LABOR AND CORRUPTION IN AlMERICA by John Hutchinson Institute of Industrial Relations University of California Berkeley, California INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY LABOR AD CORRTION AME ICA PYFACE J1 This ht s been an uzpleasamt book to write. No person sytpatbetic with the Amarican labor movamnt can enjoy the preparation of an eccouat wviich tells of the use of trade union powe for private gain. Nor can an addition to the stock of informtion on the corruption of American unions be easily Justified; it alreay exists in formidable quantity. But it has at least one other characteristic. In overwhelmrin measure it is directed at the isWerfections of unions and union leaders alone, at the fact of aisbehavior but not the cause, at the reform of labor organizations but not of the conditions hich surround tem. This is not, of course, to ini e t final resnbiblity of trade unxoiste for their oun behavior; there is alwas the personal decision to corrupt or be corrutd, and no anaysis of the problem can ignore the final influence of the philosopi or character of the union offi- cial vho betrays his trust. Nor should the public interest in the proper goverment of unions be neglected: the incidence of error in trade union behavior alvays bears soe relationship to the rights and duties of the governed. But if these are crucial factors, they are not the only ones. The corruption of trade unionis is, in high degree, a measure of its environat. It is often, on the part of the transgressor, the result of fear rather than preference. It is, in internal union affairs, less a matter of constitutional guarantees than o te indif- ference of constituents. It owes as mch to the predatory influence of employers as to the poor orals of union leaders. Xt is a product of chaotic arkets and unbridled coamrce, ofa the fight for economic survivl in soe industries which produces the urge to circaewnt, by cheating and violence, the strictures of cospetition and the law. It is coanion of the eorrption in politics and law enforcement which A I ""-A O 2. for generations has disat4igudled sor of the a34or cities of AFrica, mrf iMiu the lab ya and r otectim the profeaol nl a rim. t oar an leon co b deb to he ib aanit of aPoibition and its enduri 3aeas of ocganiued delucme oa the brl. It stera, ina - ve, fra the social dit of c es - from the inrstilities of ams %emrstion, the traditioas of racial disrimiratit and ethnic isolation, b mf fi o te mis sd t t rentmnta of the under- pWivilSa ed, the ir e of' the poor and the ldiffeLr ce of the rich. It has, fistl, drra stresth fr a psblio V ilo a hich, in eltius for tb oompetltw aoietr, has tendd to broadcast only its irt ms, aoodqi ifthar praie or e X me t to e Vic r in a battl libMtly buldod rith rules. It is it r sil in orig i nocr eir to repair. lb revel Utle nl rzeont aers of trade union corrptuion h broght about aa i trnest isn chRe and th ae I tamb of le to ffeOt it. lb iapet of cc _ialatioc has in m wmg been alutary, in othrs _mxiaa or i seMant. Ilt has been umeft in dliciplinl the interna prooaes of toma nd the profesiomal behavior of umion officials, -d x the stdad of fia ee X pou _i ty am d increasig: the of mios leaders to tm claim of their onustiMt: to the e xtet at eomrr a ia a &atter of mnion govermt, bdiable by ]~ltotioi? vit bh h ul coae. mocesm for the inJtitution, there i aot, psrphapa, bt m to be doa. furtbhr, a feaure of recent Wm ei elatio4m hes been tbhe restotitos it thas ioad, ostenibl for o1l poae, on Icoai f t of anions which haw no eeential relatif to i{urali_. It is probabli too h to exect tb early modiicatio of old traditons and heaod inattuttons vbich dbih co tMrbue to trade on ou ; but if paten is reqdirad, t br aovm t dkmod rnot ia tb be elected for pidmimt irrelevr t o oaCditis for which, ln aO eame, it bear om y a partal =reqomsibilit-r. _BrrMl the root rOmn, and has been littl afflmotd bY reoet l aeiatioQ of W kHind. If Ofa aiba hur is uder- -trd r the .w _ and r r than m trel Mibt, Urn'. is to "lo dubo i of wta iVram to bo orMMs hiidrh Ibfiame anda deorbmi its Xa . I at umnion ordTuow, amk as it is, is &a ooial pr'obla. It aold be solvad bg the m, an lefto th, i fev. mis, at W rma, ist thomss, aof th book. It is opn to -e-n., on Ucmd5 of pIniple md e ofai, if oly beene of tbe =_~a_ of its ommdatatiom. Corsation iz an el2iva eibjet. It ie, firat of all, a rattar of tadard. re are or asp a oda W trb L be heor orhi, pedi s the disosit O !im iatsm, m be mrqared as eraLble 0 'blas, dio, st w eeismtic, deltosibMt or tete.-B-- : _ field for debat e i i -ie. PremP lm iamr,, b hore iWs l tm principle hi i b:tqsd diaute, amm- that trade uioni shaould not be e *ardead as en tinsria t for pritate ae-.-mt-t. I thremoe ec ta o regad corsupt as the use of UmOni pior for prite prt by mqo . m, as & result, ..o.ner m rl vith vbolemo, oth, bitoc, diotetorOi or otber dtdortuMns empt ams toa caotrnibut e to t ffial pluroit of wmy. Sbia is a t dout a Meeti eta.d^udw bu t o mm to o tbe aet prtiaat oe, aqd tM ufficient for me bo k. ore is alo the problm of eidence. 8am Aorrptio is detacted, or ob ure in ase and I in extent. Moh of it, in 30 4. the n s beteen lander and proof, i the subjec of conjucture rand ailegattos, i fin mteria far ttrb cae asr bu a ns t-r' e for the a . ven wm -xas ratig are t. chgesat of - ti - sbdh or w c u h, tOg _fi * tfolklre or pernal iquiry, are believed by the acbserar but tiXl - bea miu oe the da- d8s of evideno orm thb daaer of libl - MlI-ptable. Ives here .ouPe tio Is clearly establiAted br inaves tigom er cfeaaasio, the detaila are aften blurred, the diffuAs, the balaO Me of cames rAlar. gbe truth is not easy to establimh. hcor t have their own reasons for mileee. loarty to to t organization, legXitite or alstken, gotes currba the W o thos close t o the guilty. ar, eater of intaermi disaiplain or rvdararld reprlal, is an effectiTe *e. Priwate zcor of tsa y epide are seld oma ilble, and ademate p ebli dnoocnation is rare. Whe writr oaa cor.'tio is ooigUly denied the prciion of eideome and caOluaion enjQy by a atars as healthier subjects, _tsted er to infuira e end earalisatios, doa le to s in theory and rstraint in his _ts oa a. But docmnta do edst, confeaam have been made, triala d iaetUctio have been held, amd bm o? f ex rience and repaT ibili have had their wqa. 'her is even, in the mss of care- leMM eemnt aI subject, a imuted bt ta E-tWt pera t asivnes i aLls vobwa s a.t all of it can be utam, and ther rau throu all bot the woreat of _pculatiam a . vein of ftat hich ocanot be i .gored, it sould be po ible, th o oertruct a case of whih it isa rasonable to bel ev the apr portis ar true. there reaM i ith qumetis of treaat. A carehenaive account ao trade aiOa oarrurptios, involwvi as it ould a soceal history of 5. each wnum, im pmobably bod thef renah of Oh om m v With less than 4a de at hiS ddisposal. I is i aot to sug est that a vast store o vidms remin to be. csiled; that Ico pti, lik, the bulk of the esbLegm, Uies -aly belor the smrrofe. e llteratr , n the subjemt, in rtt, is sWp iTnUly cmeuOItrated both otr i d 1aa ldum- trUalIr, and it vmuld be Q to Inor tat e the il mi.eme 1dare is aboad-l_ tin. l No doubt sam caorptiom haS go recorded eva in the t faic bM t t gbmrttio of m eteal rpect *bi3t fo the onvem3tl mjorit w at amEl trmA unionits is a fiot. bere er, o a r r m, *a nmta ae not wittcn of here wbhe eoaUtlon hUs been iaerred, allas or prr; but the r n evidnence on t l irdly a owlmioumr, ard tim is a Wlble xthr, mmo rh is knrmn of m*b casfto jiniaate that thIy ea not at all unimqm ia orieg ar d4woap Bt; tht tqr are, in ru am, a *n inGr mnliftatiens oa hem itr eme scted for commt; etd t t ir noollumio hem d m dd a ttle to thf point or the acou t. I hm tbeMfre uhose no or e s crrP wmhich r mmeeat sajr themms, wicdh a" the mrt _omapiour in history, and for Uhich the fullest dommuatmoa is available. Z h op it i nt too ua h to claim that eva in a book of IMtl d iWa t repeset the euseme and oh oa the Mist of thm peobaM* . (AowlerdsrMt* follow) Hart ZLABR AND AMOOBMJPIO IN A3ERICA PAWT I E P IUE 1. In te c ting Yew ot the nr Ieteentr entuy, the Aerican labor nownnt had readced a turnl ng-point In its catments and frtues. For nEWy & century, trade unionism had been a ssrecterised by eqxperiumvt, diiio ead defet . Paricularly sin the 18 s, llabor o'rganiatioU hada ast out that In al directions bor ideas and methods iich vuld bring tha gpator recition and stability. ipatet vwih the habrdips ad i tsqtle* at oeriy mican , tb d ezperlmnted vith busies unionism, political mnitonis, sociam, syniala, enarchism, cooperation and the e Big Cm Union. i xmr ened i oganisatio, unreallstic or pre- ature in espectatins, harried by a host i e e ro , divided by distance and buelenod vta h repeated deprssion, l the had oceasionay et with heady -suoeoaeo ao1y to Wink back into EQknLes ad defeat. If the nd of the century, hoever, one stain had prevailed. In briutnnie adrt oloIM It seemd, had been devised a rmthod vith fbve pro eI of the eeou y in establihat and effectiveness in operation denied all its oqpetitos It vas a narrow satm, litd n its ambi- tlns a selectie in its Jurisdition. It was oined almt oiolly to craft oco ecrfpmd craft unTon-sm. It ws t3ade conscous rather than class losioa, _ cicfi o ru ed amO vith the stegth of the craft than the welfare of the aoveaet a a Vbole. It was prir an ec e io sstem, seeing Its r"eands in the blet place rather than in the legislatures, suspicious ot public aluhoit ad political inlvemnt. It rearded the union as a bargaing agnt, _orund essentially vth imediate gains 14 vwges, hours ad w tng conitio s. It ws conrtive, aceept ing the res and insti- ttis of caitalit society, in Hode's hrase, "as inevitable, if not as Just." It, in practice, it peitted the chaapionip of other causes, 2. its sotives ware In gnera utilitarian; but if It seemd to lack the glory of nablr philoaohbies, it suited the flt needs of an irteasing. raibe of trede uniaoists. r 1900 it usa without a seious rival. Toe bearer dt t he no dolrnmw ttaditito vas the Aieriean edewation of or (AWL). amDed in 1886,t hbe bean coamitted to bsiness uniosia fro the outset. thee re str reons for its cboice. 1he rise of aerdemt opltta lsear in the aentuy, ace anied by a decli in uwes asd n .lin eui.itio ma, had driven the young lar s atof the day into political unionmn. Wrkidngmns prties were founded in a nuber of states and for a tim enjed Ua Usre of success; but by the end of the 1 1950's the approbriIa of the public, the resiolienc of the iacrats and INat adr the faetiamlis of the new parties bed eliminated them as a fmor a iate Biness unoniam enJoed its first upsurgs of stensth 4rig prosperity fe toh 1i0' s, but the Itmperieae of its a edrs aei the depAessio of 24 broi tt about its rapid deli.m. In ,866 the Wss a the anti-nion eqlers, tho ee i ease in unrenm- e a t imr mt foe the eiht-hourr dy enmuraed the formation o the htiaal Labr Itliaon (BUW), the first ,ttp at a ntiom. trade union _at!i_._oj but the ISi, receiving at first the sppot obf the business umtnistsa, lost their allegiance d n 1 it trmsfO z itself into an eee__tially political erp 'satio , based 00 state federatios of labor dahr - then an individual unmions. he defeation of the business nionists, _amtMid with dissension over amen'o suffragea, ero trade unoniasm and e _uebads, caused the d 1sP ae of the EK by 1872. The Kaigts of Labor, buded in 1869 al based on th.dee .a .the QDB lg Unione, experienced after a slow begiaing a strltng growth in the mdA.80' 's, attracting 3. hundreds of thousala of -wrkers M-st of tbJm unsllt e -- Into ts od. IQ sam years it presented the AL vith its most serous challenge, but it ludb.e t mea fo omolidaion. Sained ith an for anarchism, e. mwinl_ y b A i:rp : atted b r its leb trs to politic al and eoeprative ventures for hih its anr bes had little taste, it s'oa lost its qpeal. the early 190's the Ki e ta re art Bpnt ao loner a farme to re n with< Se ttme, it seemad to the leder of the AL unpropitious or a labor Mou Mt A d bid btios. It is, after all, the Gliaed Ags, the i tide ANWrioa cpitalia. Especially after 1870, the Ixotixg powr of co poaate enterprie had wafSed qon t he social conscience a hilob y of aquisitio. Zeonaie gln Ms the proper a of every eItien; the mto t wB the ol reltable teastig-tum of ab lity cad cambriotioVn; aelthb ws the true mrk of tuocess sad even of personal virt, aun the ueesaful ha apt their fate. It va the best of all poauI qrates, 1 ntiaooed. re mults ad, possibly the A-=imy ty. "'Ihe pod. Lo," sEA John D. IeoclPell'e, "mgve me r more'/"2 b aorals of buiness sprea l to the legislatures aa the courts. balitis aam b to be regEded O maw of its t ata iners as a means of pa.noael emi'atb bribery a a a leitite soare of poer asa income "If yo hove to py memm to have the ritt thing done," said Oollis P. I.stigto, "it ia aonly ritat aid Jst to do it...."3 The j3diciary, too, us rWdd as proper ay for tshe solan. "r t hin the time vll spent," ]mBtingto also said, "iten it is a man' duty to go up azd bribe the Judia."o Preated 1y bribery or nt, the courts m to epress the gospel of weath in the sama of the d. "ie Spre Crt," Ralh Henr Gabriel wote, "_absMandon its ancient poUt of selft estraint. It tans- fiomd the old de-proamss clause into an iastrmnt with wiabh it built the laWivitlUm of the aspl or Mamth irt a eontituioaael laew a the zbiaaa. ?t caalld a acporatioa pea s0 that no promperty mmld 0 unprotected. it leated ia the doctrline of the freao of contrase a weapoB with 4ib to a r t he l angb of rganid laor tO the absolute UhortY of thb vthia hia b pe." Se lower corts foll d suit. Xa the last 2) years o the centrD, statue requirig a atatmoeat of caure for imdlsarge, ftorbiddiag e we of srip, utl g or regulating oWaVa stope, filZoi thje hou"rs r me nt Ina inprjvate pmo t aand protecting th rixt oa imawaf to join unios ae all struk dow as u sti tional. Ibe, to omfibi the mamt fas a e ehta limbmt, , ecrm the spetlae of trde in vlolee. he bobings la the anthra fields ding I th1 870's tA to t the dLy bires, the distutoenes of the ralerod oft a1 877, the anarb--p-i-aliat overtomnes o the Hqrket rit Ia a16 a the mtioal repercussioas a the PSlaan aMd amestead streibs i the l18O's anll pressd the public ai an 1mg, of the labor mvmomat a a trat to proper, peaoe end the libz of te etizen tOtialrt wl7 after the N rbt a ir, t lsla sre, the rscor an t f yer Joa la i an an a d ef D rt to place ftewb cuibs oa the actvitite a trade unio. Dilt lians of anticipted amnroity to lar mda a noV dstas for its leglative claim. "I am tired," seid VllIa J, "o hearng aut las r th bane t of an bo " la nthe sM op."' 7 lgisatmes dainated b business nterests passed a spatep g ne t a on union r ts aa activi- ties. Omurt records di d a mBarp e nea the n t mber of trade unionists - 5. oomricted of ooSpia , coer and beaches of the peace. e poers Iabhed Ope sope s aaM su ftut miovm wvith ockouft s ad private police, e ft lith the h blacklidt an the yelow dog clntract. It vw an Wee of 0da r a iS lxr ac ad a tab to sts Bstock, Te muece of tratde uonfa, it qpesed to AFL Presideat Sa l er sad thboe jio falloed hi., depsaded upon a realitic adatabion to the ondition B ofa the time. "We WrZ, said Mdlh Strs r in 1897, "pactical man. we he no ultiate. ands We re going on fom dag to da. We axe fihtg on3l for idate oje - bjet that can e real d a f year s" Straser, pesident of the CiAr anlad s s ate es of oGaer, spoth for the AL. e federatm position w clear. O ic theories bedl no place in pamt cawrl t of treue anom Intellectual, prom to loic an inslldm toma s soeialim aM other p re not to be trsted. The association of Ahiricsm unioms with revolutionary vemuextA had been imtr S, rthe. rulers of esocie having ahonE - particularly O the Oeaain of t_ U -l tbe ll am the abili2t to crush aNr Mso actiltye. Pdclaers' ooperatives umre visioamry, iimrlekable ad in 9as event iacomatible with the practice of tradie unitni Indeapeade political aetion w f -olijh; the exYistnt parties vere too strong aMd 2le xlt to pemadt a serious dl tO t *h helrmmr, an shoul be bargoad vith rather than fueat. Mhe practce of oinig with frmers, naul buainssan am ]all a3 m-f-turers in their perodic antiakmopoly _Co"lap hod engsnrdered the aemsay hostilfity of ter interests tOmlad. the labor iovenent, thu hindering its search for ronitn and stawblity. In a case aama:nrity suc as or-ganied labor should avoid Slm:;F-SS? depeldence on public lars for its progress; good laa were hard to 'as, uncertai in their implBrctatioa, and in io nts of crisis couAl be used to the detrient of labor. EcoEa c ation vas more reliable, more produc- tive in its reults. Free collective bargning should be the basic weapon of all labor orgl ations, with the strike used only as a last rsort; the objectives of aet union should be restricted priimarly to the trade agree- meat, control over the Job, and cooperation with the employer to enforce the mutually acceptable rules of the idustry. The corollary was a respect for the rigits of the employer and of the institution of private property. Te creed of the AFL as thus a caaitment to the system of private enter- prise, a suspicion of public authority and a reliance on indepedent power in the pusut of limited enls.9 The AFL'a suspicion of authority embraced the use of its own. 1hrouiout his life Ocnpers insisted upon idependence of action as the kQy to effective trade unionils. He and his associates alays had more respect for an oxrgaziation able to stand on its osn feet than for om wiaich leant po the federatin or sister unions. he solidarity of trade unions as nportent, but less so than self-rellance. he primary loyalty of the trade lunioist, that is, ws to his own organization. "I look first," Strassr said, "to the trade I represent; I look first to cigars, to the me interts of men who employ/to represent their interests."10 The result was a spirit of confederationn the affairs of the AFL. Affiliation with the federation was voluntary, inolvig no surreder of autoswroy. The only powers of the AFL were those delegated to it by its constituents, and they were spar used. be looseness of federation government had its counterpart, if a qualii9ed on3, in the admti~stratiou of iUdiviXual unions. S .vm ' Mt owvards natioal orgaiati as a major feature of the growth of Amerceanu unions during the later nineteenth and early twentieth century; the dvelop- meat of national markets, the advent of larg-scal business organiations, the desire to equalize bargainig power and unioa conitlons frm area to area, the dflgers of ni-unlton coeltion, the general objective of Job control ada the grovig importao of federal legislation in trade union matters all eotbutedo to the centaliaton of auhority in national unidas. But the process va slow and uneven; in particular, the nature of sooe indutre-- s tse, such as the buil&dng trades, which ,,ere essentialy local in charater -- required the vesting of cosiderable axtoercza in the local efiliates of national unions. Te result was that in saem matters the disciplinary powers of a number of national unions were not rich greater than those of the parent federation. is cmbination of philosoy and structure as the leading charae- teristic of the Amrican labor mvement until recent times. It ,,as a res- ponstie system, deriving its forms ad attitudes frc the nature of tie marbet, the prejudices of its constituents and the characteristics of the society with wich it bargained. It as successful, if durability and econmic advaanc e the standards of Judge nt; it doinated the American labor movement until the great sciam of 1935, achieved considerable gains for its members, survived the recessions and open shop campaigns of the twentieth century,, and entrenced itself firmly its favored jurisdictions. It was, quite possibly, the system best suited to the times. But t t had its flows. If bminess unionism was the creed of the day, it made fev demands on the social conseience of its adherents; if 8. craft tunias was the beet assurance of durability, it lett itself to insiulae action; and If o s the condition of mnity, it sc,- tims left free fro retibution those who, from danger or tewotation, did violence to their trut. This ia not to argue that there mas a ancessary causa retionship beteen the traditias and intitution of the AFL a the otb hand and corrptin n the other. Ogazations led bUy busianes unionsts, built cn the craft principle and feeble in authortty remained free of unethical practices; vhile social umiocist want astrea, industri and qusi-industral unions ere corrupted, and authorit va often te handmaiden of dithomeaty. It was a mtter of cotituet y and degree. It is tppsre ro te record that trde unionists of broad philosopby, organized in industrtial uins withi dequate disci plinaS y poers, resist-d more effectively than others the temptations of cortion. But the were because of the Doe stable character of the industries thy wated in and the larger cogregat ions of amebership in their unions, as wel as of the socal attitudes iculcated by the leaders of the rewaant for indutrial uaii - better placed to do so. It might best be argued, indeed, that th AFL was In soe sense e vhictim as vell as the prse of the circunstaues ich gave it birth. The lcgic uch created it bore the seed of decey. here was a price to be paid. i. OOqSTK:,.-- PAIT I -- 'BE OLOWE3 1. Robewt LPmkaID n HdBe., Txride Undoim In the Ualtod S'tates (New Tor: D. pletaartl Oaa , 1.9), 9). x . 2. RaSh* BNeoy atabtril, TIe Ooque of Aamrleaa DmEooratio IMo t (INw tost: be Bams3A fr (.e ear, 19.O), p. 1A9. 3. r, he aerieAn Pbltutletal tatet on (Nw Yorkt: AlftA A. Xip, 195IX), p. 163. l. 1b4.. 5. alel, am. t,, p. 232. 6. erit Wallace v., Geage C. and. N. Co., 91f a. 732 (1891); Qaurles a others W . WlIen. 133 P. Stm. 131 (1886); 1rrer v. _!ople, l I m. 171 (1892C). Ato Stt v, Fie arek Ao ad oeOo, 33 W. Va. 288 (1889); Ia re Nop . 826 O lo, 415 (1899); Gllespe v. People, 188 n,*3 176 ( o00), a , State v. J Muo, 129 Mo. 163 (1839). ?. nn~.t~ d~, ~ p. 3t0~. -tt. xfat the Senarte g io to BvL--eiat Beteen Caita1 aM Labor (lhIn._to__, D.C.: U.8. Go-eam t .P t.8ing Off1o, t18), Vol. I, p. 46o. 9. be Sals~ etrimn eo aJUp . ft, t of bo the aitd 8bMfes 1896193 (Newr Iot: e MIhorlla Co., 1935) pp. 3-12. 20. U.8. 8to et, taa oa BI catlion aM Labor, ct 11. Lla nmsroa, The RI te nos t f 1on (anbrtdlge: Harvard ltibldt1 Pteas, 195) p5)P . 43a1. ---, LABOR AND OIMPTION IN AMERICA PAR? In w'^ BMIaD TOAP CHAPER I II-1. The building industry, declared Judtp Naosev s abn A : Iiats in 1921 "is a thing di8seae."l B wa voicig a c don jude nt, as prevalenatand prbably as true at the tur. of the century as in later 2 Building as a large indstry, a bellbeather of the econcr. It s eharcterized by local onenration, mall business units, extensive ubotrcting and sea al flutuations. Besuse of the ese of entr into the industry and the specultive nature of Msch construction, epettion under natural circumtances tended to be harsh ran the caualty rate of businesses higa. The industry was also inefficient. It ha been relatively little affected by tehnological haugp, and ost of the work ns don vwith sitple tools. It suffered hardly at all from extra-local co etition, a factor htich tended to harden into custom the technologal deficiencies of the industry. The bsence of external challengs alo e easy the dmvelolasent of collutsve practices ao g am q lqoyers - such as price-fixing ad the riLgng of bids -- ilic redued the danger. of local copetition and passe the burden of inflated costs on to the conser. he result, in ma areas, was hit level of building costs and profits nAd, quite frequently, the o o f seriou housing hrtes. Tre mionim in the in stry w usually local in character. S attm ts wre ring the late 's d fterwar to organse national nmias; but thems, ad iy existiWn lcal unions, were clled off by the dersson of 18739. Thee s, in fact, little incentive to r ornati l ga ati , sins speialistion, technoloical changs ad national m lets w re re latively uniortat problems. Local II-2. organizations wsre also wak, with few permanent officials and eager treasuries, seldom surviving for very long. In the absence of any enera union prow in the iustry, wages, hours and orking condi- tioms wre la ly unregulatd. The ten-hour day, wn by sem crafts, perished in the depession. he blacklisting of union mebers becme a geneal priati, strike-breaking by professional or imported strike- breakers vas oo m , and ny local nions were forced to transform themselves into secret societies. The revival of the eeconr, together with i oing canmica- tions and the introduction of sm technologieal cns into the industry, brough t a resurgene of trade uniontim. In parbicular the rpeters, the lars body of eqployees in the industry, were threatened becse of the introduction of fatoy- prdctts with ,mmplynat and ooetitio fr1 u nsilled workers. IProved local and national oraisatio in all the crafts beei essential to control entry into the trades, to eulize condtions ang the increasing nober of itinerant crafts, and to atch the strength of the grwing -maer of large fim In the industry. Oane firml establib ed, as theyware in ay of the major urban enterby 1900, the building trades uions enjoyed a mnuier of advan- t aes. Bloy' orgaL atios were weak. The ltional Bilders' Assoiatiom, ar-d in 18T after the wave of strikes for the eight- ar dy, wa an mti-union orgmaization minly concerned with achieving the mopn sop; b iItfoud inareasng antipathy t ts policies a local loers, h a lready discovered the benefits of eol.usive practices with business agent which raised wages, prices ad 11-3. profits. The NBA vet out of existenc in 1899. Local employers' associations also ere weak. Because of the practice of subcontracting, esploera teded te o orgaiet ain bargain vith unions on a single-craft basis; there were, in the late 890's, virtually no City-vrid eOployers asociattion in existence. hes unions, on the other hend, vere ormganed not only by crafts but into areawide buildng trades councils, so adhievig a substantial economc advantage over individual seployers. Building contracto wners were subject to union pressure on other counts. If contractors were not unduly concerned with price leels, they nevertheless often orked under terminal contracts sub- jecting them to heavy financial penalties en construction work ex dd beyonl the stipulated date for otpletion. Further the high cost and speculative nature of may buldig projects ade owners anxious to begin reaping a return on their investmnts as soon as possible. The vork stoag, econsquntly, ws the event mst to be feared by oners and contractors alike. Rathe than prooke a strke, any of them were illiang to met the ot of a mall vg increase or, at times and prhaps preferably, of a bribe to the union official involved. addition, emPlpers mere often depenent upon unions fbr their labor sqpply. FRY of the f9b r eaployed a pe nt force, preferring ietead to hire teploeesa wen they needed them and dispensing with them at the conclusion of a project. taturally they wanted the best craftoen availa, and fruently cultivated cordial relations vith union offi- cials. But this was not, for may emplyers, an unpleant experience. Many of them were foor crraftmen themaeves, often retaining meber- ship in their old unions; and soo of them, given the uneertainties of 11-4. the industry, cold vell anticipate a return to the trade at some time in the fture. The leaders of the craft unions, in turn, ware often close in ideology to the etployers. Bsiness unionism fbund its nost advanced exrasion in the buil11w trades. The union as rearde by its adherent a a busie institution, created essentially for the irrovemnt of wes}, hours and working onditions. The interest of the idividual craft union wa paront, the notion of fraternity with other trades a soeoOdaay matter, the practice of inter-union cooperation a question of exeency. Trade unionism vas a matter of organized self-interest, little concerned with the enel welfare r the larger social isues. The building trades were thus, in scm fashion, a philoso al c y; if the requir nt of self-interest mant occasioal conflit betwen eplo yers nd unions, they were not incon- sistent with the deeper acpance of utual standards. These standards were too often to ipreval, to the profit of the parties and the cost of union mrmbers aid the eonanity. As trade unio im in the building trades gr, so did its officialdom. The need for full-tim officer was iperative. The anti-union practices of the 18702 ' and follong years denuded the services of union officiala Mo need not fear the reprisas of unfriendly sqeplo s the devs t of lex work raLes in the inaustry required, for defuctive union repreetation, the knowedse of the expert; wile the goPrephical i of wi0, the syste of subcebctng and the iaort duration of moat bufilding 3 ect made necesary the enagement of a futltiA represntt wit a roving coa esion, able to police the trade agreent at its y pointsa of operation. Thus ws born the IT-5. wakidng delegate, or builness agent as he va later called, giving full- tim services to the union. Janes Iynah, a Neo York carpenter, as oae of the first. He Joined the city carpeters' local unia n 1872, but the organtatio flouerd in the panic of 1873. Leaving Ne York to work els re, Ianch returned in l189 to find the local roeerganied. Pbr na tim he served volun- tarily as the chairmn of the local's legislative caidttee, wing occasioal visits to Albay to attend omttee hearings. "Bxt a clrod uas non loaoing on the horion that threatened the stabilAty of our in July, 1883, a walking delegate of the Crpenters of Nrw York City was appointed. "Iths I rs tan fro the ezecutive office of the Crpenters of Nes York City ad becem their first aJcBing delegate. "I feond the poition of va g delegate any thng but a pleasat task. Althoh naturall of a peacable dispositio I vas pluMed into a continual wa. presce ca the Job was an irritation to the eployer as wnll as the non-um on an, and not infreq e sa of the union sn envied me, not realizing the JO? r tof my lot. retired, after serving four ters. Ibe ribe of th -le adln del te bhas inceased greatly since then."3 It was nt alwas, as lynch recorded, an enviable Job. Anti-umion eentiaent in earlier years as fob dable, and the walking delegate often ii-6. x*ffered the antagoniS, not only of the euployers, but of the police and other publc official. He vs, aa Gopers once cplained, an object of ridicule, ally preented in the pres as an illiterate bully, interested only in is own properity. He va often the victim of violence an the part of his oonents and, as Iynch noted, of uadpiiona on the part of hi constituets. ]b as seldom well-paid, and s et s enjoyed les Job security than thoe he repreented. But his postion was inherenty owerful, and grew more so with the advance of organzation and the increasing complance of the qsloyers. he businss agent as usually the chief executive officer of his local union, vested with a onsiderable degree of per athority. He acted as the enlao ntr agent of his meber ad, if his local ws vell organised, controlled the labor supply of the epl.yers. Aside fro his dties as aa organizer, he supervised the trade agreeunt and the vrk of his craft. M iot iprta of all, he as empo*ered to call strikes. It vaa a eaary authborty. A ti-nconming grievance process as of little u1 n en industry ihere fires vent quickly out of business, there worr fre nt chagd job or moved out of the area, ?here the protecto of dJuridictina rit ts essntil to srvival, and ere the geo pogphial ditribution of K and the litedduration of building projets m e ime the t crual factor of all. Aa a result, vn in coutrat with the practice in other unions vith a more stable and physically oonoentrated mnerahip, the business agent ws usually given the riht 'to all in aeous strikes without seeldng the consent of his a ribe or the upprt of sister unions. It va a poerf weapon and a tpting one, as events ware to show. - II-7. The conditions of the inustry thus conspired to ake disthones an eea and profitable idulgence. T nte nte of the trade, the absence of externa ooqettiton and the ease oft loai collusion drove plers into onspirtori arrang e nts -dieh fixre prices, riggd bids and helped to asure a handsom return on in etets; wile the contractual obligation of plers and the personal powr of the business agents nmd sae of the latter susceptible to bribes or, ibere they were not oferd, setiMes insistent upon thea There as a third factor. Local goveri-nt in the United States durin the latter half of the nieteenth entury and mac of the twentieth was not distinguished for its hoesty. "Thee vere the days," rote Austin McDonald of the gneration folloing the Civil War, "of utter inefficiency, of coqplete iniffrene to public opinion.... Virtuall everywhere it was the eso." They vere the geat dys of the prty bosses, of corpt political machines, of partisan an pecmiay lav enfrceaent, of an orga ied pillae of the public purse. Pibli conracts vre particularly lucrative t srce of gret; the absene of effective control over sueh contracts permitted the erection and mantnane of public facilfties at rossly inflated prices, to the autual benefit of eplq ers, union rpresentatives an political i bents. In private buiig the tolerance of inferior standards br publie officials as not hard to buy. ollitical rrupton, if it did not cause induatrial corrpto, as scarcely a hindrance to it. A segemnt of the industr was thus gverned by a trivirate of rs, an alliane of considerable harm to private ad civic standards* But there wre Imits to public tolerance, and each of the major conspiracies cam under the scrutti of the legislaturs and the l. The first o these was probably in New York. 1. FOOY1E - CAPER I - TE Za R 1. RoEal , S. IItr7ll elsas im n the cgo. B IuN des (Chic: Um.s lt' or ao. e tdu, 1s7 ), p. 24l7. 2. 8m WsIf ll m B. albes, W trsl4 B i1tim In tie DdIdi434 cP. cd1t.., lo Ela' (Q~Achles: Harvd imwstu Piads, 1930), Idltawj '3. Ji Iah, "e PirSt &l.J`i Delegate," r-ida .n Badrm- tlmonat (SsBpt r(, o901), l. 347. 8e aleo "MBe Busio Agent,"n Io Molst JTurairl (nuer., g190), p. 651; ]Iaklin LarkdI, "the Dtly Iftk oa the Walldkg Delegate," e Cegoty JBaiae (DBember, 1903), pp. 298-304; anM Lu antt "te Waangt Deleghte," e hOutlook Iovb*es 1 p, 1906, pp. 615.l. 4. Semal oaera, b a t he (Nov Zaof: E. P. D:Itta and Iam', 98), pp. 10-U. t S o T Is: . ThDors. LAsa M , o ,uCit Orn ant A6mlnstr- t.on (bnor ort: : atus Y. C sad3. azd Oemgr,. 1996), pp. 65.-66. CEAPIER II In 1900, NFew Yorkl was the largest and fastest-groing city in the United States. It was the principal port of entry, a cosmopolitan city, its traditional mixture of the races augmented daily by the inrush of iMrigrants from the countries of Europe. It was a divided city, the home of many tongues, a matrix of ethnic loyalties and cultural barriers. It was a city of contrasts, adorned with the palaces of millionaires in upper Manhattan and infested with miles of reeMrn tenements on the lover East Side. It was, as any domestic and most foreign obaervers seemed to believe, a center of materialism, a coamnity devoted most of all to the unbridled pursuit of wealth and the pleasures of the flesh. It was an open city, tolerant of vice in all its forms. It was a city of violence, lawlessness and civic corruption; and it was governed by Tfrxany Hall. "Tamonay is Tiasny," wrote Lincoln Steffeas in 1903, "the embodiment of corruption." Tamiany Hall, the headquarters of the Democratic Party in New York, was temporarly out of favor then Steffens wrote of it; but it had for generations been the major influence in city politics. The nature of its constituency and the inclinations of its leaders had produced, in TammrOy, a system of political control and systematic corruption which had long earned New York the reputation of the worst-governed city in the country. 'he condition of New York City politics prompted, in 1900, an exhaustive investigation into its affairs by a special comit;tee of the State Assembly into its affairs. The conittee, under the chairmanship of Assemblyman Robert Mazet, was dominated by Republicans and so not inclined to mercy; but the evidence of corruption it produced was vast in quantity and persuasive in character. As the zonaittee reported: "The clear and distinct fact brought out by this investi- gation is that we have in this great city the most perfect instance of centralize party government yet kown..... We see the central power not the man vho sits in the mayor's chair, but the man siho stands behind it. We see the saes arbitrary power dictating appointments, directing officials, controlling boards, lecturing members of the Legislature and the Municipal LAsembly. We see incompetence and arrogance :in high places. We see an enor and ever-increasing c-rwd of office holders with ever-increasing salar.;es. We see the powers of government prostituted to protect cri-inalo , to dmoralize the police, to debauch the public conaclenee and to turn governmentaL fmctions into channels for private gain. The proof is conclusive.... " The Judent of the Mazet Oomnttee was disputed by few outside of Tawmany Hall at the time, and has not been questioned by posterity. The control of Tea y Hall over the polit;ic of Nev York City was based, first of all, on service. Whatever its faults, Trmavay was solicitous of its friends and potential supporters. Its agets at the ward and precinct levels perforsaed wma services of importance to the citizens of New York -- not least among the newly-arrived imrzigrents vho, ignorant of ana, laws and cuatos, needed the assistance of experienced hands in meeting the imSediate problems of urban living. Tc any protected the ignoraut from the inconveniences of th~ law, helped the poor anr indigent in times of stress, settled new Americans in gainful occupations, protected the living of those already at work and8 with sure political touch, remembered birthdays, marrie.ges and other familial eents. "Tmany kindness," Steffens also said, "is real kidnees, and will go far, remer long, and teke uinfinte trouble for a friend." It was a different matter for eneames or those whoo fa.ileO to respond to the generosity of Tammany with a reliable vote. A number of reprisals were available, of which intimidation was the easiest. Violence was a tradition in 'Tamany politics, and was usedx urparingly in the crushing of opposition, both internal and external. Successive leaders of the Tay machine had risen to power largely through the use of their fists or, on suitable occasions, of more lethal weapons. Ioyalty was the first principle of Tamsny organization, and there were few survivors of factional disputes. The treatment of exterzal opposi- tion was equally ruthless: voters were threatened or molested at the polls; dissidents and Republicans within the reach of Taurmyz operations, in public or private employaent, were likely to find themselves out of work; and businesmen vhoo failed to pay proper tribute to Tamieny were denied access to municipal contracts and harried in other metters by an unfriendly bureaucracy. Such a system, of course, required the cooperation of the police. The power of TaIwn enabled it to require rather than solicit such assistance. The Board of Police Ccamissioners was elective and dominated by Tazaaany Hall. The Board in turn eontrolled appoincments, transfers and t4 , _, "I promotions at &.1 levels in the police . frce. The result was an organi- zation not only tolerant of the nether side of Tamaany operations but an active party to it. The state of law enforcement in the city, like that of its politics, came under the scrutiny of the State legislature. In 1895 the New York State Senate appointed a special comittee, uder the chairmanship of Senator Clarence Lexow, to investigate the tie York City police department. The conclusions of the Lexow Committee were no less alarming than those of its successor. "It has been conclusi- vely shown, " the Coamittee reported, "that in a very large number of election districts in the city of New York, 3 al st every conceivable crime against the elective franchise was either comcitted or permitted by the police, invariably in the interest of the dominant Democratic 4 organization of the city...." A large proportion of the police force, the COmanttee conclded,, acted simply as agents for Teamany Hall. Republican voters, poll-wtchers and anti-Tau any election workers were falsely arzested Qn. physically attacked by police officers. Patrolian acted as cavassers for Taans y, forcing literature on nepublican or uncertain voters, entering election booths to check on voting behavior, and acting in a generally intimidating manner outside polling places. Police captains and patrolman; finally, cooperated with Taany politicians in the illegal registration of voters and in the provision of "repeat" voters at the polls. The police departent was also an integral prt of the mchinery of graft. Graft began with recruitment, patrolien pWeing up to $300 for appointmenta and further installmnts for desired assignments and promotions. There was, thereafter, a close association betwe en policemen and politicians in the Tan wards. Each police captain rns associated with the Tmmay rdm, whose principal task ws to collect monthly cash payments, in return for undisturbe operation, from saloons, brothels, criminals, gamblers, bluinessmen and others. The yardman kept an established percentage of the revenue, turning the remainder over to the captain. The captain took his share, handing the rest to his divisional inspector. Inspectors in turn paid over agreed amounts to police comisoioners and Tammany district leaders. There were other features of the syotem. Patrolmen engaged in their own extortions, exacting regular payients from street-mtalers, cooperating with officials in bail bond rcckets involving prostituts, arresting regpectable women for prostitution anf. releasing then for a reward, protecting brothels -- particularly during the visits of high public offiucials and mabers of the judciary -- from unexpected invasions, collaborating with the multitude of Nev York street ganga in vieous extortions, and collecting their crn rente fron small business operations. "It seemed, in fact," said the Lexow Committee, "as though every interest, every occupation, almost every citizen, was Cominated by an all-controlling and overshadowing dread of the police drepartment." 4-- Even the lone Twmany representative of the Committee as driven to the admission that enough evidence had been developed by the Committee to warrant a rrganization of the entire police department. One of the most fruitful reas for corruption was in the building industry. New York was expanding rapidly, with sme $100,000,000 a year being spent on new construction alone. The industry was regulated by the city's LDpartment of Buildings, -,hose officials were le eally vested with a great deal of discretion in the enforcement of the rules. Most of these officials were Tammany appointees. "Here again," stated the Nazet Report, "we find grave defects of aministration; here again we find the dominant theory of the present 6 government corrupt...." The building inspectors of the Department were poorly paid and so particularly susceptible to bribery. The enforce- ment of the many rules of the Departant varied idely, depending upon the financial arrangeents made between builders, the inspectorate azd higher officials. Some rules were ignored, infe:.