f s a CarX Xe~ba. The nexO fn aup house in Cambridge, The horse C~ c u l p ~ ~ s ~ bearea iqmIndia where Catherine we- i n 1959. &Eth d ~ ~ a n a , 'of w r s a f~lead in B m Toxk, d i d this cmcaes k%n$ ol s $h$ng in the ooxner. She worBa4 w l % h B-ax3.s ' B Q ~ The a great deazl, shield over Ihs fir@gZaoatL1* wlil Belitf hdLlm6wk ejhbeld there, one of those msbdLZio $Mngs, md Ptr wae beautiful %a see rfBll so &eh ltght r @ n ~ t t ? i d from it, Vhan fla%hexfhd in tapan she bough* one of theere dqpahis~ae, Itd:a~rursd when thsangsl~get ready t e dissppear~ $set hold 18 &pfk0n.e of $hem, which ~~omoteia &;taappBwm~e.fBSn mads of m o d [gold ~acqu@re4?, I * ' s a wonderful room. Ones t~arlyi n %he f i f t i e a I t r i e d t o have a chamber quart@% -- aa NIr, Hawwd m a d to long ago a t h9s home -- d 3 0 n e 3 perf~xmhere fox the aeniosa. 1% woxksd ou% very well and I would like to have kspf it up bu% i% w a l s ! t o 6 coatly for us to oonthue. Thia waa fox a blg senior party? Yes, the senior class, about a hundred of them, I ~M11 carry on the tradition fs the exten%*ha% I ! Catherine and Sadie with W i l l i a m Wurster a t home i n Berkeley. Christmas of 1957. I gSve a s~nixrm four %fmw a yew tip a%I I I ~house, e%nd ~.bud~nbsr cone up abou*, w@11, %heywcsra $4 ~trong,,thia ye=, Iw~n+tyntW~ borne at a %ime an8 they mest at %en mhu%eat%o %ourBo half gas% POUT and have beer ma l~monadeon the % ~ ; ~ F X ~ G B . lon8w.y [April 29, 19633 waa one of those days, The i ~ i a and everything w e ~ e all ant, 3Ccra aise $0 give the kiBs a shanae t o see how t h e i r teachers live. %his hauea looks l i k e it w a ~ b u i l t with oonce~te and par tie^ ffn mind, One wauldnvt 3ua.t build this houea to live quietly alone; ft weula have to bt~ srhared. That's right;, $mebody who WBB thing a house tour ones time c m e %boughm d @aid, Ton% it be nias when they have it fu~niehed?~ f ~augb%sr] Do %he amhi-beofu~e eCudenBa ge% taken on any form1 -F;ovr8 of Berkeley hoaeresl bere% No, no% unlees they were to aok f o r it. They do see very of%em toma of work %hay*xe t 4 do 9n a =%a. And then af eourss %heyba% arovnd om their own, The BUUWRI,of %ha BasArea book fha% yo9 haye 8 oopy of -- the fhing tihatb remarkable about PPUregerro h% t a %ha* every piatuae fn ft fsr %&ken $FOE 8 puh1i.a plezee, e;ro that! %hem% so% t; thdng Ziettsa %ha% aaa*t be areen by %he psxson who goes Bo m e TO, mo=khiagis %&en f ~ o n a p~%^sa%e3! vaa%agr pa%^%, ~ ~ B T B W@T@ V@Z'y +hZtig~ ~ X ' i ~ e t ' b ~ S & ? ? @ 8 f 9 that weperift aesesbla, t h ~ y ju~Oleft %hem a t , B%e8~3 r BOWdo you come t o live in %his buee? WauXB you imll the story of that? Wtmaterz Vesll, in. 1913 I wa3 a $r$ahEgm, 3txer-k oome from dtmM;on, which w a a r f18-b eaun~xyw3: ZlvsB BOUZT~ of %he campas, and S. wa;lked up north and came on t h i ~ little read wtlh aZ1 t h e ~ e pine tress a 8 thought, L'Q%e, who can live in auah a)eaa%yBEI I&&%? &d 3: never $ Q ~ F ~ o $ f:$. Preaenfsly I mat Don Qxagoxy, $he Warren Bregorya' won, 5 h e w h Z m a LitObe brft f# aallege bu% no* 8 6 4 1 1 . Then in there I sent off to Europe and way atahions the w a r a8me m d everything elb~e* When 3: o m @ bask in 1924 from New York a d Delano t 831Uxloh, the first parson f me% was Eliaa- betb Ellla who %henJived down on RSdga Road in what $8 now ths cooperative hauae and she had a@a good frfend b e , WWFW @~sig;ozty*Phe @r$qg~qya gave a m~ar;tsala m BWay ai%ema@~ and 3 : o m up w d s l a w t b house in aq*tEUaU%y in19te QUB, &s, Qgarp~y b@@a8 S I r $2e;~$% $l?h#ld, a@D l U @ b $ha% W e Exerared our dmgh16er 8&diLe ai%er h42, &PI. Oab3ent~ Qxegqrg PRQB onoe 2hox@%~ia ens~i~tanti$ & q ~ Z~BRQEX of Bhe La,&.mae 0Zaea4e.a Za @ & l @ o f %he book@eh* W I I O F ~ ~ 0 1 3 ~ 9 8 h h 4 Z R . Qna Q$ bqr g30ad1 ;PTiwdg WPI L w y 5p2-e MiPahall* who 434 the Bank B9rett~t8shool Za New Y Q P ~ , Do you h c a m @ h S . n gabout +ha$? Y ~ C D J ~ we &fi&ew& ha8.o GQ@, Skella ta rauwPrab3.e woman, She wrote a book ea&ledFwo &i~eer, $he @torysf her Pltz~sbmda d be^- esrlf, in %% @henan3iaaa %he haass vlp on 0~4en- wood Iexraee aa BeWg the ~tartixag-goin* of a a m y People whs met here? Oh, tihlaa buee iss &l pies@ 09 f a b ~ f ~ one d t h asia m%d, RIYba% &QU% my hying $he hsuaaar nos?" Wet it appraised and w d 1 X see. 80' go'& Wldt & p g ~ d @ @ d ~ ~ P B F E ~ % B P ~ X 888 Be~xge Hoflt who h a w all %he value of bbe intangible f B reprtarscrsntirs8, %he E)srk@b.~y and he aura o f tWngo, kept e r a - bsaok t o me wStlln a worried look on h9a f&ae atad X said, RYMra~ra C h e m8tterTH Ee mxl.d, "The -k;z%h02 Bhe reerttw $63, the L a d l a 3rsr;v valuable but %he houere ie o o u 8 of levee1 am3 $ha heaani aye%mis bad aad $has sosf I s a k a r r , m d 9 0 ' 8 not in tadayter m%y;L@ Bhe honeae ie woxBh ~ l o t ; B i n g . ~ And he eeaid, #Yllhtbt d11 Irra. @r@goz-yrs@ a X m i d , "T don't know. f t Udo i~ %ell her am, take, 1% up d 4 h hiin eo I wanCt be trading on my Srf~ndaSaipw%tih Hex asn 9 ~ ~ k her %he pxopoeea2 and 1 h t a lmke4 a% iQ with hex 6181169 and ah+ mi@, *Xravt;%ha% woad~x- f#Bf Wst3l jzSve B i l l tihe houae,H S e t 'tbsy IS%erzfdLy gave me t h i ~ haass, and X hu@$ the land --and you a s t z l l pay a m awgU3. 3.0% $or L a & i f you thoueand iset [af hoaaa] Olmown la, X had t o typead a aadmate m c 3 u n 8 for paint, a naw rcoPt added h+a%ing,%hingerZsks $ha%, buB that: was nothSng e&qwscl Bo the ostXue of %he BoQrz3, plaoe, W b a n MZB. % l Z i s SAvsd hers she kept up the txadition og Ohe aaton etasted by H s s . Gxegory? Petsy vew moh PlQq I've been in B h i ~ room with many Mnda 09 gaoplsst She gnler$ainercl $re&% deal, 09 cnurscb, you see, peop2e %hen ha4 .bo make -1;he moat o f Mw&r Srien&arberaauae they d%&'B have automobilea and tB%r@0~1*dn~$ And when you oven* 80 S m 86) far, Prmoiam~you wmfr QB the ferry boati and you wars for~ed$ 0 da thlsoga Whmnally. mat they die3 wmd t?o a e W y Bi12 $he @oil of imediwbe aeighbwsr, not atRay@ strs14rahing CQ go Po i a ~ = a f fpXliac~s~, I %hMk %ha% m&%e a gxea* dii~ex@n&s, X notriae they af%elzhad organiered, %hma%lo galher- inga, BlSsousrsaiaa groups mesting ~eguflarly, Ehia%$s rlgh'b., erne over xead John Q~lsn 2 3 0 ~ ~ 8 , -4 poe8qr every S1widaa3~msrr~bgat eleven I know from &a, (tireeg~zr, And b~bWEQD~ 8 poem, oallsd nPBid%era. Yon a m 5% Jia %halibrary, Westve nsed 8hile haum far e~BerBa-en$ , - s e t ~ ~ ~ all the bad many, many iareetibga herds~ Q T ~dsft0pm;rwho eons t ~ o U g h . Wetv@ beem twoad the wozld ~o ~jh~~th 06ne $0 haw many people, W~)*VFTQ~ And when Pen IelaXJtman w a e J doing hiss pazsanal%$yatamrss- ma$ OQ &~~b%Be~%ftl study of cr@a~ivi%y 6 ~ 3 undrrtiaken by $$a ZmartituBe o f ??ekraon&i.f;y&se~lermcan.t;and Braeetreh] they &me~ f i *&d@g %hey workad lbid&y a;etamoon and Settmday aad then were Bogs$hebr on day morning, ba=kdaDnxUay algIr%$hey wan%& Oo 'befr161.g rea we gave a pm$y for earoh p a e l of 0ea with abou* fsrtg @%bar gue&taLa, Oa%liexi~sa wae in 3QBLa dux* one of -bhm and t9adie and &a, Redd did %he pregma%ialaa hoateasring fas me, We've had people oame ih %r discuasiona, W a t x y $0 have a edrtain amonn2i of &ieouseion bu-k if $hem t o o Large a group %here emr%be. But if %here ape eight people vary often there a m be good dis- o n , Bob Wawer, the Ra@a h e d of %he WSHA, %he hoaasing @~u%ho*Pf Waillh$rz&@n, hals beem he~(4 %$ F@F' dimezb* u 1 .sa2tra o f p e ~ p l e * Sa when you fosk the hsuse %a1952 you taak i% w$th thie POPS af %hizagZa mindt Phi%% B right. * ao YOU P W U ~ have 3 ~ p x e aonaing thxaueh *hi@ bouae an BouraT Whentimer mybody aaka, wre a2waye let thsnt. And when the as%ronorneraWBTGI here from aZL owtar $he waxld, they brought two ox three hundred t k ~ u g B one % b e &EL 1 9 6 3 . . W e en%erCain very ahply. &B. RedB, our housekeespeza, %a@a everykhing. She poki~hsa %biloora, wa~hsePhe windowa, a d shet@ taken in a& many aa forty f o r &inner. Z**n done very ~ f ~ p l y r We alwaya like sit-down Buppera srnd we have a long table that we o m ge* Z a m B e e ~mound and that ' a our oapaoitiy f o r our uaual dimere, The food l e asrved a% the %ablea d the guesLs paas Ohs platas in family style, Ham Mrs* Redd always been with yon, or wi3h the hou8eT With uer, for twenty yetwo. W h e n you returned from Cambridge where d i d you live before you moved in here? Zn 3.950 when we crme out here we Dook the lax Badin howae, wMah is righa in baak here, fop a year, The Calvlins Live in it now [2683 Btae~~ Then VSwka Tay], I@ bough% the Ii-tiPle houee out on the point heime 17 6reenw00d Gomon, by B,I, Sahln&l@r, @a, 1952, bough% senwo woad Q ~ P P Q ~ mads and dfv26eb %ha% up, ia%ersst&ng neigh'krazbood pLan 80 that the aen%ex104 is owraed by eve~ybatiyand nobody can build on 5% un- 1aa~1 there is corapleQeappxo~ral. The houase in %he 00mraon m e all done by fasoua asohit@~t~rN s w a laioe's staff did Eelen Dsuglafer*sr little houere* Bemy B i l l did %ha[Thomas O r ] Blaiodell. John Funk ddd %he [ 0 t t o ] Maenohen, Hatme11 Rmsisa of Texars and ~Sbutiherfi California d i d WB, m i n g ' o and Joe B~hexiekdid Jim Aoksmmter, And Dan Ol~andid tha C R O ~ ~ X ~ Birge W,] house, It's an alphabet a8 modern ar~hiteotl~~ W a r a that the Jauneeir. Aekaxman in the art departnierzt? Yes, Bets now gone tFO Earnard* A brfllian3 pormn, I : helped bring him her@,and I'm vexy di~mayeawiBh h f ~ for going o f f Oo Barnard, I b o w itto %he ~ort 6% thing tha-kva W 8 t o refuse, 9he fast that Ijhia house was de~ign&by Bhc first dean and %hat it wa# onea of %he fisat jab# he d i d fn aalifornia i@ quite fmportmt histmriaally, Howa~d had worked $or E,H, Riohardoon, Ohe great arahi-beot wEi01~ddone Romatnesque %h&ngs and Bid same erhiragle hoa$ea moan&Ombridge, axid m r u n e kingl led eh&racc t e r h@ brough* ou* h