Mb ,i/^>. &l-8lp) 88-S9; ^-100, 102; l〇^ -l01^ EIGHT FAMILIES SIGN CONTRACTS FOR AGRICULTURAL WORK IN UTAH Eiglit. Manzanar families have completed farming contracts for work in America Falls, Utah, after conducting a thorough investigation of the * opportunities there and will leave sometime next month, Relocation Prbgram Officer Walter A. Heath revealed. Manzanar families who will ~~: ~; VOL. 6, NO. 81. MANZANAR, CALIFORNIA SATURDAY, MARCH 31# 1945. Catholic Church MANZANAR RED CROSS CONFIDENT . OF MEETING NEW CAMPAIGN GOAL Full confidence that the goal of $2000 will be met was expressed this week by the Manzanar American Bed Gross Unit Headquarters as contributions fWere being received from the various departments and residents of the center. Solicitations from the evac'iiee resdients of tlie center are being made by the block mana gers while solicitations from the Appointed Personnel staff mem- raise celery, onions, cabbage aiid cauliflowers in Artierican Falls are James Shinji Airaki * and family, „ Harry Kokubun and family, Jiroji Okumura and family, Masayoshi Toshinaka and family,Masano Ujiye and ;f^mily and Gumi Watanabe and family. Also going with the group but without lamili^s are Shoichi Henry Kume,Hiroji Okamoto,and Shoichi George Samurai Shoichi Kimie, spokesman for the group, says that they are satisfied with conditions at Amer-^ ican Falls and with the deals which were culminated. Equipment, financing and housing all are adequately provided. He also states that several more families are desired to take over the farms and in addition 80, workers are needed for packing house work. .Housing can be provided for families ajid winter time work is available at good wages in a cannery in Salt Lake City. Housing, lights and fuel are provided the winter time workers in addition to wages. Interested persons should contact Shochi Kume at 18-7-4 or the Relocation Office, Building 1-4,immediately. Four Visitors Here To Leave For Army Four former Manzanar boys, now on visit to this center, will be inducted into the active service through Fort Douglas, Utah next week, Theima Kellesvig, in charge of Manzaniar^s Selective Service disclosed. Roy Ighihara of 5-5-3, left Monday for Los Angeles from where he will report to Fort Douglas on "W ednesday, April 4. Frank Ishizuka from Chicago, 111. will report for active duty on April 2. Henry Nishi of 22-12-1, on visit froiri Omaha, Neb., is to report to Fort Douglas on Wednesday^ Tom Hirabara of 30-5-2 will also report for active duty on Wednesday, April 4. Christian^ Church To Hold Easter Sunrise Seryices Easter Sunrise Services for those of Christian faith will he conducted tomorrow morning,, a.m., by the Manzanar Christian Church at the north park, off the block 32. English7 address will be given by the'v Reverend J. H. Smith wliile the Japanese adさress wn】 be offered by the. Reverend T. Nishikawa. The regular Easter service of the Christian churqh will be held at ten o5clock tomorrow at 15-15, with Doctor Oechsli of Pasa? dena as the minister. $6,237.44 In Rebates Distributed By Co-op Rebates^ for the months of July, August and Septembe];, 1944, amounting to $6237.44 is now being paid to. the residents beginning with blocks 36, 35 and 34, Co-op General Manager Ka-kunosuke Aral revealed. He added that two blocks will be covered each day and that the distribution may be completed by the end of the month. Dr. Sheyin RetMms CHICAGQ-^-Dr. Selig Shevin was reported to have returned to his professional status in the Jackson Park Hospital after an agreement had been reached -between the doctor and the hospital. The doctor recently resign-ed when the hospital refused admittance to a Nisei to its ward. Enthusiasm Shown • For Resettlement High pitched enthusiasm on relocation was in evidence this week at the Relocation Office, due to a recent announcement by WRA Director Dillon S. Myer that all centers will close by the end of the year. Approximately 52 applications for indefinite leaves were filed on Monday and the interviewers were kept busy throughout the day. “A太 this rate, we、can have Everyone out by July 31,” Relocat-ion Program Officer Walter A. Heathbeamed. He said that he expects at least 400 to leave in April and the same in July and that it may increase to seven or eight hundred for June. 一 LACK OF PATRONS CLOSE LIBRARY IN BLOCK22-15 Library 22-15 will be closed to the public every morning from now on due to laclj: of library patrons at that time, an announcement from the librarian of the Community Services Division, Education Department revealed. It stated,however? tiaat the. library will be open in the after-noons and evenings as usual., ^Shortage of library assistants also makes it necessary for the closing of tms library during the morning,the announcement added. % Minidoka Girl Wins Fellowship Award SOUTH HADLEY, Mass.—Hat-tie Kawahara of the Minidoka, IJunt,Idaり Relocation Center was one of the 12 girls to receive fellowship awards from the Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass., one of New England^ outstanding liberal arts colleges. She came