i O. 442'I I £ MINISTERIAL COUNCIL . The Ministerial Council is guided by Rev. S, Kuzuhara, president. Rev. Masao Hirata is the secretary of this body. The usual business of the church is discussed here. Rev; Harry Hashimoto is the spokesman or contact man with the administration. This body meets every Monday at 9î00 A.M. for a business session and also for daily prayer. H DIVISION X 'S..' G RE ET^I rg This is the first time we, as a Christian body, is issuing a church paper, and although this i ^ done on a temporary set-up, we extend to each and every one of you warm greetings. When the English Division Council is well organized a regular paper by a regular staff will be issued to give you church news, general news of particular interest, and interchange of news with other centers. GREETINGS TO ALL RELOCATION CENTERS FROM THE GRANADA CHRISTIAN CHURCH With this first preliminary issue of the Granada Christian News, we extend to all Relocation■Centers, warm Christian greetings. We hope you are getting along well with your church work* ADA CHRISTIAN CHURCH SET-UP :0n Oct. 1, 1942, the ministers and lay delegates of various church groups gathered together at tho Granada Christian Churjch headquarters, at 7 H, and organized the Granada Christian Church, a federation of all Protestant churches in the center. At the election th&t took place, Rev. Yuzuru Yamaka of the Los An-gelejs Methodist Church was elected president. Rev. Harry Hashimoto of the Mode ¿tío Holiness Church was elected Vice President. Mr. K. Nozawa of Los Angeles was elected lay vice-president. Rev.: Akira Kuroda was subsequently elected isocrotary of the Church. ; COMMITTEES. j ¡ There arc ten committees of the Gradada Christian Church. Tho committees -and the chairmen are the following: English Division Rev. L. E. Suzuki. Religious Education Rev. C. Kuzuhara Evangelism Rev. M. Hirata Finance Rov. I. Haratani. Womdn’s Division Rev. Geo, J. Yahiro The English Division under the chairmanship of Lester E. Suzuki, has the pros pects of much work ahead. An English Division Council is in the process of being organized with two elected delegates from each church group, A few meetings have been held to make plans for the Council and as time goes on, things will be organized, Sunday School is held at 8:45 A*M, and our regular Sunday morning worship is held at 10:15 A.M. at the 8H Mess Hall, which is the temporary school auditorium. In the evenings a young peoples1 meeting is held. It is still held as a joint endeavor of all age groups but in time vie hope to divide it into Juniors, Junioh High, High School, and College and abnve groups, A On Sunday, Oct. 25, 1942, a Nisei Symposium was held with seven speakers on the list. Each one spoke on the topic, "How Has the Past Six Months' Effected My Christian Faith". Mr. Masao Sa-tow, Executive Secretary of the Los Angeles Japanese Y, was chairman of the Symposium' and the following speakers took part: Mr. Andrew Yahiro of the Modesto Holiness Church, Mr. Toshio Furu-kawa of the Palo Alto Methodist, Miss Fumiye Hasegawa of L. A. Free Methodist Church, Mr, Kenji Okuda of Seattle Congregational, Mr, Takashi Moriuchi from Livingston, Mr. Henry Suzukida of Hollywood Presbyterian, and Mr. George Kiyabu of the 7th Day Adventists, Mr. Fred Hashi moto was general chairman. On Sunday, Nov, 1st, a young people’s forum will be held with different speakers dwelling on the topic "My Ideas of Making the Most of Relocation", Dr. Joe Abe will be chairman, and the known speakers right now (others may be added) are Mr. Lafayette Noda of Livingston and W. L.Ao, Dick Suzuki of L. A. and other parts, Mr* Fred Hashimoto of Livingston, and Mrs, Aiko Hori of L.A. A discussion will follow the presentation. Mr. Henry Suzukida is the very able song leader of these meetings. Social Welfare Muölc Public Relations Publicity Rev. Agatsuma Mr. Yutaka Nakagawa Rev, S. Kuzuhara Rev. K. Yoshioka Général Arrangements Rev, S, Mizukami ü /Q'/SfiM 7'ûûm &HÏ ÆJNLIl f/À/ri^1E/RW-ÛLÈ. 7Wi Jä&tEff iSBÄVßÜß. HùÎDJNfà , The Department of Roli*. gi°us Education under ....the chairmanship of Rev* Ghiaki Kuzuhara has mot frequently for the purpose of organizing the Granada Christian Church Sunday School, The Sunday morning meetings are now held at the spacious 8H assembly hall with an averange of 300 people. Soon the school classrooms will be opened for the Sunday School use, and the activities will bo shifted into full swing# There will bo classes for kindorgarten up to married and issci people. The committee members of the Sunday School arc as follows: Chairman ___ Rev. C. Kuzuhara Vico chairman •___ Mr, Kazuo Masada Secretary _______ Mrs, Aiko Hori, Other members: _ Mrs, Mary Takeyama __ Rev<. A, Kuroda Mr, Yutaka Nakagawa. We see many youngsters who used to attend Sunday School back home forgetting their Sunday School, We wish that they would remember their Sundays and come on Sundays at 8H at 8:45 A#M, We invite any others to come and enjoy the Christian fellowship send education. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS NEWS The Seventh Degy Adventists under the leadership of Mr# George Kiyabu are holding their regular meetings. On Wed, nights they have a prayer meeting, a young people’s meeting on Friday nights, and Sabbath School and Sabb&hh Service on Saturdays at 7G Recreation Hall# EPISCOPAL GROUP NEWS For the benefit of the few Episcopal Church members in this center, a weekly prayer meeting, and also Holy Communion on Sunday afternoon are being planned with the aid of a Caucasian reader, ---------------------------------------1 COLORADO CHURCH COUNCIL VISITS THE GRANADA CENTER A delegation representing the Colorado Council of Churches, visited the Granada Relocation Center, for the purpose of discovering the needs of the camp, for the religious groups and for the camp as a whole. The group was headed by Rev, Will&rd Spence, Others in the party were Reverends E,A, Coltrin, C«E,Root, H,C, Alley of Rocky Ford, Rev, James Su-gioka of Rocky Ford, Reverends S, Uemura, K, Sasaki, John A, Foote, of Denver, Rev, Curtis Westfall of Lamar, and Mrs, K, Sasaki, and Miss Janet McKclvie, secretary of the Denver Council of Churches# On Monday, Oct, 19th, Dr. McVickors, District Supt. of the Arkansas Valley, Rev, Gabriel Upton of Lamar, and Reverends Merkel and King of near-by towns were also visitors» Both groups met with the ministers. held every Tues. and Thur, nights at 7|: 30 P.M. Thirty or thirty five people turn! out for it, but more singers are desired, especially basses and tenors. A special; request is made for more volunteq££* r ft 1 1 For the convenience of people living in different parts of the camp, a North and South Church will be organized, one meeting at 7 H and the other meeting at 10 H Recreation Halls. This pertains to the Issei Services, Also for the fellowship of individual church groups and for further evangelism week nights home meetings are held at various places and days. You can find out the dates and places from the different pastors# SPECIAL CHHRCH OF CHRIST MEETING Rev. Perry Blue, a Church of Christ evan* gelist from Allan, Oklahoma, stopped in at the center and held special meeting and a Communion Service for the Church of Christ members, 54 people attended, it was reported. Mr. Peter Okada, a faithful worker of the Holiness Church, left for Boystown, Neb. on Monday, Oct, 26th. " message FRuM THE HILLS. ) I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills: From whence shall my help come? My help cometh from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth, Ps. 121: 1,2. George Adam Smith makes this beloved psalm luminous when he writes: "To the psalmist the mountains spread a thresh-hold for a divine arrival. God himself may be felt to be affot." Surely, if we have ever sojourned in a hill or mountain region, this must have been our feeling. At least three hills in Scripture have their significant message for our souls: S hill called Sinai speaks to us of the majesty and necessity of the moral law. Another hill, called nthe mountain", reveals the divine Teacher giving us eternal principles, challenging to all who yearn for greater heights of moral and spiritual perfection in Christ. And from a hill called Calvary come the redeeming power and grace to make possible of achievement the unattainables of the former# From TODAY. Juno 1942# \ AMACH£j COLO ■ WV.8Sit3$£,- Vn/ 7 A/n S’. fui/LrAet/ “And they^p itched by Jordan, ,*,..*< And the Lord spake unto Aioses in the plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye are passed over Jordan into the land of Canaan; “ Hum* 33: 49-51 We aare relocatees are pitched by the Jordan (Arkansas), but we are not over Jordan yet* There are many matters we^ must decide and relocate, especially in the matters of the soul, before we can cross the Jordan and be able to conquer and not be conquered* After we have done our godly prerequisites, then we can cross the Jordan over the rooky ford, not as animals, but as L*a Animas (literally the souls), as souls of God, and build not only a Pueblo but a oity of God, the Kingdom of God, as the name Amache (Ama-heaven--ohi-land) implies in Japanese* Are you meetings the requirements of the soul? Are you getting to know Jesus? Are you getting to know God? Are you thinking on these things? fp'R ENGLISH DIVISION ' The English Division, with its regular Sunday morning English worship service, and Sunday evening young people’s meetings, and other meetings already in the making, is coming along fine. The zuhara, Mr* Dave Yutaka Nakagawa, Rev* Lestor E* Suzuki^ the chairmanship order is the reverse* In due time, the various age groups will be organized and they will have their own meetings on Sunday evenings or other convenient time. The temporary advisory committee suggested by the Nisei Council has various divisions, Tho Junior Group (9,10,11 yrs. old) advisory group is compoaod of the following persons: Mrl Yutaka Nakhgawa, convenor, Mr, Cochrane, Fumi Hasogawa, Mrs, Michiko Ku-roda, Miyo Yamazaki; Jr, High: Mrs, Aiko Etori, Takashi Date, Mrs, Kashiwagi, Aiko Hoshino^ Ruth Smith, Rev, Kuroda, convenor; High School group: Yoshiko Ita, Jimmie Yamanaka, Kazuo Masuda, Mr* Lucas, Rev. Suzuki, convener*; Collego and Above group: Maaao Satow, Mrs* Cochrane, May Matsumoto, Lafayette Noda, Bmi Hinoki, Rev. Hashimoto, convener* Please help when the convener calls, f _______ m. On Thanksgiving morning, Nov. 26th^ It Terry Hall, at 10*00 a special Thanksgiving Service in English will be held. Special music will be rendered. The message will be given by Mr* Victor Fujiu and Rev* Kuroda will be chairman. This is the year when we should increase the spirit of Thanksgiving, when you have less in ma-ming along iiao* ¿he terial matters but perhaps more in spiri-morning services have been getting^ around. matters* Let*s give thanks to God before we partake of our ???• 325 people and the evening joint gatherings running from 150 to 405, as it was on Nov* 15th, The morning worship is conducted by the Nisei preachers, with the preaching-and chairmanship done alphabetically, in the following order: Mr, Victor Fu- vices on Sundays and Wednesdays, at 7H & jiu, Rev, Harry Hashimpto, Rev* Masao Hi-^Qg^ North and South Church respectivel; •ata, Rev*. Akira Kuroda,. Rev. Cbiaki Krt- people south of 9H go to 10H and people 7.uho.m- from w~viVisrQW~ The Issei Division is very busy with their activities too, They have two ser* 9H to 6H go to 7B> Sunday at 10*00 A.M, and "Wednesdays Prayer meeting at 7*00 Pi M. Sundays they average about 90 at the North Church, and 140 at the South Church* Wednesdays they average about 25 each place* Besides these regular meetings the Issei, especially, hold numerous family meetings of particular churches at homes mostly* Some of them have goodly crowds* SPECIAL SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS. A. special Sunday School News was issued by chairman Rev. Chiaki Kuzuhara. Orchids for .such nice work* We*11 refer you to that for further Sunday School News* Let "it be reminded that the High School and College classes is in existence and we want you to take advantage of them every Sunday* Nov, 29th? Livingston Methodist; Dec* 6th L,A. Methodist; Deo* 13th* Modesto Holiness; Deo* 20th* Cortpz Presbyterian; Deo* 25*. Christmas programs Doc, 27th: L*A, Union, We expect these churches to take note and take their turns, and we expeot other churches to volunteer too. MID-WEEK MEETING Soon we will have a Mid-Week Meeting for Niseis as other centers do. We have been stalled due .to lack of a.meeting hall but wo111 have that soon* Idaho, Wy& ming, Rohwer, Poston, Gila,, Tulelake, and no doubt the other centers too, have their mid week services for Niseis* Pleaso * watch for announcements, ‘i\ r PAID FOR OCTOBER With the cooperation of the Issei and Offers of help for materials neoded here in camp have come directly from various churohcs* The Denver Japanose Churc Youth Fellowship through the Social Sor- Nisei Divisions, enough money was secured vice Chairman have offered to do some kind to pay partially, the ministers without of project to help us, From Moline, Kan-mission board aid. The Niseis have con- sas> Chas* E, Davis wants to know tributed #40.00 toward that so far. Other how’ their boys and girls can help to bring expenses will be office supplies, mimeo- a happy Christmas for our boys and girls, graph supplies, music supplies, and other ^ev* C^-ydo Brewster of Baldwin, Kan*, asks supplies that would come up from time to for specific instructions as to the type time. Mr. Masatoshi Sugihara is the trea-Pf needed* No doubt there are o- surer of the English Division and Mr, Ta- ^her large and small groups that are wor-kashi Moriuchi is the temporary treasu- king toward the same end, such as the Co-rer of-the evening meetings, until group lorado Church Council, the Federal Council treasuries are organized, Churches* It has been discussed to some degree FUTURE. PROGRAMS but any further suggestions would be wol~ Future Sunday evening programs have been planned and the following are on schedules Nov. 22th, Rev. James Sugioka, speaker; Nov. 29th, Rev* Curtis Westfall of Lamar, speaker; Dec, 6th, Movies by Rev. Wentland, a returned missionary; Deo. 13th, return meeting with Lamar> Dec. 20th, Christmas meeting with music predominating. For other meetings we hope that different age groups will, work them, out with youngj people’ s leaH^AhifN* MR. NAKAGAWA AND kR. FUJIU SPEAKS AT NEIGHBORING CHURCHES, .. .HI n nil. HU'.. M'>" 11 W"11''"’ y USHERING BY CHURCHES?} At the last'" English Division Council chairman Kenji Okuda of the General Arrangements Committee got the following churches to do the ushering the fire making for morning and evening* Nov. 22* L,A*Holiness., Nov. 26* L*A.Christian. Ch*, Both Mr. NakagaWa and Mr* Fujiu were invited by the Baptist and Free Methodist Churches respectively to speak at Rocky Ford, Las Animas, Pueblo and other little towns. A lot of goodwill work was done by them. Mr, Nakagawa reports of a groat inspiration when a stream of well-wishers came and put money in his hands when they shook hands. The money is spent for Bibles and Bible portions, he states. Rev. Lester E, Suzuki will speak at the Denver Japanese Church and' also at the Grace Community Church on Nov. 29th, besides spending Thanksgiving with his wife*s folks near Denver, ‘ t c DONATIONS I—» 2 Mr* and Mrs. Yusawa and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jonokuchi and Mrs, Watanabe (Mr. Jonokuohi!s mother-in-law), and Mrs. Wa-tanabe(Hath Watanabe’s mother) all have nude substantial donations tot he church for appreciation for conducting Chieko■ Yukawa* s and Mr. 'Watanabe1s services; And for thanksgiving for a baby girl in Mr. jonokuchi*s case. Thank you all very uch. Also Mr* George Nakagawa of Denver do-1 ted a little sum to the church just for • odng the camp. A religious library of from 50 to 100 books,will be made, available for minis- -ters and laymen too, fcoori, -'through the courtesy of the Pacific School of Religion with the cooperation o,f six or se- TkEEL _• ^ J____*» X Wanfed Wor/fé /'S. Workers are wanted, not for beets or potatoes, but for issuing this Granada Christian Church News periodically. Applicants please apply to any one.of the Nisei ministers* Very short of labor Pay? Let-1 s talk it over. ZJ? tAur A grea^doal of thanks and apprecia* tion go to Miss Clara Yamaguchi and Mis? Yoshiko ItO, co-chairman of the refreshments committee for the Nov. 15th, joint Amaohe-Lamar young people*s meeting* To tako care of over 400 people with "fatlot: for 250, is a job nobody else can do«. i. Equally thankful are wo for the beautiful offerings bags, both for tho English Division and tho Sunday School. Mi« van seminaries, including the Xliff School Haruko Akahoshi, Mrs. Mayy Takoyema, Mrs of Theology of Denver. The hooks will re- Miohiko Kuroda, and A. Kuroda aro^rospon-main from three to six months, and than sJ-bl° Sor making them. Thanks a million, will be sent to tther camps. Donors have ^ also made gifts for this purpose. At present the Pacific School of Religion is conducting a circulating library for ministers by mail* NISEI MINISTERS AT COLORADO CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING. J ÿ* W.C.A The Y*W*C.A** through the leadership of Miss Dorothy Takechi and Miss Alice Suzuki, is Making rapid headway, with one rally successfully completed and another one pretty soon. Go'West, young lady! Go WostJ A Through the courtesy of Mr. Walther of the Junior High School, Reverends T. Agatsum^, Harry «ashimoto, Ohiaki Kuzu-hara., and Akira Kuroda, made a trip to Denver and represented the Granada Christian Church at.the Colorado Ohuroh Council Conference. Besides the Council meeting they did some shopping,, an important one being at the American Bible Society 'Branch. Night driving was»their way of ’Saving time*- . ; • • .■, v ’ ; . \. ■ \ CAatl/Is (d5 DE. FIAHK HEKÏ0H SMITH VI 3IT3 AitASaB The Granada Christian Church Choir is vorking hard evory week and makes a good showing every Sunday, a capella, a feat other choirs oan* t do in a week. For Thanksgiving and Christmas, more voioes are desired, m&le ospoc:pane« in the evening. Besides he had tioo in the Musio Hoorn, 8H HE, evory lues***£ +.h„ *4«A.4»r« »+•■ and Thur. Dr, Frank Herron Smith, chairman of the Pacific Coast Committee for Wartime Japanese Service a was a welcome visitor to cemp > He spoke at the English Service in the morning,, to the Women’s meeting in the afternoon and to the Isseis in Ja- Miss Maymo Kishi is the director of this choir. NISEI CHURCH COUNCIL Regular meetings of the English Division Church Council will be hold on tho 1st and 5rd Fridays of every month, at 7H. Please remember the dates. 7 P.M, a dinner "meeting with the ministers at. the 9H Mess Hallo,:Thanks tQ 9K* . ' ,.....\ ■ -•'"J •;'', '• • **. ■ 1 TEANKCihQ to the The Rocky Mountain through the Colorado Church Council, we suppose, for a whole half a page in their paper devoted to the'Ama-ohe camp needs, The Holiness Young People meet every other Thur. for fellowship at 10H, ’L'çâ1- .. U Íii# Vol. I,. No.: 3 Decómber 13,,1942 ins»©. Effilïl®W IM ci: ¡RISPIAN CIimCE OFFICE SECRETARY ff With this third edition oS r r anada Christian Gh urch Rev; 3, •»roved to be a charm, for fiBally ;e rot a little help in issuing ,his Kes • Mis:s 3uni Hashimdho is the it ,ue welcome volunteer, and a will* at vt* that 115 one ' This News goes to all the centers, riy Christian leaders and chi ur ches id the. University of California i arar y ree? uested: that every issue 3 sent to then... . So it is not just paper. After many months of discussion, and delay, the Granada Christian Church finally got a full time secretary, which was long needed,for work that was being piled up and delayed indefinitely. ;H'The new; secretary is "Miss Teruko Hashimoto. Now we believe ;we can go places. GAS RATIONING HITS AMACHE small town NISEI :■ G ROW SERVICES DECREASE rationing hat hit its effect the in aÒ ■jbf. The records oi the Nisei Sunday ■jo rning Services and ■ 3 unday -eve ni ng loung People’s meetings. - show some sign of improvements, but there are many places to. improve . Here is the* record and you can judge for yo ur self • DAT! Oct Oct, Oc t ict cv. I ov . C V ..ov ,0- V nec [o rn i n g E ve ni n g 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29- 6 24.0 256 ‘ ' 300 OQR. Ou ; 325 ; 373'* 391 .373 ;• 4Ò3 405 150-. 250 ■2 80. 31G: 300 450 -300 345 225 230 250 250 1-50 JÍ4-0 405 189 200 75 The gas entire country had Amache too, in unexpected places. Of course for the .Conmunity Bntyr-prises it hits very hard,, but nobody expected it to cfioct. the church group. Kow? V/ell for the Lamar-Amache return engagement.,.. due to gas rationing, Amacizo people can’t go to Lamar and .weg are -sorry tqMsuy, \11x y.:£ all p a5:led off \ until belt or ' times . Bishop Relfsnid.ergof then Episcopal Chinch whs* due to' arrive hero,.but due to pross uro of business he had to go straight to San ■Francisco, so in his place.Rev. Curtis W. Westfall of the Lamar Presbyterian Church will be the. guest speaker. Instead of our go-, ing to . Lamar ,, the Lamar; Ministerio president'will come here♦ - The " Sunday - School had -sessions n September too, and here1 is the September record. . Sept. 13--62; > g p t. 2 0—’ «13 5 f So p t. Other records are .27--157. recorded iri- _____VHÜM Hi . ..jChriaroa :he Granada Christian'Church off ice* perhaps some diQ Is so is ar e divided into the; ■ • **- - Llorth and South Ghur.ches: and the cecords are separate.. They also lave homo .meetings winch are aumerous and at various places, ■ Phey are doing a fine piece of work. Choir will render a Musical Christ~ . g.y mas, with choir music, verse choir , anthem, and other, fine numbers. ........ Duásoh is' here again, people: nay think, • How can you hay0 Christmas this year in this kind of time? Well, v/c can and it is. he re. On C hr i s tma s Sund ay, Dé c ember 20th, the Granada Christian Church ! G RANADA CH Voi* I* No* 3 Director Mayme Kishi '-re working like a Tro jan with her committee* to put this over in such a short tirile. . She is noted for getting things done in record so we are'' h oking forward to a very • fine- .W-l■ v rf ormane c * Hr. Johnson thinks two • pcrfbrm*7 Ì : C os may be ne cess ary 4- . u e the antici pate d or- THE TftADITIO NAL CURI, GRA] M, featuring c sp ocia day School.prog ran plus Poo" pic fo play, will 00 • the night of th o 25 th, res cr.vc. that da to . It • von on Terry .Hall* Each, block is plannin mas party of its own cXindl every bloc 1-c will have , a •. : program. ■CHR i Sìlfi PS : e u SERVICE wticw mz p m ©til In ko qp-ihg with . the 0 hr I c t ma s l p iri t , the re wi 11 "he a Ghr ls;tmas Hay service, at Terry Hall at" 10;00 AM. We; invito everyone • t;o . .take . advantage'. of this service, and wpr-.... hip the G hr i s-t Ghi Id .on , C hr i s tiia s jay . a s we li as o thor. day's .. 7 * ; Rev., G. Kuzuh.ara will; he chairman and Rev* Akira lluroda. will be ■ i:hc speaker • A ■ . ■ ‘ •' This .speaking order is clone l-according to schedule., and hot arbitrarily • -- • • On .the night, of Dee umber 31, the Nisei Division ;vi 1.1 conduc t a ; ’ : ; Watch Night Service, perhaps'beginning with a little.- fellowship hour and ■ closing; wi th a candle light oervic c, ushering the New; Year1.. ì;c invitre you all, for tha t. servic e . These years, .are -, hard, .on everyone, hut it isAalwdys: be gin - ..the., y oar with tìo&;,imd‘-Chr 1st. Eh. Hev„. llhr&y-aHesh imo topi's, chairman. o.f tills service. ;.y lilEFIRE- S EVE N T H DAY ADVENTS ; The Seventh Day Adventists, : ’ who sc he adq uarte r s - is in Tac orna Park, Washington D.C is a world-%i ide organization, .now 'conducting ■ :ork in 412' countries, islands, a ,1-d isl and. • gr o up s, and , pro eia imi ng ■ bile ' message In 824 languages, -written and oral. Its. present membership exceeds half a million. This Page'2 ■group of evangelical Protestants first- formed, but a little more than ninety vo ars ago, have in this short period spread to all. corners of the earth, and ;arc to- . :day teaching and preaching ••and printing in more lands and tongues than any ot’her Protcst-antvdenoml-■ nation. ; Seventh Day.Advent is t s'. have more than do ubici their number every ten years since 1845, and have, increased their missionary activities marly 500 percept , every cuce e c d ing . dec ad e , The bufeit,;...nding chair a e tarasti cs of the Seventh, D^y Adventists H : 7;: dcnominatioriVarcothe, :p le.- s o u 1 e d belief in the s i mpl'e ' g os pò 1 of -.’ :■ • ■ Christ as portrayed in the Bible, .and a- great zeal to evangelize: -the '"entire:, world in this -last j generation bc.fprs . the' Master’ shall ret turn. : .. Them Se venth Day." AdvCnti sts arc . beginning their work he rein the. center v/lth a; small, hue lò us of. believers .who arc from one "of the Sc vent h Day. Adv e nt is t s e olle go in Nor thorn C ali i orni.a. - The y ■ have, their regular wa• kly services in 7G Recreation Hall ds follows; “Cdnosday-r7.;30 PM, Midì;Wòok service; FridayàrYìJp ;PM Young. -. People’s Service'; and Saturday--;-' 9:00. AM. Sabbath.-School, and Church Services at -ÌÒWOO AM"A - Tpc, public is cordially invited to attend each of tho.sr servicesa; TEA NKS. FOR CHURGE NEWS ' • Appreciation is hereby expressed to Mr, Hobi Fujiu for his artistic contribution of making the attendance charts for the office of the Granada Christian Church. Drop . an and see the charts.sometimes and see" how the church grows• COLLEGE AGE COMMITEE The College Age Committee, -convened by Rev. Harry Hashimoto, met on December 8th, and made plans for-their group .and also for the evening Young People’s meetings. They were.appointed the program commit tee of the..’e vening sessi one• All college- age' and above groups are requested to bear in mind that an election of officers will be he ld on the night o f'Dec ember 27 th ( P 1c a sc think ab o ut i t and Come prepared for it. A great program is in store vi th niany able persons working on this body. \ GRENADA CHRISTIAN CHIBOU NEWS 'o 1. I. No, 3 or. mi TFTS FOR Esdc c 111 ly tliro ugh e f f or to Yof' tha. Dutc h Re f o me d C hurc li, many Christmas gifts have been sent to the center and the gifts are being unwrapped, sorted and wrapped according Page Division graciously gave us'the use of the South Church hall (10E-R,H.) for the Nisei Rid-Week Service". • Y/cdnoaday December 16th, will be the first Mid-Week meeting, and w-c hope as many people as possible wi ll: take . advantage: oft hi s • YE OTHER RELOCATION CENTER The Granada Christian Church would like to receive your Church papers , if you print any. Send it to 7H Recreation Jlall office. K/e have a church office, so wo will, to age, sex^ and needs. A Committee composed or representatives from the Govern- ..--„ ----- ment Assembly, Buddhist Church, thepost it there. Women*s Federation, Christian Church, Y.W., Y.M., etc. have been FOR THE INFOR^TIpN:OF CHURCHES making plans for its proper dis- the General Arrangement Committee tribution throughout the whole under Kcnji Okuda, has the -follow - camp. * ..... < . ing .churches to work on the follow- The big job ox. sorting, and ing dates: December■ 13: Modesto wraping is being done by the Womortf Holiness; December 20 : Cortez Federation.with Mrs, Aiko Hori and Presbyterian; December 25: ?; Dcc-Ur's'. Kanazawa as directors, and- ember 27th: LCA. Union. Will the representative women from the- Wo- ■ respective churches, please see that; they take'care of both the ,icn Federation, Euddhist■Church Christian, Church, Y,W„, etc., are doing a fine job of -Santa Claus; , agents• A complete list of Children*&. names arc in and we hope to cover,, them and mere if possible. More gifts are coming in from var io us s c urcc s, khow and unknown. A complete list of donors will be out next time. If anything happens and you don’t receive a Christmas''Edition, we wish you now a - • morning and evening gatherings, ushering, stove, and programs? oi P E R S 0 N A. L N E MI We don't know all who wont to Boulder, but wo- have a number of Church people in, the number who 'went. Some of these whom wo have in mind are, Hiss Yoshiko Arimatsu, •Mri & Mrs, Earnest Yarhada,' Mrs. Yokouchi, Mr. and Mrs. MOnrna, and many whom them God i we :pc don’t )d and u now •,o od He wish iteki : MERRY' CHRIS QjTÂ. HAPPY TMAS YE JUNIOR HIGH FELLOWSHIP The temporary Junior High cllowship Committcc; met at 'iuroda’s home, on Dec. 10th ;annod for a Junior High .epic’s group* The time ing will be either after. Sunday School hours or during the gcrly c vening • Thro ugh the ,..c oo;po rat ion Rev, nd 7 ' ' Young of mcot- Some of .the soldier boys connected with some Church who visited us recently a.rc Salto, Fred Odanaka Ichiro- Nishida, WapatQ, Washingt 4orp. Frank Morishlta, Walnut; Grove,, p. F,C . Arthur Shimiz u, -L. Pvt • Ken Uyo sugi, Colusay and many o t he r s weeha yen’t ve r i fled. We v/cicomc these-boys and VO Corp • ■ Sliozo ., L.A.; Sgt. bid God speed, wherever they may of the Junior High Sunday School teachers students vi to give their opinion a is the best time. Wc hope this group will grow at he I 1 be asked both night to what lev. Chiaki Kuzuhara is md ' day v/i t.h C ommitt 0 <: working his Sunday xspendonec MID-WEEK SERVICE AT 10H •and ,/h boy J1 We have been talking abo ut a ; Nisei Mid-Week Service for a , long . Mrs.i miri and time, but we were not able to find a suitable place to meet. The o nia. has' School Committee, corr< committee, Hospital! committee, publicity cbrnriiittcc, music commit-to e (pcr sonsl), Chri stmas c omm.i tfc to t else.... take it easy, * * * * now ---9 - . the wife' Of Rev„ T. Agat su* school rooms, with a p pretty well occupied, io the Issci children* Rev. Agatsunia remains here and. IS VERY MUCH LOST, The English Division vice chairman. Miss Bmi Hinoki, took a' trip to Denver . with Mr, Terry and others a short time ago. She says Denver is' a bit larger than Colusa, Mrs. Lester E. Suzuki and children are now back in Amache to enjoy camp life, Mr, Ben Hashimoto, brother of Sum! ?ashimoto and Fred Hashimoto, came down romrGreeley for the Thanksgiving weekend. Otley, la, Nov. 30, * 42 Project Director,' Relocation Center, Granada, Colo, . My dear Friends* We are very happy to send you a box of Christmas gifts for the children under your,supervision, also gifts for six-• grown-ups as directed. You will probably receive thorn at the same time as this letter. We wish you all a Very Merry Qhristmas and a • Happy New Year « . And may God bless you in your work GRANADA C//R/ST/AA/ CRURCR NEWS PAGE F .O U R JEnq /A?hD/ v/swn 'Treasurer's Report in His name, ' ’ Sincerely, Miss Dort ha. Brummel, Banner Bearers of Ot-; 1 ley Reformed Church, Setp, 27, to Dec, 8, 1942, " INCOME. corning Services- (8 Sundays) 4*106,82 Evening Services (6 services) 56,53 1st Nisei Service » ’• - 7,09 ■‘-nhanks giving Service. " 17 •00. : Totals “~!TfT4T EXPENDITURES. i or Offering bags ' 2,60' ■aeir social expense . j5*00 ostage for Church News' • 3*81' • Refreshment for.joint Lamar Aiîiaché meeting 10,97 » • Rev. Kuzuhara for Calif. hospi- '• tal and sanatarium-patients .■ • . 17.00- • For rémunération to’ministers .. 40*00 y.-. For mimeograph papers, .ink*, styli* stapling machine, etc 4lé24. ..Total _ , 12Q.62 ; BALANCE TO DA5BE ' ‘ $66.82 .> .. Respectfully submitted,;. Masatoshi Sugihara, Trea. Hera are ¿rrb£'7~~s hree letters from the donors . of ’Christinas gifts. .that iiavo been coming into the camp almost . daily, mostly from N.Jv and N.Y, from the Dutch Reformed Church, , Dear Project Director: - : i * •• We have received ■ your address from tho Committee on Re- ■ lief, Reformed Church in -America, We iiavo sent some games = for the: children. . .They did not all:, fit; in one box, . Therefore, they have been mailed in two boxes*. .The Christmas, wrappings are in one of the -boxes— the other box. contains the’ rest • of the games which did not. fit in the., first box-- but I believe there is enough paper to wrap the- games of both boxes, . , I trust that. you .may all have a very Merry Christmas at Granada, .. The, Missionary Society, . ., Linden, nNiJ• Nov, 25, 1942. ' ’ ... - .Nov, 28, 1942, Dear Project Director: *• In reply to a letter . from,.Mrs, Munson, chairman, Relief Com-mittoe, asking that, wo, send a Christmas box. to Granada, I;am writing to say that our’ Ladies’ Missionary Sec ioty sont a .box of gifts .'today. In these trying •iim6s'"i't.'...spejiis 'ifo .'ali have burdens to bear.'