* or or s erous cstruction overlooked, and bids for public worss exceeding the pre- vailing competitive rates accepted. On the other hbon, contractors uacceptable to Taumay or uwrilling to pay a spcial price found their competitive bids rejected, the impleentation of approved p:.ojects subject to ineaplicable delay, or work in progress hamperel by excessive inspection and literal interpretation of the laws. 'he Bittding COaissioner himself was allowed and eployed so much discretion that for all practicl purposes, the Mazet Report said, "there we no fixed and detersa ned building las in the City of ew Yorlk." The decisions of the Ccamissioer mwre Waealable to a Board of Examiners. The Board, however, was ccposed mainly of representatives of the eployers, som of homa , at least, wre Uttle interested in changing the sytem. About half of the industry was dominated by some six large construction cmpanies; the r.est of th< work was ?erformed by sub-contractors. Neither camp, until after the .wvelations of graft in the industry, showed any desire for reform. The Tam system was profittble for those who were prepared to accomadaote tho D)partment of Buildings; aln bribery came to be regarded by the employers as a standard business expense. Among themselves, the employers engaged in the practices of price-fixing and pre-ranged bidding for contracts. For many years, according to a leading trade Journal, the employers "had been inclined to look upon the anhattan market as a special 8 possession of their own, a local domain." Competition was diaeouraged, and. where outside concerns succeeded in penetrating the area they were quickly brouhit into the collusive arrangements of the employers and their asaociations. "Corruption," the same Journal stated, "was deep- 9 seated and permeated the trade. " But TaIany and the employers were not the only partners. There were also trade unionists involved. The building trades unions of New York City had first organized into a city-wide council, called the Board of Delegates, in 3.884. Like amot early bodies of its kin, it had little formal authority. However, the eand of the trade and the growch in power and numbers of the walking delegates combined to increase the effectiveness of the Board. In particular. the Board came to perceive the necessity for cooperative action in work disputes, and there grew up the custom of the contract clause which stipulated that a sympathetic strike would not be in violation of the agreen nt. Ihus the principal function of the Board of Delegates came to be the coordination of strike activities among its affiliated unions. The Board itself had for a number of years a checkered career. By 1890 it had usurped the coordinating powers of the New York Central Labor Union, but during Imrch of the following decade the power of the bidicldirg tradeo unions was wekened by the fortion in 1894 of a rival Buldifrg 'Trad Counmel. The rivalry Iated for six yeax.-. Dual umioisam pranpg up in a nuber of trades, with cmgepting unions affi- liated ith one or the othe ohr of the rivl councils; in other trades, cae urdios aMfflited with oe body attempted to extend their juris- dictions to cover those of non-rival unions connected. with the other body. Both bodies employed the sympathetic strike against the other; Jurisdictional strikes were frequent; and employers seeking labor from one organization foaun themselves penalized by the other. Unity, howaver, was achieved in 1902. The two rival bodies merged to fora the Untte Board of Building Trades, the iBrielaDyers being the only large union to reain unaffiliated. Delegates to the Board were credentialled from their unionsl making the Board an official organization. Provision was made for the tirbitration of inter-.nion disputes sad the t supenaion of unions bwich did not ccept the decisions of tehe Board. The Board al adpted firm rules regarding the authority of the Bord n labor-msnagent disputes. An affiliated union might act independently it an eloyer, but in so doing forfeited the support of the Board. Once a grievance was brought in, it became the prperty of the Board. Each grievance was governed by a coanittee of Board delegates having men on the Job concerned. The coamittee was Ca npwred to order a strike by a two-thirds vote; if the required majority vas not obtainable, the priry delegate could appeal to the fall Board, here a simple majority vote prevailed. There was final appeal to the President of the Board, whose decision as binding. The President of the Board, the author of unity and the do.mnant figure In the building trades, was Sameli J. Parks. Parks was the chief business agent of the Housessmths', Bridge- men's and Structural Iron Workero' Union. For many years he had been an itinerant laborer, working as a lumberman, river-driver, coal-heaver, sailor, railroad brakeman and bridgeworker before entering the employ- ment of the George A. Fuller Construction Company in Chicago. Tl.ler, impressed by Parks' prowess in both oratory and physical violence, brought him to New York in 1896 to restore orderly relations with the Housesmiths' union in that city. Parks became active in the House- smiths' union on his arrival, remaining on the payroll of both the union and the company until his death. His impact on the union, which had virtually disintegrated aferr an unsuccessful strike in 1886, was imaediate and formidable. In a matter of weeks, through a rixture of cajolery and violence, he had fully revived the Housesmiths' local on both the East and West sides of tanhattan. He then becam active in building trades council affairs, becoming the leader of the Board of Delegates, then president of the United Board. DCring Parks' entire stay in New York, a period of general turmoil in the industry, the Fuller Construction Compaen appears not to have suffered a single strike. Parks found a natural outlet for his proclivities in the House- smiths. The International Association of Bridge and Structural Iron- workers, with which Parks' local was affiliated, ws a young union, formed in 1896 whe the use of structural steel WvB still in its Infency. Its maebers were largely unskilled, undergoing an apprenticeship period of only six to eighteen months. It was a hazardous trade, involving a disabling and fi.ta. alaccident rate nach higker than in the other buil6ing tredes. It was en itinerant calling, involving a high rate cf migra- tioa, end attracting "roving and irresponsible workmen, more noted for ,, 10 strength and physical courage than for trained skill and intelligence." ---- iThe requiirements of the t.a.e," wrote John R. Commons, "are not so much mechanical skill as rekilessness and daring. The men say they do not die, but are jerked over the river. The strength of the union is the danger of the trade ad the rivet that drops on the head of the 11 nonunion man." For such menu, Parks was a natural leader. Impressive in physique and proficient in the trade, he was a bully vho, he once said, would rather fiLht than eat. He had a simple solution to rivetters iao were reluctant to join the wnion "Some did not believe unions would be good for theam," he said, "add I gave the- a belt on the jaw. 12 That changed their minds." }He ould not only knock dowC a disseanter, but stand on his face; a d for those to whom he could not give his personal attention there wa& a stadiang "entercainment committee" to minister Jtstice. He vwa not, however, wholly dependant upor. violence for his aspport. "Only a fool," said District Attorney William Travers Jerome of New York, "would undasrestimate his poer....He has personal magnetism and power to convince others that hi r is lword . He has physical bravexy, daring and a dashing style of leadership...bis .hreineasa is beyond question." Parkss, in Sae ws at least, was an effective union leader, an& succeeded during his stewardship in raising the dlly vage of' the ironlorkers from $2.50 to $. 50 a day -- to a level, that is, with the highest paid craftaenn in the industry. He Bs rearded with the loyalty of a good many of his 4,500 members vho, in the tradition of the ironworkers, tended until almost the ead of Parks' career to regard him -- despite the later allegations of graft and his ultimate imprisonment -- as a martyr rather than as a criminal. The evidence is persuasive, however, that Parks served t only his members but himself. Parks became president of the United Board. of Building Trades in 1902. He exercised iron control over the Board's activities. refusing to allow the presidents of affiliated local unions admission to the deliberation of the group of business egents -who comprised the Board. In cmpany with other business agents, he embarked on a series of practices bich, by any trade union standd, were dubious. The Board had partieularly cordial relations ith the large employers in the industry. These employers had, for the unions they dealt with, a nmiaer of advantages. They employed large numbers of skilled and unskilled men for relatively long periods of time. Their buildings wvre usually assured of rental upon completion, their business comparatively free from the high risks encountered by the sm1ll orgeni- sations. They paid wages higher than union scale, employed none but union meobers, and were careful to aintain good relations the unions involved. In return they vere sent the best craftsaein and enjoyed a relative imaunity from strikes. As one of the Board delegates remsaroed: "We favor these coapanies because they're fair. It's aot so nach that the wages and conditions are better an that they don't try to sneak out of union agreements. Of course, they pay a half-dollar more than other concerns, and they don't spare expense to protect the men fror dange-. But that's not the main thing; they do strailAt business They don't keep us waiting for wages, nor hanker after scabs. hey don't try to use us a a club against one another like some of the subcontractors " There wA m re to the relationsh p, however, than the statesamn- ship of the tbulders. Een for the larger coIspaees there were expensive uncertainties in the industry Omners who could assure the insediate rental of eoEpleted buildings were 'lso _xCoios to collect rents as quickly ea they could. Contractors therefore often subm.tt4t. to heavy bonds involving the cssmletion of work by a specific date, frequently leaving out the traditional clause in the labor-nmmagement contract which emonerated them from penalty paments in the event of delavy in the completion of work due to strikes. There was thrs a special Incentive to seek peaceful relatiot s vith the building trades unions, a condition whiceh o them edntly th h direct of t dent a e thu diret r r o busine agents. The system aceorilng t;o CosMons, as in.trouced tnto the Nev York building trades by the Fuller Construction Ocaypay, the sponsor of Parks. It was the laeest ccaanmr in the indus, y , operating on a nationwide scale, eagia * in direct emBplorent of all crafts rnaher ta n leasing specialty waizk to aubcontractors. It was a profitable systema, enabling uach speedier construetion ad thus more favorable contracts with building owners. It also made possible frienfly arrangements with busines3 agent.. "It is known," Ce onmn stated, "that this company paid cmaid4erle swa to delegates for services....It is certainly Jr> t. ^h 5b~e S l'er Oo ;s -&e.2 li ?A5F:ttle ort r n -,hr fel . J3 ktrxirGe ' d';iagj the rei3n hf o .- thBe t w.thile other buil.ders e':? 15 contimnualy troubled. The bribery of businm-s agents -me not, ofc coure, an originatioan of lhe FPller C(mpa; as the largst compasy in the.a fieVd, .h~omver, its ope ations in this area mere mor ambLtiWtou than those of its competitors3. "The Fuller Corpa ar," e a l..)or leader exprtesed it "..went the older bruilders one better at thei r wnm game znatead of buying delegates :ccasionally., they weJ. ale es to oam a 16 aX.pply outrligr. ' .etltions with the rnall contractors end msbcontraceto:,i vere not @< cotial. As the asems. Bar]iL delegate observed: `T.ises felilowi are a &t fferent propositicn. Thly' 1! prxcise th: union ayt;hi: g, or brile tht deleugte in a minate: if they see a -:ance to g et the mLen palledi .of. Teat's th;- W,7 -'they have of VStin the ;:.;-ike ? in their con"rbaet,. to get off tbhe pansltien f'or 1n;' fi~nishlirg on time. 'siades thse y're u-uf3 -~a nting us to e-.ree- to '^ork excle'i-:rly fo- members of the aiw ciastior. a let Ithemn ix it up ' iha sixhers nre o . 'be. timt a -they sarply hold ?.owx theiLr 7mber- si:Ip by higia fa2, anA meStime, they dCicrerlS.nate ainst outsVie cox:mtetition .... The swlx ,aeployers ptai a price for their vaulnrablltyn. Ifl 102. fiAr 'ex Epe, the lsrgest pbai'ters' uraioan the A mlgemat^d iY sociatic -.1 of Pairters a-31 Decoratoars. A smi.ller rion, the Internatio-i.m. Brother- hoot of Peinteras had only a fw hundred members in Ne e Yorr (City but e. II-21. cosiderable mnbership outside. It had already been refused affilia- tion by the United Board. However, hen the AaP td demade a age incase rom the subontr ig eloyer' association -- the Association of Interior Decorators asd Cabinet M.ers -- the latter opened seret negottiations with the Brotherhood. The Brotherood therepon struck painting eaployera sith wor outside New York, obtaning froa then a greemtt to employ only Brotherhood men inside the city. The Amalgated reeaived at first the uport of the United Board, hiCh alled out the other trades uvere Brotherhood sen were epyed. '"Dt the ring in ontrol of the Boar," wrte aeasans, "offered to sat the Brotherhood on pant of a large u of mney. "l8 -The Brotherhoo stated it vas unable to raise the Amey, where- upon the Board d msn d and received $17,000 frm the employers' association, a an initiation fee for the Brotherhood. The Brotherhood ws then aditted to the Board, whicd remained officially neutral in the contest between the rival unions. The Brotherhood o recogelsed by the eqaloyr, a later notited a ecret settleant with the Asociaetio priding for al t a dollar less in the daily rate than ad been mad b the Aualmte. Extortion was set oonly prctied, however, by individual delegates or local union. It was preented in at case as a deam for "atiting tfe," that is, .Wne-t for wles lost in strike action. SmtI-s it w eeoditin O the return to k of uion brs still on strike. In its crdet fb it twa sply strike inurnce, a pay- mt to avoid ft re d istu bece. It was f untly practiced by ak mi of hs assocites, n fin y cx to public attentio. II-22. Ruorsa of graft in the 'buiding trades began appearing with increasing frequnc in the New York newspaers in the early months of 1903, rvri ng the New York Cetral Labor Union to ssue a denial of such pre tices. Ihe ror perited and the evidence grew, and in June of that year public charge were made by District Attorney Jeroe. "Not oly," rprted the New York Timi, "has Mr. Jeroa heard that blamail is frequently ex frm bul d cora torsted by walking delegates, but.. that building concen are sstemtically corrupting orgized labor b1 bV ing p wa ng del , Ir Io they aaniulte for the purpose of hapring rival concer and in other wy furthering their own interests."9 f- A Judicial investiation of the chares took place and on June 5, Parks wa arresd on a carge of extortion broght by the Hecla Iron Works. Parks, the HecIl affi dvit hared, had daended $1,000 as hia price for i stial pea, althoh no dispute exsdted at the tiae. "You've yver done aythiag for the wal g delegtes," Parks wa reported as saming. "Ain't it about tie? One thoaad dollars from Hecla Iron Works old make thing esy over here. Hecla refused the dem, and ar brot t t on strike their 1,)00 building trades employees, at a cost of $50,000 to the firm. In due course a conference was arranged betwmen Parks ad President Pln of Hecla, mbo aked what he Bst do. "I1m it," replied Parks, "you npa M. I don't care a dam fbr the union, the presient of the union, or the law of the ountry. You can ge back to work then you pap Sm Parks $2,000." ,- ausom paid, and the unet day his plyees returne to work but the firm refrrd the mtter to the District Attorney, ad Park ws arrested. He was baled out the following day for $5,000 provided by Willaa Dever, a fbomr chief of police of the city. The House amths thereup pa d a vte of confidene in their leader, and II-23. a dthorised the expditure of $1,000 in his defense. Assemblyan Richard Butler, a aeri of the mnir, offered a resoltin in the ra meting ae ,uWing the Distriet Attorney for prosecting Parks. The resolution ws carried without debate, aa Pars vrs borne shoder-high out of the union hal to a neigaring saon. During the following eek, however, he was re-arrested severl ti1es atd Indicted cn a total of five charges ImnolXv extrtioat frm the comstrution firm of Brandt Brothers, IJbel-Adrw s, Tiffai y an Josphrs Plenty, as well as the Heela Iron Works. Ech of the faur additimal firm charged in aff davit that Parks had asna $300 as the price for calling off trbkes in progr . Parks claimed the mney vws waiting time; but accordng to the affddavit of Lobel-Andrews, rhen arks ms asked about the settlent of the grievances vhch caused the strike, he replied: "If you pa the oney you ma do what you like; ealo union men or not." Tiffany charged that when Parks was asked if the nonsy would go to the union, he aid: "Union nothing. This money Wes to Sam Parks, amd then you can enleL union mu or nmn-unionm n Just as long as you pleae, as lon as you don't gt aat at it." Similar charges were ade by the other c laimnats. Peaing Parks' trial, another cse arose whch provided urther evidence of xtortion. Lwrence Mrphy, an ex-trsrer of the Journey- en Stoeacutters' Association, as rrst n a hae oa f appropriating $12,000 of union f ed Oearled origin. Te proeeution alleged, an the defense adttate, that it was the practice of a small grop of Stc4ncters' officials to met e lary in a bro to plan the deuanmlng of ney a ea loyr for the purpe of preventing or II-24. ing off striles, the particular amounts of money obtained varying fm $10,000 to $50,000. Once received, the money vaa diidd amng sOm half-domen officialsl . vidence vs also developed that the mm rop delved into the local union's oicial funds, in ehich a shortage of $27,000 had been disaovered. urphy himself admitted extorting $10,0000, bal hi defense in prt on the principle that the union had o claim on the oney oince it vu obtained by extortion. Ihe prosecu- tios rale produced a ltter fro John ttcchell, te preident of the United Mine Wbrers of Amrica, ho stated that a mmag the money Murphy had stolen Va $1,000 doated by the Stoneutters' AR1erisip to help the iWA in a trike in the mnblvaa anthrate fields. Mphy's wife -eanfrmd the charges of the prosecution, and Murphby w tenced to five yer in priLes. ? As the Jude wa about to proinaoce sentence, tephy sdhuted in court: "ihdo is a put-.p job. he others got as ouh as I did. They tia g to do m. His Janiey us mis- plaesd, sice five of his assocates re o alo sent to Jail, although on mrs leniennt teaus. NrkEs naes bwroit to trial on August i&, together Vith Timothy McOtrthy of th e umo and Rilaard Crvel of the Derrlc n s Union. Parz was fiO ly fund guilty on a charge of extorting $)0 from Josephus P n oardr to ad a stri e on a pier in oboken, and sntenced to tIa and a hal yers in Sig Sig. The to wtnesses in his defese ware later Jailed fbr perjury. eanile the Husedths oted to pa Pmaks' salay lhile he uw in prison, ad the United Board voted coa fUAene in h.i, --ecU ing that a drted riderless horse be led in the anm l Labor Do' parsde in his hor. he pecution prove II-25. uecessary. On Septber 2, Parks was released from Sing Sing on a certificate of reasnable dot; his bond of $16,000 wa provided by Jdm J. 1rnm, a nepew of Devery. Parks rode with Devery in & carriage at the head of a alo igt parad the 9th te Assembly District, and mmunmed that he and Devery -- ho was a for Mbyor - -iould ead the Labor Da parade. Ihey did so, Parks riding a white horse, waring a hite isah trlsA d with gold lace. At the ne tim he also successfully resisted the attenpt of a reform factio n the Hunser iths to assu control, driving his opponent fro the hall. Shortly after- vards, the United Bord sent a deleation to the convention of the Iron Worer in Kansas City to prkmote Par' candidarc for the presidency of the internltionl itOn, *ich bad mellnile suspenftd the Hew York Housesaiths. Parks wa not elected, but fled by only three votes to elect his ovn nodinee and succeeded in havi the suspenson of his local union raised. Mrnhfle, he ed been re-arrested on September 15 and emoidtted to trial ca the Tif y hare, his local union eventually d leting its treasury in his eainse. A bail of 3,000 was offured by foanear Pbice apta Dae i4. C. Mynih but refused by the court. Parks wa convicted of extoti a On 31 ad Is nteed to a further tvo and a half 7rs5 in Aprise. He ris fzr his on office on Nbvaber 6, his resig atin being ae ed tith Vild ernthulasa. Threfrem ftation had asmm"u esotrol of the lee20 unimn, and was able to point out to the _-- p t la , fur Er bg m aty, t b a rhad disposed of sm $150,000 of uai fhd itht S aoommting, ad held a persamaIl acmnt in the Gafield atioal Bak of $11,000. Parks left the next day for Sing Sing, never to return. He died of a cardiac codition in May, 1904. 'Qh declne of Parks ms acccqpaned by a marked change in labor- ang a msnt relatios in the New York building traes. Ihe revelation of extortion, accaqtnied by tm unsuccesul strikes, had brout about a iakenin of the Unitd Boad a strengthenng of the eployers. A strike arising out of a jurisdictional dispute betw t rival unions, the algaed Society of Carpenters d the Aumriea Brotherhood of Carpentfer, had led tohe seessieon fro the Board of the for r and the tUransfo atin ofan infra esployer organzation, the Building Trdes Club, into the Ne York Buildng Trades plycers' Association. With a ore effective organization, Mahattan flers wer e able to staep a crpletely fctive loekout of buiding materal drivrs, ying off seme 70,000 building traes esplyeee. 2he locomt divided the Boad. Prs led the grp of unskllled mWrems -- ined ,ins the tea-trs -- la the intern fit, ainainina maority on the Board of gm vite. A mjority of the killed trade then -seeded, foin a WmBo arda f llaed lldamcs; they re ed their enorse---t of the tetsers, the Mrterials dealers qoeed their yasd , Ma the strike -m broken. Darig the strike the oyers ha reiforced their v orgal- sation. eTr, ealogrs in the several tr shiil possessing tbeir m a t , hd fi with the eai ' W ntral eusy as iNWdiv lsa. or, owever, the central organiation W built oa the assecatiem themlves, rsrAing the a6filiation of every idividmal enql@.r belo"a ng to sch associations. .he posers of the II-26. II-27. BE r were broad, including the atot to "determine, regulate and control the conduct of the r of this association and the esploers' aociati os reprsented on the boa in alX Matters pertaining o their relatios with their aen loees.nh ib ndividual ePOP r w baed to ensure cclia e ith the As ciation' deeiioa and pldhwl- bited fo signing 4durig a te eo ar a ndon of businem. ierr- the dip in the Association was virtually opulsory, since/constitutional proislions of the CEA and the affiliation of the powerful Mason Bud-Iers, Asociation in effect required aumre of the Asociation to trade only with other ibrm ers. It vw a strong cmbintion, and firaly sueeded in frng the builig trades unions to accept its terns. These inluded an aziitration plan aiech almst oqpletely ellilnated the sypWathetic strike, the Jurisdictio=al strike, and the power of the business agent to call strikes ca his own. It as enforced v be oeessary, as a representatv of the IES testified before a fedxeral e-issio_ sema was later, by the ftrtioa of dual uniaos by ths slo.ers. With the llpse of the Pk regle it becam efetiv_ e ?thurfisbC t the bnI York bildinga tres, and rsgd ore the a deeade of relative peaw in the .indstry. hie adrb ation pan lasted until 1910. It broke down ainly becaMe of the restrictions it placed on the power of the wling dlegstea. be plan provided that busness agenats could not be uumbers of the Sar ofe Axbitration, althouC the EIB was allowed direct repre- setati this restrctieon ws natull rentd by the busne ss a ts, *bo eted it elinatd. Other fctors cotributed to the ia ml duuse of t t hhe e Drd of Arbitration took up a great II-28. deal of the tine of its mebers; it beei m inolved in labor-- a ne-nt politics, thus veakeing it authority; and its existence vas in any case resented by the constituent etit onal union, since it contri- buted to the minenanee of & localist sentIent. The plan s offi- cially dropped in 1910, althoug both parties agreed to accept the Board's past decision as binoing on future cnduct. The most i rtant dhange brought about by the abaldoment of the plan vas & revival in the power of the businss agents. As before, one of these becoe the eading figure in the bulding trdes mions. His B me vas Robert P. Bindel l, and he becam the xst uccesfu extortinewr the building trades umions vwr ever to know. Brniel was a sed-illiterte Csadlian ho hao wh m ad as a lgc horean aun a adrugstore cler before taking esplta nt, in 1905, as a dock builder's hbeper. At that tiw he Joined the Idependnt Dock Uon dhih, in 1907, vu granted a Iedral charter by the AFL. In 1910 the Dl's srter vs revoked for non-pasnt of dues, but the un contid in existence as an tinde ent organisation. Within a few nths t-third of the union's 1,000 mauremr broke Wa?, ftsrd the Mumcipal Dock BilAer' Union, ad received an AFL charter. BDridell ste with the 1WX, becoing its bsiness agnt: in 19W1. In 1911 he agreed to pariipate in egotitins ith both the tlited atrothezed f Carpeters -- . n the chief uioa in the craf -- ard the APL. Both Presidet Wlli Brutheso of the Ca ters ard GqPer aPpear to have reare ell as a st rng - apable of helping them i t nhe respective auim; the purpose of Hthaesoa was to gain eet oo l the anlot-mtcexus New York City II-29. District Council of Carpenters, that of Goqers to bring about the affiliation of the buil g trades unions with the Building Trades Departmnt of the AL. At the 191 onvention of the Nea York Ctate lbSration of Labor, n a Arded the ImJ, chartering it as Local l56 of the UBC. ceGqers then revoked the harter of the MDMJ, thich affiliated with the Iro Workers as Local 177. The action of Gqper a strogly reeented by the Iron Workers, vho regardd it as op ng the Wv to a revive of corrpt practice in the building trades. On August 11, 1914, the Ner York e yers signed a contract with the Iron Workers. he following diay the UBC sanctioned a strike by ocal l56. It us ostesibly a strike omr aes, althoui the aeploers stated publicly that there as no such issue. The Iron Workrs emerged victorious fr the strike, sad for sne time retained a hold on the docks; but the econo c pressre of the UBC both within and outside the city caused an increasing nurber of elorers to sign with Local 156. Ihe positon of the Iron Workers' local slowly decla ed, and in 1916 the intratonal union as exelled fira the 28 AFL. B the end of 1917 the Carpenters wre unchallengd on the dockt. Hutcheson thWen med to ain control of the Carpenters' District Omeal, rescinding a a grent it had with the New York eaplayrs. The aetion s rejected by the District ocil, herpon Huthsaon suspended all 63 affiliated loal uins. Hutcheson as qheld by the next Carpnters convrention, the e er ted the rntiol union, an& Brinll coleted the rout by the use of violence. Hutheson then re-assied the New York City Carpnt-er' ebershp into 1,000-iber locals, qppointing eah of the local union preidents. Brndell's II-30. reward was the leadership of the New York building trades. Brinell had already onsolidated his hold on Local 1456, sumpeding or expellit the few wo opposed hi. The wbership of the local had risen to mme 5,000. Brndel awarde himself a salary of 50$ per mmber each motbh, Baki him the highest paid union official in the Uited States. TIen, in October, 1919, he re-organied the old Board of Business Agent into the Building Trades Council, becoming its president at a salary of $1,o000 a year and affiliating it vith the AFL Building Trades Departnt. His regita wa strict, although beneficial to his friend. No rank and file ambers vere adtted as elegates, representation being restricted to full-time business agents. In accordance with new lavs passed by affliated unions at Brindell's insistence, all businss agents mare elected for three-year tern at a inm salary of $75 a eek, thus inreasng their loyalty to him. Oaly o of th Cocil's minutes va pt, ad no accounting was of the Cunil's finaces. he Counci's offices re lintained, at a reat of $1,000 a woth, in a building owned by Mre. Briadesn. ere vas O effective oppositon to Bridll, and he s able to have bihtelf elected, in violatio of the Couneil's nw constitution, as presidemt for Life. r diA Bridell sufer much from external opposition. A few of the older craft had sted outside the Council, but -- exept in the case of the Painter, ere Brindell hartere a new local union - they were left almn. On umnffliated union, however, vas deead aesential to Brimnd l's extortieary activities. The Be York Hose- reebm ' Uoln, n AL affiliate o larly called the Zarauo Union - II-31. after its president, had refused to Join the Council, confident of its ability to stanl alone. Brinell, having failed by intimdation to secure the affilation of the Zranko Union, obtained a nw house- wreckers' chartr fOa the AFL. The eplowrs were at first reluctant to hire Brindell's mn -- mt of ho were quite inexperienced at the trade -- but soon found th lves struck or denied contracts by buildrs and owners. Th Zaranko Union rapidly declined, those of its merbs hr o capitulated to rdell being forced to pa a $50 initiation fee and $10 a veek for the privilege of workig. Brindell inzt oped negtitions with the Buti n Trades t loyere' Association; he first tgned an greeent in whih each side idertook to give prefarential sevice to th o? th e r of th oter, then concluded an rbitration pact siMlar1 to that of 1903. Bridi11l M now secure, an ready to turn his poer into profit. In 1919, the New York State legislature set up a Joint Assembly- Senate co ittee to investigate the building ndusty n NeI York City and elsewhre. There rere Ople grounds for concern. There was, at the tim, an acute housing shortae in the city resulting in an abnor- 1iy or idene of moving, a steepl rising level in rents, over- croding, unsanitary cAditis, a mrked inerease in infant mortality and a rapid spread of ontagious diseases. There had also long been rrs of illegal oM ioatias and practices in the industry contribu- tin, acording to c etiste, full 0 per cent to the costs of 29 construction. he Olaittee, under the chaiarmnship of State Senator Carles C. Ickmod, held esastive hearings and produced t reports. It was soon evi4t that, as the Nr York Ties stated, the II-32. Comsttee had on its hands "a scandal of major proportions." 30 Comblnation, the Lockod Oa ttee reported, as the priary fact of the industry. ebs O imttee fbna "that trou the length and breadth of the mntry producer are o ind vwth producers; -ifact r with i inuf c e dealers vith dealers; wrkin with 1workigeaw . bt only do these catinations extend horizontall betwran ebers o the sea elass, but vertically froa the mrmbers of one elass to r -... so that the whole indutrial and comwrcial ysrtem in the inat tries connected with bulig construction is riveted in a interwovenma interlock criss-cross of combination and 31 obligatory arrn ents." e employers, the Caeittee sad, were priarily to blame for the decline of the indautr in Nev York. "The ployers Associatin and the constituent associations entering into its Nibership are more larely than any other single factor respnsible for the acts that have dos so mah to ripple the bildn operations in the City of New York... It vw largey t he asitance and 4ora1 0V of this Asociation oby remo of the character of its contacts with the (Building Irdes) Counmil and with other labor unions that them eoetituet aociatlo were able to force unwilla g mbers ito their fold a ia e upon them ula restr mnts pon c - tition....Ma) of ch ostituent aoiations were a wre Gover for prieftxig, retrction of outlpt or division of trritory ad for the pratice of the m other dee that had for their urposes the ection o tribute from me, buildaers d contactors." 3 The authority of the Fet ever the indwtry tas achbved by several measu . eral ctrats affliated with the Association II-33. could sub-contract only with other Association affiliates. Many of the specialist association, in turn, controlled the practice of bidding for work. In one nsteance, all bids in the limstone, heating and ventilating, and plumbin trades were first sumitted to Jams T. ettrickc, the torney r the associations involved. Hettrick then raised the level of all bis, arranging for one sub-contractor to sublit a bid lower than the nev level but still vell in excess of the original mtnimn; the choice of the low bidder was based upon his average an l business over the previous seven years. The builders then had little choice but to accept the new minrim bid. Hettrick, in return for his services, receved one to three per cent of the successful bid, hil anoter three per cent was distributed mng the remlining mmbers of the association conernd. In another field, a control over atea riices vs establiahed by a system of quota- tim eards circulated ang association and at public fctions of the iunstzy, lea ding to a uifbm plrice level for sinilar products. Additioal dtiscpliw s re v provded in cooperation vith the Bldia Trades ocil. The 1919 agreFemt mant that the Cnetil dalt initilly with 1A -ters, neting their demads for labor befotr he tw of a o am-maI bers of the Association. Builders *ho vere Slv in Imet i their finaial obliations to BTEA a bers vere struck, this in effect the e ollction eney for the Associa- timn. Finally, contractors ho were not ambers of the Association were particulAly afficted vith union troubles; sm specialist associatiaos, in fat, paid regular salaie to lbsines agents for the purpose of forciag l r to Join the eapropriate asociation under the threat of a strike. It was an effectiv~ sytem. Tne -Tt3u e a ployers enzjoyed e. relative iramunity from competition and in many cases a trouble-free relationship with the building trades unions. "Your Co(mittee,' the Lockwood Committee reported, '"has been unable to discover a single instance in which a prominent member of the Employeras Association was 33 a victim of Brimdell's extortions." But if Brindell occasionally clashed with the minor Association members, there was an ample field outside the Association for his irregular activities. The 3TEA was not a monopoly, some one-third of all New York employers remaining outside the Association. It was to these that Brindell mainly turned for his reward. His methods were varios. The hoi ewreeking trade ceae quickly under his influence. His control. over the labor force, now virtually csmplete since his defeat of the Zaranko Union, converted his office into a regular resort for employers seeking his favor. A tkosher list" of boss housewreckers was drwa up, nons g those employers who agreed to work exclusively with BrinSl. wl. Oner, builders and contractors al3ost all conulted vith Brimdell before any housewreeking contracts were let; in turn, Brindell avwrded the best contracts to those house- wrekers who vere villing to pay him the largest bribe. Sometimes the bribe was a percentage of the fee paid by the wrecker to an owner or builder for permission to wreck a building and remrve the wreckage; on other occasions it was presented as a fee for the supply of labor. Wreckers refusing to cooperate with Brindell were reftsed contracts by owners and builders; soas were driven out of business altogether, often returning to Brindell for sanction to resume activities in the industry on a saallor .scale. Te pricso varied lwth the of t^a jos. Un- genercus offers were unwlcom. In 192W the ATbit J. Volr (kmpny offered Brindell $,000 for permission to conti nu, a ob aalready begun. 3~ "Do you think ' Brindell allegedly askecd, "I am a piker?" He finally accepted $2,500 in return for a promise of larger smis on fiture occasions. In other cases it ws a matter of strike insu-ance. .-n 1919 the Todd, Iron and Robertson Company paid Brindell $50,000 to gautrantee peacefu l labor conditions during the coixltruction of the new Cunard docks. The Tench Construction Company, about to undertak e te building of five Staten Island piers, agreed to pay Brindell one-half of one per cent of the estimated constraution cost of $3,252,673. A va:iation of strike insurance as applied in the case of open ;hop operations. A number of the mjor steel producers had embarked on a natiom&nid open shop campaign, forbidding the employment of union workmen on sterl onstruction ,jobs. Brindell then adopted the practice of pu3ting work- men in other crafts off the construction site, allowing thet to return to work in return for a bribe; no effort was made to organize the non- nmion iron workers. In other nou-union situations Brindell often charged employers a fee for each non-vnion workman employed at the afte, or collected per ita payments from aon-union members in return for temporary work permits. Brindell' sources of illegitimate income M-rc not, apparently, confined to employers or non-union workmen. Each of the 115,000 individual members of the Building Trades Council paid $1 a rear into the Council's Copensation Departeant. Every affiliated local union paid $10 e. moua h for each initial delegate and 4 ta san'b; :=or eacd additioral delegate. There were additional reveues from the purchase of dues carde, from the sale of eouvenir brochures, from fines for violations of Council rules, and from injured workmen who were persuaded to sign over their compensation rights to the AFnd in return for a lump sum considerably below the total comper.sation demanded by the Fnid from the affected employers. Roswell D. Tompkins, Secretary and Treasurer of the Council, was unable to give the Loackood Corrmittee eny accounting of the disposal of the Council's income. 1hatever the methnds employed by Brindell, the revards were enorsou. Te Lockwood Comcaittee esti- mated that in leas than a year Brindell had received an incoim of over one million dollars. Parks, by ccmparison, beceae n object of nostalgia. "Today," reraakled George Balker, a builder and real estate operator later indicted for his intermediary role in the building trades extor- tinms, "he wul be only a cheap grafter....I wish he vas here today."35 Bridell succeeded by court action in avoiding any appearances before the o-kTWo x OComaittee, but was sccn brught t trial on charges of extortion. Early in 1921 he ts fcond giuilty and sentenced to five to ten years in prison. Peter Stdta+Mller and Joseph loran of the lBuilding Trades Couneil, Wlliam L. Doran and Willism B. Chapman of the Plumbers' Union, wrea indicted With Brindell, all receiving shorter sentences for extortion or conspiracy. Hettrick was also itdicted for conspiracy aMd sent to jail for a short term. A:ltogether some 529 individuals were indicted for extortion or conspiracy, of -hem 81 were business agents, the xqnarein r being employers end public officials. published. mxere is no record of the final disposition of the cesces, although it sppears that a large -8ifber of those indicted were acquitted, the remainder receiving light fines. Brindell was. dispatched to Sing Sing, where he was well treated. He received special meals, and was allowed to meet with his farily and union associates outside of the prison. When news of this leaked out to the press he was transferred temporarily to the much stricter Dannemora prison; but after public indignation heA died down he was sent to Great Meadows, perhaps the most lenient of New York penal establi3hmenlts to complete his sentence. He was released in December 1921. Neither Untermyer nor the incumbent INew York City district attorney was invited to his parole hearing, and he was given an uncondi- tional parole. Subsequent criticism in the press caused the parole board to prohibit him from holding union office. He violated his parole in attempting to resume control over Locel 156. His return to the union was resented and he was expelled from me3bership. The parole board e=,led him to his Schroon Ieaem estate in upstate New York, ahezehe died in January, 192. Doran aAd Chassan, upon their release from prison, were restored to union office. The asccess of the ilraood Commattee in ridding the industry of corrupt practices was limited. The natural opposition of Te aanw Hall to such an investigation was reinforced by the fact that Britdell wa a close friend of Tam any fyor "Honest John" Hylan, by iwom he had been appointed to the city's Housing Commission. William P. Kennreally, the chairman of the executive cotmiittee of Tamsmany Hall and vice-president of the Board of Aldermen, was a Jalking delegate for the Steam Fitters eiAl as officil c'f 'the Building Thrdesr Council. it ,zas later estaobishied -'.at Teuimeally had intervened with the Board of Estimate, obtaining a limestone onetract for a cutstone contractor for work on the County Court House; the contract was let to the sole, prearanged bidder for $2,327,000, or approximately double the market price. Other building trades officials held positions at Tamsmany Hall. The Lockxood Cormittee-'s hearings were preceded by a report from Mayor Hylan' CoCiittee on Building and tBilding MSterills that the price of buildng materials, far from being eati- flied y boostd, were determindl Pslely by the lawv of supply and demand, the principal factor in increased building costs being wages. The first revelation3 of the hearings were aceompanied by intense activity in Tszmny Hall. A Tasmany esimissary left for consultations vith a hig@ly- placed official in the nationt' capital, and despite p:oamises of coopera- tion in indictmante and prosecutions fro U.S. Attorney General J. Mitchell Pa3mer, the Locwood Coaaattee was later to report that amost no federal asftitance ws recei'eed. Ta'sany officials and New York contractors also cooperated in three attempts to halt, by court injunc- tion, the examination of certain city books by the Bommittee. The employers joined the opposition. the DEA denouncing the Coumittee ' 36 investigations as a "Russian-Poliah-Turklsh inquisition." Finally iwhen UnterMyer annuced his intention of investigating banks, insurance coanies and other lending inetitiutions active in the building industry, the New York State General Assembly threatened to curb the Committee s activities. No action was ever taken on the Coimittee's recommendations for new legislaton to control corrupt practices in the industry. The Coamlttee's findings had some temporary effect on the industry. Thle e._ploy.:rs h,7i, reacted by voluntarily abandoning some of tl-eir wsociation , .a. of iyhich had been indicted for conspiratorial practices. The employers ilao, howver, abrogated the TE:A contract vith the BuildirS Trades Councll aad abanned the practice of working to esti- mates, employing instead the cost-plus formula and. contributing to a further rise in building costs; they also engaged in the unilate;al lowering of wages, and maintained at least one company union for the pt-pose of wBeaening the bargaining power of the affiliated unions. With the breakMmn of the arbitration plan the Lockwood Coaittee proposed a new settlement with bo th e BTEA and the BTC. It suggested the rmintenance of existing wages, subject to arbitration by a standing board; if, that is, the Board of Arbitration found "inefficiency" in ay part of the industwy, a deduction of $1 a dar in wages night be made. The Council accepted the plan but the BTEA did not, insistin. on separate contrects with individual unions. 