:<-:í '..Vivi ■ «i ■■■■■ DENSON YBA ySas/&iw>k ssrZS. Vol. Ir No. 1.,* <- , DENSON-YBA_ September 5, 1943 NEW PROGRAM " YBA TO CONTACT RELOCATED BUSSEI An elaborate program is being planned for the YBA to keep in contact with relocated'Bussei members by keeping them, informed through correspondence,and by furnishing thjsm with regular reading materiel. . In such a way it is hoped that we can help to keep the Teachings of Amida Buddha alive in the hearts : of’our 5 members, to matter where ’'they may be isolated. Together with Amida our members cannot be too lonesome.. Members are requested-to--submit the addressees of the relocated Bussei to Chairman ICikuo %awa or any member of the YBA Board of Directors* DEDICATION oc c The first issue of the'yet officially un-named Denson YBA Bulletin is dedicated to our members who will be- leaving us j shortly for fule lake. ■ Yie appreciate the fine cooperation given us by these members in helping to build the Denson YBA into what it is today. To Our departing friends wb say ^thanks a million” and wish them the best of luck* Although we may be separated, • we will still be together in AniidaJwS love* ~ DSNSOH YOUNG BUDDHISTS1 ASSOCIATION Giatha Bool, to* get : thé Young People in the habit or to get them to actually realize what we are up against to keep Buddhi sm a 1 ive in tn & .future,, Through1 - offeringswewha^e reached our July .. assessment to the National Y3A knd the.-August and September quotas are also ready to be sent out, —Prank Do i, Pre s ident* Poston III Y3A V Poston, Ariz. LETTERS RECEIVED Qatka Rooki T^cknou/teclqed (ru M.anu l+rn m>ort ■Pvam ■«. ,, 1 t . . « ./ continued from page 1 letting us share in your very well compiled gatha* book. The members are looking forward to following the procedure of services and in the practice of several gathas.”—Sanford Sato, Secretary, Mesa YBA. "The Heart ; Mountain YBA extends its sincerest thanks to ypu sending us a complimentary copy of your gatha book. We most certainly are enjoying every page of you splendid booklet.”—Lily Inouye, Recording Secretary, Heart Mountain ' YBA* and vie feel sure it will bo of great help to us.”—Rose Kumagai, Secretary, Salt Lake YBA. * ~~ \ Amida's Teachings To Shinran the Nembutsu that is to say, the repitition of ’’Namu-amida-butsu!--is s imply an expression of gratitude for the Grace ofthe all-loving Father; Amida Nyorai* It is not any service rendered* but an act of pr&ise offered, whenever one feels inclined to do so. ’’Thank you for your letter of some time ago in which you informed us that the Denson YBA us a gatha book. This book reached us recently was sending Recite Amida* s Holy Name: with your trdstful beart, fob* Kwannon, or the Goddess of; Mercy.* will, as the shadow follows The substance, always accompany and protect you. RESE IILLriiNT......... LEADERS LEAVE The Denson YBA- ±S"\ 'affected. by resettlement just as all other organizations in this Center are being fastly depleted of its leaders. Two members of the Board of Directors, . Takashi Inouye, reception chairman, and Kiyomi Nakamura, vice chairman, left during the past few days for indefinite and seasonal leaves to Connecticut and Michigan, respectively.; \ Gladys Nakaoka became a new Board member to replace Takashi Inbuye,. ST. S K t.N R AN ^ BOOKS PLANNED As another outstanding YBA ' "project,a condensation Shin-ran and His Religion of Pure Faith, by Gendo Hakai, or Life and Teachings of Saint Shinran, is now being made# This ■ will be printed in a booklet form and be made available to as many members as possible. > LECTURE COURSE . ■ The fourth in series of lecture courses on the Life of Saint Shinran will be held Continued on page 4 NEWS FROM OTHER CHAPTERS NEW YORK . ’ Stanley T. Okada, se cretary of the Hew York Buddhist Church was in Topaz last week to confer with Hatipnal officials# Relocation and church problems were discussed at the meeting# POSTON One thousand dancers of the three Poston camps gathered in Unit III to celebrate the Obon festival on Sunday, Aug. 22. An outdoor memorial service preceded the dance on Saturday with the Rev. Hagafuji as Beaker. **The dusty, clamorous affair. was attended by .a huge crowd of ; of enthusiastic onde fans- and 1 was a great success,w according to reports. GILA . /, V/ Weekly YBA vesper services 1, are held in Gila. The Rev#f- Hewy-,. ton Ishiura is'in charge. of >thé * devotionals# nHow Obon Rituals Originated** was the topic of discussion following a recent service#. R.OHWER Twenty-five members of the Denson YBA and Buddhist Church participated in the Obon festival at Rohwer on the weekend of August 14 and 15• ige 4 Dens on, i.w‘vliou£) <*.«#•¥*-*i*jF 7iî xewell service September 5, 1943 Chairman* • • • ê .Ayako Boguohi Meditation. * Aspirations • Sutra Chant . Incense Offerings • • • Gatha . Scripture^Reading Story, ’’Brotherhood, Pianò Selection • Address • • ...........”Yube no Uta” Chairman • . .Rev, Gyodo Kono and Rev. ^adao Kouchi • . • • • .Masaji Shinto Tsuruye Sakata • . ”Namu Amida Butsu" • v • • ♦ Xiyoshi Minami a Hjoman Fellowship,” By Hazel Mizusaki endlviichiko Katnoka • Lily llagatani • • •. .Kikuo Ogawa, Denson YBA Chairman Announcements Gatha ........ • . » • ’’Farewell” Closing Medition. ........... Gnssho • • * * « YBA DIRECTOR VISITS ARIZONA The Rev. Kenryo Kumata, National YBA Director' at Topaz, recently returned from an extended visit to Poston and Gila centers, Mesa, Ariz., and other YBA chapters in the Utah area. He was voluntarily accompanied on the tour by Mike Maru-yama, an active Bussei also of Topaz. MORE ON St. Shinran Class Continued from page 3 TlWsday at 8:15 p.m, in Dining Hall 23. The course is conducted by the YBA with' the Rev. Kono as lecturer and Michiko Kataoka in charge of the classes. Being both highly interesting and educational, all Bussei members are urged to enroll in the class for personal benefit. TULEAN BUSSEI TO BE HONORED DENSON YBA Itif BULLETIN Vol. I, No.2 DENSON YBA §ot. 3, 1943 PUBLICATION OF ST SHINRAN BOOK NEAR COMPLETION UoW in its final stage of publication, the 32-page condensation of the book ”St. Shinran and His Religion of Pure. Faith’’ by Rev* Gendo Hakai will be available at the next Sutra class which will be held Thur sday eve -(cent» on page 3) LOCAL YBA SPONSORS SOCIAL In the honor of the now arrivals from Tuie T.o Vp the YBA will' stage a ”wo 1 - comin .g" social Sat- ur dap at 8 p.m * in Dinir ig Hall 23. Heading the affair is T&k Yamaguchi who will be assisted by Mari Izumiand Gladys (cont# on page 3) I take this opportunity to | extend'greetings arid a ho arty | welcome to all of the young men and women from Tale Lake center* X am sure that the YBA members of Denson will be happy to assist you whenever you seek a he1ping hand• Looking back over the past year since the outbreak of the war, so swiftly has transition taken place that it has been difficult to realize what has been’ happening* This proves - Lfteetinai nothing in this world is permanent or lasting, that everything is changing* This truth indicates that a peaceful mind is attained only through religious faith, not by wealth or power*. In looking forward to your presence at our gatherings hereafter, I am asking for your fullest; cooperation in carrying on the Teachings of our Lord Buddha and participation in our various YBA activities • YBA CHAIRMAN L-ittendi that With Gassho, Eikuo Ogawa, YBA chairman Page 2____________1__________Denson YBA Need for Headquarters The question is now before usy ' Fellow Bussex,;^ who then we want Buddhism to survive in these United States or not. The . time iias come when the. future Buddhism* does lie in our hands* With so many Bussei loaders and members relocating, the need has risen for. a workable headquarters on the outside world for those'who are out of these, c enters to be in constant contact*. In order to have such a headquarters for the Vhst amount of work ahead cf us, call to all" BUssei will be made so that spiritually, morally and financially we will be able to do all we can for furthering the words of Buddha• --Ben Tsuda, Gila YBA H i dden Qua I i t i es ■Many of us can find agreement in saying tfiat ” tempur a”. is indeed r. tasty dish. Once in a while 'the enjoyment lies in guessing what.is covered by. the ’’koromo” and in the anticipation.' of finding your guess come true-.-. But the ”kcrcno” itself does not constitute’ the whole of the meal; the essence lies in what is underneath. ’Just so, no matter how glittering and beautiful a trihklet may look, it is still a.' trinklet*, a bauble, and may net be classed as a jewei unless the w inward s’* are of the same quality as the surface. In other words itmust.be ’’solid”, or'” star ling,” ^•Superficial education, sophisticatiofl and all may pass for the ’’real McCoy” once in a while, but cannot ' compare with true wisdom and humility; qualities which are endowed upon those with Faith in ,the spiritual'guidance of the Buddha. —-Rev. Kenryo Kumntn FROM DHARMAPADA ONESELF By onesIf evil is done; by oneself one suffers; by oneself evil is left undone; by oneself one is purified* Purity and impurity belong to oneself, no one can purify 'another* FULL Op SLOTH He who does rot rouse himself when is is. time to rise; who, t ho u g h young and strong, is full of sloth; whose will and thought are weak; that 1azy.and; id1e man will never find th e Way t o Bn 1 i gkt en-ment. FREE FROM MARA You yourself must make an effort. The -‘•athagatas are only pro a c h e r s* The thoughtful who enter the Way are freed from the bondage of Mara. DENSON YBA BULLETIN Published by the Denson YBA research and relocation committee . MOST REVEREND Denson,, Arkansas Page 3 .FAREWELL SOCIAL Tuie -Bound Bus sei Feted BISHOP MATS UK At) £ RECOVERING' . The Most Reverend Bishop Mutsukage who recently underwent-a major epe ra t i on on his stensaoh ulcer is reported to he i m-proving, steadily, it was announced in the’ Topsz YBA pub li cation* With Fusaye Toku-mot b and.Tad Miyake as co- c hair in an ,a farewell' party, was given by the Denson YBA- on $opt* 11 in honor of the active Bussei members bound for Tule Lake an.d Crystal City. \ - Games and dancing were enjoyed by over 50. .^persons present• The Rev. Tadao ICouchi and Chairman Kikuo Ogawa delivered far e-well messages during the service. •t; R e f r e shaents cf sandwiches, cookies and punch were later served by the girls. Oji z if Project Progressés JOINT MEET PLANNED * A j :o i n t cabinet mooting with the Roh-f wer YM is tenative- • ly set for Oct•,16-17, in this Center. o v The agenda for the, two-day meet will be _ discussions on the National. YBA setup, YBA problems and ex- (cent., from Pago 1) Haka oka, dec orat i on; Jimmy Hashimoto, gei> era.l arrapgeme.nts; Charles Nishi, program;: Kiyoshi.. Minami-, finanee; Michiko Kataoka, ref re shmo^ts AVAILABLE IN NEAR, future .. .'The **ojizun project h.eq.ded by Ease 1 Mizu-salii is nçw progressing productively. The p r occâs,in- çhange o f project ideas « and Fusaye Tokumote, invitât i on• Invitât i ons w i 1 1 bo sent to all the young people from Tule Lake through the Bussei block re-^re s-entati^e s • cluces, shaping and stringing wooden and white colored, seed beads and adding hand made tassels. Those ’’ojizu” will be • available in the near future._____ MORE OH BOOKLET (cont. from Page 1) ring in Dining Hal'l 23. The booklet whi c h will be used a.s text for the Sutra class contains a short life s k etch of Shi nr an Shonin, origin o f Shinshutsm and Shin-ran’s works as preserved by his dis- C* ° ~'S » MORE ON, , ,g WELCOMING SOCIAL RELOCATED BUSSEI CONTACT As the first attempt to contact relocated Bussei member s, the YBA recently s ent ■gift packages to approximately 75 persons, ' The- packages included copies of the 54-page standard ga-tha and service book printed sometime ago. Copies of the:first Bulletin w or e also included• Explanatory letters accompanied the pac k-ages which were prepared and mailed by the YBA Research and Relocation*© oiwit-tee • PORTFOLIOS DISTRIBUTED Attractive portfolios have been designed and printed to be distributed' as covers for the YBA Bulletin and. other publications• They will also be sent out to all"relocated Bussei now on the publication mailing |ist. Page 4 ..Denson YBA IAKASHIINOUYE WRITES Takashi Inouyb, ex- nenbor_of YBA b oa rd ENGAGEMENT Announced Akiko Kamikawa r'e-contly announced her engagement to Kobuho Matsui• Akiko'' is a member of the YBA board of directors a n.-d serves as Sunday School chairman of directors informs the people of his s a f e arrival i n Bridegcport, Conn., after spending four glorious days in New York City, He also visited the Buddhist church in that city. As a carpenter, he wr i te s that he 1 s get -ting along just-fine with his Caucasian fell ow, war ke r s l/l Brobherhood. SeHriool tarn ~ ~ " ■ October 3,. 1943 Chairman. . . . . * . . . . 'Hiddoo Odaka kpditati'on* • • • . , . ,wYube nc -TJta” Asp. at-ion. .......... Chairman Opening address . . . Chairman Sutira chant • . • . .Rev. Gyodo Kono and Rev. TadaoKouchi Incense offerings . . Michiko Date and ■ Kiyoshi Mirlami Gatha‘. . . "When We See The, Golden Sun” Responsive reading. .... Congregation; Welcome message ...... .Rev. Kouchi YBA address • • • • .. . »-.Kikup Ogawa YBA ch irman Quartette selections. • • • .Amy' Sasaki, Sarah:Kiraura and Fumi and Hi sc Asakawa ” Future Whither ?” a talk . Fukiko Hcrie• Announc ement s " Gathas• . ... ”Bussei Koshin Kyoku”and ’"fiamu^Anlda 3utsu” \ Closing meditation. ..... Gassho * WOMEN'S AUXILIARY FORMED Closing following the footsteps of the men-foiks, the rï older" and former YTfSA member s be g an amove -ment to organize the Buddhist ■ Women*s Aux-i liar;/-.group. ' At the "general meeting held Sunday* Bov. 14 * the f ollowing persons were desigrated to- s erve ■ on the Board DENSON BUDDHI mm 11 A- m /\ ¡s before a capacity house* the elected officers of the newly organized Buddhist friend snip ooc_ety Koyu kai) headed by Omeichi Eehmi were inaugurated Sunday- eve- * II c v o _21 , in M I I r r a 1 U U b Ò tf ! i n v of directors ci de - -lie e dames T oshi-kb hamikawa, Xeruko jii.a s Y osaiki; Ae len. Ar a- kuwa Yoshdko’ llat suda , ■ Kazue - Ito and W.oiet famika-A-a | Wests' id è ?