-but: Wc all fool Wo like to havo * A pairb • Id t;rying to make others happy • -- x trust ;t:His box -mil reach you safely and may it help•to. spread cheer among- a few: of the many whom you are trying to help, , ■Sincerely yours, (Mrs. C, H.. ) Sarah B. Van Kirk, -■ , ■ v , .Sooty, : diissionary.. Society of "Old ’ .' Br.i ck Reformed Church”. PROGRAM OF THE NATIVITY IN MUSIC ' BY;:TRE: GRANADA 'CHRISTMAN CHURCH - ' CHOIR, MISS rliATMEf KtESHI, DIRECTOR. .... A great trpat■.i-s -ip store for all ..thosclwho are -fortunA^d Enough to got into Terry-Hall on Sun. night, Dec, 20th for the, Choir'will present tho Nativity in'Muaic. The ¡program is as follows, subject to change: PRELUDE i Processional "Algols from the Realms of Glory" Chorus. .Prologue Luko 1* 1-4. THE ANNUNCIATION: ‘ ' Carol "It'Came Upon the-Midnight Clear ' : ! Choir-, Reader Luke 1: 26-35 :"Avc Mafia" . (Bach Guuhod Girls Quar .: hi .; . tct. ■ .Reader .. . Luke 1: 4.6-45 NO'.ROOM .IN;; THE INN- : _ ..Carol. —Reader — • 0 Holy .Night (Adams Hardor) Choir. AID THERE WERE SHEPHERDS ' VTh.il c Shop herd s i/datc he i r Tho i r Flocks» Reader'; Luke 2: 8-13 Reader Luke 2: 15-20 1 Bring you Good Tidings ■■ WISE ■MEN’ THREE . • • •: ' Carol "We Thru) Kings of Orient" Reader matt• 2» 1—11 , Carol "The.First. Nool THE ADORATION Beautiful Saviour Choir• . Carol "Silent Night" Choir. Praise Ye the Lord Choir. POSTLUDS LUE SETTORE5I11CEfìCty iHfnt [VER OEEORf THE FIST CHRIS'BIAS IN CAMP--A YEAH AGO, when the war had just begun and all things were up in the air, when many parents v/ere picked up and left, and everybody was jittery; most of us were wondering whether we should observe Christmas in the usual way or not, or even to have church services. Some churches no doubt, closed their doors temporarily aid did not have their Christmas servio&s o r nro grams . _Some churc he s 4/l^ljgx MAS V( iUf CAME nit ^jrwy ^kat the wor-3 tip of>v ^God through Christ id the celebration of the Christ ^i,.xld would not in any way go contrary to any cIre urnstance, vh ether it be war or otherwise, and so they observed Christmas as normal as ■ possible, This year we do not need to feel any hesitation in celebrating or worshipping the Christ Child. He has the only Way for the world, lie is the only Way that leads us to God the Father^ So let us not for-get Him this year, and whoever celebrates Chris tmas, in whatever way, we hope that they will not forget what the Christ Child means to the World and to each one indivi-indivldually» • The first Sunday School Christmas .. Program in c amp will be given on the night of December 25th, at Terry Hall, Rev* Chaiki Kuzuhara will be chairman of the program# All admissions will be. by tickets, due to the small size of the hall, so if you are anxious to' see the program, see Rev, Kuzuhara, The Program is as follows; Rev, Chiaki Kuzuhara Chairman: Prelude Hymn; “Joy to the World“ Congregation stand. Hymn; “Hark! the Herald“ Congregation stand, Scripturo Reading; Luke 2:1-14. Japanese: Mr. Michimasa Kino- shita. English: Mr. Andrew Yahiro. Prayer: rgv. L. Suzuki. Greeting: Chairman. Greetings • Mr. W. Ray Johnson. White Gift Congregation. Merry Christmas song: Beginners1 Department. Group Recitation: Primary Department , Jewel Song: Primary class, Jr, Department, Play* Junior Department. “As Shephers Watched Their Flocks Group recitation with music. Intermediate girls. “Living Christmas Tree“ High School girls. Mr s. S umi Ka shiwq gi. Play* ‘Silent Night“, ‘Away in theMinger” Sunday School Choir. Hymni “0 Como All Ye Faithful” Congregation stand. Benediction Rev. Yc Yamaka. Santa Claus Postludo. GRANADA CHRISTIAN CHURCH HEWS Yol. 1« No« 4 Amacho, HIGH SCHOOL GROUP Colorado DOCOmirenr OOj' 19-iS' tOUEGt ^ RCOVE GROUP At a committee moeting held at Fred Arimoto's, it was decided that the High School Group will meet December 27th, 7PM at '8H-11E. Mr, Thomas Haratani will bo chairman and Koc Yoshida is organizing a quartet*. As an extra treat, refreshments will be served*. The committee is working on a ouitablo speaker. All High School people arc t urged to come for a meeting of their own• Lc tf s not let tho other groups get ahead af us l! MID-WEEK SERVICE Sometime ago the Nisei Church Council decided to have a Mid-Week Service for Niseis and requested the Isseis to let the Niseis have one building for its services* Since the Isseis used both of the buildings, 7H and 10H we had held up the Mid-Week Services. Last Wednesday we had our first Ilid-Veck Service* There weren't many but v/e have begun anyway • Meetings are held at 7H Granada Church building, at 7:00 PM evory INITIAL MEETING —DEC. 27, 1942 The Initial meeting of the College and Above Groups will take place on Dec, 27th at Terry Hall, at 7:00 PM.. An inspiring vesper service is one special feature of the meeting The other matter will be an election of officers, namely, president, secretary, treasurer, program chirman, and social chairman. Nominations will be from the floor and election will bo by ballot. It is requested that every nominee be contacted prior to election so theb things will run smoothly at ©Lection* All of you who are in college or out of college, you are cordially invited to come and enjoy your own program. * * NEWS FROM HERE & THERE.». * POSTON BULLETIN — Poston Camp #1 is issuing a special Christmas Bulletin. V/e hope to see it soon* TULE LAKE CHRISTIAN NEWS LETTER--The Tula Lake Christian News Wednesday night. A continuous study of the gook of Acts will be made and a schedule of Nisei ministers will take charge. Rev.- Akira Kuroda was the first on in charge and others will follow. Come to our Mid-Week Services and study the Bible, as well as be uplifted by hymn singing, prayer, and fellowship. Other centers seem to be gating along sv/cll in their Mid-V/oek meetings. Let us not be too far behind. JR. HIGH SCHOOL GROUPS At a'recent meeting of the Jr. High School Group Committee, at the home of Rev. Kuroda,. it was .added to begin Junior b^gh SchocOL ^roup soon; most likely in the morning after Sunday School hours. Wic Junior High people would first jQ asked when would be most suit-ole and then proceed with working out the meetings» Lots of luck to this young group and v/e hope that you will grow and improve as time goes.. - - - OTHER CAMPS - - - V/e would like to get news from your centers, especially Christian News Letters. Send them to Miss Sumi Iiashimoto 7G-3-C, or to Rev. Lester E. Suzuki, 7K-7-E. Both addresses arc are Amachc, Colorado-. (page 2) Letter ir a weekly and a v^ry nicely done sheet. From Dec. 20th to the 27th, a whole week of Xmas celebration will take place. There will be carolling, choir concctts, joint services, individual Christmas programs for all age groups. They al so report that Xmas gifts are pouring in from many concerned and generous people. Some of the heavy donors arc Dr. and Mrs. Chas, Houry, of Alexandria Va. for gifts for 200 children, and the Dioccsc of Olympia, Wash, who contributed candies for 500 children. Yes, the churches arc working everywhere Some recent speakers of their church were, Mrs, Farquharson,Wash. State Senator and FOR Secretary, and Dr, John 0, Bennett. POSTON — With Rev, Jitsuo Morikav/a as special speaker, Poston Gamp #3 had apcical evangelistic mcetirgs and had good crowds and good results. More power to the Christians in Poston! TOPxiZ, UTbH - - The Inter-Faith Ministerial Association of Topaz has create1 d i. Inter-Faith Library, with nev/s from every camp as one of their features. Topaz has a v/cckly Church Edition by the camp Topaz Times, ROHWER, ARKANSAS — Recently at McGchcc, Ark., the McGchee Ministcrial Assco iation invited bhc camp Japanese ministers to a Thanksgiving Dinner in the Presbyterian Church of McGchcc * A very fine gesture, ‘MNIKOKA* IDAHO In eaily November, over one hundred clergymen, their -wives and representatives laymen were guests of the religious workers of. Minidoka. The enthusiasm and' fine response was- very gratifying and* very significant5 it was reported and that Christianity ms again ’seinonstrated as the one bond which transcends barriers of race, class and creed • ' " JDcrn t Cl M P C HR I S T ,M AS F T S Ï Supervised by the. Christmas 'Gifts Committee, and handled by the women of the : camp especially> thpusands of- gifts sent--mostly by'the Reformed Church of America, and some by others, will be distributed to all youngsters through‘‘the age of 15, at least, and perhaps some others * We hope to satisfy, as many as possible, but some will not be satisfied; but,. • we hope all will-understand that there^ -’is no favoritism or partiality» -The gift» will be distributed as equally as posai-hie, but to, do. that, is a tremendous^ job, but the women are doing a splendid job» We hope.people, will understand this and receive the .gifts in-the right spirit'and not in the spirit of criticism. Mr. W, Say Johnson, through whose •• * hands most of the gifts.havogthrough, ' ¡.asbeen most generous with his- time and éffort and help* Great crédit is ue ..him. GREAT CHOIR PERFORMANCE TONIGHT AT T-ERKf HALL M - - ■ Practicing with.such zeal And enthusiasm, ' and directed •'vigorously by* Miss Mayme Kishi* The Granada Christian Church Choir, will no doubt give a ! great performance of the NATIVITY IN MUSIC. With the background painted,' by Mr. Okamoto .and mr. Kikuchi with, the assistance, of many’ others, there . will' be atmosphere, besides the actual performance. The program was in the last edition so' it will not be reprinted here* And donJt forget to come early if you'want ’ to get in. PERSONAL NEWS HERE AND .THERE Mr. Harry Naka, after working'fo^ % ew weeks in Dallas., Texas,' came'back to amp, due to. some misunderstanding. Here is a list of donors ‘of 'Christmas Gifts, coming through the hands of the project director or individually. The re«-mainder will be printed in the next edition. *1. Harriet usborn Guild, First Reformed Church, Catskill, New-York. 2. firs. Tess Wells, Sioux Center, 0ao 3. Donningville Reformed Church, Christian End. Society, -Allegan, Mich. 4. J.D. Crist,. Walden, -N. Y. 5. F. Belle, Bogard, Little Falls, N.J : "6* 'H.A. Affel, .827 Morniggside Rd, Ridgewood.,, N.J. *7. Mrs. M. Koeteeuw, 1C34 S. Washington St., Denver, Colo. .8• Grace Nichols, Healdsburg, Sonoma Co. Calif. 9. Japanese. Christian. Association, 453 Wa 143rd St.,N.Y. 10. Mrs. Lewis. T. .Everitt, Pres. Vfoman1 s Missionary Society, Reformed Church, Cat-skill, "N.Y* ... 11. Mrs. J.F. Van Gcrp, Pella, Xa. 12. See. pkg, $ 8. (2) 13. Florida' Reformed Church, Amsterdam, N.Y. • 14. I'adies Prayer and Mission Circle, First Reformed Church, Coxaackie, N.Y. 15i Golden .Links, East Williamson, N.Y. 16. 170 No Allen St.. Albany, N.Y. 17. Miss Bertah Brummel, Banner Bearers, *0tley Reformed Church, Otley, Oa. 18. H. Buiskoo, Kalamazoo, Mich. 19; W.M, .Society, .-Ref. Church Mission, Lawton, Oklahoma. * 20. Missionary Society Reformed Churchy Linden, N.J. 21. “ A. S. Yfyckoff, Jamaica, N.Y. • . 22. Ladies Missionary and Aid Society, *1st Reformed Churoh,. S, Holland, 111. 23. See. pkg. #9 (2) 24. Mrs. A. ..Bubbena, Pres. Ik>rcos Society, Forreston, III. 25. ^avangie,. Hillegeer, 330 W. Union St, Newark, N.J. 26. Old Brick-Reformed Church, Missionary Society, Marboro, N.J, 27. Wilson Company, Pella, la. 28» Misvs M.G. Parka, Colo -Springs, Colo« 29, Women Soc. of Bethany Ref. Church, 400 E. 67th St.. N.Y, « 30. Mr. H. Vandemeer,..Randolph, Wis. 31*. See. jf20 (2) 32. Albert Resbink, N. Clyraes, N.Y, 33- Ladies Aid Ref. Church. South Haven Rev, C. Kuzupara and Victor Fu'jiu have been working hard-on the Sunday School News» See the special-edition tor S,S. news. Reverends Harry Hashimoto and Akira Kuroda are following the footsteps of St. Paul.. Good luck to you. M The Women* s Division of Christian Service of the Methodist Church, with. headquarters in N.Y., has donated a great, sum for buying gifts for children. Many thanks to them. Mrs. Robert Tashima donated $2 »00 to the church for appreciation for the use bf some equipment.- Thank you. _ Kenji Okuda, Yutaka Nakagawa, Mayme Kishi, Victor Fujiu-and others are talk“* ing about.going places.-What/ don*t. ybu_ like the camp? MiCh. . ; v : 34, F.W, Woolworth, 162—2 Jamaica Ave. Jamaica,, N.Y. . "35. mrs.- A. Smith,. Milwaukee, Wis. 36. Viilllng Workers, Firth, Neb. 37. Ref. Jr. Aide, Edgerton, Minn. 38. jwrs. Rose Eckerson, Westwood, N.J. 39. ' Missionary Soc, Packard Ref. Church, Park Ridge-, N.J, SO. Miss. Soc, S. Ref.. Church, Brooklyn, N.Y., . ' - ■ • 41; Bethany Circle, .Gibbsville Ref. Ch. 'Shebbygan Falls, Wis. 42. Mrs. Virgil Grandis, New Sharon, la. 43. Ladies Aid, Baileyville Ref. Church. Baileyville, 111. 44. Women*s Miss, Soc. N. Branch, N.Y. 45., Grandivlle Ref. Church, Grandville, ■ Mich. , -■ 46, Mrs. S. G. Vesberg, Holland, Mich. 46. -¿less Herzog, College Point, N.Y. 40. Unity Ref, Ch. Muskegord, Mich. 49. 1st Ref, 50. 1st Ref, gon, Mich, 51. Mrs . w. 52. J. Beck 53. Mrs . w. W, Hill, Nyack, N.Y# 30k, Kalamazoo, Mich» 53» Mrs# W. Ritchie, Ladies Aid .Soc* ", Oak Harbor,- hash. . 54. Hoelgie,-hew Brunswick, N.J, 55» L# Bamberger, & Co. Newark, N.jJ, 56. Mrs* W. J. Janeway, Brighton Hgts, Ref. Ch. Staten Island, H.:Y. : 57* Mrs. B, H, Sondford, Women’s Guild Arlington Ref. Ch.-Poughkeepsie, N.Y* 50. Mrs. G. J. Slobe, Amor, Ref. Ch.-Orange- City. 0a. ■ - - 59. Se. Pkg. $54 (2). . *. • - " * - 60* Lester Boxxard; Jersey City.■‘N.J# 61. Fort Plain, N .Y. Ref * Ch* --••• #r * 62. N. Paterson Ref.“Ch. Hawthorne* N.J# 63. Young Ladies Miss. Bahdi Abbe Ref. Ch. Clymer, N,Yv 1 ' • '■ 1 64. Mrs .' F; A. Hendrick, Poughkeeps io, Nb Y. ,..... ... . ...... , ’ - 65. ‘ 3rd Ref . Chu; Raritan,; N#J. • ■; ‘-; 66* Women* s Miss, Soc. Paramus; Refv Ch. Ridgewood, N.J* J ; j 67. W.E. Smith, Wiiibrook, N.Y* 68 69, m .......m i.« m ■ 70. Mrs. W. M* J.- Volbke, Otto Ref. Ch. 'Brandon, Wis. v - * 71, 1410 Ch. St. N. Park Ref. Gh, Kalamazoo* MlCh. ; ;; ’;1"‘ ■ '. 72. Mrs." C. I. Jones, Los’ Angelos, Cal, 73• Mrs. J. Price, Grand Rapidsi Mich* 74 • * Knox - Memor ial Chapci,• Now York, N .Y* 110. Mrs. C. F# Nesler, pkg'#3. 111. N., Griggs, Yonkers, N.Y. 112* Women1s League, 1st Church of Kew G • Gardens, Ref., Kew Gardens, N.Y. 113* Mrs. E, Schmölze, ehr. Mission Soc. Kew Gardens, N.Y. 114* Grave sent Miss.. Auxiliary, Gravesend Ref. Ch. Brooklyn, N.Y. 114. St* -Johns Ref. Ch. Scudder Mission. Soc. Red*.Hook, N.Y. 115. Spring Valley Ref. Ch. Spring Valley, N.Y. 116. W, Plecher, Metuchen, N.J, 117. The Helping,'Hand Soc* Ref.’ Ch., Les- • ter, Oa. 118. See,#116, (2) 119:, Ruth H. Vroman, Pres. Young Women* s League for Servicé, Altamont fef * Ch. .Altamont, N.Y, ”, 120.. 1st Ref, Church, Union City. N.J. 121 .< Woman* s Miss. Soc. Riverside Ref. ; Churqh, Patterson, N.J. 122. * Woman*s Mission Soc. Bethel Ref. Ch. .. Branden,.-Wis, 123. X* Vaïiderbeek, Holland, Mich; 124# Rev* H*. V/, Sohenck, Upper Montclair, ;N*'J* . G. F. nardV Highland;Park, JM, \f' 127..League for Service, Ref*Ch* Hawthorne., N.J# ., 128. Mrs* D.. Bogard, L^ttlö Falls, N.J, 129. Middleburg Girls League for Service, Orange - Gity, la ..*............. . 130. Mrs,. E. Fisher, Grand Rapids, Mich. 131. ist Ref. Ch, Passau, N.J. 75. 'Mrs. M, M, Gfechwoöd; New York*- N.Y* n: , a', . ; -«t t 76. Blooaingdalo Churchy Bl^omigton, N.Y, 13B. Ooaouw.^ Church, Hohokus, N.J. 77. tes; Biais Var. Zoo. Grace Bcf. Ladies 1^. .B14omiggdale+s, gw . Societies, Corsica* S. pak. ■ 781 Mrs.. S .Vandorborgh, Holland, Mich, 79. George Hankamp,. Lyndon, Wash# 80. See #78 (2) ’ *- • r ; «*” * J - 81. Miss P. P. Hodden, Irvington,* N.J, 82. No Address, *v.:vi : 83. See,#72 (2) <--) * 84. Japanese Christian Institute Inc. 330 E. 57th St .‘ New York, N.Y. 85. 1st Ref. ’Ch. Ridgewood; N.J, 86. See. ,jf84., . . ,. i'i *" "• "• ■’ " , 87. Sunshine Mission Circle- 1st Ref. Ch. Pella, la; - v“" V-.;. 88,.Mri Andrew'Palma; Kalamazoe> Mich. 89. Mrs. H. C.-Raspers, Now-Hartford, •- N.y; 90-, Mrs. Chas; Solkiik,,.Ladies iiission, * ■'' Soc. Selkirk;; Albany Co * New York, 91. Mrs, E. mcKcver* -Nassau- Ref Ch. • Nassau, N.YV. u:v ” 92. No Address. • v' ' ,93...Mrs,, Albert Dykema, Gigelow^- Minn. ' 94. Mr s. A." Vanderberg;: Haspor's (Da. 95, Nardin Park Ref Ch. Detroit, Mich. 96. A.' Vovn Horn, Hamilton^ M^ch. ■ 9,7-.. Ref.' CooporVille' Ch. Ladies Aid, C Coopervilio, liibh. "'* ' ' ' ' 98', i.u*s. C. 'Wagner, Four a Bush, -N.Y. 99. Mrs." John Sterk, Randolph, Ohio. 100* Women* s Miss', 'Soc-.' Ref • Ch»- of S. 134. felary and Martha Society, Lynden, Wa, 135, Greenleafton .Church, Preston, ¡Minn.. 136* Livingston Memorial Church Soc, Len linthgo, N*Y. 137#. 2nd fef, Ch,M Irvings ten, N.J. 138* ,Mrs^. P* Bruce«, Chicago, 111# 139.: - Kings Paught er s , Ref » Ch • Germantown ;;..j,y#V--''.J- ; 140# Rev, H. H. Olson, Irvingston, N.J. 141* Rqv. liartin Hoesksema, Roxboro, ; Philadelphia, Pa, 142* Mçs.;Q,• E. Bouquet, Brookdale Ref. > Ch, Glen,Rid ge, N.J, 143. F# w. Woolworth No, 1000, New', York 144, Women*s Mission, Soc.*Còl, Evangelic . Church,. Union City , N.J . 1451 Mr-s. - G. Jo seph Mayer, Oradel 1, N.J, 146. N, Ref• Church, League for Service, ; fîmont, N, J. Mrs. Hough, Pres* 147'*, Mrs, ' fiat tie, Cóytesville, N.J, 148. Woman’s Mis son Soc. Grove Ref.-'Ch« North Bergen, N.J. 149# Church of the Covenant, Patterson, Nwj.,"v ; *11 150. Berne Ref. Ch. Benne, N.Y* 151. Mrs, M. F. Ne wall, New York, N.Y, .152, See. #147. (2) . . ,15,3. Popling, Throe. Bridges, N.J-, 154. Pella Ladies Mission Circle, Panama, Neb. .155* West Side Ref. Church, Cicero, 111. 156. E... W. i.ilagner, S, Bound Brook, N.J. 167 *V Women* s Mi s si on. Soc, Ramapo Rof. Ch. Mahwàh, N,’J * Busbank, New York, *N.Y, • -y 101. Always Ready League f or ‘Servio e, Livingston Ref. Ch, Livingston# N.Y. 102. Mrs. C; Vanderboom, Platte, S. Dak. 103. te. Bernard Poest; - Zeeland y-teoh. ^ R>c. A. He* York. N.Y. 104. 4th Bef. League for Service, Holland^^ Williston Park Ref, Ch. Willintfcn •M^ch. , 0 , , v-y Park, Long island, N.Y. 105. End Bef. Xh, 3chenectady, 'P h 160. Woman’s Mission and Aid, Hbbe Ref 106. ivrs ^ i.lfesier, 1st Ref. Church, Ch. Clymer, H.Yi East Orange, N.Y. J *- 107. ft(2) - - . 108. Bethany Willing workers, Lyimvirle, la# 109. Mrs. Ina BrOlsma, Orange City, Oa. 161. Ladies. Mission. Soc. Port Bwen Ref ■Ch, Port Ewen, NoYi ; 162. Thursday. Circle, Huguenot R&rk Ref Ch., Huguenot Park,.Staten Isl, N-Y^ ¿í¡& / r Vol 1 Mo. 5 Mache, Colo ràdo COLLEGE GROUP Jov ’’This one thing I do , forg'fetii: ng those things Which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the-prize of the.high.calling of God in Christ Jesus —Phil. 3:13-14. Looking forward with hope and faith is much more uplifting and profitable than to look back with sorrow and disgust. If we do look back, we oughtto look back for' the sake of gaining insight into the future, but not to say that the past was terrible therefore the future in hopeless. O'/ CJJe. ¿C PAST NOTABLE EVENTS For the first tune at the morning service, the Cnristmas morning Service was packed and there Was standing room only. It was a nice Christmas Service# MICH NIGHT With over 50 people present, a splended Watch Night party and service was held on Dec. 31st. Thanks go to Richard Suzuki for games, Clara Yamaguchi for refreshments, Rev. Harry Hashimoto for the Candle Light service, and kayme Kishi for the candles. To be sure, * there is much more value in spending New Year’s Eve, than the ordinary my of celebrating New Year’s Eve. NEW YEAR’S SERVICE Under the Issei Division a splendid New Year's Service was held on January 1st, with a creditable croYt/d. Rev. Yamaha preached a fine sermon. LETTERS DONORS. OF THANES TO CHRISTMAS GIFTS Letters of thanks are now being written officially to the donors of Christmas gifts to our camp, and each donor surely deserves a good lebtei« We hope individuals too, will take a little trouble and write to one or more churches for sending the gifts. List of donors have been in the previous issue of the Church News and in this issue too. Take your pick. /¡mb where there v/ere individual names of Sunday School pupils, the^receiver or observer should take a little time off and write a letter to that pupil. They took a lot of time, effort and kind thoughts —why shouldn’t we spend a little time for a letter.? On Sunday, Jar*- 3rd, 1943, the College Age 'Group is having an interesting presentation and discussion on "A Round Table in Democracy”. The.following three points will bo discussed: (l) Democracy and thé U.S., (2) Democracy and the WRA^ Center,, (3) Demoooracy and our obligation Mr. Kenji Okuda, University of Washington student, Miss Hmi Hinoki,•Mills College graduate, and Mr* Lafayette Noda, U.C. graduate and UCLA graduate student, will be the speakers. Dr. Joe Abe, S.C, graduate, and former dentist of L.A®, now of vsiRA, will be the chairman. Everybody invited. HIGH SCHOOL GROUP A fine mooting of the High School group vías held on Dec. 27th, with Mr. Terry speaking, with singing and rej. rosh-monts enjoyed by all. On Sunday, January 3rd, the second _ mooting will be hold at 8H—ll^E;» all .1. school people aro urged to attend. JUNIOR HIGH GROUP Coming:eo°n# wo figure 11 * * * * PERSONAL NEWS AMD OTHERWISE Mrs. Harry Naka, has left the camp - for her homo in Salt Lake ^ity. When -you get close to Topaz, perhaps there toight be some amethyst in Amache. Strangely enuff both topaz and ametnyst are.called Oriental. \ Our good worker Mr. Yutaka N&Jsngawa i¿ leaving our midst. He is 1 paving foÜjf Moody BiUo Instituto té oompleto his schooling begun at L«A<.* Bible institute, and then ho plans to go vo some ot^er shoo]., Wo bid him God Speed and good, luck* Don’t ibrgot the camp when you are free. Miss Janet Tsuchiya has loft for Priehom Yeung University last Monday. She has been very instrumental in boosting the Junior Choir, and also in every musical pro grain wo have had, ^ Thanks and good luck. I guess ' Go West is still true. There is danger that this list of ’’loaves” will bo like a’vital statistic cdiurna.! Well anyway,'they’11 live in another world. vrol. I# No* 5 GRANADA CHRISTIAN CHURCH NEWS Amache, Colorado January 3, 1943 RESULTS OF COLLEGE ELECTION ' At tho election of officer ¡b last Sunday, the fallowing'officers were elected: President--Dr* Joe Abe, Secretary—Miss Hannah Tani, Treasurer—Mr* Andrew Noda, Sccial Ghcdriaand-Mr*i Henry Suzulcida, Proram chairman—Miss Fvuuiyo Hascgawa. INFORMATION Tho Reformed Church in America headquarters is at 156 Fifth Avenue, New.York, n.Y. The Women’s Personal Service Relief Committee chairman is Mrs. Lawrence J. Munson at tho same address* Bishop William 0. Martin, 512 Omaha National Bank Bldg, Omaha, Nebraska« Ho was responsible foie tho Kansas .Churches sending gifts* Denver Council of. Churches, 302 Trinity Building, «-Denver , Colorado* .* Colorad’o ; Couno il of Chur chos , 3150 W. 46th*‘St* , Denver, Colorado. , Perhaps a word. of thanks by anyone would not be out of place« V MORE PERSONAL NEWS Miss Marie nizutani has left for the Colorado School of Educatiopa at Greeley for further studies. Good bye. Miss Frances Yamasaki, formerly of ¿jOs Angeles,, was visiting her" folks for a few days. She is. studying at De Pauw University, Greencastle, Xnd. Sergeant and Mrs* Millie Fujimori have been visiting here, for a few days. Willie was former treasurer of the L.A* Methodist Church.-. He is from Fort Custer, Mich* Pfo Richie Mat sumo to, formerly of Winters, now of Camp Walters, Tex., was a visitor here for a few days* Corporal Nobor-u Morita, of Livingston and Modesto, is now visiting Amache. He is from Vermont Miss Yuriko Yuge is now a patient at the Amache Hospital* We hope you will come out soon* SPECIAL HIGH SCHOOL GROUP MEETING Sunday’s program for the High School is a fine one with a Forum on ’ This Above All1’ as their theme, with Sherman Els hi, -'•ike Kuzuhara, and Joy Takeyama speaking . different phases of the topic* Miss juunic© Yahirc is the pianist, Dorothy Handa is the chairman* Sally Muranaga will render a solo, and kiss Tsukiko Miyake will give the prayer. Last Sunday a good meeting was held with Mr. Terry speaking and delicious refreshments served- Sunday, Jan. 10th-will be.election-Gunday, so everybody please be thinking, about it« The group meets at 8H HE* 7:00 P.m, TREASURER’S REPORT OF THE EVENING YOUNG PEOPLE’S GROUP* INCOME Collected by Masatoshi Sugihara. $6.93 Oct. 11,‘1342 Oct. 18th 7.99 Oct. 25th.v. .. 8.81 Nov. %st ■ 5.86 Nov. 15th - 19,14 Nov. 22nd Rev. Sugioka 9,47 Nov. 29th Rev. Root 9.69 * Dec. 6th Carol Moon 3« 90 Dec. 13th Rev. Westfall 4.25 Dec. 20th Musicale no offering 27.31 From Masatoshi 48 .7-3./ . Total Income 76.04 ~ ERPENSES Thanks' to Rev, Sugioka 4.00 ■ Thanks to Rev. Root 5.00 Hi-School fellowship 4,00 Total Income $>76*04 Total Expenses 13„00 Balance on hand 63*04 ~TT.oo Respectively submitted, Taka shi MoriuchiTreasur. Evening Young People’s. CHRISTMAS PROGRAMS VERY WELL DONE The Christmas Sunday, Christmas Story in Music, musical performance was a splendid performance* There was a packet house, but we are sorry we didn’t have a bigger hall for other people who would want to hear such a fine program. It is nob too late to pass comments on such a performance., The singers werenamely, Sopranos: Mabel Andow, Sophia' Andow, Seiko Asano, A-‘my■ Hat-tori, Callie Kaneko, Hoshiko Miyake Mary Miyake, Evelyn miyashima, Jean Mori-rp.or.o. June Morimeto, Sumiko S.hirafuji, Sally Muranagaj, Flora Tanji, Tatsuyo Ta-tara, Mary C,. Watanabej Basses: Yuki Aka-ki, Ydsh Fujxta, Tommy Haratani, Noboru Eashimoto, Ed* Jonokuchi, Kei Kuzuhara, Kem Kuzuhara, Sherman Kishi, .Tommy Matsu* ura. Lens Murakami, Lafayette Noda, Thomas Tanaka, George Yoshioka, Koe Yoshida, George Yuzawaj Altos: Emiko Hinoki, Hizi Hinoki, Rutl Ihara, Grace Ishizaka, Margaret James, Mary Kashiwase, Mary Kawamura, Lucy Kish Miho Kishi, Sunny Kondo, Ida Nakashima, 'Arin Ohki, Natsu Ota, Jayne &ato, Gune Suzuki,.Cowl Takao, Hannah Tani, Mary Louise Yoshino. ‘ Tenors: Frank Endo, Den Hattori, Sum:' Kawamura, Fred Kishi, Jim Morimoto, Bob Ghici, Dick Suzuki, Harry Takai,. Leo Tata ra,-Matsup Usui, Richard Yuki, George Yoshida. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL CHRISTMAS PROGRAM was an excellent program too. They all did well, but we wish to commend the Junior Ghoir, the Junior High Choralogue, withthe solo, and the High School girl’t Living Christmas Tree. Those who could get into the hall were fortunate to enjoy aiich a nice program* Some day we hope to invite as many as wish to come in. GRANADA CHRISTIAN CHURCH NEWS Voi, 1 No. 5* are the re t of the li st of 164 165 Cicero, Illinois See #161 (2) ■ Am. Reformed Church Missionary Society De Motte, Indiana Mrs. Frank Fraaza; Rirgl.e, Ri®. Aomen1 s Persona 1 St-rvico. 174 rsey 2.09, 210. 211. 212. irs, H.213. 178 ♦ 179. 130 81 182 ' 36 137 Dutch Reformed Church Pomp ton Plains, Ne \ / J Mrs. D. Oosterhout 649 Gregory Ave, Clifton, New Jersey Rev. P.H. Achtormann German VnlTey, Illinois Bethel Reformed Church, Vande Brake, David, £> • 0• Aomo n's Mis si on Socie ty. 214. Jamestown Reformed Church 215. Jamestown, Michigan - . Re fo rme d C h urc h; Manhan th,N.Y.216• Ladies Misd on Society Kamilin Reformed Church , 217. Gas tic vo od, South Dakota c/o Mrs. II. home son, Pres. Kuria Club of Westfield Restfield, North Dakota c/o Mrs. fie rman IIui sengh First Reformed Church in Albany, 56 Orange Street Albany, New York Pkg #2 R.C.A. N.Y. 222, Pkg #3 R.C-.A. N.Y. R. Van Rente j R.R. 7 f 223. Holland, hie La. igan First Reformed Church 56 Orange Street; Albany, N.Y. ■ Mission Circle; Third Reformed224. Church; Pella, Iowa '"»illiston Park Kof.rTd Church, Williston- Park,. Long Island New York 218. 219. 220. 221. January 1942 Here Donors : 163. Aallkill Reformed Church 196. Missionary Society, Wallkill, New York- 197, Missionary Society Philmont Reformed Church, c/o Geo. Flikkema, Philmont, New York 5-98. Womens 1 Missionary Society 199. vioodclifi Comm. Church; No. Bergen, New Jersey; c/o C .Hoar 2GD . 1,-jO. Ladies Aid of Reformed Ghurch Middleburgh, New York 201. 167. Junior Gtiild; First'Reformed Church, c/o Mrs. R. Vander 202. Orange City, £owa 168. W. II. Parry; Somerville, New J.2C5. 169. West Side Reformed Church , . 204. 1321 So. Austin, Blvd 205. 206. 207. 208. Mrs id. Penning, Blawcnburg, . New Jersey R ome n' sMls s i on ’ y Soc ic ty Trinity Ru frrn’d Church, 60 St. Palisades Ave, v/.Ncw York, New Jersey Reformed Church; Herkimer,NY D. Van Rye kho us e, Williamson, Now York Mis. L.R. Clark; 266 Townsend St., New Brunswick, New ‘Jersey Rev. ‘James Dykcma; R.D® #1 Paterson, New Je rsey Marble Collegiate Church 1 A. 29 St; NYC: NY 0. J. Smittjcr; Lennox, S.D. Pric ilia Siste rs Society, Ldie.s Dorcas Society Leighton, Idwa First 1,Ac trod 1st, Greeley, Colo Grace Reformed Church Grand Rnpids, Michigan Church on the Hill; 168-03 35th Aval, Flushing, N.Y. Aomen * s Mis s ion ary So c i c ty Neigiborhood Church „Ridgefield Park,- Ncw Jersey See #205 Pkg #2 See #205 and 209 (3) Mrs. L. Goons, 12Comrm rcc St. Scotia, New York N. Van Raaltc, Aynantshill,NY Home Mission Council of N.A. 297 Fth Ave. New York, N.Y.. Sc c #213 (2) N'.S.C.S. Scaringtonw, M.Church Albertson, New York Cornelia-Koopson; 207 Creston Ave.; Ka lama zoo •, MI c hi. gan Mrs. L.G. Broohall, Church of the °onvcnant; 677 E. 25th St. Paterson, IT,w Jerscy Reformed Church, Stout, .Iowa Ladies Aid Society,- Boght Rc frrn'd Church, Dohocs, Ni:Y. Mrs. G.A. Moore; Box 272 Anaanda lo, Mrs. David Mrs. J.A• 1 Ave; Chic New Jersey Laman; Grant, Mich, 'Si 12318 Yale !25. tgo, Illinois Mrs. Fred Demurest, Pres; Women’s Missionary Society, Fairfield Rcfrm'd- Church, Caldwell, New Jersey Unity Ladle s Aid; 716 Bellflw Bellflower, California •Ladies Refrrn’d Church Greenwood; Wilth St. Chicago 189. First Roirm’d Church, Mrs. M Shippers, Pres; Moonlight Mission Band; 113 Washington "St.; Pella, Iowa . . 228. Mr 190 . Bern!CO Tegle r; R R Fenton, 111.¿29 . 191. Refrm’d Church Mission•f Soc. Rocky Hill, New Jersey 230. c/o Mrs. H. C, Thompson, S0c, 192. Nash; 88-26, 164th'It* Jama ic a, Long I s lane.; N , Ye 2 31» 193. Greenville Community Ch rch 596 Central Awe. ScarsduLh NY 232,. Mrs. C .WHa moling, Baldwin, Wisconsin. 226. ' K. II. Ref orme d Lea g uc Mt • 383 Union Ave, Staten Island, 227. Willing Wo r ke r Refrrn'd Church; Co., Schoharie .Ti for Servir Kmin .rs Harbor New York Soc ie ty N „• Blenheim, New York lir noi lea jt; Ed g e r t on, Minnesota Jackson Go. Schools; Chas.F. Mar Kvijn ' a Rcfriii'd Church; Fountain & Bar o 1 cy, Grand Rnpi do-, Mich. Mrs„ C»J, Sicker; 2412 N, 4th St,; She boygan, A iscons in 'ormed Church, Churchvtile.Pa -* tin, Supt. •; Kaq uokc ta, Iowa Missionfy Circle, Cent’ 194. Re frrn'd Church Ladles, Md 233, Lad i c y ... T ß s A i d So c i e t y i Fd rs t Vo Xga, So. Dak c t a Refer ■med Ch'urèi a, Raupen, Wis. 195. E, Larda; 613' . archer 1 } ’ .234 Mrs r N.D, Garh; cy, I cago, I liar. i s Kino c rhook. Nov 1 York 235. Rev• Herman Rozendaal; 276. Lire. ft. Stoops, ft-'745, Strasburg, North Dakota R'ivcrdalc,-'New Jersey 236. Mrs. K. Hesse link, Raritan, ILL 277. American Ref or feed'id do., 237. Mrs. D.F. Van Dyke, 442 Paris primghar,. Iowa iive •; Grand Rapids, Michigan 238. See #229 (2) 239. See #238, 229 (3) 24G• Emanuel Reformed Church, 10134 Lafayet, c Avc. Chicago, 111. 241. -Mrs. H.E. Osbocn; 160 Central ... v . • Spring Valle y, 'Nov7 York. *‘12.. Dorcas Society; Otlcy Refr ‘d C, nr eh; Otlcy, log a . f. .,c . Reformed Church 'Missionary a cicty, Manha'ss; t, New Y~ork lla rt in Re frm1 d C hur eh ■. i tin, Michigan l . Second he formed Church S.S. . ,h. RoiLghgard'.ni.. ii ns ac kid, New York , r. Fifth. Reformed Church^ Muskegon,. Michigan ; 247. Mission’y Society, Queehsboro Hill Comm. Church; 60 Av Bi 138 Sts. Flushing, New York . 248. Mrs. Soci 278. Mrs. Ruth Heckman, 1302 5th AvcAshbury Park, New Jersey 279. Miss L.C , Pinkel; 353‘ W, >57th New York, Now York 280. Mrs. W.C. Phoneisco, Ridge Road, Groat Notch, New °erscy • 281. Rev. C.K.' Schipper, Box 64 deeper, Wisconsin. 282. Lakeview Heights Refrm1d Church, Vdrnon & 7th, Clifton, N.J. 283. C omm. Church, Ridgewood, N,J. 284. 'Mary Meyer, A,iurtha Mission Everly, Iowa ' 285. F,U. S.G. First Methodist Church, Buffalo, New York 286. Margaret Gilbert, 2188 N. High St., Apt 2-5, Columbus, Ohio ’ 287 . ’ Japanese Methodise Church, 323 W. 108 St, New York, New York 288. Rev. Alfred 3. Akamatsu lie. Church, 323 V:, 108 St. Jap anc :ty, Jersey 250. Mr near R ¿Ero1. J(. ;, L:\die s Aid New Ye >rk oy, N;wj York 289. ii y, Central Ave. 290. Summit Ave*. 291. it ‘sey_ '292. U New York (o if a * 5) (6) Smificn, 251, Missionary Societ Reformed Church Jersey, ’5SDÜ > * Blomki s t, Minn.2 93 Second Rod. Bank, Ne N.Jœæy 294. c 20 V'4 Westside A*vc. Jen iuo.y ■ #7 from Japanese Me Chuch York New o 252, Claverr.ack Ref ormed •'.‘Missionary . of N Society; Cla'corack, New'.‘York * 295. Hocljc/. Seminary 'Place, Ball ir League, Mrs. '3enj,' Brunswick, New Jersey Lippancott, Montgomery, New York 296. >irst_ Reformed Chimeh 154. First Refrm’d Ghurch, Sully, lap. Ridge wood, New Jersey j35,• . Trinity Reformed Church, ’752 * 297, Sc he ne c t adty, N.Y. E * S . Cooke 210 ^Sro'ok ainfiw Id, New Jersey Van Rockc'l; 1628 So urry Road; r. n %J o • Mr s. ! \ C • p N, PL d fix jj ( • Mrs-* < larkson St 298. 61 299 * #2 H, S. Mipon Windsor Rd.; Tenafly, New *Jers I f omen sMi s d. on rr y Society G. Hasbrouck heights, Net? Jersey Colorado* ’* c/o Mrs, F*J. Saai*, 312 Columbus Mrs. Ci- ¿lo the r s-,; Andrew Moth, Ave, ^asbrouck Heights, N.J. rch, 79 Richmond St Brooklyn. 300, First Reformed Church, 659. Old Bergen Church, Bergen High-Kalamazoo, MicL.lgdn, c/o Mrs. E.G. ’and A ve.; Jersey City, New ..Jersey., Dor sh, ‘2353 W, Main St. Kalamazoo. L. Rovert; N( 95-17 132 ¡w. Yor k • >t. Geo. 'Via Ike r y \i. Lake Ro ad. eLclimong Hill, 561. Mr “upurn, New York 262, Florence L. Moore; 821 Colombia; Hudson, Ne'e York 263. 708 Garilled;* Baxter Springs 1Y < n s a s 264 • Mr s.. Che st 0 r Kr oe sc, C llriton Wisconsin 265 . Ladies.Aid Society & Girls billing Workers Society, Refrm'd iiurch of Lite, hv ill a, No. Dakota 301. Missionary Society, First Dutch Refrm’d Church., Bienville, NY. 302. Rev, G, KondcLuik, 417 Alexander St., Rochester, New York 303 4 Women 1 s. Missionary Society, Refrm'd Church, ^Middle'bush, %v/ Jersey; c/o Rev1 Langwith, Pastor 304• Mrs• Edward’Humphreys, A'allkill, New York 305. Mrs. , G, Mccrigs, First Reformed Church, %rions, N.Y. 306. Trinity ^Guild, Trinity Reformed Church, P'ulton, Illinoi Rczclman; Litchvill, N.D.307. L. Roberts, 95-17- 132nd St S. w. rt Ryder .es, 266. Mrs, Box 411, 267. Mrs,,Kuiper, Ro Church: Gary Rt. 2 New York ss Reformed Indiana RR 2 Richardson Roxbury, Mass i 268. Mise L 0 cj 1 e a In ut 269. ? 270. Mrs. H. Paul, Mission, New Brooklyn Reformed Church, 1062 Lerkimçr St.; Brcokly, N.Y. B 71, Mr s . Ili Ime r t, Second Richmond Hill, N, Y. First Methodist Church, New York 308. #2 309. A. S. Hodgetts, 144-44. ^Roosevelt Avc. ¿'lushing, New York. Van Dr N: nt. Kit chaw an, D 310. J. R. Westchester ^o.,- New York 311. D. Terpstra, Bonis..¿0.;. ol 2 , J-, « ■Elmhurst *313 #2 B. Walker, 3817 92nd St. New York M. Marion Refrm'd Churc ormed Church, Zeeland, Michigan 314. Women's Society for Christi; Service, MiaSLe Village Methodist 6636- Y. Lies Aid Society .ne Circle, c/o Girl s Sun- Church, c/o Mrs. H, Becker G. Rczclman75th St. Middle V±l±^r^ t N, ;hvillo, North Dakota 2 73. Mrs. Paul David, Richboro , Pennsylvania 274. John 3oteyn, 740 E. 153 St Iiai^vey, Illinois 275 . E.C. Roe , 134 91 St. 315. P.J. Kinkema, Fifth Reformed Church, -1 bany, New York 316, Mrs . Ben Tc ivondc.f Wisconsin; The busy, W> rkcri First Reformed Churci/ T7 I 0 nrvrr n&VV IVj ': 65¿'ll Z t '■ Oostburg, Soc ict nurc a i v i a r\ a ADA i? / Y \ UKCH ¿W1E1 y y ¡ Voi 1• No « 6 Ar .January 17. 19AS- | -5H* ONE 1ND IS BENS ABLE MEETING **""1 .(Roy T. Smith-in advocate, 12/17/42)| “YJith hundreds of thousands of youth in the,, armed services, - with at least one'empty chair in almost half our homes, with gold stars appearing on our service flags, and with Faith subject to attack: from every angle,, the prayer meeting is one service of the week absolutely indispensable in the life af any church that proposes to serve the deepest spiritual needs of the. people, ’Even with gasoline rationed, civilian ^defense meetings three ..tights in the week, , and other de-lands crowding in upon time and . crength, the hour of prayer in dilch men come into contact with V remains a prior interest. But let the* prayer meetings' be a , , acting of Prayer.’ ^et there be \zh earnestness and persistence i,it s omething happens . Let there concern about the passage of time. Better to tarry for three hours, if need he, rather than to miss the exalted experience of hav-,. ing the Holy..Spirit make ;.appear- • ance among -the people . - Let there be an abundance of Scripture-'read; let there be an abundance of emphasis on the meeting by the pastor; let.there be preparation. In desperate days such as those through which v/e are passing,, and . . those through which we may pass soon, the prayer meeting can bo-., come the anchor that holds the entire Church. Lot pastor and., people alike make it their business, arid God v/ill make it his ^business.” Just for reminder, a Nisei. Week service is hold every Wednesday night at 7H a*t 7 iOO PM. Niseis „avQ asked for a building, for this appose; now v/e have 'it, so let;1 s ;.uke use of it. If not, let’s ■ return it to the Jsseis; they could -sQ it. .. • ) HIGH SCHOOL GROUP OFFICERS ( you and we hope you will'have a fine program for the term. SUNDAY PROGRAM For this-Sunday, Jan. 17th, Mr. G. B. Griffiths will speak on the topic: "Seeing God through Things". Mr.'Griffith is a science teacher at the local high school. Mr* Kiyoshi Yamamoto is chairman and all high school people are cordially invited. It is at SH-ll-E. Those of you who have been accustomed to attend your home church high school groups, resume your habit again. Don’t let club, play, laziness, take all your time away, before you find that you are losing the most valuable t hin as in 1 if e. — |s U N DAY S PEAK E R Sj Our Sunday morning speakers schedule but to let you see where we a re, here is a regular schedule Date S-pe M ker Chairman Jan. 17 th V. Fu jiu H. Hashimoto Jan. 34 th H. ' Hashimoto V. Fujiu Jan. 31st II. H i*rata L.E. Suzuki Feb. 7-th- A.- Kur.oda C% Kuzuhara Feb. 14th C. Kuzuhara A. Kuroda Feb. 31st L. E. Suzuki M. Hirata At the election of officers, held last Sunday, Jan. 10'th, the following officers v/e re elected: President: Vice Pres: Secretary: Treasurer: Pro. Chrm: Social Chrm; Mr. Thomas Haratani Miss Bmiko Kuzuhara Mi ss Ei ko Ya marno to Mr. Jitimi e ¿-Morirne to Mr.. Kiyoshi Yamamoto Mr. Kenneth Yamaguohi Congratulations, every one of The speakers go up the alphabet and the chairmen go down the aiph; bet. ■■■ For-Jan. 31, Rev, Waser, one o the fine Congregational preachers of Denvep, may be able to come. If he does, then the list postpones a week for Nisei preaching. On Feb. 7 or 14', for the young peoplefa meeting, Mr. Rngutz of the Bible Society will bring a program of movies in a joint, meet’ *>ir ■if '<<• '<’* ir *5? '«* *><■ w w w ,f w **' "ir A—HIKING RE WILL GO-—11J The College Group will go on a hike to the Arkansas River and bac on Sunday afternoon, Jan. 17. A vesper service will be held down there with George Yoshida giving the message., / It may be wise for vigorous youth to be prepared wijh liniment and rubbing alcohol to ^>e in good shape for the next’ day. Miss a *VoI, I;No, 6 Hçinnah Tan i and numbero was in to': go. ch- r& ADA PERIRTI I 14 QfiiËSI ■ •*, f'age iff ;e of nauB s Avario WF. January f-7 ,'-*1943 . It is meeting PRMOEERS BULL SESSION PAN! 6 \ /' On Thursday, Jan. 14, tho Grañac Christian Church preachers had an j n formal bull, scsaj.cn oxv¡ inter est-tonics and ondoi it hi tu re-ire shmonts-» Rev. Kosaò F5 rate"'"wrta • tuo' chairman of * the.opening■*. ..‘.No . vrious disagreements occurred. 5 Much thanks go to Miss Tom ko ■ ; himoto who prepared most of the . ; Troshn&n tr » f* - , H AN K SÆ . . reminded that the Council is. every .1st and 3rd Frier c y s of'" each mot it h. The fac t that your former church Is not f on o 11 o ri an g docs no t. res n t ha t you-let the whole church down. Lcb’s boost it up no end with full eimport, P £1 »on! Other vii sc Headed by chdirman-Masao Satow splendid letters of thanks werp written to churches and organize-> tions that sent in Christidas gifts to the pimp. This was a community letter with signatures of Mnsao 3atow, government council, Rev. Shirakav/r., Buddhist Church,’ Mrs; Krfnazaway Women’s Federation * and Rev. L.B. Suzuki; Protectant Chur-chos. The following people worked" on tho ie tters:: Mabel Furukawa, Edith Nodarna hand staff; Kiyo Toga-shi, Mrs A Aiko Hori, Mr. and lire. Mar Sat os;, Alice Suzuki and Hannah Uno, Furni Taka t a and ilichiko Norni-yamc-. ---Letters of thanks from the Church ..proper were also sent, out with the- following 'people helping: Te r u ko lias hi: 161 o, Lev, Kuroda and aiiiuiiittf Rev. liirata and nelpers, s ley 1 a make., George The engagement of Miss Janet ivic-helvie of the Denver Council of Churo ho s and he v. Jame e S ugi oka was announced ¿orae time ago. Congratulations a-plenty* ifr ■M’ Mr. Robert George gave a very excellent talk to'the 1oung People’s group Sunday evening,' Jan. 10th. Vt 4«- * Mr. Ken ji Okuda, our. only man from Seattle, finally got his leave for school, and left sud-denlly on January 11, for Oberlin College. # ft- ; Corporal Frank Randa visited the camp'for a few days, he sang a beautiful solo at the Jan. 10th Sunday morning service-. Rev, Takeo Agatsumu went to Denver for 10 days to see what, bet-t c r a r r- a n ge me nt s can his family. be made ior S umi Has h i mo t o, WM____ ri ends. Rev. Rev. dill ... . Kiyab u, uni Takat ,, Miohlko Womiyana, any Karatani, and Yoshiko I to; eel purhaos . some others* Thanks : Dave Yutaka Nakaga-v/a sends regards to all the church people and friends, tf6: T H R C L HE R NE W lo folk for helping • so llihgly. • • • • • NISEI CKURCII CO Ur?GIL DOINGS fu*’ On v unuary 6, Vi c e pr c s I de nt umi Hinoki-took ;the chair for the Nisei Church Council meeting, duo' to tRe absence .of L.ii»* ouzuki. Among other things, these wore discussed i A special Ministerial Salary Fund may he.croptod. .The Nisei Committee members are.Dick Suzuki , Eddie Jonokuchi,..•Andrew RiverAriz . The Rivers Tidings . made" its auspicious debut on Dec« 20, ‘1942. Congratulations,..,*Dr .? Albert Palmer- spoil there on Dec. ‘22nd,....Dr. & Mrs. Claude Dou.gl.cu parents of-Charlotte Susumago wc.re visitors there. They spoke several evenings'oh the N.T.-of which Dr. Douglas is an authority. '....The Japanese section is neatly done. None mcl aka shi Mor iuchi, will meet with Isso! member far Tho main to asi discuss the_ Lure-of the plan .was to assess uhurcjx members, 25^ a month toward the fund. Harry Takal’ touk the ‘ place of Androv/ Node as General Arrangement s chairman. The problem of finding a sue- . rcLcor to Miss Uaymo Kishi v;s itill undecided but further con-si do rat ion will be given. A Week.of Dedication, a good deal before Easter, with 'lay speakers every Sundry leading to the. spacial week, is in the^plan ?g. Poston, Artz. Jan. 6-10th were designated as Religious Emphasis heck, live Great Days for special mectinge were held ri th Rev. Jitsuo Morikawa -speaking.... .A Now Yc a r 1 s Day her vice w as hold w i tfi Rose hakcmi as chairmun.. .. .-They exchange parish pastors once in a lO>' while. A good' ictc Toyotome scorni tó b'c . •. .Ma¡ active di i Ark. McGcheo is runnin contest for its Church How' about “Harper ’ cry Sunday v Oga-. Walter'' a name paper. They publish it c a. s t a if of ' Kiri uk o Ahk' Salto, Ho shi ko" Kus udo, M- iUJl Ta r unofo, and•J. Kumbga i. , ./.M : Sa ka ue, *Re.V.. • Sa ka uy v/'s s : left for Idaho to b/'rcarr- Joyc FURTHER LIST OF CHRISTMAS GIFTS, DONORS ¿18. SWawangunk TThurch, TYaYIRiTl't N ,Y* $2* , No address (in bad shape; G. S, Kresgé Co, , 415 E, Broad St, Richmond, Virginia. First M.E, Church, Roosevelt Ave. ' Flushing, N.Y. Walter Van Paperino, West Sayville, Long Island, N„Y. Fellowship Club, Park Hi3.1 1st Reformed Church, Yonkers, NoY* 325® ist Presbyterian Church, North Kansas City, Mo. V,W. Johhson, 531 Mack- Bldg. Denver, Methodist Church, Huntington, NAY» H. H, Gilman, Bryant Paper Co, Kalamazoo, Mich. C.R. Lemon, 109 McClanahan St. SAW, Roanake, Va. 330. Mrs, J.C. WI.lcox, Pres. Service Guild of 1st Ref. Ch. Hackensack, N.J, Women1s Miss. Soc. Fair St, Ref. Chur, 202 W. Chestnut St. Kingston. N.Y« Ladies Dorcas Soc. 3rd Ref.- Ch, 1102 N» Westnedge Ave., Kalamazoo, Mich, Mrs. Ralph Gv.inn, 15 Ridge Rd* Bronx-ville, N.Y. M,. Klow, Spring Lake, Michigan. 335. Reformed Church, 68 W, Main.St. •. St. Johnsville, N.Y. ., ,, .... W*S,C,S. Heppstead Meth. Church, Front St. Henpstead, L.I, N.Y* Mrs. L. Klapman, Kingston St. Midland Fond du Lac Co. Chapter, Red Cross, Gtaf-ton Hall, Fond du Lac, Wis. 375«! Mrs. F. -Emerson, 77 Cornelia St, Brookly ■n, .N.Yo , Mrs. Gc F A- Maul, 1755 Ixono co Parkway, Denver, Colo. J.O. Parrot, Boflest Ch, Sun. School Pu pils. La Junta, Colo» First Plymouth Ch.0i Denver, Colo* Arlington Meth. Ch, Arlington, Va. Floral Park Meth, Ch, Yung People*s Group, L*I1» New York. 7T2* Young People Dopt. Central Meth. S.S. Richmond, Va. Mrs. C.J., Rupert, 43., N« Willow St. E,, Aurora,. N.Yy ‘ . 1st Meth, Ch.-.-Queens Village, N.Y. 385-, Floral Pk. Meth, Oh. |r'3. Ladies Missonary Soc» Frisland, Wis. Jr. Ladies Aid, Ref*. ChA Chandler, Minn. Jr. Pept. N. Delaware Ch. 346 N, Park Ave. Buffalo, N.Y. Mrs. R. Young, Rt. 1, Box 314, Healds-burg, Caxif. 390. Floral Pk. Moth. Ch. Pkg. f4;. Japanese Christian Inst, 330. E. 57th St, Ngyv York, N.Y. -American Red.. Cross, Midwestern Area, , St* Louis, Mo. . »g a. ,(3. ^3 395.,St. Pablrs meth. Ch. 213 S. St. Oyster Bay,, N.Y. W.S. C. S. Barton Heights Meth. Ch. Richmond, Va. Park, N.J. Marble Collegiate Church,,1.W* 29th St. N*Y. Nit. ( Mrs®- Henry Dexter, 1109 Salem Stf La* xayettee, Ind, 340, 1st Ref. Church, Bassick, N.J. 1st Reft Ch. New Brusnwick, N.J, Mrs.» A* Vanderholen, 1600 Alpine Ave. Grand Rapids, Mich. Jr„ Red Cross, Iowa City, Oa. Trinity Methodist Ch. Richmond Hill, L. I. New York. 345. Jackson Co, Schools, Chas, F. Martin, Supt, Maquoketa, la... W.D.C.S. Mrs. F.S. “wheat.»'. 9233 190 St'. Hollis, N.Y. Ozone Park Meth. Oh..101—62 97th St. Peter Key-ser, Paterson, N.J. Mrs, Eva R. Parker, Arlington, Va. Floral Pk. Meth. Oh. N.Y, 400a- Preakness Ref. Missionary'- Society, Preaknes s, N.J. , Japanese Christian Inst, New York, N.Y, Woman? s See., 0«S,. Woodbury, L.I. N.Y, Mrs, Lester Eichenauer, Celina» Ohio* Mrs. E*L/Duff/Franklin, Va. *■ 405o, 'Wesleyan Service Guild, Lilmannoch, Virginia, % liars. Carroll Jones-. Ytomaii' s Guild, Community Ch. Glen Park, New Jersey.' Knickerbocker'Ave.. Methodist Church, Monahan St> .Brooklyn, N.Y. PVM, Schiller, 1010 'Jefferson St. Wadena/ Ninn. Embury Methodist Church, 230 Decatur St. ■ Brooklyn-,. NAY*. 410, Mrs* 'I, ' 31 ower, Box 473. Roanoke, Vs Mrso P,JV Friekarrl, 1105 Alpine Ave. Grand •' Papid s- Mic h.> .Mrsi, WcCo.'.Bull’.: 4000 Virginia Ave, Newport NeWs - Va. High Bridges- Ref, Ch. High Bridges, N.J, Virginia. • Mrs. A Smith, La drosse, Ks« Hamline Univ. St, Paul, Linn..,. 415* • Colo.» - Council' for Relocation As sis- Mrs,? E.P. Thomas 3014 Sernmes Ave« ta-nco ,-Ma.jck Bldg« Denver, ^Ooio . Richmond,. Va. ..... 416« North Denver' Friends S<.S«, Rev. 355. Pni lat-hea Circle .Ref* Ch, .Lennox’,S.D. Neman Young, 'Past*», Denver, Colo. Revc HrEft Franker*, sticknoy, S0D0 Rev» 0« Ray -Cock, Methodist Church i.P* League for Service, Pella, la* Garden C-itv. Ks»' Mrs, Paul May, Niagara Fall _ . a 23rd St © Huccidrxson, Kan. e;Mrs. M.P, Ayers, Arlington, - Va. Ida and ______ UOiOe Niskayuna Ref. Ch. Rt. 1, &( tady, N.Y* ' . ... —_ ,. PUR EvA, Bergstrom, 85 State St. Brooklyn,N.Y.^glB Rev, 1L Shooks Methodist Church, Methodist Church, Sea Cliff., N.Y,- ^ Greensburg* Kans*; / / 365,- Missionary Soc, Greene Memorial Ch. 422*- Denver Jauanose Methodist Church, - ■■n»kai. '25th and Calif* Denver* Ch« iVIontez-uma., Kaun« Ozone Park, N .YA ¿I S o JUA,B . Lowry', Crewe, Va,. % ài s s. Soc, Oakland, N.J, 150, Mr s, I. M « Elmendorf, i—j to CO Foxlxall Ave • Kin gston NAY* Women* s. Soc • r s, W,A, Ho 1st ■ 3322 8 th St. Jackson Hei ehts, N.Y, ■ : , } .; ...rSv oc ir- Jo Ixn s 31M Hull. St... Richmond, >, N.Y, li,0, M Cj\j x Li :ton, Va, Ida an 's«. N.Y, ti on die nee- 420 c A Gull Roanoke, Va« th« Ch, Ni Port .N.Y J; U. B 1 ai * 25th W 8 C « S « St o Gaul s Me »423«; li.-W (;- o* y MO' Women?'s Personal Sef* Ì. 56 -5th Ave, N.Y, 424, iXr 3 i Walter ■ Rev. Otto Brand, 136 wi liti Ave.; Mineóla, 425. ! '• ¡Y» n 'w„L > Mcj L ; 11 N.Y, Yfe. kaone y, Kan.- Women*s League for berv ice, Ref, Che’Fonaa^oG® Bar silfi .o'. New York. •ch, Billevitle, Ks Ks 9 370« The Christian Chur •427* I r j , McbkM. ie: Setauket, Yi«ScCoS0 L. S J . W 70 V '0 CvaUí-ü u ia ..j x 428. Rev x Melvi ix Jr, Red Cross, 1610 N* Prospeet, Milwau- P-k, TOO oka, koe, Wis. 420 3 Me o toc-i -i , O' Mr. L.Fo Carroll, Richmond Va.- /■ to. 51.; Ks '}£/?Jò Oblo 430« R.J. Wo hi 3 emu th, Dwight, lie. Anna B. Murphy, Wilson, Ks. Aa E* Gee, Arriba, Oolo-i " - • R,H#. Anderson, 4253 17th Ave. Minneapolis, Minn •» 435WcLt) McMullen* .Wesleyan Guild, Wa-keeny, Ks* , - Japanese Community, Pueblo, Colo. Methodist Church, Grainfield, Ks, Rev. Russell Clay, 1158 I, ‘Vernon Ave. Los Angelos,CajLif3 First Methodist Church, Lamar, Colo«. : 450, Presbyterian Church, Lamar, Colo* Baptist Church, Lamar, Colo, Christian Church, Lamar, Colo* Virgil Hayes, Otis, Kb, Methodist Church, Colby, Ks, Dr, Gross 455. Mrs.. B.A, Rogers, Kansas State Coll. Manhattan, Ks, Methodist Youth Fellowship, /¿Mr M. Booth Columbus, Ks, Ira W, Torrence, Methodist Youth Fellowship), Gypsum, Ks, Mrs, Rollert Heal Meth. Sun, School, Heal, Ks, 460, Meth. Youth fellowship, Hamilton,Ks. Rev. Drev/ , Lincoln, Neb, Edith Aldis, Nashville, Ks. Rev. Lester R. TempIon, Concordia, Ks, ■Lesleyan Service Guild, Council Grove, O.J. McCulloh, White City, Ks, Women’s Soc, of Christian Service,Grace Meth, Ch. Tonawanda, N,Y* Mrs, JI.E, Gentry, Princeion,'Ks. •Rev. W. Mo0ul|oh, White, City, Ks. Rev. Paul Hershey, Artesia, Calif* 470, Florence Aye. Meth, Church, % Rev, Clarence Wagner, Los Angeles, Cal. John Ro. Trimble, Meth. Ch., Quinter, Ks; Mrs. Minnie Summers, Downs, Ks, Rev. Win. E. Shuler, Univ, Meth. Church,. Salina, Ks. Mrs* F.H. Hayward, Colby Meth. Church, Colby, Ks. 475. Mellvin Gammack, Topeka, Ks, M.E. Heckman, Lewis, Ks. •Mr* G.J. Rhodes, Jr. Dept. Meth. Sunday School, Merr il, K3. Methodist Church, Gridley, Ks, Rev. C*S, Hughes, Herrington,Methodist Church, Herrington*,.,Ka• 480» Rev. Donild Lemkau,. Little York, Illinois. Presbyterian Young People, Lamar, Colo. Bapt-, Y.P. Union,. Lamar, Colo. Methodist Youth, moth. Ch. Lamar, Colo*. Nazarene Church School, Lamar, Colo. Y.P.O.E. of Corona Presby. Church, Denver , Colo. ■ irst Cong. Church, Colo. Springs, Colo. Doorg. Ch. of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Speer and Logan, Denver. Cameron Methodist Church, 2450 Milwaukee, Denver, Colo,' . Mrs• Emma Welles, 2948 Vallejo, Denver. 490. lira. C.B. Fowler, 1714 sOth St. 500, Fidelis Wesleyan Service Guidtld, First Moth, Church, Buffalo, N.Y, Asbury Delaware meth. Church, 80 W. Tup-per, Stc Buffalo, N.Y. Trinity Moth? .Sunday School, Lindsborg, Ks, Rev. -Ben F#- White. Home Mission Council of N. America, 297 FourtbAvo. New York, N.Y, Classmates, Vermont Sq. Meth. Church, Dr. Campbell, instructor. Virginia Blazer* Secretary. , 505o R*T* Armbuster, Denver,. Cplo. ■, C 0W o'C.-C TrinityCMbth. ph. Denver, Col'o. ■ Eo Haddor r IG4 lvonncr , Nushyille, .^enn* Sigma'Mu Class, Wash. Parka Comm. Church,. Denver, Colo. • • .. C.W0 Hardonr Sedgwick, Colo. 510. ^„EoTailman, Monte Vista, Colo. Methodist Students, Kansas State Collej’-c, Elaino 'Rohror, 1605 Andorson, Manhatt- an, Ks. • _ .. Mr. and Mrs, James McGiffin, sLos Angeles, Wo wanted the public to,know that all these people-have po.en kind enough to remember us. Wo may have missed some names, but let * s hope,not. Wo . wish to thank one of these for thoir kindness and generosity and their expression of Christian love (continued from page 2 ) —We-are happy to wish you good luck... 'Too bad that the "cho-nan" didnVfc go first, ...Rev. Kakihara was sick for a while. Hope he is back into shape again. ... "The Nativity" made a repeat performance on Jan. 10th, MENIDOKA,' IDAHO. The Minidoka Mass .choir gave Mo performances on Dec.. 22nd and 23rd‘.. ,0n Dec,- 27th the young people e-leoted officers for treasurer, secretary, publicity distribution, fri.endlines.s, worship (morning and-evening), publicity, married couples, socials, music, ushers, and friendship group host. With all this they ought to be weihl staffed. TULBLAKE, CALIF. Dr. Galen Fisher spoke at' tTie"TTo w’Tea-r' s Day worship service. 4..A Watch Night Service was held on Dec. 31st at 1-18 30 P.M. ...Roy Teshima, very active Christian leader, left for Boulder, Colo,. .Mir, and Mrs. Jobu Ya~ sumura and children left for Minidoka, Ida, due to the illness of his mother-in-law. He was supply minister and outstanding Christian leader. ...Wo hope they won’t lose any too much so as to oripple the Union Church, MORE NEWS• Un~Tan, 24th, the Y.P. Group will hqve Captain Karpon, Commanding Officer of the 335th Escort Guard Co. of Amache. Belleville, Ks, Women’s Division of Christian Service of Methodist Church, 150 Fifth Ave.. New York, N.Y, Colorado Council of Churches, 3150 W. 46th St,. Denver, Colo. Denver Council of Churches, Trinity Bldg. Denver, Colo. Y.P,Fellowship, Japanese Methodist Ch. 2515 Calif* Denver, Colo. 495, Pilgrim Fellowship of Wash. Park, Community Ch. 419 S. Rose, Denver, Colo Holly Methodist Church, Rov. Williams, Holly, Colo, Granada*Methodist Church, Mrs, McDonald, Granada, Colo* Rev. Chas, T. Thomas, 7100 Wilson Avo. Holly, Colo, Methodist Church, Aurora, Ks, There was seine news of general interest for some group,, but the news was lost. Will the proper person, please notify Rev. Suzuki about it, so it can be put in next time? Also if any group wants a gnneral news item for a group of people or cnurch group.- there is no reason why you can’t say it through this paper• If you wrxte it out in black and white, it cou^-d easily handled• The Issei Division scheduled a.Communion Service for Jano 17th. Rev, Y« Yamaka was chairman. Fred H&shimoto . has gone out aga:'u- ~o Rocky Ford.. Eventualiy L& e^pec^i 1 ter Colorado Aggies at ro-’t Co—Mr** Volume I, No. 7 Amache, OdOT.ado January 24, 1943 CAPTAIN KARPEN SPEAKS Captain Karpen head of the 335th Escort Guard Company located in Amache will speak ..at the Young People’s meeting 7 p0m. tonight in Terry Hall. Centain Karpen hails from Minnesota 1 h re he had much experience with youth ¿roups* He is well-liked by everyone 1 e meets. His hobby is landscape gardening and his ingenuity for this v.ork is repealed in the physical •urroundings you may have noticed around the army headquarters. You are welcome to attend. George Yoshioka will preside • THROUGH THE WEEK Church activities are planned for all age groups• Remember, there are classes held in the Church School for Nursery age children to College pec-ple. in Terry Hall at 8s15 a.m. each Sunday. The High School group meet every Sunday evening at 7 in 8H-11E. People College age and above are welcome to attend meetings in Terry Hall at 7 p.m. every Sunday. Under the capable leadership of Rev. A. Kur$da, a study of the background of Christian history is held ©ach Wednesday night in tho 7H Hoc. Hall, At present, the Book of Acts which deals with the Apostle Paul reveals numerous interesting notes# ^hose who wish to seek more knowledge / if fThe World’s Boot Seller1 are invited to attend this Midweek group and join together in fellowship, : raycr, and singing. For those who enjoy music, tho choir moots for practice in »8H-11E Tuesday and Thursday nights at 7:30. ”We need your support”, says George Kubota, newly appointed director, ”as the choral music is a dominant part of the Sunday morning worship service.” BROWSE AROUND Various selections of books and magazines await those who are interested in reading at the Church Library (7H Rec.) This Library has been organized just for you so take advantage of the literature available. Copies of the last issue of January 17 may be obtained at the Church office or through Rev. Suzuki. °Be strong and of a good courage? be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thoo whithersoever thou goest.” uis edition: courtesy of Miss Hannah Tani. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY ” ’Tis God gives skill But not without men’s hands* He could not make Antonio Stradivari’s violins With out Antoni c•” Today the world needs more than ever men and women whose lives are built upon that great incentive that without them Gcd would failI Whether you are a teacher, musician, doctor, lawyer, soldier, printc] baker, or candlestick maker—without your help God cannot make this a better city, state, or nation; He cannot make this a better world in which to live. Each one of us has a part to play in tho makeup of the world, and each one has an important part in the creation cf this better world. * JOIN IN FELLOWSHIP All High School people are urged to attend the get-acquainted party tonight* Timet 7 p.m« Placet 9K Recreation Hall Date; January 24, 1943 Kenny Yamaguchi promises an enjoyable time with games, songfest, eats, and a devotional hour led by Harry Fukuzawa. PERSONALITIES Miss ifoymo kishi, our talented choir director loaves Monday, January 25 for St* 01af College near St. Paul Minn, to continue her music career. We wish her Godspeed and success in her new environment., A farewell party w^s held Saturday night, January 23 at the 91 Rec« Hall by the choir memborsin appreciation of her untiring efforts. Mr. Anarow Yahiro left the center Thursda. to continue his studies at Drake TJhiv* in Dos Moines, Iowa. He is the son of Rev, Yahiro and resided in Modesto, Calif. Miss Rose Fujimori who left Amache a few wooks ago for Indiana was married Sunday January 17. She is formerly of the St. Mary’s Episcopal Church of Los Angelos. ADDED NOTES Melodic sacred music was presented by the Church choir Saturday, January 23 under the Recreation Dept, at 7:30 p«m. in Terry Hall.. Miss Dorothy McDongali, an administrative worker was the featured soloist with Lily Motsuahige, accompanistv Musicole moments will be presented at the next meeting of the Y*P* group January 31 in Terry Hall - 7 p.m. Each Church organization is asked to appoint a publicity chairman to submit news weekly to the Church Office. ♦Selected lines-”Upper Room” 1/25/43 February 7, 1943* Vol * 1* No. è GRANFA CHRISTIAN CHÌcCH WEEK OF DEDICATION To restore the freshness, of Christ and His gospel, to resuscitate the flagging Christian spirit as well as the general morale of our people, a Week of Dedication will be held with special meetings from March 24 to 28, to be held at 10H. Let’s keep these dates open and remind ourselves-always to be•present at these five groat pays. SUNDAY PROGLAM Mr. H4H¿ Ragatz of the American Bible Society, and Rev* John A* Foote and Rev* C.p. German, our “Contact men“ from the Denver Council of Churches, will «visit the Center Sunday the 7th. Rev. Garman, who has done much to promote the Church vp rk in this Center, will be our guest speaker for the morning worship hour hold in Terry Hall at 10:00 AiM* Rev* C* Kuzuhara will be chairman. Mr. H.H, Ragatz will present movies on the screen during Fellowship Hour in Terry Hall, starting at 7:00 P.H. It will be a joint meeting of the college * group, high school group and the isseis. -----“Mayor Fierollo La Guardia, the colorful executive of New York, recently read a letter over the • radio.which came from a 13 year, old girl/ She complained that she and her brothers and sisters often went hungry because their mother . spent the food money on ¡bingo games. Said the mayor to the little girlf “Just let me know where the bingo games arc runnings Take care of your little brothers and sisters and: 1111 do all I can to close', those places. Just let me know; where they are.“ We wish the Moyor viol!i- “The most serious crimes being committed in the United States ;4 are the product of adult .delinquency. Most of the sex crimes are adult activities; the most serious thieving is adult work; the big steal arc nc-vor .j-uvcnilc.*,., „Let there be no diminishing of our efforts in behalf of children, but tjhe, great reforms aro needed among the prodigal parents.“ ............ .Suppose the picture shows had to depend upon free-will offerings........ ...♦Faith can never be substituted for the effort of which we afe capable...... . . Invite your friends to these special mootings, 1 I ............I , wl ... . .. — - WEDNESDAY NIGHT — .___________BIBLE STUDY HOUR — William Wilberforce, a lover of the Bible, was the liberator of the Negro slaves in the 3ritish Empire, Abraham Lincoln, the .great ,Eman-, . cipator for the Negro slaves in Amexica, had the Bible as his textbook. Many more can be recalled for their great work, --those who cherished the Holy Book, Truly, without the Bible'as the supremo guidebook, into Hue tual fre edom will die. The follow! ng is Sir Walter Scott’s tribute: ’ ........Some paople. seem to t Jaink that they have,‘dug down deep“’ when they have gone down far ■ • enough to find the*, small change....... MORE CHOIR' VOICES There 'is a call .for more female voices for the Church choir. Come on all you j&lx1!#'! V -—don’t let the fellow’s get ahead 6f youil Let’s all turn out fpr the practices and cooperate, and we’ll really have a fine choir. ’We*think the Church Service ■ lari’t complete without the choir. Practices are hold Tuesday^and/Thursday ovonings. * Within this awful volume- lies Tho mystery of mysteries, Happiest, they of human race, To whom their God has given grace To read, to fear, to hope, to pray To lift tho latch, to force the w way ; But better had they ne’er been borr Who read to doubt, or read to soom, STUDY OF BOOK OF ACTS Every Wednesday eve from 7:00 P.M. in the 7H Church Office, very capable, and earnest’Nisei ministers are illiminating the truths hidden in the Holy Scriptures. ^hc study of the Book of Acts is being carried on, with Rev. Harry Hashimoto as the leader for the coming meeting. Lots study ”to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Y/ord of Truth”, If you wish to delve deeper into the things of God and to receive spiritual nourishment for your souls, come and join in the study of the Word and to make know your petitions in these prayer meetings. FOR A BETTER PAPER T. For a better and more interesting paper, we ask your cooperation by bringing any nows, or articles you wish to be published, in this Churdh News, to the 7H Church Office. Anyono who is interested in helping with the “putting out*1 of j this Church ptp cr is more than welcomei] Only 2 or 3 of us arc working on it now, so you see, wc can use a lot more heIp 11 Remember this is your PaperIJl * * C On FERENCE IH DENVER * * Five Methodist ministers from Amachc, 16ft JLffl&ah*, last Friday, for Donvar to attcntl a Conference there. The Conference is bo^ng held at the Denver Japanese Methodist Church, and will last about a weok. Wc hope that they*'will have something to tell us when they got back. Rev. Lester Suzuki of * the younger ministers left with 4 of the older ministers. .......“I pray, 0 God, that I may be beautiful within”*•...Socrates FIVE POINTS FOR YuUNG CONVERTS f \ Five things, if romomberod, will-help'you each day; j vy. Obeyed, they will kccp’you from going astray; Though Satan may tempt you and trials, be‘tide, • * You. purely wilj conquer, and in ■ Christ abi.de. y \ ”Kecp looking to Jesus,” He never can fail, And walk in His footsteps in every detail; The world’s vain allurements will vanish from sight, By ‘‘looking to Jesus,” your Saviour and Light. “Read daily your Bible,” if you would bo strong, To witness for Jesus and overcome wrong; “The Author,” ”tlie Book,” and ”tho Doer” abide, But they who neglect it will surely slide. “Pray v/ithout ceasing.” This, will bring you to Him, Who cleanses and keeps you a Victor, o’er sin; There’s nothing so great that our God cannot do, And nothing so small but He*111 undertake too. * “Confess Him to Others,” be bold for your King, To those who are lying in darkness and sin; V/hat help can you better, to-all recommend, Than this blessed ^esus—the needy oncfs Friend? “Do Something for Jesus,” He did all £>r you; Your joy find in willing His sweet will to do. So seeking to please Him through life day by day, His Presence shall gladden each step of your way. J. McIntosh *5*- ■i«- if if i»- Here are hits of news from other camps as the space will allow* Froiig pD£tont......The Christian Y o ut h F e1low ship oi Poston II has set their goa}.; ' “For Christ and the Church”......a name contest for an appropriate name for their semimonthly publication has been suggested. A prize offered for the winnirg name.....Rev. Roy Smith, Methodist missionery to Japan & Prof, of English at Kobe College of Commerce, was welcomed into their Church.,,,, ...to remember and honor those who have gone into military service, the Youth Fellowship have decided to obtain the Service Honor Roll plaque ....... From Rohwer;.....after 3 weeks of cavassing for suggestions, the Publication Committee has finally decided upon a new name for the Church bulletin,...their choice for a new name is the Rohwer Transmitter .....(Other camps seem to have held contest for a name for their Chui ch publication, . . .what about * us?).....the English Division of the Church is planning to purchase new hymn books thru’ Sunday School offerings ...good luck to them.... I HP C/ M Wil'J&JL «Sfi ’ w TUTA? 7rnr ka sr/mv. . -A x ..' v'v.-V ' . •■ I > " ■-* * --A- v/ctar rujitf htfs'fa'fa oar trrtJki far Ajehttrv Co(fik,G&.j la&1 yJdJ, MorhirtP,- Wg miss a ÉWùti »A/or&Ar d an atfid&iti cna* oui w« Wifh J/MQzl Imkdk ù ) ■, wmaxtt&Mr #3f >» A»«. i HIGH- SCHOOL G R 0 HP In interesting meeting on "Great’ Men of tHe Month".including Lincoln, Washington, and Edison, are on th,e pro-gram, presented by various students. as selected before* SE 11B is the locale .and all High Gcfeoel people are cordially welcome# . f The Debate on ” £hracuation-Wise or TJn-and the devotional with Mr* Fred j$oto speaking, will follow on other lays# ' ; . /J*) MAR ‘ ß* 4/~ 2 8* Wed. - When the world is se busy whipping up thè spirit of war and destruction and the power 6f destructive machines, and lest’we fprget the greatest values of life, A WEEK OP DEDICATION will bfe held by the Granada Christian Church English Division at 10R, South Church Building# FIVE GREAT DAYS OF SIGNIFICANT meetings will be held with Dr, Kirby Page, great spiritual leader of the country, as one of the speakers# Dr* Page has written ¿0 volumes and IS pamphlets, spoken at 3000 colleges, and universites, crossed cue ocean 20 times * and visited 35 countries* From Jan* to Aug* in 1942 hes.spoken in 130 cities in 20 states* Rev. Curtis Westfall of the Lamar BEWRAY WA3SER SPEAKS FEB# 21st* Rev* Ray Wasser of the Plymouth Congregational Church of Leaver was the speaker for Sunday, Feb* 21st, at the English Servioe# Bey* ilasao Hirata was the chairman# ffciv, Vin.^jsu.t hoi oblz Vo rxtT. o c. c-avj * tty /# In si m) h mla itf&S vo *nj METHODIST PREACHERS SPEAK .AT * VARIOUS PLACES At the recent Methodist District Conference held at (Denver, a go^a deal of disoussion and planning took place on Saturday, among ljsseis,\ Niseis, and missionaries. All the men took part* jor the regular Japanese Service, Rev Yamdka preaohed the, sermon, Rev* L. £. Suzsiki, preaohed at jthe evening Nisei meeting# K* Yoshioka^ and T*\Agatsuma covered Greeley and ¡Brighton; I. Harata- Presbyterian Church, and Reverends Hirata, ni covered Lafayettej* and-if* Yamakn Kuroda, Hashimoto, and .Suzuki will make up the remaining sneaking engagements# There will be special music and special singing at every meeting* However the important thing is that we dedioate our lives to God; perhaps redicate our souls to Jesus; and rethink the fundamental spiritual va--lues of our age* It will fee closed with a Day’of : Sacrifice, when we join the rest of Christendom in giving of our gifts for world relief, refugee work suo& as ours, army and navy work, world-wide mission work* WEEK OF DEDICATION, 28* Save those dates, and please do not plan conflicting programs with these datee* COLLEGE GROUP ........................ The College and Above Group meeting,/ Sunday, Feb* 21st, will make a Study of Hniynology, with Miss Hizi Hinoki as chairman* She will be assisted by . the Choir and other soloists* This would be an interesting* .meeting# Everybody invited* Dr. Joe Abe is the president of this evening group* Wenu to Littleton* On the way back, K. Yoshioka and T, Agatsuma spoke at Pueblo; I. Karatoni and Y* Yamaka spoke at Rocky Ford. L*E, Suzuki who was supposed to speak at Rpci^ Ford, too, had to cnaoel his tal due ¡to illness# The'hosts Rev* and Mrs. 3C Uemura did a splendid job of entertairalng* k ny thanks to them and to the memberc there# REV• JOHN FOOTE ÀNL CLAKR GASMEN ¡^J||à Reverends John Foote and - Garmon, returned mis A tsionaries from Japan and ‘‘'43L Jwho were very instrunen-f \d\ \ getting some of j community Christmas gifts [have been spending days i and days,: going from houau jto house, selling tba Jail Pan©so New Testament and other Biblesj. They hm th-“““««permijBior. -*roa th. attto.-rities, so no one read tc, Icojc askance at them# They are ro'!; out to jirke money either* It took months for inf Ar-verf; éaiL 3:.bl.. Society to make par torrephie oictn- cf these New T©s tame'd. s x mj-i. oj\c; »..¿j two oo ■ pies. ; UNA NASA C HRiSTfAWiEHUfiC H NEWS 1 S EI Oft k B AT uni Ha waii has registered over 7000 Ni-sei volunteers. for the combat units »Niseis here nave all registered and. many have volunteered# Perhaps we ought to nave a fiarewell for them* With this draft ooxn.es the matter of chaplains * Dr • F* E* Srnath writes thus: nOjae project on while h I have been work ing lias been brought to a -successful con elusion, i.e* our "Nisei*1' are being given a chance to Join the Army« Now v/e must have*’ chaplains*• ••*.«« ■ Some of you to whom this letter goes will not, be able to qualify, 1 fear, but I want you to volunteer anyway• * • • ... This is the most important service of all right now and we must not bev, found lacking. Also what we do has to be done right now, not some other day.* meetings.