'While shouting loudly for collective bargaining on taeir side," the Comr.ttee stated, "they do not seem to want collective bargaining on the side of the men, and the Ipirpone is quite evident. They want to be able to play off on Union egainst ano'ethr TUnion in controversies, and create perhaps a different scale for skilled labor in each industry which will lead to nothing but running 37 disecctent and demoralization." ' The Building Trades Couneil, on the other hand, appeared more anxious to accept the Coimttee's reccamsanda- tionr. 're Comittee had attacked the widespread use of make-work and other expensive practices on the psrt of the building trades unions, and submitted reconaendations to the Bimlding Trades Council, the New York State Federation of Labor and the AFL for the elimination of these and undeaoeratic internal union practices. The Comeittee advocated, among other things, the limitation of initiation fees and restrictions on entry into the trade, the adoption of proper accounting and auditing procedures, the exclusion from union office of convicted business agents, the ending of union discrimination against non-asCociation employers, and the prohibition of union intervention in the realm of A. 38 The COsmittee pronounced itself natiefied with the sraEpone of the building trades unions. "The hUions have on the whole, pith a fet ienspicuou exceptions, chown a comBn dable spir:t in meeting the suggestions of the Committee. The objectionable practices have grown up gradually, generally based on a plausible pretext, but in discussing their wisdom the officials have at all times been oaenable to reason, their attitiae in that respect being in pleasing contrast -wth the insincere and defiant position of many of the business lWbreekasrs 39 with whoE the Comaittee has had to deal." The cooperation of the uilding Trades Council was also followed by forml intervention of the AFT.. John Donlin, the president of the AFL Buil6ing Trades Department, mas sent by Gompers in September, 1921, to supervise the reform of the internal structure of the Council. The relief wa short-livled If the imcdiote effect cf the Loekood Coimittee investigation was an. upturn in the building industry, the conditions and institutions %hich h contributed to earlier abuses vwre by no means abolished. The penaltie visited on most of the guilty were light or non-existent; the mployers retained the substence if not the form of mamy of their former malpractices; and the institutional reforms iposed upon the Building Trades Council were insufficient to prevent the rezurgence ox e:tortionary practicee , "From Gxom.; of the testimony before us," the New York Industrial Survey Ccmasn:ion stated in 927, " is evident that prcmises made to the Loekwood Housing Coamittee. and to Mr. Unterryer, their counsel, have been forgotten or disregarded." The spirit of Brindellas events were soon to show, waa by no sains dead. i. s0CTOES --S CaAPTI XI I-- NIW 0IoBK . Lnoln Steffens, LTe _She of te Cites (New York: Sagaeore Press, 1957), p. 203. 2. Now Tork State Legislature, Special Ccmittee of the Ar Appoited to Iwvemtigate the Public Officers and Depara ns of the City of Nev York aa of the o ties therein icdI l (N1ze CQCnaittee), Flal BepoS Ase ly Doctnat No. 26, 1900, pp. 6-7. 3- Steffe, I. e t, p. 205. 4. vew Yorc Stae Legislatue, Special Cbmuittem Appolnted to Inestig the tPbUce Department of the City of NBe York (texov Cosmttee), LReports, DSe OCtt No. 5* 1895, p. .15. 5. Ibi,., p. 2a. 6. aest Comittee, c p. .9. 7. I p. 21. 8. Real Estate ccel Gatid (ieN York City), Augist 8, 1903, p. 24. 9. 1oc. ect. 10. Lake Grant, I he Natiowel Erectosre AasoCeation ean the Inter- eatiomal Asocton Bri Strcial s rs (Washoington: United States ilrial Relations CoaBesion, 1915), p. 8. 1. John R. CoBans, "tme New York Builnag Traes," in !Tae Unionism and Labor Probleas (New York: Gim ari CoPxeay, 1905), p. 86. 122.3arln, cit., p. 299. 13 New York TiSes, Jum 9, 1903, pp. 3, 9. 14. William English WalliAg, " Bm e J]uilig Tiraes E1ployers and t3e Unions," he World's Work (August, 1903), pp. 3790-91. FIotots -- te a hapter I -- tout. 15. K, p 2 p. 69-70. 16. Bay Stanmc Bao r, "the TUSt's 1Ne Too1 - fTe Labor Boss," MCClMV,' eime b (oveer 1903), p. 4,. 17. walliog > .citM 18. osMa, o. p , po 69. 19. owe York Times, June 9, 1903, p. 3. 2). HaMA Seltda, Labor Cgax" - A History Ofxbmcegategl (mw York: Liverighlt PabUs g Corp tion, 1938), p. 16. 21. p. 17. 22. Mov Yorf Times, Jums 10, 1903, p. 1. 23. 1A Augmst 13, 1903, p. 3. 2. . ^ st , 1903 p. 12. 25. fat , g. c p. 73. 26. Tobstimay af Otto 1. Eits of the e YorkL Bulding Trdes p1oiyers' Amsoeiat;Lo, efe the United St tesa Coalosi on IBu trial Relatons, Ia Piml Repor Wieptimmw 64lih CGO., lst nees,, Sei te jDoeient o. 15, v. 21 , 1916, p. 1585* Ixt wa found neceso8ya , aocordiqE to pr. Ei t, +to fo=m dual unions in "less *Whwn a third" of the 29 suioEn involved. 27. N_ ev York State Federation of Iabor, 1914, p. 28. oe . : American Feeration of Labor, 1916, p. 29. Yew York Tims, October 30, 1920, p. 10. 30. ~d. October 22, 190, p. 1ki. 31. .3e York State Legislature, Joint Legislative C(saittee on Housing of New York State (Lokoax Ommattee), O e ediate Rept, Fooates -- CU:pt X - cont. iegislative- ^lx f nt No. 6D, .922, p. 65. 32. Z3|. PP, p. 79-80. 33. Ib_,_ p. 80. 314. Seldman, i.'t. p. 78. 35. 3 , Yor October 2, 1920, p. 1. 36. Seidman, e p. 82. 37. Iicloood 0aittee, PFa L Report, LegisSltive aesxwent No. 28, 1923, p. 23. 38. e Loeto Occs aCittee repcted iast -the ovmr of the mu mabassaor Hotel was ccmpe.led by t?e Executivei Omaittee of the Plaoterers to tear donw part of a wal3 because the asimisss ageut of the loasl unio had reached the coancusion tfhat the color and style of the mitateion .avatine marble did m ot suit his artistic taste even thcugh the marble- vork vwa acceptable to the over eni his nationally-LnLm architect. WVether, of corse, the diint motive of the business azet was that of the injured artist w shall prLbablty ever l-sow. See ItckWoe d COmmaittee, I tey Plf o Ct t ^LS , p* I6. 39. Ibid., p. 52. 40. J, Yor State LeGslatur e, Spacial Joina; Cc;maitt+e (Ie audtzial Survey Conmission), epo L gislative Wesnb-t .T 69, 1927, p. 15. CHAPTER III NEW JERSEY Jersey Cty lies across the Hudson River from New York, a sister orammt It ms the ber of frank Has, the IDbecractic mor of the city. "t" he ome declad, "am the law.s e ined 1ected Director of Puble Safety for the city in 1917, be destre the polneean's a Ad firemen's mions and institte a sytea of political spies, assiurig ehiuaelf a onolvr er l entorela snt he skpt as mg as he belA oafioe. Elscted aor the am year, he re*ine over the affairs of the city an the Murrmn ig udson C onty for 31 years. In 1919 he challemd the lDlratic brsip o the St te of New Jersey and brouh t about the electon of his own choice, State Senator Buad I, Bsrs of. Hudson Cunt, to the pgover hip. B&wtds was the first or a prooesson of Hasn nominees the gubernatorial chair, all of ubo helped to assure, troub appontanmnt to the Judiciary and otber public 43. offices, the Iransnity of the Hague mahine from the attentions of the Uv. 2 There were the usual apurtenances of ahine politics. There was an inflated public paroll, the per cost of governst in Jersey City increasing 300 per cent in the first ten years of Hague's tenure. 'he loyal n enor ous majorities Hague rolled up year after year vere buttressed by the votes of the dead, the insane and tepo residents long since departed. here were epensive public services, and lucrative contracts for Heaeg ' old friends. 3r did he neglect his on welfare. "Politicts" he said, "is a business." Hague never received more than $8,000 a year from public office, but in 1929 a Joint committee of the State legislature investigated his ncom, eporting cash investmnts by oHgue from 1918 to 1927 of $392,910.50.k 4 -ague refused to answer amy of the Comaittee's questions, propting a Treasur investigation of his resoces and a subsequent order to pay $1,8000,00 in delinuent taxes and penalties. But graft was not the only problem. "mbe ague organization," wrote Dyton David McEean, "alo ne ong American ity machines, has sytatially ad successfuly utilized the methods of terrorism, the infiltration of groups an associations, the suppression of criticism, and the hierarch- cal principle of leership that have haraeteried the fascist regies of Europe. An awr of spies reported on dissenters; political adversaries often found their nall opened or did not receive it at all; telephone wires wre tapped; propery r opposed to Hague were hazrassed by bulding deprtment officials, had their licenses revoked and their propert unfaorably re-assessed. r social disseters there were special masures. "Whenever I hear a discussion of civil rights tad the rigts of free speech and the rights of the Constitution," Hague said, "alveas remmber you will fini him (sic) with the Russian 6 flag under his coat; you never miss." Such people, particularly trade unionists in later years, were denied access to public halls, mlested by the police and, very often, thrown out of Jersey City. It required uusual qualities to resist such a system, and there were few who tried. bFr many years Hague received the support of the building trades unions in Jersey City and elsewhere in the state. The unions in Jersey City at least, probably had little choice in the matter. Except for the building trades, Jersey City was largely wrorganized until the advent of the Congress of Industrial Organiza- tions in the mid-thirties; as late as 1936 the Chambe-r of Ccmmerce was able to report that "the industries of this city are mare than 7 eighty per cent open shop." This condition ams largely Hague's doing, and his weapons were formidable. But not all builing trades support was reluctant. In particular, Hague enjoyed for may ye ars the close friendship of Theodore Brandle, the leading building trades- .man in the state. ]3ranle, during the early years of Hague's administration, was the business agent of local 45 of the Iron Workers in Jersey City. Later he became president of the Hudson Counlty Building eTres Counzcl, leader of the New Jersey Iron Workers, president of the State Bui.31ing Trades Council, and a powerful influence in the Jersey City Cerntrl Labor Union and the State Federation of Labor. He vas els a business- man. In 1926 he founded the Labor National Bank of Jersey City, installing 45. :a:se3l as president. Also in the 1920Is he foraed, in prxrnerhip with former State Assemblyman Joseph Hurley, the :;raleygran Coipany, a bonding and insurance firm specializing in the cnstruction industry. In 1927 he became president of the New Jersey Iron League, the principal. employers' organiation in the idAUtstryt it was his intention, he said, "o serve both, sides." He was, finLally, HagWue's most valued 3laor supporter. He first came into polit;-ic-t prominence ^aen, in 1924, he led the opposition to the drive with.l the state labor ovement to endorse the presidential cenddlacy of Senator .Pobert ?L Lollbette and won, on Hague's behalf, the labor endorsemnts of John W. Davis. "I vill," he said later, "bring eery labor union man in the state to the support of Hague's leadership," 9 It was not ts only service. When HeZue was charged with income tax evasion, Brandle eased the burden of repaymnt vith a personal cheek for $60,000. He was to regret his generosity, but foo: the mmeit he w-as a rich and powerful ra.. He ams the most influe;nial trade Muionist ln New Jersey, and his association with Hague was vll-publicizesd, bringing handsome resar; builders ow found it cdiflicult to obtain public contracts without his approval, he enginee:ed the feamiliar trade conspiracies betwen unions and employers, and enjoyed a pleasant immrnity from the attentions of the Jersey City pxolice during labor disturbances. His wealth increased, asl in due c (3953), 2A; 170, eI . 1. 16. ..~,. ~ p. 191. S&e eal A1fre . Aids,"BSeab Ca 0S? w 31, l93RD w. 50943 n. B. vOsrD 7, 193I, p@. 538- 40. 1 X7. es, 3I,. Bei., :p. 197. 18. th a p CHAPTER n CHICAGO 49. Chicago, meanwhile, had been witness to similar events. It as a rearkable city. "First in violence," wrote Steffens, "deepest in dirt; loud, lawlese, unlovely, ill-sselling, irreverent, new; an 1 . over-grown gawk of a village...." ChicWago' population had risen from less than three hured thousand in 1870 to nearly a aillion and three-quarters in 1900. It was a great railroad and shipping center, a bustling industrial Comunity, hom of two hundred millionaires and the nation's worst aeatshop yAtem. It was, like Nev York,, a port of 2 entry for imaigrants, a "aosaic of foreign-languagr cities." It we an unhealthy place, primitive in public oervicass, ravaged by contagious diseases, with a death rate from typhoid twice that of New York. It was also an open town, with over two thotsand gambling esta- blishments, the largest red-light district in the rJnited States, and it was estimated, ten saloons for every church. "Criminally," Steffens reported, "it was wide open; coamercially it was brasen; socially it was thoughtless and raw; it was a settlement of individuals and groups and interests with no canon city sense and no political coscience." 50. The Taiaoay Hall of Chicago wa an organization known as the Cook County Democray. It seem to have yielded nothing in turpitude to its eatern counterprt. After the mayoralty election of 1897, the refobrist Civic Federation of Chica name 57 of its 68 aldermen as grafters, ad suceeded in obtaning 21 convictions for vote stealing. In 1897, Myor Crter J. Harrison, Jr., lMd a parde of Deocracy delegates down Broadwa in New York in suport of the 'aur slate in the forthcoming elections. he fraternit was apropriate, reflecting a comn way of life. The control f Chicago polties lay in the hnds of war bosses ands alde .an ho dispensed Jobs, smarded public franchises and lquor licene, cntroled the vote and cooperated wth the police in mtually beneficial enterprises. The bribery of puble oficals ws comonplae; and polios blackal of varioe enterprises, shady and legitiate, was sai to be far nre extensi thoin INe York. The saloon trade was largely onsrd rand sper te by aldenn and other public official the establisments often prting as cabined drinkn, garbling and naching resrts. The city's las in all three fields of eadeavo were generaly ignred. "After all," caed Superinn tendent of Police Jos[eph eiplyt, i t ight to eect o t to kno everything that is goig on in town." The M was ore forthriht. "I don't believe;' he said, "in closing saloon on Sunday. I do believe in losring the blinds area in closing the front doors." In later years his standards changed. he Chicago of his ineabency, he vrote, was "the exclusive pna of a lowbroued, dull-witted, based-mtndd gang of plug-uglies, vith no outstadig charateristic beyond an unquenchable trst for m. . Nor wsre conditions to iaprove. 51. Caicageo's reputation as the wickedest city in Amnrica, based on a lurid half-century of lawlessness and vice, steadily ro3e in the twentieth century to become a classic in civic corruption. Not the least of the victims wa the Chicago labor nwveaent. "Early in the nineties," Eugene Staley wrote, "the Chicago Trade and Labor Assembly fell into the hands of a group of self-seeking men aho for a time made the rnsae 'labor leader' isynony0 i ith 'crook' and 'grafter' .... There was the labor directory graft, which yielded profits froa the advertising....Labor Day picnics and soureniir programs could be made to pay handsoe returns. The lobby graft and the committee graft were means of tapping the treasury of the centra body itself. Then, of course, there were inmaerable ways for sharing 4he funds of political parties in return for maneuvers in the Trade Assembly or for leading a fake labor political novaent calculated to cut into the votes of the opposition party. 'Aldermenic nri nations' at the hands of various personally-conducted labor parties vere sold like radishes -- so much a bunch with a discount for cash customers." 7 The fruits of graft, accorng to one estimate, amounted in the three or four years prior to 1892 to at least $100,000, none of which was dislrrsed for legitimate 8 trade union purposes. The central figure in these operations vat William C. Pomeroy, a representative of the Chicago waiters' union. oti:eroy became financial secretary of the Labor Assembly in 1886, and by the early nineties doainated both the Assembly and the llinois State Federation of Labor. He was an unuually talented man. "'He might have made a wonderful record in Congress' or in the labor movesent, is the unanimous opinion 52. of those who naew him in his pria -- if only he had been honest. 'He eould sooer aake five dollars in a crooked wa than ten dollrs honstly, becauser the one ivolved scheming an the other didn't so mdh. And he had brains enoug to ak it either ay'. eoy was palrtticularly ao lisd in the dBertisi racket, first gang coatrol of it in PChiago, latr apatlg his operations to include the Offiial Anral Lbr Gaette of the State Fderatin of Labor. He rso ained a reputation for bre n strik in return fro bribes fro qloyers. "The onditiMns here," Chico labr nar w r te to 10 IOkpers, "is eano fo a to loe heart n the labor mrvematt." It wa 1895 befire the dovatate eleant in the State Federation succeded in ousting Beme frto paoer, after vhich GCcpers brought about his ei frm tree umion office. A further inlane of labor-anagment collusion came to light in the teaming industry in the early 1900's. John 0. Driscoll, secretary of the Coal Teamig Interests strck up an alliance with Albert Young, a teaster' business agent. After organz a large local union affiliated with the AFL International Teamter's Union, Young withdrew from the ITU in 1902 and formed the Tea er's Hational nion. He signed a five-year agreemnt with Driseoll, reulting in an iineiate 30 per cent increase in wages and rtage. Drisooll, in eooperation vith Young, organized all teain emoes into associations. he cobined power of the TM and the ssociation enabled Drisoll to embark upon a lucrative career in the settlaset of indstrial disuts: he bribed union officals to settle stries, ay wecking erm o to 1 est non-unon irlmn, and brOke the strilks o the rIlblb e vlth trweter sppor Tried in 1905 53. for extortion, he aitted having paid out $50,000 of ePloyers' funds in five years to settle some 00 stries. However, it ms In the building trades that orrption reached its fullest expression. The building trades unons in Chicago ere ranised log before the eployers. A mmber of local unios ere fialy establiahed In the 1870's, vith rany nre appeari ng u the ibUllong decade. A zajor increase n nbers and strength cae wth the Chi o World's fir in 1893, ic provided extensive work in the erectio of exposition sites nd hotel atccomodations. lhe first uildBig Trades Council was orgnised in 1890, asuming poers copable to those of the s w York body. In particularl every syapathetic or craftde strike had first to be approved by the Board of Bsiness Agents if the spport of the C ncl ws to be given; actions of the Board in such IntterC re binding on all affiliates. F urther, hile the euncle itself concludd no preemnts with e yers and retained no ful-tine busines agnts, it urged a arfiliates to ubmit their agreem nts to it for approal; its J eent carried eiGit, since greements not sq roved by two-thirds o the Coumncil' delegates were not s ported in the eent of strike action. Ihe uncdl, led by the Board of bumines Agents, wL for years the controlling force in the fndustr. As in hr York, its por ws misused. eh arcittect of abse w Matin B. ("d"in") Meaen. A former bhbo, Mrden becew bsiess agent of the hiaiqdo .teawltters Helpers' Union in 1896. Ruling "by gun ai blackjac", corps of thugs constantly at his sd, he o ed cl union elections by inviting his sapporters to ine one sde of the ha3, his o ne the other; 54. he vas soon elected president, treasurer and business agent for life. By an extension of these mthods add beea the .e facto leader of the Ei2tLing rades Council and its Board of Bsiness Agsnts. He also eoa to doD te the QCicago Fedj atio of Labor, and in 1903 was poumrful enoug to arrge the election of his own nmdnee as president of the Illinos State Federation of Labor. He Vas a corfl mn, "fashil dresed. His trousers wre fresh from the irning boa of the tailor, and his coat wea the latest cut. He sported a fanr y avendecolored wistcoat and in his shirt frot a diamond p . Patent leather shoes adorned his feet. His shole apperanee indicated he had no ack of mney and spent muc of It on hmself." 2 He enoyed the raze lumry of a chauffeur-driven laiusina, lived in eipnsIve partaents, ran several sloons and various other enter ses. Hbe ade no ecret of his ethics. "Show e an honmt m," he said, "and I'l ahow you a fool." Hi mathod s thatd of PCrks and Briall -- the alling of strikes, justified or not, ibich could be ended by a direct paynrt to himself, the scale of paynt dape ng the size of the building project involved. It led to the enrih fent of himslf and other leading figr but, in omnatio with other circtnces, resulted in the unification of the ploya aM the eventual destruction of the Budiaing Trades COucil. Prtir to 899 the Chica building trads eaployerx were organized inly in trade asodiatoms, negotiating eparate ageents with the unrio. The sytem l a not altgether un ular. xclusvde agreements controlling prices a I ting suips ere ccaan, bringing hand 55. profits to the emplyers ad secrity to the unios; and the burden of extortion by busiess agr ts wes made lighter for the emplyers throu their pctce of rig ng bd mmg nasso ation mbrs and passing price mincases on to the pblie. Bt by 1899 conditions in the industry had deteroted. h o vrproducon of the revious asx years, the upward ovewmnt in t als prices and the typical slaeksn of a presidential election year presented som of the employers with the threat of bankruptcyt . Thus the icago B uing Contractor's Council was formd in 1899, vested vith fll poes in labor-mnagement negotia tios -- iuliin the right to declare a okout without meekng the approval of its mib-es and mrbked upo the emaulation of the uilding Traes Concil. It dmnd , in the ;negotiati of that year, a series of onessos from the building trades union, including the elldination of all rstriction on work, inery an the amision of pprentices, and the aboiton of the ympathetic strihe. The Buildng Trdes Council, nmaaiile, had ruled that n union mieht negotiate n exclusive areemnt becaue of the employers insistmece that unions mst ot deal with no-mbers of the aprpiat contractorm' asociPa- tion, thus restricting the wark ailable to union aers. The reult s a deadlock in negotiations and the declaration, in FNbriary, 1900, of a lodkout by the pcLrs 1afn fet he ws in a strng position. Most buildng tradsm n in hic a orised d affiliad with the Coucil, ad several m s ha recently struk muceC a l to abrate their exclusive spBeintm . aIsL o M ml Jed cl rlati n th the ei city adinis- tration. eral building ta n st ofcaln the city payoll and, 56. in ihat wa interpreted as a gesture of support, Ior Harrison appointed Eard Carroll, a formr associate of Paery an d Maddens puppet president of the ig Trades r o ncil, as president of the Chicago Civl Service Board. Harrio had no wish to antag e dden wi th the aProach of city election, and the B iding Contrators' Councl w later to clai t that uring the sarse of the lochOut the city tduinistra tio ws on the side of the unionm t tat the police had refused to give protection to non-stritrs and the prpty of the eployers. !dUen noa felt free to take an uncorcBising std, uttered threats of a cast-to-coast building trades strie, 'and freely employd violence aga t wrkers *ho eroi ed the pihet 1ins. There wre 150 case of violence an five deaths during the course of the strtike. The eqlp stood their grod. "Ie of the dispute'" stated the port the ited Sta I ealtrial Ooamson, "as the deteradnation of the epl rs to destr the b uildin trades counil.... The contractors a t that thellg to abdaMo their entral organisation, ibie they Inteo tdo coel th l e orrinag to a on theirs.* e bey wnre ealso sqported 1b the banling conity and meO-t Chia basaigS im, m e mse s riTlfully led, awe temerate in their d4sM aMa pMbic utteraes, more selicitous of public opinion than the bragging Abden* By ? rulAsn-r, defections fro the Buildng Tr desC Oucal d began v th the irgng of en agreeent between the riek- layers a their aler' association, .onceding the dmands of the Btl ng Contractors' dOonmci. Other xsure-ers folled quickly, and by the end of the ear the llng rades Coumcil begmn to break p. The c il a i lly redued to en-third its pWri strngth sad A 57. In April, 1901, voted to disbai. Its place vas taken by the Chicago Buldigng Trades Leag, hicb agreed to the employers' term -- incling the abolitin of the athetic strie, the settles nt of disputes by aTbitration, an the Oabandna t f the riht to refe to work with non-union men. Mdden had sffPre a severe setback, but within two years attespted to recreate the paner of the old Councll. He orgised the uofficial Asociated Building Trades of icgo, later providing it with a Board of Business Agents. Fbr a tie his organ tion as in copttiot with the e&agmW, but H sdden succeeed in suplanting the leadership of the latter ad became its preidet in 1906. Hawng been ousted froa power in the Chlago Sderation of Labor and the Illinois Sate Federation in 1905, he nov eonfined hiself to the bultdi g trdes. he gue never develped the influenee of the fbamr Coucil, and there w no really effective central building trades boy until 1911; but the veaness of the league ws more than coutre by the decine of the tilng ontratctors' ouil. viiently satisfied that their objectives haA been pe-ratly wn, mK Gloer and trade aeociationM ended their affiiatioa with the prest body, liich increaaingly lost control over wring coitims. One result av a resrgee of corruption. "Nm 'graft me '," wrte BaVl Montgtcmry, wams paL dring 1907, pbroabl than t NV tm sie the dark Ws before 899." 5 1ii receiv Md hs be. In one eae, brat to lUht at his secbeemnt trial, he -elmdl 20,000 fro the builders of the Inuarance Exanges Builndin, a turty-Stor erection; ien he received $10,000, wk om the site t ed at the tenth floor. ) Iden w arrested 58. for extortion in 1909; his bond of $50,000 was posted by State Senator John Broderick, and he escaped ith a fine of $500. It vas his only conviction. Thereafter his powrr declined, but never vanished. A victim of tuberculois, he contined to call strikes frn his bed in the Grand Pacific Hotel until his deat in 1912. The decde follo g the sdbale of 1901 as moe of chaos and contlnued abuses. dThe sinte ti of the central organtlations of the eaployers and uawas maunt the end of city-wide collective bar- gIair Ng, a rise in the incidence of Jurisdicto al disputes, a continued iability of the bulding t e to strie effectivey, a decreasing ability of the eployer to inluence the teIs of ork, and a revival of grft. Grdally ho er, eve, both sides cae to perceive the necessity fr central oganisationa. With the decline of Madden's influene, a mor noerate facticm in the building trodeo unio under Simon O'Donell of the Painters and John Mats of the Carpenters brout about, in 1909, the re-estabUlisnt of the Bulding Trades Council and its amfilition wth the Bilding Trades ertnt of the AFL. In 1911, the ploers set up the Builing (instruction Bloer' Association, end smthig PPro ing a blan of p r was restored. After a four- wsk lraockot in 1913 Over Mn ate t b the poyers to re-assert the principles of 1901, the Co3mi and the Associatio siged an agreemont prrvt idig for the asitrationo di put uar a Joint Conference Board, and for the prebibitioa o strkls, lokouts san other stoppages of war for periods of three ars. hil ither ide suceeeded in obtaining full comliance with the aeent the part of their affiliates, the 59. settlement contributed substantially to the stabilization of labor- anagemant relations in the in bsry. "Tere ca be little qestion," Montga7y wrote, "that industrill reatios er on a moe stable basis at the end of 19O0 thn they had been a any time pior to 1911 .... (that) the syste of O of e poar VMs preferable to the system of dinsrgmaizati on both sides that prevailed froa 1901 to 1911 or to the system of stroz organization n one side and almB t total I.A 16 of organisation on the other that obtained before 1900." But the ner order had its drasaeks. 'Proteeted by strong organization on both idesa, a rage of mnpolistic cambinaton between orgaid employers 17 ea Or d orkel U ad ar in c ertain trade. The evidence had a familiar ring. MBid aSnd hia aso, iatea had continued, on a reduced scale, their dprdations on plyers and union mbers until Maddend ' death. In 1914 the Chi a Herald pi a series of articles allel g M olesale corrupt;on eaog building tradMe unions. After gred Jury proceeing, Iniaitmnts were retmn d against 5k bsiness agents a six eMloyers. Tm busines agents were hot, oe by an angr eupl r, the other by union br in self-dfine. Daith threts vere sent to the State's Attorne and two imomers of the grad Jury, aid violence emitted againt tva tn;lsse for the rosetion. The Building Trades Cuncil took 4disipliary acti against those indctad, expelling from -ber- ship representative of the Sheet bMtal Worrs,, the Upbolsterers, the Bolezrakers and the Glaiers. In the Midst of the trials, however, the Dstrict Attorany for Cook Cunty resigned froa office, ast of the indictsents ere not pursued, and only a few light sentences resalted. Illegal activities wre not, rhoever, confined to the building trades unions. Side by side with the practice of extortion by business agents there had develped to an urecedented extent the organization of illegal combinatio by the emplers. The onsequent increase in prices an decline bu ofbldig ctivities finally brouht about a major legislative investigatio into the industry. In Febbrur, 1961, the Gzral Asbly of Illnois created a Joint legislative c isstio "ith general powr to investigate combinam tiomn and agrem its og builderst , asterial men, laborers, and others, hieb resit in ntazt ng or raisin the oat of construction dwlling hoses and other blings." The Coiission, under the chairlmanhip of State Senator Jhn T. BDiley, late reorte an difficulty in pursuing its investigatio. "Every apecies of pressure and intimidation zas erterd by th thhose various groups freq ently linnd am in am in the sa consirac . .... So entr ed and secure, and so cof nt had this conspirac beeome, that it defied with ipunity of al the pr osecutig ageies of the State a/the edra G r nt. WitNess intrt dated by threat nt *rey of in1jur to person and property, awn of discage fro loyt, bostt r cis, and 19 isolation, buit also of the loss of their very Uves." But the iqairy proceeded ad a damaging verdict u Ms edert. he CO-assioa's indictment of uion officialas v esmuraing. '"orkng rules, jurisditiol disputes, and agreements of various unions aw rafts have furnihed a fertile field for criin operlatio of dishonet business 61. aets .... scarcely ary building, large or smael, erected in Chiao in the last tuo years, has been imune ro the impostio of rft .... The investigation disclosed that non l r as betrayed, diraced, and brouit into thorough disrepute by many criminal agents. Graft, the exaCt smmnt of hich of course is incapble of oeputation, but vhich according to the best estimates, ran into millions of dollars every year, V iWpoed upon builders by business agents, who in notable intances wre not even aebers of the craft of hibch they vre busines aents. she principle of olletive baFrgzainng so buried beneth a maze of croahed prctices and clms that its frndia ental purpose could not be resog ed. Union labor wva exploited in the intrests o dishont leaders aho aesed fortunes far .thmelve, ad wbo emploed1 urdeers, slu ers , and bab thr rs in their neftrlou wa1r upon society. raft Ius not t e exceptio but as the general rule in 21 buldMit o truction" The Cdssion e tsiAed a rticularly sinister d&velg ent in trae union leadership. "Mhny impor t unions in the city of Chicao," it aid, "are conrtrolled byr convicts d profetsional criinals, san.... ginm and eonvicts have eise d hold the offces of these unions fr the sol purpose oif ncresing conspiray that they might get money fr the dtizens of Chiag by a r ein of terror.... ." his vua not a nowel dsvelo nt by aw ams, poofe onal crinals hsing enteed the Chicago labor movemnrt a quarter of a century before; but the proportions were new. It was a foreste of worse to cm. The detais were ftalar. Sia O'o1 1,, the former president of the Builng Trades Council, ws aumed of receiving $0,000 in strie inurn fro the mare Cotructin Cma, $4,000 for settling a stribt at the North Shore Hotel, $13,750 for strike insurance on the Dante Bu lding, and other pamnts connected with the construction of the Webster Hotel. A Mr. Schdt, busines agent for the Carpenters, as paid $1,200 by the Ltid Carbto e Company to perait the instafla- tio of aertain e qaIiet in the ooaaIy's building. Mre than $7,500 ras pa by the buier of the Soverei Hotel to Chal Wrigt of the Carpenters, Al Yeoun of the Iron Workers, Michael Artery of the Madchi ery Movers, aid othersi the rhitet of the otel testified that the cost estimtes for conruction inelidd one per cent for graft. Willim G. rieg, architect of the Stratfod Teater, stated that he paid Patrick Kane of the Sheet Metal Worker $3,000, Al Young of the Iron Workers betveen $,800 ad $3,000, a3 d an& a unnsd ant to Ry Shields of the Paintes. Joseph Trin, a theater o er, aid that he pad $3,500 to the structural steel kerbs, $5,000 to Michael J. Boyle of the Electri- 23 cal WLorkrs, aMn $9,500 to the Painter to end various strikes. A _eber of business aLents als busied th elves on bdaalf of the various _ealoesr' associatios. "The general building conspirtry," the Ca an said, "could not ex.t vithaut the-aid of the contractors. hidc eIwry e roaked busines a t there s a cood cotractor. Se o- traetor threh hoice, others thr0*e h fear, an others through intixdtian becm a part of this ormpt ste , eea either by active 63. aid, tolerance or pasive acquiescence aided, abetted, and assisted the criinal busines agents. Contractors aided this system in may instances by inaining these busness agents on their payrolls, requiring no labor *hatorer of then in return. In mar itnces, C antractors entere the domdn of labor politics and fin ed the c__Iigns of business agents faorable to their interests. In sma cases contractor even financed the trips of labor agents to conventios in distant cities." The Ocl sion aent on to condenn the orrupt practices of the e 'plagers associatins. Associations of materals nm hwae been guilty of practices as hurtful to building operation s the criinal practices of crooked business agents. These associations, by nningly devised schea s, have enzaeorsd to avoid the conspirayr las of the State. xchange of cost infratin, pooing of bids, exchang of bids n of price lists, reporting to each other of bids and contrat, avrage cost systems, restrictive agreements vith labor unions, egreemnts with dishonest labor lesdrs, uad ny fros of '*cooperative oqeti- tiou' and other euphemis , have served as devices for the restraint of trde and the inflaton of prices and buldng terias. The finanial burdens imosed upon the bu ing ind r by these association ae greater even than (thos) imosd by rafting business agnt.... hse oinion expressed by sar witnesses is that the arti- ficial burden placed upon building by crookd business 64. agent ad cri nal associations connected with the buittng b e increased the cost of building at least thirty per cent. bese agencies are respon- iblle for the hou g sortage in Chiago, the almost etplete cesmation of buiding, and increaed rentals.25 The Clasis _nm levelled a f inl chare ainst the itustry. "Such eil lpratice as sup er-speculive loas, ficttitous values, merbitant rates of interest, excessive m charges, fraufet representations, f alse Mvertising ad other direutabl practices, have been tvry freui tly inua n, l ikth the remslt that an extraordarrily large anmt of 'vild cat' mortgm securitiea have been placed upon the arket in Chiaga aMnd1 Inois. cnouerns guilty of this practice hab been Inaireotly resposble fr a lag mmnst pai for bor graft. his particuarly treS in the buildin of theatrrs, hotels and parust heuseo. yr reaon i eIe p Iasve inoy charges, buildwins, in the epedtiom seottlm t of unjustified strikes, 4di not hesitate t t- the of dishonest l2abor agents, t lat st a coat, rather than faoe delea in 96 the aletion of bldig p ects involved." The Iilme report led to the return of 157 Idietaents againt 121 defaendats, ms*t of thes buines agents. Te prosecution had liited success. lt of the cases ever readied the trial eourts; only 18 defendants , ,,,. -.,,r il..Y I n- i 7r: 65. were found guilty and sentenced to prison terms, and of these only a handful served tine, the re dr being pardoned by Governor Len all of Ilinois. he justice of the matter is hard to determine. It is probable that a number of the idictmnt were based on hearsa or prejudiced evi- dence, and that saoe of the convictions reflected the public anger of the time. Nevertheless, the evidence of corution was ipressive, and the political connections of a mber of the defendants were no doubt mufi- clent -- partiWulrly in the casual Chicao of the 90s -- to provide protection. Farther the instancs of perjury and jury corrption revealed after moe of the trials provided strong testiao to the poer and propen- sities of the indicted. The presm tion of wide-pread guilt is hard to avoid. The consequences for the Chicgo building trades unions were severe. The industry, in a event, vas stagnant during the imediate postwar years. ahere was an acute housing shortagR, producing hig rents and miserable living conitions for a large segnt of the population; but few new buildg projects were begn. The result was a depression in building trades vages, the ee a scale being mb 20 per cent below the 1911 level despite a considrle increase in the cost of liing. After the war a nber of strikes took place, producing in 1920 a horisontal bage scale of $1.25 an ho for the skilled crafts. The followng year a nmiber of eplowerps, bladng the husing shortage on the Wage level, demanded a 20 per cent reduction. The first sensationa discloure of the Dailey Coaission provided thea with strong public support. A lockout vas declared in MW, 1921 &ich lasted for six weeks. Then both labor and manent agreed on federal Jge Keneav Mntain Lanids as the arbitratqr for the dispute. His decision, strongl influenced by the Dailey Oamission dioslosures, vas catastrolic for the unions. 66. Going beyoan the formal ageement to arbitrate only ages, and raling against the unrsirable practices in the industry, Latdis ordeed the abandoasnt of li tsypaethetic strikes, the restoration of wage diffrrentalsb, the r Oal of restrictions on naterials, and the aboli- tion of wrk rules hiich hmered the employrs. Ihe ward, in effect, VWs a r ve version of the humiliating settluent of 1901, nllding in muny cases mg re ductons even belv the levels hich maot aloyers vre willng to accept. he Building Trades Council ratified the asard, bu t it S forwlly repudiated by unons repre aeting a majorty of affllatd uMbers and in fact by a good nmaber of enplorso. The s al of the opposition to the ward seemed liely to render it anglea , the t aderse public response to both the amtd Md the Dl dislour led to the formation of the Citlaes' COomtte to Enfrce the Landis Aard. 2The C dttee rtaised spent oer $3,000,000, recruted a mbile gusd of T700 mn to rtet non-union ,r s, and, according to on observer, "instituted a virtual boycott saganst all uions tich would not accept s dictation." 7 Un efuaiDgto Apt the aord Ie brnded as "otl * As." J Foyers re rgpsd aot to ra vith the outlaw muioms; those iho continmed to do so are blcklisted, often finding it i lposble to obtain baeDng loa for constructin projets. 8am 21,000 b2uldg trremn wre brouht Into Ch ca n an open sop drive, nd special epprentieship schools ware set y in arious . An I nspetorate established to police aosqillane vith the OamlIttee's recanniatilon, d free InIrancee against vilene "an deaMMM to property Was provided fr complying cotmtetrs. 67. The activities of the ComEittee provoked en outburst oP distur- bances. Several buildings ere bombed and Awy workmen injured. Two policemen were shot dead, resulting in the raiding of scores of union 28 offices and the aholesale arrest of business agents. The tuilding Trades Council split int to factions, one for and one against the award. Not even the personal intervention of Goapers and formal action by the AFL in convention succeeded in avoiding a long series of inter- necine battles and the consequent operation of a .arge segment of the industry under open shop conditions. t was not until 1927 that a reunification of the trades ad a reversion to the pre-1921 working conditions wa achieved. 1. O~CTOZ -- CAIPsIER IV -- CICAGO 1. 8taff, ea., .4 d . 6e. 2. r a, OLzr, Alta.W a4 mera (NW, Tlok: Lhmk aaL mbal's aCcmrw, 1956), p. 96. 3. stet-fem, P.. .itt, p. 64-5. 5, han;Uli Mattte98, "I"|teQpeaP Qdego," IHarr'g Wsee:lt (Jaap i 1, 1996), p. 90. 5. bo. lt8. t 9. a,, . p. 89. D. Ie rt to l , ,a' to _zxs Gae .p.** 25, 1896, A zL or 6,Cara t i r 1 in B. f tllp 8 i . AIa, Hietor of th Labor Iamit i f the mAitd 8tatea (New Dork: Iutom al Rbnlm )l1r, 1935), Vol. , ~p. 290. 12. Id, p. . p6. o 3. Tbee px. 30. l7. AtMtd. Bt&aU Ind~ustrwy at tortlaaio B4port on t-e Chift go labot r ute a. 100 (wain DC.: U,.8. Govrxet dPriti Office 1901), Vol. VXI, p. XIX. 15. M.bte.O , or. ce.t., p. 38. 11. Pboot nors apter IV -- eCt. l6. iQ. p.. 115. 