-lies dames Fumi -k 0 lo ah ima su, Chico ( h r | f f | r p r '— I I i I O ! i Ci i • o . The - Center Cqmmu-‘nity Christian Church fellowship will be guest of .the Buss.ei to hear Mrs. Esther Brie seme is ter , n a -tionalY secretary of ’Japanese division, at Brotherhood ser- Taira, ".Plora îsuba, vice Sunday, bev * 28, Bore Jean Yasukâwa, at 7 ;30 p ,m. iii E'ihA Se t s u Pi kai do- \a n. d ing hall 23• Teruks 3hiotbni. Taro. Mat sui will Using thé ' ,!tobéïï.S! serve as chairma ¿JQ • syst em of . appointing (Program on page • (cont-on page ■ 4 ) 8 J Dining.,Hall -'23 . . _ Pro joct Director Paul A* Taylor who left Thursday fo r a Washington, DAW post congratulated the members- and expressed his thanks to the--audience for the fine cooperation he received during his stay in Denson. The. officers, who took .the oath, of office were Umeichi Her.— -i, chairman, Bill ifikaido, north-side vice-chairman; Yoshi. ■' " (sent«. on page ;'..) YBA DIVIDED -To-• enliven die■ Center Sussex program, the Denson YBA has been divided into . six districts with inter- MIO SïX D oeting joint tab • Enthusiastic the . new setup, -or ' 1 District SÌRICI o n over ■obi— It nets ve ni *6. S| a- date" and- mak for a joint ( ^ rìVìE o r nhaIJ::.i „-y'.ye 6 ' Page 2________________Deneon BODDHISTS /g CRITICISMS WANTED ’ Support Brotherhood Service We acknowledge with regret the apparent lack of interest anong our YBA members regarding our recent Brotherhood services* As timely stimulant These services were initiated early in to the local iE£ and the year As regualr weekly dovoticnals for the Research and Re-uho Bussei, drawing enthusiastic attend— settled Home Pregmiii ancp, and were later relaxed into alter— committ^-© responsible nato Sundays to survive through the summer for supplying rcli-months. gious material to the We agree that some of the gatherings wore relocated Eussei , nu— a bit morbid, but wo also remember many in— nerous- letters and spiring programs .where we wished many more generous dona thms could have been present. have been coming in As a whole, the cnairmen have succeeded each week from the in planning a worthwhile and diverting pro- .outsidee gram for-each service, judging from the The letters help numerous favorable comments given by those to promote new ideas who have attended regularly. while the monetary Our Brotherhood services qire being con— contributions defray tinued, inspite of the slackened attend- a large part of the ance, for the • purpose of providing the extensive program now young people with a- spiritual outlet on being undertaken to Sunday evenings in an especially congenial ' contact the resettled atmosphere« || Bussei and* scattered nut uo instigate a • greater and revived . servicemen« interest among the Bussei, we invito: our The Denson YBA is members to submit constructive criticism to be credited as the on the Brotherhood services, who main our first chapter to ini-ta!sk may be enlightened to pleas©' the- ma- tiate this program for jority. the national body» _____ — AEN A GREAT STRIDE Milestone in Buddhism The recent formation of the- Buddhist friendship Society, Women’s Auxiliary .and six District YBAs marks, another milestone on American Buddhism. Denson Buddhists a - in set the pace* BUDDHISTS' ifitfLETiN PublTslied by the Research and Resettled Home Program -Committee. Page 3 Pens on, Ar kansas BOARD POSTS DATE, YUAAIBE, JITSUAAYO FILL IN VACANCIES Nakamura Takes Over Board Head Foiloiving the f ootsteps of s eve r al o-ther resettled members, Kikuo Ogawa, Denson , Y BA be ar d chairman, left the Center on- Nov. 17 for Cleveland, Ohio, in pursuit of wider' horizon# * As chairman- pf the YEA since July, his depart lire will mean §v| great loss to the lo«'al Bus rei# However, he will be ca- morFon Mi chi ko Date, former Tule Lake Y'BA board member, replaced Hazel Mifcusaki who left last month to work for the War Manpower Commission in Wash- pably succeeded by Vi ce-cha irman Eiyomi Nakamura who returned from seasonal work in South Haven, Mich., just in time to spare -the Board from an unt ime 1 y sho.ke up • ingto-n, D.C. as project research head•^ Clubs |and organizations Chairman left operi by Mao-a ji Shint o .was taken over by Misao Yumibe-, formerly of Hood hirer YWBA in Oregon and also of Tule Lake. YBA board# Fuji ye J it sumyo, third newly-elected board member, replaced Akiko Kamikawa as Sunday School chairman . Friendship Society Inaugurates Officers c ont. f r om ' page Fine hi, vsc#uthsidee vice - chairman-:; Tom Kamikawa, secretary; and Kay Kuwada, treasurer • The Rev« Tadao Kou-chi officiated the de v ot i ona1-installation service .while Harry Sliiramdzu served as chairman. A Varie d entortain-ment program follow-the installation ceremony with Bill Nikai- ✓3 /“' — r- • A ry 4-( g:i V» Ç-V rfif- demonios . vocal numbers were : re ndo red by fon Kami-kawa, Masayoshi Fu-kut e, , Ma s aha r u H c r i, Kideo Kawarn.ura and Nika id oj naniwabu s hi, Saburo Sugita and Jen-pe i Oka ; ao c ord i an solo,.Ayako Kurushi-ma; odori, Kay taimada; short skit. To-jiro Fujino and man-zai, Ichiro' Miyagawa and Hide o Kawamur a » Honored guests present were Ur nd Mra • Paul Av Taylor, Furo . Arne,, assistant pro-j e ct -director; representatives fro m the Buddhist Church, Rohwer heimei ka i , Buddhist, :Wome.n *s Aihcu iliary, YBA and the Society’s h20Cp rG„ pre ser..t atives • Working on the prr-’ parati or: for, the affa ir we re Nik a i d o, 'Kiuchi, Kamikawa, Kay Kuwada, Eenmi, Roy Kawamoto, Tom Miyake and YBA' girlo./ Page Le ns on BUDDHISTS DISTRICT OFFICERS Csc CHAIRMAN Districts; SECRETARY Districts; I Larry liikiji . I lorraine Kunanö II Shig Kitahata II Fusayo Oz.âki I III Toshio Kawan o- > III Yayo M&cbiga- to shir a IV Tomiko Okuda IV Yurikp Katsuki V ; Morris Yamazaki , V Michi Yarane VI Yone Satoda: VI Suri ïsuji . HEDUL.E List# I-II, Dec. 10 at USO House» Di st • Iir-IY, Doc * 11 at Hall 41. VICE CHAIRMAN Districtsî • I Ma s d. Q I H© d a II Ma sako ■ Y at abe III YosMko Ho shiko IV Kiniy© Kikuta V Minnie. Kuwaha-ra " . VI Kon Ma sud u Auxiliary . (c cut> frcin pago. 1) : chaii ¿wi, Mr s • T oshi-’ ko. Kar' Iowa and Mrs < TUmik a- j. »„> iipiTici s u wo r o selected co-heads- for Kc-To .and- Dec » respect ive ly with ..altor « nate o o~chairr.an acting as secretary. Mrs 3 Tei’ukb Yoshi-ki wa s, " appointed treasurer TM-r It h e gr cup r T d nt a 11ve. pr o gr an on schedule is alnza-danka in? on Dr r C .61-lie* s'.picture sia IT to he held Saturdro/; Dec. 4, at 2 p .iru in Laundry 23. TREASURER Districts s I Harry Hirakr.wa II Charles Nishi III Edna. Uyeno • IV Tad Miyake V 'Bill Tanaka VI Chico Masai RELIGIOUS CHAIRMAN Districts.; I Terry Shono IT Mari Izumi III Laura Ogowa IV Patsy Makarura V Mabel Ikeda and Taken Matsnda VI D<;rrth"'- Masada SIX .DISTRICTS dg|| I I \ 7 j ! « ' 9 A'CY" a f 7 SI n, TV a Ç ; i> p. w »r|i ¿T - j i n Ai ‘lit ;J- 's j li 9 f 11#,13* 14 I nd 15 3, 4, 5, 6,. 7., . 8, ■9* ¡8 T7. ; is, is €Uid •20 Ills Blocks—29, 30. '31 and 32-IVs Blocks—41, 42, 43, 44, 45 and 46 Vg Elocks*—38. 39 and,40 V J s Bloc ko -2 3 and 35 ■ LETTERS Dens on. Arkansas -. - A ^5 OUTSIDE B.USSEI WRITE BACK HO/V\E Mav 5 take- this op- ■ As for s-ubjeot mat- ■ cus : Bussei activi-port unity to-thank ter,.. m o s t anything, ties When you ..under-;-you for tie pamphlets.* .is welcome* • to ok the program,; for I sincerely approci- The. gathabook was iicnestly,’ .wo., could— ate each thought be- greatly appreciated * n’t - expect anything, hind thorn and you have We often got together more helpful and ni~ no idea what spirit- and sing from it--- cor than the-YEA pub- ua2 uplift it gives the few of us who 'are .'lie at ions . ne/ ' here. ■ Pfc w and Mrs. Due to the lack of Sunk. Katsunaga • :.:Harry Sakohira hi id'dhd st Chu rob , the Ann Arborf Mich. Gamp Robinson, reading natter dees ——— Little Rock wo.nier s as a substi- You- 'nust have , re—- —«—:—■— tuce. I think i t is . alined . how much we - Thanks a list for a srónd idea and hope ■miss the Sunday/ ser- the YBA Bulletin and i1' nay be continued « a-vices dra the veri- (c ont * on page 6) / A .SOLDifj Í \ JQeriiin c s à -thxou ah. -fi Bod Thank you for the wonderful came.to mind* ■ pamphlet sent, me recently by Funny how one r e nr e mber s thef Y BA. It * s nice- ■ of you little details of the church— ; Bussei to remember us in those such as the pictures hanging g hikes e '/ ■ ' there on the wall slightly The' religious ’material-•■took ¿screwy the -initials Wfe carved hp: back tô tho• days when wo.■ on the back of tie chairs while us'd to ' attend the sor/ices pretend ing to listne to the and take part' in the club me;—1 sermons,. ..and-the rain, -stains tivities back home--days which . on-the. wall paper. now seen like a dream to us. • ^e-s, it fs funny how these I silently hummed all those little things stand out in .our familiar songs •• and verses in 'minds* And while going through the gotha book» Yes, the rc,- the ' publications which I just terials were mod* I closed received, I find .myself saying my-eyes and once, again the ttNamu,yAmida But su" silently vision of our ChüroK "vividly to myself here .-'"on my G.I. bunk. Corp. Joe. Miyasaki X Fort Des.Moines, Iowa I Page fee ns on BUDDHISTS Bus sei Write Home (cent» fron page 5)' St. Shinran bouk. You don’t know how • happy I was to re-, ceive them and I am reading tbe^.publications everyday. My homesick feeling has beenrelieved tremendously when I read the publications, Teruo Tsuruoka Chicago, 111, At this time, I wi sh to express how thankful I was to receive the"gathaand service book. I have, en. 1 eyed the materials very much for it carried my thoughts back to the Br otherhood services « I certainly miss and I, are the only Bussei here. We did attend a few church, services a-r ound he rc, but t he y are really not like our own. You can see, quite easily just how much we appreciated the gift packages fborn back heme. Isako Kcrie. Nur ses’ Ros idenco Peoria, 111. You don’t know how much I miss going to tie Sunday School and thé Brotherhood service s • When Sundays arrive my thou ght s . u s 14a 11 y shift to the Center and* I wisho that I could visit there once more and hear the. Reverends’ sermons . fith gassho ~ WE THANK We wish to acknowledge the following pars on s. for their d one-t.ion in support of the Research and R e s 3 ttl e d Hone Program projects Pfce and Mrs. Harry Sakohira, Ifer u o T s ur u oka, Shunkichi Bgo_, ■ -Jut aka Kpbqri, Roy and Masano llkoda, Su'i Mat s unaga , Joe Eosoda* L I shall be glad to help my Church in any we. y s • Thank you. ve'ry much for all the reading materinIs• Tut aka ICobori Ann 'Arbor, Mich. my religion. Rose Negoro St. Francis Hosp. Peoria, 111. Sincerest thank s for sending me the Denson YBA Bulletin and- the g a t h a and service booklet. It seems as if we Densonians, Rose Ne-gorc , Shunkic’ ’ Hazel Wizusaki Washington, D, C. ■Jet,;, I believe that this is the first time an ox tensive program has been mapped out to cover the Brig 1 i sh . vor s i on of Buddhist Teach- c* V gill Shunkichi Ego p0r:yio< T.n ,. Your letter and the YEA publications were received with great happiness* We certainly appreciate-the work the Center Bussei are doing. f We shall be looking forward to the future publications. Sumi and kit sue Kamikawa Cincinnati, O' i 1 Denson, Arkansas TO 9 u ss El Page H MeJJacje ¿tom the Siikop MatóuLaqs W©# who place our faith, in "whole—hearted ' practice of ”mu— Ivlahayana Buddhism, are taurht tua 1 -bonefit that there must be the practice of ’’mutual-benefit’' in our daily lifes. ’’Mutual-benefit” means that a -.never ending endeavor on the part of the individual toward perfection m.ust be our aim on one hand and on the other that there must be an ever present desire in 'creating happiness for the sake of others; and, this is comparable to. a pair of wheels or to the "wihgs ,-cf a bird: in full flight • The path of the Bodhisattva in Mahayana Buddhism is in the AN EXTRACT ^hose,, whose aims are in just personal gain alone, they who believe in egoism are called ’’shemen” and are - looked upon as inferiors and scorned by the true followers of the Path, Americans of Japanese parentage, you, who are citizens of these United States of America and believers of Mahayana Buddhism lie in implicit loyalty' to the Stars' and Stripes under which you enjoy your livelihood# Therein must lie your honor as an American citizen and pride as Young Buddhists. WtiLj Ptatj ¿ox U/oz/cc/u ^ If ^ wi she a we r e h or se s , be g- he a 1th pr to cure disease we 0 an-gars might ride, * says an English not afford to ignore the princi-pr-vorb# When one,realize that pics .and facts of science; and wishes cann.t bo fulfilled so. if we would be rich or prosperously ns he would like then to ous, to should employ sound .bus i-bo, he gives way to the tendency ness methods. to have resort to any form of re- it is unfortunately true that ligion, established or new-risen, • for all one’s endeavors one may which claims to gratify his do- not always have one’s wishes sires by the grace of supernatjur— gratified, and nay even suffer ral beings. unexpected losses instead. Tnis may seem natural, but let But then one should be satis— us remember that oun worldly wish- fied with the thought that one es, so far as they are reason- has done fcneTs level best . ’’Thank able, can be legitimately ful— , U.f>d, I have done my duty,” were filled by our own striving. Lord Nelson’s dying words. Tn rur effort to scow© s our.i Pag1 q'8 Dans ori ÉUPDÉlST-S BUS SE I HE AR SPEAK PR Lillian Roberts on, ~—;-~—~-——;— working for Evacuee Hasettlement • in"St, Louis;, gave an interesting tall o', n outside c o flit ions at on informal Dussoi gather ing,eh* We dries-davfiLev, 24, k / nTiie se people who would d ,iv i d e ''the pe oplo of: -Amp-r 1 ca t o -day" •ro also being unpatriotic,1 - HAS H IAAOTQ R E PL AC E D Funiye Satoda replaced Jimmy Ilashi,-moto who is now r.Orlo c.ated in Davenport’, •I o vi a . as ; •Bu’db.ist Chui oh secret: ry, ' , ”'i? Pe op I'd. vr h o are prejudiced:'arcf proving- t hens-live s - both' lazy and ignorant when the y are.' swayo d by emotions' or-- ■’ permit others to form their opinions for them,n' She: further /added „ DI ST K i C T ■ Y BAs :(:conte.;' fr om page n) shiki'T - , •; Rev.. Korio C( “'Dea auso; of. the • 111- O to J w . we r io s s- o f' - thè .Re v « hi- z intani cf. Rohwef. Bue- 'hist Chui'ch. - .t h;o Reto - -Gyo’do Reno- '.has been - ■ -coni:;uting te '•Rohwur ev-ry woo Irò no -to take charge of,the Rchwer'huddhist Church 1 Brotherhood hervice I f r *7 S'! f c ^ 0/ C OC Chairman .