- Please rMember that and go to 1ÒH instead of to 8H. The’ High School §rcppr will meet at 8H 11# as usual«. , Normal schedule' ym.il be*-r-esumed'the following -Sunday. mAR. 7 meetings at 10E* W A N TED YiORKERS Another .appeal is made for volunteers to help issue the Granada Christian News workers who would not be afraid to gather news and .help type and;print them. IN APPRECIATION OF THE PROTESTANT COMMISSION FOR JAPAtf EBB SERVICE.' • Of course this needs careful consideration and final decision can be made on the basis of greatest need for the greatest number of people*. PROWERS COUNTY PREACHERS TO ENTERTAIN AhACHE PREACHERS AND FAMILIES. W pg ; if and a day of informal NÜ j&f :|f§ discussion- and" get- together. Rev. Curtis •S»'^?^v:SsE *We 3tfall o.f ’• Lamar seems to be the‘ohaip* man of arrangements. . The Amache preachers and families are looking forward to a great day. ■ WEEK OF DEDICATION, FEB. 24- 28.. FIVE GREAT DAYS. BISHOP REIFSNIDER COMING Bishop 0. S. Reifsnider ,of the Episcopal Church, and a long time 'missionary in Japan, and a strong member of the Coast Protestant Commission for Japanese Service, will be here onMar. J21st, and will preach the sermon for the. morning English Service, SPECIAL NOTICE. mAR*, 7 CHURCH MEETINGS TO BL HELD AI 10 II. Ball. Due to the Arts and Crafts Show to be held in Terry Hall on the week .end of Mar. 7th, The Sunday School, English Service, and evening College group will shift over to 10H for their respective All the Japanese and all the Japanese churches especially, ov/e a tremendous debt to the Protestant Commission for Japanese Service, headed by *Dr* Frank Herron Smith. We were very:sorry to hear that the Homo Missions Council could not quite realize the value of such a commission and that they thought..,**it was questionable whether there were need for the Commission now that evacuation had taken place*’., The Granada Christian Ghurch has appreciated the value of this Commission and lias .written letters to that effect to the Home Missions Council. It would -be fitting here to review some of the things done by this Protestant Commission, and that the public do not know to any grtat extent. The Commission lias been very Valuabl and active before eveuation, during eva ouation, and after evacuation*■ Before evaouation they were active in constructive ways by dealingwith th© Tolan Committee and by dealingwith the .Army Load directly in Ban Francisco. When’ evacuation ivas decided upon, they immediately contact© white American churches to hei the Japanese in any way they can, and the results were marvelous in the manifestation of Christian love. y ■ The Ctomuisg'ipn hedpfd in planning and faciliting the religious services in every Assembly Center* They made numerous trips to .Assembly Centers for conferences and- for help. They visited camps for those arrested by the F.Btl. . in Missoula, Bismork, Lordtburg, 'Sharp Park, ' Camp. Livingston,’ etc, ho'lped'them, secured, libraries for thqm, put them in touch .with local pastors, etc* They were; ir strumentai .in i : ©curing organs, ’pianos, benches, song backs, : creatio imi mate rials, ,looks, r iòti nine supplie s of aJl •kinds. They hr ive been vi sitin g al 1 ob e Ü5I0cation. iCc peters. / *ir i &Koe'£ ,„c .a / J GRA IV A_ï / A CS t * \/ \ w :\ \AI .%, Vol 1 No» 9 „ ïttith Amache, Colorado Fobrvary '2'i, 1943 PAGE # #3 - - THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - - NEWS, PERSONAL MP OTHEffaSBj When Seattle officials found mo.untains preventing the growth mm«» wÆM WmM m Master Sgt* Arthur Social, U* of Hawaii gradand 1-1 ceased pilot ¡enlisted to— _____H fore the war# look parr, in heroic de- of their city, by faith, ferine of the Bataan Peninsula in the by powerful streams of Philippines• ‘St* Sgto Paul Sakai. Seattle born Nisei reports from somewhere in Africa»,, he is ready and willing to share the load and carry out his assignments» Sgt» Ben tCurold ’off -Hershey, Neb » promoted for 'meritorious work as -Turret Gander on t/«S* Liberator Bomber'1 „ and has participated in sky duela against German airmen in Allied. air raids on.. .. water, and by com-a ye? baits, they ccrnniandtd tha mountains to ba cast into tha soa, and it waS done» When tha American people were persuaded that there should. be workers, and by adequate machinery, the mountains wore moved and the Panama Canal became a reality. Likewise,, ^osus taught that if we have genuine faith, vie will confront mountains of fear, of doubt, of debt, of affliction, or of sore temptation and command them to “remove henceu ......and it shall be done. In the hum and the buzz of the busy world about you, have you taken a Lament to consider the %;.j ev in ‘îy.l daily ; It is not :\ to de-4 that you j follow ;ij chings of or to ----üri—other« to Äf! works of“*r:f 1 y Fath- .f y cur life? too late cide w5 sh to the tea-Christ help dedicate their lives to'Christ, The week of March 24 to 28 will be cot aside as Dedication Week, Lath night during that week, meetings will bo held with speakers and varied programs* Keep these dates open and plan to join together in fellowship* pTiT M S M i S S. te&véh 24—28» qraæ Hiyorb, Aadct* jVrl rby^Pago, great leader, was there and spoke to the Niseis at Chapel 59 on Fob* X3th* •♦ .The speakers for Feb» 14th ■ wore Eev» J# Yomazaki, Rcnr* R* Sus'a-Mago, ARov# W# McEnighb, Bov» S, Stewart* The YoPv Fellowship had a Valentine So- oiaion ?*ebc 14th, at N&z5.-ccoup!©d Europe* -y- ; . ogt>; ?rod Nisld-suji of Los dAngelos-had been assigned to the Staff of gene-' r-al Douglas Max Arthur in Australia, whore ho interviewed prisoners and translated messages, Asked for more dangerous work, arid was assigned to an advanced . unit on the Now Cinea front# (note* Fred is‘a Colo* boy from* Las Animas, wont to Los Angeles, ms baptized and received into membership of the L.A. Methodist Church, ) M13S Helen Pettingell, Horace Mann. Hall, State Teachers College, Framingham _ ___ Mess*, desires a pen pal* She is 2j yrs» the Iieavenr* Old and studying to teach home economics. &irrb, Idaho# Another choir ms formed TÇJrp wJSpFlfekn ^ohijsukl, which sings gs at the mocaing servi coo at «oc* r-# ( e vitVdd p* 4, coium# 1* ) 4^ mßrr, &* " ***' ’ ***** Please notify Lostor Suzuki if you are interested« Syracuse, Kansas, folks, mostly farmers arc very understanding and synpa-thootc. Rev* Suzuki spoke at their service on Ha.ce Eolations Lay* Pastor R* L. Wells says he would bo very h/tppy to perfomr the marriage for any couple that so desires#, The departure of Lafayette Noda is a groat loss to us. He went to Pondlo Hill, a fine Quaker school* Mon of his caliber and convictions aro few a.nd far between# In tho last issuo of this paper suggests ons were asked for a name* Hew a-bout Maacho Paradise, for Ann-ohi moans heaven land? ; The Kashiwagis end Okazakis did some good will work at tho Lamar Baptist Church, we understaid. Do you know tho Book of Acts? Yflry^ not mako a study of it ab tnc Nisei Mid-Week Services, Wed# nights at THt Treasurer*s report will bo made separately and will bo distributed at church»' Takas>ii Moriuchi is treasurer# , Henry Suzükida ■was very instrumental ard useful at Denver,, leading singing JttL-L XSU...9. G* R AÑADA CHRISTIAN _____Amache. Colorado C H U -H C.-E. _______ February -21, 1943 ï P AG E # f if HOIR Did you notice the new gowns worn by.,, the members of the Choir in Young. Peoples Church last Sunday morning? It w&s through the work of the Ladies of the Fujin-kai that these gowns were made. A groat big Thank You to you ladies’.* We’re all very grateful for your work. Many of the young people are faithfully attending choir practice. They are giving up their free time so that our Church may have a choir. Are you doing your part?? OTHER 'CENTER NEWS Hunt, T3®EoT New offioers for Hi-School Fellowship was installed on Feb. 7th® ..... The Y.P. from Reo. 8, enjoyed an afternoon and evening of good time and fellowship Jan. 31st when they were hosts to a group of 40 young people from Filer. Tho Filer group brought-the supper. .... Who is Minnie Doka? She is the queen of Minidoka.... • Miss Bowman and Miss Hempstead of Sumner, former missionaries in Japan, have been Called by the Federated Church to work at Hunt • From ROHWER TRANSMITTER. On Jan. 31st, Dr. Howardn)“^uinaIrorH7 who spoke at other centers, spoke at the morning service. An informal discussion was hold- in the evening. Grace Rancda was chairman. ...For Scout Anniversay Rev. Sakaue sermonized on “Have You a Merit Badge? ... Shizuko Koda,Montebello , Music chairman, left for Oberlin College....Bishop C.F. . Reifsnider spoke at Rollwon and also at Jerome.*..Poiiwer English Division treasurer’s report looks good. From CHRISTIAN'1 NEWS »LETTER, Tulllake, Cal. Mr. Kumoo Yo’sRInari was elected chairman of the YPCC cabinet. The YPCC will bo j /F A I/T H . I havfe a little/ whit& candle/’ \ That lights my/way tnro ugh/tine pain \Throu$h siorm /dnd stress ahd sor-v l / /didhess, / Aid triroiigh enduping pain. /” \ ; / / / / 11\ shdws{ me/hoy/ to £'hun the /stones, Th# lid about al9iig my . It Brings nie/blppms and^are per- \ \ \J j 7 Xpd s.uh/iseftfl s .a'f terma'th • \ J 7/ y * /My little candle ame from Gojd^-^ Ins te &.&-o-f• ■■■"îïe pr i -......’friand “"’■•He.-l-i-t.i-t.there * ' 'Vx 4M O ,1 S -^n«n$ Siü WS > Voi , 1. No* It) » y * s * / y ✓ / " / / / / ^ y v / / / ^ t nv h’ 7 1943 f x I X - * > s - X N ^ X \ v ^ &.U1.*,IV I >* , X£7.*i^ K X V, \ . x » N EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING, 7 PM AT 7K hall, there is a nisei Bible Study of Acts and prayer service. Many a times, the good and bet ter things crowd out the -best out of pur lives.- Let s not make the fatal mistake of crowding Christ out of our lives. Moot Him there at the Mid-wcak Services, 11 HELP A LITTLE” -- Will you? ■jrit m. KS: •p •-. ; j WEEK OF DEDICATION— —its purpose and plan-- Thc idea of the Week of Dedication springs from the increasing realization of an urgent noe|L. A call and a challenge ring-though the length and breadth of the Church because the hour demands it. The supreme need of, the .Church in. this year of grace is a spiritual awakening and renewal in order that v/e may meet the tasks and opportunities that are thrust upon us, A definite period has be~n designated w ban a united Church with sincerity'of purpose will seek the Lord; Wc of this generation have falien 'upon a period of crisis and tragedy. At no time since man first inhabited the earth has there been a world-upheaval commensurate' with' that of which we arc now a part. No portion of the world Is'exempt. That includes us. The nations are joined in bloody conflict. A*ever ia the history - of mankind have so many men been under; arras *at' one time . In the present crisis, the Church cannot ex-cape h.r responsi- victlon. Tho hour has struck when as individuals and as a Church wc tieod confe s s o ur unbe lie f and neg-ligcnco ; our spiritual tnd Intellectual" pridc^ our worldlincss; our sclf-centcrcdncss; our lack of vision; our Insincerities and all other sins that mar the Christian’s life and impede the Church's mission. Our materialism and greed and privincialism-condemn us. The hour strikes when it is also imperative * t ha t all we who c all o ur so1vos Christi’ams shall r -affirm our faith in tho Lord Jesus Christ; shall in all our -p rsonal living walk more intimately with him; and shall redcdicatc all our powers to do his bidding. This cannot be done by adopting re solutions and organizing campaigns. Each individual must bo brought face to face with ‘ the issues of life, and each must for himself dedicate his heart to Jesus Christ,- THIS IS ’THE WEEK 0P DEDICATION ESPECIALLY THE'DAYS OF MARCH 24th TO MARCH 23th...YL:.: Î e.r.::.. * /' l i The - miriiWcia^c-éAmç i1.and the j I Eng- • * $ -; V II sh Di visLcnj I Ç h ur C Ê'.4\ ‘. a .pS; a • s (“'oUnc 11 arG j ! ant i - (ÿj e a. p/y % îjgjiÿtÿ ° ip i ng f nq \ p 1 anning' ' an o ut - . do or nastcr^ i I Service • Some eminent speaker is -t •'being "S o ught for the. grenat occa- j I'sion. General plans are still • in the emhryoni stage. HaVL YOU j ; any suggestion?? S 'U bility. The nature and her mission in iicr into* the midst is commissioned to f..r end a guide in this. .It is her IT .(. whole lump . of the Church the world thrusts of th ings • She be an interpre-such a time as mission to leaven Twenty centuries ago the.. Lord/Jesus said to the little company of men' Who be lie ved in him, these' potent words; ”Yo arc- the’ light of: the world.” Wc steadfastly * believe "that only Jesus Christ can save mankind * The Church 1s Christ’s continuing presence in* the- world. The Ch ur chi s', a*s Pa ul■ r e mind s us, ills Body, the visible instrument by--jdiich His invisible Spirit continues I.is saving ministry. The times 'dcmhrtd ’a Church that is ■ ■able/to speak with clarity and con- gC Fflkk cca X e <. < ' ' Rc v.V C V‘ Iiuzuhara-'■■is; doing a splendid job as chapllan of. tho hospital, cxpocially for the tur-.bc.rcular patients, The radio furnished for the patients is being graatly appreciated. Recent visitui's to our church, s c r vi ccs were; Rc v « & Mr s « Jame s Sugioka, Miss Gertrude Sugioka, Revs, Goto and- Sakamoto, The lat- ter tv;o are -Seminary, , studying at the Iliff The American Bibio^Society has donated to the Ghurch 50 Bibles* Anyone desirous of having them, see Rev. Kuroda. They arc yours only for the asking. i y* y * *Vorl .1 No . 10 GRANADA CHRISTIAN CHURCH NEWS Amache, Colorado 7^i 1943 A TT E N T I ON M ALL VOLUNTEERS ..Tonight at 7:00 in-10H recreation hail, the Collège Age group are ^sponsoring- a*.-farewell service for the volunteers of this camp. .. The . speaker s of .the evening will be two prominent volunteers: Messrs Shozi Oniki and Kay Suga-hara. The chairman for the evening will be Miss Marion Yoshioka. After the' devotionals, a period of singspiration will.follow and terminated with the serving of refreshments. The College Committee' requests the presence of all volunteers. The general public of college age and above are also invited, 1BT!S GIVE.OUR VOLUNTEERS A GOOD SEND-OFF l-I i MANY RESPOND TO APPEAL Again, the Christians rallied to a noble cause\l Demonstrating the spirit of Christian love and sacrifice, fourteen more from our group answered Rev. C-hiaki Kuzu-hara’s appeal for blood donors. They are: Jayne Shimada, Yori Yamasaki, Fumiko and Suzuko Fukiida George Shino, Hoshiko Miyake, Mr, John Cochran, Mr. E.H, Runcorn, Richard Suzuki, Rev. Suzuki, Rev. Kuroda, Emi Fujisak-a, James Okada, and Paul Mizukami. Wedding « P j ^ Ben Yoshioka, son fm i ** > ss % W> 11 'Mr. Ben Yoshioka, son of Rev. & Mrs. Yoshioka, and Mi .Pauline . Kits use of Poston were ., ^ united dn marriage in an impressive-' ceremony yesterday at..-the Y,W• Recreation hall. Rev. Yoshioka officiated. The groom,.formerly of Los Angeles is at' present employed by the WRA in Chicago and the bride is originally from Braw-ley, California. Mr, FrankP’Costello" Suzukida, older brother of Henry Suzukida, and Miss Mitsuko Hattori, formerly of San Anselmo arc to be married tomorrow afternoon by Rev. Lester Suzuki. Mrs, G. Nakamura recently announced thev\b6troitb.Gl of her daughter, Mit s - /R I uko to Mr; David Naka- bj vgawa. Dave is presently pur- suing his theo- logical studies in a Baptist Seminary in Chicago. Mitsuko is to join him soon, at the same institution • Mr. . Shiro Nakano and Miss Mae Takaya, also from our group, recently revealed their intentions to be married. They have set their wedding date on Easter, Wo offer our félicitations to the above and pray Godb richest blessing tpon their wedded lives, __ F ROM OTHER CEN t ERS FrOm the RIVERS TIDINGS, GILA ‘ RIVER, ARIZONA.....The Episcopal Bishop of Arizona, the Rt. Rev. Walter Mitchell, D.D. made a visit to their Center Feb, 21st, ....... Dr. Kirby Page donated books to their Church Library. Among the many fine books are two of his own authorship: "Living Prayerfully" 5c "Living Creatively",..... From the CHRISTIAN NEWS-LETTER, TULELAKE,CALIFORNIA.. , .Abbott Book executive secretary of the, California Church Council spoke at their Center.the 21st of Feb....... ....George Egusa will be the first vice-chairman of the coming YPCC to be held on April 3rd & 4th. ......Hospital patients are being-cheered by good music each week.. The Union Church is giving record concerts weekly............. From the ROHWER TRANSMITTER. MCGEE EE ARKANSAS.......At the nisei board meeting, it was decided that they will buy Broadman Hymnals ....... A." team of. YPCF speakers is visiting Little Rock at. the invitation of the First Methodist Church....... From the HERALD, HUNT, IDAHO.,.../* The Minidoka Choir members traveled to Twin Falls to present their second public concert before a crowd of lpOO at the Methodist Church.........A religious Emphasis Week was planned^ for ' thi s Center in a Federated Church Council meeting.......a deputation team of 10 young people and Rev, Tsutomu Fukuyama left the Center to share in the services of the Church of the Brethren, the Presbyterian and the First Christian Church in Twin Fw11s ......This is one of the many contributions being made by the Federated Church for promoting understanding between Hunt and her neighboring cities.... From TOPAZ.......A symposium on resettlement issues, was held with Henry Tani as Chairman.... the symposium is sponsored by the Y.P. Christian Sunday Evening Conference ..... .Three speakers gave talks on these topics: "The Role of the Or-gani zed Church in Re se 11 lement", "T he WRA Stand on Relocation" & Importance of Public Relations in Resettlement" ;....... RE MEMBER \¥ EE K OF DEDICATION MlaRCH 24th—28th ¡y, 5 — /^/✓//// / ////// / // / ✓ ✓ ✓ y y ✓ x , \ V N S N > N v ^ >> >». \ N \ \ N S \ N N \ \ \ N \ \ X X N ' GRANADA CHRISTIAN •V OF 04/ ;?N ^ Ip.^ARY ( ' MAR 2 4 1343 U RC H N'EWS # V \ V V Vv % \ \ / / / £ IV T S îi \ A \ \ V \ V \ \ \ \ \ \ A 7 ✓ ////// /X / / / / / / / \ \ \ \ VA \ / / / / / / / Amache, Colorado March 14, 1943 The CASE of GORDON HIRABAYASHI The case of Gordon Hirabayashi is a case for every Nisei whowas ovac uated. There is a Gordon .Hirabayashi Defense Committee which said; "Briefly, in the language of a layman, the issues are that Gordon has not had his day in court where ho can prove his loyalty to the country of his birth; the military commander imputes disloyalty, which is treason,, purely on the grounds that his parents were born in Japan. The military commander seeks to impose his will upon American citizens without establishing any military necessity for doing so; under our Const!-' tution when Congress is in session it has the sole power to dofine clair s against the Dili ted States, and to declare martial law but oven Congress -cannot validly deny the American citizen his right to prove his loyalty to the country of his birth". Tho committee writes;» The Gordon Hirabayashi Defense Committee bolievos that you arc deeply concerned with the far-reaching significance of this challenge to unconstitutional procedure and will give it your support. The cost of taking the caso to tho Circuit Court of Appeals is one thousand dollars which must be contributed by people who know that eternal vigilance is still the price of liberty. Will you not return the enclosed card with your contribution to this fight for the maintenance of democratic government?" --Yours for the Bill of Rights,--Ray Robert^ Chmh; Mary Farquharson, Scc’y-trcas, Here is some thing to which we can easily spare a few cents and it is for your own case. The Gordon Hirabayashi Defense Committee is at 4033 liiiversity Way, Seattle, Washington, «iMaMOimyjvjmiU!*'!». — — ■ - tral California. His tour will cover Arizona, Oklahoma, Arkansas Tennessee, Missouri, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Oregon and Calif o mi a. BISHOP• RBIFSNTDLR b HERBERT NICHOLSON On March 21st, tho long time president of Rikkyo University of Tokyo, and the General missionary to Tottori, Japan, Bishop Rcif- "“**£*'snider and Herbert ^y:?Y•;Nicholson, res-WC i r‘i pecti vcly, wi 11 be Bishop Rolf- d V4J/7ft,snider will speak a l vat the morning ' ser- t;(vicc, and Herbert • • . ..... A^IJfe'Nieholson will speak at the * evening Young People meeting, combined with t he High School Group, Both of them have visited most of the camps, and Herbert Nicholson has been a frequent visitor to Manzanar, Poston, Gila, and ho has al30 visited Missoula, Montana, Camp Livingston, Lordsburg, and other camps. Ho has a lot to tell us* Nicholson and Dr. Hcckclman arc weekly visitor at the Hillcrcst Sanatorium, caring for all onor Japanese patients* W0;i:LD DAY of PRAYER Tho World Day of Prayer, Mar* 12th, held throughout the world, v/as observed at the Granada Christ ian Church at 10:00 AM* Mr. Ray Johnson of the Community Activities and Dr, Allston of Omaha gave a few words on the theme of the day k w e e k of DEDt CAT ION Dr*. Kirby Page, is the speaker the WEEK of DEDICATION, March 27th at Terry Ha'll* He has written 20 volumes and 16 pamphlets, spoken at 300 colleges and universities, crossed the ocean 20 times,* visited 33 court trie s.„ \ ^ 5 u v He is a man you must >Tfn0^ ®lss on his 'ronly day here. He . has be cn making a speaking tour of ->• 'the country since 13th and he will V wind it up on May 20th in North and Cion* *' ’if ■/ 0 - GRANAD'A CURIS / • M 1 \ TIA page CHURCH NEWS , • : ñ - - RESETTIEMENT - - a Did you know that there is Committoo on Resettlement of Japanese Americans', 29 Fourth. Avc < New York? -,It is 0 committee ap- i pointed by tho Federal Council of Churchos, with George E. Rundquist, executive secretary, working full time on it. They have issued a Resettlement Handbookr and also a pamphlet on Community Preparation for Resettlement of Japanese Americans. For materials, bibliography,‘“Resettlement Hand-book”, etc, write to tho abovo committee* This committee is sponsored by tho Fcdoral Council of Churches of Christ in America, and in Homo Missions Council of Nprth America in cooperation With the Foreign Missions Conference of North /. . ■ America. ' i B Q I%l E'VT W >3 REV. GABRIEL UPTON, AND 22 YOUNG people came to soe the Ar^s and , Crafts Show last Sundayvvan& wa,fc night ‘attendod the Y#P#'Meeting for tho Volunteers. All of them, especially tho American. V glon, were very much impressed,•ond y their attitudes have changed for the better. ”SAY ITWITH FLOWERS" is a common phraseology usod to great advantage by florins. ..In place of real bouquets of fragrant flowers we wish to express our doepest appreciation to pc oplo We often overlook. Considered by Dr, Frank Herron Smith as the outstanding. Church Choir among the Centers, --we pro sent..,..ORCHIDS.... to the, Choir which has rendered joyous and in va 1 uab 1c f' ¿fa, ’^as • T* under tho cap-leadership George Kubota with this * wo urgently the. stalwart ■ servico ablo of Mr. •' Along brief plug ry request menfo Iks to volunteer singers for the Choir"The gap which is to be Ip ft^by fsix Volunteers from the present Choir must be filled • The Director added that,five of the six volunteers arc bass singers and the sixth one i s a tenor...... .'THE CHOIR NEEDS YOUR IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE! ! t & % NINE VOLUNTEERS' WERE RPNC&ED AT A farewell prayer service añ1 party given by the Modesto and £».A* Ho linc ss Churche s, ‘la at 1 uc sday evening in the 10H Rec • B&ll# Over a hundred persons attended the occasion. A baptismal service was h'eld preceding the . serving vp£.T refreshments. Rev. S. Kuguhara, assisted by Rev. George üahiro baptized the Messrs-: TakashI; ^‘ujiwara, Robert Ishikawa* Jerry Shi'gaki, Bill Ozaki, and Miss Tatsuyb Tatara. The four boys; are all Volunteers for tho Nisei combat unit. To highlight tfco uniqueness of the occasion, Rev. C, Kuz uhara made a re c ordihg of the. voices of each Volunteer during an informal and impromptu Interview. The honored VbluhtceTs %ere' the Md.ssrs: Takas hi Fuji warn, Mark Hashimoto, Robert Ichikawa Ken Kuzuhara, George Morishita, Fred Ogawa, Bill Ozaki, Jerry Shi-gaki, and Hughes Tatara. íf if > ../his duties with much anticipation* Wo hopo ho will have*a nico‘vacation and drop in on us* Mr. Bill Saito, formerly of L.A. and U.C.L.A, is now studying àt Texas University, GODSPEED TO THE v 2. k J fi 1 S IS s The College Age Group of the Granada Christian Church honored the Volunteers with a apodal Vesper Service and refreshments last Sunday nito, at 10H Roc. Hall. Miss Marian Yoshioka ably presided over the mooting, Tho Service was high-lighted by tho stirring speeches given by Mr, Kay Sugahara, Mr. Shoji Oniki, and Rev. Gabriel Upton. The Maruyama's from Manzanar arc relocated inthis camp. Tom, Henry, Arthur......we welcome youIJl Miss Yoshiko Arimatsu, prominent in Episcapol circles, was in camp on her furlough from her duties as instructor at^the Naval Intelligence School at Boulder. Choir mombers fetod tho six Volunteers from thior group at a party givon in their honor last Tuesday evening at 9L Rcc. Hall, Tho loss of Messrs: Sherman K^shi, George Yoshida, Tom Matsu-ura, Lens Murakami, Yuki Akaki, and Mits Usui, is the Army’s gain. Student ,—r,-*—& figured *s —■ 6th are students or permit-locate in leges, in and 458 to go, -Relocation * s for Feb. 487 relocated ted to re-col- 25 states, hoping We have the following denominations represented in our English division church: Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, Christian, Episcapol, Disciples of Christ, Frco Mothodist, 7th Day Adventists, and Holiness. Any more? Quite a conglomeration isn^.t it? Tho position of chairman of the • music committee seems to carry a bad omen or is it a good omen? Davo Nakagawa, the original chairman left the center, so did his successor, Victor Fujiu. Docs the appointment of Rev. ^ashimoto as the new chairman mean his departure from us? loot’s hope not.’! Rev. Akira Kuroda was laid down for a few days with a bad cold* Anybody willing to offer somo warmth? This change and sudden changes of weather of Colorado is hard on California people. NEWS FLASHES FROM......... POSTON, ARIZONA......Cottage Prayor Circles were conducted for the third timo, acd these meetings have proved to be a great success. ......Special Services were conducted for tho boys who volunteered in the U.S. Army, "Tabernacle Hymns" were presented as parting gifts with promises to supply each Volunteer with testaments at a. later date.,*......... # if if if The Methodist CHurch group of Los Angeles had a party in honor of the Volunteers connected with it, and also for the ye-contly baptized pooplo and now families from Manzanar. It vías at 10H on Saturday nite, March 6th, Mr. C, Akamatsu was tho chairman of the opening, and TK* Nozawa was chairman of the entertainment sido. Greetings were givon by Mr. S. Yuki, Mrs, S. Yasaki, and Revcronds L, Suzuki, and Y. Yamaka. Volunteer Kay Sugahara spoke in behalf of the voluntcors. Those who were there* were Kay Sugahara, Roy Satow, Yoshiro Bcfu, George and Calvin Saito,' Harry Kuwahara, Buster Süzukl, Duke Yamasaki, and Sam Takahashi. MANZANAR, CALI FORNIA......... ,,."Christianity in the Home", V/as the subject of the fifth public mooting of the Young Adult Christian Forum scheduled for Feb, 28th,.,....» JEROME, ARKANSAS......The Minis- terial Council loft this Center to meet with tho Ministerial staff of Rowhcr, the Ministerial Association of Dcrmott and of McGchco last Tuesday, tho 23fcd, of February, Twontypnino persons including Dr. Hunter and Dr. Arne had lunch together at Groystonc Hotel in the city of McGohcc......... CHRISTIAN NEWS-LETTER, TULELAKE. ,..."Forward with Christ" is tho themo of the YPCC to be held on April 3rd,&4th* Plans are coming along according to chairman Kumco Yoshinari, %■ * / f / / / / f ✓ /• / / -f / / ✓✓/>///✓// \\VS%> v \ N > V \ v Nj \ -VS.V V >, v V \ V V v /rfar. 2. V-’^S ¿of *J7~^í¿L/zyi.sys . ^-----------.----- THE LOiJG PLASHED FOE WEEK OF DEDICA-' TI ON IS NOW HERE THISWEBK* Ivíany of us have prayed and planned for it a long time*. Every Sunday for five weeks some layman- hhs spoken about., it at the morning services and every week the- Granada Chris tian Church News has written about it. We have requested that every.soul keep those dates in mind and keep them away from'conflict, and .we ..still request yoü to do so very definitely* 1hese are days in which we must build our spiritual reserve or create- our spiritual power, which we didn’t have. It is paramount that we redédicate our lives to Jesus, and dedicate our lives for Him, and re-think uppn. the high spiritual • truths of Jesús and of God, and rekindle our loyalty to the Christian Church,*to which we owe so much. The Five Great Days to be held at 10 H Hall and" at Terry Hall all will be at 7:00 P.M, opening with great hymn singing and special music, and with special messages every night. The PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED. Here is the schedule for the Week: WED* MAR. 24, 10H. 7*00 P.M* Speaker: Rev. Curtis Westfall, Lamar Presbyterian Church. Chairman: Rev. M. Hirata. Special Music: Granada Christian Church Choir, and soloists from Presbyterian Church.' THUR.' MAR. 25. 10H. 7:00 P.M. Speaker: Rev. Harry Háshimoto. Chairman: Rev. C. Kuzuhará. Gespelj. singing and special music. FRI. MAR. 26. 10 H. 7:00 P.M. Speaker: Rev. Gabriel Upton, Lamar. Methodist Church. Chairman: Rev. Harry Hashimo'tOP Gospel Singing and special music. SAT. MAR. 27. N.B. at TERRY. HALL.- at 7:00 P.M. SPEAKER: DR. KIRBY PAGE, inter national and national leader, writer of numerous books, traveller of many countries, and a Man of God, Chairmans Rev. Lester E, Suzuki, Special Music: Granada Christian Church Choir. Plenty of singing. SUNDAY. MAR. 28. DAY OF SACRIFICE. Final Day of the Week of Dedication. Place: Terry Hall. Time: 10:15 A.M. Morning Service, Speaker; Rev. C. Kuzuhara. Granada- Christian Church Choir. SUNDAY EVENING, Miar, 28th. Terry Hall. 7:00 P.M, Final Meeting of Week. Speaker: Rev. Lester E, Suzuki. Special Music: Soloist: Miss McDougall. Gospel singing. The public is cordially invited to these meetings. We urge every loyal member of Christ to pray for it, to plan to be there and to bring others with you. WEEK OF DEDICATION. FIVE GREAT DAYS. Mar. 24 - 28, J J? a /) o cLs&su erf / D f' On Mar. 28th, Day of Sacrifice, we will give a special, offering, which we will divide among the denominations to be given for World Emergency Funds. Every church is taxed to the limit to meet emergencies of war such tas Over-seas Relief, relief' of stranded missions and missionaries, Army Camp Service, Refugee Relief, special Japanese Byacuee .Funds, and other vital,needs, which are not in their budgets. We, as products of Mission churches, .have always been substantial recipients-- we are great receivers now. This time We can give of our sacrifice and share with the world, through our respective churches, in relieving world suffering. turn? —- - — ......................... \ A -MILLION THANKS to Miss Sumi Hashimoto for doing so muc . h for the Church News every time* She "is well nigh the editor and put-' lisher and artist of the paper# She has spent many valuable hours in this work, even to the jeopardy to her work in the office* Especially in the last issue, she published the whole works. Thanks a million | again* ■ ’• ' ■ ^__________-___________________^____J I N APF R-EC I ATM ,0- N * ” ’• To Rev. Akira Kuroda for editing Volume' 10 of the Christian Church News. To Rev. Harry Hashimouo for editing the Mar. 14th issue. They both did a swell job and it takes no little time and effort to put out these papers. To Rev. C. Kuzuhara, the versatile man of all tricks, for putting out the new Week of Dedication posters. *'■- To Hobi*Fujiu and the'Art’Department-of the Recreation Department for some fine posters. To Roy Suzuki for helpingus out with the loud speaker for Sundays and for the Five Great Days} when-he could come. To Hannah Tani, for being news reporter for the Church' News in some previous is- S + To Dick Suzuki and George Yoshioka for making .the concluding talks on Sundays for the Week of Dedication. To the Granada Pioneer for many news write ups and schedules of our services. To Mr. Ray Johnson, for his ^constant * ■ help and moral backing. ’ 3 •' SUNDAY PROGRAMS TEACHERS MEETINGIs 30 P.M,.at 7H, For this teachers meeting, Rev. Donald Root, and Airs, Root will be with us to give us a talk on the Sunday School movement and ■of the Sunday School work ih and around Lamar* They always have good refreshments and .good fellowship, so all teachers ought to come# I-SSEI AND FUJIN KAI AiEETING* at 2:00 P. M. where Herbert Nicholson will speak in Japanese. BISHOP - RBIFSNIDER AND BISHOP INGLIS will conduct Holy Communion for the Episcopal members at High Noon# of the Japanese, • We'- urge every young people to attend this meeting, including all high school, as well as college and older people. THESE NOTICES ARE FOR SUN. Mar, 21st. jUg tTEMURA AND fRtgw UEMURA OF DEWAR are~spec'iaT” visitors tbki-uacliV th'i’s vireelS* end. speaking to Isseis at special meetings, Incohjunction with their visit, the Issei Division have held daily special ‘meetings at 10 H and 7H, mornings, afternoons, and evenings. All the pasft tors took part-besides' the visiting pastor, ■ f WORLD DAY-OF PRAYER ' "•'ThV Wo-rTH* Day of* Prayer was observed at the Granada Christian Church, with o-ver 60 people present in spite of the shortness of the notice and the busy morning hour of 10:00 A.Ai. Mr. Ray Johnson gave an especially good talk on ’’Prayer”, very, appropriate to the occasion. He was interpreted by Rev. S. Kuzuhara, who also interpreted Dr. Ailstan’s talk. Dr.All-ston is from the Presbyter'ian Headquarters in Omaha* Rev. Yamaka whs' the chairman, and Rev. Haratani gave* the prayer. ■ NEWS — WISE AND OTHERWISE aK************* This week end, a host of women and I girls are attending- the YW Conference at La Junta, such as Hana Uno,Alice Suzuki, :Ivlrs. Takeyama, and a good many others it seems, May women may succeed in taking ; that ‘sign off in La Junta ”No Japa al-:lowed”. ’ Rev. Kristian Jensen, a missionary to Korea 'and Japan for many years, was a1 vi~ • sitor in camp along with Rev,- Williams : of Holly, Rev. Jensen is speaking exten-' si'vely in this valley. Rev. Unruh and 18 young people from the'’Oakley, Kansas, Methodist Church, were scheduled to visit the Amache camp to see for themselves, -rather than be fooled by propaganda on the outside# We hope they had 'a nice time# Rev. Lester Suzuki -spoke last week ' end at Hays Methodist Church, Wesley -Foun ' dation, La Crosse Methodist, Lion’s Club, High School' and to a'preachers and-workers gathering at Larned, Kansas. Tell them the facts and they*11 understand, he says • Rev. Gordon K. Chapman, Executive ; Secretary of the Protestant Commission ‘ for Japanese Service, will be here on April 3- 6. Dr. Frank Herron Smith will also be here sometime in the future. GRANADA CHRISTIAN PAGE TWO. CHURCH NEWS Will you think about this special offering and please give of your.sacrifice?! Perhaps you can-spare something else you ? were thinking of buying, dr fee a little morecareful this week an4-sare a few #oins extra for this offering* We have received so., much from our chuij-ches'# Shall we not give a little in re- SPECIAL YOUNG PEOPLES’ MEETING, 7:00 P.M. at Terry Sail. Special Speaker: Herbert Nisholson. Brother Nisholson has visited almost all of the. camps., including the internment camps; and he has'visited our hospitals and sanatariums, and ministered to their needs. He was a Quaker missionary to Japan for. 25 .years; a great friend GRANADA C- ÏÏRISTIAN CHURCH NEWS. PAGE THREE 'Rev. James Cuthbertson, who conducted .successful meetings in Poston, will be here sometime in June. Dr. Will H, Houghton, President of .oddy Bible Institute, will be visiting the Coast, and will vist the relocation center** ■ Takashi Moriuchi may be leaving us to take up a farm in some town. Another good man going. Henry Suzukida did a splendid $ob of song leading for the High School Fellow-s hip last Sunday, and-1hey alI eng oyed• it, immensely. And to top it all, he gave a •very good talk, which the students were talking good about it even the next day, so it must have been good* WANTED - HELPERS - to type out aames and addresses of people on envelopes .as.'