e ~ e and used at -&helaslk ztnd used here. %his housla i 6 6 V0F$ maah like *he & @ h i f e o ~ s B ~ A l d w ,YOU t ~ t e g , the oli;l~&@.f;t~~?, _l)idn9% you also CIeaign a houe3e 18 %he Uomon? No, I deeignsd the Bwo l%%%la one@%ha43 rent ou% below hare# bat -kho~e ment%an %Be C ~ m n *! ! ! h e @om0nbs jaart across the ~%rcee-k.When WB 8014 QUT houm over $here to the tlorley] Baem, the phsto- gxapher, w@ LOB% reeideaay in the Common. But ftfs been a groat succmoe, so much so %ha% I get leftare a l l $he time froan people asldng how it a m be duplf- sated in bothen plaae, What %heyhave is a cornon ploC that gAves evsrybaay a view* Mrs. Gregory had owna8 that whole property, X3 waa so precious %ha% it was ndiscov%xsd"every day by reornebody and for fifmt;y yeme tkay had a telephone call a day about it, abou8 'buying the l o t , m d it was not for sale. Bob Bproul 6ried t o buy il. Bxnewk Lawrence trted to buy it. Thsn an@ day Don Gregory said &o me, "If yonfll get a group, Mo%herw P l l let you have i-b. And when w a e r %ha$? Oh, abon* 1951 or 1952, As g ~ u &owl this house waa slmed from the 1923 fire by e$uden%swho knew the Gxegory~and who o m s up a r i a wet blankets and beat %he fix@ ouf o f the shingles, When M x ~Qregory C W ~hame from ~ E U I Frm- oiew and go3 around i n back o f the houee he aUao% fainted when he saw the house wa@a-till bere bwause he was a r e i t had gone, So this houss is really an htragral p a r t of the erohool ao am I, a r s ie Ohe whole -thing. It s a trt;mendeu~lyeentfmsntal group of attachents that all revolve around it. Waa Edre, E l l i s Ws. Gragasyre cloaant frlend? Pss. She was from Long Island and her name had been Warde~. She had gone t o 3urape w%lhHewy Adms and John Hay -- he wag one of hi8 niecaa **.-and she waa talcan to Europe when she wae eighteen y e m a old and waa brought by theae two older men t o exgerienee Europs through thelr eyes. And she passed it a l l on t o many people, and %hishas been a recu~ringkind of a thing, 1 think psople sanoe this closeness %n the old Berkeley, maybe envy it, Well, 18'11 some if i t f a real, It wonr$ if i% isn't, R i s ~ i e 8 There seema to be Coo much movement for quit9 %he # m e life. Gradua%es%uden%~,for instance, alwayo laow thaf they m e leaving, Wtarwtwrr Though the Berkelay hill8 are populated by graduates who never left Barkelefr. That's really true, %baBts whta-t builf Berkeley. People oame here and never left* They decided to live here, worked in San Franciaao, and commuted. Dean Wurster in his office in the Architecture Building, 1961. EUe$sa 'Inone of o m early meetinga you talked about the fdea i n architecture, Could you eqand on what we might call your philosophy o f architecture? Wur~ter: What ultimately became m y own phlloarophy i s tha* arch3.tecture occurs a t %he point of fricfion and tenelon i n l i f e . I t ' s the one place where art and atmactuse have t o both be aatiafied, and 1 i f ~ itself, saaial-economical~y. A t the a t a r t I didn't think of it i n theas terms but I realized that f i r s t you haye t o afford it, second it hae t o function well, Bhird it has t o look well, and withovt any of theae fs&uree it haanft sense. The funation, or the use, tho beauty, the cost of the house, all come in and meet at thia one point, Therefore it can well be a violent point fn liiso graotfoality meet3 head-on w i t h impracticality, meeta head-on with pmmanency, meets head-on with hagina- fion, meets head-on with whather the lmind cornea i n the right direction. fa f a o t I refused t o do hou~srain Bew England when I lived t h e ~ e from 1944 t o 1950 beteanas I . didn't zsallg GhW 3 oould feel New England lrke I $eel this mas, I do h o w this ax68, Abou%$he time when you wsre baginning %o work, $920, waan'l the pxobesaion ai arohl%eo%taking on a new shnraotsr, away from being a gentlaants prow faeoion, and more down to emtb? Pea, I would slay %ha% it was indeed. Sn fa&, Z wa@ In $he advance guard aa iC were that pled for --th1.s all,wa@ only dimly felt in %hose tiaas, bui~I was pleading all the time for fxseclom a i mattqn anel %he ind~pendena6of the s p i ~ i t and the f a o t that it's the Meas Ohat are in a house that really aount, %hat enliven life', Papier-m$ch& is a good ma*erial if i.t; dose the work fox the job, It's not pemmency of a house tha.0 l a important. There is no need %o build a Chinese o~meteryp And wht3.e I aouLdntt aDa%e %hoe@ ehknga in those day^, I was very aware of Bhair PXIBenQ6 r T watched %he field d i g out from under hhe d@px~2r~2on, Ibe %hi% Bha-berarhappened moat in ny LfietAms, the ahage, has been in the $??owing i n n p ~ ~ r Wazrsterr eanae of %he evmyday Phing' Husetmra mW when 1 wae young and ?mt%ingaround mew Tor& 2 r a %he tmen%te~ only dead people' had pltotwse~in museums, And thexe wasnqt a MUB- of Nodern k t and there wiraer as t;h9ng; of having a glales exkibfl, glaassa and cutlery, Omefsre or asrg of those people! knfvea and f o r l t ~ wsrs no% consi&eradworks 0% a&, I waaohed a conplete change in ay Zlfatims of what canatifutea an Entexes%ing thLng. Does that make any s & n ~ e to you? B~.Q@s 3 Y86r BBurs$er: Years ago I : me% a man one day on %he ferrybaa%,the San E%.anaiaooferry, =ti 1 a d d , "Well, aha% ax@you doing ROW?" "Oh, nothing importanl, no marble, no bronze, no%hing like that. Only unimpostmt things, \%at are you doing?" I s a i d , ltICn doing a terrible lot of 5mpor- $an$ things. They cost very little money but they're impox%antt a the client and Chey're important as hall to me," Riem t Woul8 you say that fax an arahitsot the mosC xeeont 308 i a the Beet, thaL it repxeeen3a a coming-togeliher ex: Noti ns~essaxiLy. Pour enthusiasm is ha% eand inflamed when you're working on asaresth5ng, k t t h ~ g~sa.ttsrat thiw ia %he blank pieoet of paper, before you ar%wt, Then i% might be any-thing, i% radghL be the moat beaubi- ful .Ohing in the world. This is a $re&% moment when you a i t down arid have ideas about some-bhing$before yon pn-b eulgZlhing ~ O W , beetauwe the moment I put a penoil line on a place of paper I limi% myself to some eden*, Z have Oa. That'a what the penoil lPns denotes. But ourrent work doesn't make pas%work obsole%s. No, XB ian'ti that you reproduas the gaet work again, You learn more ox change Faore, or ? ; h a s have changed, but t h i ~ doesn't mean that what you've dona has been demeaned by time. How do you feel about your old buildings? Some I like very muoh, aome never were succeaaful. The farmhouse, For inaDace, for Mre, Gregory, in Bhe Sants Cruz mountains, %hatworn a Bouhle Beautiful awtml in the early -bhSrties, really s ~ t a@ up in bueinaeo in a way because i% beornet a very f m o ~ s house and reselved good mes8$o~evexywhere f t WELEI shorn. 1 cotald have gone an doing white-wasrhed wood farahonaslee Bhs reer.8; of my life. Royal Barry WiZle, a New Englmder who d5d 00Lonila1 hauaser, did exaottlr that, a very easy thing to do, 64 keep turning out %he same pa%%ern. Well, by this oboolsaoenca thing Z mean Zoakihg at Saarinebn and comparing the Dnlles Je* Airpsr* %a %he TWA Building al: I d l e w i l d -- I almost Ohink Eero was more of a sctulptor %ha& an mchitee0, by $he erne token, that %he form of the t;lzkng em-branced him more than it# funotfon ox anything else, For instanas, I was chaiman of the jury that gave him %he gre& srch to do a% St, LOUIS, thb Jeii'ereon Nateonal Msmorial &pan~%~a, aszd b0 waa a very proud moment, a @ea% moman%,when he dZd thia gmat sliainlaa~ateel garabolio arch, wiLh eleva-box~ going up in it, The @Addle We83 Packed the Golden Gate Bradgs, the B I I F e l !Power, tho Washington Nonumen%, you Bee, and St. Soufo had not one aingle thing %o pain* to w i t h pride, w d now Bhis thing sill come along, %his great pmabolia arch in Ohe sky, as eke gateway eo the WesO, which seemed l i k e a b ~ i l l i m t %hi=, He r e d l y wan Dhe comp@tilionh l l y and justly, Then he was very influenced by hie^ m d 82d the General Mo%orosCenter. %ha% irs vary h a ~ s h and d ~ y an4 b ~ ~ t j l B i $ ~ l l y %)Lenhe did d@$XU$BrVQjer Q Q S E ~ ~ Z ~ ~ r o ~ g h a@mioqe$st.h* Sn MKLw~bwksarfop stn m i t r oaatisr %]a80w a r M l ~ e ~ ~ c e l %ticb by COXW* h h a he beg- g@Q Saf;ercasrB~daszs a&n ~ r s b a ehpea, W $WA was I very ~P)~?U&VB BhAagl m Q L it koob 80 ms ISke if 'lrs saneprte a@phhgt o be cn biz@* I %hhk .);hisl s a woag, 88ia%fstrhings ahaw3.d be altia%fo an4 f'ly%ng Ok5qges eb~uldlbe fgying, W& you ehauldnvf eonfiae 118me* Bow Dullee &zrport hsd really a flniss idea in bask 02 58, apr ws13, a s e $oml mmeL$ that ha vstn31B have nsbA1e 3.owrges take you 4s %be plane, and he had Qhmlie&e~~gee do .a l i t t l a BQBZ~ ahmat; if W- BiB YOU ever L B ~ B ~halz? I wondrarrf'ul rnafle, ~Zzowbng how you %rampSn Cha &F psz8+ c- "tranip, 6xanp) trampn and so fox%h, S% t o *hem. [3r&u&0@~3 He f'$nUy BQI~ l o wl itt@ $he ssm$ng thing Bn h~ixpox$er+ Jets wrae vg an awful b t of' gap just $ax%ing QU* %O the f i e l d , y m knew, $LZB if ~ Q P Oo the doat%have, tihim %ax$trip ZwriLBt$~g fox loa45ng i"bar.v~lera 3.0% oo%money, And tka aL3~g3medlosa ie lA%e3p&XLy QB tb.~$r edge 03 $he oxan~~urgeb~ tbe m~mra*%kwh&QQT Zar o%as+d, yow Zwg&~g& Ze, lPrl3, bn beJIsolr m d ~ Q W ~ Z ~ in above, iQ &ow oaQ t o the plane and you get on an4 $ha%ta%%. A Y a d %he fom o i %he Dullea Shing -- l% t;rt%ne Bs ma, i%*e pamiasible t o @G, %ha% ma8 sf a eW&ptwz13, fern %o giVe lfLfe i a ~iae. f 'la@ in the mihorit$ on threB~ &a mattip people ltkba %he IWP %@ar mid f don't. E l e n r e oraa Pimribly i & p x ~ ~ ~ ~ 'Is7 fern W he waa a$wbaylil rn8kLng brtg mo&ela ak .tshing~. I .tthozlgh%X1d aask yau to de2$ne +WQ word& fox meo ' ' ~ 3 ~ b " tib?ld *&e$ig&,* 58yb ia aa W Q F ~-- @a@ $ b e many yaw8 ago &erSer MWerd In a *BEEJP%Zne* az?