• . affairs• : Tee.,.Rev«,Lone is expecting to resume ■his full duties here., from the first of the .year depending on the re c ove ry.. o fr'the .Re v, lizutaniv - • m Bov« 28, ',1943; N » efaro lints hi /■ Districts;-1;; and II' Wi 1£' s t a go their got -iryethef -.on Dec-* 1.0 T-t the USD House while Di shr Ic t s III and.- IV •will meet on Dec, 11 at Hall il . Bucldhish C>Hice -Lie Buddhist' office has been-finally e s— tdb Id -shod' in ' 2 8-12 -H with Fumi.S.ut.;pda't ' secretary,- in charge,. iriendship seciety,, t y, W orae n3 s . Lux i I i -ary and YBA offices CO cup’/ 1 hV? SaiOv. UP4 s Piane, solo,. . » , , • « _ «Lily Hagatani,.. j Meditati.cn,.: , . • T , . ,?:Yu'be .nò Uto" ' : ; 'As p jUrstt i ou’ » » ;■ -, « , ,0 « • Ch&irrnjr, ".. * Welcome ao-Gress > « , », * », , Cho.iman | Incenso pfferiugs- > . . ,-T'ak. Yamaguchi j ' . Etna Uve no - ' Gatha > . • nSyeet Hour. of. Le ditati onh.. Introduction of guest speaker , , , , - ; . , , * The Rev, George Ahi Comiàunity Christian Churoh .Speaker ., • ddrs » Esther Briesemeister National Y georetary ,. ... ./• Japanese: pìvision Violin solo ^ « • . * , ^Richard Eigashi' Anupuncoments . . , , • * c Chairnan Gatha nFarewellM Closing meditaticnu . « , , Gasshc YBA BOARD: NOMINATED FOR 1944 Twen ty -two new Bus -sei leaders were nominated to' run fo? 1944 YBA Board of Director s at the .board and representatives' meet in g h el ifr i day, Dec. 3, in Laundry 23. Total of thirty- fiv- persons were listed for election which avili bo held at the same place on Monday,' Dec. 20, at 7i30 p.m* Bach District will be required to send five, representatives to the election meeting* There will be no proxy voting* The fo 11 owin g -person s... we re n o m in a t e d for the Board : Edna Ify'en o, • Tomiko.Okuda, Kiy.omi Hdieimura,Dorothy Tan touchi, Ki-yosh'i Min ami, VMisa o ‘ Yumibc,Fuj iye Jitsu-r (cont. on page3) DENSON-BUDDHIST ■■ S’-- •_ — -c mmi • ; : P H r « m & y i m Éj 1 1 fnl V oi I, Ho* 4' Den son , Arkon sa s Dec.. 12. 1943 Auxiliary Hsars Dr. Collier Dr*. Collier,Con tor hospital head,' spoke to the. -Tomen * s Auxiliary group on 11 Siam” Saturday,. Dec .4, in Laundry 23* ... .... The doctor who.'had. spen t many year s in the .jungles gave many in tore stin g.*n oto s" of -the- S ia me s e Bu dd h i s ts an d their; rituaLs an d work. Me s dame s C h ic c Ta i-ra I an d.Terukc Yo sfai-ki will be co-chairman for the rnon ths of Jan • an d pc b * JOINT MEETS HELD OFFICERS DISTRICTS I -11 C ■ CO-SOCIAL At an. impressive candlelight; installation service,- the Districts I .and IX YBA officers were in sta 1.1 c d ?r i d ay> ' Dec i 10, in v the ITSO room with .Misao-Yu-mibc .-as, chairman . Board Chairman I(i-> yo m i Ha ka mura; ■’ r eacl the -path while the Rev.-Gyo'do Kond stressed the importance of e o operation and (cont. on page’4) INDUCTED JOINTLY Ten. officers of the District III ■ and IV YBA? wer o sworn in. by Board Chairman Ki-yomi Hakarnura 'in an in sp ir it . g can die I ight ceremony Saturday, Dec .11, in Hall 41 who re Tak Yamaf uchi 'served as chairman * The Rev. Gyodo' Kona was the m*in speck-er while .oshoko representatives we ic the six district chairmen, (cont* on page 4) Pa p-e Z Per, a on BUDDHISTS Day jot.- Enlightenment BodhirPay is the time attributed to when a human being as we are have attainedEnlightenment. through the Teaching of Lord Buddha# Un iv.er sally, the Buddhists throughout the world ' observe Dec. 8 as the Bodhi-Day for it was .on this day nigh 260Q years ago- that Qur Lord Buddha first Tound Enlightenment—freedom from selfishness,, hatred Q,ealousy and greed. The day when ,we human beings have learned fully the meanings of the Four Nable Truths and the Eightfold Path this'occasion will be our person 1 Bodhi-Day regardless of what time of the. year this happy event m£.y come. World is Vanity Fair Sakyamuni Buddha has said that we suffer because- we are igr. or art cf the trer. sier. cy of Life. Yes, how, truet The glory of the world is like a flower; it stands in full bloom in the morn ing and fades in the heat of the day# Wherever you go, wherever you lock, there On Nov. 28 and 29 the first Tri-State Bus se i Convention' was held it, Denver at which time the aggress ive delegation pushed through three ma^or re solutions * RESOLUTIONS Herein' are the major policies* 1* That Tri-Stàte back th' movement to create a North American Budd hism• 2 . That K ise i Rev-crends be stationed within the Tri-State •- 3 • Re c omrne n da tiens in reperd to the' sub- . Ject m.a t o r iai fo r sermons* OH TAB? * Whot wo would like , is rushing and struggling and an .eager pursuit of pleasure. There , is pan ic flight from pain and death, and hot are the flames of burning desires. The world is vat.ity fair, full of changes and transformations. The sooner we realize . that everything is forever brief and to know is what is this North American Seminary body and what is its func- (cor t. on pa*ge 8) S' 1 ~... '1 BUDDHIST fleeting, we have* gained one phase of the. Law of Cause at d Effect* Should we ever become'weary ard sorrowladen, should we ever give up self-rel£L-ar.ee and hope, let- us turn to the Nembutsu ïilLLETIN published by the Research and Resettled Home Pro- as a guidance to rur Salvation. gram committe e• ■-.» 3 «spj'n Yiïtn i"He Distribution Fusa ye Tokum et o , ÏBA v hr c ta 1 we If a re' cha irrnan , wa's appointed recently to assist the Oerter Ccm-m u n i t y Christian Church in a Centerwide distribution of Christmas ¡rifts- collected' by Y/omcm’s Code. of ..Ho a® Mission Cbu r-Cil of.Horth -Amer ica . Though/ the' Kerne Mission Council- is be in p: a ss isted by the va ri ou s Frr te s tant denorninatiiDh s, the American Brienda Service committee an d ' c g rta in o t he r a ne n -oies, the gifts are to. beu g iyen to all children here from the a me s of one to siri.becl- r e mardless of, their religious beliefs* Sorting- and -strapping of the packages will be done at the • Center Christian office,20-11-F, by the Buss ei and the Chris-tian girls. NEW YEAR'S SOCIAL PLANNED The annual YBA lie Yea r* s s oc ia 1 is set for Thursday,. Dec. 30, in Dining Hall 23 ' with 'Talc - Yapagu-c h i, B o ar d , soc ia 1 head, as genera 1. cha irman • A s s istin g Ya rnagn ch i in preparing for the affair are -Yoshiko Hoshil.cn, : prog ram; La sake- Yatabe , invitation; Iv im iye Eilea -ta, ref reshments; Minnie Euwahara, decora tion ; Ma sa o I ke -da and - Ken .Masudo-, a rrangemett s,an d - Ki-yo sh i. M in am i, f in a n oe. Patrons and patron - fv DEC. 30 esses for the affair -will be Mr. and 'Mrs.; E.B. Wh i taker, Mr. and Mrs *C «AV• Melton , an4 Messrs *Huno Arne, Byron S.Thompson and G»F Castleberry. BRING BROKEN ,'OJUZU' FOR REPAIR.. Re pa ir in p b r o ken "ojuzu” is another sc rv ic o r en de red by the Buddhist .office free.of charge« Pe r s o n s wh o ' w i s h to have the ir br oken s:t r in g, fixed may bilk g them to, the office, 28-12-S, any time. MORE ON YBA Board Nomination (cont. from page l) he,rap Kiyoko Makimc- ■ myo ,Mioh ik.o Kata oka , La it y H ik i J i, Su sum u I sh ilea iva, Tad Miyake, Mo rr is- Ya ma sa ki, LI i -chilco - Date, Gla dys Falca oka, Shi g Hitaba ta, Talc Ya mague hi, Char les N i sh i, Ta ro to, To sh io Kawamoto, Tone Sa to da , Lau xtx Yamaguchi,Fosayo Tc-kmn o t c-, Ha t s urn i Tía da, E im iye K ikuia , Pa t sy Fakamura, Grace Hi s'hi, Fu sa ÿo Ma t s u i , Te r ry C h on o, Lau ra 0 gava , Matsui, Yayo Machi- Lois Ycshinaga, ~Lor-gashira, Ayako Lo- raine Kuman.o, Yurilco r"uc h i, M i n r -i r ûr-g - En t suk i,S©m Sh intak u. Page 4 DISTRICTS TO MEET ' In th e th ir d in au -gural ceremony to be held with in a. week, the District V and Y'l YBA officers- will be installed Monday, Dec. 13, in Hall 3 9 with i:ich ik o Kataoka as «chairman • Oath will be adrni-n istereq by AyakoTo-gu ch i wh lie M in n ie Kuwahara will' be in charge of the prog rain* D-r. | DTS SOCIETY ■ - MEMBERS ROM VVER GUEST Yoshio Kiuchi, Vice cha irtnan , Torn Kamika -wa , sec reta ry , an d 'Fokumi Sun a da; of the ^uddhist Friendship See iety were off ic ial guests at tlie Ropwcr Re imei Ka i hakka i-sh'iki on Dec. 4. The group reported a successful event p§l d a pica sap t wee k-end visit. I n s 131131 i o n (cont. from page 1) Larry H ik Hi, Shi?* Iltakta, Toshio Kawamoto, Torniko 0 leu da, Mo rr is Yana sak i an d YoneSatoda an d Ayako Noguchi of the Den son YBA Beard of Direct or s • A rea ding was given by Bat sy N aka mu r M and L ily N ago to.n i so rye d as pian 1st. Following ihe service, en to rta i n m e nt and dan c in g foilowe a with Kirniy-e % ikuto an d Yoshileo Hoshike in charge. Refreshments. of so.n dwiches and t ea we r c served* Fumi and Misa Asa-kowa , Sarah . Kirnura ana Amy So saki ren -oe re d a .qua r t e 11 e numbor while in stru-mental selections we re g iv e n by Nc-r na r; Is H frooto.. Irene and Ednalshi-rhoto ar d June Ichiho did a tap dance. Officers installed were as follows for District III: . Toshio Kawarn oto, cha irman; Yo sh ik o Hoshiko, vice c ha irtnan j Tayo Mach i-ga sh ira , ; sec re ta ry; (cont* on page 8) MORE ON Districts I and 11 Convened (cont.- froia page 1) the responsibility of* the officers for a good organization. Oshoko representa-t ive s we- r c Charles Nishi and Mary Yama-da and Lily Nagatdn i served as plag- 1st. Ente rta in me n t was' supplied by . Ayako Kuru sh ir:n, a q c o r d la n -ist,and Miss Na g& ta -ni with Masho Ike, da in charge. • After re freshmen ts of sandwiches and cola, the - remain Je-r of the even ing was spen b in : danc ir £ tf-'fo Terry \ Chono as emceo • 0 f f ic er s In sta lie d were as follows for Distr let I: Larry Hi-k ij i;; ch a irrnan.j Ma sa o Ike da., vice cha irman t Lorra in e Kuman o', sc c -re ta ry j Harry HI raka -wa', treasurer an p Te rry C hon o, re 1 ig iou s cha irman *’ ’ Distr ict U cabinet •mernbe r s a re Sh ig K i-tahata, cha i rman ; Ila-sako Yatabe , v 1 ce cha innan ; PU saye Oza -ki , secretary; Charles N is hi, treasure r,and Mar ie I sue* |1 re lip ip.pis cha irman .. FOUR Ls Pa g¿ 5 Denson , Arkan sas' : Û / // /7 / LIGHT, LOVE, LIFE, ISudahbt ù>waiHka-~ and liberty The ^udcihist swastika is the olde st - -of geometric symbols on the earth • It not-copie d from* the German,s r.rr does -the svmbo I in dicate a ey.cr onect ion s between Japan ese Buddhists ar. .d German s* Buddhists have a say in g that the tur ring of the wheel -of Law will crush all- that is wrong• The wheel spoken of is the re* ligirus syrn'bol from which the swastika! or four-foot cross is derived • ' ■ , ■* d The -swastika-' represents -th© four Ls of Buddhism**'-Light, Love, L ife ar. d Liberty. In San skr it the swast lira - meat, s Afortunóte” and that is un ive rsa lly accepted as a p re sen tmen t ar d" promise of good luck. In ore form or another this much discussed emblem has been use d as a symbol of welfare from ear ly- times * It first. appeared' in ■> the bronze, age’ and occurs irn Swiss lake dwellings. Some. s.c ho la r s so c: in the swa s-tilea a . solar symbol« A-Iso it ha s be en variously in ter p ret e d as .a-wind symbol, the earth symbol and an emblem of .productivity. .. ? It has been '.derived by some from the cross, by others from the circle; it too hag been regarded as an evolution from the 1 otu s. peta 1 in- a rob itecture #an d as a mystic design* . From- this ’ it would, appear that Hitler and his / millions, seeking gain for their arms,, favc. r an d • fortune, » have adopte d the universal good luck talis-mar of the ancients^apd that a Gispky of’ swastika-, by other or -a n iza t ion s an d' r e 1 igloo s:- doe s. not imply either connection with, or adherence to Nazi principles-». ' --Rev.» Kenryo Kumata MARKED DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TWO fit )00> ¡ r — ¡. tJ 8¡ 1 N A Z f i n~~ -trsv- The distinct 'difference be-, twe-e-r the Buddhist -and, the Nazi' swastikas' is the direction in which the four Ls ro- 't/eX "fc O rs In the Buddhist insignia (the Ls revo Ive clock-wise wlàle in the Nazi sign they turn counter clock-wise. Page 6 ' pen son BnilFIil/] .! r<~T-/- / y). , ’ ktv. filial /-letu kubose «All men, an d women can live happy by the love and kindness of a kind father - and merciful mothe r w h o re are d * t hem;‘ the kindness of a father is higher than the mountain . and the Icye of-a :mother is deeper-than the ocean**1.;• This.- i s a cuotation fr-em the.sutra, Shinjikangyo. Buddha teaches us that filia 1 piety -is;- one of the most important things in- life . We really feel parental love when we. ; part ,from our parents. Nowadays, many young; people leave- the-.center for the first time, to -.work for themselves • And for- the first. . time they realize how.much their parents mean to them. ... RE VINO'S ADVICE OVEN The- Rev. G. M. Kubose of Hea rt Mo u n ta in, who se a rt x'C le or ** F i 1 ia 1 P io/ty** appe a' r s on this.page, gives the following important odv'ice 'to all';3ussei leaving the Sen- * ter: Take good care of yourself; write to your parents as often as possible, at least cnce a month; asscci-' ate with good friends; do cot forget the nNembutsun, and from time to time send something to ycur parents because parents are more than happy to receive anything, n© matter how tri- j vialifrem their children. When we . a re. liv in g to ge the r, we. oftentimes think that our parents arc to strict', and we become d isgu st e d with them* But when we lea^e them and take the responsibility of living by ourselves, we realize the benefit of every* 1 ittle advice t ha t -cur pa rep t s have g iven us. It is said from ancient times that- a man. whc has no spirit. of filial piety 'will never succeed. When we' think of our parents,, .w c very seldom ■ g o wr on g * v As. good sols and daughters of our parents an d as good children, of Lord Buddha, let us remember: |Good of all good is the filial piety, and bad of .all is the disobedience to one ’ s parents .