.the. Week, of Dedication invitations* The names will be taken out of the City directory, so you have the complete list* There are over 2000 names so we do want many helpers. Please see any of the pastors and give ;hem your name and cenveniant place where the envelopes Can be taken Please db this right away* Thanks* ■" 1 I" "¿1* ' I1'"«! ■ ■ Ip irnrtrndSm COPIES OF THE GRANADA CHRISTIAN -Lurch News or the Treasurer’s Reports . 'an be obtained at the Church Office* 7H Block* If you care to send to friends^ who can read thorn to their benefit, you may do so, as far a» they last* P/j&A'S'cAoo/ Pro ora *77. The very active High School Fellowship, with Thomas Haratani as president, has the following schedule planned: N*ar* 21st. Rev. Herbert Nicholson at Terry Hall, with College Group. Mar. 28th. Week of Dedication final night. All are.urged to attend. April 4. Mr. Morris H. Soglow, speaker. April 11* Rev. C* Kuzuhara, speaker. Every high school student is cordially welcome to these meetings* If there are , rot enough chairs, we can bring in some more, so don’t worry about room for a while. Don’t let your former group meeting spirit die out in camp* Fumiye Hasegawa, Program Chairman of the College Fellowship, headed by Dr. Joe Abe, announces the following schedule: Mat. 21st. Rev. Herbert Nicholson. It would most worthwhile for all to hear Herbert Nicholson. Mar. 28th. Week of Dedication Final night. It is most important that every attend this meeting. April 4th. Dr, Gordon Chapman, Secretary of the Protestant Commission of Wartime Japanese Service, making a tour of the centers, will lead the discussion on one of his selected topics. When he last stopped here, many were not here and he didn’t have much time, s this will be a real privilege and he is spending more time. April 18 is Palm Sunday. April 25 is Easter. Lent Season has begun since Mar. 10th. Are you thinking anything more noble and more spiritual than you have been in the pastt VISITATION EVANGELISM After the Week of Dedication, on Apr. 5ih to 8th, a Visitation Evangelism campaign will be conducted. What is Visitation Evangelismt It is a way of lead^| ing people to Christ and to God, that Christ Himself practiced. He sent out the Seventy two by two to win people to salvation. With a prospect list already made out# teams of two, with proper instructions and proper facts, Will goout and visit prospects, not to argue, not to -invite them to church, but to present them Jesu and God. When primary loyalty to Christ and to God is made, other things will fc low. Laymen usually do better than the c preachers, and laymen throughout the' t country are having great success in actually men and women to Christ. It is something that almost everybody will say, ”l can’t do it, I. am not made for such things,” but then when they actually see It done and do it themselves, they invariably want to do it again. To see the concrete results in Kansas last week would make anyone try this method of Jesus, this method that wins more people than ary other method. This is personal evangelism: made praotical*" The average American results are 46$ of all prospects visited. The average Japanese results would be much lower than that, but the results would be very encouraging, to be sure, if the people work at it. Will you volunteer for sucl soul winning'ventured Why not speak tc your pastors as soon as possible* GHOrT ''.... It must be extremenly good preaching that enables some people to get along on about one dose out of every eight Sundays*.. Beware of the candidate who never boasts of his church membership except at election time.•• . It is very hard to send your children in one direction when you are going in another..... *■.* Woe unto him who talks about his neigl. bors, for he shall be talked aboutl Any man can have a UC” card on the 3; - * *f"*m04 K G R. A N '■ ■ \ V Óv Wn>.->.-::V-f'l -y: v;y^WT-’'■ 'Wi»;:<• ■*'^r> ■ -y V-it* ^ ■ ■ '¡‘> i- 1 ¿wv •>, V ' c al ist PAGE Ü^ife^SlSiSÄS^ ■ "! 1 -•*•«* -■ Vi,-' Amache, Colorado Mär. 21, 1943. mercy of God. ; UNTIL WE GET HOME . (Excerpts from an ar-+ icle in the Advocate) • By Mary Tsukamo-• to. y;; ’’And, dear God, bless my little doggie until we get home; bless and watch our house, so we can go home again. Amen.”» And she was soon fast asleep. For a . long:«time JLknelt be side,, her »;,bed„ ,My r^hea^ woW^^b^'diecove^^r^t’^^'l^ ax universe;. May, the anxious hearts of brav* mothers everywhere, find peace and assu-ranc o in their hour of anguish and somehow find courage and hope to carry on, for always,, peace come.,,.Joy will come«,. .Victory 'will come,..for "this is thy world,, and we are thine., .Amen," t clunff to^ her .jQLl^dt| mrwrn She had a busy day at school, and she was busy till nightfall with her many playmates in our block* . Mealtime was a huge get-together, a f&mily of two- :.hun- • MID WEEK MEETINGS AND SUNRISE SERVICES. ¥ •'tthilt • MidlJLeek service. has boon going c r - vico is missed by almost 100% of you. The Book of Acts is studied and a.season o.f prayer follows. There is always a-bundant singing« ....The ago old truth dred^and fifty in a large mess hall where again is ma46 clear, • ” the praycr-less sensitive’ cHlT dr eh 'scarcely touch their ■ : church .or^the ,pj^^^|p|^iQhrlstian will meals so much is the'j^.o^'©xci.teme-nt:.- and .0• you- Co'h&usion. J ^ •'•*••• .j '' , ^ ^: : g;; §nd prayer '03; .it #|Sb: m» '*m ft; »... Outwardly the continued stay at "our-oihhih^^’éeems ideal, with no7.co,o;kihgr ÉÉ v^^^rd;Work, no tlÉféh£ldreh with 'KbH^maiiy;- £i?i® vy .happy they se ¿ml Yet- even :a - child in-. f .wardly senses the truth^'that this is not ;a normal existence, that, somethihg is wrqng.T^ey , be over, so that things, will change, so that "just mama and papa and I could have our house and our' garden and our yeard and, our pets again«" its p'oS ^ahilitie si;^ -CöKie’ at’ about 6:15 A«MV;ite‘ a reheard A ally invited., ,.V- 'Cä^Sf . x ih*f BOOKS, YOU CAN BUY, Hymns That Endure, by W, Thorburn Clark, .one dollar, Broadman Press, Nashville, Tenn. Dr. .Clark has.made our great hymns and their writers "come to life". My child— our children—-now behind these Government Relocation camps will be leaders of tomorrow,. ’ What they will be in the future will largely depend on the homos we build for. them today. We, cannot fail in our tasks to be good pa- < rents to our growing'God-given charges in •-v;spite of the abnormal, coi^ditious under. Ior ,WSFfij&u ’ which we find our solve s„......« : ^ **_ ■' • t<\r> liowj, isuthe Lix^e^noc. ait, r tho w_.r;., nut •- The .Ur^ss^ai after we are relocated—wuen We must bring them'close to the Divine Guide..< Victorious Suffering, by Carl A. Glover. .Methodist Publishing House, Kansas City, Mo.’ $1*00. "This book is very perti- JF." TW^W$^S^^?s ’T Fi'f 'eFenl; stu- dy. of the experience of Calvary, showing keen insight into current human situations. Methodist Publishing House. The anxious prayers of parents here in these centers become real to meI fall $ to -my-' kneed because. .1 couldl.not turn . anywhere, else but .to.. ^^^Ypr^present..-..’’ ■ V understanding God: , S|sp|-: 7. ’ .^"Di^iM^Father, to w^om -hoth^Jrvi^^h^ imposslble, this fis -the Humble*iiv^| that aches in .the silentt patlent hearts ; pf|. t hbus and s day ^-¿6d th^y.^s < sShdol« • - ' ■■■ ; _ ft. * -* • "Earnestly ’we p;ray,' dbmbhbw' throug^’*^ its ,usa- Èrdmaii, '(Àsspei^tìo,p .ppu.s, $1,50) • h thy miraculous powei*, Our youngsters fvd.ll take schooling seriously,. „aVie pray ’ that ; in • spite' !bf^'Ch6v%ed;''heceMiedation;' ^ and shortage of equipment, they will 1 have the patience to wait until these things are eventually provided..... .they will forget the crude buildings and the colorless school........... . ..v •••••••••*• • Dear God, make them conscious of 1ife1s rioh values.•»..Make thorn hungry for knowledge, thirsty for' enduring things......."Somehow, in their'very young hearts may there come order out of this confusion; bility. ilo' Defvohtly pray dr.en, bqt children. alD over theavier 14.... ..... ... . REivIINDING YOU' that there are classes for adults, college people, high school people in the Sunday Church School, headed by Rev. C. Kuzuhara. You ought to see some of the churches in Kansas have so many in their adults classes, including older men. Of course, classes for all ages are there, so send your brothers and sisters ; or children of ,all ages .and ...they’11 be ipp tifi bringing order and good will to this msr'm go Those who gave their names, please to the hospital for examinations. V w Rttm 3\ jriui\Y . The time has cornel The nations mus receive or reject Him as the brihgei of salvation. Thus it was prcphesie: that the Messiah should, enter Jerv* salem. It was the day of destiny for th people of Israel. The .people di not understand the deep spiritual reality which Christ Jesus symbolized. They thronged about him.Tearing dov; palm branches, they strewed them c the 'road saying, "Hosannah, Blesso is he that cometh in the name of th Lordl Blessed is the Kingdom th:: cometh, the Kingdom of our father D vid," .The shouting floated across the va] ley from the Mount of Olives and ir to the streets of Jerusalem. Thus Jesus of Nazareth proclaimed himself to be the King, the Promised One. It is in honor of this . triumphant march that this Palm Sunday'.' ir celebrated today. However , this triumph was short lived 'because of tl hatred and enmity aroused against Jesus in the temple and in the halj of the palace. . "Only for a little longer will the Light be with you, walk while ycuh? j~h3 Light, lest darkness come upon you. For he that walks in darkno .annot tell where he* is going. While you have the Light, believe in : chat you may be Its children." i, l&QBir “hAL omnct All Christians are baptised in name of the Father, and and of the Holy Ghost. of the Following up the Week of Dedication ^ several young people will be c-omir to the altar of God to be'baptizedof the Lord. Anyone else caring to do likewise, please see the pastors for further baptism. \We trust that you will find happines. .3 in accepting Christ ,and. become mem-(j jjjbers of His Church* • v, ■ When man has found God, he has found the meaning of history, the pur* so of his life', the power- that nzlbs,. the good that summons him,' the that he may trust,v.....................................Harris Franklin Rail, y rUCLÏIÇidjCLCK'l/LstiGJl UufbCib Ÿ I Voi. 14 page a .Amache Colorado. . ...... » « « April 18,1943 . TO-NISEIS BECAUSE FAITH SOMEOHE HAS IN'. ME EASTER AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE Easter was a great j day, the third day,* when Jesus arose to*;Because someone has faith in me the i I cannot f ail though all the wt Winds up the hill. he regnant in v/orld forever, for the first Christians , who could live and preach the -gos-V pel because of Eas -u.ter i *My staff in hand and cheerily |I can but fare me forth each day ¡With right good will. |,Dces Easter ^anything to and to se i: nane se as a whole •Because someone has faith in ¡1 need to keep my heart quite mean |My own faith strong, the Ni-.'My vision clear, that i may the Ja- Undaunted by what meets my And sing a song. me -trho SCO , view. Ms it just a hopeóle ss future . where iwe don’t belong?Is our economic, social, religious future a thing of the past? 4 /, y dLV- Where there is faith, there is an Easter. If Easter means anything at all, it ought to mean a whole let now. Perhaps we are still on the first day or maybe the second day, but our lives are in the future, a new life in the future. We lock to the third day,. The future may net be in the form of the past,in group life and institutional lifo ,tut there is a broader future, a future ^of significant and ideal-realizing venture. : God help- me sing the song, I pray [God keep me clean and strong to go :Clear-eyed, to see ! The untrod., upward-winding way For fail I cannot; one I know, ;Has faith.in mo. Grace Noll Crowell. Follow Niseist Many people have ,faith in you. £WTfcfc Cti?e£TiM6S faon OhilDR£H Of 3AuCvit) f^AbSi • Easter greetings have come from ti ; following children: Yes, Easter has seme tremendous significance for us today, Easier 0W Irt TRO«! Of MòSflTRu * More unique than Hollywood Bowl, cr Mt.Rubideaux, cr Forest Lawn,or any other famous Easter bcwls, will be the Easter sunrise Service at Amache Bowl, because it is the one and only bowl of its kind. Main St. Saugu s ,Mr •d, 22 Ad ams St .So Main St. Saugus jMo 1 Knowles Ave. Sau 77 Schoo 1 St. Son ! Knowles Ave. Sop Lorraine Gar Beverly Blanchard, Marian Gray, $ Inez Richard, 22 Mar io Attuhato, Inez Richard, 2 Audrey Pugh, 8 Centennial Ave.Sau Estelle Gray, 91 Main St. Sau.Mas Beverly Swett, 18 Robinson St,Sap Frances Salsincrn,. 9 Howard St.Sa Carol Keans, 7 Cleftondale Ave.Sr Virginia Woodward, 96 Adams Ave. Joseph Attubato, 77 School st.Sar’ Melvin Rand, 6 Denver St. Saugus. The Sunrise service will be at rise on Easter morn, about 6 or perhaps a little earlier to low time to be back for break- sun- & M » Ivi alfas t Jeanette Gillen, 36 Marulyn Corredonde Talbot St.Sa 67 Main St.S‘ Rev. R.L.Wells.of Syracuse ,Kansas, will be the speaker of the morning. He is a man of wide experience and much interested in Japanese, and he will have a great Easter message for us. He will also bring some of his young people to join us . I Jane Roberts, 83 Summer St. Saugr' ' Ralph Clayton Pugh, 8 Centennials •Jean Parsons, 14 Seminole St, Sai ¡Betty Morrison, 64 Adams Ave, Sau jEdward Paynter, 105 Vine St. Sau, | John M. Milabjian, 5 Franklin St * \Jean Main, 10 Longwood Ave. Saugus Louise Milley, 65 Adams Ave.Saugus ; Harley Ross Co Iyer, 62J- Main St.S. M ‘The whole Amache camp will be cordially invited ,without any" distinction. Easter Service.........at 10:15. A.M. Regular Easter Service will be held the usual place.The public is cordially invited to.attend. And sorer iss Ida L. Blossom, the spon* ......11 Vine St. Saugus, Mass, PERSONAL Miss Estelle Hoshimiya left ibr TopekaKansas recently, to work jn the student office.Good luck to yu Rev. Akira Kuroda gives regards t all Nisei groups here. He is working at Laramie, Wyoming. -RiSETT LE-MEMT Br„ Gordon K, Chapman said there are j 18 hostels and ofiIces -for the hone-j fit of evacuee resettlement, in van-, ious cities of the Middle West - Ah'ter | careful thinking and planning, all ; movable persons ought to seriously' think of resettlement before it be-j coTies too late. We cannot do it af-. tor the war. Jobs are abundant at all places, he; reported, so the thing to do is to find the most suitable job under the’ circumstances• The Brethren hostel, the Friends Service hostel.are both in Chicago.Both the Y.M. and Y.W. are receiving evacuees. The Congregational hostel is, in St«. Louis, and the Baptist are o-| poning one in Cleveland or some cityi in Ohio. Qhers are open and we willj print them when wo find out spec if i-; callv. They have responsible men taking care of these hostels and offices , so no one meed fear the lack of supervision and care. -OKI 1D0J led Q 0 ) is Acknowlodgments for the: ■ voluntoer books have coma from the following: Joe Yasuda Harry Nakabe And many others .you know. Mitsuma Yokohari, etc. ■(•>;-4$.#-X-X-0'• -v' W?•; r-X- CHRISTIAN NEWS Rev. Chiaki Kuzuhara and Rev. Masao Hirata took part in the dedication of the NSO Center recently. We hope the center will be a great blessing to the men in uniform and to all concerned • Rev.‘ J.M. Yamasaki is taking a rest from his recent weakened condition while at Jerome. We hope him speedy recuperation, St. Sgt. Fred NIshitsuj.i sends his best regards to his friends in. America, He recently recovered from an ColoRfiDO ÜûUMCjL The two state Councils, have merged into one; namely, the Colorado- Council of Churches * R.B. Spencer has been elected.president . The committee known as Church extension and Interdenominational -Strategy , met several times in ro~ gard to service to families in wa industries, men in the service , and Jap>ane so-Amor lean service The Colorado Council of Resettle mont had5 beeomo a d e par t me n t wci• k of the State Council. Rov.Willar-Spence is chairman. Rev. C«P»Gar man, a stall member of tho Council i s pa,r t -1 ime d iro c tor of Japfine l s American service. ’'The fact that we know that the: c are friends on the outside wl are interested in us gives us strength. to cur belief in God an in tho ultimate worth of domccrc.cn and America., ” * - > .Miss A.tsuko Yen from Minidoka Reloc.- Center in I daho and who has gone to Chicago 7 Üor'g OeuJ-S Lafayette No da . at Pend lo Hill ,hm concentrated c n h.1 O An £Î O T* p ivi C . ti o or? s thei sis, and h .as f 'inis hod th e dr a ftk a few week :s * More power to hr ; Rev, Harpe r Sc .kaue will be- vi s 1. * ins Colorado in attack of malaria while serving the New Guinea front . in Fisa Maki Iphiyasu, former YWCA secretary of Los Angeles, is now relocated at Fondle .Hill,Wallingford, We wish to thank Mr. Ray„Johnson... for giving ¿tv a fine menage Sunday fYhsf Y 1th. May, and wc hoi \ to havo him on tho second Sund<* in May. Ho will make a tour Colorado• ‘ Rev. Harry Hashimoto will If ; the center Thursday for Chicap We have enjoyed his presence y, y us and hate to see him go,but < , prayer s'will go with you, and * you labor among the Caucasian a the Japanese people, wo trust at you will bo of greater sorv. . for humanity. It seems that all the music chu.i.T men are leaving the center. Revk T. Agatsuma was chosen to take d7 place of Rev. Hashimoto, Will h? bo the next one to leave us? ’ Henry Suou kid a and Dick Suzuki,.^ are in Poston« They yere chose* * as delegates to represent the Granada Christian yhurch to tie Poston Christian Church durlog their- EIGHT GREAT DAYS« Rev. t* Hash Imp to could not go due to ,U-Inoso. Wc expect a good report wliO n they return, Uruxï u o / \ , j VbüâiianlJiii^eÀ -V^L-!4. 4 • - - Ûn)ori ,f,J^r)oï((io - - - - - -Çlo^l Ib.KO- \\ ï; À, i ....,yw J v»v «¿gÿ. iLZZZCT 'l_ jt. \ i n\\ .; Av vt . i '»"S, w^' 1 —' :.v% Special Easter Service--Pictorial Story will "be given by Rev, C.Ku-Zuhara, entitled, ’’Beyond the Rainbow”. ♦An Easter program by various departments of the Sunday School..., starting at 8:45 A.M.jno classes. | The Sunday School will receive a j • sum of $30 from the Issei Church j every month. This will greatly a,id in promoting the work of the | Church School. j There is a great shortage of Tea- [ At Winfield, Kansas, where Rev. L. chare• ! E. Suzuki spoke, at Southwestern 0 | College, three Niseis are already Michimasa Kincshita is leaving-- i there and one more will come soon, to go to Mansanar, j Paul Hagiya of Santa Maria, Tosh ! Tsuda of Oxnard and formerly of Se Frank Nakagawa has left for Chi- J at tie , a.nd an Hawaiian Nisei, are i. ^ __ 1 1.1« >w-ness, past the dangers.” yI shall never forget this nigh, said her, friend as the party * merged from the dark woods. "Neither shall I,” agreed the d-ther. ”Thy Word is a'lamp ur_v_ my«feet* will mean more than er to me now.” He 4.* 4.* *«* *«* Hr 4c 4.“ 4C* Hr 4'* if ^ -SuhDR V 3 7^06 KRri l Sunrise Prayer Meeting. IfHc : 15. Sunday School,Terry Hall,8:4oifLM English Worship,” ” ,10:1c A.M Speaker: Mr. George Kiyaru Chairman: Rev. Akira Kuroda Evening service.Terry Hall,r:CC College group Evening service ,3H,11-E »1 :C0 T,1 High- School group . Afternoon...3.S.Teachers* Mtg * 7H•'‘Church office. Wednesday Prayer Meeting,7:OCfp *?K Church Hall *- Hr Hr Hr He # Hr 4* He Hr 45- He 4* 4:* 4* ft A special Mother* s Pay Progpm--spensprod by the Granada Chris r- tia n Sund ay School- •-will tale pi- • ace Sund a; f afternoc *n at 1 i f1 Jd ' s tax ’ting j . f. ,1 T - u ^ :tt 1 , M. All wither •s of the Sunday School pttpi Is and all chirr ui Hi o 12" lers are cord. i ally invited tC ' after Iwl « Re,v. C . Ku. ruhu.ra :rll 1 pres ent a rial c ent itled, ” Beyond the a i V VQL i "Rx-^e ris/ces* the' *3± in the hushed stillness of Easter morning, Amache Niseis l , about 325 in number, gathered together at Amache Bowl to await--the breaking of- d; new. day and new life. As the;’sun slowly, put out its bright gleam acresfe tjne horizon, three boys, with the! r brass instruments, resounded the , 'air with'gladness and joy of the Riser Christ. It was and impressive and a real blessing for all those who were able to attend--t the first Easter in Amache.. Rev. Wells of Syracuse, with his young people joined in the service. The message that Rev.Wells delivered,/was inspiring -and proved to be a blessing to all ♦ The Isseis held their Sunrise S3r.-, • .vice on top of Amache Hill ' with an attendance of 190 . Terry Hall was overly packed for Easter worship service--about 475 ...in attendance. Rev. Suzuki gave an inspiring Easter sermon. a y- ¿fc Henry Suzukida and Richard Suzuki, who c cme back from their recent visit to Poston as delegates from Granada Church, conveyed to us of the results and the grea t success of the ’’Eight Great Days In Poston". Many Interesting news of the Poston camp as ..well as of the church work was related by the boys. Rev. L. E. Suzuki spoke at the Federation of Women* s .Clubs. of Stafford County, Kansas, on May the, first, ard at Macksville Method 1st Church on Sunday morning and at the United Church meeting Sunday night May the second * • # * # Gon/rlCt i Rev. James Cuthbertson is scheduled for aperies of meet Ings from June 3rd onV We hopp to have some f ine * mee -t fng s'' w ithjfrtn«. * K X X # #«'*# * '# & * X Vt # ' % . ' 0 - Dr. Frank Herron.Smith is booked to come here on the 23rd of May. He will most likely speak at. the English Service. -I .a a sheio/te them ever with the old Eternal things, of -life;with prayer , with brood Fresh taken from the oven, and with mild B rimmed in a howl, a table neat- ♦h ly spread; r . V/ith/aprons crisp and' clean, a kindled., fire , A red-lit kitchen, and a lamp at night-- A thousand heme-sweet things be-long to them Who tread their ways encircled by Love* s* light. Inseparable from pictures and good books, From music and from laughter --so a part They are of gracious living,they have kept Their... own peculiar place within the heart; My mother, and your mother--le t us pay Our tributes to their shining lives today* ....Grace Noll Crowell... 4î- * * •» From Yale Divinity School in New Haven,Ccnneticut comes a letter stating the desire of 12 fellows who wish to correspond with evacuee s'. Their lummor vacation will start in June, so it is essential that the boys receive their first letter before the -beginning of the vacation season, Here■is a list of names and adds. 1. Everett White»Civilian Public Service Camp #46,Eig Flats,N.Y~ 2. Frank Cooley,Box 47, Age 22 3. John R.Lepke,Box'31, Ago 22 4. Robert B.Sanford,276 Orange St. New Haven, Age 26 5. Walter Clarke,Box 264,Age 29, ints.--sports, poetry. 6. Ross Bunco,Jr.,Box■15,Age 22 7. Mark Baker,Box 255, Age 22 8 .John C .Mullens , Box 273, Age 23 Sports, drama, writing 9. Earle McCullough, Yale Div.Sch. 10. Roy. Eckhardt, #29' 11. William Mathar,#9, prefers ap~ - proximate own age (i.e.24 ■ "12,Ed Binn, #226. Its a good idea to, keep in contact with the outside world by getting acquainted with our Caucasian friends who are interested in our welfare. We hope that some of\the boys will become pen ml** of the boys mentioned above. GROTDR GROTTI OuRffl HEWS L Voi. !.. page 3 " Attache, gcloyade. pay'9ivàiTT IN RpPi?EC»RT\ori Jitws Bon. Other, lemiek i TTJLELAKE. On April 30th, Er.Kir'S^ Page""spoke at Tulelako ••*»*# James Osuga was installed president of the HSF,Apr• 18th..• »• Q.Y.F. elected Maye Oyc as their president.....Preachers exchan- ged pulpits on May ¿nd.Tulelake has several church services at the same -time. RSHWER. Easter seemed to have F7etrTa great day, beginning with a Sunrise Service, with a printed program.Rev.Harper Sakaue Was chairm.an of the Easter Ser** vice with Rev.J .K.Fukuahima as. the speaker. In the evening they had an Easter Ohoir Festival-— * cantatas and oratorio under the direction of Margaret Sorenson. It must have been very good.... Oh the April 25th issue,- Rohwer sends greetings of Easter to all other Center Churches and to young people1 s societies• On April 21st, they recognize d 62 candidates for baptism.Both 'immersion and sprinkling baptismal services were held at 4: 00 ;P.M. on Easter. More power to them...... .Lois, Asawa put across the Easter’-pageant at the Sunn-rise Service. POSTON. Lloyd Wake of Poston 3 seems to have a good Junior Church running.....The Poston 3 Easter all day program was quite full of everything'from 6:30 A. M. Sunrise Service, egg hunt.for children, baptismal service at Colorado River, and an eveni ng Christian Endeavor Easter Pro -gram. A very full day, we think. MINIDOKA. The Minidoka Herald is a fine looking paper. ...39"people were baptized on Easter ¿with b apt ism by immersion being held at Twin Falls......A deputation team of four, including Rev. T. Fukuyama, took charge of a program at the Kimberley Christian Church. ...Their Easter Service was conducted in two repeat services.- The Mass ,Choir rendered the Hallelujah ^horus and other , numbers. TOPAS. Rev. Mas Wakai has gone to continue studies at Chicago Theological Seminary. ...Rev . Cuthbertson is scheduled to speak there May. 23 to the ■ 24th. :• Topas had an unique Easter----”Dust”t A terrific dust storm. But in spite of this, l.COCT shippers san and their £ echoed over the cerCer ar}J surrounding de-se^t • Only the Christ, To boar the strain of living, Only the Christ to meet man1 s deepest need; Only the Christ, When one must think on dying; Only the Christ to make men free indeed. From the American Friends ¡^ertfic-o Committee comes a the letter of appreciation: Dear Friendd: nWe greatly appreciate your con tribution to the work of cur can-mittee and have credited it to $.r Foreign Service Fund.” ”Please extend our thanks tc the members of the group who have s6 generously contributed on ycuh "Day of Sacrifice.” Two examples of the work which , they are carrying on: 1. hel^ih* to furnish food and clothing families in -North Africa who may be in real need/..2., an active medical unit in' China 'to which tto workers go s.ix or eight at a time From the Reformed Church comes th follow ing: Classis In acknowledging*-.with apprecia^-• tion your contribution to the Reformed Church Emergency^ Fund,tbq Emergency Fund Committee wishe ? ,to assure you that your gift wij-be used at once to minister ii the name of the Christ for whO'C sake you gave it. Think of it & therefore transmuted into serv-ces 'of Christian love and comission , helpihg to meet the y sical, mental, and spiritua/.pe-d: and hungers of some of the ipl -liens who suffer so sorely oaay Will you not follow this glCt --with your rrayes s, and con-nnu e^ to keep the work and the rrofcds o., the Emergency Fum on your Und and heart? W shall, try zc ho equally faithful in administer -ing your gifts.” The Reformed Church Emergency Fund is ¿eing utilized fob such needs as : China1s suffering people Fax» refugees in Europe and A-Crica and America pc** European Churches per orphaned missions For Bible distribution For wennen,chllh'en. For Interneee For.chaplains Pc. For those in cainu and defence communities in the U. G. A. For recreation ahd Church need, Voi. 1, page 4 }pr Amache, Colorado. May 9, 1943 J QC>y ! f ,:~Ji .V, / BéujvslL nLet your laymen world Give thorn something to do, and then see that it is do no.I When laymen are given a vital job, their interest in the church increases tenfold; {:* nT'his is part of the simple, formula for successful church atten dance employed by Rev, Paul R. Horton, pastor of the First;Aye• Meth. Church of Florida where he holds five services every Sun -day in the winter season to ac-■commodate a Sabbath.attendance .of 5,000 persons .* »_ With the beginning^ of a new term ■ we hope to see a-change in the Nisei church work and more persons will do their part in the spiritual welfare of the people. This a bit late, but -we wish to print it for the benefit of some. The Fellowship of Reconciliation has a Travel Loan Fund, •as a revolving Loan Fund. $>1000 has b.een set aside to resettle evacuees m the outside. The fund is be in g administered in part through the .Committee on Resettlement of Japanese American, 297 Fourth Ave . N.Y. , and in part through yth# National Japanese American Stu -dent Relocation Council, 20 So . 12th St., Phil. Pa, These two organizations will .handle all money transactions and specific arrangements with individuals in the centers who apply for assistance for travel or clothing,etc. The FiO.R. will keep personal con tact with the persons. W * x x x x * isx x x x 7£L * We welcome Mr. Lave Nakagawa in--. • ‘ to our midst again* He recently finished: his study at Moody Bible-Institute in’Chicago . He will soon be an drdained minister . ¿£FT Rev, Harry Hashimoto left for Chicag# --Brethren Hostel--May S, and. said that he had. a pleasant trip up there. Later he plans to attend Wheaton College which is not far from there. # X X X * * X XX# .# THe Hospi TP»*- 1 .The Amache Hospital has made a. -special request for workers to replenish its depleting man power, Chief Nurse, Alma K.Folds, writes: ”We are in need of .men - and women janitors, and Tray or Diet Kitchen Helpers.v ,!We ar e appealing to you to assist us ±i increasing our present personnel to give complete and efficient . care to the sick.n The hospital is one place t hat ought to have sufficient help * Any one...may be in the hospital -anytime.. C-an any of you applyfsr one kind of work,or another?Ap-ply at the hospital at your earliest c onvenience • X X -X* X X- X -ft X Hr X ,30f T 35FILL. The Preachers1 Ball Tear lost a game to the 11H first team . Yutaka N., wa.s not ia shape at all, for one reason* jt aa %r yc Jft Yf Please take advantage of this offer for assistance. All interested persons please write to the above organizations. X X X X- X Xc X X % X X DoriATfONS» * Rev. and Mrs. Akira Kuroda h as contributed a goodly sum of $3.0C to the Nisei Division in behalf of their new-born baby boy. Thank you kindly and a heap of congratulations for the boy. The Evening Young Peopled Group has donated the’ following sums as part of their service gifts: For v olunteer devotional bocks $10.00 , Hymn Books for Church and S. S, $30•00 To American Bible Society $11.81 We!re sorry we -di-in* t put 'this in sooner, but tie editor, pro-tempere Tcrnko Hashimoto, didn8t know, about thib# ~'.r"a X. Xr X Xr Xr if w X X X ‘55’ fj y/s*TtbR., Rev. Rhodes, church of Christ missionary to Japan for many ye ar s, spoie to a Women*s Federation meeting on Thursday morning. He was making a 10 day- stay in the camp. 4i X X r , X X X A Xr X X Xf izsOC'l LUCKr l Joseph Haratani ard .marly others .left* Thursday morning for Camp Login’, on the way to Camp Selby. Wo wish every good luck to them. mm M vfflg HK MMHI About/à5; péypons/ fro® the Ùranàdfi Christian Church, | inolhdìng^ ministers f and their wiv§s, p| delegates ,3 ||||k$ Af té r^ dinner y a^ short/program wa si »£ giyeni'/at thW> àpèpe4ÌÌér^t1Ì|e -0iUrcn.x .Miss Mika;Ì£uzuhara rendered*''a 'piano- aoip-rni?eorer//ì|y |cèik te ; ^ Speeches were made bypthe 'Tbìlow-k/ PFjkéy|■ ¡Eira tàp>. ■ pt^idènt- :qf tìie -Minr. !■ isteria!/ Àbsocintieri,A' ;Rev. tJi#'on' ÉÌM£ presenting; the Prowers ■ County.' Mi4l .and Mr., R». doihnsbn, -HeAdvof the domiriu- |||_, Rev. • West.fall, first!;,president1 Of the-growers Codnfy. Ministerial Body and', | B f '’ Rn¿ti nipA f |iktdk proe idbrt of ijbev^ M|njièt^3|ih|.*Él^y^ o|^ * tfie/ y - ^Hin't'^dnot S^a^tln \ hpprecistion ft>v ihp ,diiner % that ‘rwai oiniotèrt a/id wi^s/pf A/m,a;nt ^e some time a go ^hy, ^ fhé j Prowers "'’County, I :• ;;'■<: g : _ The;: /Sunday.; - /^chooXy/- :urbbr ithy ;shyj pervi si on, of Rev, hpeo^ai.;' program, SjÉÉ^ Church in lion à r :pf 1 t hèi'-mOt hors $P the /Churcfe hh^thef ^undafe^CTOoit-*^ K RevWR Kunuhara gave'" a, pictorial dormon '/’Beÿbnd foj lolling é£qwk Jgprßt&Wftà ] beautiful|'^a0t^r card' to|;én ..of \te+"i ^WB Bott' .ahd /the, phildr.èn: thp^ roughly enjoyedlthe ;fellôwshipî*^^ r'^Äl« / 4-y,1 4^i,1 Ja|n^d /jlurhboltta'^4'’^d^' sehe-■ duléâ to be %rth us' frok Ma^^tó è. 'îje will conduct Q.J serie s', of |tiootings'' both Xdr" the, ITlhei and ‘tssei. ïp? .k.|WBRi»ÏÂ^BAKi' ^opgr SfapS Si nf the’ si on apojj* lapanè sp time^erviceVti'^ bur, guest 'speaker tò-, Îa3t% ? ; '■• ;i;': Rev* of ¡ByrnejJ^ô j/ Kansa s', I 'Sénde a: • • let ter/At appréciât ion forr the. ; gift g it en to -;him’ ,’for ■ speaking t$ us on-' í^ntor"flS^nrí^/s^rt'i'(^^^Y"^, ^nd, sìhé e? young peQplb' ;were delight ed j ; ■ t o^- visit :jhnache|On '. Ì^atbh and.;'iiopeAtp. 'b°mG( OS0 in.. bè :hel| -/ih-'lunè;, ] wifh stuients':,from. all-, ‘over the, .Rocky' Mountain/ Region- -will gather, for. .a yery | ’fe; hope 4mécho càn sehd "onb, ór I two,? J .'.< /, f. - .' ■;>;6-t'A('.;À> .iti.