17. Ibid, . 116. 18. 11tainaser al Asse "t, O:ttse Appoite Uer Sate oint Besolutlom No. 9 at the IftMy.S4acd Omeal Asseumbl y oa the st at o 1mir, Bpo Jiounal ot the Smate, 19P1, p. 166. 19. fIllinSs ilAin I:vstatMo ia e (Dilqr Omisoa), Dpaort to B 'i Koellenw Let Smaell Govemor, aHm the Piftlc r a GedeVra. _AsayL', Bpraifie1, 419 3, p. 3- 2. n3i Gene l A,,el l Be, , 1.e dct. 21. OCa _..on , pp. 4 5. 22. I,.J pp 4546. 230. icdaeL ("Iela 1utee") l Boele - oe cc the no calolr l figure oat the pealo. He rd hil s t nfoR hia nell practiceMM ao heanglg an xmer12 fri tahe ao ter of hls favorite uace, aerein airbe Aopaeitea the oEDrlWIgm oS grateful 3.elwes. Boy1 ws sald to cc SPIdr that thile rw abseolvet his frc any darazg of bNrbexj. At hiS flirt trial ftr xtrtio e proecwtiocs prodeud evidene allging that Boe -s perVI saiy woth sm r500,0004 See "Gigantic etutwr ofS Nlcm*|i isa Odlicp," e Irn TM dB evies Jlyb 30,9 191t pp. 195-96; "*tQrixellA Mike' - Ohaci9 Labor Oeg alser l an tahe Job," nLitearIt D Plstl AUgust 7, 190, pp.' 6668; Artht1 r . Evans, "te a ILeB' Puhlls 'OeW gba' Strike," eOn _oj a _evi (August 190), pp. p32o-$. 214 Dlley -olssios, op. cit. . 7. 25. llas General A R qpoert Icc. cit. 26. frter O ^Lsm, op. dt.s p. 85. iii. PtyO .lee -- .h I-r I- 0 0b. . 27. AZ e N. M g* g "she oabae Pn itat'u Ia t _ Austyn e 8\uPP Joa ueZY 15 192Q3, p. ^93. 28. ev Yorwk ATfi. 11 192, p. 1. CAPTEFR V NEW YOWK 66. e Newv York Indtusta urve OainMission, as already ted, wrn in 1927 aainst the contintion of cor t practices in the building io lnusty b action seeus to have ben taken on the Coa 8ssion's colaint, 1and the abuses continuad In 1928, Pesident Arthaur Muddel of the ternat al Union of Operatiig Eng ers received coqlants of corruptio n Loal 03 in New York City, placed the local in receivership, and q nted as supervior Patrick J. Oomeford, business agent f Lcl 15 anm a vioe pesent of both the Nev York Building Trades nunc a the evw York State Federation of Labor. In 1931 Conmerford epelled 25 dissenters ftro the local without tial, warzlq the Nev York Buildira ng des ibJlocers' Association and Inde. pendent contractors not to eplor than. fe rebels sout an injunction for relnstateret, e n tehe nterntional nn disbaed Local 03 and oob Ied it lth local 125, the dissidents being exluded from aeibership in the expnded local. he courts wve, ordered the reinstateument of the plaintiffs and the pamnt by Local 125 of $24,250 in damages to than. In Mbarh, 1932, 630 masers of ocal 125 filed suit to obtain an acounting of finanes, hargng that their officers vere gvern the local arbitrarily and for their own profit. Coaerford responled with threats of violenee. Owen S. M. Tiery the counsel for the plaintiffs, was varned to stop the proc s or be ould find himself "at the bottom of a river." 1 An undertaer called at the hane of John Irwin, the leader of the rebels, ad asked Mrs. Iin for "the corpse." Mie rns later called by te3.lehoa ad told that this was not a mistake but a serious aning. OCaaa ord hinself shot at prooess servers and refwed to ttestif proper at the trial. The 69. lfinancia secretary of Local 125 stated at the trial that $13,0,0o had disappeared without an accounting during 1931 end that the local's books had been destroyed. The court granted full relief to the plain- tiffs dnd ordered a uev election in the local in &bich all ths insur- gents were subsequently elected. On the dy of the court's decision President John Possehl of the Operating E eers -- Huddell had recently been mud-ered ..- revoked the charter of local 125 and set up a seir Iocal 130 with Coumerford as supervisor. In June, 1932, Ccnmerfo:d was indicted fo in cIne tax evasion. During the trial Ed.ward A. White, treasurer of the United Hoisting Cowmpny stated he had paid Comberford a salary of $50 a week in 1929, and $75 a week in 1930 and 1931 for permission to expllT non-union men. James Fee, the oner of the Carlton Hoisting o and a an open shop employerj said he gave Comerford $25 a week in 1n27, $50 a eEk in 1928 and 1.929. It was also stated in court that Cauerford. had the received 2, 500 frc~/Greal Con|struction CcGpzy, $5,000 froa the R. J, urphby Ccspany, $5,000 from the P. J. Carlin Corpaay and $7,000 from the W. F. Gahecan Csepany to call ofstrikes. Tu" officer of the Inter.tional Hod Carriers, Building and Cosmon Laborers Union of America, Angelo Virga of Local 706 and LuciaUo Abruzzo of Local 763, testified that they each paid a $500 bribe to Coserford to obtain the affiliation of their locals with the New York Building Trades Council. A parade of employers testified as to Commerford's gocd character, but in vain, snd he was sentenced to spend a year and. a day in the Federal penitentiary in Atlanta. Christian G. bonran. the executive officer of the Nev York Buii ing Trades Bmployers Association, .f h.e ~I~ J t a.?l CocE f.d}s ~guMardizr : i ^te : o- te- ol-uo 4 ( hita?' X uleave fr-om Jail, J C r xfo-l ttoo:e 'ed to tradP .niia af:, 't ^:f At the 1937 convention of the Iiex-iatonal Uaion of Mine, :IX S.. S^tEeX.: Wor1kers -- a CIO taQiot. laer eI8qlled for Communiat :iom*, ion -. resiid.rtt Reiid 13Eobinsn reported thabat C arford hbd '->3en appc-inted :trternational c-gaaizer for :t ikr;; York area Cdurin'. Ihe '.ft :ia~o A nSmibsr of Iccal imior. chiar ers irad been issisd at Corr-ifoxjt's ins-!tigticn, but the internat-ionall ulon ate.-ti. discovereei ,a t< thte ear;exrs represented vi12rtally no ie.eos no amd teha t ^e loca. 2x.ofi.-s -re 'bteiya used "as a j-ob-selling s ency ,'lereby the- heads of i2e .oceia . re Seltlig permnitr for the men to ard nlot ti;dng then i J:_:. th.e .oeal :y8_ganziz.t.tion at all . A 1mr i,-e tig>tion of Ccm-meZsbfoxd c17y '^he inrtarxi1at.AYl ution reiealed hi?s -risJ. :-ast and. ?a3 vas 'qc-pel1tod. ftx2. . the ustlion. :e "A emazership o. Local 125, neezrlUe, hail ccinttinl their ::?",eet eaid had obtaic.d tO re t 1.ian 15 iccessive fsvorible eoux- cdecisto.7 before their charter wsz restore.d in late 1:935 :o:A;y , re ~e:S the internti onal urIon renove1 a.2l local officers :-i;h.t:.t t.:.:ll appointedl a+ t+he new srp- i rv.ilso; Josep?h Fe; . Fer was the busMiness agent of Local 805 il yev:Urk,. Ne'w Jersay, .Ua 3z v.te pres:tdent of the ikbaernatiociSa ion. He was a comnviital :m-,n & l:).sh spenider, a vo vat; reputei to lo'st more than $00(0YX in ievrk houses. ..osiinent. -in tew Jersey lebor .i x,_J. i l3 ci:eles, he was &d scri.e.- in 3.933 . :lv .Acting GT;rvcr .s :, Ei'ch'adxs as "one of tihe real forces in e:icer life. o 6 Hiet 'rss i . ae socisiate of BrsnfdUle's ia the LWbor Iatiosnal laEnk ad vi.Sous 70T 71. otiher enterpri ses, and together ,c .th ttw fellow o':icsrs of:' Local 805 owned the International Excavating CompaDy of Ne%.rrkl. He was expelled from office by the international union in June, 1932, for his business activities, but was supported by his local union and reinstated Wo nxoths later after promising to disassociate himself in time from all business interests. After his appointment as receiver for Local. 125, Fr consolidated all New York City locals of the Operating Engineers into one. le then turned to the Hod Carriers and, in cooperation with Jamss Bore, en international vice president of the latter union, came to control the affairs of Locals 4?5, 250, 26 and 731 of the union. Only Local 102 held out eaaisst him. Icramn Redwood, the business agent of the local, ins:isted Ipon 'dependence of action and resisted all attempts at briber>y ad intimidation. A jurisdictional dispute arose between y nfi.d Redwood, a&! Local 102 struck a construction project on the New York subo ys. Smuael Rosoff, the tratr he conractor e project ad a friends of Frtys, threatened Redvwood with v.iolence if the strike ,zre not called off. Redwood agpealed to the international union and :seceived its official support, but not that of the other Hod Carmiersl locals in the cityo Fy accused Redwood of "dicering wit h the C0O" {ad interesnel with the Building Trades Council to obtain the revoca- tion of Local 102's license to do business in Neiw York City. Redwood -remBined on strike, saying his men would not go back to work "with a gun 7 stuck in their backs." The following da he was shot dead. There was no firther opposition, and in the folo wing years Fky an& Bove engaged in widespread extortion. As early as 1937, AML 72. ,resident William Green approached Posrh o: thae ;matter, miu wTEs 8 assutred that his misgivItngs ere unfoundi.ed. At the 1940 AeL convention in inew Orleans, ray physically attacked President David Dubinsy of the International Ladies Gement Workers Union for presenting an Eati-racketeering resolution to the conrentionr; but Green, when asked if anr formal action wuld be tJeen againet sFy, replied: "Chh, no. That's just personal. It has nothing to do with us." Te decline in pubic and private tbuitling during World War II reduced but did not eliminate the criminal practices of Pfy and Bove, and in May, 1943, both were indicted for extortion and conspiracy to extort from contactors. It trenspied during the court proceedigs that IEy and Bove had embarked on extortion in 1936 vith the initiation of tunnel work on the $300,000,000 Delaware Eiver water supply project. The prosecution had developed con3iderable private testioiyi against both defendants, but experiencel soie difficulty in peraadng witnesses to take the stand. "hqey von't testify at the trial," Fyy informed United States District Attorry Jana Hogan. 10 "I'll see to that." A number of witnesses :.efused to a ppear but enoug evidence was given to satisfy the jury. The two chief officers of the Walsh Construction Compay stated that Fey aet Eove had originally dea $250,000 but had accepted, between 1938 and 1942, a total of $212,000, all of wich had been tetered on the campany's books as boauses to executives and employees. A prpresentative of B, Perini and Sons, Inc., said that the company had paid PS and Bove $25,000 oai a Delaware River contract and $50,000 on a contract on the Lincoln Tunnel under the Hudsco River. In sum, witnesses testified that the deendants hed extorted at least $368,000 on the water supply 73. project alole. Hogan ectimated that the total wa,3 in excess of a million dollars,. Fy and Bove, like Cosmerford, relied mainly on chaacter vitnessen, sme of the latter vouching high regard for the t-w officials while admitting giving money to them. The counsel for the defense, in turn, did not de the paynts but argued. that they were voluntary offerings - perhaps even bribes - for the purpose of ensuring the good will of the defendants. The defense was unsuccessful. In March, 1945, 1yW and Bove were found guilty ad each given prison stences of eight and a half to sixteen years. The judgrmnt of the lowr court was affirmed by the Supreme Court of the United States in 1947.* Fry was also iZlicted in Dcemnber, 1946, for income tax evasion. Various Fltnesses attested to giving Fey a total of at least $186,000. FIy admitted the receipt of $10,000, seaing he did not keep it but 12 t'~Aed it over to others as part of a "labor relations deal.' He ws acqutted. A forel inquiry vas iundched into the coas.ct of the trial, but with no results. Bove ws less fortunate. After his cnviction for extortion it was discovered that some $250,000 was missing frm C the treasry of Bove's Local 60 of the Hod Carriers. ove was tiilicted in ay, 19455, for grand larcey and found guilty on 74 counts. He received a. sentence of ten to twenty years, ad after pleading guilty to incme tax evasion was sentenced to a further five years. Siortly afserards several loals of the Hod Carriers filed daaage suits for $3,400,003 against the latemaational union, chrging that they ha been forced to work at substaadard wages and under dengerous tirlkng conditions because of Bove's collusion with the employers. Tu of Bove's associates in the 74. Nev Yor3 area were also convicted of at emting to extort $100,000 frcm a contractor; ihen the cospaW involved offered to pay that sum in vage increases the offer vas rejected. The incarceration of Pay and Bove marked, in smew respects, the end of an era in .bAlding trades corrptiaz. The practice of extortion eontinued, but seldam with the flamboance an admbtoiion of the precedimg 50 years; in general, the advance of municipal reform and the groving sensitivity of the labor movement to the adverse publcity and effects of corruption seem to have contributed to the disappearance of the city and state emires of the past. But corruptio n i the building trades unions prior to World War II was notable for something other than its scale. It wea practiced, by and large, by men who originated in the industry, tho could at, least clam to be tmade unionists, and 0ho could often point aws% from their failings to considerable services rendered on behalf of their members. Side by side wth the lineage foCm Parks to Fty, however, there had coa to poinnce a different breed with no claims to union status and few to service. Particularly since Prohibition, the American labor movement had suffered the attentions of an utJrder far mre malicious and dangerous than the fallen bulnding trdesman: the professional racketeer. i. lF01rc 8 -W CRAPTR V -- NEW YaOK l. SeiteBO, o^ ct., p. 158. 2. Loo. 1dt. 3. pM 6.4 , (2a) 28, 289 U.S. 759, 53 s80 79e. (133). 4. "MvaaM Iavnamoa "Dulioess Prefers Jacklteers," Newe Republo. oveber 27, 1935, pp. 69-71. 5-~ RPraee-se Internatioual Ifton of Mie, miI aa 1te r otera, 1937, p.- 46 6. Selba, q dt* p. l62. 7. Ibi., pp. 0365. See als "WaIg'a Death Gets a Pair of Boess in Hot Water," we, arch 6, 1937, pp. 12, 14. 8. F, p. p t. tp. 13. 9. Ne .. Y Timaf, No s mber 21, 190, p. 1 and Novwaer 22, 1910:, p. 1. o. Maleol Jd o, nr o n the ,or r (N1e York: NMrav- Hi l Book CLa, 1950), p. 59. .1. ay Yk (a. Doe . I Yrk 270 App. Div 261; 59 N.Y.S. a 12W; 296 NY 510; 68 N. 1 a2 453; 332 o.S. 261; 68 sct 66 (1945). 12. JQhnlo, . it . 61. IABt ACD COERUPTION IN AMERICA PART III CEAPIER I THE fIBE OF THE GANGS 1. Wa_ m Vwi -m, a of amuiwt feate of i li dswa .sg bua of the ninstsenth csituiy. e- susetaiene& pith in popualatienI the social cnidiosU of the cities, tha prj.iaice as and sa ia* irt gaowas the relstie abenes of civic sense an seda , the esual rals of urban politics, the beritse of fr er Justice a t aisitie aethtcs of the ap all hl e to reate in m cities a csta of violenoe and an idifrence to the lar. City 6pel, in the earlier par of the oentury, mre reltively unornis andU mMAbMti A, often alpzly an agent of oial potest, otherwise 1arge y coMar lA to eamtal vioolene and petty crmle. n tim, houever, they gre in strjegt h a Jurisetction. t ihe trial ems drove rore of their ijibabi- tants to e esepe of arla. ' inarea4in heterosty of urban ppula- tion and the rese..nt of iigrats agaList the peJudices of the older stock teded to Cenep ethnic isati an an t distrust ang ninry groups of t ra ers am custom of the aooaemity; taes i st 6S ed tbe iqtiece of w I n iNmigants Vith the occpational barriers of ree, bg t aboat th growe of ethnic gaps, often coneentrated in particular fifstries - the th la in tte uldi trades ian on the ewter fri, the Jevs in the mzant ltus1tyr, an the 'Italians in the service az co m taqt of sem of rte uderveleged for te lar wa shared by mB asPnu of mdhine politics abo, in return for m3 favas, coulA comian willin33e g m jotles and eq aeee to the public purse; *3vie In man areas the polie ad Jdiciary, subject to politicl rule an privy to the practices of their asters, eam to expect a hare of the spoils. n time, some cty fathe perceiv the uses orpai o oeon in potcs. Bent on graft - - 2. a 5atiene t of oepositio, the eniL the aid of pap in vaoleetg political cPogenbs, fmrnimtg Cop dliveing th vote* In return fbr their eVIce the f ga rcseive offical potectio f their .zp Igm altivitiee. "lbleain dazOt arrest t ha," wote Austin Nao"LA, "diatrCt Ctociys as a rule have ot the cou ep to proecute tbhf ad fv Judo9 ll l pe O aX ' setfe oC thet 1 'I pie nOipa fleldA of gWMe actibviy ber aomb1 , prtitution aM the Uiqor trzd the aoal piaetiee - ew et in the ase eof e ablicmeat owed or fGre .t pol.tial. in bnt - being the extortion of relar pagnt fxto g ,aming xo' eu houses of islre ad os in retu m f'or a bsence italOi ttl mo gr vith peity. Obw the oortunities for servie in the t ult fiA of f inetria rdel:ations, eso pags ente red the field anc aide or the other. It w not, until wl into the t tifeth a , a idu;y ea xteisio- of eXtolrtio y Jurisdiction. It m laepy constind to the us t emaoer of pamdesional thugs -- oftean n the aervice of establibtl d detective aenOlee -- as striebeaer, 2 ilet rtss P ve f iolence of iond selom involved the use of mrcenames. T d iheo sioa gangs, that is, Pre nt for iW years a factor of sub- eta ~ialZ esonmic or politial tac in labor, iuistxa , or the rela- tis bet we thea mOver nldl-entrnd a prodper , the p roncm-A the-elsve in the =au with the t Ldittosl vwe. heir leat to w pWMr we yp to eons. Prohibition paved the ivr. C Jam ry 16, 96, the lth aCmsrt to the =CstiAtution of the 3. It:ltd States ms into effct. S bi tea "the mmuruf te, sale oI trbatso orr into at1 l itin, ls w t ort#atIo there ofno, or the Weportation t xreof tr he Us ted States ad all tebs rtor subjet c tlio theo 1r b~evel B prposes...."3 e ratiication of the . tr was fboied b1 the enae of the IatdtnaS P tMohbittion ntjm t Aat mare 'y im as the VoBed Act, ihledh dfrimd tlciOatifn liquors, prescribed the eoaitioXn undte ikei& the alt$1 or / at he used, ad pro vided - peaties for violtOions of the lew. fIe pssga of the Aumrnt ad the At the clia of a 1g emsaign bw tPer-Ioe orrticl anm their allies to elIiUate the Uiuor trafefic 1r federal la.. &e hopes of the abolitionists were h.ii "No," declared the Anti-Sloo l 'of Nw Yrk "for an era of clear thaking and. cea Ulvig."5 10 new 1, its suporters l d, ou bring about a satay a in the ives of American citisens; it ould, they said, end , Es the Jails, decrease orime, uplft the young ad elevate the "moaK gpraudeur" of Amarica. thewe was cofidene, too, on the prt of tho harged with the eor emeint of the l "'Bts law," delared Jchn ?. K wrmor, the first Prohibition Oo__nssioner, "Sill be oeyed in ities largp l anall, d in villa X , ad ere it is not obeed it vill be enfibrce.... Ihe la sas that liqUr to be used as a berage mst not be .infaetmd. We hall see that it is not manlfatured. Nor slA, nor given swe , nor haled n t on the msrface of the earth or urer the earth or in the air." eldao hs a been so honored In the breah or cont y in its effect. Ma oougiaStian of al-oholic beergs contAnued and pob4y 4. creased.7 Within the first decae of Pro itin, hop production e1inebd stable, but gape prout inreaed b r tha half, that of corn soo r sil Sme 13 to 15 1irglln alons of inustia alcohol were diverted annually for illicit purposes, 1ile unestir ble but ue quantities of liquor w*er te Mlebe ec te and ontigw us bords. reig aad distilling equipseat wv sold opealy in the sto s, and the mnufao te o alcohol in the hoo beame a flurishing occupa. tim.8 y 197 the dridnkng hi -proof beverage had pass the 1917 histaric peak of 172 illin gllon a year, the estimates of victry reaging fro 8 to 135 miio gallons. Prhibitin, as Jdohn MbCo oted, ms a burlesqe.9 With uch heroic disoedience of the law, there were few signs of moral ipwrovean There vas a cotant ncrease In arrests for drunmenness, the annual rate in 365 jor cities -- exluding Chiwag, faor vdch no credible statistics are availab -- dlising from 71 per 10,000 persons to 116. es nation's ceaital, goV ed i federa authorties and closest at had to Prohibition enfcm agencies, witnessed a sixfold increase in juvenile drunk arrests; the experimns t of Prohibition, said Coloaml Willisa Bakor of the Salvation Any, "has diverted the attention of the Salvatin Ary frLo the dakard in the gutter to the girls and 20 bos in their teens." Xn Mssa set, lbode Island, Connectiut aad w Jer se, annal revocations of drivers' licenses for drunk diving more than doubled. Deaths fro alo holim quadrupled throu the country, increasir g more than eitfoi d itn bWy Nev York City. he federal Jail pplation aost tripled, the proportio of internees sentenced for lqu law violations =l plyin tenod. aven Presdent Warren Harding, a - 5. tolrant ma, onaeded that the sate of liquor law enforcnt ias "th most dMOraliing f r in public U l e It vas uhrd thereafter to clati a zsm h twb the great e fperimet. !he meot gruesarn result 'as crime. If the flouting of the law by resntfl citisens s sd to then harmles and even droll, the Intulgenes of ateur lawreaksrs bro t ntd poer and fltuene to the praftssioamls. "fTere is no dobt," vrote John Laixiesc, "that ... prohi- bitioM has enrmas iLnreaed the persomei and pomr of rganisd cam. it has oped t a wr c a oerupation, ith less risk of pminsmi t, with mire certaity of rgin, and with les social stigma than the usual foa0r of crim. . ."12 he trSde in oztraba liqur before federal Prohibition was not inoonderabe oing to the desred adotion of state ad local prohibition law; but now the market expeand greatlty, state and loal govenuma ms tended to relax their enforcement activities with the advent of Iederal resoibilit, and the power of the gns Ohe oomiitio n of succes i boote ng ere control over the mmcture, distribution an sale of alcoholic beverages; a readiness for violence; and a reasoable Imnity tfrm the Ia. Except for home brewing, the trade in otbl liquor cam earl under the almost exclusive onarrol of racketeers, the mea anics of distribution anl sale oducng a lasting undel r ld influence in the t d hotel and culinary trades; the rivries of the bootbgg p a homieie rate unrivalled in modrn times aa , eqlly iportat, a terror of the private Justice of the underwarld ;tile the law se corrupted. Pr 1922 more than o Coast Guard offcers and mn had been convcted of working with smgers ea 6. bootleggrs, aA mway others ie dis dl ishagd; durg the oouree of hibitiom aMt oe-tenth of all faderal eaforca nt offiials 23 uxe diam issd ftr M f . iM la office. X the cities uW odffiers of the loI CmB t only to tolerate bot ig but to derive Icm fro it themselvae, often becoin rich n the pos.14 t the chief link was pDotical. 'The tames that corrup the police d pa ent,' te Frank bmb , "lie outside it."2 Botleggrs not only orpp ed frienly pliticiaas, bt enga actively in polities themLeves. elir servoiee we varied, Intuiclng the apgfutatioa of regstration lists, the intiidLatiou or kldna ing of election or other public officialst the invalidatina or fsifiertion of ballots, the recruitment as voter of trmansieits or vap ats, the stufing or. theft of ballot boss, the molesting of v otes d, ihere nces , the uie , e mar of political o s. re.alt, In my o mi nities, us a virtual _msupsion of the law relatig to bootlegng aM an nmit on the parb of raceters to retributi for their ertoxtiaMiry and hoMoldal activitis, "Trying to enforce the law in Bail"adephia," 'ote the faus iarIm Getarel Btsdle D. Butler, o bad been areruited by the city with great flourh to enforce PrAhibition, "us rnore than ay battle I s ever in." As the National Oo issioer on LawOb Cervian and fbrcem nt Itself in favor of Przhibition, reported to President Hebri t ove n 1932: "lahe compiracis ae discovezed o tim to tioe, they disloQse Qc~binations of tllicit d.stributors, illiit roducers, local politicians, corrupt police acd enforemnt agenies, making lavish pAe t for protectiou and coMudting an elaborate Wstm of lnadivi al produrs and isatrbutors.... Organied 7. distribution has outstripped organised enforcme lt . . n "As to oaruption it i sufficient to refer to the pted decisioe of the oomt the pat de in al pa of the country, ihVch reveal a succession of prosecton for conspiracies, msotia s involving the police, prosecutig and adnistrative agencies of Vaole crmmniti tO the flagrant corruption dicloed in onnmction vlth th e ivemr n of idns- trial alaohol nd nlawful prodution of beer; to the record of federal prohibition ainitraticn as to which cases of corrup- tion have been oantinuous andr P h in services hich in the past had been above suspicon; to the records of state police ornations; to the revelations as to police orruption revealed in surves of criinal Justice in manW parts of the lan; to the evidence of conection between pt local politics and gpan ad the organized unlawful liquor traffic aml of stlmatio collection of tribute from that traffic for crrupt politial urposes.17 There were, finlly, the tetations of power. With the la in bhaos and the public quiescent, the eaes of organized crim saw no reason to confine their opmrstion to the lquor trade. There ere obvious oportuties in the services anillry to the consption of alcoholic drinks; during the Prhibition years ck rs became active in such trades as linn, tobaco, rl wte, a r light foods, eventuall moving into the rstaurnt and allied trades. The special sensitivity of the perishable foods odus tr to interrptins of vrk enourad extor- tionary practices in the fruit, vegetable, fish and poultry trades. Ihere 8. were opportunities in industries characterized by smal business units, severe eompettiton, incresing union ornzation and a hi internal interest in the stabilition t iinnstrial conllitonn. In such indus- tries som eplyers engaged the services of nters to discipline the industry, mitigate the rigors opetition and stave off the organizng efforts of unions; the result in some areas ws the establishment of "protective associations," 'suppoted by employers' conttlbutons and dafinistered by racketeers, which enforced bership, tfie prices and restricted entry into the trade. The unions involved, in turn, sometimes resorted to the use of merenaries in defense aainst the employers and rival union organizatons. The racketeers themeles rovided services impartially in most cases, sometimes serving both sides smultaneously. But for most of them the 1920's ere lucrtve years, with intustrial racketeering a poor substitute for bootlegging. The decease of Prohbi- tion in 1933, hoWever, created a deman for nv sources of illegitimate income. With old nluriets one, but the law not yet recovered and poltical protection still assured, ny gangsters now turned to indstrial racke- teering. They succeeded, in the years following Repeal, in achieving an unparleled influence in labor- get relations. The principal theaters of victory, nt surprisingly, were New York and (Cicago. =- .. - - -.?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cl~-..II .- p- ?.- -, .1-- - I-- ~s m- II - , p. ?pti~~F ~ i. FOOTiOTS -- CHAPTER I -- HFEl RISE OF TIE GANGS 1. Austin P. l4BGBXSd, Awericen CitPy Ooverm nt ad Loaintsttqo (New York: Thm Y. Crouell sat Coma, 1936), p. 349. 2. Violatioma of Pree. 8peech an it of Labo, US, House Comittee on Eeatbon a Labor, Report No. 6, Part I, 76th Cog, 1st Sess. (Wahington: 1939), pp 5-17. 3. U.S ont f . XVII, sec. 2. 4. U.S. tttes at Lare, XLIp,. 1., 305-323. 5. Herbert A 7, ie Great Ilusion (Hew York: Dubleday and OwqPny, 1950), pp. 154-5. 6. frederick Lewis Alen, Ony teray (ew York: arper a Bothers, 1931), p. 248. 7. See M1ad E. Tydians, Bafore an After Pribition (New York: hie MeMllan Ooq, 1930) Mpa 8. John T. lynn, "Hoe, Sweet Ho1a-Bew," Colliers, Septebber 1, 1928, pp. 9. ,chn cConub om ,ain to Ja Baceteerg D the Ae (e York: rntan's, 1931), p. 263. IO. Asbuy, op cit., p. l61. 11. pp. 179-180. 12. John Londeco, "Prohibition and Crme," Anoals of the American Acade of Pblitical ar Social Science, September 1932, p. 125. 13. Preston William Slosson, Ue Great Crusde an After (Nev York: The lcnllan Coaa.y 1931), p. 11; Asbuny, . 183. A11. Tdings, Qp. dt-. pp. 72-3. 15. Prank aGr ana te Ooandtyf (New York: Colubi a .-a:vy wiwsr ii. (Fbotnotes to Chapter I coot.) Unlhesit preass, 1951), p. 15. L6. Askbui, .p. lt., p. 186. 17-. bfzcmont of the Probobitlom Law of the UnitLed Stes. atilonl Oibnmittee on lav Observance aa htorcsmt (Washington: 1931), PP. 37, . CHAPTER II THE wIITG IN IEW YNoK 77-r7 ' IV-_ t -w ,'., 9. The gangs of e York City during the first half of the ninteenth century were street orgnization, known by exotic name such as the Roach Gards, the Plug Ugles and the Dead Rabbits. They were not essentia riminl organzations al houg, as Collnson Own observed, "their habits 18 were terrible." ItherU We eoccasionalY involved in political issues, as in the city-vide Dat Riots of 1865, but seldom engaged n organized crinal activities. During the latter hal the century the became more ambitious, such organiations as the Hadon Dusters, the Wyos, the lophers, the fburth Avenue umne (Gng, the Monk astuans eand the Five Pinters pacticing extortion in various fields of entertainent. They now clained the attention of aI y ll, se leaders began to eploy them In political activities. In particular, Tmianr orgased a series of "social clubs" for yn men which acted as reriting ceners fo old and ne angs. "Theee organizations," wote Herbert Asbury, "mwre lpatternd after, and in mn cases controlle and s orted by, the poll- tieal associations iieh had been fomed in lag numbers by the Tan district leders who thereby strengthend their hold on the voting masses. Such soceties had been an imrtat source aof power sie the early das of e York polities.... They enerally bore the ames of the district leaders o local bosses, ho d nated them and provided s forther t f tions, for the outings upon hich the poor wmen and childr ere taln d ng the slmr a ths, and fo the gifts of eoal, shoe and other necessities wich were shoered upon the teement ppulation in the winter. It ms usually thr these organiations, also, that arrnge ts wre th the ang aders for thugs to blackjack voters at the pols, act as repeaters ed, on occasion, to -? -? 9a. remove opponnts -ho had made themselves obnoxiorrLus o n T.he sytem vas m tually beneical, T y providing political potection, legal counsel anu bail bond fian g in return r services rendered. The gangs bece more powerful, smetimes provided Tm r leaders fram 10. their raks, aa in tSme eplored ew felds. ?ir first narsion in 1m trial ; reatioms m in the 890'8. "Bbcr unmins," ote urio B2. Tors, "lre not th the poIerfuF , rich, wvll-orAanmied Istittmiis the have beone In industrial disutes they ere on their ova. _Maa t, on the other han, recogAit l - and couUl -fnrd, th e ef iwthod of o1ubtti3 ng thet orioers. mbe elOSyer sliply hired cm or aothr of th earey.d hoodlmi gang to 'hmdle' stro~ls, plelett s or a other t rgrdd s mty de ating ur e st .... Ho3nk Bfestmsn, pereps the most -poBixt Ibw York gangster of the perio, Vas evidetly the first mjor recruit, ead was reegularly engad by emploer" to assault pickots and union oficials. Ois activities attracted the attention of othe r gAs uder the leded p of Joba ("Bg Jack") elg, Jacob ("Little Augie") Orgen, Joseph ("Joe the reser" ) MOsenawg, Pincu ("Pincfa"') Pl A Benamin ("Dope Ben"') Plein. hese men ad their fbllouers, becaue of their distaste for ama labor, seldrm entered the plants iolved to bem ;treboreame as such and Anerally limited theselves to pikeot-line violence and personl assaults. M uq orked initially nd inl for the euqpoyers, but in tia vere hired by sam unions. Thee as a deMand for their services. "In t beginning," enmn 8tolbeg, "te abr movemt fouet back on the pi1cet lines with young and baWy m ili tants.... But in time the gamsters became too parfl for mstur stro -arm men and the unions had to hire gaoste of their oun."1 its pWears to have been partiulrly true in the Ner York needle tredes, here the hiti poportion of voan mPLrkss in the in t eate a specal deand for outside reinforemets. In wa event saen p frred to wtk for labor a rg atio, since 13. th uay from tcng Claa ho amnd vwre often ayqathetic with trade uantwoai. Mt gatrs, hoeer, te C im rtial, wri for either ea.ulYers or utoans fromn ti to tim or even limnzltanusl4 y for baa. ein a e the most Hsuoessful. Be began his criminal career on the hst Side of tw ctk City at the ae of ten, rising throuh the ranks of petty thief, uIh vwrlor and picocket to becooB a gang organizer of um ,al syst. as s . all C tting georhicll on Lower Ib attan aad i ari he gaas t tres, he divided the aea into districts, asigning subordinate gang to each district ad, at least to ds the end of his career, acting princdpal as an enterenaur, seldom engaging ui violence himself. 'ebtml wari es to his choice of c .stomer According to 8Iolbewg, he provided strike-brealing services to aemloyers in the grawent trades durin the great ies of 1909 and 1910 vidence produced at eint's tri fal r extortion in 1915, however, indicated that at least by that tim e he reed nrkn for unions. His motives, it appear, ere not altogther u olesoa. The prosection stated at the trial that on at least oo oeasions hin bad rejected an eaployers' offer of 15,000 to tay n a strike, on the groun that his hi ypathes were with the union* "Te an really had a conviction," sad Assistat Attornw-oenral Beverlge, "that he vs belping in his on w a case in iCti he believed....* s tried to convince that he ould have a de the raids for the unon leders for nothing, except that he found it easier to gpt pay for thea"" " batever Fein'e mutives, his services were syste- matio aMd ell-reard. Be charged 15 for raiding a d wrecn a saml plant, $60 for Ii ar atteak on a l arge plant, 00 fbr throaing a manager 12. or f beman doam an elevator saft or e ing bis thuim or ar a $OO fbr a "aletL e koalmmOt" ofi a perxsn o "oaf. ra 1 aport a e," andd 60 to *(00 -- depeMing on the ntae tof ther victim -- fr 0 otin na in the leg or r ving hit ear. hese prices inluMe fees for subCordinte sho received a flat rate of $7.50 a dq. At the timm o his trial Pein vai enagjoi a prasoiml iawm of smer $15,000 a yea. Be m B finally oouvieted of ea oti but re e sied a t aetn n retufi ftr a fll oIfesion of his actit ities during the previous five years. His notoriety, hobwer, prewmebd a return to hio po.bsio e gm ngsra ned, a ni the tolerant Ia bec are iof1ential. 2ay bdi slhown over the years a rirlable ability to recover 4om dA ging iWestigatidon am w still the dominant politieal force, till as rapaci -- ra t ore sohisticated -- as ftaBnn* dsys. "Me .new u, icnl," w _rote icaan'Bmn T az Pual anhard "is h old sq ith the v.sdo of.: sB n t perience aded, A the ears have gone by a notieeasle shift in tactics has ocurre. ete votes of aldrom and other dcty officials are amlat never sold directly an the city trea suz itself is reatively safe from te he. e real fortu of the new r !nb are ghered throi briokerage services* w2d t nu y aoffiials * were esgaged, for exale, in pivate busiess as aautmbile or insurance salema, comld often add to their business by proies to other of friendly teata nt at TCamy Hell. City officials oftn added to their official mnors y aeepting pivate p ts for the aasrding of franchises, leases eM other licenses. Other official ontier d the old practice of nnivin with buasessmn and r eteers in the violatima of ity regulatins BoDth politidcans and policemen 4. -- ^,:-;,Em~ <7___ - --; _ eayed in the colletion oa graft fsom the city's estimated 32,000 speakeasies. The evidence was abundan e Mer cmttee investigation of 1922 disclosed a series of dubious appointments to the Police Cca-nission and interfernce with individual police assinents by the office of Mayor John ("Hnest John") ylan, the holding of iexplicably large bank accounts by police officials, aln the eistence of graft in a number of city depart- mets.t In 1931 the Seabury Ccmnittee, established as a result of persis- tent rumors of political connections with the unerworld, charged that Nei York Dist~rict Attorney Thoas B. Crain had associated consistently with racketeers and hed engaged in the manipulation of bogus stocks; that city piers and other public facilities had been leased to bustessmen in return for kiclbacks of $50.,000 azi uspar&; that the city Magistrate's Court aS doiX ted by patronage and honeycombed with graf%; and that both the New York County Sheriff and Mayor James J. Waler had enriched themselves by virtue of their public offices. Walker, the Comaittee said, had Irequently been motivated "by improper and illegal considerations," had accepted large sums frca contractors interested in municipal legislation, had stock holdings in firms -ith city contracts, and had in his first five years in office banked close to a million dollars. Sheriff Thomas M. Farley of the county was shown to have banked $360,000 in seven years on a total salary of $90,000. Sheriff James A. McQuade of Kings County desposited $520,000 in ix years on a net salary of less than $50,000. Within a period of six years, James T. McCormick, TaSnmny leader in the 22nd IManhettan district, ban2ed $364,788 largely in illegal marriage fees by collected as deputy city clerk. 6 he average anal income of Tsaany L, turla. t^is perio acco .:ing to an estinte of BD. Joseh MeCGldrick; of Oolumbia Tnie-ritsy, was approximtely $D100^C.27 l.w enforcement was clearly imperfect. "The eourfsa ' stated the Wieke:ashm Commmission, "km-t that scae of the prosecutozrs re erooked and the prosecutors Ckow tihat rone of the cour.t are crooked., ed both !ao- that soa of the police are rooked, as d the police are equilly will informed. as to themn.28 the . 96, the Coaission said, "only four per cent of all felony cases i- I:ew York City tres.lted in convictions for the offenses originally chao, red, cEmpared to 24..9 in Chiicago, 17 in Cincimaati, 38.3% in rzral NeO York State, and 60.7% in Milacuee., "Even in N.e YorkS'," he Commission vryly added, "a gect. deal of useful aid is 1129 given to the prohibition forces." Both the Wicirsrshm ad Seabury Repoe;s brought the expected demsads for reform aex the traditional promises of inpwrovemnt froe City Hall, but to li;tLe effect. "The evidence before mI," SeabUry later said, 'icompels the conclusion thiat the r.ich-heraLded warfare on racketeers ended in a complete and a3lject sxrrdler ob:f the lan-enforeir authorities in lfv York Cit."30 MaWh -.7tle the raeketeers spospered. heir most itnf:Luantial leader /in tlie years foll owrln the demise of Fein was Arnold Rothc.;ein. Bothastcin, the son of a and highly-i.espected garment zanufatuure::*, as s rpe.cta- culr gibler tho posted b&iL for each of the 11 gangsters andl 23 union official; iho tere indicted following Fein's confession; rnno as coericted, Pothstein W3nt on to becomea, as Daniel Bell -roteo "thle fi?acier o: the New York underwrld., the pioneer big businessman of c:t:.e ?tho, zxurst^.&dn.g the ?o3ie of coordination, sought to or enize cris a a source of ::ealar incomeo"S1 Acting as ae intemeie betd? etwen the baois arnd the rceketeers, at o:a; tIn;I c.r a sher be tritaced a elioyed such ce.ebrt d ratt ;eLers as Irving ("Wazey Gordon") .sterl, CaMles ("Lucky") Laciaao, jack ('Legs") MDiesaaI, Prank Co3tello, i:-lip ("IDaiy Bibl.) Castel, Abner ("Lonig') Zwi.rlmen, Arthur ("Dutch Schultz") Flegenheimer, Louis ("l.4oe") Buckhalter arl Charles ("h3e Grrah") Shpiro. His operaticns were vide. sp.rea: he ves a receiver c? stolen goc.s, a proaoter of the illegal narcoties trade, -he owner :xr iCie of mainy gamblig estaiblishmaex.s, the iritiaate or ensuul'tan of. iraa poiliticiau or eeekers after publi. oflce ain, in brief, "the shaoxt term conercia. 'banker r ir u the under- wo)rl of the United States."' Buit he badl speeislty. "His main interest," Bell AlEo _'rcte, "S''iial ra eteeriSg, aon his entry mas thirc'snh labor disputes."33 Under his guidance racketeers ;:ved into a anub0er of ind.ustries -- inctluding the needle trades, trucking, entertbinment, long- shorLrn and the clinatr trediess. D 1930, the New York World estimarted, some 25 tinustries wxre holly or in part under the iflnlmnce of rakeSeteers.3 Rothste:Lan e. murndre-i in 192_8. Iis chief successors in i ndiatrial racketeering Wvre Buchalter and Shapiro, o had been collaborating im the field for scme yetrs. In 1929 both w-ere arrested from throving aei.d on the stocrks of Clot;hing mamzufcturers, b.ic e %~re released vwitout prose cation. They raoir b-cema active in a .:aber of industries :; env I Yors oand XNew Jersey -- prinelpal3- flour, baking a.nd he garnent trades "ese trdes," arote Sholberg, "iere es-peiS ly vulnerable bepuse they all employeC. drivers ai tnrizken, 'outsit - orkers' xtahom the gangster colid eas t] intimidate,... After they ha^. -Iorl k the.rse! ves into the trucnki; e:~x of the industry,, it ?as not har7. -.or (Bacw.ter and SEiapiro) to rmsale 1nxto the indistrial relations bet.?ean labor and managemsnt. They offeredi 'protection' to the eip:loy s against labor trouble r. soma firms paid as namch ea $10,000 year nY t to have ... stink-bomb squads ruin their goods or wreck their premises. Then the racketeers Iwuld offer their services to local union officials far the settlement of any difficulties with the emloyers, ihom they claimed, -with swe justice, to control. Business aents and other officials h o couldn't see the light were beaten within an inch of their lives 'Contr ^o' of the union could then be sold .35 in turn to the eployers." It was a large anad profitable eaterprise, Bichalter and Shapiro employing as many as 250 collectors and enforcers and extracting between 5,0O0,000 and $10,000,000 a year from employers and unions. 36 "The magnitude of the operations of these racketeers," Sew York Couzrty Frank S. reported/District Attorney/Togam, "ad the brutal power they exercised over legitimate business was unprecedented in criminal anals."37 Frma 1929 owarrds Buckalter and Siapiro underwnt a series of trials for offenses raging from industrial extortion to traffic in naeco- tics, but managed through acquittals, delays and fugitive action to avoid iprisonment until 19)40. Ixi that year both received life sentences on charges of extortion. Shapiro wet to jail to serve out hie terim. Buchalter v.s tuaned over to the itw Yorks statee authorities by the federal g3vernmnt to face a charge of sr=dering a miorr garz.era tLdustry employer, and was executed in 1944. It was the sole example in modem. times of the capital punishment of a major underworld figure.8 Bu.halter and Shapiro tere tihe leaders of their kind; and there were amne like them again in the braaenness and scale of their extortions. But they ,ere creatures lesz of adventure and ability than of an unfor- tunate set of circumstances. Their chief success 'was in the New York 17. nedle trades, the history of that inustry illustratin as veil as aw the entrance that a proer combination of ilnustral, political and social coMd.itions i giSve to the profes o dal orimin . l. le, also, Bchalter and Sapiro hd no true sucesors, the cnitons AiIch produced them never ain ided to the potit of tol nc. he politis of the city Vrem e d ubios in virtue, nted fro tim to time b gmrft tin amstrt ama briber of the police, and alvtW by vhat New York Jae John M. a-ta~ i calle the 'turnttle J sti' o te outs.39 Ihe reputation of ma Nal, briely rehabilltatd after World War II, uas brie tly re-tarnied by ch ges of fealty to Fank ostello, the alleged 'prite' of the Anerican unerwrld. Le needle trades, &ile considerably civilised by the effc of the unions n ooIperation vlth the best of eployers, retaind eno of their pri a habits and bed conectins to ensur- e .. oe setion at a -- the esurv, al of the gongs. Ad on the ke York wtertront the coditioMns of the iudustry, the greed of the ealersb, the a blit of union leaers, the interests of politiceians d the She l ectbieess to prue o phe classic ase in Ieriean labor history of the doination of a trade union by the forces of crie. T;X mY-EyFP7- vIs-I~~?