*iele eraAfl ~8lome.tlhiag about #Itthe Bay BegBola sLy1ev bp Bllayb~eksur& T w s $ a * and X wish hetB never uaed .tihe word be~elilneiei.tlta a Bay Regton @hmrsatexiatZ~ of sp@n*.miaderbeaasore %hana atiyle, BnB hatr rso oeouraBs wi%h W8T68 OBa* it seeme& $ m y %ha% he did i B t h E C O way. W 0 l . 1 ~ wba%$8 generally meants by e.t;ylel SOU axe quotad as and you say aaying Rtrbyla i a o v e ~ a t x s ~ a e d ~ 19 2a neo6ssary d i g baak t o %he fundm8aBaaeM Well, %he 814y168 $ha% fi+trled a erentain Bay tta longex $&ti %od&y, r P o r ine-bmrse, South Ed&, whieb %a ea lhrariah earti of @ bu21dtn$, w a r n rsla2Xy the vo@e fn $he day It wae ln1f58~bu% %%aa%yXeno Z o n g e ~lend8 iQaolf fie otax way of lLa9n$, or g~~8ar;r;eng iB aoasta 600 muoh, $he sramg thing 18 %me of Q&liFazrz%et Ball, wMoh i f e 8 P~P? nebls b19MS~gof gma&te, b ~ t has %os few w i n d ~ w ~ SOyXs 3 5 m Bs &Q w&$hp m i e d ~atid PS~t&%@~tit~b%then what $a i a e k t 1 9 - I : whm YtYU $+kt@ 0Ve32@8~%e~+@4&? BBPU, I man whm yau"re deiag et oolwm $ha% ~ Q U h&~$' b ~ d~ a~ISkE€"bkLa t 9 % 6 * f0F4&6 6 @ L ~ 8 ~ QJP -0 solmms o r 3oritr eaPmmerj you hiwe do ! & a t La a etyldl~ B% S % o ~ e ~ a & a%y'JYe. A aBy1e 4gr21Zem iss erometbAng dhsktVs&opt%& by cit nunbez! o f ' no8 aesctcsral erarSl$ MxLakb.g people, m d p12ehe4 tbtmgh .bo sz&auslt;fon. &Id wb8% $8 d@&%@X? Persign ZB %he ~~tm1% a% $he @%gux*th&$ geeas ia%o 13, X %lxhk, Paking a33 fa~tors h $ o aeaomt, And 2% 8&ea a oonaideraatitm o$ apaita@% t r k a V b beper than photo- ilia graph@show. Pho.Csgrlstpha 8dwqy-a t&8 a p i a w e ai the enda BP apa~e,nevep %he space -bgat you go %bough, Jf I .t&e % phot;apaph sf Ibhlre PQQS ad that map izt babk of ~ Q Q , then I gstsBhe map h%I c%6aVt g@t the dSsBanor Batwen, I U a $8 %he &e@%pfion 9$ gh~BugmxphsilW M Q ~ be emefn1 of, you- have $6 bS0m&Sme yoa rsaX2y ough%.l;b go, aazt $a@% s f @wfo#&$y *- E don*% h o w whether it 'e i a the 1-e of wsrk ar lasB --BtzB %n @an 2ranai~soE b v e pho8o- gxbbgb~ai sv~iry%bing jusB of wets% ever done, rzowrs Chm, sowa%e& o n owQbsw4,an4 you s~ta run Bbr~ugh -&hen very faart;,in a half how, w d get a whole pfcr-bxe ~i Bh;inga+ We 3u~tf%~iabal a 1fttLe e4m~chin loodei4e %ha% really quida won&ex$ul, By ataa lar4s, 1% phrsarrired %s slay moat e s g my w@hiteatzlseb i e b@t%sx %EL$Bh fa@$, &a Ohe grerarenael $hm 2a the piatme@you werfb3.Q m e sf i $ . flGhough Bksxe ia #one ars@Mtcastnra$&a% I s a bc4B.tre~%# pboturee than w h e n yau tatstua;ll$ gees it, George Waahingtoa Brni-bh w a e J ern 8z'~hiteat232 Santa Bwbaxa who dY& wkiSs w a l l s w%th the* iithadews, in a ~ ~ & 2 a h manner, but when you walked 8aromd hi8 btaiId%ngs$hey exlh besane fo w d%fie~en$ bvlldingar. Phey juaB raglhlj agszrt, %hey didn't 9ursa.bion a8 one thing, 2hey were all done pistoxially, Z l ' a m i d B b t hb'~l%%a on ayou weps p~~dt3oing baaed goad eenere Elma the € l ~ l f o ~ ~ i atxaditrian ... woo4 raaher Bhan on apeeific %keoxfe8 09 ~Ise3gn.~ Yea, tIh8ttf8 quiBe righZ;. Z like BVL unBaboxed BMngt %hatiLooks a8 ine~itablea8 ~omeBhOng$hirat a~mes0118 of %hafrying gw just sligErB, 1;tkab ew om@leDte In F2@Zl~ts,~ Q F b 3 @ t W l ~ 4 . Do P ~ ~ P J ~ I woh 88 n ~ x g a n i ~ ~lro;hite~turesQtad9~a~toh5;rze fox X i v i ~ ~ ~ $0 tbozias o f aeeZg~S ~ e f e x ~ p e @ b f d . ~ 13: BMnk +he@@ ~4 aIltk&ng~ %ha8 are mxe! et~narrtici fhan $hey are aa$ual faat. nOxgmbc tar@BiGggtur~* Z c%oaB*t mdsrs%md. Err WzSghti talksad obau%PB very flu@n%Ly a11 $he &ins an4 I never eaw %ha% i t w w 0xgm18 in any aenm af the word. Be atanipu1a;Des apam and 8@$9gn and pxogoxtioa Just 1I.k~a ; ~ b o d y U8erso.. BuC he doaerni8 l i k e t~ think $10) he %hi&@ ~b i t eozt 02 ae a veLlsprlng t b B cornea up Uke a gunhing: %sma?aia, Bpeaking af ~ t y l e tad $ha% Bay &aa Stylt~aontrove~ay tha2; was at3,med up by & m f 0 ~ d ~ ~of 8ha pbzbm~a, uae someone mgge$D~dBlmebB a @loseSaok at the mohitsc8a o$ %hew.ea would zevsal btez"na0ionaL iwn93uesnaea as muoh r a a my lrilzd of Bay &ear u ~ L y l @ , w Would paopls then amoeiate yau w r l l t i h AaJ.to, with betjtng irxt3uesncsd by him? Ye@, buB on@ 68 Wlum~)sB by every-bhing, always, 1 %Wn3cb unJ.aa@$aa etubbarnly set out not t o be* %OF mmy peaaane atiyle wa@Lhe wrong WBPCIF~ b~ UBQ, It sboulQhaw b~serzlB e k g Sagion watm~spheren 02 Bay Begion Htek~dea@i@s,nor a~m@thQig Uke that, bemause au?mally %he freedom of l t v i q out here wflhout my PlAaa, wPBb no 031>1d, ns hott, ms- you hapa aozt sf an $a+ wad OU*-OPL~BQOE 1SsWg tha21b gsor~~Sblre no gJaae else a ~QWit*y+ QhqzesPs o @hilawjityirp use ~4 mai.trarSaa2e, %ee. w ~ d V ~ W B~dwobdalwqr em be a4iqenoue. h a here. O did aome sdws@ohone&% too, %hou&h, 3.lrua~s a r e it done, wae an UuiCation of adabea, yaw w e , a d ft w a r a so-, wShh xl6w&&daornerpl, and plaeter wrae ume4 t o makg behiwe W ~ L I ware %hi@ Ohf@k,when rea22y *bey weme hol10w~ ' P U B i ; ~ %he thing $ha% go.& r a r e dawn, NOW when 1 4 0 p;lsrshr I da it eo tE5s;b it look8 Xfke wha-k P t $8, otsDltnrsd with wood oitsn%$ae~1; them St is juot s glaat~a pans$, whish ie qui-be %xtz%Mul, d@ill%%hbEkg 1 0-e IibQEQslSi S b reading W&% 'bh%f@@Li#& $ha% i t 51 Oh@ moral refagslaaribili8y o f $be mo$iteeo% $0 m&ks naoxe hone@a~sklabls by uaSW supaazl%orPechniquee, ~4 do i*t; @ontpetitivelyr, X than'ir: %ha% $hi@ ve2y th%ngbapperna in %he 8iaUsr Rsmda. 'Ebey have Ina~fiedeta% Bhi~birbietWr tM%atan btb afiorderd br msm people, %heynada $he b~e-Wou@ o f ha~ing a%alfnguiahod S S . m z a 31ka helaan b JUma, donee m o n d , 4 6 - W ~ Q X ~ f"&r 8 %XMB $ ~ l k & ~ r B%@UQEX g%V%~t9 P@lr;g &@a4'Bra1~btr %be grea%%a% i~1.t; a% WM Bi~hld~~z AB n&%bB- %hatx@atew9%h %h%ng lie3iLer$ i-0'a 3 ~ 8 % -th@ i&c% %ha% my %PPI@%Sdl1 built stmul8anreouler;ly haye ~irn3Oat~lesou~ %gr s b ~ @ a $ e s ~ - SatAale and ac!oztpa?urayr ehmae.t;tsribi-$bes,%ao,mueh #Qxata of e o ~ i d y mad age m d aul%we, 3a~Aa.g~ 3 3 s you Wow the El Dorat%@ tra08 cutsiatar Seh~~a- Homcsrs ~iento? Zvve &&ten %he* pub;ll~rafioa@. Wrll, A n Phs bxot2ha9e it a % l l a a r v e ~ g htgh -- greersbelta, @pa@%, vtewm, fnaividueall4y ye8 Bhs haaaes we -m looked er.G there warn 8mJ.y &ul1. Wall, I Wve my B I I @ ~ ~ , Q ~ . Q R @ %ha% %be Bl Dorada HtLl ir probably a alBuaGion wherre they @oldou.b for pro- BuaPSon. TO bpgeaii do many -atk.shiDenertre. $hey 80 batbx taO 1el13ag the Job8 8Bm doing the jobs, I]aritrsga er ma@ by Bhe naa~leog J o b Bollso in Ban Prancisco who prsvee $kt&% a n m low aani be adhiteved evsry day, E~azytihSnghe t~uohm goea 8~ piatsee. Zitever a v e q aggrasaive, ~ Q J W y-anaking wehitea*, T *ve never smn 4ne single good thing hetar eve2 done. He hail %he PBEf p l a t t o Bo bepad San do@&,a 4 i f % tit % ~ a g i s ne@tac W h a you think %ha3 he had ar+t$a111~1 m m e do work, a d 0 @tezflhZP1geLa6 -- bv* ao.tfhing; Pe r b a l l ~ r%hougB% suQ h 4ep$l%. AIZ very laoaperfioidl.. He 4 3 . d ~~dklee-tiek $ ~ k , ~ Q F WB%-@~) w$%fih EIU i%adP~kwba@k# ~d BiffSI* e m Betar B # o mfar g4s.G.triagwork mad .tthan not g ~ f o m ~ $ n g ,S doat%b o w why perapJ.6~have hl;lrt, bn8 they 4s. &FB Chma o%hez13tZbldar-arahld8Ct a.rraag~masnterlike Eiah3er'$7 Y@s, Ghuek OooBam in Washington dssigns tracB houses and vmionsr buiZdesra *vela oome t o 1.~119 %% $0 come f o ~ ez-ken.0, W e * ~ s apairtiment; daa5gn for ~ Q Z Wa l 9 0 0 0 ~ ~ I t a builder In Ban 1Vftal~eo~I% Imalndears daei* a p w k , heaalih club, a lake, ta Safeway 8%0ss0 Dam Wiensr AB in ahsage of $ha$ job, And donf%you Bhgnk mehiBeat;er $%#d themaelves doing %binge eometbnea %hey are not proud of or pleaaed about -- potboilexra? Bell, %he grada%ieabe8wsren what you're Berribly p l ~ a a s d&@at and whet%you're Sszasd t o by ebouun- f&l%~r9@0 f a @ . h~W690 i~ V#E$ 1 fhSink thaf do FQWbes%uncltw adL1 eeQm oP ~ u n d ~ ~ i ~ a a and you emt-& be amogm%and $UEB ear, wX wonr* do thee beaatm Z daan*t 4s it m;gr wapA 5 don't haow exeao.tPly wb8 %he a4Wtrwtdle i~ hexe, We do many Z;bfnge whish we don1% z~ls@lly like, bufi 14@~a"b ea11 thm 30%bsiLeva, Bomt&h$ng elm Z've @&me a o x c s r e r c t i r in mading 3h8b-f tntrigta~ern e c i r e r t b &smmptisa $hati some day aoslebow ttrhs Baate sf "$he peopleHwill ohm$@, They will damad mob finerr buSldfng@. W h a t i ia %hi8ba~sd en, 5 wozad@r'E T dowlb thinle 10 sari be arsr %iaf Oe $ha%. t b b b l ~ $ha%--Z away$ anleern Xtm get*in.g too mlxecl up in %h%?a@~~ a .tE$ing%ha$ dgb%be good that one yew weuldzs'ti b b s g ~ o d%he nex4 y t s r w , I'm not D-ng o f dust the thin edga o f sByLe, either, I mem.guab b~ t k ~ %o$@R o f what howltadge b~inge, Ef 1%keareeking Po &voiLd aL3. s2n i n peoplet ranti 12 aveqr~~dy were to be 6004 ft w s u ~ be w auu WOPI~. 2h1 a r m 8 B h Z m Om of a~chi-ti@aWre.You haye t o hare the nigh3 to xeaUar;e %he detyg you havat So ham %&aOop Oo get Che boftamj you kave Do have %he white t o appxsoia~~ ' 3 E b u o w q Qhave i% a l l white %he blaok. ar a 5 blactk. 