** AN EXPLANATION ■ . /Jitvana --rev. n. TSUNODA :■ Nirvana, the ultimate goal to understand. No other concept in -which al.t Buduhists aspire, is a Buddhism has been so mis in te r p r e -; state which is very diff.iculp ted as this term. Nirvana; thus,' for the -finite mind of man to (cent, on page 7) MORE ON W 71/ ana (cor t • fro in page 6) a completedly c rror eöus ine& of cur religion by many has beer the result* The ward, Nirv&na, is Sanskrit5, mean ire at: ihilation end extinct-ir n., tbe ext in c.t ic n o f a 11 lu s t, baser passions and -desire;* It is the state' of min d in which gra sp in.g (upa dan a), error . (k ile-sa), an d th ir st (tar r a) a re t r me re • . The Lankava ta r* Sutrc i d! cos -er ibe s N irvur.a as fc IIqws: wThe Tathagata’s Nirvana is where there is no mere thirstn,e>r grasping, is whe re there is no mere attachment to external things* U irvana is where the thinking m ir d with it s Jiscr im ination s, attachments, aversions, and etro- Denson, Arkansas Page 7 - - REV. N. TSUNODA ism is fqrever put away * , Sven*, from this explaratien j. we see that it is a far.cry from nihilism; it is not a negative state, although it is described in n eg at ive te rm s • However, in Mahaysna thought the .concept of Nirvana gains a • epe r, mo re pc s it ive. s ign if i-cance as we see in a further passage from the--Lankava tar a Sutra ? nN irvana is the realm of Dhar-mata-Buddha; it is -where; the manife s ta t ion of Noble ¥isd o .a that is Budelhahocd expresses-itself in Perfect Lcve &r all, it is where the manifestation of Perfect Love that is.Tathagatali or C expresses itself in Noble Wisdom for t he En 1 ightenmen.t- for all; — the re , in de ed , is N irvana# ..ae. B bn ;i>iici Bull Pen Wi< h cassho tions?from WE THANK YOU i TJhy should the ’Ni-sc i Reve re n d s- bo *s to. -tinned with in the Tri-State? ETTBRESTECG NOTE At the same confab the Rev, K* Kumata who y/a s delayed en-route from Ogden gave A report on the National YBA headquarters activity, LOST . The. Rev©repd. was supposed to come to this Center . around August' to report on the National head— qu arter s act iv ity • * Both he an d the r e-. port must be slightly delayed en-route td: Arkan sa s * DfSfRlCTS ni~!V (¿onto from page -4) Edha Vy en o s tr ea surer, ap d■La ura 0 gawa, religious chairman* District IV officers are Tomiko Olcuca, chairman; Kimiye Ki-kuta, y ic e cha irman ; Yurike Katsuki, secretary;. '.Tad Miyake,, tr ea sur er an d pat sy •• ■ Naka mu ra , r el ig ioU s chairman • The Den son YBA wish-'es to'thank the following persons for thé generou s donation s r ece ived d ur in g the period from Nov* 29 to Dec. 10 . for the furtherance of the Research and Resettled Home Prpgram- Committee i Mr* and Mps. John Nakagawo., Co lumbu s , Nori Masu da ,Detroi S/Sgt. George M* Nishi, Camp Shelly. • Kikuye Ego, Perrys-burg, Ohio C c rp« a n d Mr s V Tom Kayjo.no, Fort Custer > Akira Yokom i, Keep -esburg , Colo* f# iW?M -f) ;|ï ft T r- _ V-4 % Jy « zM- 'fiioytam : BROTHERHOOD SERVICE Decc 12, 1943 Chairman . * . . .... . * . Taro Matsui Meditation' * . . . . * . nYubewno Htatt sp 1aaoion *•••'**» . , Chairman In con so offerings *. . . ..Charles Nishi ;• ; . Ayamc Marubayashi; Three.Homegos * * • Rev* Qyodo Kano Hatha • ...•••• nSh in shu ShukaM Sp rmon . ... ”N irvara Thru Ch ar ity” .. . ‘ Rev• Keno Vocal solo • • • • • • • * * ^Because1* Yosh io Mura sako Announceuen ts Closing .address .*■ ...... Chairman * Gatha ... ... . * . . . . M0n uokusaJh d ita t ion • •• . . • « « .Qa s sh o ■ H NEW BOARD. ELECTED. INSTALLED SIXTEEN MEMBERS PLEDGED NEW LEADERS- AT" Installation ceremony augment * The newly elected Jon. 16, at I0a.ra.in officers of the Deris on Dining Hall 23* I BA BOARD YB'A Board of Directors Oath will be admiris-will be installed at tered by Harry Sbira* a candlelight ceremony mizu,. editor of the during the Bussei Eo- Tribune an-d member of Onko service Sunday, the Kcyukai. DENSON BUDDHIST At the Denson YBA Board of Directors election -‘meet which was heId,Monday, Dee. 20, in Laundry 2 3 ., five new Bussei le&d- crs » L a r r y Hikij i , Shig Kitahata, Minnie Kuwahara, Charles Nish i and Tone Sat o cl a,-tve re sc Ic etcd to serve- Vol» I, Ho » 5 Don son, Ark, Jam# 17, 1944 President's Ball Set Xmas Gift Distribution Comm nded Thousands of gifts received from outside individuals and organizations were wrapped and- distributed to the Center- children during Christmas with the Denson YBA members assisting the local BUSSEI BACK PARALYSIS DRIVE AS the first major Bussei social of- the year, the YBA will sponsor a ’’President’s Ball” on Jan* 27 in Dining Hall 23 with Tak.Yamaguchi in charge. The proceeds of the affa ir will be- c c nt ri -buted to the annual infantile paralysis drive• i on -the B'bard for the ■coming 1944 term. Before their appointment Hikiji, Kitahata and Satodo served as chairman in District’ I, II and VI respectively while Mi nn ie Kuwa haxa serve d as secretary in District V and Charles N-ishi, treasurer in District II. Kiyomi Nakamura and Ayako Noguchi who served on the Board sinoe the formation of the YBA were reo.Ideted to serve for another seme st f • let us not forget t hat i t w as?: religious intolerance th&tdaidéd ih peopling the North “American continent anti that - thé right to profess any religion (as long "as it is not cohtrary t o the welfare o f the nation) is one of the basic ideals- of deraocraby* --Barry Saiki, ex-Rohwer YBA OUR INTEREST ^ ■ Lias in Action In regards to the activity of the National ’YBA hbad^uarters, wë are: interested in action and not in lip service • V >. '' ?"With?" ,,îîat>i'u'';Am‘lda Bûft t su” p n the ir. lips, ■the Shins bus , ge ne rally of the Nishi Hon gwanji, grate ful ly. r e pc- at t he Nembutsu o n ; J an. 16 at the ^Ho-Onko” service t o. express their "He art f e It gr £ titube t o' the!r. pâ-t'r i arch Saint, Shinran Shonin, ;:’who. survived through th:c; five ; stage.s of so r rows and: s uf feri ngs ,.to. deliver the teaching's of thn-ijaidadN’yo-rai to the ;coramcn poc-| pie • ' ;; •'s; V ■d ’Under the', hew calendar, this date i s the anniversary, of the death of St* Shinran w h p . live dr to, the ago* of 90Ih the thirteenth century to preach-the Gbspdf o f ¿imida 1 “ûtd t h e e s sen ce p f the Nembuts u • - , ,. - . , . - • Shinran Shonin,; who found; the :Shinshu sect in Buddhism underwent t h e following ;flv e stages o f - s uffering and sorrow* I- - At t he. age of four he lost h is mother; a nxd soon after, h is ' father* p a sied away, (cent • a.n.pagc- 6) Pase 3 O En To Ol St ^ O V. C. IctYif»'.£*/*îfa » V*»' W ' p vw '<»* Vy ■ W*v> - Car1''-' K rtCf^vH" po. _ A ft 61 *dfeek' s\ in lota) church Kikuo OgaWa,' former b-Fi'e ” pré va i ll n g influé .Denson' YBÀ Board s-hanr • en?.oe epldemde :t? B'Un:d.a*y, inari' how working as' '•an : servi ce i'... wH liter ro“.-- •ele'c.tr icic n in C levé-: sunk d i é n . u ;lahd, .enepuraghd -choy 3 0 h : b d'.-f 3s. e ’t j à b îhg1 11 be a 1 Bus s e i ~n ’ ■ C:a et y : ' On*’ in a récent ’ let .-.i-r- ohis 'weclj'« , • . -nid’;' ¡: i • i . + ‘ ^ r ''¡.J *.... to the * S'faf b. ■ - k ' § ■*’ : fs » j (* ’ ^it rs haV‘d 'h6':reC » 9 i C#1 ialize■ thé>trûé rmmn-* ( ; A\ h i IA .; ( cor t.. v.f;.r cm p • CA J • ihg„ of ;the 'Sp'i’ritual ohe kie-oSr -'lof 1 ; e^iidr.tid n, ’ he ligidn, épbpè’ratièn fïom some : uriti1 â s udderi•change 50" Büs’ée i^.' -members ¡ut» - CjL^appca.n; was ;• voiced'by toelnaHy Bus-* sei holiday vijfjt6is4 from the outside* vrfio hacl, anticlp-ated..ati* ten d.i ng B uddhist. ch urch j s-ery Ic e s • d ur in g.. t h eir r-,6p e:n t.;va c at ion a f " in the Ce nte r • i occurs: * in ;bur 'life---« 'trah é ié noy,!t - h è wr otd • in pa ht.. ' ,p- "-•* • ‘ \ ~’’Most' " of’the held-1 •Ewd-b'li u :s s e Ï 'havia found that it rc qu ire s more than court|e• to live ' in this' tibr i d of tfobf li ct « ■ ; Th at4 is wh y ifforO than't ver vie n ce à the g uidh n be -o f - Am Ida wrapping TOn*d' Butirig- ;:-thê’-« ’présenté BudShb «•' -!" i /■' ■ rfb ",’’¥e; Vha 11“' depend bn you to f-ertinue sen dr i rig-us' reading mat* r.ia 1 it 6m t line tb' ..tj mtu for. the< s ake of-furthering B uddh'ism' Ine-Amc rdc cj, TT-ikUre cobblude'd* . • *£. ¿■vRO AC }CMÊNT£0J 'from page 1) Dorothy TanTguchi,. Ri--yosh.^ Minamiy ' FufeaCo Ma tsu'j, Tak'Tam'aguchi, Mich'iIp” Daté3 and'Misao YumiBc\ 3f : VACAtfCiSS FILLED ”3 Fo 1 loira si’’ the "P:! ac- tion , vacancies created 'î oh ” th e /-B o ar dby the departure of Kiyo--shi . M i ham i s. a n:d Sh i g Kitahata '‘”we:r_e filled By Fus aye Tb^um-oto , Tom iko Qkuda an à Mo pri s Yarr^akik >•■k- •* T.., - emmenas witbf outgoing ^Soc^aJ. Welfare Chairipan./. F-h-, ¿aye* To.k. ttr m ; ; $ » t pff ■; i n charge » jvf* hjs' yJrl t-Va ee nt ly. • r .e'B -e ri-'v-^ 4 .% letter of. apprecist-ipp f r om -th e • Rev*. Sh i ^ p s p hJL Kanowof thg1 rÇhristian Church ^which read as follov/p-:;, s - ”1 wish-*—to .thank you end yourifrolrp /fb£ the £ p,le n did coope r a -•tibn,. in helping mtp t hé C enter ’s. -, Ç h r istm^s gift* disirpBution #, 1 : : i3lY o ur gro ^). un de r your .very fine leader.“ .ship epaBl:®!-, vn . to n ave .everyth ing-’ re ad y (ae p Je n ne d « I. wpjul d .apprec iate. X-1 r V.yc ry .much if you will p.lease px te nd my mo.s t s in ce re thanks . to all. those who. assisted#'*. . Page 4 Buddhist BULLETIN ——f 1 Letters From Our Bussei NORI It1 s been five months since I loit’t the Center and I thought I’ve lost all contact with the Bussei# To my surprise I ws s not forgotten* Thanks to the active members of the JDen-son YBA. The committee- that published the publication really deserves a big npat on a back” a n d I do hope that they keep up the good w ork* Nori Masuda Detroit* Mich* MARION- I want to thank the YB A for remembering me I n sending t"h e, Bussei p ubiicatiohs* I am always looking forward to them* It’s a funny thing, but while I was living back the re* in Denson, I used to" take Sunday School and the Brother h pod services f o r granted , but since resettling and with no Buddhist churches I really do miss the T u s s e i fellowship, the sermons and the #activities* I*m hoping that someday soon we sha 11 be able to hold our services here in Chicago* too* Marion Nakatsuma Chicago, 111* SABURO, AKIRA, CEORCE, HIROSHI We w o u Id like t o commend the entire staff for extending -< Bud d h i st teachings to the relocated Buddhists which wo consider a great achievement * Enclosed is a small contribution s o that you may'further- continue your great work in keeping, the former Denson Bussei from forgetting the teachings of Lord Buddha * Baburo Okiraoto,Akira Hirahara, Gearg e Okimoto. and Biros h i ■ JTi inoo Minneapolis,. Min,n> * NORIKO I- certainly have ' > appreciated tbe- many .lettc.rs and pamphlets • I have been receiving REV. Z. OKAYAMA May I take this opportunity i n extending to you my heartiest be± wishes for the new year* I have gratefully acknowle aged your calendar made bythe YBA and thank you very much* I certainly appreciate the wonderful work yo u are d o ing for the furtherment o f gj our religion* I extend ray highest commendations to you and my sin-cerest best regards to all the YBA members* Rev* 2* Okayama Bep uty Bishop, Buddhist Churches of America Topaz, Utah fro-: thr Y&A often* U cyrs.. frm Dr. n s cn a u t, s~ such a nrr.u nt of peace * and security in our -life' far away from cur loved ones* Words cannot express my thanks to the YBA fbr thinking of me. I an proud to be a Bussei, Norike Eoshiko Cbiulnbus, Ohio m - *■ f \ REV. H i ¡' s_/ Hay I extend ny New Y-c ar greetings and good health to you all. I wish to thank the YBA for thfe very useful calendar recently re ce ivc d. please rest assured I am in the best of health and have had an enjoy ab 1c New Years* Rev* Yoshio Hi no Hissuola, Mo nt• (Formerly of Tiahiawa BongwanjiO ah u) Page 5 MR. AND MRS. tfc wish to thank the YBA for remembering us* If there is anything wo can do for the Bdddhist Church in Denson, we will be only too. glad to help in whatever way we can. Hr. and Mrs* John B akagawa ^ Columbus, Ohio NOBLE The publications which yo u send us from time to time h ave n a d e u s feel that we are with you oven though Buddhist church service is not available here. Hob le 1 YCe lcawa Detroit, Mich* WI ï H We Thank You The Denson YBA wishes to thank the following persons for their generous donations received during the period of Dec. 13 to Jan.12 for the furtherance of the Resettled Homo program: Horiko Hoshiko,ColumbusjHideto Tokunoto, Marion Hakatsuna, Chicago; Sumi and Mitsue Kamikawa, Cincinnati; Kikuo Ogawa, Yoshrto Geo. Matsufuji, Arthur Mizusa-ki,Cleveland; Saburo Okinoto,Akira Hirahara, George Oki-rnoto,Hiroshi Hiino, Minneapolis;Dr. George Miyake,Parowan, Utah jHoble Mackawa ,Detroit; Pfc. llasaru Abe, pfe • and Mrs. Harry Sako-hira, Camp Robinson, and Takashi Inouye, Bridgeport, Conn. FORMER Board Member In another letter received by the YBA recently,Takashi Ino-.uye,former Board member now a carpenter in Bridgeport, Conn., writes in part: nReceived your glen -did 1944 calendar with the Buddhist dates, and I can assure you it was most appreciated* HAlso many thanks for the various religious publications I have been re cc ivi n g from time to time. ISheneverl r<©ad through them it surely gives me a spiritual uplift and guidance in these Writes chaotic tines • ’fortunately New York City is only an hour e,nd half ride by train, so occasionally few of us Bus soi here in Bridgeport have been att c n d in g th e B ud d h i s t church services there* It certainly is good to be among your,own religious group'.. ' ”1 ho’pc you mil'continue your splendid work of contacting- the relocated Bussei so that even if Buddhist churches are not available here,we may still have the B. ud dhist teachings sent us*” Page 6 Buddhist BULLETIN NOTES ON MEMORIAL , For the.,, bene fit of the Bus sei fruits and; sweets* A ,:howav or--mejnbers who-have not. had“ the. dp- sors, on is de livore d - b>r the of fi* .learn the traditions, dating* rove-rend so t hat. th e of our religion, we"take ’ this, gathered ' ¿rieftds ga a y take; W Is ;. rrioans...