*& MT& .. . CCMITTEES FÖR .TÎÎE- iïEXT THREE MONTÉS 'General dhairman, Datid Nakagawni^^^ ÿedfeta ry « ^ 1IÄ }çÿi# * -• M it sufeb ÉâJcamura Program .0/ m Brfiiko Hinbki y Mr if Runcorn, Bill Toi Rh|tÌV:;;. Hannah ■Ushers "0ommittebSbl-tb-rAbè'i Çh^, 'ÎCiyo-’’ fe> ahi Knsai>f Êrahk Uhkagawa,. George/ "Nakags^’^ ^hipp/kori p Harry H-, a k' a Sb Bill'"Khshiwase 14^'"||f;i • Öenehal Arrangements, Kçn. TamaghcM . and : ■f', I .$Ciyoihi.:-. Jakambto',| ChlChairmen /. ; 1111 ^hllöktiöil .Gemmi tt^b;, /^.â^è")^\j5Êipka.,;. | ^ Chtï, lèry Saitoilieruko.. ;Hashimoto| Reception/Committeek Uftk Suzuki ^ Ch*,. ThO laymph ’of "the Nisei’|i ChuTchf for th^, ■first §ptik^tbbk,ßßmplQté'f chargé 1 of the/ Sunday moaning 'wofship 'hour oft May' 16,*“/ ; ,Îh§ ;; part Ip, takón by the, laymenv were- thè I Whimrmantfl ^open|hg.vmedita t ion^ call-, to worships inkocatipn, ^scripturob^bading éhd sp^ia^-muslc Ret. H./Sh/ufci /delivered',a /very . good 1 sermon with ^Dr. ^Gordon K. Chapman conducting the^services together with a •team of Christian leaders'. | §|||S I / ? Dr. Ken Nozhkin visited Amache on his way back to Manzanar, to stay with his mother for a few months. He was in Chicago, but he has a.job at Harvard«, where he will go pfter a- short whil'e. SUNDAY .SCHOOL ^hÉfS » Tentative plans are being made for Summer Vacation School.", | Mr. Henry Suzukida and Mr.. Richard Suzukida have been welcome into ;the Sunday School teaching staff. Singspiration before the opening of the Sunday-School .with more than 100 children learning new- and old songs, have blessed many '.souls, k The beginners department is grow,-*' ing—three rooms will havej'^to be used frOm this Sunday*:, Rev. S.. Kuzuhara-,*. the past president of the ministerial body will beg leaving shortly for Chicago^ 4 He,-,' ha^s been invited by the- members* of his church . to do church work in the great metropolis. We will cept&inly miss him and hate to see him.go from our midst; but we* know that he will be a «blessing to many souls out there."''; Rev.- Sakuma of the Holiness Church whose- residence is Minidoka visiting the Center. 'Welcome! The Holiness and Free Methodist Y. p. cottage meetings/are held every'Sat-urday eve from ?!30 P.M. at l^E or 1QH Hec. Halls with an average': attendance sof about 35. i|| p Mr. R. Johnson, head of 3 the Community Service is scheduled to speak ,on the ,29th. Jefomë : J'J Tentative plans for*- Christian Mission with emphasis on evangelism are being formed. Rev. E. Stanley Jones, Miss Trhut and others are schedule^ to speak, r a -1, ~ -1 , * -.. A playlet, "The Bread of Life" was presented by the Intermediate Girls of the Sunday School on Mothers' Day Program. f The Y. P.'^gave a Mother’s Day,Program for members of the entire Ghurch. Ministers* quintet, Musicala ha i ripiano solo, ' Japanese singing and re-fréshments, highlighted their program. , Rev. Cuthbertsoh will be the leader for their Spring jjj Spiritual Conference I Rivers?/ 11 :'"*7rV Two Organs, ^ one electrically powered have1 been donated for their church usi. P Rev. K* ;Ta j ima is working as translator with-the Army Intelligence Service. ' $&nijß. fl/® BOY* .Mr. and Mrs. Harry Naka are the proud parents of a baby born May 15. -, Mr. Fred, Apimpto, one of our most pòpular young leaders, "is leaving the Center oh Sunday, May 23, for Cnicago to work,fin Michael-Reiss Hospital as a research chemist there. We regret t o see him go, but we are glad to know that he is taking on^à job for which he is well trained. | Ouh he^t wishes t o you, Fred* Mrs,. Arimoto expects to iotrvh e r husband in thè near- future. *lMoeJL FlfUl /isM*£ CaNF£R£TiCB~ In spite of wan5 young people gd~ ing out for outside employment , there were 321 gathered togeth -er at Terry Hall last Sunday to hear the dynamic message deliver • ed Dr* Prank Herron Smith Topic: HTJnder Fire”* Four points. were stre seed] namely , I* Our universe is of one order ” whatsoever a man sewe'th, that shall he also reap.” ‘*The wages of Sin is death.” II. Progress is slow. The mill grinds exceeding fin e III* This is our Father* s World. ”Right forever on the scaffixLd. '•¿Wrong forever on the throne” IV. I am my Father*s child. Two acid tests 1. Prayer Life The distilled essence of God. 2. Attitude An I concerhing the welfare of all. ”Hot what, hut whom I believe. ” ’’Christ is more than creeds n*cy&t. Su nd ayv S c ho o 1 9 ? 3 0 - -10 :00 AM * Singspir-at ion for early comer s. Classes from beginners to adults. Beginners divided into three classes. English worship service 10:15 A.M........Terry Hall Speaker.......... .Rev.A.Kuroda ■ Chairman,Mr.George Yoshioka Evening services College group,Terry Hall , 7 :30 P.M. ,singspiration and ., devotional. High school group,8K- 11- E regular fellowship service. The first conference ever to toe held in Amache, will toe. carried forth, May 4th, 5th, and the 61h The theme chosen toy the committee members is ’’Arise 0 Christian Youth”. ' The theme song will be ’’Arise 0 Youth of God”. Rev. James Cuthtoertson, formerly .of the Japan Evangelistic Bar nd, will be the evangelist for services. You no doubt have heard of the successful soul winning campaign held in Poston and other cen -ters through the ministry of Rev. Cuthbertson. Many found the true and living religion We trust that you will remember the services with your prayers, your co-operation, and your attendance . The cha irme n w 111 be Rev • A • Kur-oda, Mr• Dave Nakagawa,Mh.Geo . Yoshioka, and Miss Fumiye Hase-gawa. The following is the schedu 1 e for Rev4 Cuthbertson* s speaking e ngagemont s: Thursday Eveiling, 10H,7 :30 P. M. Issei Service* Thur ad av , Fr id ay, and Satur d ay. 9:00--10:30 A .M . 7H Hall Issoi Service. Friday Evening, ' 7H Hall,7:30 P.M., Young People Service Saturday Evening,7H Hall,7:30PM Young People*s Evg. Serv . Sunday morning,10:15 A.M. Terry Hall...Young People*s Serv Sunday evening, 7:30 P.M. Terry Hall, Young People’s $erv. Please reserve those dates and we cordially invite you and your frleads to join in partakin of the abundant spiritual food • ’’The tissue of the Life to be We weave with colors all our own, And in the field of best in y We reap \ as we have sown.” ......................Whittier... ’’Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will com e in to him...” Rov. 3:20............................................................................................>. Amache, Colorado May 29,1943. V 0 J5ü/i/Mï J)ci-kxx.. ÍÍ£ UÓ The 'Estos Student .Faculty Confer éneo of Hooky.Mountain Re-g ion Studént Christian Move rnont will he held at the Estes Park Association. Camp in Colorado from: Juno the 12th to 39th. Two do legates from the Granada Christian C hup oh - ~'N isoi division» will ho sont .to attond this gathering. Estes Park is in. the midst' of beautiful mountain and lake country. It in four and a half milos southwest of the Estos -Park Village. . Rustic cottages and dormitorios will bo tho homos of the dole-. gatos. Many of tho latos and host hooks and pamphlets will ho, ava-f, Hablo at tho conforo nee boo k store, The cost for the conforo rico : Registration..........§7.00 Hoorn Hont,. ........ 5.00 Board(approx6.50 fTSTBCT Transportation..... Total................... ? Tho Nisei Church will finan co most of the expenses. Such loaders as Dr. Ernest C . Colwell, from the"MThivorsity of Chicago, Dr. Edwin H. Walker , from the Uni vers xt;V of Colorado,, Miss K&dy Faulkner, As so -elite Professor of Art of tho, U n i ver s' .11 v o f he hr a sir a Mr • Her bort King, ,from Now York City* Dr. G.K.Chapman of San Francis co, Dr. Reger Haze It on, ' from. 'Co 1err.do Springs, Mr. Bruce Me Gnire of Los Angeles, Dr.Floyd Sampson of Denver Univers! ty, M is s E |fcher, :Br io seme i stor of Y.W.C.A. working on Japañe s c project,, and othera-who ■ will .be expected a t | -, conf oronoe . Bishop S. KusukaP'' 'k i ’ | Yliur s~ day. morning for Ohio"ac ^ for evangelistic work ■ ciuon- tho Ja pano so people. M ay Godi 1 n bio s- sing go with him as ho labor s for Christ. Negotiations arc now being made to secure Miss Grace DeCamp as a. mi ss io nary- for tho church sch- ool in this center, XÍ1 *r» Do Camp is formerly 6f the Mood y Bible Institute in Chica- go • There is a groat posslbility of conducting Daily. Vacation Church School Classes during the P,ub -lie school hours. There will bo nine grades, four periods, .and thirty six classes •every day. Activities such as Bible Study, Story Hour, .Handicraft, Religious Motion Pictures, Evangelistic gatherings, and others will bo carried in the program of tho Church School. Any qualified teachers or leader's, please see Rev, C, Kuzuha-ra,. 11 What is the master passion of our lives? What do we wish most to obtain? Since wo have but one life to live, and since we 1‘ace a boundless eternity, it behooves us all to consider well what wo are living for. As one observesr tho activities of men, ho is forced to believe A that most people are seeking earthly things--woulth, pleasure, position, honors. But these thing s cannot give permanent joy or afford security for tho future, Jesus advises us to seek firs t the kingdom of God, that is, to set tho spiritual above the material, the eternal above tho tomporal~-to put God first in our he ar t s and 1 i vo s. Ble s se d is that person who knows the futility of earthly thins and laysup treasures in he a vent " "The angel3 from their thrones on high Look down on us with wondering eye-- That where we are but passing gue st s 1/Ve build such strong and solid nests-- And whore wo hope to stay fcarcyo Wo serreo ts*ke pains one stone to lay," V‘M¡ >^»88 \ • m, IvK; íSHW *%¡gi fj\á 0& í/^w ' , .>i-; 1 UíaLí)^-^^ ffi A p^ijJl^r I M v % Vv Sfe^ . \:;; . ^ ■' ■ '’V a 'tIíI i .■ám •w fus • ^¿/^Jjlfviifc.iáj* » ■ *3 Vol.I NO. 19 Amache, Al • florado ■," J une 13,1945. P|i|i ■■Hj .. i\ W«|£ "v. T% * ggAgg™ REVIEW OP THE 'ÉÉfeCHE .g'MÌSTIAN 1 %A;\ \': If Y(XTÍH CGNFERÉNOE. . June 4--6 . ¿■.y;----. ■•; > g.. i- . • • v * :L-r^6< ^ '*** v*,. r •>• r . ¿; Godi "Arise * a|youth';:iiv-Dodl /| Arise, 0 ypsitii* of Have done wlt:h , lessor ..-things; & .n ’;■*;■ His* kingdom tarries long; Give heart'and" -sou 1 and. mind and strength \ Vi y-\ To serve the King of kings Bring in the day.of joy and peace , h'Vi'' ;b'' i And end the night of wrong . r ;; • '■ I Arise, 0 youth of God ^L&ft high the cross of Christ! The Church for you doth waiti^-^V^'•'^,v~r%*ead where His feet hav3 trod; Her strength shall make your Be loyal to the King of kingp spirit strong; March on, 0 youth of Godl Her service made you great. Ari-se,Arise, The Master calls for thee; Arise ,Arise 0 youth of God., March on to victory* The first conference ©f the Nisei Church has come to a close, but the call, "Arise, O'Christian Youth" for God, still re-echoes and is deeply imbedded within our hearts a$ we face this world of strife and un -certainty. We wish to express our deep and sincere appreciation and thanks for the many hours of hard work that the committee members put in to make possible this conference. To mention a few—‘the chairmen* Misses Doree n Hasegawa and Hannah Tani; songleader, Mr. Henry Suzukida; pianist,Miss Mika Kuzuhara; music committee, Miss HIzi Hinoki and. Mr. George Kubota publicity, Miss Yuki Tanaka, Mr. Bob Ohki and Rev. Ohiaki Kuzuhara;for registration, Misses Mary Saito and Tazuko Uragami; program, Miss JO -sephine Yoshioka; prayer, Miss Miyeko Fujiu; general arrangements, Mr. Kiyoshi Yamamoto and Mr. Ken Yamaguchi; publication,Miss Teruko Hashi-moto; usher, Mr-. Shiro Abe; reception, Miss Mitsuko Nakamura; confer -ence picture, Mr. Richard Suzuki; drapery, Miss Ikue Kuzuhara; finance. Miss Emiko Hinoki; last but not least our appreciation to the minis ters' and to the guest speaker, Rev. James Cutlibertson. Friday evening--June 4,/ From 7:30 to 8:00 all persons were- registered and each received a conference book and a.conference tag. This was followed, by singspiration lead by Mr, Henry Suzukida. Special music numbers, rendered were — "A * wakening Chorus" sung by the church Choir, and a violin sol© played by Miss Shizue Osuga. The message by Rev, Cuthbertsron on the topic of " Reality" stirred the hearts of all. A few facts from his message: Bo genuine Christians, not gold washed or like- coated paint. It is posible to look like a Christian outwardly but one may not have the vi -tal relationship with Christ, Reality calls for the control of life — if we have no helmsman-, no saving hand in control, the velocity will increase and wreckage and dis -aster will follow. It also calls for a strong foundation. The genuine knowledge of Christ Jesus is the unshakable foundation. We must ha ve a family mark--resemblance to God--fellQwship, lovo, faith, obedience, righteousness,etc. "For the sake of the people in camp,let us bo 100% Christians t GRANADA CHRISTIAN CHURCH MEWS Vsl. I No. 1Ô Page two Amacho > Colà • ~ June 13, 1043 I ySATURDAY EVENING ' Mr, Sam Fu 3 ita was c ha ir ma riTTor " tHe*"’ so r vie o and Mr • Fred Kishi the s (angle ader.. Special music" numbers included a duet, sung by Misses Lucy Kishi and Chiek© Nagatoishl, and a solo number rendered ,by. Henry Suzuklda, Ihe message--”Our success in life depends upon our relationship with Christ Jesus." Our attitude toward Christ may be that of: 1. Indifference 2. 50$ of all our faith in Christ. 3. 100 $ of our faith in Christ. Rev. 3:20--He is seeking entrance into the door of our hearts. Eph. 3:17--Christ Jesus dwells in our hearts by faith. I Pet. 1:15— Sanctify Ch&ist as Lord in our hearts. The body is an excellent parable of a home; the window-eyes, the gate way--mouth, the study—brain, and the dining room------the stomach There is darkness without Christ. So many of us try to live in a lit - tie glimmer of light. But where He is, there is light. He is the joy of life, the purity of life. Qod wants us just as we are—©pen the door of our hearts and give him the invitation and he will come in. An appeal was made and many stood up and made or remade their decision for Christ. ^ _ __... / SUNDAY MORNING/ Chairman.. .Dr. Joe Abe. The choir sang anbanthem and Miss Shizue ©suga played a violin solo entitled, "Softly and Tenderly". The message... ."The Red Cross of Christ"......by Rev. J. Cuthbertson. The symbol of the cross—figure of a man with outstretched arms»reaching down to all men. The cross pointed upward—reach high as the heaven, reach down to men in the deepest sin. The cross points to eternity We see God in it, Christ on it, and see the Spirit of God flowing down from it. The cross is the suffering of Christ; nobody died like him arfi nobody will. God*s side of the cross--God justified by the cross; God claimed to be against sin; Christ justified the holiness of God, In comparison, there is the man Barrabas—a murderer( Hate ); a robor, (Creed ); an insurrectionist, ( Lawlessness )• Christ took his plae e on the cross that Barrabas was to die on. In r eceiving the blessing there is God*s side—He is longing to giv e to anyone who wishes to receive. It can be your* s for the takin feTTT / SUNDAY EVENING / Mr. Lave Nakagawa, chairman and songleader, Mr. Henry Suzukida, Th © girl* s Choir gave a special music number lead by Mr. George Kubota • The message.............." Responsibility ".......Rev. J, Guthbeits© n An appeal to heroism— the world needs volunteers for the kingdom of God, There are three types of people: namely, those who volunteer, thos 0 who submit to Christian compulsion *tho they don*t want to and the draft evaders. Rev. 7...the unamumbered and the numbered--lot us be among the num -bered people. Arise 0 Youth For God. The war demands all that we have and in orde r to win the worTEPback to order, it needs men and women who will be strong,courageous and be witnesses for Christ. "Take up thy cross and follow me”. Many responded to the challenge and call at the close of the service. Amache , Colo. June 13, 1943 • Wl. I No. 19 Pago 3 Revé Akira Kuroda is leaving the oenleh Tor ChTSTUgo on Tuesday to work and to continue his studi os for tho ministry at Wheaton Col * lege. We have been blessed by his being with us and hate to'see him go, but we shall remember him in our prayers and may God bless him in his work, studies and in his ministry. Mrs. Kuroda and the baby will stay here, so we know that he will not be out there too long. As he says "Where your tre asure is, there -will your heart be also; I leano behind my treasure--the baby and will sacrifice my being with him, but 1*11 come back for my heart 3s here.n A farewell party was given for hte on Wednesday evening after the prayer meeting at the 7H church. Words of appreciation were extended by Rev. Lester Suzuki and Mr. Dave Nakagawa. Rev. Kuroda ' in turn, gave a few words of appro -ciation. Games were played under the supervision of Mr# Henry Su -zukida, after which refreshment s were served. Rev. Yazaki is here on a visit from Tule Lake Relocation Center We heartily welcome you* He will be speaking on Sunday eve. Rev. Yazaki will leave next week for the Iliff School of Theology. With, so many preachers com in and . going in and out of this center , \ye hope that preachers will have this place as the stopping point. Richard Suzuki went to the R.O.R. Retreat in Denver. Three delegates from the Student-Christian Movement will go and a-ttend the Student Faculty -Conger.-ence at Kstes Park ....loft Fri -day evening. A delegated conference of the ministers of the ton relocation centers will meet possibly in July at Denver—12th to the 15th. Rev. Howard Toriumi will.come for a visit on June the 22nd. He is doing a good work among the young people in Topas, Utah* Rev. Jitsu Morikawa is going on a speaking tour of the differe nt camps soon. He is a Nisei pastor in Poston, Arizona. Rev. Harry Hashimoto, who went to Chicago, has had the privelege of speaking to several congregations including Japanese groups and American groups. He will be speaking twice today. More power to tan. Rev. T. Sakuma, who had his ton -sils out last week, is much str -onger and got out of bed for the first time Thursday and was able to partake of solid foods such as chop suey and Ucsa~shimutl or raw sliced fish. He will be leavin.far Minidoka to his home next week. There will be 31 ministers and 20 laymen represented all together • We hope that for thé future of the Japanese Churches and for the various problems of resettlement --tho conference will be able to be hold Misn Emile Hinoki, our treasurer, had her tonsils taken out and is recuperating at home. May God grant her speedy recovery. May Uno went to Hatisburg, Mis s. We wish her happiness and good health. As Student Pastor of an American Church., Jack Takayanagi is doing a fine and wonderful work in behalf of the Niseis. He is study ing at Drake University, preparing for the ministry*' More po wer to him. Vol. I. No* 19, Pago four Amache,Colo * June 13,1943. SUNDAY*S PROGRAM MORE NEWS Rev. Yoshioka returned from his recent trip to Chicago to attend his daughter*s wedding. Bishop Rev. S. Kuzuhara and Rev. Yamasaki who are in Chicago send their best regards to all. Andrew Yahiro and Mayme Iiishia*© here for summer vacation following their semester1 s close. Kiyo Togashi who was working in Rockford, 111. is back and is planning to go to Washington, D.C. Kenji Okuda is travelling from -Florida to New York on a apeak -ing tour. He is the student body president of the Ob erlin College, There are good books in the li m brary of the 7H Church Office . Make use of them. Also ft-there are some Broadman -Hymnals for sale....75^ e ach. Come to the office or purchase 5t at Terry Hall following the morning service. Miss Yuriko Yuge, who was in the hospital for some time, is resting at her home. We hope and p?-ay for her speedy recovery. 4HÍ" “JHc Í” Saturday night the Preacher * s team played the High School fellowship team in softball. We do not know the outcome, but tie team , being better organized,we presume that the game was much more e xciting. The Methodist Annual Conferen ce will be held in Denver at the Japanese Methodist church from July the 7th to the 12th. Ministers from all the centers of tho Methodist group will gather. Dr. Smith, Bishop Baker, and others will be there to lead in the var ious meetings. Sunrise Prayer Meeting.......10H 6:00 A*M • Sunday School ................ .8H 8:30-10:00 A.M* Speaker..Mr. Dave Nakagawa. Evening Service........Terry Hall 7:30-9 :0Q P.M. Speaker.......Rev. Yazakicf Tule Lake. Remember the Mid-Week prayer meeting which is held every Wednesday evening at 7H Church from 7:30 P.M. JUST A SMILE OR TWO taken from the “Prism”. ”My idea of a good wife is one who can make good old fashion ed broad.” wMy idea of a good husband is an old fashioned man who can raise the dough in the hour of knead” ”l believe in the Constitutionof the United Statesi” ”Can you quote any part of it? "Maw, biit I believe in it jus t the same. ” ”Gan you lend me a dollar? To -morrow1 s payday, "Sorry, I haven’t a dollar. Yesterday was payday„! Customer---Does a man wth a little hair as I’ve got have to payjhl 1 price to have it cut? Barber—Sure thingl And'by rights we ought to charge more, may- be douole, when we have to hunt for the hair. When I look at this congregation said the preacher, ”1 ask myself, ‘Where are the poor?1 And then , when I look at the collection, I say to myself,1 Where are the rich. !Vol* I, No* 21 ________Amache_, | "joy in the intangible i • |A barren * desolate desert waste Condemned by Nature--neg -lected by Grace; Yet ioy abounding, beauty sublime Are free to those with Godly taste. The sunset glew—the morning star; The majestic peaks outlined afar No compare, ltis unequally thine Changeless granduer without a mar. Colorado July 18,1945^j Ï----------------~~ ! We will greatly be. honored this 1 evening by the two speakers,Rev. ; Nagano and Mr. Sadao Nakashima. S This is for the college age gr~ j oup and above. Following the me-1 eting, refreshments will be ser- I ved. i Please take interest in the services bv your prayers, by your . I attendance, and by bringing a i few of your friends a.long. We ! trust that you will not be dis-j sapointed in coming out. Forgotten, country1' No, * t is bless- j ed ___, ! God, in favor, to Him carress* j e d 1 Take thine eye from around thyself And lift them upwards, to heaven’ s breast, ' i There’ s joy, real joy, and peace of soul In a seemingly barren desert soil, ■; 1 IT is yours, look up, arounu, en r a gby’. 1 - , Infinite refreshing, heavenly . oil 1 .......Rev. Paul M# Nagano* The poet who was inspired to write ¡the above poem is an outstanding ¡Nisei minister of Camp No* III ir. Poston. Rev. Nagano and Mr. Sada-o Nakashima, an active layman the same camp are visitors of of Ama- che • They have been Interdenominational .Denver. We welcome who will he with us attending the Conference in the two me n, ’till the 20th The following is the outcome of i the College Age group election-of new officersi H Pres.•.Mr. Richard Suzuki i Sec. * . ¿Miss Miyeko Fu j iu Tre&s..Mr. Shiro Abe Pro.Ch.Miss Mitsuko Nakamur^ j Wo pray God’s richest blessings j upon each individual as they un-» der take to fill the offices 8>nd may they prove to be a blessing to us all.- Xh turn, we wish to express our -appreciation and thanks for the outgoing cabinet members, who have worked so faithfully in making the Y.P. services a sue -cess. May God’s blessing go with each one'. The former officer s Joe •Abe were the following : Pres. .....Mr. < „ Sec........Miss Hannah Tani Troas......Mr.Andrew Noda Pro.Ch. Miss Fumiye Hasegawal t Rev. Nagano will be bur gi eaker in our English wor s' vice today at the new hig auditorium. We know that a spirit filled message f nest sp -hip ser -h school-he has or us • Rev. C. Euzuhara left Monday eve to attend the interdenomination-I al Conference in Denver. AT $ GRANADA CHRIS No* 21, page tw o Amache,Colo. July 18, 1943 THE WORD OF CREATES BEAUTY -- by Louis Miller Andrews .Of all the words of beauty who will claim _ to ¿how the one supremo? borne think it night ■ * and others day; some ice and others flame; . ^ e some life and others death; still others, light, . religion, mother, freedom, childhood , so ng, immortal, home, rebirth, a love a one* s name; others yet have words they think j most right; | for beauty1s names are many ail I along. ' J The word of greatest beauty must } include all beauty, all the words of beau ty known and being coined, and all in fn ** turo shown, Aware of this, with vision there-fore trued, I found, inscribed in, all from star to clod, SUMMER church school The Daily Vacation Bible School with the following „teachers -— Misses Miyeko Fujiu, Fumiye Ha-segawa, Mika Kuzuhara, Mrs. Ta— kako and Haruko Nakagawa, Mr . Henry Suzukida, Mr. Dave Naka -gawa, and Rev. C. Huzuhara, are doing a wonderful work of teaching the youngsters in such’subjects as choir, handicraft, story hour, Bible story hour,etc. i Mr. George Takaya, Who has been \ attending the Chessburrough So-S minary in New York, was a rec 4 j ent visitor in Amache, from Ju-| ly the 3rd to the 9th. | Miss Teruko Hashimoto, Church -I secretary and editor of the Gr-i anada Christian Church News,was * away for two weeks on a trip to Denver, Pueblo, Grand Junction, through the scenic beauties of , the Rockies, to Provo and Span-- 1 ish Fork, Utah, to Topaz Relo -j cation Center and to Salt Lake. i the word of greates beauty was GOD. It GRANADA NEWS | Miss Hashimoto accompanied her | fiance and another friend, both ! from Poston, going by auto. She j returned July 9th to resume her work at the office. Several ministers from other Re -location centers are here on^ a visit. They have been attending a cpo nf ere nee in Denver. The name s will be printed in the next issue Mrs. Takimoto and her two ©hild -ren were visitors here from the j-Poston Center. Their destination is Chicago. I Rev. Harry Hashimoto1s wife and mother and sister left the center to join Rev. Hashimotc in Chica - go. Mrs. Setsu Yamanaka, junior Sun -day School teacher, gave birth to a baby girl. Both motner and baby are doing fine. ’ Congratulations S Wq wish to thank Rev. Yahiro for j taking the secretary’s place du-j j ring her absence. j I ............................... | i 4 I FOUND....a round beaded purse ,j I Will the owner please claim for the same at the 7H Church Office| Rev. Fukushima from Rohwer Cen -ter) was a recent visitor in Amache . Following the conferences in Den> \ ver, several ministers are ex - • | pected to visit the center• The j Reverends Fuji, So, Yokoi, Hor- \ I igoshi, and Father Kitagawa are j 1 among the ministers who will be j j w ith us during the week. Mark Hashimoto, brother of Hashimoto, left for Fort L. July the lOth. m Mi Tomorrow may never rC orne - -Yesterday1s go ne away, Today lathe only time^we have To do with,as we may. , ? Reminding you that the permanent j nWe ar0 t0 halxow God* s name bj English worship services will do » being geysers of gratitude, held in the new high school audi- J (Rollin H. Walker.) \ terium hereafter. __ ________________________ If ' v fÀ r ^ìrSÌ'C _? f ¿to? I t amW*' g * {' » Vol.I, Ho. 22 Amache, Colorado July 25, 1943 .All WK» M ANCHOR OF THE SOUL" ..——tr *•by~ Paul Nagame, given on Jp.ly the 10* inhere are indispensable anchors th-j ab we urn st have in our 1ive s• j Four anchors in the experience and sojourn in this world; namely i 1, Hope. ^ 1 Do we have a harbor or port 3n mma* | John 14th chapter speaks of many | mansions—a haven of rest for our f souls. There are going to be storms in o^p lives. But there is strength , and power in looking to the heav -enly leather. "Sweet hour of prayer Sweet hour of prayer That calls me from a world of care And bids me at my Father1s throne Make all my w^nts and wishes known In seasons of distress and grief, Mv soul has often found relief, And oft escaped the tempter s snare By thy return, sweet hour of prayer.” 3* Duty. We must be dynamic Christians m order to be steadfast and true to the lord Jesus Christ. 4. The Cross of Christ. 1$ shaped like unto an anchor 11 When I survey the wondrous cross On which the Prince of glory died, My riches gain I count but loss. And pour contempt on all my pride. This is the greatest anchor. it constrains and holds us in the an-! chor founded on the Hock of Ages . 1 fTis the power of God to those who wish to be saved. An Eh or vour o^ the Lord Jesus ’Christ. the Kocit^of.,Ages. Rev. Kawamorita of Topaz , gave a lecture on Wednesday and Ihursda y evenings* Rev. Fuji,of iopaz preached to the Isseis Bun. morning . j REPORT OF' THE INTERD&NOMINATIONAL AND METHODIST CONFERENCES,HELD £N DENVER / JULY 13-15 ,' and 7-11 Ws-pectively. The interdenominational conference and the meeting of the Protestant Commission for Japanese Service , were held in conjunction together at the Presbyterian Church, where Dr. Anderson is pastor* Dr.Gordon K. Chapman was the man chiefly re- j sponsible for arranging the con -ference. ! Following delegates attended • Rev.J.Fujimori of Manzanar; Hev.i* Niwa of Tulelake; Revs Kitagawa , and Rev.J.Machida of Minidoka;Rev. Donald Toriumi, Mr* Yoshio Kodama, and Rev. and Mrs* J« Yokoi from Heart Mountain; Rev. Y. Horikoshi of Heart Mountain; Rev. S. Kowta, and Mr. Sadaichi Asai of Poston i; Revs. K. Imai and Paul Nagano ef Camp HI in Post on, also Mr. Sada-o Nakashima; Revs. 0. So, John Ya-mazaki, K. Unoura and visitors of Gila; and visitors: Rev. 5. Uemu-ra and Rev,. Taro Goto. The following people represent ed the Protestant Commission for Japanese Service • Bishop Reifsnider of the Episcopal Church; ~ don Chapman,Presbyterian; Dr. frank H.Smith, Methodist; Dr.Clarence Gillettf, Congregation; Dr. G. Burnett, ree Methodist, R* Fisher, Baptist; Rev. C,Nugent Evangelical Reformed; Rev. Thor -luckson, Lutheran; Mr. Henry Ha -eatz, Bible Society; Major Olden-ham, Salvation Army; Miss Sturart , Y.W.C.A. Besides the above list , there were many visitors. i Some of the important things that were discussed and decided : 1. The Fall conference most likely to' be held in the latter par t j of November, for five days. The general purpose of the con -feren3e is inspiration, information, fellowship, and planning.Thd desire is to have the various se** j cretaries of the Board visit the j (cont. on next page ; | G R AÑADA CHRIS T I A N ■CHURCH N B W S X No. 22', page tw© ■ Amaché Colorado July 25, 1943 . camps as well as be at the conference. All ministers are expected to attend,, and four lay delegates are to be chosen from each camp,2 Is -sois and 2 Niseis. The Sunday following the conference, many of the Denver churches are recommended to be occupied by Japanese guest pr -eachers. For expenses, the cento r churches are requested to consider seriously of paying the lay dele -gates, through a central treasury. Further details will come out as time goes on. We hope a great conference will be held then. 0* The transfer of ministers be fa cilitated to augment understaffe d center churches; that the Commis -sion thank the WRA for facilitie s in some ¿enters, but urge other-centers to give better facilities jttnt the exchange ©f ministers be lOoksd. into and studied, especially the exchange of Issei ministers,for preaching missions; that the list of names of books needed, be sent to Dr.