~EZ~l ~ e~lRFII B~a~Ol~ ^PB B^ ^^ F'"- ^"?? i. FOOTOT - CHAPTER I -- IE E Ia ING IN W VORg 1. O;Cri(rT,,, Ofenm, Klig Crime (TNdn;: Erest ]m mted 1931) p. 26. 2. Hesbert Abuzy, eas of ew York (Oarden City: d-en Cit Publrishig Comn 9 , ) . 268-9. 3. Bwrton B. 'Turkt , -aI. (Nw !brk: r rrar, Straus and Yomg, 1951), p. 33-. . Benjaan Stolberg, Talor's Progrss (Nev York: p. 235. 5. bhaI. p. 252. 6. Nev York Tinma, April 13, 1915. 7. Homn ?hams and Pmu Blazatiard, i hat' the Matter With Ne York? (New Ybrk: Mhe 31dalldln Co- MnU , 1932), p. I&. 8..- o ]kNe York State Joint Legislative Committee to Investi- ate the Affars of the City of Nev York (Meyer comittee), Lislative Domnt No. o 7 (AlbWa: 192). 9. see alo Jdon Dewe, Ne York a the Seaby t Imesti tion (New York: he City Alffairs Coalttee of te Yoarl, 1933); and R d Mablay, r oa h epls (Nev Haven: Yale Vaivesity P es8s, 1932). 10. boas a B3bqehab , p. cit.. p. 24-.5. U1. Bpot be n aavldss ai a .-, iat lto (.l. calmttee on I brva e ax oae Bpt Lo. 2 (a tsan 1931) s P 86. ,p~~~9,';Jyp.r ~~i~4-l~rS~~lr'-~h- 1Z ? 7~ * 7 . . (Fototes -- Chapter II cont.) 12. aDenot on thet f the -Rihmbitian Lava of the United State, p. cit:.. BDeprt No. 4, p. 43. 13., William B. :eMn John B. brthp, he Insolenc of Office (N York: G. P. P',u1nm3e Sons, 1932), p. 117. 14. Daiel Bell, e End of Ideog (tOlen: he ree Press, 1960), pp. 118-9. 15. raig hapeon aMnd Allen IeKrad , Qag Rule In New York (Nev York: Te mDa Press, 1910o), p. 55. 16. Bell, loc. cit. 17. Li Adi kaanc, "BaRceteers," ev ptc Jalua 7, 1931. 18. Stolberg, pp. 252-5. 19. On the careers of Bikalter ad Shapiro see, In parteular, ederal oBreea of InVestigatiOn, eport I.C. #60-1501; Turks, p. ct pssim. 20.. _eprt of the itrict Attoy Comty of 3ev York, 1944 (Nem York: 1944), p. 31. 21. see e v tr, 44 NI 2& 4u9 (19o4); 289 NY l81, 45 NE 2a 225 (1942); 289 NY 244, 45 EM1 a 25 (1912). 22. John M. urt i, "Gamblir ana Police Corruption," Atlantic M , Noveer, 1960. On ther features of Bew York in the postwr years see Ed Reid, The haeof Bew York (New York: Raaain House, 1953); Norton ocridge and Robert H. Prll, 'Pe Big ix (e York: BHey Hold ane Cd nm, 19514; Willa J. 1eating with Richard Carter, The NMn Iho Rocked the Boat (NBe York: Harper an Bothers, 1956); The refauver Conmittee Beport on Orgnited Crime (1ev York: Didier, n.d); Richard H. Bovere, "Npther Hog's Plae, t Y , August 16, ?19 7; .red J. Cook iii, (Potnotee -- Chapter I concls d) an a ene easo, he Shme of ev York," at..." Ootober 31, 1959; Hl H. Mertin, "Ney York's nu^et - eir Geateet Ordeal," Sa v g t, Deo_ r 10, I960; "Nw York I Ulleexpose," Sdbolasti. yw 21, 1952; D. . Alien, "GagS of Nw Yorick" e Septeber 1, 1959. CIAPR III THE NEDLE TRAES 18. 9he New York needle trades -- centered around the men's clothing, heaer fur and ladies g t industries -- sared during the latter half of the nSeteenth nt and mab f the twntieth sm of the chaac- teristics of the building trades, with added caml1ications of their owvn he average business unit was mll, petition intense, profits gnerally low and the rate of busiess failures high. On the other ha, entxy into the industry as easy, requiring little cpital or equipmet. Since equip- ment was cheap, Wges ware the most iortant cost item in production, and comqetition tended to be at the expense of labor. A number of additional factors ontrited to the margal ethics of the industry. e labor force was comosed largely of Central European i grants, umased to the languase an culture, even less elcom than the Irish, and prepared in may cases to ork under almst an conditions. lie protecto o ion f on itions was aso made harder by the cacmon practice of "hme wr" perford by single or small grops of arment wrkers at lov piece rates. But the peculiar contracting system as perhas the principal factor cntrlbutory to corrption. bst priay mnufacturers in the inustr- ave those in the charge of large "inside" shops ere all operaions re ondted under one roof, or those enga n expensive goods Ahere high quality ork was iportant -- contrated out the cut cloth to outside firms for sewing, finihig and pressig. The contracting sstem enabled the priary -mnufturers, or jobbers, to bargan vith the contrators, minimise their labor overhea d thus reduce their operating costs. It also produced a savage copetitie condtion aog the contractors r--- t-il~iB*leT;I 19. In Uw parts of the in3ustr, driving t to vaous epedieents to reduce costs and vroji the atteutio.s of the ne4de trades unions. tmnionim- Msati o often laded the estblblatet of a pltm'fNrship, or oorpiratont dsops, D ff# rW for Iag hbows at lam returi. UIe mobiliy of eqpulaezIt Oea the inaceaing ac tivity of the uolons also produced a subi stanbal a atiom of coarectors into the Weubus a adeiborizm m ustates -- ften o i lU al anbi-uniLo cM.m tieafi *ii of d t hei fJe ext;, lra tass, amd t loperaston of the looalt police in resisting the oanmi* sing ef'brta of the needle trades uios. Se emloayrs also resorted to the unimorwrd. It VM not hard, at a est in NW York City, to enyage the services of ractetees. As Joel Sei au wrote: "fte sealenien of union control (after a mjor strike in 1926), the keen comIetition a a price basis, the trsditional disorg - zatlon of the Nr York aartt, an the orpt polities tat held sam in that city comnd to ive raetei a foothold in beran'hes of the gamont iduaty in the iB1tSpolis8. bow* t ahe amocmt of raloetGeerIng as not great, either in cometion i th =ufacturer in the Imions, the coplex situations frma aioh it developed and the variety of frs that it took make an eplnatin desrable at preater length tan the intrinsic iportano of the subject m wld justify. It shoulA be bore in brM ... that the practices described wre excep- tional ra r tha usual. t Sm gangsters had been connected vwth the industeso in the past thee seems little doubt, thoush proof is natural3 diflfiult to obtain. In the early years of itawL a in the indutr, hars wre aa from tine 20. to tia that eployers had hired gagsters or stronga.r mn to keep picket frl their shops, or that ui Mons had hired simlar gntrj to keep out strilebre rs. ese cairgas, thg exag- gerated, were prbably 3ustifed in saoe nstances. fhe discvery was then made, in the dle trades as in other inustries, that it was easier to hire hoodlma than to get rid of them after- ward."1 ?Lhe e e grtir os persisted, but so did the facts. Time has lern credene to at least sme of the harges, ad proof to the belief that the influence of racketeers in the needle trades was both enduring ani eep. fie Men's Clothing Industry bte first of the mdern ed trades unions vas the United Grment rers of America. bo de in 1891, it vas a comb nation of native Arican trade unionists - mainly of Irish and German descent -- and Jewish socialists in the menes clothin in dusty Ie U a"ffiliated with the AFLr and for a fee years coducted a militant and successful poliAy in New York. After an unsuccessful strike in 1896, however, the leadership of the union becme mre c rvtive, dscouraed stkng, advocated a policy of cooperation vith the epl1oyers, and confined its activitiees t t to rk rade and the pr tion of the union label. Dlscontenb with the leadership of the union grew, reaching a breakg point in the l o trke of 1910 and the New York strike of 1912. Both strikes were coa&utevd socialist leaders, succeeded in gaining benefits suprior to those demaued by the UWA leadership, ans fimly establishd the union in rne sections of the idstry.I In 1914 21. the rebel socialists broke awa fron the pa orgnenzation and founded the Ama gatd lothie Worke of Ameria under the lea ip of Sadney HilAmn Sine Wth U as s an AM affiliate, a ers Instructed the United Hebrw Trades -- an ormniatiom of Jewish mSIa anr t womors in bv York active in a nimber of inustries -- to expel all local unions affisiated with the Aammated. 2e Hebrew Trades refused to do so, ereupimn ?the AFL Eecutive Councl asked its mmber union to order their locals out of the Hebrew Tades. he d thn withew frm the Hebrew Trades to ake natters easier for other Jewish affiliates, and remained idependet until the 1930's. After a series of battles with the UGWA the /ma.18gJoted soon became the formost union in the men's clothing industry. he rise of the Aa t prcted soe m eanlovers to enage in extra-leal methods to out costs. Altu less oqettlve than the ladies ga t iust the mn's cthg i elod the jobber- contractor sta; em d ubile the bhl ty-skIlled utters in the Jobber establishments wre unsIXy organied, the less-skilled turkers in the onact shops often wSre not. he otrators evidently brougt in the raceteers; the aalgmted, ording to soae sources, responded in kind. "!e most that can be said ifn mxtifion of the Amlmted's part in the entente of raceteers and laor," vrote ainess Week, "is that it used the ia n seld s. plers usead them .2 rhe respansibility of the eqplyers as also atested to by "'nas E. Dewy during his das as a special prosecator for the State of New York.3 "b Aalate d," Busines Week cortinued, "still in its organizational hase, ould end delegatesd to an open shop to recruit for the union. he 22. ailoyen r wuld b p arotection from thJewish Mcb. Aea aed delegates .ould be beaten uP, ploqs who sehal d an iJnte'st inen t i *terroi ed .... It (the uiion) began to do bbuines on its ovn with the Jewish Mob."& 2Ie Aamlgamted dmeied te charges. As early as 1922, imSeed, it had c lained to the District Attor of Ne York City of the use of rake- teers by tbe aeplyers.5 It now rejected the clasm that the ineffective- ess of the la had driven it to deal vith ggtes "JTe sin ge truth," weot Pesdent Jacob Pstoft of the uion in 1957, ":s that neither HtIunn nm the Aml ted Cloathing Ih rs odf Amrioa ever teraficled or deat vith a un- fnaworld fir e... 3lun U and his associates, at omsidable persnal risk, aved vigorousy and effectively to eliminate 6 thea. h2ey remui eliinated to bs vy d4B." he zrespoibilit of the internatinale r union thedte is i aid evidently net open to proof. bTe evidence eoncerning the link between se ecodary leaders n the uion andL the umwrl4d, however, is me substantial. The systeatic rertment of gangsters, after the pioneering effarts of in, seaem to have begmu with Rothstein. he mercenaries were hired nitially to terrorse prospective union m rs, molest union organisers and protect the sh ent of non-union goods, with Rothstein arrag fol r pal a polltical prtection "A clothng dhop in the hBonx," Business Week said, "m ing a 'co tract' with Rothsten, wuld aounce a wg at ant ducare it no longer reogned the A Disgruntled eaplees, AilBDte s n m, would stribe and set up a picket line. Bothstein thugs wu3 app ear and drive the pickets rway vi th rets, if that wasuficient. If not, a few 1eatiSgs uld do the trick. The police wre bribed not to interfere."7 Bihalter now entered 23- the aense sPs tle e .t for mirw bm.,,amted officials. Bis men would perfoI as reglar p and, ahen the Bothstei forces apeared, attekf the Wi vadrs vith fist cr sticks; atr on,' the forces on both sides grew, knives ad guns were broLt into use. everal ddt'l sedrvces were aUegedly rendered by kacalter -- arson In the whops, tmerim g vith elevator cables in loft bulmiAtlsp the edstruotion of clothi stocEks ,ith aeid the foreing of trucks off the roade ax the beatn or mader of op anents. After the dath of o stein, Buhhalterts pouer icreased, and he as in cpe at n oorto uwith S ,apiro - tual nol of the Jewish gang in Neb York.8 In the me's clothng Inustry he organized truck mins and self-aeloe drivers into a tmcenue ' association, raising the crage price of garmes an dividng the proceeds between himself and a ers of the assocation. He develpd a ppita intereet in bthe idtr, baying into a omber of fir s; an also becme nfluentia3l in the affairs of the cothMng drivers' local of the AB,,lg amtd.. Liike other gangsters, he now served both sides. In 1931 he weda to g antol of the ttegc cutters' Locl of the Amg ted. It va a naturna corollora to his power in trucng. As 8eidm sad: . "be to points c ortrol are L. the uttting-room ad truking. When the niao is fetioing properly, it checks the voluae of Coods cut with the volue received by inside and athred cotat hop, a learns fwrm the truckers tiere the balance is being taken. If som of the cutters ca be persuaded to sead false figures to the union offce her, w ad if n uaUd- tion the Cmtrspolitan poU or police ae bouit off in 22. the perf na oe of their ties, then ieed the business that receives anter protton ill prosper, the union tailors alnd legitl mte .l."o s r in l9 Abraham Becker t, r of the hew York Joint Board of the Amegt ws forced to resign on eargese of ine tence, alth he vms later isplicated in cketeering erations. He was suceeded :iilip Orlofsk, an o_ meat of lllman's aM also the leader of ocal 4. Qr1 ofsk struck u an alliane vith halter, ceding effectve cntrol of the cutters' lo a to him. Bchalter no atte d to take over other m3 aa t e la, t hreaennag a numer of union officials with death unless the a over to his side, and establihig for a brief period -- in cooperation with Orlofsl - the epedet Clothig orkes Union. Thae d rtgaeratd iilerem n atteitedtlo to btain infomaton on the alliance fm ers an mmbers of Local , but most of those poae ed refused to discuss the matter. After talks vtth a nraber of trusted eaploys on the ii of the action, TllMn than brogt the issue into the open. In lMp, 1930, he istituted a ruti nspection of the books of Local e, discovering hue rregularities in them. ihe following month he called a meting of all New York City local union executive board aeabers aM stated the problem to them "We might as ell be frank and outspo here," he said, "and sa out in the open .hat ve have been sayig to each other in private. What the Nev York market is sufferLng fro more thn th else is the racketeering evil.... (It) is a struggle to determie her the raoketers are going to control the workin conditons a wage rates of the elothing orkers of New York, or hiether the soreIrs are to do that themselves throth their on orzani ation. As 25. far as the oarriatiaon is concernd, me are here to serve notice that wv vill flaht the udersurld to a finish."1' EBorly after; ds, Hllma - nww imer? a 24-hour amd guad - led a wreh of 300 union oficials, inMtnr, represeati es d a pri t cit zens to the steps of City 1a I, there to peittion M lr Walter for help ainst the racheteer. e publiely recited to alker the effects of u ra d penetration of t he inustry, _asising- t the iesed unam of Almted u brs becaus of racket-protected open ops aro and outsi4de te city, the assaulting of unlon picets am the shooing of union officials, the cooperation given by eame eqplyers to racketeers, aM the refusal of Most witnesses to violence ai rakteer to testiyg in the courts. "Mh e poganters boast," H'1 mn said., "that they a a as strong as the govermmnt of the city ... we believe it is mere cowrly bluff. Bt they have issued their dhalene to our inwusta and to the overment of the city." he Mayor vas sultaly snprised "You mean," he interjected, "that they claim to have political influene?...a? y ma or gorilla ibo sys that he has asy political influee in this city tbht v M afct the Moor or the ioce Iepartmet is a liar ... that camot be dom."3 Ulker& before his on malodoous departure from office, did in fact prmvide supp tot the Aalgamated. A general strike in the itinerly uas called in Jaly, ostensibly against the industry as a ihole but essentaly aant the protetetd ahos. At Hllman's request, polioan -_ a fr the Homicide Squat rather than from the suspect Inustial Squad ere dispatched into the cothing district to protect the strikers. Se strike also received nPmpaper saupprt. "In sudc tines," the New York Barar-bue stated editorlally, "it is nothing short of criminal that thirty-oddi tho- rsaa ilms, as poor as this city's gasmn! nrkers are,, 26. should have been forced t ou on strike b1 a nu oer of unc ulos eplRers *.. because seme eloiters in the d an pon op tunit to reIpose the sweatshop tios of the last genera .... his aituatioa is not crimnl in the figurative ene oly, for it has been mde possible by an actual leage betawen sae ea eer s and undeI rwo 'gorilla' orga tion, iich league reently took on the aspect of a criminl r e...."l The strie vas at least partially succe8ssfl, a unmber of runa hops being bouit under union cot t. Himan n aed against the uttr' loa. On Augst 24, 1931, the Geneal xective Bar of the Aet ad filed darges against the officers of the local, stating that *89,000 in special assess- ments had d d spee uring the prevous year, as well as 0,000 in dues over a period of tu years. It also 1iarg e oer of Local 4 with 'aebbing' and comig to ters with open shop ealoqer. Affdavlt sub- mitted i a subsequent court trial by algumated officers and Mbers also decled that Qrlofly bad stolen the local's bbooks ad threatened nembers vith death. The amMced offiers reuse to appear befre the Genral Executive Boerd. Tee propiate do nts for trusteeship vere then drwm upp, aad in the early mrning of Augul t 29 the then Vice-President Potofsky, in oapea with other union officials an Ho micide Squad men, caped. otside the ffiees of Looal3 i, At a pre-aranged tim a notion for trteship us resente to n adopted b the oard. Potofs vas i.fuord of the action, opened the door f the offies with a dupicate key, showed the occupants the Itrsteeship docutaents adl barricaded himlf and his con ons inside the premise. be paty Va e atta in the afternoon by Qrlofby supporters, but mng to hold out until the arrial 27. of rinforcBmens fr the i.ternatiO l inon, ae ousted aea of Local 4 souht an I njiuntioa apinat the lbu. Th t1.t a . All resistance e rsroon ersied ai the i1tantiallo vmios ramaIIned In contol. The union also took action seminst locals in the hilrenl's d ting blranch in Nw Yorb ad Sasint ewar Local 24 Withhi the innfnce of the ArM A i Sn the , ana pr=eswably in arelations in the industry, ceaed to be a mI3or problem. the union remaire concerned with it for Gcm tm, HllI n asking as late as 190 for . .t to the Am1ml ' ca t o giving the international union inreased p rsto rovie aafegard aainst possble racketeer iilatraton into the orgazation.1 But Hil n stated at the tm tht he ekew of no coArrptio n the union, and there have been no ref rncs to it since. Dring the 1930"s an l940's the industry bae almost Ibolly organised and libor- at relations in it notable fr their accord. The public recod, at least, seem to b devoid o eVrdene co racketeering in the industry since 1931. 28. The ?ur Industry he New York fur industry, durin the 190's and 1930's, vwa as useeptible as at in the needle trades to acrrapt influns. "he fr busines," Irt observed, "is atoat coapletly irrational fro the trap to the shop vindov. It is a butness of little candor, leu security, and no statisticc. It is a plapgro of speclator and inlivid liss." In mnufaturing it was a skilled trade, perftroed argely hand and resistant to msanisatin . Nntry into the ndustr as thereoe r extr ly easy, the capital equipnt for a mail business costing less than $100. Most shops are al, one-quter having only one or to emploees, one- hal esployin four wrrters or less. The industr as h ly susceptible to hanges in fashion, season and econa t onditions; erratti in prices and prodiious in business filure; and desperate n its ethics. The sall shops, a report of the ational Rcovery adinistratlon stated, "do not keep books, shift rapdly fro place to plae, and lock their doors against inspection." he aun eaploers in the industr w lre iercely co letitive, secrtive and stspicous of each other, and unoolrative in facing corao problms; the infstry, as a result, as "ridden ith internal disputes, comlacent in good year, dessparing in bad ones, and ill-equipped to sest the cwpetition o o ther industriee for the conumer's avr."3 The inability of dend for the Ind8stry' prodcts yielded only four mofth' emplayant a year for the avera fr worlkr; iany eaployes 8 thus took in hon wrk, oapetng it th the ahops at low piece-vork rates. Te depression hit the indtr prticulrly hard, the iaors of fur dropping by 1932 to on-quartr, and th6 exorts to one-third, of the 1929 levels. The industr's lo2 st ebb coincided vith the boldest intervention of raetee .29. in auy of the needle trades. 2he for workers ere the sloest of the needle trades lunions to establlsh a ys? an - Sta . b. first of the nationl unions, the International Aaaociation of PFr bWrkers (IAW), received an ApF charter in 1904. In 1907 the Jewish far orkers in Hew York ormed their own orgaiation, the Jewish arriers Union. Mhere wa8 ooperation between the two organatio a during a lockout in 1907, but no arger took place. In 1908 the dominnt leona i elemt in the Assoiaion disaffiliated om the IAW, harin that the AF was a coreW pting influenee, and in 1911 the Assocation di sbaed. Ihe Jewish fur orkers, subjected to mch worse rkng Uonditions than the germn fur workers, contind their organizi ef'otbs and succeeded in foming a nIoefr of locale which received federal charters from the AL. In 1912 a generl strike was launched in the industry and led, the following year, to the fundig by the Jewish furriers of the International Fr WoKeF Union of the United States and Canda (ZHw). he new union abso the reanants of the Gersna organtsation, and remained the dominant union in the trade until the late 19O2's. It had a violent history, compluiated l internal disputes betwen c unist and other elenants in the union. The strike of 1912, according to PhliUp 8. fwner, we atco ied by the static use of gangsters by the Oplcers. "As the weeks pa sed without an sign of eaning on the part of the tr r, e alors changth e their tactics. Hired g ters and gnmaen brtally attacked and slugged sti on the picket lins, making no exception of wmen strikers, om they beat cruerly. Young girls Iwalked the picket linm a gathered in the strike halls with badaged heads and a muilated faces.... A espapermn at the strike hall reported - 30. strikers being brut in 'ose clothes were hanging in tatters on then, the skin cut and horribly bruised from the bottles end iron bars with Mhth they ware attackedo... That the police authoties interfered openly on behalf of the bosses waS oar knolsdge.' be RNev York Times vas more restrained. Se fur mplers, it reported three das after the strike had begun, "will open their whop vith strikebreker ithou protec- tion tmorro. If ar attempt is rde to annoy the rker the Police Departmet v1wi be called upon to protect them."6 he pole wre brouit in and there rve subequant repors of violence, particulrly a nst imin fur Iorkes*. be XaU, ain acordg to Iner, itelf rerted to professional violence not nly aSinst the emploers but also apganst the comntist aen other oponnts of th conservatve leadersLp of the union. "She Mgansters d4 very vel for thoeelves," Fber vrote. "sTey collected huge suma from the union for keeping the worers in dek. And they excted tribute from the eqmnpyers for gte their shops aganst ilitant mworers.... Another source of inuse for the strogeana men was the aoney they extracted from the nonunion orkers bo paid weekly for permission to Work in the shops. Nben these workers wanted to becoame inbers of the union they rare forced to py graft in order to get a book."8 angter were allegedly used freely in the l90 strike of the IpJ, workzng for boh the union the eployers, enforcing pilcet duty for the fbozer aMn supplyng strike-breaker for the latter. the strike exted in failure after 30 weeks, led to rebellion by comanists eaint the IV leadership, and the eventual e orgene of the rebels as the 4doaint force in the New York area. 31. The third mjor strie n the history of the 1W took place in evdentu 1926. Gagmtersa/now fiund a e ep r.b rer "In 1925," wote Benjain Gitlw, a fbrer hi official in the Olmdst Et of the Uited States, "ve Oiansmats took over the gew York Farriers ek tion, throut an all x wivth leeding gangsters and ra eteer that had broken ay f the notorious Kafan achine, centering axoua Morris Kufan, then the International Prident of the International r Waorkers Unton.... The very gapngtere bo ftnly had sed knives and dblakjacks againt the OImists now proteted ten t of protecting aut .. Ve Coinista, io had I ed the fifit against gmngPten im the main issue amon the Fariers, had no qual2m about mkin a deal vith the gSaters, acceptng their proteetio and services, dInling the most nefariou gangster acitv.ties, Just as long as they ontrolled the union and adlOmrted its affairs."9 "It appars," said Judge ancuso in mrenal Sessions ahen ordring a grand jury inrestetig on of the strik, "that a group of strong-am men and gangters has been en&ged by the union to coumit assults on workingen ho refuse to Join their unions or refuse to syptie with them by oining their strik. ese stro-am n are ready to render services to either s:ie."0 heb AIL Executive uncil orderd an invetigation of the strie by a om ittee uner the da p of Vice-Presdent Matthe Woll. The oa ittee reported charge of Iolea bribe f the New York police thr a n attrny "lmose dut it s to buy mbers of the Police Departaint, the District Attorn's stff, the ndustrial Squad ad even all the offers in two statio so that the authorities aold be on the side of the strikers." Wll, in testimo before Magitrate Joseph E. 32. Corrgan at a court iquiry, said that Isiore Shapiro, the airman of the furriers' New York Joint Boad, had told him that the union had paid ity policemn $3,800 during the strike on a sliding scae ranging frao S2 $250 a week for inspectoe tos 2 a eek for sereants.l Other NIW officials adaitted the use of violence, while Ben Gold, the leader of the e Tork furriers, was frank about the use of police to beat up non-strtl ers. "If a an aaid he was going to scab," he reportedly infond Voll, "he got his. We mdno e sert of it." he charges of the Joint Doard's collu- sion with gangsters and poliee were sSported eae years later W Murice L. Malkin, a fborer oamnmat offcial of. the UW; he informed a CoGressional eaomttee in 1939 that the counists borrowed 1,750,000 fran Bothstein to fiane te trikethat DDiamonA and otr gsters orke fr the union in Nes York, anm that som $110,000 paid bribes to polieemen.14 he strike was sucesful, and greatly enhanced the pretige of the cmunst leadership of the Joint Bard. Gold and 10 other Nev York bers vere arrested in 1927 for violence during the strike; most of those arrested ware sent to Jail, but Gold was acquitted ad returned to the leadership of the NeI Yok furr s. 1 AF and the IW no established a nev 1Urriers Joint Council to compete wit the Joint Board. Sere followed a series of clames betean the two organisatloe , culminating in the secession af the cnaumnst-led gup fra the intenatiaml union and the foundig in 198 - in cooperation with dissident c ist elements in the Inter- national ldies Garant Workers Union - of the Needle Trades Workers dastrial Union (MWI'). Altbhux the Io mrde little heedwap in the oan' ls gamt n l it wfas dominant in the New York fur market by 1932. y 1937 it representd lamt al fr worr in the city, but 33. uanni3 a jor poi Ian haed taen place. In 1928 the Red l-ter- nasantol of Labor nions had ted a poXUic of dual minim, ad the New York n riers hd fola d suit. In 1934 te pliC banged to "bosri fromn itbin"; the WU opened unt. neotatiaon with th e I and re- affiliated the sae year against the protests of the AFL. Gold w eletted aanuger of the New bYrk Joint iOmunil In 193v, becoming preident of the international union in 1937. It ws thus the comnist leadership in the union *whi had to deal with the entry nto the Nrw York fur idustry, at the invitatin of the eMplo rs, of Bchalter and Sapiro. Prior to 93 the fhr dressing trade Va pexps the most caetitlve section of the ft industry the dressers coqeting sharply for the atten- tios of the plier of rar frs on the one ha and of the nm fa nettr rs an dealers on the other. In 19, after three yeas of depresson and heiftend oestititton, the fit dressers faewd two ass ations fr the protection of their ierests. h two ornisatios were the Prtective r Dressers Crpratin (PDC), reprentin 17 of the largest rabbit skin dressing o iaies, an the Ftr Dressers hetor Coporation (PNC), representing 16 of te prinipl dressers of fIr other than rabbit skin "The purposes aM funotiont of these two combinatins," an FI report stated, "rare to drive out of exstene al non-mber dressing firm; to persuade all dealers to deal exclusvely vith mebers of their cmbia- tions...; to eliminate eoqfptitio to fix unifom prices by areemet; to set up a qIta Orstem hereby each of the different srs received a certain peroentage of the entire busi ss hlndld b the mrbbers of the combination; to provide a credit ytem enfor g freent periodic settle- mentand eetively blalsting aar dealer iho for any reason wud not 34. paw on settlment . T he objectives of this cwbinaion vere ... efted by intimidation ad violence of the most vicious harcr directed towad both the dresserm ifto wulA not join the cobne and the dealrs ho nsisted 16 on doing business vwth non-mebers." All dealers ad mn ufactders wer tified that thir busiss in fur dressig should be conctd solely with asociation nbers desinated in advance, that certain price increases would tas effect iaedately, ana that al acomnts mest be settled in frll at the end of each week. co ists were subject to disciplinry masures. te asociatioms set a sytem of observers to detect hiip- ments of furs to ad fm non-mmbers of either association. Reprisals began with threatening telephone calls Ibich, if unsuccessful, Vere folowed by pbysical asaulet by squads aied with lad pipes and blac jacks, or by stench bomb aMd acid attacks on fr stocks, or bty mder. Within two years the assiations controlled between a 90 per cent of the trade. heir enforcers wer Behalter and S ro The etwo gvere approahed in April, , 13 y Awaha Becke formerly of the Amaga- mated Clothg Wbrlers d norw eneral mager for the Fw ressers Factor Corporation. "I had been peronally aoqu inted with (them); ' cke.r n infored the l, "a aeo I called one of them on the telephone ad went up to see them... I p ed ihat the sitatio ws; that there was a certain amont of orgmistfion work, aaning rough stuff, that would have to be done a inuied itether they were in a position to undertat it ..., Tey told they would tae care of me."7 he FIC had already cona Aedl a protective arrangeint vwth OWny srlMden, anther gngster, but vished to dispose of it. uhbalter and hapiro consulte ith M adden 35. and ageed return fbr JurMsdiction to divide the nitial fees the latter had reelv the dressier. t hey then i'bre Bd oBan they vouad Iwk at first on a piece-wrl k basi but wiahed to be reta d eentually on an an al salary of about 0,000 a year. In practice the tere pid in variou luV sums of J2,000 to 2,500 at a time. The Mon ws provide di retly by the BC or throp* the dice of ver-peymants by the oorpratn to the national r skin lessing Onroea achalterd and Sbapro reeived a total of some 30,000 for their services to the corpora- tioo. Siilar arapaents were made vith the WiO. Coflict now arose betwen th associations the fur workers. Morris warftan, the fre presi t of the W_, bed become loyed - with two of his IfW assocate by the PC, ^hih subseqatly attspIteda to follow a policy of s itg collective bargaining areel nta with only AL nionsd resulting in violence between the corporation and the ITIXDC 2The break between the PMr O and the fIur workera ca during a aeeting between President Samel Mittelman of the corprtion and Irving Potash, the secretary-tr surer of the tO. Relations t had evidently been cordal. Officials of the PDC later testified that Gold and Potash ha readaed an gre at Vith the corporat on to eliminate cetition in the stry; the nion wa to receive a ve subtantial ialprovamt in IBS aM in retrn -- wth the assistance of a 30,000 organising ftnm" provided by the ealaywar - wouA force non-.m ber frS into the corporatio throu stench-boib and thret. Mittela nw iP ntroued Pash to b r, s n "ou vll have to del with Mr*. Omurah, becse r. Ounrah is the rotective."19 Pota re ed to talk Vith Sqapdroa afft. atly rorris Langer, an 36. org1anier fr the NIfro, sttenAB a Inetlzg vith officers of the cprposation ibere he sI ifbbB tihsb tht i wdomt n ooperafte with the mpozyretiam al a-ske to strite thee firm *vAd hlbt rtlb to Join tbe Pfl Lansr, libe Pbtam, sphe -tnozy adt the orpotionS's m pow i ; a fw MOL latr he v h Urm e n3bm, f ( tsh IIa mm o Iter offmie reoelved threat to their Iofett md m ~Ag 21 933, a Ap of 2 ter' t s ta n mmA w L tteak am t'he AIIp* o Iffic in ich om amn tarr and twio for as br w mre klUm mAd 13 fr iiotme . Bseven gaaptrrm m sent to Jan ftr the Ott D.LO Nemmmil.ed, ,al3. cm.ut hod betlm immtimatid the oll.asiw eamgrr aft In the olhmtaxr In WalJYi'r, 1933, a ftadiral gpx jur hmAdm three Int .21 e firt em the C o at 33 lftvl-. d.ul fimn with mti-tirut Mt vitles; the secoot au 2C , emt 9 IrAivimuls emll eoPoatliOe LMth sIRlar oorm.tes. hfdl-rter amad SPmihr vms nmm lIn bh ia tiamta.o* OffaIce oth the DC aM fbud malett ma filae or meat to Jail. Bealer &ad awd lx receied priso ntaenss in botl omrme, frfmefitte Uir ball becon futi. i veo ram% , t i lbl d a =tarb an a~mtim m smh. Tae third iaiiutnb in 1933 II slnot the sWI d Its offcer on mnti.-trust pIosa. fsm IAlt.-. ins left cn file fl r seven yewrs, then resotlvatmA bw the Pperlmt of Jertice. A vmndlat of gailty ins zrevem d an amppel. Mw IW ' bd msnma _ e _ er Its am leam ship, affilmate with the sopqgs of andrmtam Ormlistlona ?ad mbero the Inftrat&omal iosn oaf Arw a ther orrs ith the sbmorptiom of the _b1tam i Xtr Vrbers Amsocdatimo. It W epelled from the C1O In 191 weant into dellmw, a in 195 vr3 d v ith the ^?gte Neat 37. Cutters and Bteher Obrlmen, losin its cmnamtat l erip n the poeses. She Hbadae r Intut dMode trade In ima in the he zindstrjr be an in 1896 vith the foront in the ar the Unit ttea s of Borth Aareica. In 1899 the Uited Hatters absorbed the United. Hat Mahers, a JewlAr osrganistio_, and soon rpresetted ot of the am ees in the mn's felt bat trade in B Irk City and iurrading areas. Te Unted Cloth Cap a Hat Iemrs w establ ied, 1901, onrai ing in the next fer years alaost all e ap maners in N Xr Ywok. Both aons subequet nmbed into the milinary field and eaued in bitter Jureict4om3 rivalry for m years. Xn. 1924 an goen iasat rs d * rer baoh unns oul retain their basic jurisdibtioms and ooperate in organsling the millinery oan other branches at the itnustry. a Bat Mbahrs the more sa-uccess- ful of the tw uanions in tmilliAry, and despIte a s seielt 3juisdotioaoI amd diich ab t lhe lier indt tx to the Ulted Fatter, Ieaene the ief unoca in a lit-organiead felAM. Both unalons erged into the United Hattes, Cup ana Milliaary Voters Interntlial 1tlon in 1934. The Hat Naters, as a result, wse the vmion most n oncernd it the problm of racketeering bdch had arisen in the millihery ilUAstvI- in the years before unity. Tm Ne York hes amr I S t is cq able in stlruture anl maret conditions to other 1branhes of the eedle tredes. Conditioss in the millir trade d turig the l ' a 19a30's vere particularly harh. 8tle, then as naw, we the basic f ttor in the idustr. Sm 26 per cent of anmul production had to be solA during the tw peak months anoued -??;;i.BBi, iB,,f' ^s mwe 'wM 38. Easter ad Labor Day; one business in four failed every yer; vihle haf of all o e in the field pobaby lost money each ear. Doll sales in the in1ustry frton 1927 to 1933 dropped fom *a $09000000 to *$7,0o00000 *le total vaes fell fto 047,000,000 to $24,000,000. Meanrto cut the c fore aed Ieased prodctivity, but had little effect on ales. Changes n merebalsig practes toWds bulk A ing also affted a abo retdu cti n in the prioes of mn's hats , bat again id ittle to stium ate busine A survy of 200 fim in nillizry shoved that their average am pr t vs $534 in 1935 nad $149 In 1936. Furhr, inthe ate 192's an the earl 1930's nithe the ealxrers nor the unions in the rmlliry field vre strongly org sed. "ar sheer cut-throat coutitlon," i ote b , "the ldes aiiry m ut rr alnot maae the automobile dealers look Ulc a pack of QuaLera.... fhe llinr izatry ... is enterig its second decde o a s ln perm n state of oSllap 2 It Ws an ttraetve field for rate ers. he ~ee _ of ganugters 1a heedear e ers s knoun as early as 1904, bt not o until ts 190 did the uderrld beoe an artant factor in the industry In most eases gngats hired themselves out to ewlcvers as as a protection against nioisatlon, ut on occasion they wre hired by local urios or set u Iepenet organslations. 'iher activttes, for obvios eason, rwe concentrated in the millInery field. 1Me firs open intervention oppeifs to ha tep n lace in 19M27 *en the vifa e aidren_ of l eafaael Spector, the a of illinery Local 24, wre thmatean because of pector's attetu f to orga nie a no-unaio shop. Spector appealed to the wr its Cty pole but receivet d no assistane. In the stb yeaer Alex Bos, the sear t surr of Loca 24, received 39. a visit In his office from Organ and Jac* Dia L organ stated that his ocinpistiomw abot to s prteti o tom 35 iso-b W mad had giueraAnteed tO eo p t su sftiea oi* W seV iieXa n 1 ettw a fte o OOe a yarOW y he millianere rlcs at that toi Om Fatr e aimnst ma of the Profcted anpew, avd Boefe vas oztered to cti3 off the tr ot , e t c. eBoe ore'used, hi life teIg saved - aeohreing to the 8b ct - onl bscmue of the auder of Ongen 9oMo 6fte195d. QOrcp had e it3.y tahen (,0O0 frohn a the belea nat lPaO- in aeturn fb prM otlcm, eMA *500 %tfromV a teo of paisrbtg ot r:tors dIx a fbte ls 29l7, agi : st the aidtea of Bodialter a. *aqdio. .0 Obobe, 15WloT, 17e was uimhd .l theBem a a em Yor.e street aa otubot.3 In 199O, ftosd with a ooffitlrmbImg 4erha in the ecomomic status and ethical stadads of the Ibadutr , a u of millltnaa mufaturrs oIrcblted izto the Voitann Umadiumr Croutp and askad the aetfc Mrkas ftci a arepmet a.a.nit au aoCaa r 4 ate.d vith the aP. e ilonm, althoa h saeptbicsl of the prbba. provisions of an ia Ist7nW ba arapant in &a tin of depramomn, mas ia principle in tvwor of the proposal. Ms .ra-,steers ere opposed. Bi.W had beca. m an iltne as tha e bar hat- bloc lers' Local b am had also ;set u teo i asetpmBnt unions -a the oall2tmmed W.Ullnery NWorkers of Jrl the Bellintry dbeMW of Aericas. Iheir ogpositia thbeatemnd to umsa the effrts of the Vo'tsB Ns Meadr Qp_ p ad the At Nakters to restore a esurew of stabilitr to the irMst. n, "It s c r to thaE'" 'zote Ghare las H. (eoen, lthat a collective oagenemet would greatly liroacrlbe ther possible field of activity, ftar it wmA set up relatiVly nimiform labor steadards Ifidh -et'?6Ft- __ _r - lipFppwpwY7?, -,?, -,-- - - ?- 'r, ;,- ; . ? . Io. would have behlix then the collective tr-egIh of the as veil a the colloetive Pte tb of the uniona " bie 1at *Nma aNea Ditict At Ay. rair for. help, but received unapested tetaet Spector Va called to greaia's eofioe, osteniy to a to m e e h teBtior beftre a raina Jury heei oa the iustry, bat vms preaefted witlh itamr l chgs that his deumnl fb ta incease fAo a Wea i _ st Bide ver n ft extrton. 'fte sat M er 1tir called a8 eetiag to pirotet aint the charges, at i1id. a re, olutieo was adopted for trazmadsion to CraIn. "aKhA ould r office at ar time decide," the tomaunicatio sabated, "to ae a really iere efrt to rid the city of extort ists and crainl ve staen reedy to assiBt Yo. every M possible." 0 orae vms heard of the char but the District Attoniey's offa e C uner fire fX r the seabuy repot on te nullnery inustry publih the ollaeing year.6 sIe rpot satd tat a nber of naillinery mfaotue had aoepted imderUrrMe pabecbifon aelnst mliomiatien; that the chief protector of the an-.oaion m Mf after the death of Organ had been Jacob ("Tougb Jake") Eraoina, *ho received over ,X000 a ye for is srvices; that the leu Yok City police had provded t Distr At toy with a ple Iforaio on rac teering in the millinery and 19 other Inustries -- nclndi a list of illinmry jflBw afto bo had hion poment to K+rman; but that the Dtrit Atto had taen no etctive stReps against the ui3er- fair to onclft that "he has throrn up his hanos and recogl8ses that, even with s wgratio o the olice depr tt, he has not been able to d uthbing oaf sbstatial a]vae toward stopping tte practice (of extortion) - IWl. or bri ng these anomsu ca als to Justice,." After the pblicatio of the Seabir report, Pesiden lax Zait of the Hat ahrm ain Pesident Jule VUe a o the Won'a e e o askla aror Irbert H m, n to asist in obtaineg oint action betwe th a the uWn on t a the tp e of te s . lB-daTL VT Igsraolla s iator appoite bwy XlfB, suooeeded in rrangi dis-ussio,_ . 4l re sute in the fist ldnt netract in 10 years. only the hat-bleekars aen tbhe at MOirm' locals stayed oautside the Bte Hat Iers no embarked on an nti-raeteer capaige n tbrouAout the instry. Zeit aealed to the Bw 0r2* City police, ho had prAevionuly a nstude fIrom itervention In the disputes between the teers and the union, fbr assitance. "a mfacturi ers re teroriue am barrassir," he wote, "wo ers intlmidated a threatene vdith bodily sarm, officers of the union arP dhadaied lb racketeers aeM their aemts, aMd their hores visited btyr .o* n perzsons.. * I taoe the-liberty of asking you to laa your amistanes to aourn mn a L vwmn ho am wlling aMl reafy to ombaet the grong evil of raceteering and gasteriam in the millinery in.du ."8. dLenm also aeok the ice to p de prtectio, and the poilee depar"tmnt ageed. be epaig began I r, 132, after the sigig of the indutry- wide agaaent. A volnteer "Comittee of. 70" W a fbrmed b aembners of Lo3al , ad a "nity Clb" of friedly a of Locl I , fbr picket service In the game district. ahortel after da on N rch 10, a picket lie of 150 mil ery rrs outside the Oelea t Copa oe of the larger protected shop thou the district, one officer visiting - 12k the office of the inepemuent Aaaga ed an3d v .ng its officers to stoa aae f rom the pelStehd bapas. muaaea ,s alseo wnkmae. to stay out of the area ne oe u of polUoe : lterveation qpeed qu:itly thebroealt the gant d4istact ai 'or nu. - tfall the elsea at OoB p ai a several other estabi o htsad hme t to W ith the lat KMekers. On Irch 17 the Nb decareda in the ml i wlre swported tr vbry u s12y all iaa nee ia the iaistry, a riothin a few daOs lals that neaIrY aLU -l1nry MBops in Bevwork -- Y iuorIf the 31 esta'limhnt_ maid to hae been uater the proxteton of r.oketeers -- r uaer contrat to the union. "thes e is no lne," Zartk uaamcnsi to the 8preea "n siU e shop in It the must nder the infl ne of' zeOete Uer....n9 The coeat of the open hopG mu fob3.oaed it the dissolutlon of the Inaement: racOst uzons. ly a e ot i ed. Local .2, intlraunccd bTr sEtefr, hd mitnbainded its position to hindsti7-u1de ,ar.ean1m ts. max Goan, the l of Losa , . ha d ord red 41 amioni. btoers l a 3I Min In ahow eI ing m- ion ventVII I to taqr at aork durig the psral t . Afer the strlle e wh s fnosm3. i hearedt with disloSalty to the union an the harwter of the local was reVbsed. A nwu then anrs that oden hbd dralter a Spiro aMd ofred them ,25m000 ftr pOitation ag-anst the HNat Wbrkers. Ahbraha isbMelrwrt, a vaice-pm arsdet of the at ars, obtaned a Itervw with a espresentative tof halter', rporti afteaerds only that he had ersaded the Bhcalter org stion hat "it w ot be worth its ihile to rove in on the- IM fielgd e memI rs vwould fight too hard."1l Deprived of Bhalte's assistance, Golden led the rem er of his ieb into the United Hatters, but lost otrice iben the 193 B mBpr took place. Mere is no public recr orat wster nldalnce In the unimn or the inMstry iake. tat ti. The Lodes" Oaxrmt In, try lThe Itnstimn l Ladie aOmust Workeas' -ateon (low) ms d In la 1900, wVith A MlerNhip of a f thmswnm co cetate -ial in xwV Tycr C htf. Beau of te f t etehnic owbitin native Amjrcam in the orne hltaby kIl led trades and i mtsra in the less skil a tra des the unio folowd fr a me t pe a i of fbrml oalit iio3 and ooinaervstive trade iniosn 2thOd? Te efftetive leadership of the xmia wm in the hsd o o the ooaseratives, wma of oam had close li nk with T W an Hall, ma tle tat for te e mre milmtant policies of the eieLal:sts. The wiknslU of the unloMn' le'mer. ship, cmriad with the mepresloa o 190Ao , brouht about a decline in the 1etru h of the ILOW, with a ubeq t inrease in tbh influen oa the m alitant groqP i the aftfires of the union. In 1907 the nI11 experieesd its fit sccesuful strike, this amma the chilarme's eloavaers ant reefmkmnera,. Tmn , m 1909, the w out to be awsm as "Tha fpaisig of the Twenty T'BhoaMD," a nar-.poattaneous strite aN * mn qalo oees in ilst-wiog aM dws&M-skiaug, fullovse in 1910 bw "The Great Bevmlt" a_ the claisBre. These stries laid the aen Ifoa the oern I aGW, hich . 