-to'' emit the ex pin nation opportunity t o furt ho r. their, fjor ; one of the .. iqcs.t common an d' knowledge of the. teachings o f mcjSt cpnceroing^cpstons ;of all--:, the Lord Buddha, the. ^hDji^^ rdrjnmorlai service” • Monetary offerings nade by the the, deceased* -1. • / , ' - ’ , ' .inmediato ;.fa wily rn epb or a to, ,' I /Such"a service is usually 'Held various organ isa-t ions and chisïehs, by thp., friends. and .relatives of ' .tc*; -at s u,ch a- time, is gi%re n the, ;deee.ase,d to impart' comfort" ah' 'eharityl so that the se-..offer-, an d.r^^iabpfahoe' as, rtkuycu b*r ‘ihgs'can likewise be used t b offering to those be lové a members .propagale .the teachings of the wke-htav-f.*• -passo& -on.-., tc*Jj4r.v&iiyg,_ \^ . Great One . f; ■;*. , "AA\ Ç-,pA *#ithin the Center wftus s e i Li^Vttl&itional .scheÜile fo'r ' have to e ur avails the services _ these'niernorial. services'runs as. cf the Reverb ads’ ;‘inf perjToriHng:'’*' follows Ì- r^During .the -first., seven .. at such an occasion, but to ;thos6 Weeks -following . the death; ,ob-Buss©! who ' hàvé' relocated whdre se rvat io ns are held on the.. 14th,-: there Va,re 1 pc Buddhist churches*’ 21stj . 28th,,35thy 42nci and ..the., jd'u r" alternative suggestion d's ' 49th'day v The ; next-memorial is. t-h a t- ò'hef'n^shrve^thè held on the 100th day,. . . through si lent j^é diation'* ' ' -, - '},The rema in der . of. the year lv . Where a . .complete' service cé- h. ;'r.emor iàl' ' anniversaries-;gaps : a s be* |»bTd, Vsually 'there 'are ^Cteoi- 1 fallows^ 1st, 3rd, 7th] 13th, haerno'h'e11 ór' tasty'1 offer ito gè ‘o'f 25th, 33 rd and. the 50 th-ye or . ■tíü-OMQ (çcpt* from page 2) -- . . net ' Honon Shonin who taught his iihèh ^ ht was ’> nine' years o Id he disciples that cue can be s av e à entered ''priesthood with h'ope's ' by haying completo, faith inA-rnida /that^ ^è ^oùîiÎ f i-p d Salvation«* Nyorai-afidby repeatedly reciting-, ^He suf£ered fbr tWebty'nint years the:'Nenbutsti a.s expression , o* f; "4n Jhf. s' ' habitat in' lit* fciy&i- for- - gratitude* for. the wbnderf til pcs*, hq-diad not ?..f o.und enHg.hfcctonenf. ' ' sages received, However, ’j q -on .jQè his . twenty-n inth ye art ^'her ^ (cort; ■ paoe 7) BimM MORE LETTERS REV. KYOCOmm \ 1 i appreciate.. . .your remembering - me, and thank you., for' ypur gift —. the beautiful aa.d thrughtful calender which. Jy as a.;B ud-dhis t, ■ h a -ve- ^waited* for so long# :i f | "Living; ip -fetters in the Center,4 I feek Denson, Arkansas Page 7 TRI-STATE ŸBA A 1ett e r r eceiy€ d fromoj'^rnîîiiè ..K&h^boio'V^ Longmont,. Cc lp*,, pres i-dr.rit of the Tri-St at e; TBA Leaguc. 'embyiàcing' Co lor ado^^t/ynm ing an d. K eb ra’ska-, - re a - as-vfhklews(y, ;; VK')- OH "I wish to thank .yc,u Denson YBA for * the to 1c giJam ferqe iVéd tür'-' ? i à j Indir repei nt ]Bénfaer, top fere nee ; an c! also for -the var ious pub li--catif ns'.'recòived • : "The League confer-. e he r. ’ se i*ve d p s'. an' in -spirotir n to rejuvi-n a te , ‘ chapter act ivi r . - (eott* »cr. .page 8) ' a 1L the-mo re : c oli gth c r fer the Light rf the of long ’hours of re-'' : outfit uadi d g* The C'-m-. Buddha ..guards us .f.r r- search# T h a is; k, you ; pilatith is "in clearly . e-Ver *" very much ’ for . sep.d- i un^derstandcble language 1 . Rev* I * Kyr^oku ihg. me one* If for any il is e i;* "* * / : ( - > .Trp.feZ, Utah Lhat "topi rten ,ed. me it really commend tie MESA BUSSE 1 even more? J sx . is., the work “done , especially Vcaily ‘ '.insj » ire d hforìc 1 when , the,deed.is the I Ÿéur .calendar ’ \ s c ile ye r .7 and ra u$ f have been the acctrou 1st ion of théîXBiffiv ythç pern-phlet oh. St..Shinranrs life ¿nd teachings is .. I ■■■ .1 .■.inni.. A,.. ,...^.■■■■..1—, i I.. I greatest•* V ; ..' ‘ Sanford iSato. CONTINUATION y \ $cont* from page 6) afterward the ruling mo n aroh btapn.ed ,thp,.practice\of the Ncmbu-tsu and thereby exi led both ■Hon én Shonin and Shir-rat Shcnin.-# '‘ : After. St*.■ Shiprsh was released, for ,a period of twenty years he tjread thè herrpins of Échigo prov- * $nce in rain, mud and snow* After sixty years of his .absence from. His boni'town,, Kyotof he returned only to find that he and his teachings pf^ Amide . and, thetNerobu*v isu were for'gptten ..Although hie remaining, years seemed dark and ■ hopeless, he continued to carry on the practice of tho^Nembutsu.' Depth,- worry, cxiioy 'physitm 1 ' ha rdship. * iand;lone- line ss Sh in ran.. Shon in .suffered to propagate Bud-. .djiiSQ; to ihe connoR. people* .1, , f?$r his comp lete Fa ithTip % $£,r for his undaunted spirit to pass, on ^ 'thè • TaaOrh ings, .(apd for '' h is \ paramount »unself i s h h e s ij th e Buddhistsj o f, the. Shi hsHu.séct * thank the-.Great Master on "HprOh-ko" Day* " ’ *' , t \ (The.Shinshu members generally pf the .Higashi .Hongwahji obscrve , "Ho -Qnkoi : on NoV • 2 8 wh ich .is under the bid calendar*’' . '* \ pago 8 COPIES MAILED Calendar Proj As, one of the major p r o j e c t s undertake by the YBA' for the winter., months-, -1200 copies of the Buddhist calendar were made: and distributed throughout the. ccan try. wi th 900 B uddhist BULLETIN M j yAKg _.W | YA TROTH HELD ect Success **}**<*•& •George Miyake, former YBA ter and' free zone YBA' Board member, and Yo«*- chapters, * and , to all Buddhist ministers in the United States: 'HO-OMK0' SERVICE Chairman . • shiko,, Miya, also of this Center, are now' living in Pa rowan, Utah, * T ». *"rr'-" ■ IL"i \ Ll innm_rij«. iiu. Boy* Kawamoto' copies being, absorbed within the-'Goeter*... Complimentary copies were/sent by the Rer-settled . Homo. Program Committee., a s Î! ew Year greetings :to the relocated Bussei. member s and , servicemen '9- Cen- CHAIRMAN WEDS ffishio- Kawamoto, Dis-tr icfUrYBÆ ôhaîrfnâfâ;" aftd Tomoko Yatabe, formerly active member of. .the, Sonoma. Enr.an ji YBA, Calif*, were mar-*; r ied -on-Ja.n . 7. TRI-STATE ~ (oqnt. fror pdje 7) : t ies and in c en t r ai-Northern Colomdothere-,:* are five Y®A organ i-z a t io;ns which have gone all but to sched«* ule inteiithapt or services and sccials "which will keep our members busy till Spring..” Opening meditation . i . . MsbiguzciganM Lily Nagatani, pianist Jyuni Rat. *. . Revs. G. Kono and Ti.Kouehi Osihoko" representatives v Board;of Directors\. . Michiko Kataoka District I * * f • . . • * Terry Chono District II* * • . »• . :♦ Marie Izumi District III • .. . * . . Laura Ogawa District IW>. • ► • • patsy N-akamura-District. V « • • • • • * Takao Matsuda • District VI* ; 4 . • . : , -.A Ch£kora Masai ; Johwer YBiL . .. . . Allan Hagio Bervic^rieh .> f * Pfc *' Barry S.akoh ira Gatha* * .. . . "¿t.- Sbihrdnn ', ' ' V v ’ (Page 18) Pledge • * •• •••*•**• Rev .Kouehi Installation ceremony* Board of Directors Lighting of*candles. . . . . 'Rev. Kouehi Administration of oath • Harry Shirsmizu Chairman’s address . . . Kiyorrii-Nakamura Address* . * . . ... . . . Rev*. Kouehi Gotha * • • • * * * * *. • "Eo-Onko no UtaM' ' (Page 42) Scripture reading . * * ■* » * Misac Yumibe Sermon, "Reverence of St. Shinr-n”, Closing address ... • . Gatha . • . . . •* » . » # Closing mod itatioh. ... V .-Rev. Kono . . Chairman • "Nersbutsu” » « .Gassho • * a YBA FUTURE DI SCUSSION HELD To discuss problems were Dr. P. rubber of and n ot impossible, regarding ro$ettler.ent Sa It Lake C ity and th at Buddhist activi-an d th e Bussei’s po si - Ke ndell Smith of Rr ck- ties can - be carried o n tion on the outside, ford, 111. * , effectively among the the* members of t^e ^ Both aut-ho rities resettled members/* it Board of Directors met expressed deep interest was said. -with the..visiting TRA in iiie furtherance of How well we can es-Ite location Team on «fen* Buddhism and saw es— tablish'ourselves re-20 in the Community peoial need for reli- , ligirusly 7, ill depend Activities .building. gion after relr.catirn,. crthrw well we can'sell The gaest speakers ,fItls very-probable, (ornt.rn page" 8) Vol» I-« Ko. 6 Dsnson, Arkansas Feb» 13, 1944- SHIN RAN HONORED The Rohwbr YBA Hr-Onko service was;..haid bn Sunday morning Jan • 23, in observance 0f 681st an n i v ersaiy of the death of St* Shin-ran, founderofthe Shin Sec t, of the Rohwer Buddhist Church* Sato mi Chikaraish i served as a chairman of the service. Grace Hi shi rcpro,-sented Den son YBA during the incense offering. As guest spealee r (cent , on page 5) BOARD PLEDGED AT HO-QNKO The new ly -o lec ted officers of the Denson YBA Board of Directors were in stalled at a candlelight ceremony during the Bussci Ho-Cnko Service cn Sunday, Jan. 16, in Dinirg Hall 23.^ A capacity crowd witnessed the imprests! Ve rites. Folio wing the pledge , Re - elect e-d Chairman (rent, on page'3) DISTRICTS SLATE • JOINT EVENT The District VT YBA will be host to District I at a social on Sat*, Feb* ID, from 7p*m. at Rèc» Hall 28. Thrse on the preparation committee arej Decoration, Shigeko Ma suda, cha irman, Te-rul:r Hatsufuii, Yukiko Iiirane, Hiyofco Kunita-ke, Nori Masuda. and Tom Nakagawa; il fre sh-ments, Mary Ni sh.i, chairman, BisakoMitsu-(ccn+-.. on page 5) Page: 2 j ; v . £ / :< .Buddhist BPLLETIK BUSSEI SPEAKS - Experience Gained ’ Few "docks ago I came Gaelc.fror. a visit to Columbus , Ohio • While there I was fortunate in being able to stay wisth-~a lady who had studied Buddhism. Her hCfsbanO-., Ca.pt. Fredrick Wa B in hi, had teen. uistei*e-d as *n Buddhist by the Bishop V• imamura of Hawaii* On meeting such a learned.Buddhist person-ality,, I could not help but regret in not having studied- the Teachings of the Lord B ud dha'-ino re' tHbr b' Ugh'lyv -”*•>•*;/ v . - -Sumiye' J it s-umyo /CHAIR'S. MESSAGE ~ “ *\ "LETUS RESOLVE TO DO OUR SHARE" 2 remember one colMl-c h ikr- Kataoka, re li- .girus programs; Fusa-ye Trkumr tc, Tcnikr Okuda, Sunday Schools; Fusakr Matsui," s-utra class. Tak Yanaguchi, pub -iicatif n s ; Ayako Noguchi, resettled Horae program; Misac Yumibe, projects; Morris Yarna-zaki, athletics; Minnie Kuwahcra, socia 1 welfare, and Yene Sato c!a., social f une tiens . The Rov. Gyc do Kcn o serrar afzcd on "Rever-/ / a nee of St. Shin ran " fc 11 twin g the installât! cn while the Rev. Tad ab Koùchi lad in the. pie ^ge * Li ly Na-gatani was the pianist for the occasion*. Roy Kawamoto served as general chairman of the combined Ho-On-ko service and installation. The Buddhist Bulletin was distributed to all members present• at the service.. ...... 1 Page 4 ; Buddhist BULLETIN Outside Bussei A PRIVATE PENS OF PAST Donate Reminded.' cf Ms past, Bu s s^e i' act i‘V ities through pubiications received regularly from the Benson YBa.,ShIn;j i Togashi> formerly of vate in the United States Arm y at Damp Shelby, reminisces of the'^good ol* days" ’ in the following letter. "Hello.- friendd Sure am glad to know that you Bussei sre keeping' the fire burning« "I’ve always been a religious kick myself *• days up t o fourteen years of, age* .. ’ _ ; " I was a member of the Junior YBA and then the Senior« My father and I were'members of same club' at one time with Dad serving as president* Later the .younger ones took over and I was olocted ■president* At the outbreak of the war I was serving a s treasurer of our YBA. Holiday Candy .• During the holiday season goner ou3~ amount of candy was distributed to several hundred Sunday School' chil dr on through the courtesy of Gladys Yoshikawa o f Cincinnati, and Toruo Tou-rueka and Harry Mura-snima, both of Ghicago* The s p ir it .of "giving. as yxanifosted b'y these former local Bus so i members is sincerely appreciated* Hawaii and now a Prf - ■ the "In 1959 wo had our (çont* on page T) wont.to sun^c^sohooi tetters From Our -Bussei wnen I was four years old and never mis sod SUMIO the Buddhistmovement# more than nine or ten .' May I express my Sumió Kubo Know A' Soldier? Do you know a soldier who likes to hear about home aiid friends ? Why not hav*e the Denison YBA keep him on "the mailing list for the .BULLETIN? Postage will be taken care of, if you will submit the addresses 'té 28-12-E* sincere gratitude for the reading material and publications -which you have boon kindly sending me* The material is.in--deêd most welcomed, a nd it is gratifying to learn that the staff is actually narrowing th e gap between the YBA and' the relocated BUssoi. Although I am only a "student, X would like to submit my small contribution to aid St. Louis, Mo* NANCY Thank, you so mu.ch for the copy of the Buddhist calendar which I r O; c e i ved.. 3ometi'me ago*- I certainly appreciated ypuV kind thoughtfulness in re— membering me* I am gla d to see tnat - tne YBii is ctomg such splendid work in promoting Lord Buddka's teachings * - Nancy Mori ' • . St* Louis, Mo* MORE LETTERS 0 G Of H ,Y BA At our last meeting, your publication wa s passed around for our members t o admire. Ever y on e was great ly 1 n. s p i r e d, with yo ur originality as well, as being informative• ¥i t h the aid of yo ur calender, not only will we be reminded of the national holidays of o ur co unt ry, b ut a I so t h eimp© rt a nt, date s concerning our re 1 i -g-ion . 'Then; too, when -ev © r: we ,en co unter a date that is faintly farniliar with, us, a discussion, maybe held sb as to. broaden our knbtvle dge o f B ud dh i an to -larger extent# , , W all join in congratulating you for your fine work# s Roy Ikcgarai • Pre sident, Offden YBA SAKOHIRAS ""The’ TTtA • B ul lc ti n s you have been sending 14s have always been so -chufek full of interesting • news1—we’ re a lv>&ys looking . forward to the next issue# ^ Really, to us your publications on .Lord »Buddh.a’s teachings are Denson, Arkansas_____________Page 6_ WITH CASS HO We Thank You The, Den son Y3A wishes to thank the follow -ing per sous for their generous -donations 'received during the period of Jan # 25 to Feb . 