5 think %hi8 t a r $me of a31 dbeacd 6w?ehit~o.t;w~Z P@u $#at o w P %expea% everflk&ng S;hSqa. %a flea* away In b3mB aaasmp2;tebetnt. Th@feshould aZwsayg be txaetrion %a ga%nnornmtrrom, i-k eeew to n r s , T h ~ s i b ~8 ~ ~ O I W I I Q ~ % k % i . l d h ~ ~ u @ , that ' T h e hi* trsol asnxa-t; g a b Q O ~ % ~ Q Z w e not of hi8 own f%eLd If we t o 8 % ~ Amariaan buildlag 1 7 3 1 2 . p Sxaretrievlably into the harule, oT %he bven$P@%h Who awlwsy prrimi-Mtpra, ths@%paSrrriQiveaT '3: % b W k they =om ad'vertirala6 perogl~ 5 don'%bow w h z a *'B~O pzim%2;9~0 B'~QU% $hem, th~ugh. But; %herala thier impcaraative P b . t the arohi%saB 8 % 8 m r ~o8ptatmdsf %he profseeion. Well, I Wink wohStcsaP;we only gains Phi8 cornand by p e r f o m ~ o e . And yoa donf%ask far command before you perform, You cornand Bhe ei0ulit-kfon if you perfom ao well %ha% people apgreslate ifrrealize it, and turn %o you f o r $ U s positian. BIZ$ you can't create thle pglsriCi~nnerely by motSon. Arohftsete, often spend tor, mob Bime on the proc~durss3,tbibga ant¶ t o o li.f;Ble 8Sme on %he oontent, Eha%'e true of ewrything, I'm IUXO . And hb~vl o you eaatzount for the retaJ.1~ bad &paz7tmefi8 boxmere tihat 'be- b d l B right now in BakrkePeyT 9ham errs soma BrsarBft13 fhings BeSzag dm@. Z t f a o aomb%na.tifon sf %he eosnoaiea o f +he afhaClon, the osat of land, the aoa% oP hildizzg, and tihe enBrew I$uxs.berz pxenmr~lhlg,m a l% w & U be awfulby $ad $0 a m %he n96s old Berkeley hottarere, go dam an4 give wary t o %hearen&eB aparImern%s. Riebsree t A m %here arcbitstrta in~01~ed her@? WureBexs YC~IB, %hwe &re 8%l&aff'b d @ ~ i g m ~ ~ l . VE&~UBB ~nsol~po~a%ea i t 3 sna $ha4 p1twd vp them @%ark builU%age9 Ifka $ea%Btw- leas shiekena a@%b@y ooae firom the egg. Rieaa t f %Ink BBers i@ a fse1911ganon$ people aleo t b t $hey wan% go see, thaO %hey expecB, raomefhiag lgo~erarx~i$ing ~JI m s h i t a ~ t ~ e t w o a d here* Wura8ert Bxoi%ewnt%a ode W a g an4 permanenee Sse another OMng, You o m do $hinge far ~glmporary stu ups -- S U O ~ aa @xp~ei%%@nwask -- $ha% are very apgropsfately dona, bu$ that should rrevels be pexmacnen%, Becausre you get very bored w%Qh the prodw~%if yon have f% wieh you. Perhaps on* of the o-bugid things ia trying to reareate Che Bdace QS P%ne &%a. Ztm not a w e yet, bud 4- f think those who aaw 2%in the ae-bting of the ExpoefOfon realis@how @ut $hart 18 ia now of tWt, aiknd when they harden up 1 % ~ 3 0 i ~ $ ~ and ev@ryS;h$ng e1914~jrtm afraid i t t o go5ng t o be aay%hing @bmdthileig%ha% we Uke. 33% @am a Whexs d ~ e e %Be averqe gebrrsan go Bo wa%@b %be 4rma og &@nt~ovsray in mehLLecrCure goSng on7 In %he ma$aainer, R5&cs~ t Q ~ P on the ts*rtaeImT n e x e awe ideas Q~ughtr out? Wur&@m 2hey are $oagh.t; ouB i n Dhe Journals %s a csrlain ex-ben2;. POP 2nes%~oet *he 1as.t; &~hl$6;a~twal P o r n had a v@ry won&exfuhl o t a9 ma.tzexlol~%hat they prs- ~entedion tihe a;rohitecturd pzactiae of 34 Barnes. $t maid in fhei mtiale absuf Ed tha* he was pra~tbcing h ~ v e been done QUO hars -- but the Pact %ha% he h a m worked in ay ~f%iaeWBB never metn'kioned, An4 there m e a great many people who When Lewier NWoxd m a y yema ago aroBre that Maybeck and Wwater~ had aort of' aon%buedJ , n ar regional style, from $hi@ w & @ aa ~ B o r m of csxA.tieism beeause 18 fm't a wa%ylew; iand many prsspls di&nqC fee3 my work was %hathpo~tan-k, B ~ J I S B~causethey oomidm thwselve@to be o f %he same a a%$itudcs? Wurrtert Yes, aad %hey sonaidsr that EFm too unorthodox, Buxatsr~ B Q % ~ a e r a designer and as an educator, Risaero Eaw doeta ean.ltqorary arahiBect;uPe fit into Bhe rsaerrrg w&6h oonttmpoeary art? ff art reflerotrs a kind 09 chaee and f~mlsmaneas,9s this alga seen in amhi- Ye&, T Bhink %hatl i k e adaial ~srzdihionspermsa.tie a l l aalps@Qe of cizrfaa%Zvi%y, mu~24,mB, Wahlteclure, beeau~ae, neecllasx Bo Day, $he me a%x somoan&@ all three %h&ga the ~ t a e tWs, 'the atme ama, %be a m s r mzoan8. Sake aba%raatexprassioniamt whatr kind of mmifssta- %%om 09 are t h e m in mchiteetuxa a9 the %h%mkfng the artist? P d h e n aeulptura dodnates ean~t;rztoDion%hati a abstract, Bow about a k%ndai wsaae'? BQT imtmoe, a building wfBh aa axlea oantilrsvtwsd so fm out %ha% it w~xrled the speata%or? Foul8 such a Bhfng bs poor wohl'csotuse, ox coaM it be a kind of erxp~es~ionism'? 1 . 0 would be a ttartoan, They w a n t .tro be sonvintzing, then they go ovex-convincing Is prove a point, This be done, Could it tadloate a5 expression QB ~ e a t l e ~ s n e s e ? 9% might, You m e , %he old-faahianed, the old Bsnaiseanoe eon~%mc%Ion, one cormrs visually sZwaya had i % s atre~gthenedby U e k of w%ndows, you knaw, and the building of %sdayhas windows around the oornsr baoauss any%hhn.gcan be done by c a n t l l e ~ e x ,aro you are privileged l o do anything you nmt~yet yaa neither want to be 018 hat, nor Bo you wau1: to be ~ ~ n t r w e ~ o ~ e own for itia sake, but try to ee3ve the prsbfam. How Bo you keep up t o da$e wiiih new tschnlquea? LSteraturs, travel, vSslta to feLlow arohf8eo8a. Do %he o~llsgs~ Chat the keep abreasQ o f thing8 ao neweet m a n 3-n the offices @ones in witrh the lettwt eono@pta a d abilities? I thlnk ao, The new graduate hae one problem, and $him always ha# been, and $ha% l.8 that; he ovexdrawa thing^, ovemotivatee things because he doeent% know when he'll have mo%herohm6e t o do 1%. He makea thing8 %os effor$ful for their aim, There are people Like Le 0orbu who really do fm3aeBic things and everybody who's been $0 Bee his visual a r t g building at Barvard raves about it [ ~ q e n t e r Cente~for hhe Vfsaal Arts, 19633, In photograph8 itte questionable whether a aonarste building plsoed between red brick buf ldfnge would be gaod, but my partner Porn Emonee went ho eee it, Dx, Moore wen% t o sea it, various people have been t o see it, a d %heynay it's very fine, Xncidentmlly, I notioed in the exhibition of ot;udenB work crurmntly in Ohe hall@a deaign fox an a r t oentes for Bh2e ~z~mpua,Are suoh student desise in~orgaxated ixlto Bhe fina3, plane in any wag? Well, they always would be 8vailabl.e for %he mahfteef t o see. Umtdlljr *he sfiuden0 oan be freer than the wohitect am. There m e more limitations i n aa-kualit;y -.* but you should nevsx tria $he s%udentet wings too much. V s l l , now, thank you, That sreema a nice note on whferb t o olose. Far ne, this r@cordir"rg hae been w, very rewarding esrpex- Isnce. Tfm very pleaeed the University is doing it. I t f @been ver$ enjoyable, sblzd X say thlira no-b jueQ t o be politia because I fael hB very much. X think it's a wcmdesful fhiag For the Univerei+y $0 get S r ~ a h f r o 9 1 people" llipa ZmpreesSons and so forth for the fuCure doomenfation beo~luaswhat you ge* is 1 e ~ s sltil81~d than if it waa written. Moot people aren't wrlter~ and write in a s-bilted fsshkon. And i n thie way too a person can aay many thlnga %ha% ha never would take, the t h e to wrdtet down. I Bhink you yourself have delved into questione %o arsk me that have made it eseiar for me t o reajpond than if I had to do the whole thiag myself. Z feel that thia fe a wondarful enter- tsr: p f i r s ~far to do, %he U ~ I v ~ r ~ i $ y and Zqm oaly sorry %kmO we havene$ tags-rhtaorded the words of Pxesident Benjamin f d e eel@^ when he waza hers. And J o b Galen Howard, an8 Bexnmd Naybeak, when they were b r e . Transsxibert SIR, Typiato L.W. WILLIAM WILSON WURSTER I N APPRECIATION OF THE GOLD MEDAL AWARD - JUNE 2 6 , 1969 T H I S I S A HAPPY DAY FOR ME. SOMEHOW I MUST CONVEY TO YOU A DEEP APPRECIATION OF A CHANGE I N THE ARCHITECTURAL THINKING OF OUR PROFESSION WHICH NOW ALLOWS MODEST AND SIMPLE STRUCTURES TO PLAY A PART I N THE AWARD O F OUR GOLD MEDAL. T H I S GIVES UNEXPECTED REALITY TO OUR CLAIM THAT TRUTH AND BEAUTY COUNT FOR SOMETHING. NO MATTER HOW S b @ . L L THE WORK MAY I BE, YOU WILL F I N D I N THE E X H I B I T I O N THE SIMPLE BEGINNINGS OF A 1 I C T I C E I N 1 9 2 7 , FROM THE FARM HOUSE TO THE STONE STUDIO O F i FRANCES AND MORLEY BAER I N 1965. 1 FROM THE VERY START I N 1 9 2 6 , AND DURING 43 YEARS OF PRACTICE, 1 THE O F F I C E HAS RECOGNIZED THAT WORK WE DO I S FOR THE CLIENT AND i i T TO B E I N . OUR OWN IMAGE. INSTEAD, WE HAVE SOUGHT TO DO THE BEST O F THE C L I E N T ' S D E S I R E . . . i WE SEEK TO PLAY DOWN THE AUTHORSHIP OF THE IDEAS,' AND PARTICU- I RLY WHEN THE O F F I C E WAS SNALLER, WE HAD MANY MEETINGS ON EACH. I OB S O . THAT .EVERYONE HAD' A SHARE I N , T H E DEC'ISIONS. MY PARTNERS, EODORE BERNARDI AND .DONN EMMONS, AND THE ASSOCIATES, ALLEN i i OSENBERG, RALPH BUTTERFIELD, ALBERT ARONSON, DON STOVER, ROBERT I j OWLE, JOSEPH BOURG AND GERALD TAYLOR-SHOULD SHARE IN THIS DAY, THEY HAVE ANSWERED MY QUESTIONS AND BACKED U P MY DECISIONS ICH G I V E OUR J O B S A THREAD O F C O N T I W I T Y DOWN THROUGH THE W i l l i a m Wilson Wurster R e m a r k s -2- YEARS. I T BRINGS CONFIDENCE WHEN WE OFTEN DO W O N FOR THE THIRD GENERATION OF CLIENTS, I AM PROUD THERE ARE ARCHITECTS WHO HAVE WORKED..IN THE:,OFFI.C$, WHO COME BACK TO TELL US HOW MUCH THE EXPERIENCE HAS MEANT TO THEM. AND TRUTH, I HOPE YOU RECONGIZE HOW THE PEOPLE I N THE OFFICE AND THE CLIENTS HaVE MADE T H I S POSSIBLE, AND I STAND HERE WITH PRIDE TO ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEY SHARE I N THE .POLICY-MAKING WHICH SHAPES EACH JOB. SUPERB ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGWPHS HAVE PLAYED A MAJOR PART I N MY PROFESSIONAL L I F E (NOTE THE EXHIBITS). I N 1944, I WENT DOWN TO NEW YORK FROM BOSTON TO S P W AT THE 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE NEW YORX CHAPTER. I T STARTLED THEM WHEN I LISTED A B I L L .OF PARTICULARS OF CRITICISM, BUT F I R S T LET QUOTE FROM AN ARTICLE BY THE LATE DEAN HUDNUT OF MRVARD, m I C R SUMS UP WHAT I AM TRYING TO TELL YOU, AND T H I S REPFESENTS A GREAT CHANGE OF POINT OF VIEW: AND I QUOTE " I T I S ENCOURAGING TO SEE ALL AROUND THE NEW INTEREST WHICH LOOKS AT THINGS SO DIFFERENTLY AND HAS CHANGED FROM THE DAY OF PRINCE ALBERT AND QUEEN VICTORIA WHEN I T WAS A MATTER OF PRIDE THAT THE BEAUTIFUL BRIDGES BUILT BY RENNIE AND TELFORD FOR THAT UNCIVILIZED MONSTER, THE RAILROAD, WERE NOT TO BE CALLED ARCHITECTURE. THESE, L I K E JOSEPH 'PAXTON1.S CRYSTAL PALACE I N ENGLAND, COULD NOT ALAS BE II ~ i l l i a r n W i l s o n W u r s t e r R e m a r k s 1 II I I CLOTHED WITH THE DEBRIS O F ANCIENT C I V I L I Z A T I O N S . TODAY THE I I ARCHITECT'S MEAT AND DRINK MUST BE THE WHOLE F I E L D O F HUMAN I ENVIRONMENT AND THE ENTIRE PROCESS BEHIND I T -- OR HE WILL I TO CONTINUE WITH THE C R I T I C I S M , AS SPELLED OUT I N 1944, FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT AT THAT TIME HAD NOT BEEN OFFERED THE GOLD EDAL, ALTHOUGH H I S STATURE HAD LONG BEEN WORTHY O F I T . (AWARDED ! THERE WERE 3,000 MEMBERS O F THE A.I.A. I N 1944, AND I BELIEVE !i, W E NKW HAVE OVER 2 3 , 0 0 0 . THE STRONGEST PLEA I MADE !iTf-TAT EVENING W A S FOR A BROAD PUBLIC RELATIONS PROGRAM. I T HAS ALL COME ABOUT NOW, AND WE ARE ON OUR WAY WITH h REAL BANG. F HOUSING FOR THE LOWEST INCOME PEOPLE WAS A DIRTY WORD I N I E PROFESSION I N 1944. T H I S POINT OF VIEW I S NOW COMPLETELY i I NGED FROM THAT TIME, AND THE OUTLOOK I S MUCH MORE CONSTRUCTIVE I N I T WAS FORMERLY. I N 1944 THERE WERE SEVERAL PROFESSIONAL T I C L E S WHICH SPOKE O F HOUSING A S COMMUNIST INSPIRED. I A M EASED THAT WE HAVE L E F T ALL T H I S NONSENSE I N THE PAST AND NOW COGNIZE THE NEED OF UNDERSTANDING SOCIAL CONDITIONS AND THE ED O F WORKING CLOSELY WITH OUR GOVERNMENT AGENCIES TO BRING OUT HUMANE ENVIRONMENT. THE IMPORTANCE O F THE EVERY DAY OBJECTS A S - KNIVES ANI3 FORKS tf CHINA NOW RECEIVES ATTENTION AS ART. NOT SO BEFORE. T H I S $ h ENT WAS LED BY THE MUSEUM OF MODERN ART I N NEN YORK. THE r W i l l i a m W i l s o n W u r s t e r R e m a r k s -4- METROPOLITAN MUSEUM -OF NEW YORK S T I L L HA.S A RULE 'THAT NO LIV1N.G BROKEN T H I S RULE THREE TIMES, AND I, FOR ONE, WOULD HOPE I T WOULD BE BROKEN MANY TIMES MORE UNTIL SUCH RULE CEASES TO E X I S T . ALL ABOUT US ARE MEETINGS AND SEMINARS I N WHICH ?HE PROFESSION PLAYS A T LEAST A PARTICIPATING ROLE AND OFTEN ONE O F REAL LEADER- W I P . I WANT TO CONGRATULATE OURSELVES, FOR T H I S I S A COMPLETE CHANGE FROM 25 YEARS AGO. GONE ARE THE DAYS THAT IMPORTANCE I S PLACED ON PERMANENCE AND MASSIVENESS. I NEVER WILL B E I N THE P O S I T I O N O F AN ARCHITECTURAL FRIEND O F MINE, WHO SPOKE WITH BITTERNESS THAT ARCHITECTURE WAS NOT PERMANENT ANY MORE. I TAKE EXCEPTION TO H I S WHOLE EDTPHASES, ' R I C H WITH IDEAS. I NEVER WANT THE P O S S I B I L I T Y S A I D OF ME THAT I COULD B E L I K E VANBRUGH, ARCHITECT O F BLENHEIM PALACE, THAT VAST P I L E I N ENGLAND, WHOSE E P I T A P H COULD WELL READ: " L I E HEAVY ON HIM, OH EARTH! -REHAS L A I D MANY A HEAVY THING UPON THEE. 'I 1 . Broohure, Wurster, Bernardf and Emons, aschiteots 2 . Talk by Lawsenoe Anderson a* Dean Wurstsrfs Retirement Ceremony, 4 June L963, 3. Interview, Sari Francism @ h r ~ ~ I ~ l d , duns 1%3 4. Qitation for U . D , grmlad by the University of California, Berkeley, June 1964 5. [ ~ n original manuscript deposited in the BanorofC Library, ~erkeley] Photographs of8 Yarba Buena Club, 1939; Sehuckl Canning Co. Office Building, 1944; Nelson Nowell House, Cssmel, 1940; Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Soiences, Palo Alto, 19545 Mason Wells and Frank Hamilton House, 1962; Golden Gateway Redevelopment Projsot, in proaess. Artfoles from Arakii$ecrbural R~aord,ApriL 1960, Wellington Henderson residenae, 1959; Caargs Pope residenae, 1938. And January 1965, Mr. and Mrs. James V. Coleman residenae; First Uai6arian Church, Berkeley; United States Consulate Offiae Building, Hong Kong. --- W U R S T E R . B E R N A R D 1 A N D E M M O N S . A r c h i t e c t s 1620 Montgomery Street, San Francisco 11, California W U R S T . E R , B E R N A R D 1 A N D E M M O N S , Architects William Wilson Wurster, F. A. I. A. Theodore C. Bernardi, F,A. I.A. , Donn Emmons, F. A. I. A. J a m e s D. Wickenden Albert Aronson, A. I.A. Willard D. Rand, A. I. A. George R. Kennaday, A. I. A. Don E. Stover, A. I. A. Ralph 0. Butterfield For m o r e than three decades, the f i r m has been continuously engaged in architectural and planning projects, ranging in size from individual r e s i - dences to entire communities, and covering virtually a l l types of structures and methods of construction. The work of the office i s known and' honored nationally and inter nationally. William Wilson Wur s ter, F. A. I. A. , the senior partner, is a native Califor - nian. He obtained his architectural degree from the University of California, and after s e v e r a l y e a r s of work and travel, he opened his own office in San Francisco in 1926. Theodore C. Bernardi, F. A. I. A., became a partner in 1944, and Donn Emmons, F.A. I. A., entered the partnership in 1945, Six associates have been added in subsequent years. Although much of its early reputation was won in the field of residential design, the practice has widened with the 'years to a highly diversified one which includes commercial, industrial, and institutional projects in addition to residences ranging f r o m $15, 000 to $650, 000. Thirty professional awards for excellence in design have been won by Wurster, Bernardi and Emmons since 1950. Their work has had wide publication, both in this country and in leading architectural magazines throughout the world. In a n a r t i c l e in Time magazine, Wurster, Bernardi and Emmons was r e f e r r e d to a s "the leader in one of the best regional movements in the United States". The architectural philosophy of the firm might be summed up a s follows: To disregard any preconceived formulas, and to make each design uniquely suited to the terrain, to the climate, and to the building's occupants and purpose. - 1 - S E R V I C E S A N D F A C I L I T I E S The f i r m of Wurster, Bernardi and Emmons i s qualified to undertake and carry through projects of virtually any size, from preliminary planning to completion of construction. A core staff of approximately 40 architects, draftsmen, and general personnel has been readily augmented to a total staff of approximately 65 when projects of large scope required it. Since the office occupies 16, 000 square feet of space -- all contained on one floor at 1620 Montgomery Street, San Francisco -- such immediate expansion of staff i s both feasible and comfortable. Diversification, a s opposed to specialization, i s characteristic both of the types of building projects and the responsibilities of key personnel. On major projects, all three of the partners may be closely involved. On all projects, the client i s assured of individual continuing contact with at least one of the partners. A team, consisting usually of one partner, one associate, and a s many technical personnel a s a r e necessary, works together on each job from initial interview to final completion of the buil- ding. Continuity, and close association with principals and associates, are thus guaranteed to each client. For certain projects, the firm has entered into a Joint Venture with one or more other architectural and/or engineering firms, and i s prepared to continue this practice where it seems advantageous to the client. Services the firm i s qualified to provide include the following: Architectural Design Master Planning Site Planning Design Consultation Feasibility Studies Construction Supervision Engineering (see Consultants) Landscape Architecture (see Consultants) C O N S U L T A N T S Believing that greater flexibility and increased service to the client results froin having several highly -qualified San Francisco firrns available on a con- sulting basis, the f i r m of Wurster, Bernardi and Emmons has formed close ties with the following organizations, and retains them a s consultants o r a.ss.ociate s on major projects. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Structural Engineers H. J. Brunnier F * > Gilbert-For sberg -Diekmann-Schmidt Mechanical and Electrical Engineers DeLeuw, Cather & Company G, L. Gendler & ~ s s o c i a t e ' s Gayner Engine-er s Traffic and T r a n s ~ o r t a t i o n : Industrial and Utilitv ngineers i ' -. < .- . , * DeLeuw, Cather & Company - . Acoustical Engineer Walter W. Soroka Paint Chemistry Harlan As sociates - APE ARCHITECTS $ of the best-known landscape architects in the a r e a a r e regularly asso- k ciated with the firm: L f . >- Thomas D. Church Lawrence Halprin and Associates Douglas Baylis Sasaki, Walker and Associates c HONORS AND MEMBERSHIPS: Fellow, American Institute of Architects Fellow, Academy of A r t s and Sciences, Boston Fellow, Royal Academy of Fine A r t s , Copenhagen Fellow, National Academy of Design Corresponding Member, Royal Institute of British Architects Affiliate Member, American Institute of Planners LL.D. , University of California EDUCATION: University of California: A. B. with honors in Architecture. - < - . A : - ; ; g, + 5,- , Harvard Universitv: Graduate School of Desinn, Fellow, 1943-44. Massachusetts Institute of Technolonv: Citv and Renional Planning.. u , " 0 - EACHING: Yale University: Coordinator of Design, Depar t m nt of Architectur 1943. Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Dean of School of Architec - ture and Planning, 1944-50. - - . Universitv of California: 0 ~ ~-~ , - , , , Dean of College of Architecture. 1950-59: Dean of College of Environmental Design, 1959- PLANNING, CONSULTATION AND COMMITTEES: Chairman, Architects I Advisory Committee, National Housing Agency, 1942. Chairman, Jury of Award for the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial, St. Louis, Missouri, 1948. Consultant, Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas, 1948-58. Chairman, National Capitol P a r k and Planning Commission, Washir ton, D. C . , 1949-50. Consultant, Brigham Young University Plan, Provo, Utah, 1953. Consultant, Southwest Foundation for Research and Education, 1953-56. Consultant, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1958- Member, Architectural Advisory Panel, United States Department of State, Office of Foreign Buildings, 1958- Member, University of Washington Architectural Commission, 1959 Member, Capitol Building and Planning Commission, Sacramento, 1959- Chairman, Jury of Award for Boston City Hall Competition, 1962. Consultant, Washington, D. C. , Redevelopment Land Agency, 1962- Architectural Adviser, Governor Is Mansion Competition, State of California, 1962. T H E O D O R E C . B E R N A R D I , F . A . I . A . MEMBERSHIPS: Fellow, American Institute of Architects San Francisco Planning and Urban Renewal As sociation Commonwealth Club of California EDUCATION: University of California: A. B. in Architecture; postgraduate work in Architecture TEACHING: 1954 to present: Lecturer in Architecture, University of California, Berkeley EXPERIENCE: 1933: Registered Architect, State of California 1934-42: Associated with William Wilson Wurster a s one of two m e n . in charge of an office with 10 to 15 draftsmen. Responsible for design and construction of major projects of the firm. 1942-44: In independent architectural practice. Projects included more than a dozen government housing projects (totaling approxi- mately $5 million) with various associates. 