*- Chapman and Mr. Judah of the Pacific School of Religion; 3. That for resettlement purposes., a national clearing house, made up of well-informed, personnol,to survey and facilitate allocation and distribution of Christian workers, b e organized; 4, That no segregated Japanese Ch* urches be creates in nev/ fields , and that if any Japanese or Nisei-Church, be described,.'that it be held under a Caucasian Church. i It was a very enjoyable conference with the fellowship of long sepa -rated ministers being a warm one. Methodist Annual Conference The Fourth Annual Pacific Japanese Provisional Conference of the Me -thodist Church was held previous to the interdenominational conference in Denver. Bishop C. Baker presided. Bishop -—ammaker, Dr. Otto Houser, Dp,Sam-juel Marble, and Bishop Baker g ave 'some excellent morning messages . All the Methodist pastors excepting Rev. Kuwano and Rev. 3. Tanab e , attended the conference. Revs. F . Hayashi and Andrew Kuroda,atten -ding universities in Minnesota and Michigan, were not able to attend. Rev. Kamae, who Is in Santa Fe also was unable to be there. Most of the delegates stayed atlbn ver pastor’s homes, which extended their hospitality very graciously. Dp, C.J.Martin and Rev.S,Uemura wep ‘ t nrd much credit goes tc them Revs. K. Sasaki, and Takeo Agatsuma were ordained Elders• Rev. N. Yasaki, Masaji Soto, and 3 Takagishi were ordained Deacons of1 the Methodist Church. After two -more years of trial, they will he fully ordained to Elder1 s Order,the highest ordination. , The significant changes are the appointments'of Rev. T,..Goto to the English Division of the Denver Church, and Rev. Hideo Hashimoto to the Chicago area, upon invitatio nl of the Chicago Church Federation .! All other pastors were appoint e € to their camps, and Amache received all its Methodist pastors inbact WELCOME PARTY FCR VISITING PASTORS1 A welcome service for Revs. Fuji , Kawamorita, Paul Nagano, and Mr , Sadao Nakashima, ond farewell for Rev. Horikoshi, was held follow -ing the Ministerial Council meeting on Monday, July the 18th at 7 H This was followed by a luncheon in the 7H Church, which was prepare by the following ladies of the Women’s Society of the churchy Mrs. Tsuchiya, Mrs.. Okubo, Mrs. shige -kuni, Mrs. Matsushigo, aid Mrs.O -kuyo • Delicacies such as fresh tuna and shrimp osushi, egg osushi, stuffed olives, fancy sandwiches, cake and tea, and'fresh g rapes, were en -joyed by those present. Following were at the gathering : Revs. Fuji, Kawamorita, Paul Nagano, Yamaka, Suzuki, Yoshioka, Wada Hirata, Nakagawa, Kuzuhara, Kara'-tani, Mizukami, Yahiro, Mr. Sada © Nakashima, Mr. Yamasaki, and. Miss Toruko Hashimoto. Breaking loose from all formality, there was merriment and laughter jn t he party and throughout the ex -temporanoous. speeches that followed. After dinner speeches were made by the following«* Revs. Hirata, ^evi Kawamorita, Rev. Fuji-, Rev. Nagano Mr. Sadao Nakashima, Rev. Suzuki , and Mr. Yamazaki* We trust that this hearty recep -tion given to the visitors will Linger with each one as he returns to his respective center. The church wishes to thank especially the Women’s Society for theiF .abor to prepare t~ G RANA DA CHRIST SEWS IAN CHURCH No. 22, page three Amache, Colore do. July 25, 1943 • SUMMER SCHOOL SOUND—______'ÉOIIMl— The summer school Sound Movie program, planned mainly for the high school students, hut open to all who can come, holds sessions òri Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:15 A.M, and 10:20 A.M* B-eginning from July the 29th, it will he held at t he High School Visual Educati© n Room, but on July 27th, it will st ill bo held at Terry Hall. OTHER CHURCH HEWS A typewriter, owned by Rev. Akira Kuroda, has arrived and will be in use at the church office. We wish to thank Rev. Yahiro for the use of his typewriter for the past nine months. Our gratitude is indeed sincere. We also wish to thank Rev. Kuroda for his offer to use his.typewriter for church pur pose s. Some of the pictures are "The Cr-own of Righteousness and faith Triumphant", show ins parts of the Apostle Paul* s stirring experience; "Americana", a study of America^ ; ’’Among California* s Migrants ; ihe Negro Farmer", a social study of the life of the plight of the Ne -g ro farmers in the South. I"Jerusalem, The City of Peace". A j serious, well edited study of Jeru sa-lem and environment, which ox plains tin historical interest of j Moslems , Jews , and Chrx st xans in the Holy City. Shows sane roligi * Ious ceremonies different sects and principal points of interest. "Good News". Well photographed b ard* s eye view of the work of the church in non Christian lands ar — ound the world. Emphasized modi •— cal, recreational, educational,and service activities* A summary ra — ther than exhaustive tr eatment "Causes and Effects of the First World War". Animated maps and newsreel pictures are used to present t he course of Europe from Bis -marek* s formation of the Triple Alliance through the treaties of Ver sallies, st. Germaine, Neuilly»Trianon, arid Lausanne. "Go Ye", is not a travelogue nor a story picture, and. it is not a documentary picture in the usual -I sense of that term. It presents ru 1 ral people, city people, fishermen I and houseboat dwellers. It shows I them at work, at play, at funerals I and at worship. It seeks to per -tray the need of the world for Jesus Christ. Rev. Lester Suzuki will he speaking this morning at the English -speaking division at Terry Hall . Rev. C. Y. Horikcshi of Heart Mom tain, spoke to the Isseis on Sunday evening, July the 18th. Rev. J* Fujimori expresses regret that he cannot visit, hut sends -warm regards to all. Rev. J. M. Yamazaki and son Rev • John Hi M. Yamazaki both gave best regards to many friends here in Amache• Rev. Harper Sakaue expresses re -gards to everybody. Rev. K. Unoura sends greetings to his many friends here. Sund%r evening—July 18th— Miss Rohwer spoke on sane of the problems of resettlement. Rev. Paul Nagano and Mr. Sadao Nakashima gave their personal exper iences at the evening fellowship. Refreshments were enjoyed, following the fellowship. George Tajima, formerly of L;A . and who went later to Rivers,Ariz, was a visitor here recently. Several more Broadman Hymnals are available for 75 i a copy.Why not buy your own copy for future use *r See the church secretary or buy one at the door, if there is a salesman. Miss Jane Horino sends regards t© her many friends here. Miss Lewis has said, that if a num her is interested in it, fee will -request permission for you to go , even if you have a class at that i period. Please go and see Miss Lew is, aid take advantage of this opportunity. It Is well worth you r while. Some people whom ycu might he interested to know, in the Denver -area: Esau Shimizu, George Furuta Ben Furuta, Charles Kamayatsu,Ben ny Matsu da * Geroge Yuge , Ruby Y©** shino,Kenji Shikuma»Calvin Kawa -namf,Nick Iyoye, and many others. VOL. I. Mo. 25 A mac he .Colorado August 1. 1943 . "YOU CAN'T FOOL YOURSELF" Rev. Lester Suzuki, head of the Nisei Church, spoke on the above topic Sunday July 25th, and has proven to be a blessing to all* The message has given us courage to climb higher in our Christian life* The following is a short resume of his sermon: Based on I Kings the lives of Ahab(Son of Omri) and Jezebel(daughter of JSthbaal, king of the Zidonians* Jezebel was a vigorous and zealous woman and wanted the property of Naboth the Jo zero elite* It was a good land* Ahab was asked to go to Naboth and sec if ha would exchange the land for another* Naboth replied that he liked his land and did no$ want to part with it* "We admire and esteem young men who will say fu UQ. to some things*" "Jezebel was determined to get the land so wrote letters and had the nobles sign their "¡John Doe " • She put Naboth in a conspicuous place and accused him of blasphemy and had him stoned to death* "Ahab was a good man but Jezebel made him a Gentile instead* *Boys--don*t get the wrong girl* Instead of making you a man, she; will make you a mouse• «Ahab sold his soul^ --he sold himself* We either choose eternal con damnation or eternal life and eternal consummation. Ahab a.hd Jezebel were utterly destroyed. "Some people think it is best to beat up the people of minority gr -oup* Ttey think that thi*s* would solve the problem of future security. The world c.annot fool itself; it cannot fool God* ■ Tha life of Starr Daley was related* F or 25 years he was &n underworld gangster, a useless and hopeless pest of society* He went to school for eight years* ffe was in prison and in the solitude behind the prison bars, he got to know the Saviour and living Christ* Upon his release, Starr Daley asked Christ Jesus to lead h-ira, for he did not know where to go* A voice spoke tc him saying:"Go tfco the underworld and get tb3 facts*" Ha obeyed the command and got, the facts. lb took them to the publishers, but they refused to print ; the true facts • ; A lady 'came to him one day and asked what he would do if ¡some one should give him money for expenses* Hb replied that he woujLd go to Washington to see the head man. Asked who was his contact |nan--- he reoliad "Christ Jesus". The woman paid the expenses and Stprr Daloy . . » i * ikJvvi » ^ ^ ~ 4-«i»A ^ was able to- have an interview with the head man for two The outcome of the interview was the organization of the C *C *C • "Wefre prone to-say that we1 re not that bad--but this is dangerous thing to do* We must ever be on our guard* hours• N.Y.A.and the most "Thou hast lead us thus far,—load us on "We might be living on a sub-human level* Let us rise to ihe level of divinity where Christ dwells , and whe re God dwell^. a. "Strive to let yourself grow in Christ* There will be fellowship with God if wa let Him lead us tercKHL, * / GRANADA C HR I S T I A N ' C H U R C H No« 23, Page two Amache .Colorado. SUMMER CONFERENCE Twelve young Niseis , mostly of high school ago , will attend the summer conference at the Pino Crest Institute at Palmer Lake , Colorado. Tho conference will be hold from the 2nd of August to tho SthL The Isseis will help toward the paying of the travelling expen ses of the delegates. We are glad for this opportunity that is afforded tho young peo ple and we shall await a good re port upon the ir re turn. August 1« 1943. TODAYS SPEAKER . Rev. Mitani of Camp I in Poston, will be speaking today at the English-worship service, to the Women’s Society in the afternoon , and at the adult evening service. In Poston, Rev. Mitani is working with Revs. Kowta and Morikawa. He is also working in the adult educational ’ department, giving lec -tures on world news, ffe is at the present, making a tour of the cen ters and vjlsi ting the larger ci -t ie s i \ * OTHER CENTER NEWS ANNUAL CONFERENCE RevvS. Mizukami, Mias Dillon , Shi'gerU-Mizukami, and Mrs. Hori’s oldest daughter have been atten -ding the Annual F roe Methodist-Conferenee At Canyon City, Colorado, July 28th to Aug. 1st.They will return early part of this week. A PARTING Two of our faithful and active -members, Mrs. Haruko and Takako, Nakagawa, have left, with their mother-in-law, for C hicago, July-the 28th, to join their husbands there. Both girls were on tho teaching staff of tho Sunday Sch ool and Daily Vacation«' Bible School. May God bless them as they come in contact with friends in the heart of Chicago. A delightful waffle dinner was given the two girls as a fare well' at the home of Mrs. Tamik o Muto. Others girls at the party-were -Miyake Fujiu, F umiye Haso-gawa, Hideko Tamura, Teruko Ha-shimoto, Blanche Nimura, arid Mrs. Haruko and Takako Nakagawa. VISITORS Mary Nagatoshi, who has worked in New York"for four years and Who is now working in the Baptist office in New York City, was hero for a visit last week. S hizu Asai, who was working for the F.O.R. in New York, visits d the centfer recently. SPEAKING TO pit:-: Mr. John Moore of the welfare do partment, will be speaking to the college age group this evening -8:00 P.M* in Terry Hall. You are welcome to attend the fellowship. TULE LAKE .. .Dr. Alfred Tonnes s » executive secretary of the Sacramento Church Council, preached -July the 19th. JEROME .. .Baptismal service and re caption of members was held with 8 persons' baptized, and two re ceivod as members. TCPA2.. .The Sunday School department is using flannelgraph equipment in delivering attraative messages to the children. POSTON*. .Under the supervision of Miss May Nagaoka, 450,students a-ttend classes at the Daily Vaca -tion Bible School. Rev. Jitsu Morikawa expects to ro turn to Poston in August. He is touring different centers and cities where the Japanese have re located. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT It is rather late, but we wish to congratulate Wir. andM:rs. William B. Yoshino upon their ire cent marriage which was held aft the 7 H Church. The newly weds have presented a gift of five ¿dollars to the Nisei Church .• We ^acknowledge t ho gift with si nee re ’ g ra t i t udo and thanks. Here’s wisKiing you much success and happirness in the years .to come. h CHRISTIANITY* Christianity is living .’spirit Which’ should be culti%kecl Until it becomes t As empirical as science;* As accurate , as mathematics, As practical as engineering, As emotional as tho drafts, As inspiring as art, As aggressive as propaganda, And as irrespre ssible as an eayth quake . I \ The Granada Christian Nisei Church is holding the Amache Summer Confer-ence Friday and Saturday evenings at 7H Church and Sundqy morning, .and evening at Terry Hall* I We are greatly privelegcrd to have with us one of the most, outstanding-jNisei ministers as our speaker* He is from Poston, and has been taking ia tour of the cities whore Japanese people have relocated* He attended jthe U*C*L*A• and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the ¡Rev. Jitsuo Morikawa. ¡Friday evening....Chairman*...,Rev* Lester Suzuki • Speaker......Rev. Jitsuo Morikawa j Violin Solo..Mias Shizue Osuga • Saturday evening • .C ha irman.... .^r. George Yoshioka ■ \ Speaker......Rev, J. Morikawa Solo number..Miss Sumi Kawamura Sunday morning... .Chairman.....Mr. Dave Nakagawa Trio number. .Misses Lily Nagatoshi,Edna Amamoto,. Mae Yoshioka Speaker.. *.. .Rev. J'. Morikawa Sunday evening... .C ha irman...Rev. C. KuzUhara Piano Solo...Miss Mika Kuzuhara . x Speaker......Rev. J. Morikawa The following committees have worked on the coming conference •; Music.... .Miss Mieko Fujiu Publicity.. .Rov. C. Kuzuhara Program. .Miss Doreen Hasegawa Gen. Arr... .William Miura , & Publ ication.. .Taruko Hashimoto Kiyoshi Yamamotoi Usher. ...Mr* Shiro Abe Prayer...Mr. Bhigeru Mizuk-ad Reception...Richard Suzuki Finance ........Sam Fujita General Chairman..Mr.Dave Nqkagawa. CONFERENCE_________________SONG LEAD ON 0 KING ETERNAL“ i | Lead on, 0 King Eternal ¡The day of march has come; j Henceforth in fields of conquest ! Thy tents shall bo our homo. iThro* days of preparation | thy grace has made us strong, And now, 0 King Eternal, jWe lift our battle song. * Lead on, 0 King Eternal , Till a in’s fierce war shall ee&se And holiness shall whisper “' . The 3uCot Amen of peace; For not with swords laud clashing Nor roll of stirring drums; With deeds of love and mercy, The heavenly kingdom comes • Lead on, 0 King Eternal, We follow, not with fears; For gladness breaks like morning Where’er Thy face appears; , Thy cross is lifted o’er us; . *.. We journey in its light: The crown awaits the conquest; Lead on, 0 God of might • Everyone is cordially invited to attend any or all of these special meetings and you are welcome to bring as many friends with you. You will not be disappointed in coming out, but will receive blessings. G R A N- A D A CHURCH NEW S..page two “FISHERS Of MEN' An inspiring mo'& sago"; do live red on August the 8 th'-4 has put a now zeal into our 1 ivotV'to do'm’oro • for our Master in bringing souls to the Lord A few p& Into rs iri ills moss ago: • From Genesis tho first chapter, we find | the vorso’’.Lo t. tipro * be 1 ight". ’’Light is a , thing of* beauty; it is ¡significant of vis ibil i.iy * it produces 1 ife ; and.makes our bodies str-jeng and healthy. Darkness is the absence of 'light; it; will/causo one I to die out * if’ one*~3ocs not have'the Light of Christ* Christ is tbs- “Light of the World. ¡"Take tho bidding of Christ. II Cor in. 4:6 & Matt. 14:18--22. 2000 ¡years ago, our Lord, walking by tho Sea of Galilee, saw two fishermen, jcallod to thorn saying, »Follow me and I will make you fishers of men’. :?he men left their nets and followed after His bidding. j"Lot us obey the Lord Jesus Christ, the captain of our lives. The cap-j tain is the one who takes us through to our destination. He knows all ¡about navigation and the crew have to trust him. M,We cannot afford ! trust in Him. to steer our lives or we will find trouble. Put your ¡’’The Holy Spirit is the Mastman who spots, souls for Christ.’1 Mr. Naka-Igawa told of his experiences as a fisherman on board his fathers t'una ¡clipper, relating how the mastman spots a school of tuna , tho steps - I taken to get the tuna into tho net and * the- process in pulling the pri® | into the boat, and tho return of the joyous fishermen. ’’But there are admonitions,.if wo got snags in tho net, there will be disappointments. Tho nets have * to be examined every time to see that -there are no holes and to sea that it is strong enough. .. 11 In our Christian life, we must create time to have quiet hour with tha Lord; road the Word of God; quencii not the Spirit; and ever be watch -ful not to grieve the Lord. "We are commissioned to go our and bring souls to Christ. “Your labor will not be vain in the Lord." Emikp Hinokl left for Rochester Mis. Minn., to work in tho St. Mary’s hospital. She was an active member « of the church, being treasurer of the Nisei Church Counc il. Y/e are ind eod grateful for her services rendered -for the church. We hope that she is enjoying her new work. We pray for lod’s blessing upon her. k farewell service was given to tb ¡children of Rev. s. Kuzuhara at tb iLOH Church last Saturday night b; [the members of the Holiness Church following tho service, ref re slime nts and games were enjoyed by all. OTHER CENTER NEWS y x y«.._________;---- RIVERS ... .Re v. H. Nicholson sp , oka on July 26th.....Rev. Suso Mage is conducting a Bible Class at the hospital in the evenings... .The issois and Niada are holding a joint service — once a month. P0*STON v o „About 70 Sunday Sch-oo 1 and Daily Vacation Bible -School teachers, and Isseiucoun c il members had a teachers recognition party on July 30th . .....Early morning prayer meetings are held on Friday s at CAmp I. May God’s blessing as they go to join Chicago. go with each their father SINGS PIRAT ION i/ pur deepest appreciation and than- | ks to Miss Mika Kuzuhara for help -ing in the Church work here,ospeci- j lally in being the pianist many times! for the Isseis and for the Niseis . j The Junior Church School, is con ducting a singspiration hour at 10H Church every Monday evening from 6:30. Cold drinks were ser ved to the children after srrvia A REVIEW OF THE CONFERENCE WITH REV. JITSUO MORIKAWA. .Aug*13-15 FRIDAY ' Song service was lead by Mr* Dave Nakagawa. The chairman for the service was Rev* Lester Suzuki, who introduced Rev* Morikawa of Poston to the congregation* The subject of the message was "GRATITUDE ". "I am glad that I am a Christian. I am glad that I am living in such a thrilling time as this* I am glad to have the, privelege to come to | Amache. Granada is a beautiful place--more beautiful than Chicago , Philadelphia, or Poston. I do not say that you remain be re , but I urge you to resettle on the outside* "One of the rarest flowers in the garden of life is the flower - of j gratitude. It is a beautiful virtue. "Gratitude is often expressed to the wrong person." The illustration of a girl graduating from school, accepting the gratitude of teache rs and friends before showing her gratitude to her mother who had a scar on her face, did not have the fine clothes like' the other mothers , and dressed her daughter in: less costly clothes from the other girls. She did not realise the scars - on her mother's face were there because she tried to save the * daughter's life, ‘and did not know that she had tried her v ery best to have her daughter dress like the other girl.s* ij . ....- . , . . ... ,. ..... .. , ; jj "God dqeanVt give prestige, health, succes^, and wealth to e very body • Our God, our religion, our Christ, is for the weak, the sick, the friendless, the lonely, and the home loss • C hristianity is not the sur#» vival of the. fittest, but the revival of the unfit* "David once wore a golden crown, and once commanded a great number of people at one time, but didn't thank God for this* Instead he said , »The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy. For as the heaven is high above the earth, so groat is his mer cy toward them that fear him.» The highest mount of blessing is God's mercy. David expressed his thanks for the mercy of God. ""The greatest mercy shown..‘On a hill far *away, stood an old rugged cross, the emblem of suffering and shame’. On that Cross, Christ said to one..*Today shalt thou be with me in paradise, and also had said,. 'Father, forgive thorn, for they know. not what they do*1 "The mercy is yours and mine*" "Bless the Lord, 0 My soul, Bless His Holy. Name I " i/ianadCL Ni 0 25 Page two 'nt&uari Amache , Colo. xuna ‘tdû August 22, 1943 I Saturday a i C hairman.. .Mr• George Ycshioka.3ingspriation lead by Dave Nav kagawa. ...... .Solo-~,,Christ of the Galilee Road”, by Sumi Kawamura . THE MESSAGE'. ». ...... ” REVERANCE " Rev. J. Morikawa ,rOne of the greatest needs today is reveranee. In this age of indus* try and activity, we need to emphasize devout reverance in the pre -sence and sight of God. "We have an ido upon which we build our happiness. A young prince who once idolized ascertain good, powerful and righteous king lost his happiness, peace, and assurrance when the king died of leprosy. What did he do? He sought divine reverance by going to the temple of God. After going into the temple, ha experienced God high and lifted up. Unconcious of earthly things around him—be saw only God seated upon the throne • ”We find God in the recorded pages of the Bible: “1. In the manger of Be thie hem.. .God who is invis ible , unknowable ,incomprehensible--made visible • .made himself in the form of man. »a. God iii Nazareth.. .Endured all the alluring temptations, testings and trials that comes to man. Yet he was without sin. Hs knows all about our needs for he faced our temptations, and testings. He was man among men* ”3. God along the shores of Galilee.. .1 ife of the egocentric and sal fish John was changed by Christ to a life of love...The cursing, ch-; anging, and hot tempered Peters life changed to a life as solid as rock. M4• God on the cross...Man in agony, suffering.. .God suffering.. .God high and lifted up. ”5. But we see God higher than the cross...He is seated on the thr -one where kings and queens must bow at his feet. "The vision of God brings a sense of our unworthiness. The more God-©&e becomes’, the more conscious he becomes of his inner bar rones s and less confident of himself. Isaiah said that he was undone .... .a man of unclean lips. When man’s gotten there, ha’s ready for God .. God reaches down to help. ’’Let us live 'for * Him” y^lJHDAY MORNIMg/' Chairman. .Days Nakagawa Pianist..Mias Mika Kuzuhara . Speaker. • .Rev. Jitsuo Morikawa Choir Director• •. .Mr.Georgs Kubota wWHAT MUST I DC TO INHERIT ETERNAL JLIFE ” "A young man possessed with a striking personality, with money and f r ie rids. •. .an idol of o t he r young me n... a well rd unde d pe rs o nal i ty.. yet this man came to Christ one day for personal help. He was bl essed with all the material things but was not satisfied. He yearnC d and longed and'searched for something to satisfy. ’What good thing; must I do to inherit eternal life? ’ “The great physician, friend and Savior told him to keep the command montsv Ha had kept all these things. 'What lack I yet* . Jesus was waiting for this question. He said..l. ’Go and sell all that thou best and give to the poor.. .2. Com^ and follow mo,* "Until one transforms his affection to God, sever everything, alienating himself...he will not find satisfactibn. We cannot serve two masters. Tragedy comes when man cannot give up things thoy love more than God. "The acceptance of Gcd will br ing happ ino as aiid choc r. Ho can become a part of thw universe far greater than this World. Beyond the sun -set, there is a new dawn—-the Dawn of a1 Now ' Dav, ” Qiûmdû} Cfi^iûÜùfiLtettich. No. 25 , Page"three Amache, Colorado_______ August 22, 1943 . ■ " /Sunday evening/ C hairman.. .Re v. C* Kuzuhara Song Leader. .Mr«Henry Suzukida... 3 peake r. .. .Re v. J. Morikawa Piano Solo ....Miss Mika Kuzuhara. "THE LOVE OF GOO» "We N ise Is have a pec.ul iar res pens! bil ity* We -are 1 iving - in a c ha Hanging, throbbing, and thrilling age. The man who is happy is one who dan give and who contributes. "The greatest book is the Bible« The greatest book within the Book is the gospel of John. The greatest chapter is the 3rd, and the great -est veFse is the 16th. "The first person that I* think of is dad and his love for me. He has been a father and mother to me. The parting words he gave me upon my departure for school 12 years ago, has been the greatest gift • "Then I think of my sister’s love .. .she writes letters--is concerned about me and is praying for me• "X think of my brother's love...sent me money all thru1 my school life ‘There's a bond that's deep and abiding. I PfWpj * • ■ >.. - , . i "I think of my wife’s love...her words—'My greatest happiness is to i follow you.;. .please serve Christ in the right manner.* j "Then I think of the love of God...He loved the world. Loves us pro foundly. It doesn't mean that he. lavishes love upon us ♦. .some times he is stern, and disciplines our lives because he loves us. "We see many fathers grey haired because of his son; many weary mothers with wrinkled faces because of the daughter. Man has turned his face in,defiance of God. That's why the cross came into existence • Every disloyalty causes a friend or someone else to suffer. "Christ is willing to take us bqck.. .willing to forgive. He is watting for the unfaithful and disloyal to come back. Scarred as we are he'll lift us’ up and ma‘ke us children of God." »»For God so loved the world because He gave his only begotten Son » that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." MANY, MANY THANKS FOR YOUR SERVICES l 1. To Rev. Morikawa for the spirit filled messages you have given us. 2. To the pianists.. .Doreen Hasegawa and Mika Kusmhara. ! 3. To the chairmen.. .Rov. Suzuki,Rev. Kuzuhara, Mr.Dave Nakagawa and Mr. George Ybshioka. 4. To the persons who rendered special musical numbers: $umi Kawamui*a i Lily Nagatoshi, Edna- Amamoto, Mae Yoshioka, Mika Kuzuhara andl George Kubota and the choir. 5. To the committee members: Miyeko Fujiu, Doreen Hasegawa, Dave Na-** kagawa, Richard Suzuki, Shigeru Mizukami, Rev. Kuzuhara,Shirof Abe, William Miura, Kiyoshi Yamamoto, and Teruko Hashimoto. 6 I ij The cpnforenee has praven to be a blessing to all and has brought .9* I new joy, new hope and new light into our lie arts and we can sing : ¡"Lead on, 0 King Eternal The day of march has come; Henceforth in fields of conquest Thy tents shall bo our heme. Thru* days of preparation Thy grace has made up strong, And now, C King Eternal, We lift our battle song.,, Lead on, 0 King Sternal, We follow, not with fears; For gladness breaks like morning Wter'er Thy face appears; Thy cross is lifted o'er us; We journey in its light; Thy c rown awaits the conquest; Lead on#i 0 Go'd of might." [ No . 35 Pago four Amac ho I JJr. ¡/isits Dr. Roy Smith (not advocate Roy Smith) visited Amac he. Aug. 18 to 19. Ho was in Japan since 1904-,mostly at the Kobe Commercial College. Ho was one of the free enemy aliens--up until time of the Gripsolm. lb is the first individual to be here who returned on the exchange ship ] last August. Speaking at the minister’s -meeting Wednesday and at a mass meeting at 10H, he related many of his rich experiences in Japan,es -pcûially after Pearl Harbor. Rev. Yahiro was interpreter. j » ' ;>:- ! Dr. Smith will work among the- Ja-j panose relocated in the Chicago -ar«a, for the Chicago Church Fe -de ration(77 W.Washington St.) * If ! you have relatives or friends whan j you wish to contact,write him at j the above address, and he will do j all he can. The church as a whole is mighty -interested in all relocateo3 in any area of the country. They are interested in you and they w^nt t> befriend you. If you nr your fr -lends go out to relocate, why not let us know your destination and whereabouts, so that contacts can be made* Otherwise we’ll be just scattered by the four winds " and we can only moot by chance. Colo. August 22, 1943 . rc / 7£.lJS : Mr. and Mrs. Esau Shimizu of Heart MtV, is now at 1543 No. Federal Blvd., Denver, Colo. Yas Hara and the Rikimaru famil y have been made happy by the visit of ttosir fathers for about lOdays from Santa Fe Camp. Tba Yamaguchis, Ken and Clara,and Mack, can be reached at 10a7 Penn. Ava ., Boulder, Colo. Bobby Uno is working at Pueblo un til the beginning of school* Dr. and Mrs* Y. Takeyama spent a week at Colorado Springs through the invitation of a friend of theirs. We hope they had a splendid time outside. Joy and George went too. Miyeko Fujiu is booked to leave next week, for Chessborough Seminary, North Chili, N.Y. After much delay and trouble, one or two of the dental students -were able to find a school. John Noboru Shimokawa got into Kansas City University Dental College • Vfe understa nd that Sam Taka ha -shi and Lily Matsushige were married a short time ago. Many congratulations from many friends , to be s ure l Following..fow of persons relocated The Kuzuhara family. .1120 W.Ful - ’ lerton St• ,Chicago, 111. Harry Takai booked to go to Wil -liam Jewel College, Liberty, Mo . Chisato Tadakuma is at 1035 E.45 S t., Chicago , 111 * Nobu Yamasaki left for Maryland, where two other sisters--Miye & Yori are attending school and wdp-king. Mayme Kishi has gone to Boston,Mis Tazuko Uragami c%n be reached by W.R.A. office ,226 W. Jackson Blvd Chicago, 111. Our faithful and pleasant Mary Saito has left for Boston, Mass., to be reached at WRA, Boston,” • Esther Yasaki left for her sis -teris place , Mrs• Misako Tomita, King Hill, Idaho. Yoshiko Arimatsu is now at the--Univ. of Minn., Minneapolis ,M inn. Mr, and Mrs. Earnest Yamadu and family, of 8K, is now located at 2935 Arapahoo St.,Denver, Colo . Gen$i Kawamura may be reached at 2242 Emerson St., Denver, Colo . Fred Ogawa and George ifeshimotore turned from Chicago. Fred has gone to Provo. p\T Pii'iE- Hmry Suzukida was the most popular song leader at tbs Pine Crest Institute. It was unfortun -ate that ho outshone the regular le a da rs • Joe Kamiya,and Sambo Sameshima— gave brief talks of appreciation besides a few yells. We will miss the pro3once and ^d of Mr. and Mrs. Cochran .who have helped in our church work* w We wish them plenty of success and God speed in their new undertaking at Bakersfield, Calif. We miss other American friends too.l tíL&ntte :k (jik.ûtkui No» 25 Page f ívq a ma Colo |\\ k\ Auglfet 22, 1943 ' v ,v ifâéffi IH ¡a S mV il , Íwí fi Rü-• ì.i -n ?<• ■A ■jte .il • ■ < £ GeatJ^j/moet ConJiteniz. *7weIve delegates from the Am&che-Ycuth Fellowship recently atten -ded the annual week-long Pine Cr-eat conference at Palmer Lake »Colorado, who re more than 600 delegates from all parts of the states assembled for fellowship. Our stay there was very pleasant »the people were friendly, and from the ve ry feel t ÌO*Ìr, first day, we a part of the we re made to great institu- te MK! 7^7 f" /ïïF.r Pine Crest is of mountains, includes both It is surely a and cool. located at the foot and its campus in * woods and streams V beautiful place... very much shifts in n*t- - A 1 A f * Ufi wise making noise. Meal-times wer« Morning, we attended the watch serrv enough* After breakfast, we all attle were held outdoors in the shade of and patained to better Christian 1 tian symbolism, Bible study,said so Ife Recreation'came after lunch.♦.such softball, swimming, hiking into the the wookd and pi as tiff shop. The evening programs followed suppe st speakers and- speoial musical pro prayer meeting came after, and light Qn Thursday night, we were entitled happened, we were incited to four p cept them all* we divided into four all, especially when Rbnry Suzukida on each arm. r. These usually consisted of gue grams . A camp-fire gathering and-s-out time was usually 10:30 P.M we all had a wonderful making a pledge of Pine Crest conférences, sc that yoi find themselves closer to God arid, $o, you see, ourse lve s in Yes, it was a most pleasant vac at i to escape temporarily from the turn more Christian principles. From the trip, I more eternal peace for the Christ. than ever fi world to come —--------Ted T. Kinoshita--- The -mess hall there is like ours, and has two order to accommodate all the students, Most of the mess workers -áre employed ori a voluntary basis The atmosphere is quite different from that of this cente r. .every -body cheering, singing, and other whenhalf of the day’s un came in. ices..that is, if we got up earl y nded three class periods which trees. The subjects were elective e such as moral problems, Chris-forth. It was immensely interesting activities as horseback riding mountains, and making souvenirs in to stay up till midnight. As it rivate parties, and in order to ac-groups, A good time was had by played- "Flectfcicity” with a girl week at Pine Crest, and we pride .00 for the continuance of these -th may again have an opportunity to at the same time, make new friends. n*.*an interlude that enabled us toil of world strife$ and to learn mly believe that to accomplish am wo must follow the teachings of* —e>. — v 1« VOSrç- p The Summer Sound Movie Program,obtains d by Rev• Lester Suzuki, and sponsored by the High School department of the Summer Activities un~ dar Miss Grace Lewis, has come to a close. It was expanded to oth er departments of the school, besides some blocks and to the public as a whole. They were religious, educational pictures of of great values, We want people to know that many-people, especially Christian peo -pie, cn the outside made it possible for the center people. Such -names as Dr. Wm. G. Campbell, Bi -shop C. F. Reifsnider, Mr. and Mrs. Gurney Binford, Miss R. E. Cyr,Rev, And Mrs. Geral Harvey, Dr. D. Stan ley Coors, Rev. Melvin M. Cammack, Classmates, Vt. 3q. Methodist Church , Br . -G-le nn Phallips - and-Mrs. Walter Shore, Rev. Harold Stone Hull, and Rev. Everett W.Pal-mer, ought to be especially men -tioned. Thank you very much. To those of you from Tula lake who intend to come to Granada Relocation Center, Amache , Colorado.,wo .want to give you a word of wel come. Wo know that it is a vory trying experience to move again, and go through the whole procea s all over again. When everybody did it, it wasn’t so bad, but when only -a small,minority does it, it seems so troublesome and oven unjust. We of Amac ha , will, try to make it a3 pleasant as possible; -for* you. The whole community, through the project, has recepti on and hospitality, and other*, kinds of committees, and of course, wc a3 a church, will welcome you to the best of our ability., We are settled and it is easy for _Uj3_.but it.jyill be trying for you to start all over again, especi -ally when there are so few things to be had to fix up the rooms, as you could when you first went in. We also want to thank Miss Lewis, and Mr-. Walthor for cooperation in making the program possible and George and Richard, the projector specialities, who wore so instrumental in running the machine so-expe rtly. A PRAYER K)R A-BOY IN THE SSRV1&S Oh, dear ( son, husband, friend ) cf mine, w e rover you may be, ”Tho Eternal God is your Refugo , and underneath you are His Everlasting-Arms of Life and Love to hold you * I and keep you safe. Again, we say we’ll welcome you tc the best of our ability. ¿eJ^LCanC: ____SeRUlCB { After th> usual ministerial business meeting held every Monday at 7H Church Office, a welcome aer -vice was hold in honor of our recent visitor, Rev. Jitsuo Morika-wa of Poston Center. Words of welcome were uttered by Rev. Lester Suzuki and Rev. Wada, followed by Rev, Morikawa’s talk. Rev. Hi rata offered prayer, after which watermelon was served. i Now do I behold you strong, clean, I courageous and right-minded.-- I \ see you protected and safeguarded by the Power of God Almighty. I see you guided by the* very hand of C hr 1st along the Way of Righte ousness and Truth, and ever led to do God’s will. I This is my steadfast vision of you, my beloved. In the Name of i Jesus Christ. Amen OTHER CENTER NEWS POSTON ..... Jive girls ;JMiye.kp Kawata »Flora Komatsuka, Kimi Hosaka, Mary Miyabo, and Row&na Kubo. These -girls will go to Kentucky to attend Asbury College , a Christian sc hool • /? 