19322 clata over 50,000 iwhlers ia Hay Toet CMty deM ematiud to gow until the 19a'.1 b temateoa1 l pouitiseow voU liaat.d the interma affuirs of the wala1. The cialjrrf, tInr a c ambarol, of the ILGW by 190, *bees f;w^ns .E - '4. eeply dvided over the Russian revolution. e sympathiers, or "left- 'ing" socialit as they Vera e, welod the td ws rsp of native Odmiett in nio affairs, aed be pdthe Trae Union Mutional League a Com stf-led fedration rival to the AFL -- to gain conol over the Hew York Joint Bomd of the ILOWU. Ibe Board w already at odds with the inrnmtioal union on the groudts that itwas nterrepresented at ILW corentins; now, with the C nmts in control, it ade an open break with the "rix t-i soialist leadership of the iternatio With the 4fteing of the depression of the early 1920's, the ILGWU proposed a "w Progra" for the indstry calling for greater industrial effcieney, hierw standards in ooGpetition, a e O0howr aeek, a ani wk^year of 32 wset and - ost iportant of all -- for the assumption b the Jobbers of the responsibility for the mntenance of union stanads in contrat sh .. The purpose of the last demd wa to limit the nrbe of contractos aey omn Jobber could eploy ad thus to eliminate runawa ootractoiars and the smat-shop. A Specil Advtory Oomittee appointed by Governor Al ftdth of New York reprted in f r of the nIon's position in both 92i ed 196, with the oe reservaton that maugerial preroga- tives be g potcted I alldg a e o to diasharge up to 10 per cent of his aqlmees in az oane year. President Morris Sigma of the XILOW r cind- that the Ceameittee' report be accepted sa basis for nagtiations. wke imid. anufacturers greed, but -- for varyig reasons - the Jobbers and the Omnists within the union did not. On July 1, 19S6, the Nb York Joint Board called a geeral strike in the NBw York cloak arhet. 45. She stri a e d isaer for the untioa It lasted 26 welee, cost aown 43,o50,Q0Q a ion a of vhoih awn 000,000 v e never accnted t, ro. te Ine a u nfavo ble ettlement for the strikers am the loe half the clo tire I berahip, a splt the union. It also matd the b est inerventin to date of the under wrWi Ia the t ]a rlabt:{l of the i ustry. TSe aQ of Spro OWfsol thaug in the gauent iustry, minrfe y ayteD, beg S& at leat a earl$ as the 4asp of vein. Tke r90pon1 sibility was >4iffte M 19154, a pri vate dtective b the naw of fib _ ftsh Ou lI 1ta O t uI -i n ion Imftva asthe ti te rTtiomaft Ill.. GBeinnt okEO f. of thBe Wrad ad e e bd Plbey rg m "a-n otuzt raetet rAwisf to prvuhe violence *a Mortion."3 Ie use of gIagfsIter ll erPoaIT to CUrb uromiasttn seema to have been benu y the groth of the lab force i the iib ust -- brFeey i to te nflu of ItMlian ali Latin ricama Idgran t - amn the sprmld of the induastry ito parts of the ntr hitherto m-aA_ . eenI In the W em i to have r pelp in kcia. An jlvestigation of the union b the IEw Yok Dstict Attoate's office produo d the ietatment of five ILOWU oficiala "for hitring thgs to ter'irie e2m.ers a,,dm i .rt rs, althou the 1iefaiaftcs ware acquitted. OIther tevlenc of LEW. activities of this ?hacter oems fe n a lar of the Cmist elme in the garsnt trMes. "fe avey attake d the erenche trade unio odfcials," weot Benjamin ltlAvw, "for resortig to the services of proessional gangsters ar dw bitter mral that this was te mass into t ic reactionar aLe p was lading the honst trade uionists, but iden e hired gaster and resorted to gengter mthocs, ve pointed with pride to the herlc acbaeveints of the rank and xile, glorying in the revolu3 - tioaimY upsurge Of the class..omscioiae aBsese tlnz I~ug rte.a- -be recrultment Of professical nforoers by the CarmisB hai been sanded by (a2rsles S. Zie then the Omuia t leader In the Joint Board aid non a vice. president of thUe IWU. "lW A1 not i ed then," he sas. "We had enough Of o, "6 ~ _.e_ o f d , D :e ~ofa or a m* m use ueof iadigeous illtaots in violence eand the subrseqjanPt ears aOf m of them, beeas been recorded. "As could have been empcoted,4 wote lech ei, "scm of the y g , used as shock troops in the triles, preflrrsd to coitxnue livnlg on their nerves and knves* ... A mter of the Vgagsters o later terroriz the uni and empyer ierem .oas. of honest gari. E t worker fo were either detrali ed by the easy w of the prohibition era or y livilng off the uions during the strites or drives.1 " eloers," w e S8tolberg of the 1926 ,strike, "..had their full caPlen ts_ of gangsters, and the Joint Bar foght back vwth w.O- fessiomal gorillas. ..e eployers hired the Lsm Diaaod gang a n the Joint Board hired attle Angl. Iter it b discered that both gangsters ere king for Arld BothOtein.... .ut the i.e ened (Joint iiard) lader filly ot ctrol over its st rongarm r n, *o0 engaged ultiuately in factioMnl wmarfre. The Right t gangsters 8 . with gangsters." he 'Joiut Board WOl soosht the serviees of Bothtetin to end the strike. "?, their efforts to get together with the twiploers to mettle the strike," Stolberg said, "the leaders of the Joint Board soon discovered that ssy rafasturers and3 obbers ere doing buBlei s irctly ith Arnold o tin... R Bothsten turn was in touch. Vth the CoLmtist party, vich dealt v:th. hm precisely because of his 'great 47. poier in the in tri ulirwrlA In short, sinee the Omn ast party Vaders th to settle with the mloer over the thea of the Internatinl en tr , ithe i eeti fced then to Ital 9 tbhro* un ruterna eannl ne." s role of RotAtein in the stribe wa later affirA by Nev York Dstric AttornD Jo R H. B3nto after axnm ng, in 199, the late gstr'* privat . With the intrventio of otheti as arbitrator the igarsaters dLsappeared from the piebt aM, ani the Joint Board sied an aerement with the anm- faet uera on tern less frrable than those an b the Biyotr' pecl Avia Colttee. qbe international uaion intervened, rewoedt the Ocnmiat oaftiee af the Bord and, eary In l19, ser ttd ifth the ontractors an 3jber o slhtly better ten a tn thoe aceeeed by the maafctuea. It vaa holo vto. e strike haSn tr h. e the union of its financial reaourees ant severly redube its mriers, mrale ead influne in the iaftutry. It vas poorly eiuippel for the aItersitti to eme. e ga-- t-ra reained, their presence guaranteed by the sili-Ut- cation ain tyI of rWn's c lothing. Sba reutast ecommies of pioduc- tion ana the uiltiplinetion of shops i ncra aed oqpetittve preasure . ,oug the elasW an intensified tbhir open shop tacics; thr also strid the policing y-~re s of te uion ai a lad to t iCiplinay masurea saI nrt the ePlopera by acm IL(M officials " nwdkih 14 net "look wIl on the booksa." e great depression brought new miafortums. Still eak ft the r verses tof 196, the ILGWU sank to on-third of its pre- strike aberabhp throu unealoym t .an sufferea decline in va es in working eoadNitios qlaanN those still at o 193 . 13 the IL 48. able to a inei a nw of aVreef nt relating t union comitilom In _ootralt dAbcp, but alao forea to a a 10 per cent ngpa out. he mwtras of the unon and the finsaasing g-tion of e leeram out of W oTbk la m meo of te labor pruaeC a nmral decline in the InfturaX. 8aItolem of the i try. Oab ollactive -eint as Irem in ftro, Mzx Biah wot, temAe_ to be h)Mored "leaa In DobsexvOm then in b 2aoh." Qcly te rwaskteers preopozrod In JuLy, 193D0, Se tar easrer DIaRd Iftiasro ofka tahe ILi mShed local = ar en oresuent officers for help in eliminatg angter aotAvit he saitAch, hA ta n on lxIet rpresenatlve an eA orting uer threa of hrraa n Te won then iueltted to te Distrlet Attorea the ne of aO i era bo had allegmdly pa $100,000 duairng the p leaIos year to ox or another of the 12 ams saA to be ave e. SDd a ebloyrw' orgmai- atloa denie te tawap, aIqng that the on U attw b a 4a- eait theg . "It is ver plain," the ZWb repnlid, "that thase srar hae been easly intilated They =l4a rther a n te uon tan the ra .. A tter of fact, the list ... u eay ditid I tmen uanioa m an-mion eap oyer Ube Assoiatieso of as Mam 1 Mafactu , alDo anmg the malyrera' -organ mstion., aeomeded t it hat received nts ra kete:ering actvi- ties from as of its miber, abt elaia that te ammt of ny pai over had rt been large. The efforts of the ILOW an friemaly anmloyera, - 19. howver, b at abot no appreciable dhange In the situatin. The racheteerig cowtin, aed the at gth of the unon delindt . "eitbher a nar I," said the vnely-leeted Pxesdert 3I. insy i 1932 to the xon'*s G(leeral ECetve Board, "an _destm atem the tLure of asmig the eaeip f a unioan les d whte in recent years... Our union is at a ow ebb, its very life my be unezrtain.. ." ne wr Dal aosed the union. The eatmaat in 1933 of the Natio laastrial eceery Act, which sfirad the riit of uniaor to organise unaer the proteetio of the f eeral law, p ted a major W by the ILOW to recp its strength. Me ere ip of the t e mtie ml uion rose fro, 40,000 in 132 to sn 200,000 in 1S93;2 While the InstrZ codea developed th e agenele of the Natiatua Recovery AtMinftraton inroadced a maaure of stabilty ln vage, prWice al uA orkag ditios in the sladle' aest inautry.15 he KERBA was declared uncnstttutional a 193S5 and the WA ceased to exst; but sthe disciplinary nas of th odes waVre largely retaled In the InE dtr, b ,y n9etiated 'gee e-t beiateen the aelrer the IAJ. Omi relmit of the IBA mad Its seuceaoo _eso'dallm 1i the Inlustry we the adoptln of a les hospi- table &ttitu a the part of plVer toad the reguatoy activities of the raeters. he latter had, as Daniel Bell rote, "plad a stsbiliuing role Ib reguatlu copition as fixig price. mWen the RA ea In and a sed this futien, the busi man foud that Ehat bad once bee a qIuas-econmtl service was no pure extortion, aid he mben to deanid pice action. t result ws a degree of laber. faagmntr x 00op iot the raeterters aunm in r previous tlrs. fte eUffot -was . altogether saccessful. In :193) the n LIw yw :sf 50. eouel for the Drsms oe Authority of the HRA charge "that eiftlar amlfCtf',erS ant JU wombb e s bOa Ra. d sars e , ym.oxi eUpe eallmtee BtaTs in a propm of .l-aatio and violenc aant certain a faeturera Be eMia ea. before the Imartia Omaian of the Xaftusty an- ho 're .threateimd with -volence unleSe the lala ere Settled or withdf , eat alo fr tbe ppoe t f terag their elaryee, partcularly ctter aAt ahiwlog eler s, to mrk loog hars overa, in vilaton of the Code."17 BadhaSter ap Sha ir ere nmmar i the b arg, but emntiinue their depre- .eta a n ao the i-lsy unatl the late 1930's. X 1937, also, James lPXlumi em. John DtoarI, two mlI-noun relteers, vre arrested for exteirboa fm gM t isItt truck icers aAd. for cin the latter rnto eaaplyr t; a .f ;aoita a n r o r al arreotefd for viole api. 'aft t uion --pree-tatiave, me f thea being nmsd by Dw)y m the chief 'lletor fO uhalter axnI astpio. I la9 19 the United Sta te Dspartme- t Jtie bt aet. against two t t cinga aeso?iatioss calrg.g thm with "ospira.ies to eoatrol aA restrict and anopolie the dhanSi h . $M t h telars aO ieh deluvries of dlresses, clase aMi suits are mads fp the mStrPolitaa gamut iia,"stry," with -tatai_ ng trMekxg rate at hi* and umcmamie evel and with the use of "violene aa threats o violee" to eaf-bo their wllU.8 A asimlar suit ws institutetd in 1951.19 In both casmm the defentants escapd idth gt fines or promises of .S behavior. A further outbreak of violence took place in l9v8 vith a amber of assaults o fficers. Te union chareI that r eers were Ain being brouw t into the iNustry by openap eqalcrea i rprsal against the ILOWs efforts tt hce3lta theorgazt of the New York 31. area; Eso mmeaJ acturers conceded at the time that ther bed been a "promruiced rise" in racbeteering in the industry since Worl War II.20 The ILtU began a series of satp-vork protest meetings, Dublnsky charging that the curr- chalenge to the inustr yw as seriou as that pesented 15 years before by Buchalter and Shapiro. te union campaigu resulted in violence againt ILGX pickets, the union attributing it to 'aion-union truckers seeling to proect open-ehop mufacturers a gainst organization." Some employer, in turn, allege that the nILJ itself was responsible for briging "stroag-arm" men into the infmtry. The violence contlnud. The followinM year William IUrye, an ILGWJ orgaenmer active in the ca aganst the open hOp^, waV mllrerad. In protest a mass stoppage of 65,000 gazmnt vorkebrs was called, Dtbinasky openly charging a miber of dress manufcture with having hired three gangsters to kill urye. Two men, BPnedict Macri atd John Guisto, were identified as L 'uye'a assalants, but Gaieto disappeared an Macri was acquitted for lack of corroborative evidence. "Lurye's asociates," District Attorey Hogam said, "would ot or could wt ahed amy l1ht en the ausrde, althoug they were in the iSadlate vicinity 22 ?&en the crime vs coeMitted." "The first choioe a New York dress maLufacturer has to mse, out- side th hli fashito field," the ew York i*ra3A-Tribmtt reported in 1958, "is whether he wants a racketeer as partnr, creditor or caspetitor. No aatter which wy he tr he tv robably he il pro ha racketeer as hie ,823 tructer. The methods of the underworld in the industry ir.clded the divltlng of business aang favored emplcynrs, the exaction of interest- free "loas" fro businesasen, the keepig of doble sets of accoxts to 52. coneal income not only from the gaant Iistry but frol shadier enter. prises, the p nt of vgs one grzmnt price but the sale of the pameit at another, the uttng of wags - prtcuarly those of Puerto Piean anda egro r-or n protected shops, tetheteft of styles ad the destructi o Otitive stock, and the feeding of contract wurk out to nemry'vamia shop aeg y proted by the Mafia. onvletioa an aNZW eomt re al t o-existent, the Iaunlty of acteers being tdu not only to the scarcity of vill tg witesses but also to their lids with ladinOg an ersors figures throui blood, ma riage or business partnership. Five bm with cyiaiaal baktgou or commtions, the _edraAdTibu.. said, had a diret interet in tru g fi represnti at least )0 per cent of the billion-dollar anntal vol-Wm of business in dress trucling, and aa idiirect interest in firas controlling sca 20 per aent of the gaaet ibhustry as a VWole. The aILJw, it was soted, faced eanumss problems in enfrcant since - because of the asrurial nature o ena etprpr a lol nt i the i . ustry - it had to orgaie 200,000 new maib.r aa 600 shops a yew siqply to arotain its strength; but the union d4i not ecape criticisa, an^ Ma attalked for lethargy In eliminating _racmteers, for neglecting the problms of Negp asd Puerto ican worters, and ior authoritarin thod ln administration. Both the union an1 the ,ployVers wre accued of failing to cooprat fully vith W la enforoeaat agents. "E rience teaches us," Hogan sai, "that racketeers cannot exist if business m and labor leaders will cooperate ilth law enforce-. amnt officils. Apathy, fer and sel-interest have dprived us of that cooparation.-2A 53. "All we an do," Dubintsky said "is strike them. It is up to the govermnet to put them in jail."25 There were, of course, other actions to be taken. The ILCW had been troubled for so=e tin with the acceptnce or so1Cietation of bribes from employers on the part of some of its accountants and minor officials in return for a Ooncealent of payaents due to the ILI's Velfare fund or for 1ax enforeemnt of the union's contract a;n had tken iscpla action against the offenders. The ILCM had also copprated with law nforce fnt officiale in the pros eution of dishosat uion offcials and racbeteers, althouh. it somutIs felt forced to regard the sources of inteallgence it had on industrial msl- practies as privileged. In other matters it found intervention diffi- cult; the garent truck drivers' Local 102, for ezaiple, ed for years der the influence of racketeers because the union believed that any ILGW official sent in to reform the local would be m=arred.2 The union, in d, vas stated to be paying the price for the underTorld protection it had hired a generation before, now being forced to tolerate inferior condtioas Impsed by racketeers %bo bad graduated fro enforce- 28 mnt to Tmahes_ Gt. he ILGW, , w r, cntie its attack on the open shop In 1959 it eoaducted general strike in the i ndustry, succeeng in bringing ader contract a raaber of hops controlled by racSeteers, particularly in Blanyvaniwa. The strike was followed by a nation-wide union label eaaign and an appeal to both federal nd state authorities 2r their help in ridding the industry of umerwcrl. influences. The union was spporteed by the New York TimesO, ilch prised, the "excep- tional influence" of the union and the "ethical leadership"' of Dubinsy i n iindustry "b/ich has given notoriou r eteers ra hij yield area in 53a. m iioh to operate."29 The burden of the evidence ra that racketeering in the inunstr wVs an enuing pblem, readlable only by degrees. here have, at least, been no rport f its d Iofe. I1 i. __ -. cE'- T -S -A- TE NEEDE TRADES 1. Joel 3eti, The NeedlNe a2de (s N York: T.awm a_ nd Bo. .t, bze., X19e), p. 189. 2. "Labor Violnce aMd Worruption" naioMss Week* August 31, 1957. 3. -Lo. it. 4. Loo* cit low. ' 5. h Yosc Tfprs. Deember 21, 192.. I Z a iebted to roftseor Philip !aft for this retr.enoe. 6. _mso ant ep-Ibor 28, 1957. 7. , August 31, 1957. 8. Ldaral 'reau of Ie.stitioai, eport X.C. 60-1501. Also iNe York eimes, Agust 10, 1937; August 13, 1937; aM Jaanuary 17, 3.90. 9. PEoe v. e Blo te. 289 NY sM8 (1941). 10. SetidA p., cit* 191. 11. , Juma 2, 193. o1 this epiAode in gemerza see iMtthev JseqhisoM Sui, y mmm - stabtOes f Air an Labor (New Yoic: DoYubled: and C-ua-E n, Ic., 39), 5 . ChA. 12. imN Ygr t JUe 26, 1931. 133. Lo. cdit 14 HeW Yobrk Heraribem August 2, 1931. 15. See the affwrits orf idney Hl , Tosh Sicossbeir, fring Weim.ig and Sam 31 B.lus, IXlxUt v. Heaw, Now York ounty Court House, Idex ..48B,-193I1. 16. Jos losber lo. idt. Also vace July 10, 1931; September 1, 1931. ii ii. (Pbotn te - Chapter m oont.) 17. Proea g 'Thirert ee Bnal Ocvention oa t he Oal gamtd Clothg W orlrs oft America, 19o0, In aummea-by Eistor. ACWA, 193840 (aNe York: Cottaaitd C:thig orers Aserica, 19.0), pp. 380o8. X. "iPte," {l'mes, Janumsry 1936, p. 66. 2. aa t or the pia Casalon an aid Hora in the Vr batufictim Xawrii adoty tional, Recimovery Atinistratio, Division at Review, Work aerialas 6 (Waahington: 1936), p. 13- 3. Victor B. Puichs, T"e gonoadfc ot the Fpr Industry (Nov York: ,Coi -bia University Prsaa, 1957), p. C2. b. bere ia no scholarly ist o trade uniomia in the fur iMustry mavaiable. 'ne principal Kark In the field is the vulmoauous but ezravantl7 a aaed lt b mr. Her illip S. oner, Mhe Pur and Leather Workers Union (Neimk: Nordan Press, 1950). 8ee also Seiamn, opb . S; Reeax B0n3ain a itlov, I Conifss (Nev York: B. P. Dutton and o., 1939), Chtser 10. br another pro-.olnit acount iilar to Fabr'a see Jack br, Che Cothi u b (or e York: Internatial Publishers, 1935), pIt s 5. Pbaers, qp. cit., p. 15. 6. reo York Tims, 23, 1912. 7. .Ibi. Auut 1, 1912. 8. fnar, op. cit,, p. 63-84. 9. altlo, p.c, ., pp. 33-. 10. rk Tia, April 6, 1926. iii. (Foottes -- apter I cont.) a1. IbiAJ , J9a. 1927 12. lbia Apti 7, 1977. 13. Lo, at. 1A. li ef P, OYtober 14, 1939. On violence in, the fzr dinftustl7, soeg nst i t tio of mnaio g Ioflt atioMo b the For edty, Hearings bore a Speial urr-alit of the House oittee on Muation asd Labor, 8Wth Ong., -n sas. (sshingt.on: 1948), psM Fr a o nist version of aeee in t the inttry aee the tstior of Dn Qola, ibib., p. 307. 15. mewy Tok -S . Awri 1, 1).I, et* a 7. 16. J8adral zurean of InyOt1 biom, Report I. #6o-1501, p. 9, 17. Lbd, p. 10.. 18. Nev f: Ti0 a October 28, 1936. 19. i, October 30, 1936. 2a. Mbia , Novener 12, 1933. T1he eadwear IMusatr 1. On the history of trade unioaiMt in thes heamar i4ii try see harlces H. Green, The O eedear actxers - A c MY of Trade Unaionim (Nev York: United Battefr, Cap a Mllinery Vorer Inte l ational Union, 194,); Dotnad . Robon otl n a Union - The EfA, of the United Hatters Cp nl Workers International Union (Nme York: The Dial Press, 1918); Joel Seldmen, te Neesle Trades, . ct. eap. Ch. VII. *,"a1^W2_N v p*m9 - k S LT. Ibowtes - aadtew II oem n9ed) 2-. "Amu^^ Ia Mb DmA IX-am-," Ila. 1w I" I938, M pS& 39, By 3. -Sw B"u IL TJb, :-W . , (Nrw P ik:t fAre, t- , s aM .rA, ;1951), PP. 336-7. * .r meWJ, P. t.. p. .6 Ildblow- 2LlM ^ s I 85. chrged $3 .a m a th rent gett'ing Gat benefits frm it. Q: that is all you rwomder? A: Ho. I remab that I get it an ezgaerg b wth b i amd two other MTa.... the first ing you kno I got Icided byr Q: You got klohd In the groin? A: Meo, sir. Q: And badlgy art? A: Yee, sir. Q: You vnt to th hospitl? A: ebs, air. "Mn ZLA lonls," the ison sd, "hbe a enever enpl damocrse procdures in comdueting their nternal aairs. he officers exercise a free hau in running their locals. A Vitually disenfranhised ml mbertship has been umbl to pOrtticipt effeetiely in the conduct of union business. Union hartings ee helA without pper notice. Sme locals dispersed with both tig and elections fbr yeers at a time. Sa local re-elected Moffers by sil notion, others ent withot coested elections for mw ye~es, still others put defeated _ -'_-1-t_ into offce W, aMa -- sua as the Cara lals during the 1930'8 - em under the do ainatiou of single fnilies. Salvato C:mnrda, the finanal secretay of local 321, was asted about the lariy of union metings: Q: Now, how mwo mnetins has Local 327 hbad in the last three years? A: lb have been having a mometing ever qsarter an most of the , - !- - - r i 7~%si~a~ p~a~'~-, 86. tim we haven't Mot a quorum ad only the officers how up aed e can't have aa. Q: So that hoe mr metip have yoa atually been able to hold then in the pest three years...? A: Abot three or fomr.5 u XA oficials, in addition to partcip orti on theft and Iomrin, M tbeir personal i g b o enggin i prvate busies ca the a telrfront. mA eorio aMn Jobn bBary, a mmber of loal 306, a ptali ad an their a poitions g stevedores8 bu equient from the and by tang contrats for the r al of garbaep fro the aterfront. Coonie Nooran, preseiat of the platform vrkoera, was president of Varitk Eerprises, Xnc., htile serving as an ILA official. mnal. Gentile, a - ren io senotenced to life . sariB ment for- comlicity in the Hints wder, va a nrollr n the ers ra ket run rby Dtun, xcestdh ah Hnan*. Tnas W. ("Tedy") Gleason, a holder of muLtiple offices in the hA aM onm of its moet powerful fitres, engagmd in a umider of enteprim with mB Inlt.dig the i tion of banaas, the sale of amd airples to the Doininmca Bmpubl, a a the eport of sulpr a nickel to Israel and Bril. Dmnn aM No(hath, as eXll as officl of the ev York eters, partdiciated in th oerations of A. Costa, Sr., a firm engged in hatling citruf fruit traffic an acting as a collection service for trucees. 7he aemission al tued its attention to abuses in hiring and publc oading. J. V. Zun, hairmn of the New York hipping Association testiied that ame 4,0o0 longshoremn e e yed on the docks, that WM lw-Iwgw 87. about 16,500 of them vorljda "ore or less re:gulary," aai that the entire longhoring qeatio ou:ld be perfraed W xabout 22,500 men.5 Te result wa a surplus of labor t eveIy pier, an ioe of less than $3,000 a year for tvo-tlrs or all h men, ra the vesting of great ead. rbltraxy powr in the hiring boss. he p ea steedoring coqnies, by the teans of the ZIlAJBA contract, wre given the riht to select their own hii bng but In rac e epted the ehoice of the hA in almost ovre y instanee L. 8 Ar. JmeWB, t th peratig for the Aerican Export Lias, tberibed the discussion between hiLs trmnfal si n nt, 0onnnto and E1aold ouewra Q: DA lr. Abbte tell the uni o ficials that he vsated to run Pier 84 the uy he _ndaoWte4 hi opertions In Jersey? A: VeI, I don't kwv inat he told them but ... ve both agreed that e re gong to try and set up Pier 84 on the operations the e eas ar oCl tesmnals ia Jerer ity as far as labor is onocemred. QA IWat wus Ahbbt told? Q: t the union officials. A: tse told hia tby era to hr the ituat to suit thaelves ed for hi to stb the bell an fr2m there. Q: I beg yor pardon A: Fbr him to str the bell awr frZa there. Uhey were Soing to hanal the hiring bosses to suit themselves.52 Soa of the Io seleetions wre not surpisig. Meby, the hiring boss on Plers 90 and 92 re the "Queen May ean the "Queen Elizabeth" dock, *AMMIX11,5 88. had a record of arests for attempted bulary, robbery and assault, had been convicted of unlawful entry and rob y, and s still on parole when appointed as a hiring boss. Albert Akallttis, a fomer mMer of the Arsemnl Mob, as a hiring boss ao Pier 18 on the North River; he bad been arrested for receiving stolen per, attempte robbery n an aault, sad ad been covicted of attempted barglay ad llegl possession of a gun. Dtel St. Jodn, the iring boss at Pier 84 oa the North River, had been arrested 2 ties on c rges of larce u, eeb , ault, robery, possesesig dangeros apon ad for mnrder, had been convcted once for possessing a revolver and for tfss fbr petty latren. Jamea ("tdy") O'Roure was th hiring forean at Pier 88 on the North River, had been darged with grand lacen, rb, ontous assault and violation of the Sullivan La, ad been convicted of petty larceny, grand larceny and attempted grand larcenz, and on one occasion rere to Sing Sing for violation of parole. All the above took refue in the ith aendaet ven questioned the Couidssion. In all, the Ooadiio liste 22 hiring bosses with police records, listing practices they encraged or bro t about throuh their control of the baape-U. "The record gives exa les of asault, organized theft, pilferge, extortion, kiehb s, lrharkng, gabling, pa paddig, other crlminal actvtle and even =ader (five marders vere listed), ,hich can be attributed to the present shpe-up and hiring reman system."53 fPblc loing the Oion , ontole by loadsers "*bao trucen aUt employ and pay to 1oad trucks rega es of iether the loaders do ay work, are needed, or are umnated." Ecuraged in ttheir taupteon of ower by the refusl of the stemhip, railroad and truking coBpanlee to asme responibility fr loaing or nloang, the public 3?- 89. loader hed received tatus in 19n 9 thol u te issuanc of a ter for a public oade o . Ioaca 1757, as it became, "has no constitutin or by-I s cf its omn aid its uridic tion nt diad.... Its dem Its a inmlude mr on f offee orp otion as nd mbers of prtMrp s engged in the loadn, ad in the hir of en do do the actual work. fe dues of such ambetrs in mot instances are paid by the coporatin or partership as a regular 'busthss e+xpae."r In 1943 mso stabiliation of loading rates ia achieved, but mo for umloading, the public loaders charging Vhat the traffic ouA bear. ue t an ate is e by the city Depart- ment of Marine a1 Alvation to eliminate udesi fr loading Jobs b1 haing steaship and ste or ecoqmaDdes designate their own loeders; the anies agreed to id so, an wivthout eeption selected the incbnts. Mhuy of them wre iminls, incura ent by intimdatbon or force, trgeinal in their contributios L. P. OMeara, terminal mrner of A. H. ull 8teSmsip Cm z, coauented on four public loades vth cimi records: Q: BNo, i it or is it not the fct that those four mn just forced their wy into that situation? A: s ht is orrecat,^ sr. Q: And aWist r protest? A: eas, sir, that is rikt. Q: Ty have free aces to the pier? A: They have, sir. Q: hey do no pbysial labor? A: he four men in question do not, sir. ?~~ * ?? - -"a1 ~ Yt~~ ??rv~~~~?~ 4 .I=~-"'' `-'-':- Q: 'ou have never seen them on the pier? A: No, sir, I have not. Q: Why don't you put them off the pier? A: Well ... for fear of a strike; that there would be a vork 56 stoppage as a result of it. The steamhip and stevedoring ocunlanes were often forced to pay the loaders for services the ecapenies performed themselves. P. G. O'Reilly, the vice-president of the Jarka Corporation, testified to that effect: A: It is then the losders Insist upon you supplying the equipment and supplying the driver to do the otrk for them and Just stand by aed watch; that's ahen I object. Bat, I definitely let him have it. Q: Does that happen on some of your operations there the loaders use your equipment and Just stand by aid watch it? A: Definitely....57 The dual status of public lders as busineseman sad ILA mmbers enabled them to avoid signing union otracts, escape the provision of union benefits, and use trade union weapons to obtain loading coessions. The five brothers and a brother-in-law ho constituted the Indta Wharf Loaders, Inc., were all IA members; wishing to control the loading of newsprnt for the INe York Daily News on the Brooklyn piers, they bannd the paper hades' local from the piers, set up a picket line an eventually drove the Dair News trade to Pbrtland, MPine. All the 31 stockholders of George Sellenthin, Inc., the copany n control of all public loading on Staten Island, thich hired through the shape-up and grossed alsst two miilon dollars frsom 1947 to 1951, were members of the I A. Jmes Doyle v-d. Thomas MeGrath of Imtia Wharf oaders vere mIA shop stewards on Pier 33 in Brooklyn. Salvatoree Trapani of King's Loaders, Inc., was a shop steward on Piers 34 and 35 in Brooklyn. Ralph Schettino, the President of King's Loaders, was at the eame time an ILA shop steward at Pier 34. None of these but min warked as longsboremn, /received pa as shop steards nd parofits as compary officials, The net result of the public loing system, the Cozmission stated, was a substantial diversion of traffic to other ports, the growth of organized theft and other criminal activities, the repetition of serious vrrk stoppages, and a serious loss of incore to shipping interests, "The evidence," the Comsission said of its investigation in general, "demonstrates that the Port of New York is in danger of losing its position of supremacy to trhich its natir l advantages entitle it. If the Port should lose its rightful upremacy, there will inevitably follow a crushing blow to the prosperity of City and State ... the time has cam for drmstic action 58 What e do now may well be decisive of the fxture of the Port."' Te CoSmission recommended legislation creating effective administrative control over the waterfront, abolishing the shpe-up, instituting a port-tlde regis- tration and licensing system, and requiring minliim stande s of behavior frcm waterfront labor organizations. Both New York ad New Jersey quickly passed ne lawr, soon ratified by the Congress of the United States, esta- blshing the Waterfront Comission of New York Harbor with broad paers; to regulate the operations of the port. The AFL, too, was awred to novel disciplinary action. The passng of William Green in 1952 and his suecession by George Meany brought to the presidency of the AFL a man trith untr-aitional views of the powers and obligations of the federation. The AFL deanded from 92. the XLA a series of ref oms as the coaltion of its eontimeid a#fil.ation vith the parent bord. e hrA refusedX to ocplg and wa expelled from the federatio. he AML thereupoan harterm a nv union, the _nteramiaon Bothehood of t-,Irn ana ebarhed ,0n1 a amaeige to ost the nLA frta the te r e portents for both the CmnLoisson aen the APL vere fivarlde: the publtir given to Waterfront oatnd ons, the enrmitf of the abases revealed, the overay iung ptublic iwport for efo esa thea evi t disontent of the _ themselves al pointed to a nev order in Bli York. BA the ondiLtions wvee coplex, the rmedies i_ ctep e, and allies unpedctable or Veak. Both dhan and dipoint- =ast lae aald. r :":'?Y ;.?-: ?;; ???- ?-;? :? 1. PICBOES -- CHAPIER IV -TE fER 1. Nhemw Ybrk wterfrsOO is probIbl tl best d c-teld Oa all cases oa corr a __t-a i -n-ra-gmnt zelatioss. I hao re Ieled lmaviy for t his acount on Caasrls P. lrsrae , PMbapep rd BirMin Hall (DB:{tla.: Uiversit ato CMliMfria Press, 1955i); Dl Bell, "1h RaMbet1Ridd e LoaorI n.," la T hd oa Idlo (OLneoa,: e Pres Pres, 1o960), pp. 159-90; Nlcol3B Jmi Orim m t r Labor F nt (IkN Yior: Ib. - Bill Book Co., 1950); Allen aiet1 , 1te mt Prtet (tle Tarsi: BsmW Bolt and CoqNeWr, 1955); Ira Y ork Staf rtm oirio, Us Bomrt (ato Bar ) (AaImlba:s 1953); I Cw rls a. Bkrm, The y;ri (ram, Is.k: Siwve7 Afolciates, I, 191);, 195) I. SEtrom, Tb Kfr or ,Prob (Now Yori: AIsu emI ity Pes, 3938). AM Pbl dmtsr t aA am Inftsttrall felatioma, Bepart at the Oami-ioa oa Infttrial blatialse to the tn;ted States Se, a 6t., s., 6a oet . (45 (t s - D.ult 1916); Labor Ooadtiosr Affattla wateafat a. aht k3ur's Joit OClottee cm lort Inttry epart r SOBIm Itte ko. 5 (N1v Yorkt 1951); FitNal eport to the Iniattrlal NssMadmr ne York State Board at Iof tiry ocm Loahlrlore I Wor tegs (rne York: 1952); ,mitiato o. ,rmmaredn Pga, Eauboomitto oa Pretprodmsa oaf tsh U.. Senat Oai.ttee on the Ardl Snrvie, 83rd COg., ist se., O oittee Beport No. 44 (Waahigton: 1953); NObllisatlon qa Sipping D oeg. Suboabittee on War Mobilization of the U.S. Senate Oomattee oa Mlittary Affairs, 78th Oong., 1st smas., ot.ttAee prt No. 3 (Wahigton2: 2943). A goom biblio. gruay on vaterfrt problems =B be fouan in xL rou, op. ot. pp. 237-U. 2. An indication of te oial statusof t the OsrN i the fact that banks and finance coasanies do not aube pesonal loan to longhrmMen, ii. (Pbantte to oapter IV cot.) aor are the 2lattwer 3l3 accspted, -a gud fia ial' risks even in l aI-r 3- BlM , -w. p174 4. Bsa, 90 t p. 6. 5. EBi&t J. Butle aa Joseph risooll, Poak (nr York: 0. P. Pnam's 8om, 1933), pp. 65o 6,. 6. Id, p1 221 7. Lys' royptbat a a mir r uas mrriabla_. Bs uW rmm tbroUiou the s trf t nt a a a vote f the oraimiX amal "Mubol h" radse fiv r ten cents an hoauw seM a acomiMed br aother bemlt. "We amla I ran In ione a rar or so," a proiab stev e Id, "am sa 'Joe, how =oah of a -aie do yIou ned to eep the bps in Wlmt'" I:tan! deaMs re seldoi die o tSiti to the ewLoyel. See Laro, z p p. 61 Citien's terfrt Oouttee, Mahe Ne York WB terfro t (New York: 193o), p. 13. 8. Ibid. p. 15. 9. Bell, oIs. ct, P' x65. 10. 'Die UA :ha had two "Jma QCo loaaI, oKpoed larely of lNegro I nremn refused. abee hiAp i other lDocalf. tinilsy as A als^ the do mt hasv eaolusive julwtioato over a3r pier, but dispath their mbesrN fro- the union hll to Jobs sq be a vailable. I 1919, hA ofiCialsawme saAd to have urged their rao s to aPS e the iitstiton of a hiring hail matet on the grod that it wold "break the r=al of the union tbriog the Wolesale hiring of Negro loegarml (Zarroer op tLit pp. 72-3) EsBcial dsar ition vas not caiald. to Negroes1 Depe-Idig an iil. (bo?tnots- to t p vter IV Co-t.) the ethenic cmentrao at the pler' in qestionr, Irish or Italian long- horum wre giwMn irst pref ce in Jobs. Suoh disorlxinat tened father to redlue 1 bor obiitWr beto en the pie"r. - 1. Jdohun, op . n.a p. H 12. Haiom JJdohaam Nr York Sun, Noier 9, 1918. 13. New York 0tt B boas of Imn pr7, op. cit., p. 28. '1k. Daniel Be.13 "Iast of the Buixes Baoats," f n, 1951, p. 196. 15. Richard Carter, "Behind the Watetrfrt achets," o December 3 or 9, 1951. 16. vor JaYarry I, 1953. 17. ar y eaton Vor'e, "Mb Pirate's Nest In eov York," Harpe !alane, Aprlj, 19W2, p. 33. 18. NBeU, "Tbe Racket-BJiden r. , it p. 175. 19. Nr or reLa, hrary 1, 1953. 20. Larzrov, 1p. Ci.., p. 16. 21. An ng the ebrant M ne Act of 193 U .s. Senate mittee on Om e a the Colmttee on Mucation aa Labor, Herins, 75th Cong. 3d sese. (Washgton: 1938), p. 1201 ff 22. RPlna, op. cit. pS 4 5. 23. Johon, o, it. p. l66. tr icatiwg's role in the prosecu- tion of arminals in the LA see William J. edating and Rihaar Carter, The Man Mo PBocam the Bout (Now York: Harper and Brothers, 1956), cha. 7-19. 24. NovYork November 23, 1948. 25' t. 8. 8ete Crlmttee (Washinton: 16953) , p 6. ^,~ :ii ?e- r~I~~8pl~a~-m7- iV. (Pbtnotes to C er IV comt.) 26. Boll, olt., P. 178. 2r. Mqr Piorsfl 4~~a or Now Thekg us m naI 4itiuibddw for his beqt of aM awoSti to dsi w York Mrs, &VA UtISIaw aulptosfo the uesfroa 4ld act, p W Aperm13su initqa NW action alstactewrCa the ~tw~t 28. IJk s Joint Xtt. on trt Ip6. 29. Up to 19* the k-wek on the ts homes, with ti-aM-abalt prmius pqfor v'Ong VMWmr.Pn1up based 1arg2y on the dwngr or venin eks, aM sw not r o =mt lmgshormn as true oW . & 1940 a a Lew specifed a 40-aW uck, with OwerwlzM noni .imoiatey er. in 1941 a p'ow~ ofrL inbs filed siAt to hawe o VW p after fa0 hours based on emiw f. e suit ws uheIA In 1948 b, the United States EpN Cort. Se nA aM the a_3lvors then I sfull a MUrd bill , in 191.9, eq -_ the INgabs ii fr the pr-sior t# Wage ORAamo Act, thus de s ' al claim for back pq for the yas .0-148. 30. Now York State ard of Iu- c 34- 31. NkWor's Joint Lt . cit. P- 38. 32. Nw-York ate rMiM C s 2. cit. p.5. 33. p. 8. 34. - p. 9. 35. p1 36. P, le p. 8a. 37. b Bearis p. 71-. .A.A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~V (m 3tUOtos to IVaptez I nclwde4) 38. ,p. 2579-9 39. Thid, g 'rlP, P.7 Fv0. po 23-. 41i. b p. 25. 42. Ical 8214 ws onathelle& b Dim mf an ku o as the "Pistol lca e or the unsua e of d~rs which had takn -pl9acein the Va~u battles for eontmX of the lacal. N. w York Stat Wn p. 26. 115. R, epa sP. 1.5967.q 46. , - To4 116. HeariSe s, p. 19. 117. xbfi Herns pp. 1570.1 173. 18. rd Bearip, PP. 1825-6.. 19. ,. , P. 29. 50. Th1A. Bearins p. 1627. 51. I Hd. ea, g, p 35. 52. 3, Bearibgp, Vp. 177-9. 53. PL, p* g0 54- r1., P. 45. 55. Loa. cit 56. i, earings . 638.9. 57. biL eari , p. 115. 58. aTh., Pp. 7, 67. A.- ,?* I w w" 1411 -11-?A-.-? 111"t?m.", ,, 11 ? I , '. ? 'r 0EGPTBR V in G1INN-IN IN CHIICAGO 93. Caicsg is situated at the soutern tip of k Michigan. At the t1i of Itsii as a tmn In 1833 it2 population 00 200, but its t to water wi the midleatern fanmlands soon It - with the ecepti or Nwok - the fsdi c st ii htant v"railroa trodving and fizncial center of the United States. With settlers em the perasi-te. fro its earliest dqs WOWi eJqsd a reputtOs the principo center of vice in the ~ttd States."As the Civil War am to a cloe," rote Virgil Peterson, no city had a mme ftrmidabl US eiol ta hcgo" ~ the beg 3nig the gsberte aoowbepr ad thbote-oinwrs mere. the vmlo a m patar- ee that wer not the uzzvelci WMs'Krs of inow of the potltml leade" rso the city. "it VWa a system,9" NPterso also wrote, "*ib was to became a Aermneusb fix ebu a I iaona to give the city its pti-I as the ar captal of the ziatie."2 It s a r. de bo e e ss fst poutial mdi n. Midzae aaA cow to Chi In l_85_ at the age of fifteen. An ents peI wof great skIll, he hadas b the end of the Civil war the ad the s Rom . a _cin Chicaglos chef poitIsl bo . His g ng s beem the ot hants at Cicag's les sezitive politians; his pw'chase of the G o heis e te ovoraip of public utilities aMm a t civic figure; *ile his great wath enabed him to contru gIzarously to political i 19 he as the p othe city's a ai with his seponsors of -crat Carter J. Hario for the of Chica. Harrison stAjed In fafe fw 12 yar aaA ran a vlde-open ton. Us ucan 914. refoiu s uiistratio of John A. PRboe enjoyed a brief stay in power frm a87 to 389; but seldm therafter, frm either eplicans or at, VW to rthe borde of refo. "You ame g8auie in y virtuwa," Wilia f. Stead, a oth evang=elit, tld a CMag aimme "an dSat-IC In yomr vices. I do't kwsw $n Ahich you g=ry the fte aliance , ver distuzted for long by the revelat of it a . e Cii VIc MunIon of 19W rpt the aDg Of ii s of lars a year In vice, bat aitted any t io of verlab* Ho pr oa the most fmus brothel In a or y other fav etablu . e tong year he Qeo Cvil Srvle Coandsion l1amchd an investiatAon of police bribery, re lin a widespread c1nspiaq _betueen gamblers, poien an politicdans to drive non.o SUtg CLr out of the city.' "Professioal COr imilsn," the icahi CY in Crb stated in 1915, "ha built iw a qstem which w be called a 'ariae trust,' with roots ruing t the police force, the ber, the bwsaO the s tor's offIce, ad political oficas.... 2hwe can be no doubt that cn of the chef owes of csim in Qic o Is that -a-s of the police farces au partioulr f p aIn lothesa staff,0 gr ha in glov Vith erm m3 Insted of punish the r , ey prot hi. Instea of usig the poe at the la for the protection of they us it far their oa per l t.... fO iaCt ertent of thi qetm it Is iqozesbe to d Iterim, but there is no dubt tat its ramficati are so wie as to cripple thd aadbinery fbr the 10eMIfI n?P of the 2.6 2here VW werse to . De electio of Bepubllca MaW William 95. Bale ("Big Bill") 3 cuwPson in 1915 psaged a further decele in civic staderds. "ite V a time," wote LanpI Wendt az Bumn }r "there really .- ~x ~~o.T~ VWm~~e 'isz~~i~UyesrY. VW a mg BU _ ,,7 raw no _w~ A abr cowboy In his youth, an athlete br choice an a politieian b1 accilt, X an isoatii mko earued the solbioet "aiser Bill ," an A eo u ook as a swor cmpaim oCmitant to "puch Kg George In the aoot," _ b t to Woltics a buffory, dlicirty, *1U anI tolerance una even -for icaPromsng refom to the gleaned, he wevo~ his own early order closig a nloos ocar. tailed the Powers cc the police WA-S O publily as sociate ith srilm n criminals aMd opened the getes of the city eve wifer to the ot vice. " ad vice r," wrote ts "...nte into allaces with officals at abowt every 3e a gof ernnt. .8 Prchibition td the allian. i Ctecame the mjor r of Ulegging In the cdef of police C. Pitmrris awqSlaining as early as 1921 that a "lafte p =ct l Poslice- lam lw~e fti. thi=e bGM9 nit biness.9 DwhriDng "I NW s first four nea," Pteson wte, tie uher d .d oadud ierdat s por set... .rc becae -the Pd h_ Imertmert in America frr crlm aMd vee.... ?he system ... ws wo Mew. It h id in for decaes. bt i the of the _ini baim it hed era xied until coaotios we etY out af . 