1944 to present: Partnership with William Wilson Wurster and Donn Emmons. During the years of the partnership, Mr. Bernardi has participated in the growth of the f i r m f r o m a staff averaging 15 to one averaging 40, with a highly diversified practice ran- ging from individual residences to entire communities. He has been Partner-in-Charge on such recent or current major projects as: Printing Plant for the State of California, Sacra- mento; F i r s t Unitarian Church of Berkeley; Strawberry Canyon Recreational Facilities, University of California; Antioch High School, Antioch, Belshaw Elementary School, Antioch, and three major elementary school additions for the Antioch-Live Oak Unified School District; Schuckl and Company, Office Buil- ding, Sunnyvale; United States Coast Guard Housing, Point Reyes; Stern Dormitory and Additions, University of California; and the San Leandro Medical Center. He i s currently Consulting Architect for the new Santa Cruz campus of the University of California. - - - - D O N N E M M O N S , F . A . I . A,' HONORS AND MEMBERSHIPS: Fellow, American Institute of Architects. President, San Francisco Planning and Housing Association, 1947-49. Director, 1949-56. Director, California Council of Architects, 1953-54. Chairman, Public Relations Committee, Northern California Chapter, American Institute of Architects, 1956-57. Chairman, Joint Committee of Architects, Engineers, Landscape Architects and Planners, San Francisco, 1959. General Chairman, 1960 Annual Convention, A. I. A. Chairman "20/2 0" Committee of Northern California Chapter, A.I.A., 1961- EDUCATION: Cornell University: College of Architecture, 1929-33. U n i v e r s i t y1934. San Francisco Architectural Club: Structural Design, 1939-40. TEACHING: 1956: Visiting Critic, Senior Architectural Design, Cornell Univer- sity College of Architecture. EXPE=IENC-E-: 1934-38: Design and construction supervision in various architectural offices in Los Angeles. 1938-42: Associated with William Wilson Wurster. Responsible for design and construction supervision on various projects. 1943: Licensed Architect, State of California 1942-45: Lt. Commander, U. S. Naval Reserve. NAVV Office of Research and Inventions, responsible for design and con- struction of Navy Exhibits. 1945 to present: Partnership with William Wilson Wurster and Theodore C. Bernardi. Partner-in-Chargeon such recent o r current major projects as: Capitol Towers Redevelopment Project, Sacramento; Santa Rosa Civic Center Project; Brooks Hall, and Civic Center Master Plan for City and County of San Francisco; Jackson Lake Apartments, Oakland; Stanford Medi- cal Plaza, Palo Alto; Bank of America, One S. Van Ness, San Francisco, and Main Office, Sacramento; Bank of Anierica design and consultation program; Safeway Stores, Inc. , design and consultation program; Clarendon Elementary School, San Francisco; Mill Valley Library. -- . WICKEND ARONSON 1 D. RAND, JR. A. B. in Architecture, University of California, 1925. With William Wilson W u r s t e r f r o m 1932 to 1937. L i c e n s e d Architect in California, 1934. Returned to the f i r m in 1945; b e c a m e a n A s s o c i a t e in 1945. Major responsibility fori State Printing Plant, Sacramento; Plating and Sandblasting Shop, McClellan A i r F o r c e B a s e , S a c r a m e n t o ; National C a n n e r s Association off ice building and laboratory, B e r k e l e y ; various schools, r e s i d e n c e s and churches. B. A. in Architecture, University of California, 1941; M. A. in Architecture, University of California, 1944. L i c e n s e d Architect in California, 1946. Joined this f i r m in 1946; b e c a m e a n Associate in 1949. In c h a r g e of office m a n a g e m e n t s i n c e 1953. M a j o r responsibility f o r : Antioch Senior High School; M o n t e r e y Public -...- L i b r a r y ; m a j o r office building remodeling projects for Universal Land Company, San F r a n c i s c o ; consultation on C r o c k e r Industrial P a r k , B r isbane. B. A r c h . , M a s s a c h u s e t t s Institute of Technology, 1937; H a r v a r d University, Graduate School of Design, 1938. Joined this f i r m in 1948; b e c a m e a n A s s o c i a t e in 1954. L i c e n s e d Architect in California, 1952. r e s e o n - Major -.-..- sibility-for~ private r e s i d e n c e s ranging f r o m $15, 000 - --. to $500, 000; Center f o r Advanced Study in the Beha- v i o r a l Sciences, P a l o Alto; S a r a h Dix Hamlin School, S a n F r a n c i s c o . B. A r c h . , Cornell University, 1936. Joined this f i r m . in 1948; b e c a m e a n Associate in 1956. Licensed A r c h i t e c t in California, 1957. - - M a j o r responsib'ility- -.- f o r : - U. S. Consulate, Hong Kong; Insurance Company of North A m e r i c a , San J o s e ; Bank of A m e r i c a , One South Van Ness, S a n F r a n c i s c o , and Main Office, S a c r a m e n t o ; San F r a n c i s c o Civic Center Development P l a n ; San F r a n c i s c o Exhibit Hall; San F r a n c i s c o Civic Auditorium Rehabilitation; U. S. A i r F o r c e , m a s t e r plans for four b a s e s . STOVER -0.BUTTERFIELD A S S 0 C'IA T E S ( continued) B. A. i n A-rchitecture, University of California, 1950. Licensed Architect in California, 1954. Joined this f i r m in 1954; became a n Associate in 1956. Major- responsibility for: Bank of America, One South Van Ness, San Francisco, and Main Office in Sacramento; five Bank of America branches; Medical Plaza, P a l o Alto; Biochemistry Building, University of California; M o r r i s Plan offices, Northern California. B. A. in Architecture, University of California,. 1955. Joined this f i r m in 1955; became a n Associate in 1960. Licensed Architect in California, 1960. Major respon-, sibility for: s e v e r a l l a r g e residences; Clarendon Elementary School, San Francisco; Woodside Village Church; Santa Rosa Urban Renewal, portions of Monterey Urban Renewal, and m a s t e r plan for Victoria University, M A J O R . P R O J E C T S The following pages contain a list of major projects of the firm in the .past 25 years, including current work. They a r e listed under the following hea'dings: Apartments and Housing Civic Projects Commercial and Financial Consultation and Research Educational Industrial Libraries Master Planning Medical Facilities Office Building Recreational Redevelopment and Urban Renewal Religious Research Residential Shopping Centers and Supermarkets U. S. Government Projects M A J O R P R O J E C T S Major projects a r e listed according to building type and in chronological order. Date indicates year of completion. Asterisk (1)indicates Joint VenturB e . APAR'I'MENTS AND HOUSING *Valencia Gardens Public Housing, San Francisco (1941) :#Chabot Acres War Housing, Vallejo (1942) Stern Hall, University of California (1942) and Additions (1959) U. S. Coast Guard Family Housing, Pt. Reyes (1960) Married Student Housing, Stanford University, (1960) Jackson Lake Apartments, Oakland (1961) Hunter Apartments, Fresno (1962) K a p i t o l Towers Redevelopment Project, Sacramento (1959- ) *Golden Gateway Redevelopment Project, San Francisco (1960- ) Married Student Housing, University of California PROJECTS Sunset Community Center, City of San Francisco (1952) Monterey Public Library, City of Monterey (1952) K i v i c Center Development Plan, City of San Francisco (1958) *lcMontereyUrban Renewal Project, City of Monterey (1961) S a n t a Rosa Urban Renewal Project, City of Santa Rosa (1961) *Victoria College, Master Plan, Victoria, B. C. (1961- ) $ . andljgan ~ & n s , a31 three of whom have been elected FeZlows of t h e AIA I . . . averages 60, including s i x associates. I i I - more - i i I .. .. . . . . .. Forty awards f o r excellence i n design have been won by the firm '. since 1950, including one F i r s t Honor Award and four Awards of Merit from t h e AIA, and its worlc has been published throughout t h e world. Wurster has had a paraxle1 career a s an educator. He was dean of the school. of architecture and planning ac M,I,T, from 1944 t o 1950 and since then, dean of the college of erivironmental design a t the University of California at Berkeley. Pie was z ~ c e n t i y recalled from h i s s t a t u s as dean emeritus lihen Dr. %artin 24eyerson, ~ u r t e r ' ssuccessor, was named acting chancellor 02 the university, Both Bexnardl 2nd E-moas a r e active i n the J ! and i n community affai'rs. Ccznai-Zihas been a Iccturer i x arcl-titecture a t UC since 1954, Emmons has seived'as president of t h e Northern Ca1ifozni.a chapter, AM, as general chairman o f , t h e '89669 nations1 PA canveation and a s president of t h e San Fraocisco PPann-Lng and Xousing Association, He has twice been a Visiting Design Crl.2i.c +t Co~aeElUniversiey, rc\ nhe partners heve yxposefuPly sought diversification i n t h e i r practice. As a r e s u l t , t h e