7' ibr the furtherance of the Resettled .Horae Program:' ‘ ■ '- Surnio Kubo, St. Louis;- Mitsue and Haru 0 ; Kawamoto , Detroit; He n ry Yo s h ikdwa, .Mike Mas uda, Charles M *■ I n a da, Yor inob u'AYada , Frank A# Tokumoto and Harry Hakagam , .A 11 of Ann Arbor. Masaji .Shinto ,;Tu le L ake Center; Ahjko Kamilcawa, now Mrs# Nobuho Me.tsui of Chicago, and Sanford A# Sato , Mesa, Ari-z • a MORE ON ROHWER HG-QNKO (cent# from page 1) adoration and-gratitude from Denson, Fusako for Shi nr an# Matsui spoke on "Gra- ' Denson YBA delegates titude to Shieran#H who visited Rohwer o-n; Rev# Kono sermonized on ”Revcrcnco 0 f St* Shin r an , ” inspiring the congregation with the ’’shining beam” of Lord Buddha’himseIf guiding us no matter where, we may be • The calendar, too, really comes in handy# You’d think we wo ul d find a calendar living in the city,- but yours was the first we received# a two- d a,y trip and attended the service were Grace Hi s h i , Sumiko Tsuji, and Fusako M a t s u i# T hey were given a warm hospitality during their stay,# MORE ON SOCiAL (co nt• from pagfe 1) yoshi, Terulco FUkano and Yoshiko S&ki# Hori Masuda -will MC while Florence Masai will^chair the devo- Pfc * and Mrs. Harry tional preceding the Sakehira,Little Rock .social* Pago 6 A SERMON •Buddhist BULLET IK f~finc/in'(j ^ TUhen m on heavens and the stars and of the told of how the earth neie who ,gaa ed at' the saw the.mcvement of ! u n were on which ; they were star.ding and which they thought so firm was also in motion, how surprised end amazed and fearful they must have been» r TShen one realizes that the one who grieve-s over another*s*death 'and is saddened by another *s sickness will eventually b .e the object c f someone else*s grief and sadness-; wh en;'one realizes that the self who laughs at others and who blameS; others for their sins is the self which will he laughed.at by others and.blamed by others, the# one truly recognizes that, the sword with which onb used td iut others was in reality. the sivord which ; was cutting oneself* P late g r ieve do v. e r the da rk-de ss o f se lf by . saying: ; ”1 see my black figure in all things of •fee universeNietzche declared that ^Repentance is t he nos sacred o f human experiences* Before w e abuse c ursclvcs by saying, nI ca-nnot believe in such things”, or ”l cannot think of such things,” it i s necessary that we lock back upon o urse Ivc s • The Lord Buddha declared that Just a s a mirror , no matter how beautiful and perfect, cannot reflect the mirror itself; J ust as a sword, no matter how keen, cannot cut itself, so i t is im-po s Sib le o ne *s . e c If to un de r-stand rne,s self. Occasionally, there are persons who say that they cootemplate themselves, but these persons in the main arc iccntemplating themselves arbitrarily. Thus, I wish to say-*-find yourself in someone else* .Tirrld of Light, The Path efthe Buddha—these are not found by forgetting oneself, but by finding oneself truthfully and finding oneself in someone else. At (cont* on page 8} PRESIDENT'S BALL SUCC (cent. from page 3} * Gk;or ge. Kitaha ra , baten twirlihg by . Shukr Ki-yokawa, vocal,solo by Julie accrnpafticd at the piano by Li ly Nagatani. Trumpet solo by Her- man Hishimcto., violin solo by Ted Kanamine and quartette numbers b y Sa ra h. Ki m ur a , Amy Sasaki, Pumi and Misa A sakaw a , accompanied by pi a n i st, Mary -Kasai* Committee chairman ESS . v;cre ; Yoshiko Hcshikb, pr rgram; KLniy e Kikuta, refreshments; Masako Yatabe, invitation; Minnie Kuwahara, dec-o rati on and Mas a c Ike da and Jack Matsui 9 arrangements* ’ -P * A LESSON 7 Pago ? Denaonj Arkansas, -n a'inon u -fHio 'Once upon a 11m e'there' w ere two exceedingly contrasting* families# One o f the h o n cjs wa s known a s' the wle.uso o f Harmony and the other as the House of Conflict# In the House of Harmony the pe o p le we re immen s e ly ha ppy and { there *wac much joy, kindness and understanding to be s hared by everyone* On the,cbntrary, in the House of Conflict there was great deal of disunity and unhappiness. Do siring harmony and happine ss to be theirs as well, the woman Of the House of'Conflict met one' bjou73 the luxury of human love# The answer was that of profound thought and perfection# ’’There is much happiness in my house for wc are all such simple people,while in your house there is conflict, as you say, for you are all such great people# ’’Conflict is the result of selfishness# IVhen people claim to be better or as good as others, there is bound to bo difference in opinion and misunderstanding# HTry to forget your own self and spread your blessings to others* 3y forgetting your own self, t h ere will be less greed day with the woman of the House and boastfulness, and there will of Harmony for a, muchly'desired be complete understanding and eonvergabion’#* * - - u harmony#” • ’’V/hy is* it' that there is so The worna n of the House of Con -much sunshine and joy in your flict went home en riche d by house- while there is nothing bub the wise counsel of the woman of turmoil in mine?”asked the woman the House of Harmony and* deter— of the House of Conflict to the mined to practice the good teach-woman whose home was blessed with ings received# • —Rev» G#- Kono MORE ON " A PRIVATE PENS OF PAST (cont# from page 4) because o f strained conference at the is- International rc'la-ldn'd of Kauai, and I tions# Cur usual pro-rernember it as‘a great gram during the con-ouccoos "’"’ference consisted of ; r/ere all set for meetings, athletics, another’ conference in socials, entertainments, *4l in the Island of sightseeings, oratori-Maui, but unfortunately" cals and banquets# it'-had to be cancelled ’kt-the Kauaiconibb, I took first place at the feren sic meet (not boasting), speaking on the i se i * #. ’’This is but a part of the numerous eventful day s I remember before the war# I hope you will continue t o keeo or the Y3A work’#’ page 8 Buddhist BULLETIN SOCIAL WHIRL Dan Cupid Has Busy Season With leap year rail- ing in, Dan Qupid was kept busy for th e month of January with seven Bu 4 dh.ist marriages in this Cental. First., wedlock was that of Mary .Nakao to 3gt* £F* Nakao t>f .Camp Chaffee, • Ark., on the fourth of January. Katsumi Ampo; formerly of Los Angeles, was married to Takumi Suna da , f o r m er 1 y of Fresno, on Jan. 15* On the same evening T er uko. Mitsui ah d Ichiro Inouye, b.oth from Delano, pledged their matrimonial vows* Eiko Kojama bee am© the bri4e cf Sadao Yo-naki on Jan. 20* They, MORION YBA FUTURE (conf. from page 1) our solves Socially. .! We can be' recognized as Americans .'oven ' though we are Buddhists, an d once the people know we are Americans that is all. they will want to know were the points stressed. also were from Delano* Akiko Komikav/a, former member cf the Denson YB A Board, n e-d de d Nobuho Matsui on th o' ,26th of January. . . Yuiviko Idsta and Ko-ichi latanabc, whp-camo from Hawaii, were •unite'd in marriage on Jan* 2$, , On January 20,"Ki. while.tho latter two wo ro sol omn i zo d by Rev* Kouchi* . MORE ON 'Finding Oneself Truthfully' (cont. from page 6) is infinitely frans- this instant* the Worl d of Light, the Path of the Buddha unfolds itr-s elf * This state i o called tile entrance to f a ituj it*is o ailed .'rebirfco' The self that Li LV ÑAG-A7AÑÍ LEAVES Lily Nagatani, active Bus so i mom be r and former YBA, music chairman, left Feb* 7 to major ip music at Milw-iukce State Teaches Col lege, Wisconsin* MORE ON DISTRICTS cended, in other yjords, the self that receives the Light of the Buddha is the true self* Rev* 2* Kawasaki Bussoi Review1* Poston HI Y3A IV-V members wore Miyeko Fuj iwasa, M a ts Yorna— giv/a and. Roy Mori. In Memoriam Our sincerest • sympathy goes to the f hm i Jy of Yo ehito Fugita, former Denson Y3A member^ who passed away oh Fobr-ruary 4* His untimely death followed an append ac-tomy performed two weeks previously in 'Chicago. DENSON Buddhist YBA PREPARES ' • FOR DISBANDMENT A3 a shocking blow to the Denson YEA cams the untimely announcement iron'Washington on Fob* 22 that the Jerome Project would be officially closed by NEWBERRY SPEAKS TONIGHT Miss G eo r g ia Newberry will be the 'guest speaker at the Young Buddhist Brotherhood * service tonight at 7*50 p* m« in Dining Hall 25 with 'faro Mats ui as chairman« Aftor the lapse d‘ three, months, the sérico C3 vvi 11 bo ‘resumed to foster Sanghahood, or fellowship, among the members«, In her second ap-(Cont« on page 8) JOINT AFFAIR CLIMAXED FRIDAY With • District Ilf as a guest of District I YBA, a joint dbvotion-al-social wad favor-y ably climaxed on Mar« 10. in Hall 25« Lor mine. _ humano 1 od the devotional while Terry: 0ho.no emceed, the a 0 c i al ♦ J Groé tin g a were extends d by Masao Ikeda« Those on committees to prepare for the af-(coni« on page 5)' inevitable disband Buscoi organization• The matter was the sub ject cf grave discussion on Mar ch 5 at the first regular meeting of the Board of Directors and rep-pro sentative s called by Cha irma n Kiyomi N akamura since the disclosure of the plan« In preparation for (cont« on>page 5) The Denson YBA will join a bazaar with the Community Christian Church on" March 14 and 15 at the Christian Chapel ibr the disposal of numerous toys still re m ain ing from the Center-wide Christmas m e nt of the now active THREE PRIESTS ARRIVE From Santa Fo Intom-mont Camp case Reverends H« Miyasaki, Y« Miura: and S« Hi da on the evening of Mar. 6«, The above parolees wore: formerly from Hawaii, and were „inducted in this center, to reunite with their gift distribution« In charge are Kiyomi Nakamura , Mi chiko,Kata-oka, and Fusako Mat s ui* The profit from the sales will defray exr. pensos for a party tentatively planned for the children* respective families.- TOY BAZAAR SLATED Page 2 Buddhist BULLETOT MARCH 21 ' ... . .. O - Hi gan, Other SHore .tl Hajari service: As ion'll d IfiuJdhislL c u stoo 4s•, observed for' f iye -¡days with. M a rrh,.21 in Spring and Septenber'2J in Autunn, ,tho. e qui- n°x> as uiddlo days» ^ No sooner than a ■ ^iNigon* n.ea.nS theothef' -oho r e, in o ther- solid foundation for words the ideal, tprl^i; or .Bud'dhaHand, Nipuna--r~the XBA - has been laid, Contrasting., thk 3y this•world id called ' 3 a i—r.-.-preparations"* for dis— „the .world of illusion filled with, shf— per sene rit Dust be nadc* ferlhg cxij. sorrow* \ v. ^ t Xt nay bo a little 'Hie observance oi Higan-ye signifies that, drastic* but this-.•fur** by the .exalted teaching of Buddha we enaea—ther proves that **All vor toward -the Buddha-land by escaping fron compound things shall this world of suffering. ; dissolve again- for By n jiriki® nethod, Saky aauni .Buddha everything is transient • teaches us the eight-fold noble path, while ana no tiling endures# by ®tariki8 ci'etho d we boar d Auidahs ship Only the Teachings of of awrcy to. cross the ocean of birth qnd deatk the Buddha will go on ttOne Ark only, that. Ark of the £) i v i n e forever##a Pronlse of our nercif.ul Father, doth voyage - tf£LC(M£ and bear us unto the shore -of the otom&l Tho YBA welcomes the peace—even us w h o so long have dr if ted t hr o e new. .Reverends h ithe f ana thither in the o ce an of birth and feels their arrival arid death#* - / will sreatlv bolster EXCERPT ; ; the Buddhist Church# By Acts Alone Position in the world no longer holds the value we nay once have felt enslaved to ad-nit, but rather-does activities today warrant tho oniy respect and admiration that had before been- extravagantly rend or e d to hollow shells*" ' PtirlB OibUj IT ib3 Guest writer Sunio Kubo returned to enter Washington U#. Dental College while former «Board head, Likuo .Oga-wa,also visited here* Surely .well ,do you remember in the Ehomma-pada how’ it is to be found thpt by acts alono does one bed one noble# If we ar e to live* ’and I an now meaning you end. IN v it ally, not a general theory, wo nustT then live alertly, awaredly in bur religion# '■ " Rev* Julius A*. Goldwatcr ODHtST m> bulletin Published by the Research and Resettled Hone Pro-gran connictee# MORE Ofl ^------------Ea£^ YD A TO rtU,QW.S.Hl.P Ia* ,u HOSTS, GUESTS JDIN ? DISTRICT ACTIVITIES the '1%srs«Y$ti’«!v of The District I & VI A successful joint tile YBAin time for sc eie 1 wfi. s held on devotions1-sceial was the -f ir '"è t?-’\ trnhsfe r February 19 with Ten held r: March 2 id Hall Heverv^rtt rf th-c ncnr Ndcegawa emceeing* Joe -18 with the District b ers, various Bussei' Miyamoto rendered vó- II YBA playiag host activities have been esl selections during to t-he District III heavily scheduled for the intermission after* Bussei members • Guests , the -remein ing m onth s * the refreshments were included the Beard and if April and May. served by the District remaining district r*+ A gala "He. to Matsu- VI girls. * ficers. ri" festival on the Preceding the social - Fusako Matsui of the week-end of April 9 ?jaé a short devoti ona 1 Board gave an inspir-wi 11 be followed *by service 'chaired by ing ta lk on "Essence a par eats * N ite ers Mich ike Masai, while of Faith" during the April 30 end a Bussei Ayako Kurushima played brief service which Memorial service on the accordian during preceded the social Mey-28* the Meditation and emceed "byRoy KawstK-in. ..A fcrewéll ® b If w - singing of the gatfcae* Tasty refreshments out" will probably Incense offering was of sandwiches and cola cJLimax all activi-. done by Masao. Ikeda were partaken during ties for the season* and JackMatsui. the intermission. CHKffTOftS. MfFT BUSSEI- PROBLEMS MOOTED To discuSs the pcs- Church Office, sibility 6f starting : The Brie tens have a Bu ò 'ìhìst n.-oTcnent" - intimated the news of on the out si de, t h e the Bussei and friends members of the Board relocated to Cincinnati of D ireott r s on .. an d urg e & nar y nr r c F*eb. 1 8 with Mr. and to resettle. They Mrs. A* E* Brin ton » of tìicughtthatifan.Eng-Cincinnati Hostel and lish speaking Beve rend with Mr* I&lph Smeltzer can bo had, and if Cau-of Chicago HosteX on casians were invited Feb. 24at*the Buddhist to attend the Buddhist meetings,,it would be prssible to carry on Buddhist activities. Mt* Smeltzer related different problems confronting relocatift and’ h e w t h c y were ever-come. However, there is stül the pub -11c re laticn s pr oblem which must be fought, (cont. on page 7) DISBAND Page k LETTERS Rev, Ishiura En It is apparent by your publications that the Buddhist are still carrying the torch of Faith in the Buddha, Dharaa and, Sangha^ anu I mm .