3V C6L Rev. S. Mizukami and Miss Dillon-left Tuesday for the Free Metho -dist Conference at Gallup, New Mexico. He will be gone for about a week. We wish him God speed . »A tent or a cottage, why should I care? They’re building a palace for me over the re 1 Tho( exiled from home, yet still I may s ing: ’All glory to God, I’m a child of a K ing.' **.... A. Wallace Vol. I No • 26 Amacha, Celerado LIVING TESTIMONY. OF Jack. TakA WtffiGL Jack was born on a farm in Mountain View California. His father was foreman of a prune ranch. He later moved to San Jose. Having a dislike for farming, he deci ded to run away from home. He want to his brother's home, in^os Angeles, but soon got homesick , * and hitched h i He d ho me . Whe n he reached home, he was afraid to - but finally, got enough courage to go in. He urged his family ■ .to move to Los Angeles. In Los An -geles, Jack got mixed in with the wrang company of friends and was a very bad boy. After graduating High School, he took up commercial Art at the Ch-ounard Art School in Los Angeles During the time he attended the school, he was invited to hear Dr* £• Stanley Jones at the Shr^ ine Auditorium. He didn't remember any of the message , except-ing the... words J'Yo u f o r the king -dom of God". These words pierced his soul like a two edged sword, and he aould not refrain from standing. He was, not coneious of the people around him. For a week he sought God. and found him* In the meantime , Dr*. Ka-gawa came and Jack went to hear him* He was much impressed by the message* He received his call to the ministry so put in his. resig Sacramento J.C • He worked his way through school learning how to cook, clean house launder, iron, etc. Then came the news of war, so he went back to his home in Los Angeles* He eva?. cuated to Manzanar then to Pos -ton, and later was ablg to enter Drake University in Des Moines * About three months ago, Jack accepted an offer to be student -pastor of a Caucasian church in GrangeT, la* He was put to a test the first two'Sundays and the people decided to have aim as their permanent pastor* Jack sends gre’otings from Manza-. nar, Poston and from his room -mate, Andrew Yahiro. August 29. 1943 Jack delivered a heart stirring me 3 s age" o n~S unday - mo rni ng, A ug us t 22nd on "Who is This Man Jesus of Nazareth”. Leaving Amache Monday evening at 2, Jack is scheduled to preach -today at his church in Iowa. He will continue his studies at the unive rs ity. riftiu tucano Ür-ncas! ^AMGlp£cp^-'-a-cr,iRie:IL¡ ------, ■ Sucre tary *. •. .Miss ñose Thhf Chm* of Music .Miss Doreen Hasega- wa Chm* of Usher..Mr. Joe Kamiya. 'cáiimt ML&mmm •', , _. * president... ..Miss Blanch Nimura Secretary. ♦ ..Miss Hoshiko Miyake /YATtonAL Cm/sn/yy Masum WILL COME TO AMACHB, ON OCT.24 -29i Dr. Jesse M. Bader of the Fe doral Counc il of Churches is: working on the plans with the Local committee * Rohwo r and Je romo had wo ndo r f ul m is £ i o ns .: Lo t4 s p ray for a very successful mission -in Amache* With people from Tule Lake , wo ought to have a sizeable crowd* HE V. TAKEO AGATSUMA, WHD. CAME -with tie Walnut Grove Me.thodis t Church, will probably leave next week, to work in the San Luis Va lley and also in the Grand Junc-fcr-io•U-^Wo-~wIah him Gjodlg blessing &nd every success iti his work among the Japanese people * Music appreciation hour was carried at 10H Hall by Ruth Watana-be and sponsored by Rev. C* Ku -zuhara and the Religious Educa tional Committee. Miss Miyo.ko Fu.iiu* our faithful and conscientious worker for all departments, left for New York -to attend Chosebrough Seminary , North Chili, N*Y. THE FALL CONFERENCE will be held ih Donvor the first week of Dec. Two delegates from the Nisei Church and two from Issei will go. ......4- L/sle Fellüusnip The lisle Fellowship is a group of people who attempt to make religion functional* So for that purpose they live during summer especially inter-racially in a communal life j and then go out to different com -muni tie a and churches and make that thing a wide practice »There was one camp, that will close on Aug * 28th, in the lookout Mountains of Denver. F/eujs Japan Bound: Kenichi, Kazu, Heiko arid Takas hi Rikimaru of one family and Masako, Yuriko Satoshi and two more smaller ones of the othf er Rikimaru family are leaving -for Japan* They all attended the Los Angeles Methodist Sunday School. We hate to see them go, but wc bid them Bon Voyage and a safe journey, and we hope to see you a gain* Some of these people came to Ama -che and no doubt they will sprea d the practice of brothsrhood thr -oughout the United States* Rev* C* P. Garman, Rev* Bill Keys, Mrs.De-Witt Baldwin, Bid Baldwin, Rev.and Mrs. K. Sasaki were the ones who came here for August 20th to 22nd. Jean and Donald and a younger Ha-sulko are leaving with their parents too* Henry Toyama, now at Camp Grant , and formerly of L.A.Methodist , came to see his dad and mom leav3 for Japan. Henry Suzukida spent a few days at the Lisle Fellowship* A loo abou t 70 of the young people of the Denver Fellowship spent a picnic with the Lisle Fellowship group a short time ago. We were very happy to have these -people in our midst. m ^ '» mmm /V/ch School fauatdSMP near L/lTH fODlLR YOUTH PklLQldSHlP Two full carloads of people from the Fowler Fellowship, near Manza-nola, came to visit Araache and me et with the High School Fellowship. A luncheon was served at the Hos -pitality House at about 1:00 P.M., prepared by a committee headed by Mary Noda. After that Sambo Same -shima was guide of a tour around -the camp. After sightseeing, the group was divided among me33 halls and supper was enjoyed at three or four places. At 6:30, Henry 3uzu -kida led the group in community singing at the Hospitality House »followed by the regular meeting»which was composed of reports by every delegate to the Pine Crest Insti - The reports were excellent, each one being very brief but very pointed and comprehensive. The group -was composed of Mr. And Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Sheer and Leona, Mrs. Merri -man, Miss Collins, Keith Gunther , Raymond, Connie, Elisabeth,Elaine , ¿leanor> Pat,. Every ono proved to be human beings like the rest of us, and went home feeling they had a very profitabol time with us. Awelcome service was held Monday , following the ministerial meeting, for Mr* Jackson Takayanagi, who is attending Drake and studying for -the ministry._____, ______ Dr. Kuramoto, brother of Mrs. Ha-suike, also came to bid good by3 to his sister and family. Dr.. Kuramoto formerly from Monrovia,was j one of the first to go to Dos Mai j nos before evacuation. j Tic Amomiya family, the Hisose fa ( mily, who are also leaving, ando» j ; there who are leaving, have our j prayers for a safo journey . • June Kawakami left for New York , to attend school* She is from the Episcopal Church in Los Angeles • Richard Suzuki left on the 25th -for Chicago for a few weeks, and then to attend Garrett Biblical -Institute in the Fall. Our test wi shes to Dick, Rose (Tomita) Shima, who loft for Chicago before evacuation, visited her family here for a sfrort -time and left for Chicagoan the 2.7th. She sends regards to her ma ny friends and regrets she didn*t get around to see them. W3 regret the passing away of Mx% Kagiwara, a good Christian and a sweet woman. Our sympathies to the rest of the family . pvt. Earnest Uno, now at Camp Shelby, writes a letter of thanks to the church and the pastors and to members * Appreciates the N.T. and I Daily devotions.. Ha said the now ( Nisei Chapiain,Re v. Yamada, was t have preached on Aug. 22nd. They have open air services there. Q?itV«4UiO f , - Mr .John iioore or the welfare department, will bo speaking to the college age group this evening at 8:00 PM., in Terry Hall. You are welcome to attend the fellowship. HUE VOL-1 tiOiZfÛrnachiZ Colû. —)CPT£n8£i? JJM / ' / / , .Jm mm, m r HLw&.&<$-3)un.. I \mr-: : : " T he C huro h built upo n V;r the Scrip-tures has power, life, and aggre-s i ve ne s s. "What is the most popular radio program? Is ,it Charlie McCarthy , or Fibber McGee? Did you know that there are two preachers on the air, who have the largest audiences* Cne is Walter A. Myer of the Lutheran Hour, who opens his program with the singing of the hymn, HA Mighty Fortress Is Our God G,Q #&G>oi Mary ouzuki, the co-advisor of ^ the youth fellowship, mad an interesting talk on her college experiences and also gave many helpful advices to those students planning to go to school outside . She stressed the fact that those students going outside should act as ambassadors for the people on the outside will judge the rest by you A __________ ' Dtsmcr iihzGtor Hho CnriP&tncti ' Delegates from Holly »Spring fie Id, Granada, Lamar, and Amache, at -tended the District Pine Crest ~ i Conference ,august 29 at the Lamar Methodist Church. The session was opned with a ser vice and brief talks by variou s | group representatives on the re -! cent/ Pine Crest conference. The speakers admitted that their attitudes toward nisei had changed completely, and for the better , after meeting them. One delegate j heard the voice of God calling , and determined to devote his full I time to Christian service . Following the service, the delegates enjoyed social hour of games and fellowship, during which time members of the various gr oups became be tte r ac qua into d with e ac h o the r • The particular game Geopge Hinoki enjoyed was the "Winking"game. Said to have remarked later,"Gee I really love playing that game. £ve ry time I wink at those girls they just jump up and come tome? (Confidentially, George is the youngest Amache delegate^nd must t he re fb re by humo re d). Dinner followed the social hour, and the confe re nee ' closed wi*th a short talk and benediction. Each of enjoyed cularly other o make ne f irmly may gor group t the ir c the delegates thoroughly this conference, parti -since it afforded us an-pportunity to meet and w friends. We returned -convinced that where verve there will always be a hat will accept us into ire le*—Christian Youth . -Ted Kinoshita--- '$/rflfi(Ìfi f lit] (■ fìii Vol. I No. 27 Amache, Colorado hwsmk ^/SS/QA/ r j Preliminary plans for the Nation-| al Christian Mission are coming I aio ng .. 'Some f o rums wi 11 be “ Ho me and Marriage “ for Nise is , and “The Bible and'Home “ f or Isse is f Eve -,nlng^uiaa,a..jns-e.t tli Xor^: ae is and Niseis will "be he 1 d d&i-1 ly* In the afternoon, the Isse is will hold small cottage meetings*. Such notable personages' as E .St -anley Jones, Howard Thurman,Harry j Denman, Bussell Clay, George Tru** | e tt, Jess ie Trout, John B. Sm^th, j will be given as suggestions with the idea of securing them. | In.any case, a great Mission will l take place • Keep, those, date/s ‘ *in I mind: October ,24th to the 29th f September 5, 1943 Miss Virginia Take mura will begin.:, work at a doctor’s off ice in Garden City, Kansas * Good luck toyou. Mr* and Mrs. Frank Muramoto and - j Mary Muramoto from Pueblo were ! wee k-e nd visi to rs on t he 22 nd Sun. K Ted Kinoshita, Sambo Sameshima , George Hinoki, Joe Kamiya, Cowl -Taka o and Yo s hi ko 3 a to atte nde d -the Rally and Reunion of the Pine Grest-Tnst ithte; -at the -Im-mar" Me- -* thosist Church, last;Brrud.ay. They had a very profitable time-- they report* FAREWELL 0 f/juc. . Dr* Ken2ie Nozaki was a recent visitor at Afnache , with his mother. Ken is a Lo§ Angeles boy attend -ing all t.A, schods, up through U. C *L • A «, receiving both the E *3 * ri. and M*S. degree at the latter in-L ail tut i o n*’ T he n he we nt to Stan-j ford to do more graduate work and j "received the Doctor of Philosophy, degree in chemis try, one of \the j vs j:y>; f e w -N ise 4 • will teach at Harvard .University in the Fal 1 *, His mother will atay in Chicago with the other sons. Mr * S • Nozaki the father, was . •* one of the greates* churc h layman-in the country, working for over 30 ye a rs at L. A * Me t ho d is t C hu rc h j very faithfully and consistently, j Ha passed away in Manzanar. Ask Dr* Joe Abe more about Ken, since he is a pal of ke n* A farewell party was held by the miniate rial body at the 7H * of ~ f ice- on Monday, August 30th •>.- for Rev. T• Agateuma of Walnut Grove Methodist Church, who will .%be J saving to carry. t> ai-JIhurc h.. in Grand junction and San Luis -Valley* Rev. Hlrata was chair -man, and Rev. Yahiro, Rev. Yama-ka,' and Rev., Haratani ;e xpressed-words of appniciatiotfi.* May God bless him in his m;w. field - o t labor for the Master; ■ Mrs. T. Kamae, got approval to go to Japan, in the final moments She left with the other families who left for Japan on the exch ange ship* Rev* T* Kamae came on the train from Sa nta Fe Internment Camp, --passing thru1 Granada* Fred and Ben Hashimo to were visitors in camp from the ir sc hool. &.% Wyoming and Greelsy S tate Unive r a i t¿a s •:,; . . - ^C '--I‘4,', More church papers can be obtain od at the church of f ice , TH * Come and get yours* Sé ve ral months ihe^XlUí; ' - School of Theology sentfbooks to the Church library at 7H • The books'are overdue and have to be returned* There are quite a few missing and have not been return* ad. If any one has taken any of the following books, please re -turn them at once to the church-library: Christianity and The Race Prob -- le nw . .Oldham The Worker and His Bible . *E islen Barclay. They Dared to Live .... .Bartlett. Fipst Standard Manuel of Teacher Training. ...W. G. Barclay. Sg The World Wo Want to Live In. .». R. Clinchy The* Problem of Reiigion. .McMann. The Way to/ Win.. .Fred B. Fisher. Expositors Bible; Acts' 6 f t he Apostle a • * *y ■; s, Expos it ion of the. Holy Scripture Hsbrews & Bp* of St* James** ; Re v * Harry Has himo t o is the pr -oud father of a 6 pounds 5oz.baby girl--Sharon Mitsuko —* born, Aug.'27th. Mother and baby doing fine • ' . .y ■ 7 . u 1 Mkmm ! / , ns/ ¿{kjs—5 mt o K w ¿ik.&& fihmews (Sq&&, Mo. George, yoh'/ro, ■. "We have everything and we own everything when we have Christ "My life was without:God and I was in darkness. My aim In life was to make money—to get rich, and have an easy life* "I got among bad friends and formed bad habits, such as drinking , smoking, gambling, and fighting. I tried to break away from these habits, but could not with my own st re ngth, "I went to church, but could not understand the sermons. For three years I went to church and thought that I was good, but did not have the expe rience of a true Christian. ’’One day on my way to church, I met my pastor* I was not expecting him to be areund and was enjoying smoking at a street corner.X hid the c igare t te be hind me and . gree ted him The minister invited me to go to church with him,so J did. I sat next to a Caucasian lady.Her prayer moved my heart and when the invitation was given, e ve ryone pr -aye d earne s tly f or my soul. The re X experienced a new birth,My sins were forgiven and I became a Chr istian from that night on, AIT my bad habits disappeared* "On January the first, 1918,1 dedicated my life for the preaching of the gospel of Jesue Christ, "My life faction, soul* has been full of satis for Hs has .enriched my "All things work together for goo d to them that love the Lord." "Many are disappointed on account of evacuation. They have fear in self ,C hriatians ought not to act that way. If we believe in God,we should live a bold and religious life with praises unto Him "The Israelites went- through the same kind of experience that we are going through, "Le t us not murme r or complain , but trust in Him and He will never fail us*" o o "The brotherhood house is a center to which all and at any time a Ni-;. 3e i Ame rlean could come for coun -1 se T. and he lp. if• f'f, ■ f’S I j "It is a three-story dwe 111ng ini an apartment house district, on a! quiet street, convenient to buses and s treet cars , central to many cnurches and but fouf1: blocks south of the Calvary Baptist Church- . "A spacious entrance hall opens into a large library, suitable for re ligious and soc ial gat he rings . On th.. same floor , rooms for the Foote family to live in, are adjacent •The second floor has four large bedrooms and a large bath. "The third floor is a dormitory , with two long rooms and a smaller one w e re no less than ten re s •-] idsnts may have c omfc r table 1iving j quarters*; MThe base me nt le nds i tse If to im-| prove me nt for shower baths , an d laundry, Newly decorated through-j out, the house seems to have been] built for the purpose in view *1 "Th city of Denver has an approx-j iiriato pepulat ion cf 5000 res ide nts] either of Japanese or of Japanes ej ancestry, An but 600 of them are newly arrivals, either free eva -cue as or people re locating fro m the Relocation Uenter* Many of them ar young people forced by oi r curnstanees to seek rooms along Larimer Street, a district reputedly segregated and unwholesome , "These young man are educated and often Christians. Dispossessed , they sou k to re —e stablish the m -selves in American life and Indus try* "Brotherhood house will create an atmosphere both; Christian and American , which is theirs by birth* "Perhaps, in no other city is the need and opportunity for this process of assimilation ao urgent as in Denver. Brotherhood House moots ary imperative need and marvelous j opportunity." "Whosoever shall do the will of Godj the same is my brother,and sister . arid / Mafk 3 j 19, 34 Gnni kudci. ünlâÈkdi. il "L> No* 28 I Pago two '■AffläMm » Colora do V So p te albor 12, 1943 A dedication service is being- conv ducted this morning at Terry, Hall, for the *haw'altar * the candlest, % icks and tho crost-.Rev*# Lester E* Suzuki will be.-speaking on ”WhatIs Your Altar”, Mr, George Yoshioka --will be , chairmah. 1 We w is ||,to ex pro s s our appro c iatkm and thanks to rag Episcopal .Church and Bishop Be iff snider for - donating the candlesticks and the cross t 6 the Nisei Christian Church of Ama-erhef* We also-wish to thank Shiro Abe *j| for 'des\Mning*\tbo . altariA | /7/y/y/i'&/?,s&/?yM On October the loth, the Granada" M Christian Church'will celebrate its one year anniversary^-lsse is .and Niseis together. The following committee is working on plans: Revv Hirataa-chairman , Rev* Yamaka^ Revi Suzuki, and MrY Dave Nakagawa# We are hoping to have hs many' of you * to join in po'lobrating this '*• anniversary >#¿8!, fo T here Ü .are still books from the IIif School of Theology that are hot returned; 'Please look thru Y your Selves and if you find any-of the following, returnSto tb© Chur&h office at 'Christianity arid the Race Probl«* cm” ,”Th<- Worker and His Bible” , ”Tik.y- Dared to L ivs.Firs t Stan dardiManuel of' Teacher Training” "The World W^gWant to Live In” , ”Acts df the, Apostles 1 ”? ahd"He-br©w‘and Imj Epistle of Steamed1. The Protestant Commission is me©-ting in Chicago on September, tbsrp IlOth to ’ the *15th ¿Uclcomc J&Ai/sr&fA Rev* Cyama of Rohwer Relocation-was here for a visit early part Pfk&he. welk.-ffl A welcome service was held fol -lowing thelministerial meeting -on Monday the 6th at the phurc h office! for Re tfi Cyama and'Rev . .Unbura(Roeky’ Fordlchristian Ch urch minister). Rev. Yamaka.ex -pressed words of greetingsfollowed sby the/iSpeecfe.s of Revs ¿yam Jfand Bndura yO mm I Tonight, a watermelon feast will |§ be held at the-Amacho bowl for -both the high school Youth Fellowship group and the Ccllege Age |rp oup. Thislbeing the final get- to-g e t her before the Tul© a ns arr iye , we invite you all to come and .at tend this fellowship#^' A Church Calendar will be presented tc the Tule.ans upon their in duction to thin center in order M that they may know what church aer-vices are being carried on by the Nise i Church. Miss Grace DeCamp will be coming -! aaiour missionary* .We are lockin gl forward to seeing her,, and we be -lieve she will ,enjoy' her work am ~ ong the Japanese. >eoplc here in A mac he * She williprimdr ily aid in the S unday .School work * TUIE LAKE. * .Special services wore he Id off-’Se ptambe r thé. 5th before the first group transfers- were under way. Morning watch at 6 AM •. *G rand mass was he Id at 10:15. ? PCS TON *.#"* Rev* William Ko bayas hi, former Y*F.%pastcr. of Unit. II , and Y.P* director of the Glen -dale Free Methodist Church, left for Arbor, Michigan to further V his seminary training*1 ¿¿JtL /hu/Ac- JJOlJ 1 The Granada Christian Church,Nise i Church, cordially invite all appointed personnel,; workers,and Caucasian teachers to attend the j services and all activities of the church. Sunday School|and the morning worship and evening fellowship cf the college age and above is held at Terry riall*High school fellowship isfheld at the Hospitality House* r*n*j?<*?*** I , No* 29 Ajnache, C olorado Xi^rMu ÀÆ, J?i/2ukj . ] "The altar is an essential thing^ ] in worship* Cur supremem bbjec t j of worship, is Godiç' A worship | service is not successful if we | do not find God*, f I in» Fi ' MKiMMli 1 « 4 î P a ^ f ^The cross and candles are great | symbols of Chris tian.C hurch. The | cross is Jesus Christfe supreme ma*- | nlfestatiQn of God* The .altar wss | used by primitive man* Abraham É | built an altar to God*, «Let .us ju beginning* We see the and we see âge the altar by it*s~ I b ùtiiby Je s us £C- hr la t » Holy God on the cross God-high and lifte dip. f,What is your aftar?,/ It is such qua 1 i tÿ'\ as wha t yo ù make It * ifeve. you considered the kind of that is behind sthis altar? God «God knows our experience, > our joys, and our sorrows. Gur God j has shared all our feelings and | burdens.- He’is affected forut- in] these ice ntef, and with those who ] have relocated on the outside . i "God has given man for thee * He ■ has given'people for thy lifailfrn i sucb/as Stephen, Luther, Wesley*, and K agawa ha ve g i ve n t he i r li ve a j for our sakes%^^p "God has give.n for thy life theil Supreme gift of Jesus Christ, - "God knows you by thy- name 3$ God has given to us Christa Will you not build your altar to God and to Following the message , about 170 young people gat he re d around the newly built altar and the dgdi j cation of the cross, theScandles and the alta* was observed.;,-? ~&Jeors/j /D ? ; Be v* iftrata of^Corte z wil 1 'be sp% eaking this morning a-t the wor -ship service- on the subject of "Man in the' W£m$m^§ WfP.da« Mto w-ili a-g? «1.1»' - Sept* 191943» | aU *iv '*^>1«r*i*iit»i»i**t'<*t>tV,«*»WiHvyi ‘f■ ^ -»*»*'«** *4w*«*yy »♦%- ;* » «f■» <'\11 *»V vv» t*1 ~ W«l|,*‘*<^t* Ú/i/úcht Cc/aratü/o I /&. ¿9 /&?" | s arthly ‘ ni g&ts f ■ io. •/| ||p ? Bis sùris movalorv - in.. majasty • il i è fc ? §| :Jp Mf||JlÌSM Und imma d| unh inde ra d i by óur .punyj mights ;ì'>vfr» I^Ìv||> li| ¡p >/f | Ordéred sè&Sbns^ca.ìmiy acme-; •"and- go, - 4Ì ? oceano mark thè ir ce ase e bb ani ftìft ■ ~T m 'Jp &ky: sur ■on li-lí: His le ss: 1 ive s ! Go d 1 ove si Above all ;" sarthly hate# l 1 F1 oats the dfy.’ Pis’ • e ndle ss- cara^xjfc |||yt S’*a >• iHtCjf In the dim shadow , of ilra^jgp^s -a - -; He • waits'£*w!¥&¿4„ And»al 1 who will J ind re s t and pity the re |.. ,- H is 1 i ps have draihe d t he c up of mortal woo, His nail-scarred hands’with mercies overflow* The re are. many Caucas tan young > pe opio orí , the. outs ide who de S ire to ospresp’ond with young people-He re,“' %n Amadh$ ¿ ;§lt$ Fjtóf ¿a.p^r’p o |-ate your givjlng your ñamé* and ad ^dréss to ¿no of the pastors . or ©ényiáTRaj ,'name S aná'.addresse s to tfie Te liy feh ”p f f % ¿é 1 a i J 7 ffflpi MiSu^Neva Kafns pftn# .#1 »Cooper*-j s to « nlf a'.An>-i;r rf t|ue it“ *f or - • the * j namds. cf twel#d^Japaheae Ame.ficafif youngs people^ for members .of an j Otterbein Guild* This organiza | tio.n is^for 'ydung people*- of hi¿h I sc ho cl Age • f 'l ' "' !: | I There are^ ot^er^ organizations ■ at havé'^ent' ln’% *èìmilar be I We ask your cooperation* th- God lives! God loves l God re igns His changeless will ; ^ Unt.hWarted Tales ahqye th •;• I■ o f me n; •' * v W^Lfi ¿Zn. C2dd/J-/e>J Mrs gz Haruko .Nakdga wa, who re se t-tied in Chicago a weeks ago, re -ce ived her bundle from heaven , | a baby • boy weighing . 6j pounds ♦ The plans | mother and^baby are ' both healthy ■iV; , > Congratulations 1 speak -Ù /. M - amura, who has been: A bo ve the i r strife., .s^hep 1: ;^:"v“Hts «peace bo still The!,King of Kings shall co.mo to f earth again. .• ; i Mrs, HiaeKo look up! The firs-t-faint glow br4 teaching the beginners class in • eaks overhead1 $ ' f-Sunday School, is leaving for . - And list thu foe tf all of: .His gl-| Bo older, in the hear future .; orioUs tread! \ yy Qua. Miss Graca DeCamp will arrive in Amache, October the first . . She will be our missionary and will have he r res ide nee in Granada • m&o < I M^4/G|drgeyl^bliib'|&,‘ for Chi--1 cag o on the 13th. W© wis h to e x j pro se our f: f ob all the . as rvice s he rende re d | on bejiaif of the Nisei Church in | Amacha and we t'ru'st that he will| .be. a great, ble^SLingltp' others4- as | he meets -new friends * :i There are still:, a few bpoks that are miss ing from t^ Ilif Sc h -ool of Theology* ,-We a©k you to bring them tc the church Office as soon as poa¿ibid.y ” T he y Da re d ’ % L ive M ,ft F i r s t $ t 4 andards Manue 1 of 1 eacher Train-ingn r “The World We Want To Live I n”:,M The Pro blem c f Be 1 ig io n” , ’’Hebrew and Epistle's’ of St♦ James ’’ Chr let iahity a nd i he B ace P r o b -* lcm, and ’’Acts of the Aposties Qua ~QûAdôï?f)Ce ' Our sympathy go to the family of Mrs. Iida who passed away Septem ber the 14th. The funeral services were held Saturday,the 25th* m Nise f C o u nei 1 me e t i ng was he 1 d at 7H Of i ice , f riday the 17th We ov;Q much of the á ucce ss o f meet ing s to the fdi thful c o une members. ' l.LQ.iQ ^ they 11Í1 Miss Ada Yamasaki lef t Friday--f p rb s e 111 e i n Ma r y land - - the p 1 -1 ace whe re he r s is tar sa nd br ot h**. S o r are . ”Np ' end is use less In this world whp lightens the burdens of somr one e 1 sè’! - -D icko ns » »j* ij.; The Christian Youth Fellowship turned out the last issue of the Granada Church Bulletin.. It seems to have made quite a hit. We have been asked for an “encore.“ As a result, we are harry to present this issue as our contribution in serving our Lord and Master Jesus Christ. Granada Youth Fellowship tion of Dayton has scheduled me - tc speak "before various churches ana youth gatherings so I am kept very busy.11 • Dave is staying with. Reverend and Mr s. Howard, former mis s i on-aries to Japan • for many- - years. He may he reached at: 821 Five Oaks Avenue Dayton 6, Ohio. 44444444444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 44 444 4 4 *444444*44444444444444444444444 «THE CHOIR“ A good Church Choir furnishes inspiration fbr the Church services. Wouldn’t YOU like to sing and help to make our services inspirational and imoressive. Our new friends are heloing out. Why don’t you? At present,more female voices are needed hut that doesn’t mean that we don’t need any male voices. We nedd You AllI Choir practice is held in Room 11 at the High School on Tuesday & Thursday nights at 7:00 P.M. Be seeingyyou there!!! 4 444 4 4444444444 4444 4. 44 444444444 Sambo Sameshima sends greetings from the city of steel, blast furnaces, and soot. You guessed it, Pittsburgh. He enjoys his isster’s homecooking and says that he should be nice and fat before long. Dave Hakagawa writes from Dayton, Ohio that he enjoys outside life immensely. He says, ”By all means try to get out of the camp as soon as possible and merge into the normal community life which ycuonee used to have. It is a v-onderful feeling to be able to walk the sidewalks again and do some window shopning and look st tie Christmas decorations everywhere...The Church Federa- Dr. Kemper and Mbs. Mow prDivided us wTith a • great spiritual feast all the days they were- with us during the Christian Mission last week. We were greatly inspired by their •seminars and soul-stirring sermons. ■ Our lives- have been enriched beypnd; measure thru them. We hope that someday • v -may have the pleasure and privilege of fellowshipping with the again. In the meantime, ■ letgus keep in mind • Mrs. Mow’s closing words, quoting from Udw/in Markham’s “Victory in Defeat”: ’’Defeat may serve as- well as victory To shake the soul- and let the glory out. When the great oak is straining- in the wind,- • • The boughs drink- 1-n -new- beauty, and the trunk Sends down a deeper root on the windward side. Only the soul that knows the mighty grief Can know/ the- mighty rapture; Sorrows -come To stretch out spaces in the heart for joy. 4444 4.4.444444444444444444 4.4 44 44,4 #4 Mary Suzuki sends regards’ ifrom Greeley, Colorado. • • She is- happy to hear, she says, that the Fellowship has such fine turnouts. 444444444444444444444444444444444 Hippo Shitata who was recently accepted as volunteer in Uncle Sam’s army w/rites from Camp Savage that he is constantly meeting old friends from A mac he, Santa Anita, and aHnoints east, west, south, and north. Drop him a line when you can.• . His * address is: Pvt. H.P. Shibata 37706630'* Co. E Br. T-86 School Bn. Camp Savage,; Minn. ******************************* Dear Fellow Pine Cresters: Gr e e t ings fr om C inc innat i.’ Just a line to say ’‘ThanksH for the splendid gifts. I realty think t didnH deserve them. However they will always be a part of my cherished treasures. Though I do miss all of you, it’s wonderful to be out of The Enclosure.’ I hone that more of you can leave the center too, ‘cause it’s great, after netting rid of “homesickness.” I have been very fortunate the ^past week, to be able to get in some “public relations” work,.speaking to 4 or 5 different young people's groans, including one high school, and a YWCA, < This business of being, or trying to be exhibit A of the Japanese-Am, problem is interesting. Again I say thanks for all that you’ve done, and I do hope that all of you who can leave the center will be able to do® soon. . Sincerely, Joe Kamiya 2820 Winslow Ave. Cincinnati 6, Ohio. ****************** ***** ********* A NEWCOMER FROM TULE LAKE SAYS: “We are glad to received a good and hearty welcome as wre entered the center here inAmache and hope to meet marynew frieids that we too may share the orob-lemif together during our residence" here;”'- r _ ********** ********************** Christian Youth Fellowship boys got together last Sunday with their advisor Henry Suzuki.-da to organize a service blub. To Art Sho.ji was assigned tie responsibility fcr assembling a workable constitution. Temporary officers chosen at that time' are: Bob Uno...........President Torn Nakashima.....Scribe Kiyoshi Sugimoto..Treasurer A permanent cabinet and a noire for this organization will be decided upon today. See Bob for further details. ^* * *.* ****************** **** ***4*’ Dr. Royal Fisher dropped' in from Denver Wednesday loaded with Christmas presents for the- children in this center. • We thank him and all our Christian -frieids on the outside who made- at possible. Our children are indeed fortunate to have such friends. * * * * ********* ******************* Last Sunday Sam Takagishi and Miss Kay Nakamura visited our camo from Denver. We hope they enjoyed their stay here and hope they come again. ******************** *********5^,)es^^ Ted Kinoshita, a former Youth Fellowship member^ is now_ attending Brigham Young Universi ty in Provo, Utah. He vrite's that he is • being treated well by all. •* As far as his courses are concerned, he says that they are veiy interesting , At present, he has a part time-job at the school............... He wishes to extend his best regards to all. He is now staying at: 600 N-1W • Provo, Utah Drop him a line, gals I *************************** * ** ** WE ARE CHRIST’S REPRESENTATIVES Today the young people ofthe world are gradually speaking for themselves and taking actionih all causes they think are • best. We must not stick totneold saying “Children are seen and not heard.” W|th the future still hazy for many, we nisei must fall in stride with other young people who are walking a road to make the world a bettor place to live. We must set a good example to society. So "go ye therefore" and always remember that you represent Christ and him crucified, SUNDAY SCHOOL REPORT With the Christmas holidays just around the corner, our Sunday School is busy with prepara--*.tions for a grand program to be given at the high school auditorium on Christmas Day Dec.25. All of us greatly apnreciate the presence of our always pleasant and smiling missionary, Miss Grace De Camp--to whom wre can’t express in words our deep appreciation—for holding regular .'meetings for child ren at Blocks 10H and 8K, for planning the Christmas Program, for her felt-o-grams which has kept the children delighted and interested, for all her sacrifices of time and effort—our deepest thanks, NBxt year, Miss De Camp plans to hold children’s meetings at Block 10E, also. She has done so much for us all. We cannot thank her enough. To Bill Kashiwase ,l/.Bob Uii109 . Tom Nakashima, and others, our heartiest thanks for keeping the fires going—in the church and various classrooms. We were disappointed in seeing so few boys and girls from Tule Lake attending our Sunday School. Everyone, please bring your new friends from Tule Lake to Sunday School. ******** i**************^^.^^^ YOUTH FELLOWSHIP MEETING TONITE Chairman—Ruth Takemura Topic of the evening—"Missionaries" Guest speaker—Miss De Camp Place—Hospitality House-6G Rea f ime—6:30 P.M. Sharp Bring your friends. A good time is in store for you. The church is not made- up: of people who think they are- better than the rest, but of people- who know they ought to be- better -than they ar$ and belong to the church because it is trying to help them to be better. ... The church is not - made- up ol people who think- tht^ast^per^ feet, but of people who- are sure that they have found the perfect ideal in Jesus of Nazareth.*' The church is- not made- up- of •people who think they never »ake any mistakes, but of- people- who have recognized their- wrong-doing and have joined the church in ‘tie belief that it will help them a-avoid wrong-doing. The church is not. trying • t o tell people what they must believe, but it is trying to tell them what they can believe,- and what a difference it will make in their life if they do believe these things. • • • • The church is not trying to take the joy out of life, bu-t it is trying to put a joy into every man’s life that will last throigb all of time, *******************************44 HIS LAMPS Ye are the light of the wor^. His lamps are we-, * • • ■ • • To shine where -he shall- say: And lamps are- not fer*sunny- r-oems, Nor for the light -of- day:* ** • * • But for dark places cf the earth. Where shame • and wrong and crime ■ • have- birth. Or for the murky twilight gesy, Where wandering sheep have gone astray. • Or where the lamp * of faith grows- dim And -souls are groping after Him. And- as sometimes a fiame we find Clear shining through the night. So dark we cannot see the lapp But only see the light— So may we shine, His love the flame, That men may glorify His- name A* J. Flint.