i r WOI-lchas inepuded vireuzliy every buildcng type, ranging i n size frou individual residences t o multi-million doll_: complexes, co-merclal, i n d u s ~ r i a j , and educational, They have done move than 500 individually designed residences. The fim, and/cr the Tartners, have been engaged as azcBl:ectural consultants t o a wide variety of agencies and InstituYJions, including t h e I I Universities of . V i c t o r i ~ ;BrFcisB Columbia sad Was'ningCon, the Office of Foreign Buf1.dings cf ehe U,S. :*;ate Ds?art-;li:.nt; and the. Capitol Sui3.ding aild l?l,o.nnEcg Comission of t h e State of California. Emons is consulting a r c h i t e c t t o the bilJion-dollar San L;'iancFs~:o Eay P.res rapid t r a n s i t sys2:crn. - more - i n San Frzccisco; the'world headquarters building for the Bank of America; . . new campus at Santa Cruz; married student housing for Stanford University; Associates in the firm of Wurster, Bernardi and Emmons: Albert Aronson, A. I. A. ' Willard D. and, J r . , A. I. A. . Don E. Stover, A. I. A. P U B L I S H E D W O R K A partial list of periodicals and books i n which the work of Wurster, Bernardi and Emmons has been published. NEWS Time MAGAZINES Life Look Fortune ARCHITECTURAL Architectural Forum MAGAZINES . Architectural Record (United States) Arts and Architecture House and Home Pacific Architect and Builder Progressive Architecture Western Architect and Engineer ARCHITECTURAL Architectural Review (England) MAGAZINES Die Kunst und Das Schoene Heim (Germany) (Foreign) Distinction (Franct) Domus (Italy) La Maison (France) LIArchitecture D'Aujourdlhui (France) LIArchitetture (Italy) Nue s t r a Arquitectura (Argentina) OTHER U. S. American Home MAGAZINES Better Homes and Gardens Good Housekeeping House Beautiful House and Garden Interior Design Interiors Living for Young Homemakers Management Methods Mc Call' s Sunset "USA Baut" (Sonderheft Werk); Germany, 1945 "Built in USA 1932-44"; Museum of Modern Art, N. Y. , 1944 "The American Home Today"; Katherine Ford and Thomas Creighton, 1951 tlQuality Budget Houses"; Katherine Ford and Thomas Creighton, 1954 "World1s Contemporary Architecture"; Japan, 1953 "If You Want to Build a House"; Elizabeth Mock, 1946 "Architecture, Ambition and Americans"; Wayne Andrews, 1955 "An Outline of Man's Knowledge of the Modern World"; Lyman Bryson, 1960 38%; R E F E R E N C E S Dwight Adams, Business Manager, STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Palo Alto, California Ger son Bakar , President, PACIFIC QUEEN INVEST-NT CO. , Oakland, California Russell B. Coleman, President and General Manager, CONTINENTAL SERVICE COMPANY, San Francisco, California Robert B. Bradford, Director, Department of Public Works, STATE O F CALIFORNIA, Sacramento, California E r n e s t M. Conrad, Business Manager, UNIVERSITY O F WASHINGTON, Seattle, Washington Thomas R. Creighton, Editor, PROGRESSIVE ARCHITECTURE, New York, New York John A. Diemand, President, INSURANCE COMPANY O F NORTH AMERICA, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Sherman P. Duckel, Chief Administrative Officer, CIT,Y AND COUNTY O F SAN FRANCISCO, San Francisco, California R . T. Duncan, Senior Vice President, BANK O F AMERICA, San Francisco, California Mortimer Fleishhacker, Jr ., President, FLEISHHACKER COMPANY, San Francisco, Califm nia E m e r s o n Goble, Managing Editor, ARCHITECTURAL RECORD, New York, New York Allen Griffin, publisher, MONTEREY PENINSULA HERALD, Monterey, California E a r l Hampton, Assistant State Architect, Division of Architecture, STATE O F CALIFORNIA, Sacramento, California Gregory A. Harrison, President, SARAH DIX HAMLIN SCHOOL, San Francisco, California Douglas Haskell, Editor, ARCHITECTURAL FORUM, New York, N. Y. Edward H. Heller, P a r t n e r , SCHWABACHER & COMPANY, San Francisco, California 307 R E F E R E N C E S - Continued M. Justin Herman, Executive Director, SAN FRANCISCO REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, San Francisco, California Clark Kerr, Presid,ent, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, Berkeley, California Ralph N. Larson, President, THE MORRIS PLAN COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, San Francisco, California Dante P. Lembi, Vice President, ST. FRANCIS INVESTMENT COMPANY, San Francisco, California Graeme MacDonald, P r e sident, MacDONALD, YOUNG & NELSON, INC. , Oakland, California Robert A. Magowan, President and Chairman of the Board, SAFEWAY STORES, INC., San Francisco, California William Morton, Vice President and General Manager, CROCKER ESTATE COMPANY, San Francisco, California Francis F. Owen, Resident Vice President, INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, San Francisco, California Louis R. Perini, President, PERINI CORPORATION, New York, N. Y. James H. Scheuer, President, RENEWAL AND DEVELOPMENT CORP., New York, N. Y. Dr. Frank Stanton, President, COLUMBIA BROADCASTING SYSTEM, INC. , New ~ o r k ;N. Y. J e r d Sullivan, Member, Board of Directors and Member, Executive Committee, CROCKER-ANGLO NATIONAL BANK, San Francisco, California Dr. Ralph W. Tyler, Director, CENTER FOR ADVANCED STUDY IN THE BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, INC., Palo Alto, California Frederick Crocker Whitman, President, ST. FRANCIS INVESTMENT COMPANY, San Francisco, California / i$y rais ht2re z d a y is a wary prfvlicged one. Dean Vi:tpl;tes am! I have shared vany expe~iznceo5rr the past, and 8 zin ge.a"tfu1 to ba loteluded 5n Chis campany, ta $a hi53 kancr, and es talk about profess l"os.al educeit ion. Bw z d d i t l o n to tbB,s latense personal invoYveimnt, B represent his cslleegues In that o"i:hssam~stal~;sdiBfeee, where, during a crucial interval, Bean Wurster d ~ e l t and he sagd red swil; years ago. f s hsrd ncxs tr bell ?eve F.rom%&id>. l t his sa,jaur;~Lkre lasted oaly six pars. . . .. , Us%$ "r 1944, %he flm9 af learning tfsr~ughCmbrs'dgs had been mms,efvet8 3s wnid E ivecf:iai~ai! . !4elt aai eb Iw2ortan.t idaas general 1y came frcm E,ur.ope,; sas;eS I ~ s s they were .even ps-~&~ced, . Hen cxal.geg Fpaa $$he 1deg.e' were 5ag.5l 3y. there $Q ba Iqiroved and sent back. The isayaet cf a Vestern dean an pj.Z,P, cpceha8 , p ~ r t 1$ t R 3 3 trtldi tsP~na'Bmne3pe of the t y because ~ G " , M B T S B ~ . w25%$:$a QF clv3 i) B zs'r Ben. r-d ::iarzBB -he slgaal f ieence sf rcglanal fm 31n Anker3cas-s CUB ~ U F E !1s nwbtere cmrc bsfFB is?g ?a c ~ i t 3 c sthan i n the f i e l d s f erekitecture. Let me point aut a f e v ~ 1 , pew b y 'r&8 o .I savas uzm~espoused 3 t2~2:; p~ayof soiyiwg ps.&i e ! w s aroused dlsbel-ie%and qopcqsOtJaffi mang 8A~e;s %it& vested Ewte?Bec&us;si int~i*.ests, as i s sr3 safeen the case. ParadwcQcalPy, the E B S ~ntubbcrw pOaI1BstHrrSsno was t e a be Faesnd amng the people of the East Coos%, 5n spite of the8 o haiwitr.rg sfemye bean ~ ~ ~ w h a s : The mre expssed to E u ~ q e e ntdeas. Ax~sicanpsrr~c.*lr%or% of madern archite~tuse,notsaPOy Su!%Ivan and Wright, w ~ r e ~ P & u G ~ ~ . o ? the HdSeddife biest. I t was w o doubt the 1-1 absen~e s f k r & i t%cm&~%$naaee a t , enabied that, a part lculas moment Ira htats~y the8 "A b ? ass*. $hers* Qn parenthesis, we might pause here ta wp1neho~af "Lkb fatlure OF the Hiddle Vr;s"dt~ I $re.3 4 3 to [,esaar3y cul tesrztl, prmtse; # think 3 can 50 express mettars In fa.rday;a cmpzny. The C h l a g o %&m1 IIved and died; so Far as . . . . . owccan see, whet fs ntm Brapp~nlrsgi n Chkcgc $s. not s cowtiwua-hi~nthereaf, k.Wthe.r~&Q$-e., of Bm the wlthaut den.?gra",on tks a& 8 evemnks s l : ether center8 t.!Essiss~2pp"aaIDey, i t can Fa.ir!.y $a said that we p s a ionger have %Ear., :mp-eooZo~ sf a canslstent regional eharaeter asserting Itself, I did not came here to prim&@ regionel isn?. The Horth Cars! inn f4ueuel L.iF9 Bnsurrlnce Cmqsny, a cmgersy owned and operated by colored people, intends 4s buE B d a hama office bul ld!ng Jn tila .rermte tcmn o f Dusl~a~a, peptt2atfon 8Q,000,and ehey have &@sen as tt3e5r architect W~31 tan Baclcet. Hr. beeke has desjgned ? c a r thea a 13-story t-r, a ~ f t h facade c m i s e d 0 4 :seinFcrced - concrete 'itjsrendeel trusses each 21 feet Rl gh and 1 30 feer long, !{a, -*- r~glawaB Tern f.sdead, given tha coup d~ gripace by the Jet a-irplans. ThOs Is csrtaOnty arrant aonsense. 1"Rgmres not only the % ~ r r g Spanish and Nw9~eaepisodes, best atso the p e r i d , before the full deveia~mrstsf $he rai?raadsand befare the canal, durOng 'which Ca'lBfaswEswas just as aeassfble fran Earape as f m! 4 m EngOand, Take an example from 'khs technologg of our field. W h e n Ernest Warasme, en English imigranflfn %en Pranefsm, t8alw-4 at stme of the f i sst experi~aentswish rel~farced aacrete in the U,S,, begfnn3ng about t888, he had to import hOs barpets sf cement f i p m England by water, br?nging 5 $ all sroeed Caps Harts, He cmplained bIttarly &out $he price, too, $Re essumptiora ignores also that ehe tsarescmnlfnental r w h of $attier% 89 Gal ifarnta began wall Before Eraropcsn Brnegratly~nwas curtailad, arad that Cal lfsrnia remains a Hecce for settlers frm evsrMavs, 8"duvPtlaev fg,wres a subscars%lelsuleurel input P~watRc Far Eas5. me prdlwsolnant lcuitura? flfav~rrof San Fraoaclsm always seems far m r e cosmpoiB~:a~rr, even eclee%Be, then lt doe% if~digena~s.M@vejt"$h~?le~~ the Bey gegl?~n Style dues or did aeHs"k@s an lnd8genaus phon~mnlkaw, M a *did - 8 t 8% Iw t h i s wln~yard&kzS,BE1l kh~stevlakascd fa,r $3 wars fs% !@slag B B s g r a d m t l ~ i ~ F F B ~ thfs Untare~s$tg,BwxiBng otse may a yew or z w tba$ ?ye %a& $65"8 Eus- paa an study trip, %.~iki.a.g 4ha9e e;ctsrs~~ aad $08- dw $$EI@ Yo&, sdwaztures he purswd e t sn mrOg age, F n a as"~f16 ~ Z P w m i n g P y . ~ & ~ t . $ ~ JWCJW 2 . - -. ~ 3 r Z a i ~ i 3 ~ 1 ? 