¿eighty ,rouu. and inspired to see you young people incessantly working for the establishment of a firm foundation in the i nst'i t ption of religious., belief-« As av. religious sect or denomination w© are " of the minority..; 'ite are inferior in mate*-rial facilities and etc., bu t'lot1 s ri-ot? be discouraged, by those outward shortcomings, far we are gifts 1 with spiritual wealth, and dwell in the treasures of the Buddha« Strive on,with sin-; core and strong Faith, PEGGY ,*-| •; . Thank you for sending me the Benson Buddhist Builetin wh ich I have enjoyed reading My best wishes goes to all the members of the publication. Peggy Yasukawa Fairfax City, Va. Buddhist BULLETIN courages in the eightfold path« Sincerely in'Bharma, ' Newton Ishiura Yale Graduate School Yale University > New Haven, Conn. "Thank \ The Benson -YBA •wishes .to thank the f o 11 o w i ng persons for their recent generous,donations: Fusaye T o kumoto, kikuo Qgawa'Cl eve-1 andi.Frank .and Herbert Kiroha.ta,-; Mesa Ariz • , r and Masao Bo-bashi, ’ Bes.. Moines. LILY • - ^• •I ci r ta.i.nly- enjoy reading the Bulletin>♦ ■ and I am eagerly 1 ook-. ing. forw ar d' to th e following issues. . I miss ^going, to Sunday .School scrvices. Unable to be there physically, my thoughts will always turn to the center and spiritual ly I111 bo there repeating nNamu Ami da Butsu” with all#' lily Nagatani. Milwaukee, Wis* HEART M T. SENDS LAURELS May we commend you for the wonderful werk you are doing in contacting the relocated Bussai through y o ur various publications. Wo in Heart Mountain *are sorely in need of such a'program, and •the h e ar t ening work of the Benspn YBA f or. thè further ance of -our' religion will serve .. as; an s inspiration for* us 'to carry/on#. . Best w.isho.3 to ; th e on tire' staff of the • Berio on YBA i'or your truly sbendi dachiev armento. ' • „ ■ Ht. Mountain YBA kiyono Waleaye,-; - ' Gor r è a • ' Sec * y*.. SHIGERU. - d' 1 tm• indeed, '1 ire ry gladto learn that the.-YBA is continuing its splendid work. Since I have been outside, I fully began to real-, ize the importance, of such tea ch i ngs , and I deeply regret that I didn*t familiarize myself more thoroughly* , Shigerù Wakasa : St* Louis, Mo. • FAITH IDen sod . Arkan sas Pag e-5 MLykti.Qzika.nlke S______________________________ G. The time wag.during the history Stop your oratory or X s h a 11 of persecutionbefore Salvation slay youl” • : v. - - ' - '' ‘ Army was on the fairway. Not «- Mrs. Booth's- life' hung'by "a satisfied with rrly church evan-- thread, with fate hanging in’ gelism, Mr. and Mrs. Booth, o n balance. ' -rt the cold windy curb would await- Unexpectedly .the'words that for the.factory workers on their-' s purt e dN from h e r lips’weroi way home -and-zealously pleach - ^Close^ your'mouth.”-’ - - the blessings of the God • .. a. - Her. calm , but riramevable words But there wa s no on e t o sent 'shivers , thro ugh •-the“'mp b lend them-the ear* Rather the. Without showln-g-her emotion passers-by would* c al l them in- on her face and kindlv;turning sane a-n-d * Christian be 1 i ever s’ to the ’she-devil, she- sard* »The being heretic w o u Id abuse the street H rah ory. is a holy’wbrk, couple and throw stones and ma- bestowed to rap-by God.-yTho’ one nuro at-them-.- t who is: perform in g. the duty tere But the-faith'like the blazing nbwis not mys.elf, but one' belong-f ir© could -not keep the couple* - '-ing to God. - There- is no reason avray front .-the c ity str eet. Fur- • for • ret rat i^g* •*: Stab me' to' thermore* they carne s tly gare * -ycrur heart's pontentifyou tabst ... their life in their mission*. I , shall gladly-die: at my'post Once when Mrs. Booth was des*.. "....I .4**» - 1 pcrateXy pro arch in g to a group - - What great .faitht ' A she-dev^ " of people, a war cry suddenly as 'She was,'.'the. hussy lost"tor rose in the air and scores o f -'prestige, .a n- -d ^consciously r¿— armed ruffians stormingly rushed - treatedat which ®Dment ihe to Mrs. Booth, surrounding her.. - in the; eyes of A on e-eye d-hussy knovm as a ”shc- form.*--»The."sword quietly dropped^ devil” stepped forward thrusting to the ground* v n 11 a dagger before her, cuttingly One can see in- ©Ur^ eac tfer,1 crying, ” Ynu hypocriteV Imposterl V*- ■ • " (cent, oh page 6) MORE ON ^ ~ JOINT ATT AIR CLIMAXED (octrt. from page 1); Fumt.Jnaharr^, Lillian 'Bnrukc Kawano', Betty fair were as fr 1 lows: Taniguchi,¿ ITuri Hitta, Jo Wakase , Mary Okonc; general chairman, Sural Lorraine Kumanr , Sami and decoration, Mary Nakamura; refreshment, Nakamura.; invitation* Tomada* Religion &M.S-A Buddhist .BULLETIN \ S. KUBO Almost* everyone nas hoard ofih% with today*s modern machinery * majestic pyramids which stand oh auch a project would he a. tremen** the western bank3 of the fabulous dous. task* j. Nile, but few people realize the * Why did they construct -these actual significance of these gi- massive pyramids which required garrtic constructions* e nermous amounts of labor and Perhaps, one mi^t protest, -«Oh^ time? Through the studios of they*re not large—at least they scholars# particularly the archae-donH appear huge in pictures,K ologists,a. satisfactory explana-but such beliefs can ber quickly tion has been secured* They have shattered by several astounding 'found that .the driving motive be-dioensional facts* The renowned hind these constructions underlies pyramid of Khufu at Gizeh, Egypt in the Egyptian religion* is 485 feet in height,has a vol- The Egyptian religion, i? un-* tcie of 85,000,000 cubic feet, aha usual, but interesting. It a p-• covers a 746*fdpt base which is plies only to the Upper class of. equal to approximately 15 acres* people, which includes the Pharr According to Hor odutusi a aOhs, priests,and noblemen* They f omou a». ancient Greek histo- believed that the human being con-riohj» '100, 000 men worked con- sisted of two, forms. One is the stantly on thispyramid for twenr actual physical body, and the ty yodrs* / J ust imagine what an other is an intangible spiritual undertaking It must have boon to duplicate of the body called the transport the Cyclopean limestono Ka. At the time of death, the K& across the Nile from the eastern leave s the physical body and rocky plateau—especially, in the passes westward across the Nile ^cont* from page 5) strong in ev i 1 is also mighty Shinran Shonin, this faith which in goo 1« Bennen rece i ve d the does not fear death* In that name “Myohobo“ and served St.* famous le-gepd of “Bennen of I ta~ Sh infan for the rest of his life* jiki-Jfapa", that- burning faith This faith purifies others and in Bhinran caused Bennen to be^ mokes life sublime as well as come his disciple* * it elevates oneself* As it is said, one who is ‘ —Rev* Gyodo Kono years around .2800—2700 B*G* Sven (Pont* on page 7) Per sonne Vacancies F i i I ed Fusako Mat 3ui, active Bussed leader and member of tb Board of Director, replaced Roy Kawamoto at t ja e beginning of February as full-time research director .for the YBA* Alice Uyeda• has been' serving as sec rotary, at the Buddhist Office Since March 1, replac-. ;ing Fumi Satoda who; .is new Block 28 Secretary* LARRY HIKIJI DEPARTS'- Departees last week included Larry Hikiji, Board member, who left for St* Louis* Denson, ./Ly The newly elected I Heard by an at to© — tive crowd, the first English sermon giver* by the Rev. Yesho Mi-lira was favorably received a t' the Brotherhood service on March 26 where Lorraine Ku-mano served as chairman • "Buddhism is everywhere,” he spoke. "It is notv on ly in the church,but in our work, play and sleep, y/e can apply 'His Teach -in gs in every phase of our daily lives." The newly ‘officers of-the District II YBA were installed at an impressive candlelight ceremony on March 31 with Marie Izumi chairing. Following the pledge admin istered by Kiycni Nakamura,an inspiring message on "Our Future^ ■was delivered byAyako Noguchi. Sus Ishikewa, the new chairman,also gave an address. „1 nc en s e offerings ■were ma de by Hat sum i Via da,, Mary Yamamoto, and lfarv Sasaki'while rea d SAYONARA,.BALL SET With the date of the Bussei Sayonara Ball tentatively scheduled for May 11, the Benson Board of Directors are hard at work preparing the program for a gala even mg. The d an ce will be held at the C enter "Pa la di urn" with nego-tiations now un der -way to sec ure an orchestra for the event. YBA AIDS RED CROSS Always at the aid •Red Cro sï War Fund of a good cause when- ■ d r i v e las t m on t h, ever p o s s ib le , th e swe 1 li n g the local Den so n YBA contributed donations to $1,708.80, $10 1 owa r d the Nations 1 it was repo rt s d. Kiyoko Makimoto the scripture. The latter part of the evening was spent dancing, emceed by Charles Nishi• Guests for the evening included Board, District IV and remaining district officers. The new officers of the district include Sus Ishikawa, chairman; Hisa Yatabe, vice-chairman; Grace Yama-guchi, secretary; Rosie Arima, treasurer, and Gla dys Hakaoka, religious director DONATION RECEIVED A generous donation of410 was recently received from the Rev. Julius A. Gold’***!'01' of Los Angeles fbr the purpose of helping the YBA publication work. Rev. Goldwdter, who visited the local Bus-sei here last Spring, is the organizer of the Buddhist Brotherhood of America * Page 4 L~E T T f R S Ogden yba After the hard work “~of ' wh id h you m u st have gon e through.— laying the foundation and assembling to“ get he r your memlbe r s which resulted in your successful organization , it wa s a dis-appointmen t t o .read of the plans taking form toward the clos-ing of your Center on June 30* Although this prob-_1«3jt. has risen, may you carry on your fine work until'that time arrives and also, be able to continue on after the interruption . The Cabinet an d our. thartks N The Dens on YBA wishes to thank the f ol lowing persons . for their rec en t generous donations: Grayce Uyeda, Ann Arbor, Mich*, Pvt* Philip K* Eidmann, Camp RoT in son , Ark*, and the Rev. Julius A. Goldwater, Los Angeles, Calif. V ~ ' J - • Buddhist BULLETIU ENCOURAGES members join me-whole-' heartedly in sending our best wishes to* yob ^an d your well-chosen staff for their corn-men table„■ w orlc on the publication • * Sachie Shiki, Corres* Sec’ty Ogden YBA Ogden, Utah FUJIMORI Your Bulletin is most welcomed to the ones who has relocated as via bulletin is the only way of knowing o f the works of the Bussei in Denson* AH your articles are most .interesting and helpful* Thank y ou so much* . Mrs*, K. Fujimori Omaha, Nob* HOSODA r During my leisure moments, your reading •materials an d pub lica-tions are always interesting and worth-wh.il e • X am always looking forward to your next issue. ■ Joe Ho soda Ann Arbor, Mich. AM AC HE EXTENDS PRAISE May we, ext end our sincere oengra tulation s on your successful p ub 1 ic at io n s • We ap-preciate your kindness in sending us copies# Keep up the good work fe 11- ow. Bu k->ei \ an d may the teach ing of our Buddha, -spread to every corner, of the country* K1 n d ly ex te n d our greetings to all the Bussei in Den son * Richard Iseri Pres* Amache, YBA UYEDA I toish to thank you f o r sending me the bulletins and many other things which I have r eceived since my departure* Grayce Uyeda Anr.: Arbor, Mich • YAMAGUCHI I was certainly happy to re ad 'the Bulletin with all of its in te re st in g news* J us e letting you know how m uch I appreciated your remembering; me« , *. B i 11 Yamaguchi uu.lO iO,gO , j_ 11 * TV^n son , Arkan sas Page 5 m A N S W F R Why Rudclkiwm / - Although Buddhism'is considered a universal reTi¿i on* Buddhist temples are not to be foupd^in every community as are Christian churches in America* The numner of English speaking reverends are few—so few as can be counted on one’s fin gers—among the thou-sands of Buddhists» - The great majority of the American people are not familiar wit h B ud dh i sra b ut" man y are- awa r e of the fact that our parents and we, the nisei, are the followers of His Teachings» Following the days of Pearl Harbor,, doibt, fear and suspicion have arisen, hin der-in'g the progress and spreading of our religion» In this gloomy but yet hopeful situation, the future of our religion rests upon our shoulders» We are the pillars on which the church Itself must., stand. Because of the 'adverse circumstances and the feeling of insecurity, man y are re luctant to A MESSAGE ___________ M. YUMIBE say with pride that they are Buddhists. In spite of all this I still choose Buddhism. It is a philosophy as well as a relit ion showing man the essential nature of his own being, demanding no blind beliefs but inviting investigation and study» His Teachings proclaimed more than 2500 years ago have never been said to be unscientific or undemocratic nor will it ever be. It is practical to anyone, anywhere and at any time* It is the newest of relig’ions brought over by o ur fathers and mothers-from their homeland and now a s we have become o f age, they are passing on the sign if i” cant inherit an ce to us, the nisei» What was it t hat spurred our fathers to carry_ on ? What spirit was it that carried them through their trials and tribulations? Have we not a dark future ahead ._____________(cont. on page 7) WE WILL CARRY ON \ It has been our great long silence,no doubt desire to write'an d many of you have often express our deep ap— wondered what became preciation for the of us• There is much n ice public at ions to be done, but w e which v/e have bedi - have not forgotten you receiving regularly* f Bus-sei ba yr in pea son * deed, due to pur .