2b Tal intent aM re in control of City NaL " A mw admsri brotAt It chng. exat Wi3_;am s. Dever, a negr, succeeded 2bCson in 193 aMd for for yews bed 96. to uitiate the i akfeft the uwi rid, but vithout much success. The ijor - mtid their OpeisWitbin the city or cosiucte m Up~~~~~~nwb ft a 66O CC VW ft OLMIo frhm hos*tVW sum W, uSWurgi a=Lu sre of w As tA= cfntro of llaether froui Lqaatience or disgust, th .3.qtocrate retred Dower frm oMc* in l s bMA *t ck _ b ** as it ad, han gn sutiS-oS plaform. "I nealt them ant," be sAid, n ninety as. t he Cid vt. He baad eo s uti m the insrwvor34, asted the oe of rIminals to pblic oie, al d the BMW to their watioss uabfided, er vatehed -the decline. A igv i iotm of lnr vani. ws retumed b the fuels ia f Crimina Astice In 129. te evidenc was corn izcin, t~he Assooiatm' s report stated, "that aria was& raid on a a sad wih reso re in the hito Of g ... that the ding g e VW* p Mcia l frm pnisbmlt; u ... that the poo oW pover ad d by g se ad their Immity from VWt was to an wi#Wy alliae between organized crime ad 22 po3tios." Jol3ti Ian iW eintoht the entir Jiiicial 3o s Jur dtW vy often eveaded through al contacts. A hX s of asse io cota to law by ar juriesO Y of ibm wave of poutiosl ourtliers. The identical political off iliatmic of the State's attwmY the , the omny sheriff, the 4ounty coror and a jority of the jutgs prosecution In aaica sad the s 1roan CMok County, the Associaton claimedp "elfftcively barren of es Mzbstntl resulSts."33 octio ws ptiury t. poiIs to the state's 97. aPtorney's stff were on politimal gouwAs, most apoe being i t of the crinal law and m g osse of their timt in angr evnt in political activities; a y horni of ewes wre for Want por ecmotioor sll zuvet from the cout doobet; ibile the mary as belwe the state's attry ai crdainal resti i a relucti on rx f ame to petty offenses had becBm so Prevalant tat the US ar 33l p laft I has beosm of the law an fear of is so lIno ra de Ir of ai ... aelwith the nimber of for serios dims, the umaber atllb y receiving ade te punish- =at is Partisan politics ws a the amicipal jumeiiry, =Wr Ju4pes acting as polta leaders their own cammities, submitting to pe lenes In the dspoit Of Caes; a a result, 4elms in trials ere -too esy t t continuances or by haimlss bond itues the latter ofen being seot aside itout sufcient came, cIle the widespivl prwcice of am Judp reviewing the acts of anr stensible p is of be had led to "inbolerabzl abuse.115 "T an Aweasing ebent," twhe nemprt stated, "the i is gto habor, not oly Jues take orders fr poitical machines, but uds m pt f the asati itl."16 2De polio. 4N m mt, the report saldA, w both emnle an inefficient. 8everal fat wam to b : lOw eanc IArds aM poor traini_ c tan age t poliey on la enforcent; the bdef, two-year tesm of the chief of paice; the cosat shfting of M =A adnistrati fficials; the t rOr eaxti-m of poliemn ealone In the pefrme of their cial ttduie; aM a lck of ort for the police f n the part of the cowts aM prosecuting ofes". 98. "uit," the report said, "the chief cae of d aIstion Is the politis]L i lafl w exercised br the AdaistBtive officials an c p ItLs "t7 gm e tallas VW te de~enfize of Oth latra ther allaxe with erniami eleMeats "bis so-called weamw wields a POWe- fri inlic ia every eawl-4nn hzag wilpes o n the part Of those, ibho derive vice, either ietlor idrectly, to ps m O OfmII fotectton of their quest ieet. After a scs Jan has bea s b these political crokes It Is a Co tice to a ao a w chef of e.o.. , ble, otitutes and criins ot eary for ant near, Ion tho their ls tat rthn is #f't' asn to the cdt to hervest an Nast plcemn discover that the numdinry is ainst thand the 8 rali -ai of the depoaNtt mmen the police morale is shatte-ed, the city il at the irqr of the z s.oo nl.8 m firdings of the Associatin- Ve so glamented In 1931 by those of the GOio Ci Atisens I e t . F to 1929, the Caue wt-d, therebhd boe 2!722 la=ilows and in Coicigo, exalading b d s d to c n e; 1923 to 1929 there had bees, at a vatie est , 2S7 ga mrs i nc in the killing of 25 Imion icials -W of sidi 230 we unsolveds VM of the rauted in a mriction. Th f*at, the ommittee a Ii largely with the coin't ant 1 eWoI a tal ers had developd pesina eat p with the rrl4, dg to their foml duties in cout the negtXii with police officials of a fv to their clients, the brbing ot juries, s the furnsh r tXpotsici witnesses and fabriatbed a1lbis. sonlo b not only devoted their to 99. the pvttablz rescew of notable sawgtrs but acted as pxaeai. "Tomrs" eoaed te o Mts. eitivity of elected Jw1.s to politi=l e Awa.. ti.., the p bipy li I I-$sa oa baili u clezks ai4, In Sam cases, the direct financial on ofu offials by se de, i m, a lier attitue to justice. " i ae anted deWisp 'he the ttee si,* ho sdier the aw ae entitled to pobatIon. iosiles ae wived In cases not rating au& action. ?fte s ofie Is eent and lax In --b-e service. flte clerk's office and the state's abbe la ofie contimn to lose file In ca, an stim# in their a e to re cases eviousl stricebn Off with lean to ate I the felow brand of the aricpal ort, tsile of precuti witiwsses to me c to result In a wasba t di tio.... aOSinal Justie In Chicago ha co to be a I*o CONO et i stands as a perfct ezasle of civia failure Public resen~nt fr3.loVith - icoue of the linimois crlm Stwq MA the Citi~ss Paice sumitte contrIbed to Uon8sto am- St] In 1931. lb ws eeded by Mc=at AUton J. WsiVenb of th Obak CbqWt &or& of C Soi aM scet of the nidted So t t - sit oqp uaatoa ofe warsq distillers aM saloon keeprs of(icg. e AMuwen 1 mt was Indscrnbl. eramk was the eetat of a pWerful OrionsainIdi ftr years had oll with d mideated. Ia in hie. S p result of his election wa a abift in amicipal * favor rm o eram3l ug to an er. fe daa.e mm p ar an outbe of gag AM ensued in Ikich oe of Ceak's lizrg ssiates id In pent, l933 Cek t 100. to Miami to participate In a reception for President-elect Fran1lin D. Roowvelt snd was shot ra fatalOy wwiai at Roosevelt's se; at least two QaCago aliea oiagnt in the o~oiiato Graie rimw WMr since ~ t~ b dg X offerm gangsters 20.D Soliowe4 in afie b wez4 J. Kelly *boo in ooa with Patrick A. Nash, the daimn o the Ooc y D tce a t ea. blIasad the poliica NOW=~ Stieh was to male @icpfrthe rtfoar teen yews. goe tummas, za doubt, had cage. i Vi W urs ome and the atpressica or the 930's t abor an i pdlticsl s s ng the e tI i tu lote active lw CaC polites, leia s of the tAS itial e l abses, an rasing someiiaat the a of the s. !-with his l9QB prdecessW," wote B Ia F Gos. l;l "the 1936 cict it in the eity of a - less of an o les o a tax. fixer less of a tric.p uster* bat* mm a of a g-.betmren i the relief _a M&Ces aS the vaiu bran-hes of te fmr Xverntb fte 193 guecinat comttsa amc Ne I -1erstoed in nationa 1289es than his boer the ra."2 sat the Vagrmtu muldiam manespesonhsbruh wsnt la the ethical st of the ty a," -ARA--a ~~~~~~~~~~~22 s e "bt Ifimm s ad ae sU pitched at a very lW level. Vote f ds, Violenc at the pols,, the of minals as election iriges, the assasinatonof political qppocNtIsP the underworldfnacn of poliu l ea aS other abuss coatimuiea In both R can an Democratic organiratIoam. 2 The political fixer emid a power in the 101. enforcement of the crimin lalv, exerting his influence at various points in the process. "the police mw fail to secue covncg evidencep, Gom also wrote, "the state's attormy fail to prosecute, the clerk ch the dchre, the bailiff =w fail to ar the defa-at ibo has Jv8ed his balls, and the j3ige has a variety of vays of mit IanSg the rigors of -the lw."A The underworld thus owtiuad to prosper. Nov dominant in the liquor iustr, gangsters bea em re active in politics, anxious to e trade and to stav cdt wz t t to enet local option prohibition ordin. ances. The pricipal Ing oan tions oed full political protction, flouriing ope In Chicago and the suburb operating se 7,500 esta blis in 1i934. Cr i geel beca re hb3.y organid and centralized, the gr#adua settlement of uderworld Jurisdictional arrngements bringing about a declne In violce and de but also a mre systetc relatis with the political order. "It is doubtful,," rote Pter!on "if a city even been the uay for a greater r of professionl crimnals than Chia ln the early and middle 1930'g. 5 the system coatiznd little hanged t ut the years of the var. The Kelly whine ws still In im l, had larwgy aplanted the limited civil Service system by paronage, sad had geared the police depart. mt to Its needs. In 1941 the CMc Tribune obtained a published set of u vrl b ing records for the area of Cook County outside of Chicao; the rords soved a'gross profit of $320O,966 for the math of July, 19141, of Nblch W0980 vas-~~~~~~~ 26 of *ich $26,980 was paIin graft to political and civic officials;. awthr earlier est te put the total of graft paid to politiclan at sme 20,000,000, a year in the Chieaw ytolitan area The iWartime trials fOr income tax 102. evasion of undervorld WRomosen William R. i an William R. Johnson showe that they acted as te aries between the political machines and the inal s the tribute ors being cllecteo at regular pardes at the l Scap Iran eMdIMtal uap on the South 01d., a former investiptor of the state's attorney' a office acting as cashier. The. wa little or no intervention from the police. "Eve koows," the Ibel2.uwported cUnty clerk of Cook County testified before a pmad jury In 19113, "bow promti are ma_ In the police departU t. Most cqlMas are otd b1r the on reCOMADations or the Ward Comitteenen. Every Ward Oo.tteean s that Civil Service e ti are mostly a sa-- it'a all hale -t-r-h the Myor." It was a stable system, surving the war repeatd investigations asd even -- alt i itigatd arm t departure office of a discredited IelU in 197.9 It was aso a pervasive sYstes1 reaching out ia Its peak yeas beycod the fleld Of gmblIng, bootlegging snd vice Into the ral aM inustria sytmof Micaup aMd beycd. The por over0 business aMd trade uni=o it brght to its chief uuMerwrld practitiones ws as unrcde d as It waspe cul The ico rwrld of th earler part of the enty ws a olction of -mom or ocpti0ona fiefs, each unier the control :of cm ore tes. in gm ng, MWt en COtrolle te Nrth Side, JaMs O'Lea th South Be, A a John Rogers the West Bide, and Alder. mn Miael ("H13W DiLW ") Jtnna aMd John ("hthhouse J ") O hli the prospo dOAtom I LOOP district; the most Important of these vas Tennes, ubo c to control after a serles of bombing wars frm 1907 to 1909 al ha ab d racstrhck linJ in Chiao. In prostitution the leading 103. entrepreneur was James ("Rig Jii') Colosimo, aided by suah local lieutenants as Michael C~ime D& Pike) Heitler, Frank ("Vagm) wis, ad the brothers Har&7 aM Jak ('Qres U b") Ouik. Me arrival of Prdhibiton b about a multiplicaton of gngs -- the O'hBnions, the Genna Brothers, the Aiello otr the Gere("gs") Moran gana others -- of idm joined forces during the 1920's. fte chef caue of tiom was vw the ability of the successors to o n the early years of the entui Colosimo hed recruited New York John o as his chief assistant. Torrio, as the p asur of flesh an iem distracted Colosimo from his daily responi. bilities, gr ally took ebarg of operation. His power I ead with the election of Thai-6n aM the advent of Prohibition, an he rapidly ed his il8 ance ito bootleggig aM gablig. Clim as new an obstacle. n YrA 1, U190 he was shot to death -- evidently by Prank ("Frakl Yale") Vale -- ibo ?brrio was said to have b gto Ne York ftuf for that ppo. Trrio w a d/ctsol. e an effective ornser, brouht about a nber of allIancs, aM within a yer or so was the met powerful gang leader in aaicaghi He was, hoWEver, mere attached to life than som of his peers. In 19:2 he barely surViveA gunshot ouads Inflicted by his c wnnts r he di hi throne in favor of his principal lietenenL, a forz~r m=sic hall bouncer by the ame of Alphonse W pne was braver tha Tam-io# an evn abler organiser, and utterly uthless. "Al Capone," wrote Peterson, "marshaled the forces of the wuer- wrld as they had Soed= been marshaled bebre."30 He was responsible for the violent invasion of Miero idbid, after Dever's election in 3, b ht the c b nder the control of the Torrio ganiation. A series 104. of gan murs after 1925, cuminating in the gory St. Valentine's day massare of 197, frher l te his pomr. In 1927 e contributed an estmated *50,000 to foqieon's c1aign, smiAng crUcial polling Stations with his gun. After the eIection Capons moved hist n Cicero to the Hotel In Chica, establishing his gsling aperatioms at Clar and IMisn Str s, one block fran City Hall; ndIstrbe the lam, he reaped teafte fm bootlegging, amling and vice an incorn 31 es ted r fIaeral oties at $110,000,000 a ear. s power over the affairs of Chica becam so great that* according to Frank J. LoesIb, the president of the MCl CrIe Cowsdion, he once offered to pollee the entire city In return for protection in the labor, liquor and gkling racket*.32 In 1931 Coapone as convicted of In tax evasion ad sent to the penitentiary on Alecatras Is , but the orgw isation he had built Wr kown as the " 'on s durble. - a er the ead p of frank ("Le Efoer) Ntti, Ja&c GurAk, * ) ("The Ceal) mr sea ("Go]u a ) unt, Pu DeL0a Or Pul ("Ibe Waltei?') Ricca and others, it maitained, its hoA n the civic and c lrcial lf of chiwcgo. one of its moat vainl neessu the fi eld of labor- OPSt relations. "Ga odteri inutry," declared Gordon L. Hostetter, emzcutlue director of the bplor A ationf Chiceg in 1932, "is not a sere possibilItry. It is a tabl fact."33 "'Aae 'assci ation' usiness#8," statd the 927 report of the 'loyers' Assoiationj,"has to be a nest prfitable ,t... Certait business n., desiring to create a M no]oly in their partilar field, engaWe sn wose very nme strike terror in the hearts 105. of the tUid to organize an association of pietors in their Lin. Tn soliciting _bsthe s vag reference to the possibility of to property and p an to prevet which the association is belg organized. If the paop'iLetor doeS not join TACkly his plat Is bombed, wimiows bpken, stench bombs explded on his premises, eMployees assultd or pn strike If eltes are not unions then his store or business plac is picketed andM c .dity deliveries in an out are st ."3 Te initiative, ac ding to Hostetter, wa net always with the employer a3. As an earlier report of the AssociatioU said: "Not contet with holding the reins of Lobar -e:opoly be (the union leader) has c e ith ertain eqployers aM enploer group an has set up ations uder aM o na nme throu ii the tw are ericg themselves at the expee of a c public... fhe union users the eMloyer to drive all wrn into its folds, discipline realcitat union er, extort may and special privileges.... fle eMlOYnr uSes the ion to el te comptition, fix price d i the eMploer Vho shws the least silg of ianependene, aM to raly 'stabilizel' his business."35 A ti of iMurisea were involved. According to the ~uplo~ers' Association, labo r_ combinations involring the use of professional c in wre establisoed in the lary an dry cla vindov washing i l wte, pulp an paper, ncinery MSvIgs, fish inrketin, poultry, gt foods, dena s s, candy unfacturin, sut bilesplies a repairsan soft drinks, bulding materialu, gaOrbae di a, milk distrbution, tire repairs flowers, shoe res r furnitur imoving, art glass, carpet an le laying, vidow de an drer wire fencing, electrical supplies haircuttipg, interior io6. deorat sad photographic trades.36 Not all partnerships, howver, were olwuntay. "7he gang," the Illis Assoatio for rinal Justice oad, "Is nor p than the poliee. 1e tu re t of ts coBtiOen is that the 1w of force shoul be extended d to legitiat es of busIes as a substitute for the 1w of the lead. Oer ninety legitiste bs sses are doted ba gte3r 2he system inmlved the Invasion of the Chia labor w b the .erwmr3. aa n Chi co," declared the Chigo vribe in 1930, "stads In I of beilg delivered into the hands of g se aeca ng to labor leader *o erpressed their fears todsy. Already seveal unions, rated as the st p a active in the city, hav been taken over et Al_ e ("afe Al:") Capone n his czew of ngst .... Other leaing unionswar being forced to paW mthly tribute to stave off the gangsters . the labor xen feel e s helpless to steM the inroad nbe d by the eers on their orga ti . of the union heads, in fact, have oe to am seeking his help In meting the des sof other tw|we 8 me soliciion of Cpo prtection was not i4 ible. me qute o gag was the chief organization of its *iM, but It vas notAhe only one. 2fle e Jlitton of 2ions sand idaustries Was thus a competitive setter. Se ao t ters ere said to have been subject to the atten- tions of both the Tuty gang aM 1 r ("e Cmel") ies. Capone hielf w i a in dt i the power of the in ent extor- tionrs in the lautir sad cea trade, an fouSit the Moran g fur In the bufiding trades. he Ded Sots were involved in the atmoble aM bil stin trades, later being shallend by the furces of 107. Jon (" ne GMm Jac') McG= . The effect of inter-gang rivalry vas the ingooetion of double extartionary rates on unions and emploerS. Te second and pe ntul cseen, as alrady. sftatei, W a dlberat avproach to Capone -- as thw force in the uiesrwor2 -- by union leades and businessmen sekig ns ea et Of stability in their predica- ents. re we -- If a famr uierwwrld ener of Capone's can be believed a caoncrted atteIpt by a number of union leaders to create a defense fn1d, hire bdy d resist 1W al aeans the atten- * szd~~r .39 a tieof Gaosand atjhers.3 Bat resistnc u certainl Mct uniform- and Ws poably - In m caSs - futile. P 193, crdi to "sch, capons ntroQUd or 1setd trib"full tuthirs M-f at labor ago!aiat in Oiou O ven AlL ofi lp"'MINLY not disposed to e~gaaethe extent In the l r v nl _t, ap th y eit A afliates In mli ere uxier the d zmination Of Xraheteers. Te true extent of u orld i in the aicao labor movaeet these yews is no doubt i"Possible to dcan. As In other cities, it we a conditio replete with allegation but spa In proof, marked then by the silences of fear, today by vezwie or convenient amnesia. BUt the bwden w re conspi usly thn ever before) a co abion Of ciocustances -- the of the city, the legacy of Prohibition, the distaste for r l etition, the ti of the la and the wieswrll, and the tolranZt ethics of the tm - had pruc a crimnal lodgmmut in the labor awmnt of umaor ortios. The reon bility of the C o unIoS for such a condition need not be underplayed; but it we at leat a sbared r ibility. Te ere, indeed, myr eaps o great -ins. coage on the part of unio leaders naeast hi& asd aetimes mwtl odds; b1t it was a baw battle, sa strong allies vere few. At least with the l1 aorrmptd&, the pion cRiM ised,3 c boat p erula death the freq t price of resistance, the acceptnce of uae*rl4 intrution bw a mmr at tae unianists vm ot altogether suprising. Repeal 1o; a for the orse. The activities of g s In the cae l riant during Pxvhibition, thoi* substantal, were confod esseutially to loal Werations. the l ation f the liquor trade, hwver, creataI a deasd for me souces of revemwo The leading gangsters had little ese for ti ty. er success ding ribition had e tem with a legead of tlia y ad a oidable iehine. The advent of I It redMoed their reve did little to affect their political poaer to to s the scu les of the cw ty. They now took aim at a new level vf inleence: the iternotioal union. i. sAM RV - sTN GU IN CHICAGO 1. Vout1 Peterton, mo: Littl*, ham 1952), p. 3I. bi is am or the test of the few histories of crm zd politics In an Arlca city. 2. ., p. P 2. 3. In PEtss, ibld. p. 6k. 4. cmiew vice Ccainosia The Socalm ea i i Chicj (Cicag: _tmlrp~swen Prinio Co., 1.9IU. 5* 9~rz Otte* IV* 90--%* . Pterso, 6. DHeaot. of the Chicago Cit 2 O~moi1 amtee n CrlS (Chiago: Mar, 1915), pp. 1,8. M Fr a t=oer view o Chiccaw's civic guilt SI Chrles Nu A _ _ _ of U _ P tes (New York: c a, 1936), p. 19. 7. Llowd Veft aB Rerun Nomn, O (vw York:. obbs-Narrill, 1953), p. 1. 8. PEterson, 9gje. P. 107. 9. A. p. I. 10. IbiLp pp. 107, 110, 120. U. Wmt and eqp. P's WZ6. 12. u n(Chicago: qM finad Associo fw Ouis Aistice, 1929), P. 1091. 13. b, p. 326. l4. Didop pP. 326.7, 329. 15. p . 219. 16. Ibi{ w 41$9. ii. Pbotwtos .- ~t~er V Contsv WOO 17. id p 359. 18. I p. 366.T7 19. Itlss Fo"" dtteep ( p- R c"P Unizui or 1931) pp. I, 3. 2D. Jdaa E. Iw1,eP ad m TOW (IFmo CNiffsx Petioe43&U, 1960), pp. 26.8. 21 oe"I P!. ao uftim Wmigm _ ow (chm? Uniwezitq of ica Pmes, 3939), p. 90. 2. 7bd p. 78. See also G , Ft ion In iD" ML;H&JvAy-MAst, ,1935; L Wb 1auttis wM C li Proseutiam (ew York: J. J. Little an IvTs, 1929), . 23. P u an at ot violmo am J in diO 808 Croll Uill Wo,~ 2_Ci f A i ata T mesa Sp C* f Cicago B Rtns, 1 Mah, 1930. 24. Coansi, "iu es Ioag Mo," l pp W. 78.80. 25. REtos,, !2.!&~t., p. 171. s6. bid., W- 193J4. 28. .r iJ. 28. I atil0> WNI=l n " md Ik m4 MY-Jt;cn, 1.91, pp. 34i5. 29. Onrl In Chlag durin this pvris a l ison J. mitb., Cate (Cao: HI --.I, 11) 30. Inerso* o cdi., p. On Capon , ; ?? , 4?- 7,-j, T? 7? J?.y ? P-.,*M i7-;:,":r'4?-,'F,??-t7??,-?'?,:-'- IiIi boites -aptV - cti ne see aloFred Pb& t l. SWCaoe h B-Sa210f of a et-HIW Y-* (1ew York; Ie a 1930) 31. LYI, ]?s 84 32. Letter fromm Ieedh to U.S. Senato VIliam Nerda. The oftr we elleeGdy ne ba a ptative to JAwtice Joh P. M)owtW$, the Wart Justicea ofthe caicsip Wul-zal (kurt. Now York TI 0 li 3~di 25, 1932. 33 etter frm t to brs the E of (cad, In Pr=* 1t i nedes of I t (Chio a n: Ot'Suiv PIdausg Doue 1933), p. A. 34. OorCN2 L. Hostetter an Tmas WA Deasl, It' a t (QaiCai: rea Quin Dod 1929), p. 9. See also Htetter, Get Ij*atq, I sLE L Jluua i933s, p.6-17. 35. t stettPM- . ci, . 10PU. 36. WC Pau 37. 1.e 1BMW .lt.. p. 639. Se also Ls C m Your lc sheet," The au on f Bsiness Apil 1 pp. l.5 r.f 38. cu wib April 20, 1930. Ar ii oaess labo fters (Now York: rUverl~t, 1936), M. 8; Fred P^sey, i (NeW York: Ives Mb1931), EJ I. Ims r Tax in (New Yor: e 198), I--* Lois AuAdes, te (y York: Viking Prdes, 1934w), Pp. 325-50. 39- Pboer aT6Y witb Ph 1hennan, Th stolen Yeaws. (Clevelan: Fe ngt es 1959), C. 7. iv. Fbotwt~es V oo.- zie 40. Si Tk Ims, March 2% 1932. 41. A s , lt po U6* 42- ORAPM EVI 77"K 109. The Hfotel ani Resta-unt l esa Darteners nternational Union (E) rerea c waiters, reses dishwash , barbe s an kinred emplcWees In the hotel ak rest ant Is s. 1892, it vas co _n e wih iuste nted for their ee c petition, poor iating conditions, an tale labor force WA -- at least In the restaurant i~ustz7 -- a hh rate of busines failures. The union advaneed slod4 in --es, claiing in 1917 only 65,0o0 nombers out of a total work force of several hi ed tousani. During the following two years the union los 5,000 a rs because of the sprad of Ste ad local pribit astn'es thr_*o~t the eot. "Ior Urnatio Union," stated Becreary.!reasurer Jer L. SUlvan, " ociqlis the leat secue of az field In the econemo worldi, and occupies it exclusively." The enat of a feral ry law cleratd the dicline of the union. anenty t ami btI stheir unioA cards, of them going to wrk in nuion aea sies. Scores of longestabliabed loal unios wvnt out of exiatenoe or mantaned nominal stats vith a Inumn of er. Pa 1 the union Aiamd only 37T743 mbeis. It te ted to retriev Son of Its losses by I-zing the Speak. easses. MIS wag Mb given te socia attitudes, illegal status aM _n1 rerisal ot the .te rs -- an ea task; nor did the union receive much Ion frm local t who wore rel a to cose pbl the existnc of e A te tolered privat, al who somel a actively _pos~d picketing aMl other o ng efts. ht the cmreign at with siiccess, andin due coe there developed an uelcome but Inevitable association Vith rld eleonts. It was a useful link for W rM csr othn to wrg under mierable ? , ? -I ? -, . ??, ? -, "M." ?: W no-. oeditions, but it bed unfortunte repercussions for the union. Se of the I nitial enba es e attributable to the baxtenders' locals t a muter of tccve their ses Into spea- eaisiess, gablin rooms or suPPU centers for bootleggeso;2 this led to dis- eiplina'y action on the prt of the ol uno but Its e ou was unavaiin aga nst a re s dewlopnt "e ers who Ied the speaeasies," wrote tw offic of the MsR, "so Ofle o the loyalty ost bar e had for their anion. If that loyalty could be used to push theiLr particular bootleg poutit, would eliminate. nmch of the se problem; and so they de t set -ot to eapture barte ' locals sad use their b ip."3 Ppeal b t a tial i ae in the 'MIAbes hip of the ERR but al a rre tatteq byrketrs to nease their linoe In the union. In 132, a nuber of wopers elaiamd tst the irationD and to tm on r the liTquor -iziusty, the Drelr hr, the IME, sad elumuts of the e rse . e A of rrl iltration vs denied by Pmeident Mlm rdJ. Flare of the EM; but shortly after the pridential election of 1932 he vent to ica an oer ith Be tetry-Treasurer Joseph Obergfell of the hker Worrwrs, ho then Cealared to er reorters: "Our union ha m~drstood for saw tur that iWco gMala bed to get its clutc on our iAIustr aMd w ha i of the efforts of g ers to Iniltrte into union with a view of ulti e cot- the hol3e iuustry. We ask the cooperation of an people to kwp thi i ty out of the hands of gang- sters."4 in-t. oa" hiself. VW t iUbe. "e rekteers ae crei isto sam -or ow 1001 Ui0d to a friend at the 1931 Mm oowloutiA, '..4 oI olly deant kow it V I do."5 ge hA soW1UW for boft la Uew York Caid o. e -IIp of the MM In Now York City s SMil the uwjorit of P o se 0gi~mzT i~i'bers blrgimg to fuit io ar l*ft..Wg l p. SW lee Sgmogdi swith the e ars h *o, after an esteblshomet had been cemisded %F the fhmrw would often sin U staaai M e I with E loas. Aftr tS igning so c e t ltthaw Jo i an qjgov.A histwy oe f E "ns e i su _places foud tat no-aing resbl in a in hp Vs esablised; tha ecaditions reIMl a o l as befre; and th iwa worku e thy vere beaten u p hocre and placed oa an =lWo er=' in i 933tree NOW York oo the MM PW1l N. rand Aledwar ek of Loca 16 and i So Mo al w3 *ure indicted width tm-4Vo aor pereom for extorlU; from resta eqlo~ers. !W IaiicbMnt us lerly the relt protest b of local 36 and 302 um b Bmjasin , the aeortaa-treamrr of New Ytk loca 1. _ hd rot the ataceo local lawe am ofer in cau ti extoiary activities, but had reeie N r u he called to testif at the trial. Wifthout a vestige ofineti o" TShns A. Devey ad later#, "the cae 8as b1ug to trial restIg only an the Or those poor woers - ao hod tele toIir UVs into their heids to cohin and during three days t; ownase so beary pe that ee deend uas freed. "7 Bsqut rg*'lS-S o_ _ __! T li2. to the dismised J ictinn a group of rank nd file n erof Local 16 Protested to MM eu "12 Irsa eesi of the LOcal Is USIng -the vilest form of Intimidation to inisntin themseves In office sod power; ismiaer hae been throw ot of Jobs fr daring to s their ion an unIon affairs. The Officials In =ocy alliance with the bosses' O nSaio loeI on without lifting a finler idle we k uer m e it , l hours, low waPe, Cent ... "Ihe uio racket Is blooming. We are forced to "snd *E for uiifou for miserabl Jobs that don't bring us liavng.... There Is no w ititn co1;ibee or trustees to check up on financial affairs. h o ials call strikes and settle them witbout consultinmg the qersi-p hey reve duly elected hop dhair- men at wil l them with their benebm. They ke asW _ember io Is ood to their tactics out of Uion e re; the refus to accept fs foMM ago"" in stAnding. "We ar damding of the -nternational an 1iediate iMrestigaW tio of the af f of Loocl 1.8 This ai otber 3il* tgher with the tra, t about an investigation by tbah (ewal bxe ive BOad Just prior to the 1934 conention. The accused Coubr, k u Ch=ars Be= of Local 16 and HaW Koenig of Loca 302 e- dnia the carges, stating that they vere riini'scirculated bv their opponets. the trial was iive, Fiare beng t to further t o. He the left for K ogand 13. as an AFL frera - elegate to the. annua coerence of the British Trades Union o es 1ig his senj, Vice-e&etbn J. Oe f the mR sped locTl 302 fr ng to sign a legitimte Sipseamnt with the then Unted Besrt Association of Nm York. Enb returFamd he was met in the Nw York outer harbor by a boatload of cial Locas 16 and 302. Acooing to esmrny: 1e" orlactee g imion ofMcers took ?lore off to a hotel In iud-dnm NeowY , .M k a hqemeu there wa that he ight have been in d . Ater out of that Flor issued an or~er stating that I had exceeed Y authoit in voking the sarter of ra 302 8a r the local an its uiioeers to god stai.n9 Flore later sadd that yad in fact exceeded his authority,, that the Internatiomi uion migt, lows the sult Local 302 bad bought agi it, aM that In casehe had other plsw for reform. in s event, Couehr aM the others were cle ot sad at the 1934 conetion s4orted a r u giving the r ecutive Bardi to investigate aI pidsh wr oin on the part of anio aofers. Then, in M1rda 1935J, cm AL t an aof the New York bootleg chie Arthur J, better kMwt as Dutch v"ts awudered in ThWr, Nw York. An Investigtio by Deu shoed that hltz had long been wrking with her ad othrs in the extortion of hug aws from Nw York resta r . The case went to trial in 1936. in 1926, the trial suloer h to work for Schultz and brtin In onm of their Now Yor City e a. In 1932,9 ed t with the sqnort of Schults and mrtin, Oulduer ran for the ofmfe of seret. 114. t urer of Local 16 of the w3. Thie ballts in the first vote woe raeed an lh s beha9lf; and mhen a recomt was demsied by sow of the local union' e@ muabers, ~alcher brought in a0'me gaazds to V the tabula- tion of the votes. O e s eleced toeetIer with ( ar h B and Aluder fltek both ftror eplqe of ad at rtin -- do be president ani delegat. eactiveU y Al three nov Joined with Schultz in a plan to hb da the entlr Saant induetry In New York City. Louis oezaig, another offceer of Loal 16, was an accoilite, as imre Max PA-nou MAn Dawson of Local 302. Gottesman was atd told: "We have all the unn In yaw l You are the one that it the missing I ---. fe ba7 he decifded to ae over.u Gottesm" res a anti daer of his life fer m years sel s)3 S8uts and his asscates now organi-ed scm 90 per cent Of all New York restauraSt Qexe Into the Nintrfowitan eta 8 u and Cafeteria Ownre' Association, harglng $5 a veek in dues and a, vinl4mu initastio fee of $250. fese r l puAns did not, prele a tial levies in retur for not callig esame a nws ing as as $25,000 a yea to tbe Associao m e usual aod Of re itat to the Asociation or extortio fromadees "a the p I by lal unions of the IE of extravagn d . to the aloyer In question; if the eMoezr reud the de-And his plac o business wA picketd or sten&-bombed. fte Associatio's olletor u then otr an Unt Aereby the employer W"d pa the regular: fees or a cial assesn t; inretmrn no bargapini dIBmed. Yeat be th eMployer continuin to Impose his o0n wases ant o g cditions. d bt the original demwnd. and the fina coA-Abution, uas ual pStatly to the financal ate of the eployer. 115. The prosecution at the trial estimated that the total amount extorted or willingly paid e_ million dollas. So&e 15 per cent of the revenue vent to the o f Loals 16 awd 302, the XrMindeA t the Scutz oraiatin. The trial anjed in March, 1937. Pincu at the opning of the trials had either jumped or been pushed to his death from a hol window. tz we deed, killed by fleLo racketeers because of his threat to assassinate Dewy. Martin4 nig and B3orson bed all been d b ps a f reasons n Olher received a sente of 15 to OD years, other EEM officalsa being Imprisoed- for varying terr. locals 16 an 302 vere _suspendedby the i o o alons vere held and mrger negotiations with theit unions begu In 1935 r- e cileted The books of the sus locals doed that $10,000 ver missing fmthe treasuries. One of the csequeces of the disgust of the e ip of thesa locals wa a turing to left-wing lAnlership. An even s eri pobl had arisen in epago. Dxwig the 1920's, as already , the had osd disiplinay aeon sme local milos consorting with bootlgg rok ia particulr the charter Of the Odoeo bar rs, local' in 1928. The leader of the nw Local 278 was Geog . Me , o to be the owner of a peak- eas, but nw e tl dl ord g I Fr me time he to ep the local rm wcessay7 entalemnts with the ueold 'idle enjoying s ess in organIizag the e bartenders, and in 1.93i beeme a vice-presI of the internatiol union. After Rep however,, e ran into violent opositin from the Capoue interests; pickets ware feelassld t received no protection the police. 11-6. In arch, 1935 aoding to his ow affidavit, 15 Me-e received a telaone ca1 IVo a r of the Capone ogani-ati- *o d a paeyint of $5o0. MMezadm refused to pay, he W ifrd that the syndi- cate would asmame Oal of Loca 278. A week later WUe accepted from the sam caller an invitaiion to lunch at a ntown Chiago restaurant. At the res a e confronted by Nitti, the accepted successor to Cpi.Nitti deanded that MeLane put one Loui s Bomane on the payroll or and, Loca1 278/ then Helm objectedms aid to hae placed a gun on the table end ased politely how *. Helm would 3ook in black. Joined LIal 278, the picket li violence ceased, and the local rapi beca the largest basbeerS' organisa1ti withnt inter ional union. In Hay, 1938 -- again r g to his Om testimow __ Mclm we smmned to a meting tte d b Nti and other agsters, President George Browne of the t anal Alliance of Shtr l Staw tplayeees and Prone'I a peca assistant WIlliam Boff. This group prApo to Helm that he rim fA the presidenq of the ME at the net o ti, stating that a tw-yea stint high offc by ae woul give them time to "parcl Out differt Pats Of the country." HeLm showed relucte end agdin w gun-polkat byr Nitti, tho told MeLane he imat either rm or find himself "In an alley. rae and bo1ygiadsp, Hem embarked on a nationwide caaign to capture the presi. denq from Mlore. ineanaed with $1.00,,000 in aidrurd funds, he visited al unis th e o , f ung his suor o the larger orguniations dispensing fUngs to the smaller, A ae tig an impres- sive 1usber of allies. Uie 198covnto took place in San franisco The HcLene delegration,. 117. s8m of its Mera arwd with gns and black7acks, roamed the tion in search of adispesed td hositality at the tWhitcaib Hotel. hey secred m ---ant ally In Robert esth the rescted. SeOreta trasurer of the IRE, Wbo In an une1qPaated zcv joined the Hele slate 833 demnouned. lre as a co-con ator with aIst n the hat ~ast local. PFr a tim Ma1m seRmedI in a st position, but the opposi- tiXon aW ria. I kernatioel VioePre ug Erist af San Ptanciswo, leader of the lre egion aM later to becme president of the IRE, msd s with tbe Ban fancsco lbor Oounci aM the city polem for iel re c t to protect the flors supporters. When several of the latter atae plain c3othes piceiUen took awa 26 revolvers as o er af the McLane delges thn aned to drefet a iMnta7 r *ii al good to postpone the vote on the presidency until my selgates had been forced to return hor for lack of Mm election itself had el t oa both danger andL come y. Flore bad reusd the offer of the en, fancilsco police to pAovide bodyg; but oam horse su Ite, had been kid p d told. to leav the city on pain laof hs lif, 1A thee vowe fears of violenc if fte vte went agaist IWAW. relief to the t w by those Vio spoke for Heen. "We er* in here bith clean hads," sai John Of Loeal 278 in his nin stec. If it coulAd be written in the records --an It is not -- y~ab this has d In the ilst four years since he has been Vice-President, it would nks fine reading. ,*..9 Delegate ien Parker of 4?cg Local 25 rose to secoM the nomnation: "I hwe orked In ery llio e' house incbiaeo.... I used to volt on Smsu . *I. I c In coutact with a8azIrfl adt 6, the o at Al Br ,a the hung oan i the n o Al Cseom. What crkm did be eoiit?... r. Imal3 -- I li h too because he w a -ouirfal charater aSi {no soutlm, but no man then Al Bewn. He was a to a he wasn't a thug; he is a victim of the beaks' m ai mthm : "mhe gsntlemn ... is in e g the nwination of Al Cepo. 2De nomiion of Al Capone Is not before the conwntca, " ~~ "If I lived In San Prancisco, I would starb a wiem,:t to at a -oathatdiswee-1 rock from s cmI m _P : "I do no think that Alcat3a IslaM Is befbo the convention. If y desire to secozi the ninaton of a cuil-date, al right" 242e "I se vmew VwIlg to 40d thatke gmat Seme no, after having ben distzbed both by te is1e pel a thoe * want to stop ipes, i a e Dg the nonetic o fl me , v The New ?of* delegaton, posdOf the extortioners, joined with the Cai a delegan a a e the defea of elan,* *0 also lost his vice-presidew*y. After th _ n f the the acago 4elegate aroe an cald on their to leave the hall aM hold er ?-- "MuprD'.717F , eI . ? Mr - -1 `." , 77,771,rTl " , -, , ,I , i ., 77?M , , -- 7. t. 119. cozwentin, but none fol . later selzed the micopon anzi dale n the ilset the coavention; ,of them 414, Int no si ovnlow u ntl asa be3L. Mae= emad to c iao ires hot]L aftewa t, the Pe of Loal 278 dled. O Iste orders no elections for the post mreMMhl, BR n wms qz ted pR dent aid give sole power over the l 's fizanoes. b1wme on 's iftas let or a three imathsI vacation out of Us stae. On hzi rtim he ase told his services vee no lger required. e then roibt malt s it o , NMtti eM other, relatig in his affi davit th evenos since th iAteArvt of tfe v n the affairs of cal 218. Wmu the tzla for Um tria re rvOked the ffidrit, d bhs alt, aMreturned to teing ar in ce. Pknoe remimd In amoce, aM the itio of the =non in Odico ramizd. a problem for uW year to coam. i. 8 ciwru CDAP VT.E W --W1 E es 1. mattbw Joe a, _Unin _m _lbn _ _ (Nev Yrk: Rouse 1956), p See als Jay RubGn azd K. Jo e rovtb ot a Usion -The Id a Time of Nbmrd FIwe (Nov York: Th Horical adon sociation, Inc., 1913), PP. I.53-56. 2. c i l tW r a eer," p u 15, 1e3, . 28-JK0. Se elso _ AL o o, 1932, p.. 92. 3. Rawi eU (8beier, p. cit. p. 1a. 4. Jophos P. 232. 5. Ib, p. 215- 6. d p.P 21. 7. Stanley Waler, De An Ainriaaa of Wi %Oatx wY: Iftitlety. OU~. 10)8. .D8. 8. Josqbuon, * pp. 21849.o 9. Ib#, p. 220. 10. Iorris A. Hoowits, The New York Hotel I-ftry b Relation ^xe (Caridg.: Herv. University Press, 1960), p. 27. 11. b er, 255 AD 9514, 8 NYB M 162 (1938). See alo Ruert 8Hes, torne for the _Eoe (DOato: HMltos Ni lin 191.0), On Ieio, "s s P s Ra teers, N Noaember 270 1935; Victor Weibrijt, "UnW anse the Rackets," c KeW 1937. 12? Joae?Jbn op. cit, p. 236. 3~~~~ " M L_ P- - - , -s 13. HuOs op. c f Also NWv Yok Ties, 30, Nove mbe 1s,197 EF~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nlv _7_;I IL. Jbot0ts - aepter VI Conti tea 14. NSYoik ?Ins MM 269 1937. 17. LoO. cit. 18. I,-om M DU mFrnisc 15, 1m38 ft. 19. 2 c3. cit., p. 19. . fb 0 .i p. 300; J a,.it.. pp. 256.57. Mae ihag Vag not I SIn thea awyuu~n poehu g an vn m --=,nl MLOY= 120 &Me Da Service 3loyees International Uniox (SmIU) represents janitorial, custodial, az oter service eW1acrees In offc, ep s hotel, ho spital, public am other buildings, aM ha its he u narte in Ciago. ftuied In (ic In 1921, its mai strength was in that city, the entire p or the iternat l ion b owy 18,000 in 1930. In 1934 the EIU was oan the n of a ating In icai of Niti aM his associates iiere the decision was made to ptue the leadership of Vao is me first step towards the control of the B3511 however, as ade in New York. In u3Y, 1931e, under the sponsorship of New York gangster Anthca~ ("ittle Axgie Pisan") Carf and ith the endorsemnt of the Chicago syndicate, one George Sealise was appointed as the principal Intenaional representative Of the te g of the union.2 Scalise was a former p r o for years had been an associate of -such Now York gaters s I , lUe, Joselh ("Pretty BDo') Amberg, Sudialter, ~aapiro Sa others. Prior to joinn the DIOW h bad enhd ..din racketeering activites In of gmage nW sees, a le wahers, retail clarks, beaULy dho iers Ilian but s a1 l r loyees, an ams curetly a Vice..resident of Locl 272 of the Inernational Brother. hood of * r At the tur of his aponte he cnad a stribe-breaking e called the Senil Servioe a ; he was also said to extort , nay from aioVers refusing to retain his services as a strikebreaker, ing their plants to be struck aM colecting a fee for enidg each strike. Tfhe a nt to EBIUM offls of hi5 to the union vas zead by MIS3T President Jer J. loran In the offie of the tinel Service C r. Scalise's ifluc w on felt. In the fall of 1931. lca 323 of the Sm= was an the verge of a mjor orgamising in New York City. 121. James J r the president of the I ocal, had selected the gant district as the locm of the 1m~ai gn a qucky discovered the stn or hachlter an apilo in the rizinst. Siwtly before a cnte ate strikle against I fint district bulifgowmers, Sbrik wats$ ca&" ed to a meting in a lArb bui2Ma* on Fifth Avemme aM 2. Street, there to be ocofronted b Ixo latter told eik he as"tlg aer the ~meda tLades, aM ordere 3rick 3Wt to cal the stribe. When Ck protested he w toldb Apio that vouA be contcd Sclise s e("I ) Sws an nternatioal representative of the BMW. Sshwarts later told babriek that be aM ScalIse we" aoffki th lhhalter ao, that th e to e.ato u " from buildin ON In the _riinn districts aM that if BArick os Share of the pced would be at let $300,000. As for the inabsrs of Lol3, =ck w add to "1tbhw the crumbs aut."3 Dabrick r d the bribe aM clled the strike. _te of the strike brouqt M a br of prtestfrm bilding omms aM anagers _bed nd thatadclise, A 0 t baalt aM Viw In e.; that thq dold subt to the e oms; aM that the strike would =w occur. The strik took plae to the ac p i aent of vilence against the strikes Imd the wse of u fsrike-brakbrs; as other stres r ssful Inal 323 by far the l at lo In the union, r eng about cm-third of the entir interntiol T rim ck, howawr, VW lAt a wI recruit to the leadership of the union. The I convntion of 1935 was held in cag at the Notel Bimrck vber, for pvcfssIlow pIpose-, Nitti Francis 8 Ihtote, WImelao Riccat, 122. Imus ("LttUe Nev YOW) o ia, Pisaww NeOJa, WIia (hb Ef ce") Nolson, Joe.* Adonis an& oth er pptes" Wur stq am. deik im -refusL fianoalal asitn=b h z~atcl~ion toolqidt the debts nanraI 1wfr tho l93 strihd, tolA to bring hs ci up to date. SW IM-o " Yewr Scalm now an itmtzow3 os.,pres t, owl Smdmws Dl~eick to join cm of their bies at 8ie,P an *Gn be Oe a usAd a "Strie orf the 0Aie f Tocal 32B Jst *rio to th eito of a cit-v . tol kuRIc, thafoftn IAtIIa1 on the l-atter'sa lifeu e about to be noe by "Ta tat turn Da?rck wrote, he lved "in an I,_sper a of stark terror" So, he h be ws forced to pw $10,000 to Seel-ne fo Prtcinaant ussasainstion c. Be took the MY from =don frs - an act dbih vto seat him to piWU. 1oan diel in AWil, 7 ie tst with repIesentates 1zm D, asat l Fishetti a* )imla th Betl Bimmk. is iWar ble later tstietht First Vioe-Preelent William L Is Sfur the p1esIden-y or the unon si ha refusal to cooeratewith the cate; that SW-ISe, the Jun" vice-greeidet, dmM be the matidate; eat tht awe in o *ffic he vow4 duceem halto his union Iar to the saic - ae ln retfrn .for its SqMt. SamIs thrfter qvoitdt by the I eoeuti board to the presidency o ca unin. Th frct ae S es sa k ick wconts Scise hired a nun-bm r tof om tIo, Brihsk oaznhad bee "foistedt aon ocal 323 "luring the tmat of the Mior rn ea N o V A been disa, on doisovery of their minl eoont6 At cm point o ick o t of 123. hi atmie, _ PIOR Shs a Ai a z=ber of Local 32 n with tin that tha Jodin hs eztbm activities in the Ia tines; severa ofe Us 111 WVer r iNmieT in ors eatorti.a Dmbriok us also* d Jetd to oese *raM a r t to Stat S Db to stp s ad a member of the State SeMte - viceodL his friasiahip with a W- to L1dt his W, aM us a baeo v Smle. tbr refusing their ?emts. In 1911, .