8 1 =nvsneionai peofessionsl qr9z,%B%$caz6o~a. ewaats of $ha$ t h e o There was of aesrsa a p a aakeniwg fm.231 the prpiwsk!cldigas of the war. %a rmsep93 af our facujty were? s p l i t 50&een I I Mavard had tefcea a bBd step with 0h3 appolirrsfmant: e s f GrtpBus siq years earlier, I . . I t H s -3truim that kmLOershQpby an daseatfwa.3 drngltnistrato~i s =sit ofem assesgod by fP88 abi.6tuos6ty Iua the besis.funetBon of Rfsing and Firing. On this realm, brster ansten3ahed us by 343% b l d g e of the field of cewdldakes end b8s abtlbey 83 agtrac8 tRm to B f D e sehcwl. Kqes, Ft l Bpwsk4, W6t&a352ks Rapsen, &h, Kwns&dy, @eMara4,Cmdwfn, Lynch, all cxae durlng tkls p e r i d and same of these ssrwtinue ss e h g a ,an$ thia ber'acan instBPuQe of A~&SBtxte, f@r their falturs: t ~ i s seeept g;he 6ha:3% P\me. H8s po9mt c to %heprefessiH s s a 9%the le11193~WT a i n - forties; not sn%ytwak mte of ,the eanredlness of archftseB%st s a s ~ e p t n e w eeatlaetfc Ideas, bug evm mote sharply accused thm of d a t l u r ~ .ta asstme secia 3 resportstbil l Zy . % ~ O ~ P S ~ B P the mwgnie!o.g, p0wwerd far of s l t y planning as a separate but allied prafessfw, having Its a m b a y of ampetenee, sad In this, as f n so many other areas, he was ~ m r e h a migbt hwa tb9Eafthat, w19;h hai s B B C ~ ~ P B O ~ R ~ as a prac-28f Dwar, %rater %!auld 93ave bees asiwmldpl a6 a leader in ithe m r l d cf prattfg:~ as ?all as in dumttoos. But ke arrtved ctn the Bt%?r6%3gasst before a dee8QOve rmrfmtatimu o f the saetimsl amhfte~turial - cxpssitiaa o f i t gas am&, $0 rally suppart awng the ~ i d e r and antroillfrig porsonali%iss Iw the field. Traw, %heredid mew a mtrention af %he 48A at tehlg,!? a ~gwberof young Turks paapmed him as a anditdate for president, easing as their slesgass Igiitcou!d be W ~ B S B ~ T . ~ ' But th$s earned out to be what pol i elm1 kOster11~1 B ike t o cal l a m abort lve pests&, and iB was prwm once egaln 'that only argsntzatton men Beeme presidents ef srgantzetims. During O R s ~ s eyears B often esewuitsred a t ttx3&e6s1 mrgan%i@tas 8 curious vlewpatnt, 1 2 t 2 0 d by some a&in!s%rartsrs a r i d professors a$ other sthosls, They w n s i d ~ ~ e d a gree%mlstake $0 appoint a m n B g frm ac^cIwaprnfessie~saetlCife a posttion as dean, aver tho W s , as it sere, OF career professors, who had every rtgR6: t o expect ehfz grmwtigln tkw.~elves. tihat g d was it, Ekey cried, to work Far years to master the aiemnte 08: university teaching, and then to findl that a rank eats8det O o placed in the p9ali~y==im&lag posialon? 85 was ~nmgia to make a ywng te.a&tergive e r g in disgust. #a doctrf3emu2d be , % r e absurd dangevms, beeausa E t pmmtes the e ~ r ~ n w s that P b teacher a d the gsa~$Ot?wmgr i t & % ? ope in d ffe~ent profess Ims. An w t s f d e ~ enterK k e g u s a3ve8-si t y ~i sclss ceFtais8ily bas prablcms 0%: adaptat im, he mk~a gaffes, Bert ha brf s 9 g s clo?sterd,and t~ mrsa 4nwer.d an their a m tradtttms, fr &en the bssdrld s b ~ t them 1a3 a 690 restlag sa iit s oars, Tday the pace af h w g e 8s such that h i g a % ~ ~ &u@etPI~n,particacrtarly for the pro9ess4tmsD into @!e%'shacids s ~ & 8 1 @ g 09 very high-qualfty imltatlsn p!a~%s,wad hp? thwght It wuld be Fassp w gut me of ~RISGJ mste~piece!$ ~9 ~raftwafi~hgp in the Graduate HOUSB Idby. %its fcelephutas rang and I t was ebc ros0Qae~t h~uoe-=twstsr: 'M3at a bmutlful ,b@aas2OFul tres y w % v agllvw UI, % w e pl*mli SF;to ~ a k e very g m d care of IY ,h w oftem must 1t be ~ateree??~~ ''h, Asftchim, B B ? a telfl y e a s a recaci%?t,the tree i s e clever #ar'taglon, and yoti don" Pave to g%we i t any attrosrtlora at a11;" The i.lext e;8bp.s Dr. Al!?dam caj I& , , about a -nth Iafte$, ia: was to say, laah Hr.R%1ca3, whee on earth can be the mtter, w r pcxbcacptes fs asdrnOng a19 brepvm, Q) 5 .- C 'PI .... 6 P I 3 m .- 6 : Qa . a 1 -w - a -& 44 0 w s . 9 - da cPI a L I V) 8 L ID s s > - 6 ) U i! slor"sh@us@ sfsff8elal Georg9aw banaBFtiics, and svei there ;iP s s : i9 different'klnP 0; building undop construction, designed By a m d e r of o z h ~ rfptstiieutfss$wn,for top desOg~zeolene on a national sa49s, %=A a.F Fhe had bettsr ba =I 'led a foehn, sr perhaps b skoalel say ghE-L, tha9 W ~ W I wind that m ! t s tka snmv B n the Sierras. FBa;raS~gCarnietee end in Berkelcz*pBs CamBt~ee an C Q ~ W Plenw%ng, TGQ pr3ac!p%esweed &Q be prm.uig~ted: first, 8he laegg@ ~prqmsoffers as! uiZhBn Its am L%aae@da~-les, and %eeowd, $0 ce.eate such an envi ronmri~ req.4 ires the 1 %Hgkeat esscder sf professi7-il ski 8 !, appl led as a pol icy bI,$,F, b@&u%o I 8 i s Eassers, and aSso baeausc B t Is psivaZa, ria2 pubZSc, 3 ; - - 2 g ~ffi&jt PF;S~YI.QSS bas bees a2de C J F B D ~ $ 9 By Malcoltn Smith . , ., . . , , ,, . . .. . . I $ .... remember it!"; he., ;ii&,: "when >ittook two .tealps.of WILLIAM WILSON WURSTER California-born architect and University graduate. With wide experience as a practic- ing architect seasoned by academic service at the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology,he joined the faculty at Berkeley in 1950 as Dean of the School of Architecture. Here he took the lead in broadening and enriching the curriculum in ardlitecture and in establishing close relationships with its allied disciplines. Out of these relation- ships emerged the College of Environmental Design, which he served as its &st Dean. He has also played a prominent part in shaping the physical development plan for, the Berkeley campus, bringing to this complex task wisdom of judgment, stemming from his rich practical experience, ingenuity in resolving difficult problems, a great devotion to the welfare of hculty and students at Berkeley, and a broad appreciation of the interests of the University as a whole. We honor him today for high achieve- ment in his prolession, in education, and in service to his University. INDEX a, m ~ t 3 8. dubijocd w - tn m N I CU rn N * Gn -& N -4- - t-=l- C u w 1 - NmP- P-tn83 CU - * *+rl E n M O O t-60 - W -cn cu -st0 -* - C;3 ern O G t P W 4 6 - 4 MFU -pruru3 rn @tRp&l m 4 0 rl krJ - G 4-.m a s kta u -C k - -tD .rOB a d -r c t 3358 W W E i W 0 -#- E\t ) r 9\ m 0.4 a l-i LI T$ k ed 5 4 I54 a d k -P 3 @ R % f % I mrrr e m rid * I d .et - 4 % k -64 a a 3 r n x aJ s ; = u = ci d) a a s-4 -4 a m 3 E Fi& $1 fl l b k -63 W ~ n ~ . ~ ~ @ . 85,~ Q 8 , . ~ 1 8 , ~ Z T ,John oar- w 9 W,he-e&er,:B:efi:g,.amin ,Z de *.9 3.9,40 W:t'~ke:ndq~:,, n. , 62 J-8 w,~P@$ . ; , ~ p . & ~ l r : ~,@z-:~Q?J $ i ~ ~ d , ,17$,240,271 W u ~ a ~ e r , Catherlhe Bauer, 52,104--106,110,113,14Cl,l~7,240,256 T&aa$e,r,., F, :,'3-3.,.-25 S WuraO:~;r Famllyi,, 1-25 Wurster!, Louise,, 1'.,,~6,9f1,14 W@p.ytgp,Maude fwil&onj, P,4,14,15,10-20,34 W~~s.ber,..l 2@5,110,22oi221,E53 ,256 $'&di;:i 9 WU~$~@P,,. 1.99,; ?40.,:2:69., .. 97@,,:p74 [,forind$vtdual works 8 ~ b J e(3t fndsx] . . 6. ..,. 2. Subjoot ,g Depression, 63,64,66,67 f Marvard University, 104ff-l10;LL9,201,2W . , B@xn~rdj, & .Emons, 46,47.,C2ff-88,1309 131,L5Bi198, .j 4 I4Pas.5a&ua.s$t~ %ns0i $u$e of Te&malogy,Corpox&f ion, 112-114, 1~6,,'.1&7~ , .9 8sh.odlof Arohitecturs, and Planning,,1072f-120_. 3 $ .134', : lgrj.,&3&$,,540 Ca ,l5lOl54,11D$17J.,182,18.3,198 4 , vis).blng 1 I.m;i,k%k&e~:,b~ . kL2ill4 , ' < tj Nerryv~%q.i,', W .'P+hB., , 84 Museuam c$.IErloarerm-Ara,99,..264 B . , , : Na t ianai ~ a g i i a l Bark a d Planning Camissf an, 122-184,126- 130 3 . . 6% ;", ? Royal, k@,adomy0%3Sne Arts, QQp@.nhagan., 132 6 Royal-sf +ers, 2&:, 48 g . . safeway ~ t o r e a . ; ' W.I3i&$.., 77,78,80,81,84 San ~ r a n a l m oBiy Area, >I,$?',58,66,?00,260,261 S.f;@'ord ~niyersityaamp.us, 241-2345 S$ockt.an, 'O.~liP6rnfa.,lff-271, 28,"j2,36; Stackton High 8ahoo'l, 2,8,24,28 g, ... @ \$ Telesia, 64-66 h 3 - Time magazine, 13<8,177 % United ~ t a k s State Deportment Arohiteots Panel for Foreign Buildings Operation, 130,191 University of California, Berkeley, .ArahitecL.s & Engineers, 219,222. Arohi'ceotuyer Bernard Ylw, .45,.46,P08,25Q,, Buildings, 1917, 40-42, 'Build.ing.s, oommonts on: Archi teature., 137,141,155, 15.6,259, California Ball, 30,269, Gampbell Ms31, 219, Engineering, '212,En~bsonmem~al all) , .Design (see Warst e r Lawrence Memorial, 209,240, Life 8-oienoe, 212, M'ning., 45, Besid~noaMalla, 208,218,230-232, South Mall.,'268., Spr~u1 Hallp'213,214.,S%a,tewi.de,239, Stern Dormf tory, .139,21.9, 3"cudsn.t;'Union, 175,176,$?09,VPsu.s Laboratory., 219, Women's Qym, 211,212, Wurste~H.111, 175-179,.387 Superv:Psi.ngArethi teoCs (see Howard, J*G *; Brown, A. 8 Ke.lham, G I 8 Wurstex) . . Buildings.and Campus ~evelo~&snt C a m m i C t e s , 215,225,226,235 Caapua, Berkeley, 191?, 40-42. Cmpus Plann.ingt G a m m ~ ttee, -2h4ff-245;Llstisea Cm~mi t tee, 222-224,229-232; Long Range Plan, 282ff Bxtenesslon, .:3,.1,.94 PraPerniCies, Sigma, Chi, 12,24,25,39,4.0,51 InsJ;$Oute crP l?erriion~lity A~!sd~smont Research, 159,160,256 Loyalkr Oath, 146 University of California, Sahool of Ax~hitecdurer 1913, 24ff- 37,40; Zfbrary, 67; hires William Wilson Wurstsr, 215,116, 134-140,145,146; reputation pre-1990, 141,142-L46: under WussCer, 149-1g7,166-lbalfr aptiCude Leses, 197-160; srea- Civi$y study, 159,160j course work, 161-164,148,269,171-179, 189,198; criticism sf, 165,166,184,J-85;beoomea GolLege of' Environmental Design, 179~187,L96,206,2Q7;faoulfy, 149-155, 180,200 (see also under rimes of' ~ r e h f %eats); visiting aom- rniftee, 184-187; ather oampusas, 188,189; regionalism, 191, 1928 ragiatsation, 33,94,L92-195; transfers, 1955 Extension work, $96; QPISCSI expsrienoe, 197-BQO; graduate work, 202- 2Q58 also, 212,213,242,246 UnivereS ty of Oalif'ornia, Regents, 114,143p148,175-178,212 , 216,217,227,233-238,246 Uniwrsi ty of CnZifornia, LOB Arigeles, 188,189,246 University of California, Santa Cruz, 80,209,255,241-245 University of Washington, 133,192,224