^he Mesa Bussei are doing their share for the interest of Buddhism. Just recently we had a m ember ship dr ive which b oo steH the total members o f 18 or so to approxi- ,Srp : , page 6 *) Page 6________________Buddhist B_11II^TTÏÏ JOINT F VF NT v WE EK-END CAI MERINOS HELD BY DISTRICTS With District VI a-s •guests, District III sponsored joint devotional-social was favorably climaxed on March 31« Laura Ogawa chaired the devotional while Tak Yamaguchi emceed the social* Greetings were extended by Yayo MachigashIra. Those on the committee to prepare the enjoyable evening were as follows; To s hio Kawamoto, general ar-rangeraents; Laura Ogawa, devotional service; Edna Uyeno, refreshments; Yay'o Mach i ga sh ira, decoration , Yoshi Eoshiko and Tak Yamaguchi, program* The District V YBA held a devotional-social with the Dist-r i ct II me mbera as guests on March 30 in Hall 38. Morris Yamasaki led the devotional with Rev. Hirayama giving o sermon on "For- Incen sc offerings we r e made by Wilm a Yamasaki and Bill Tanaka while Sus Ishi-kawa spoke for the guests. Tad Shoda emceed the soce.1 for the even in Tasty refreshments of cola and sandwiches prepared by the girls were served during the in temission • BUSSEI SLATE PARENTS' NITE MAY 7 To repay the parents for the favors bestowed upon us the Denson YBA has tentatively planned a Parent’s nite on May 7 with Morris Yamasaki in charge of the preparation• AAASS MEETING PLANNED Prior to the disbandment of the Denson YBA, a mass Bus-sei meeting will be held to settle important business matters. All members are urged to attend the session according to individual notices. rr \ r, "T* \ * u1, \ } V T *• ■ ■ ' ■ I - - V y. v A - I Honoring the Rohwer Sunday School teachers who were week-end visitors in Jerome on April 1, 2, 3, an informal .get-together was held in 28-12-B by the Denson YBA. An enj oyable evening was spent playing bridge end Chinese checkers., Guests were Bernice Matsumoto, Janet Ina-masu, Mit s uye Hishi-rnura , T a k ey o Yama-saki and Mary Wakai. MÒRE ON (cont• from page 1) main speaker. I The* Rev. Ryu gen Ma-tsuda, who also came here from Santa Fe, will sermonize at a similar service Sunday. MORE ON CARRY ON (cont. from page 5) mately 70. We assure you that we will "CarryOn” and do our part. Our best regards to all. Fran k an d .Re rbe rtf ELrohat a, Mesa, Ariz » MORE.ON ENGLISH SERMON HEARD son , Arkansas Page 7 ammi I we the pe< 3ple , - - In an all-out effort turned from St. Louis to complete tbs-building of the Center Auditorium in tine for the three-day ”Hana* Matsu-ri” program this week, much credit goes to all of the members of the construction and plumbing crews,and to electrical supervisor and Board member TAK YAMAGUCHI and his men for rusting the electrical .installations* More headache has • been ac quired by YBA Board Chairman KIYOMI NAKAMURA who was the recent unanimous choice for Block 46 Councilman . Impatiently (?) waiting for Uncle Sam’s call for service is LARRY HIKEJI who re- in time.to. pass his Army physicals with flying colors. Former Welfare Chair* man FUSAYE TOKUUOTO is reported doing mighty •well -with similar interests at the Cleveland We If are Federation • Also enjoying her ’’white collar” job immensely is another former Board member HA2EL MIZUSAKI who is employed by the War Manpower Commission in Wa sh in g ton , D* C • Just In case you di dn11 kn ow,. f o r m e r Board member and present District II Religious chairman GLADYS NAKAOKA has been ©n-(cont* on page 8) (cont* from-page 1) the Reverend’s temporary departure is made possible through the recent arrival of several'Buddhist min isters from NewMexic o. Sensei’s itinerary also include plans to visit the Bu s sei of C1 evelan d an d.Minneapolis*--- While in Chicago' he maybe reached at:: 1 31.1 W. A dams , Chicago. .7, 111* The Rev* Kono will return, to the Project by the ©D-d of this month, after which he will probably tran s-fe r to the Rohwer Pr o j -ect along with the re-ma in in g local, pr ie sts * Why Quddhism 7 (cent* from page 5) of us? What, can brin g more harmony among the members of the family than by having the same faith as our parents? We,, tpo , then can follow the path that He had laid down for us to walk* By our actions and dee ds , the Am e rican public will come to know that Buddhism. 4 s __________ M. YUMIBE nothing to fear and suspect but a religion that will.be an asset to a greater and a finer America • The is at 1 sf a ction of the heart and soul, the consolation and assistance it gives in alli.cir-cumstances of life is worth ke@p-ing and.worth supporting* This is my answer • to.Why Buddhism* Page .§___________________Buddhist BULLETIN K f ft VICE -■HQUQ :rr~* s£L 4^ Chairman, »..«»••••« Michiko Kataoka ^ Sutra Chant • • »Rev* G* Kono, Rev* T* Kouohi SI Oshoko and Shweet Tea Ceremony* ....,* 7 ||M//7 *** - ■- ~y- WyC'^r, /&/$$*•■ ’ Masao Ikeaa t- Dist. .1 " Susurau Ishilcawa, Dist* II $ Toshio Kavianotoj Dist. Ill V Kimiye Eikufca, Dist. IV .KMl %/ • ft Tad Shoda, Dist. V ^Wa/ /' - Surniko Tsnji* Dist. VI Wor/ X Three Homa ges an a Pledge* .... , Rev. Kono W'---/A /; Gath_a .. . ■. ...... ”Haba .Matsuri No Uta” !Br‘ fir*.Address V . ..*..... .Riyomi Nakamura , X / ... Denson YBA Chairman Scripture Reading , • • * * * * Ayako Noguchi Sermon. . ... . . . . .Reveren d Kyojo Naito $ Vocal Rendition •••••• Dorothy Taniguchi W ¿y En glish Sermon. .... .Reveren d Takeo Miura Announcements W^"i: Gatha .«.*••• ’’Softly Blew The Breezes” Closing Meditation. ....... .Rev. Miura BUSSE1 SOCIETY four couples pledge troth The wedding bells chimed through the spring bouquet of or-c h i ds and gardenias with th e f o 11 o w i n g mar ria ges • , On March 19 Hi roe Y ama s aki became the bride of Talc eo Mori-kuni. _ Yoshie Sueyasu we d- ded Toshio Tanabe on March 27 On March 26 Sgt*Jim p.erf orrné d by the Revs. Gyodo Kono and Tadao Kouohi. i S. Onchi and ‘Fumilco MQB£ iON Yumibe pledged their m atr. im on ia 1 vows • F u m i ko K a wa i and Magoshiro Nakajima wer e united in marriage on March 2 9. The nuptials were v !>_✓ %✓. ¿w i ' (cont- f gagee £$ month to Tanamach Camp She m 0 page 7) • early last igt» Frank -42n d Inf. 1 Miss. Si w CHICAGO YBA PLANNED Fulfilling the hopes of the relocated Bussei by assisting in establishment of Chicago YBA, Rev« £ y.o do K o n o ’ s tr i p to the ""Windy City" has not been in vain * For an organizational meeting, representatives of Bussei relo-catees from different centers met with Rev* Kono on Friday, April £1, at 4040 So« Ellis St«, Chicago, to discuss various YBA problems and activities« The temporary board (Cont. on page 4) sHinran7^ BIRTHDAY In observance of the 771st anniversary of the birth of St« Shin-ran, a special Bussei service will be held on May 21, from 10:00 a* m« at the center a udit or i urn« Rev« G« Kono will d.e liver the sermon, while Misao Yumibe will be the chairman. DENSON BUDDHISTS' Vol. I Ko. 9 Denson, Ark. May 14, 1944 'au revoir: theme FOR BUSSEI SOCIAL With the scene set at the center "Palladium”, the Denson YBA co-sponsored with the C« A« will hold their last social before the closing of Jerome« A SHIMADA BETROTHED TO OGAWA Coming as a complete surprise to their many Bussei friends in this center was the recent b strut ha 1 an n o un c emen t of Miss Kaoru Shimada to Kikuo Ogawa«_ The groom-to-be is the past chairman of the Denson YBA until his departure to Clovo-land. He is an electrical engineer graduate of the U.C. while the charming bride-to-be is a very talented Japanese odori exponent. The YBA join in wishing the two a "happy marital voyage"ahead* imely theme to fit the occasion is "Au Revo ir", yes, it’s just "until we meet again«" It’s going to be the "drift and dre^m" music, just the way you love to hear it, by the ever-popular Den-soneers« Genial Yone Satoda will emcee# with Districts 1 an d 5 taking _ over general arrangement; District 2, refreshment; District 3, bids and invitations; District 4,' program; and District 6, decoration« A real gala time is promised for all dance lovers, so fellas, make a date for May 20 with your best girl-frien d« Bids may be obtained at 25 cents per couple {Cont# on p#ge 4) Page 2__________________Buddhist BULLETIN MAY 14 ' Gratitude To Mother "A man never se.es- all that his mother has Been ho him till it’s too late to let her know that he sees" it»** — — W. D* Howells All of us receive mother’s love and kin chess as though it is a natural thing. It is after she is gone that^jwe fully realize what she has meant--to .us, which is too late to let hep Show that we are thankful. . - Let us on . this Mothers* Day pay our respect to her an d show our gratitude for her immeasurable compassion. Today and everyday let us show our love for her not by. words only, but in deed and in truth. LOVE Overcomes Hatred There is no fire like passion; there is no losing- throw like hatred. Let a man leave anger, let him forsake pride. Let him overcome anger by love and conquer the liar by truth. For hatred ceases not any time by ha.tre d, btA on ly' by love • ---»The Splen dour of Asia”. MAY 20 ' Waltzing With jOn May 20th, T’ll be with you, We’11 all be there to bid adieu, At 7:30 p. m. at the new Palladium, She’ll be there, waltzing with him. Three cheers to them—the DensoneersJ Soothing melodies will ring in your ears. 11 p* in# is drawing so’hear, So tis Sayonara, to you, my dear. It’s Auld Lang Syne thah echoes away, Thus we part in -so friendly a way l —’■•¡Icfoa Uyeno V. . . _ MAIL FROM BURMA Rec e ive d your Den son YBA Bulletins 1-5 a few days ago. I *m grateful to receive one in far away land ■of Burma; also you do hot for get me that I tey se If oame f r om Den -son (5-5-F) . This lan d as you kn ow, people believe in Buddha. At this moment I can’t tell you much about this area due to the military security. However, I may be able to tell you that I was promoted to a rank of technical-sergeant in the field un der fire . We had several terrific battles alreac^r, but fortunately I did not even get & scratch. Instead, I’m' up to a couple of citations. I guess I better withhold the detail what took places until I come b ack to Denson as a souvenir. However I’m happy to report that I did a bit of contribution to the Nisei’s sake. In this thick jungle only thing I went is the news back (Con1^. on page 4) BUDDHA'S BIRTHDAY OBSERVED yfrth a capacity crowd atten ding, the special Bussei H ana Mat suri ■ service in obso r vance Gf ..the RBlOth: anhiver -gar y of Lord Buddha* s birth wa s held on-April 9 in the new.auditorium« Revs* Gy O'do Kono^ Tadao Koueh-i, Y es ho Miura and Kyojo Naito led^the chanting, of the sutra* O.shoko and Kwanbutsu -was repre-seated by the District officers: Masao Ikeda, Dist* I; Susumu Ishi-kawa, II; Toshio Kawamoto, III ; Kimiye* Kile uta , IV;. an d Sumiko Tsuji, VI • , ' K i ÿo m i N a kamura , chairman of the Board of Directors gave a short address, followed by A.yako -N dg uc hi* s scripture reading* ’’One must not be misguided by one aspect,” rel ate d Rev. liaito, the guest speaks er. He emphasized the importance of observing all views in all directions for'there are Truth ppd t,'->ddha Denson, Arkansas- "thanks The Den son YBA ‘wishes to thank the fo 1 lowing persons for their recent generous donations: Otto, Tom and Neva Uy ehara, la dison , .Wise*; Pfc*. C oo per Tahara,Fort Modeller/, Alabama; Barry Salki, C hicago; I sake Hor ie and Ran cy N i -nomiya, Peoria, 111*; an.d F ukilco Hor ie, VGalve st on , Texa s * J Final Bulletin Planned The souvenir issue of the final Bulletin , to.be published before the clo sing of the center, is being planned by the Resettled Home Progi^m1' C om it te e • The directory of the relocated Bussei from this center will also be included* Mature in everything that surrounds us* Rev* Mi ura, also a guest speaker, sermon -i.ze d in Eng 1 ish on Buddha’s Life and His basic teachings of Love, Me rcy and Bar- _________Pag e 3 SATO MEMORIAL HELD Relatives and friends of Sanford Sato, who died suddenly on April 13, following an operation in Mesa,Arizona, gathered here Monday evening, April 17, and paid their final tribute to the late Bussei leader at a memorial sorvice, held by. the Den so n YBA • Roy Kawamoto,an intimate friend of the deced se d, served. as evening’s chairman, while Rev. S.Hida gave a memorial sermon* The late . Sato was an on ergeti c leader of Bussei activities, serving as president of the Southern Calif* DI strict YBA an d a s cabinet member of -the California Y* B*‘ L* He a 1 so wa s an en-thusiastlc supporter of our .Bussei Bulletin* • He is survived by his mother, brother* and s ist er, ell of Mesa. mony, whic h are the essentials to they livelihood of man* Page 4 Buddhist BULLS TIN BAZAAR PROFIT DONATED The net proceeds of #111 *43 from the Christian am d Buddhist' jo-i n .t.ly- spon sored baza a r was' equally divided MORE ON CHICAGO (Cont. from page 1) members to make plans for the formation of the YBA were chosen as follows* Chairman, Barry Saiki (Rohwer); vice-chairman, Marion Nakatsuma (Jerome); rec.. secretary, Sueko Masuda (Ht. It,); cor-' res, secretary, Tatsuko Fulcushima (Gila); treasurer, Shizuo Na-kashita (Rohwer); and advisor, Rev, G, Kono, Besides the above-mentioned, present at the meeting were Mike Maruyama, Fred Mitsu-eda, shig Kitahata, Akira Y eb isu, Y ento Tsuji, A sake Kub o, an d Mrs. Masako Iwai. John son Kebo, former CYBL leader, earnestly assisted Rev, Kon o op the program. After 10 days' sojourn in Chicago,Rev, Kono visited New York for 10 days to study and donated to National • Red Chess an d National Student Relocation Fun d,___ D/S TR/CT 7 CLIMAX BLOW-OUT The final "blow-up” s oc ia 1 wa s h eld by the Dist, i YBA on April 20 with Harrry Baraka wa emcee ing. Those on the committee to prepare the affair were Sumiye Nakamura, Lorraine Kumano, Lillian Taniguchi and Mas Ikeda , ___ WREVOIR' (Cont. from page 1) from the district chair men or at t he Buddhist Office, 28-12 -E^ Patrons and patronesses for the evening will be Rev,. G, Kono,' Rev. and Mrs. Ta da o K o u c hi, Dr, an d Mr s, K i k uo Ta ira, an d Mr • and Mrs. Bill Nikaido, the Bussei activities there. He returned to the coiter on May 7, SISTERS OBSERVE ' WESAK-TIDE ’ Although physically unab le to attend the Hana Matsuri servioo together with the Bus-sei on A pri 1 9, Ella an d Nobuko Y o sh inaga were with us spirit-oally by observing the service in the hospital beds« Joining the Yoshi-naga si sters in the quiet service were Grace Kato, Aiko Ma-t sun aga an d Mab e 1 lies da, nurse's aides. V MAIL (Cont. from page 2) in the states as there is no ree reati cm in the bu^h* . Gass ho, T/s Roy Matsumotc c/o Postmaster New York City, N, Y, f-----------------N We wish to extend our sincere thanks for your kind expression of sympathy shown us during our recent bereavement. With Gassho, i The 'Sato Family V_________________y