~a hiaei us a itd at taig m rmteV -tua at 106. 323. Iu etblMd at the trial th be WA give $7,500 to , but so tIa aomuing VW give of the reininn $2,500. D sa or the ?ases " wto to *im& In Ri hs pDIo g8t trates 066 at the gnat dagr eUlti froM the %d slzctior a nion &Ao ua 1 n . qIbe da ian, kiek, fer ina* warn appam3?r us a legtite la r r ith a lg d la Mulf at l r.... eeater ts t WSionbman mlr a p fasol id, Osorga SIl.., its preside-t. I~aM to tabs orers from the (pome sb andSae, Xiek at IAs rIestdemd the swc e. Nvental yIn saw s i dt as the an befere the cont tOis, he beam a _owmaopiratow with _wik us given am to. tw yews In =in ge Wlsda that his t u the result of a annq bete a Sull1van, the aJoretal7.treaswer at casl 323 =A ww the ed of the in -SaOal uni, aM Victor Beox , an ass istantdistrit at1tormr 12rA Dw mbo MINI Ilgaw mnoe to the Uos. Sla seedad_ Bmck 12I4. as prwsl~ent o al 3R, A for se yews w the subjeet of chaqps of Maleaa ypco-Dria 3 AmMAs in the local. O mithec IBM vire the alp susaMd4. li n, nfat, ititute& ac a gm 1n LOcal 3 s eOw3 as 1938, A the fc of the local *=Ian his tu .aP s cs to be used as a xa0l f8r the R ai othe s 8 adieki c avt rextine to uIaon o Mfie. Is Iznle, ? an tezm rsistance to emUse ha d4mloped in Oalifbcnia. In cm of the rre cases or ja rbelUo by a =ear af an *AfIil union fsnly doitorw~3~rap A~3es hrp the West Coast VI of the 3 , bea i itia af ti intheis -cati. I u,, hin t% * S1ulis iiaen the ZIAT011attar obam hft to -eat rid of a recalciran official, apJt in the lIseoil Hard maUr that Scalse had failed t ateo cnt for the S oontcietlcm semt by locals to the tnectiml unio; that Scalise's imn sala7 m I; and that Ne* se at Va ecutiv boadr ineet-I t a -fwmin~ ~be e~sA nrtrHryslf ~ i Dwmea b 1 w B ' s Lit thretamA by Scalise on severa i; and In aaeeberp 1939, he van suapezie fzm his Vice-presidenqea of the union. ~ie iutemaml union then brcugit co actionm a ast BHsr in a am to two eanbol of the an PaNcisO locals Rady filed a c u er- colomAit to stop M,.unt to t ai l mdin until e scoztzg of prci "mqints had been. =me to prevent his amn rewalo'3 from office by eoINirw his forthcomin tria byteeeuiv o ,e to hibit Scalise fr meerog the records an prW ty of the San in an -agmIt Hardy ohage as vms uubstantiated at Bmusme's trial In 10*, at Scaise eei as salar hl of al -brahp 125.' -Iltietia- fees an L tax ofBBI lboals In the easter rego 4-m OA00 a amof bete *O800 aS 410,000 a uMth; that al als mom a year- "5000At he xelne& a or atgean eat rachter rn mati thme RWParzol for in wv -M'oss/that as:vral executive board nr ha been a stbned with teth eat vent owntaI yin fea or tir lives. fte other I's-a t bosa mibbtt a axfi aits statg that Dmz*es Pt an leet Cote e versoe ff~n of his owmn Iiadnst; U in ideut-aftio letters, to Soslis.81 thegr als v&9A Hazdy's asuspela M tam ofie. S Qowt enjed, the INsi ra tanover the Wprpert aM s*ets Tl l 9 IA Bsn hancido, the Loa at sit, but itsel f imbeto Otfbrr othw reife t to 1nsist that Hardy'.a trial b aezid not is fta3 s ar Vide.Prsd1t J. Da 1.2 S&e a d he deieS Ut to no avsdil.4s3 Pr alpImt eg the paries Har4y vs tried by a board at Son fancsc Eq Area. waa aticil sand except an Mi nattere --* oinnt & at th s as leeled at hai 1w owal The omart trial, totme ithatah an Scm se nft by Ietec Pglew, a Joiw~al~st, paved the w tAr Sal ise's o l. S V w Iznicted In AWU, , n e g 7,1 fr menas; the Pos t_ e d t the total. aout eod ws about *1,000,000. Be Vs als Pu an trial shotl a M bF Devy In Nev Yok stealing n6,087 ha the i*ion; the roscto In thies case belWeved that m tha $0oOW In mno t had been sdle. e 8s a he tmoit 2tr Income tax e Pio, the governt later lting *307,9w fr Soaise In tmes, Inteet ad ales. Sdhvarta tied at the "sond trial stating that I hat Ineed ben put In 126. office IV the lae pz icate an tm fin al coii 1upose_. Kmth AShq, te pefor the un stated in cot tat he f id union to bifs vus pqmt to No , aM that a ular accout0 eus kett fbr rak Di r b inv. Ram t Uner, the union's anditor, tifi at he had been hired by Bas to reare a staternt iidi wu3L be a "finaneel picture", of the unin, but that he ws nob owed to dbwc e V given aess to certaln of the ulnon's books.3 O oc the fbbddna items, it us stted in court, - a vacto in ChaLfer Sleaues, Bnke, ( rftne Fiasdehtt pifor by the unon. m finTees of the Sm w eV et uner eful super-vision. YAMMsJt~gn a o had soe~edadBas at the Nay 1910,0 conven- tion of the union, us qwfetid in court aboat eau incr: Q: Did you ever ara reouto proposed at aap 4ein in the ex a~ctiw beMA at ibich you vere present. cofiiungo a In aW IIra Mnt ith Gewo S slise bedewr he uw to reeisve a fied e of the per capita tax o aw oa Ion a ild ith the inter- natiol? A: lb .. b oar in the offiCS the"r us mm a gn _e with B . but vwer In executive board ineting Vw it , Xe#toN .ay A parol boad repo to tbe tri Jugs sald that as early as 1932 a 8ia po Uer itti had wre into the hS=U - dhrge forinry denied bw oan; 7 that as a vice-1pesient of the union fCmUse had chared ces with a z aM that a a ssdAY acivity Bcalise aM Cair had aeplepId ang of thgs, s th with fk police 127. heeS ant Using thm to egage in pett 8 A death-bed affidavlt bV Natthew W~ r, the prsdent of an elevator oc in acag allege that 1on ant 263 App. Mv.. 701., 31 N.T.8. Md 66 (1941); 288 N.Y. 22D, h2 N.E. M 1.91, ma'g 263 A.D. 704 (1912) . Also Auml aIP of the a'lode Clerk to the i A , o of Nw (Yer k oeo : 191.0), pp. 27-9. Al , 29, 1910; M r 6, 191.; lw 6, 1910o. 17. NowToek NM-,hI andi 8, 1936. See al Mimel 1Du Sa~anUs WMbac cmo Racket (Now York: Hi3m4f1,1936), ip*. 11-8. 18. O Yoo TbS e 8 19 8. 20. oaM taiut at OsoiSlis, n - Convention, 1910, p.27. gm liugo no the tt but not the volm or scum of q amse -at the eM of Ssis 4 e t D r to ia the rspow s we s or Nawd M s tm sms, aeow aM Cn rls Jr. Both sans war active 5 t m *th S or the uion ln am (aio. ( .a Esry as deat i .8 he was swcode~M In his vIce-pvesiem by Geome Bmr4, mbo stil hams the position5 iii. FbooeB aiape- r VI -- ormtImed 22. A tYbN 10, 191.0. 23. amm,- Dow meu At 6 p. 196. 24. Bwt Vo Apri 9.9 197. WAc VIII mm IA !tU 129. 2be grincipal uvion -stion sn the legitimte t an the f tO peture 1 lM t7 is the arnatl Allane < ea al stoee an c i e the unite State a hana (IATSZ). itma in 1a93 to represent stAM h in the ue theatre, it beame to la J tion in the o i Pietreiais during the first deade at the tuntieth r Its in the atter VW tca m tij limited amnty to Jasits In mtion picture th atres Vho, b eat UIr be t a stable e _ IativeZly eu to spise. "Mn pict pdtIon VW harder to b .aeh. ?-0uacent rad I th 1910's In Baa3nmaM and by five s It-.Vas e|Ve Ss aoted ftr caua ; the ,s appeal. the Intast l at a fasce *ich, in turn, ims eqlqed lreyan a dust..te~m basis vith ml'eSshMiftM cantinesyfo am tr o r to the adwiulee of ilm i . rt~~~~~~~~~~~~ a*e CO ea d V Boswevers, idth the abset eftry Into the I ndutry of eatr MrhP and seM mtacasm 3ilk A ~ esIn the traditiw=0ial ope-dhwp LOS 'kles are inedotiaIngwth unios, the AIA!S um6me to .secem a firm fohlAin Sollywod br the ui4.19BD's). The InfustlW, aMoastamte w the IA!SI, iv cnsan beset bV Juiamlltows ro Thm I4!8E vwe aie in Hollywood. on a sad - i~astria orMut-craft basis,, mat caft having separate locals bat all of them coig=der the con rolo the itration_- al]union; this policy boatthe IA!SE into conflit with other AFL. affliates such as the ~rpenersthe Painters =A the Internatonal amt t~ood of Electrical Voir MMW) with JuidUCtlonMl interem s ts in the inlsr.A dispute with the 11511 over soam tcnicians:__ bugtb about, in 1933, the alumst total M30. defeat of the IA! In BOUYVS Its ehp c a a few imeks f Ow 9O000 to los then 2DO. But there was r a close fimaoial re-tomhip beis roiMU in Ho-da the aGistrlaiso i o the o , with a A p tfital etat tbheper of the l rsin the latter. Me IAM Cautol the labor force In istri.- bation. it Ves e ~ s sor o the ealoer Forafit on uuibel dtib c tht c t t of a to, the re a of the IAMM In als to l2w , uthe b- *- of the I nd to M unl or set, by corrupt elimabs ia the on) In 3933, Geg I. Bom ws the beefma agent oSta cal 2of the 1M in _iS.W! WI is y he h rn for the p af the =ion, bt w s ss. m the acwuizbac of Wtllam Moff, a fer p wth a recorN of arress for ad vagrawy an atel of cheteers, a asect In ears the am =&r cas, aid a md faE4 in the *vom WSOrgnsta.~Niet of uatul morals, horam end erf o d or pera1l pront a now Mcbme fosr srs Of Local 2; a the lalm reuired to a 30 for twr inl tickets, co oaft*i mm given to an I er; sous V eap, nd ss"w by the p ose. bus for the service W als avildae fa other E lef a receving contri- butlohe fa' localpolitIcian in return for a p i ovtes. hame and hoff al a r the ovmr of a lag uotion pictue cfrit, Gamuilag the restIton of a 20 per cenct cut in se dL. Imposed in l~9; *en nod that thi voud oblige hdm to rore a other pw cUb, the IASE fficial settled for a $50,O00 gift ater redUea to ,O00 -- to the so fitn. 1.31. ~Ihe oelebrgtes- this mjoar acoretin oatfuis In a Orunen party at the (iea weets at at Nicea, or Nik Deoe, a qp sse . iroella an lFrank Bio, a ftzmr wu (kpoev, sv the anerezt pr osprity o t li d ff adt repoted te 4 tter to their qziiae IallP . hr h wre Wt s to Ih e snb Rivesie teis bVNttit, (qpea, asles ("(Isrr Noe) Zie ter v n? Ah_ (n~~~~~~~~~~~~]ogr) (J l AEWacoi iipal 'A , iMP Iia. a an the SecAt ocason b50 D er Ni~tti tolI~ kwme he abaAam again tuu the WAZ pAesd in I9a i and askel him to omthe territorIsin abdahishI -lmypt hed been wPlst In :L932. NMItt then listed the -oiriel le~r vbo umal bring the appao- pait emmne to berow -cm ao1lc itrw local In l934s, nami.Ng uas NAn Uultrin NOW York,,Araa (" ioges) EvlnIn Ne, Jerse7 Al P&31ssi in Olevelan and John Dastwv la ft. lows. Nitt as-m-red- hovse that he mad vins, miA that the Modiaeo vamalA cosdritself entitled to 50 per cent extoreed re . Me 193Ii eonventttn at the IA!5 tookple in 14sULMLe, smte Thierimrl Mepesnt bvsattMmteL in freoeNUMs~Parting or far " eWe int of the I4pN, Willam C. Nlliott, dcos _ Xw to run, his being I.e br or 11 his n oC th enaioiaas tritioi3 1 ftu by a veion to a retiio p . A tte m e to s l . , a fnin peid t, t cnt postn, but V st4eWd out or the race ater trtsto his safety. horn u w elected vithoA osositio In am at his firs amts as prsident poie hof anhs persna A vider proeet W sewopen. Tn Nw Yorki, howe ans Mier thretmd 132. o with a strike, olletd $150,000 or not callilg it, sd2 aJlad a 3D PMea cst ctl la project t' _ g. In they pressed a dand cn c b ' A iaton t a seed pro- e, st In ery booths bat settled for a prsa1l eont tom of l0O,000. woff took 0,000 fbtm taiel 8elver, the r of the Mialto e-ate In @ , later claing half the thateMs Ats adseit 1814cr levin, the gzIicAtaoInted _ p of the IS, to suit the lisito's books a5 a preauiwon 94piost bea-tiag. Om tFek Hnitote we placed an D r's poll at 0 a week for no duties at all, later being raced bw d'area. Wm Dangr ve ad to sel ther property -- the Stand Qwter borlesque house to off?t his on the Ralto off colletel hal the po n the sa. Dat vo s the prIe. After fruiess a titim ad the IA5 in Now obrk ad 3oc alod, a strib vs celled at the PM umat in Ca Te t IMS aesd the d W awen maffet. The result we the le sisa of the IAO to the basic 5W'e..nt betvmn th _=w prdducers u s the nting ot a D0 Per cut I as Oda dcoed op to U IATN, and a letp i rA? imseiatip 1 3y to 32,000 ebst *v lit. The con Mto of the =moDn b t a spectacua a&vanc in the p ofia tuINs orowns MAd NDw. Du We t p m "Now look...," he tnold Nid1am SdAe, the pesident oLew'is @ Ioapoca and the chief repesntative of the l r th 36 tat4ons, "I went yuu to lc I elected Dtprsident I au his boss. He Is to do iatever I went him to do. Nov you i3*sr is a prosev libdutry ad I Mt get $2,000,000 out of it."? Not later MId the "I told Nicholas Scheack," he IF 9W 133. odd at a 1943 mad Juq halg ot together dith other _ ad set a ceupe of gal t h Sdaenek thaw up hi hsnds In the ak1 aid sraed. I told hbt it he uiadt get th ters t the w ld oe. every theatrein tu O8str w denoe sugsts that at least In the 2ldig yows 0?XVs da s of the esP1im = nt hae bee entirely but t*r th mnt the of the VW s titi the brde. After saw rivate dsonmou the a pr sitin as mode to moe! amd a e him. mm W ar aqwde v*WA pw *0,000 a yea smb, a m a'c q* ",00w. we first instalun^t mas paid the fbllowlng d& W Sdawk ad ident sift; R. Kent of Twmntieth t Ims, Vao osted ,000 in cah oan a bad In the room o ed b ofr and kowa, fe recsoft of bseojUt ourt trials Shand that be 1935 a 910 MYth o offMials received Kmore than *1.,000 frow 10 the 1-ndusotz7Y. bo tW e er, B kf m and ioff mm ard their on the auni. Iww h2 to' tfr, the L4 had becm the dst un In 1fits t, i d lt merip, ad a ss letite. PoWM, by nw a vie-proesidnt of the API - petd at the 1938 e etio of the IAM with h*ri ad protestations of a ad hed hi tern of of extem frI two to fw yew "At present," he told th onn tion, "we are riding the crest or pamw ad ibt h o ity to levy a secial ssesMint of a 2 cent of the vmps of all ez1layed IAmBE _mabs; the ostensible pupose of the assesat mm to create a deftnee 2md to ombat Z3opers F me g"Pa'oti ad sn mia ad res rig 1A. to al kbwn ad I Oa mttod in atestM to breaX domn urin Cocuitoun.3" Bravos us given fel coto over the fuMax adk instructed to take sli m t a local uno linx to pay tS ao ac ti- of the of the rtank idbaic yielded sav *60p,000 a nt, wa ever . kova e~ to t on. cfie ad earab e anmunin further Bvanmm" in deshpp JurisdiCtio adn ezfis "sess sios of the r at in be sA" r bee Be aSo a edklfhits tto, m1olt. "I wuld] be greatt remiss in zl dut~p " he stated, "If I did ot cal l attention to the spldi and succesaful eftI of N pelrsoim Prestation.... No nan enwverlmed hard#*p ad acaw]ldod as wh as he did, fil&tng the tooth and nil." lisio of the cU rre nt e Ulatissbw e mq1l~rers aid ZT lar w given by the s e at the conention of 8idu Kent, h e 1mr ba.m fur -the extertionists. Th record ilM Show, h sa that In 3o13.WMd stufio lebor -_ relatio "we . hav bhd lss ine_ ti of pmt, had eg, le8 recrimina- ties, ad have bult me go il thza aw iut I of in the coiinby ko6 a m tn bin tan his ainzgWs. "the aec of Prs t Sent I o I lcbeuliev, av izcl of a ny era in the re atbip betve. e ad the e.... I think it Is goig to do gret tg or us ad the t in .... As we sow so sall we reap"17 etriAt be ala beg. In 1936 a nuber of IB oal in o ed be pv e i a l union Iesion on the sroo- atdaio of dif azd othwer.~ 2be fblvn uthe four locals involved 135. otedL aai nst the tg of recevership; but shortly afterwards a grop of GiasU1nt muubmrs ?of Io4 37, the 3u't of the su isd s, osulted ith 1rq n 11li, then a m Angeles attarv ad ilead sit to ebaa an a ot the We= e t:d. 19'9 ig o the mlt, bst the i t nbut upn It and the in the RblSymo loa peoMpted an iet atn b the an ta ai bai of the C a Stae Asamb3.y.2 investgat lasted o1Wy 48 hmrep. did 1oi t esti of Moff aM hs assoa M a reot faable to Moff aM the IY. Me. speed, ubious prdwe aM b c s of the instigationaru sa sit f in _ar, a rept on te ti t Xtse=21 gaimn itself. t oe aecoad rpotb statZed that As"ly paIIr Willi IM Jame of Lw Avoles, 0o no heP stripn o e vow o _Asch coa~ttoes, bad been a b WWWi but i niill ad shom no inteest in a public nvest igAti of the IaW d 1n _sr a. 9*1 he reversed l ef f , that tM. iA be ms avalab fr an imauz7j, silah the tUNplc. butti tins, ho vi Jones' l3 associate ~laml Willie R. Nblett oa dIi B. Mer, ths he ar w the 3anbast the HOllYWoo fi cororatn tt allegedly i bWd M mr had just a olletive bAr in agre mt idth 1off, tht it mWoA be posIble to got rld of the DM :if erso dsre-d. liver asle Sd= ineetIn thepoosl but sa he wM efor tI; Estter to dosS en Me. rae spead thatJons were join pAWnn a invetigatin of the 1 3; th in, g to laer toi b ar a then =ade out ceeks to both Ieblett and Jones. Neblett ni approached Mayer, asking his help in subduing the unfavorable current publicity on Bioff. The Aselby Ocuaittee report -- evidently typed by IATSE stenogra ers -- was issued the da after the sigming of the IATSE checis. Bioff himself later declared that he had aid $5,000 to Clonel Meblett to quash the California legislative investigstion; that he had consulted vith Lsuis 1. Maer of 20th Centuzy-c, TLao Spits of IRK0 and the brothers Nicholas and Jozeph Schenck, asking them to use their influence to dvrt the legislative coittee' attention frxa him; that the ommitee then "let up on ; and that on Joseph Schenck's advice he then vent on a trip to South America and Europa, with Schenck paying the expenses.22 The embarrassamnts continued. Open opposition to the leadership of the IATSE flourished in Nolly'vod,, the rebels charging crption at the top, the leadership alleging -- with swe justiication -- that the rebels were being led or influenced by arziat anta. 23 Robert Montgomery, the actor-president of the Screen Actors' Guild, persuaded the executive board of his uion to hire tvv ex-FBI agents to iwestigate the charges of corruion in the IATSE; the agents' report uewpectedly resulted in a Treasury investigation and income tax Indictment oi' Joseph Schenck., but also gave further prcuanence to Bioff'a past and present activities.24 In 1938, it Ws said., Nitti ordered Bioff to resign frM office for a year to allow the adverse publld2t to subside. Bioff did so, leaving vith a eulogium from the General Executive Board of the union. "Your rork for this organization in years gone by," the Board wrte to Bioff, "has been outstanding not only In the results obtained, but also in the quiet, business-like and effective maner In which ya havre gone about your varkr, and the 2ii}i integrity azd honesty you have displayed in all yaar eslingsi.... Should you find, hoever, that it is not possible to comply with our reqmst; and witkdraw your resigation the General Executive Boa-d has unanimously voted you one years Msalar." Bioff returned to the payroll the following year, but was soom confronted with aother disinterment of his past. Westbrook Pegler published In late 1939 an acaaut of a prison sentence for pimping in Illinois which Boff had never served. Froeedie were initiated in Chicago, Governor Floyd Olson of California agreed to extradition, and Bioff returned to Chicago. His departure from the chairmaship of the IATSE Hollywod negotiating ccarittee producei a flood of telegram from local unions protesting their faith in him and Ing his retv=.z26 But Bioff vas involved in crt proceedings, and early in 19 w committed to the Bridevell jail in Chicago to serve out his sentence. While there he received warning of the condtion of the underworld embrace. During a visit Gioee, Bioff indicated that he wanted to resign frcu labor racketeering. The wish vas reported, and the following day Bioff wa visited by who asked for confirmation. "Yes, sir, " said Biof., "Iat to resign." "Well,, Willie," replied Coipagma, '~awnbcj who iresigns, resigns feet first. Do you understand what that mens?"27 Bioff under- stood and did not resign, although he tw- later to pay the price of imperfect mmory. For the =mnt, hoveer, he bad troubles enough. A series of appeals against his sentence failed, an he remained in ja, until Septembcr, 9kO., when he returned again tio the IATSE payroll.28 IMewhile, Joseph S-henitk had been given a three years sentence; this was more than he expected, ans in return Zor an easement of sentence he offered te:3timoy on the tran- actions betWeen Brwne, Boff and the producers. His neatence vas reduced to a year and a dey, and Brovne and Biotf were Indicted for extortion. Bxove received eight years and ioff ten, but neither man imlicated his underworld associates.30 The folloinWg IATBE convention took note of their departure. "It is oly natural...," said the nwly.elected President Richard Walsh, "that the chief Interest of the membership is centered upon the eircmetances suro ngzr ascendancy.... Inas as ou former President has served the International in a vhol3.y satisfactory manner in various official capacities for nma years, it must be asuned that he had becom the victim of circumstances beyond his control. If he was cognizant of the acts being perpetrated by his appointees, possibly he was left with the altexzative of remaining silent or paying the uprem penalty.... Taking the himn side, I am certain it io a decision that muld be relished by no one.... As the legal prosecution started outside ou ranks., It vas left entirely to the courts to establish the imecence of guilt of the accsed. Evexy aid and assistance was extended to precltiwe the possibility of any one working in behalf of the Alliance being unjustly prosecuted and punished for prOMeting itS dYv-ncemant.. Despite the fact that cur actions were unproductive, under the circumtanaces they vere aholly Justified." Nevertheless the convention took-precautions against the recurrence of similar episodes, shcrtening the presidential term from four to tvo yearsj, adopting stricter aceounting methods and fomalizing the procedure for the calling of meetings.3 Then, on February 2, 1913, an umally brutal muder took place L3;e in CtliaCgo. Estelle Carey, tie paraur of Circel1a was Severely beaten, doused w1ith al and burned to death in her apartment. The uiuder was never solved, but Circella was now in Jail for extortion, and rumor attr- buted the crime to the desire of the underworld to silence a possible witness on its connection with the T 3 ut the ne time, Browne' s wife also received threats to her safety. Both 2vents evidently promoted Meown and Bioff to testify against the syndicate. Browne was a reluctant witness, collapsing at the end of his brief testimony. Bioff, on the other had, spent nine and a half days on the witness stAn, relasing with relish the details of his criminal activities and associations. When asked about nis protestation of incence at his trial for extortion, ioff repliel: "I lied and I lied and I lied.... I am Just a low unrcoth person. I'm a low type sot of ma. People of y caliber don't do nice thigs. 34On this occasion his testimony was comvincing and produced the Indictment for extortion of Hitti, agna, d'Andrea, de Lucia, Gioe, and some minor figures.35 Nittl coaitted suicide on the day of the indietwent. The remaining principal defendants each received ten years and a fine of $10,000. A second charge of mil fraud was not brought to trial. e, de Lucia and d'Andrea were sent to the federal peniten- tiary at AtlautN Georgia. The others went to Ieaneuroth Kansas. Under ordinary circumstes, the syndicate defendants could have hoped for parole by the suier of 1947. Given their recorda a-d the latent charge, howver, the expectation wa that they would serve al or moot of their sentences. "It was believed," wrote Peterson, "...that this out. standing indictment would act as a detaineer wich would prevent the prematuxe release of the (>pom g ters from priaOn."6 It did nt,, the subsequent hiotory of the case adding t.eigt. to the ud] rworlc reputeation of Qt~ical lnflluence ad special exemption frmn the claim of the law. gawagna and de Lucia first requested a transfer to Leavenworth. Officials of the latter institution opposed the request on gronds of priso security. The two appellants then retained Paul Dillon, an attorney mho had been calm ign amaer fow the then Senator Harry Truman in one of his senatorial contests. Despite the ormal rejection of the request by the federal Bureau of Prisons and the further objections of leavenvorth officials,, sad de IAcia were transferred in August, 1945. There they received visits from attorney Eigene Bernstein an Anthony Acoardo, the successor to Nitti; since prison regulations Limited Visit to attorneys an relatives, Accamio posed as Josepih I. Bulger, a (AcaoW lawyer. Two initial obstacles had to be overcome: the tax claims against &me of the defendants minting to half a million dollars; an the mil f:P indictmnt. The tax bill ww settled by the Treasury for $126,000 with interest; the money w provided by unidentified persons who visited Bernstein's office and placed it In cah onm his desk. The dismissal of the aIl frandlidtmat was more difficult, requiring the permission of the Attorney Generl of the United States. The prisoners selected aa counsel on this matter Maury Hughes of Texa', a long-ti political associate of Attorney General Thoas Clarik. Hughes apparentl taled to officials in the U.S. Attorny's office In New York an to staff emmbers of the Department of Justice, after iiich the indictment waa dismissed. There eTMained the problem of parole. The prioners, it might have seemedp had little reason to expect genrou treatment, *In l_916 the Attorney General had received a neorawd froi the federal prosecutor in the originl trial stating that the defendants were "notorious as successors to the underworld power of Al Capone. They are vicious crizinals uho mould stop at nothing to achide their ends. The investigation and proecution wre attended by mrder, gun play, threatening of witnesses, perjuy3.t3 neiertheless, at the ap ate tim illon ent to Wasington and requested paroles for tgna, de Imei7a, d'Andrea and Goe. The parole board in Chi received telephone instructions from Washingon to cable its appoval of parole; the usual written report wa not required, nor was the extended consultation with paole advisers custoaary in such cases. On August 13., 19s7, one week after Dilon'ss visit, the prisoners were released. The cireimtances of the cwe prompted a Oongressional investi- 38 gation, 3 tidh resulted in proeedings against all the parlees except d'Andrea t and Gioe went back to jail, but after legal maeuvers were pexuanently released. De Lucia nevr returned to jail. Accardo and Bernstein were indicted for misrepresentation, but tre acquitted. All four parolees returned to racketeering. Bkone and Dioff were released after serving three Years and one month each of their sentenoes. 'The expressed apprehension of some IATSE locals that the tvO mn miht return to positions of Influence in the union induced the General Executive Board to a a statement on the rmtter. "William Bioff is not nw and never has been a member of this Alliance," the Board said, adding that neither Browne nor Bioff would "be permitted tO assciate thmselve8s ith this International or an locAl unions of the Alliance in aVY manner or capacity whatsoever.... This record which is now avilable to us prves that fornr President. avwne -betrayed the trust .t K~L 4 -1 * nbich the offIcers ad members of the Alliance had placed in h.m.... Executive Board can ursietwA the misgivings of our mmoberAp as to how such a situatio as was revealed by the testimony given by rovne ad Bioff, cold have existed ... our members mut give full recognition of the fact that frm the inception of the Alliance -the International Presi- dent was ad is the administratire head of the Alliance ... we ca readily see that me of the most clever parts of this conspiracy was so to conduct the affairs of the AlliaAo to e certain that the membership w=od be solidlybehInd Frovme in the of its affairs. 'The record which Browne preented to the Board wa most impressive...." 39 Te Board also cited a goverzmmt brief whiidh had been presented to the court during the appeals of the underorld accmplices of Browe and Bioff: "Arm the labor point of view the LT had created an enviable labor record in the past twnty-five years with regard to hours, vages sad wrking conditions. As Indicated below it was mm.- taled and even during Brone's reign as International Presdent.... FactuallBy, the reod shows that repeatedly these confederates did to further the legitimte aim of their unio in a manner utterly inconsistent with any theo2y that they wer acting to the detrimnt of union m..ber... Amng the benefits obtaid by Bloff and Brzin for the union vas a 10% raise in 1936 ... and further raises of 10% each of the following years: 1937, 1938, aWA 1939. Eieiteen hualred laborers taeen over by the IATE on the West Coast mho had been getting 45w an hour were raised to $1.00 an hour. Makeup artists who had been previously getting a little as $45 a week were raised to a minim=m of $315 week. Rases ad. u-Aon reco&-il- tion vere even obtained by Bloff for unions not a part of the IATSE.... Bioff becez the leader of all the unis dealing vith the motion picture industry in aifornia ... and apparently without knwledge on the part of labor leaders in California of his illegl activities secured their alulation. Even a defe witness caled to contradict portios of Bioff I testimony had 40 to observe that Bioff did a good job for the IATS:." "In view of such a record," the Board said, xreit'rating the explan&. tion of l942, "it is rot surprising thfat the delegates to the Convention in Lauisvi.le In 1940, voted manimoly to support Browne. It is true that that time rumors were being circulated allegi certain illegal corAuct on the part of Bioff and intimting that perhaps Browne ve ivolved. Hmwever, as the sources of these rumors wsre k1n to be hostile to the labor movemnt as a whole, no recognition vas given to then eitbr by the delegaimsor the o?fficers of the IA.... there was no informaton available which would Justify deserting the man under mhos administration so much had been achieved for the IA and who, ve felt, we undr attack for those acee at.... %en evidence to sustain these charges ws available the General Executive Board acted as rapidly end as constructively as 41 possible.... " Tis vas not quite the Wle tale. !ere were, no doubt, extewitrg ciremstenes urrudin the partial recall of the past. Progress had been substantial, if not , under Browne and Bioff; in a tim of ideological schism the bonds of loyalty are strong; and the uderworld embrace i s from ithout tolerated or encouraged by the eMloe , I I ;s. ge i 4 aS reprilal and c or e of he law -- W3 nut the ea.2eat Subjeel for open c t BEumo. t the literature of the period, the folklore of the union, wA fact that by no mea all the interal critics of the IAE leadership vere inest or Cixmunist-led, Justify the convication that maxe as privietely kwn than was publicly co Whatever the cirem- stances, there was Dnft mh credit to bm elali4 by the urion'e leaders for their cluct in the unlhappy ye. The tuo parolees were now at large, but ic ws a hazar freedoma Both had violated the law of the uerworlA in testifying against their partners i$ crime. Browne, perhaps, had less to fear, since his testimmV was halting and he had never been a ful-fledsed member of the criminal tribe. Bioff, on the other hand, had been on of them, and know the price of betrayal. Both mne disappeared from sight. 3ioff eventual settled in Fhoenix, Arizona, living under the nae of W1illam Nelson. On November 4i, 1955, he was blown to death by a bawf attfaced to the starter of his pick-up truck. The whereabouts of Brawne are obscure. shese were the principal cses. 7hey were not, of aourse, th3 Gonly ones. The contributory circumstances were comn to muh of American urb= and Industrial life and reproduced. if in minor key, the experiences of New York and Chi in Detroit, Philad lphia, Cleveland, St. louis and other places. All of them offered ixportant lesses. Mere were obvious ccaaarisons to be made t the building trades; the conditiors ehith produced the essentially indigeneous or nonprofessional cwruption of the contruction industry -- the general nature of the market, the occupational intincts of both employers and union officials, the structure of the unions, the morals of poltics and the complexion of the ocmanity - contribxted in one degree or another to the corption of other unions and industries. Bat there wre som factors of particul&., note in the cases here. In the needle trades the J.bbing system.* the distinctively fierce competition, the difficulty of organizing immigrant, illiterate and transient employees, the high proportion of women workers, the uncertainties of ft-shion and the reatiitment of gagt-re in the vars for business and union survival a-1 helped to produce the enduring umd rworld influence in the industry; it can also be argued that the solall-yeonseious tra4d unionism of most of the needle trades union leaders mitigated the imact of the gangs and ensured that in the long run the primary allies of the racketeers in the industry wore the employers rather than the unions. In longaoring the physical characteristics of the New York waterfront, the crucial work in public ing ummated by Wst lonshoremwn, the inheritaces of New York as the nation's prinipal port of entry and the ethnlc o oition of the wr force were notle otributions to corruption. The culinary and builig service trades were natural extensicmaof unzerworld juris- diction for bootlegging purposes and suffered particularly thereby; the pattern of ovmership and the mechanics of distribution in the film industry rendered it especially susceptible to gangster tactics; while both the building service and theatrical unions bore the ironic burden of racketeers mho, In dminating and robbing 'their organizations, could also cite in se1-t-.jx~sfi1-aon a record of brgaintIng eieve-wezts. Ent the real rk of diatinecion here vas not so much in the iadus- trial opportunities for corruption as in the character ed resozurces of its enforcers. Whether they came like nercenaries into the nedle trades, or through gradual infiltration ad recruitment on to the vaterfront, or as simple captors in the service trades, they came with telrible reputation and power. Shefr strength mms the fatlure of a social experimat. There seems to be no satisfactory explntim.on of professionl corruption which does nat give primacy of place to Prohibition an its aftermth. Terror was the note. Resastznce to corruption in the building trades, while It could be physicaly uncomfortabl3 and economically dis- satrous, seldom involved the chance of death. The rebel against the racketeers, however, faced not simply the anger of his brothers but the private Justice of the outsider. The behavior of many union officials con- fronted by the underworld -- wt to speak of the employers with an ecozwic interest in gangsteriam, or of the citizemry whi codoed the potheosis of the criminal --as hardly admirable; whether .fro greed, sloth, caco. plicity or fear, too mzw of them chose wt to fight. But whatever the mixture of mxtives for their inactions they had cause enog for fear. They were, after all, prey to a crimil system which enjoyed a prestige uiniue in the civilized wvrld, which worked largely in disdain of the law, Which omand the support of employers and public officials, and whose justice would be swift, rmiplete and unrequited. The alternbives, it seemed to mrn of them., vere surnder or death. It was a hard choice for all but the best of men. 2he departure of Bioff end Scalise, like that of Fey and Bove, marked the end of a phenoamnn. They ivere the first emd la' prafeasionlw criminals ever to reach the hlghest pawr an intexmationl union coul offer. B1t the condition Which thrust them to pruinne while the results vere neer again so garh _ lingered within the labor vaent and in the su ng society. The leadership of the und rorld be more respectable in its activities and more restruined In its tatics; but it never lost Its grip on s suces of union powr , and. there were charges to com of criminl influenc in the highest places. Te activities of lesser criminals in union affairs contimned, and there developed local redoubts of corruption which finally came to Light. The rise of negotiated welfare fwx'~s afer World War II provided, for th smeteur and professioml thief alike, a new source of inccm. The labor movemnt itself, groWn more staid and secue, rich in resources but unprepared in disciplie, provided further temptations for Its weaker servants. orruoption was a lasting problem, limuted but persistent,, sectimes stark but often obscure in details, easy to charge but hard to cure. It was always, for reasos of origin as well as impact, a problm as mmch for the nation an the labor movement* Thus it , fron tim to tim, under the scruatiz of the 0on-reass of the United States. )W.0.YEs -- CHAPM1E. VIII -TE TARICAL INDUSTRY 1. for a general survey of labor-manaaement relations in the zation p-Tc r irdustx see Hugh Lovell and Thaile Carter, Collective . in 2% -otion Picture Indust!X (Berkeley: University of California Pess, 1957,. 2. jurisdictional Dispiutes in the Motion Picture Iadust1, Hearings btxZ>e a Special. Subaomittee of the Committee on Education and Labor, House cf lepresentatives, 80th Cong., lst sees. (Washington: 1948). 3. On eorryt<.on in the IATEW see Malcolm Johnson, Crim on the Iabcx Front (Neu York: McGrsa-ill,, 1950), Ct. 2; Virgil Peterson, Jrian= in Omr Midnt (Boston: Little, Bmn and Co9paz~r 1952), pp. 230- 35; and Elmer L. Irey, The TzD (New Ycrk: Greenberg, 1948), Ch. 14. 4. On Doff's police *ecord see C Tribune, JWy 19, 1935; TA ?xxo-;essiva BulletLs, December 22, 1937. 5. This vas the first time corrupt elements had seized control of the -ATSE, but corruption was not uAknown at the local level. nnm 1926 to i'.31 Semuel Kaplan was the chief officer o' Motion Picture Operators' I)oe~ 306 in Weie York City. Fe received a salary of $21,800 a year, aid dargLYC the sae period coilected some $55,000 in "gijfAts" fxrm ersployerc; he & $pent buut $1,250,000 of the local's mozey without an accounting. A lar - numbter of projectioniats worked nt as t.nion members but as permit nms payirg an Initiation fee of $500 and reftnding 20 per cent of their salx;.es to Kaplan. Members of the local Who asked for an accouting of thie A-tlnds ->re beaten up by th.e three bodyg-*aws retained by Kaplan a; the ,:stld, A xpense. Kaplan was also the owner of' the Kaplan Supply Compan, nvdon p2cijectionist manE actMuring coneexr; a Kaplan Comp;my t~ruck once ii. Foo-Mtea Chapter VIII -- cowUied o a Loca 306 picket lhue to deliver supplies to a theatre in the, Bnzo Kapl was inlicted in December, 1931, for conspiracy and coercion aid w-s later expelled from the IATSE. He we succeeded in office by Hear. ? ersmn, a motion picture publicist, ui held office for a year and a half'. Cn May 18, 1936, shermn wvB indicted for stealing $150,961.75 fr-i the local's fUmd8, the prosecution also stating that none of the $1,32,279 collected and spent by the local during Siermn' a term of office was properly accounted for. 2he indictment failed vker members of Local 306 iailed to testify. New York Times, September 9, 1932 a,. may 18,, 1936. Soe also Seidman, Ct. pp. 177.- , and Eeidrasn, "Labor acketeering,", August 26, 1933. Thoins 1loy, a former chauffeur' for reeteer Mossy Enright, was the heead for r=y years of Motion Picture 0aerators'l 110 In Chicego. ftix, of his opponents were mrdred during his term of office, The permit sys'em in Local 10 was widespread, permit er. often receiving the best job3 in preference to LATSE members in retiun for a 10 per cent remittance in .res and t bribe of $450 to $1,000. In his early career Maloy threw slteuea bass in theatress, the. sold to the owvvro his own deoorizer - uhi,,ch cost 70' a quart to make -- at $22.50 a quart. Maloy also collected bri.xU for bits brother Joseph Maloy iio, as Assistant Omaissioner for Gas and Electricity in Chicago, bed control over the issuance of departmental lic-e?nes to thteatre owers. lhloy was indicted for non-paywilt of $81,059 in es in 1935; federal Authorities estimatcd that Maloy' s :.nce between 1929') Lml 1913 was $350,939., and that in 1932 alone he received $124,30c frcx, ai'icntiifieC. ovize5es. 7he case never came to trial. Maloy was at oE. with iii. oF 2otes - (bapter VIII -- continued r:o';: and kofif, vi1hing to retain independert control over local 110. La :;Nbruary$, 1935, he was shot deed in a Oiceo street. His successor, sap;p-.7ted by Bzcine, vas Niwcolas Circella. See idzn, Labor Czars, A eit.. pp. 171-77; Walter Chabers, Labor Unios and the Public (Nev Jor,: Howard-McCaznn Ine., 1936), pp. 11h.236. 6. The success of Brkowe and Bloff in this instance prcpted the sy.Leate to raise its shxre of the proceeds from a half to tw-thirds. New "ork TLiec, October 8, 1943. Wen asked in 1943 whether it was 1d?ewrary to have tvz) pro.4ectionists in every booth, Boff replied: % b.-' Itcnest with you, I never Ws inside a booth. I wouldn't know....' Neu cork TimE. November 1,, 193. 7. N1ey York ie, May 25, 1943. There was never muac doubt that Bxccie was the junior partner in the enterprise. The treatment he received in -r~-lic at Biff'as hands as often humiliating, and as time passed his resot to alcchcl c. comfort, alWs ipressive, assumed incredible propor- tic *. On one occasion he was observed to drink 72 bottles of beer at one s:Lt; (Vaiicus interview by the author with iubent or formr IATSE owff.c.ials.) 8& Tie, October 18,, 19,43. 9. Teet.mony was offered by IATSE ofiials at the 19143 hearings to ;e eect that Browne and Bioff received money regularly fro the e~rp yers in return for no-strike pledges; that in 1936, in return for a cent h ir/waga increase, the Hollywood employers 'were allowed to adopt hiring prt, iceJ that elimted overtime; and that on one occasion Zoseph Schenck t-nl? Bioff thct the IATSE "had to vizg' a cntested NUB election In the iv. lixtowes -- hapter VIII -- contiued llyw~c studios. New York MTiMs, -cezsber I an 12, 19I3. 10. U.S. v.i 40 Pld. Supp., 497 (1941); mLoell aM O-er, op. cit., p. 21. See also George H. Dume, S.J., L r 11. W , XAM!E cnetion, iqS6, pp. 73-4 211-14. 12. M p. 59. 13. 1, p. 128. 14. Idd., 1938, p. 8. 15. ibid., p. 62. 16. kbd- p. 10. 17. Itid., pp. 16, 75. 18. Ibid. pp. 128-30. 19. Carmy McWiliim, "Rketeers ar NMvtie gte New R isC October 27, 1941. 20. ILc. eit. I am umble to trace a CO or the Calnttees report. 21. R. R. Pkilbrickp, eg ivesttioR ((Sa crat: Edv-J1 N. Atherton aM Associates, 1938),. EAt II, pp. 25-39. 22. m October 22, 194)0. 23. On the charges an coumtercharges between the factions in the Ho1.J-1o locl see IAT?E acts, seriatim,, amd the ITSE m1: ctin, seriatim. 24. U.svsenck 162 Fm 702, 40 PSupp 56; also )cWmkowitz v. US; 62 SOt 13(09, 316 US 705, &8 LM 1773. Lew York TiMs, mune 6 aMA 13, 25. Psocee, iATBE Covention, 1.94o, pp. 61-2. zrL@ te - Capter VILE -- (ontimied 26. bi .. pp. h40, 87-95. 27* Imp 2Op. Clt. p. 285. 28. hg IATSE Con!vtI, 192, p. 97. 29. :bld.,, pp. 285-6. 30- f YkTm Nvber 11l, 1941. 31. P IATSE Convention, 1942, pp. 68.9. 32.' PPo p 11.7-1-8- 33. Jes Bartlov Martin, "'o [lUed 3stelle Cmy?", Itfit Jur 1944. 34. 5 Y Ocober 7, 8 an 9# Deer 2 1943. 35. U.S. v at. 146 PM 524; 65 SCt 912s 324 Us 867, 89 Tz&. 1422; 65 St 118, 325 US 892, 89 LX 2004, Also v. U. 65 SOt 913, 324 US 867, 89 LPE 1422. 36. Peteron, p. it. p. 289. 37- Ibid., p. e36. 38. Ies .ti Into the Moner in Whih the United States Board of Parole is OeaigandI asl to Whether There is a Necessit for a !E in Either the Por c sic raw, House Cinattee cm lpeditures in the cEeutive D tments, Report No. 2441 and Hearings, 80th Cong., 21 seas., 1948Ps 39. I2 2N Coventionj, 1946, p. 183. ho4T i rbd., pp. L83.-. 41., rod.p. 8.